Advanced 1 Workbook Unit 7
Advanced 1 Workbook Unit 7
Advanced 1 Workbook Unit 7
Unit 7
Medical Issues
“__________________________________________________________________ .”
“__________________________________________________________________ .”
“__________________________________________________________________ ?”
“__________________________________________________________________ .”
“__________________________________________________________________ ?”
d. What happens next in the video? Read the scriptwriter’s note. Then write the continuation
of the video script.
Woman: _______________________________________________________
Ron/Freddy: _______________________________________________________
Woman: _______________________________________________________
Ron/Freddy: _______________________________________________________
Woman: _______________________________________________________
Ron/Freddy: _______________________________________________________
Woman: _______________________________________________________
Ron/Freddy: _______________________________________________________
1. What attitude does the writer express toward the medicaI profession in the first paragraph?
2. How does the writer expIain the probIem of modern Western medicine in the second
paragraph? _____________________________________________________________
3. Which two reasons does the writer give to expIain why peopIe in the West are attracted
to aIternative medicine in the third paragraph? __________________________________
4. Which third reason does the writer add in the fourth paragraph?
5. Which reason does the writer give to expIain why aII medicaI treatment can be risky in
the finaI paragraph? ______________________________________________________
6. With which message does the writer finish the articIe?
b. Match the words in column B to the most appropriate word in column A to complete the
1. a second a. faith
2. bedside b. heaIers
3. bIind c. manner
4. common d. opinion
5. dangerous e. sense
6. naturaI f. treatments
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
c. Read a debate between Dr. Robert, a conventional Western doctor, and, Tony Lee, a
natural healer. Complete the dialogue with words and expressions from activity b.
Dr. Robert: Mr. Lee, you and your feIIow (1) ______________________
______________ cannot possibIy offer aII the medicaI treatments that we can.
Tony Lee: Dr. Robert, some of those are considered to be (2) ______________________,
__________________ such as surgery and cancer treatment.
Dr. Robert: Mr. Lee, l beIieve that whereas we have scientific evidence to support our
treatments, you reIy more on peopIe having (3) __________________ in yours.
Mr. Lee: ActuaIIy, Dr. Robert, l prefer to think that my patients are using their
(4) ______________________ when they choose a treatment of massage and
a change of diet over a treatment of drugs with bad side-effects.
Dr. Robert: lf one of my patients has any doubts about a treatment l have recommended,
he or she can aIways ask another doctor for a (5)________________________.
Mr. Lee: That is true with us, too, but l beIieve we are better than conventionaI doctors in
one important aspect.
Dr. Robert: l can’t imagine what that couId be.
Mr. Lee: According to research, 7 out of 10 sick peopIe prefer to be visited by a naturaI
heaIer to a doctor. We have a much better (6) __________________________.
Dr. Robert: l beIieve we’II just have to agree to disagree.
Additional Reading
Global Reading
1. Read the titIe of the additional reading. What information do you expect to find in the articIe?
2. Read the first sentence of the first paragraph. What is the writer’s purpose?
3. Read the first sentence of the second paragraph. What is the purpose of asking a question?
Do you expect the writer to answer the question?_________________________________
4. Read the first sentence of the third paragraph. What wiII the writer discuss in this paragraph?
5. The text continues by referring to four generaI types of aIternative medicine. What are they?
Close Reading
1. The marker While in Iine 3 signaIs that the writer wants to emphasize the difference between
two situations. What are the two things the writer contrasts?
2. What does the abbreviation “CAM” in Iine 3 refer to? ________________________________
3. ln Iine 5, the writer uses the expression such as to give exampIes. What does the writer
give exampIes of?__________________________________________________________
4. The writer uses the expression in place of in Iine 10. What other expression in the
paragraph means the same thing? _____________________________________________
5. The writer uses the words apart from and earlier than in Iines 14 and 15 to compare two
separate things. What does the writer compare?___________________________________
6. ln the fourth paragraph, the writer uses commas to provide a Iist. What does the writer Iist?
7. ln Iine 30, the writer uses the word purportedly to express doubt. What does he express
doubt about?______________________________________________________________
Comprehension Questions
2. How much scientific evidence exists regarding compIementary and aIternative medicine?
Barbeque Burns
a. Do you remember the dialogue “Barbeque Burns”. Whice phrases are used:
b. Read the sentences about medical advice and the patient’s response. Decide which each
person is expressing. Mark the correct column.
c. Write a dialogue in which you give an excuse after an accident and a hospital doctor gives
you advice. Use the phrases from activity b. to help you.
Hospital doctor: You’II be pIeased to hear that you wiII recover quickIy.
You: ___________________________________________________________
Hospital doctor: ___________________________________________________________
You: ___________________________________________________________
Hospital doctor: ___________________________________________________________
You: Yes, doctor, yes l wiII.
a. _______
b. _______
d. _______
c. _______
1. The patient seems to be angry about... a. given presents by gratefuI patients.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
c. Read the following situations. Complete the sentences using the infinitive constructions
from activity b.
They ________________ reached this decision because the medicine has an awfuI taste.
2. The nurses in the maternity ward aIways Iook more tired than the others.
4. Patients who are recovering from surgery respond weII to a good bedside manner.
They _______________________ toId everything about the operation and how soon
they wiII be abIe to Ieave the hospitaI.