School Budgetary Needs Assessment Survey
School Budgetary Needs Assessment Survey
School Budgetary Needs Assessment Survey
Safara Wright
Dr. Rice
July 6, 2022
According to my research, it is vital that all schools conduct a Needs Assessment because
they analyze and examine the performances and gaps of the students. It helps the school to find
resources, programs, and strategies for the students (U.S Department of Education, 2020). The
process of the needs assessment is the first step in the journey of a school's effectiveness in
improving data and better outcomes of the students. Therefore, it would be beneficial to all to
ensure that stakeholders involved within the school community share their input.
There are many stakeholders that can contribute to the data being collected in the needs
assessment. Teachers can give their views on what is working and not working in the classroom.
By doing this, Principles are able to determine which standards, targets or objectives are not
being met. Adjustments or changes can be made with instruction and resources to improve and
meet the standards, targets and objectives, which will undoubtedly lead to academic success.
Being a teacher, myself, explaining what works and not works in our meetings often leads to us
making changes to our instruction and better student outcomes. Perhaps, more professional
observations from Administration and Instructional Coaches can provide data and feedback on
best practices. More importantly, understanding the students is important because educators need
to know how they feel and perceive their educational goals. The way students learn now is far
different than in the past. Getting feedback from students can determine what resources are
needed for the programs. Collaboration with the parents shows how communication and
connection can be extended. It will build a relationship between the school and the homes. In
addition to this, it incorporates the Professional Standards of Effective Leaders, Standard 8.d,
“Engage in regular and open two-way communication with families and the community about
the school, students, needs, problems, and accomplishments” (2015). Standard 10 of the PSEL,
explains that the goal of effective leaders is to achieve academic success for your students and to
improve the academic performance of the school (PESL, 2015). For that reason, it would be
necessary to explore and collect all information in relation to the Needs Assessment.
Link to Survey
National Policy Board for Educational Administration (2015), Professional Standards for