Guillain Barre Syndrome A Review
Guillain Barre Syndrome A Review
Guillain Barre Syndrome A Review
Volume 6 Issue 3, March-April 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Guillain-Barré syndrome or GBS is a demyelinating Severe cases induce subsequent axonal degeneration,
polyneuropathy that was first identified in 1859. which causes muscle weakness or paralysis, among
Ascending motor weakness, sensory and autonomic other symptoms. The hallmark is acute paralysis with
dysfunction are common symptoms, which are often loss of tendon reflexes that develops over days or
followed by prodromal disease. Campylobacter weeks. The most common symptoms are ascending
jejuni, cytomegalovirus (CMV), Mycoplasma paralysis weakness that starts in the feet and hands
pneumoniae, Epstein-Barr virus, and influenza virus and progresses to the trunk. Some subtypes produce
have all been found as antecedent infections. GBS has changes in sensation or discomfort, as well as
also been linked to vaccination and parturition. GBS autonomic nervous system malfunction. An infection
is characterized by the emergence of distal, relatively is frequently the cause of the condition. It is the most
symmetrical paraesthesia. Progressive limb prevalent cause of paralysis that is not caused by
weakening occurs in conjunction with or shortly after trauma. It has the potential to cause life-threatening
sensory difficulties. Patients are usually able to complications in some people. (4) This potentially
determine a specific day when sensory and motor fatal illness is quite uncommon, affecting about one
abnormalities commenced. In half of the patients, or two people per 100,000 worldwide, with slightly
pain is a significant factor.(1). GBS occurs when the more males affected than females. All age groups are
body's defensive mechanisms mistakenly assault parts susceptible; the rate of occurrence increases with age,
of the neurological system. The myelin coating with a slight peak among young people. Although
around the nerve may be damaged as a result of an there is no cure for the condition, there are numerous
autoimmune reaction. This causes nerve therapies that can help to alleviate symptoms and
inflammation, which causes a conduction block. shorten the length of the illness. (2)
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49745 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 1421
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
that axons have deteriorated and been severed from their targets, notably the neuromuscular junction, and that
they must regenerate in order to recover. The damage is assumed to be confined in motor axonal cases where
recovery is quick. (4)
➢ Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP) - Macrophages infiltrate myelin sheaths that are
still intact and weaken the axons. (5)
➢ Acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN)-Macrophages infiltrate the Ranvier nodes, inserting between the
axon and the surrounding Schwann-cell axolemma while leaving the myelin sheath intact. (5)
➢ Acute motor sensory axonal neuropathy (AMSAN) - The ventral and dorsal roots are involved, similar to
AMAN. (5)
➢ Miller Fisher syndrome - Although there has been few pathological research on MFS, nerve root
demyelination has been demonstrated. a significant distinction between MFS and AIDP or acute Anti-GQ1b
activation causes motor axonal neuropathy. Anti-GT1a antibodies in MFS that attack oculomotor neuron and
bulbar nerves, which are nerves that are supposed to be connected to the brain.GQ1b and GT1a ganglioside
levels are relatively high densities (1)
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
ADH secretion) or renal failure. In 33 percent of Drugs / toxins
individuals, ALT and gamma GT levels may be ➢ Heavy metal poisoning (e.g. lead)
elevated. Creatine kinase levels may be elevated. (1) ➢ Toxic biological substances (including snake and
scorpion toxins)
➢ Drugs (including stavudine, nitrofurantoin and
The rate of erythrocyte sedimentation is frequently
increased, and C-reactive protein is occasionally high.
(1) Others
➢ Acute polymyositis
➢ Critical illness myopathy(1)
Anti-GM1 antibodies are seen in 25% of patients and
are linked to a worse prognosis. Anti-GD1a is linked TREATMENT:
to the GBS subtype AMAN. Miller-Fisher syndrome The mainstay of treatment of Guillain Barré
is linked to anti-GQ1b. (1) syndrome remains good intensive care, with
respiratory support.(10)
Protein level in the cerebrospinal fluid is increased. In PLASMA EXCHANGE
the diagnosis of GBS, a lumbar puncture is an Brettle et al. were the first to report on the better
important diagnostic tool. The WBC count in the CSF outcome of a patient with Guillain-Barré syndrome
fluid is generally normal, and the protein level is after plasma exchange in 1978. 99 Large multicentre
raised, while the protein level may be normal at first, trials were then used to prove the efficacy of plasma
then rise to a peak in 4 to 6 weeks. (5) exchange. Plasma exchange started within the first
two weeks of the disease, which cut down on hospital
stays, mechanical ventilation time, and time to
ambulation. (7)Neurotoxic antibodies, complement
They're usually referred to as EMG/NCV studies
factors, and other humoral mediators of inflammation
because they're done in conjunction with
are hypothesized to be removed through plasma
electromyogram. The speed at which signals travel
exchange. Plasma exchange is effective when
along nerves is measured by NCV. The
administered within the first four weeks after the
electromyogram (EMG) measures muscle activity and
onset of weakness in patients who are unable to walk
can show loss of reflexes, which is a disease symptom
alone (GBS Disability Scale score 3), but the most
of delaying nerve responses. Reduced motor nerve
significant impact is shown when treatment begins
conduction velocities or block, longer distal latencies,
within the first two weeks. Typically, a plasma
and an aberrant F response are all common electro-
exchange regimen consists of five sessions spread out
diagnostic findings. (5)
over two weeks and requiring approximately five
RESPIRATORY FUNCTION TEST plasma volumes. Two plasma exchange sessions, on
Reduced vital capacity, as well as maximal the other hand, resulted in a faster commencement of
inspiratory and expiratory pressures, may be seen. motor recovery in mildly afflicted individuals (still
Arterial blood gases may suggest that respiratory able to walk). (8) Plasma exchange is a procedure that
failure is developing. (1) includes withdrawing 3–6 litres of plasma over many
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS hours and replacing it with albumin or, in some
Neurological situations, fresh frozen plasma, at specialized centres.
➢ Myasthenia gravis It's critical to keep track of your blood pressure,
➢ Eaton-Lambert (myasthenic) syndrome pulse, and fluid intake and output during plasma
➢ Multiple sclerosis exchange. (9)
➢ Transverse myelitis SIDE EFFECTS:
Metabolic ➢ Hypotension,
➢ Hypokalaemic periodic paralysis ➢ Septicaemia,
➢ Hypermagnesaemia ➢ Hypocalcaemia, and
➢ Hypophosphataemia ➢ Irregular coagulation (7)
➢ Acute intermittent porphyria INTRAVENOUS IMMUNOGLOBULIN
Infective Several immunologically mediated illnesses are
➢ Post diphtheria neuropathy treated with intravenous immunoglobulin. It is
➢ Polio thought to work through a variety of mechanisms,
➢ Botulism including anti-idiotypic autoantibody suppression. (7)
➢ Tick paralysis Immunoglobulins are a plasma-derived medication
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
that was first used to treat individuals with antibody MECHANISM OF ACTION:
deficiency as a replacement therapy. (15) Intravenous Corticosteroids are thought to diminish inflammation,
immunoglobulin therapy provides patients with large hence reducing nerve damage in inflammatory
doses of antibodies derived from plasma from a range neuropathy. In a rat model of GBS, experimental
of donors. Individuals with Guillain-Barré syndrome autoimmune neuritis, corticosteroids have been
may benefit from intravenous immunoglobulin proven to speed healing, but only when given in high
because it prevents antibodies from harming nerve dosages. (18)
insulation or nerves. (11) DOSE: Methylprednisolone -0.5 g/day (6)
IVIg influences B and T lymphocyte activation and ➢ Glaucoma,
effector functions, neutralizes pathogenic ➢ Depression,
autoantibodies, impairs antigen present, and has a ➢ Hypertension
significant anti-inflammatory effect that's ➢ Myopathy
intermediated byrelations with the complement ➢ Osteonecrosis
system, cytokines, and endothelial cells. (12)T-cell
➢ Ecchymosis,
proliferation and cytokine production are suppressed ➢ Mild hirsutism,
by intravenous immunoglobulin after mitogenic and ➢ Perioral dermatitis(19)
allogenic stimulation in vitro. The mechanisms
causing the inhibitory action are unknown, however CONTRAINDICATION:
they may involve various pathways. (13) Systemic
➢ Systemic fungal infections
DOSE: IVIg 400mg/kg/day for 5 days at a time (14) ➢ Intrathecal administration
CONTRAINDICATIONS: ➢ Cerebral malaria
➢ Selective IgA deficiency ➢ Live attenuated virus vaccination
➢ Anaphylaxis following previous intravenous ➢ Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
immunoglobulin infusion Topical
➢ Severe congestive cardiac failure
➢ Dermatological: Bacterial, viral, or fungal
➢ Insufficiency of kidney (7) infection
SIDE EFFECTS: ➢ Ophthalmic: Acute untreated purulent ocular
COMMON: infections, fungal or mycobacterial ocular
➢ Flushing, infections, viral conjunctivitis, or keratitis (19)
➢ Malaise, The need of bowel and bladder care, sufficient
➢ Fever, nutrition, monitoring for respiratory failure and
➢ Chills, giving ventilator assistance, if necessary, heart
➢ Fatigue monitoring, and physiotherapy cannot be overstated.
➢ Lethargy (4) Dysautonomia Management: Acute dysautonomia
RARE: is a leading cause of mortality in GBS patients. In the
➢ Renal impairment, majority of GBS patients, cardiac and hemodynamic
➢ Thrombosis, disturbances appear as hypertension, postural
➢ Arrhythmia, hypotension, and tachycardia. (20,21)
➢ Aseptic meningitis, Antihypertensives with short half-lives should be
➢ Haemolyticanaemia, and investigated (Labetalol, Esmolol, or nitroprusside
➢ Transfusion-related acute lung injury(16) infusions). Furthermore, medicines used to treat
dysautonomia may exacerbate the condition
(glycopyrrolate for increased secretions, neostigmine
A pilot trial found that a five-day combination of
for ileus, and b blockers for tachycardia). (22)
intravenous methylprednisolone (0.5 g/d) and
intravenous immunoglobulin (0.4 g/kg bodyweight/d) Deep vein thrombosis Prevention: If you've been
was more effective than intravenous immunoglobulin confined to your bed for a long period. To avoid deep
alone. (6) The use of steroids in the treatment of acute vein thrombosis, all patients should be administered
GBS has been studied in six trials. (17) subcutaneous fractionated or unfractionated heparin
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
and support stockings until they are able to walk oils, followed by medicated steam fomentation.
freely. If you expect to be bedridden for an extended Mahanarayana oil, Mahahamasa oil, Mahasaindhava
amount of time and have previously had a oil, DashamulaKvathandNirgundiKwath are some of
tracheostomy, start taking warfarin or coumadin as an the medicines used in these operations. To address
oral anticoagulant. (23) immunological dysfunction in the body,
Ashwagandha, Yastimadhu, Tulasi, and Bhringaraja
Management of respiratory failure:GBS is the most
are taken. To offset the mental pressures, assurance
frequent peripheral neuropathy that causes respiratory
treatment is often recommended. (28)
paralysis, and it is the most prevalent cause of
respiratory failure. One-third of the patients will THE FUTURE
require mechanical ventilation. (23) Percutaneous Eculizumab is going to begin a new randomised
dilatational tracheostomy may be preferable to regular placebo-controlled study in individuals with early
tracheostomy because it reduces the danger of GBS who are unable to walk. Antiganglio side
inadvertent extubation and provides a more attractive antibodies cause complement-dependent destruction
appearance. Weaning off of ventilatory assistance at the nodes of Ranvier, nerve terminals, and
usually takes 2–6 weeks. (24) presynaptic Schwann cells, according to results in an
animal model of GBS. Many more studies are being
Nutrition: Early and gradual introduction of
anxiously awaited, such as those looking into pain
nasogastric or gastric tube feeding is recommended.
therapy, nerve regeneration, and other variables that
To decrease muscle wasting and aid respiratory
may enhance the prognosis of GBS patients. (29)
weaning, a high-energy (40–45 non-protein kcal) and
high-protein (2–2.5 g/kg) meal has been advised. In ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:
these individuals, continuous enteral feeding appears Nothing to disclose.
to be more tolerated than bolus feeding. (24) CONCLUSION:
Psychological: Patients with GBS have a significant Guillain Barre Syndrome is a type of autoimmune
prevalence of depression. It is critical that the patient disease in which symptoms increase the chance of
and their family have access to support groups if they major long-term consequences considerably.
are accessible. Counselling and mental assistance Historically, corticosteroids have been used to treat
should also be offered if necessary. (25) inflammation associated with Guillain-Barré
syndrome. They're no longer in use. There is no
Rehabilitation: Appropriate pain medication and a
evidence that they promote healing or impact long-
comprehensive approach to rehabilitation, as well as
term prognosis. More research is needed to identify
patient education, are critical during the gradual but
potential molecular intervention targets, create novel
steady recovery, with benefits expected for up to two
diagnostics, and develop effective and cost-efficient
years. (26)
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