Synopsis DR Mahfishan Amended Final
Synopsis DR Mahfishan Amended Final
Synopsis DR Mahfishan Amended Final
Academic Supervisor
Institute -AFPGMI
Title of Research Project: Quality of Pharmacy Services in POF Hospital, Wah Cantt
List of abbreviations……………………………………………………………….…1
Project summary…………………………………………………………………….2
Review of Literature...........................................................................................8
Project summary
Pharmacy deals with purchasing, preparation and delivery of medicines not only to
the admitted patients but also to the outdoor patients according to the prescription of
physicians, ensuring the safety and health of patients in effective manners. Now
hospital pharmacy includes modern services related to health care, like clinical
advices, reviewing medication for safety and efficacy and providing drug information.
Hospitals that fail to understand the importance of delivering quality services and
customer satisfaction may be inviting a possible loss of patients. Patient satisfaction
is widely used to measure quality of healthcare by identifying potential areas for
improvement, to increase the effectiveness of healthcare system. An evaluation of
hospital pharmacy practices is essential to assure that they meet the global standards
and to prioritize practice advancements. POF hospital is responsible to provide health
care facilities to serving/ retired POF’s employees and families / parents of the
employees, army personnel posted to POF (including their families/ parents). The
health of the POF employees and their families is fundamental to the welfare of the
organization. The medical store functioning in POF hospital is the backbone of the
setup. It plays an important role in improving access to health care and in closing the
gap between the potential benefits of medicines and the actual value realized. Patient
satisfaction depends on the patients’ experience within different departments in the
hospital as well as patients’ expectations during their visit to the pharmacy. The
objectives of the study are to identify the existing practices of the pharmacy along
with satisfaction level of patients and suggest recommendations for improvement. It
will be an observational cross-sectional quantitative study. Study setting will be POF
hospital Wah Cantt with a time duration of one year. The data collection tool will be
structured questionnaire and it will be analyzed by SPSS version 25. The anticipated
findings about pharmacy services and patient satisfaction level will be presented. The
study will give an insight of the existing gaps in the performance of pharmacy
services and patient satisfaction level and will show a way forward to bring
improvement in the system.
Key words
2. Now hospital pharmacy includes modern services related to health care, like
clinical advices, reviewing medication for safety and efficacy and providing drug
information. In recent years, as standards of living have improved, there is an
increasing demand for better health care as well. With improved lifestyles, improving
the quality of medical care services became a primary concern for patients and health
providers. For provision of better services to patients, quality has become
increasingly important for hospitals in respect of sustaining and retaining patients.
Hospitals that fail to understand the importance of delivering quality services and
customer satisfaction may be inviting a possible loss of patients whereas hospitals
that value patients and their demands and needs experience loyalty from patients to
their hospital.
6. POF Hospital was established in 1962 with an initial capacity of 103 beds.
Existing bed strength is 676 due to introduction of new departments over successive
years. It is now a modern tertiary care hospital providing teaching facilities to Wah
Medical College. The hospital is responsible to provide health care facilities to
serving/ retired POF’s employees and families / parents of the employees, army
personnel posted to POF (including their families/ parents) and employees of allied
departments (CMA, IDA etc.) The hospital also extends diagnostic and treatment
facilities to general public residing in the area on payment.
7. The medical store functioning in POF hospital is the backbone of the setup. It
provides all types of indoor as well as outdoor treatment facilities. The health of the
POF employees and their families is fundamental to the welfare of the organization.
Barriers to good health include poor access to quality medical products, lack of
access to trained health professionals and care, an inadequate health workforce,
unaffordable cost of care and poor standards of education of health-care
professionals. So, to overcome all these parameters a good internal and external
audit of the entire pharmacy setup is required. This study will give us an opportunity
to develop the strategies to meet the patient’s expectations and improve the quality of
care and services being offered by the medical store.
8. Pharmacy plays an important role in improving access to health care and in
closing the gap between the potential benefits of medicines and the actual value
realized and should be part of any comprehensive health system. In addition, the
increasingly complex and diverse nature of pharmacy roles in the health-care system
and public health demands a continuous maintenance of the competence of
pharmacy to develop up-to-date skills and expertise. “GPP” is the practice of
pharmacy that responds to the needs of the people who use the pharmacy services
to provide optimal, evidence-based care. To support this practice, it is essential to
establish national framework of quality standards and guidelines.
9. Pharmacy services include not only just provision of drugs to the patients but
also educating and counselling them about their drug dosage, therapies and
medication related problems. Patient satisfaction depends on the patients’
experience with in different departments in the hospital as well as patients’
expectations during their visit. The purpose of this study is to review the existing
pharmacy services in POF Hospital and identifying the day-to-day problems
faced by not only the patients but also the staff working in the pharmacy and
capture high value quality actions to improve the services.
10. The aim is to improve the pharmacy services in POF Hospital, Wah.
11.The objectives of the study are: -
a. To determine the satisfaction level in patients reporting to the hospital
b. To suggest recommendations to improve the pharmacy services for
improved health care.
12. Hospitals vary from one another in terms of their specialty, services offered,
and resource availability. Their services are widely measured with scales that gauge
patients’ perspective. Across the globe, economic conditions shape people’s
expectations of service quality and their lifestyle. Patients’ perceptions play a vital role
in the failure of any product or service. Consequently, organizations develop tactics to
provide greater service quality to customers to thrive in the current economic climate.
The concept of quality originated in manufacturing organizations, but it is equally
important for service organizations. It is now well recognized that the provision of
quality services is closely associated with organizations’ incremental customer
satisfaction, consumer maintenance, consumer allegiance, budgets and productivity,
facility assurance, and economic presentation.(Shafiq et al., 2017)
16. Patient satisfaction can also determine the degree of competitiveness among
healthcare organizations. Patients perceive their satisfaction to be based on the
hospital’s responsiveness to their views and needs, the quality of the healthcare
services delivered by the hospital, and the overall doctor-patient relationship.
Therefore, it is very important for hospitals to understand the determining factors of
patient satisfaction. Hospitals need to assess what patients’ value and how they
perceive the quality of care. Hospitals can use patient satisfaction information to
determine how to improve service quality, the appropriate methods to use, and the
timing for using these methods.(Lim et al., 2018)
a. Study Design.
b. Study Type
c. Study Setting.
d. Time Duration.
e. Study Population.
Structured Questionnaires
g. Sample Size.
h. Sample Selection.
l. Ethical Considerations.
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Annexure ‘A’
1. You are requested to participate in a study about quality of pharmacy services
in P.O.F Hospital. Your contribution will require responding to the attached
questionnaire. You are likely to require 15-20 minutes to indicate your answers.
Purpose of the study
2. The purpose of this study is to review existing pharmacy services as well as
level of patient satisfaction and to improve the quality of services.
Additional Information
4. Please do not hesitate to ask anything before participating or during the study.
I, Dr._____________, may be contacted by phone on ______________ and my email
address is __________________________.
1. Your signatures below confirm that you have read and understood the
information provided in this form and that you are willing to participate in the study.
Name (Optional)___________________________
Annexure ‘B’
This questionnaire is designed specifically to assess the status of pharmacy
services in terms of patient’s satisfaction level.
Q2 If you collected a prescription today, were you able to collect it straight away,
did you have to wait in the pharmacy or did you come back later to collect it?
Q3 How satisfied were you with the time it took to provide your prescription
and/or any other pharmacy services you required?
Not at all satisfied Not very satisfied Fairly satisfied Very Satisfied
Q4 Thinking about any previous visits as well as today's, how would you rate the
pharmacy on the following factors? Please tick one box for each aspect of the
pharmacy listed below, to show how good or poor you think it is:
Q5 How would you rate the pharmacist and the other staff who work there? Please
tick one box for each aspect of the service listed below, to show how good or poor you
think it is:
Q6, How well do you think the pharmacy provides each of the following
Not Not Fairly Very Never
at all very well well used
well well
a) Providing advice on a current health problem
or a longer-term health condition…………………..
b) Providing general advice on leading a more
healthy lifestyle ……………………………………...
c) Disposing of medicines you no longer need ……..
d) Providing advice on health services or
information available elsewhere …………………...
Q7 Have you ever been given advice about any of the following by the
pharmacist or pharmacy staff?
Stopping smoking……...... Yes No
Healthy eating……………. Yes No
Physical exercise………… Yes No
Q8 Which of the following best describes your preference about this pharmacy?
This is the pharmacy that you choose to visit every time…………………………
This is the only pharmacy available that you use when you need to…………
This pharmacy was just convenient for you today ………………………………..
Q9 Finally, taking everything into account - the staff, the shop and the service
provided - how would you rate the pharmacy where you received this
Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
Annexure ‘C’
2021 2022
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
of Synopsis
Data Analysis
Annexure ‘D’
1. Transport 40,000
2. Stationary 20,000
5. Miscellaneous 10,000
6. Accommodation / Stay -
Personnel 10,000
Total 97,000