Cleaner Engineering and Technology: A.M. Elgarahy, K.Z. Elwakeel, S.H. Mohammad, G.A. Elshoubaky

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Cleaner Engineering and Technology 4 (2021) 100209

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A critical review of biosorption of dyes, heavy metals and metalloids from

wastewater as an efficient and green process
A.M. Elgarahy a, K.Z. Elwakeel b, c, *, S.H. Mohammad a, G.A. Elshoubaky d
Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Port-Said University, Port-Said, Egypt
University of Jeddah, College of Science, Department of Chemistry, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Environmental Science Department, Faculty of Science, Port-Said University, Port-Said, Egypt
Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt


Keywords: Wastewater contains many organic and inorganic pollutants and discharging them into received waters leads to
Biomass serious environmental problems. The wastewater that is produced from various industries contains a noticeable
Biosorbent amount of dyes; heavy metals and metalloids this has remained one of the major environmental problems facing
public health. Unfortunately, the conventional wastewater remediation process is unable to remove dyes and
Heavy metals
heavy metals completely. One of the widely used water treatment technologies is biosorption, biosorbents are
Wastewater considered to be an emerging green, cost-effective, and efficient alternative. Therefore, the search for locally or
regionally available biomasses for heavy metals/metalloids and dyes removal gained rapid attention. Methylene
blue, Crystal violet, Reactive black 5, and Congo red; Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, and Zn; and As were selected as
examples for dyes, heavy metals, and metalloids, respectively, In this regard, a comprehensive understanding of
the biosorption capability of different biosorbents is necessary to know how they can remove inorganic and
organic contaminants in wastewater. Biosorption is an ion exchange, complexation, and coordination process.
Besides, the recent advances in various biomaterials-based biosorbents and different approaches of pollutants
removal from wastewater with several examples to provide a backdrop for future research have been reviewed.
This can be beneficial for developing more effective technologies to eliminate contaminants, thus bridging the
gap between laboratory results and industrial use. crustacean shells, algae, chitosan are the most effective bio­
sorbents. These biosorbents can serve as good alternatives to synthetic materials for pollutants removal from

1. Introduction development. Many types of industries such as machinery

manufacturing, printing, textile (Yao et al., 2020), chemicals, elec­
Water is the greatest gift from nature because of its indispensable tronics, and pharmaceutical industries are implicated in water pollution
importance for the survival of different biota on our planet (Mikosch (Özdemir et al., 2019). They are responsible for the seepage of different
et al., 2020). As it is one of the finite natural resources, maintaining its pollutants such as dyes (Tonato et al., 2019), heavy metals, phenols
quality is a global demand that extensively increases with each passing (Mohammed et al., 2018), pesticides (Behloul et al., 2017), insecticides,
day. Regrettably, in the new millennium, many crises, conflicts, and and drugs (de Lima et al., 2018) into the aquatic environment as
wars on limited water resources have emerged. Also, different water byproducts without proper manipulation. The presence of pollutants in
pollutants are related to innumerable human activities being synchro­ water bodies above their allowable levels set by the World Health Or­
nously emitted into water bodies causing severe declination in water ganization (WHO) and Environmental Agencies may have tremendous
specifications (Richa and Roy Choudhury, 2020). Agricultural, com­ effects (Nishikawa et al., 2018). These effects can impair human and
mercial, domestic and industrial sectors will suffer from clean water animal health (neural toxicity, carcinogenicity, and reproduction ca­
scarcity. The current and next generations will pay a huge price as a pabilities) (Fontana et al., 2018). It also may result in eutrophication and
result of an acute contradiction between limited resources and economic photosynthesis inhibition (Aboelfetoh et al., 2018). This was due to its

* Corresponding author.University of Jeddah, College of Science, Department of Chemistry, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
E-mail addresses:, (K.Z. Elwakeel).
Received 12 November 2020; Received in revised form 17 June 2021; Accepted 2 July 2021
Available online 4 July 2021
2666-7908/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
A.M. Elgarahy et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 4 (2021) 100209

poor degradability and/or highly accumulating effects (Novais et al., conducted a bibliometric analysis for heavy metal removal via micro­
2018). algae (Ubando et al., 2021), The study summarized the application of
Both dyes and heavy metals are conceived to be some of the most various microalgae to remove heavy metals by identifying the different
dangerous pollutants in water systems as they exhibit mutagenic, factors that affect the efficiency of biosorption. More examples are the
immunogenic, carcinogenic, and teratogenic characteristics (Azari et al., use of fish scales (Ighalo and Eletta, 2020), Banana peel (Akpomie and
2019). Discharge of wastewater into aquatic bodies without proper Conradie, 2020), extremophile microorganisms (Giovanella et al.,
purification causes numerous significant environmental and health 2020), cyanobacterial biomass (Shetty and Krishnakumar, 2020), lig­
problems for aquatic flora, fauna, and finally human health (Yin et al., nocelluloses (Tran et al., 2019), chitosan (Crini et al., 2019), Tannin
2019). (Santos et al., 2019) and plant leaves (Adeniyi and Ighalo, 2019) as a
Dyes can be categorized into three main groups: (a) anionic (acid, biosorbents for the decontamination of water pollutants. It was observed
reactive, and direct dyes) with negative charge mainly due to (SO3− ) that most recent review articles have focused on the factors that affect
group, (b) cationic (basic dyes) due to the protonated amine group, and the biosorption process such as biosorption equilibrium and kinetics in a
(c) nonionic (disperse dyes) according to their dissociation behavior in typical one biosorbent. The goal of this review is to provide a broader
aqueous solutions (Sakin Omer et al., 2018). Azo dyes either cationic or view of the current research trend, to identify various available bio­
anionic bear one or more azoic bonds (N– – N). Besides its stability sorbents, to identify potential knowledge gaps, and to explain future
against light, heat, and aerobic digestion, it may cause severe threats to research perspectives.
human health such as vomiting, cyanosis, allergic problems, and genetic
mutation. The dye industry gives emblematic examples of the potential 2. Pollution
impact of uncontrolled management of contaminated flows (Pellicer
et al., 2018). Dyes are used in a great diversity of sectors: textile, paper, 2.1. Water pollution
leather, dyestuff, printing, plastic, cosmetics, and coatings which are
widely disseminated because of low-cost production, brightness, and Water is the artery of life on earth. It is one of the main primitive
high resistance against environmental conditions (Reck et al., 2018). requirements necessary for livelihood on our planet. It covers more than
Even at low concentrations, dyes are optically active and detectable 71% of the earth’s surface and represents about 70% of its mass. It is the
(Bello et al., 2018); their impact on water bodies is then very acute (dos only substance on the earth naturally existing in three physical states.
Santos et al., 2018). Indeed, the dispersion of dyes in water assets dis­ The paramount need for pure water cannot be ignored. Regrettably, over
turbs gas solubility, which, in turn, affects the gills of aquatic organisms the last decades, the unchecked population expansion and industrial
and disrupting their spawning sites and refuges (Senthil Kumar et al., invasion have led to huge pressure on limited water resources (Calero
2018). While hindering light penetration in water, the dyes also limit et al., 2018). What is worse, innumerable water pollutants are syn­
photosynthesis. Apart from these secondary effects, the dyes have chronously released into aquatic bodies. It causes severe and accelerated
frequently specific toxicity due to carcinogenic and mutagenic effects dramatic deterioration in water quality. Water pollution as a crucial
(associated with the presence of benzidines, and naphthalenes de­ problem has considerably become a matter of worldwide concern.
rivatives) (Pleşa Chicinaş et al., 2018). Firstly, knowing its nature, main sources, and discredited effects on
Heavy metals are inorganic notorious contaminants that are defined human health and the ecosphere is important. Generally, pollution is
as chemical elements with relatively high atomic weight and density. It environmental contamination, causing acute threats to different biota. It
is poisonous even at low concentrations (Ali et al., 2019). Massive is mainly classified into five categories including; water, air, soil, bio­
amounts of toxic metals like As(III), Cd(II), Cu(II), Cr(VI), Ni(II), Pb(II), logical and nuclear pollution.
and Zn(II) are dumped into water assets without proper treatment Recently, the overutilization of water resources and water contami­
(Dobrowolski et al., 2019). These pollutants in waterways represent a nation simultaneously occur as a consequence of uncontrolled greed
serious threat (Que et al., 2019). associated with human civilization. Unfortunately, where people live
Owing to the mentioned discredited impacts on different biota, a and work, wastewater is always found. Several industries are strong
strong demand for water purifying from dyes and heavy metals becomes producers of wastewater laden with a great diversity of pollutants. These
a paramount need. It is an important issue for the industry, the envi­ pollutants include dyes, heavy metals, phenols, pesticides, insecticides,
ronment, and health. Physical, chemical, and biological approaches are and drugs. Discharge of these contaminated effluents into the aquatic
implemented to capture it from water systems. Physical and chemical environment has extremely tremendous impacts on our biosphere. It
processes include coagulation/flocculation (Hou et al., 2019), precipi­ exhibits immunogenic, teratogenic, mutagenic, and carcinogenic char­
tation (Chen et al., 2018), ion exchange (Feng et al., 2019), acteristics (Azari et al., 2019). It is well known that about 70–80% of all
photo-oxidation (Du and Chen, 2018), electrocoagulation (Doggaz et al., illnesses cases in developing countries are related to water pollution
2019), electrodialysis (Nemati et al., 2017), membrane separation (Qadri and Faiq, 2020).
(Hosseini et al., 2018), ultrafiltration (Kavitha et al., 2019), forward
osmosis (Qiu and He, 2019) and irradiation (Ghobashy and Elhady, 2.1.1. Sources of water pollution
2017), and adsorption (Wei et al., 2021). Whilst the biological processes Two foremost categories that contribute to water pollution can be
include phytoextraction (Napoli et al., 2019) and biological degradation classified into two main groups; point and non-point sources.
(Jacob et al., 2018). Figure S1 (see supplementary material) presents the Point sources: It originates from a single source such as effluent
conventional wastewater treatment processes in more detail. outfalls from different sewage systems. Other sources are oil wells,
However, most of these sophisticated processes have many certain factories, power plants, and refineries. Annually, about 300–400 MT of
limitations. They are high costs, inefficiency in low pollutant concen­ different harmful pollutants is directly discharged into water systems.
trations, huge time consumption, reagents and energy, and chemical (ii) Non-point sources: This type of pollution originates from multi­
sewage sludge formation (Fernando et al., 2018). It is time to come up ple sources. Its release is related to the movement of originated water
with an alternative, greener, and cheaper technology for the efficient from the natural process. According to (NORMAN Network) report,
elimination of different contaminants from water (Hadiani et al., 2019). more than 700 listed environmental contaminants exist in the European
Consequently, exploring an efficient route for dyes and heavy metals aquatic bodies (Kar et al., 2019). These include heavy metals, dyes,
elimination remains a great challenge. It is a bottleneck for preserving agrochemicals, oil products, and pharmaceuticals. Additionally, the
water resources. Recently, Researchers have assessed several bio­ European Union reported that other pollutants are found in water bodies
materials for the remediation of contaminated effluents in the quest for (Barbosa et al., 2016). They include natural hormone (17-b-estradiol
environmental protection and sustainability. For example, Ubando et al. (E2)), synthetic hormone 17-a-ethinylestradiol (EE2)), pesticides

A.M. Elgarahy et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 4 (2021) 100209

(oxadiazon, imidacloprid, methiocarb, thiamethoxam, and triallate), different subjects or fabrics. Whereas pigments require another sub­
pain killer diclofenac, major macrolide antibiotics (clarithromycin, stance, called a binder, to help them adhere to the substrates (Har
azithromycin, and erythromycin), triallate), UV filter and dyes Bhajan and Bharati, 2014). Commercial dyes are broadly categorized in
additives. several ways in terms of the source of origin, chemical structure, color,
and applications as shown in Figure S2 (see supplementary material).
2.2. Petroleum pollution Based on origin, dyes are classified into natural and synthetic dyes.
Natural dyes are derived or extracted from natural resources including
Natural petroleum production processes are the main sources of animals, minerals, plants, and invertebrates. Majorly, they are obtained
petroleum or crude oil and its derivatives (Jain et al., 2019). It includes from vegetable and archeological sources. They are characterized by
extraction, storage, transportation, ships, marine terminals, and parking numerous merits such as harmonized nature, cost-effective, biodegrad­
lots. Petroleum accidents related to oil tankers, pipelines, and oil rigs ability, and easy disposal. However, the mentioned advantages, the
also participate in water pollution. Approximately, 5 million tons of rampant industrial activities in addition to uncontrolled civilization
petroleum products enter aqueous systems from oil spills (Bo et al., growth move people away from natural dyes usage. Because of its dis­
2017). Petroleum produced water is known to be one of the most abilities to meet the rapid industrial progress demand, it is mostly
destructive types of water pollution. It has carcinogenic and mutagenic consumed in food industries (Li et al., 2019). Contrarily, synthetic dyes
features because of its complex nature. It is laden with a mixture of are fabricated from organic or inorganic compounds and used as alter­
naphthenic, paraffinic, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHS), trace nates to natural dyes. The term synthetic is related to the chemical
amounts of sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen compounds (Gao et al., 2019). structure of the chromophore group. It is primarily made from aniline or
Accumulation of these persistent compounds in the aquatic environment chrome. Each type has a different behavior based upon light fastness and
negatively impacts the health of different environmental compartments. brightness degree. One exposed to sunlight; aniline (coal tar) dyes fade
easily, while chrome dyes are colorfast and non-corrosive in nature
2.3. Sewage pollution (Fontana et al., 2018). Dealing with synthetic dyes requires taking into
account numerous critical parameters. They include fading, boiling,
Sewage contamination has become a growing global issue resulting machine washability, dry cleaning, gas fume fading, saltwater, steam
from rapid industrialization. It is largely unrecognized with >50% of the pressing, and perspiration. Also, they can be classified based on their
world’s population census living with coastal cities (Abaya et al., dissolution behavior in an aqueous medium. Dyes can be divided into
2018a). Untreated sewage is introduced into water assets from acci­ three categories: (a) cationic (basic dyes), (b) anionic (acid, direct, and
dental spills of treatment plant failures. It includes sewer overflow, reactive dyes), and (c) nonionic (disperse dyes) (Sakin Omer et al.,
broken sewer pipes, clogged lift stations, and effluents discharged from 2018). Several industries such as carpet and rubber largely used them to
onsite sewage disposal systems. Environmentally, it represents a com­ provide different products with attractive colors (Reck et al., 2018). All
plex problem because it contains a cocktail of elevated hazardous levels these dyes are naturally soluble in water except disperse and vat dyes.
of the pollutant. It contains pathogens (bacteria and viruses), inorgani­ Dyes also contain traces of elements like lead, zinc, copper, chromium
c/organic compounds, endocrine disruptors, and hydrocarbons (Ahmed and cobalt. Due to their complex chemical structures, synthetic dyes are
et al., 2018). It causes detrimental effects on human health as well as mostly stable against oxidation agents. It leads to increase the chemical
coastal ecosystems. Human exposure to contaminated sewage results in oxygen demand and hence being harmful to aquatic biota and human
skin and urinary tract infection, hepatitis, and gastroenteritis. Further­ health. They adversely affecting on the metabolic processes of micro­
more, it also negatively influences coral reefs that are considered one of algae as well as aquatic plants. Table 1 shows various classes of dyes
the most economically valuable and biologically diverse ecosystems on (Kausar et al., 2018), chemical properties and its undesirable effects
the earth. Increased coral disease prevalence in addition to severity has (Pavithra et al., 2019).
been linked to it (Abaya et al., 2018b).
3.1.1. Chemical properties of some common biosorbed dyes
3. Major pollutants Methylene blue. Methylene blue dye (MB), known as methyl
Owing to different municipal, agricultural, and industrial activities, thioninium chloride, is a heterocyclic aromatic chemical compound
numerous industries particularly implicated in water pollution with the molecular formula [C16H18N3SCl]. It is classified as a cationic
(Özdemir et al., 2019). Currently, the purification of aqueous effluents dye (Peres et al., 2018). It is consumed in various fields like drugs,
contaminated with toxic chemicals has become a serious environmental dyestuff industries, paper, textile, and pesticide industries (Elwakeel
burden (Dallel et al., 2018). Their existence in water bodies beyond et al., 2021b). Some of the undesirable negative effects on human health
guidelines is unsolicited. They simultaneously provoke serious threats are heart palpitations increase, shock, vomiting, jaundice, cyanosis,
for both the ecosphere and human health. These pollutants have quadriplegia, and tissue necrosis (El-Moselhy and Kamal, 2018). A huge
non-biodegradable, highly toxic, and carcinogenic characteristics. Even amount of MB (>7.0 mg kg− 1) can lead to high blood pressure, mental
at low concentrations, it can cause rigorous damage to different disorder, nausea, and abdominal pain (Lyu et al., 2018).
ecosystem compartments (Nguyen et al., 2016). Among the multitude of
pollutants, toxic heavy metals and synthetic organic dyes have been Crystal violet. Crystal violet (CV) (or gentian violet) is a tri­
ecologically causing more worldwide concerns. aminoarylmethane dye with the chemical structure C25H30N3Cl. It is
classified as cationic dyes. It is extensively used in different industries
3.1. Dyes such as pharmaceutical, paper, textile, and printing ink (Abbasi et al.,
2017) and (Elwakeel, K. Z. et al., 2017). It is harmful, depending on
Colorants are substances having the capability of transmitting their concentration, by different ways of exposure (inhalation, ingestion, and
color to the other substrates. Mainly, it can be used in a single case or in skin contact). It is carcinogenic and can cause digestive tract, skin, and
combination with other ingredients. They are greatly consumed in eye irritation in humans (Muthukumaran et al., 2016).
innumerable industries such as plastics, prints, photographs, clothes,
paints, and ceramics. Generally, colorants are divided into two main Reactive black 5. Reactive black 5 (RB5), C26 H21N5Na4O19S6,
classes namely, dyes and pigments (Pavithra et al., 2019). Dyes are is a type of diazo acidic reactive dyes. It has two sulfonate groups and
organic compounds, used to impart color to various substrates like two sulfato-ethylsulfon groups in its molecular structure with a negative
paper. They are capable to bind themself to the external surfaces of

A.M. Elgarahy et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 4 (2021) 100209

Table 1
Various classes of dyes and their serious health effects.
Dye name Examples Usage method Solubility Nature Applications Health effects References

Direct Direct black, Applied directly to the substrate. Soluble in anionic Cellulose, Cotton, and Bladder cancer carcinogen Kausar et al.
dyes Direct blue. water. blended fibers. (2018)
Reactive Reactive red, The reactive group reacts with fiber Soluble in anionic Cellulosic fiber and Allergic respiratory problem Dawood and
dyes Reactive black polymer. water. fabric. Sen (2014)
Acid dyes Acid red 57, Neutral as well as acidic dye baths Soluble in anion Leather, silk, wool, paper, Burns and skin, mucous Abusaif et al.
Congo red. are used. water. and synthetic fibers. membrane irritation (2021)
Basic dyes Methylene – Soluble in – Cotton, wool, and silk. Carcinogens, allergic skin McYotto et al.
blue, malachite water. reactions, allergic dermatitis, (2021)
green skin Irritation, mutations,
Vat dyes Vat Green 6, Fabric is padded in stable dispersion Insoluble in – Blended Fibers, cellulose, Severe burns, skin and Yang et al.
Indigo. often microdispersion to the dye water. and cotton. mucous membrane irritation (2021)
Disperse Disperse blue, Successive treatments with Insoluble in Cation PVC industry, Vilene, DNA damage, induction of Vendemiatti
dyes Disperse solutions of two chemical water. velvets, cellulose acetate, bladder cancer in humans, et al. (2021)
yellow. components that react to form dye nylon, and synthetic splenic sarcomas
on the fibre surface. fibers.
Sulfur – Converted to water-soluble Insoluble in Alkaline Cellulose fiber and – Zheng et al.
dyes substantive form before application. water. cotton. (2021)

charge in aqueous solutions. It characterizes by a simple dyeing pro­ source of drinking water. It is mainly polluted by both inorganic and
cedure and covalent binding with cellulose fibers (Jóźwiak et al., 2017). organic contaminants from various anthropogenic sources. This includes
Commonly, it is one of the most reactive dyes used to a large extent of runoff from agricultural sites, sewage systems, motorways, railways,
different fixtures such as cotton. The presence of RB5 in aqueous solu­ landfills, urban areas, and so on. Human industrial activities are
tions is of great concern because of its toxic, carcinogenic, and muta­ considered to be major contributors to environmental pollution by toxic
genic characteristics (Nematollahzadeh et al., 2015). It adversely affects heavy metals (Ibrahim and Fakhre, 2019). Considerably, several in­
the biotic communities’ aquatic ecosystem (fauna and flora) and has dustrial activities such as coin production and coal combustion generate
direct toxicity to humans. It can cause severe damage to the liver, a huge amount of heavy metals laden wastewater. It includes arsenic,
digestive, and central nervous systems of human beings (Elwakeel et al., cadmium, cobalt, copper, chromium, lead, zinc, iron, manganese,
2016). nickel, mercury, and others. These effluents are dumped into water
systems without proper manipulation (Liu, J. et al., 2019a). Heavy Congo red. Congo red (CR) is the sodium salt of 3,3′ -([1,1′ - metals are classified into non-essentials and essential components
biphenyl]-4,4′ -diyl)bis(4-aminonaphtalene-1-sulfonic acid). Its chemi­ necessary to biological and metabolic activities. As, Pb, Cd, and Hg are
cal structure is [C32H22N6Na2O6S2] (Thanh Tu et al., 2018). It is clas­ categorized as non-essential components to metabolic functions.
sified as an anionic dye. Once, it solubilizes in water, it yields a red Because of their non-biodegradability and bioaccumulation behavior,
colloidal solution. It is used in many fields such as biology, biochemistry, they are very toxic even at trace levels (Huang et al., 2019). Therefore,
and the textile industry (Aliabadi and Mahmoodi, 2018). It has many due to their deleterious nature, they have been ranked in the top 20 list
negative effects on human public health including vomiting, nausea, of dangerous substances as reported by the United States Environmental
diarrhea, allergic problems, and difficulty in breathing. Also, it is easily Protection Agency (US EPA) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and
metabolized to benzidine, which is identified as having possible carci­ Disease Registry (ATSDR). Whilst Cu, Co, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cr(III) are
nogenic effects for humans (Deng et al., 2018). Chemical structures of essential components for human health. They are associated with mul­
different mentioned dyes are shown in Figure S3 (see supplementary tiple metabolic processes of biota including cytochromes and enzymes.
material). However, excessive exposure to these metals can lead to severe haz­
ardous impacts on different biota. Maximum contamination levels of
3.2. Heavy metals different heavy metals are set by World Health Organization (WHO). It
confirms that zero or only the allowable levels should be in water
Surface and groundwater contamination by toxic heavy metals were sources and hence ensure water safety for human usage or consumption.
globally reported as a serious threat to different water resources. They Severe detrimental effects on ecosystems as well as health hazards are
are inorganic notorious contaminants with a relatively high atomic generated form existence of heavy metals in water systems. Their
weight between 63.5 and 200.6, and a density greater than 5 g cm− 3. presence in water courses can pose major threats to living creatures.
Different types of heavy metals, anthropogenic sources, toxicity, and They are very toxic to aquatic ecosystems, adversely affect on plants,
their permissible limits are shown in Table 2 (Kobielska et al., 2018). invertebrates, fish and amphibians (Sun et al., 2019). Additionally, they
They enter the environment through geological and anthropogenic cause serious health problems on human beings. Various diseases such
sources. They are indispensable, relatively poisonous at low concen­ as autoimmunity, cancer, developmental retardation, kidney damage
trations, and can be found within the different environmental com­ and even death in severe cases are associated with exposure to heavy
partments (Alonso-Magdalena et al., 2019). Commonly, heavy metals metals (Arshad et al., 2019).
are found in rock-forming minerals. Copper, cobalt, manganese, nickel, Copper(II) as an example of heavy metals is a chemical element
zinc, and vanadium are examples of heavy metals that easily leach naturally abundant in different compounds. It is the third most wide­
because of mineral weathering (Chen et al., 2019). Soil represents spread metal commonly used by mankind in the industrial sector. Its
another medium for heavy metals storage. Heavy metals are found in annual discharge rate is estimated to be 939,000 metric tons (Blagojev
soils in different forms. Contaminated surface waters can lade heavy et al., 2019). It is primarily found in a variety of cells and tissues. It has
metals over great distances (Richards et al., 2019). Other factors such as many oxidation states but the divalent state Cu(II) is the most toxic
physical, chemical, and biological are considered large contributors to oxidation state. Copper-laden wastewater is originally discharged from
heavy metals contamination. Whereas, anthropogenic sources are different industrial activities (do Nascimento et al., 2019). Despite its
implicated in groundwater contamination. Groundwater is the main dangerous nature, it is considered to be an essential micronutrient to

A.M. Elgarahy et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 4 (2021) 100209

Table 2 Table 2 (continued )

Anthropogenic sources of common heavy metals and metalloid, their toxicity, Heavy Anthropogenic Toxicity Provisional References
and their provisional WHO limits. metal or sources maximum
Heavy Anthropogenic Toxicity Provisional References metalloid tolerable
metal or sources maximum daily intake
metalloid tolerable (PMTDI) (g
daily intake L− 1)
(PMTDI) (g measuring and Minamata
L− 1 ) apparatus, disease.
As Animal feed Phytotoxic (toxic 0.01 Cui et al. catalysts, dental
additive, to plants), (2021) fillings, Hg vapor
algaecides, arsenicosis (i.e. lamps, X-ray
herbicides, Blackfoot tubes,
insecticides, disease), pharmaceuticals,
fungicides, keratosis, fungicides,
pesticides, possible vascular scientific
rodenticides, complications, instruments,
sheep dip, and carcinogenic. electrodes,
tanning and rectifier,
textile, pigments, oscillators, and
veterinary chloralkali cell’s
medicine, mobile cathode.
ceramics, special Ni An alloy in the Contact 0.07 Özdemir
glasses, steel industry, dermatitis, et al.
metallurgy, computer asthma, and (2021)
electronic components, chronic
components, non- catalysts, ceramic respiratory
ferrous smelters, and glass molds, infections
electrical electroplating, carcinogenic.
generation (coal nickel-cadmium
and geothermal), batteries, dental
light filters and and surgical
fireworks. prostheses, arc-
Cd Neutron Phytotoxic, bio- 0.003 Nandi and welding, rods,
absorbers (within accumulative, Chowdhuri and pigments.
nuclear reactors), itai-itai disease, (2021) Zn Zn alloys, PVC Relatively not 0.3–1.0 mg Kobielska
nickel-cadmium and carcinogenic. stabilizers, gold detrimental to kg− 1 of et al.
batteries, anti- precipitation mammals (may body (2018)
corrosive metal from cyanide affect cholesterol weight per
coatings, alloys, solution, in metabolism in day
plastic stabilizers, chemicals and humans).
coal combustion, medicines, anti-
and pigments. corrosion
Cr Data storage, Cr3+ not 0.05 Kobielska coating, cans,
plating, detrimental to et al. barriers, rubber
ferroalloys mammals, Cr6+ (2018) industry.
manufacturing, very toxic and
textiles and carcinogenic.
leather tanning, human health. Its required daily intake value varies between 0.9 and 2.2
wood treatment, mg for adults (Moreira et al., 2019). WHO and US EPA have set the
passivation of threshold limits of 2 (mg L− 1) and 1.3 (mg L− 1) for copper, respectively
corrosion of
cooling circuits,
in drinking water (Safari et al., 2019). Excessive intake of copper is
and pigments. harmful to animals and humans because of its bioaccumulation char­
Cu Water pipes, Relatively not 2 Costa et al. acter. At high concentrations, it can cause harm to the skin, brain,
chemicals and detrimental and (2020) myocardium, liver, pancreas, kidney, and reproductive system (Peng
pharmaceutical narrow tolerance
et al., 2019). Its high existence is also associated with depression, central
equipment, for plants.
kitchenware, nervous system disorders, gastrointestinal irritation, cirrhosis, lung
roofing, alloys, cancer, and even death (Liu et al., 2018).
and pigments.
Pb Alloys, ceramics, Pb poisoning (a 0.01 Cho et al. 4. Biosorption
plastics, world-wide issue) (2020)
glassware, lead- through gasoline,
acid batteries, plumbing, and 4.1. Biosorption fundamental
cable sheathings, paints.
sheets, solder, Biosorption is a practical application branch of sustainable devel­
pipes and tubing,
opment (biotechnological approach) (Işıldar et al., 2019). It is counted
ordinance, upon as an eco-friendly, economic, and efficient technique for water
antiknock agent, treatment (Gupta et al., 2018). It minimizes the concentration of
tetramethyllead, different water pollutants to the acceptable limits recommended by
and pigments. different federal regulations (Krstić et al., 2018). This green protocol is
Hg Amalgamation Biomagnification 0.006 Frachini
(the process of in aquatic et al.
in coincidence with the principles of green chemistry. The involved
metal extraction), environments (2020) fundamentals of biosorption process related to its different ingredients
electrical and should be comprehended. Briefly, it is defined as a
metabolism-independent process (passive uptake), built on using of

A.M. Elgarahy et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 4 (2021) 100209

bio-wastes for the elimination of different water pollutants. Generally, and Prost, 1994) It characterizes by remarkable merits such as low
numerous benefits are achieved due to the recycling of these biomasses operating and manufacturing cost, flexibility, ease of operation, and
(bio-wastes). Their utilization in their native and/or modified forms high efficiency. Various biosorbents based on: (i) chitosan (Almughamisi
directly participates in wastes minimization. This can rectify many et al., 2020); (ii) biochar (Lei et al., 2019); (iii) activated carbon
ecological and environmental problems (Gupta et al., 2019). It also (Elwakeel et al., 2015); (iv) bio-nanocomposites (Jung et al., 2019); (v)
characterizes by remarkable merits such as low operating and bio-hydrogels (Qi et al., 2019); (vi) macroalgae (Elgarahy, Ahmed M.
manufacturing cost and high efficiency. et al., 2019); (vii) agriculture wastes (Toumi et al., 2018); and (vii)
bio-calcium carbonate (Arslanoğlu, 2021) were used for water refine­
4.2. Biosorption strategy ment from different pollutants including toxic dyes and heavy metals.
Marine algae are considered as alternative and effective based sor­
In recent years, biosorption conception as a multidimensional bents for the manipulation of wastewater. It considers renewable re­
effective process has been evolving. It is perceived as an alternate sources spread all over the world. It can be categorized based on its color
admirable wastewater treatment compared with other traditional tech­ and colloid content. Generally, three basic groups are normally found in
nologies (Demey et al., 2019). Sorption is mainly described as oceans: Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta, and Rhodophyta algae (Mokhtar
Physico-chemical phenomenon by which sorbate molecules concentrate et al., 2017). The use of microalgae as a sustainable alternative has been
on the surface of another substance (sorbent). This provides purified demonstrated in recent studies. Afshariani and Schneider (Afshariani
effluents with high qualities. Despite denoting a biological entity and Roosta, 2019), for example, studied the sorption of methylene blue
involvement by using the “bio” prefix, biosorption term is also simply by batch and continuous processes in aqueous solutions. At pH 9 and a
defined. Both bioabsorption and biosorption dimensions are involved in temperature of 30 ◦ C, the maximum sorption reached 87.69 ± 3.22 mg
terms of sorption mechanism. Absorption is the incorporation of a g− 1. The use of defatted microalgae biomass (microalgae biofuel waste)
substance in one state into another substance with a different state. It as an alternative leather dye adsorbent was examined (da Fontoura
includes the absorption of gases by water or liquids by a solid). While et al., 2017). Biosorption experiments were carried out with Acid Blue
adsorption is a physical attachment in which sorbate interacts with a 161 aqueous dye solutions (AB-161). A dye was adsorbed with a
sorbent resulting in a sorbent-sorbate interface (Fomina and Gadd, maximum amount of 75.78 mg g− 1 and 83.2 mg− 1 at 25 ◦ C and 40 ◦ C,
2014). Briefly, biosorption is a passive, metabolically-independent respectively. The findings showed that biomass decreased dye concen­
process covering all interaction aspects between any sorbate and bio­ trations substantially 76.65% from true tannery wastes effluents. Poly­
logical matrix (biosorbent). It plays a crucial part in many processes saccharides are the main components of the algal cell wall which
naturally occurring in different scientific disciplines. consists of alginate, carrageenan, and polycolloid. These constituents
have the capabilities for the removal of different water pollutants
4.3. Selection of biosorbents (Daneshvar et al., 2017). Both macro and microalgae were utilized as
excellent candidates for different organic dyes (da Rosa et al., 2018); as
The suitability of biosorbent is known to be the foremost important well as heavy metals elimination from aquatic systems (Chen et al.,
step in controlling their selection. Biomass cost and its origin represent a 2019). The ability of green macroalga (Enteromorpha flexuosa) to capture
vital criterion to be considered during biosorbent selection. Dead both crystal violet (CV) and methylene blue (MB) from aqueous solu­
biomass has priority over the viable ones to be used for the preparation tions was evaluated (Elgarahy, Ahmed M. et al., 2019). The results
of different biosorbents (Elwakeel et al., 2012). Employing of dead showed that percentage removal of 90.3% and 93.4% were obtained
biomass has many merits. It is summarized as (1) absence of the need of under optimum conditions of variables for CV and MB, respectively
growth requirements (i.e. media, nutrients) to be contained in the feed (Elgarahy, Ahmed M. et al., 2019). Green algae mainly consist of cel­
solution; (2) absence of toxicity limitations; (3) possible reusability and lulose associated with a high percentage of proteins combined with
recovery of saturated biosorbent and sorbed pollutants, respectively; (4) polysaccharides to form glycoproteins (Jayakumar et al., 2014). These
easier mathematical and statistical modeling of pollutants uptake. compounds characterize by possessing numerous functional groups (i.e.
Additionally, the selected biosorbent should have numerous requisite amino, hydroxyl, and carboxyl). They play a prominent role in the
aspects such as eco-friendly, availability, biocompatibility, and feasi­ sorption process (Rangabhashiyam et al., 2016).
bility. This ensures its potential capacity to detoxify different water Brown algae characterize by possessing a broad range of metabolites
pollutants. Other diversified admirable features characterized by bio­ such as alginates, fucoidans, mannitol, laminarins, fucoxanthin, halo­
sorbent are required. This includes its high sorptive performance to­ genated compounds, polyphenols, and terpenoids (Saravana et al.,
wards target pollutants, good stability, and its reusability. Recyclability 2018). Alginates are a mixture of calcium, phosphate, and sodium salts.
and adaptability of biosorbent to different designs (i.e. batch, fixed bed Sodium salts are the major constituents naturally present in the brown
systems) should significantly be considered (Elwakeel, 2010). Based on seaweed cell wall. It is nearly up to 30–40% in its weight. It is linear
wastes as wealth, utmost attention should be given to the available anionic and water-soluble polysaccharides (Fernando et al., 2019).
wastes. Their utilization offers multiple benefits because of their envi­ Different pre-extraction treatment methods were used for obtaining
ronmentally benign nature. It is economically beneficial because it alginate from brown seaweed (Saravana et al., 2018). There is a great
overcomes disposal problems and generates revenue for different in­ use of these natural biopolymers in different environmental applications
dustries. In reality, the plentiful biological materials are substantially (Cardoso et al., 2017). Referring to possessing different functional
different in structure. They consist of a variety of ligands like alcohol, groups, it is widely used as a potential sorbent for treating wastewater
amino, aldehydes, carboxylic, hydroxyl, phosphate, thiol, ketones, from various water pollutants (Elgarahy et al., 2021).
phenolic, and ether groups. They are present at varying degrees and Biochar derived from microalgae pyrolysis as another type of sor­
hence being capable to interact with target pollutants via different bents for heavy metals removal from aqueous solution was investigated
mechanisms. by several researchers (Amin and Chetpattananondh, 2019). Many ex­
Biosorption represents a promising and alternative to conventional periments on the efficiency of the Co(II) removal biochar have been
processes. It depends on using bio-wastes for different water polluter’s performed in a batch system. The equilibrium data were well fitted for
removal. Its theory is built to make a double benefit from these bio- Freundlich, Temkin, and D-R isotherms. The Langmuir biosorption ca­
wastes. This is done by recycling it to directly participate in wastes pacity reached 1.117 mg g− 1 (Bordoloi et al., 2017). Biochar produced
minimization in addition to extract maximum benefits from it (Gupta from water hyacinths (Eichhornia crassipes) was demonstrated to be an
et al., 2019). Consequently, it allows reaching the abatement levels effective sorbent for the removal of certain heavy metals and as a means
endorsed by international or national regulations and WHO (Hespanhol of control for this highly invasive species. Harvesting water hyacinth

A.M. Elgarahy et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 4 (2021) 100209

biomass as feedstock for biochar has the additional advantage of chitosan microparticles allows developing highly selective sorbents. The
reducing its impact as an invasives species on sensitive aquatic habitats. incorporation of magnetite particles is also a strategic aspect for facili­
biochar-alginate capsules were examined to remove Cd(II) from an tating the use and recovery of chitosan microparticles (Elwakeel et al.,
aqueous solution with the maximum sorption capacities ranging from 2021a). The sorbent showed high selectivity for precious metals against
24.2 to 45.8 mg g− 1 (Liu et al., 2020). base metals. The combination of chitosan and 2-MBI allows designing a
Recently alginate and sericin particles chemically crosslinked with very efficient sorbent for the recovery of precious metals from acidic
poly(vinyl alcohol) (SAPVA) for batch biosorption of rare-earth element leachates (Elwakeel et al., 2021a). The adsorption capacities of the
ytterbium from the aqueous medium was investigated (da Costa et al., heavy metal ions (manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, and zinc) on
2020), The equilibrium study showed that the maximum biosorption chitosan were investigated in dependence on their corresponding anions
capacity for ytterbium was 0.642 mmol g− 1 at 55 ◦ C (da Costa et al., sulfate, chloride, and nitrate by batch experiments (Weiβpflog et al.,
2020). To increase the sorption properties of alginate gel beads, sodium 2020). The selectivity of the different heavy metal ions was analyzed by
alginate-based beads with different amount of pore-forming agent were column experiments. The heavy metal cations of the sulfate salts and the
prepared with calcium carbonate as the pore-forming agent (Hu, X. sulfate ions themselves adsorb to a significantly higher extent compared
et al., 2020). The experimental results showed that the adsorption ca­ to the analogous chloride and nitrate salts, respectively (Weiβpflog
pacity of Cu(II) increased by at least two times (from 13.69 mg g− 1 to et al., 2020). Luo et al. (2020) prepared fluorescent chitosan-based
33.88 mg g− 1) (Hu, X. et al., 2020). Another recent way for alginate hydrogel incorporating titanate and cellulose nanofibers modified
modification was carried out, alginate-PEI beads were functionalized by with carbon dots to effectively remove Cr(VI) (Luo et al., 2020). The
phosphorylation and applied for the sorption of Nd(III) and Mo(VI) (Wei sorbent had a higher adsorption ability of Cr(VI) (maximum adsorption
et al., 2020). The sorption of Nd(III) is strongly increased by phos­ capacity, 228.2 mg g− 1), maybe mainly attributed to the porous struc­
phorylation, while for Mo(VI) the enhancement is rather limited by tures and the additional titanate and cellulose nanofibers modified with
phosphorus groups. The phosphorylation of alginate-PEI beads carbon dots improving the sorption ability of Cr(VI) (Luo et al., 2020). A
increased Nd(III) maximum sorption capacity from 0.61 to 1.46 mmol series of magnetically modified chitosan sorbents with core-brush to­
g− 1, The enhancement of Mo(VI) uptake is much less marked (from 1.46 pology were prepared through grafting co-polymerization on the surface
to 2.09 mmol g− 1) because of the high affinity of molybdate species for of chitosan/Fe3O4 composite particles, and then applied for the removal
amine groups (Wei et al., 2020). of two pharmaceuticals (diclofenac sodium) and tetracycline hydro­
Chitosan is a derivative of chitin. It is made predominantly from chloride) from water (Zhang et al., 2016). This study provided a strategy
shellfish waste items like crab or shrimp shells (Elwakeel, 2010). The for the design of adsorbents from both topological and chemical struc­
comparison of the sorption properties of 6 different crosslinking agents tures (Zhang et al., 2016). All the modified chitosan sorbents exhibited
crosslinking chitosan sorbents (3 ionic agents: sodium citrate, sodium higher removal efficiencies, due to the enhanced surface areas and
tripolyphosphate, sulfosuccinic acid, and 3 covalent agents: glutaral­ functionalization (Elwakeel et al., 2014).
dehyde, epichlorohydrin, trimethylo propane, triglycidyl ether) was A series of novel chitosan/nanodiamond (chitosan/ND) composites
examined. (Jóźwiak and Filipkowska, 2020). Ionic crosslinking signifi­ containing NDs with variable surface carboxyl groups and various
cantly affected the sorption capacity of the chitosan hydrogel towards concentrations were prepared using the solution casting method. Pow­
Reactive Black 5 dye (Jóźwiak and Filipkowska, 2020). The sorption dery chitosan/ND composites were employed as the adsorbent of a
potential of 46.7% and 37.2% for chitosan crosslinked with sodium model anionic dye (methyl orange, MO). Experimental results showed
citrate and sulfosuccinate was higher compared to non-crosslinked that the incorporation of NDs with high carboxylic content (ND-H) into
chitosan after 24 h of the sorption process (Jóźwiak and Filipkowska, chitosan increased substantially the maximum adsorption capacity of
2020). Conversely, chitosan crosslinked with glutaraldehyde and tri­ neat CTS from 167 mg g− 1 to 454 mg g− 1. The remarkable adsorption
methylopropane triglycidyl ether showed to have a 35.3% and 26.6% capacity of dye on chitosan/ND composites was associated with the
lower sorption potential after 24 h of sorption than that of unmodified oxygen-containing groups on the outer surface of NDs which would be
chitosan. Once the sorption equilibrium had been reached, the highest beneficial to interact with the dye molecules through hydrogen bonding
sorption capacity (2307 mg g− 1) was displayed by the unmodified chi­ and electrostatic interactions (Raeiszadeh et al., 2018).
tosan, whereas sorption capacities of the ionically crosslinked hydrogels Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is considered one of the most versatile
were in the range of 2005–2164 mg g− 1 and these of the covalently materials known to man. It is widespread and represents above four
crosslinked hydrogels were in the range of 2083–2183 mg g− 1 (Jóźwiak percent of the total earth’s crust. CaCO3 is found in many common forms
and Filipkowska, 2020). To remove cationic crystal violet (CV) and as chalk, marble, and limestone. Bio-calcium is mainly produced from
anionic methyl orange dye (MO) from wastewater, polypyrrole deco­ shells of aquatic biota such as bivalves, corals, and snails (Elwakeel
rated chitosan-based mag-sorbent was prepared. Removal performance et al., 2020). It carbonate can be found in three main forms: aragonite,
was obtained to be 88.11 and 92.89% for CV and MO at the optimum calcite, and vaterite (Hoque et al., 2013). Though all these forms are the
conditions. The pseudo-second-order represented the adsorption of CV same chemically, it varies in other physical aspects as whiteness, ho­
well, while the pseudo-first-order kinetics better followed that of MO. mogeneity, thickness, and purity. Due to its special white color, CaCO3 is
Langmuir adsorption isotherm with a maximum monolayer sorption extensively used in the cement industry. It has also wide applications as
potential of 62.89 and 89.29 mg g− 1 for CV and MO, respectively, was a filler and/or coating pigment in coatings facilities as well as plastics,
well matched to the adsorption equilibrium data for both dyes. Another paints, and paper industries (Thilagan et al., 2015). Moreover, CaCO3 is
way for chitosan modification is to be immobilized on another polymer. used in industrial settings to neutralize acidic conditions in both soil and
For example, chitosan was successfully modified with 4-methyl-2-(naph­ water due to its antacid properties (Granados-Correa et al., 2013).
thalen-2-yl)-N-propylpentanamide-functionalized ethoxy-silica (Jabli, Granados-Correa et al. mentioned that CaCO3 benefits the environment
2020) then tested for methylene blue (MB) and Acid blue 25 (AB25). through water and wastewater treatment (Granados-Correa et al.,
Using composite beads, the adsorbed yield of MB increased three times 2013). It is widely used in the tissue bioengineering field (Dharmaraj
more than the capacity of chitosan beads, and in the case of AB25, it et al., 2015).
improved 1.4 times. Another chitosan hybrid composite was prepared Two marine wastes, including sepia shells and bivalve shells, are rich
by doping a very small amount of chitosan and Y(III) ions onto the in CaCO3. Shells of the mentioned aquatic biota act as exterior and
acid-modified fly ash (named as MFA) the saturated adsorption capacity interior skeletons for protecting the soft parts of the molluscan bodies.
reached up to 627 mg g− 1 (Li and Ren, 2020). A lot of effort was done by Sepia shells (SS) are sub-products of fisheries. They offer mechanical
the researchers to increase the selectivity of chitosan towards specific support against predators. Despite being rich in calcium, they are usu­
metal ions. For example, the grafting of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole onto ally disposed of without any commercial valorization. This may cause

A.M. Elgarahy et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 4 (2021) 100209

locally some environmental nuisances especially in Port-Said City, mechanism is an electrostatic interaction with a spontaneous endo­
Egypt. The exploitation of this by-product for application in dye removal thermal process (da Fontoura et al., 2017). However, lin et al., discov­
would make a double benefit. A literature survey showed that very few ered that the heavy metal removal mechanism on calcium carbonate
works were performed on dye removal using cuttlefish bones (Hasmath obtained from discarded oyster shells involves an ion-exchange reaction
Farzana and Meenakshi, 2014). Bivalve shells of Anadara uropigimelana between calcium and the heavy metal ions resulting in recrystallization,
were firstly tested as a potential biosorbent for MB recovery from an which further affected removal efficiency (Lin et al., 2020). The bio­
aqueous solution (Elwakeel, Khalid Z. et al., 2017), Percentage removal sorption of strontium and cesium ions onto a marine brown alga
of 93.6% were obtained under optimum conditions of variables (initial (Undaria pinnatifida) was studied using isothermal titration calorimetry
pH of 10.4, sorbent dose of 1 g L− 1, initial MB concentration of 20 mg and molecular dynamics simulation (Hu, Yao et al., 2020b). The main
L− 1, and temperature of 25 ± 1 ◦ C) (Elwakeel, Khalid Z. et al., 2017). On active sites for metal ion adsorption were carboxyl, sulfate, amine, and
the other hand, bivalve shells are composed of 95% CaCO3 in addition to amide. The results confirmed that the chemical sorption was not the sole
5% of proteins and polysaccharides (Kanyal and Bhatt, 2015). Due to its sorption mechanism (Hu, Yao et al., 2020b). Fig. 1 shows the different
structural and superficial properties, it is used as an adsorbent material mechanisms involved in the biosorption process. The possibility of
for the removal of different pollutants from the environment (Chavan precipitation as well as crystallization occurrence cannot be ignored.
and Mane, 2013). Calcium chloride (CaCl2) is one of the calcium car­ This simultaneously complicates with sorption and/or desorption pro­
bonate derivatives that can be directly prepared by reacting to CaCO3 cess. To explore the main biosorption mechanism, variable character­
with a hydrochloric solution. Discarded oyster shells were used to pre­ ization strategies, and theoretical models have been performed. The
pare vaterite calcium carbonate microparticles and explored the interaction between water pollutants and biosorbents mainly occurs in
removal effects and the underlying mechanism toward several heavy two different scenarios; surface sorption and interstitial sorption. During
metal ions (Elwakeel et al., 2020). The experimental results showed that surface sorption, sorbate molecules migrate from the aqueous solution to
CaCO3 exhibited different removal efficiencies for Pb(II) (99.9%), Cr(III) the biosorbent surface. Once, pollutants (molecules and/or ions) have
(99.5%), Fe(III) (99.3%), and Cu(II) (57.1%) (Lin et al., 2020). Efficient passed through the boundary layer surrounding to biosorbent, they
sorbent based on Sepia shells (cuttlefish bones) was prepared and attach to the active sites found on its surface and subsequently removed
examined for the sorption of cationic dye (crystal violet, CV) and an from aqueous solutions. Usually, this type of sorption is achieved by
anionic dye (congo red, CR). The sorbent was modified by the reaction of dipole interactions, hydrogen bonding, or Van Der Waals forces (Suly­
sepia shell powder with urea in the presence of formaldehyde (SSBC). man et al., 2017). Whereas, during interstitial sorption, pollutants
Maximum sorption capacities reach up to 0.536 mmol g− 1 for CV and (molecules and/or ions) diffuse towards biosrbent pores (macro, meso,
0.359 mmol g− 1 for CR, at pH 10.6 and 2.4, respectively (Elwakeel et al., and/or micropores). Finally, they are biosorbed to the interior surface of
2020). Using SSBC Maximum sorption capacities reach up to 0.794 biosorbent (Joseph et al., 2019). Additionally, electrostatic interactions
mmol g− 1 (254.05 mg g− 1) for MB and 0.271 mmol g− 1 (269.18 mg g− 1) can explain the tackling of different pollutants from water and waste­
for RB5, at pH 10.5 and 2.3, respectively (Elgarahy, A. M. et al., 2019). water. They were identified as a major contributor to the biosorption of
Recently, an eco-friendly sorbent based on marine brown algae and water contaminants. The existence of abundant functional groups on the
bivalve shells for subsequent uptake of congo red dye and copper(II) ions biosorbent surface makes them typical candidates to efficiently capture
was investigated, the maximum sorption capacity reached up to 441 mg pollutants from different water systems. The capability of these func­
g− 1 (Elgarahy et al., 2020). tional groups is significantly influenced by the pH of the medium. Lower
Analyzing the reviewed biosorbents, chitosan and alginate-based pH values lead to protonation of various functional groups. This leads to
biosorbents showed the best sorption capacities for metal ions developing a positive charge on the biosorbent surface. Consequently,
removal. Chitosan-based sorbents were the most effective sorbents for electrostatic repulsion occurs, reducing and/or preventing the sorption
cationic dyes removal, while alginate-based sorbents were the most of positively charged pollutants. Conversely, electrostatic repulsion de­
effective sorbents for anionic dyes. Alginate was demonstrated to be clines with raising the medium pH. This leads to an increase in their
more chemically stable. However, the addition of cross-linking agents to biosorption in terms of electrostatic attraction phenomena.
chitosan composites could overcome such a disadvantage. The dissociation constant values (pKa) of biosorbent functional
Generally, numerous benefits will achieve due to the recycling of groups and its (pHPZC) value are relative to pH of the solution. This
these biomasses. Its utilization will participate in wastes elimination. influenced the biosorbent sorption capacity. (pKa) values of numerous
Additionally, it will minimize contaminant concentrations in different functional groups such as carboxylic and phenol groups range from
water resources. This can rectify many environmental problems. Other (3.5–5.5). This indicates that the majority of these groups deprotonate in
remarkable merits such as low operating and manufacturing cost in this pH working range. So, an enhancement of negatively charged
addition to high efficiency may be achieved. sorption sites will be available for the biosorption process (Al-Wakeel
et al., 2015). Additionally, the biosorbent (pHPZC) value greatly affects
4.4. Biosorption capacity and mechanism on biosorption process. The surface charge of the biosorbent is positive
when the pH of the solution < pHPZC. Whereas, its surface charge is
Biosorption mechanistic studies of different water pollutants are negative when the pH of a solution > pHPZC. As a result, the elimination
critical for appraising their manipulation efficiency. They are beneficial of positively charged pollutants is particularly low when pH is lower
for optimizing the removal process conditions. Up to now, numerous than pHPZC. It increases when pH is greater than pHPZC. This approved a
studies have focused on investigating possible biosorption interaction significant involvement of electrostatic forces during the biosorption
mechanisms. High biosorption efficiency should be characterized by the process (Ghazali et al., 2018).
biosorbent for the effective elimination of different water pollutants. The biosorption process can also be interpreted based on the ion
Generally, the biosorption process is based on the physicochemical exchange mechanism between the sorbent and the studied pollutants. Its
features of biosorbent. They include solubility, molecular size, surface contribution is explained through the replacement (exchange) of pro­
charge, chemical composition, reactivity, and hydrophobicity. Gener­ tons from the exchangeable sites present on biosorbent surface with
ally, the presence of numerous functional groups facilities the sorption pollutants (i.e. metal ions). The mechanism is facilitated by the existence
process of both metal ions and dyes. Commonly, the proposed mecha­ of hydroxyl, carboxyl, and phenols groups. They can be attached by
nisms include aggregation, complexation/coordination, electrostatic pollutant ions via two pairs of electrons and subsequently release two H+
interaction, ion exchange, microprecipitation, oxidation, and reduction. and/or Na+ into the solution (Moreira et al., 2019). The solution pH
Da Fontoura et al. for example, demonstrated by the thermodynamic influencing the ion exchange mechanism. In the acidic medium, an in­
adsorption studies of AB-161 on the micro-algal biomass that the main crease in the H+ ions lead to competition with positively charged

A.M. Elgarahy et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 4 (2021) 100209

Fig. 1. Mechanisms involved in the biosorption process.

pollutants to be sorbed onto the biosorbent. While, in the basic medium, of three PPCPs, π-π interaction of aromatic groups between adsorbents
an increase in the OH− ions leads to competing with negatively charged and contaminants also contributed to the adsorption. The MIL-101
pollutants to be sorbed on the sorption sites. (Cr)/CS beads exhibited good renewability over several repeated
Formation of surface complexes involves the interaction of pollutants adsorption/desorption cycles (Zhuo et al., 2017). Comparison of sorp­
(i.e. metal ions) with oxygen donor atoms from the oxygen-containing tion capacity and sorption mechanism of different biosorbents are re­
functional groups (coordination). This is associated with the release of ported in Table 3.
protons and the formation of surface complexes. Ligand tendency for Table 4 summarizes biosorption properties for a series of alternative
metal complexes formation is significantly dependent on the metals biosorbents. Some sorbents have outstanding biosorption capacities and
classification. Considering, their chemical characteristics, they are removal %. The strict comparison of sorption performances is difficult
classified based on the hard-soft-acid-base principle. Metal ions (cat­ because of the influence of different biosorption conditions. However,
ions) can bind with biosorbent surface through an inner-sphere or outer- the reported biosorbents demonstrate very attractive removal percents
sphere complex mechanisms. This is carried out through a covalent bond due to the high biosorption capacities.
established between the metal and the oxygen atom (electron donor). It
can also be carried out by cations approaching the negative groups
present on the surface (critical distance). This is associated with the 4.5. Future perspectives
presence of at least a water molecule between the cation and base,
respectively (Fomina and Gadd, 2014). A few aspects must be studied to improve the characteristics of the
Several composite materials based biosorbents were investigated in biosorbents, especially regarding textural properties. There are also
the literature, This binary combination between different biosorbents many methods of improvement that have changed the sorption activity
and different chemical reagents has advantages in the sense of of the biosorbents, such as sonication, freeze-drying, and the incorpo­
increasing sorption capacity, enhancement of sorption kinetics, and ration of other functional groups. Chitosan and alginate have been
renewability. For example, MIL-101(Cr)/sodium alginate (MIL-101(Cr)/ extensively investigated in the synthesis of composite beads and films
SA) and MIL-101(Cr)/chitosan (MIL-101(Cr)/CS) composite beads were applied to remove several heavy metals and dyes. Although less studied,
prepared (Zhuo et al., 2017). Adsorption of three selected pharmaceu­ pharmaceuticals and other organic and inorganic contaminants were
ticals and personal care products (PPCPs) (benzoic acid (BEN), effectively sorbed by such materials, indicating a perspective for further
ibuprofen (IBU), and ketoprofen (KET)) onto the two composite beads research. Synergistic effects were detected in the reviewed biosorbents,
was investigated and compared with pristine SA and CS beads. Kinetic proving the role of the interaction between different pollutants in the
plots, pH dependence, isotherm data, and influences of ionic strength aqueous medium. This effect was advantageous in the sense of
were reported. The MIL-101(Cr)/CS beads exhibit much higher increasing sorption capacity, enhancement of sorption kinetics, and
adsorption capacity than SA, CS, and MIL-101(Cr)/SA, and the adsorp­ renewability. The future direction of research should concentrate on
tion amounts of three PPCPs onto MIL-101(Cr)/CS follow the order of increasing the biosorption ability of different biosorbents to extract
KET > IBU > BEN. The adsorption amounts of the three PPCPs on the heavy metals and dyes from industrial wastewater. There has been very
MIL-101(Cr)/CS increased quickly during the first 60 min of contact little research on the sustainability evaluation of the removal of heavy
time and then achieved the adsorption equilibrium after ~180min. Not metals by biosorbents in terms of risk, environment, and human health
only the protonated amine groups but also the Cr center of the adsor­ evaluation. To be competitive with conventional ion exchange resins,
bents exerted electrostatic attraction with the deprotonated carboxyl the physical properties of the sorbents need to be improved. It should be
groups of contaminants, as elucidated by X-ray photoelectron spec­ cost-effective, have good mechanical strength, reasonable strength,
troscopy (XPS). Based on the adsorption isotherms and π-energy analysis durability, and porosity. To fulfill these conditions, several methods
might be used, including grafting onto plastic polymers, binding in

A.M. Elgarahy et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 4 (2021) 100209

Table 3
Comparison of sorption capacity and sorption mechanism of different biosorbents.
Biosorbent Water Pollutant Biosorption capacity Biosorption mechanism References
(mg g− 1)

Brown seaweed Sargassum muticum Sb(III) 4±1 Complexation and hydrogen bonding Ungureanu et al. (2017)
Magnetized C. micaceus Hg (II) 26.2 Complexation Özdemir et al. (2019)
Sargassum glaucescens As(III) 116.6 Electrostatic interaction Tabaraki and
Heidarizadi (2018)
Phanerochaete chrysosporium Ni(II) 46.50 Chemical interaction Noormohamadi et al.
Renewable durian peels Zn (II) 36.73 Electrostatic interaction Ngabura et al. (2018)
Sulfur functionalized marine brown algae La(III) 185.44 Internal and external diffusion mechanisms Keshtkar et al. (2019)
Cystoseira indica
Gliricidia sepium leaf powder Cr(VI) 35.71 Chelation, Ion exchange, Complexation, Physical (E et al., 2019)
adsorption, and chemical adsorption
Magnetized C. micaceus Co(II) 24.7 Complexation Özdemir et al. (2019)
Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cu (II) 4.73 Ion exchange Nascimento et al. (2019)
Sargassum glaucescens As(V) 207.3 Electrostatic interaction Tabaraki and
Heidarizadi (2018)
Formaldehyde modified green tomato husk Fe (III) 19.83 Precipitation and ion exchange García-Mendieta et al.
bacterium Bacillus amyloliquefaciens U(VI) 179.5 Chemical interaction (Liu, Liu et al., 2019b)
Phanerochaete chrysosporium Cd(II) 71.43 Chemical interaction Noormohamadi et al.
Sulfur functionalized marine brown algae Ce(III) 172.33 Internal and external diffusion mechanisms Keshtkar et al. (2019)
Cystoseira indica
Ion-imprinted Tetraethylenepentamine Pb (II) 259.68 Complexation Liu et al. (2016)
modified chitosan beads
Chitin Au 35 Complexation Côrtes et al. (2015)
Formaldehyde modified green tomato husk Mn (II) 15.22 Ion exchange and complexation García-Mendieta et al.
Urea calcium alginate beads functionalized with Cu(II) 441 Electrostatic interaction, ion exchange, and Elgarahy et al. (2020)
Congo red dye complexation
Green microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa Rhodamine B dye 63.14 Electrostatic interaction da Rosa et al. (2018)
Sepia shells based composite Methylene blue dye 254.05 Electrostatic interaction (Elgarahy, A. M. et al.,
Sepia shells based composite Reactive black 5 dye 269.18 Electrostatic interaction (Elgarahy, A. M. et al.,
Magnetic chitosan Glutaraldehyde composite Crystal violet dye 105.467 Electrostatic interaction Azari et al. (2019)
IL modified AC (ILAC) Reactive blue dye 364.4 Electrostatic interaction Lawal et al. (2017)
Ethylenediamine modified fiber btained from Acid Blue 25 dye 67 Van Der Waals’ forces, π-π stacking, and hydrogen Tka et al. (2018)
natural Populus tremula bond
Carica papaya wood Malachite green dye 52.63 Electrostatic interaction (S et al., 2018)
Grape pomace KROM KGT dye 180.2 ± 3.2 Electrostatic interaction Oliveira et al. (2018)
Chemically modified masau stones Orange (II) dye 136.8 Hydrogen bonding and electrostatic attraction Albadarin et al. (2017)
Millimeter-sized chitosan/carboxymethyl Methylene blue dye 64.6 Electrostatic attraction, complexation, hydrogen Kong et al. (2020)
cellulose hollow capsule bond, and van der Waals interaction
Millimeter-sized chitosan/carboxymethyl Methyl orange dye 334.8 Electrostatic attraction, complexation, hydrogen Kong et al. (2020)
cellulose hollow capsule bond, and van der Waals interaction
Millimeter-sized chitosan/carboxymethyl Acid blue-113 dye 526.8 Electrostatic attraction, complexation, hydrogen Kong et al. (2020)
cellulose hollow capsule bond, and van der Waals interaction
Bio sourced composite (activated carbon/TiO2) Diclofenac 153.8 Adsorption, photolysis, and photoinduced El Mouchtari et al.
degradation (2020)
Bio sourced composite (activated carbon/TiO2) Carbamazepine 105.3 Adsorption, photolysis, and photoinduced El Mouchtari et al.
degradation (2020)
Bio sourced composite (activated carbon/TiO2) Sulfamethoxazole 125.0 Adsorption, photolysis, and photoinduced El Mouchtari et al.
degradation (2020)
Biopolymer electrospun nanofibres Carbamazepine 31.25 Chemisorption Kebede et al. (2019)
Biopolymer electrospun nanofibres Ketoprofen 111.11 Chemisorption Kebede et al. (2019)
Biopolymer electrospun nanofibres Fenoprofen 333.33 Chemisorption Kebede et al. (2019)
Biopolymer electrospun nanofibres Diclofenac 125 Chemisorption Kebede et al. (2019)
Biopolymer electrospun nanofibres Ibuprofen 125 Chemisorption Kebede et al. (2019)
Residual defatted biomass (RDB) of the fungus Procion red H–E7B 188.79 Electrostatic interaction Tonato et al. (2019)
Nigrospora sp. dye
Clay Phenol 15.11 Electrostatic interaction Dehmani et al. (2020)
Pine fruit shells PFS (BC550) Phenol 26.738 Dispersive interaction and π-π interaction Mohammed et al. (2018)
Tithonia diversifolia activated carbon Phenol 50.552 Dispersive interaction and π Supong et al. (2020)
Tithonia diversifolia activated carbon 2,4-dinitrophenol 42.607 Dispersive interaction and π Supong et al. (2020)
Biochar derived from corn straw Atrazine 11.566 Electrostatic interaction Zhao et al. (2013)
Corn cob-derived porous carbons (PCs) Phenanthrene 692.27 Pore filling, hydrophobic effects, and π-π stacking Cheng et al. (2019)

inorganic or organic materials, and cross-linking. metals and organic dyes pollutants using different biomaterials. Bio­
sorbents are an efficient and green approach for dyes and heavy metal
5. Conclusion removal from wastewater. A wide variety of physical and chemical
treatments can be applied to modify biomass porosity and surface areas,
This article comprehensively reviewed the biosorption of heavy thus increasing the number of available sorption sites and binding

A.M. Elgarahy et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 4 (2021) 100209

Table 4
Comparison of sorption capacity and removal (%) of different biosorbents.
Water Biosorbent pH Biosorbent Temperature Water Pollutant Contact Removal Maximum References
Pollutant dosage (g concentration time percentage uptake
L− 1 ) (mg L− 1) (min) (%) capacity (mg
g− 1)

Methylene Activated Carbon Prepared from 11 0.6 25 ◦ C 100 – 98% 231.48 Üner et al. (2016)
Blue Dye Citrullus lanatus Rind
Methylene Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) 5.6 0.6 30 ◦ C 50–400 – 85% 188.68 Jawad et al.
Blue Dye rinds (2018)
Congo red Titanium oxide (TiO2) 4.3 0.8 25 ◦ C 14.7 – 101.45% 17 Masoudian et al.
Dye nanoparticles loaded onto (2019)
activated carbon prepared from
bio-waste watermelon rind
Phenol red Titanium oxide (TiO2) 4.3 0.8 25 ◦ C 45.9 – 100% 55.6 Masoudian et al.
Dye nanoparticles loaded onto (2019)
activated carbon prepared from
bio-waste watermelon rind
Basic Brown Durian (Duriozibethinusmurray) 8 1.0 – 15 30 74.26%– – Gopalakrishnan
16 Dye Shell 77.61% et al. (2020)
Orange G Watermelon shell (Citrullus 2 25 30 ◦ C 250 – 100% 27 Chigbundu and
Dye vulgaris) Adebowale
Basic red 2 Watermelon shell (Citrullus 4 25 30 ◦ C 250 – 100% 125 Chigbundu and
Dye vulgaris) Adebowale
Remazol Aspergillus iizukae 605EAN 6 – – 571.5 12,312 78.34%– – Noman et al.
Brilliant (8.55 80.00% (2020b)
Blue R days)
Crystal Pectin 2 0.25 – 34.32 540 99.20% – Ishak et al. (2020)
6R Dye
Methyl GrewiaVenusta Peel 2 0.5 – 150 – 85.00% 188.68 Ishak et al. (2020)
Indigo Moringa Oleifera Seeds 5 0.5 – 150 – – 31.25 Ishak et al. (2020)
Methylene Carbonized watermelon 5.6 0.8 30 ◦ C 100 – 99% 200 Jawad et al.
Blue Dye (Citrullus lanatus) rind (2019)
Methyl Aspergillus iizukae 605EAN – – – 400 4320 84.90% – Noman et al.
orange (3days) (2020a)
Methyl red Aspergillus iizukae 605EAN – – – 400 4320 47.65% – Noman et al.
Dye (3days) (2020a)
Remazol Aspergillus iizukae 605EAN – – – 100 12,960 94.78% – Noman et al.
brilliant (9 days) (2020a)
blue R
Cr (III) Honeydew peel activated carbon 4.5 1.0 – 1000 40 83.49% 834.94 Yunus et al.
with H2SO4 (HDP-ACS) (2020)
Cr (III) Honeydew peel activated carbon 4.5 1.0 – 1000 40 88.8% 888.85 Yunus et al.
with H3PO4 (HDP-ACP) (2020)
Zn (II) Honeydew peel activated carbon 5.5 1.0 – 400 40 81.55% 326.19 Yunus et al.
with H2SO4 (HDP-ACS) (2020)
Zn (II) Honeydew peel activated carbon 5.5 1.0 – 400 40 84.13% 336.51 Yunus et al.
with H2SO4 (HDP-ACP) (2020)
Cd (II) Watermelon Rind 9.12 1.0 20 ◦ C 500 – 80% 40.16 Husein et al.
Cu (II) Activated watermelon based 5 1.0 40 C◦
10 – 88% 31.25 Gupta and Gogate
biosorbent (2016)
Cu (II) Chitin 7 2.0 – 100 360 – 20.50 Sofiane and Sofia
Cd (II) Chitin 7 2.0 – 100 360 – 13.27 Sofiane and Sofia
Zn (II) Chitin 7 2.0 – 100 360 – 5.35 Sofiane and Sofia

functional groups on the created biosorbent surfaces. There are several be undertaken for future applications.
mechanisms of biosorption for the removal of both inorganic and
organic compounds which are mentioned the most: electrostatic inter­ Declaration of competing interest
action, ion exchange, and complexation. Despite the impressive growth
in the development of different biosorbents, there are still many The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
remaining challenges associated with these materials, such as stability interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
towards different pH, sorption capacity, and durability, which need to the work reported in this paper.

A.M. Elgarahy et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 4 (2021) 100209

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