Circular Kinematics

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Circular Kinematics
Terminologies π
z Angular displacement (θ θ) : It is the 1 rps = 60 rpm, 1 rpm = rad s −1 , 1 rps = 2π rad s−1
angle through which the radius vector But the standard unit (i.e., S.I. unit) of ω is rad s−1 only.
representing the position of a particle that l
moves along a circle, has rotated. Uniform circular motion
arc length (l ) If a particle moves in a circle
θ= with constant speed, its motion
radius (r )
S.I. unit of angular displacement is radian (= rad). is called uniform circular motion
z Angular velocity (ω): It is the rate of change of angular (UCM).
z Centripetal acceleration (ar) : A particle executing
displacement of a particle that moves along a circular
uniform circular motion, due to change in direction of
velocity, possesses an acceleration called centripetal

ω= acceleration (ar). ar is in a direction towards the centre of
dt circle (or radially inward).
S.I. Unit: radian second−1 (= rad s−1).       v2
z Angular acceleration (α): It is the rate of change of ar = ω × v = ω × (ω × r ) ⇒ ar = ωv = r ω2 =
   r
angular velocity of a particle that moves along a circle. The directions of ar , ω and v are mutually perpendicular.
dω d 2θ
α= . Also α = 2 Non-uniform circular motion
dt dt
In non-uniform circular motion, speed is not constant. The
S.I. Unit: radian second−2 (= rad s−2)
particle possesses angular acceleration (α). In non-uniform
z When a particle moves along a circle
circular motion two cases arise (i) α is constant and (ii) α is
of radius r, then it possesses both linear
  varying. If α is constant, the following equations hold good.
velocity v and angular velocity ω . The
relation between them is ω = ω0 + αt, θ = ω0t + αt

   2
v = ω × r v = ωr   
The directions of v, ω and r are  1
ω2 − ω02 = 2αθ , θnth = ω0 + α  n − 
mutually perpendicular.  2
z If a particle is moving along a circle with uniform speed ω + ω0
and completes n revolutions in t second, its angular θ= ×t
velocity is
In non-uniform circular motion, linear acceleration has two
ω= components
t v2
z Centripetal acceleration, ar = r ω =
z If T is time period of revolution and f is frequency then r
2π dv
ω= = 2πf z tangential acceleration, at = = rate of change of
T dt
Note: Other units of ω are revolutions per minute (rpm), d ( ωr )
speed = = rα
revolutions per second (rps). dt
7.2  Physics

These two components of acceleration are mutually dv

perpendicular. Therefore, net acceleration of the particle will be z In decelerated circular motion, is negative and hence,
 dv 

a = ar2 + at2 = (r ω2 ) 2 +   tangential acceleration is anti-parallel to velocity v .
 dt 
Radius of curvature
2 2
 v2   d v  On any curved path (not necessarily a circular one) the
=   + 
 r   dt  acceleration of the particle has two components at and an in two
Following three points are important regarding the above 
mutually perpendicular directions. The component of a along
discussion:   
z In uniform circular motion, speed (v) of the particle is
v is at , the component of a perpendicular to v is an.
dv  at
Thus | a | = at + an
2 2
= 0. Thus at = 0 and a = ar = rω2. v
constant i.e.,
dv v2 an
In accelerated circular motion, is + ve and tangential an =
dt R

acceleration of particle is parallel to v . R = Radius of curvature
Circular Kinematics

Uniform Circular Motion (a) > 1 (b) = 1

(c) < 1 (d) ≥1
1. In uniform circular motion
(a) Both velocity and acceleration are constant 7. In uniform circular motion which of the following
(b) Acceleration and speed are constant but velocity remains constant?
changes (a) r (b) a
(c) Both acceleration and velocity changes  
(c) v (d) |a|
(d) Both acceleration and speed are constant 8. When a ceiling fan is switched off its angular velocity
2. A particle is moving on a circular path of radius r with reduces to 50% while it makes 36 rotations. How
uniform speed v. The change in velocity when the many more rotation will it make before coming to rest
particle moves from P to Q is (–POQ = 40°) (Assume uniform angular retardation)?
(a) 18 (b) 12
p (c) 36 (d) 48
r 9. The magnitude of displacement of a particle moving in
O θ = 40° v a circle of radius a with constant angular speed ω varies
with time t is
Q wt
(a) 2a sin wt (b) 2a sin
(c) 2a cos wt (d) 2a cos
(a) 2v cos 40° (b) 2v sin 40° 2
(c) 2v sin 20° (d) 2v cos 20° 10. Position vector of a particle moving in xy plane at time

3. A particle P is moving in a circle of radius ‘a’ with a t is r = a (1 - cos wt ) iˆ + a sin wt ˆj. The path of the
uniform speed v. C is the centre of the circle and AB is a particle is
diameter. When passing through B the angular velocity (a) a circle of radius a and center at (a, 0)
of P about A and C are in the ratio (b) a circle of radius a and center at (0, 0)
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2 (c) an ellipse
(c) 2 : 1 (d) 4 : 1 (d) neither a circle nor an ellipse
4. The ratio of angular speeds of minute hand and hour 11. A hollow vertical cylinder of radius R and height h has
hand of a watch is smooth internal surface. A small particle is placed in
(a) 1 : 12 (b) 6 : 1 contact with the inner side of the upper rim at a point
(c) 12 : 1 (d) 1 : 6 P. It is given a horizontal speed v0 tangential to rim. It
 leaves the lower rim at point Q, vertically below P. The
5. What is the value of linear velocity, if w = 3iˆ - 4 ˆj + kˆ number of revolutions made by the particle will

and r = 5iˆ - 6 ˆj + 6kˆ ?
6iˆ + 2 ˆj - 3kˆ (b) -18iˆ - 13 ˆj + 2kˆ
(a) R

(c) 4iˆ - 13 ˆj + 6kˆ (d) 6iˆ - 2 ˆj + 8kˆ

6. A train 1 moves from east to west and another train
2 moves from west to east on the equator with equal
speeds relative to ground. The ratio of their centripetal Q
accelerations 1 relative to centre of earth is:
2 Physics

h v0 18. A ball is fixed to the end of a string and is rotated in a

(a) (b)
2p R 2 gh horizontal circle of radius 5 m with a speed of 10 m/sec.
The acceleration of the ball will be
2p R v0 æ 2h ö (a) 20 m/s2 (b) 10 m/s2
(c) (d) ç ÷
2p R çè g ÷ø (c) 30 m/s 2 (d) 40 m/s2
19. A body of mass 2 kg lying on a smooth surface is
12. A particle moves along a circle of radius R = 1 m attached to a string 3 m long and then whirled round

so that its radius vector r relative to a point on its in a horizontal circle making 60 revolution per minute.
circumference rotates with the constant angular velocity The centripetal acceleration will be
w = 2 rad/s. The linear speed of the particle is
(a) 118.4 m/s2 (b) 1.18 m/s2
(a) 4 m/s (b) 2 m/s 2
(c) 2.368 m/s (d) 23.68 m/s2
(c) 1 m/s (d) 0.5 m/s
20. A body of mass 0.1 kg is moving on circular path of
13. The x and y co-ordinates of a particle are x = A sin (wt) and
diameter 1.0 m at the rate of 10 revolutions per 31.4
y = A sin (wt + p/2). Then the motion of the particle is
seconds. The centripetal force acting on the body is
(a) circular anticlockwise y
(a) 0.2 N (b) 0.4 N
(b) circular clockwise
x (c) 2 N (d) 4 N
(c) elliptical clockwise
(d) rectilinear 21. A body of mass 4 kg is moving in a horizontal circle
of radius 1 m with an angular velocity of 2 rad/s. The
14. A particle revolving in a circular path completes first
required centripetal force, will be
one third of circumference in 2 sec, while next one third
in 1 sec. The average angular velocity of particle will (a) 16 N (b) 1.6 N
be: (in rad/sec) (c) 16 dyne (d) 1.6 dyne
2p p 22. In a park there are three concentric circular running
(a) (b) tracks. Radius of 2nd track is double of the first and of
3 3
3rd track is triple of the first. Three runners are running
4p 5p
(c) (d) on these tracks with constant speed. When the runner
3 3 in the first track completes one round, the runner in 2nd
15. The ratio of angular speeds of minute hand and hour has completed half round and the runner in third track
hand of a watch is has completed quarter round. If the accelerations of the
(a) 1 : 12 (b) 6 : 1 runners are in ratio a : b : g, where a, b and g are least
(c) 12 : 1 (d) 1 : 6 α+β+ γ
16. A particle moves in a circle of radius 20 cm with a linear integers, then find the value of .
speed of 10 m/s. The angular velocity will be y

(a) 50 rad/s (b) 100 rad/s

(c) 25 rad/s (d) 75 rad/s
17. A racing car is travelling along a track at a constant
speed of 40 m/s. A T.V. camera men is recording the v0
event from a distance of 30 m directly away from the B
track as shown in figure. In order to keep the car under 23. Two particles start moving on circles of radii R1 and
view in the position shown, the angular speed with R2 shown with velocities V1 = 2 m/s and V2 = 15 m/s,
which the camera should be rotated, is respectively. The minimum time after which the particles
car p
will again be ­collinear with the centre is equal to second.
40 m/s
Find n.
R1 = 1 m
30 m
R2 = 3 m
30º v1
T.V Camera
(a) 4/3 rad/sec (b) 3/4 rad/sec
(c) 8/3 3 rad/sec (d) 1 rad/sec
Circular Kinematics 3
­ oving with a constant speed v = 2 m/s such that the
24. A particle is moving in a circle of radius R with constant particle initially at A always heads towards the particle
speed. The time period of particle is T = 1 s. In a time initially at B and the particle at B heads for the particle
T at C and the particle at C heads for the particle at A.
t = , the difference between the average speed and the
6 The magnitude of initial acceleration (in m/s2) of the
average velocity of the particle is 2 m/s. Find the radius particle at C is
 22 
R (in metres) of the circle.  Take π = 
 7 Resolving Acceleration and Non-Uniform
25. Two particles A and B are moving in a horizontal
plane anticlockwise on two different concentric circles Circular Motion
with different constant angular velocities 2w and w, 29. A particle is revolving in a circle increasing its speed
respectively. Find the relative velocity (in m/s) of B uniformly. Which of the following is constant?
w.r.t. A after time t = p/w. (Take w = 3 rad/s, r = 2 m) (a) centripetal acceleration
Y (b) tangential acceleration
(c) angular acceleration
(d) none of these
30. A car speeds up in a circular path. Which of the
following figure illustrates the acceleration of the car?

X a
A B (a) a (b)

26. A spotlight S rotates in a horizontal plane with a constant (c) a (d)
angular velocity of 0.1 rad/s. The spot P of light moves
along the wall at a distance 3 m. The velocity of the spot
31. A car is moving with speed 30 m/sec on a circular path
P when q = 45° is v (m/s). Find 5v.
of radius 500 m. Its speed is increasing at the rate of 2
Wall m/sec2. What is the acceleration of the car?
θ (a) 2 m/sec2 (b) 2.7 m/sec2
(c) 1.8 m/sec (d) 9.8 m/sec2
(Top view) 32. A car is travelling with linear velocity v on a circular
road of radius r. If it is increasing its speed at the rate of
‘a’ meter/sec2, then the resultant acceleration will be
ìï v 2 üï ìï v 4 2ü
27. A rigid equilateral triangular plate ABC of side 2 m is (a) í 2 - a 2 ý (b) í 2 +a ý
in motion in the x-y plane. At the instant shown in the îï r þï ïî r þï

figure, the point B has velocity vB = (3iˆ + 8 ˆj ) m/s and
 ìï v 4 üï ïì v ü
the plate has angular velocity w = 2kˆ rad/s . Find the (c) í 2 - a 2 ý (d) 2ï
í 2 +a ý
speed (in m/s) of point A. îï r þï îï r þï
C 33. A simple pendulum is oscillating without damping.
When the displacement of the bob is less than maximum,

its acceleration vector a is correctly shown in

(a) a (b)

28. Three particles are located at the corners of an equi- 

lateral triangle of side a = 3 m. The particles start a
4 Physics

figure. If the angular velocity at the end of 4 rad is given

by w rad/s, then find the value of w.
(c) (d)


34. The diagram shows a CD rotating clockwise (as seen
41. Starting from rest, a particle rotates in a circle of radius
from above) in the CD-player. After turning it
off, the CD slows down. Assuming it has not P p
R = 2 m with an angular acceleration a = rad/s2.
come to a stop yet, the direction of the 4
acceleration of point P at this instance is Calculate the magnitude of average velocity (in m/s) of
(a)  (b) ↓ the particle over the time it rotates quarter circle.
(c)  (d) → 42 A particle is moving with constant angular acceleration
35. A particle is moving in a circle of radius R in such a way (a) in a circular path of radius 3 m . At t = 0, it was
that at any instant the total acceleration makes an angle at rest and at t = 1 s, the magnitude of its acceleration
of 45o with radius. Initial speed of particle is v0. The becomes 6 m/s2, then a (in rad/s2) is
time taken to complete the first revolution is
43. A particle begins to move with a tangential acceleration
R R of constant magnitude 0.6 m/s2 in a circular path. If it
(a) e -2p (b) (1 - e -2p )
v0 v0 slips when its total acceleration becomes 1 m/s2, then
the angle through which it would have turned before it
R 2R
(c) (d) a
v0 v0 starts to slip is radian . Find (ab).
36. The angular displacement of a particle is given by q = 44. The square of angular velocity w of a certain wheel
w0t + at2, where w0 and a are constant and w0 = 1 rad/ increases linearly with the angular displacement q during
100 revolutions of the wheel’s motion as shown in the
sec, a = 1.5 rad/sec2. The angular velocity at time, t = 2 sec
figure. The time t required for given 100 revolutions is
will be (in rad/sec)
(a) 1 (b) 5 . Find (m + n).
(c) 3 (d) 4
37. The angular velocity of a particle is given by w = 1.5 t – ω2(rad/s)2
3t2 + 2, the time when its angular acceleration decreases
to zero will be 1600
(a) 25 sec (b) 0.25 sec
(c) 12 sec (d) 1.2 sec 900

38. A particle is moving in a circular path with velocity

varying with time as v = 1.5t2 + 2t. If 2 cm the radius of
0 θ (rad)
circular path, the angular acceleration at t = 2 sec will be 100 rev
(a) 4 rad/sec2 (b) 40 rad/sec2
(c) 400 rad/sec2 (d) 0.4 rad/sec2 Radius of Curvature
39. A particle starts from rest at time t = 0 and move on a 45. A stone is projected from level ground at t = 0 sec
circular path of radius 1 m with tangential acceleration such that its horizontal and vertical components of
3 m/s2. After 1 s, its acceleration makes an angle q initial velocity are 10 m/s and 20 m/s respectively.
with its velocity. What is the value of 3tan2q? Then the instant of time at which tangential and normal
40. A particle starts moving in a non-uniform circular components of acceleration of stone are same is:
motion and has angular acceleration as shown in the (neglect air resistance and) g = 10 m/s2.)
Circular Kinematics 5

1 3 g
(a) sec (b) sec (a) 2g (b)
2 2 u 2u
(c) 1 sec (d) 4 sec
46. A stone is projected with speed u and angle of projection (c) (d) none of these
is q. Find the radius of curvature at t = 0. 2 2u
u2 52. Two moving particles P and Q are 10 m apart at a certain
u 2 cos 2 q
(a) (b) instant. The velocity of P is 8 m/s making 30° with the
g g sin q
line joining P and Q and that of Q is 6 m/s making 30°
u2 u 2 sin 2 q with PQ in the figure. Then the angular velocity of Q
(c) (d) with respect to P in rad/s at that instant is
g cos q g
47. The velocity and acceleration vectors of a particle 6 m/s
 circular motion are v = 2i m/s and
a = (2i + 4 j ) m/s2 respectively, at an instant of time.
P 30°
The radius of the circle is 30° 10 m Q
(a) 1 m (b) 2 m
(c) 3 m (d) 4 m 8 m/s
48. A particle is projected horizontally from the top of
a tower with a velocity v0. If v be its velocity at any (a) 0 (b) 0.1
instant, then the radius of curvature of the path of the (c) 0.4 (d) 0.7
particle at that instant is directly proportional to 53. The figure shows the velocity and acceleration of a
(a) v3 (b) v2 point like body at the initial moment of its motion. The
1 acceleration vector of the body remains constant. The
(c) v (d)
v minimum radius of curvature (in m) of trajectory of the
49. A body is thrown with a velocity of 10 m/s at an angle body is
of 45° to the horizontal. The radius of curvature of its
trajectory in t = s after the body began to move, is v0 = 8 m/s
2 q = 150°
(a) 0 m (b) 2.5 m
(c) 5 m (d) none of these a = 2m/s2
50. If a particle is projected with speed u from ground at an
angle q with horizontal, then the radius of curvature at 54. Velocity of a particle moving in a curvilinear path in a

a point where velocity vector is perpendicular to initial horizontal XY plane varies with time as v = (2t iˆ + t 2 j )
velocity vector is given by m/s. Here, t is in second. At t = 1 s, the radius of
u 2 cot 2 q α 5
u 2 cos 2 q curvature of the path is m. Find (a + b).
(a) (b) β
g g sin q
55. Particle A is moving in a horizontal plane with
u2 u 2 tan 2 q constant velocity V as shown. Another particle
(c) (d)
g g cos q B is moving in a circle with same speed V. At the
moment when A is diametrically opposite to B, the
51. A particle is projected at an angle of 45° with the
radius of curvature of B as seen by A is nR. Find n.
horizontal with a speed u in a uniform gravitational
(Radius of circle is R)
field, as shown in the figure. The instantaneous angular
speed of the particle w.r.t. the point of projection at B
the moment it falls at the same horizontal level is V
equal to

6 Physics

56. A small ball is thrown horizontally in a uniform curvature (in m) of the motion of block with respect
gravitational field at t = 0 with initial velocity v0. If the to ground is
angular velocity of its velocity vector at time t = 1 s is
, then find the value of n. Take v0 = 10 m/s and g = 10
m/s2. (Neglect the air drag)
10 m/s
57. A block is moving in horizontal circular motion with
constant speed of 10 m/s (with respect to lift) about
a point O on the smooth surface of the lift. The lift
is moving upward with constant speed of 10 m/s and o
the length of string of the lift is 2 m. The radius of 10 m/s

1. Two particles A, B are moving on two concentric circles ® ® p
of radii R1 and R2 with equal angular speed w. At t = 0, The relative velocity v A - vB at t = by
their positions and direction of motion are shown in the
figure (a) -w ( R1 + R2 ) iˆ (b) w ( R1 + R2 ) iˆ
(c) w ( R1 - R2 ) iˆ (d) w ( R2 - R1 ) iˆ

A (JEE Main 2019)


1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (a)
11. (d) 12. (a) 13. (b) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (a) 17. (d) 18. (a) 19. (a) 20. (a)
21. (a) 22. (3) 23. (3) 24. (7) 25. (24) 26. (3) 27. (5) 28. (2) 29. (c) 30. (b)
31. (b) 32. (b) 33. (c) 34. (a) 35. (b) 36. (d) 37. (b) 38. (c) 39. (9) 40. (6)
41. (1) 42. (1) 43. (6) 44. (11) 45. (c) 46. (c) 47. (a) 48. (a) 49. (c) 50. (b)
51. (b) 52. (d) 53. (8) 54. (7) 55. (4) 56. (2) 57. (4)

1. (d)

Now let fan completes total nʹ revolution from the starting to come
Uniform Circular Motion
to rest
1. (c) w02
0 = w0 - 2a (2pn ¢) Þ n ¢ =
Both changes in direction although their magnitudes remains
Substituting the value of a from equation (i)
2. (c)
Change in velocity = 2v sin(q/2) = 2v sin 20° w02 4 ´ 4p ´ 36
n¢ = = 48 revolutions
3. (b) 4p 3w02
v Number of rotation = 48 – 36 = 12
9. (b)
Qt = t
C r B
A a
2r P
q t=0

Angular velocity of particle P about point A,

In time t particle has rotated an angle q = wt
v v
wA = = Displacement
rAB 2r
s = PQ = QR 2 + PR 2
Angular velocity of particle P about point C,
v v = ( a sin wt ) 2 + ( a - a cos wt ) 2
wC = =
rBC r
s = 2a sin
wA v / 2r 1 2
Ratio = =
wC v/r 2 10. (a)
Particle is moving in a circle of radius a and center (a, 0) with
4. (c)
constant angular velocity w. At time t = 0 particle is at origin
2p Rad 2p Rad and it starts rotating clockwise. At time t it has rotated an angle
wmin = and whr =
60 min 12 ´ 60 min q given by:
wmin 2p /60
\ = t=t
whr 2p /12 ´ 60
5. (b) q
t=0 x x
(a, 0)
iˆ ˆj kˆ
v = w´ r = 3 -4 1 = - 18iˆ - 13 ˆj + 2kˆ
5 -6 6 q = wt
6. (c) y = a sin q = a sin wt
The earth rotates west to east. So the velocity of train 2 increases. and x = a − a cos q = a (1 − cos wt)
ac = v2/R. Hence centripetal acceleration of train 2 is more. 
\ r = a (1 - cos wt )iˆ + a sin wt ˆj
7. (d)
11. (d)
Magnitude of acceleration remains constant.
8. (b) h= gt 2
By using equation w2 = w02 - 2aq
æ w0 ö
3 w0
\ t=
ç ÷ = w0 - 2a(2pn) Þ a =
, ( n = 36) ...(i) g
è 2 ø 4 4p ´ 36
Let n be the number of revolutions made.
2 Solutions

Then n(2pR) = v0t 15. (c)

v0 v0 2h Angular speed of hour hand,
or n= . t   or   n =
2πR 2πR g ∆θ 2π
w1 = = rad/sec
12. (a) ∆t 12 × 60
Angular velocity about center = 2 (angular velocity about any point
Angular speed of minute hand,
on its circumference)
or w = 2 (2) rad/s 2π
w2 = rad/sec
or w = 4 rad/s 60
now v = r w = (1) (4) = 4 m/s
ω2 12
fi =
13. (b)
ω1 1
Given x = A sin wt...(1)
y = A sin (wt + p/2) = A cos wt...(2) Hence correct answer is (c).
Squaring and adding (1) and (2), we get x2 + y2 = A2 16. (a)
i.e. path of the particle is a circle with center at origin and radius A The angular velocity is

wt = 0 w=
Hence v = 10 m/s
r = 20 cm = 0.2 m,
wt = 3p/2 wt = p/2 \  w = 50 rad/s
Hence correct answer is (a)
wt = p 17. (d)
x Car 40 m/s
At time wt = 0, x = 0 and y=A
and at wt = p/2, x = A and y = 0
at wt = p, x = 0, y = −A
and at wt = 3p/2, x = −A y=0 30 m
and so on. So, the motion is circular clockwise.
14. (a)
We have
T.V. camera
 Total angular displacement
ωav = We have
Total time
For first one third part of circle, angular displacement, x d d  x
tan q = ; [tan q] =
S1 2πr /3 30 dt dt  30 
θ1 = =
r r d dθ 1 dx
(tan q). =
For second one third part of circle, dq dt 30 dt
2 πr /3 2π dθ 1 dθ 4
θ2 = = rad sec2 q = × 40  fi  =
3sec θ
r 3 dt 30 dt
Total angular displacement, At the given instant, q = 30º
q = q1 + q2 = 4p/3 rad
Total time = 2 + 1 = 3 sec dq 4 4 æ 3ö 4 3
\ = cos2 30º = × ç ÷ = × =1
dt 3 3 è 2 ø 3 4
 4 π /3
\ ωav = rad/s or angular speed with which camera should be rotated = 1 rad/sec
4π 2π 18. (a)
= = rad/s
6 3 v2
Hence correct answer is (a) We know a =
Circular Kinematics 3

Hence v = 10 m/s, r = 5 m q = wt
(10) 2
2p T p
\ a= = 20 m/s2 q= ´ =
5 T 6 3
19. (a) v = wR
Given that the mass of the particle, Average speed, vavg = 2pR

m = 2 kg 6R

Radius of circle = 3 m Average velocity, vavg = = 6R
Angular velocity = 60 rev/minute Difference between average speed and average velocity = (2p
– 6)R = 2
60 × 2π
= rad/sec fiR=7m
= 2p rad/sec 25. (24)
20. (a)

mv 2
F= = mr ω 2
r 2ωr

Here m = 0.10 kg, r = 0.5 m 2ωr A

2πn 2 × 3.14 × 10
and ω = = = 2 rad/s
t 31.4
F = 0.10 × 0.5 × (2)2 = 0.2 vrel = 4wr

21. (a) 26. (3)

F = mrw2 = 4 × 1 × 22 = 16 N
dq θ
= -w
22. (3) dt 3m
w1 = 2w2 = 4w3; If w3 = w, then w1 = 4w, w2 = 2w 3
tan q =
a1 = 16w2r, a2 = 4w2(2r), a3 = w2(3r) x
fi a1 : a2 : a3 = 16 : 8 : 3 dq 3 dx
sec 2 q =-
dt x 2 dt
23. (3)
v1 For q = 45°, sec2q = 2; x = 3 m, w = 0.1 rad s–1
w1 = = 2 rad/s
= 6 ´ 0.1 = 0.6 m s -1
v2 15 dt
w2 = = = 5 rad/s
R2 3
27. (5)
q2 = q1 + p
w2t = w1t + p
p p
t= = s 2
w2 − w1 3

24. (7) 3
A 2 2 B 3
t = T/6
R v A - vB = w´ r
π/3 t=0 
v A - ( 3i + 8 j ) = 2kˆ ´ ( -2iˆ)
v A = -4 ˆj + 3iˆ + 8 ˆj = 3iˆ + 4 ˆj

Þ | v A |= 5 m/s
4 Solutions

28. (2)

120° vdt aC

dθ 60°
A a B
a vdt vdt
=  at
sin 120° sin ( d q ) dq
2 v 34. (a)
3 w Net acceleration is a as shown.

v × 3v 3 v2
aC = vw = =
2a 2 a
Resolving Acceleration and Non-Uniform a
Circular Motion
29. (c) at
Angular acceleration (a) =
r 35. (b)
 Total acceleration makes an angle of 45o with radius i.e. tangential
d |v |
Since, | at | = = constant acceleration = radial acceleration
or Ra = Rw2
\ Magnitude of a is constant or a = w2
Also its direction is always constant (perpendicular to the plane of
 dw dw
circular motion). Whereas direction changes continuously at is not or = w2 ; or 2 = dt
constant dt w
30. (b)
òw 2
= ò dt ; or w =
1 - w0 t
Net acceleration: a = ac2 + at2 w0 0

dq w0 t
w0 dt
æv ö 2 2 or
dt 1 - w0 t
; or ò dq = ò
1 - w0 t
= ç ÷ + at2 0 0

èRø 1 æ v0 ö
i.e. t= (1 - e -2 p ) ç w0 = ÷
As v increases, a also increases. w0 è Rø
So size of arrow should be increasing and angle between velocity R -2 p
and acceleration should be acute. or t= (1 - e )
31. (b)
Net acceleration in non-uniform circular motion, 36. (d)
2 1
Ê 900 ˆ We have q = w0t + at2
a = at2 + ac2 = (2) 2 + Á = 2.7 m/s 2 2
Ë 500 ˜¯ dq
fi = w0 + at
at = tangential acceleration dt
This is angular velocity at time t. Now angular velocity at t = 2 sec
ac = centripetal acceleration = v will be
32. (b) æ dq ö
w=ç ÷ = w0 + 2a
4 è dt øt = 2 sec
aresultant = 2
aradial + atangential =
= 1 + 2 × 1.5 = 4 rad/sec
37. (b)
33. (c)
ac = centripetal acceleration Given that w = 1.5t – 3t2 + 2
at = tangential acceleration dw
aN = net acceleration = Resultant of ac and at a= = 1.5 – 6t
Circular Kinematics 5

When a = 0 fi t=2s
fi  1.5 – 6t = 0
Displacemant PQ
1.5 \ Average velocity = =
fi  t = = 0.25 sec Time t
R 2 2
38. (c) vavg = = = 1 m/s
Given v = 1.5t2 + 2t t 2
Linear acceleration a 42. (1)
dv 2
= = 3t + 2 æ v2 ö v2
6= ç + a (Since a = , at = Ra)
dt ÷ ( R ) c
This is the linear acceleration at time t èRø R
Now angular acceleration at time t
(( R a ) 2 ) 2
a 6= 2
+ R2a2 ( v = (Ra) . 1)
α= R
( aR )

3t + 2 \ 6= + R2a2
fi α= −2 R

2 × 10
Angular acceleration at t = 2 sec fi 3a4 + 3a2 = 6; On solving, a2 = –2,1
3´ 2 + 2 8 So, the correct answer is 1 rad/s2.
( a ) at t = 2 s = = ´ 10 2
2 ´ 10-2 2 43. (6)
= 4 × 102 = 400 rad/sec2 anet = at + ac
2 2

39. (9) w2 = w02 + 2aq

w0 = 0
ac = , v = at T
so, w2 = 2aq
tan q = w2R = 2 (aRq)
ac = w2R = 2atq
40. (6)
1= 0.36 + (1.2 ´ q) 2
wd w
a= 0.8 2
dq fi 1 – 0.36 = (1.2q)2 fi  =q Þ q= rad
1.2 3
ò wd w = ò a d q
44. (11)
w2 1 ω2
= Area under a vs q graph = (9 ´ 4) s
2 2 1600
w= 36 = 6 rad /s
41. (1) θ0 θ0 + 200π
Q 100 rev = 200p rad
vP d 2w d w
Slope of graph =
w2 =
( )
P 1600 - 900
Þ = 2a
7 rad
Þ a=
Quarter circle = P Æ Q 4p s 2
1 w = w0 + at
Dq = w0 t +at

2 7t 40p
Þ 40 = 30 + Þ t= s
p 1 p 2 4p 7
= 0 + × ×t
2 2 4
6 Solutions

Radius of Curvature 10 1 10
vy = − 10 × = 0; vx = = 5 2 m/s
45. (c) 2 2 2
Tangential acceleration = at = g sin q v2 (5 2) 2 50
Normal acceleration = an = g cos q an = ⇒R= = = 5m
R g 10
fi at = an
g sin q = g cos q fi q = 45° 50. (b)
fi vy = vx fi uy – gt = ux
20 – (10)t = 10 fi t = 1 sec
v u
q P
gs q g cos q
90° −θ
g g sin θ v
θ g

46. (c)
v cos (90° − q) = u cosq
At t = 0,
v sinq = u cosq
a = g cosq v = u cotq
v2 u2
R= = v2
a⊥ g cos θ At P, g sinq =
47. (a) u cot q
2 2

It can be observed that component of acceleration perpendicular to =r

g sin q
velocity is
ac = 4 m/s2 51. (b)
v 2 (2) 2
∴ Radius = = =1m
ac 4

48. (a)
v0 45°
vy θ u
θ v
g sin θ v u
vy g cos θ 2

g u u
2 = 2 g
ω= =
As we know, Range u sin 90°
v2 g
ac = (Centripetal acceleration)
52. (d)
From figure, g sin θ = 6 m/s
R 6 sin 30°
8 cos 30°
v0 v2  v0  P 30°
⇒ g. =  Since sin θ = 
v R v  30° 10 m Q 6 cos 30°

8 sin 30° 8 m/s
⇒ R∝v

Angular velocity of Q relative to
49. (c)
vy Projection of VQP perpendicular to the line PQ
10 m/s vx
5 2 m/s Separation between P and Q

VQ sin θ 2 – VP sin θ1 6 sin 30° – (–8 sin 30°) = 0.7 rad/s

PQ 10
Circular Kinematics 7

53. (8)
æ v2 ö 5 5 5
The acceleration vector shall change the component of velocity u|| R=ç ÷= 2 = m
along the acceleration vector. è cø
a æ ö 2
ç ÷
u|| = 8 cos 30° è 5ø
55. (4)
|Velocity of B w.r.t. A| = VBA = 2V
a=2 m/s2 u = 8 cos 30° Now,
= 4 m/s P
Acceleration of B w.r.t. A = Acceleration of B w.r.t. the centre
a = 2 m/s2 ( 2V ) 2 V2
u^ = 4 m/s
( RB ) A R
v2 \ (RB)A = 4R
56. (2)
Radius of curvature rmin means v is minimum and an is maximum. vy
tan q =
This is at point P when component of velocity parallel to acceleration vx
vector becomes zero, that is u|| = 0.
u^2 42 or tan q =  ... (i)
\ R= = =8 m v0
a 2
Differentiating (i) w.r.t. to t, we get
54. (7) dq g
 \ sec 2 q =  ... (ii)
v = 2t iˆ + t 2 ˆj dt v0
 From (i) and (ii), we get
a = 2 iˆ + 2t ˆj
 dq v0 g 1
| v | = v = 4t + t
2 4
   = = rad/s
dt v +g t
2 2 2
æ dv ö 1 0
at = ç ÷ = ´ (8t + 4t )

è dt ø 2 4t 2 + t 4 57. (4)
æ 6 ö With respect to ground, vnet = v2 + v2 = 2v
At t = 1 s, at = ç 2
÷ m/s v = 10 m/s
è 5ø v = 10 m/s
a= 2 2 + (2t ) 2 = 8 m/s 2
at = m/s 2 v2
5 Now, a =
36 2 Vnet
2v 2
ac = a 2 - at2 = 8- = m/s 2 So, radius of curvature = = = 2R = 4 m
5 5 a^ v 2 /R


1. (d)
p p
q = wt = w =
2w 2 R1 A
v A - vS = w R1 (-iˆ) - w R2 (-iˆ)


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