Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer

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Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer Template

Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) Family Nurse Practitioner Observations

(FNP) (Similarities/Differences)

Ethics Clinical nurse specialists concentrate Patients, the nursing process, CNS and FNP are similar in that they
on team dynamics and ethical conduct and the state board of nursing are both Practice Specialty Roles for
to guarantee that everyone can operate hold each NP liable. NPs are APRNs. They both contribute to the
successfully and cohesively while also required to follow an ethical future of healthcare by offering
treating each other and patients code of conduct, national preventative treatment to all patients
ethically (Nurse Theory, 2021). CNS certification, evidence-based and family members.
strives to deliver fair treatment and standards, and current practice
enhance healthcare for each individual standards in their practice The difference between a CNS and a
patient by utilizing evidence-based (AANP, 2021). FNPs are FNP is quite minor. NPs work alone
practice knowledge. CNS are also patient advocates who follow as well as jointly with other health
included in the Practice Specialty legal and ethical norms. FNPs care practitioners. CNSs frequently
Roles of APRNs. are also included in the collaborate with other clinicians,
Practice Specialty Roles of have less autonomy, and typically
APRNs. collaborate closely with employees to
teach and support utilizing evidence-
based research.

Education A Clinical Nurse Specialist might A Family Practice Nurse A minimum qualification for both
have a master's or doctorate degree in Practitioner may have a specialties is RN license and a
a particular area of nursing. The master's degree in nursing master's degree in nursing. In some
Commission on Collegiate Nursing from an ANCC or ACEN- cases, a PhD degree may be required.
Education (CCNE) or the accredited institution. They
Accreditation Commission for may be required to possess a Every five years, both CNS and FNP
Education in Nursing (ACEN) Doctor of Nursing Practice must recertify with AANC.
accredits the degree (ACEN). To
© 2020. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
become a CNS might take six to ten (DNP) degree in the future. Both the CNS and the FNP must be
years, however there are several certified by the American Nurses
options for nurses to progress within NPs can further their careers Credentialing Center (ANCC).
the healthcare. CNSs must reregister by participating in a
through the ANCC every five years as fellowship or residency The distinction is that FNPs must
of 2018. To be qualified for program offered by their also be certified by the American
recertification, the CNS must healthcare company. Every Academy of Nurse Practitioners.
undertake at least 150 hours of five years, NPs must recertify
with AANP. Recertification Another distinction between the CNS
instruction, 51% of which must be in
necessitates at least 1000 and FNP is that the CNS needs 1,000
the CNS's chosen specialty and 25%
hours of clinical practice and clinical hours and 150 CEU hours
in pharmacotherapeutics (Nurse
75 contact hours of continuous over the five-year certification
Practitioner Schools, 2021).
learning related to the function period, whereas the FNP requires
and emphasis of the NP. 1,000 clinical hours and 75 CEU
Recertification of the ANCC hours during the two-year
is also necessary every five certification period (Gaines, 2021).
years. As of 2018, the ANCC
mandates 150 continuing
education hours, of which at
least 51 percent must be
directly relevant to the NPs'
concentration on
pharmacotherapeutics, with a
minimum of 25 hours in
pharmacotherapeutics (Nurse
Practitioner Schools, 2021).

Leadership Clinical nurse specialists may study As health-care leaders, NPs Patients and staff are guided and
the interactions between nurses and have several roles, including educated by both CNS and FNP.
other healthcare professionals to provider, mentor, instructor, They are both dedicated to improving
ensure that each employee's researcher, advocate, and the healthcare system and providing
requirements are addressed, as well as administrator. NPs are the best possible treatment to all
investigate healthcare laws and accountable for their own patients.
procedures that may prevent nurses professional development,

from reaching their full potential membership in professional The distinction between a CNS and a
(Nurse Theory, 2021). CNS serve as organizations, and CRNP is somewhat subtle. NPs work
mentors to other nurses, providing involvement in health policy alone as well as jointly with other
leadership and training to boost initiatives at the local, state, health care practitioners. CNSs
morale and overall performance. CNS national, and international frequently collaborate with other
focuses on healthcare systems in order levels (AANP, 2021). FNP is clinicians, have less autonomy, but
to enhance care for nurses and dedicated to our society's typically collaborate closely with
patients, establish better policies, needs, the progress of staff to teach and support through the
abolish laws and norms that are healthcare, and the changes in use of evidence-based research
harmful to nurses and patients, and health care. (Gaines, 2021).
make the health care system more
efficient for both.

Public Health The CNS coordinates the care of the By serving in rural regions The CNS and FNP both collaborate
vulnerable population and offers where there are insufficient in the community to offer
preventative care to the community by doctors, FNPs do jobs that preventative care and education.
detecting predisposing disorders such physicians normally manage. Both employ public health data to
as diabetes and chronic conditions They educate the community, detect early detection of patient
early. To help the community, CNS perform diagnoses, and even ailments and to identify solutions.
also diagnose and treat sickness, prescribe drugs. FNPs form
disability, and injuries within their long-term bonds with their The CNS and NP differ in that the
field of practice. patients by caring with them NP provides much of the same
from infancy through services as a provider and can
maturity. prescribe medicines. CNS, on the
other hand, serve as supervisors to
other nurses as well as physicians
and other specialists.

Health Care CNSs are trained to identify flaws or FNPs are in charge of Because of the power they both have
Administration deficiencies in health care. They may assessing and documenting in respective organizations, CNS and
offer consulting services, engage with patient history, ordering FNP both play a role in health care
patients and their families, monitor diagnostic tests, completing management.
treatment, plan and execute initiatives, history examinations, and
and assess overall health-care delivery performing other activities. The distinction is that a FNP does not

(Brennan, 2021). FNPs work as case managers have the same job as a CNS because
in their organization, there are other specializations that
addressing the well-being of a deal with management and
wide range of people. FNPs leadership. The CNS serves mostly
do not play a big part in health as an administrator.
care administration due to
their expertise in nursing
management and leadership.

Informatics Clinical nurse specialists in As telehealth becomes more Both the CNS and the FNP employ
informatics play a significant part in common, NPs are employing informatics to improve the quality of
the advancement of technology in the informatics to work remotely. treatment they provide to their
medical field. CNSs gives nursing They can offer care via video patients.
assistance and assists with the calls. FNPs also employ
management of health care informatics to track trends in The distinction is that FNPs are more
information systems. health-care issues affecting concerned with direct patient care
families and communities. than informatics, whereas CNSs are
more concerned with ensuring that
facilities adopt technology and
information management systems.

Business/Finance The CNS involvement in the FNPs are well-known for their Both CNS and FNP are devoted to
healthcare delivery system will dedication to providing high- providing patients with excellent and
increase access to cost-effective, high- quality, risk-free treatment. safe treatment while also delivering a
quality treatment for all patients Learn how to monitor the cost-effective care plan. CNS and
across all settings. Another purpose of outcomes of treatment with FNP both require business and
the CNS is to save money for the continuing analysis and finance skills to assess the cost-
hospital by executing, organizing, and improvement led by your prior effectiveness, investment decisions,
assessing a plan to decrease healthcare performance, from the and economic implications of illness
costs and costly readmissions in order Medicare Access and CHIP burdens on patients.
to enhance patient care. Reauthorization Act of 2015
(MACRA) to value-based care
models (AANP, 2021).
Reimbursement assistance, job

searches, ongoing education,
and negotiating skills are all
valuable resources for the
business side of FNP. A FNP
must grasp the business of
health care and how it affects
their patients and their

Specialty (e.g., Adult Health, Adult Psychiatric and FNPs are experts in a variety Both CNS and FNP have comparable
Family, Acute Mental Health, Child/Adolescent of fields, including: Pediatric areas of specialization that they use
Care) Psychological and Mental Health, – Primary or Acute, Family – to deliver the best treatment to their
Diabetes Management, Gerontology Primary or Acute, Neonatal respective populations. Although the
are just a few of the areas in which Adult-Gerontology – Acute or CNS and FNP have some of the same
CNS focuses. Primary Trauma Care in an expertise, the distinction is in the role
Emergency, Gender-Related each has for the post.
Health/Health Women's

Regulatory The American Nurses Credentialing Every two years, the ANCC FNPs must also be certified by the
Bodies or Center offers certification in a range demands certification renewal. American Academy of Nurse
Certification of specializations (ANCC). Not every During the two-year Practitioners. Another difference
Agencies That specialty has its own certification test certification period, 1,000 between the CNS and FNP is that the
Provide Guidance (Nurse Practitioner School, 2021). The clinical hours must be CNS needs 1,000 clinical hours and
or Parameters on American Nurses Credentialing completed, as well as 75 CEU 150 CEU hours over the five-year
How These Roles Center (ANCC) conducts national hours, 25 of which must be in certification period, whereas the FNP
Incorporate tests for the CNS Core and nine pharmacology (Gaines, 2021). requires 1,000 clinical hours and 75
Concepts Into specialist areas (Gaines, 2021). Every CEU hours during the two-year
Practice five years, the ANCC demands certification period (Gaines, 2021).
certification renewal. During the five-
year certification period, 1,000 clinical
hours must be completed, as well as
150 CEU hours, 25 of which must be

in pharmacology (Gaines, 2021).

Nurse Theory. (2021). What is a Clinical Nurse Specialist?

American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (2021). Scope of Practice for Nurse Practitioners.

Gaines, K. (2021). Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) or Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner (CRNP)?


Brennan, D. MD. (2021). What is a Clinical Nurse Specialist?


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