(A) Visitor's Health Declaration Form Dd. 10.05.2020 - GTVI
(A) Visitor's Health Declaration Form Dd. 10.05.2020 - GTVI
(A) Visitor's Health Declaration Form Dd. 10.05.2020 - GTVI
Our company has been approved to operate under the C-MCO with the Approval Code Number O-00031387. In view of that we are obligated to
follow strict SOPs with regards to the Prevention, Protection and Contact Tracing against COVID-19 and to help our government efforts to stop the
transmission of this disease. Your cooperation and support in filling the below form truthfully is highly appreciated. Please do give a copy of your
Business Card when at our office, which will be stapled with the application declaration form for filing.
Should there be an outbreak of COVID-19 at our office, the government has the right to take legal action, withdraw our operating license, close-down
our office and/or take any other related action.
1) Have you been to any area or countries with COVID-19 as indicated by WHO, see Appendix 1, since 1st
March, 2020?
Yes No
3) Have you been to any Red & Yellow COVID-19 Zones as indicated at Appendix 2, since 1st March, 2020?
Yes No
4) Have you been in direct or indirect contact with any of the Major COVID-19 Cluster Groups as indicated
at Appendix 3?
Yes No
5) Have you had any of the following symptoms over the past 30 days? Please tick if yes. If No please put
• Fever >37.5 C
• Dry Cough
• Difficulty in breathing
• Sore throat
• Loss sense of Smell
• Loss sense of Appetite
• Any other abnormal symptoms (please specify): ……………………………………
Business Development: Mr. Jagdish Singh Gill Email: jagdishsingh.gill@greentechventures.com.my Mobile: +6-019-387 6507 / +62811 8389 886
Business Operations: Ms. Victoria Gill Email: victoria.gill@greentechventures.com.my Mobile: +6-019-2676507
Fax: 6-03-2732 5172 (Office)/ 6-03-2742 1877 (Home)
6) Have you been in close contact with any person suspected to have COVID-19?
Yes No
• Health care associated exposure, including providing direct care for COVID-19 patients, working with
health care workers infected with COVID-19, visiting patients or staying in the same close
environment of a COVID-19 patient.
• Working together in close proximity or sharing the same room environment with a with COVID19
• Traveling together with COVID-19 patient in any kind of conveyance.
• Living in the same household as a COVID-19 patient.
MOH, DOSH, MITI or any government authority may request for a copy of this form and you give us your
full consent to share the same should the government request so. The company reserves the right to take
legal action and seek compensation on any financial losses that the company may incur should there be
any outbreak of COVID-19 in our office due to your negligence, misinformation, hiding of information and
uncooperative conduct, with regards to these VISITOR’S HEALTH DECLARATION FORM.
Business Development: Mr. Jagdish Singh Gill Email: jagdishsingh.gill@greentechventures.com.my Mobile: +6-019-387 6507 / +62811 8389 886
Business Operations: Ms. Victoria Gill Email: victoria.gill@greentechventures.com.my Mobile: +6-019-2676507
Fax: 6-03-2732 5172 (Office)/ 6-03-2742 1877 (Home)
Business Development: Mr. Jagdish Singh Gill Email: jagdishsingh.gill@greentechventures.com.my Mobile: +6-019-387 6507 / +62811 8389 886
Business Operations: Ms. Victoria Gill Email: victoria.gill@greentechventures.com.my Mobile: +6-019-2676507
Fax: 6-03-2732 5172 (Office)/ 6-03-2742 1877 (Home)
APPENDIX 1: (Continue)
Business Development: Mr. Jagdish Singh Gill Email: jagdishsingh.gill@greentechventures.com.my Mobile: +6-019-387 6507 / +62811 8389 886
Business Operations: Ms. Victoria Gill Email: victoria.gill@greentechventures.com.my Mobile: +6-019-2676507
Fax: 6-03-2732 5172 (Office)/ 6-03-2742 1877 (Home)