Motivation Letter: Bridging Course DIKTI 2022
Motivation Letter: Bridging Course DIKTI 2022
Motivation Letter: Bridging Course DIKTI 2022
Motivation Letter
Bridging Course DIKTI 2022
Motivation Letter 1
Pengalaman yang relevan dengan jurusan yang diambil
Motivation Letter 2
skillset and knowledge are relevant and supportive to pursuing my next graduate
program to be a Master of Laws (LLM) in Foreign University.
Welcome to the crisis of humanity. People say that there are humans but no humanity.
Some country, they have their peace and sovereignty. At the same time in another
country, they are in armed conflict and lack their freedom, and lost their rights. It leads
me to take a specific study on international humanitarian law. According to history,
armed conflict may happen. But no reason to humiliate humanity even in war conditions.
For example, We do not have to kill innocent people, women, and children in wartime. It
is truly unbelievable, that the crisis on humanity today not only happens in war, but it is
happening in our lives and creating injustice among us.
Today, I stand to continue the spirit to get higher education by proposed Master of Laws
Program. Finishing my study of international law. makes me learn how developed
countries have an advanced system of law, a higher capacity of law enforcers, and high
attention to international law. We need to take advantage and also give a contribution to
international law. We need to identify which part of international law we need to adapt
and develop. At the same time with our richness of law culture and law practice, we also
need to find what we can give to international law. I believe that giving our best to
evaluate and develop our position in international society will bring Indonesia to be a
country with a good legal system and true justice in the future. Whatever changes are
made in international law and society, they will impact our beloved country, Indonesia.
Motivation Letter 3
By studying abroad, the Competencies of graduates and a higher standard of the
academic system are what I searching for. World top universities can give me a different
quality of knowledge, insight, and experience about learning methods and law
enforcement, also how the nations interact. I consider that different quality of education
creates a different quality for the next law generation. These will support me as a better
lecturer and an international law expert in the future.
We know that in Indonesia, the law faculty of a university is “a factory” that generates
the next leaders who will take an important role in law enforcement. The capability of
lecturers and the quality of universities are the keys to creating expertise and integrity.
Expertise and integrity will create fair and truthful law enforcers. This leads to focus on
how to build integrity of the next generation as a lecturer.
Being a lecturer is just a little part of my goal. My true goal is to contribute to justice in
Indonesia by keeping educate the youth and society about law and integrity. To achieve
it, I know that I still have a list of tasks that I need to finish. I need to upgrade my
mindset, skillset, knowledge, and attitude. I will try my best to achieve my dream and
give my best for Indonesia.
The existence of this crisis does not mean that we need to be sad and do nothing. I
called this “a challenge” for me as a law graduate on how I can participate to make a
change. Related to the crisis, i choose to make a change in the source of human
resources in the law field, and it is the law faculty of universities. By changing mindset,
delivering knowledge, upgrading skills, and training good behavior to the law student,
we can make a positive change against this crisis. I believe after this crisis, the
survivors must be successful people.
Motivation Letter 4
In education, we understand that we live in a challenging era in Indonesia. The
competencies of lecturers are also a problem to develop our education for better law
enforcers. On other hand, so many people want to be a lecturer but job opportunities
are limited. But, we need to treat it as a challenge and not as a problem We need to
answer it. I decide that Higher education and truthful integrity can be my solution for
them in the next generation. And, in the future, I believe Indonesia will be one of the top
countries with justice in the world.
[1] Transparency International, “Corruption Perception Index”, Accessed on June 12,
[2] Sinaga Eri Komar, Ini 3 Kasus Terbesar yang Menjerat Para Hakim, Accessed on
June 12, 2022,
Motivation Letter 5