Narrative Report On The Purchase of Drugs/Medicines and Medical Supplies From Gender and Development Fund For Sy 2021-2022
Narrative Report On The Purchase of Drugs/Medicines and Medical Supplies From Gender and Development Fund For Sy 2021-2022
Narrative Report On The Purchase of Drugs/Medicines and Medical Supplies From Gender and Development Fund For Sy 2021-2022
Teachers are the frontliners that have shown tremendous leadership and creativity in
this crisis, in ensuring that “Learning Never Stops” and that “No Learners are Left Behind”. In
the context of COVID-19, governments’ social partners and other key actors have an even
greater responsibility regarding teachers. We call on government to protect teachers’ safety,
health, and well-being, as well as their employment, to continue improving teachers’ working
conditions, and to involve teachers and their representative organizations in the COVID-19
educational response and recovery.
Furthermore, the State is required by the 1987 Constitution to defend learner’s rights to
assistance, including sufficient care and nutrition, as well as specific protection against all sorts
of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation, and other conditions that are harmful to their
development (Article XV, Section 3).
Because of this pandemic learners, professors, and non-teaching staff are at heart of our
institutions, their well-being is a top focus. Because of the risk of contracting the virus, learners
were not allowed to attend school. To stop the virus from spreading, teachers are required to
work from home.
There is a need to think beyond, to control the spreead of COVID-19 and work to
strengthen educational systems’ resilience, as well as to respond rapidly and effectively to
these and other crises. Responsibility and safeguarding educational funding and investing in
high-quality teachers, as well as placing a premium on leaners’ health and welfare.
B has purchased the following drugs/medicines and medical supplies from the Gender
and Development (GAD) Fund of the school for School Year 2021-2022 for the teachers and
learners to used.
Multivitamins capsule 300 10.00 3,000.00
1 e
Vitamin C 500 mg 300 6.50 1,950.00
2 e
Mitigating the spread of the virus is very important with the availability of
medicines/medical supplies/personal protective equipment for learners and teachers to use
particularly when given the opportunity for face-to-face classes. Hand hygiene should be
practiced regularly with hand sanitizer follow “HUGAS, IWAS, DISTANSIYA”. Wearing of a surgical
mask is also important to help prevent the spread of infection and prevent the individual from
contracting any airborne infectious germs. Drinking of Vitamin C is also a good practice since it’s
a potent antioxidant, meaning it can neutralize unstable compounds in your body called free
radicals and help prevent or reverse cellular damage caused by these compounds and according
to research Vitamin C has also been used in China to help improve lung function in people with
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