2012 Paper Eco-Scale
2012 Paper Eco-Scale
2012 Paper Eco-Scale
We propose the analytical Eco-Scale as a novel comprehensive approach to evaluating the greenness of analytical methodology. It
is based on assigning penalty points to parameters of an analytical process that are not in agreement with the ideal green analysis.
This approach compares different parameters and different steps of the analytical process.
Traditional green chemistry metrics (e.g., Atom Economy, E-factor and Reaction Mass Efficiency), which were introduced for
organic preparations, do not usually fit the purposes of green analytical chemistry. Existing databases for evaluation of green
analytical methods refer to known procedures and instruments, and do not encourage new, more environmentally-friendly
As an alternative to traditional green chemistry metrics, the analytical Eco-Scale can be a good, semi-quantitative tool.
ª 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Analytical Eco-Scale; Analytical procedure; Eco-Scale; Environment friendly; Green analytical chemistry; Green chemistry metrics;
Greenness; Method selection; Penalty point; Twelve principles of green chemistry
0165-9936/$ - see front matter ª 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.trac.2012.03.013 61
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 37, 2012
In this article, we propose a new, comprehensive tool Another difficulty of green analytical methodology is
for semi-quantitative evaluation of analytical method- the multi-step character of the analytical process. Each
ologies that will make possible comparison and selection of the steps should be considered in relation to develop-
of the greenest alternative, and will enable the greenness ment of greener analytical procedures (Fig. 2). Tobi-
of new or modified methods to be tested. szewski et al. [7] pointed out that the least green step in
the analytical process is sample preparation. The best
approach is to eliminate this stage by applying a direct
2. Green chemistry metrics analytical method. In general, four aspects can be dis-
tinguished when developing new, greener analytical
The evaluation of analytical methodologies in the con- procedures, which are also called ‘‘Sustainable Analyti-
text of green chemistry is very difficult because of the cal Procedures’’ [14]:
large number and the diversity of analytes and analyti- (1) method-oriented [12,15,16];
cal methods, the complexity of sample matrices and the (2) analyte-oriented [17];
special analytical criteria that need to be considered (3) process-oriented [18]; and,
(e.g., precision, accuracy and LODs). We should stress (4) a combination of two or three of the approaches
that, in some cases, it is impossible to meet certain green mentioned above [19].
chemistry criteria in analytical methodology. In this The principal question that can be asked when
situation, efforts are needed to improve the method. A searching for a green analytical method is: ‘‘How to
good example of this approach is minimization of the use evaluate different procedures in order to choose the
of reagents that cannot be eliminated or substituted by greenest one?’’ There are general guidelines for green
using flow-injection systems [12] or miniaturizing ana- procedures, which usually consider only one aspect of a
lytical systems [13]. given method, {e.g., selection of a greener solvent
Figure 2. Comparison of the green chemistry criteria for three key steps in an analytical process.
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into: physical (chilling, freezing, and filtration) and months) usually needs chemical preservation. From the
chemical (acidification, alkalization, addition of preser- point of view of green analytical chemistry, this option is
vation agents). Sample preservation is not a green step in the least favorable.
an analytical procedure, because it requires energy and/
or the use of chemicals. The best option for green ana- 3.2. Sample preparation
lytical methodology is to avoid sample preservation, if As mentioned above, sample preparation is a critical step
possible. for the greenness of analytical procedure. It usually
The next important issue regarding preliminary steps comprises several operations in which non-green re-
of an analytical procedure is sample transport. Its agents (e.g., organic solvents and strong acids) are often
incompatibility with green chemistry principles results required. There are analytical procedures in which
from energy use [i.e. vehicle fuel and specific conditions sample preparation is unnecessary or is minimized to
for sample storage (e.g., chilling)]. This step could be routine activities (e.g., weighing, grinding, and sieving).
avoided by applying field analysis (field screening), The most important operations in a sample-preparation
which has a few advantages, as it: step are dry ashing, digestion, extraction, post-extraction
(1) allows real-time analysis; clean-up and derivatization.
(2) requires no, or little, sample preparation; Determination of trace elements in solid samples by
(3) uses portable instruments [28]; the majority of instrumental methods requires the sam-
(4) uses minimal energy and reagents; and, ple to be decomposed. The most common techniques of
(5) is cost effective [6]. solid-sample decomposition are dry ashing and wet
If transport is unavoidable, the distance between digestion. Dry ashing and subsequent dissolution of ash
sampling site and analytical laboratory should preferably in acids is often referred to as mineralization. In dry
be as short as possible. ashing, a sample is heated in a crucible placed in a
Sample storage is an optional step in an analytical muffle furnace at a temperature in the range 400–
procedure, and usually depends on laboratory capacity 800C. After ashing, the residues are dissolved in acids.
for performing analysis. Samples can be stored under Digestion is another type of solid-sample decomposition
ambient conditions (room temperature, dark, well-aer- for trace-element determinations, which also uses re-
ated room) or under special conditions (frozen or cooled). agents (usually mineral and oxidizing acids) and large
Sample storage for an extended period of time (weeks or amounts of energy. Hydrochloric, sulfuric, nitric,
Sub-total PP Total PP
Amount <10 mL (g) 1 Amount PP · Hazard PP
10–100 mL (g) 2
>100 mL (g) 3
Hazard (physical, environmental, health) [45]* None 0
Less severe hazard 1
More severe hazard 2
Energy [39] 60.1 kWh per sample 0
61.5 kWh per sample 1
>1.5 kWh per sample 2
Waste None 0
<1 mL (g) 1
1–10 mL (g) 3
>10 mL (g) 5
Recycling 0
Degradation 1
Passivation 2
No treatment 3
PPs are assigned to each of hazard category posed by a reagent. Each reagent can have more than one hazard category, thus the sub-total PP
value for a single reagent may be greater than 2.
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perchloric and hydrofluoric (HF) acids are the acids most extracts. According to the eighth principle of green
commonly used to decompose samples [29]. They can be chemistry [10], derivatization should be avoided. How-
applied individually or in mixtures. Acid digestion can be ever, in some cases, derivatization may be an alternative
performed in open vessels using hot-plate or commercial to sample preservation [30]. Preparation of samples of
sample-digestion devices, but, in many laboratories, organic compounds for determination is time consuming
microwave-digestion systems are used for accelerating (it takes about 61% of the time of analysis) [31] and
and making the preparation step safer. Unfortunately, it reagent consuming. This step of analytical procedure
is impossible to make dry ashing and digestion greener, offers many options [32], which certainly should aim to
and, for many samples (e.g., soil and geological samples), make the analysis greener.
the use of HF is recommended. The greatest progress in making analytical procedures
The only green way to avoid decomposition of solid greener has been achieved in the field of extraction. The
samples for trace-element determinations is to use direct greenest option for preparing samples for determinations
analytical methods, but they may not always be of organic compounds comprises solventless techniques
applicable due to higher LODs (XRF) or a lack of [33–36]. If it is impossible to apply a solvent-free tech-
matrix-matched standards and reference materials [laser nique, the green alternative is reduction using a solvent
ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry or replacing organic solvents with ‘‘green solvents’’. The
(LA-ICP-MS)]. first goal can be achieved by applying shorter, smaller
The most problematic aspect in determination of or- diameter chromatographic columns [16,37] or using
ganic compounds is use of organic solvents that leads to selected types of extraction {e.g., solid-phase extraction
generation of hazardous waste. The source of large (SPE), pressurized fluid extraction (PFE), microwave-
quantities of wastes in organic analysis particularly in- assisted extraction (MAE), liquid-phase microextraction
cludes: derivatization, extraction and clean-up of the (LPME), or single-drop microextraction (SDME)
Table 2. The examples of penalty points (PPs) for hazards and energy of selected reagents and analytical techniques
FTIR, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; UPLC, Ultra-performance liquid chromatography; AAS, Atomic absorption spectrometry; GC, Gas
chromatography; ICP-MS, Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry; LC, Liquid chromatography; NMR, Nuclear magnetic resonance
spectroscopy; GC-MS, Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; LC-MS, Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.
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Table 3. The penalty points (PPs) for Cu determination by titration Table 4. The penalty points (PPs) for electrogravimetric Cu deter-
in a brass sample mination in a brass sample
Reagents Reagents
Penalty points Penalty points
HNO3: 10 mL 8 HNO3: 10 mL 8
NH3(aq.): 2 mL 6 NH3(aq.) 6
CH3COOH: 10 mL 2 H2SO4: 2 mL 2
KI: 2 g 0 NH4NO3: 2 g 1
Na2S2O3 0 P
Starch 0
KSCN: 2 g 1
P Instruments
Penalty points
Heater 2
Penalty points
Occupational hazard 3
Heater 2 Waste 5
Occupational hazard 3 10
Waste 8 Total penalty points: 27
13 Analytical Eco-Scale total score: 73
Total penalty points: 30
Analytical Eco-Scale total score: 70
[34,36]}. Supercritical fluids, subcritical water, ionic column), and they are based on different mechanisms
liquids are examples of ‘‘green solvents’’ [7]. (e.g., adsorption, size-separation, partitioning, or oxida-
Post-extraction clean-up of organic compounds aims tion-reduction) [38].
to minimize the influence of interfering compounds on In the context of green analytical chemistry, clean-up
the detection of the analyte. Several methods are avail- of the extracts is an additional step in an analytical
able (e.g., alumina column, Florisil column, or silica-gel procedure, which uses extra reagents and resources,
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Figure 6. Analytical procedure for a determination of copper in a brass sample by atomic absorption spectrometry.
generates extra waste, and, if possible, it should be determining a single analyte. The selection of analytical
avoided. method is commonly made on the basis of its accuracy,
precision, selectivity and LODs. According to green
3.3. Analysis analytical chemistry, it should also consider the envi-
Sample analysis requires using various analytical meth- ronmental and health impact [39]. There are several
ods and usually more than one technique is capable of classifications of analytical techniques. One of them, based
on the need for sample preparation, is especially important
for green analytical chemistry. In this classification, two
Table 5. The penalty points (PPs) for Cu determination by AAS in a
brass sample types of analytical technique are distinguished:
(1) direct, requiring no sample preparation; and,
Reagents (2) indirect, needing sample preparation.
Penalty points Garrigues and de la Guardia [40] provided a compre-
HNO3: 10 mL 8 hensive review of the direct methods. They divided direct
Cu standard solutions 3 methods into remote sensing, and methods without and
Acetylene 3
P with sample damage. The non-destructive measurement
techniques for solid-sample analysis include NIR spec-
Instruments troscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence and
nuclear magnetic resonance. Direct analysis with sample
Penalty points
damage is possible using electrothermal atomic absorp-
Heater 2 tion spectrometry (ETAAS), arc and spark optical emission
Spectrometer 2
spectrometry, laser ablation (with ICP-OES or ICP-MS),
Occupational hazard 3
Waste 8
glow discharge (with ICP-OES or ICP-MS), laser-induced
P breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and desorption electro-
Total penalty points: 29 spray ionization mass spectrometry (DESI-MS).
Analytical Eco-Scale total score: 71 Other analytical methods that allow direct analysis
encompass neutron activation, thermogravimetric and
Figure 7. Analytical procedure for a determination of mercury in an animal tissue by cold-vapor atomic absorption spectrometry.
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Figure 8. Analytical procedure for determination polychlorinated biphenyls in sewage sludge by gas chromatography coupled to mass
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instrumental and wet-chemistry methods applied for analytical processes to enable the search for the weakest
determination of organic (PCBs) and inorganic (Cu, Hg) points, which could be improved in order to meet green
analytes in different matrices (sewage sludge, brass, and chemistry requirements. Existing green analytical eval-
biological material). uation tools (e.g., NEMI database) allow selection of one
The procedures are covered as follows: of the known procedures. This approach does not
(1) Cu determination in a brass sample by titration is encourage the adoption of new methodologies.
presented in Fig. 4, and the details about assigning The proposed analytical Eco-Scale can be a good semi-
penalty points are given in Table 3, quantitative tool for laboratory practice and educational
(2) Cu determination in a brass sample by an electro- purposes. It is simple and fast to use, has well-defined
gravimetric method is presented in Fig. 5, and the criteria of evaluation and can be applied to any known
details about assigning penalty points are given in and new methodologies. We believe that all these fea-
Table 4, tures will influence wide application of the analytical
(3) Cu determination in a brass sample by an AAS Eco-Scale in analytical laboratories.
method is presented in Fig. 6, and the details about We are aware that the proposed concept has its limi-
assigning penalty points are given in Table 5, tations. Some of analytical methods and techniques may
(4) Hg determination by CV-AAS in an animal-tissue not achieve the best ranking on the analytical Eco-Scale,
sample is presented in Fig. 7, and the details about despite their certain benefits for determination of a given
assigning penalty points are given in Table 6, analyte group. For example, determination of organic
(5) PCB determination in sewage sludge by GC-MS is compounds is usually much more complicated and
presented in Fig. 8, and the details about the pen- multi-stage than determination of trace elements, which
alty points are given in Table 7. results in much higher number of penalty points and
All the three methods of Cu determination in a brass lower rank in the Eco-Scale. Thus, application of the
sample have similar Eco-Scale values. Of these methods, analytical Eco-Scale will be especially important for the
electrogravimetry has the highest rank (73 in Eco-Scale) search for new, greener methodologies, because it clearly
and is followed by AAS (71 in Eco-Scale). Surprisingly and evidently indicates the weakest points in analytical
enough, titration has quite a high rank in the analytical procedures.
Eco-Scale (70 in Eco-Scale). This example shows that
wet-chemistry methods may be considered green in some
individual cases, depending on the reagents used. In our References
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