Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 62-05: Subject

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October 18, 2005


SUBJECT : Revised Guidelines in the Registration & Invoicing

Requirements Including Clarification on Common Issues
Affecting Value Added Tax (VAT) Taxpayers Pursuant to RA
9337 (An Act Amending Sections 27, 28, 34, 106, 108, 109,
110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 119, 121, 148, 151, 236,
237 and 288 of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997,
as Amended, and for other Purposes)

TO : All Internal Revenue Officials and Employees and Others

Hereunder are guidelines in the form of basic questions and answers
regarding the registration and invoicing requirements relative to VAT
taxpayers as required under RA 9337:
Q1 Who are liable to register as VAT taxpayers?
A1 Any person who, in the course of trade or business, sells, barters or
exchanges goods or properties or engages in the sale or
exchange of services shall be liable to register if:
(a) His gross sales or receipts for the past twelve (12) months,
other than those that are exempt under Section 109 (A) to
(U), have exceeded one million five hundred thousand
pesos (P1,500,000); or
(b) There are reasonable grounds to believe that his gross sales
or receipts for the next twelve (12) months, other than
those that are exempt under Section 109 (A) to (U), will
exceed one million five hundred thousand pesos
Q2 Are all VAT taxpayers mentioned in Q-1 above still required to
A2 Those taxpayers previously registered as VAT taxpayers under the
old VAT Law are not required to register anew, taxpayers who are
previously registered as non-VAT taxpayers but are now covered
by the VAT Law shall update their registration by filing BIR Form
1905 (Application for Registration Information Update) at the
RDO having jurisdiction over the taxpayer's Head Office.
Q3 Can the BIR automatically register previously Non-VAT taxpayers
who are now subject to VAT?
A3 Yes, the BIR will automatically register taxpayers who were
previously registered as Non-VAT but are now subject to VAT
through its Information System Group.
Q4 What is the criterion to be considered to be automatically
registered in relation to No. 3 above?
A4 Those taxpayers whose transactions were previously not subject to
VAT but are now VATable (including previously VAT-exempt
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transactions), provided his gross sales exceeded the P1.5M
Q5 May a taxpayer already registered as VAT taxpayer under the old
VAT Law but whose annual gross sales does not exceed P1.5M
change his status to non-VAT taxpayer?
A5 Yes, previously registered VAT taxpayer under the old VAT Law may
change his status to non-VAT taxpayer by making a written
application, filing BIR Form 1905 and by demonstrating to the
Commissioner's satisfaction that his gross sales or receipts for
the following twelve (12) months, other than those that are
exempt under Section 109 (A) to (U), will not exceed one million
five hundred thousand pesos (P1,500,000.00). SHECcT

Q6 What will be the registration requirements of professionals now

covered by VAT pursuant to R.A. 9337 (e.g. doctors and
A6 Following are the registration requirements:
1. Professionals now covered by VAT pursuant to R.A. 9337 are
required to update their registration using BIR Form 1905:
1.1 If their gross sales or receipts for the past twelve (12)
months have exceeded the P1.5M threshold, they are
required to register as VAT taxpayers by registering
VAT as additional tax type of said taxpayers. They
have to accomplish BIR Form No. 1905;
1.2 If their gross sales or receipts for the past twelve
months have not exceeded the P1.5M threshold, they
are still required to update their registration by
registering PT as tax type because they are now
subject to percentage tax.
2. Apply for Authority to Print Receipts (ATP) using BIR Form 1906
to be able to have printed VAT Receipts.
Q7 Where should a new VAT taxpayer register?
A7 All taxpayers are required to register with the RDO having
jurisdiction over the taxpayer's principal place of business
following existing procedures on registration.
Q8 When is a new VAT taxpayer required to apply for registration and
pay the registration fee?
A8 New VAT taxpayers shall apply for registration as VAT Taxpayers
and pay the corresponding registration fee of five hundred pesos
(P500.00) before the start of their business following existing
issuances on registration.
Thereafter, taxpayers are required to pay the annual registration fee
of five hundred pesos (P500) not later than January 31, every
Q9 What is the liability of a taxpayer becoming liable to VAT and did
not register as such?
A9 Any person who becomes liable to VAT and fails to register as such
shall be liable to pay the output tax as if he were a VAT-
registered person, but without the benefit of input tax credits for
the period in which he was not properly registered.
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Q10 Who may opt to register as VAT and what will be his liability?
A10 1. Any person who is VAT-exempt under Sec. 4.109-1 (B) (1) (V)
not required to register for VAT may, in relation to Sec. 4.109-2,
elect to be VAT-registered by registering with the RDO that has
jurisdiction over the head office of that person, and pay the
annual registration fee of P500.00 for every separate and distinct
2. Any person who is VAT-registered but enters into transactions which
are exempt from VAT (mixed transactions) may opt that the VAT
apply to his transactions which would have been exempt under
Section 109(1) of the Tax Code, as amended. [Sec. 109(2)].
3. Franchise grantees of radio and/or television broadcasting whose
annual gross receipts of the preceding year do not exceed ten
million pesos (P10,000,000.00) derived from the business
covered by the law granting the franchise may opt for VAT
registration. This option, once exercised, shall be irrevocable.
(Sec. 119, Tax Code).
4. Any person who elects to register under subsections (1) and (2)
above shall not be allowed to cancel his registration for the next
three (3) years.
The above-stated taxpayers may apply for VAT registration not later
than ten (10) days before the beginning of the calendar quarter
and shall pay the registration fee prescribed under sub-
paragraph (a) of this Section, unless they have already paid at
the beginning of the year. In any case, the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue may, for administrative reason deny any
application for registration. Once registered as a VAT person, the
taxpayer shall be liable to output tax and be entitled to input tax
credit beginning on the first day of the month following
Q11 What are the instances when a VAT-registered person may cancel
his VAT registration?
A11 1. If he makes a written application and can demonstrate to the
commissioner's satisfaction that his gross sales or receipts for
the following twelve (12) months, other than those that are
exempt under Section 109 (A) to (U), will not exceed one million
five hundred thousand pesos (P1,500,000); or
2. If he has ceased to carry on his trade or business, and does not
expect to recommence any trade or business within the next
twelve (12) months.
Q12 When will the cancellation for registration be effective?
A12 The cancellation for registration will be effective from the first day
of the following month the cancellation was approved.
Q13 What is the invoicing/receipt requirement of a VAT-registered
A13 A VAT registered person shall issue:
(1) A VAT invoice for every sale, barter or exchange of goods or
properties; and
(2) A VAT official receipt for every lease of goods or properties and for
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every sale, barter or exchange of services. IECcAT

Q14 May a VAT registered person issue a single invoice/receipt

involving VAT and Non-VAT transactions?
A14 Yes. He may issue a single invoice/receipt involving VAT and non-
VAT transactions provided that the invoice or receipt shall clearly
indicate the break-down of the sales price between its taxable,
exempt and zero-rated components and the calculation of the
Value Added Tax on each portion of the sale shall be shown on
the invoice or receipt.
Q15 May a VAT registered person issue separate invoices/receipts
involving VAT and Non-VAT transactions?
A15 Yes. A VAT registered person may issue separate invoices/receipts
for the taxable, exempt, and zero-rated component of its sales
provided that if the sale is exempt from value-added tax, the
term "VAT-EXEMPT SALE" shall be written or printed prominently
on the invoice or receipt and if the sale is subject to zero percent
(0%) VAT, the term "ZERO-RATED SALE" shall be written or
printed prominently on the invoice or receipt.
Q16 How is the Value Added Tax presented in the receipt/invoice?
A16 The amount of the tax shall be shown as a separate item in the
invoice or receipt.
Sales Price P100,000.00
VAT 10,000.00
Invoice Amount P110,000.00
Q17 What is the information that must be contained in the VAT invoice
or VAT official receipt?
A17 1. Name of the Seller
2. Business Style of the Seller
3. Business Address of Seller
4. A statement that the seller is a VAT-registered person, followed by
his TIN
5. Name of Buyer
6. Business Style of Buyer
7. Address of Buyer
8. TIN of buyer, if VAT-registered and amount exceed P1,000.00
9. Date of transaction
10. Quantity
11. Unit cost
12. Description of the goods or properties or nature of the service
13. Purchase price plus the VAT, provided that:
• The amount of tax shall be shown as a separate item in the
invoice or receipt;
• If the sale is exempt from VAT, the term "VAT-EXEMPT SALE"
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shall be written or printed prominently on the invoice or
• If the sale is subject to zero percent (0%) VAT, the term
"ZERO-RATED SALE" shall be written or printed
prominently on the invoice receipt;
• If the sale involves goods, properties or services some of
which are subject to and some of which are zero-rated
or exempt from VAT, the invoice or receipt shall clearly
indicate the breakdown of the sales price between its
taxable, exempt and zero-rated components, and the
calculation of the VAT on each portion of the sale shall
be shown on the invoice or receipt.
14. Authority to Print Receipt Number at the lower left corner of the
invoice or receipt.
Sample Receipt/Invoice:
1. Invoice for manually issued receipt:

2. Official Receipt generated by CRM/POS:

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Q18 What additional information must be contained in the VAT invoice
or VAT receipt in the case of sales in the amount of one thousand
pesos (P1,000.00) or more?
A18 In the case of sales in the amount of one thousand pesos
(P1,000.00) or more where the sale or transfer is made by a VAT-
registered taxpayer to another VAT-registered person, the name,
business style, if any, address and Taxpayer Identification
Number (TIN) of the purchaser, customer or client.
Q19 What is the liability of a taxpayer not registered as VAT and issues
a VAT invoice/receipt?
A19 The non-VAT registered person shall, in addition to paying other
percentage taxes, be liable to the tax imposed in Section 106 or
108 of the Tax Code without the benefit of any input tax credit
plus 50% surcharge on the VAT payable (output tax). If the
invoice/receipts contain the required information, purchaser shall
be allowed to recognize an input tax credit. aIcDCH

Q20 What is the liability of a VAT-registered person in the issuance of a

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VAT invoice/receipt for VAT-exempt transactions?
A20 If a VAT-registered person issues a VAT invoice or VAT official
receipt for a VAT-exempt transaction, but fails to display
prominently on the invoice or receipt the words "VAT-EXEMPT
SALE", the transactions shall become taxable and the issuer shall
be liable to pay the VAT thereon. The purchaser shall be entitled
to claim an input tax credit on his purchase.
Q21 Are transactions "deemed sale" on withdrawal of goods for
personal use required to issue invoice for VAT purposes?
A21 In the case of deemed sale on withdrawal of goods for personal
use, a memo entry in the subsidiary sales journal to record
withdrawal of goods for personal use is required.
The data appearing in the subsidiary sales journal and the total
amount of "deemed sale" shall be included in the return to be
filed for the month or quarter.
Q22 Can a VAT taxpayer engaged in sale of goods who usually makes
sales of goods on credit issue CASH RECEIPT document for the
collection of accounts receivable and other miscellaneous
A22 Yes, provided the format of the CASH RECEIPT document is such
that it shall not show the breakdown of the quantity, description,
unit cost and total price of the goods sold. The reason for this is
to prevent the recipient of this document to use it as proof for
claiming input tax.
Q23 Are franchise grantees of radio and television required to register
as VAT taxpayer?
A23 If their annual gross receipt for the preceding calendar year
exceeded ten million pesos (P10,000,000.00), they are required
to register within thirty (30) days after the end of the calendar
Q24 Can taxpayers previously registered as VAT who are now not
subject to VAT still use their existing VAT invoices/receipts?
A24 Yes. Taxpayers previously registered as VAT may continue to issue
VAT invoices and VAT official receipts for the period November 1,
2005 to December 31, 2005, in accordance with the Bureau of
Internal Revenue administrative practices that existed as of
December 31, 2004 provided these receipts/invoices are
stamped by the word "NON-VAT registered as of November 1,
Q25 Can taxpayers who were previously registered as non-VAT who are
n o w subject to VAT still use their existing Non-VAT
A25 Yes, non-VAT receipts/invoices may still be used by the new VAT
taxpayer for the period November 1, 2005 to December 31,
2005, provided these receipts/invoices are stamped by the word
"VAT registered as of November 1, 2005".
Q26 What is the effect of the New VAT law on CRM/POS and other sales
machines relative to the issuance of receipts?
A26 Taxpayer-users who have been issued permit to use sales
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machines are required to re-configure their machines in
conformity with the new VAT law and have until December 31,
2005 to do so.
Suppliers who have been granted accreditation are not required to
apply for re-accreditation but they have the responsibility to re-
configure the machines they intend to sell in conformity with the
new VAT law. However the Bureau reserves the right to randomly
check their compliance and if found to be non-compliant, the
Bureau shall withdraw their accreditation.
Sample Receipt to be generated by CRM/POS and other sales

Q27 What will be the basis of the Output VAT Payable if, as part of the
transitory provision, the generated receipts of CRM/POS are
inclusive of VAT which shall be allowed up to December 31, 2005
pending re-configuration of their systems?
A27 The Output VAT Payable shall be computed by multiplying the
total invoice/receipt amount by 1/11.
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Q28 What are the requirements to be submitted to the BIR concerned
office on or before November 30, 2005 by those taxpayers
becoming liable to pay VAT?
A28 1. A list of inventory of goods or supplies as of October 31, 2005
showing the quantity, description and amount.
2. A list of inventory of unused invoice or receipt as of October 31,
Q29 What is the rule on claims for input tax on purchases of
depreciable capital goods (local/imported) if purchase amount
exceeds P1M?
A29 If aggregate acquisition cost of all depreciable goods acquired in a
month exceeded P1M, the claims for input tax shall be spread
over the life of the depreciable goods or sixty (60) months,
whichever is shorter.
Q30 What are the accounting requirements in the acquisition, purchase
or importation of depreciable assets or capital goods?
A30 A subsidiary record in ledger form shall be maintained for the
acquisition, purchase or importation of depreciable assets or
capital goods which shall contain, among others, information on
the purchase amount, date of purchase, description of the goods,
total input tax thereon as well as the monthly input tax claimed
in the VAT declaration or return. TcICEA

Q31 How much input tax on sale of goods and services to the
government or any of its political subdivisions, instrumentalities
or agencies, including government-owned and controlled
corporations (GOCCs) can a VAT taxpayer claim?
A31 The allowable input tax for sales of goods and services to the
government shall not exceed five percent (5%) of the selling
price/gross receipts. If actual input tax exceeds five percent (5%)
of gross payments, the excess shall form part of the seller's cost
or expense. On the other hand, if actual input VAT is less than
five (5%) of gross payments, the difference shall be closed to
cost or expense of the seller.
Assumption No. 1: Sales P100,000.00; Output VAT 10,000.00;
Purchase P90,000.00; Input VAT 9,000.00.
Sales Invoice
Selling Price P100,000.00
VAT 10,000.00
Total Invoice Amount P110,000.00
Balance Sheet/Income Statement:
Output VAT Payable P10,000.00
Actual Input VAT P 9,000.00
Less: Standard Input VAT (5%) 5,000.00 5,000.00
————— —————
Income & Expense Summary P 4,000.00
Net VAT Payable P 5,000.00
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Less: Creditable Withholding Input 5,000.00
Output Tax Payable P 0.00
Journal Entry to take up Sales:
Cash/AR 105,000.00
Creditable Withholding VAT 5,000.00
Sales 100,000.00
Output VAT Payable 10,000.00
Journal Entry to take up Purchases:
Purchases 90,000.00
Input Tax 9,000.00
Cash/Accounts Payable 99,000.00
Journal Entry to reflect the excess of actual input VAT over the
allowable input tax of 5% of gross payments/gross sales:
Output VAT Payable 10,000.00
Income & Expense Summary 4,000.00
Input Tax
Creditable Withholding VAT 9,000.00
Assumption No. 2: Sales P100,000.00; Output VAT Payable
P10,000.00; Purchases P10,000.00; Input Tax P1,000.00.
Balance Sheet/Income Statement:
Output VAT
Actual Input VAT P 1,000.00
Less: Standard Input VAT (5%) 5,000.00 5,000.00
————— —————
Income & Expense Summary (P4,000.00)
Net Output VAT Payable P 5,000.00
Less: Creditable Withholding Input 5,000.00
Output Tax Payable
Journal Entry to take up Sales:
Cash/AR 105,000.00
Creditable Withholding VAT 5,000.00
Sales 100,000.00
Output VAT Payable 10,000.00
Journal Entry to take up Purchases:
Purchases 10,000.00
Input Tax 1,000.00
Cash/Accounts Payable 11,000.00
Journal Entry to take up Purchases:
Output VAT Payable 10,000.00
Input Tax 1,000.00
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Income & Expense Summary 4,000.00
Creditable Withholding Input VAT 5,000.00
Q32 Who are entitled to transitional input tax?
A32 Taxpayers who become VAT-registered persons upon exceeding
Gross Sales or Gross Receipts amounting to P1,500,000.00 or
who voluntarily register even if the Gross Sales or Gross Receipts
does not exceed P1,500,000.00 are entitled to transitional input
Q33 What is the rate of transitional input tax allowed for every VAT
registered taxpayer?
A33 A VAT taxpayer is allowed a transitional input tax on his inventory
of goods, materials and supplies equivalent to two percent (2%)
value thereof or the actual VAT paid on such goods, materials
and supplies whichever is higher. Goods exempt from VAT shall
be excluded in the computation of transitional input tax.
Q34 What is the adjusting entry to record/set-up the transitional input
A34 Journal entry:
Input Tax xxx
Inventory xxx
Q35 Who are entitled to presumptive input tax?
A35 Persons or firms engaged in the processing of the following
products are entitled to presumptive input tax:
a. Sardines;

b. Mackerel;
c. Milk;

d. Refined sugar;

e. Cooking oil; and

f. Packed noodle-based instant meals.
Q36 What is the rate and basis of presumptive input tax?
A36 A VAT taxpayer is allowed a presumptive input tax equivalent to
four percent (4%) of the gross value of his purchases of primary
agricultural products used in his production.
Q37 How is VAT payable computed?
A37 The VAT payable is computed by deducting the allowable input tax
credit of a VAT registered taxpayer from his output tax. However,
in no case shall the VAT payable be less than 30% of the output
tax due for VAT taxpayers with excess input taxes. The amount
of input tax not claimed as a credit against output tax during the
period shall be carried over to the succeeding taxable period/s.

Q38 What is the basis in computing output tax?

A38 The basis for computing the output tax is either the gross selling
price or the gross receipts.
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Gross Selling Price means the total amount of money or its equivalent
which the purchaser pays or is obligated to pay the seller in
consideration of the sale, barter or exchange of the goods or
properties, excluding the VAT. The excise tax, if any on such
goods or properties shall form part of the gross selling price.
For sale, barter or exchange of real property subject to VAT, gross
selling price shall mean the consideration stated in the sales
documents or the fair market value of the property whichever is
higher. The fair market value of the property, shall be the FMV as
determined by the BIR, or the FMV as determined by the
assessor, whichever is higher.
If the selling price is based on the fair market value of the asset, such
fair market value shall be inclusive of VAT.
If the amount of VAT is erroneously billed in the invoice, it shall be
presumed that the invoice amount is VAT inclusive. Hence, the
output tax shall be computed by multiplying the total invoice
amount by a fraction using the rate of VAT as numerator and one
hundred percent (100%) plus rate of VAT as the denominator
(e.g. VAT is 10%, invoice amount shall be multiplied by 1/11 to
get the Output VAT).
Q39 What is the difference between actual and allowable input tax?
A39 Actual input tax means the VAT due from or paid by a VAT-
registered person on importation of goods or local purchases of
goods, properties or services including lease or use of properties,
in the course of his trade or business. It shall also include the
input tax carry over from previous period, transitional input tax
and presumptive input tax determined in accordance with
Section 111 of the Tax Code.
Allowable input tax is the amount of creditable input tax to be
deducted from the output tax payable. The creditable input tax is
computed by deducting from actual input taxes all the required
deductions from available input taxes. This applies only in cases
where input tax inclusive of input tax carried over from the
previous quarter exceeds the output tax.
All revenue officials and employees are enjoined to give this Circular as
wide a publicity as possible.


OIC — Commissioner of Internal Revenue

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