Application of Ozone in Wastewater Treatment
Application of Ozone in Wastewater Treatment
Application of Ozone in Wastewater Treatment
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Application of ozone in wastewater treatment Oxidation of pharmaceuticals and filamentous bulking sludge
My name is Filip Nilsson and I am an engineer and
scientist. I have been employed as an industrial
Ph.D. student and process engineer at Primozone
Production AB since 2010 and have been working
Application of ozone in
with ozone and its applications ever since.
9 789177 535218
ISBN 978-91-7753-521-8
Filip Nilsson
by due permission of the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, Sweden.
To be defended in lecture hall K:A, Kemicentrum on the 2nd of February 2018
at 13:15
Faculty opponent
Ph. D. Dines Thornberg, BIOFOS AS, Denmark
Organization Document name
Water and Environmental Engineering at Date of issue
the Department of Chemical Engineering 2018-02-02
Author(s) Sponsoring organization: Primozone Production AB, Svenskt
Filip Nilsson Vatten (via VA-teknik Södra)
Title and subtitle: Application of ozone in wastewater treatment – Oxidation of pharmaceuticals and
filamentous bulking sludge
As pharmaceutical removal was not part of the of the modern wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) design, it is not
surprising that WWTPs have been identified as major point sources of pharmaceuticals entering the environment.
The oxidation of pharmaceuticals in the WWTP effluent is one of the-end-of-pipe solutions that are considered most
ready for full-scale use. However, there are several aspects of its application that must be further researched. One
aim of this thesis project was to investigate how effective ozone is when applied to different WWTPs. When ozone
was applied to the effluent of Lundåkraverket WWTP, the importance of the organic carbon content was highlighted.
A pre-treatment that removed most of the organic carbon (suspended solids) removed 95% of the total
pharmaceutical concentration with an ozone dose of five g O3/m3. Without this pre-treatment, the removal reached
80% with the same ozone dose. Moreover, the impact of TOC was substantial when ozone was applied in the same
manner at ten different WWTPs; as the TOC content in the wastewater effluent increases, a higher ozone dose is
required to reach an 80% reduction in the total pharmaceutical concentration.
Filamentous bulking sludge that upsets the clarifying process still constitutes a problem at many activated sludge
plants. Ozone added to the return activated sludge has alleviated the problem, but it has not been applied in many
trials. The other aim of this thesis was to investigate how ozone addition impacts settling qualities and filamentous
bacteria when applied to the return activated sludge. Ozone was tested at two different WWTPs using similar
equipment. At Öresundsverket, the specific ozone dosage ranged from 2.8 to 5.0 g O3/kg SS with a constant ozone
dosage rate of 900 g O3/h. At Klagshamn WWTP, the specific ozone dose was more variable because the flow of
return activated sludge was changed to investigate how it impacted the results.
The addition of ozone to the return activated sludge lowered the sludge volume index (SVI) and diluted sludge
volume index (DSVI) significantly at both locations. The SVI in the first Klagshamn trial was decreased from
approximately 200 mL/g to below 100 mL/g, and the SVI was reduced from 170 mL/g to 100 mL/g in the trial at
Öresundsverket WWTP. The biological nutrient removal processes were not affected by the ozone process. A
second full-scale trial at Klagshamn WWTP further demonstrated that ozone significantly improves the settling
qualities of activated sludge. The DSVI was decreased from 82 mL/g to 54 mL/g with 4.0 g O3/kg TSS. Live/Dead®
analysis of the ozonated sludge from that trial revealed that filamentous bacteria protruding outside the flocs are
significantly more affected by ozone than bacteria within the flocs. In addition, ozone doses that are applicable to
filamentous bulking control will not result in higher methane production from anaerobic digestion or be sufficient to
oxidize micro-pollutants in the sludge.
Security classification
I, the undersigned, being the copyright owner of the abstract of the above-mentioned dissertation, hereby grant to all
reference sources permission to publish and disseminate the abstract of the above-mentioned dissertation.
Application of ozone in wastewater
Oxidation of pharmaceuticals and filamentous bulking
Filip Nilsson
Cover photo by Jan Borgström
During the course of my Ph.D. studies I primarily investigated how to use ozone in
two wastewater applications.
For the first application, mitigation of filamentous bulking sludge problems, I
conducted full-scale trials in 2011 with ozone at Klagshamn WWTP in Malmö and
at Öresundsverket WWTP in Helsingborg. The objectives of these studies were to
study how effective ozone would be in improving the settling qualities of activated
sludge. In 2016, I conducted another full-scale trial with ozone at Klagshamn
WWTP. The main objective was to study how ozone affects filamentous bacteria.
A secondary objective of that study was to investigate whether this ozone
application could result in any positive side-effects such as increased methane
production and micro-pollutant removal.
For the second application, I took part in two pilot-scale studies aimed at oxidizing
pharmaceuticals in wastewater effluent with ozone. The first pilot-scale study I
conducted together with Janne Väänänen at Lundåkraverket WWTP in Landskrona.
The second study took place at 10 different WWTPs in southern Sweden.
Since my licentiate thesis in 2015 (Nilsson, 2015) I have mainly focused on
oxidation of pharmaceuticals with ozone. The filamentous sludge section of this
doctoral thesis is therefore similar to that thesis.
I express my heartfelt gratitude to Karin Jönsson and Åsa Davidsson for accepting
me as a Ph.D. student and for your endless support and friendship.
I also thank Primozone Production AB for financing my studies.
I wish to thank Svenskt Vatten for their financial support via VA-teknik Södra.
I wish to thank ÅForsk and the J. Gust. Richert foundation for their financial support
for Paper V.
I am also very thankful for the work by the staff at NSVA and VA SYD for their
efforts during the trials with ozone at Klagshamn, Öresundsverket and
Lundåkraverket WWTPs for Papers I, II, III and V.
I also wish to thank the personnel at the following WWTPs for their help in the trials
for Paper IV: Sternö, Sjöhög, Nyvångsverket, Torekov, Sjölunda, Källby, Ellinge,
Kävlinge, Svedala and Västra Stranden.
I wish to express my gratitude to the following individuals:
Gertrud Persson for your work, support and patience during our laboratory work,
also for being my friend.
Ivelina Dimitrova for your work on the full-scale ozonation at Klagshamn and
publication of Paper I and Paper V.
Janne Väänänen for our full-scale experiments for Paper III and your great support.
Marinette Hagman for your work and input with Paper II and III.
Jes la Cour Jansen for our discussions and your work on Papers III and IV.
Maritha Hörsing for your work on Paper III.
Per Halkjær Nielsen and Artur Tomasz Mielczarek for your work on Paper II.
Maja Ekblad for your work on Paper IV.
Per Falås and Simon Bengtsson for your work on Paper V.
Michael Cimbritz for your input on pharmaceuticals in this thesis.
Robert Sehlén for your input for this thesis.
My family and friends for their love and support.
As pharmaceutical removal was not part of the of the modern wastewater treatment
plant (WWTP) design, it is not surprising that WWTPs have been identified as major
point sources of pharmaceuticals entering the environment. The oxidation of
pharmaceuticals in the WWTP effluent is one of the-end-of-pipe solutions that are
considered most ready for full-scale use. However, there are several aspects of its
application that must be further researched. One aim of this thesis project was to
investigate how effective ozone is when applied to different WWTPs. When ozone
was applied to the effluent of Lundåkraverket WWTP, the importance of the organic
carbon content was highlighted. A pre-treatment that removed most of the organic
carbon (suspended solids) removed 95% of the total pharmaceutical concentration
with an ozone dose of five g O3/m3. Without this pre-treatment, the removal reached
80% with the same ozone dose. Moreover, the impact of TOC was substantial when
ozone was applied in the same manner at ten different WWTPs; as the TOC content
in the wastewater effluent increases, a higher ozone dose is required to reach an 80%
reduction in the total pharmaceutical concentration.
Filamentous bulking sludge that upsets the clarifying process still constitutes a
problem at many activated sludge plants. Ozone added to the return activated sludge
has alleviated the problem, but it has not been applied in many trials. The other aim
of this thesis was to investigate how ozone addition impacts settling qualities and
filamentous bacteria when applied to the return activated sludge. Ozone was tested
at two different WWTPs using similar equipment. At Öresundsverket, the specific
ozone dosage ranged from 2.8 to 5.0 g O3/kg SS with a constant ozone dosage rate
of 900 g O3/h. At Klagshamn WWTP, the specific ozone dose was more variable
because the flow of return activated sludge was changed to investigate how it
impacted the results. The addition of ozone to the return activated sludge lowered
the sludge volume index (SVI) and diluted sludge volume index (DSVI)
significantly at both locations. The SVI in the first Klagshamn trial was decreased
from approximately 200 mL/g to below 100 mL/g, and the SVI was reduced from
170 mL/g to 100 mL/g in the trial at Öresundsverket WWTP. The biological nutrient
removal processes were not affected by the ozone process. A second full-scale trial
at Klagshamn WWTP further demonstrated that ozone significantly improves the
settling qualities of activated sludge. The DSVI was decreased from 82 mL/g to 54
mL/g with 4.0 g O3/kg TSS. Live/Dead® analysis of the ozonated sludge from that
trial revealed that filamentous bacteria protruding outside the flocs are significantly
more affected by ozone than bacteria within the flocs. In addition, ozone doses that
are applicable to filamentous bulking control will not result in higher methane
production from anaerobic digestion or be sufficient to oxidize micro-pollutants in
the sludge.
Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning
Avloppsreningsverk är en viktig del av samhället även om de flesta aldrig ägnar en
tanke på hur avloppsvattnet renas. Under slutet av 60-talet i Sverige började
problemen med övergödning att få stor uppmärksamhet och den svenska regeringen
beslutade att något måste göras. En storskalig utbyggnad och modernisering av
avloppsreningsverken drogs igång under 70-talet och positiva effekter på
vattendragen kunde ses inom några år. I dag står vi inför ett nytt problem.
Läkemedel som vi tar i hemmet tar sig via avloppet till avloppsreningsverken och
passerar i många fall rakt igenom. Långtidseffekterna av att läkemedel finns
närvarande i vattendrag är i dagsläget inte kända men det har påvisats att fiskar får
problem med fortplantningen på grund av hormoner från p-piller. Forskning har
visat att det går att minska halterna av läkemedel som släpps ut från verken. De två
tekniker som har kommit längst är tillsättning av aktivt kol eller ozon till utloppet
av reguljärt behandlat avloppsvatten. Då ozon inte har använts i denna applikation i
mer än några år finns det fortfarande stora kunskapsluckor. Till denna avhandling
genomfördes flertalet försök i pilot-skala för att undersöka huruvida ozon kan
användas överallt med samma resultat samt hur ozonbehandlingen påverkas av
halten organiskt kol. Resultaten visar att ozonbehandlingen inte blir lika effektiv
överallt. En dosering som fungerar bra på ett verk ger inte nödvändigtvis samma
resultat på ett annat verk. Detta verkar till stor del bero på halten av organiskt kol i
Ett annat problem i dagens avloppsreningsverk är uppkomsten av slam som är svårt
att avskilja genom sedimentering. Sedimentation är ett kritiskt processteg inom
avloppsvattenrening. Ett slam som inte sedimenterar ordentligt kan leda till otillåtna
utsläpp av näringsämnen och andra problem med driften av verket. En orsak till att
slam blir svåra att sedimentera är ohindrad tillväxt av så kallade filamentbakterier.
Dessa bakterier skapar långa nätverk som ökar ytan på slammet vilket i sin tur gör
att det sedimenterar alldeles för långsamt. För att åtgärda detta problem kan man
tillsätta olika kemikalier, bland annat ozon. I den här avhandlingen har
appliceringen av ozon testats i fullskala och visat sig öka sedimentationshastigheten
på slam inom ca två till sex veckor. De nödvändiga biologiska processerna på verken
blev inte negativt påverkade av en sådan behandling.
List of papers
Paper I Nilsson, F., Jönsson, K. and Dimitrova, I. 2012. Full-scale ozonation
to reduce filamentous sludge at Klagshamn WWTP. Proceedings of
the International Ozone Association conference, Toulouse, June 4-
ISBN 978-2-9528298-9-2.
Paper II Nilsson, F., Hagman, M., Mielczarek, A. T., Nielsen, P. H. and
Jönsson, K. 2014. Application of ozone in full-scale to reduce
filamentous bulking sludge at Öresundsverket WWTP. Ozone
Science & Engineering 36 (3): 238-243.
Paper III Väänänen, J., Nilsson, F., la Cour Jansen, J., Hörsing, M., Hagman,
M. and Jönsson, K. 2014. Discfiltration and ozonation for reduction
of nutrients and organic micro-pollutants from wastewater – a pilot
study. Water Practice & Technology 9 (4): 475-482.
Paper IV Nilsson, F., Ekblad, M., la Cour Jansen, J., Jönsson, K. 2017.
Removal of pharmaceuticals with ozone at 10 Swedish wastewater
treatment plants. Water Practice & Technology (accepted for
Paper V Nilsson, F., Davidsson, Å., Falås, P., Bengtsson, S., Bester, K. and
Jönsson, K. 2017. Impact of ozonation on filamentous bacteria
viability and possible added benefits. (submitted for publication)
Other publications
Punzi, M., Nilsson, F., Anbalagan, A., Svensson, B.-M., Jönsson, K., Mattiasson,
B. and Jonstrup, M. 2015. Combined anaerobic-ozonation process for treatment of
textile wastewater: removal of acute toxicity and mutagenicity.
Journal of Hazardous Materials 292: 52-60.
El-taliawy, H., Ekblad, M., Nilsson, F., Hagman, M., Paxeus, N., Jönsson, K.,
Cimbritz, M., la Cour Jansen, J. and Bester, K. 2017. Ozonation efficiency in
removing organic micro pollutants from wastewater with respect to hydraulic
loading rates and different wastewaters. Chemical Engineering Journal 325: 310-
Haghighatafshar, S., Nilsson, F., Väänänen, J., Hagman, M., Hey, G., Bollmann, U.
E., Bester, K. and Jönsson, K. 2017. Application of microsieving with O3 or ClO2
for treatment and disinfection of combined sewer overflows. (submitted for
My contributions to the papers
Paper I I wrote the article, helped with the experimental equipment and
created the figures. The experiments were designed and conducted
by Ivelina Dimitrova and the article is based on her Master of
Science thesis from 2011.
Paper II I planned the experiment together with Karin Jönsson and Marinette
Hagman. I conducted the ozone experiments, evaluated the
experimental data and wrote the article.
Paper III I planned the experiments together with Janne Väänänen and Jes la
Cour Jansen. I evaluated the ozone experimental data and wrote the
ozone parts of the article.
Paper IV I planned the ozone experiments together with Jes la Cour Jansen.
I conducted the ozone experiments and wrote the article.
Paper V I planned the ozone experiments together with Karin Jönsson, Åsa
Davidsson, Per Falås, Simon Bengtsson and Ivelina Dimitrova. I
conducted the ozone experiments together with Per Falås and I
wrote the article together with Simon Bengtsson, Per Falås, Åsa
Davidsson and Kai Bester.
Abbreviation Explanation Abbreviation Explanation
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................1
1.1 Research questions ...............................................................................2
2 Materials and methods ...................................................................................3
2.1 Full-scale installations for filamentous bulking sludge mitigation .......3
2.2 Pilot-scale installations for the oxidation of pharmaceuticals ..............6
3 Ozone .............................................................................................................9
3.1 Applications of ozone ...........................................................................9
3.2 Ozone addition....................................................................................10
3.2.1 Venturi injection .....................................................................10
3.2.2 Static mixer .............................................................................12
3.2.3 Bubble column ........................................................................13
3.2.4 Advantages and disadvantages of the different systems .........14
4 The biological nutrient removal activated sludge plant ...............................19
5 Ozone and pharmaceuticals in wastewater...................................................21
5.1 Factors influencing pharmaceutical oxidation with ozone .................23
5.1.1 Ozone dose and the impact of the water matrix .....................23
5.1.2 Aspects of the water matrix ....................................................23
5.1.3 Ozone kinetics ........................................................................26
5.1.4 Evaluating ozone doses ..........................................................27
5.1.5 Predicting pharmaceutical removal ........................................31
5.1.6 Unintended by-product formation ..........................................34
5.2 Ozone addition in practice ..................................................................36
5.2.1 Hydraulic retention time .........................................................36
5.2.2 Dose control............................................................................38
5.2.3 Cost .........................................................................................40
6 Ozone and filamentous bulking sludge ........................................................41
6.1 Reducing filamentous sludge bulking with ozone ..............................43
6.2 Impact on SVI and DSVI....................................................................44
6.2.1 Impact on biological nutrient removal ....................................49
7 Conclusions ..................................................................................................53
7.1 Ozone and pharmaceuticals ................................................................53
7.2 Ozone and filamentous bulking sludge ..............................................54
8 Future studies ...............................................................................................55
9 References ....................................................................................................57
1 Introduction
specific flow of sludge entering it. If the settler is hindered in its operation by the
emergence of a slow-settling sludge (filamentous sludge), the throughput of the
settler and the plant will be affected. Floating sludge in the settler is another
consequence of filamentous sludge, leading to washing out of sludge and in turn
excess nutrient and BOD discharge. This problem of slow-settling sludge can be
alleviated, by adding chemicals (ozone or PAC) or changing process parameters to
make other non-filamentous bacteria more dominant (van Leeuwen, 1988). The use
of ozone in this application has been known for since the 1980s, but this method is
not widely employed. Therefore, there are numerous aspects of this process that
have not been investigated in detail, such as the mechanism of ozone attack on
filamentous bacteria.
2 Materials and methods
All ozone experiments for this thesis were conducted in pilot or full-scale tests at
WWTPs. The general aims and experimental setups that were used are described
below, and the analyses and experimental procedures are detailed in the papers in
question (Paper I to Paper V).
Figure 1 Figure 2
Outside view of the container and pressurized reactor Inside view of the same container. Visible from the left -
installed at Klagshamn WWTP. main PLC, ozone generator, and oxygen generator.
At Klagshamn WWTP (Paper I), the container was installed such that it could treat
both treatment lines (Figure 3) consecutively. A centrifugal pump was installed at a
location in the process train to permit pumping of return sludge from one line (25-
32 m3/h, ~5% of the total return sludge flow) through the Venturi injector and into
the 7.9 m3 pressurized reaction chamber. Furthermore, the ozone treatment was
switched between the two lines with the opening and closing of baffles and valves
(Figure 3). The second trial at Klagshamn (Paper V) applied ozone to one treatment
Figure 3
Simplified schematic overview of the experimental setup at Klagshamn WWTP (more details are availabe in Paper I).
1: Baffles for choosing source of RAS, 2: submerged centrifugal pump, 3: venturi injector, 4: pressurized reaction
vessel, 5: valves for choosing destination of treated RAS, 6: aerated zone of treatment line 1, 7: aerated zone of
treatment line 2.
At Öresundsverket WWTP (Figure 4 and Figure 5; Paper II), the equipment was
installed to treat one line only. The centrifugal pump was installed in the return
sludge basin and delivered ~42 m3/h (~5% of the total return sludge flow) to the
Venturi injector and further into the pressurized reaction vessel (7.9 m3). From the
reaction chamber, the ozone-treated return sludge was fed back into the aerobic
Figure 4
Picture of the container and pressurized reaction vessel installed at Öresundsverket WWTP.
Figure 5
A simplified schematic of the ozonation system at Öresundsverket WWTP (more details are available in Paper II).
1: Submerged centrifugal pump, 2: venturi injector, 3: pressurized reaction vessel, 4: aerated zone of the chosen
treatment line.
2.2 Pilot-scale installations for the oxidation of
Two different pilot-scale installations were used to investigate oxidation of
pharmaceuticals in biologically treated wastewater for this thesis. The first was
installed at Lundåkraverket WWTP (Paper III) and the second was used at ten
different WWTPs (Paper IV). The pilot installation used in Paper III is depicted in
Figure 6. The main feature of the pilot unit was that the order of the treatments could
be switched such that ozone addition occurred either before or after the coagulation,
flocculation, and disc filtration. The pilot was operated with a wastewater flow of
9.3-10 m3/h and a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 5.4 to 5.8 minutes in the
coagulation and flocculation stage, where four g of Al3+ /m3 was added before 1.5
g/m3 of high molecular weight and medium-high charge cationic powder polymer
was added. After coagulation and flocculation, the water entered a disc filter with
ten μm pores. Either after or before the coagulation, flocculation, and disc filtration
step, the wastewater was subjected to two, five, and nine g O3/m3 in a pressurized
reaction vessel with an HRT of 2.6 minutes (for more details see Paper III).
Figure 6
Schematic of the pilot-scale installation used in Paper III. 1: Effluent from the secondary sedimentation basins,
2: Submerged centrifugal pump, 3: Influent to the pilot plant sampling point, 4: Booster pump, 5: Venturi-type ozone
injector, 6: Pressurized reaction tank, 7: Static mixer, 8: Flow meter, 9: Stirred PAC reaction tank, 10: Stirred polymer
reaction tank, 11: Discfilter, 12: Post-discfiltration sampling point, 13: Post-ozonation sampling point, 14: Post-
ozonation sampling point, 15: Post discfiltration sampling point.
The pilot-scale system used in Paper IV (Figure 7) consisted of a 20ft container
which housed all necessary equipment including but not limited to the ozone
generator, oxygen production, compressor, ozone concentration measurement, flow
measurement, and a pressurized reaction vessel (HRT 5 min). The system operated
in the same way at all ten WWTPs (details are available in Paper IV). In summary,
wastewater was pumped through the system and the first ozone dose (3 g O3/m3)
was applied. After 20 minutes, the first sample was taken and repeated every ten
minutes for one hour. The next ozone dose was then applied (5 g O3/m3) and the
sampling was repeated until the last ozone dose (7 g O3/m3) was finished.
2 4 SC
3 O3 5 19
7 8 10
9 15 OUT: 3, 5 & 7
11 gO3/m3
IN 16 AF 17 18
Figure 7
Schematic of the pilot scale installation used in Paper IV. 1: Compressor, 2: PSA oxygen supply, 3: Chiller, 4: Ozone
generator, 5: Ozone concentration meter, 6: Submerged centrifugal pump, 7: Flowmeter, 8: Turbidity meter, 9: Drum
filter, 10: Turbidity meter, 11: 1 m3 equalization tank, 12: Booster pump, 13: Flow meter, 14: Venturi injector, 15: 500 l
pressurized reaction vessel (HRT: 5 min), 16: Sludge from drum filter, 17: Excess flow, 18: Discharge from ozonation,
19: Main PLC. Details available in Paper IV.
3 Ozone
Ozone has one property that makes it useful in wastewater treatment: its high
oxidation potential (2.07 V). Oxidation is a chemical reaction in which substances
release one or more electrons and become positively charged (oxidized). The
released electrons are then accepted by another molecule which in turn becomes
reduced. The oxidation potential value denotes a compound´s readiness to undergo
such reactions. The high reactivity of ozone is derived from its inherent instability
due to the molecule´s readiness to accept an electron; reducing ozone to O2, the
electron donor becomes oxidized.
Ozone was first reported and named by Carl Friedrich Schönbein in 1840 before the
French academy of science. The name comes from the Greek word ozein, “to smell”,
which is fitting since the smell of ozone is highly characteristic. A high degree of
effort went into discerning the true nature of ozone by researchers such as C. F.
Schönbein, J. L. Soret, J. C. G. de Marignac, R. F. Marchand, J. J. Berzelius, A. C.
Becquerel, and J. A. Houzeau, L. von Babo. It was discovered that ozone was an
allotrope of oxygen in 1865 by J. L. Soret and he confirmed this in 1867. The high
reactivity of ozone was noted by Schönbein in his early experiments (Rubin, 2001),
necessitating a careful choice of materials in which to house the ozone.
The construction of new ozone plants did not reach the same level as before 1915
until after World War II (AWWA, 1991). It has since been realized that ozone can
be utilized for applications other than disinfecting drinking water, such as iron and
manganese removal, color removal, protecting food from microbiological attack,
turbidity reduction, pesticides degradation, SVI reduction of sludge, excess sludge
minimization, disinfection of wastewater, and increased methane production from
sludge (Bougrier et al., 2006; Böhler & Siegrist, 2004; Camel & Bermond, 1998;
Kim et al., 1999; van Leeuwen & Pretorius, 1988; Xu et al., 2002;). The use of
ozone to remove micro-pollutants such as pharmaceuticals, biocides, and endocrine
disruptive compounds (EDCs) has recently gained attention. This growing interest
in removing pharmaceuticals is highlighted by the Swiss decision to implement
legislation, which compelled certain WWTPs (criteria in section 5.1) to install
additional treatment steps to reduce the concentration of pharmaceuticals in their
discharge (Eggen et al., 2014).
The Venturi injector works on the principle of the Venturi effect, which is named
after the Italian physicist Giovanni Battista Venturi and described in his 1799 work
“Experimental Inquiries Concerning the Principle of the Lateral Communication of
a Motion in Fluids” (Venturi, 1826). Water enters the Venturi and a decrease in
cross-sectional area rapidly increases the linear velocity of the water. This increase
in velocity creates suction at an orifice into which ozone can be injected. When
ozone is injected, an emulsion of fine ozone bubbles and water is created, and the
cross-sectional area is increased to the original area (Bin & Roustan, 2000). A
representation of how a Venturi injector functions is depicted in Figure 8.
Figure 8
A principal representation of a venturi injector.
The velocity (V) undergoes a drastic increase from points 1-2, leading to a rapid
decrease in pressure (P). The velocity then decreases, and the pressure rises again
due to the increase in diameter (point 3). A Venturi injector installed at a full-scale
potable water plant in the US is depicted in Figure 9.
Figure 9
A venturi injector installed at a potable water plant in the US. The water flows upwards and ozone is injected in the
port on the right hand side. Photo by Mats Cato (reproduced with permission).
3.2.2 Static mixer
A static mixer is a relatively simple device with no moving parts; the liquid (e.g.
biologically treated wastewater) is propelled through the mixer unit and mixed with
the gas. It consists of several static mixing elements (Figure 10) which are designed
to shear and disperse a liquid or mixture of liquid and gas radially in a pipe or duct
(Heyouni et al., 2002; Martin et al., 1994).
Figure 10
Static mixing elements of a mixer (grey). Arrows indicate the direction of water flow. Image by PAOR CO., Ltd.
(reproduced with permission).
Figure 11
A full-scale installation of static mixers in the main flow pipes in a potable water plant in South Korea. Photo by PAOR
CO., Ltd. (reproduced with permission).
3.2.3 Bubble column
Bubble columns are the most widely used system for transferring ozone into water.
The reason for their popularity in industrial and municipal applications is that there
is no need to pressurize the water. The diffusor (Figure 12) consists of a porous
ceramic material which disperses the gaseous ozone into bubbles approximately two
to three mm in diameter (Bin & Roustan, 2000).
Figure 12
Typical ceramic diffusors for ozone. The darker part of the left diffusor is the porous ceramic material dispersing the
gas, and the diffusor on the right is overturned to show the connection point of ozone (middle threaded connection).
The bubble diffusors are placed at the bottom of a contact tank (Figure 13);
pressurized ozone (0.7 – 2 bars, g) flows through the diffusors (arrows indicates
water flow direction) and is dispersed as bubbles, which meet the water as it flows
counter-currently toward them. Depending on the application, baffles can be
employed to facilitate a plug flow regime. A large bubble column installed in South
Korea is depicted in Figure 14.
Figure 13
A schematic representation of a bubble column with baffles. Water enters the column and flows (arrows) counter-
currently toward the ozone bubbles.
Figure 14
Picture of a bubble column installation in South Korea. Photo by PAOR CO., Ltd. (reproduced with permission).
When ozone has meets the water and forms bubbles, it must be transferred from the
bubbles into the bulk of the liquid. This transfer of mass from the gas phase to the
liquid phase has been extensively researched and several mathematical models exist.
These models are not described in detail here, but for readers interested in mass-
transfer models and their applications in chemical engineering, the book by Coulson
et al. (1999) is recommended. The simplest model of mass-transfer, the two-film
theory, describes the transfer rate of a solute from a gas bubble into a liquid through
a laminar interface (Figure 15). As shown in Equation 1, the mass-transfer rate (NA)
is governed by the mass-transfer coefficients in the gas film (kG), liquid film
coefficient (kL), interface area (A), concentrations in the gas and liquid bulk (CG and
CL), and concentrations at the gas and liquid interface (CG,i and CL,i).
interface layer
Gas interface
Gas bulk Liquid
(bubble) bulk
Figure 15
The two film model of mass transfer.
Equation 1
= ( − )= ( − )
From Equation 1, a more practical method of estimating the mass-transfer rate can
be expressed (Equation 2), in which the mass-transfer coefficient is combined with
the interface area and liquid volume in the volumetric mass-transfer coefficient (kL,a)
(Bin & Roustan 2000). The mass-transfer rate (NA) is then dependent on the
equilibrium concentration in the liquid (CL*), concentration distribution in the liquid
(CL), and liquid volume (VL)
Equation 2
= ∙( − )∙
Table 1
Ranges of experimental values for kL,a (Bin & Roustan, 2000).
Ozone transfer device kL,a (/s)
As presented in Table 1, the Venturi and static mixer transfer systems are superior
to the bubble column in terms of the volumetric transfer coefficient. However, there
are many complicating factors. A Venturi injector needs a high pressure-gradient to
function properly; a higher pressure drop is required as the injected gas flow
increases. Thus, a pump is needed to increase the pressure to a sufficient level called
a booster pump. If ozone is injected into a high flow (such as in a WWTP), the
combination of high flow and required pressure makes it impractical to use the
Venturi in the main flow. A side-stream with a fraction of the main flow constitutes
a more practical solution, since the pump only needs to increase the pressure by
hundreds of cubic meters rather than several bars with thousands of cubic meters
per hour.
An example of a Venturi side-stream is depicted in Figure 16. A booster pump (1)
draws water from the main line and increases the pressure to approximately three
bars (g). Ozone is introduced at the suction part of the injector (3), and the pressure
of the subsequent ozone and water mix is one bar (g). The pressure is typically
monitored by pressure indicators (2 and 4). Furthermore, the ozone and water mix
of the side-stream must then enter the main line flow. This can be done either by
reintroducing it immediately (as shown) or running it in parallel to the main flow
and connecting it to a contact chamber in which ozone and water can react further.
Figure 16
A schematic of how a venturi side stream can be configured. 1: booster pump, 2: pressure gauge, 3: venturi injector,
4: pressure gauge.
The static mixer does not require as much pressure as the Venturi; however, it does
require the entire main flow to be pressurized as it is installed in the main line.
Though the Venturi and static mixer systems for ozone addition have the highest
volumetric transfer rates, the pressurization of the ozonated water adds significant
energy in the form of pumping. Therefore, it is not surprising that the simplest form
of ozone transfer, the bubble column, is the most widely used. However, the reaction
kinetics governing the reactions between ozone and organic compounds is
dependent on the concentration of ozone that is available to react (section 5.1.3).
Since an inefficient ozone transfer system will result in a large portion of wasted
ozone (not dissolved), additional ozone must be produced to achieve as much
oxidation of organic compounds as more efficient dissolution systems. Increasing
ozone production leads to higher installation and running costs. Therefore, it is
advisable to properly weigh the running cost of the transfer system to the cost of
producing additional ozone.
4 The biological nutrient removal
activated sludge plant
A WWTP is an important part of everyday life, though most people do not think
about it. A common treatment is a system called activated sludge. Activated sludge
is a biological process in which bacteria converts BOD, COD, nitrogen, and
phosphorus in wastewater into biomass, CO2, and sometimes N2. To retain the active
bacteria in the process, a gravitational settler is usually employed. The extra biomass
created by the bacteria is removed from the system by the gravitational settler.
The activated sludge system for the treatment of wastewater evolved after 1914 to
the aeration of Imhoff tanks through blower tanks, the recycling of sludge, and the
current system. Readers interested in the history of the activated sludge system
should read the review of the subject by Alleman and Prakasam (1983). The current
system of activated sludge treatment varies throughout the world depending on
numerous factors such as geographical pre-requisites (e.g. effluent demands, land
availability, and climate), and loading. However, their purpose is to remove BOD,
COD, and nutrients to varying degrees, utilizing suspended bacteria and aeration.
These plants require sufficient HRT, aeration and stirring, sludge separation,
recycling, and disposal, which can be configured in many different ways. For
example, the removal of phosphorus can be achieved by utilizing the suspended
bacteria or chemical precipitation, or a combination of both. The removal of
nitrogen is more uniformly designed with the use of nitrification and denitrification
bacteria, which have operational requirements such as aeration, anoxic zones, and a
carbon source. An example of a fully biological nutrient removal WWTP is
presented in Figure 17.
Figure 17
A schematic overview of a fully biological nutrient removal WWTP.
The first treatment step in Figure 17 consists of screens followed by an aerated grit
chamber and then by primary clarification. The biological stage (which may include
Bio-P) is often divided into zones which can be run as anaerobic and anoxic or
aerobic and anoxic. The sludge separation is conducted with a secondary clarifier
that recycles most of the sludge back into the anaerobic and anoxic zone. The excess
sludge is pumped to the sludge treatment, consisting of thickening, dewatering, and
sometimes anaerobic digestion. The final stage before the treated wastewater is
released to the recipient consists of a sand filter.
Regardless of how these operations are set up, the underlining principles of
operation remain the same for the challenges of utilizing bacteria. For instance, the
secondary clarifier is highly susceptible to disturbances in the sludge´s settling
speed. Slow-settling sludge (which can be caused by filamentous bacteria) can affect
the maximum throughput of the settler and since it is not advisable to bypass this
stage, the throughput of the entire plant can be affected.
5 Ozone and pharmaceuticals in
The ability of existing WWTPs to remove pharmaceuticals has been investigated by
several researchers who found that they vary and are highly dependent on hydraulic
retention time and sludge age (Clara et al., 2004; Daughton & Ternes, 1999; Falås
et al., 2012; Matsui et al., 1998; Schaar et al., 2010; Ternes et al., 2004). For
example, Falås et al. (2012) found that certain pharmaceuticals such as paracetamol,
ibuprofen, and naproxen were removed to a large extent (>80%) whereas others
such as furosemide and atenolol were not removed as extensively (~20%). A study
conducted at Henriksdals WWTP in Stockholm, Sweden, revealed that an increase
in sludge age from 10 to 15 days improved the removal of pharmaceuticals from
50% to 60%, but it also increased the risk of floating sludge and other process-
related problems (Wahlberg et al., 2010). The consensus is that the existing WWTP
systems cannot remove pharmaceuticals to a sufficient degree to safeguard against
future ecological problems (Schaar et al., 2010; Ternes et al., 2004).
The first (and currently the only) country in Europe to act on pharmaceuticals in
WWTP discharge through legislation is Switzerland. In March 2014, the Swiss
Federal Council amended the previous water protection act mandating that WWTPs
which fall within certain criteria upgrade the treatment process with an additional
treatment stage to reduce the concentration of indicator pharmaceuticals by 80%
based on the influent (Eggen et al., 2014, Bourgin et al., 2017). The following
criteria specify which WWTPs in Switzerland were required to upgrade their
treatment process:
• Those with a load of more than 80 000 p.e.
• Those with a load of more than 8 000 p.e. that contribute to more than 10%
of the dry weather flow in the connected stream.
• Those with a load of more than 24 000 p.e. that discharge into a sensitive
One hundred out of seven hundred WWTPs constitute 50% of the total wastewater
treatment capacity in Switzerland and fit these criteria and require upgrades (Eggen
et al., 2014; Mulder et al., 2015).
As of 2017, two technologies are most ready for implementation, activated carbon
and ozone. Activated carbon works through sorption, as pharmaceuticals adhere to
sites on the surface. The surface area per gram of activated carbon is usually large
(800-1500 m2/g,) due to the expanse of pores within the material (Bansal & Goyal,
2005). Activated carbon can be utilized in two different forms and processes, either
in its powdered or granulated form. In its powdered form (powdered activated
carbon, PAC), the material is added to the stream of biologically treated wastewater
in a contact chamber followed by separation and recirculation of the material.
Granulated activated carbon (GAC) on the other hand, is implemented as a carbon
filter through which biologically treated wastewater is passed (Cimbritz et al.,
2016). Ozone works through a different mechanism of oxidation. The reactive gas
oxidizes the pharmaceuticals, breaking up their structure, and the ozone gas is added
to biologically treated wastewater before entering a contact chamber. Ozone, in
contrast to GAC, does not need a recirculation step as the gas reacts and does not
persist in the wastewater for long. An additional benefit of using ozone for
pharmaceutical oxidation is the high degree of bacterial inactivation that is achieved
(Lee et al., 2016). There are currently few full-scale operational plants for
pharmaceutical oxidation running within the EU, and several more are in the design
phase (Cimbritz et al., 2016). This growing interest in applying ozone to
pharmaceutical oxidation also means that the need for practical knowledge
regarding this process is growing. One concern with using ozone for pharmaceutical
oxidation in wastewater effluent is the possibility of unintended by-product
formation (Section 5.1.5).
Since ozone addition is an energy intensive process, finding an optimal dosage for
pharmaceutical oxidation is imperative. As ozone is added to wastewater, intended
and unintended reactions occur which will deplete the concentration of ozone (O3)
and its secondary oxidant hydroxyl radical (•OH) that is available for pharmaceutical
oxidation. The unintended reactions are called scavenging and they are dependent
on the properties of the water. The composite of suspended particles, bacteria,
dissolved organic (e.g. organic carbon) and inorganic substances (e.g. nitrite),
temperature, and pH comprise what is commonly referred to as the water matrix (i.e.
the properties of the water). As no wastewater has the same water matrix, there is
no universally applicable ozone dose that is guaranteed to remove pharmaceuticals.
Therefore, considerable effort has been made to understand how ozone interacts
with the water matrix.
compounds are oxidized in the liquid, desorption from the particles occurs leading
to further oxidation. The faster the reaction occurs, the faster the desorption is
(Zimmermann et al., 2011). Organic carbon molecules will react with ozone, either
by direct or indirect (through hydroxyl radicals) reaction pathways. An example of
ozone reacting directly with an alkene is depicted in Figure 18. An ozonide is
created through a complex reaction. The redox properties of the environment then
induce two different end results: an oxidative environment (such as when ozone is
present; ketone and carboxylic acid) and a reductive environment (ketone and
Figure 18
Example of a direct reaction between ozone and an alkene.
The most common ways of measuring organic carbon content when oxidizing
pharmaceuticals with ozone are dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total organic
carbon (TOC); DOC is different from TOC as it excludes the particulate carbon
(>0.45 µm in size). Although the decay rate of ozone cannot be calculated from the
DOC or TOC values alone, it can be used to normalize mixed wastewater and
indicate how effective ozone will be at oxidizing pharmaceuticals at full scale. This
has been demonstrated recently by Lee et al. (2013). Lab-scale trials were conducted
in which biologically treated wastewater from nine different WWTPs were spiked
with pharmaceuticals and ozonated. Since the wastewater differed in terms of DOC
content, ozone was dosed relative to DOC content. Predictions of pharmaceutical
oxidation were made using the integrated form of Equation 6 (section 5.1.3) and
were accurate (r2 = 0.94) to the measured oxidation in the batch reactor. From these
experiments, the researchers proposed that laboratory trials on •OH production
combined with a DOC-normalized ozone dose and reaction kinetics would produce
accurate predictions for pharmaceutical oxidation prior to investing in a full-scale
The importance of the organic carbon content in the water matrix was further
substantiated by the experiments conducted in Papers III and IV. When the
coagulation, flocculation, and disc-filtration step preceded the addition of ozone, the
reduction in the total concentration of pharmaceuticals was substantially more
effective than without such a process (Paper III). The pre-treatment lowered the
content of suspended solids and organic carbon. In addition, an ozone dose of
five g O3/m3 oxidized 95% of the total concentration of pharmaceuticals when
applied after the pre-treatment. Without this pre-treatment, the same ozone dose
resulted in an 80% reduction in the total pharmaceutical concentration (Paper III).
The pilot-scale experiments at ten WWTPs in Paper IV revealed that the main factor
determining the efficiency of pharmaceutical oxidation by ozone was the relative
amount of ozone to TOC. Organic carbon compounds also exert a pronounced
negative influence on the reactions between ozone and pharmaceuticals which are
more dependent on hydroxyl radical reactions than on direct reactions (Wert et al.,
2009). As reported recently by Hansen et al. (2016), the amount of ozone required
to oxidize certain pharmaceuticals increases linearly with DOC, which indicates that
organic carbon is a highly important factor in pharmaceutical oxidation.
The pH affects the stability of ozone and the formation of the secondary oxidant,
hydroxyl radicals (•OH). As is shown in Equation 3 and Equation 4 (von Gunten,
2003a), increasing pH or adding hydrogen peroxide (increasing OH- or HO2-)
accelerates ozone decomposition into •OH. The formation of •OH is important for
the oxidation of certain pharmaceuticals as discussed in section 5.1.3.
Equation 3
+ → +
Equation 4
+ → • + +
The pH influences the formation of •OH and the reactivity of certain functional
groups of pharmaceuticals. The deprotonation of phenols and amines, due to
elevated pH for instance, causes these functional groups to become more
electronegative and reactive with ozone (Lee & von Gunten, 2012). Margot et al.
(2013) reported a rise in the reactivity of ciproflaxin, norfloxacin, and ofloxacin
when the pH increased from 6.3 to 8. Therefore, the pH of wastewater must be
monitored, especially if it is decreasing, as that will have a negative impact on the
efficiency of the oxidation process.
5.1.3 Ozone kinetics
Intended and unintended reactions with the water matrix cause ozone to be unstable
in water and the ozone concentration to be time dependent. This time dependency
of the ozone concentration is called the rate of decay and is expressed in
Equation 5. The decay rate of ozone follows a pseudo-first-order reaction that is
dependent on the ozone decay rate constant (kO3) and concentration of ozone [O3]
(Hoigné & Bader, 1994).
Equation 5
− =
− = , + , •
=− − • =− + ∙
Zimmerman et al., 2011). While ozone concentration can be measured directly,
OHs cannot due to the speed with which they react. Therefore, a probe is used (para-
chlorobenzoic acid, p-CBA) that reacts with •OH but not with ozone, and a ratio
(RCT) of the concentration of •OH to O3 can be derived (Elovitz & von Gunten,
Several researchers have evaluated ozone doses with pilot and full-scale trials.
Examples of the range of ozone doses used in pilot and full-scale trials and
summaries of their results are presented in Table 2
Table 2
A summary of results from ten pilot and full-scale trials (chronological order) on the oxidation of pharmaceuticals and
other micro-pollutants in WWTP effluents with ozone.
Huber et al., 0.5 – 5 g O3/m3 90-99% oxidation for a dose > 2 g O3/m3. The impact of suspended
2005 solids is minor compared to dissolved organic matter.
Nakada et 3 g O3/m3 80% oxidation of 24 pharmaceuticals with 3 g O3/m3 when sand
al., 2007 filtration precedes ozonation.
Hollender et 0.4 – 1.16 g 220 micro-pollutants tested. Fast reacting compounds were
al., 2009 O3/g DOC oxidized to below detection at 0.47 g O3/g DOC. To oxidize the
slower reacting compounds to >85% a dose of 0.6 g O3/g DOC was
needed. Sand filtration was an effective barrier of NDMA.
Wert et al., 0.2 – 1 g O3/g 8 fast reacting compounds were oxidized >95% at a dose of 0.6 g
2009 TOC O3/g TOC. The 15 slower reacting compounds were oxidized to 20-
90% at that dose. When the dose was increased to 1 g O3/g TOC,
all but the four slowest reacting compounds were oxidized to
Schaar et al., 4.6-7.5 g O3/m3 An ozone dose of 0.6 g O3/g DOC was deemed highly efficient at
2010 (0.6-0.9 g O3/g eliminating micro-pollutants.
Zimmermann 0.21 – 1.24 g Of the seven pharmaceuticals, the fast reacting substances were
et al., 2011 O3/g DOC eliminated to below detection at a dose of 0.21 g O3/g DOC. The
slower reacting substances required >0.6 g O3/g DOC. Kinetic
modelling of the oxidation produced accurate results in lab but the
full-scale models consistently overestimated the oxidation of slow
reacting substances.
Ibáñez et al., 0 – 12 g O3/m3 Of the 52 pharmaceuticals, all but valsartan and irbesartan were
2013 consistently eliminated at an ozone dose of between 7-12 g O3/m3.
Ultrasound was tested in conjunction with ozone and was found to
be unnecessary.
Margot et al., 2.3 – 9 g O3/m3 70 pharmaceuticals and other micro-pollutants were measured at
2013 the inlet to the WWTP and outlet. On average, 50% was eliminated
in the standard treatment. The remaining compounds were
removed to approximately 70% on average with an ozone dose of
5.7 g O3/m3.
Väänänen et 2 – 9 g O3/m3 The total concentration of the 24 pharmaceuticals was lowered by
al., 2014, 95% when ozone was applied after coagulation, flocculation, and
(Paper III) disc-filtration at a dosage of 5 g O3/m3. If ozone was applied before
this pre-treatment, the concentration of pharmaceuticals was
decreased by 80%.
Nilsson et 3 – 7 g O3/m3 The total concentration of 24 pharmaceuticals was reduced by 78%
al., 2017 (0.2-0.8 g O3/g on average at all ten WWTPs, with an ozone dose of five g O3/m3.
(Paper IV) TOC) The relative ozone dose (g O3/g TOC) was highly influential on the
elimination of pharmaceuticals.
Bourgin et 0.35 – 0.97 g An ozone dose of 0.55 g O3/g of DOC was successful at reducing
al., 2017 O3/g DOC all indicator substances by ≥80%. In addition to indicator
substances, 550 other compounds were analysed. Of these, most
were removed by 79% with 0.55 g O3/g DOC.
Table 2 shows the wide span of applied ozone doses and the corresponding results.
There are many potential reasons for this variance, though it is most likely due to
the different reporting methods for the applied ozone dose
(g O3/g DOC, g O3/g TOC and g O3/m3) and the different pharmaceuticals that have
been analyzed. In all of these trials, ozone was highly effective at oxidizing
pharmaceuticals, achieving almost complete elimination of the studied compounds
in some cases.
When determining the appropriate ozone doses to use for pharmaceutical removal
in a full-scale installation, it is important to identify the aims of the treatment. Since
the analysis of pharmaceuticals is time consuming and expensive, it is necessary to
limit the number of analyses by introducing standardized indicator compounds. The
indicator compounds listed in the Swiss legislation have been reported (Bourgin et
al., 2017) and several of these substances were analyzed in Paper III (Figure 19) and
Paper IV (Figure 20).
Pharmaceutical removal (%)
Carbamazepine Citalopram Metoprolol
Figure 19
The average removal of indicator substances with or without pre-treatment at Lundåkraverket WWTP
(unpublished results from Paper III).
As shown in Figure 19, the removal of indicator substances varies greatly depending
on the substance and whether ozone is preceded by pre-treatment. Carbamazepine
is almost completely oxidized by as little as two g O3/m3 when ozone is applied after
pre-treatment with micro sieving. When no pre-treatment is used, the same ozone
dose only removes 70% of carbamazepine. The removal of the other two indicator
substances, citalopram and metoprolol, is also affected by pre-treatment. At the
lowest ozone dose (2 g O3/m3), the removal of citalopram reaches 27%, while the
same ozone dose yields a removal of 40% for metoprolol when pre-treatment is
used. Without this pre-treatment, only 11% of citalopram is removed, and
metoprolol is not removed at all. Therefore, using a pre-treatment which lowers the
amount of organic carbon influences how well ozone removes these indicator
The average removal of indicator substances after applying ozone at ten WWTPs is
depicted in Figure 20. All indicator substances were removed by 80% with the
highest ozone dose (7 g O3/m3). However, both carbamazepine and diclofenac only
needed an ozone dose of three g O3/m3 to reach 80% removal. Hydrochlorothiazide
and metoprolol on the other hand both, required seven g O3/m3, indicating that these
two substances are more difficult to remove. However, hydrochlorothiazide should
exhibit higher removal based on its reaction constant with ozone, and this is
discussed further in section 5.1.5.
3 g O3/m3 5 g O3/m3 7 g O3/m3 80% Removal
Average pharmaceutical removal (%)
Carbamazepine Citalopram Diclofenac Hydrochlorothiazide Metoprolol
Figure 20
Average removal of indicator compounds at 10 WWTPs (Paper IV).
It can be argued that the effect of ozone addition on pharmaceutical oxidation should
only be studied with regard to the effect on individual indicator substances.
Evaluating the efficiency of ozone addition by removing individual indicator
substances will enable researchers to make comparisons about how well a certain
ozone dose will remove a specified compound. These types of comparisons may
offer an increased level of accuracy compared to comparisons of the removal of the
total concentration of pharmaceuticals, since comparisons are made between the
same type of data. However, Switzerland is the only country that has identified and
legislated for specific indicator substances. As a result, there is no specified list with
which pharmaceuticals should be analyzed when conducting trials, leading to a great
variety of pharmaceuticals analyzed in different studies. This variation presents a
problem when the results of different studies are compared.
The data in section 5.2.2 is presented as removal of total pharmaceutical
concentrations. The relative average inlet concentration of an easily oxidized
compound such as diclofenac can provide insight into the sensitivity of this data
presentation method. The average inlet concentration of this compound constituted
5.3% of the total average inlet concentration of pharmaceuticals. Removing this
compound from the calculations removes 63.9%, 77.8%, and 87.9% of the total
pharmaceutical concentration at all ten WWTPs of for the three ozone doses (3, 5,
and 7 g O3/m3 respectively). With diclofenac included in the calculations, the same
ozone doses remove of 65.0%, 78.0%, and 88.0% of the total pharmaceutical
concentration. This small difference indicates that a single substance does not have
a significant impact on the average total removal. Presenting data as the removal of
total pharmaceutical concentration may be less accurate than presenting removal of
individual compounds. However, in the absence of a standardized list of
pharmaceuticals to analyze, it enables comparisons between different trials.
As described in section 5.1.3, it is possible to predict the extent to which a compound
will be oxidized by ozone by its reaction rate constant. A low reaction rate constant
indicates that a compound is difficult to oxidize by ozone alone and requires •OH.
However, these predictions do not necessarily reflect the results of pilot-scale trials,
as shown in Figure 21. The average removal of pharmaceuticals with reported
reaction constants from Paper IV are displayed in ascending order from left to right
according to their reported reaction constant with ozone (kO3, /mol s). The
compounds with low reaction constants such as ketoprofen and ibuprofen
(4.0 x 10-1 ≤ kO3 ≤ 9.6) should display a lower removal on average than the
compounds on the right side of the diagram according to the theories in section
5.1.3. As illustrated in Figure 21, the compounds on the left are removed to a lesser
extent than those on the right, which seems to verify the predictions. However, the
average removal of two of the compounds, paracetamol and hydrochlorothiazide,
does not fit this prediction.
3 g O3/m3 5 g O3/m3 7 g O3/m3
Average pharmaceutical removal (%)
Figure 21
Average removal of individual pharmaceuticals at ten WWTPs with three different ozone doses (3, 5, and 7 g O3/m3,
Paper IV. The displayed pharmaceuticals are sorted in ascending order from left to right according to the value of their
reaction constant with ozone (mol-1 s-1): A: kO3= kO3=4.00 x 10-1 (Real et al., 2009), B: kO3=9.60 (Huber et al., 2003),
C: kO3=1.70 x 103 (Benner et al., 2008), D: kO3=2.00 x 103 (Benner et al., 2008), E: kO3=2.62 x 103 (Benitez et al.,
2009), F: kO3=8.4 x 104 (Borowska et al., 2016), G: kO3=1.00 x 105 (Benner et al., 2008), H: kO3=1.56 x 105 (Rivas et
al., 2009), I: kO3=2.70 x 105 (Dodd et al., 2006), J: kO3=3.00 x 105 (Huber et al. 2003), K: kO3=6.8 x 105 (Sein et al.,
2008), L: kO3=2.57 x 106 (Najjar et al., 2014), M: kO3=5.70 x 106 (Huber et al., 2003).
Paracetamol has a reaction rate constant of 2.57 ×106 /mol s (Najjar et al., 2014)
which is 3.8 times higher than the reaction rate constant of diclofenac
(6.8 × 105 /mol s, Sein et al., 2008). Thus, paracetamol should be removed to at least
the same extent as diclofenac, but that was not observed as shown in Figure 21.
Hydrochlorothiazide on the other hand, has a reaction constant of 8.4 x 104 /mol s
(Borowska et al., 2016) and should therefore display a higher removal average than
Naproxen (kO3=2.62 x 103, Benitez et al., 2009), especially at the lower ozone dose
(3 g O3/m3). However, the average removal of hydrochlorothiazide at the lowest
ozone dose in Figure 21 is not higher than that of Naproxen.
There are several possible reasons that the removal of these two compounds was not
as predicted. The most convenient explanation is that the reaction constants are not
accurate. However, the methods employed in the evaluation of these constants have
been used extensively by several researchers (Benner et al., 2008; Borowska et al.,
2016; Dodd et al., 2006; Hoigné et al., 1985; Huber et al., 2003; Najjar et al., 2014;
Real et al., 2009; Rivas et al., 2009). As these are the best values currently available
in the scientific literature, other reasons for the non-conforming behavior of
hydrochlorothiazide and paracetamol in this study should be investigated. As
discussed in section 5.1.3, the reaction between a compound and ozone depends on
the reaction constant and the concentration of ozone (ozone exposure). The
concentration of ozone at a given time within a reactor and the subsequent
pharmaceutical oxidation can be modelled by hydraulic models coupled with
experimental data of the decay rate of ozone. However, as described earlier in this
section (5.1.5), these models do not produce accurate results when compared to data
from pilot or full-scale trials (Zimmermann et al., 2009). Predicting the removal of
pharmaceuticals based solely on their reaction constants with ozone is a cruder
method than the methods used by Zimmermann et al. (2009). Since other factors
such as the ozone exposure of individual pharmaceuticals are not considered, it is
not surprising that the removal of hydrochlorothiazide and paracetamol in a pilot-
scale trial does not confirm this cruder prediction.
Lee et al. (2013) and Zimmermann et al. (2009) demonstrated that pharmaceutical
removal models produce accurate results in lab trials. When conducting lab trials,
one of the aims is to reduce the number of variables affecting an experiment, which
is substantially more difficult to do in pilot and full-scale trials. Other variables will
affect experiments in pilot and full-scale trials, such as flow, concentration of
organic carbon, temperature, and concentration of pharmaceuticals. These variables
cannot be mitigated when conducted at operational WWTPs. However, conducting
pilot-scale trials at operational WWTPs will produce results that are closer to those
expected from a full-scale operational plant for pharmaceutical removal. Although
hydrochlorothiazide and paracetamol do not confirm the predicted results, the
general trend in Figure 21 is useful for the design of future trials and operational
plants, since the trials in Paper IV are the only published trials that have been
conducted at pilot scale at such a large number of WWTPs with the same ozone
equipment. The limitations of predicting individual pharmaceutical removal should
be considered.
5.1.6 Unintended by-product formation
The procedures for evaluating the suitability of using ozone for oxidating
pharmaceuticals proposed by Wildhaber et al. (2015) incorporates toxicity testing
bioassays. This inclusion occurs because the main uncertainty with using ozone for
pharmaceutical removal is that the pharmaceuticals are not oxidized completely to
CO2 (mineralization) with the relevant ozone doses. Depending on the compound,
mineralization ranges from 0% to 50% (Klavarioti et al., 2009). As ozonation does
not mineralize pharmaceuticals completely, compounds are transformed to
oxidation products, most of which of have unknown toxicity and structures (Benner
& Ternes, 2009a & 2009b; Hollender et al., 2009; Knopp et al., 2016; McDowell et
al., 2005; Petala et al., 2008; Wert et al., 2007). N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA)
is a by-product produced by ozonation. It is listed as a probable carcinogen and can
be formed by ozonation (albeit at a low yield) when dimethylamine is present in
water that is being ozonated (Andrzejewski et al., 2003; Richardson, 2003).
Bromate is another known byproduct which is also listed as a probable carcinogen.
It is formed by a complex reaction between ozone and bromide in drinking water
and wastewater (Chys et al., 2017; von Gunten, 2003b; Richardson, 2003; Wert et
al., 2007). Bromate is such a problematic oxidation by-product that it has been given
a maximum threshold limit in the US of ten µg/L in drinking water (USEPA, 1998).
There are other by-products formed when ozone reacts with pharmaceuticals and
other micro-pollutants. As there are approximately 3000 different active
pharmaceutical compounds approved for sale within the EU (Ternes et al., 2004),
much time and money would be required to investigate them for toxic by-product
formation due to ozonation. In the meantime, studies have been performed at
WWTPs with full-scale and pilot-scale ozone installations to investigate the
formation of oxidation by-products. Wert et al. (2007) studied the formation of
bromate in wastewater disinfection in lab and pilot-scale trials. Bromate was formed
after the ozone dose exceeded the initial ozone demand (the fast ozone
decomposition in the first 30 s of addition), following a linear correlation to the
transferred ozone dose above 3.1 g O3/m3. When the ozone dose was increased to
4.5 g O3/m3, the bromate concentration exceeded the ten µg/L threshold for drinking
Hollender et al. (2009) studied the formation of NDMA and bromate in full-scale
trials. Bromate was formed during the trials at low levels (< 10 µg/L) that did not
constitute a problem, while more NDMA was formed at concentrations up to 21
ng/L after ozonation. Stalter et al. (2010a) investigated the toxicity of ozonated
wastewater at full scale using the early life stage toxicity test (FELST) with rainbow
trout. They found that ozonated biologically treated wastewater had a substantial
negative impact on the early development of these fish, resulting in increased
sensitivity to predation. Stalter et al. (2010b) elaborated on their earlier findings and
initiated a battery of in-vivo toxicity tests in pilot-scale trials. In addition to
identifying which toxicity tests were sensitive enough for use, they found that ozone
treatment increased the toxicity significantly compared to regularly treated
wastewater. Furthermore, Margot et al. (2013) studied bromate formation with
pilot-scale ozonation at Lausanne WWTP in Switzerland. High concentrations (350
µg/L) of bromide in the biologically treated wastewater caused concerns that high
levels of bromate could be formed. However, the bromate levels after ozonation
remained below the ten µg/L threshold for all ozone doses below 1.4 mg O3/ mg
DOC (7 g O3/m3 in this case).
As the researchers above found, oxidation by-products are formed during the
ozonation of wastewater, which can result in wastewater with increased toxicity.
There are however processes that can mitigate this effect. Oxidation by-products are
generally more biodegradable than their parent compounds (the parent compound
persists through the entire WWTP at the point of ozonation). Therefore, a
biologically active sand filter can reasonably be employed to lessen the effect of
these by-products. Filtration through a sand filter with biologic activity reduces
NDMA concentrations and general toxicity to the levels observed before ozonation
(Chys et al., 2017; Hollender et al., 2009; Krauss et al., 2009; Stalter et al., 2010a
& 2010b). However, bromate is unperturbed by a sand filter, as there no impact on
bromate concentration (Margot et al., 2013). Since bromate is not captured in a
biologically active filter, other means of controlling bromate is needed.
Soltermann et al. (2017) studied three different methods for mitigating bromate
formation: lowering the concentration of bromide with membrane, electrochemical
or adsorption techniques (Watson et al., 2012); decreasing the ozone dose; and
adding H2O2. There are drawbacks to all these strategies, and researchers conclude
that there is no universally applicable solution to bromate formation. Thus,
strategies must be applied on a case-by-case basis. A recent study by Knopp et al.
(2016) investigated the performance of a biological filter for removing by-products
and compared it to a GAC filter. The by-product of tramadol oxidation (tramadol-
N-oxide) was not removed in a biological filter, though it was removed in the GAC
filter. More research is needed to identify the problematic by-products and their
effects in the environment and strategies to limit the concentration of these
5.2 Ozone addition in practice
Different facilities for ozone addition have been utilized by researchers in the last
decade. As the interest in installing ozone for pharmaceutical oxidation grows, the
need for practical information regarding that process increases. The kinetic
expressions governing ozone reactions are all dependent on the ozone concentration
within liquid wastewater. Thus, maintaining an ozone concentration within the
wastewater long enough to facilitate both direct and indirect reactions is paramount
to the success of the intended oxidations. The concentration profile of ozone
throughout the reactor is governed by the transferred amount of ozone, the reactions
taking place (depleting ozone), and the hydraulic regime of the reactor. The
engineering principles behind reactor design and hydraulic models are not addressed
in this work, but interested readers should refer to the reference literature made
available by Green and Perry (2008).
A reactor´s primary purpose is to contain the reacting substrates for sufficient time
for them to react. The time a liquid stay within a reactor is called the HRT. The
hydraulic retention time of any reactor is governed by the volume of the reactor and
the volumetric flow through it. As the flow through the reactor is governed by the
throughput of the WWTP (assuming a full-scale installation) the volume of the
reactor is the only parameter open to alteration. There are economic and practical
considerations as well. For example, as more volume is needed, the construction of
the reactor becomes more expensive and more space is required. It is therefore of
interest to investigate the HRTs used in both research installations and current full-
scale installations at WWTPs. As is apparent from Table 3, the HRTs applied in the
research installations vary greatly from 2 to 27 minutes. As these installations are
intended for research, the variation in HRT is not as surprising as the HRT and its
influence on pharmaceutical oxidation is one factor that ought to be investigated.
Table 3
List of HRTs used in research installations for oxidation of pharmaceuticals with ozone.
The HRTs used in operational plants (Table 4) are all longer than ten minutes. When
the first full-scale ozone installation for pharmaceutical oxidation in Sweden
(Nykvarnsverket, Linköping) was designed, an HRT of 12 minutes at average flow
was chosen. The designers measured the ozone decay rate (see section 5.1.3) several
times and did not find an ozone residual after eight minutes and with a 50% safety
margin, 12 minutes was choses as design HRT (Sehlén, 2017).
Table 4
A selection of HRTs used in operational full-scale installations for pharmaceutical oxidation with ozone.
The trials conducted for Paper IV applied an HRT of five minutes at all ten WWTPs.
Though the water matrix was different for all tested wastewater, the average
elimination of pharmaceuticals reached 78% when five g O3/m3 was applied.
In Paper III, the HRT was relatively low at only 2.6 minute, which did not seem to
have a negative impact on the pharmaceutical oxidation. Furthermore,
Hollender et al. (2009) reported that a decrease in HRT from nine to four minutes
did not appreciably influence the elimination of pharmaceuticals. Although a low
HRT does not seem to influence the oxidation of pharmaceuticals, it can cause ozone
to remain in the water after the reaction vessel which may negatively affect
subsequent biological filters. As such, Hollender et al. (2009) recommend that the
HRT should be in the five to ten minute range. To minimize HRT and the cost of
construction, it would be beneficial to incorporate measurements of ozone decay
rates in the design phase (see section 5.1.3).
5.2.2 Dose control
In Papers III and IV, ozone doses proportional to the wastewater flow were applied
(g O3/m3). Since the trials in Paper IV were conducted at ten separate WWTPs with
varying water matrices, the efficiency of a set flow proportional ozone dose can be
assessed. When comparing the reduction in total pharmaceutical concentration for
the three ozone doses (3, 5 and 7 g O3/m3) at the ten WWTPs (Figure 22), a flow
proportional dose of five g O3/m3 is sufficient (average 78%) to reach the 80%
reduction in pharmaceuticals stipulated by the Swiss legislation.
Figure 22
Reduction in total pharmaceutical concentration by ozone addition at ten WWTPs (Paper IV).
There are rather large variations in the results. For example, a flow-proportional
dose of five g O3/m3 in Ellinge WWTP yielded a reduction in total pharmaceutical
concentration of 72%, while the same dose in Torekov WWTP yielded a reduction
above 90% reduction. Since the HRT and experimental procedure was the same at
all plants, the only difference is the properties of the water matrix (TOC). When the
ozone dose used in Paper IV is related to the TOC concentration in the inlet to the
pilot-plant, a more complex picture emerges (Figure 23).
Figure 23
Total pharmaceutical reduction as a function of the TOC-relative ozone dose (g O3/g TOC), (Paper IV).
The general trend in reduction efficiencies when plotted against the TOC-relative
ozone dose increases with an increasing ozone dose as expected. One of the stated
aims of Paper IV was to investigate the impact of TOC content on pharmaceutical
oxidation and evaluate whether TOC could be used as a general model for
controlling the ozone output of a full-scale plant. That aim was only partially
successful as the observed general trend was diffuse at the lower end of the ozone
doses (0.2-0.4 g O3/g TOC). Although a general model of the impact of organic
carbon on the pharmaceutical reduction could not be construed from these data
points, the importance of the organic carbon content within the water matrix was
further substantiated. As the organic carbon content within the water matrix is
highly influential for the efficiency by which ozone oxidizes pharmaceuticals, trials
(and operational plants) have been running with online measurement of organic
carbon as the controlling parameter for ozone addition (Cimbritz et al., 2016;
Hollender et al., 2009; Stapf et al., 2016; Zimmermann et al., 2011). There were no
reported problems with this dosage control in the research installations. However,
there have been cases of the selected organic carbon sensor malfunctioning at
operational plants, necessitating the switch to flow-proportional ozone dosage
(Cimbritz et al., 2016; Mulder et al., 2015; Sehlén, 2017).
During the pilot-scale trials, prior to designing a full-scale operational installation
at Nykvarnsverket, Linköping, an online organic carbon sensor for ozone dosage
control was tested and deemed unreliable (failure due to bio-fouling). Therefore, the
ozone dose was controlled by measuring the ozone concentration in the off-gas from
the contact basin and adjusting the ozone dose to keep a constant low ozone
concentration. The results from these trials were such that the soon to be operational
full-scale installation at that WWTP will use that mode of control while also
evaluating other types of sensors for dosage control (Sehlén, 2017).
The accuracy and reliability of organic carbon sensors have been reviewed.
Bourgeois et al. (2001) reviewed the state-of-the-art sensors in 2001 for on-line
measurements of organic carbon and found that the application of these sensors were
limited due to fouling and short lifetimes. Vanrolleghem and Lee (2003) also
reviewed these types of sensors and found that they produced accurate results if the
samples were properly filtered to reduce particles and the sensors were not fouled
by biological growth. Several researchers have implemented online measuring, tools
for organic carbon in pilot and full-scale trials to control ozone addition but
reliability issues at operational plants have been reported (Cimbritz et al., 2016;
Sehlén, 2017). Moreover, even if an online organic carbon meter is successfully
implemented, it is not guaranteed that using and maintaining such a device will
result in lower running costs for the ozone installation. A dynamic ozone dose does
have the potential to lower the running cost of ozone by adjusting the ozone amount
to the level of organic carbon. However, a balanced and effective WWTP will
produce treated wastewater with an even organic carbon content, negating the need
for rapid changes in ozone dose due to rapid changes in organic carbon content. A
flow-relative dose may therefore be as effective as using online measurements of
organic carbon.
5.2.3 Cost
6 Ozone and filamentous bulking
The secondary clarifier is one of the most critical processes in WWTPs with
activated sludge. A disturbance in this process will propagate backwards and cause
further problems in the other processes, such as low throughput, sludge release, and
surface floating sludge. One cause of slow-settling sludge is filamentous bacteria,
which form long web-like structures and cause a phenomenon called filamentous
bulking sludge (van Leeuwen, 1992; Martins et al., 2004). There are two different
methods available to the WWTP to remedy the problems caused by filamentous
bulking sludge: specific and non-specific. The specific method involves a selector
reactor which, depending on the filamentous species that are present, imposes
ecological regimes designed to inhibit the growth of filamentous bacteria in favor
of non-filamentous bacteria. The non-specific methods entail adding a chemical to
the sludge, such as chlorine, ozone, aluminium chloride, or polyaluminium chloride
to either attack the filamentous bacteria directly (ozone and chlorine) or change the
hydrophobicity of the target and hindering their uptake of lipid substrate (van
Leeuwen, 1988; van Leeuwen & Pretorius, 1988; Saayman et al., 1996 & 1998;
Paris et al., 2005).
Since van Leeuwen (1988) published an article describing how ozone was applied
at the Rooiwal Sewage Works in Pretoria, South Africa, ozone has been known to
alleviate the problems caused by filamentous bulking sludge. Ozone was applied at
two different points in the pilot-scale activated sludge plant, directly in the aerated
zone and into the return activated sludge. In the aerated zone, three different doses
were used (1, 2, and 4 g O3/kg SS), while a single dose of two g O3/kg SS was used
in the return sludge. The results clearly show that ozone addition lowers the diluted
sludge volume index (DSVI) of the sludge, although the addition of ozone in the
return sludge was more efficient. An article published by Saayman et al. (1998)
shows that when ozone is applied at full scale to the aerated basin, the sludge volume
index (SVI) improves even at as low a dose of 0.4-1.4 g O3/kg SS. Wennberg et al.
(2009) described the use of ozone to reduce filamentous bulking sludge at full scale
at Klagshamn WWTP, Sweden. Ozone was applied at full-scale on a portion of the
return activated sludge at a dosage of six g O3/kg SS, which was sufficient to lower
the DSVI significantly in that study.
A more recent study published by Lyko et al. (2012) details the application of ozone
in the return sludge flow at full scale. Ozone was applied at a dose of 1.6 g O3/kg
SS and approximately six percent of the return sludge flow was treated. The treated
line was subjected to ozone for one week every month for approximately eight
consecutive months. The SVI clearly improved in relation to the control line both
initially and throughout the entire trial period.
The way ozone is added to the return sludge flow could be important. For instance,
ozone can be added at a low constant rate for several weeks or months, or for a
shorter time but with a higher dosing rate. A recent study by Levén et al. (2016)
investigated the full-scale use of ozone at Himmerfjärden WWTP (295 000 p.e.)
south of Stockholm, Sweden. Ozone was added at a dosage of 6.6 g O3/kg SS to a
portion (10%, 30 m3/h) of the return activated sludge for 69 days, after which the
dose was lowered to 4.4 g O3/kg SS. After one week of adding 6.6 g O3/kg SS, the
SVI dropped significantly compared to the control treatment line. The lower dose
(4.4 g O3/kg SS) was sufficient to keep the SVI low in the experimental treatment
line. Four weeks after the ozone addition ended, the SVI returned to the levels
observed before the onset of the experiment.
The technique of applying ozone to reduce filamentous bulking sludge has not been
widely applied or studied in many full-scale or pilot-scale cases. Though the reason
for this is unknown, it could be that the method has not been promoted to the same
degree as chlorination. The barrier of applying a costly technique such as ozone can
also be a factor in its low usage at WWTPs for filamentous bulking control. The
cost of having filamentous bulking issues at the WWTP is also significant. For
instance, a comparison of cost between using flocculation chemicals
(Kemira, PAXTM), adding ozone, and bringing in pump trucks to alleviate the
problem of floating filamentous sludge has been published by Wennberg et al.
(2009). The comparison showed that when considering investment and operating
costs, ozone was slightly less expensive than pump trucks, and flocculation
chemicals was the least expensive method. However, if the chemicals do not work
(as in Klagshamn WWTP, Wennberg et al., 2009), ozone is a competitive option.
The use of ozone to reduce the amount of excess sludge has received more attention.
In most of the cases studied, ozone was introduced to the return activated sludge
with a high dosage (50 g O3/kg TSS, Dytczak et al., 2007) than for filamentous
bulking control. The results obtained by the researchers indicate that ozone can be
used to limit or negate the production of excess sludge and to improve the settling
qualities of the sludge (Yasui et al., 1996; Dytczak et al., 2007; Chu et al., 2009).
6.1 Reducing filamentous sludge bulking with ozone
Trials with ozone to reduce filamentous sludge bulking were conducted at
Klagshamn WWTP in Malmö and Öresundsverket WWTP in Helsingborg in 2011
(Papers I & II). The two plants are highly suited to host scientific trials due to their
separate treatment lines, with the same influent composition as the experimental
line. The scale of the ozone plants is denoted as full scale since the equipment were
sufficient to treat a full treatment line at a time. Both WWTPs have experienced
problems with their treatment process caused by insufficient settling due to
filamentous sludge. At Klagshamn WWTP, the problems caused by filamentous
sludge were pronounced, causing sludge to be washed out into the polishing sand
filter. Both plants have tried different methods to address the filamentous bulking
sludge, such as altering the aeration rate and sludge age, with varying degrees of
success. Klagshamn WWTP tested applying flocculation chemicals (Kemira,
PAXTM) for four consecutive years starting in 2006, the improvement in DSVI was
highly variable (Wennberg et al., 2009) causing the plant to seek alternatives.
Since neither plant successfully solved the filamentous sludge problem with specific
measures, they used ozone instead. A total of eight ozone treatments were conducted
at Klagshamn WWTP for Papers I and V (Table 5). The trials for Paper I were
conducted with different flows of return sludge and ozone output (between 620 –
900 g O3/h). The reason for this variation was to find a viable ozone dosing strategy
at that WWTP; a more detailed description of the first series of trials at Klagshamn
WWTP is available in Paper I. The operation of the ozone unit at Öresundsverket
WWTP (Ö-I in Table 5) was more straightforward than at Klagshamn WWTP, as
ozone was applied at a constant rate of 900 g O3/h to ~42 m3/h of return sludge for
45 days (Paper II).
Table 5
Summary of the ozone treatments applied for Paper I (K-I to K-V), Paper II (Ö-I), and Paper V (K-VI to K-VIII).
6.2 Impact on SVI and DSVI
The results of the trials conducted at Klagshamn and Öresundsverket WWTPs are
summarized in Table 6. The SVI from both lines at Klagshamn WWTP (K-I to K-
V) showed a significant decrease from all ozone treatments reaching an SVI of
approximately 100 mL/g. The K-VI to K-VIII trials were conducted differently from
K-I to K-V. The aim of the K-VI to K-VIII trials was to investigate the direct effect
of ozone addition on the sludge (for details see Paper V) and not the overall activated
sludge process. Therefore, the trials were all conducted on a single day and the
resulting DSVI was measured on the sludge, leaving the reaction chamber directly
after ozone addition. At Öresundsverket WWTP, it was not possible to measure the
SVI directly since the sludge volume of the activated sludge was too high
(approximately 800 mL/L). Therefore, measurements from the diluted sludge
volume index (DSVI) were chosen instead. Starting at a DSVI value of 170 mL/g,
the DSVI decreased after approximately ten days and reached a DSVI of 100 mL/g
after 40 days of ozone addition.
Table 6
Summary of the results from the ozone trials presented in Paper I (K-I to K-V), Paper II (Ö-I),
and Paper V (K-VI to K-VIII).
* Not applicable, these trials were run for 40 minutes each and on the same day.
In Figure 24 and Figure 25, the aerated zones of two parallel treatment lines at
Öresundsverket WWTP show a clear difference in the amount of surface floating
sludge. Figure 24 shows a treatment line without ozone treatment and Figure 25
shows a line after ozone application. The pictures were taken the day after the ozone
plant had been running for 45 days. At the start of the ozone treatment, no treatment
lines had floating sludge on the surface (Figure 25).
Figure 24 Figure 25
Aerated zone of untreated line at Öresundsverket Aerated zone of ozone treated line at Öresundsverket
Another issue which is not as apparent from Table 6 is the length of time required
to reach acceptable SVI or DSVI levels. The number of days of ozonation only
specifies the total number of days that ozone was introduced to the return sludge
and not how long it took to reach acceptable levels. For instance, the K-II run was
operated with ozone for a total of 53 days, and the SVI levels were satisfactory
(<100 mL/g) within ten days. The previous run before that, K-I, was operated with
ozone for 35 days, while the SVI reached satisfactory levels within approximately
30 days. The time it took to reach acceptable levels of SVI with ozone application
varied substantially throughout the Klagshamn trial (Paper I). Although the reason
for this variance is not known, one reason may be that the biological makeup of the
sludge is in a state of constant change due to external factors such as influent
composition and temperature, causing the impact of ozone to change. Overall,
approximately two to six weeks of ozone addition was required throughout all trials
to reach satisfactory levels of SVI or DSVI.
Sludge samples from the trials at Öresundsverket WWTP (Paper II) were subject to
quantitative Fish analysis (Q-Fish). Three sludge samples were taken from the
activated sludge line that were subjected to ozonated return active sludge throughout
the course of the trials (after 21 and 43 days into the trial as well as 71 days after the
trials). Q-Fish is a method that can be used to quantify the different species of
bacteria within a sludge sample. As the analysis shows, the relative quantity of the
different species in the sludge did not change as a result of ozone addition, though
a small decrease in the filament index (from 2 to 1.5) was observed. In addition, the
interconnecting structure between the flocs was not broken by the ozone addition.
The conclusion from Paper II was that ozone impacts the physical properties of
sludge (i.e. settling speed). However, the actual mechanism of ozone attack was not
To further understand how ozone interacts with bacteria in activated sludge, trials
were conducted at Klagshamn WWTP in 2016 (Paper V). As ozone increases
methane production if applied to sludge prior to anaerobic digestion
(Bougrier et al., 2006), batch scale digestion of ozonated sludge was also included
in this trial. As described earlier in this thesis (section 5), ozone also oxidizes
pharmaceuticals and other micro-pollutants (MPs). Therefore, the concentrations of
ten MPs in the sludge were also analyzed. The experimental equipment was the
same as in Paper I (Figure 3) with the addition of a sampling point after the
pressurized reactor. Three ozone doses were used: 3.0, 4.0, and 4.8 g O3/kg TSS.
Samples of the ozonated return activated sludge (RAS) were taken after the
pressurized reaction vessel and subject to LIVE/DEAD® analysis (BacLight™),
anaerobic digestion lab-scale trials, and analysis of micro-pollutant concentrations
(for details see Paper V).
LIVE/DEAD® analysis stains bacteria with damaged cell membranes (inactivated)
in red and undamaged cell membranes in green. As illustrated in Figure 26, the
number of red-stained bacteria in the pictures increases with an increasing ozone
dose. The inactive filamentous bacteria are predominately situated on the outside of
the flocs, while the filaments remain active within them.
A: Untreated sludge B: 3 g O3/kg TSS
Further microscopy analysis of the samples revealed that as the ozone dose
increased, the number of filaments extending from the flocs into the water phase
decreased, and those that were left were to a high degree inactive. The ozone
addition also broke interconnecting structures between different flocs.
Interconnecting structures between flocs increased the surface area of these flocs;
the larger the surface area, the higher the drag (resistance) between the water and
floc becomes. Breaking these structures, lowers the surface area and increases the
settling speed, which was confirmed by the DSVI measurements. Morphological
studies of the samples (visual characteristics) indicated that ozone was selective
towards Microthrix Parvicella at low doses, only affecting Type 0041 filaments
(another common filament-forming bacteria) when the dose increased. The analysis
of micro-pollutants (MPs) did not show any change in MP concentration due to
ozone addition. Ozone did not increase the methane potential of the ozonated sludge
either. As shown in sections 5.1.3 and 5.2.2, organic carbon will scavenge ozone to
a high degree. Considering the amount of organic carbon present in activated sludge,
the inability of ozone to oxidize micro-pollutants was not unexpected. It was also
not surprising that ozone did not increase the methane potential of the sludge, as the
ozone doses used for filamentous sludge bulking control are only a small fraction
of the doses with reported effects on methane production (Bougrier et al., 2006;
Carballa et al., 2007; Weemaes et al., 2000).
When comparing the microbial results obtained in Paper II to the results from
Paper V, there is a clear difference. The Q-fish analysis did not show any change in
the quantity of the different microbial species, whereas Live/Dead® analysis showed
that the filaments outside the flocs decreased substantially. Ozone did not break the
interconnecting structures between the flocs in Paper II as it did in Paper V.
However, there are problems associated with comparing the microbial results of
these two trials. First, the microbial methods employed (Q-Fish and Live/Dead®)
were not the same. Live/Dead® analysis is a staining method which differentiates
between bacteria with intact cell walls and bacteria with compromised cell walls
(Boulos et al., 1999). Q-Fish is a method that uses gene probes to highlight bacterial
species which can then be quantified in a fluorescence microscope (Kragelund et
al., 2009). If a microorganism is deactivated by ozone it may not mean that the gene
probe cannot interact with the unique genes of that bacteria.
The samples in the trials were also not extracted in the same way. For Paper II, the
samples were extracted from the activated sludge line which had a portion (~5%) of
its return sludge flow subjected to ozone. Since the samples were taken immediately
after the reaction chamber in Paper V, the samples in Paper II were not subjected to
ozone with the same intensity as in Paper V. Therefore, the results obtained from
Papers II and V are not readily compared. However, as shown in Paper V, ozone
rapidly reduces the number of active filaments and breaks the interconnecting
structures between flocs. And as shown in Papers I and II, the addition of ozone in
the return sludge flow results in faster settling sludge. However, it is still not clear
how the filaments in the main stream are affected when ozone is added as part of
the return sludge flow.
16 I IV II III V 16
14 14
12 12
m g N H 4 -N /m g VS S ∙ h
10 10
8 8
6 Lin e 1 6
Lin e 2
4 4
Te m p e ra tu re
2 2
0 0
28/3 28/4 29/5 29/6 30/7 30/8 30/9 31/10 01/12 01/1
Figure 27
Nitrification rates of line 1 and 2 with wastewater temperature in the primary clarifier during the ozone trial period at
Klagshamn WWTP (Paper I). The lines and numerals depict the approximate duration of the ozone treatments.
In the trials for Paper I, both treatment lines were subjected to ozonation with no
adverse effect on nitrification rates. The apparent rise in nitrification rates for those
lines can be explained by the increase in water temperature. The treatment line that
was subjected to ozone at Öresundsverket WWTP (Figure 28) was followed for a
shorter time than the treatment line at Klagshamn WWTP. Since the nitrification
rate remained stable, no adverse effect on the nitrification rates are attributed to the
addition of ozone.
Regarding the other nutrient that is closely followed by WWTP´s, the results show
no negative impact of ozone on phosphorus release rates (Paper II). Although, the
phosphorus removal performance (Bio-P release rate) was only assessed on sludge
from Öresundsverket WWTP (Paper II) since Klagshamn WWTP (Paper I) does not
employ biological phosphorus removal.
Nitrification rate (mg NH4-N/g VSS*h)
Reference line
Ozone line
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Days into the study
Figure 28
Nitrification rates of the treated ozone and reference lines at Öresundsverket WWTP (Paper II). The ozonation in the
ozone line started at day 0.
When ozone was applied to increase the settling speed of the RAS at full scale at
Klagshamn WWTP and Öresundsverket WWTP (Papers I and II), the target relative
ozone dose was five g O3/kg SS. However, the achieved relative ozone dose varied
substantially (Table 6) due to the varying suspended solids content in the RAS. No
pattern was discerned in these variations and they were deemed normal for these
plants given the varying load, temperature, and rainfall. Though the achieved
relative ozone dose varied greatly, the SVI or DSVI was successfully lowered,
which seem to indicate that the applied relative ozone dosage is not the most
important factor in this type of ozone application.
Ozone has not been widely used for this application and there are still large
knowledge gaps regarding its use in mitigating filamentous bulking sludge. For
instance, in the K-I trial, the ozone dosage peaked at 7.7 g O3/kg SS for a period of
3 days without any detectable adverse effect on the biological nutrient removal
processes. However, as demonstrated by Dytczak et al. (2007), ozone addition to
return activated sludge does have the potential to affect nitrification rates when
applied to minimize sludge production. Although no such effects were detected in
any of the trials conducted for this thesis, this risk should always be considered when
using ozone for filamentous bulking sludge mitigation.
7 Conclusions
Ozone can be used for many different purposes at a WWTP due to its high oxidation
potential. The aim of this thesis was to investigate two of these applications:
oxidation of pharmaceuticals and filamentous bulking sludge control. Therefore, the
conclusions are divided into two sections.
7.2 Ozone and filamentous bulking sludge
Ozone has a clear and significant impact on the important parameter of SVI or DSVI
with a relatively low specific dose of approximately five g O3/kg SS in RAS. The
results indicate that there is a large variance in the time required to reach acceptable
levels of SVI or DSVI of approximately two to six weeks. In addition, a higher flow
of treated RAS decreased the time required to reach acceptable SVI or DSVI levels.
As ozone is an oxidant, the necessary biological processes in the WWTP could have
been negatively affected. However, no such effect was observed in any of the
studied WWTPs (Klagshamn WWTP and Öresundsverket WWTP) even when the
desired effect on SVI or DSVI was reached.
One of the goals of this thesis was to track changes in the microbial community of
the activated sludge as it was subjected to ozonation at full scale. No change in the
microbial species was discerned. However, Live/Dead® analyses indicated that the
larger surface area of filamentous bacteria makes them more susceptible to ozone
attack than bacteria residing within flocs. There also appears to be differences in
susceptibility to ozone attack between different filamentous species. For example,
type 0041 seems more resistant to ozone than Microthrix parvicella. The ozone
doses for filamentous bulking sludge do not result in increased methane production
and are not sufficient to oxidize micro-pollutants in activated sludge.
8 Future studies
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Application of ozone in wastewater treatment Oxidation of pharmaceuticals and filamentous bulking sludge
My name is Filip Nilsson and I am an engineer and
scientist. I have been employed as an industrial
Ph.D. student and process engineer at Primozone
Production AB since 2010 and have been working
Application of ozone in
with ozone and its applications ever since.
9 789177 535218
ISBN 978-91-7753-521-8