2011june POWERtalkpackage
2011june POWERtalkpackage
2011june POWERtalkpackage
Dont lose your seat at this great convention. Time is running out. Make your reservations TODAY!
nounced) 3. Beef and Boards Dinner Theater Tuesday evening 4. Golf and Baseball Outings (Dates to be announced)
INDIANAPOLIS HAS ROLLED OUT THE RED CARPET FOR THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION July 23 - 27, 2011 - Indianapolis, IN USA The members of the 2011 Convention are excited about the series of packages we have put together for the members of POWERtalk International for the 2011 Convention to be held in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, July 23-27, 2011. However we are worried that you are going to miss out on the event of a lifetime. International Training in Communication has being in existence for over 70 years and the spirit, enthusiasm at an International Convention is the Best Ever. You just got to be here. Take a few moments and examine the information of what we have done especially for you, send in your Convention registration form and meal package, make your hotel reservations and you will be good to go. HOTEL INFORMATION: Indianapolis Marriott Downtown 350 W. Maryland St, Indianapolis, IN 46204 USA Direct: 317-405-6072 Fax: 317-405-6066 HOTEL AMENITIES: Washer and Dryers available. Ironing boards, refrigerators, available on request RESERVATIONS PROCESS & BOOKING WEBSITE Online and phone reservations are being accepted now. A dedicated booking website has been created for your event so you will be able to make, modify and cancel their hotel reservations online, as well as take advantage of any room upgrades, amenities or other services offered by the hotel. To preview the website, please click the following link: https://resweb.passkey.com/ Resweb.do?mode=welcome_ei_new&eventID=2575226 Phone reservations, or for assistance ( Handicap rooms, etc.) please call 800-266-9432 and ask for the POWERtalk group rate. Please make reservations EARLY. We have only a limited number rooms available. CONVENTION REGISTRATION AND MEAL PACKAGES: All Spouses and Friends are Welcome. Please download the Convention registration form and send in your documentation TODAY. WE want to make sure that you can take advantage of all the amenities we have to offer during your stay in Indianapolis, USA. Pass any of this information on to other members of your club, council or region. TOURS INDIANAPOLIS, USA 1. Accent on Indianapolis 5 tours (Information and Dates to be announced) 2. Taste of Indy (Information and Dates to be an-
WORKSHOPS Workshops and training sessions have been compiled by our 2011 Programming Team to ensure that your personal development needs are met. Details are on the POWERtalk International website. Seating is first come first served, so immediate convention registration is required. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES In addition to the quality training, the business sessions, speech competition, sight seeing and renewing old friendships in a great city in the Midwest, there are several volunteer opportunities available. If you truly want to elevate your 2011 POWERtalk Convention experience dont sit on the sidelines. Volunteer your time and talents while you are here in Indianapolis. Please eMail me at nikki@indy.net
SCOOTER RENTAL INFORMATION: $15/day with a 3 day minimum charge; $200/month No delivery or pick up fee 48 minimum notice needed to assure
prompt delivery Credit Card and Drivers License number required for security purposes Bobby Moran, Manager At Home Health Equipment TEL: (317) 872-9702 EXT: 148 FAX: (317) 644-7943 eMail: bmoran@ahhe.com
2011 MEMBER CHECK LIST: Make your hotel reservations today Through the PASSKEY reservation system or by calling: 800-266-9432. Vera, our Registration chairperson has a seat for you, your spouse or best friend at the 2011 Convention with your names on it. Download and complete the registration form, send in your payment, and we will do the rest. Pack accordingly because the hotel has all the amenities so you can wash and wear and not pay for extra baggage. Spread the word about your plans for July 2011 in Indianapolis, USA. Looking forward to seeing you in Indianapolis, USA George VanSickles POWERtalk International 2011 Convention Coordinator
Registration Salon Foyer 3 - 5 PM Convention Office Utah Open times posted TOURS
Registration Indiana Foyer 8 AM 6 PM Sales Indiana Foyer 8:00 AM 6:00 PM Open times posted
SUNDAY, 7/24
Registration Indiana Foyer Open times posted Worship Service Indiana A-D 7 7:45 AM First Timer Briefing Michigan/Texas 7:30-8 AM Delegates Briefing Indiana A-D 8-9:30 AM Training Sessions See ____ pages in Program
MONDAY, 7/25
Registration Indiana Foyer Open times posted Elections Indiana C-D 7 8 AM (Counting-Indiana C-D) Writing Awards Continental Breakfast Indiana EFG 8:00 9:30 AM
ITC Board & Division Meeting Indiana EFG 7:30 8:45 AM Registration Indiana Foyer Open times posted Business Meeting 3 Indiana EFG 9:00 11:00 AM
Business Meeting 4 Indiana EFG 8:00 10:00 AM 6 Training Sessions See ____ pages in Program 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
VENDORS Indiana Foyer Open all day Convention Team Briefing Pennsylvania 1:00- 3:00 PM or in evening? TRAINING POWER PACK Open to all members Indiana E 8:00 AM 11:00 AM
Training Sessions See ____ pages in Program 11:15 AM 12:45 PM Honoring Indiana EFG 12:30 3:15 PM
9:45-11:15 AM
Registration Salon Foyer Indiana Foyer 8:00 AM 9:00 PM Credentials Information Program/Education Accreditation HAWC Tours Hospitality COLORADO Open times posted VENDORS Indiana Foyer Michigan - Texas FITC 8:00 AM 4:00 PM Hosts/Pages briefing 5:00 PM -6:30 PM Michigan-Texas Training Short Course 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Cosmopolitan Contest Briefing Michigan/Texas 10:00-11:30 AM COSMOPOLITAN SPEECH CONTEST Indiana A-D 11:30 AM-12:45 PM TPP Luncheon Salon FG 1:00 -2:30 PM
Luncheon Indiana EFG 11:30 AM 1:00 PM Flag Ceremony Practice 1:00 PM OPENING CEREMONIES Business Meeting 1 Indiana EFG 2:30 5:00 PM
Honoring Indiana EFG 12:30 3:00 PM
TPP continued
Plenary Workshop
Indiana E 3:00 5:00 PM Dinner Buffet Indiana A-G 7:00 8:30 PM Welcome Party Entertainment Indiana E FG 9:00 PM
Preliminary Speech Contests: Indiana A/B Indiana C/D Indiana F 7:30 10:00 PM
Contest Banquet
$___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ US $___________
AMOUNT ENCLOSED US $___________ Cancellations: JUNE 1, 2011 -$50.00 ADMIN. FEE, NO REFUNDS AFTER JULY 1, 2011
___First Timer ___Life Member ___ITC Board Member ___Past ITC President ___Convention Coordinator ___ITC Credentials Chairman ___Convention Program Chairman ___ITC Standing Committee Chairman ___2011 Convention Committee Chairman ___Incoming Region President __________ ___Convention Registration Chairman ___Need a roommate ___Disabled (specify)__________________ ___Special Dietary Needs: ___Vegetarian_______________________ ___Other___________________________ MAIL FORM WITH CHECK, (US FUNDS ONLY) PAYBLE TO: ITC 2011 CONVENTION ACCOUNT TO VERA R MEDLOCK, 9500 S LOOMIS, CHICAGO IL 60643-1313.
(Please note: A penalty of US$30.00 will be charged if a cheque has Non Sufficient Fund - Plus Bank Charges for NSF cheque)
OR WIRE TRANSFER TO 026009593,SWISTCODE BOFAUS3N, ACCOUNT NUMBER 291004226686. Mail Registration form to above address or email to verarm@ameritech.net.
Date Friday, July 22 1 - 4 pm Tuesday, July 26 6 - 9 pm Friday, July 22 12:00 - 5:00 pm Thursday, July 28; 10am 3 pm
Historical Home Tours Thursday Indianapolis City Tour Thursday Canal Photo Tour Friday
Thursday, July $65 21;1:00 - 4:00 pm Friday, July 22 3:00 - 5:00 pm Friday, July 22 5:00 - 6:30 pm Tuesday Evening July 26 Leave hotel at 5:15 July 22 & 23 Friday & Sat 10:30 tee time $55
GOLF OUTING The FortThe Fort, 6002 N Set of golf clubs included and Post Road transportation; 10:30 tee time Indianapolis
ON YOUR OWN: BASEBALL AT VICTORY FIELD Tickets range from $10 -14 and can be ordered over the phone or purchased on line at www.victoryfield.com or pick-up at the box office - 317-259-3545
(Please note: A penalty of US$30.00 will be charged if a cheque has Non Sufficient Fund - Plus Bank Charges for NSF cheque)
OR WIRE TRANSFER TO 026009593, SWISTCODE BOFAUS3N, ACCOUNT NUMBER 291004226686. Mail Registration form to above address or email to verarm@ameritech.net. Questions about the tours may be addressed to Shirley K Vargas, 317-590-0252 or e-mail at skv1@sbcglobal.net