Artists & Illustrators June 2021
Artists & Illustrators June 2021
Artists & Illustrators June 2021
TI SPIR ATION June 2021 £4.99
With Sky A
Portrait Ar s'
of the Yea
Studio secrets, the joy of spring,
and staying creative at 83
Group Editor Steve Pill
Art Editor Lauren Debono-Elliot
Assistant Editor Rebecca Bradbury
Contributors Laura Boswell, Faye
Dobinson, Rob Dudley, Martin Gayford,
Norman Long, Luis Morris, Jake Spicer
and Edward Sutcliffe
Advertising Manager David Huntington
(020) 7349 3702
Advertising Production
Publisher Simon Temlett
Chief Financial Officer Vicki Gavin
EA to Chairman Sarah Porter
Subs Marketing Manager Bret Weekes
Subs Marketing Executive
Angelia Benjamin
Group Digital Manager Ben Iskander
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How has art helped you during lockdown? Share your stories for a chance to win a £50 voucher:
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES @AandImagazine /ArtistsAndIllustrators
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5 Letters
Tell your stories, share your art
6 Exhibitions
Get back in galleries in June 28 Art Walks 54 Colour Theory
9 Sketchbook Three outdoor strolls inspired by Draw Brighton's Jake Spicer
Short tips, ideas and inspiration Lowry, Constable and Spencer begins a new series on the palette
14 Fresh Paint 36 In The Studio 58 Process
New works, fresh off the easel The Pastel Society's Halla Shafey An alternative approach to working
17 Prize Draw opens her Cairo home workspace from sketches made on location
Win online art courses from Newlyn 62 How I Draw
27 The Working Artist TECHNIQUES Portrait Artist of the Year Curtis
With our columnist Laura Boswell 40 Masterclass Holder opens up on his methods
82 Meet the Artist Build up a suggestive figurative 66 Demo
Illustrator Rob Biddulph, famed for painting in our lead demonstration Paint in the style of Eric Ravilious
46 In-Depth 70 Project if yin g
#DrawWithRob lockdown classes
Seven leading artists share their Follow this simple approach to
l o u r s h e lp
strategies for using sketchbooks painting from photographs
m i x
18 The Big Inter view 52 Quick Tips 74 Paint Surfaces yo u ately
David Hockney reflects on spring Improve your practice with our Our series on mark making looks a ccur 54
– page
from his new French studio 10 ways to paint with real purpose at ways to load the paint on thick
MAKING A MARK: DUTCH AND Inspired by the saying “no day without a
FLEMISH DRAWINGS FROM THE line”, the likes of Rubens, Van Dyck and Jan
ROYAL COLLECTION Brueghel the Elder were encouraged to draw
11 June to 26 September daily. The results collected here vary from
We all know how important it is for our art quick pen-and-ink preparatory sketches to
practice to draw every day – even if we don’t highly finished watercolours.
always get round to it – and, as it turns out, Barber Institute of Fine Arts, Birmingham.
so did the Dutch and Flemish masters.
21 May to 27 February 2022
From modern abstract carvings to iconic
strung sculptures to large-scale bronze
21 May to 29 August
Stickers, tape and metallics are
not usually associated with fine art,
yet the offbeat materials crop up
throughout the work of the young
American painter Walter Price, as he
seeks to disrupt what is considered
conventional in the art world.
In his first major UK show,
the former military man gives a
masterclass on blurring the lines
between figuration and abstraction
with his thick application of paint,
bold exploration of colour and
recurring motifs that invite
Camden Art Centre, London.
LEO NARD O PE RE Z N IETO suggest s a simple daily sketch exercise
Fasten a sheet of inexpensive over the paper as if it were continue the drawing, and then
paper to a drawing board with connected to your vision, slowly. continue with the exercise,
rubber bands or clips. Sit on a Draw the contour of your slowly moving your eyes around
chair, resting the lower edge of subject at the same time you the contour, drawing the line at
your board on your legs with the look at the different parts, not the same time. Don’t erase.
upper part on the back of before or after. Don’t rush. Give yourself 10
another chair. Position your Imagine your pencil is actually or 15 minutes for each drawing.
subject in front of you. on the object, and that it moves Do this each day until you have
Observe the contour of your over the surface as you advance at least five hours of practice,
subject, its silhouette. Pick a your eye. Try to stop as little as even if you feel like you “get”
point on that silhouette, any possible and don’t lift the tip of this exercise sooner. You’re not
point. Place the tip of your the pencil from the paper. If you trying to get a beautiful drawing,
pencil on the paper to start arrive at a dead end and need or to understand the exercise.
drawing the outline, focusing to come back to draw another You’re working on practicing
your vision on the location feature, don’t raise the pencil your perception and
where you want to begin. tip. Just back up and draw coordination.
Move your eye slowly around another line. This is an extract from Leonardo’s
the silhouette, while at the If at any point you feel lost, new book, Basics of Drawing:
same time drawing the contour look at your paper and find The Ultimate Guide for Beginners,
with your pencil without looking where you are. Place the tip of published by Sixth & Spring.
at your drawing. Move the pencil your pencil where it should be to
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If for any reason you’re not happy with your subscription, you may cancel within 14 days of placing your order
— Georgia O'Keeffe
in Boston and New York. The flower in shifts from a warm cream (probably
Nocturne, painted around 1885 and Naples Yellow) to a cool lilac blue.
Art Prize
The shor tlist f or the Viking
Cr uis e s British Ar t Prize 2021,
7. FOLLOW THE FORM the new Ar tist s & Illustrator s
Take a pencil and sketchbook. Find yourself annual comp etition , has b e en
a subject with some interesting shapes and announce d. Head to our
natural forms: a figure or a bowl of fruit, say. web site to view the f inal 50
As you draw, focus on the planes of your ar t work s and vote f or your
subject. Rather than making uniform marks, f avourite to win the reader s’
concentrate on creating lines that follow the choice prize – a £ 1,0 0 0 voucher
forms. Mimic curves and draw lines in the f rom Zieler. (O ur last winner,
direction of different planes. This will help Kir st y O wen’s Tusk , picture d)
you think about form and replicate it. W W W. A RTI S TSA N D
The Diary
Entries close for the
Holly Bush Emerging
Woman Painter Prize, Discover a new colour
which culminates in a ever y month
July exhibition in This intense, pure turquoise has origins in
BOOK OF Hampstead. ancient Egypt, yet the modern opaque hue
THE MONTH www.hollybush is made from a mix of oxides. Use neat for tropical seas and Hockney-esque skies,
Joan Mitchell by mix with Transparent Red Oxide for subtle
Sarah Roberts 24 JUNE grey-greens, or make use of the high
and Katy Siegel Submit by today for granulating quality of most watercolour
While abstract The Society of Women versions to add a patina to weathered
paintings benefit from Artists’ annual show. materials.
being seen in the flesh, Online only this year,
the beauty of a lovingly there are still £4,000
curated monograph worth of prizes.
such as this is that www.society-women- Why not try…
when dozens of
images are accrued in Tri-Art Sludge
one place, the subtle 27 JUNE If you want to apply a neutral
shifts in execution and Woolwich ground to a surface, here’s a
the development of an Contemporary Print cheap and eco-friendly option.
artist’s visual language Fair is holding an open Canada’s Tri-Art recycles waste
becomes clearer. Joan call for printmakers acrylics to create this gesso
Mitchell emerges as a wishing to exhibit in alternative. While the colours
fascinating character November’s event. vary from batch to batch, it is
and underappreciated www.woolwich still 100% pigment and retails
20th-century talent. at a fraction of the cost of an
Yale University Press, £50 equivalent tub.
matt ers
Most watercolour tubes
show a “staining” rating, but
what does it really mean?
Simply put, a heavily
staining pigment is hard to
remove from the paper,
making it ideal for building
layers of colour. Meanwhile
a low or non-staining
“I use a lot of Alkyd
medium, diluted with
solvent, depending
on how fluid I need
the paint”
Attwood, The
Fetch of a Wave
is Defined by the
Distance Travelled,
oil on canvas,
Inspiring new artworks, straight off the easel
Wayne Attwood
When we last caught up with artist Wayne Attwood, he’d
been reacquainting himself with his native Birmingham in
paint; quite the shift after seven years sailing the
Mediterranean on board a 35-foot yacht. He’s since been
elected president of the Royal Birmingham Society of
Artists (RBSA) and embarked on a series that he’s calling
Ghosts of the Memory of Feeling. These larger, more
ambiguous figurative pieces play with themes of nostalgia
and human relationships, which has given them added
resonance this year. “I started this series quite a while
before lockdown, but it was pointed out to me recently how
many of the paintings depict people connecting: hugging,
kissing, and so on,” he explains. “Not being able to
physically connect with our friends and family has added
an unintended dimension to the work.”
As one might expect from an RBSA president, Wayne is a
big believer in the need to experience paintings in the flesh
and his new larger canvases are a reaction to art being
increasingly consumed via small phone screens. The Fetch
of a Wave is Defined by the Distance Travelled, for example,
measures a metre square and has changed the way that he
applies the paint. “Larger canvases allow me to work freely,
keeping the active paint layer alive without being forced to
tighten up,” he says. “I also want the integrity of the paint
passages and intersecting marks to remain distinct, even
when viewed at a distance in a gallery or home.”
While The Fetch of a Wave… appears to have a fresh, alla
prima finish, this contemplative painter actually spends
plenty of time deciding which elements need to retain
sharpness or be knocked back. He manipulates oils with
various implements, ranging from traditional brushes
through to old credit cards, squeegees and grouting tools.
“Improvisation is fundamental to my process,” he stresses.
With a suggestive finish such as this, it is hard to avoid
overworking things. Wayne says it takes confidence to
know when to say enough is enough. “I don’t particularly
consider my works ultimately ‘finished’ anyway – they
either get exhibited and sold, or I just stop applying paint,”
he says. “When a painting comes back from an exhibition
and sits in the studio for a while, I will quite often add new
layers or rework areas.”
A great artist’s work truly is never done.
Richa Vora moment. This leaves her room for some “spontaneous ABOVE Richa Vora,
Evoking the rich, vibrant and colourful atmosphere of an decisions”, yet a lot of planning is still involved in every Gail’s, oil on
Indian festival in a painting of a quaint London lane may finished painting. “I do lots of black-and-white and canvas, 51x41cm
sound like a rather incongruous ambition. Yet Portfolio three-tone colour sketches before I start to help
Plus member Richa Vora has deftly merged these two me understand temperature
seemingly opposed worlds in her recent oil painting, Gail’s. and value.”
On a hot July day walking through north London, the Such preparation pays off.
artist was struck by how similar the harsh sunlight, dark Whether she’s capturing the Every month, one of our Fresh Paint
shadows and bustling, narrow streets of Hampstead were harsh light of a midday sun, the artists is chosen from Portfolio Plus,
to those found in her native Kolhapur. She duly set out to shadowy folds of an unmade our online, art-for-sale portal. For your
capture this rare moment. bed sheet or a strong direct chance to feature in a forthcoming
Richa began her painting by laying down a neutral- light hitting a life model’s face, issue, sign up for your own personalised
coloured wash and blocking in the main masses with a big the play of light in Richa’s art Portfolio Plus page today. You can also:
bold brush. She then worked alla prima, using energetic is incredibly arresting, • Showcase, share and sell unlimited
brushstrokes to bring the paint surface to life. “The secret lies in the middle artworks commission free
“I find the details that were done fast and with a few tones,” she reveals. “When you • Get your work seen across Artists &
touches of paint are the most lively and artistic,” she says. have harsh sunlight and very Illustrators’ social media channels
“In this particular painting, it was quite bland and flat until dark shadows, if you get your • Submit art to our online exhibitions
I added in the people sitting outside the bakery.” middle tones correct, the • Enjoy exclusive discounts and more
The London-based artist has studied at Southwark’s luminosity always comes.” Sign up in minutes at www.artistsand
Art Academy and usually finishes her paintings in a few
hours, finalising the composition at the last possible richcompose
Celebrate the first ever Penzance Arts Festival with
virtual workshops from Newlyn School of Art
Technology has proved a lifeline for many Also on offer are weekly two-hour life
over the past 12 months, with online art drawing classes led by a roster of award-
courses and live drawing demos keeping winning artists. At just £9 a session, the prize Telephone:
us all connected and creative. Excelling in voucher is enough that you could book up
The closing date for entries is noon on 11 June 2021.
this department is Newlyn School of Art. one a week for the next year and still have Please tick if you are happy to receive relevant information from
Based in the historic artists’ colony in West credit left over to spend on a few short The Chelsea Magazine Company Ltd. via email , post or phone
or Newlyn School of Art via email
Cornwall, this dynamic and innovative art courses, costing £145 each. The prize
school provides a wide range of high quality also includes two tickets to a livestreamed
and exciting short art courses in disciplines Andy Warhol talk.
such as painting, drawing and printmaking. To find out more about Newlyn School HOW TO ENTER
And this summer, the popular institution will of Art, browse its catalogue of courses Enter by noon on 11 June 2021 at
be bringing its digital offerings to the first and buy tickets to the Andy Warhol talk,
ever Penzance Arts Festival. visit competitions or fill in the form and return it
To mark its involvement with the festival, to: Newlyn Prize Draw, Artists & Illustrators,
Newlyn School of Art is offering one lucky THE PRIZE Chelsea Magazine Company Ltd., Jubilee
Artists & Illustrators reader the chance to One winner, selected at random, will win: House, 2 Jubilee Place, London SW3 3TQ
win £950 worth of virtual art tutorials. • £950 to spend on online life drawing
The winner will be able to pick from a classes and online short courses at Newlyn TERMS AND CONDITIONS
selection of four-day short courses, ranging School of Art Prize is non-transferable. No cash
from “Abstracting the Landscape” to the • Two tickets to a livestreamed Andy Warhol alternatives. Courses are subject to
“Modern Portrait”, but all led by some of talk by Tate Modern curator Fiontán Moran availability. For full terms and conditions,
the best art tutors in the UK. at 6.30pm on 19 June 2021, worth £4 each visit
Writing exclusively for Artists & Illustrators , author
and art critic MARTIN GAYFORD speaks to the
great Yorkshire artist about the joys of spring,
his enduring inspirations, and how his latest
French studio has given him a new lease
of life – and cured his limp!
or the last two years, David a suitable studio there. Accordingly,
Hockney has been living in before he moved to Normandy in early
a novel location. From the March 2019 (and immediately after
Hollywood Hills, he’s moved the opening of the Hockney – Van
to La Grande Cour, an old farmhouse Gogh exhibition at the Van Gogh
in the countryside of Normandy, Museum in Amsterdam), a spacious
France. It looks, as he says and airy working space was created
approvingly, like the cottage “where for him inside the ancient wooden
the seven dwarves live in the Disney beams of an old barn on the grounds
film… There are no straight lines; even of his new dwelling.
the corners don’t have straight lines”. He was delighted by it. “Right now,
David’s life and work, as well as I need to be somewhere like this.
the thoughts that existence in rustic When I signed the lease on the second
seclusion have brought him, are the Bridlington studio a decade ago, I felt
subject of a forthcoming book we 20 years younger, and the same thing
wrote together, Spring Cannot be happened here. I feel revitalised.
Cancelled, published in March by It’s given me a new lease of life.
Thames & Hudson. I used to walk with a stick, but since
Because David is an artist who I came here, I’ve forgotten about it!”
paints and draws for much of the David had two studios in East
day, every day, this change of place Yorkshire. The first was in the attic
meant, first and foremost, he needed of his house near the seafront at
Bridlington; the second – the one he The Norman studio was also devised novel of the same name: “We must last spring
signed that lease for – was located by Jean-Pierre, but its scale and cultivate our gardens”. However,
in an industrial estate on the edge feeling are quite different. he is doing so artistically, which
of the town. It was huge, more like a As David explained in the summer makes a big difference.
film studio than a painter’s workshop. of 2019: “When Jean-Pierre first What a painter finds interesting
This was conceived and arranged with came here, he told me, he realised will not delight every eye (“willows, PREVIOUS SPREAD
the enormous pictures he was making that we wouldn’t have to drive old rotten planks, slimy posts, and David Hockney,
at that time in mind by the artist’s anywhere, whereas in Bridlington brickwork” were on the great English No. 599,
principal aide, Jean-Pierre Gonçalves I had to get in the car to go to my landscape painter John Constable’s 1 November 2020,
de Lima (known affectionately as J-P). subjects. That’s why we got [this list of his favourite things). iPad painting
As a child in Bradford, Hockney would run Reflecting on his famous 1967 painting Although Hockney often relied on his trusty
upstairs on buses, always keen to get the A Bigger Splash ahead of a Tate Britain Polaroid camera, he also thought most
best view. That curiosity has stayed with exhibition 40 years later, Hockney colour photography was a bit dull. The artist
him throughout his career and much of his concluded that there was no fixed way didn’t see colour like that, hence the bright
work is his way of communicating that time of making a masterpiece. “If there was a hues in his own work. Colour, like all
spent looking. formula, there’d be a lot more memorable aspects of painting, is subjective and
He often tries to do so as simply as pictures,” he joked. must be adapted accordingly.
possible. Whether painting on canvas or Challenge yourself to try something Likewise, Hockney always painted his
drawing on the iPad, saturated colour is different with each new painting you make, environment, attaching an importance to
blocked in first, often with a second layer whether that’s as drastic as changing your his chosen subject in the process. In his
of pattern or texture applied on top. Other whole way of working, or just something eyes, Bridlington is every bit as important
details are kept to a minimum, save for simple, such as adding a new colour to your as Los Angeles. Staying true to that belief
occasional contour lines to describe forms palette. A change will keep you present and has resulted in great artworks produced
and separate colours. engaged, while freshening up the results. with real conviction.
Conversely, what makes for a good them eventually. But I think they are forms that count. He can make a bit oil on canvas,
painting or drawing is not necessarily wonderful to draw, because they set of gravel with some weeds growing 46x61cm
the sort of prime specimen that would up a plane. Even in the winter they do.” on it interesting. They don’t see that.”
please a landscape architect or After overseeing the conversion of When the artist began his FAR RIGHT Joan
arboriculturalist. the old barn into a studio, Jean-Pierre new life in France in March 2019, Mitchell, La Grande
“The three big pear trees are all went on to oversee the surrounding he was supercharged by three Vallée 0, 1983,
dead at the top; that’s why there are grounds. Just as the first was recent encounters with supreme oil on canvas,
no leaves on them. But I want to let tailor-made for David to work in, draughtsmen from the past. 263x200cm
Spring Cannot be Cancelled:
David Hockney in Normandy
is an uplifting manifesto that
affirms art’s capacity to divert
and inspire. It is based on a
wealth of new conversations
and correspondence between
Hockney and the art critic
Martin Gayford, his long-time
friend and collaborator.
Artists & Illustrators readers
can enjoy 25% off the cover
price, a saving of £6.25. Simply
Someone somewhere will pop up with
ocial media can be an effective meant that most of us have been of their own. Don’t be shy if you want
place to grow an audience. even more isolated than usual. to instigate a new thread or sub-
ABOVE Laura It can also be a great forum for If you haven’t considered using group; you may end up finding your
Boswell, West selling artwork, but have you thought social media to join – or perhaps build own special network of artist friends.
Coast Summer, of it as a means to find your tribe? – a community of likeminded artists, Laura co-hosts a podcast, Ask an Artist.
woodblock print, Making art is often a solitary now is the time to give it a go. Joining Listen to new episodes at www.artists
29 x45 cm business and the pandemic has an established group is a good place
Key Dates
Born in East Bergholt,
1799 A gentle walk through the
Entered the Royal heart of “Constable Country”,
Academy Schools crossing the Dedham Vale and
1802 following the River Stour,
Started exhibiting at the reveals scenes that remain
Royal Academy of Arts largely unchanged from when
1816 John Constable immortalised
Married Maria them in his iconic oil paintings
Elizabeth Bicknell more than 150 years ago.
1819 The landscape painter held
Moved to London an unbounded affection for his
Flatford Mill
1821 native Suffolk countryside and
Exhibited The Hay Wain there is much to uncover when
1824 exploring the area on foot. that belonged to the painter’s Bridge Cottage
Moved to Brighton due father, Golding Constable, and
to Maria’s ill health Willy Lott’s Cottage still stands today.
1829 Of all the artworks by John The artwork formed one of
Elected to the Royal Constable, The Hay Wain is Constable’s seminal six-foot
Academy of Arts probably the most well-known. canvases, comprising views on
1835 Painted in 1821, it depicts a the River Stour and painted to
Died and buried in harvest wagon crossing the impress the Royal Academy.
Hampstead River Stour and, on the left, Another in the series is The
Willy Lott’s Cottage – a house Leaping Horse, pictured above.
I associate my ‘careless
boyhood’ with all that lies on
the banks of the Stour; those
scenes made me a painter,
and I am grateful
Flatford Mill Dedham Vale’s charms did not Willy Lott’s Cottage St Mary’s Church,
Next to Willy Lott’s Cottage is escape Constable’s attention. Dedham
Flatford Mill, another property The view in his artwork The Another church not to miss is
owned by Constable’s father Vale of Dedham can be seen St Mary’s in Dedham, as on
and depicted in Flatford Mill from Gun Hill, looking towards display inside is one of John
(Scenes on a Navigable River). Dedham Church. Constable’s three religious
Some say the artist’s flair With its thick application of artworks, The Ascension.
for accurately painting clouds white paint that enhances the The church’s 131-foot tower
stems from having to closely shimmering light, this painting also appears in some of
observe the skies to predict prompted Constable’s election Constable’s other paintings.
the weather while he worked to the Royal Academy in 1829. For more details on the area and
at this redbrick watermill as a map of the walking tour, visit
a teenager. East Bergholt
Constable was deeply attached
Bridge Cottage to his birthplace, East Bergholt John Constable, The
A prosperous miller, Golding House, and it appears in his Hay Wain, 1821, oil on
Constable also owned Bridge c.1809 painting of the same canvas, 130.2x185.4cm
Cottage in Flatford. Tenants name. Demolished in the early
would have collected tolls from 1840s, today a plaque marks
barges passing through the where the house once stood.
lock, but today it’s home to a Across the road is St Mary's
tearoom and exhibition on the Church, where his parents and
artist. You can also see the Willy Lott are buried and where
cottage in Constable’s 1813 his wife Maria Bicknell's
painting Boys Fishing. grandfather was once a rector.
Also nearby, in Cemetery
Dedham Vale Lane, is Moss Cottage, the first
Now designated an Area of studio the artist rented for four-
Outstanding Natural Beauty, and-a-half old pennies a year.
LS Lowry,
On the Sands,
Berwick, 1959,
oil on canvas,
size unknown
I’ve always
been fond
of the sea...
wonderful it
is, yet also
how terrible
Town Hall
The Georgian Town Hall’s
150-foot tower appears in
works such as A Market Place,
Berwick-upon-Tweed and Old
Berwick (Strother’s Yard). The
latter’s composition [seen in
the panel pictured below] with
the lone tower – a common alongside Old Berwick The Pier
motif in his work – is thought to (Strother’s Yard), appeared in From Pier Road, Lowry LS Lowry, Seascape, 1952,
symbolise Lowry’s loneliness. Lowry’s first London solo show sketched Berwick’s pier and oil on canvas, 39.5x49.3cm
With its harsh geometry and in 1939. The painting is based lighthouse in 1956 and the
mysterious figures, the painting on a pencil sketch the artist scene remains much the same
exudes an air of apprehension, drew while sat on the parapet today. Behind the pier there
despite it being one of Lowry’s of Berwick’s Old Bridge, and is a red-roofed pavilion, the
favourite corners in town. with flashes of red (known as setting for On The Sands,
his favourite colour), lively Berwick-upon-Tweed.
Bridge End figures and pets, it evokes a The artist once said:
The town hall’s tower also much more upbeat mood. “Poverty and gloom. Never a
appears in Bridge End, which, joyous picture of mine you’ll
Tweedmouth see.” Yet this jolly seaside
Busy, enclosed yard scenes scene is one exception.
were a go-to subject for Lowry painting, Girl in a Red Hat.
and he captured one off Main Spittal Despite enjoying the coast,
Street (across the river in Lowry had a lifelong fascination he was rather unnerved by the
Tweedmouth) in his 1943 with the sea, and would walk sea. This attitude may explain
painting Old Property. The along the Spittal promenade his empty seascapes (1942’s
flagpole and smoking chimneys seeking inspiration for works The Sea and 1952’s Seascape)
appear to be products of the like 1960’s Spittal Sands – which capture the ocean’s
artist’s imagination, while the a joyful, impressionistic beach mystery and infinity.
solitary observer separated scene painted with pastel hues For more details on the Lowry
from the action by the kerb and thick encrusted paint. Trail and to download a map
resembles Lowry himself. It’s here he also set his 1964 visit
Key Dates
Born in Cookham, Berkshire
Studied at the Slade School
of Art
1915-18 When Stanley Spencer studied Odney Club
Enlisted in the Royal Army at the Slade School of Art, he In the wall near the entrance to
Medical Corps earnt himself the nickname the Odney Club are two round,
1925 “Cookham”, such was his porthole-like windows that form
Married Hilda Carline adoration of the Berkshire a backdrop to the 1939 work,
1927 village in which he was born Girls Returning from a Bathe.
First solo exhibition at – and spent most of his life.
Goupil Gallery in London The visionary painter set Cookham Church
1932 many of his acclaimed biblical The young Stanley Spencer
Moved back to Cookham scenes among the Cookham was said to be fascinated by
1937 streets and along the banks of the churchyard, and it was
Divorced by Hilda and the Thames, and these spots here that he set one of his key
married Patricia Preece can be visited while on an artworks, The Resurrection,
1940 hour’s walk through the village. Cookham (now on show as part
Commissioned as an of Tate Britain’s “Walk Through
official war artist Ferry Hotel British Art” display).
1945-’59 The riverside lawn of the Ferry A stone angel still in the
Lived at Cliveden, Hotel was the setting for the churchyard appears in 1953’s
Cookham Rise artist’s colourful painting The Angel, while inside the
1959 Dinner on the Hotel Lawn.
Died at Canadian Memorial It forms part of a larger series RIGHT Sir Stanley Spencer, Swan
Hospital, Berkshire which portrays the resurrection Upping at Cookham, 1915-’19,
in the context of a regatta. oil on canvas, 148 x116.2cm
Hall a
witching careers is never a breaking in the wider art world but is
decision to be taken lightly, rarely seen among the international
especially when trading more pastel community. While most stick
than 25 years of experience to the medium’s realist roots, Halla
as a high-flying professional for the works spontaneously, responding to
unpredictable path of an artist. Yet a observations, emotions and colours.
mid-life occupation switch was a risk On top of this, the artist experiments
that Halla Shafey was willing to take. with non-traditional media. Despite
After a successful career as an protestations from pastel purists,
economist, she is now a full-time she works over acrylic paints, linocuts
artist – and that gamble has paid and monoprints creating textures so
dividends. Not only has the Cairo- lifelike that some of her paintings look
based artist won numerous awards like patchworks of rich fabrics.
for her wonderfully textured, Although appearing slightly uneasy
multicoloured artworks – including with the notion she’s led a pastel 1 Halla’s
the Artists & Illustrators Award at rebellion, Halla is clearly not afraid award-winning
the Pastel Society’s recent annual to break the so-called rules – “I am pastel, A Walk
exhibition for her painting, A Walk in always experimenting with different in the Fields
the Fields – but she has also been techniques and trying to push the
praised by Egyptian critics for boundaries of pastel” – and notes 2 Her studio
revolutionising the medium. how her global success has instigated in Cairo is filled
1 Firstly, Halla’s art is abstract – a a renewed interest among Egyptian with books and
subject that is by no means ground- artists. “Pastel hasn’t been very family photos
Royal Institute of Oil Painters member find drawing a figure from life exciting but Luis's materials
intimidating. One is presented with such a
LUIS MORRIS shows how working
wealth of visual information – and so little
from a sketch and mixing up a range time in which to gather it. Success
of colours early can allow a more Cadmium Yellow, Cadmium
depends upon the ability to decide what is
Red, Alizarin Crimson, French
creative, painterly finish important, and to leave the rest out. I like
Ultramarine, Viridian and
taking sketches made in life sessions and
Titanium White, all Winsor &
using them as the basis for a painting.
Newton Artists’ Oil Colours
The drawing is my only record of my subject.
With no tempting photo to copy, the studio
Pro Arte Sterling Series 201
painting is free to take on a life of its own.
short flat brush, size 4
As with a lot of my figure studies, I am
looking to capture something of the essence
Colvin & Co stretched cotton
of the form using a minimum of detail.
canvas, 30x23cm
I do this by shedding bright light on a few
•Low odour thinners
selected areas and allowing the rest to
•Palette knife
be cloaked in shadows. I want my figure
•WypAll Industrial
drawings and paintings to have a certain
Wiping Paper
mystery about them. For all the abstraction
and stylisation, the end result needs to have
a sense of warmth and animation if it is to
be successful.
It is important that the reference sketch
has an essential quality that can be brought
out in the final painting. The challenge then
is to make sure this chosen quality doesn’t
get trampled on during the course of making
the painting. In this case I felt my initial
sketch [pictured left], made in pastels
across a 90-minute session, had an overall
sense of calmness and poise. I was also very
happy with the colour relationships I’d found
in the body and was keen to enrich those
in the painting [pictured right] to create a
more vibrant picture that celebrated the way
natural light bounced off a human body.
2 L et colo ur s v ib rate
From here onwards, all other colours,
shapes and marks must relate to that first
keynote. The next hue added was a pinkish
lilac to represent light reflected from the left
1 Mix o n t h e p alet te
For me, the palette is the oil painting’s driving force. I started by mixing each of my colours
with Titanium White to form bright, saturated tints. I then mixed a black from Ultramarine,
hip and thigh. I chose a tone similar to the
golden brown and felt these two initial
colours vibrated together in a pleasing way.
Alizarin Crimson and Cadmium Yellow, which I then mixed with white to give shades of grey. I also used my fingernail to reiterate a line
These greys in turn helped create more subdued versions of the highly saturated colours. for the front central axis of the body, with its
My first mark on the canvas was a patch of warm golden brown. This light vertical swipe gentle backward slope, as well as a vague
was my first guess at where the central axis at the front of the stomach belonged. indication for the back of the ribcage.
Top tip
Try using a piece of blue
WypAll Industrial Wiping
Paper wrapped around
your finger and dipped
in turps or low-odour
thinner to rub out or
adjust the positions of
shapes on the canvas
3 Lo ok f or ex t r em e s
With two mid-tone colours down, it was
important to find extremes. I traced the line
4 Pu sh t h e colo ur s
A tutor once described the process of painting as a
search “for where one colour ended and another colour
of the left arm using a warm pink and a dull began”. When one sees a painting as a set of abstract marks
orange separated by a warmish grey for the jostling for position on a canvas, one doesn’t get so attached
lower bicep. The darkest colour then denoted to an individual mark. This makes it a lot easier to rub them
where the arm ended and the background out and reposition them. Using a piece of blue WypAll paper
began. I also ran the left thigh to the bottom, dipped in low-odour thinner, I pushed back the line of the
anchoring the figure within the canvas. model’s left hip, allowing a new colour to be introduced.
5 B r o a den t h e sp e c t r um
I continued setting out extremes of colour by adding patches of
fresh, clean hues of widely varying temperatures: a patch of French
6 Fin d t h e h e a d
I had really started to find the figure on the canvas and needed
to make a decision about the placement of the head. I drew a light
Ultramarine mixed with Titanium White to go behind the upper arm, line that sloped gently from below the ribcage to the collarbone,
and a hot pink transitioning into an orange for the model’s right arm. in order to continue that central axis up the front of the body.
Against these strong chromatic colours, I added a silvery ochre I drew some of the essential angles of the head and neck using
mix, made with a pale grey and Cadmium Yellow, to redefine the left a combination of warm ochre, hot pink and cooler purple mixes.
hip bone. I also scraped and drew with my fingernail and the edge of I also added more background colours in the bottom corners to
the brush to find the collarbone and the angle of the right arm. further connect the figure with the edges of the canvas.
7 Take it to t h e top
Using the axis line as a guide, I added
light orange for the right breast and a deeper
salmon pink for her right shoulder. These
shapes were given definition by a patch of
blue similar to the one behind the figure.
Parts of the hair were made as dark as
8 M ake a dju s t m ent s
I realised the shoulders and upper torso were too narrow, so I began repositioning
the basic shapes around the model’s left shoulder and ribcage to make her shoulders
anything else on the painting and then wiped appear thrown back and her upper body more substantial.
off the top edge of the canvas to complete a I used a small tick of dark olive green to define the armpit, the front of the upper arm,
pleasing, symmetrical composition. I also and the shadow on the ribcage. Similarly, I used a vertical line of deep purple to define
drew some simple vertical shapes to hint at the front of her left forearm. A constant process of checking and readjustment is required
background pillars and window elements. so that the drawing and painting happen at the same time.
9 L e ave light an d sp a ce
I wanted to leave a lot of white canvas showing to create the
feeling of daylight flooding through large windows behind the subject,
10 D evelop t h e draw in g
I made some basic adjustments to the overall shape of the
figure here. For example, I moved the edge of her right hip slightly to
illuminating the figure in some places and casting shadows in others. the right, which helped to accentuate the overall curve of her body.
It was important to suggest this while keeping the background I also added a little more mass to the lower half of the painting,
at least as abstract as the figure itself, so that the painting of the meaning that the majority of pure white canvas was now in the
model could stay pleasingly abstract without looking unfinished. upper half of the picture.
12 Kn ow wh en to s top
Knowing what you wanted to achieve
11 Ke ep it s u g g e s t ive
I made a few refinements, including a little more work on the head. Although it
needed to be convincing, I wanted the head to be painted as simply as possible so as
– the statement you wanted to make or the
feeling you wanted to convey – helps you
to know when to stop painting. In this piece
not to be out of keeping with the rest of the figure. I had wanted to capture the light and space
I hoped that the figure as a whole might convey something of the personality and in the studio, and the calmness and poise of
bearing of the model, without having to make a detailed study of her face. To this end the model. I felt I’d achieved this economically
it helped that the head was, for the most part, silhouetted against the light of the windows. so it was time to put down the brush.
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You don’t have to be Picasso
to become an artist. All you
need is your imagination.
In An Artist’s Tale, British
author and artist Sue Exton
Although you only tend to see finished work,
a sketchbook is often a key part of the process.
We asked seven top artists to open their
books and share their methods
Rose Dufton
“I use my sketchbooks for a few different reasons, and
I have several on the go at once. My favourite would have
to be Moleskine’s watercolour sketchbooks, they come in
varied sizes and are landscape in format. I have also just
bought some Royal Talens’ Art Creation ones, which I am
enjoying working in for a change as they are portrait
format. I mainly use watercolour paints, as well as brush
pens and gouache.
“I sometimes use sketchbooks to make thumbnail
sketches for larger paintings. However, the main use would
be to experiment in. I like to see them as mini journals of
ideas, rather than curated places with pretty pages. Don’t
be scared by a sketchbook. Try not to keep them precious
and perfect as if you do you will never use them. In my
opinion, sketchbooks should be played with and used as
a place to let ideas flow, as that is when the best kind of
accidents happen that can spark incredible ideas.”
Robin Olsen
“My sketchbooks are primarily a place for testing and
exploration. I consider them a place to try out ‘what-ifs’.
What if I mix ink and coloured pencil? What if I try stitching
on top of paint? What if I cover most of my collage with
white paint? They are a place where I can play with ideas
and experiment fully.
“As an abstract painter, I refer to my sketchbooks
frequently as a source of ideas to try in paintings. They
often are the impetus I need for a new series. They also
serve as a reference. When I want to make the perfect
shade of pale, ocean blue, I check my colour charts to
see which colours to use. When I make a colour chart,
I often do a small sample painting next to it to see how the
colours relate. It’s a quick reference for future paintings.
“The important thing about sketchbooks is having
everything in one place to refer to easily later, but that
doesn’t mean it has to be created in that place. If you
struggle to experiment freely in your actual sketchbook,
or consider the pages too precious, work on separate
sheets and glue or tape them in afterwards. The important
thing is to record all your ideas, but it doesn’t really matter
how they get there.”
Megha Kapoo r
“My sketchbook is an important part of my life. Earlier they
were only for practising anatomy, figure drawing and
everyday sketches. But now they have become an integral
part of my life’s journey. They are like a journal of my life.
The moments I come across or everyday experiences.
“I love the Art Creation sketchbooks from Royal Talens.
I bought a few of them from a store in Spain and I loved
them. And now I buy them online through Amazon. I love to
use watercolours and inks. I have a beautiful collection of
nibs that are quick and handy for capturing the moment.
“My tip would be don’t try to make a perfect piece
of artwork in your sketchbook. I think that's the best place
where you can be yourself. Just be free and journal each
moment of your life in them. They will become the
bestest friends.”
Jill Leman
“My sketchbooks are a visual diary – I enjoy drawing.
I use sketchbooks for drawing something I might want
to put in a painting later – this might be flowers, china,
a view through a window or in the garden, or other
bits and pieces.
“I often use sketchbooks that are roughly A4,
spiralbound ones can be useful if you are out and about as
they are lighter. When I am working in them, I tend to use
2B or 4B pencils, pens, coloured pencils or paint –
watercolour usually.
“The one piece of advice I’d give a fellow artist is this:
don’t think your sketchbook has to look perfect!”
Jill's work features in Chelsea Physic Garden, which runs
12-30 August at Bankside Gallery, London.
Andrea Hentze
“My sketchbook is my sacred place to explore and let my
art flow freely through me. When I started out, I felt like
there was a friction within me: the longing to create
abstract art and these niggling questions of what it will
be all about. My sketchbook gave me the room to just
explore without constantly wanting to answer this
question. The white page of a sketchbook is less
frightening than a blank canvas. Knowing this creates the
freedom to explore art and listen to my heart’s desires
instead of wanting to figure it all out with my mind.
“The key to find this focus for me is daily practice.
It’s like I write a story in my sketchbook every day. Over
time I can see how themes emerge, created day by day,
but discovered in reflection afterwards. I reflect a lot after
my art sessions: what do I like? What was fun? What
associations come to me? This reflection ties everything
together and over time, you look back and you see themes
arise and threads are weaving together beautifully.
“Limiting the endless possibilities makes it so much
easier to start. You might like to choose a special theme
(such as ‘black and white’) or use new materials.
Nevertheless, stay flexible and change the limitation up
if you feel like it. It’s your sketchbook and you are free to
explore whatever comes to your heart so trust that.”
Whether you are a painter, a
printmaker or even a sculptor, gently
instigating a regular drawing habit
will feed your practice enormously.
Quick sketches of anything around
you, whether in your home or out in
the environment, will soon show you
what it is that your eye is drawn
towards and where your gaze
naturally falls.
Making time to research artists that
resonate with you is both inspiring
and validating. You can begin to think
of yourself as part of a lineage and
themes that you might not be able
to see clearly in your own work may
emerge in that of the artists to which
you are drawn.
Trust your instincts. Keep a
sketchbook, a folder or a Pinterest
board and collect inspiration from
magazines, books or the internet.
Our internal critic can run roughshod
over our dreams and our enthusiasm,
leaving us questioning good ideas
when we have them.
Lacking the linguistic category of
orange, our predecessors were forced
to use either red or yellow instead.
In fact, when Geoffrey Chaucer tried
to write about a fox in The Nun’s
Priest’s Tale two centuries prior to
that, he had to call it simply a colour
“betwixe yelow and reed” [sic]. Such
descriptions echo through our visual
culture and lead to the miscolouring
JAKE SPICER begins a new four-part series on understanding of small birds on seasonal greeting
cards in the 21st century.
colour by showing us how the use of more accurate
I give this example to show how we
descriptions can help us better identif y and replicate hues are prone to misrepresenting colours
if we do not have the adequate
he language we use to describe This imaginative distortion of the vocabulary to describe them. It is only
colour affects our ability to robin’s colouring no doubt happened by first broadening and clarifying our
represent it accurately. Take because the nickname “redbreast” written and spoken language that we
the robin redbreast [above] as an was given to the bird prior to the can learn to visually represent the full
example. On many Christmas cards, word “orange” even entering the spectrum more accurately. In this new
the demonstrably orange-breasted English language. four-part series, I’ll be looking at how
bird is depicted with an eponymous The word “orange” initially appeared we can use an understanding of the
red bib and most children would in reference to the fruit, only later fundamental properties of colour to
reach for a red felt-tip if they came being used to describe a discreet hue look at the world around us and
across one in a colouring book. from the 16th century onwards. create more compelling artwork.
Colour categorisation has improved over the years and that changes how artists imagine and represent those colours.
Don’t just focus on the local, fundamental colours of the subject [top left];
try instead to distinguish between discreet areas of different hues [below].
Observed colours
DESCRIBING VARIETY from person to person and our Describing the differences between similar
Once you have isolated an area of application of it in art is poetic, so colours using a mixture of objective and
colour in your subject, try to describe a malleable language reflects our subjective language will help you practice
the colour that you see. Finding the experience of colour better than your colour distinction.
right words to describe what you see a completely objective system.
will help you to mix the right paint or While we are all familiar with the
pick the best pencil with which to language of hues (red, green, blue,
represent it. and so on) people often confuse tone
While colour theorists like Albert (how light or dark a colour is) with its Mid-tone, dull
Munsell attempted to codify colours saturation (how bright or dull it is). yellow-green
with numerical values, I find it better Also note that the common categories (olive-like)
to combine both the objective of “pink” and “brown” – prevalent in
qualities of a colour – the hue, our skin tones and therefore our
saturation and tonal value – with the imaginations – are not hues but
subjective colour language that we rather catch-all terms for pale reds/
are often most familiar with. After all, magentas/purples and desaturated
the ability to perceive colour varies reds/oranges/yellows respectively.
Hue describes the position of a colour along the spectrum
of visible light. We often describe a colour in relation to
the neighbouring hue – contrasting a red-orange to a
yellow-orange, for example.
The tone of a colour can range from light to dark – all colours
have a value of tone that can be ascertained intuitively,
or by turning an image black and white.
red-orange (like
The saturation of a colour describes its intensity, ranging Mid-tone
from bright (saturated) to dull (de-saturated). blue-grey
saturated green
Exercise 1 Winsor Yellow Light, saturated yellow
Name game
We’ll delve more deeply into colour
mixing over the next few issues but Yellow Ochre Mid-tone, dull yellow
the first step towards better colour
Dark, saturated mixing is to understand the properties
blue-green of the media you are working with Burnt Sienna Dull red-orange
(like ivy) by applying the same principles of
perception and description that you
applied to the subject itself. Winsor Red Saturated red
Paints are often named for the
pigments from which they derive
(Titanium White, for example) or else Alizarin Crimson Dark, saturated purple-red
they have more poetic descriptions,
such as French Ultramarine, which
refers to French chemists’ lab-made Winsor Violet Dark, saturated purple
replacement for the expensive lapis
lazuli pigment that was mined in
Afghanistan beyond the sea – French Ultramarine Mid-tone, saturated blue
or ultra marinus.
While these subjective paint and
pencil names might create helpful Winsor Blue Dark, dull blue, tending to green
associations, they are not universal.
It is important to be able to simply
see the colour in isolation and make Winsor Green-Blue Saturated blue-green
a judgement about how well it will
match. To help with this, take all of
your colours and make swatches of Sap Green Dull yellow-green
them in a sketchbook, noting both
their tube or pencil names and the
colour properties that you perceive
in them, as I have done on the right.
Light, saturated
yellow (like an
unripe lemon)
Exercise saturated
yellow petals
Colour notes Dark,
All learning should beg dull-green
and the best way to de leaves
appreciation of colour i
to notice it around you.
collection of visual note
the colours in objects,
and artworks in your sk
using whatever coloure
have to hand – paint, in
pencil – alongside writt
Draw from life when
avoid the colour distort
camera’s settings and
do not have time to ma Month:
start to give names to Understand hues
see, describing them to with a neat new
you go about your day. exercise
After a year in lockdown, our visual memories
are more important than ever. ROB DUDLEY
shares a method that will help you utilise
them to create more artistic paintings
ome landscape painters part, inform what the painting would
work on location, others be about. It acted like a filter, sifting
from references back in the out all unnecessary elements and
studio. I have done both over leaving only the strongest as a basis
Final painting
the years. Working en plein air in oils for the painting. This approach was
or watercolour, I would essentially very different to my own but one that
paint or draw what was in front of me. lockdown gave me the perfect
I would then take these notes and opportunity to try.
sketches back to the studio and I was less stringent though.
develop them into more “finished” I decided to work from my memory
pieces. For many years this has been of the location for as long as I could,
my process when painting the at least until the plan for the painting
landscape and I’ve had very little was almost complete. Only then
reason for it to change as it had would I refer back to sketches – and
served me well. only if I deemed it essential to the
Recently, I learnt of an artist painting’s progression. Otherwise,
who had a very different approach I was more than happy to paint
to landscape painting. He began without them.
much as I did: working on location, If you look at the following case
sketchbook and camera in hand, studies and compare my final
before returning to the studio armed “memory” paintings with the photos
with numerous photos and sketches. of the actual locations, you’ll see they
Location sketch
The difference being that he would are similar yet lacking topographical
then put these reference materials accuracy. However, as artist friends
away in a drawer and proceed to have suggested, the paintings seem artists, regardless of experience.
make a painting without looking at to be more concerned with the spirit It can sharpen the visual memory
them. The studio painting process of the location and I find that to be and also help you filter out unwanted
would rely instead on his memory most encouraging. or unnecessary elements of a
and experience of the location. While painting from memory might composition in the process, allowing
The reasoning behind this approach seem tricky, I would suggest that it is you to produce more artistic results.
was that his memory would, to a large beneficial on a number of levels to all
Original scene
Case study 1
The Stour near Dedham ,
oil on board, 30x18cm
Memory sketch
The Stour near Dedham was inspired by an afternoon
at Flatford Mill in Suffolk. I took a few photos and made
some drawings of the river and fields. I also made sure
I committed to memory many of the things that I had
noticed while out walking that afternoon.
Back home in Devon, I set about planning a painting.
I produced a number of small drawings, focusing on my
memories of that afternoon and trying to distil the essence
of a summer walk by a rather beautiful river. I found it to
be quite freeing to draw without the sketches or photos
in front of me. The lack of reference allowed me to
concentrate on what the scene was about; how I felt
towards it became as important as how it looked.
It was only with planning underway that I began to refer
back to my sketches and notes. Notice how the location
drawing and final painting are similar in some respects
– and quite different in others. For instance, I failed to
include the fence and the cattle turned out to be geese!
However, the painting more closely resembled the mood
Memory sketch
I wanted to convey, so I was satisfied with the outcome.
Case study 2
Mist on the Marsh ,
oil on board, 30x20cm
Original scene
Location sketch
Final painting
Memory sketch
Memory sketch
Case study 3
Moorland Stream , Harford,
watercolour on paper, 22x29cm
The winner of last year’s Sky Arts’ Portrait Artist of
the Year shares his techniques, his honest approach to
portraiture, and his shameless art shop confessions
about who you are, what you are, and do sitting with a therapist. At times
urtis Holder was born where you want to go. Before entering I find it difficult to articulate what I’m
in Leicester in 1968. the Sky Arts’ Portrait Artist of the Year, feeling through words, so I feel that my
He completed a I was a primary school teacher. I got language is best expressed through
foundation year, prior to his BA to a stage where I thought, ok, either the marks that I make. There’s a direct
in graphic design from Kingston I’m going to be a headmaster or I’m line from your eye to your brain to your
University. A postgraduate going to be selfish and embrace that arm and out through the pencil. There’s
diploma in character animation part of myself that I’ve ignored. I said, an immediacy and a comfort to that.
from Central Saint Martins right, I’m going to stop teaching and
followed in 2005. I’m going to give this a go. It was time An honest approach
While working as a primary to flex a muscle I thought was there, I’m in a same-sex relationship, and
school teacher, Curtis entered but I wasn’t sure. What the show has being black and male in a primary
and won last year’s seventh done has fast forwarded my practice. school is an unfamiliar situation for
series of Sky Arts’ Portrait I did have a stint as an illustrator, a lot of people anyway, so you have
Artist of the Year. His winning but I didn’t put myself out there and to have discussions at home that
commission, a portrait of say this is what I do, take it or leave it. someone who wasn’t all of those
dancer Carlos Acosta, is now I would be asked to emulate other things would probably take for
part of Birmingham Museum people’s styles and that made me granted. Most teachers, especially
and Art Gallery’s collection. embittered. I had to stop before I primary school ones, will bring their confused that anger with a lack of love home life and private life into their
for the craft and all things creative. teaching without a second thought.
For me, drawing has been my I had to think, right, what kind of
Art as therapy oldest companion. It speaks to me teacher did I want to be? I didn’t want
Self-portraits are strange things. in a way that nothing else does and to be someone who holds things back
I’ve had to get into using photography, it reveals to me more about what is because, for one, children can sniff
which is better for me because I have going on inside my brain than I could that out in a second. I decided
to really think about what it is that
I want to draw. Drawing an individual
is about a conversation, it’s a two-way
thing. With a self-portrait, it’s hideous.
It’s like going to see a therapist. Family is one of the most difficult
Why put yourself through that?
That’s one of the questions I’ve been
drawings I’ve ever done... I had to
LEFT Family, asking myself. I think to be a good trick myself to make that piece
coloured pencil on artist and have a good life, you need
paper, 120x120cm to keep asking yourself questions
I had to be very transparent about conversations into portraits starts by draw those things you think you see.
everything. At first it was very scary, sitting and unpicking how I’m feeling. I had to understand what I wanted to
but in the end very freeing. I think that I then make marks in a sketchbook say with it. I had conversations with
openness spilled out into my art. that interpret that feeling, just basic myself about what it meant to be
A portrait usually starts with a marks, scribbles. Over several small confined with this person that you’re
conversation – it’s about making a drawings, that grows into something in love with and you’ve been with for
connection. And then turning those more substantial and slowly it will a long time, and it made me question
transform into a composition. what was “family” – what was my
Family was probably one of the “family” – and what that meant to me,
most difficult drawings I’ve ever done. and how was I going to show people
Drawing reveals to me I basically had to trick myself to make who looked at this piece.
more about what is going that piece. I’ve been with Steve for 18
years and I’ve only drawn him once.
When I’m doing a larger piece,
I tend to work with Derwent Lightfast
on inside my brain than I I find it really difficult drawing someone
who is really familiar, because your
coloured pencils. I use different ones
for different circumstances. I don’t
could with a therapist brain messes you up and makes you tend to vary the pressure of the
Eric Ravilious’ intricately cross-hatched watercolours recall his training
as a wood engraver. In this exercise, DAVID CHANDLER employs his
method to explore contour and texture
66 Artists & Illustrators
1 2
3 4
5 6
T t
7 8
o p ip
5 7
important to D e ep en s hadow s Cro s s contour s
S h a p e wa s y My lifebuoy is pale Vermilion
o a carefull
Ravilious, s Adjust the values where With the size 2 round brush, and the fishing floats are pale
executed d necessary. I added more Payne’s crosshatch the hull by placing Vermilion and Lemon Yellow. The
is key here Grey to the boat on the left, more more strokes of Forest Green at seaweed-covered rope is Forest
Phthalo Blue to the sky, and a mix 90 degrees to the previous ones. Green. Take care not to make
of the two to the boat on the right. With the same brush, paint the your colours too bright. Darken
boat on the right with thin strokes the hulls, if necessary, and peel
Former BP Travel Award winner
EDWARD SUTCLIFFE shares his simple
seven-step plan for making striking realist
paintings from your source pictures
oil on canvas,
hether you are a emotion; it tells honest stories from 3. USE GOOD TONES
beginner or have been the artist’s own experience. People Painting from photographs requires
interested in art for will want to see your story, your a good source image. Try to take or
a period of time, observations and your experiences choose a photo that has a clearly
below are seven principles, skills interpreted in paint, so write them defined tonal structure – in other
and philosophies that, if followed, down first to give you a focal point words, one made up of distinct areas
will make you a more accomplished when creating. of light, mid- and dark tones.
realist painter. Using a photo of a well-lit subject
I guess there’s only one caveat 2. LEARN HOW TO LOOK with a clear tonal structure does a lot
here: that the responsibility for Your eyes are your biggest asset of the work for you and actually makes
putting these principles into practice when painting. Just as a chef must it easier to translate the subject into
is down to you. There is no “silver cultivate an ability to taste and a paint. You are also able to edit the
bullet” when it comes to painting; musician to listen, a painter must image by adjusting the contrast,
it will make demands of you and you learn how to look. Start with some exposure, saturation and so on.
will find it difficult. However, if you exercises. The next time you are out If you are working from a photo, or
enjoy the act and if you put in the in your garden or go for a walk, take even from life, and you are struggling
hours over a period of time, then a close look at the trees. Notice the to see the full tonal structure, get
there is nothing stopping you creating textures and subtle greens that yourself a sheet of green or red
wonderful art. While this piece has exist within the bark and think for acetate and hold it in front of your
been written from the perspective of a moment about how this would source. Blocking out the full spectrum
painting from photographs, many of translate to paint. will help reveal the range of tones.
the principles can be equally applied The act of looking is in many ways
to working directly from life. the most crucial aspect of any realist 4. MAP OUT SHAPES
painting. Before you even get to Before starting a painting, you are
1. STATE YOUR INTENT looking at the photo, your subject usually confronted by a white canvas
At the beginning of each painting, matter should be burned on the back or sheet of paper. However, white isn’t
write down a very short statement of of your retina! The more you have always the ideal surface to work on
intent: one or two sentences about looked at your chosen subject, the because it is too bright. If not dealt
what you want your artwork to say easier it will be for you to translate with properly, it can make the colours
and do. This will give you clarity it into paint. If you make a habit of and tones of the resulting painting
and help you to avoid the creative looking in this way, the effort will lack richness and depth.
cul-de-sacs that many painters be repaid. And if you are always on It’s always best to “kill” a white
find themselves drawn down. the lookout for interesting things in surface with a thin wash of neutral
Think about how you want to work. everyday life, you will often find the paint (either acrylic or oil, though the
Most paintings, regardless of their inspiration for your next painting former dries quicker). This needn’t
originality, are in some way attached hiding in plain sight too. be too dark or thickly applied, just
to a genre or style. Do you want to Creating paintings from photos can enough to ensure you are not painting
be a photorealist? An impressionist? make the practice of looking easier. on brilliant white. Then it’s time to
An expressionist or work in a Colours and tones are locked into the start drawing.
traditional academic style? image; they will always be consistent The choice of drawing tool isn’t
It’s also worth thinking hard about and won’t change. This makes the job a concern – it’s what you draw, not
how your painting will be interesting of finding them and mixing them what you draw with that’s important.
and engaging to other people when precisely on your palette an Any realistic painting is made up of
they see it. Good art is packed with achievable skill. a patchwork pattern of colours and
Now you need to fill your patchwork
pattern with paint and for me this is
where the fun starts. Locate a colour
from your source, mix that colour in
paint, and put it down on your canvas
in the correct place. I say “put down”
because it’s best to avoid any mixing
or blending of paint on the canvas; if
you do this, your painting can become
a muddy mess and will lack definition.
Mix colours on your palette instead.
Having the ability to mix any colour
you see is simple, but it will take time
to master. Avoid having too many
pigments on your palette. I’ll usually
have Titanium White, Cadmium Yellow,
Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red, Alizarin
Crimson, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber,
French Ultramarine and Ivory Black.
Mixing colours can be a challenge,
which is why working from photos can
simplify matters. Having the image
and the painting next to each other
and within your field of vision will
enable you to get a quick measure
on the accuracy of your colours. 6. GLAZE FOR DETAIL It takes time to master but persevere
Try this approach out. Locate a Try to get as good and as convincing – glazing gives paintings a rich lustre.
specific colour in your photo and a likeness as you can with your initial
make a rough mix of it. Now look hard painting. However, it is possible to 7. ENJOY THE PROCESS
at it and ask yourself questions. Is it create more detail and richer colours I love working from photos as I never
too light? Add yellow or white. Is it too through a technique known as glazing really have to worry about light
dark? Adjust with blue, black or earth [see Issue 429]. conditions or models not turning up.
colours, perhaps. Now stop again and If, like me, you’re using oil paint, That in turn allows me to lose myself
look at what you have made. Should it the glazing stage is when you should in the act of painting. It’s important to
be more yellow, red or blue? Add the start adding linseed oil to the mix. stress that you must find a process
required paint. This makes the paint more translucent that you enjoy. This enjoyment will act
Now loop around and repeat the and gives it a rich gloss. (If you’re as a fuel to power you to improvement.
whole process again, first changing using acrylic paint, add acrylic medium Find a way of working that you enjoy
the tone (the relative lightness or and water instead of linseed oil.) and keep going. Feel free to take out
darkness) and then changing the Before beginning to glaze, allow and add things to the methods that I
hue. Keep looking and continue with your painting to fully dry. Look hard at have written about. It’s important that
this looping process until you have your photo then turn to your painting. you make paintings that give you a
OPPOSITE PAGE a colour match. If you repeat and Search for the details and nuances in sense of excitement and anticipation.
On Assi Ghat, practice this loop of assessments the photo that you can’t see in your That will breed confidence and help
oil on canvas, and adjustments, you’ll eventually be painting. Once found, start adding your work engross other people too.
55x40cm able to mix and put down any colour. them into your painting as thin glazes.
Our former Artists of the Year winner
Norman Long continues his look at how
to create interesting surface textures with
a guide to a thicker form of impasto painting
ne of the biggest to paint quantity. What may look
obstacles to creating like frightening mounds of paint to
a great surface is a you or I would be mere stains to
reluctance to use someone like George Rowlett, the
generous amounts of paint. Scottish impasto artist.
This month’s challenge should shock There are certain obstacles to this
you out of any restricting habits. approach, not least of which is the
I am suggesting that you use cost of oil paint. If you get hooked on
frightening amounts of paint, more this technique, I suggest searching
than you have ever used before. online for the best price on large
I often ask my students to test tubes of inexpensive paint, such as
the limits of their taste in painting. those from Winsor & Newton’s Winton
How much strong colour before your range. Oil painters have also devised
stomach turns? Can you make some ingenious ways of saving paint from
RIGHT Arjun, oil on really ugly brushstrokes and leave one session to the next, the rationale
canvas, 51x51cm them in? That push to excess extends being that if you never waste any
Loading up the surface
month: any primed support (though
try to avoid extremely dark
Bring abandoned
paintings to life mixtures). Enjoy experimenting
by reworking the with the application, using
surface knives, brushes and paper
to achieve your own distinctive
textures. The palette knife is also
useful for flattening areas that
become too pronounced. Try
preparing a few supports in one go
and let them dry for at least three
weeks before you paint over them.
Before painting on your dried oil
ground, rub the edge of a palette
knife or a sheet of sandpaper over
the surface to remove any loose
ridges of paint. If the texture is too
smooth, use rough sandpaper to
create some “tooth”. If the surface
is too rough in an area of your
painting that you want to be more
delicate (such as a face), you can
also sand it smooth. Remember you
will be painting over dried oil paint,
so if you need to dilute the
subsequent layers, use a medium
including oil not just solvent.
When you finally start painting
Process from your subject, challenge yourself
Recycling your paint This exercise begins at the end of to load the canvas with prodigious
your previous painting session. Get in amounts of paint in the first hour.
Aim the habit of saving leftover paint by That way, no matter what the
This month’s exercise gives you three placing it on a piece of glass inside a outcome, you will guarantee a
ways to beef up the surface of your tin and storing it in the freezer. If the rich and sensual surface.
oil paintings. freezer’s full, make cling film parcels Norman’s book, Oils: Techniques and
that can be easily cut open instead. Tutorials for the Complete Beginner,
Materials That leftover oil paint can then be is published by GMC Publications.
• A selection of affordable oil used to create a coloured ground on
or acrylic paints
• A selection of paint brushes
and palette knives
• A hard-wearing support (try a
wood panel or flexible linen canvas)
• Cling film
• Sandpaper (optional)
Choose a subject you can both paint
from life and also have a strong
ABOVE Loading emotional connection towards –
the canvas with these elements will encourage you
paint early on to be more expressive with the paint.
can guarantee a
rich and sensual What you will learn
surface Have you ever finished a painting,
only to be disappointed by the
RIGHT Oil paint meanness of the surface?
preserved in This exercise will show you simple
cling film parcels ways to save wastage, which will free
can be re-used you up to be more generous with your
as a ground application later.
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really made me look beyond the surface level of colour.
After my degree I worked as a junior designer at Just
Seventeen magazine. The job was super glamorous,
we went on photoshoots with the Spice Girls.
away. It took me another four years to get published.