Solutions: What's New: Developing Solutions For Microsoft Dynamics NAV 6.0

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Microsoft Dynamics NAV

What’s New:
Developing Solutions for
Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV ―6.0‖
White Paper

November 2007
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 3

Architectural Changes in Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖ ............................................................. 4

RoleTailored Client .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Web Services Support .................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Development Enhancements in Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖ ................................................ 9

Object Comparison Between Architectures ........................................................................................................................... 9
Page Designer ................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Reports .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Web Services ................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

Functionality Redesign Needs in Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖ ............................................ 17

Removing Unsupported Functions, Triggers, and Properties ...................................................................................... 17
Migrating Forms to Pages with the Form Transformation Tool.................................................................................. 17
Understanding XMLport and Dataport Usage ................................................................................................................... 19
Managing File Upload and Download Locations ............................................................................................................. 20
Assessing Automation Objects................................................................................................................................................. 21
Understanding Display Property Behavior in Forms and Pages ................................................................................. 22
Managing Style Sheets ................................................................................................................................................................ 22
Managing Infinitely Long-Running Processes ................................................................................................................... 22

Multiple Client Support on Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖ ...................................................... 23

Writing Code That Targets Multiple Clients ....................................................................................................................... 23
Writing Reports That Target Multiple Clients .................................................................................................................... 24

Step-by-Step Walkthrough: Creating and Modifying Pages..................................................... 25

Step-by-Step Walkthrough: Creating a Report ............................................................................. 31

Appendix ................................................................................................................................................. 36
Forms ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Reports .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 36
XMLports and Dataports ............................................................................................................................................................ 37


This paper describes the changes in Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV ―6.0‖ and is intended for Microsoft
Dynamics NAV developers and salespeople who have used previous versions of Microsoft Dynamics
Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖ leverages your existing investment in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
product and extends how customers can do business in the following ways:
Customizable, Role-Based User Interface — Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖ provides a more
intuitive and customizable user interface (UI) called the RoleTailored client, which you can modify
to support the job functions of different work roles in your organization. For each role that you
support, you can create a customizable Role Center that displays key information that is required
by that role and makes their day-to-day tasks easier to complete. For example, you can customize
the sales order processor Role Center to display an interactive list of customers, daily activities, and
sales information and also give users easy access to their Microsoft Office Outlook® e-mail, tasks,
and calendar. Partners, administrators, and super users can customize the UI for specific roles, and
individual users can also further personalize the UI to meet their specific needs.
Same Data, Different Clients — Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖ includes a new object called a page.
Pages are used in the same way as forms. However, unlike forms, pages can be displayed on
multiple clients, including the RoleTailored client, a Web browser that displays Microsoft
SharePoint® Services, or other custom clients. This lets you display the same information from a
Web site as you can display from a desktop client without writing additional code.
Improved Report Design and Functionality — Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖ offers an improved
reporting experience. You can now create interactive reports to which you can add charts, graphs,
tables, and other data presentation elements that were not available in previous versions of
Microsoft Dynamics NAV. You can also save your reports in .pdf or .xls file formats.
Business Connections with Web Services — Web services are a standard, widely used method for
integrating applications and are supported in Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖. By implementing
Web services, you can access Microsoft Dynamics NAV data and business logic from outside the
product in a standard, secure way. This enables you to connect Microsoft Dynamics NAV to other
systems within an organization.
In this white paper, the following major areas are described:
Architectural changes from a two- to a three-tier architecture, including a discussion of the new
RoleTailored client and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server with Web services support.
Development improvements and benefits for Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖, including the
introduction of the new Page Designer, changes in Object Designer, and enhanced reporting using
SQL Server® Reporting Services.
Functionality that needs to be redesigned from a previous version to work in Microsoft Dynamics
NAV ―6.0‖.
Step-by-step walkthroughs that demonstrate new development features, including creating and
modifying pages and creating a report.
Appendix with a list of elements that have changed in the three-tier architecture.


Architectural Changes in Microsoft Dynamics NAV “6.0”
In previous versions of Microsoft Dynamics NAV, the architecture consisted of two tiers: a client and a
server. The client was responsible for both displaying the presentation layer in forms and running the
business logic in C/AL code.
The architecture of Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖ includes a two-tier model, where the Classic client
provides a front end to the data layer, which is either the Database Server for Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Classic or SQL Server.
The architecture has also been extended to support a three-tier model, with:
RoleTailored client: A client user interface that provides the front end. Users can also access
information through a Web-based client that runs on Microsoft SharePoint Services.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server: A middle-tier server that provides the business logic layer.
SQL Server: A database server that provides the data layer.
If you are running the Database Server for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic, then you must move your
system to the SQL Server Option to migrate to the three-tier architecture, with the RoleTailored client
and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.
The following figure describes the three-tier architecture in Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖:


SharePoint client
Windows Forms

Client tier

rich client


Form builder Data binder

Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Web services Client services display target
SharePoint Services
Server tier

Application Data binder

Class library Form builder


SQL Server


RoleTailored Client
The RoleTailored client, which is a Windows Forms–based client, has been designed as the front end for
the new architecture. One key feature of the RoleTailored client is the new user interface. After
extensive research into understanding how customers work, what their business goals are, and how
their departmental organization works, Microsoft has created a new interface with new interaction
styles that support working in a role-oriented, task-focused manner.

To support this user interface, Microsoft Dynamics NAV displays data in the RoleTailored client in a
model-driven way and relies on metadata to display this data. Also, business logic code is no longer
run on the client. Instead, requests to run C/AL code are sent to the middle tier.
Previous versions of Microsoft Dynamics NAV and the Classic client in Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖
display data in forms, such as card forms or list forms. You design forms in a WYSIWYG environment
with precise layout information.
The new RoleTailored client now displays data in pages, and you design these pages in Page Designer.
The page elements are listed in their relative display order, and the properties that are associated with
each element are used to specify special presentation features but without any size or position
specifications. This allows a page to be consumed by different clients without being constrained by
layout limitations, and each client can render the page in a different way.


Pages provide a flexible foundation for building many different types of display objects. The Classic
client contains card forms and list forms. In the RoleTailored client, there are equivalent page types and
several new ones that help you build pages with special layouts. Pages also contain new types of
controls that enable advanced representation of system data and shortcuts to system features. Pages
also contain fewer triggers than forms for two reasons:
The RoleTailored client has enhanced behavior that is implemented directly into the controls that
run on it. Some code that was previously necessary is now obsolete because of these new controls.
Pages have been designed to optimize performance, which reduces requirements for all existing
form triggers.
For more information about pages, see Page Designer in the Development Enhancements in Microsoft
Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖ section.
The RoleTailored client provides a single document interface (SDI) environment, which is the same kind
of environment that is used in Outlook. Lists of e-mails, tasks, or contacts are displayed in the
navigation layer, and every e-mail that you want to read or write opens in its own window.
In the RoleTailored client, the navigation layer displays lists of work areas, which are called list places.
Examples of list places include customers and orders. By default, one list replaces another list in the
same window. You can also launch a list or card page in its own window. In addition to list places, the
navigation layer shows the Role Center and Departments place.
You then open an entity, such as a specific customer or sales order, in a separate window to view or
edit it. These windows are called task pages, which also fall into subcategories with different layouts,
such as cards, documents, and journals.
The RoleTailored client also has a small category of dialog boxes that are different from task pages.
These dialog boxes differ in layout and do not represent an entity. Instead, they prompt the user for
parameters for further processing.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server

The new Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is a .NET-based Windows Service application that works
exclusively on SQL Server. It uses the Windows Communication Framework as the communication
protocol for RoleTailored clients and Internet Information Services for Web services and Microsoft
SharePoint clients that connect with it. It can execute multiple client requests in parallel and serve other
clients by providing Web service access to authenticated clients.
A key difference between the two-tier architecture with the Classic client and three-tier architecture
with the RoleTailored client is that business logic runs on Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instead of
the client in the three-tier architecture. A simple example is the FILE.CREATE function. In previous
versions of Microsoft Dynamics NAV and in the Classic client, when code such as this code is run, files
are created on the client. With the RoleTailored client and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, the files are
created on the service itself. If the file is meant for a user, then you must take advantage of new C/AL
file functions that enables the file to download to the client computer.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server provides an additional layer of security between the clients and the
database. It leverages the authentication features of the Windows Communications Framework to
provide another layer of user authentication and uses impersonation to ensure that business logic is
executed in a process that has been instantiated by the user who submitted the request. This means
that authorization and logging of user requests is still performed on a per-user basis. This ensures that
all Windows authentication and Microsoft Dynamics NAV roles and permissions that have been
granted to the user are correct. It also ensures that business logic–level auditing is still performed.


The new architecture provides greater scalability by letting you install multiple machines that are
running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server to provide access the same database and also allow you to
balance your system by dedicating different services to particular application areas or to different

Web Services Support

Web services are a standardized way for independent software systems to communicate with each
other over standard internet protocols, and the architecture is designed for dynamic program-to-
program interaction. In the Web services architecture, many types of distributed systems can be
implemented. Examples of distributed systems include synchronous and asynchronous messaging
systems, distributed computational clusters, mobile-networked systems, grid systems, and peer-to-peer
environments. The broad spectrum of requirements for program-to-program interactions means that
the protocols used by Web services are more flexible than Web protocols. However, like the World
Wide Web, Web services also rely on a small number of specific protocols, such as Simple Object
Access Protocol (SOAP).
Web services are designed specifically to facilitate the highly dynamic data interchange that is required
in business transactions. Standardized integration technologies such as Web services bring value to
businesses by breaking down data silos that are created by proprietary integration options. These
proprietary integration technologies make it difficult to get information in and out of the different
To provide a robust development and operational environment, Web services are described using
machine-readable metadata. Web service metadata serves several purposes. The metadata is used to
describe the message interchange formats that a Web service can support as well as the valid message
exchange patterns of a service. Metadata is also used to describe the capabilities and requirements of a
service. Web Services Description Language (WSDL), which is an XML-based language for defining Web
services, is used to express the interchange formats and message exchange patterns of the Web
With the introduction of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, Microsoft Dynamics NAV supports Web
services, which makes it easy to integrate Microsoft Dynamics NAV with other systems. Specifically,
Web service integration with Microsoft Dynamics NAV is facilitated through Web service–enabled
codeunits and pages. With proper authentication and authorization, external systems can read and
write data on pages and call codeunits as defined by the common Web service protocols. The Web
service capabilities in Microsoft Dynamics NAV help customers reap the benefits of a service-oriented
architecture (SOA).
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web services are immediately useful to customers and partners who want to
use business logic or use a standard interface to access data from outside Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
You can use most major software development environments, such as Microsoft Visual Studio® 2005,
to build applications that use Web services. Furthermore, because Web services are XML based, you
can also build Web services across platforms and programming languages.

Web Services Published by Microsoft Dynamics NAV

There are a few simple types of Web services that can be published by Microsoft Dynamics NAV. The
types of Web services correspond to the degree of complexity required in the Web service interface. All
Web services can run C/AL code and validation triggers.
The simplest Web service types are developed using the page object. Microsoft Dynamics NAV
constructs a default Web service with a fixed set of methods. In general, it corresponds to general
data access, such as get and set individual values or retrieve and update lists of values.


Another Web service type involves including codeunits and the functions from those codeunits in
the Web service.
The last type of Web service includes the ability to pass complex data types by using an XMLport
object as a parameter in a codeunit function.
The way in which Microsoft Dynamics NAV integrates Web services saves you from the complexity of
manually setting up Web service frameworks, such as managing the WSDL descriptions. To publish any
type of Dynamics NAV Web service (page or codeunit), you add it to the Web Service table.
Pages and codeunits that are added to the Web Service table in Microsoft Dynamics NAV and are
published are immediately available for Web service requests over the network. Consumers of these
Web services, which are systems integrating with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, only need to know the
network name (or address) of the computer that is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server and the
names given to the individual pages and codeunits. For example, if a computer that is running
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is named NAV_Server1, the MyCustomer Web service is available at
the following URL:
It is important to know that Microsoft Dynamics NAV manages Web service requests in the same way
as it handles requests from end users. Access rights authorization and validation, input data validation,
business logic invocation, and concurrency control are all managed in the same way as requests from a
Microsoft Dynamics NAV client. This ensures that the integrity of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV data is
not compromised by using Web services. It also means that you do not have to replicate code that
validates data or invokes business logic when you build systems that use the Web services provided by
Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Note that when you are writing code for Web services, you must avoid using any end-user
confirmation dialog boxes or message boxes. The code for Web services cannot interact with the client
that called the code, so it cannot respond to dialog box or other client interaction requests. Running
this code causes an exception to be thrown. The exception can be caught and handled, but the Web
service task will not complete.
For more information about developing Web services, see Web Services in the Development
Enhancements in Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖ section.


Development Enhancements in Microsoft Dynamics NAV “6.0”
In Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖, you continue to use Object Designer to develop solutions. You can
access new development environment features such as Page Designer from Object Designer in the
Classic client.

Object Comparison Between Architectures

The following table compares how objects work in the Classic client and RoleTailored client.

Object Classic client RoleTailored client

Codeunit Same as previous versions of Microsoft Designed and executed in the same way as
Dynamics NAV. the Classic client.
New functions have been added to stream
files and data between the RoleTailored
client and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.
Code runs on Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server. Any applications that need to allow
clients access to COM objects need to be

Dataport Same as previous versions of Microsoft Not supported.

Dynamics NAV.

Form Same as previous versions of Microsoft Not supported. Replaced by pages.

Dynamics NAV. C/AL code references to forms are
All code that is written on forms translated to the same method call on a
continues to run. page object with the same ID.
Code and triggers run on the client.


MenuSuite Same as previous versions of Microsoft Navigation based on page rather than
Dynamics NAV. MenuSuite. To navigate to another page,
you add actions to a page that opens the
new page. The Actions menu is similar to
using menu buttons to provide links to
new forms.
You can also allow access to the traditional
MenuSuite through the Departments
section. Users open a list first instead of a
card to more easily find and open a
specific entry.

Page Not supported. New object type that contains properties

and methods to replace forms.
Code and triggers run on Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server.

Report Same as previous versions of Microsoft Report datasets, sections, and request
Dynamics NAV. forms or pages are designed in the C/SIDE
Reports have three new properties that Report Designer.
are ignored. Report layout is designed with a report
definition language editor such as Visual
Studio. The layout information is stored in
the new properties in the report object.

Table Same as previous versions of Microsoft Designed and executed in the same way as
Dynamics NAV. in the Classic client, with the same triggers
A new ExtendedDataType property and properties.
has been added but has no affect on The new ExtendedDataType property
table behavior. allows you to add metadata to fields to
Code and triggers run on the client. change how they are rendered.
Code and triggers run on Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server.

Web service Not supported. New object type that are designed by
creating or reusing a page or page and
codeunit objects together.
XMLports can be used to send complex
data to a Web service by making the
XMLport a parameter to a codeunit and
including that codeunit in a Web service.
Published by adding public references to
the Web Service table.

XMLport Same as previous versions of Microsoft Designed and executed in the same way as
Dynamics NAV. the Classic client.
The functions for using XMLports as XMLports have been extended with similar
dataports are not available. functionality to dataports to allow import
and export of structured files.



Page Designer
The RoleTailored client displays data in pages, which you design with Page Designer. Microsoft
Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖ comes with the following common types:

Pages in the Navigation Layer

Role Center page — This page type is used to build the starting page that users see when they
start the application. There is a different Role Center page definition for each user profile in the
application, although multiple users can be assigned to the same user profile). This page type
consists of a number of FactBoxes, which are smaller windows with information related to the
current main window. Users can hide or show individual FactBoxes on their Role Center page.
List page — This page type is the equivalent to the list form in the Classic client. A list page also
includes an Action Pane at the top for promoted frequent commands, a filter pane in the top
section of the page, and a FactBox pane to the right.
Departments page — This is a system-generated page type. You define the content of the
application with the MenuSuite, and the system generates department pages based on that.

Pages in Individual Windows

Task pages – This page type contains all tasks that are part of a business process that an end user is
likely to need to complete. On the task page, the Action Pane promotes the commands that are
most frequently used within a given context. Task pages are very similar to card forms in the Classic
Cards — Pages with one or more FastTabs, or sections of a page that can be expanded or
collapsed. Cards contain details and statistics about a single entity, such as a customer or item.
Documents — Documents with one or more FastTabs for the document header information
and one FastTab for the document lines. For example, sales orders and credit memos are
document task pages that use FastTabs.
Journals/worksheets — Lists where lines are created as a draft and then acted upon, often with
specific details shown under the list, such as Sales Price Worksheet or Item Journal.
List task pages — An automatic reuse of the page definition for a list place, which is used to
render the page as a pop-up list in View mode, in Edit mode, or in Selection mode where a
value is brought back to the calling window. The list task page has one list and no FastTabs
with fields.
List plus — Pages that include one FastTab with a list and additional FastTabs with fields or
more lists. This page does not represent a business entity but is used for custom display or
processing of information from multiple entities, such as the application worksheet or some
statistics forms.
Matrices — Pages with a grid where each cell, not a row, represents an entity or a sum of
Wizards — Sets of related pages that guide users through a task.
Dialog boxes – This page type is used to briefly show pages that ask the user for parameters for
further processing. These pages do not represent an entity.



Confirmation dialog boxes — Pages that ask users for input for further processing by posing a
question. Generally, the page includes a details section with information relevant to the
Request forms — Pages with one or more FastTabs each containing a filter pane to filter a
specific type of entity. In addition, the page can contain a FastTab at the top with user options
and preferences for how the processing should be done. These pages are autogenerated based
on the definitions in the reports and batch jobs.

Component Page Types Embedded in Other Page Types

FactBoxes — This page type is similar to a mini-card that provides supplemental information. A
FactBox takes as input a key value from the hosting page, which it uses to look up and display
information that is related to the key value. For example, the Customer Statistics FactBox on a sales
order takes a customer number as input and uses it to display the customer’s balance, outstanding
amount, and other information.
Role Center parts — This page type is similar to FactBoxes, except that Role Center parts do not
take input for queries. They always use the same query and show a constant number of items on a
list. For example, a top 10 list of items is a Role Center part. The top 10 items may change over
time, but the list of 10 items is fixed.

Designing Pages with Page Designer

With the new page layouts, you can create pages that focus user attention on the data and actions that
are most frequently used. This creates a more effective, less confusing user experience, and new users
learn to use the page more quickly.
First, think about the types of users that will use the new window, and list the tasks they will do. Make a
list of the fields, commands and links needed for all flavors of the task to the window. Pick the page
types that best match the type of content that you listed for the page. The source table for the page
should be the table that contains the primary set of data that the page will display.
Next, consider if any supplemental sources of information will add value to the page and add these as
FactBoxes. It is possible that existing FactBoxes could support your design.
Then, once you have decided what the design of a page should be; create it using Page Designer.
When you design pages, you specify a hierarchy of page elements. You determine the details of how
data is displayed by adjusting the properties of each element on the page.



By only specifying the content that should be shown and how it should be presented, you do not need
to provide a static layout and do pixel-level editing. The central activity in page design is specifying the
contents of the page in relation to the different Microsoft Dynamics NAV page types.
Then, simplify the user experience by reducing what users see by default:
Promote commands to the Action Pane that users will use frequently. Create groups of commands
in the Action Pane that suggest different tasks or the state at which the commands are used. In
each group, provide a sequence for commands to suggest sequence of use. Use large icons for the
default commands and small icons for alternative commands and less frequently used ones.
In every FastTab, set the Importance property to Additional for all fields that users will use less than
three out of ten times. Set the property to Promoted for one to four important fields so that users
can see their values in the FastTab summary without opening the FastTab.
Display one to three FactBoxes by default. This is usually one to two FactBoxes and Notes.
Finally, add the new page to the menu suite so that it will be included on the Departments place. If the
page you created is a list place, then consider if a specific user profiles should get a link to the page in
their role-oriented navigation pane. If the new page is a task page, then consider which list places from
which it would be useful to link to and add the links.
End users can customize the appearance of the pages that are available to them. For example, in list
pages, they can choose to hide or show both columns and specify which FactBoxes should be
displayed. End users can also change the display order of FactBoxes or choose to hide nonrelevant
FactBoxes for their Role Center or a particular page.
The personalization features for end users do not allow them to access any parts of the system to which
they have not been given permission. However, it does let users hide page elements that they would
prefer not to see or show elements that may not be shown by default. When you are designing a page,
you should include a comprehensive list of page elements and note that the most common changes
that a user makes is to remove elements from rather than add elements to the page that you are
For a step-by-step demonstration of how to create and modify pages in Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖,
see Step-by-Step Walkthrough: Creating and Modifying Pages.



Reports for the RoleTailored client are based on the SQL Server Reporting Services format and
introduce improvements over the existing reporting engine in C/SIDE. Features of the new reports
Graphical and color capabilities, such as pictures, charts, graphs, and custom objects.
Interactive features that allow users to:
Expand or contract to show or hide line details.
Dynamically change sorting on single or multiple columns.
Rich calculation library.
Export to Microsoft Office Excel® and PDF functionality.
The extra information that the RoleTailored client needs is stored in the report definition language
(RDL) format and in extra properties in the report object. RDL is a SQL Server Reporting standard
format for reports. There are a number of available report editors, such as Microsoft Visual Web
Developer™ Express Edition, which is available as a free download.
To create a report for the RoleTailored client, you define the data items for the report and then export
the report to a SQL Server Reporting Services project in Visual Studio. You use SQL Server Reporting
Services to design the layout of the report and any postprocessing, such as grouping and totaling. You
migrate existing reports from previous versions of Microsoft Dynamics NAV or from the Classic client
and design new reports in the same way.
Some properties from Classic reports are not supported in the new architecture. In general, these
properties deal with report layout, totaling, grouping, and printer specifications. When Visual Studio is
opened, these properties are ignored and need to be applied from the layout designer. This only needs
to be done once, and any changes made to reports in Visual Studio are saved when you save your
For a step-by-step demonstration of how to create reports for Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖, see Step-
by-Step Walkthrough: Creating a Report.

Web Services

Page-Based Web Services

When a page is published as a Web service, a fixed set of eight methods is exposed to developers so
that they can manage common record handling operations, such as Insert, Modify, and Find.



To make a simple page-based Web service in Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖, you write a page object
and then add that object to the Web Service table. The following figure demonstrates a page-based
Web service called MyCustomer.

Codeunit-Based Web Services

When a codeunit is published as a Web service, any methods that you have defined on the codeunit
are exposed to developers so that they can integrate with the codeunit.

To make a simple codeunit-based Web service in Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖, you write a codeunit
object and then add that object to the Web Service table.

Page and Codeunit–Based Web Services

On a page object, you can add extra methods to the Web service by associating codeunits with it.
When a page and codeunit are published as a Web service, a fixed set of eight methods on the page
and any additional methods are exposed to developers.
To make a page and codeunit–based Web service, you write a page object and codeunit and add them
to the Web Service table. You then associate the two objects by entering the same service name for
each object.


Codeunits That Use Complex Types in Web Services
You can develop Web services that have complex parameters. Complex parameters are different from
simple parameters, such as integer or Boolean, because they can have their own structure. A sales order
is an example of a complex object, because it has one header and multiple lines, each of which has its
own details.
You pass complex information to a Web service by using an XMLport as a parameter to codeunit
functions. This approach can be best when you do not want to expose all fields from a page object.
Instead, you may want to publish a Web service that offers access to a subset of fields on a page. To do
this, you write an XMLport that captures the required field and make that XMLport to be a parameter
to a function in a codeunit. You then publish the codeunit with a page. From the Web service interface,
you can then access a function with the XMLport as a parameter. Getting the values from C/AL is still
possible, because you can access the business logic when the validate triggers are called.



Functionality Redesign Needs in Microsoft Dynamics NAV “6.0”
Some functionality in Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖ must be redesigned to work with the three-tier
architecture, which includes the RoleTailored client and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

Removing Unsupported Functions, Triggers, and Properties

Functions, triggers, or properties that are not supported in the service architecture will not cause errors
but instead run with no result. The Form Transformation Tool removes triggers and properties that are
not supported in pages and keeps track of these removals in a log file.

Migrating Forms to Pages with the Form Transformation Tool

To help developers migrate forms to pages, Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖ includes the Form
Transformation Tool. It is a mapping tool that you use to generate pages based on forms in your
current application. The tool is based on structured rules that have been developed for mapping forms
to pages. The tool generates new pages with controls and properties that correspond to particular new
behavior available in the RoleTailored client. Most new page objects that are created contain the same
functionality as the original forms.
The Form Transformation Tool creates a new page object for each form in your application by
analyzing the controls and properties on each form and creating a page with the corresponding
controls and properties. It does not change or delete the existing forms during the transformation

Run Form
Forms.xml Transformation Pages.xml

Log file

input files

You first map every form in the application to one of the new page types that have been defined for
the three-tier architecture. For every form that you want to transform to a page, you must specify if the
form is a card type, list type, document type, FactBox type, and so on.



You then run the Form Transformation Tool over your forms. You can specify which forms are
transformed and which forms are ignored. The Form Transformation Tool never deletes code when it
generates a page from a form. However, if a form has a trigger that contains code and no
corresponding trigger exists on a page, the code is either moved to a similar trigger or to the log file.
The Form Transformation Tool never deletes code when it generates a page from a form. However, if a
form has a trigger that contains code and no corresponding trigger exists on a Page, the code is either
moved to a similar trigger or to the log file. This information is useful when you look at the
untransformed forms and decide whether they should be transformed. These forms must be
redesigned before they can be transformed successfully. Otherwise, you can ignore some or all of these
forms and create new pages that contain the same functionality in Page Designer.
The success of the Form Transformation Tool depends on the extent and type of customizations that
you have done on a form. If the customizations correspond to standard application design, then the
transformation process is easier. If the customizations are more complex, then there may be problems
in the transformation process.
Also, some forms in Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖ have been changed to ensure that pages that
contain the same functionality can be easily generated by the Form Transformation Tool. You may
need to customize a subset of forms again to ensure that you can successfully transform these pages.
The following sections describe some specific changes to how types of forms are handled or have
changed in Microsoft Dynamics NAV ―6.0‖.

Statistics Forms
Statistics forms that contain more than two columns must be adjusted before they can be transformed
correctly. To transform to a page, the columns must be grouped in a matrix, and the all cells in the
page must be filled. You must add a placeholder control to empty cells to fill the space.
It may be more useful to redesign some statistics forms as reports, because statistics forms are
generally used for data analysis.



Forms with Information Frames or Filter Frames
Forms that contain information frames, such as the Item Charge Assignment or Cash Receipt Journal
form, or forms with filter frames, such as the Sales Price form, must be redesigned in the same way as
statistics forms. You must place a frame control around the Info Frame section to successfully transform
it to a page.
If it is not redesigned, then the default two-column layout of the RoleTailored client is used. In some
cases, you may want to rearrange the fields to get a more user-friendly field order in the RoleTailored

Matrix Forms
The RoleTailored client does not support matrix controls. You can map a matrix control on a form to a
grid control on a page, but there are the following limitations to this approach.
You must make a new request page that will be used to define the filters and selections that should
be applied and a button to show the result in the grid.
The grid is read-only, and you cannot make grids or matrix forms in the RoleTailored client that are
used for data entry.
The grid contains a finite number of columns. The default value can be changed if you need a
larger grid but will always be static for that page.

Journals and Worksheets with Batches

Journals and worksheets with batches are now accessed through a list place of batches, so you must
add an Edit Journal command to the batch form.
Navigation panes on Role Centers should refer to list places.

Type-Specific Filtering on Forms

The RoleTailored client does not support filtering in the Department place (also known as the
MenuSuite). For example, in the Classic client, you can apply a filter to the sales list for quotes. From
the Menu Suite, you can then open a list of only quotes. The RoleTailored client does not have this
functionality, so you must make a new page for each filter value. In this example, the sales list becomes
six new lists that are specific to the different document types.

Understanding XMLport and Dataport Usage

In previous versions of Microsoft Dynamics NAV and in the Classic client, you can use XMLports and
dataports to import and export XML documents and text files (comma separated, character delimited,
and fixed width).
In the RoleTailored client and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, the two object types have been merged
into one object, the XMLport, which provides the same functionality.
You develop XMLports with the C/SIDE XMLport Designer for both architectures. When you are
developing for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, you can use additional properties and have access to
additional functionality. Request pages and import and export text functionality have been added to
XMLports. These properties are visible in the Classic client so that you can access them in XMLport
Designer. However, setting or executing an XMLport with these properties in the Classic client has no



The following figure shows the additions to XMLport Designer:

Importing and exporting text also works differently in XMLports:

XMLports do not have a OnBeforeExportRecord trigger.
XMLports support multilanguage for the CaptionML and Language properties.
XMLports support UTF-8 and UTF-16 formats for XML.

Managing File Upload and Download Locations

When you create files with the three-tier architecture, you must update your code so that files are
created and managed in the correct location. Files must be downloaded, processed, and uploaded by
the middle tier that is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.
This guidance also applies to processing-only reports, because they are commonly saved to file or
printed to file after they have been run.
The following new functions have been created to make this file transfer and management easier:
FILE.UPLOAD and FILE.UPLOADINTOSTREAM — Sends a file from the RoleTailored client to the
middle tier.
FILE.DOWNLOAD and FILE.DOWNLOADINFROMSTREAM — Sends a file from the middle tier to the
RoleTailored client.



Assessing Automation Objects
Code for automation objects runs on Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. Therefore, you must ensure that
files are generated on the computer that is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server and that code is
running in the correct places for the automation to run successfully. The following scenarios
demonstrate how you would need to change your automation objects to support Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server.
Note You only need to install COM objects on the computer that is running Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server. You do not need to install COM objects on every client.

To Use a COM Component to Generate an Excel File for a User

With C/AL code running on Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, you use the CREATE function to create the
automation object and then run its SAVE function to save it to that computer. When the RoleTailored
client needs access to the file, you use the FILE.DOWNLOAD function to send it from the computer that
is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server to the client.
To ensure that this works correctly, the COM DLL must be stored and registered on the computer that
is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

To Use a COM Component to Carry Out External Processing, Such as Call a Web Service
With C/AL code running on Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, you use the CREATE function to create an
automation object and then call a method on the object. When the method is run, any return value is
passed back to the code.
To ensure that this works correctly, the COM DLL must be stored and registered on the computer that
is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

To Use a COM Component to Read from an MSMQ Message

With C/AL code running on a computer that is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, you use the
CREATE function to create an automation object and the READ function to read it from the message
queue. For the RoleTailored client, the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server processes the result of the
READ function.
Note If the queue location is specifically locally, such as ./myqueue, the code reads from a
message queue called myqueue on the computer that is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
and not from a message queue on the client.

To Use a Visual OCX with Its Own Window

You cannot use an OCX that has its own window to perform special tasks for the client.
In the three-tier architecture, the client cannot run code or interact with other components that are
also running on the client or with the end user. To duplicate the behavior of the existing client, the
other applications that run on the client must be redesigned as Web service–based solutions. The client
application can then call the Web service, which then delivers the information that is required by the
system. You can also write code to provide actions to a page that reads from the database after the
Web service has been called.



To Understand Client Interaction with Hardware
The RoleTailored client cannot interact with local hardware, such as barcode scanners and electronic
In the three-tier architecture, business logic code is run on Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instead of
on the client. Any existing components that require business logic to run on the client must be
redesigned. Possible redesigns include using Web services to transmit data to Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server or writing a client component that writes values directly to the SQL Server database using

Understanding Display Property Behavior in Forms and Pages

None of the properties that govern fonts, such as FontSize and FontItalic, are supported in the three-
tier architecture. These properties are ignored by the RoleTailored client because the behavior of the UI
is controlled by the client.
The Visible, Editable, and Enabled properties have also been changed. In forms that target the Classic
client, you can set the Boolean value of the property from the code. In pages that target the
RoleTailored client, the value is defined in a property of the control. it is also possible to set the value
from an expression. For example, you can set the value to true if a certain value is present in a variable
or another control has a particular value.

Managing Style Sheets

Style sheets require different templates for the Classic client and the RoleTailored client. You need to
remake existing style sheets for the RoleTailored Client, but they are still stored in the same table in
Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
When you store a style sheet, you specify that a particular style sheet is for a form (for the Classic client)
or a page (for the RoleTailored client) in an additional field.

Managing Infinitely Long-Running Processes

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is not designed to host processes that run indefinitely. An example of
an infinitely long process is a solution that runs on the Dynamics NAV Application Server and listens for
and processes external COM events.
To build a similar solution, you must use a more event-driven approach instead of a polling or always-
on approach. For example, you can implement a solution that uses a Web service as the event trigger.
This also increases interoperability and reliability.



Multiple Client Support on Microsoft Dynamics NAV “6.0”
The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic client and Microsoft Dynamics NAV application server can run on
the same SQL Server database that is used by the NAV Server. This means that you can run both
RoleTailored clients and Classic clients in one system, to offer different users in an organization access
to the same application and data.
The biggest benefit of being able to deploy different clients in one system is that specific solutions that
are not immediately migrated to support the three-tier architecture can still be used in an organization.
Also, any integration solutions that run on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV application server continue to
Deploying different client versions does introduce constraints in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. The main
difficulty in supporting multiple clients is the increased complexity that is required when developing
the solution. In the two-tier architecture with the Classic client, the client runs all code in its local
environment. In the three-tier architecture with the RoleTailored client, all code runs on the computer
that is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. When you are making design decisions, you must
ensure parity in code execution behavior between the two clients. If differences arise, then different
clients may perform the same task but arrive at a different final result, which can result in data
consistency issues.

Writing Code That Targets Multiple Clients

Most code behaves the same on the Classic client or the RoleTailored client. However, the behavior is
different when running forms and pages.
For example, you can write C/AL code to run a form as follows:
FORM.RUN(<form id>,<optional parameters>);
This code is interpreted at run time in the following ways:
If it is on the computer that is running on the Classic client, then it will run the form object with
that ID.
If it is on the computer that is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, then it will run the page
object with that ID.
This has two implications when you are designing code that targets multiple clients:
Forms and pages must stay synchronized. If your codeunit calls the Customer form, then the
Customer page ID must have the same ID as the Customer form. Otherwise, it will not work.
Forms and pages must have the same methods with the same number of parameters. Otherwise,
you need to write additional code to support forms and pages.
To allow you to write code that targets either the Classic client or the RoleTailored client, a new system
property called ISSERVICETIER has been created. If code is being executed on the service, then it
returns TRUE. Otherwise, it returns FALSE. You can then use ISSERVICETIER to write code that is explicit
about whether it is run on the service.
Note This property is similar to the GUIALLOWED system property that was introduced to help
with writing code for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Application Server.
For example, if your form object has the method WRITE with two integer parameters, then the
equivalent page object must also have the same method with the same parameters. If the methods do
not have the same signature, then any code that is outside the object that calls the page or form will



fail. In the following example, the page object has an extra text parameter. You can write the following
code to interpret which client is running:

This approach does introduce some complications for writing and maintaining the code:
It reduces how easy the code is to read, understand, and maintain. You may need to maintain and
keep code synchronized in multiple places. Reports and code that use automation objects and files
are different between the two platforms. For example, Office integration style sheets function
differently in the Classic client and RoleTailored client. Writing and maintaining code for style
sheets requires work in two formats and understanding for how particular style sheets should be
applied to the different clients.
It increasing testing needs, because code will need to be tested with multiple clients to ensure that
it functions correctly.
Both clients use the MenuSuite object for navigation, but the design is implemented differently. In
the Classic client, a user opens a card and then can jump to a list. In the RoleTailored client, a user
is presented with a list and can then select which page (card) to open. Supporting both design
types in Microsoft Dynamics NAV increases the work to understand and maintain changes.
Both clients have different implementations of the feature that is used to record miscellaneous
notes or comments about a document or contact. The Classic client uses comments, and the
RoleTailored client uses notes. Both features provide similar functionality, but different users are
not able to see the information that is entered by another user who uses a different client.

Writing Reports That Target Multiple Clients

You can build a single report object that can run on both the Classic client and RoleTailored client. The
most significant change is that the layout of the reports is defined differently. When you design a
report for the Classic client, you design the layout in Section Designer. When you design a report for
the RoleTailored client, you design the layout in an RDL editor, such as Visual Studio Report Editor.
Some properties from Classic reports are not supported in the new architecture. In general, these
properties deal with report layout, totaling, grouping, and printer specifications. When Visual Studio is
opened, these properties are ignored, and you need to apply them from the layout designer. You only
need to do this once, and any changes made to reports in Visual Studio are saved when you save your
You should also move any special code that you have written for a report from the section triggers to a
data item section in the report or to a codeunit.



Step-by-Step Walkthrough: Creating and Modifying Pages
In this walkthrough, you create and modify pages in the RoleTailored client. You start by adding a new
field to the Customer table and then change the Customer List place and the Customer Card page
before they can display this new field. You finally create a new FactBox that displays some details about
the customer that is currently selected in the Customer List place.

To Add a New Field to the Customer Table

For this walkthrough, you have created a new table called VIP. This table contains the very important
person (VIP) status settings (Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Diamond) that you can assign to your customers.
1. Open the Classic client and use Table Designer to extend the Customer table by adding a field
called VIP Code. This field contains information about each customer’s VIP status.
2. Link the VIP Code field to the VIP Code table.

To Modify the Customer List Page

You then add the information about the new VIP Code field to the Customer List page.
1. In Object Designer, open the Customer List page in Page Designer.



Pages have a hierarchical structure that allows you to organize the contents of the page into
groups called containers. The first element or line in Page Designer defines the page’s primary
group. In this example, it is called Customer List Content Area. This element has the subtype
ContentArea, which means that the contents of this group are displayed in the content area when
it is displayed in the RoleTailored client. Other important subtypes are InfoParts and HomeParts.
These subtypes are used later in this walkthrough.
The hierarchical structure of the page is determined by the indentation of the rows that are shown
in Page Designer. Customer List has elements that are indented below it and is a separate group
within the Customer List Content Area container. In this example, the Customer List group contains
the fields that will appear as column headers in the Customer List page.

2. In Page Designer, add a new line, VIP Code, to the Customer List group. This adds a new column to
the Customer List page. Place the VIP Code line relative to where you want the column to be
shown in the list.
3. To define the properties for the new element that you have added to the page, open the
Properties window for the VIP Code line.
4. Set SourceExpr to VIP Code. The VIP Code field is in the Customer table, which is the source table
for the Customer List place.
5. Save and compile the modified page. When you compile the page, the system is updated, and a
RoleTailored client that connects to the database reads the updated page object.
6. Open the RoleTailored client and open the Customer List place to see the new VIP Code column.



To Modify the Customer Card Page
List places are read-only. To allow end users to view and update the VIP Code field, you must also
modify the Customer Card page. Modifying the Customer Card page has some small differences,
because a card is a different kind of page. Cards contain FastTabs and input fields instead of columns
and rows.
1. In Object Designer, open the Customer Card page in Page Designer.
2. Place the cursor in the blank row at the bottom of Page Designer and open the Properties window
to see which type of page this is.
The PageType property determines the type of page and how the groups of elements on the page
appear in the RoleTailored client. When the PageType property is Card, each group on the page is
displayed as a FastTab. When the PageType property is List, as it was in the previous procedure,
each group contains the columns that are displayed in a list.




3. In Page Designer, add a new field to General Customer Group by inserting a row in the appropriate
4. Open the Properties window and set the VIP Code field in the Customer table as the SourceExpr
for the new VIP Code control in the Customer Card page. The Customer table is also the source
table for the Customer Card page.



5. Set the TableRelation property to ―VIP Code‖ to enable the RoleTailored client to look up and
display the choices that have been defined for this field.
6. Save and compile the modified page. When you compile the page, the system is updated, and a
RoleTailored client that connects to the database reads the updated page object.
7. Open the RoleTailored client to see the modified Customer Card page.

To Add a New FactBox to the Customer List Page

To complete this walkthrough, you create a new FactBox and add it to the Customer List page. The
FactBox shows details about the customer that is currently selected in the list. By making this
information readily available, the user has access to more information when they need it so that they
do not need to open the Customer Card page to see basic information, such as phone number or e-
mail address.
1. In Object Designer, open the Customer List page.
2. Insert a new row and enter My Customer Details FactBox.
3. Open the Properties window for this new row and ensure that the PagePartID property value is set
to page 9084, which is Customer Details FactBox. This FactBox is shipped with the RoleTailored
4. Use the SubFormLink property in the My Customer Details Fact Box - Properties window to define
the relation between the page and the source of the FactBox. FactBoxes are bound to the main
contents of a page in the same way that forms and subforms are linked together.



5. Save and compile the modified page. When you compile the page, the system is updated, and a
RoleTailored client that connects to the database reads the updated page object.
6. Open the RoleTailored client and open the Customer List page to see the changes.



Step-by-Step Walkthrough: Creating a Report
In this walkthrough, you create a report that iterates through the Customer table. For each customer
specified in the report filter, the report then iterates through the entire Sales Line table and lists these
customers and the orders that they have placed.

To Define the Data Model

1. In Report Designer, select the Customer table as the first data item, the Sales Line table as the
second data item and the VIP Code table as the third data item. Indent the Sales Line and VIP Code
data items:

2. Open the Properties window for the Sales Line data item. Set the DataItemLinkReference property
to the name of the parent data item (Customer) to which the indented data item (Sales Line) must
be related. In most cases, this is the default setting.
3. Set the DataItemLink property to point to the Sell-to Customer No. field from the Sales Line table.
In the Reference Field, select the No. field from the Customer table.

4. In the Properties window for the VIP Code data item set the DataItemLink property to point to the
VIP Code field. In the Reference Field, select the No. field from the Customer table.
5. In the Properties window for the Customer data item, set the PrintOnlyIfDetail property to Yes. This
ensures that the Customer body sections are only printed if there is data to print from the Sales
Line table.
The data model then works in the following way:
The report runs through the Customer data item.



For each record in the Customer data item, records in the Sales Line data item are selected if
the Sell-to Customer No. field has the same value as the No. field in the Customer data item.
If there are no Sales Line records for a Customer data item, nothing is printed — not even the
information from the Customer data item.
It runs through the VIP Code table and prints the VIP code that has been assigned to each

To Select the Fields that You Want to Appear in the Report

1. In Report Designer, select the Customer data item.
2. Open Section Designer, and then open the Field Menu window and add the No., Name, Address
and Phone No. fields.
3. Select the Sales Line data item and add the Document No., Shipment Date, Description, Quantity,
Unit Price, and Amount fields to the report.
4. Select the VIP Code data item and add the VIP Code field to the report. This is done in Section
Designer for the report.

If you create sections in Report Designer, all fields that you add to these sections are displayed in
the new report layout. Furthermore, all the fields included in the primary key of the tables that are
used as data items in the report are displayed in the new report layout.

To Design the Report in Visual Studio

Click Tools, Transform Layout. The layout of the report is transformed and opened in Report
Designer in Visual Studio.



Note The dataset shows all fields from Microsoft Dynamics NAV that you specified in the earlier
report designer. You can now use Visual Studio to design the layout of the report.
You design the layout of the report in Visual Studio and specify any grouping and totaling that you
want in the report. It therefore makes sense to add any grouping and totaling to the report before you
design the layout of the report.

To Add and Sort a Group and Sort the Detailed Entries

1. In Visual Studio, click any field in the report to enable the editors for the columns and rows.
2. Right-click a field of any row, click Insert Group, and then enter the following expression:
This specifies that you want the entries to be grouped by customer number.



3. In the Sorting tab, select the field value by which you want the group sorted.

4. Open the Table Properties window.

5. In the Sorting tab, select the field value by which you want the detailed data entries sorted.

You have now specified that you want the report to sort the sales line for each customer by their
shipment date.

To Add a Subtotal
You can also add aggregate functions to your report in Visual Studio.
1. Add a row below the Sales Line row.
2. In the last cell in this new row, add the following expression:
This calculates the total amount ordered by each customer.

To Design the Layout of Your Report

You can easily format the appearance of many fields in your reports, including date and currency fields.
1. In the Properties window, select the Format tab.
2. Click the More (…) button. In the Choose Format window, select the format that you want the
dates to appear in.
3. To format the table headers so that they stand out from the rest of the report, select the header



You can now change the style, color, size, and so on of the font as well as the background color of
the cells. When you are finished the report should look something like this:

4. When you are done with the report layout, save and close the project.
5. In the Classic client, when you open this report in Report Designer, a message appears informing
you that the .rdlc file for this report has changed and asks you if you want to load the changes.
Click Yes to save the changes in the database.
6. Compile the report.
The database now contains two versions of this report:
C/SIDE version that can be displayed in the Classic client.
SQL Server Reporting Services version that can be displayed in the RoleTailored client.
Important If you want to further modify the design of the report, you must open the report in the
C/SIDE Report Designer and click View, Layout. If you click Tools, Transform Layout, then you will
convert the original C/SIDE version of the report again and will not be able to see the changes that
you have already made.
Also, the C/SIDE Report Designer and Visual Studio are not closely integrated. Any changes made
in one environment will not be visible in the other environment if performed independently. You
must save any changes that you make in either development environment and import or export
the changes in the other environment before they will be visible there.




The following properties and functions are not supported in pages and are removed when using the
Form Transformation Tool to generate a page from a form. All code and properties that are removed
are recorded in the Transaction.log output file.

Form Properties
To be added when finalized

Report Functions
To be added when finalized

The following properties and functions are not supported in reports for the RoleTailored client:

Report Properties

Data Item Properties


Report Functions



CurrReport Functions

Report Triggers/Functions
Section triggers
Layout-specific functions and totaling functions
Unsupported functions referred to from other objects (codeunits, tables, and so on)

XMLports and Dataports

The following properties are added to XMLports to enable dataport functionality for the RoleTailored

New XMLport Properties


XMLport Functions Not Carried Over From Dataports




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