CIRED2013 0357 Final
CIRED2013 0357 Final
CIRED2013 0357 Final
Paper 0357
Paper 0357
equipment which facilitated sampling procedure. equipment. In this condition using the Duval triangle 2,
Furthermore it was possible to have overhaul over the the fault type would be identified [17].
equipment in the near future which enables the authors to In addition of mentioned interpretation, a comparison
have eye inspection over the selected LTCs to compare between DGA results interpretation from two sampling
their predictions with the results from inspection. stages was performed.
It should be noted that according to manufacturer advice,
overhaul operation for LTC1 should be performed every RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
7 years or the number of operation of 80,000, depending
on which is reached first. For LTC2 the overhaul Figures 1 and 2 demonstrate dissolved gases in oil
operation criteria are every 5-7 years or the number of concentrations (including key, other and total dissolved
operation of 70,000, depending on which is reached first. combustible gases concentration (TDCG)) for each
sampling stage for both pilot LTCs, respectively.
Concentration (ppm)
packed and forwarded to the laboratory considering the 6151.339
6000 5473.3
mentioned standard [13].
There is some information for each sampling stage 4000
Table 2. The Information for Each Sampling Stage H2 C2H2 C2H4
Pilot LTC LTC1 LTC2 45000
1st stage
st nd st nd 2nd stage
Sampling stage 1 2 1 2 40000
Concentration (ppm)
Feb. May March June
Sampling date 30000
2012 2012 2012 2012 25000
concentration from its threshold value, the possibility of 20000
fault presence was investigated by gas concentration ratio 15000
method presented in reference [16]. If the ratios were in 10000
the "Needs attention" range, the equipment is in normal 5000
operating condition. However, sampling in three-month
intervals is recommended. Figure 2. Dissolved gases concentrations for LTC2
Third stage: In the case of laying data in the "Possible
damage" or "Detected damage" range, fault exists in the
Paper 0357
Using the LTC monthly watch criteria (1st step), it was The Triangle coordinates corresponding to DGA results
revealed that the concentrations of hydrogen, ethylene can be calculated using following equations:
and acetylene (key gases) for both sampling stages in CH 4
both pilot LTCs are beyond the criteria. Therefore, the %CH 4 100 (5)
CH 4 C 2 H 4 C 2 H 2
gas ratio method (2nd step) using following ratios should
C2 H 4
be applied. %C 2 H 4 100 (6)
C2 H 2 H 2 CH 4 C 2 H 4 C 2 H 2
FR (1)
CH 4 C 2 H 6 C 2 H 4 C 2 H 2 CO H 2 %C 2 H 2
C2 H 2
100 (7)
CH 4 C 2 H 6 C 2 H 4 CH 4 C 2 H 4 C 2 H 2
R1 (2) For LTC1 (Figure 3) the crossing point for both sampling
CH 4 C 2 H 6 C 2 H 4 C 2 H 2
stages were located in X3 section which corresponded to
CH 4 C 2 H 6 C 2 H 4
R2 (3) in progress thermal fault with light coking or increased
C2 H 2 resistance of the contacts or severe arcing. Therefore, it is
C2 H 4 recommended to test or inspect the LTC for signs of
R3 (4) faults. However, this is in spite of the fact that the number
C2 H 2
of tap changes is very low (much lower than 80,000) and
Calculated ratios for both sampling data of LTC1 showed
the number of years since last overhaul is less than 7
that, except R1 ratio which was laid in "Possible damage"
years (the recommended overhaul criteria by
range, all other ratios corresponded to "Needs attention"
range. However, all ratios for LTC2 were laid in "Needs
attention" range.
To identify fault type in LTC1 and also to ensure the fault
absence in LTC2, the Duval triangle 2 was applied (3rd
step), as shown in Figures 3 and 4, respectively.
Paper 0357
thermal fault with light coking or increased resistance of Contact Coking", Proceedings of the Forty-
the contacts or severe arcing. In this case equipment Eighth IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical
inspection is recommended. contacts, 259-272.
Despite the recommended overhaul criteria by [3] EPRI Report #1001946, 2001, "Development of
manufacturer that the overhaul operation should have Load Tap Changer Monitoring Technique:
performed at least 2-5 years ago, LTC2 is in good Mechanism of Coking", Technical Progress.
condition in the 1st sampling stage. However, there are [4] P. Lyonnet, 1991, "Maintenance planning-
signs of fault presence in the 2nd sampling stage. methods and mathematics", Chapman and Hall.
Therefore performing overhaul for LTC2 is suggested, [5] M. A. Redfern and W. R. C. Handley, 2001,
"Duty based maintenance for on-load
but it is not an obligation.
transformer tap changers", Power Engineering
Society Summer Meeting, IEEE, vol.3, 1824-29.
CONCLUSIONS [6] N.A. Muhamad, B.T. Phung, T.R. Blackburn
Condition assessment was performed over two load tap and K.X Lai, 2007, "Comparative Study and
changers of 125 MVA power transformers in 230/63 Analysis of DGA Methods for Transformer
substations using dissolved gas analysis (DGA). Mineral Oil", IEEE Power tech, 45-50.
Interpretation of DGA data was carried out using [7] M. Duval, 2006, "Dissolved gas analysis and the
Threshold value method, Gas concentration ratio method Duval triangle", 5th AVO New Zealand
as well as the Duval triangle 2 method. The obtained International Technical Conference.
results from data interpretation were used in making [8] R. Cox, "The benefits of on-line DGA tap
decision for overhaul operation over the selected changer monitoring", Available at:
DGA data interpretation reveals that there were in [9] M. Duval, 2008, "Calculation of DGA Limit
progress thermal fault with light coking or increased Values and Sampling Intervals in Transformers
resistance of the contacts or severe arcing in the LTCs. in Service", IEEE Electrical Insulation
Performing overhaul for LTC1 is strongly recommended, Magazine, Vol. 24, 5, 7-13.
while it is not an obligation for LTC2 overhaul (regarding [10] IEEE Guide for Dissolved Gas Analysis in
its determined good condition in the 1st sampling stage). Transformer Load Tap Changers, IEEE Std
However, this is despite the suggested overhaul criteria C57.139, 2010.
by the manufacturers that recommend no overhaul for [11] EPRI Report #1006654, 2001, "Transformer
LTC1 and necessary overhaul for LTC2. Load Tap Changer Management, Diagnostics,
In case of impossibility for performing overhaul operation Contact Coking, and On-line Filtration".
over the LTCs in the near future, it is advised to perform [12] EPRI Report #1012350, 2006, "New Equipment
dissolved gas analysis in three-month intervals. This and Performance Design Review – LTC
would help to be aware of the equipment condition which Management Course Materials".
would avert catastrophic failures. [13] ASTM series, Vol. 10.03, "Electrical Insulation
Liquids and Gasaes, Electrical Protective
Acknowledgments Equipment, D3613-98 Standard Practices for
The authors would like to acknowledge NRI and also Mr. Sampling Electrical Insulating Liquids".
Marjanmehr, Mr. Jalali and Mr. Fathi for supporting this [14] ASTM series, Vol. 10.03, "Electrical Insulating
research. We also gratefully acknowledge the colleagues Liquids and Gases; Electrical Protective
in NRI: Mr. Zhaam, Mr. Ahmadi, Mr. Ghadimi and also Equipment, D 3612-02 Standard Test Method
Dr. Porkar from IGMC. Furthermore, special thanks go to for Analysis of Gases Dissolved in Electrical
Mr. Mosalrezaei, Mr. Ma'refat, and Mr. Asgari from Insulating Oil by Gas Chromatography".
EREC and also Mr. Sohrabi from BREC for their [15] R. Youngblood, C. Baker, F. Jakob, N. Perjanik,
"Application of Dissolved Gas Analysis to Load
cooperation and providing the pilot LTCs.
Tap Changers", Available at:
[16] H.U. Schellhase, I. Wilye, M. Lau and B. Ward,
[1] J. J. Erbrink, E. Gulski, J. Smit and R. Leich,
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load tap changer contact aging with dynamic
[17] M. Duval, 2008, "The Duval Triangle for Load
resistance measurements", 20th International
Tap Changers, Non-Mineral Oils and Low
Conference on Electricity Distribution, 1-4.
Temperature Faults in Transformers", IEEE
[2] H. Schellhase, R. G. Pollock, A. S. Rao and E.
Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol. 24, 6, 22-
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