Site Environmental Checklist
Site Environmental Checklist
Site Environmental Checklist
HSE Department
Project :
Construction stage / status during inspection :
Inspection Date : Inspection Time :
Inspected by : Weather :
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Environmental Site Inspection Inertia Construction
HSE Department
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Environmental Site Inspection Inertia Construction
HSE Department
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Environmental Site Inspection Inertia Construction
HSE Department
5. Storage of Chemicals and Action Risk Rating (1 for Low / 2 for Medium /
Yes NO* NA
Dangerous Goods 3 for High / 4 for Extreme) & Remarks
5.1. Are chemicals stored and
labelled properly? COSHH (GHS)
5.2. Are storing of Chemicals
according to provided MSDS and
COSHH assessment?
5.3. Are proper measures to control
oil /flammable liquids spillage
ge or to control other chemicals
spillage? (e.g. provide drip trays)
5.4. Are spill kits / sand / saw dust
used for absorbing chemical
spillage readily accessible?
5.5. Others (please specify)
6. Protection of Flora, Fauna and Action Risk Rating (1 for Low / 2 for Medium /
Yes NO* NA
Historical Heritage 3 for High / 4 for Extreme) & Remarks
6.1. Are disturbance to terrestrial
flora minimized (e.g. plants to be
6.2. Are disturbance to terrestrial
fauna minimized (if rare species
6.3. Any historical heritage exists on
site? If yes, ensure appropriate
measures taken to preserve it
6.4. Others (please specify)
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Environmental Site Inspection Inertia Construction
HSE Department
8. Emergency Preparedness and Action Risk Rating (1 for Low / 2 for Medium /
Yes NO* NA
Response 3 for High / 4 for Extreme) & Remarks
8.1. Are fire extinguishers / fighting
facilities properly maintained
and not expired? Escape not
blocked / obstructed?
8.2. Are accidents and incidents
reported and reviewed, and
corrective & preventive actions
identified and recorded?
8.3. Others (please specify)
*Any “No” recorded represents the potential breach of EEAA and Inertia regulation or improvement needed and
details of nonconformity Report (NCR) shall be recorded in the Remarks.
* NCR in the following form. Each NCR should make reference into the checklist as coded. The site HSE Supervisor
shall identify the root cause of NCR and adopt appropriate corrective and preventive actions ( CPA) needed for
mitigation. Confirmation of the effectiveness of the CPA shall be verified by Project Manager within an agreed
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Environmental Site Inspection Inertia Construction
HSE Department
NCR Reference
Description of NCR
PM adopted Target
completion date
Followed by HSE (Date)
NCR Reference
Description of NCR
PM adopted Target
completion date
Followed by HSE (Date)
NCR Reference
Description of NCR
PM adopted Target
completion date
Followed by HSE (Date)
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