Rajasthan Transperancy in Public Procurement Act 2013
Rajasthan Transperancy in Public Procurement Act 2013
Rajasthan Transperancy in Public Procurement Act 2013
Government Central Press, Jaipur.
Rajasthan Transparency in Public
Procurement Rules, 20131
[(vii) “State Level Empowered Committee (SLEC)” means the State Level
Empowered Committee constituted by the State Government under the
chairmanship of the Chief Secretary for consideration/ examination/ approval
of the project, received under Swiss Challenge Method.]
(2) Words and expressions used in these rules but not defined shall have the
same meaning as assigned to them in the Act.
Organisational Structure for Procurement
Rule 3. Procurement committees.- (1) Every procuring entity shall constitute one or
more committees for the following purposes, namely: -
(a) Preparation of bidding documents;
(b) Opening of bids;
(c) Evaluation bids;
(d) Monitoring of contract;
(e) Spot Purchase;
(f) Competitive negotiation; and
(g) Any other purpose relating to procurement, as may be decided by the
procuring entity.
(2) Each committee shall consist of three or more members including senior
most accounts officer or official of the procuring entity, and if required, a technical
official may be nominated by the procuring entity. A consultant, as subject matter
specialist, may also be nominated in the committee by the procuring entity, after
recording reasons, with the prior approval of the competent authority.
(3) In complex projects, the work of preparation of project report or bidding
documents may be assigned to consultants with the prior approval of the competent
Rule 4. State Public Procurement Portal.- The State Public Procurement Portal, in
addition to information specified in clause (a) to (g) of sub-section (3) of section 17,
shall provide access to such other information as may be specified by the State
Government, from time to time. Every procuring entity shall upload and publish the
required information on State Public Procurement Portal maintained by the State
Procurement Facilitation Cell.
Rule 5. e-procurement.- All subject matters of procurement of an estimated value, as
may be notified* by the State Government under sub-section (2) of section 28, shall
be procured through e-procurement. In such cases every bidder shall deposit user
charges as may be fixed by the State Government, from time to time. Every bid shall
be digitally singed by the bidder. The procedure of e-procurement shall be as
specified for this purpose on the State Public Procurement Portal.
1. Added by FD Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2014 dated 5.6.2015, Publised in Rajasthan Gazette
Ext.Ord.Pt.4(Ga)(I) dated 5.6.2015 effective from 5.6.2015.
* "the adoption of electronic procurement shall be compulsory in following types of procurement, namely :-
1. Procurement of Goods and Services having estimated value of rupees twenty five lakhs or more.
2. Procurement of Works having estimated value of rupees ten lakhs or more."
(Vide Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2011 dated 16.9.2015, Publised in Rajasthan Gazette Ext. Ord. Pt.4
(Ga)(I) dated 17.9.2015 effective from 17.9.2015.)
General principles of procurement
Rule 6. Determination of need.- In every case of a procurement, the procuring entity
shall first determine the need and maintain documents relating to determination and
assessment of need in accordance with the provisions of section 5.
Rule 7. Procurement plan.- (1) A procurement plan shall be prepared by every
procuring entity for each of the item of goods, works or services to be procured during
the year in accordance with section 5.
(2) The Procurement plan shall specify the following:-
(a) Nature of Procurement – Goods / Works / Services;
(b) Major Specifications – Quantity / Type / Quality;
(c) Estimated Value;
(d) Source of Funds – Plan / Non-Plan/Central Sponsored Scheme/ Externally
Aided Project/Others;
(e) Budget Code;
(f) Procurement Method likely to be followed;
(g) Timeframe for Bid Process; and
(h) Timeframe for Delivery of goods or services or Completion of work to
identify the funds required in the next financial year or subsequent financial years.
(3) The plan shall be based on inputs received for each item from officers at
various hierarchical level of the procuring entity.
Rule 8. Numbering convention.- Each procurement process undertaken by any
procuring entity shall have a Unique Bid Number which shall be used for tracking
purpose during and after the bid process. The Unique Bid Number shall be designed
like a code to reflect department / Procuring Entity, type of procurement, threshold
value of procurement and method, year and serial number of bid in that particular
Rule 9. Procurement Management Information System and tracking.-Every
procuring entity shall develop and maintain a Procurement Management Information
System for tracking the procurement process, which shall include the following,
(a) In order to track the performance of the procurement process, information
shall be collated at the procuring entity level on quarterly basis and be available for
reference at procuring entity level at all times and shall be sent for collation to the
respective Administrative Department. The Administrative Department shall further
send the aggregated Procurement Management Information to the State Procurement
Facilitation Cell quarterly.
(b) The Management Information System shall cover the entire procurement
cycle and incorporate performance targets set for various processes.
(c) The Procurement Management Information System shall be developed in a
query based format to allow for in-depth analysis and ease of use, providing realtime
information about the status of the bid at any point of time. This shall be integrated
with the State Public Procurement Portal in order to further track performance on
various parameters, including performance of contracts, delays and penalties imposed.
Rule 10. Procurement Register.- Each procuring entity shall maintain a procurement
register and ensure the safe custody of the procurement register.
Rule 11. Administrative, Financial and Technical sanctions and availability of
budget provision.- For each procurement, it shall be necessary to obtain all required
approvals and sanctions as applicable. In case of procurement of works, this shall
include administrative sanction, financial sanction, technical sanction and
appropriation or re-appropriation. The procuring entity must have the necessary
financial powers delegated to it for procurement of the subject matter.
Rule 12. Obligations related to value of procurement.- The obligations related to
value of procurement shall be as per the provisions of section 8.
Rule 13. Participation of bidders.- (1) The procuring entity, at the time of inviting
the participation of bidders in the procurement process, shall declare whether
participation of bidders is limited or not and if limited, grounds thereof. Such
declaration may not ordinarily be altered later.
(2) Normally the procedure of National Competitive Bidding (NCB) shall be
adopted. The procedure of International Competitive Bidding (ICB) may be adopted if
there is such a condition of adopting International Competitive Bidding for certain
procurements under an obligation of an agreement with an intergovernmental
international financing institution, or the subject matter of procurement is such that in
the opinion of the procuring entity, it will be in the public interest to adopt
International Competitive Bidding, after recording reasons.
Methods of Procurement
Rule 14. Methods of Procurement.- Subject to the provisions of the Act, these rules, any
additional conditions notified under section 37 and guidelines issued under the Act, a
procuring entity may procure a subject matter of procurement by any of the methods specified
or notified under sub-section (1) of section 28.
Rule 15. Open competitive bidding.- Procedure for procurement of a subject matter through
open competitive bidding shall be as specified in Chapter-V of these rules.
[Rule 15A. Swiss Challenge Method.- Procedure for procurement of a subject matter
through Swiss Challenge Method shall be as specified in CHAPTER-VA of these rules.]
Rule 16. Limited bidding.- (1) In case of procurement of a subject matter as per clause (b) of
sub-section (1) of section 30, a procuring entity may adopt the method of limited bidding if
the estimated cost or value of the subject matter is less than Rupees two lakh on one occasion
but it shall not exceed Rupees ten lakh in a financial year.
(2) The procedure for limited bidding shall be as under:-
(a) The procuring entity shall issue an invitation to bid by exhibiting it on the State
Public Procurement Portal and by writing directly, and on the same day, to-
(i) all the bidders who can supply the subject matter of procurement in terms of clause
(a) of sub-section (1) of section 30; or
(ii) all the bidders who are registered for the subject matter of procurement with the procuring
entity or where a procuring entity does not register the bidders in respect of a subject matter of
procurement, to the registered bidders of any other procuring entity, if any; or
(iii) at least three manufacturers, authorised dealers, authorised service centres, bona-fide
dealers or service providers, in case registered bidders are not available.
(b) The procuring entity may allow all prospective bidders who fulfill the qualification criteria
laid down for the procurement in the bidding documents, whether an invitation to bid has been issued
to such bidders or not, to participate in the bidding process.
(c) A minimum period of seven days, in case of emergency after recording reasons three days,
shall be given to the bidders to offer their bids.
(d) If limited bidding is invited under clause (b) and (c) of sub-section (1) of section 30, bid
security shall not be obtained.
(e) For the remaining procedure of procurement by limited bidding, the provisions of Chapter-
V shall apply mutatis mutandis except publication of Notice Inviting Bids in the news papers as per
sub-rule (6) or (7) of rule 43.
Rule 17. Single source procurement.- (1) In addition to the conditions enumerated in sub-
section (1) of section 31, a procuring entity may procure the subject matter by the method of
single source procurement, if-
[(a) Hiring of the services of consultant or professional is required, for a maximum
period of twelve months and up to financial limit of Rupees five lakh in each case, subject to
delegation of financial powers for the departments of State Government or its attached or
subordinate offices and in case of all other procuring entities above limit shall be Rupees
twelve lakh in each case, subject to delegation of financial powers; or]
1. Substituted by Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2011 dated 4.9.2013, publised in Raj.Gazetted EO Pt.4(Ga)(I) dated
2. Inserted by FD Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2014 dated 5.6.2015, Publised in Rajasthan Gazetted Ext.Ord.Pt.4(Ga)(I)
dated 5.6.2015 effective from 5.6.2015.
(b) Price of subject matter of procurement is administered by the State Government or
the Central Government.
(2) The procedure for single source procurement shall be as under:-
(a) The procuring entity shall solicit a bid from the single prospective bidder and shall
also exhibit the invitation to bid on the State Public Procurement Portal if the value of
procurement is rupees one lakh or more. The procuring entity shall not exhibit the invitation
to bid on the State Public Procurement Portal, if it is of the opinion that subject matter for
procurement is of nature specified in clause (e) or (h) of sub-section (1) of section 31.
(b) The procuring entity may engage in negotiations in good faith with the bidder.
(c) The single source may be selected out of the list of empanelled / registered bidders
for the subject matter of procurement with the procuring entity or with any other procuring
entity, where procuring entity uses the list of registered bidders of other procuring entity in
terms of sub-section (5) of section 19 or suitable bidder identified through other reliable
(d) Bid security shall not be obtained in case of single source procurement.
(e) Except as otherwise provided in this rule and provisions of Chapter-V relating to
pre-qualification proceedings, bid security, publication of Notice Inviting Bids in the news
papers, price of bidding documents, sale of bidding documents, pre-bid clarifications,
exclusion of bids, comparison of rates of firms outside and those in Rajasthan, price/purchase
preference in evaluation and dividing quantities among more than one bidder at the time of
award, all other provisions of Chapter-V shall mutatis mutandis apply, but in case of matters
covered under sub-rule (1) performance security shall not be obtained.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (2), in the emergent situation
arising out of floods and other natural calamities, the subject matter of procurement may be
procured up to the ceiling rates. The committee consisting of the following, shall decide the
ceiling rates for subject matter of procurement on the basis of rates received during the last six
months or the prevailing market rates analysis, namely:-
(a) District Collector - Chairman
(b) District level officer of the concerned department Member
(c) Treasury Officer - Member Secretary
(d) Special invitee, if required– Member
Rule 18. Two stage bidding.- The procedure for two stage bidding shall be as under:-
(a) In the first stage of the bidding process, the procuring entity shall invite proposals
containing the professional and technical competence, qualifications of bidders regarding the
subject matter of procurement and contractual terms and conditions of the proposed
(b) All first stage bids, which are otherwise eligible, shall be evaluated in accordance
with the procedure laid down in these rules and the bidding documents by bids evaluation
(c) The committee may hold discussions with the bidders and if any such discussion
is held, equal opportunity shall be given to all bidders to participate in the discussions;
(d) In revising the technical design, stipulations, relevant terms and conditions of the
procurement, the procuring entity shall not modify the fundamental nature of the procurement
itself, but may add, amend or delete any specification of the subject matter of procurement or
criterion for evaluation;
(e) Notwithstanding anything contained in sections 29 and 30, in the second stage of
the bidding process, the procuring entity shall invite bids from all those bidders whose bids at
the first stage were not rejected, to present final bid with bid prices and detailed technical bid
in response to a revised set of terms and conditions of the procurement;
(f) Any bidder, invited to bid but not in a position to supply the subject matter of
procurement due to changes in the specifications, may withdraw from the bidding
proceedings without liability of forfeiting bid security.
(g) Except as otherwise provided in this rule all other provisions of Chapter-V shall,
mutatis mutandis, apply.
Rule 19. Procedure of electronic reverse auction.- (1) The procuring entity shall solicit bids
by causing an invitation to the electronic reverse auction to be published in accordance with
rule 43. The invitation shall include,-
(a) the name and address of the procuring entity including e-mail address if
(b) a detailed description of the subject matter of the procurement and the
required time and location for providing such subject matter;
(c) the terms and conditions of the procurement contract, to the extent they are
already known to the procuring entity, and the form of the contract, if any,
to be signed by the parties;
(d) the criteria and procedures to be used for ascertaining the qualifications of
bidders and any documentary evidence or other information that must be presented by
bidders to demonstrate their qualifications;
(e) the criteria and procedure for examining bids against the description of the
subject matter of the procurement;
(f) the criteria and procedure for evaluating bids, including any mathematical
formula that shall be used in the evaluation procedure during the auction;
(g) the manner in which the bid price is to be formulated and expressed,
including a statement as to whether the price is to cover elements other than the cost
of the subject matter of the procurement, such as any applicable transportation,
insurance charges, customs duties, taxes, etc.;
(h) the minimum number of bidders required to register for the auction;
(i) how the auction can be accessed;
(j) the deadline by which the bidders must register for the auction and the
requirements for registration;
(k) the date and time of the opening of the auction and the requirements for
identification of bidders at the opening of the auction;
(l) the criteria governing the closing of the auction;
(m) other rules for the conduct of the auction, including the information that
will be made available to the bidders in the course of the auction, the language in
which it will be made available and the conditions under which the bidders will be
able to bid;
(n) references to the Act and these rules, and other laws and regulations
directly pertaining to the procurement proceedings, including those applicable to
procurement involving classified information, and the place where those laws and
regulations may be found;
(o) the means by which the bidders may seek clarification of information
relating to the procurement proceedings;
(p) the name, designation and address of one or more officers or employees of
the procuring entity including e-mail address, if any, who are authorised to
communicate directly with and to receive communications directly from the bidders
in connection with the procurement proceedings before and after the auction without
the intervention of an intermediary;
(q) verification of any formalities including, where applicable, ascertainment
of qualifications or responsiveness before execution of a written procurement contract
and only after the fulfillment of such formalities, the contract shall come into force;
(r) any other requirement, which is considered by the procuring entity essential
for the purpose.
( 2 ) The procuring entity may decide, in the light of the circumstances of the
given procurement, that the electronic reverse auction shall be preceded by an
examination or evaluation of initial bids. In such case, the invitation to the auction
shall, in addition to information specified in sub-rule (1) of this rule, include,-
(a) an invitation to present initial bids, together with instructions for preparing initial
bids; and (b) the manner, place and deadline for presenting initial bids.
( 3 ) Where the electronic reverse auction has been preceded by evaluation of
initial bids, the procuring entity shall promptly after the completion of the evaluation
of initial bids,-
(a) despatch the notice of rejection specifying the reasons for rejection to each
bidder whose initial bid was rejected;
(b) issue an invitation to the auction to each qualified bidder whose initial bid
is responsive, providing all information required to participate in the auction; and
(c) where an evaluation of initial bids has taken place, each invitation to the
auction shall also be accompanied by the outcome of the evaluation, as relevant to the
bidder to which the invitation is addressed.
Rule 20. Registration for the electronic reverse auction and the timing of holding
the auction.- (1) Confirmation of registration for the electronic reverse auction shall
be communicated promptly to each registered bidder.
(2) If the number of bidders registered for the electronic reverse auction is less
than three, to ensure effective competition, the procuring entity may cancel the
auction. The cancellation of the auction shall be communicated promptly to each
registered bidder.
(3) The period of time between the issuance of the invitation to the electronic
reverse auction and the auction shall be of minimum seven days to bidders to prepare
for the
auction, taking into account the reasonable needs of the procuring entity.
Rule 21. Requirements during the electronic reverse auction.- (1) The electronic
reverse auction shall be based on,-
(a) price, where the procurement contract is to be awarded to the lowest-priced
bid; or
(b) price and other criteria specified to the bidders as applicable, where the
procurement contract is to be awarded to the most advantageous bid.
(2) During the auction:-
(a) all bidders shall have an equal and continuous opportunity to present their
(b) there shall be automatic evaluation of all bids in accordance with the
criteria, procedure and formula provided to the bidders;
(c) each bidder must receive, instantaneously and on a continuous basis during
the auction, sufficient information allowing it to determine the standing of its bid vis-
à-vis other bids; and
(d) there shall be no communication between the procuring entity and the
bidders or among the bidders, other than as provided for in clauses (a) and (c) above.
(3) The procuring entity shall not disclose the identity of any bidder during the
(4) The auction shall be closed in accordance with the criteria specified to the
(5) The procuring entity shall suspend or cancel the auction in the case of
failures in its communication system that put at risk the proper conduct of the auction.
The procuring entity may also cancel the procurement process under the provisions of
section 26.
Rule 22. Requirements after the electronic reverse auction.-
(1) At the closure of the electronic reverse auction the lowest priced bid or the
most advantageous bid, as the case may be, shall be the successful bid.
(2) In procurement by means of an auction that was not preceded by
examination or evaluation of initial bids, the procuring entity shall ascertain after the
auction the responsiveness of the successful bid and the qualifications of the bidder
submitting it. The procuring entity shall reject that bid if it is found to be unresponsive
or if the bidder submitting it is found unqualified. Without prejudice to the right of the
procuring entity to cancel the procurement, the procuring entity may select the bid
that was the next lowest-priced or next most advantageous bid at the closure of the
auction, if the bid is ascertained to be responsive and the bidder submitting it, is
ascertained to be qualified.
Rule 23. Other provisions for electronic reverse auction.-
Except as otherwise provided in rule 19 to 22, the provisions of Chapter-V shall,
mutatis mutandis, apply to electronic reverse auction, except rules 40, 49, 50, 52, 64,
68 and 69.
Rule 24. Request for Quotations.- (1) A procuring entity may adopt the method of
request for quotations for procurement if the estimated cost or value of the subject
matter of procurement is less than Rupees one lakh on one occasion but it shall not
exceed Rupees five lakh in a financial year.
(2) The procedure for request for quotations shall be as under:-
(a) quotations shall be requested from as many potential bidders as practicable,
subject to a minimum of three;
(b) each bidder from whom a quotation is requested shall be informed whether
any elements other than the charges for the subject matter of the procurement itself,
such as any applicable transportation, insurance charges, customs duties, taxes, etc.
are to be included in the price.
(c) each bidder shall be permitted to give only one quotation.
(d) the successful quotation shall be the lowest priced quotation meeting the
needs of the procuring entity as set out in the request for quotations.
Rule 25. Spot Purchase.- (1) A procuring entity may adopt the method of spot
purchase for procurement if the estimated cost or value of the subject matter of
procurement is less than Rupees fifty thousand on one occasion but it shall not exceed
Rupees three lakh in a financial year.
(2) A procuring entity shall procure a subject matter of procurement on the
recommendation of the spot purchase committee. The committee shall survey the
market to ascertain the reasonableness of rate, quality and specifications and identify
the appropriate supplier of the subject matter and shall record the following
“Certified that we ………………………………………………………………
……., (names of members of the committee) members of the sport purchase
committee are jointly and individually satisfied that the subject matter recommended
for procurement is of the requisite specifications and quality, priced at the prevailing
market rate and the supplier recommended is reliable and competent to
supply/provide the subject matter in question.”
Rule 26. Procurement without quotations.- The subject matter of procurement
valuing up to rupees ten thousand may be procured on one occasion subject to a limit
of below rupees one lakh during a financial year without inviting quotations, from the
Government Departments / Corporations, authorised dealers, cooperative
stores/bhandars or retailers who are bona-fide dealers in the subject matter of
Rule 27. Procurement of works by work order system and piece work system.-
(1) Works valuing less than rupees one lakh on each occasion may be procured,
subject to a limit of rupees five lakh during a financial year, by work order system.
Explanation: Work order system means method of procurement by giving order
directly to a registered bidder, to execute a work on scheduled rates in specified time.
(2) The procedure for procurement through work order system shall be as
(a) in work order the quantity, rate and time of completion are invariably
mentioned. Penalty for failure to complete the work within the stipulated time is also
specified. Maximum work that can be allotted on a work order shall be less than
rupees one lakh;
(b) work order shall be given to a registered bidder only;
(c) work order can be given only on the approved Schedule of Rates
applicable to the Division / Sub-Division concerned. The Superintending Engineer /
Executive Engineer shall ensure that the rates being allowed on work order are not in
excess of open bid rates prevalent in the area;
(d) work order can be given by officers as per delegation of financial powers;
(e) work order agreement shall be executed, after obtaining performance
security, in the form specified for the purpose. A Register of Work Orders shall be
maintained in the form specified for the purpose.
(3) Works valuing below rupees one lakh on each occasion may be procured,
subject to a limit of rupees five lakh during a financial year, by piece work system.
Explanation: Piece work system means method of procurement at the rates
sanctioned by the Competent Authority without reference to the total quantity of work
to be done within a given period.
(4) The procedure for procurement through Piece Work System shall be as
(a) Execution of work on Piece Work System should normally be avoided.
Piece Work System may be resorted to only in a uniform type of work in large
quantities, like earth work of canals, desilting, repair and maintenance of roads, etc.
(b) For determination of rates, open bids shall be invited by Additional Chief
Engineer concerned for each division under its control. The intention of the
department in inviting such bids for determination of Annual Rate Contract for
entering into Piece Work Agreement should be made clear at the time of invitation of
bids. Registered bidders of all categories shall be entitled to participate in such bids.
After observing all required formalities of bids, the Additional Chief Engineer shall
sanction unit rates for the specified items of work, which shall remain in force
normally for one year or until the rates are revised but shall in no case remain in force
more than three months after completion of one year.\
(c) Once such unit rates have been sanctioned, Divisional Officers shall be
competent to enter into Piece Work Agreement below rupees one lakh at a time with a
single registered bidder of any category. Second Piece Work Agreement shall be
entered into only after successful completion of the earlier work. Piece Work
Agreement shall be entered into with the registered bidders allowed to operate in the
said Division.
(d) In the Piece Work System, the Department is free to ask the bidders to
cease the work, and payments are made for the work actually executed as per designs,
drawings, specifications, after due measurements and checking of measurement as
specified. The maximum period of completion of each piece work is twenty one days
which shall not be extended in any case.
(e) In every Divisional office, a Register of Piece Work Agreements shall be
maintained in the form specified for the purpose. In the first week of every month, the
Divisional Officer shall submit copies of all Piece Work Agreements accepted by him
during the previous month to the Superintending Engineer, giving justification for the
award of work on Piece Work Agreement explaining the necessity / emergency
instead of on regular contracts. The Superintending Engineer, during his inspection
and otherwise, shall ensure that the Divisional Officers do not execute work on Piece
Work Agreement in a routine manner and rates allowed are not in excess of the
running rates approved by the Additional Chief Engineer for the relevant Division,
and check with open bid rates of similar works on regular contract basis in the Sub-
Division / Division /Circle and that the system of record measurements of work done
and check measurements thereof is followed properly.
(f) The contract awarded on Piece Work System is exempted from depositing
performance security.
Rule 28. Competitive negotiations.- The procedure for competitive negotiation shall
be as under:-
(a) procurement of the subject matter shall be made through the competitive
negotiations committee. The committee shall give the following certificate-
“Certified that we ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(names of members of the committee), members of the competitive negotiations
committee are jointly and individually satisfied that the subject matter of procurement
recommended is of the requisite specifications and quality, priced at the prevailing
market rate and the supplier recommended is reliable and competent to supply the
subject matter of procurement.”
(b) to ensure effective competition, an adequate number, not being less than
three, of potential bidders selected in a non-discriminatory manner shall be included
in procurement process;
(c) an equal opportunity shall be given to all bidders to participate in the
negotiations. Any requirements, guidelines, documents, clarifications or other
information related to the negotiations that is communicated by the procuring entity to
a bidder before or during the negotiations shall be communicated, subject to section
49, at the same time and on an equal basis to all other bidders engaging in
negotiations with the procuring entity related to the procurement, unless such
information is specific or exclusive to that bidder;
(d) after completion of negotiations, the procuring entity shall request all
bidders remaining in the proceedings to present, by a specified time and date, a best
and final offer with respect to all aspects of their proposals;
(e) the committee shall keep the record of all the bids received;
(f) no negotiations shall take place between the procuring entity and bidders
with respect to their best and final offers;
(g) the procuring entity shall ensure that the successful offer is the lowest or
most advantageous offer; and
(h) nothing contained in sections 5 to 10 (both inclusive), sections 12 to 27
(both inclusive) and Chapter III of the Act shall apply to purchases made by
competitive negotiations.
Rule 29. Rate contract.- (1) In addition to the conditions included in sub-section (1)
of section 36 for adopting the method of rate contract, a procuring entity may adopt
the method of rate contract, when it determines that by virtue of the nature of subject
matter of procurement, the need for that subject matter may arise on an urgent basis
during a given period of time.
(2) The procedure for rate contract shall be as under:-
(a) A procuring entity may award a rate contract by the method of open
competitive bidding. If it is not possible to adopt the method of open competitive
bidding, the procuring entity after recording reasons may adopt another method of
procurement. An approximate quantity of required goods, works or service during the
period shall be indicated in the Notice Inviting Bids, but no minimum quantity is
(b) The period of rate contract shall be generally one year, preferably a
financial year to match with budget provisions and levy of taxes. It may be a shorter
period, if variations in market prices are expected to be significant. It may also be a
longer period up to maximum two years, if the variations in market prices are not
expected to be significant. The reasons for selecting the period for rate contract shall
be recorded.
(c) In the first stage single part or two part bids shall be invited in accordance
with the provisions of section 13.
(d) A rate contract shall be entered, for price without a commitment for
quantity, place and time of supply of subject matter of procurement, with the bidder of
lowest priced bid or most advantageous bid.
(e) In the second stage supply or work order shall be placed at the contracted
price for supply or execution of the required quantity of the subject matter of
procurement mentioning the place of supply or execution, delivery schedule, etc., as
and when needed.
(f) Rate contracts may be entered with more than one bidder as parallel rate
contracts provided there is such provision in the bidding documents, in the order of
their standing in final evaluation, by giving them counter offer of prices of the lowest
or most advantageous bidder, in order to secure prompt delivery of goods or services
or execution of works, if the quantity of the subject matter of procurement required is
beyond the capacity of the lowest bidder or the subject matter of procurement is of
critical or vital nature.
(g) The terms and conditions of the rate contract including provision for
liquidated damages shall be similar to those prescribed for procurement by open
competitive bidding.
(h) The prices under a rate contract shall be subject to price fall clause. A
clause regarding price fall shall be incorporated in the terms and conditions of rate
contract. Price fall clause is a price safety mechanism in rate contracts and it provides
that if the rate contract holder quotes / reduces its price to render similar goods, works
or services at a price lower than the rate contract price to anyone in the State at any
time during the currency of the rate contract, the rate contract price shall be
automatically reduced with effect from the date of reducing or quoting lower price,
for all delivery of the subject matter of procurement under that rate contract and the
rate contract shall be amended accordingly. The firms holding parallel rate contracts
shall also be given opportunity to reduce their price by notifying them the reduced
price giving them fifteen days time to intimate their acceptance to the revised price.
Similarly, if a parallel rate contract holding firm reduces its price during currency of
the rate contract, its reduced price shall be conveyed to other parallel rate contract
holding firms and the original rate contract holding firm for corresponding reduction
in their prices. If any rate contract holding firm does not agree to the reduced price,
further transaction with it, shall not be conducted.
(i) It should be ensured that new rate contracts become operative right after the
expiry of the existing rate contracts without any gap. In case it is not possible to
conclude the new rate contracts due to unavoidable reasons, the existing rate contracts
may be extended on same price, terms and conditions for a period not exceeding 3
months. In such cases it shall be ensured that market prices have not fallen down
during the period for the subject matter of procurement or its constituents, to be
procured under the rate contract.
(j) Except as otherwise provided in this rule all other provisions of Chapter-V
shall, mutatis mutandis, apply.
Rule 30. Registration.- The registration of the bidders shall be carried out in the
manner and in accordance with the rules made in this behalf by the State Government.
Rule 31. Empanelment by pre-qualification process.- (1) The procuring entity may
prepare a panel of bidders for the subject matter of procurement that is required
frequently but the details of the subject matter, its quantity, time and place is not
known in advance. This list shall be valid for one year which may further be extended
for another one year after recording reasons. The procuring entity may prepare
separate panel for different subject matter of procurement.
(2) The provisions relating to pre-qualification of bidders under section 18 and
publicity as per sub-rule (6) or (7) of rule 43 shall apply to empanelment proceedings.
(3) The procuring entity shall invite applications for empanelment for pre-
qualification as per the procedure prescribed for inviting open competitive bidding.
(4) The invitation for empanelment shall also include the following
(a) the name and address of the procuring entity;
(b) eligibility criteria required for empanelment;
(c) the terms and conditions of the empanelment including the duration of the
empanelment; and
(d) the description of the subject matter of procurement, to the extent known.
(5) The procurement of subject matter shall be done by the procuring entity
from amongst the empanelled bidders upto the limit of delegation of financial powers
by sending to all of them, request for proposals with financial bid.
Rule 32. Direct procurement from notified agencies.- A procuring entity may
procure subject matter of procurement from the category of bidders, without inviting
bids, as notified by the State Government, from time to time.
Rule 33. Purchase or price preference in procurement.- A procuring entity shall
provide price preference or purchase preference in procurement, to the category of
bidders as notified by the State Government, from time to time.
Bid Process Management- Open Competitive Bidding
Rule 34. Description of subject matter of procurement.- (1) The description of the
subject matter of procurement shall be set out in the pre-qualification documents,
bidder registration documents or the bidding documents as provided in section 12.
(2) In description of the subject matter of the procurement, the procuring
entity shall, if required, include specifications, plans, drawings, designs, trials, sample
testing and test methods, packaging, marking, labeling, conformity certification or
symbols and terminology.
Rule 35. Criteria for evaluation of bids.- In addition to the criteria for evaluation set
out in section 14, the evaluation criteria, where relevant, may include the discounted
cash flow techniques.
Rule 36. Preparation of bidding documents.- (1) Before issuing a notice inviting
bids the procuring entity shall ensure that the bidding documents are ready for sale.
(2) The bidding documents shall have the following sections, namely:-
(a) Notice Inviting Bids (NIB);
(b) Instruction to Bidders (ITB);
(c) Bid Data Sheet (BDS);
(d) Qualification and Evaluation criteria;
(e) Bidding Forms; and
(f) Conditions of Contract and Contract Forms:
(i) General Conditions of Contract;
(ii) Special Conditions of Contract; and
(iii) Contract Forms.
(g) Any other documents, as may be necessary.
(3) The bidding documents shall include the following, namely:-
(a) instructions for preparing bids;
(b) the criteria and procedures that shall be applied in the ascertainment of the
qualifications of bidders;
(c) the requirements as to documentary evidence or other information that
must be submitted by bidder in proof of its qualifications;
(d) a detailed description of the subject matter of the procurement, including
but not limited to, technical specifications, plans, drawings and designs if relevant, the
quantity of the goods, any incidental services to be performed, the location where the
goods are to be delivered, the work is to be executed or the services are to be provided
and the required time, if any;
(e) the detailed procedure for presentation, opening, examination and
evaluation of bids, minimum requirement, if any, with respect to technical, quality
and performance characteristics that bids must meet in order to be considered
responsive, and the criteria to be used by the procuring entity in evaluation of bids and
determining the successful bid, including any provision for preference and any criteria
other than price to be used and the relative weight of such criteria;
(f) the terms and conditions of the procurement contract or the rate contract, to
the extent they are already known to the procuring entity, and the contract or
form, if any, to be signed by the parties;
(g) if alternatives to the characteristics of the goods, works or services,
contractual terms and conditions or other requirements set forth in the bidding
documents are permitted, a statement to that effect, and a description of the manner in
which alternative bids are to be evaluated and compared;
(h) if bidders are permitted to submit bids for only a portion of the goods,
works or services to be procured, a description of the portion or portions for which
bids may be submitted;
(i) the manner in which the bid price is to be formulated and expressed,
including a statement as to whether the price is to cover elements other than the cost
of the goods, works or services themselves, such as any applicable transportation and
insurance charges, customs duties and taxes etc.;
(j) any requirements of the procuring entity with respect to the issuer and the
nature, form, amount and other terms and conditions of any bid security to be
provided by bidder submitting bid, and any such requirements for any security for the
performance of the procurement contract or the rate contract to be provided by the
bidder that enters into the procurement contract, including securities such as labour
and materials bonds;
(k) the manner, place and deadline for the submission of bids;
(l) the means by which, bidders may seek clarifications of the bidding
documents and a statement as to whether the procuring entity intends to convene a
meeting of bidders;
(m) the period of time during which bids shall remain valid;
(n) the place, time and date for the opening of bids;
(o) references to the Act, these rules and other laws and regulations directly
pertinent to the procurement proceedings, provided, however, that the omission of any
such reference shall not constitute grounds for appeal or liability on the part of the
procuring entity;
(p) the name, designation, address and e-mail address, if any, of one or more
officers or employees of the procuring entity, who are authorised to communicate
directly with and to receive communications directly from bidders in connection with
the procurement proceedings, without the intervention of an intermediary;
(q) any commitments to be made by the bidder outside of the procurement
contract, such as commitments relating to the transfer of technology;
(r) reference to the right provided to seek appeal of an unlawful act or decision
of, or procedure followed by the procuring entity in relation to the procurement
(s) if the procuring entity reserves the right to cancel bid proceedings and
reject all bids, a statement to that effect;
(t) any formalities that shall be required once a bid has been accepted for a
procurement contract or rate contract to enter into force, including, where applicable,
the execution of a written procurement contract and approval by a higher authority or
the State Government; and
(u) any other requirements laid down by the procuring entity like detail project
report, concession agreement, design, plans, etc. in conformity with the Act and these
rules relating to the preparation and submission of bids and to other aspects of the
procurement proceedings.
(4) The procuring entity shall provide the bidding documents to each bidder
that responds to the invitation to bids in accordance with the procedures and
requirements specified therein. If prequalification, empanelment or registration
proceedings have been engaged in, the procuring entity shall provide a set of bidding
documents to each bidder that has been pre-qualified and that pays the price, if any,
charged for that document.
Rule 37. Single part and two part bids.- A procuring entity may choose to invite
bids in one part or two parts, as per the provisions of section 13.
Rule 38. Qualification of bidders.- In addition to the provisions regarding
qualification of bidders as set out in section 7,-
(a) the procuring entity shall disqualify a bidder if it finds at any time that,-
(i) the information submitted, concerning the qualifications of the bidder, was
false or constituted a misrepresentation; or
(ii) the information submitted, concerning the qualifications of the bidder, was
materially inaccurate or incomplete; and
(b) the procuring entity may require a bidder, who was pre-qualified, to
demonstrate its qualifications again in accordance with the same criteria used to
prequalify such bidder. The procuring entity shall disqualify any bidder that fails to
demonstrate its qualifications again, if requested to do so. The procuring entity shall
promptly notify each bidder requested to demonstrate its qualifications again as to
whether or not the bidder has done so to the satisfaction of the procuring entity.
Rule 39. Eligibility of bidders.- (1) A bidder may be a natural person, private entity,
government-owned entity or, where permitted in the bidding documents, any
combination of them with a formal intent to enter into an agreement or under an
existing agreement in the form of a Joint Venture. In the case of a Joint Venture: -
(a) all parties to the Joint Venture shall sign the bid and they shall be jointly
and severally liable; and
(b) a Joint Venture shall nominate a representative who shall have the
authority to conduct all business for and on behalf of any or all the parties of the Joint
Venture during the bidding process. In the event the bid of Joint Venture is accepted,
either they shall form a registered Joint Venture company/firm or otherwise all the
parties to Joint Venture shall sign the Agreement.
(2) A bidder should not have a conflict of interest in the procurement in
question as stated in rule 81 and the bidding documents. The procuring entity shall
take appropriate actions against the bidder in accordance with section 11 and Chapter
IV of the Act, if it determines that a conflict of interest has flawed the integrity of any
procurement process. All bidders found to have a conflict of interest shall be
(3) A bidder debarred under section 46 shall not be eligible to participate in
any procurement process undertaken by,-
(a) any procuring entity, if debarred by the State Government; and
(b) a procuring entity if debarred by such procuring entity.
(4) In case of procurement of goods, bidder must be a manufacturer,
distributor or bona-fide dealer in the goods and it shall furnish necessary proof for the
same in the specified format. Where applicable, proof of authorisation by the
manufacturer or country distributor in India, shall be enclosed.
Rule 40. Time frame for procurement process.- (1) The time frame for one stage
bidding shall be as under:-
Bid cycle of outer time frame for various procurement
methods by one stage bidding
S. Stages of Procurement Method
No. Procurement Open Competitive Bidding Limited
and Single
1 2 3 4
1. Issue of bidding On the day of first publication of Notice -
documents Inviting Bids.
2. Submission of (i) Thirty days from the date of first Seven days
bids publication of Notice Inviting Bids; from
(ii) Where clarifications/ addendum are issue of Bidding
issued, at least fifteen days from date documents/date
of issue of clarifications/ addendum; of issue of
or clarifications/
(iii) In case of International Competitive addendum.
Bidding, the period of submission of
bids shall be forty five days from the
date of first publication of Notice
Inviting Bids and at least twenty days
from the date of issue of
3. Technical bid Within one day of last day of Within one day
opening submission of bids. of last day of
submission of
4. Issue of letter Within three days of approval of award Within three
of award by the competent authority. days of approval
of award by the
5. Execution of Within fifteen days of issue of letter of Within fifteen
contract award or a period as specified in the days of issue of
agreement bidding documents. letter of award
or a period as
specified in the
6. Declaration of Within three days of issue of Within three
the bid results letter of acceptance. days of issue of
on State Public letter of
Procurement acceptance.
Portal and
Procuring entity's
website, if
Provided that, in appropriate cases, the procuring entity may, with the
approval of the 1[competent authority authorised by the State Government for the
purpose] relax the above mentioned time frame of bid process.
(2) A decision on acceptance or rejection of bids invited in a procurement
process must be taken by the competent sanctioning authority within the period as
given below, even if the period of validity may be more, from the date of opening of
technical bids where two envelope system is followed, otherwise from the date of
opening of financial bids. If the decision is not taken within the given time period by
the concerned sanctioning authority, the bids shall be submitted to the next higher
authority for decision with reasons of not taking decision within the given time
period. In exceptional circumstances, the State Government may relax the limit of
time period prescribed for Administrative Department/Finance Committee/ Board/
Empowered Committee, etc.
Time schedule for decision on the bids by the competent authority
S. Authority competent to take decision Time allowed for
No. decision
1 2 3
1. Head of Office or Executive Engineer Twenty days
2. Regional Officer or Superintending Engineer Thirty Days
3. Additional Chief Engineer Forty days
4. Head of the Department or Chief Engineer Fifty days
5. Administrative Department Sixty days
6. Finance Committee/ Board/Empowered Committee/ Seventy days
Empowered Board, etc.
Note: (1) The period specified above shall be inclusive of time taken in communication of
acceptance of bid.
(2) If procuring entity is other than the departments of the State Government or its
attached or subordinate offices, the concerned administrative department shall specify the
equivalent authority competent to take decision on the bid.
1. Substituted words "State Government" by Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2011 dated 4.9.2013, publised in Raj.Gazetted
EO Pt.4(Ga)(I) dated 4.9.2013.
Rule 41. Prequalification proceedings.- In addition to the provisions of section 18
the procedure of prequalification process shall be carried out in the manner as
specified below-
(a) Registration or empanelment of prospective bidders may be done as per the
procedure specified for prequalification proceedings.
(b) The procuring entity shall take a decision to pre-qualify a bidder only in
accordance with the criteria and procedures a s set out in the invitation to pre-qualify
and in the pre-qualification documents.
(c) The procuring entity shall promptly notify each bidder presenting an
application to pre-qualify whether or not it has been pre-qualified and also publish the
result of prequalification proceedings on the State Public Procurement Portal.
(d) The procuring entity shall promptly communicate, with reasons, to each
bidder that it has not been pre-qualified.
Rule 42. Bid security.- (1) Bid security shall not be taken in case of petty
procurement valuing up to rupees ten thousand and procurement by the methods of
limited bidding under clause (b) and (c) of sub-section (1) of section 30, request for
quotations, spot purchase, single source procurement and competitive negotiations.
(2) In case of open competitive bidding, two-stage bidding, rate contract,
electronic reverse auction, bid security shall be 2% or as specified by the State
Government of the estimated value of subject matter of procurement put to bid. In
case of Small Scale Industries of Rajasthan it shall be 0.5% of the quantity offered for
supply and in case of sick industries, other than Small Scale Industries, whose cases
are pending with Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction, it shall be 1% of
the value of bid. Concessional bid security may be taken from registered bidders as
specified by the State Government. Every bidder, if not exempted, participating in the
procurement process shall be required to furnish the bid security as specified in the
notice inviting bids.
(3) In lieu of bid security, a bid securing declaration shall be taken from
Departments' of the State Government and Undertakings, Corporations, Autonomous
bodies, Registered Societies, Cooperative Societies which are owned or controlled or
managed by the State Government and Government Undertakings of the Central
(4) Bid security instrument or cash receipt of bid security or a bid securing
declaration shall necessarily accompany the sealed bid.
(5) Bid security of a bidder lying with the procuring entity in respect of other
bids awaiting decision shall not be adjusted towards bid security for the fresh bids.
The bid security originally deposited may, however, be taken into consideration in
case bids are re-invited.
(6) The bid security may be given in the form of cash, a banker’s cheque or
demand draft or bank guarantee, in specified format, of a scheduled bank or deposit
through eGRAS. The bid security must remain valid thirty days beyond the original or
extended validity period of the bid.
(7) The bidding documents may stipulate that the issuer of the bid security and
the confirmer, if any, of the bid security, as well as the form and terms of the bid
security, must be acceptable to the procuring entity. In cases of International
Competitive Bidding, the bidding documents may in addition stipulate that the bid
security shall be issued by an issuer in India.
(8) Prior to presenting a submission, a bidder may request the procuring entity
to confirm the acceptability of proposed issuer of a bid security or of a proposed
confirmer, if required. The procuring entity shall respond promptly to such a request.
(9) The bank guarantee presented as bid security shall be got confirmed from
the concerned issuing bank. However, the confirmation of the acceptability of a
proposed issuer or of any proposed confirmer does not preclude the procuring entity
from rejecting the bid security on the ground that the issuer or the confirmer, as the
case may be, has become insolvent or has otherwise ceased to be creditworthy.
(10) The bid security of unsuccessful bidders shall be refunded soon after final
acceptance of successful bid and signing of Agreement and submitting performance
(11) The Bid security taken from a bidder shall be forfeited in the following
cases, namely:-
(a) when the bidder withdraws or modifies its bid after opening of bids;
(b) when the bidder does not execute the agreement, if any, after placement of
supply / work order within the specified period;
(c) when the bidder fails to commence the supply of the goods or service or
execute work as per supply / work order within the time specified;
(d) when the bidder does not deposit the performance security within specified
period after the supply / work order is placed; and
(e) if the bidder breaches any provision of code of integrity prescribed for
bidders specified in the Act and Chapter VI of these rules.
(12) In case of the successful bidder, the amount of bid security may be
adjusted in arriving at the amount of the Performance Security, or refunded if the
successful bidder furnishes the full amount of performance security.
(13) The procuring entity shall promptly return the bid security after the
earliest of the following events, namely:-
(a) the expiry of validity of bid security;
(b) the execution of agreement for procurement and performance security is
furnished by the successful bidder;
(c) the cancellation of the procurement process; or
(d) the withdrawal of bid prior to the deadline for presenting bids, unless the
bidding documents stipulate that no such withdrawal is permitted.
Rule 43. Notice Inviting Bids.- (1) A procuring entity shall solicit bids in open
competitive bidding and two stage bidding, or, where applicable, applications for pre-
qualification by causing an invitation to bid or pre-qualify, as the case may be, to be
published on the State Public Procurement Portal and on its own official website, if
available. An abridged notice shall also be published in newspapers of adequate
circulation, as prescribed in sub-rule (6) and (7) of this rule.
(2) An invitation to bid to be published on the State Public Procurement Portal
shall contain, at least, the following information, namely:-
(a) the name and address of the procuring entity including email address, if
(b) a summary of the principal required terms and conditions of the
procurement contract or rate contract to be entered into as a result of the procurement
proceedings, including the nature, quantity, time and place of delivery of the goods to
be supplied, the works to be executed, or the services to be provided;
(c) whether the bid procedure shall be conducted in a single stage or two
stages and whether it is to be presented simultaneously in two envelopes (one
envelope containing the technical, quality and performance characteristics of the bid
and the other envelope containing the financial aspects of the bid);
(d) the criteria and procedures to be used for evaluating the qualifications of
(e) the procedure of obtaining the solicitation documents and the place from
which they may be obtained;
(f) the price, if any, charged by the procuring entity and the mode of payment
for the solicitation documents and the amount of bid security and its form;
(g) the manner, place and deadline for the submission of bids;
(h) right of the procuring entity to cancel the bid process and reject any or all
of the bids;
(i) the time, date and place of opening of bids;
(j) whether any of the items of procurement are reserved for a specific
category of bidders; and
(k) any other important information.
(3) An invitation to prequalify to be published on the State Public Procurement
Portal shall contain, at least, the following information, namely:-
(a) the name and address of the procuring entity including email address, if
(b) a summary of the required principal terms and conditions, to the extent
known at the time of invitation to prequalify, of the procurement contract or rate
contract to be entered into as a result of the procurement proceedings, including the
nature, quantity and place of delivery of the goods to be supplied, the nature and
location of the works to be effected, or the nature of the services and the location
where they are to be provided, as well as, the required time for the supply of the
goods or for the completion of the works, or the timetable for the provision of the
services, if already known;
(c) the criteria and procedures to be followed for evaluating the qualifications
of bidders;
(d) the procedure of obtaining the pre-qualification documents and the place
from which they may be obtained;
(e) the price, if any, charged by the procuring entity and the mode of payment
for the pre-qualification documents and subsequent to pre-qualification, for the
bidding documents;
(f) the manner, place and deadline for presenting applications to pre-qualify;
(g) the time, date and place of opening of proposals for prequalification.
(4) The Notice Inviting Bids for goods, works or services estimated to cost
above Rs.200.00 lakh shall also be sent to the Director General, Intelligence and
Statistics, Kolkata for publication in Indian Trade Journal.
(5) The Notice Inviting Bids to be published in the newspapers must be in
brief. The bids for more than one subject matter of procurement shall be published in
one Notice, as far as possible.
(6) Time for submission of bids for supply of goods or providing services in
response to publication of Notice Inviting Bids in newspapers and notice boards shall
be as under:-
Time for submission of bids and modes of publicity for
procurement of Goods and Services
S. Estimated Period for Mode of publication
No. Value of submission of
procurement bid from the
date of first
publication of
Notice Inviting
1 2 3 4
1. Up to Ten days (i) Notice Board of the
rupees five procuring entity and all
lakh subordinate Regional and
Divisional Head Quarters, as the case
may be.
(ii) One Regional daily newspaper.
2. Above Fifteen days (i) Notice Board of the procuring entity
rupees five and all subordinate Regional and
lakh and Divisional Head Quarters, as
upto Rs the case may be.
fifty lakh
(ii) One Regional daily newspaper.
(iii) One all India level 2[daily newspaper]
with wide circulation.
Provided that, in appropriate cases, the procuring entity may, with the
approval of the 1[competent authority authorised by the State Government for the
purpose] relax the above mentioned period of publication of notice inviting bid and
submission of bid.
1 2 3 4
1. Up to Seven days Notice Board of the procuring entity
rupees one and its subordinate offices.
2. Above Fifteen days (i) Notice Board of the procuring entity
rupees one and its subordinate offices.
lakh and
upto Rs (ii) One leading Regional daily
ten lakh Newspaper.
3. Above Twenty one days (i) Notice Board of the procuring entity
rupees ten and its subordinate offices.
lakh and (ii) One leading Regional daily
upto rupees newspaper, one state level leading
one crore daily newspaper having circulation of
50,000 copies or more.
4. Above Thirty days (i) Notice Board of the procuring entity
rupees and its subordinate offices.
one crore (ii) One leading Regional daily
newspaper, one State level leading
daily newspapers having circulation of
50,000 copies or more.
(iii) One all India level 2[daily newspaper]
with wide circulation.
1. Substituted words "State Government" by Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2011 dated 4.9.2013, publised in Raj.Gazetted
EO Pt.4(Ga)(I) dated 4.9.2013.
2. Substituted words "English daily news paper" by Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2011 dated 4.9.2013, publised in
Raj.Gazetted EO Pt.4(Ga)(I) dated 4.9.2013.
Provided that, in appropriate cases, the procuring entity may, with the
approval of the 1[competent authority authorised by the State Government for the
purpose] relax the above mentioned period of publication of notice inviting bid and
submission of bid.
(8) In case of International Competitive Bidding in which the bid notice is to
be addressed to international bidders, the Notice Inviting Bids shall additionally be
published by using suitable mediums that attract international responses. This may
include circulation of Notice Inviting Bids to the Indian embassies abroad, foreign
embassies in India, international trade journals, etc. Period for submission of bid from
the date of first publication of Notice Inviting Bid shall be forty five days.
(9) The Notice Inviting Bids shall be published, by the Government
Departments in newspapers through Information and Public Relations Department,
Rajasthan with a request in which category of newspapers such notice is to be
(10) In emergent conditions, the procuring entity after recording reasons may
reduce, the period for submission of bids from the date of first publication of Notice
Inviting Bids, to half of the period specified in sub-rule (6) or (7) above, as the case
may be.
(11) The procuring entity shall have right to cancel the bid process and reject
any or all of the bids.
Rule 44. Price for bidding documents, pre-qualification documents or bidder
registration documents and processing fee or user charges.- The price for the
bidding documents, prequalification documents or registration documents shall be
fixed after considering its preparation and delivering costs. The procuring entity may
also charge processing fee or user charges for using e-procurement facility.
Rule 45. Sale of bidding documents.- (1) The sale of bidding documents shall be
commenced from the date of publication of Notice Inviting Bids and shall be stopped
one day prior to the date of opening of bids. The complete bidding documents shall
also be placed on the State Public Procurement Portal. The prospective bidders shall
be permitted to download the bidding document from the website and pay its price
while submitting the filled-up bidding document to the procuring entity, or e-
procurement gateway, if the facility is available.
(2) The bidding documents, pre-qualification documents or bidder registration
documents shall be made available to any bidder who pays the price for it in cash or
by bank demand draft, banker's cheque, unless the procurement is reserved for
specific category of bidders:
Provided that in case pre-qualification proceedings were held for a bidding process including
registration or empanelment proceedings, the bidding documents shall be made available to only those
bidders who have been prequalified or registered or empanelled, as the case may be.
(3) A detailed account of biding documents sold shall be kept. It shall also incorporate the
details of the bidding documents downloaded from the website, when their price is paid at the time of
submission of bid.
(4) Bidding documents purchased by Principal of any concern may be used by its authorised
sole selling agents/ marketing agents/ distributors/ sub-distributors and authorised dealers or vice versa.
1. Substituted words "State Government" by Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2011 dated 4.9.2013, publised in Raj.Gazetted
EO Pt.4(Ga)(I) dated 4.9.2013.
Rule 46. Pre-bid clarifications.- Subject to the provisions contained in section 22,
the procuring entity ma y convene a pre-bid conference of the bidders and shall
prepare minutes of the meeting containing the requests submitted at the meeting for
clarification of the bidding documents and its responses to those requests, without
identifying the person, who made the requests. The minutes and response under sub-
section (3) of section 22, if any, shall be provided promptly to all bidders to which the
procuring entity provided the bidding documents, so as to enable those bidders to take
the minutes into account in preparing their bids, and shall be published on the State
Public Procurement Portal.
Rule 47. Changes in the bidding documents.- At any time prior to the deadline for
presenting bids, the procuring entity may for any reason, whether on its own initiative
or as a result of a request for clarification by a bidder, modify the bidding documents
by issuing an addendum in accordance with provisions of section 23.
Rule 48. Period of validity of bids.- (1) Bids submitted by the bidders shall remain
valid during the period specified in the bidding documents. This period should
normally be not more than ninety days, but depending on the nature of the
procurement it may be more. A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the
procuring entity as non-responsive.
(2) Prior to the expiry of the period of validity of bids, the procuring entity, in
exceptional circumstances, may request the bidders to extend the bid validity period
for an additional specified period of time. A bidder may refuse the request and such
refusal shall be treated as withdrawal of bid but in such circumstances bid security
shall not be forfeited.
(3) Bidders that agree to an extension of the period of validity of their bids
shall extend or get extended the period of validity of bid securities submitted by them
or submit new bid securities to cover the extended period of validity of their bids. A
bidder whose bid security is not extended, or that has not submitted a new bid
security, is considered to have refused the request to extend the period of validity of
its bid.
Rule 49. Format and signing of bids.- (1) The bidder shall prepare one original set
of the bidding documents called Bid and clearly mark it as “ORIGINAL” and if
asked, the bidder shall submit additional copies of the bid in such number as specified
in the bidding documents and clearly mark them as “COPY”. In the event of any
discrepancy between the original bid and its copies, the contents of the original bid
shall prevail.
(2) The original and all copies of the bid shall be typed or written in ink and its
all the pages shall be signed by the bidder or a person duly authorised to sign on
behalf of the bidder, in token of acceptance of all the terms and conditions of the
bidding documents. This authorisation shall consist of a written confirmation as
specified in the bidding documents and shall be attached to the bid.
(3) Any corrections in the bid such as interlineations, erasures, or overwriting
shall be valid only if they are signed or initialed by the person signing the bid.
(4) Similar procedure for signing of bids shall be adopted for Technical and Financial
bids, if two part bids have been invited.
Rule 50. Sealing and marking of bids.- (1) Bidders may submit their bids by post or
by hand but if so specified in the bidding documents, bidders shall submit their bids
only electronically. Bidders submitting bids electronically shall follow the electronic
bid submission procedure as specified on the State Public Procurement Portal.
(2) Bids submitted by post or by hand shall enclose the original and each copy
of the bid in separate sealed envelopes, duly marked envelopes as “ORIGINAL”, and
“COPY”. The envelopes containing the original and the copies shall then be enclosed
in one single envelope.
(3) The inner and outer envelopes shall-
(a) bear the name and complete address along with telephone/mobile number
of bidder;
(b) bear complete address of the procuring entity with telephone number, if
(c) bear the specific identification of the bidding process pursuant to Notice
Inviting Bids and any additional identification marks as specified in the bidding
documents; and
(d) bear a warning not to be opened before the time and date for bid opening,
in accordance with the Notice Inviting Bids.
(4) If all envelopes are not sealed and marked as required, the procuring entity
shall assume no responsibility about its consequences.
(5) Similar procedure for sealing and marking of bids shall be adopted for
Technical and Financial bids, if two part bids have been invited.
Rule 51. Deadline for the submission of bids.- (1) Bids shall be received, by the
person designated for the purpose by the procuring entity or directly dropped in the
bid box, at the place and up to the time and date specified in the Notice Inviting Bids.
(2) Normally, the date of submission and opening of bids should not be
extended. In exceptional circumstances or when the bidding documents are required
to be substantially modified as a result of discussions in pre bid conference or
otherwise and the time with the prospective bidders for preparation of bids appears
insufficient, the date may be extended by the procuring entity. In such case the
publicity of extended time and date shall be given in the manner, as was given at the
time of issuing the original Notice Inviting Bids and shall also be placed on the State
Public Procurement Portal. It should be ensured that after issue of corrigendum,
reasonable time is available to the bidders for preparation and submission of their
bids. The procuring entity shall also publish such modifications in the bidding
documents in the
same manner as the publication of initial bidding documents. If in the office of the
bids receiving and opening authority, the last date of submission or opening of bids is
a non working day, the bids shall be received or opened on the next working day.
Rule 52. Late bids.- The person authorised to receive the bids shall not receive any
bid that is submitted personally, after the time and date fixed for submission of bids.
Any bid which arrives by post after the deadline for submission of bids shall be
declared and marked as “Late” and returned unopened to the bidder by registered
Rule 53. Receipt and Custody of Bids.- (1) The bids shall be received by hand
delivery, by courier or by post in the specified format up to the specified time and
date and at the specified place, by the person authorised by the procuring entity except
when bids are received through e-procurement or they are directly dropped in the bid
(2) The person authorised to receive the bids shall provide a receipt signed by
him with date and time of receipt of bid to the person, who delivers the bid.
(3) All bids received unsealed, in torn or damaged condition through post or
by personal delivery shall be so marked and signed on the cover by the person
receiving the same and get signed on it by the person delivering it and put in a fresh
cover and reseal, if so warranted. All such entries shall be attested by the receiving
(4) Preferably, all bids received shall be put into a duly locked bid box placed
for receiving the bids. In the absence of a bid box, the received bids shall be kept in
safe custody in lock and key by the person authorised to receive the bids.
(5) The location of bid box shall be such as to facilitate easy access to bidders.
The bid box shall have two sealed locks. The key of one of the locks shall remain with
the procuring entity and the key of the other lock shall be with the person authorised
to receive the bids.
(6) Bids received by the authorised person on or before the time and date fixed
for receipt of bids shall be entered in bids receipt register and the same shall be closed
at the scheduled time and date giving in words and figures the number of bids
received up to the last time and date for submission of bids.
(7) The record of bids received late through post shall be entered in bids
receipt register after closing the register as per sub-rule (6).
(8) Bids received by telegram or given on form other than the prescribed form
shall not be considered.
(9) In case of e-tendering, that is to say bid proposals submitted through
electronic methods, the same shall be submitted in accordance with the procedure
outlined on the State Public Procurement Portal.
Rule 54. Withdrawal, substitution and modification of bids.-
(1) A bidder may withdraw, substitute, or modify its bid after it has been
submitted by sending a written notice, duly signed by him or his authorised
representative (authorisation letter be enclosed). Corresponding substitution or
modification of the bid must accompany the written notice. The notice must be-
(a) submitted in accordance with the bidding documents, and in addition, the
envelope shall be clearly marked as “Withdrawal,” “Substitution,” or “Modification”;
(b) received by the person authorised to receive the bids or directly dropped in
the bid box prior to the last time and date fixed for receiving of bids.
(2) Bids requested to be withdrawn shall be returned unopened to the bidders.
(3) No bid shall be withdrawn, substituted, or modified after the last time and
date fixed for receipt of bids.
Rule 55. Opening of bids.- (1) The sealed bid box shall be opened by the bid opening
committee constituted by the procuring entity at the time, date and place specified in
the bidding documents in the presence of the bidders or their authorised
representatives, who choose to be present.
(2) The bids receiving person shall also hand over all the bids received by him
up to the time and date for submission of bids to the Convener of bids opening
committee and obtain its signature in the bids receipt register.
(3) The bid opening committee may co-opt experienced persons in the
committee to conduct the process of bid opening.
(4) If electronic bidding is adopted, specific electronic bid opening procedure
as specified on the State Public Procurement Portal shall be followed. The bidders
may witness the electronic bid opening procedure online.
(5) The bids shall be opened by the bids opening committee in the presence of
the bidders or their authorised representatives who choose to be present. All
envelopes containing bids shall be signed with date by the members of the committee
in token of verification of the fact that they are sealed. The envelopes shall be
numbered as a/n, where ‘a’ denotes the serial number at which the bid envelop has
been taken for opening and ‘n’ denotes the total number of bids received by specified
(6) The bid opening committee shall prepare a list of the bidders or their
representatives attending the opening of bids and obtain their signatures on the same.
The list shall also contain the representative’s name and telephone number and
corresponding bidders’ names and addresses. The authority letters brought by the
representatives shall be attached to the list. The list shall be signed by all the members
of bid opening committee with date and time of opening of the bids.
(7) First, envelopes marked as “WITHDRAWAL” shall be opened, read out,
and recorded and the envelope containing the corresponding bid shall not be opened,
but returned to the bidders. No bid shall be permitted to be withdrawn unless the
corresponding withdrawal notice contains a valid authorisation to request the
withdrawal and readout and recorded in bid opening. If the withdrawal notice is not
accompanied by the valid authorisation, the withdrawal shall not be permitted and the
corresponding bid shall be opened. Next, envelopes marked as “SUBSTITUTION”
shall be opened, read out, recorded and exchanged for the corresponding bid being
substituted and the substituted bid shall not be opened, but returned to the bidder. No
bid shall be substituted unless the corresponding substitution notice contains a valid
authorisation to request the substitution and is read out and recorded at bid opening.
Envelopes marked as “MODIFICATION” shall be opened thereafter, read out and
recorded with the corresponding bid. No bid shall be modified unless the
corresponding modification notice contains a valid authorisation to request the
modification and is read out and recorded at bid opening. Only envelopes that are
opened, read out, and recorded at bid opening shall be considered further.
(8) All other envelopes shall be opened one at a time and the following details
shall be read out and recorded-
(a) the name of the bidder and whether there is a substitution or modification;
(b) the bid prices (per lot if applicable);
(c) the bid security, if required; and
(d) any other details as the committee may consider appropriate.
After all the bids have been opened, they shall be initialed and dated on the
first page of the each bid by the members of the bids opening committee. All the
pages of the price schedule and letters, Bill of Quantities attached shall be initialed
and dated by the members of the committee. Key information such as prices, delivery
period, etc. shall be encircled and unfilled spaces in the bids shall be marked and
signed with date by the members of the committee. The original and additional copies
of the bid shall be marked accordingly. Alterations/corrections/additions/overwritings
shall be initialed legibly to make it clear that such alteration, etc., were existing in the
bid at the time of opening.
(9) No bid shall be rejected at the time of bid opening except the late bids,
alternative bids (if not permitted) and bids not accompanied with the proof of
payment or instrument of the required price of bidding documents, processing fee or
user charges and bid security.
(10) The bid opening committee shall prepare a record of the bid opening that
shall include the name of the bidder and whether there is a withdrawal, substitution, or
modification, the bid price, per lot (if applicable), any discounts and alternative offers
(if they were permitted), any conditions put by bidder and the proof of the payment of
price of bidding documents, processing fee or user charges and bid security. The
bidders or their representatives, who are present, shall sign the record. The omission
of a bidder’s signature on the record shall not invalidate the contents and effect of the
record. The members of the committee shall also sign the record with date.
(11) In case of two part bids, only outer envelopes and envelopes marked as
“Technical Bid” shall be opened in the sequence of the serial numbers marked on
them. The envelopes marked as “Financial Bid” shall be kept intact and safe and shall
be opened of only those bidders who qualify in the evalution of their Technical Bids
in the manner as mentioned in sub-rule (3) to (10) above, on the date and time to be
intimated to those bidders.
(12) In case of two stage bidding the proposals received in response to
invitation of Expression of Interest or Request for Qualification in the first stage shall
be opened as per the procedure specified in sub-rules (3) to (10) for the opening of
Single Part bid. The procedure for opening of second stage bids shall be similar to that
for opening of Two Part bids, specified in sub-rule (11). In case Technical and
Financial bids are invited in single envelop in second stage, the procedure for opening
of the bids shall be as specified in sub-rule (3) to (10).
Rule 56. Preliminary examination of bids.- The bid evaluation committee
constituted by the procuring entity shall conduct a preliminary scrutiny of the opened
bids to assess the prima-facie responsiveness and ensure that the-
(a) bid is signed, as per the requirements listed in the bidding documents;
(b) bid has been sealed as per instructions provided in the bidding documents;
(c) bid is valid for the period, specified in the bidding documents;
(d) bid is accompanied by bid security or bid securing declaration;
(e) bid is unconditional and the bidder has agreed to give the required
performance security; and
(f) other conditions, as specified in the bidding documents are fulfilled.
Rule 57. Tabulation of Technical bids.- (1) If Technical bids have been invited, they
shall be tabulated by the bids evaluation committee in the form of a comparative
statement to evaluate the qualification of the bidders against the criteria for
qualification set out in the bidding documents. The table may include following:-
(a) Name and address of the bidder including e-mail address, if any;
(b) Reference of registration/ empanelment, if any, with the procuring entity or
other procuring entity;
(c) Is there any substitution or modification of the original bid;
(d) Weather the bidder fulfills the eligibility criteria given in the bidding
(e) Whether the bid has been signed by the bidder or an authorised person
(whether valid document of authority is enclosed);
(f) Whether proof of payment of price of bid documents given;
(g) Whether proof of payment of processing fee or user charges, if any, bid
security or the instrument of bid security or bid securing declaration given;
(h) Response to the required qualification criteria and allotment of marks for
them, or whether meets the minimum standards fixed for each criterion in the bidding
documents for,-
(i) availability of financial resources;
(ii) past performance and experience;
(iii) technical and professional competence including requirement of
technical/ professional/ specialist personnel and availability of required machinery
and equipment;
(iv) managerial resources and competence;
(v) whether proof/ declaration has been given as required under
clauses (b) to (e) of sub-section (2)of section 7;
(vi) any other qualification criteria fixed in accordance with the
provisions of section 7.
(i) Result of evaluation of Technical bids, whether qualified or not, if not,
reasons thereof.
(2) The members of bids evaluation committee shall give their
recommendations below the table as to which of the bidders have been found to be
qualified in evaluation of Technical bids and sign it.
(3) The format of the table given in sub-rule (1) may also be used, mutatis
mutandis, for evaluation of proposals received in response to Registration/
Empanelment of bidders, Request for Qualifications/ Expression of Interest in first
stage of Two-stage bidding process. This format may also be used, mutatis mutandis,
for evaluation of Technical Bid in the second stage of the Two Stage bidding, if
Technical bids have been invited separately.
Rule 58. Tabulation of Financial bids.- (1) After evaluation of Technical bids the
Financial bids shall be tabulated by the bids evaluation committee in the form of a
comparative statement to evaluate the lowest or most advantageous bid on the basis of
evaluation criteria set out in the bidding documents. The table may include
(a) Name and address of the bidders including e-mail address, if any;
(b) If evaluation of Technical bids has taken place, whether the bidder has
qualified in evaluation of Technical bids;
(c) Specifications of the subject matter of procurement offered;
(d) Rates quoted per unit, per item and total price of each item quoted or
percentage above, below on the rates given in the bidding documents, as the case may
(e) Excise duty, Rajasthan VAT, Central sales tax, Entry tax and any other
taxes as applicable, to be shown separately;
(f) Packing and forwarding charges, freight, insurance etc.;
(g) Total cost per unit, per item and all items including all cost and taxes;
(h) Discount, rebate if any (if permitted);
(i) Alternative offers (if permitted);
(j) Delivery/completion period quoted;
(k) Validity period of bids quoted;
(l) Mode of payment quoted;
(m) Samples, trials offered (if asked for) and results of sample testing and
trials conducted;
(n) Guarantee/warrantee/defect liability period quoted, if asked for;
(o) Contract maintenance period quoted, if asked for;
(p) Response to any other information asked for in the bidding documents;
(q) Any conditions quoted different from those included in the bidding
(r) Is there any material deviation, reservation or omission from the required
specifications and terms and conditions set out in the bidding documents;
(s) Result of evaluation of financial bids- standing of the bidder in financial
(t) Combined evaluation of Technical and Financial bids, if stipulated in the
bidding documents- standing of the bidder in combined evaluation of Technical and
(2) If only Single Part bids have been invited, then the information specified in
clause (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and subclause (v) of clause (h) of sub-rule (1) of rule
57 shall also be included in the table.
(3) The table given in sub-rule (1) may also be used for evaluation of Financial
bids, in second stage of Two Stage bidding.
(4) The members of bids evaluation committee shall give their
recommendations below the table regarding lowest bid or most advantageous bid and
sign it.
Rule 59. Determination of responsiveness.- (1) The bid evaluation committee shall
determine the responsiveness of a bid on the basis of biding documents and the
provisions of sub-section (2) of section 7.
(2) A responsive bid is one that meets the requirements of the bidding
documents without material deviation, reservation, or omission where: -
(a) “deviation” is a departure from the requirements specified in the bidding
(b) “reservation” is the setting of limiting conditions or withholding from
complete acceptance of the requirements specified in the bidding documents; and
(c) “Omission” is the failure to submit part or all of the information or
documentation required in the bidding documents.
(3) A material deviation, reservation, or omission is one that,
(a) if accepted, shall:-
(i) affect in any substantial way the scope, quality, or performance of the
subject matter of procurement specified in the bidding documents; or
(ii) limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the bidding documents, the
procuring entity’s rights or the bidder’s obligations under the proposed contract; or
(b) if rectified, shall unfairly affect the competitive position of other bidders
presenting responsive bids.
(4) The bid evaluation committee shall examine the technical aspects of the
bid in particular, to confirm that all requirements of bidding document have been met
without any material deviation, reservation or omission.
(5) The procuring entity shall regard a bid as responsive if it conforms to all
requirements set out in the bidding documents, or it contains minor deviations that do
not materially alter or depart from the characteristics, terms, conditions and other
requirements set out in the bidding documents, or if it contains errors or oversights
that can be corrected without touching on the substance of the bid.
Rule 60. Clarification of bids.- (1) To assist in the examination, evaluation,
comparison and qualification of the bids, the bid evaluation committee may, at its
discretion, ask any bidder for a clarification regarding its bid. The committee’s
request for clarification and the response of the bidder shall be in writing.
(2) Any clarification submitted by a bidder with regard to its bid that is not in
response to a request by the committee shall not be considered.
(3) No change in the prices or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered, or
permitted, except to confirm the correction of arithmetic errors discovered by the
committee in the evaluation of the financial bids.
(4) No substantive change to qualification information or to a submission,
including changes aimed at making an unqualified bidder, qualified or an
unresponsive submission, responsive shall be sought, offered or permitted.
(5) All communications generated under this rule shall be included in the
record of the procurement proceedings.
Rule 61. Non-material Non-conformities in bids.- (1) The bid evaluation committee
may waive any nonconformities in the bid that do not constitute a material deviation,
reservation or omission, the bid shall be deemed to be substantially responsive.
(2) The bid evaluation committee may request the bidder to submit the
necessary information or document like audited statement of accounts, VAT clearance
certificate, PAN, etc. within a reasonable period of time. Failure of the bidder to
comply with the request may result in the rejection of its bid.
(3) The bid evaluation committee may rectify non-material nonconformities or
omissions on the basis of the information or documentation received from the bidder
under sub-rule (2).
Rule 62. Exclusion of bids.- A procuring entity shall exclude a bid in accordance
with the provisions of section 25.
Rule 63. Evaluation of Technical bids in case of two part bids.-
(1) The criteria fixed for evaluation of technical bids shall be in accordance
with the provisions of section 7 and clearly mentioned in the bidding documents so as
to keep transparency in selection process. The criteria once fixed for evaluation of
technical bids shall not be changed or relaxed.
(2) Techno-commercial qualifications of the bidders shall be evaluated in
tabular form as per rule 57 on the basis of the weightings of marks assigned or
minimum achievements fixed in the bidding documents for various criteria of
qualifications in the area of professional, technical, financial, managerial competence,
etc. i.e. like number of years of experience of the bidder in the subject matter of
procurement, satisfactorily completion of similar contracts in past certain years, each
valuing not less than specified percentage of the value of subject matter of
procurement, financial turnover of the bidder in past certain years in relation to the
value of subject matter of procurement, the value of orders in hand of the bidder at the
time of submitting the bid relative to the value of subject matter of procurement, etc.
(3) Bidders securing specified minimum percent of marks or have fulfilled
minimum achievement norms may be considered to have technically qualified.
(4) The number of firms qualified in technical evaluation should not generally
be less than three. If the number is less than three and it is considered necessary by the
procuring entity to continue with the procurement process, reasons shall be recorded
in writing and included in the record of the procurement proceedings.
(5) The bidders who qualified in the technical evaluation shall be informed in
writing about the date, time and place of opening of their financial bids. This date
should generally be not later than fifteen days from the date of issue of letter.
Rule 64. Correction of arithmetic errors in financial bids.- The bid evaluation
committee shall correct arithmetical errors in substantially responsive bids, on the
following basis, namely: -
(a) if there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is
obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the
total price shall be corrected, unless in the opinion of the bid evaluation committee
there is an obvious misplacement of the decimal point in the unit price, in which case
the total price as quoted shall govern and the unit price shall be corrected;
(b) if there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subtraction of
subtotals, the subtotals shall prevail and the total shall be corrected; and
(c) if there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words
shall prevail, unless the amount expressed in words is related to an arithmetic error, in
which case the amount in figures shall prevail subject to clause (a) and (b) above.
Rule 65. Evaluation of financial bids.- Subject to the provisions of section 27, the
procuring entity shall take following actions for evaluation of financial bids:-
(a) in case of single part bid system where bid is received in single cover along
with requisite bid security, processing fee or user charges and price of bidding
documents within specified time, it shall be considered for financial evaluation by the
bids evaluation committee;
(b) in case of two part bid system the financial bids of the bidders who
qualified in technical evaluation shall be opened at the notified time, date and place
by the bid evaluation committee in the presence of the bidders or their representatives
who choose to be present;
(c) the process of opening, marking and signing on the financial bids shall be
as prescribed in rule 55;
(d) the names of the bidders, the rates given by them and conditions put, if
any, shall be read out and recorded;
(e) conditional bids are liable to be rejected;
(f) the evaluation shall include all costs and all taxes and duties applicable to
the bidder as per law of the Central / State Government / Local Authorities, and the
evaluation criteria specified in the bidding documents shall only be applied;
(g) the offers shall be evaluated and marked L1, L2, L3 etc. L1 being the
lowest offer and then others in ascending order in case price is the only criteria, or
evaluated and marked H1, H2, H3 etc. in descending order in case quality is also a
criteria and the combined score of technical and financial evaluation is considered;
(h) the bid evaluation committee shall prepare a comparative statement in
tabular form in accordance with rule 58 with its report on evaluation of financial bids
and recommend the lowest offer for acceptance to the procuring entity, if price is the
only criterion, or most advantageous bid in other case;
(i) it shall be ensured that the offer recommended for sanction is justifiable
looking to the prevailing market rates of the goods, works or service required to be
procured; and
(j) in case a rate contract is being entered, more than one firm at the same
lowest rate may be considered to ensure uninterrupted delivery but for this purpose,
counter offer of lowest rate will be given for acceptance to the bidders quoting higher
rates in the order of ascending value.
Rule 66. Comparison of rates of firms outside and those in Rajasthan.- While
tabulating the bids of those firms which are not entitled to price preference, the
element of Rajasthan Value Added Tax shall be excluded from the rates quoted by the
firms of Rajasthan and the element of Central Sales Tax shall be included in the rates
of firms from outside Rajasthan for evaluation purpose.
Rule 67. Price / purchase preference in evaluation.- Price and /or purchase
preference notified by the State Government and as mentioned in the bidding
documents shall be considered in the evaluation of bids and award of contract.
Rule 68. Lack of competition.- (1) A situation may arise where, if after evaluation of
bids the bid evaluation committee may end-up with one responsive bid only, in such
situation, the bid evaluation committee should check as to whether while floating the
Notice Inviting Bids all necessary requirements to encourage competition like
standard bid conditions, industry friendly specifications, wide publicity, sufficient
time for formulation of bids, etc. were fulfilled. If not, the Notice Inviting Bids should
be refloated after rectifying deficiencies. The bid process shall be considered valid
even if there is one responsive bid, provided that-
(a) the bid is technically qualified;
(b) the price quoted by the bidder is assessed to be reasonable;
(c) the bid is unconditional and complete in all respects;
(d) there are no obvious indicators of cartelisation amongst bidders; and
(e) the bidder is qualified as per the provisions of section 7
(2) The bid evaluation committee shall prepare a justification note for
approval by the next higher authority of the procuring entity, in which the
concurrence of the accounts member shall be necessary.
(3) In case of dissent by any member of bid evaluation committee the next
higher authority in delegation of financial powers shall decide as to whether to
sanction the single bid or re-invite bids after recording reasons.
(4) If a decision to re invite the bids is taken, market assessment shall be
carried out for estimation of market depth, eligibility criteria and cost estimate.
Rule 69. Negotiations.- (1) Except in case of procurement by method of single source
procurement or procurement by competitive negotiations, to the extent possible, no
negotiations shall be conducted after the pre-bid stage. All clarifications needed
to be sought shall be sought in the pre-bid stage itself.
(2) Negotiations may, however, be undertaken only with the lowest or most
advantageous bidder under the following circumstances-
(a) when ring prices have been quoted by the bidders for the subject matter of
procurement; or
(b) when the rates quoted vary considerably and considered much higher than
the prevailing market rates.
(3) The bid evaluation committee shall have full powers to undertake
negotiations. Detailed reasons and results of negotiations shall be recorded in the
(4) The lowest or most advantageous bidder shall be informed in writing either
through messenger or by registered letter and email (if available). A minimum time of
seven days shall be given for calling negotiations. In case of urgency the bid
evaluation committee, after recording reasons, may reduce the time, provided the
lowest or most advantageous bidder has received the intimation and consented to
regarding holding of negotiations.
(5) Negotiations shall not make the original offer made by the bidder
inoperative. The bid evaluation committee shall have option to consider the original
offer in case the bidder decides to increase rates originally quoted or imposes any new
terms or conditions.
(6) In case of non-satisfactory achievement of rates from lowest or most
advantageous bidder, the bid evaluation committee may choose to make a written
counter offer to the lowest or most advantageous bidder and if this is not accepted by
him, the committee may decide to reject and re-invite bids or to make the same
counter-offer first to the second lowest or most advantageous bidder, then to the third
lowest or most advantageous bidder and so on in the order of their initial standing and
work / supply order be awarded to the bidder who accepts the counter-offer. This
procedure should be used in exceptional cases only.
(7) In case the rates even after the negotiations are considered very high, fresh
bids shall be invited.
Rule 70. Acceptance of the successful bid and award of contract.- (1) The
procuring entity after considering the recommendations of the bid evaluation
committee and the conditions of bid, if any, financial implications, trials, sample
testing and test reports, etc., shall accept or reject the successful bid. If any member of
the bid evaluation committee, has disagreed or given its note of dissent, the matter
shall be referred to the next higher authority, as per delegation of financial powers, for
(2) Decision on bids shall be taken within original validity period of bids and
time period allowed to procuring entity for taking decision. If the decision is not taken
within the original validity period or time limit allowed for taking decision, the matter
shall be referred to the next higher authority in delegation of financial powers for
(3) Before award of the contract, the procuring entity shall ensure that the
price of successful bid is reasonable and consistent with the required quality.
(4) A bid shall be treated as successful only after the competent authority has
approved the procurement in terms of that bid.
(5) The procuring entity shall award the contract to the bidder whose offer has
been determined to be the lowest or most advantageous in accordance with the
evaluation criteria set out in the bidding documents and if the bidder has been
determined to be qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily on the basis of
qualification criteria fixed for the bidders in the bidding documents for the subject
matter of procurement.
(6) Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity, the procuring entity
shall inform the successful bidder, in writing, that its bid has been accepted.
(7) As soon as a bid is accepted by the competent authority, its written
intimation shall be sent to the concerned bidder by registered post or email and asked
to execute an agreement in the format given in the bidding documents on a non
judicial stamp of requisite value and deposit the amount of performance security or a
performance security declaration, if applicable, within a period specified in the
bidding documents or where the period is not specified in the bidding documents then
within fifteen days from the date on which the letter of acceptance or letter of intent is
despatched to the bidder.
(8) If the issuance of formal letter of acceptance is likely to take time, in the
meanwhile a Letter of Intent (LOI) may be sent to the bidder. The acceptance of an
offer is complete as soon as the letter of acceptance or letter of intent is posted and/ or
sent by email (if available) to the address of the bidder given in the bidding document.
Until a formal contract is executed, the letter of acceptance or Letter of Intent shall
constitute a binding contract.
(9) The bid security of the bidders whose bids could not be accepted shall be
refunded soon after the contract with the successful bidder is signed and its
performance security is obtained.
Rule 71. Information and publication of award.- Information of award of contract
shall be communicated to all participating bidders and published on the State Public
Procurement Portal in accordance with provisions of sub-section (3) of section 27.
Rule 72. Procuring entity’s right to accept or reject any or all bids.- The
Procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the bidding
process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby
incurring any liability to the bidders. Reasons for doing so shall be recorded in
Rule 73. Right to vary quantity.- 1[(1) Deleted]
[(1) If the procuring entity does not procure any subject matter of
procurement or procures less than the quantity specified in the bidding documents due
to change in circumstances, the bidder shall not be entitled for any claim or
compensation except otherwise provided in the bidding documents.
1 2
[ [(2) Repeat orders for extra items or additional quantities may be placed, if
it is provided in the bidding documents, on the rates and conditions given in the
contract if the original order was given after inviting open competitive bids. Delivery
or completion period may also be proportionately increased. The limits of repeat order
shall be as under-
(a) 50% of the quantity of the individual items and 50% of the value of
original contract in case of works; and
(b) 50% of the value of goods or services of the original contract.]
1. Existing sub-rule (1) deleted and sub-rule (2) and (3) renumbered as sub-rule (1) and (2) by Notification
No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2011 dated 4.9.2013, publised in Raj.Gazetted EO Pt.4(Ga)(I) dated 4.9.2013 for -(1) At the time of
award of contract, the quantity of goods, works or services originally specified in the bidding documents may be
increased, but such increase shall not exceed twenty percent of the quantity specified
in the bidding documents. It shall be without any change in the unit prices or other terms and conditions of the bid
and the bidding documents.
2. Existing sub-rule (2) substituted by Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2011 dated 4.9.2013, publised in Raj.Gazetted EO
Pt.4(Ga)(I) dated 4.9.2013 for -
[(2) Repeat orders for extra items or additional quantities may be placed, if it is provided in the bidding documents, on the rates
and conditions given in the contract if the original order was given after inviting open competitive bids. Delivery or completion
period may also be proportionately increased. The limits of repeat order shall be as under-
(a) 50% of the quantity of the individual items and 20% of the value of original contract in case of works; and
(b) 25% of the value of goods or services of the original contract.]
Rule 74. Dividing quantities among more than one bidder at the time of award.-
As a general rule all the quantities of the subject matter of procurement shall be
procured from the bidder, whose bid is accepted. However, when it is considered that
the quantity of the subject matter of procurement to be procured is very large and it
may not be in the capacity of the bidder, whose bid is accepted, to deliver the entire
quantity or when it is considered that the subject matter of procurement to be procured
is of critical and vital nature, in such cases, the quantity may be divided between the
bidder, whose bid is accepted and the second lowest bidder or even more bidders in
that order, in a fair, transparent and equitable manner at the rates of the bidder, whose
bid is accepted if such condition is specified in the bidding documents. Counter offer
to first lowest bidder (L1), in order to arrive at an acceptable price, shall amount to
negotiation. However, any counter offer thereafter to second lowest bidder (L2), third
lowest bidder (L3) etc., (at the rates accepted by L1) in case of splitting of quantities,
as pre- disclosed in the bidding documents, shall not be deemed to be a negotiation.
Rule 75. Performance security.- (1) Performance security shall be solicited from all
successful bidders except the department's of the State Government and undertakings,
corporations, autonomous bodies, registered societies, co-operative societies which
are owned or controlled or managed by the State Government and undertakings of the
Central Government. However, a performance security declaration shall be taken
from them. The State Government may relax the provision of performance security in
particular procurement or any class of procurement.
(2) The amount of performance security shall be five percent, or as may be
specified in the bidding documents, of the amount of supply order in case of
procurement of goods and services and ten percent of the amount of work order in
case of procurement of works. In case of Small Scale Industries of Rajasthan it shall
be one percent of the amount of quantity ordered for supply of goods and in case of
sick industries, other than Small Scale Industries, whose cases are pending before the
Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR), it shall be two percent of the
amount of supply order.
(3) Performance security shall be furnished in any one of the following forms-
(a) deposit though eGRAS;
(b) Bank Draft or Banker's Cheque of a scheduled bank;
(c) National Savings Certificates and any other script/instrument under
National Savings Schemes for promotion of small savings issued by a Post Office in
Rajasthan, if the same can be pledged under the relevant rules. They shall be accepted
at their surrender value at the time of bid and formally transferred in the name of
procuring entity with the approval of Head Post Master;
(d) Bank guarantee/s of a scheduled bank. It shall be got verified from the
issuing bank. Other conditions regarding bank guarantee shall be same as mentioned
in the rule 42 for bid security;
(e) Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) of a scheduled bank. It shall be in the name
of procuring entity on account of bidder and discharged by the bidder in advance. The
procuring entity shall ensure before accepting the Fixed Deposit Receipt that the
bidder furnishes an undertaking from the bank to make payment/premature payment
of the Fixed Deposit Receipt on demand to the procuring entity without requirement
of consent of the bidder concerned. In the event of forfeiture of the performance
security, the Fixed Deposit shall be forfeited along with interest earned on such Fixed
[(f) In case of procurement of works, the successful bidder at the time of
signing of the contract agreement, may submit option for deduction of performance
security from his each running and final bill @ 10% of the amount of the bill.]
(4) Performance security furnished in the form specified in clause (b) to (e) of
sub-rule (3) shall remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date of
completion of all contractual obligations of the bidder, including warranty obligations
and maintenance and defect liability period.
Rule 76. Execution of agreement.- (1) A procurement contract shall come into force
from the date on which the letter of acceptance or letter of intent is despatched to the
(2) The successful bidder shall sign the procurement cont r a c t within a
period specified in the bidding document or where the period is not specified in the
bidding document then within fifteen days from the date on which the letter of
acceptance or letter of intent is despatched to the successful bidder.
(3) If the bidder, whose bid has been accepted, fails to sign a written
procurement contract or fails to furnish the required performance security with in
specified period, the procuring entity shall take action against the successful bidder as
per the provisions of the Act and these rules. The procuring entity may, in such case,
cancel the procurement process or if it deems fit, offer for acceptance the rates of
lowest or most advantageous bidder to the next lowest or most advantageous bidder,
in accordance with the criteria and procedures set out in the bidding documents.
(4) The bidder shall be asked to execute the agreement on a nonjudicial
stamp of specified value at its cost.
Rule 77. Confidentiality.- In addition to the restrictions specified in section 49, the
procuring entity, while procuring a subject matter of such nature which requires the
procuring entity to maintain confidentiality, may impose condition for protecting
confidentiality of such information.
Rule 78. Cancellation of procurement process.- If any procurement process has
been cancelled, it shall not be reopened but it shall not prevent the procuring entity
from initiating a new procurement process for the same subject matter of
procurement, if required.
Rule 79. Documentary record of procurement proceedings.- (1) Subject to the
provisions of section 10, the procuring entity shall, in addition to record specified in
clause (a) to (h) of sub-section (1) of the said section, maintain the following record,
(a) the names and addresses of all bidders with bid prices and conditions of bid
if bid is conditional;
1. Added by Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2011 dated 4.9.2013, publised in Raj.Gazetted EO Pt.4(Ga)(I) dated 4.9.2013
(b) the name and address of the successful bidder with price on which
procurement is made;
(c) in case of rate contract method, the names and addresses of the bidders
with whom the rate contract is concluded;
(d) a summary of modification, if any, made in the bidding documents;
(e) details of qualification required, bidders having qualifications and details
of qualified or disqualified bidders with reasons;
(f) where a written procurement contract has been executed, including rate
contract, copy of contract;
(g) in the case of empanelment, the terms and conditions of the empanelment
and a copy of the agreement, if any;
(h) a summary of the evaluation and comparison of bids, including the
application of any margin of preference and reasons for rejection or nonconsideration
of a bid, if any; and
(i) if the procurement process is cancelled, reasons of cancellation.
Bid Process Management–Swiss Challenge Method
(xxiv) Any proposal for the partial or complete disinvestment of a state public sector
(xxv) Any other project, which is a combination of above mentioned sectors; and
(xxvi) On recommendations, with appropriate justifications, of the Administrative
Department for inclusion of any new sector, SLEC may recommend for inclusion
of the same to the State Government. Any new sector can be added to the list of
“eligible sectors” of these rules, only after the consent of the Finance Department of
State Government on the recommendations of the SLEC.
79C. Projects, which shall not be acceptable under Swiss Challenge Method.- The
following proposals shall not be acceptable under Swiss Challenge Method, namely:-
(i) Proposals which contravene the provisions of any law that is in force;
(ii) Proposals/ projects which would result in monopolistic situation;
(iii) Projects which are less than Rs. 50.00 crores (Rs. Fifty Crores) in value.
(iv) Proposals / projects that fall outside the sectors and below the financial limits as
prescribed in these rules.
(v) Proposals of PPP Projects involving financial assistance from State Government by
way of viability gap funding (VGF) more than 20% of the total project cost,
excluding the cost of land.
79D. Procedure.- (1) The Project Proponent or his authorized representative, shall
submit an application along with certificate in Form No. 2 and details of proposal in Form
No. 3 to the Administrative Department. If Pre-Feasibility Report or detailed project report is
available then same shall also be submitted with application. The contents of Pre-Feasibility
Report shall be as specified in Form No. 4 and the contents of detailed project report shall be
as specified in Form No. 5.
(2) The Administrative Department shall scrutinize the proposal as to whether it
falls into the purview of the department’s development plans and whether "Public Need" is
established and the proposal prima facie addresses the public need and requirement.
(3) If the Administrative Department finds that the proposal received under Swiss
Challenge Method has no uniqueness and is similar to the procurement of
goods/works/services, that is already being done under conventional method, then the
Administrative Department would be under an obligation to reject such a proposal, but in
case, if the Administrative Department considers that a proposal received is appropriate to be
taken under Swiss Challenge Method, despite its being similar to the procurement being done
under conventional methods, then it would record reasons in writing for accepting it under
Swiss Challenge Method.
(4) The Administrative Department shall examine and offer its comments regarding
the proposal submitted by Project Proponent. After examination if the Administrative
Department is satisfied that the conditions specified in sub-rule (2) above, are fulfilled, it shall
submit its recommendations to the State Level Empowered Committee (SLEC) through
Planning Department of the State Government, for according the ‘permission to proceed’.
(5) The Planning Department shall arrange and coordinate the meetings of the SLEC.
The SLEC, after necessary examination, may accord the permission to proceed with or
without modifications. The permission to proceed shall be conveyed by the Principal
Secretary/Secretary, Planning Department to the Administrative Department concerned. On
receipt of the permission to proceed, the same shall be exhibit by the Administrative
Department on State Public Procurement Portal.
(6) After obtaining permission to proceed from SLEC, a letter shall be issued by the
Administrative Department to the Project Proponent allowing a period of three months, for
undertaking detailed studies including preparation of Detailed Project Report required for
bidding and submit the detailed and comprehensive proposal to Administrative Department.
In case, the Project Proponent fails to submit detailed and comprehensive proposal within a
period of three months and submits written request to the Administrative Department, the
Administrative Department may in appropriate case, after recoding reasons in writing extend
the period specified above.
(7) If the Project Proponent fails to submit the detailed and comprehensive proposal
within a specified period or extended period, as the case may be, the Administrative
Department may at its discretion exercise the option to develop the project on its own or
through its agencies or through any third party, without the Project Proponent having any
claims, and if the Administrative Department exercises the option in the manner as specified
above, it shall be exhibit by the Administrative Department on State Public Procurement
79E. Preparation and submission of detailed and comprehensive proposal.- (1)
The Project Proponent shall submit a detailed and comprehensive proposal in Form No. 6
along with detailed project report in hard copy and soft copy, Earnest Security equal to 0.05%
of the total estimated cost of the Project, Bid Value/Financial Proposal-IRR etc. (with details
and supporting documents, wherever necessary), project financial summary in Form No. 7
and check list for submission of documents in Form No. 8 within a period specified in rule
79D to the Administrative Department in hard copy and soft copy.
(2) It should be ensured by the Project Proponent that all financial reports and/or the
documents having financial details must be duly verified from a competent Chartered
(3) The Administrative Department may carry out additional studies for
independently determining the project cost, project revenues, viability and risk analysis etc. to
ensure proper benchmarking.
[(4) The Project Proponent shall submit the detailed and comprehensive proposal in
two covers. The first cover shall include the detailed project report, the survey data,
specifications (input/output), as well as designs of the project, total estimated cost of the
project on the basis of detailed project report, cost of preparation of detailed project report,
along with the Earnest Security. The detailed project report shall include the details as
specified in Form No. 5. The first cover shall be opened by the Administrative Department, or
by a Committee constituted by the Administrative Department for this purpose. The Bid
Value, in such form, as may be required by the Administrative Department, shall be submitted
in a separate cover, duly sealed by the project proponent, which shall be opened by the
Administrative Department, or by a Committee constituted by the Administrative Department
for this purpose, only at the time of opening of the financial bids received from other bidders
through open competitive bidding process.]
79F. Earnest Security.- (1) The Project Proponent shall furnish interest-free Earnest
Security, as a token of sincerity and good faith, amounting to 0.05% of the total estimated
cost of the project through demand draft or bank guarantee, acceptable to the Administrative
Department concerned, with a validity period of not less than 180 days commencing from the
date of submission of detailed and comprehensive proposal (including claim period of 60
days), to be extended as may be mutually agreed, from time to time. The Bid shall be
summarily rejected if the detailed and comprehensive proposal is not accompanied by the
Earnest Security.
1. Substituted by FD Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2014 dated 28.8.2015, Publised in Rajasthan
Gazetted Ext.Ord.Pt.4(Ga)(I) dated 28.8.2015 for - (4) The Project Proponent shall submit the detailed and
comprehensive proposal in two covers. The first cover shall include, the survey data, specifications (input/
output), as well as designs of the project, along with the Earnest Security. The financial proposal-Bid Value,
DPR preparation cost and Internal Rate of Return etc., shall be submitted in a separate cover.
(2) The Project Proponent shall also submit the requisite Bid Security as specified in the Bid Document,
in case the bidding process is initiated under the proposed project by the Administrative Department concerned.
[The Bid Security shall be calculated on the basis of the total estimated cost of the Project as per the detailed
project report.] The Project Proponent shall be required to furnish the Bid Security as specified in the Bid
document by the last date and time fixed for submission of bids under the bidding process initiated for the
proposed project. The Earnest Security furnished by the Project Proponent earlier shall be adjusted against the Bid
Security. If Project Proponent fails to furnish Bid Security of required amount within the time specified in Bid
Document, his Earnest Security shall be forfeited and he shall have no right as the Project Proponent.
79G. Detailed Project Report (DPR) preparation cost.- (1) The direct cost of preparing the DPR shall
be mentioned by the Project Proponent in detailed and comprehensive proposal. The DPR preparation cost shall
include external payout, internal cost, out-of pocket expenses and taxes, all accompanied by original receipts.
[(2) The Administrative Department or a Committee, constituted by the Administrative Department
for this purpose, shall negotiate the cost of preparation of the detailed project report with the Project Proponent and
ensure that such assessment of the detailed project report preparation cost shall be reasonable and justifiable. The
reimbursement of detailed project report preparation cost to the project proponent shall be 0.1% of the final bid
value or of the approved negotiated cost of preparation of detailed project report, whichever is lower.]
(3) The cost of preparation of DPR, as determined under sub-rule (2) above, may be reimbursed to the
Project Proponent only in the case of final selection of successful bidder, if it is other than the Project Proponent,
and only after the Procuring Entity has entered into agreement with such successful bidder. The cost of preparation
of the DPR, payable to the Project Proponent, shall be recovered from the successful bidder as specified in the bid
Provided that the Project Proponent shall not be entitled for the cost of preparation of DPR if he fails to
furnish Bid Security as specified in sub-rule (2) of rule 79F.
(4) In case, for any reason whatsoever, the project is not taken up by the Administrative Department, the
cost of preparation of DPR shall not be reimbursed to the Proposal Proponent.
79H. Clarifications regarding Detailed Project Report (DPR).- No changes shall be permitted in the
DPR once the Project Proponent has submitted the DPR to the Administrative Department concerned. However,
the Administrative Department may seek clarifications with respect to the DPR from the Project Proponent and
these clarifications shall be attached as an addendum to the DPR.
79I. Bid Parameters and Bid Value.- (1) The Project Proponent shall submit the detailed and
comprehensive proposal along with the bid parameters and Bid Value. The decision on the bid parameters shall be
taken by the Administrative Department concerned and the Administrative Department shall have the authority to
make changes to the project proposal as per the needs, requirements and development plans of the Administrative
Department, without changing the basic theme and fundamental structure of the project proposal. Any such
change in the bid parameters shall 3[be intimated to the Project Proponent if required, the] Administrative
Department may provide an additional time of fifteen days to the Project Proponent for submitting the final bid
[(2) If the additional time is allowed under sub-rule (1), the Project Proponent shall submit the final bid
value in such form as may be required by the Administrative Department. After submission of final bid value by
the project proponent, the original bid value submitted by the project proponent shall become inoperative. The
final bid value shall be submitted in a separate cover, duly sealed by the project proponent, which shall be opened
only at the time of opening of the financial bids received from bidders through open competitive bidding process.
In case, the Project Proponent desires to give additional information, he may enclose such information separately.
After submission of the final bid value by the project proponent, the Administrative Department shall submit the
proposal, with appropriate recommendation, to the State Level Empowered Committee.]
1. Inserted by FD Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2014 dated 28.8.2015, Published in Rajasthan Gazetted Ext.
Ord.Pt.4(Ga)(I) dated 28.8.2015.
2. Substituted by FD Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2014 dated 28.8.2015, Published in Rajasthan Gazetted Ext.
Ord.Pt.4(Ga)(I) dated 28.8.2015 for - [(2) The Administrative Department or a Committee, constituted by the
Administrative Department for this purpose, shall negotiate the cost of preparation of the DPR with the Project
Proponent and ensure that such costs shall be reasonable and justifiable subject to a maximum limit of 0.01% of
the project cost, as determined by the Administrative Department, or Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rs. Ten Lakhs),
whichever is lower.]
3. Substituted by FD Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2014 dated 28.8.2015, Published in Rajasthan Gazetted Ext. Ord.
Pt.4(Ga)(I) dated 28.8.2015 for - [be intimated to the Project Proponent. The Administrative Department concerned shall
evaluate the bid value vis-à-vis the final bid parameters and if required, the]
4. Substituted by FD Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2014 dated 28.8.2015, Published in Rajasthan Gazetted Ext. Ord.
Pt.4(Ga)(I) dated 28.8.2015 for - [ (2) The Project Proponent shall submit the bid value in such form as may be required by the
Administrative Department. In case, the Project Proponent desires to give additional information, he may enclose such
information separately. After explicit consent of the Project Proponent on the final bid value, the Administrative Department
shall submit the proposal, with appropriate recommendation, to the SLEC.]
79J. Competent Authority for approval of Projects under SCM and Procedure to be followed
thereof.- (1) After examination of the detailed and comprehensive proposal, the Administrative Department shall
submit detailed and comprehensive proposal along with its recommendation to SLEC for consideration. The
Administrative Department shall also indicate the budgetary provisions for the project proposal.
(2) On receipt of recommendation of the Administrative Department, the SLEC shall examine, consider and
grant approvals on merits.
79K. Bidding Process.- (1) The DPR (except for proprietary technology details) shall be shared with
prospective bidders so as to ensure fair competition and for providing an opportunity for a competitive bidding
process. The open competitive bidding process, as provided in Chapter-V of these rules, shall be initiated by the
Administrative Department concerned after approval of the project proposal from SLEC.
(2) The bidding document, among other essential clauses, shall incorporate details about the necessary
clearances/approvals to be taken from respective authorities and who, i.e. the Administrative Department or the
successful Bidder/ Project Proponent, shall be responsible for taking it, keeping in view the nature and
[requirements of individual project. The bidding document shall clearly incorporate that the open bidding process
is being taken up under Swill Challenge Method of procurement.]
(3) After examination of the bids, if the proposal of the Project Proponent is found to be lowest or most
advantageous, as the case may be, in accordance with the evaluation criteria as specified in bidding document, then
the Project Proponent shall be selected and awarded the project. In case bid of other bidder is found lowest or most
advantageous, as the case may be, the Project Proponent shall be given an opportunity to match the lowest or most
advantageous bid within a period as specified. If the Project Proponent agrees to match the lowest or most
advantageous bid, within the time period specified, the Project Proponent shall be selected and awarded the
project. In case the Project Proponent fails to match the lowest or most advantageous bid, within the period
specified, the bidder who has submitted lowest or most advantageous bid, as the case may be, shall be selected and
awarded the project;
[Provided that, if through the open bidding process, bid of other bidder is found lowest or most
advantageous, as the case may be, the project proponent shall be given an opportunity to match such lowest or
most advantageous bid, only if the final bid value offered by the project proponent is within 15% of such lowest or
most advantageous bid, as the case may be.]
79L.Transaction Advisor.- (1) The Administrative Department concerned may appoint a Transaction
Advisor for the project or entrust the responsibility on officer of the Department. The Transaction Advisor shall be
capable to offer technical, financial and legal advice and assist the Administrative Department concerned in
finalization of the successful bidder.
(2) In case, the Administrative Department desires to appoint a Transaction Advisor for a project proposal
received under Swiss Challenge Method, it may initiate the process of the appointment of the Transaction Advisor
immediately after the permission to proceed is granted by the SLEC in order to save time in the process. It shall be
ensured by the Administrative Department that the process of appointment of the Transaction Advisor is
completed before submission of DPR by the Project Proponent.
(3) The functions and responsibilities of the Transaction Advisor shall be as under,-
(i) he shall examine the DPR with respect to technology, technical specifications, cost estimates, drawings,
Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Net Present Value (NPV), Equity debt ratio, Value for Money analysis,
necessary approvals (statutory or otherwise) required for the implementation of the project etc.;
(ii) he, if required by the Administrative Department, shall carry out additional studies for independently
determining the project cost, project revenues, viability and risk analysis etc. including Value for Money
analysis to ensure proper benchmarking;
1. Substituted by FD Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2014 dated 28.8.2015, Published in Rajasthan Gazetted Ext. Ord. Pt.4(Ga)(I)
dated 28.8.2015 for - requirements of individual project.
2. Added by FD Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2014 dated 28.8.2015, Published in Rajasthan Gazetted Ext. Ord. Pt.4(Ga)(I) dated
(iii) he shall be required to specify broad parameters regarding environment and social
safeguards that need to be adhered by the concessionaire during implementation
period in the bid document;
(iv) he shall assist the Administrative Department to get necessary approvals from
appropriate authorities for the implementation of the project;
(v) he shall develop documents for Request for Qualification (RFQ)/Request for
Proposals (RFP) and submit to the Administrative Department concerned for
approval. The bidding criteria shall be designed in such a way that maximum
competition is ensured;
(vi) he shall develop and present the RFP and the concession agreement to the concerned
authorities for approval and after competent approval, the same shall be launched into
the market;
(vii) he shall assist the Administrative Department concerned with the Bid process
management, including Request for Proposal (RFP) launch, formulation of responses
to bidder queries, bid evaluation and recommendations as per the criteria mentioned
in the RFP document, recommending a bidder, contract negotiations and bid closure
which are required to be undertaken, for bringing the Project to a Technical close;
(viii) he shall submit all the documents for approval to the Administrative Department. He
shall not provide any document to the bidder(s) or any other person(s) without
explicit consent from the Administrative Department concerned; and
(ix) he shall perform any other functions or responsibilities assigned by the
Administrative Department.
79M. Time frame for the total process.- The time frame for procurement through
Swiss Challenge Method shall be as under:-
S. Activity Time Required
1. Examination of preliminary report and One Month from the date of receipt of the
permission to the proponent to proceed proposal.
for preparation of detailed proposal OR
rejection of the proposal, as the case
may be, by the Administrative
2. Detailed proposal submission by the Within three Months or period extended
proponent. under sub-rule (6) of rule 79D.
3. Examination of detailed proposal, Forty Five days
preparation of bid documents and
approval from competent authority
4. Bid invitation and submission of bids (i) Thirty days from the date of first
publication of Notice Inviting Bids;
(ii) Where clarifications/ addendum are
issued, at least fifteen days from date
of issue of clarifications/ addendum; or
(iii) In case of International Competitive
Bidding, the period of submission of
bids shall be forty five days from the
date of first publication of Notice
Inviting Bids and at least twenty days
from the date of issue of clarifications/
5. Bids evaluation Fifteen Days
6. Time for project proponent to match the Fifteen Days
most advantageous bid, if any.
7. Letter of Award Within 7 days of approval of award by the
competent authority.
8. Execution of Contract Agreement Within fifteen days of issue of letter of
award or a period as specified in the
bidding documents.
Provided that, in appropriate cases, the Administrative Department may relax the
above mentioned period.
79N.Eligibility criteria for the Project Proponent.- (1) 1[The legal entity or person,
including joint venture or consortium] shall be eligible for submitting proposal as Project
Proponent, if,-
(i) the person or lead member shall have an average turnover of minimum of 100%
project cost in the last three financial years and in case of Joint
venture/consortium, an average turnover of minimum of 100% of project cost in
last three financial years by lead member and the audited balance sheets of last
three financial years shall be submitted;
(ii) 2[the person or lead member, or any other member of the joint venture or
consortium, shall have experience] in handling at least one project in that Sector
in which the proposal is being submitted, costing not less than 100% of total
project cost over the last 10 years, in such project(s) where the contract has been
awarded and work has been completed. (Work order and completion certificate
from the client shall be provided);
(iii) he shall not be blacklisted by Central Government, any State Government or any
Government agency. He shall submit an undertaking to the effect that he has not
been blacklisted by Central Government, any State Government or any
Government agency; and
(iv) he shall necessarily fulfill the prequalification / qualification criteria/ parameters
for bidders, as per the bid document issued by the Administrative Department for
open bidding process for the project.
1. Substituted by FD Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2014 dated 28.8.2015, Published in Rajasthan Gazetted Ext. Ord.
Pt.4(Ga)(I) dated 28.8.2015 for -[The following legal entity or person]
2. Substituted by FD Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2014 dated 28.8.2015, Published in Rajasthan Gazetted Ext. Ord.
Pt.4(Ga)(I) dated 28.8.2015 for - [the person or lead member shall have experience]
3. Substituted by FD Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2014 dated 28.8.2015, Published in Rajasthan Gazetted Ext. Ord.
Pt.4(Ga)(I) dated 28.8.2015 for - [In case of consortium, the Lead Member shall not be allowed to exit from consortium.]
79O.Power to call off the Project.- The Administrative Department concerned shall
have the right to call off the project anytime during the process without assigning any reason
to the Project Proponent, but it may call off the project before entering into an agreement with
the Project Proponent or the successful bidder, as the case may be. Once an agreement is
entered in to by the Administrative Department concerned, the respective clauses of the duly
entered agreement shall apply. If the Administrative Department calls off the project in the
manner as specified above, the same shall be exhibit by the Administrative Department on
State Public Procurement Portal.]
Code of Integrity
Rule 80. Code of integrity.- (1) All the officers or employees of the procuring entity
(a) maintain an unimpeachable standard of integrity both inside and outside
their office;
(b) act in accordance with the provisions of the Act, these rules, guidelines
issued under the Act and instructions;
(c) not allow any bidders to have access to information on a particular
procurement, before such information is available to the public at large;
(d) not intentionally use unnecessarily restrictive or “tailored” specifications,
terms of reference or statements of work that can discourage competition;
(e) not solicit or accept any bribe, reward or gift or any material benefit of any
directly or indirectly promise of future employment from anyone, who has sought or
is seeking procurement from the procuring entity;
(f) not have a financial interest in any bidder(s) responding to a procuring
entity’s bidding process and any person having financial interest in any bidder shall
not participate in that procurement process;
(g) not disclose proprietary and source selection information, directly or
indirectly, to any person other than a person authorised to receive such information;
(h) treat all bidders in a fair and equitable manner in line with the principle of
fairness, integrity and transparency in the procurement process;
(i) provide all bidders identical information at the same time, during the
bidding process;
(j) apply the same criteria of evaluation as specified in the bidding documents,
bidder registration documents or pre-qualification documents and under no
circumstances new evaluation criteria shall be introduced during the evaluation
(k) not entertain any favour, recreation, presents, services, etc. from the
bidders or prospective bidders;
(l) protect the interests of the procuring entity under all circumstances while
dealing with information and information sources;
(m) maintain confidentially of all bids;
(n) ensure that the selection of bidder is as per the bidding documents and is
not influenced by personal reasons attributable to concerned officials in any manner;
(o) disclose conflict of interest, if any.
(2) Any person participating in procurement process shall,-
(a) not offer any bribe, reward or gift or any material benefit either directly or
indirectly in exchange for an unfair advantage in procurement process or to otherwise
influence the procurement process;
(b) not misrepresent or omit information that misleads or attempts to mislead
so as to obtain a financial or other benefit or avoid an obligation;
(c) not indulge in any collusion, bid rigging or anticompetitive behaviour to
impair the transparency, fairness and progress of the procurement process;
(d) not misuse any information shared between the procuring entity and the
bidders with an intent to gain unfair advantage in the procurement process;
(e) not indulge in any coercion including impairing or harming or threatening
to do the same, directly or indirectly, to any party or to its property to influence the
procurement process;
(f) not obstruct any investigation or audit of a procurement process;
(g) disclose conflict of interest, if any; and
(h) disclose any previous transgressions with any entity in India or any other
country during the last three years or any debarment by any other procuring entity.
Rule 81. Conflict of interest.- (1) A conflict of interest for procuring entity or its
personnel and bidders is considered to be a situation in which a party has interests that
could improperly influence that party’s performance of official duties or
responsibilities, contractual obligations, or compliance with applicable laws and
(2) The situations in which a procuring entity or its personnel may be
considered to be in conflict of interest includes, but not limited to, following:-
(a) A conflict of interest occurs when procuring entity’s personnel’s private
interests, such as outside professional or other relationships or personal financial
assets, interfere or appear to interfere with the proper performance of its professional
functions or obligations as a procurement official.
(b) Within the procurement environment, a conflict of interest may arise in
connection with such private interests as personal investments and assets, political or
other outside activities and affiliations while in the service of the procuring entity,
employment after retirement from the procuring entity’s service or the receipt of a gift
that may place the procuring entity’s personnel in a position of obligation.
(c) A conflict of interest also includes the use of procuring entity’s assets,
including human, financial and material assets, or the use of procuring entity’s office
or knowledge gained from official functions for private gain or to prejudice the
position of someone procuring entity’s personnel does not favour.
(d) A conflict of interest may also arise in situations where procuring entity’s
personnel is seen to benefit, directly or indirectly, or allow a third party, including
family, friends or someone they favour, to benefit from procuring entity’s personnel’s
actions or decisions.
(3) A Bidder may be considered to be in conflict of interest with one or more
parties in a bidding process if, including but not limited to:-
(a) they have controlling partners in common;
(b) they receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy from any of
(c) they have the same legal representative for purposes of the bid;
(d) they have a relationship with each other, directly or through common third
parties, that puts them in a position to have access to information about or influence
on the bid of another;
(e) A bidder participates in more than one bid in the same bidding process.
However, this does not limit the inclusion of the same sub-contractor, not otherwise
participating as a bidder, in more than one bid; or
(f) A bidder or any of its affiliates participated as a consultant in the
preparation of the design or technical specifications of the subject matter of
procurement of the bidding process. All bidders shall provide in Qualification Criteria
and Biding Forms, a statement that the bidder is neither associated nor has been
associated directly or indirectly, with the consultant or any other entity that has
prepared the design, specifications and other documents for the subject matter of
procurement or being proposed as Project Manager for the contract.
Rule 82. Breach of code of integrity by the bidder.- Without prejudice to the
provisions of Chapter IV of the Act, in case of breach of any provision of the code of
integrity by a bidder or prospective bidder, as the case may be, the procuring entity
may take appropriate action in accordance with the provisions of subsection (3) of
section 11 and section 46.
Rule 83. Form of Appeal.- (1) An appeal under sub-section (1) or (4) of section 38
shall be in Form along with as many copies as there are respondents in the appeal.
(2) Every appeal shall be accompanied by an order appealed against, if any,
affidavit verifying the facts stated in the appeal and proof of payment of fee.
(3) Every appeal may be presented to First Appellate Authority or Second
Appellate Authority, as the case may be, in person or through registered post or
authorised representative.
Rule 84. Fee for filing appeal.- (1) Fee for first appeal shall be rupees two thousand
five hundred and for second appeal shall be rupees ten thousand, which shall be non-
(2) The fee shall be paid in the form of bank demand draft or banker’s cheque
of a Scheduled Bank payable in the name of Appellate Authority concerned.
Rule 85. Procedure for disposal of appeal.- (1) The First Appellate Authority or
Second Appellate Authority, as the case may be, upon filing of appeal, shall issue
notice accompanied by copy of appeal, affidavit and documents, if any, to the
respondents and fix date of hearing.
(2) On the date fixed for hearing, the First Appellate Authority or Second
Appellate Authority, as the case may be, shall,-
(a) hear all the parties to appeal present before him; and
(b) peruse or inspect documents, relevant records or copies thereof relating to
the matter.
(3) After hearing the parties, perusal or inspection of documents and relevant
records or copies thereof relating to the matter, the Appellate Authority concerned
shall pass an order in writing and provide the copy of order to the parties to appeal
free of cost.
(4) The order passed under sub-rule (3) shall also be placed on the State Public
Procurement Portal.
Rule 86. Repeal and savings.- All rules, regulations, orders, notifications,
departmental codes, manuals, by-laws, official memoranda or circulars relating to
procurement of goods, services or works provided for in these rules, which are in
force on the date of commencement of these rules, in relation to the matter covered by
these rules are hereby repealed to the extent they are covered by these rules:
Provided that such repeal shall not affect the previous operation of rules,
regulations, orders, notifications, departmental codes, manuals, by-laws, official
memoranda or circulars, so repealed and the procurement process commenced before
the commencement of these rules shall continue as per the provisions of rules,
regulations, orders, notifications, departmental codes, manuals, by-laws, official
memoranda or circulars, so repealed.
FORM No. 1
[See rule 83]
Memorandum of Appeal under the Rajasthan Transparency in
Public Procurement Act, 2012
Appeal No ………of ……………
Before the …………………………(First / Second Appellate Authority)
1. Particulars of appellant:
(i) Name of the appellant:
(ii) Official address, if any:
(iii)Residential address:
2. Name and address of the respondent(s):
3. Number and date of the order appealed against
and name and designation of the officer / authority
who passed the order (enclose copy), or
a statement of a decision, action or omission of
the procuring entity in contravention to the provisions
of the Act by which the appellant is aggrieved:
4. If the Appellant proposes to be represented
by a representative, the name and postal address
of the representative:
5. Number of affidavits and documents enclosed with the appeal:
6. Grounds of appeal:
…………………………………………….....(Supported by an
7. Prayer:
Place …………………………………….
Date ……………………………………
Appellant's Signature
[FORM No. 2
(See rule 79 D)
Certificate to be furnished by Project Proponent
It is hereby certified that:
FORM No. 3
(See rule 79D)
Details of Proposal by Project Proponent
support required, if any,
and why?
4.2 Will the proponent be
able to raise necessary
funds & equity to
undertake the project?
(State how)
5. Eligibility of the proponent to undertake the project
5.1 Is proponent planning to
undertake the project on
its own or through a
consortium to meet the
technical, financial and
technological needs?
Please Elaborate.
6. Prefeasibility report
6.1 Has the proponent
conducted prefeasibility /
feasibility DPR (state the
6.2 State whether the
preliminary financial
viability of the project
has been done.
6.3 State whether the
proponent shall
undertake all the studies
which are required for
development of the
project to take it to the
bidding phase within the
timeframe specified in
these rules.
7. Project Structure & Output
7.1 Whether the model
(BOOT, BOT etc.),
concession period, if
any, been mentioned in
the report?
7.2 Service/ Output levels
(Specify if applicable)
8. Project Financials
8.1 User Fee, Tariff/
fares(Specify) and their
variation with time
8.2 Provide all IRR details
and provide NPV of the
project from income
from operations and
other forms.
9. Clearance / Approvals
9.1 State whether the
assessment is required
for the project
9.2 State whether the project
proponent has mentioned
all related approvals
(Statutory or otherwise)
required for the project.
10. Qualifications of project proponent
10.1 State whether the
proponent has the
technical competence for
undertaking the Project?
If yes, how?
10.2 State whether the
proponent has the
financial competence for
undertaking the Project?
If yes, how?
10.3 Any other, if any
11. Any other
11.1 Any other item/
observation which the
proponent feels
additionally relevant to
11.2 Whether the project
proponent agrees to
come under the
regulatory authority as
and when formed by the
Govt. or through law?
11.3 Is this a conditional
proposal? Please specify.
1. While preparing this Form, the placement of relevant references in the proposal have been
indicated above.
2. Appropriate response to queries in Yes/ No, where applicable, has been given and details,
as required, have been elaborated under 'Particulars' column.
3. It is agreed that the above form could be modified or additional information sought by the
Administrative Department concerned at any time in future.
4. The above Form is provided in signed hard copy and also in soft copy.
FORM No. 4
(See rule 79D)
Content of pre-feasibility report
1. Introduction
(i) Project formulation
(ii) Aim, objective & methodology
2. Sector Profile
(i) Industry overview with regional specific profile
(ii) Key Issues
3. Market Assessment
(i) Industry outlook
(ii) Demand assessment
(iii) SWOT analysis
(iv) Case studies
4. Project Concept
(i) Project description
(ii) Explanation of need and uniqueness of the project
(iii) Project components
(iv) Site location and analysis
(v) Development Needs, Public needs & Planning considerations
5. Statutory & Legal Framework
(i) Applicable laws
(ii) Applicable policies
6. Environmental & Social Impacts
(iii) Environmental Impacts
(iv) Social Impacts
(v) Project related approvals/clearances
7. Project Financials
(i) Cost Estimation
(ii) Revenue Stream, IRR etc.
(iii) Viability Assessment
8. Operation Framework
(i) Risk identification and mitigation
(ii) Indicative Project Structure
(iii) Indicative Qualification & selection Criteria
(iv) Option analysis to finalize the PPP model (if applicable)
9. Way Ahead
(i) Any additional funding required from the government
(ii) Govt. obligations for development
(iii) Project Development Framework
10. Any other approvals (statutory or otherwise) required from any authority
11. Form:
(i) Site map,
(ii) Indicative Layout/Concept Plan
FORM No. 5
(See rule 79D)
Contents of Detailed Project Report
1. Executive Summary
2. Project profile
(i) Project objectives
(ii) Project sponsors
(iii) Project location
3. Proposed business profile
(i) Product mix
(ii) Estimated production and investments
4. Market analysis
(i) Current scenario
(ii) Demand assessment
(iii) Strategies
(iv) Growth drivers
(v) SWOT analysis
5. Establishing the need of the project
(i) Detailed explanation of uniqueness of the project
(ii) Demonstration of Public Need
(iii) Demonstration of being in compliance with plans of department
(iv) Demonstration of no conflict with any departmental scheme which provides the same
6. Policy support and activities
(i) Government initiatives
(ii) Special government schemes
(iii) Policy packages
7. Land and site analysis
(i) Site location
(ii) Land ownership and land cost
(iii) Geographical conditions
8. Proposed master plan, technical specifications & project cost estimates
(i) Utility relocation plan
(ii) Engineering surveys and investigations
(iii) Layout plans and drawings
(iv) Proposed common infrastructure, facilities etc.
(v) Design criteria and spatial requirements
(vi) Preparation of BOQ
(vii) Technical parameters, specifications and drawings
(viii) Cost estimates of the project
9. Project means of finance & financial appraisal
(i) Means of financing
(ii) Appraisal framework and objectives
(iii) Financial projections
(iv) Value for Money analysis (if applicable)
10. Identification of risks
(i) Risk identification
(ii) Risk allocation and mitigation techniques
11. Economic benefits of the project
12. Environment assessment (if applicable)
(i) Environmental impact assessment
(ii) Social assessment
(iii) Project related approvals
13. Project structure and implementation schedule
(i) Framework for project implementation
(ii) Contractual framework
(iii) Role of project consultant and project proponent
(iv) Model concessionaire agreement
14. Project operation and maintenance
Operation and maintenance framework
15. Any other approvals (statutory or otherwise) required to be taken from Government of
Rajasthan / Government of India/any other authority.
16. List of Forms (To be submitted as applicable)
(i) Memorandum and articles of association
(ii) List of participating entrepreneurs
(iii) Land documents (if any)
(iv) Draft shareholders agreement
(v) Draft leave and license agreement
(vi) Draft procurement process
(vii)Any other documents as required by the Administrative Department concerned.
FORM No. 6
(See rule 79E)
Submission of detailed and comprehensive proposal by Project Proponent
(in Hard Copy and Soft Copy)
5 Clearances
5.1 Status of environmental
5.2 Clearances/approvals
(statutory or otherwise)
required from Government
of India, State Government
and other authorities/local
5.3 Other support required from
the State Government
6. Support from Govt. of
6.1 Viability Gap Funding, if
6.2 Govt. of Rajasthan
guarantees being sought, if
7. Concession Agreement
7.1 Is the Concession
Agreement based on MCA?
If yes, indicate the
variations, if any, in a
detailed note (to be
7.2 Details of Concession
Agreement (To be attached
along with the submission)
8. Others
8.1 Remarks, if any
1. While preparing this format, the placement of relevant references / Form in the detailed
proposal has been mentioned as above.
2. It is agreed that the above format could be modified or additional information sought by the
Administrative Department concerned at any time in future.
3. The above Form is provided in signed hard copy and separately in soft copy also.
Signature of the Head of the Organization
(Project Proponent)
with date and stamp
FORM No. 7
(See rule 79E)
Project Financial Summary
FORM No. 8
(See rule 79E)
Check List for submission of documents
(in Hard copy and Soft copy)
1. Added New Form No. 2 to 8 by FD Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2014 dated 5.6.2015,
Publised in Rajasthan Gazetted Ext.Ord.Pt.4(Ga)(I) dated 5.6.2015 effective from 5.6.2015.
Jaipur, September 4, 2013
S.O. 135.-In exercise of powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 6 of the
Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, 2012 (Act No. 21 of 2012) read
with rule 32 of the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Rules, 2013, the
State Government, being of the opinion that it is necessary for,-
(i) the socio-economic policies of the Central or the State Government;
(ii) utilisation of resources and expertise of the departments and enterprises of
the Central Government or the State Government; and
(iii) saving the time, money and efforts of the procuring entities required in
inviting and processing of bids individually,
hereby notify that the preference shall be given by the procuring entities to the
category of bidders specified in column number 3 of the table given below for
procurement of subject matter specified in column number 2 of the said table against
each of them on the conditions mentioned in column number 4 and general conditions
mentioned below the said table, namely:-
S. Subject matter of Sources/ Category of Conditions/ Remarks
No. Procurement bidders
1 2 3 4
1. (a) Professional Central University,
services rendered by University established
Academic by Govt. of Rajasthan
Institutions like accredited by U.G.C. -
recruitment Act, 1956 u/s 2F
examination, DPR, including their
Survey, Study, constituent colleges,
Training Workshop National Institute of
etc. Technology (NIT's),
Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT's), -
Indian Institute of
Management (IIM's),
National Law
University (NLU)
Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Knowledge Corporation
Ltd. (RKCL)
1 2 3 4
training for Development
employment Corporation (RSLDC)
2. Items on Rate DGS&D, Government 1. Purchase order shall be
Contract with of India or The firms placed on DGS&D by
Director General, holding DGS&D rate procuring entity including
Supplies & Disposals contract Direct Demanding Officers
(D.G.S.&D.) of or a firm holding valid rate
Government of India contract with the DGS&D
on the date of placing
2. Preference will be given to
the firms situated in
Rajasthan, if there are any
having DGS&D rate
contract for the item to be
3. Inspection of the item may
be got conducted from the
Jaipur branch of DGS&D
for ensuring quality of the
item procured.
3. Goods and Services Department of Departments of State
related to IT and e- Information Government will require
Governance projects Technology and administrative and technical
Communication/ sanction from competent
RajComp Info authority.
Services Ltd./ National
Informatics Centre/
National Informatics
Centre Services
Incorporated (NICSI)
4. (a) Brass Ware RAJASTHAN SMALL The value of purchases shall not
INDUSTRIES exceed Rs.10,000/- in one
(b) Hand printed or CORPORATION LTD transaction and Rs.1,00,000/- in
hand woven a year.
furnishing fabrics,
napkins, curtains,
(c) All articles
required to be
presented to V.I.Ps
1 2 3 4
(d) Polythene bags, RAJASTHAN SMALL Rates will be as decided by
tents, tarpaulins and INDUSTRIES Industries Department.
barbed wire CORPORATION LTD Provided the rates charged by
the Rajasthan Small
(e) Iron & Steel RAJASTHAN SMALL Industries Corporation are
INDUSTRIES not more than the SAIL
1 2 3 4
P.V.C. Wires and CORPORATION SSI Units and adding service
Cables and Room LTD charges @ 3 Percent. The
Coolers (Desert Administrative Department
Type) shall approve the rates.
5. Coal Coal India Limited ‐
6. Fertiliser and RAJFED including its The Kraya Vikraya Sahakari
Pesticides Kraya-Vikraya Samities and Gram Sahakari
Sahakari Samities and Samities will sell the
Gram Sahakari fertilisers and pesticides at
Samities (who are the the rates not more than the
member of RAJFED) rates notified by RAJFED.
and IFFCO,
7. Seeds Rajasthan State Seeds
Corporation and in case -
of non-availability,
from other State Seeds
Corporation & its
8. Liquor/Spirit (i) The Ganganagar -
Sugar Mills Limited.
(ii) Raj. State
Beverages Corpn. Ltd.
9. Milk, Ghee, Cream Rajasthan Co-operative -
and other products Dairy Federation and its
10. (a) Uniform (cloth 1. Rajasthan Rajya (1) The Procuring Entity, in
or stitched Bunkar Sahakari advance, will send their
uniforms) : Sangh, R.S.H.D.C., expected requirement, date
All kinds of Terry- Khadi Bhandar, of placing order and
coat (or poly-cloth) N.T.C. delivery schedule to
Suitings, Shirtings, 2. Amrita Society of RSHDC, Bunker Sangh,
Sarees, Peticot Women and Child Khadi Bhandar, Amrita
cloth, Turban Development Society & NTC for
etc.(for uniform Department production programming.
only) (2) The rates and
specification of the
(b) Bedding and Rajasthan Rajya products shall be fixed by
Furnishing: Bunkar Sahakari the Industries Department.
Bed-sheets, Draw- Sangh, R.S.H.D.C., In case of procurement
sheets, Khes, Blanket, Khadi Bhandar from Amrita Society, the
Mattress, Quilt, rates shall be fixed by
1 2 3 4
Pillow and their Women and Child
covers and covers Development Deptt.
cloth, Table cover, (3) Centralised purchase is
Curtain cloth etc. prohibited. Requirement of
department can be procured
(c) Floor covering: Rajasthan Rajya through district level depot
Dari, Dari Patti etc. Bunkar Sahakari or nearby depot of Khadi
Sangh, R.S.H.D.C., Bhandar/ Bunkar Sangh/
Khadi Bhandar RSHDC/ Amrita Society.
1 2 3 4
of specification of steel items
manufactured by them with
the approved rates.
2.The Administrative
Department shall, approve
the rates.
3.Upto Rs.2.00 Lac in a
financial year.
13. (a) (i) Drugs and Rajasthan Medical
medicines Services Corporation -
including Ltd. (RMSCL) or
Vaccines, Rajasthan Drugs and
Surgical, Sutures Pharmaceuticals
Limited (RDPL) or
Indian Drugs and
Limited (IDPL)
(ii) Medical Rajasthan Medical
equipment, Services Corporation -
instruments and Ltd. (RMSCL)
other hospital
(b) Homeopathy At the rates approved
Medicines by the Director
General, Central
Government Health
Scheme (CGHS)
(c) Ayurvedic At the rates approved
medicines which by the Director
are not prepared General, Central
by pharmacies of Government Health
Ayurved Scheme (CGHS). The
Department Ayurved Department
shall continue to
prepare the medicines
which are prepared by
their pharmacies
(d) Artificial Limbs From Artificial Limbs
and Assistive Manufacturing
Devices Corporation of India
1 2 3 4
14. Edible Oil, Oil Tilam Sangh, -
cake and Deoiled Rajasthan
15. Cereals and pulses RAJFED/ Rajasthan -
Food and Civil Supply
Corporation Ltd./Food
Corporation of India
16. Petrol, diesel, Indian Oil -
lubricants, furnace Corporation,
oil, LPG, oil Hindustan Petroleum,
IBP, Bharat Petroleum
17. Mercury Minerals and Metal -
Corporation of India
18. Leather Items Bharat Leather -
Emporium or its retail
shops - upto Rs. 1.00
lac per annum
19. Iron & Steel Stock yards of Steel -
Authority of India,
Hindustan Steel
20. Furnishing items Authorised shops of -
like table covers, Handlooms of
bed cover, sheets, Government of India,
towels napkins, Government of
curtain cloth and Rajasthan or other
tapestries State Governments
upto Rs. 1.00 lac per
1 2 3 4
under Consumer directly and a certificate to
Federation this effect shall be recorded
(CONFED), Uphar, on each bill/ cash memo.
Samaridhi, Super 2.In case of items of
Bazar, New Delhi groceries, the powers are
primarily meant for casual
requirements and petty
purchases. For bulk and
regular purchases, procuring
entity shall negotiate the
rates through purchase
committee before placing
the orders. Market Rates for
items of similar brands shall
be kept in view while
making bulk purchases.
3. Purchases of medicines
shall be restricted to casual
requirements only. In case
of bulk purchases,
purchases shall be made
directly from Government
manufacturers, etc.
(b) Stationery Retail shops of Upto Rs.10,000/- on each
articles Rajasthan State Co- occasion with an annual
operative Consumer limit of Rs.1.00 lac.
Federation (CONFED)
& Sahakari Wholesale
Upbhokta Bhandars
under Consumer
Federation (CONFED)
Uphar, Samridhi, Super
Bazar, New Delhi,
Amrita Society of
Women and Child
(c) Phenyl, soaps, Retail shops of Upto Rs.10,000/- on each
detergents, Rajasthan State Co- occasion with an annual
brooms, finit, operative Consumer limit of Rs.50,000/-
pump, tumblers, Federation
battery cells, (CONFED) &
torch, mugs, Sahakari Wholesale
1 2 3 4
buckets, bags, Upbhokta Bhandars
toilet freshner, under Consumer
washing powder, Federation
cleaning powder, (CONFED) Uphar,
etc. Samridhi, Super
Bazar, New Delhi,
Amrita Society of
Women and Child
24. The Harvested and Forest Department -
converted material (State Trading
of forest namely, Scheme)
fire wood, Char-
coal, Timber,
Ballies and other
wooden articles
25. (a) Articles Department of -
manufactured e.g., Government (like Jail
Duster, Patties, Department, etc.)
Gauge cloth,
Basta, Tape, -
curtain cloth,
Niwar cloth,
carpet, Duries, etc.
27. File covers, File From the institutions The list of such institutions
pads, Envelopes, where these items are and items produced by the
Greeting Cards, made by mentally mentally challenged or
Chalk sticks, challenged or specially specially abled person and
Candles, Dusters, abled person rates thereof shall be issued
Bastas by the Administrative
Department on 1st April
1 2 3 4
every year. The validity of
such list shall automatically
stand expired on 31st March
every year, if not expired
1 2 3 4
(v) e-Books, From publishers, Discount may be availed, if
CD/DVD , reputed vendors. possible.
(vi) Periodicals and From publishers, Discount may be availed, if
news papers reputed vendors possible.
31. Films/photography Upto Rs. 50,000/- -
material from the
manufacturers or their
authorised dealers
32. (1) Circuit Houses, 1. In case of stores
Guest Houses, purchased from Upbhokta
Rajasthan House, Bhandars in co-operative
Vishranti (HCM sector for TAD hostels and
RIPA) TAD TAD schools in Rajasthan,
Hostels/Schools etc. Commissioner TAD shall
(a) Catering Purchase shall be negotiate the rates through
stores like pulses, made as under :- purchase committee before
spices, sugar, (a)1.From shops of placing the orders of above
salts, atta, wheat, departments/ stated items from them.
besan, maida, Corporations/ Co- 2. Purchase shall be made
suji, grams, dry operative Societies/ through purchase committee.
fruits, papad, Societies run by the
mangodi, oil, State Government,
vansapati, bottled Amrita Society of
and tin provisions Women & Child
like Murrabba, Department through
Amla product, their shops
ketchup, 2.From Rajasthan
squashes, sharbat, Food & Civil
tea, coffee, Supplies
biscuits, jams, Corporation Ltd.
pickels, paper
napkins, toilet
paper, sauces,
cornflakes, etc.
1 2 3 4
wood, LPG, Coal Sub-distributors at
etc. their current price
list. Charcoal and
fire wood from the
Forest Department
(d) Meat, Fish, (d) From Dealers/sub-
eggs, chicken dealers
1 2 3 4
34. Printing Work From Rajasthan State 1. The rates shall be
(Black & White and Cooperative Press approved by the
Coloured Printing) Limited Administrative Department
of Printing and Stationery.
2. In case the paper is not
supplied by the procuring
entity then the cost of paper
charged by the RSCPL
should not be more than 10%
extra on their purchase cost.
3. The State Co-operative
Press will be responsible to
give complete paper account
with invoice of printing.
4. Quality and G.S.M. of
paper can be inspected by
the procuring entity at any
time in the State Cooperative
35. Repairs and Through the
maintenance manufacturers or -
(including AMC) of distributors or
Machinery, authorised dealers
Equipments used for after negotiating the
Office and others, rates
including providing
of spare parts
36. Repairs and 1. From the State Spare parts shall always be
maintenance of Motor Garages located purchased from the
Motor Vehicles in Rajasthan or in authorised dealers after
including spare parts departmental negotiating the rates.
workshop, if such
workshop have
adequate facility and
capacity to handle
such repairs without
affecting their own job
2. In case Motor
Garages or
workshops do not
provide such facility,
repairs and
maintenance shall be
got done from the
authorised dealers
1 2 3 4
3. In case there is no
authorised dealer,
repairs and
maintenance will be
done from established
mechanics having well
equipped workshops
by using appropriate
method of
prescribed in the Act
37. Taking of private From appropriate At the rent fixed as per
land and/or source assessment of Public Works
buildings on rent for Department after obtaining
office and other non-availability certificate
purposes from the concerned Collector
or GAD in case of Jaipur.
[38 Any goods, Department, board, or
produced or public sector -
manufactured, or enterprise of any State
any specialised or Central Government
services provided which produces or
by a department, manufactures the
board, or public subject matter or
sector enterprise of provides specialised
any State services.]
Government or
39. Purchase of motor 1. From DGS&D rate The make and model of the
vehicles contract holding firms motor vehicle will be
2. If a DGS&D Rate decided by the State
Contract is not in Government as per its
existence at the time of policy.
purchase, then
procurement shall be
done from an
authorised dealer
1.Substituted vide Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2011 dated 16.9.2015, published in Raj.Gazette EO.Part
4(Ga)(I) dated 17.9.2015 for -
"38. Any subject matter of Department, board, or public
procurement which is sector enterprise of the State or -
produced or manufactured Central Government which
by a department, board, or produces or manufactures the
public sector enterprise of subject matter or provides
the State or Central specialised services"
Government or it provides
specialised services
1 2 3 4
40. Electronic, electrical From Rajasthan -
and solar Electronics &
equipments and Instruments Limited
consultancy services (REIL) for items
related to them manufactured by them
41. Drugs, medicines, Veterinary -
surgical, sutures and Corporation of
services related to Rajasthan or related
animals PSU's of Central
42. Hiring of motor From any source Upto the rates and on the
vehicles fulfilling the eligibility terms and conditions set out
criteria fixed by the by Finance Department.
Finance Department from time to time.
43. Hiring of computer From any source Upto the rates and on the
with operator fulfilling the eligibility terms and conditions set out
criteria fixed by the by Finance Department.
Finance Department from time to time.
44. Procurement of From Executing Upto the respective BSR
works or services by Agencies rates.
Panchayat Raj
Institutions or Local
45. Procurement of From Village Forest Upto the respective BSR
works or services by Societies rates.
Forest Department
46. Procurement of From Sanitation, -
works, services or Water and Community
goods related to Health Project
Schemes/Projects/ (SWACH)
Works being
implemented by
Tribal Area
47. Hiring of From PDCOR, -
Consultancy WAPCOS, NABCON
1 2 3 4
48. Display advertisement Through Department of -
in news papers, Information and Public
periodicals, electronic Relations (DIPR) or at
media and preparation the approved rates of
of publicity material DAVP, DIPR,
including making of SAMVAD
documentary films
49. Communications From Bharat Sanchar -
within common user Nigam Ltd. (BSNL)/
group (CUG) through Mahanagar Telephone
telephones, mobile Nigam Ltd. (MTNL)
phones etc.
50. Food and Beverage, From Rajasthan Tourism -
Catering in official Development
meetings/ Corporation/ Indian
conferences/ events Tourism Development
State Hotel Corporation
[51 Original works and Public Works The overheads to be charged by
repairs relating to Department, Rajasthan, a State Government
buildings and other Rajasthan State Road Department, Board or public
works Development and sector enterprise shall be
Construction decided by the Administrative
Corporation, Rajasthan Department concerned with
Avas Vikas and concurrence of Finance
Infrastructure Limited, Department.]
Rajasthan Police
Housing & Construction
Corporation Ltd. or any
department, board, or
public sector enterprise
of Government of
Rajasthan or Central
Government, which are
engaged in execution of
General Conditions:
1. The procuring entity while procuring the above subject matter of procurement, shall solicit
offer from the sources/ category of bidders specified in the above table and may negotiate the
prices offered in good faith, if necessary.
2. The procuring entity may also opt to adopt the method of open competitive bidding for
procurement of subject matters.
3. The procurement from the sources/ category of bidders mentioned in the above table is
subject to delegation of financial powers and availability of required budget provision.
By order of the Governor,
Akhil Arora,
Secretary to the Government
Finance (Budget)
1.Substituted vide Notification No.F.1(8)FD/GF&AR/2011 dated 16.9.2015, published in Raj.Gazette EO.Part
4(Ga)(I) dated 17.9.2015 for -
[51. Original works and repairs Public Works Department, The overheads to be charged shall be
relating to buildings and other Rajasthan State Road Development decided by the Public Works Department
works and Construction Corp., RAVIL with concurrence of Finance Department.]
(Hindi version)
(Amended upto 16-9-2015)
Government Central Press, Jaipur.
jktLFkku yksd mikiu esa ikjnf'kZrk fu;e] 2013
th-,l-vkj- 96 %& jktLFkku yksd mikiu esa ikjnf'kZrk vf/kfu;e] 2012 ¼2012 dk vf/kfu;e
la- 21½ dh /kkjk 55 }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, jkT; ljdkj] blds }kjk
fuEufyf[kr fu;e cukrh gS] vFkkZr~ %&
1- laf{kIr uke vkSj izkjaHk-& ¼1½ bu fu;eksa dk uke jktLFkku yksd mikiu esa ikjnf'kZrk
fu;e] 2013 gSA
¼2½ ;s ml rkjh[k ls izo`Ùk gksaxs tks jkT; ljdkj jkti= esa vf/klwpuk }kjk fu;r djsA
2- ifjHkk"kk,a-& ¼1½ bu fu;eksa esa] tc rd fd lanHkZ ls vU;Fkk visf{kr u gks]&
(i) ^^vf/kfu;e** ls jktLFkku yksd mikiu esa ikjnf'kZrk vf/kfu;e] 2012 ¼2012 dk
vf/kfu;e la- 21½ vfHkizsr gS(
(ii) ^^l{ke izkf/kdkjh** ls ,slk izkf/kdkjh ;k vf/kdkjh vfHkiszr gS ftls mikiu ls lacaf/kr
fdlh ekeys esa fofu'p; ysus ds fy, lqlaxr iz'kklfud ;k foÙkh; 'kfDr;ka izR;k;ksftr dh
x;h gSa(
[¼ii&d½ ^^vfxze izfrHkwfr^^ ls fu;e 79p ds mi&fu;e ¼1½ esa ;Fkk& fofufnZ"V] lacaf/kr
iz'kklfud foHkkx dks ifj;kstuk izLrkod }kjk lR;fu"Bk vkSj ln~Hkko ds izrhd ds :Ik esa nh x;h
izfrHkwfr dh jde vfHkizsr gS(
¼ii&[k½ ^^ik= lsDVj^^ ls fu;e 79[k esa ;Fkk&fofufnZ"V lsDVj vfHkizsr gS] ftlesa fLol pSysUt
i)fr ds v/khu ifj;kstuk ds izLrko Lohd`r fd;s tk ldrs gSa(]
(iii) ^^iz:i** ls bu fu;eksa ls layXu iz:i vfHkiszr gS(
(iv) ^^vUrjkZ"Vªh; izfr;ksxh cksyh** ls cksyh dh ,slh izfØ;k vfHkiszr gS ftlesa dsUnz
ljdkj }kjk vik= ?kksf"kr fd;s x;s fdlh ns'k dh jk"Vªh;rk okyksa dks NksM+dj] laiw.kZ fo'o ls
vfgZr cksyh yxkus okys Hkkx ysus ds fy, vuqKkr fd;s tkrs gS( 155¼2½ jktLFkku jkt&i=]
tuojh 24] 2013 Hkkx 4 ¼x½
(v) ^^jk"Vªh; izfr;ksxh cksyh** ls cksyh dh ,slh izfØ;k vfHkiszr gS ftlesa dsoy Hkkjr ds
vfgZr cksyh yxkus okys Hkkx ysus ds fy, vuqKkr fd;s tkrs gS [(]
[¼v&d½ ^^ifj;kstuk izLrkod^^ ls dksbZ ,slh fof/kd laLFkk ;k O;fDr vfHkizsr gS tks fLol
pSysUt i)fr ds v/khu dksbZ izLrko izLrqr djrk gS(]
(vi) ^^/kkjk** ls jktLFkku yksd mikiu esa ikjnf'kZrk vf/kfu;e] 2012 dh /kkjk vfHkiszr gS
[( vkSj]
1- foRr foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk la[;k i-1¼8½foÙk@lkfoysfu@2011 fnukad 24-1-2013 }kjk jktLFkku jkti=
fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½ mi&[k.M(I) fnukad 24-1-2013 esa izdkf'kr ,oa fnukad 26-1-2013 ls izHkkohA
2- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2014 fnukad 5-6-2015 }kjk vUr%LFkkfir] jktLFkku jkt&i=
fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 5-6-2015 esa izdkf'kr ¼5-6-2015 ls izHkkoh½A
3- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2014 fnukad 5-6-2015 }kjk ^^A** ds LFkku ij izfrLFkkfir]
jktLFkku jkt&i= fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 5-6-2015 esa izdkf'kr ¼5-6-2015 ls izHkkoh½
4- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2014 fnukad 5-6-2015 }kjk fo|eku vfHkO;fDr ^^( vkSj** ds LFkku
ij izfrLFkkfir] jktLFkku jkt&i= fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 5-6-2015 esa izdkf'kr ¼5-6-2015 ls izHkkoh½
[¼vii½^^jkT; Lrjh; l'kDr lfefr ¼jk-Lr-l-l-½** ls fLol pSysUt i)fr ds v/khu izkIr
ifj;kstuk ij fopkj@ijh{k.k@vuqeksnu djus ds fy;s jkT; ljdkj }kjk eq[; lfpo dh v/;{krk esa
xfBr dh x;h jkT; Lrjh; l'kDr lfefr vfHkizsr gSA]
¼2½ bu fu;eksa esa iz;qDr fd;s x;s fdUrq ifjHkkf"kr ugha fd;s x;s 'kCnksa vkSj vfHkO;fDr;ksa dk
ogh vFkZ gksxk tks mUgsa vf/kfu;e esa leuqfn"V fd;k x;k gSA
mikiu ds fy, laxBukRed lajpuk
3- mikiu lfefr;ka-& ¼1½ izR;sd mikiu laLFkk fuEufyf[kr iz;kstuksa ds fy, ,d ;k
blls vf/kd lfefr;ksa dk xBu djsaxh] vFkkZr~ %&
¼d½ cksyh nLrkost rS;kj djuk( ¼[k½ cksfy;ksa dk [kksyuk(
¼x½ cksfy;ksa dk ewY;kadu( ¼?k½ lafonk dk vuqJo.k(
¼³½ ekSds ij Ø;( ¼p½ izfr;ksxh ckrphr( vkSj
¼N½ mikiu ls lacaf/kr dksbZ vU; iz;kstu] tSlk mikiu laLFkk }kjk fofuf'pr fd;k
¼2½ izR;sd lfefr mikiu laLFkk ds ofj"Bre ys[kk vf/kdkjh ;k in/kkjh dks lfEefyr
djrs gq, rhu ;k blls vf/kd lnL;ksa ls feydj cusxh] vkSj ;fn visf{kr gks rks mikiu laLFkk
}kjk ,d rduhdh in/kkjh ukefufnZ"V fd;k tk ldsxkA lfefr esa mikiu laLFkk }kjk] l{ke
izkf/kdkjh ds iwoZ vuqeksnu ls] dkj.k vfHkfyf[kr djus ds i'pkr~ fo"k;&oLrq fo'ks"kK ds :i esa
,d ijke'khZ Hkh ukefufnZ"V fd;k tk ldsxkA
¼3½ tfVy ifj;kstukvksa esa ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ ;k cksyh nLrkostksa dks rS;kj djus dk dk;Z
l{ke izkf/kdkjh ds iwoZ vuqeksnu ls ijkef'kZ;ksa dks leuqfn"V fd;k tk ldsxkA
4- jkT; yksd mikiu iksVZy-& jkT; yksd mikiu iksVZy] /kkjk 17 dh mi&/kkjk ¼3½ ds
[k.M ¼d½ ls ¼N½ esa fofufnZ"V lwpuk ds vfrfjDr] ,slh vU; lwpuk rd igqap miyC/k djk;sxk
tks jkT; ljdkj }kjk le;≤ ij fofufnZ"V dh tk;sA izR;sd mikiu laLFkk jkT; mikiu
lqfo/kk izdks"B }kjk vuqjf{kr jkT; yksd mikiu iksVZy ij visf{kr lwpuk viyksM dj izdkf'kr
5- bZ&mikiu-& izkDdfyr ewY; ds mikiu dh leLr fo"k; oLrq] tks /kkjk 28 dh
mi&/kkjk ¼2½ ds v/khu jkT; ljdkj }kjk vf/klwfpr* dh tk;s] bZ&mikiu ds ek/;e ls
mikfir dh tk;saxhA ,sls ekeyksa esa izR;sd cksyh yxkus okyk ,sls mi;ksDrk izHkkjksa dk fu{ksi
djsxk tks le;≤ ij jkT; ljdkj }kjk fu;r fd;s tk;sA izR;sd cksyh] cksyh yxkus okys
}kjk fMftVy :i ls gLrk{kfjr dh tk;sxhA bZ&mikiu dh izfØ;k jkT; yksd mikiu iksVZy
ij bl iz;kstu ds fy, fofufnZ"Vkuqlkj gksxhA
1- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2014 fnukad 5-6-2015 }kjk tksMk x;k] jktLFkku jkt&i=
fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 5-6-2015 esa izdkf'kr ¼5-6-2015 ls izHkkoh½A
* ^^mikiu ds fuEufyf[kr izdkjksa esa bysDVªksfud mikiu dk vaxhdj.k vfuok;Z gksxk] vFkkZr~ %&
1- iPphl yk[k #i;s ;k vf/kd ds izkDdfyr ewY; okys eky vkSj lsokvksa ds mikiuA
2- nl yk[k #i;s ;k vf/kd ds izkDdfyr ewY; okys ladeksZa ds mikiuA**
¼vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2011 fnukad 16-9-2015] jktLFkku jkt&i= fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I)
fnukad 17-9-2015 esa izdkf'kr ¼17-9-2015 ls izHkkoh½A
mikiu ds lk/kkj.k fl)kUr
6- vko';drk dk vo/kkj.k-& mikiu ds izR;sd ekeys esa mikiu laLFkk igys
vko';drk dk vo/kkj.k djsxh vkSj vo/kkj.k vkSj vko';drk ds fu/kkZj.k ls lacaf/kr
nLrkostksa dk /kkjk 5 ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj vuqj{k.k djsxhA
7- mikiu ;kstuk-& ¼1½ izR;sd mikiu laLFkk }kjk /kkjk 5 ds vuqlkj o"kZ ds
nkSjku mikIr fd;s tkus okys eky] ladeksZa ;k lsokvksa ds izR;sd en] ds fy, mikiu
;kstuk rS;kj dh tk;sxhA
¼2½ mikiu ;kstuk esa fuEufyf[kr fofufnZ"V gksxk %&
¼d½ mikiu dh izd`fr & eky@ladeZ@lsok;sa(
¼[k½ eq[; fofunsZ'k & ifjek.k@izdkj@DokfyVh(
¼x½ izkDdfyr ewY;
¼?k½ fuf/k;ksa dk lzksr &vk;kstuk@xSj&vk;kstuk@dsUnzh; izofrZr Ldhe@cká
lgk;rkizkIr ifj;kstuk@ vU; (
¼³½ ctV dksM
¼p½ mikiu dh vuqlj.k dh tkus okyh laHkkO; i)fr(
¼N½ cksyh izfØ;k ds fy, le;lhek( vkSj
¼t½ vkxkeh foÙkh; o"kZ ;k i'pkr~orhZ foÙkh; o"kksZa esa visf{kr fuf/k;ksa dks ifjyf{kr
djus ds fy, eky ;k lsokvksa ds iznk; ;k ladeZ ds iwjk djus ds fy, le;lhekA
¼3½ ;kstuk mikiu laLFkk ds fofHkUu lksiku Øfed vf/kdkfj;ksa ls izR;sd en ds
fy, izkIr vknkuksa ij vk/kkfjr gksxhA
8- la[;kadu ifjikVh-& fdlh mikiu laLFkk }kjk ftEes yh x;h izR;sd mikiu
izfØ;k dk fof'k"V cksyh la[;kad gksxk tks cksyh yxkus dh izfØ;k ds nkSjku vkSj mlds
i'pkr~ VSªfdax iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx esa fy;k tk;sxkA fof'k"V cksyh la[;kad
foHkkx@mikiu laLFkk] mikiu dk izdkj] mikiu dk nsgjh ewY; vkSj i)fr] o"kZ vkSj ml
fof'k"V o"kZ esa cksyh dk Øe la[;kad izdV djus ds fy, ladsrdh ds :i esa rS;kj fd;k
9- mikiu izca/ku lwpuk iz.kkyh vkSj VªSfdax-& ¼1½ izR;sd mikiu laLFkk mikiu
izfØ;k VªSd djus ds fy, mikiu izca/ku lwpuk iz.kkyh fodflr djsxh vkSj mldk
vuqj{k.k djsxh ftlesa fuEufyf[kr lfEefyr gksxk] vFkkZr~ %&
¼d½ mikiu izfØ;k ds dk;ZlEiknu dks VªSd djus ds Øe esa lwpuk dk lekdyu
=Sekfld vk/kkj ij mikiu laLFkk ds Lrj ij fd;k tk;sxk vkSj mikiu laLFkk ds Lrj
ij lnSo lanHkZ ds fy, miyC/k gksxk rFkk lekdyu gsrq lacaf/kr iz'kklfud foHkkx dks
Hkstk tk;sxkA iz'kklfud foHkkx ladfyr mikiu izca/ku lwpuk dks =Sekfld :i ls vkxs
jkT; mikiu lqfo/kk izdks"B dks HkstsxkA
¼[k½ izca/ku lwpuk iz.kkyh laiw.kZ mikiu pØ dks lekfo"V djsxh vkSj fofHkUu
izfØ;kvksa ds fy, fu/kkZfjr dk;ZlEiknu y{;ksa dks lfEefyr djsxhA
¼x½ mikiu izca/ku lwpuk iz.kkyh] le; ds fdlh Hkh fcUnq ij cksyh dh izkfLFkfr
ds ckjs esa okLrfod≤ lwpuk miyC/k djkus ds fy, xgu fo'ys"k.k vkSj ljy
mi;ksx ds iz'u vk/kkfjr :ifo/kku esa fodflr dh tk;sxhA bls lafonkvksa dh ikyuk]
foyEcksa vkSj vf/kjksfir 'kkfLr;ksa dks lfEefyr djrs gq, fofHkUu iSjkehVjksa ij vkxs vkSj
ikyuk VªSd djus ds Øe esa jkT; yksd mikiu iksVZYk ij ,dhd`r fd;k tk;sxkA
10- mikiu jftLVj-& izR;sd mikiu laLFkk mikiu jftLVj dk la/kkj.k djsxh vkSj
mikiu jftLVj dh lqjf{kr vfHkj{kk lqfuf'pr djsxhA
11- iz'kklfud] foÙkh; vkSj rduhdh Lohd`fr;ka vkSj ctV O;oLFkk dh miyC/krk-&
izR;sd mikiu ds fy, leLr visf{kr vuqeksnu vkSj Lohd`fr;ka] tks ykxw gksa] vfHkizkIr
djuk vko';d gksxkA ladeksZa ds mikiu dh n'kk esa blesa iz'kklfud Lohd`fr] foÙkh;
Lohd`fr] rduhdh Lohd`fr vkSj fofu;ksx ;k iqufoZfu;ksx lfEefyr gksaxsA mikiu laLFkk
ds ikl fo"k;oLrq ds mikiu ds fy, mls izR;k;ksftr vko';d foÙkh; 'kfDr;ka gksuh
12- mikiu ds ewY; ls lacaf/kr ck/;rk,a-& mikiu ds ewY; ls lacaf/kr ck/;rk,a /kkjk 8
ds mica/kksa ds vuqlkj gksxhA
13- cksyh yxkus okyksa dk Hkkx ysuk-& ¼1½ mikiu laLFkk] mikiu izfØ;k esa cksyh yxkus
okyksa dks Hkkx ysus ds fy, vkeaf=r djrs le; ?kks"k.kk djsxh fd D;k cksyh yxkus okyksa
dk Hkkx ysuk lhfer gS ;k ugha vkSj ;fn lhfer gS rks mlds vk/kkjA ,slh ?kks"k.kk esa
lk/kkj.kr;k ckn esa ifjorZu ugha fd;k tk ldsxkA
¼2½ lkekU;r% jk"Vªh; izfr;ksxh cksyh ¼jk iz cks½ dh izfØ;k dks vaxhd`r fd;k
tk;sxkA vUrjkZ"Vªh; izfr;ksxh cksyh ¼v iz cks½ dh i)fr dks vaxhd`r fd;k tk ldsxk
;fn fdlh vUrjljdkjh vUrjkZ"Vªh; foÙkh; laLFkk ds lkFk fdlh djkj dh ck/;rk ds
v/khu dfri; mikiuksa ds fy, vUrjkZ"Vªh; izfr;ksxh cksyh vaxhd`r djus dh ,slh dksbZ
'krZ fo|eku gks] ;k mikiu dh fo"k; oLrq ,slh gS fd mikiu laLFkk dh jk; esa] dkj.k
vfHkfyf[kr djus ds i'pkr~] vUrjjk"Vªh; izfr;ksxh cksyh dks vaxhd`r fd;k tkuk
yksdfgr esa gksxkA
v/;k; & 4
mikiu dh i)fr;ka
14- mikiu dh i)fr;ka-& vf/kfu;e] bu fu;eksa] /kkjk 37 ds v/khu vf/klwfpr
fdUgha vfrfjDr 'krksZa vkSj vf/kfu;e ds v/khu tkjh fd;s x;s ekxZn'kZd fl)kUrksa ds
mica/kksa ds v/;/khu jgrs gq,] dksbZ mikiu laLFkk /kkjk 28 dh mi&/kkjk ¼1½ ds v/khu
fofufnZ"V ;k vf/klwfpr i)fr;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d i)fr ls mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq dk
mikiu dj ldsxhA
15- [kqyh izfr;ksxh cksyh-& [kqyh izfr;ksxh cksyh ds ek/;e ls fdlh fo"k;oLrq ds
mikiu dh i)fr bu fu;eksa ds v/;k; 5 esa fofufnZ"Vkuqlkj gksxhA
[15d- fLol pSysUt i)fr-& fLol pSysUt i)fr ds ek/;e ls fdlh fo"k;&oLrq ds
mikiu ds fy, izfØ;k og gksxh tks bu fu;eksa ds v/;k;&5d esa fofufnZ"V dh tk;sA]
16- lhfer cksyh-& ¼1½ /kkjk 30 dh mi&/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M ¼[k½ ds vuqlkj fdlh
fo"k;oLrq ds mikiu dh n'kk esa] dksbZ mikiu laLFkk lhfer cksyh dh i)fr vaxhd`r dj
ldsxh ;fn fo"k;oLrq dh izkDdfyr ykxr ;k ewY; ,d ckj esa nks yk[k #i;s ls de gks
fdUrq foÙkh; o"kZ esa ;g nl yk[k #i;s ls vf/kd ugha gksxkA
¼2½ lhfer cksyh dh izfØ;k fuEukuqlkj gksxh %&
¼d½ mikiu laLFkk cksyh dk vkea=.k jkT; yksd mikiu iksVZy ij bls iznf'kZr
dj vkSj fuEufyf[kr dks lh/ks fy[kdj] vkSj mlh fnu tkjh djsxh]&
(i) lHkh cksyh yxkus okyksa dks] tks /kkjk 30 dh mi&/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M ¼d½ ds
fuca/kuksa ds vuqlkj mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq dk iznk; dj ldrs gSa ( ;k
(ii) lHkh cksyh yxkus okyksa dks] tks mikiu laLFkk ds lkFk mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq
ds fy, jftLVªhd`r gSa ;k tgka dksbZ mikiu laLFkk mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq ds laca/k esa cksyh
yxkus okyksa dks jftLVj ugha djrh gS ogka fdlh vU; mikiu laLFkk ds jftLVªhd`r
cksyh yxkus okyksa dks] ;fn dksbZ gksa ( ;k
(iii) ;fn jftLVªhd`r cksyh yxkus okys miyC/k ugha gksa rks de ls de rhu
fofuekZrkvksa] izkf/kd`r O;ogkfj;ksa] izkf/kd`r lsok dsUnzksa] ln~Hkkfod O;ogkfj;ksa ;k lsok
iznkrkvksa dksA
¼[k½ mikiu laLFkk cksyh izfØ;k esa Hkkx ysus ds fy, ,sls leLr Hkkoh cksyh yxkus
okyksa dks vuqKkr dj ldsxh tks cksyh nLrkostksa esa mikiu ds fy, vf/kdfFkr vgZrk
dlkSVh dks iwjk djrs gS pkgs ,sls cksyh yxkus okyksa dks cksyh yxkus dk vkea=.k tkjh
fd;k x;k gks ;k ughaA
¼x½ cksyh yxkus okyksa dks mudh cksyh izLrqr djus ds fy, U;wure lkr fnol
dh dkykof/k] vkikrdkyhu n'kk esa] dkj.k vfHkfyf[kr djus ds i'pkr~] rhu fnol dh
dkykof/k nh tk;sxhA
1- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2014 fnukad 5-6-2015 }kjk vUr%LFkkfir] jktLFkku jkt&i=
fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 5-6-2015 esa izdkf'kr ¼5-6-2015 ls izHkkoh½A
¼?k½ ;fn /kkjk 30 dh mi&/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M ¼[k½ vkSj ¼x½ ds v/khu lhfer
cksyh vkeaf=r dh tkrh gS rks cksyh dh izfrHkwfr vfHkizkIr ugha dh tk;sxhA
¼³½ lhfer cksyh }kjk mikiu dh 'ks"k izfØ;k ds fy, v/;k; 5 ds mica/k
;Fkko';d ifjorZu lfgr ykxw gksaxs flok; fu;e 43 ds mi&fu;e ¼6½ ;k ¼7½ ds
vuqlkj lekpkj i=ksa esa cksyh vkeaf=r djus ds uksfVl ds izdk'ku dsA
17- ,dy lzksr mikiu-& ¼1½ /kkjk 31 dh mi&/kkjk ¼1½ esa izxf.kr 'krksZa ds
vfrfjDr] dksbZ mikiu laLFkk ,dy lzksr mikiu dh i)fr }kjk fo"k;oLrq dk
mikiu dj ldsxh ;fn &
[¼d½ foRrh; 'kfDr;ksa ds izR;k;kstu ds v/;/khu ckjg ekl dh vf/kdre
dkykof/k ds fy, jkT; ljdkj ds foHkkxksa ;k muls layXu ;k v/khuLFk dk;kZy;ksa
ds fy, izR;sd ekeys esa ikap yk[k #i;s dh foÙkh; lhek rd vkSj vU; mikiu
laLFkkvksa ds fy;s izR;sd ekeys esa ckjg yk[k #i;s dh foRrh; lhek rd ijke'khZ
;k o`fÙkd dh lsok,a HkkM+s ij ysuk vko';d gks ( ;k]
¼d½ mikiu laLFkk fdlh ,dy Hkkoh cksyh yxkus okys ls fdlh cksyh dh
vH;FkZuk djsxh vkSj ;fn mikiu dk ewY; ,d yk[k ;k mlls vf/kd gS rks cksyh
ds vkea=.k dks jkT; yksd mikiu iksVZy ij Hkh iznf'kZr djsxhA mikiu laLFkk jkT;
yksd mikiu iksVZy ij cksyh ds vkea=.k dks iznf'kZr ugha djsxh ;fn mldh ;g
jk; gS fd mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq /kkjk 31 dh mi&/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M ¼³½ ;k ¼p½ esa
fofufnZ"V izd`fr dh gSA
¼[k½ mikiu laLFkk cksyh yxkus okys ls ln~HkkoiwoZd ckrphr dj ldsxhA
¼x½ ,dy lzksr] mikiu laLFkk ds lkFk mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq ds fy,
iSufyr@jftLVªhd`r cksyh yxkus okyksa ;k fdlh vU; mikiu laLFkk ds lkFk fo"k;
oLrq ds fy, iSufyr@jftLVªhd`r cksyh yxkus okyksa dh lwph esa ls] tgka mikiu
laLFkk /kkjk 19 dh mi&/kkjk ¼5½ ds fuca/kuksa esa vU; mikiu laLFkk ds jftLVªhd`r
cksyh yxkus okyksa dh lwph dk mi;ksx djrh gS] ;k vU; fo'oluh; lzksrksa ds
ek/;e ls vfHkKkr mi;qDr cksyh yxkus okyksa esa ls p;fur fd;k tk ldsxkA
¼?k½ ,dy lzksr mikiu dh n'kk esa cksyh dh izfrHkwfr vfHkizkIr ugha dh tk;sxhA
¼³½ bl fu;e vkSj iwoZ&vgZrk dk;Zokfg;ksa] cksyh dh izfrHkwfr] lekpkj i=ksa esa cksyh
vkeaf=r djus ds uksfVl ds izdk'ku] cksyh nLrkostksa dk ewY;] cksyh nLrkostksa ds foØ;]
cksyh&iwoZ Li"Vhdj.kksa] cksfy;ksa ds viotZu] jktLFkku dh vkSj ckgj dh QeksZa dh njksa dh
rqyuk] ewY;kadu esa dher@Ø; vf/keku] vf/kfu.kZ; ds le; ,d ls vf/kd cksyh yxkus okyksa
ds e/; ifjek.k foHkkftr djus ls lacaf/kr v/;k; 5 ds mica/kksa esa vU;Fkk micaf/kr ds flok;]
v/;k; 5 ds leLr vU; mica/k ;Fkko';d ifjorZu lfgr ykxw gksaxs fdUrq mi&fu;e ¼1½ ds
v/khu vkus okys ekeyksa esa dk;Z lEiknu izfrHkwfr vfHkizkIr ugha dh tk;sxhA
¼3½ mi&fu;e ¼2½ esa vUrfoZ"V fdlh ckr ds gksrs gq, Hkh] ck< ;k vU; izkd`frd
vkinkvksa ls mRiUu vkikr ifjfLFkfr esa] mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq dk mikiu vf/kdre njksa
dh lhek rd fd;k tk ldsxkA fuEufyf[kr ls feydj cuh lfefr] xr Ng ekl ds
nkSjku izkIr njksa ;k fo|eku cktkj nj fo'ys"k.k ds vk/kkj ij mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq ds
fy, vf/kdre njsa fofuf'pr djsxh] vFkkZr~ %&
¼d½ ftyk dyDVj & v/;{k
¼[k½ lacaf/kr foHkkx dk ftyk Lrjh; vf/kdkjh & lnL;
¼x½ dks"kkf/kdkjh & lnL; lfpo
¼?k½ fo'ks"k vkeaf=r] ;fn vko';d gks] & lnL;
18- f}&izdeh cksyh-& f}&izdeh cksyh ds fy, izfØ;k fuEukuqlkj gksxh%&
¼d½ cksyh izfØ;k ds izFke izØe esa] mikiu laLFkk mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq ds laca/k
esa o`fÙkd vkSj rduhdh {kerk] cksyh yxkus okyksa dh vgZrkvksa vkSj izLrkfor mikiu ds
lafonk laca/kh fuca/kuksa vkSj 'krksZa dks vUrfoZ"V djus okys izLrko vkeaf=r djsxhA
¼[k½ izFke izØe dh leLr cksfy;ksa dk] tks vU;Fkk ik= gS] bu fu;eksa esa
vf/kdfFkr izfØ;k vkSj cksyh nLrkostksa ds vuqlkj] cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr }kjk ewY;kadu
fd;k tk;sxkA
¼x½ lfefr cksyh yxkus okyks a ds lkFk fopkj&foe'kZ dj ldsxh vkSj ;fn ,slk
dksbZ fopkj&foe'kZ fd;k tkrk gS rks leLr cksyh yxkus okyksa dks fopkj&foe'kZ esa Hkkx
ysus dk leku volj iznku fd;k tk;sxkA
¼?k½ mikiu ds rduhdh fMtkbu] vuqca/kksa] lqlaxr fuca/kuksa vkSj 'krksZa dk iqujh{k.k
djrs le;] mikiu laLFkk mikiu ds ekSfyd Lo:i dks mikarfjr ugha djsxh fdUrq
mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq ds fdlh fofunsZ'k dks ;k ewY;kadu dh dlkSVh dks tksM+] la'kksf/kr
;k foyksfir dj ldsxhA
¼³½ /kkjk 29 vkSj 30 esa vUrfoZ"V fdlh ckr ds gksrs gq, Hkh] cksyh izfØ;k ds
f}rh; izØe esa mikiu laLFkk] mu leLr cksyh yxkus okyksa ls] ftudh cksyh izFke izØe
esa vLohd`r ugha gqbZ Fkh] mikiu ds fuca/kuksa vkSj 'krksZa ds iqujhf{kr leqPp; ds izR;qRrj
esa cksyh dh dherksa vkSj foLr`r rduhdh cksyh ds lkFk] vafre cksyh izLrqr djus ds fy,]
cksyh vkeaf=r djsxkA
¼p½ dksbZ cksyh yxkus okyk] ftls cksyh yxkus ds fy, vkeaf=r fd;k x;k gS
fdUrq tks fofunsZ'kksa esa ifjorZu ds dkj.k mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq ds iznk; dh fLFkfr esa u
gks] cksyh dh izfrHkwfr ds leigj.k ds nkf;Ro ds fcuk cksyh dh dk;Zokfg;ksa ls ihNs gV
¼N½ bl fu;e esa ;Fkk&micaf/kr ds flok;] v/;k; 5 ds leLr vU; mica/k
;Fkko';d ifjorZu lfgr ykxw gksaxsA
19- bysDVªksfud fjolZ uhyke dh izfØ;k-& ¼1½ mikiu laLFkk fu;e 43 ds vuqlkj
izdkf'kr fd;s tkus okys bysDVªksfud fjolZ uhyke ds fy, vkea=.k }kjk cksyh dh
vH;FkZuk djsxhA vkea=.k esa fuEufyf[kr lfEefyr gksxk %&
¼d½ mikiu laLFkk dk uke vkSj irk vkSj bZ&esy irk] ;fn dksbZ gks]
¼[k½ mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq dk C;kSjsokj fooj.k vkSj ,slh fo"k;oLrq miyC/k djkus
ds fy, visf{krle; vkSj LFkku (
¼x½ mikiu lafonk ds fuca/ku vkSj 'krsZa] ml foLrkj rd tgka rd os mikiu
laLFkk dks igys ls Kkr gks] vkSj i{kdkjksa }kjk gLrk{kfjr fd;s tkus okyh lafonk dk
iz:i] ;fn dksbZ gks(
¼?k½ cksyh yxkus okyksa dh vgZrkvksa dks vfHkfuf'pr djus ds fy, iz;qDr dh tkus
okyh dlkSVh vkSj izfØ;k,a vkSj dksbZ nLrkosth lk{; ;k vU; lwpuk tks cksyh yxkus
okyksa }kjk mudh vgZrk,a iznf'kZr djus ds fy, izLrqr dh tkuh pkfg, (
¼³½ mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq ds fooj.k ds fo:) cksfy;ksa dk ijh{k.k djus ds fy,
dlkSVh vkSj izfØ;k (
¼p½ fdlh xf.krh; lw= dks lfEefyr djrs gq,] tks uhyke ds nkSjku ewY;kadu
izfØ;k esa iz;qDr fd;k tk;sxk] cksfy;ksa dk ewY;kadu djus ds fy, dlkSVh vkSj izfØ;k (
¼N½ ,sls dFku dks lfEefyr djrs gq, fd D;k dher esa mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq dh
ykxr ls vU;Fkk rRo tSls dksbZ ykxw ifjogu] chek izHkkj] lhek 'kqYd] dj bR;kfn
lekfo"V gS] jhfr ftlesa cksyh dh dher fuf'pr vkSj vfHkO;Dr dh tkuh gS (
¼t½ uhyke ds fy, jftLVj fd;s tkus ds fy, visf{kr cksyh yxkus okyksa dh
U;wure la[;k (
¼>½ uhyke rd dSls igqapk tk ldrk gS (
¼¥½ le;&lhek ftl rd cksyh yxkus okyksa dks uhyke ds fy, jftLVj djk
ysuk pkfg, vkSj jftLVªhdj.k ds fy, vis{kk,a (
¼V½ uhyke ds [kqyus dh rkjh[k vkSj le; vkSj uhyke ds [kqyus ds le; cksyh
yxkus okyksa dh igpku ds fy, vis{kk,a (
¼B½ uhyke can djus dks 'kkflr djus okyh dlkSVh(
¼M½ tkudkjh tks uhyke ds vuqØe esa cksyh yxkus okyksa dks miyC/k djk;h
tk;sxh] Hkk"kk ftlesa ;g miyC/k djk;h tk;sxh vkSj 'krsZa ftuds v/khu cksyh yxkus okys
cksyh yxk;saxs] dks lfEefyr djrs gq, uhyke ds lapkyu ds fy, vU; fu;e (
¼<½ mikiu dk;Zokfg;ksa ls izR;{kr% lacaf/kr vf/kfu;e vkSj bu fu;eksa] vkSj vU;
vkSj fofu;eksa ds lanHkZ mudks lfEefyr djrs gq, tks oxhZd`r lwpuk vUroZfyZr djus
okys mikiu ij ykxw gSa] vkSj og LFkku tgka ;s fof/k;ka vkSj fofu;e miyC/k gks ldsaxs (
¼.k½ lk/ku ftuds }kjk cksyh yxkus okys mikiu dk;Zokfg;ksa laca/kh lwpuk dk
Li"Vhdj.k pkg ldsaxs (
¼r½ mikiu laLFkk ds ,d ;k blls vf/kd vf/kdkfj;ksa ;k deZpkfj;ksa ds uke]
inuke vkSj bZ&esy irs] ;fn dksbZ gksa] lfgr irs tks mikiu dk;Zokfg;ksa ds laca/k esa]
uhyke ds iwoZ vkSj
i'pkr~] fdlh e/;orhZ ds e/;{ksi ds fcuk] cksyh yxkus okys ds lkFk lh/ks gh lEidZ
djus vkSj muls lh/ks gh lalwpuk izkIr djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r gksa (
¼Fk½ fdlh fyf[kr mikiu lafonk ds fu"iknu ds iwoZ vgZrkvksa ;k izR;qÙkjnkf;rk
ds vfHkfu'p;] tgka ykxw gks] dks lfEefyr djrs gq, fdUgha vkSipkfjdrkvksa dk lR;kiu
vkSj ,slh vkSipkfjdrkvksa dh iwfrZ ds i'pkr~ gh lafonk izo`Ùk gksxh ( vkSj
¼n½ dksbZ vU; vis{kk tks bl iz;kstu ds fy, mikiu laLFkk }kjk vko';d le>h
¼2½ mikiu laLFkk] fn;s x;s mikiu dh ifjfLFkfr;ksa dks /;ku esa j[krs gq,] ;g
fofu'p; dj ldsxh fd bySDVªksfud fjolZ uhyke ls iwoZ vkjafHkd cksfy;ksa dk ijh{k.k ;k
ewY;kadu fd;k tk;sxkA ,sls ekeyksa esa] uhyke ds fy, vkea=.k esa bl fu;e ds
mi&fu;e ¼1½ esa fofufnZ"V lwpuk ds vfrfjDr]&
¼d½ vkjafHkd cksfy;ka rS;kj djus ds fy, vuqns'kksa ds lkFk] vkjafHkd cksfy;ka
izLrqr djus dk vkea=.k( vkSj
¼[k½ vkjafHkd cksfy;ka izLrqr djus dh jhfr] LFkku vkSj le; lhek ( lfEefyr
¼3½ tgka vkjafHkd cksfy;ksa dk ewY;kadu bysDVªksfud fjolZ uhyke ls iwoZ fd;k
x;k gS ogka mikiu laLFkk] vkjafHkd cksfy;ksa ds ewY;kadu ds iw.kZ gksus ds i'pkr~] rRijrk
ls ]&
¼d½ izR;sd cksyh yxkus okys dks] ftldh vkjafHkd cksyh vLohd`r dh x;h gS]
vLohd`fr ds fy, dkj.k fofufnZ"V djrs gq,] vLohd`fr dk uksfVl izsf"kr djsxh (
¼[k½ izR;sd vfgZr cksyh yxkus okys dks] ftldh vkjafHkd cksyh izR;qÙkjnk;h gS]
uhyke esa Hkkx ysus ds fy, visf{kr leLr lwpuk miyC/k djkrs gq, uhyke dk vkea=.k
tkjh djsxh ( vkSj
¼x½ tgka vkjafHkd cksfy;ksa dk ewY;kadu fd;k tk pqdk gS ogka uhyke ds izR;sd
vkea=.k ds lkFk cksyh yxkus okys] ftls vkea=.k lacksf/kr fd;k x;k gS] dks ;Fkk&lqlaxr
ewY;kadu dk ifj.kke Hkh layXu gksxkA
20- bySDVªksfud fjolZ uhyke ds fy, jftLVªhdj.k vkSj uhyke vk;ksftr djus
dk le;-& ¼1½ bySDVªksfud fjolZ uhyke ds fy, jftLVªhdj.k dh iqf"V ls izR;sd
jftLVªhd`r cksyh yxkus okys dks rRijrk ls lalwfpr fd;k tk;sxkA
¼2½ ;fn bySDVªksfud fjolZ uhyke ds fy, jftLVªhd`r cksyh yxkus okyksa dh
la[;k rhu ls de gS rks izHkkoh izfr;ksfxrk lqfuf'pr djus ds fy,] mikiu laLFkk uhyke
dks jn~n dj ldsxhA uhyke ds jn~ndj.k ls izR;sd jftLVªhd`r cksyh yxkus okys dks
rRijrk ls lalwfpr fd;k tk;sxkA
¼3½ bySDVªksfud fjolZ uhyke ds fy, vkea=.k tkjh djus vkSj uhyke ds chp
le; dh dkykof/k] mikiu laLFkk dh ;qfDr;qDr vko';drkvksa dks /;ku esa j[krs gq,]
uhyke ds fy, cksyh yxkus okyksa dks rS;kjh ds fy,] U;wure lkr fnol gksxhA
21- bySDVªksfud fjolZ uhyke ds nkSjku vis{kk,a-& ¼1½ bySDVªksfud fjolZ uhyke
fuEufyf[kr ij vk/kkfjr gksxk]&
¼d½ dher] tgka mikiu lafonk U;wure dher cksyh ds fy, vf/kfu.khZr dh tkuh
gS ( ;k
¼[k½ dher vkSj cksyh yxkus okys dks fofufnZ"V vU; dlkSVh] tks ykxw gks] tgka
mikiu lafonk] lokZf/kd ykHkizn cksyh ds fy, vf/kfu.khZr dh tkuh gSA
¼2½ uhyke ds nkSjku %&
¼d½ leLr cksyh yxkus okyksa dks mudh cksyh izLrqr djus dk leku vkSj fujUrj
volj gksxk (
¼[k½ cksyh yxkus okyksa ds fy, miyC/k djok;h x;h dlkSVh] izfØ;k vkSj QkewZyk
ds vuqlkj leLr cksfy;ksa dk Lopfyr ewY;kadu gksxk (
¼x½ izR;sd cksyh yxkus okys dks uhyke ds nkSjku rRdky vkSj fujUrjrk ds
vk/kkj ij] vU; cksfy;ksa ds eqdkcys esa mldh cksyh dh vofLFkfr dk vo/kkj.k djus ds
fy, mls vuqKkr i;kZIr lwpuk] izkIr gksuh pkfg,] vkSj
¼?k½ mi;qZDr [k.Mksa ¼d½ vkSj ¼x½ esa ;Fkk&micaf/kr ds flok;] mikiu laLFkk vkSj
cksyh yxkus okyksa ;k cksyh yxkus okyksa ds chp dksbZ laidZ ugha gksxkA
¼3½ mikiu laLFkk uhyke ds nkSjku fdlh cksyh yxkus okys dh igpku izdV ugha
¼4½ uhyke] cksyh yxkus okyksa ds fy, fofufnZ"V dlkSVh ds vuqlkj can fd;k
¼5½ mikiu laLFkk uhyke dks] mldh lapkj iz.kkyh dh foQyrk dh n'kk esa tks
ml uhyke ds mfpr lapkyu dks tksf[ke esa Mkys] fuyfEcr ;k jn~n djsxhA mikiu
laLFkk /kkjk 26 ds mica/kksa ds v/khu Hkh mikiu izfØ;k dks jn~n dj ldsxhA
22- bySDVªksfud fjolZ uhyke ds i'pkr~ vis{kk,a-& ¼1½ bySDVªksfud fjolZ uhyke
ds can gksus ij U;wure dher cksyh ;k] ;FkkfLFkfr] lokZf/kd ykHkizn cksyh] lQy cksyh
¼2½ fdlh uhyke ds ek/;e ls mikiu esa ftldh izkjafHkd cksfy;ksa dk iwoZ esa
ijh{k.k ;k ewY;kadu ugha fd;k Fkk] mikiu laLFkk uhyke ds i'pkr~ lQy cksyh dh
izR;qÙkjnkf;rk vkSj bls izLrqr djus okys cksyh yxkus okys dh vgZrk,a vfHkfuf'pr
djsxhA mikiu laLFkk ml cksyh dks vLohdkj djsxh ;fn og xSj&izR;qÙkjnk;h ik;h tk;s
;k ;fn cksyh yxkus okyk ftlus mls izLrqr fd;k gS] v;ksX; ik;k tk;sA mikiu dks
jn~n djus ds mikiu laLFkk ds vf/kdkj ij izfrdwy izHkko Mkys fcuk] mikiu laLFkk ml
cksyh dk p;u dj ldsxh tks uhyke ds can gksus ij vxyh fuEure dher ;k vxyh
lokZf/kd ykHkizn cksyh Fkh ;fn og cksyh izR;qÙkjnk;h vfHkfuf'pr dh tk;s vkSj mls
izLrqr djus okyk cksyh yxkus okyk vfgZr vfHkfuf'pr fd;k tk;sA
23- bySDVªksfud fjolZ uhyke ds fy, vU; mica/k-& fu;e 19 ls 22 esa tSlk vU;Fkk
micaf/kr gS ds flok;] v/;k;&5 ds mica/k] fu;e 40] 49] 50] 52] 64] 68 vkSj 69 ds
flok;] ;Fkko';d ifjorZuksa lfgr bySDVªksfud fjolZ uhyke ij ykxw gksaxsA
24- dksVs'kuksa ds fy, vuqjks/k-& ¼1½ dksbZ mikiu laLFkk] mikiu ds fy, dksVs'ku ds fy,
vuqjks/k dh i)fr vaxhd`r dj ldsxh ;fn mikiu dh fo"k;&oLrq dh izkDdfyr ykxr
;k ewY; ,d volj ij ,d yk[k #i;s ls de gks fdUrq ;g ,d foÙkh; o"kZ esa ikap
yk[k #i;s ls vf/kd ugha gksxkA
¼2½ dksVs'ku ds vuqjks/k ds fy, izfØ;k fuEukuqlkj gksxh %&
¼d½ dksVs'ku U;wure rhu ds v/;/khu jgrs gq,] ;Fkklk/; laHkkoh cksyh yxkus
okykas ls ekaxs tk;saxs (
¼[k½ izR;sd cksyh yxkus okyk] ftlls dksVs'ku dk vuqjks/k fd;k x;k gS] dks
lwfpr fd;k tk;sxk fd D;k mikiu dh fo"k;&oLrq Lo;a ds izHkkjksa ls fHkUu dksbZ vU;
rRo tSls ifjogu] chek izHkkj] lhek 'kqYd] dj bR;kfn] tks ykxw gksa] dher esa lfEefyr
fd;s tkus gSaA
¼x½ izR;sd cksyh yxkus okys dks dsoy ,d dksVs'ku nsus ds fy, vuqKkr fd;k
¼?k½ dksVs'ku ds fy, vuqjks/k esa ;Fkk&miof.kZr mikiu laLFkk dh vko';drkvksa dks iwjk
djus okyk U;wure dher okyk dksVs'ku lQy dksVs'ku gksxkA
25- ekSds ij Ø;-& ¼1½ dksbZ mikiu laLFkk] mikiu ds fy, ekSds ij Ø; dh
i)fr dks vaxhd`r dj ldsxh ;fn mikiu dh fo"k;&oLrq dh izkDdfyr ykxr ;k ewY;
,d volj ij ipkl gtkj #i;s ls de gks fdUrq ;g ,d foÙkh; o"kZ esa rhu yk[k
#i;s ls vf/kd ugha gksxkA
¼2½ dksbZ mikiu laLFkk] ekSdk Ø; lfefr dh flQkfj'k ij mikiu dh
fo"k;&oLrq dk mikiu dj ldsxhA lfefr nj] xq.koÙkk vkSj fofuZns'kksa dh ;qfDr;qDrrk
vfHkfuf'pr djus vkSj fo"k;&oLrq ds leqfpr iznk;drkZ dh igpku djus ds fy, cktkj
dk losZ{k.k djsxh vkSj fuEufyf[kr izek.ki= vfHkfyf[kr djsxh &
^^ izekf.kr fd;k tkrk gS fd ge ---------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
------------------------ ¼lfefr ds lnL;ksa ds uke½ ekSdk Ø; lfefr ds lnL;ksa dk la;qDr :i ls
vkSj O;fDrxr :i ls ;g lek/kku gks x;k gS fd flQkfj'k dh x;h mikiu dh
fo"k;&oLrq] visf{kr fofunsZ'kksa vkSj xq.koÙkk dh gS] izpfyr cktkj nj dh dher dh gSa
vkSj flQkfj'k fd;k x;k iznk;dÙkkZ fo'oluh; gS vkSj iz'uxr fo"k;&oLrq dk iznk;
djus@miyC/k djkus esa l{ke gSA**
26- dksVs'kuksa ds fcuk mikiu-& fdlh foÙkh; o"kZ ds nkSjku ,d yk[k #i;s ls
uhps dh lhek ds v/;/khu jgrs gq,] ,d volj ij nl gtkj #i;s rd ewY; ds mikiu
dh fo"k; oLrq] ljdkjh foHkkxksa@fuxeksa] izkf/kd`r O;ogkfj;ksa] lgdkjh LVksLkZ@HkaMkjksa ;k
,sls QqVdj foØsrkvksa ls] tks mikiu dh fo"k;&oLrq ds ln~Hkkoh O;ogkjh gSa] dksVs'ku
vkeaf=r fd;s fcuk mikIr dh tk ldsxhA
27- dk;Z vkns'k iz.kkyh vkSj ihl odZ iz.kkyh }kjk ladeksZa dk mikiu-& ¼1½ fdlh foÙkh;
o"kZ ds nkSjku ikap yk[k #i;s dh lhek ds v/;/khu jgrs gq,] izR;sd volj ij ,d yk[k
#i;s ls de ewY; ds ladeZ] dk;Z vkns'k iz.kkyh }kjk mikIr fd;s tk ldsaxsA
Li"Vhdj.k % dk;Z vkns'k iz.kkyh ls fofufnZ"V le; esa vuqlwfpr njksa ij fdlh ladeZ dks
fu"iknu djus ds fy, fdlh jftLVªhd`r cksyh yxkus okys dks lh/ks gh vkns'k nsdj
mikiu dh jhfr vfHkizsr gSA
¼2½ dk;Z vkns'k iz.kkyh ds ek/;e ls mikiu ds fy, izfØ;k fuEukuqlkj gksxh %&
¼d½ dk;Z vkns'k esa ifjek.k] nj vkSj iw.kZ djus dk le; lnSo of.kZr gksxkA fu;r
le; ds Hkhrj dk;Z iw.kZ gksus esa foQyrk ds fy, 'kkfLr Hkh fofufnZ"V gksxhA fdlh dk;Z
vkns'k ij vf/kdre dk;Z tks vkoafVr fd;k tk ldsxk og ,d yk[k #i;s ls de dk
gksxk (
¼[k½ dk;Z vkns'k dsoy jftLVªhd`r cksyh yxkus okys dks fn;k tk;sxk (
¼x½ dk;Z vkns'k lacaf/kr [k.M@mi&[k.M ds fy, ykxw vuqeksfnr njksa dh
vuqlwph ij gh fn;k tk ldsxkA v/kh{k.k vfHk;Urk@vf/k'kklh vfHk;Urk ;g lqfuf'pr
djsaxs fd dk;Z vkns'k ij vuqKkr dh x;h njsa {ks= esa izpfyr [kqyh cksyh dh njksa ls
vf/kd ugha gS (
¼?k½ dk;Z vkns'k foÙkh; 'kfDr;ksa ds izR;k;kstu ds vuqlkj vf/kdkfj;ksa }kjk fn;k
tk ldsxk ( vkSj
¼³½ dk;Z vkns'k djkj] bl iz;kstu ds fy, fofufnZ"V iz:i esa dk;Z lEiknu
izfrHkwfr izkIr djus ds i'pkr~] fu"ikfnr fd;k tk;sxkA dk;Z vkns'kksa dk ,d jftLVj bl
iz;kstu ds fy, fofufnZ"V iz:i esa j[kk tk;sxkA
¼3½ fdlh foÙkh; o"kZ ds nkSjku ikap yk[k #i;s dh lhek ds v/;/khu jgrs gq,
izR;sd volj ij ,d yk[k #i;s ls uhps ds ewY; ds ladeZ ihl odZ iz.kkyh }kjk mikIr
fd;s tk ldsaxsA
Li"Vhdj.k % ihl odZ iz.kkyh ls fdlh nh x;h dkykof/k ds Hkhrj fd;s tkus okys dk;Z
dh dqy ek=k ds funZs'k ds fcuk l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk Lohd`r njkas ij mikiu dh jhfr
vfHkiszr gAS
¼4½ ihl odZ iz.kkyh ds ek/;e ls mikiu ds fy, izfØ;k fuEukuqlkj gksxh %&
¼d½ ihl odZ iz.kkyh ij dk;Z ds fu"iknu dk lkekU;r% ifjotZu fd;k tkuk
pkfg,A ihl odZ iz.kkyh o`gn ek=k esa leku izdkj ds dk;Z tSls ugjksa dk feV~Vh dk
dk;Z] ugjksa ls feV~Vh fudkyus vkSj lM+dksa dh ejEer vkSj j[kj[kko bR;kfn esa gh
viuk;h tk ldsxhA
¼[k½ njksa ds vo/kkj.k ds fy, [kqyh cksfy;ka lacaf/kr vfrfjDr eq[; vfHk;Urk }kjk
mlds fu;a=.kk/khu izR;sd [k.M ds fy, vkeaf=r dh tk;saxhA ihl odZ djkj djus ds
fy, okf"kZd nj lafonk ds vo/kkj.k ds fy, ,slh cksfy;ka vkeaf=r djus esa foHkkx dk
vk'k; cksfy;ksa ds vkea=.k ds le; Li"V fd;k tkuk pkfg,A leLr izoxksZa ds
jftLVªhd`r cksyh yxkus okys ,slh cksfy;ksa esa Hkkx ysus ds gdnkj gksaxsA cksfy;ksa dh
leLr visf{kr vkSipkfjdrkvksa dk vuqikyu djus ds i'pkr~] vfrfjDr eq[; vfHk;Urk]
dk;Z dh fofufnZ"V enksa ds fy, bdkbZ njsa eatwj djsxk tks lkekU;r% ,d o"kZ ds fy, ;k
tc rd fd njsa iqujhf{kr u gks tk;sa rc rd izo`Ùk jgsaxh fdUrq fdlh Hkh n'kk esa ,d
o"kZ lekIr gksus ds i'pkr~ rhu ekl ls vf/kd izo`Ùk ugha jgsaxhA
¼x½ ,d ckj ,slh bdkbZ njsa Lohdkj gks tkrh gSa rks [k.M vf/kdkjh] fdlh Hkh
izoxZ ds fdlh ,d jftLVªhd`r cksyh yxkusokys ds lkFk ,d ckj esa ,d yk[k #i;s ls
uhps ds ihl odZ djkj djus esa l{ke gksaxsA f}rh; ihl odZ djkj iwoZ ladeZ ds
lQyrkiwoZd iw.kZ gks tkus ds i'pkr~ gh fd;k tk;sxkA ihl odZ djkj] mDr [k.M esa
dk;Z djus ds fy, vuqKkr jftLVªhd`r cksyh yxkus okyksa ds lkFk fd;k tk;sxkA
¼?k½ ihl odZ iz.kkyh esa foHkkx cksyh yxkus okyksa dks dke can djus dks dgus ds
fy, Lora= gS] vkSj lank; fMtk;uksa] Mªkbaxksa] fofunsZ'kksa ds vuqlkj okLrfod :i ls
fu"ikfnr dke ds fy, ;Fkk&fofufnZ"V lE;d~ eki djus vkSj eki dh tkap djus ds
i'pkr~] fd;k tkrk gSA izR;sd ihl odZ dh lekfIr dh vf/kdre dkykof/k bDdhl fnu
gksxh tks fdlh Hkh n'kk esa c<+k;h ugha tk;sxhA
¼³½ izR;sd [k.M dk;kZy; esa] bl iz;kstu ds fy, fofufnZ"V iz:i esa ihl odZ
djkjksa dk ,d jftLVj j[kk tk;sxkA izR;sd ekl ds izFke lIrkg esa [k.M vf/kdkjh]
fu;fer lafonkvksa ds ctk; ihl odZ djkj ij ladeZ iznku djus ds fy,
vko';drk@vkdfLedrk Li"V djrs gq, vkSj U;k;ksfpR; nsrs gq,] v/kh{k.k vfHk;Urk dks
iwoZorhZ ekl ds nkSjku mlds }kjk Lohd`r leLr ihl odZ djkjksa dh izfr;ka izLrqr
djsxkA v/kh{k.k vfHk;Urk] mlds fujh{k.k ds nkSjku vkSj vU;Fkk] ;g lqfuf'pr djsxk fd
[k.M vf/kdkjh uSfR;d jhfr esa ihl odZ djkj ij ladeZ fu"ikfnr ugha djrs gSa vkSj
vuqKkr njsa lqlaxr [k.M ds fy, vfrfjDr eq[; vfHk;Urk }kjk vuqeksfnr pkyw njksa ls
vf/kd ugha gSa vkSj mi&[k.M@[k.M@lfdZy esa fu;fer lafonk ds vk/kkj ij leku
ladeksZ dh [kqyh cksyh njksa ls bldh tkap djsxk vkSj ;g fd fd;s x;s ladeZ ds ekiksa ds
fjdkMZ dh iz.kkyh vkSj mlds ekiksa dh tkap dk leqfpr :i ls vuqlj.k fd;k x;k gSA
¼p½ ihl odZ iz.kkyh ij iznÙk lafonk dk;ZlEiknu izfrHkwfr tek djkus ls NwV
izkIr gSA
28- izfr;ksxh ckrphr-& izfr;ksxh ckrphr ds fy, izfØ;k fuEukuqlkj gksxh &
¼d½ fo"k; oLrq dk mikiu izfr;ksxh ckrphr lfefr ds ek/;e ls fd;k tk;sxkA
lfefr fuEufyf[kr izek.ki= nsxh %&
^^izekf.kr fd;k tkrk gS fd ge -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------- ¼lfefr ds lnL;ksa ds uke½ izfr;ksxh ckrphr lfefr ds lnL;ksa
dk la;qDr :i ls vkSj O;fDrxr :i ls ;g lek/kku gks x;k gS fd flQkfj'k dh x;h
mikiu dh fo"k; oLrq visf{kr fofunsZ'kksa vkSj xq.koÙkk dh gS] izpfyr cktkj nj dh
dher dh gS vkSj flQkfj'k fd;k x;k iznk;dÙkkZ fo'oluh; gS vkSj mikiu dh fo"k;
oLrq dk iznk; djus esa l{ke gSA**
¼[k½ izHkkoh izfr;ksfxrk lqfuf'pr djus ds fy,] vfoHksndkjh jhfr ls p;fur
laHkkoh cksyh yxkus okyksa dh i;kZIr la[;k] tks rhu ls de u gks] mikiu izfØ;k esa
lfEefyr gksaxs (
¼x½ ckrphr esa Hkkx ysus ds fy, leLr cksyh yxkus okyksa dks leku volj fn;k
tk;sxkA ckrphr ls lacaf/kr dksbZ vis{kk,a] ekxZn'kZd fl)kUr] nLrkost] Li"Vhdj.k ;k
vU; lwpuk tks ckrphr ls iwoZ ;k blds nkSjku fdlh cksyh yxkus okys dks mikiu laLFkk
}kjk lalwfpr dh tkrh gS] mikiu ls lacaf/kr mikiu laLFkk ds lkFk ckrphr esa lfEefyr
leLr vU; cksyh yxkus okyksa dks mlh le; vkSj ,d leku vk/kkj ij] /kkjk 49 ds
v/;/khu jgrs gq,] lalwfpr dh tk;sxh] tc rd fd ,slh lwpuk ml cksyh yxkus okys ds
fy, fofufnZ"V ;k vuU; u gks (
¼?k½ ckrphr iw.kZ gksus ds i'pkr~] mikiu laLFkk] dk;Zokgh esa 'ks"k jgs leLr cksyh
yxkus okyksa dks fofufnZ"V le; vkSj rkjh[k rd] vius izLrkoksa ds leLr igyqvksa ds
laca/k esa loZJs"B vkSj vafre izLrko izLrqr djus dk vuqjks/k djsxh (
¼³½ lfefr] izkIr dh x;h leLr cksfy;ksa dk vfHkys[k j[ksxh (
¼p½ mikiu laLFkk vkSj cksyh yxkus okyksa ds e/; muds loZJs"B vkSj vafre
izLrkoksa ds laca/k esa dksbZ ckrphr ugha gksxh (
¼N½ mikiu laLFkk ;g lqfuf'pr djsxh fd lQy izLrko lcls de ;k lokZf/kd
ykHkizn izLrko gS( vkSj
¼t½ /kkjk 5 ls 10 ¼nksuksa dks lfEefyr djrs gq,½] /kkjk 12 ls 27 ¼nksuksa dks
lfEefyr djrs gq,½ vkSj vf/kfu;e ds v/;k; 3 esa vUrfoZ"V dksbZ ckr izfr;ksxh ckrphr
}kjk fd;s x;s Ø; ij ykxw ugha gksxhA
29- nj lafonk-& ¼1½ nj lafonk dh i)fr vaxhdkj djus ds fy, /kkjk 36 dh
mi&/kkjk ¼1½ esa lfEefyr 'krksZa ds vfrfjDr] mikiu laLFkk nj lafonk dh i)fr vaxhdkj
dj ldsxh tc og ;g vo/kkfjr djs fd mikiu dh fo"k; oLrq dh izd`fr ds vk/kkj ij]
le; dh nh x;h dkykof/k ds nkSjku vfr vko';d vk/kkj ij] ml fo"k; oLrq dh
vko';drk mRiUu gks ldrh gSA
¼2½ nj lafonk ds fy, izfØ;k fuEukuqlkj gksxh %&
¼d½ mikiu laLFkk] [kqyh izfr;ksxh cksyh dh i)fr }kjk nj lafonk dk vf/kfu.kZ;
dj ldsxhA ;fn [kqyh izfr;ksxh cksyh dh i)fr vaxhdkj djuk laHko ugha gks rks mikiu
laLFkk] dkj.k vfHkfyf[kr djus ds i'pkr~] mikiu dh vU; i)fr vaxhd`r dj ldsxhA
dkykof/k ds nkSjku visf{kr eky] ladeksZa ;k lsokvksa dh vuqekfur ek=k cksyh vkeaf=r
djus okys uksfVl esa mi&nf'kZr dh tk;sxh fdUrq fdlh U;wure ek=k dh xkjaVh ugha nh
¼[k½ nj lafonk dh dkykof/k lkekU;r% ,d o"kZ] ctV O;oLFkk vkSj djksa ds
mn~xzg.k ds vuq:i gksus ds fy, vf/kekur% ,d foÙkh; o"kZ gksxhA ;g vkSj de dkykof/k
dh gks ldsxh ;fn cktkj dherksa esa egRoiw.kZ ifjorZu gksus dh izR;k'kk gksA ;g vf/kdre
nks o"kZ dh nh?kZrj dkykof/k rd Hkh gks ldsxh ;fn cktkj dherksa esa egRoiw.kZ ifjorZu
gksus dh izR;k'kk u gksA nj
lafonk ds fy, dkykof/k dk p;u djus ds fy, dkj.k vfHkfyf[kr fd;s tk;saxsA
¼x½ izFke izØe esa ,dy Hkkx ;k f}&Hkkx cksfy;ka /kkjk 13 ds mica/kksa ds vuqlkj
vkeaf=r dh tk;saxhA
¼?k½ dksbZ nj lafonk] U;wure dher okyh cksyh ;k lokZf/kd ykHkizn cksyh ds
cksyh yxkus okys ds lkFk] mikiu dh fo"k; oLrq dh ek=k] LFkku vkSj le; ds fy,
izfrc)rk ds fcuk] dher ds fy, dh tk;sxhA
¼³½ f}rh; izØe esa tc dHkh vko';d gks mikiu dh fo"k; oLrq dh visf{kr
ek=k ds iznk; ;k fu"iknu ds fy, lafonkd`r dher ij] iznk; ;k fu"iknu dk LFkku]
ifjnku vuqlwph] bR;kfn of.kZr djrs gq, iznk; ;k dk;Z vkns'k fn;k tk;sxkA
¼p½ nj lafonk] cksyh nLrkostksa esa ,slk mica/k gksus ij ,d ls vf/kd cksyh yxkus
okyksa ds lkFk lekUkkUrj nj lafonkvksa ds :i esa] vafre ewY;kadu esa mudh fLFkfr ds Øe
esa] mUgsa U;wure ;k lokZf/kd ykHkizn cksyh yxkus okys dh dher dk izfr&izLrko nsrs
gq,] eky ;k lsokvksa ds rqjUr iznk; ;k ladeksZa ds rqjUr fu"iknu dks lqfuf'pr djus ds
fy, dh tk ldsaxh] ;fn visf{kr mikiu dh fo"k; oLrq dh ek=k U;wure cksyh yxkus
okys dh {kerk ls ijs gS ;k mikiu dh fo"k; oLrq ladViw.kZ vkSj vfr egRoiw.kZ izd`fr
dh gSA
¼N½ ifjfu/kkZfjr uqdlkuh ds fy, mica/kksa dks lfEefyr djrs gq, nj lafonk ds
fuca/ku vkSj 'krsZ muds leku gksaxh tks [kqyh izfr;ksxh cksyh }kjk mikiu ds fy, fofgr
dh x;h gSaA
¼t½ nj lafonk ds v/khu dhersa] dher fxjus ds [k.M ds v/;/khu gksaxhA dher
fxjus laca/kh [k.M] nj lafonk ds fuca/kuksa vkSj 'krksZa esa lfEefyr fd;k tk;sxkA dher
fxjus dk [k.M] nj lafonkvksa esa dher lqj{kk fØ;kfof/k gS vkSj ;g mica/k djrk gS fd
;fn nj lafonk /kkjd] nj lafonk ds pkyw jgus ds nkSjku fdlh Hkh le; jkT; esa fdlh
dks nj lafonk dher ls de dher ij leku eky] ladeksZa ;k lsok,a nsus ds fy, mldh
dher dksV djrk@de djrk gS rks ml nj lafonk ds v/khu mikiu dh fo"k; oLrq ds
leLr ifjnku ds fy, nj lafonk dher] dher de djus ;k dksV djus dh rkjh[k ls
Lor% de gks tk;sxh vkSj nj lafonk rnuqlkj la'kksf/kr dh tk;sxhA lekukUrj nj lafonk
/kkj.k djus okyh QeksZa dks Hkh de dh gqbZ dher vf/klwfpr djds viuh dher de
djus dk volj nsrs gq, iqujhf{kr dher dh mudh LohdkjksfDr ls lwfpr djus ds fy,
iUnzg fnu dk le; fn;k tk;sxkA blh izdkj ;fn dksbZ lekukUrj nj lafonk /kkjd
QeZ] nj lafonk ds pkyw jgus ds nkSjku viuh dher de djrh gS rks mldh de dh
x;h dher vU; lekukUrj nj lafonk /kkjd QeksZa vkSj ewy nj lafonk /kkjd QeZ dks
viuh dhersa rRleku de djus ds fy, lalwfpr dh tk;sxhA ;fn dksbZ nj lafonk /kkjd
QeZ] dher de djus ls lger ugha gksrh gS rks muds lkFk vkxs vkSj laO;ogkj ugha
fd;k tk;sxkA
¼>½ ;g lqfuf'pr fd;k tkuk pkfg, fd u;h nj lafonk,a fcuk fdlh foyEc ds
fo|eku nj lafonkvksa dh lekfIr ds rqjUr i'pkr~ izHkkoh gks tk;saA ;fn vifjgk;Z dkj.kksa
ls u;h nj lafonkvksa dk r; fd;k tkuk laHko ugha gks rks fo|eku nj lafonk,a mlh
dher] fuca/kuksa vkSj 'krksZa ij rhu ekl ls vuf/kd dh dkykof/k ds fy, c<+kbZ tk
ldsaxhA ,sls ekeyksa esa ;g lqfuf'pr fd;k tk;sxk fd nj lafonk ds v/khu mikIr dh
tkus okyh mikiu dh fo"k; oLrq ;k mlds ?kVdksa dh cktkj dhersa bl dkykof/k ds
nkSjku fxj u x;h gkasA
¼¥½ bl fu;e esa vU;Fkk micaf/kr ds flok;] v/;k; & 5 ds leLr vU; mica/k]
;Fkko';d ifjorZuksa lfgr ykxw gksaxsA
30- jftLVªhdj.k-& cksyh yxkus okyksa dk jftLVªhdj.k] jkT; ljdkj }kjk bl
fufeÙk cuk;s x;s fu;eksa ds vuqlkj vkSj nh x;h jhfr esa fd;k tk;sxkA
31- iwoZ&vgZrk izfØ;k }kjk iSufyr djuk-& ¼1½ mikiu laLFkk] ml mikiu dh
fo"k;&oLrq] ftldh ckjEckj vko';drk gks fdUrq fo"k;&oLrq ds C;kSjs] mldh ek=k]
le; vkSj LFkku igys ls Kkr u gks] ds fy, cksyh yxkus okyksa dk ,d iSuy rS;kj dj
ldsxhA ;g lwph ,d o"kZ ds fy, fof/kekU; gksxh ftls dkj.k vfHkfyf[kr djus ds
i'pkr~ ,d vkSj o"kZ ds fy, c<+k;k tk ldsxkA mikiu laLFkk mikiu dh fofHkUu fo"k;
oLrqvksa ds fy, i`Fkd iSuy rS;kj dj ldsxhA
¼2½ /kkjk 18 ds v/khu cksyh yxkus okyksa dh iwoZ&vgZrk vkSj fu;e 43 ds
mi&fu;e ¼6½ ;k ¼7½ ds vuqlkj izpkj laca/kh mica/k iSufyr djus laca/kh dk;Zokfg;ksa ij
ykxw gksaxsA
¼3½ mikiu laLFkk] [kqyh izfr;ksxh cksyh vkeaf=r djus ds fy, fofgr izfØ;k ds
vuqlkj iwoZ&vgZrk ds fy, iSuy esa lfEefyr djus ds fy, vkosnu vkeaf=r djsxhA
¼4½ iSufyr djus ds fy, vkea=.k esa fuEufyf[kr lwpuk,a Hkh lfEefyr gksaxh %&
¼d½ mikiu laLFkk dk uke vkSj irk (
¼[k½ iSufyr djus ds fy, visf{kr ik=rk dlkSVh (
¼x½ iSufyr djus dh vof/k dks lfEefyr djrs gq, iSufyr djus ds fuca/ku vkSj
'krsZa ( vkSj
¼?k½ Kkr lhek rd mikiu dh fo"k; oLrq dk fooj.kA
¼5½ fo"k; oLrq dk mikiu] mikiu laLFkk }kjk foÙkh; 'kfDr;ksa ds izR;k;kstu dh
lhek rd] iSufyr cksyh yxkus okyksa esa ls mu lHkh dks foÙkh; cksyh ds lkFk izLrkoksa ds
fy, vuqjks/k Hkstdj fd;k tk;sxkA
32- vf/klwfpr vfHkdj.kksa ls izR;{k mikiu-& dksbZ mikiu laLFkk] cksyh vkeaf=r
fd;s fcuk] le;≤ ij] jkT; ljdkj }kjk ;Fkk&vf/klwfpr cksyh yxkus okyksa ds
izoxZ ls mikiu dh fo"k;&oLrq mikIr dj ldsxhA
33- mikiu esa Ø; ;k dher vf/keku-& mikiu laLFkk] le;≤ ij] jkT;
ljdkj }kjk ;Fkk&vf/klwfpr cksyh yxkus okyksa ds izoxZ ls mikiu esa dher vf/keku ;k
Ø; vf/keku ds mica/k djsxhA
v/;k; & 5
cksyh izfØ;k izca/ku & [kqyh izfr;ksxh cksyh
34- mikiu dh fo"k; oLrq dk o.kZu-& ¼1½ mikiu dh fo"k; oLrq dk o.kZu /kkjk 12 esa
;Fkk&micaf/kr iwoZ&vgZrk nLrkostksa] cksyh yxkus okyksa ds jftLVªhdj.k nLrkostksa ;k
cksyh nLrkostksa esa mi&of.kZr fd;k tk;sxkA
¼2½ mikiu laLFkk] mikiu dh fo"k; oLrq ds o.kZu esa] ;fn visf{kr gks rks]
fofunsZ'k] ;kstuk,a] js[kkfp=] fMtkbu] ijh{k.k] uewuk tkap vkSj tkap dh i)fr;ka]
iSdsftax] ekfdZax] yscy yxkuk] iqf"Vdj.k izek.ku ;k izrhd vkSj VfeZuksykWth lfEefyr
35- cksfy;ksa ds ewY;kadu dh dlkSVh-& /kkjk 14 esa mi&of.kZr ewY;kadu dh dlkSVh ds
vfrfjDr] ewY;kadu dlkSVh esa] tgka lqlaxr gks] fefrdkVk udnh izokg ¼fMLdkmUVsM ds'k
¶yks½ rduhdksa dks lfEefyr fd;k tk ldsxkA
36- cksyh nLrkostksa dks rS;kj djuk-& ¼1½ cksfy;ka vkeaf=r djus dk uksfVl tkjh djus
ls iwoZ mikiu laLFkk ;g lqfuf'pr djsxh fd cksyh nLrkost foØ; ds fy, rS;kj gSaA
¼2½ cksyh nLrkost esa fuEufyf[kr vuqHkkx gksaxs] vFkkZr~ %&
¼d½ cksyh vkeaf=r djus okyk uksfVl (
¼[k½ cksyh yxkus okyksa ds fy, vuqns'k (
¼x½ cksyh MkVk 'khV (
¼?k½ vgZrk vkSj ewY;kadu dh dlkSVh (
¼³½ cksyh ds iz:i ( vkSj
¼p½ lafonk dh 'krsZa vkSj lafonk iz:i %
(i) lafonk dh lkekU; 'krsZa (
(ii) lafonk dh fo'ks"k 'krsZa (
(iii) lafonk ds iz:iA
¼N½ dksbZ vU; nLrkost] tks vko';d gksaA
¼3½ cksyh nLrkostksa esa fuEufyf[kr lfEefyr gksxk] vFkkZr~ %&
¼d½ cksyh rS;kj djus ds fy, vuqns'k (
¼[k½ dlkSVh vkSj izfØ;k,a] tks cksyh yxkus okyksa dh vgZrkvksa dk vfHkfu'p;
djus esa ykxw gksaxh (
¼x½ nLrkosth lk{; ;k vU; lwpuk ds ckjs esa vis{kk,a] tks cksyh yxkus okys }kjk
mldh vgZrkvksa ds lcwr esa izLrqr dh tkuh pkfg, (
¼?k½ mikiu dh fo"k; oLrq dk foLr`r o.kZu tks rduhdh fofunsZ'kksa] ;kstukvksa]
js[kkfp=ksa vkSj fMtkbuksa] ;fn lqlaxr gksa] eky dh ek=k] dksbZ vkuq"kafxd lsok,a tks dh
tkuh gS] LFkku tgka eky ifjnÙk fd;k tkuk gS] ladeZ tks fu"ikfnr fd;k tkuk gS ;k
lsok,a tks miyC/k djk;h tkuh gS vkSj visf{kr le;] ;fn dksbZ gks] dks lfEefyr djrs
gq, fdUrq dsoy mu rd gh lhfer u gks (
¼³½ cksfy;ksa ds izLrqrhdj.k] [kksyus] ijh{k.k vkSj ewY;kadu ds fy, foLr`r izfØ;k]
rduhdh xq.koÙkk vkSj dk;Z lEiknu dh fo'ks"krkvksa ds laca/k esa U;wure vis{kk,a] ;fn
dksbZ gksa] tks cksfy;kas ds izfrR;qÙkjnk;h le>h tkus ds fy, vko';d gS] vkSj mikiu
laLFkk }kjk] cksfy;ksa ds ewY;kadu vkSj vf/keku ds fy, dksbZ micU/k dks lfEefyr djrs
gq, lQy cksyh ds vo/kkj.k esa iz;qDr dh tkus okyh dlkSVh vkSj dher ls fHkUu iz;qDr
dh tkus okyh dksbZ dlkSVh vkSj ,slh dlkSVh dk vkisf{kd Hkkj (
¼p½ mikiu lafonk ;k nj lafonk ds fuca/ku vkSj 'krsZa ml lhek rd ftl rd
mikiu laLFkk dks igys ls Kkr gks] vkSj i{kdkjksa }kjk gLrk{kfjr dh tkus okyh dksbZ
lafonk ;k djkj dk iz:i] ;fn dksbZ gks(
¼N½ ;fn eky] ladeZ ;k lsokvksa ds y{k.kksa] lafonkRed fuca/kuksa vkSj 'krksZa ;k cksyh
nLrkostksa esa miof.kZr vU; vis{kkvksa ds fy, vuqdYi vuqKkr fd;s tkrs gSa rks bl
vk'k; dk ,d fooj.k vkSj ml jhfr dk o.kZu ftlls vuqdYih cksfy;ksa dk ewY;kadu
vkSj rqYkuk dh tkuh gSa (
¼t½ ;fn cksyh yxkus okyksa dks mikIr fd;s tkus okys eky] ladeZ ;k lsokvksa ds
dsoy ,d Hkkx ds fy, cksyh izLrqr djus ds fy, vuqKkr fd;k tkrk gS rksa ml Hkkx ;k
Hkkxksa dk fooj.k ftlds fy, cksfy;ka] izLrqr dh tk ldsxh (
¼>½ jhfr ftlls cksyh dh dher fuf'pr vkSj vfHkO;Dr dh tkuh gS] ,slk fooj.k
lfEefyr djrs gq, fd D;k dher esa eky] ladeZ ;k lsokvksa dh Lo;a dh ykxr ls fHkUu
vU; rRo tSls dksbZ ifjogu vkSj chek izHkkj] mRiknu 'kqYd vkSj dj bR;kfn] tks ykxw
gksa] lekfo"V gSaA
¼¥½ cksyh yxkus okys }kjk cksyh izLrqr djrs le; miyC/k djk;s tkus okyh
fdlh cksyh izfrHkwfr ds fuxkZeh vkSj mldh izd`fr] Lo:i] jde vkSj vU; fuc/kauksa vkSj
'krksZa ds laca/k esa mikiu laLFkk dh dksbZ vis{kk,a] vkSj cksyh yxkus okyk tks mikiu
lafonk esa izfo"V gksrk gS] mlls mikiu lafonk ;k nj lafonk ds dk;Z lEiknu ds fy,
miyC/k djk;h tkus okyh fdlh izfrHkwfr ftlesa Je vkSj lkexzh ca/ki=ksa tSlh izfrHkwfr;ka
lfEefyr gSa] ds fy, dksbZ vis{kk,aA
¼V½ cksfy;ka izLrqr djus ds fy, jhfr] LFkku vkSj le; lhek (
¼B½ lk/ku ftuds }kjk cksyh yxkus okys cksyh nLrkostksa dk Li"Vhdj.k ekax
ldsaxs vkSj dFku fd D;k mikiu laLFkk cksyh yxkus okyksa dh cSBd cqykus dk vk'k;
j[krh gS (
¼M½ dkykof/k ftlds nkSjku cksfy;ka fof/kekU; jgasxh(
¼<½ cksfy;ka [kksyus ds fy, LFkku] le; vkSj rkjh[k (
¼.k½ mikiu dk;Zokfg;ksa ls izR;{kr% lEc) vf/kfu;e] bu fu;eksa vkSj vU; fof/k;ksa
vkSj fofu;eksa ds lanHkZ] ijUrq ;g fd fdlh ,sls lanHkZ dk yksi mikiu laLFkk ij vihy
;k nkf;Ro ds fy, vk/kkj xfBr ugha djsxk (
¼r½ mikiu laLFkk ds ,d ;k vf/kd vf/kdkfj;ksa@deZpkfj;ksa ds uke] inuke] irs
vkSj bZ&esy irs] ;fn dksbZ gksa] tks fdlh e/;orhZ ds gLr{ksi ds fcuk] mikiu dk;Zokgh
ds laca/k esa cksyh yxkus okyksa ds lkFk lh/ks gh laidZ djus vkSj lh/ks gh lalwpuk izkIr
djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r gSa (
¼Fk½ cksyh yxkus okys }kjk mikiu lafonk ds ckgj fd;k tkus okyk dksbZ
vfHkca/ku tSls izkS|ksfxdh ds vUrj.k laca/kh vfHkca/ku
¼n½ mikiu dk;Zokfg;ksa ds laca/k esa mikiu laLFkk ds fdlh fof/kfo#) dk;Z ;k
fofu'p; ;k vuqlfjr izfØ;k dh vihy pkgus ds fy, micaf/kr vf/kdkj dk lanHkZ (
¼/k½ ;fn mikiu laLFkk cksyh dk;Zokfg;ksa dks jn~n djus vkSj leLr cksfy;ksa dks
vLohdkj djus dk vf/kdkj vkjf{kr j[krh gS rks bl vk'k; dk dFku (
¼u½ fdlh fyf[kr mikiu lafonk ds fu"iknu vkSj mPprj izkf/kdkjh ;k jkT;
ljdkj }kjk vuqeksnu] tgka ykxw gksa] dks lfEefyr djrs gq,] dksbZ vkSipkfjdrk,a tks
visf{kr gksaxh tc fdlh mikiu lafonk ;k nj lafonk ds izo`Ùk gksus ds fy, dksbZ cksyh
Lohdkj dj yh x;h gS ( vkSj
¼i½ cksfy;ksa dks rS;kj djus vkSj izLrqrhdj.k vkSj mikiu dk;Zokfg;ksa ds vU;
igywvksa ls lacaf/kr vf/kfu;e vkSj bu fu;eksa ds vuq:i mikiu laLFkk }kjk vf/kdfFkr
dksbZ vU; vis{kk,a tSls foLr`r ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ] fj;k;r djkj] fMtkbu] ;kstuk,a
bR;kfn (
¼4½ mikiu laLFkk ,sls izR;sd cksyh yxkus okys dks cksyh nLrkost miyC/k
djk;sxh tks mlesa fofufnZ"V izfØ;kvksa vkSj vis{kkvksa ds vuqlkj cksfy;ksa ds vkea=.k ds
fy, izR;qÙkj nsrs gSaA ;fn iwoZ&vgZrk] iSufyr djus ;k jftLVªhdj.k dh dk;Zokfg;ka izkjaHk
dj nh x;h gSa rks mikiu laLFkk ,sls izR;sd cksyh yxkus okys dks cksyh nLrkostksa dk lSV
miyC/k djk;sxh tks iwoZ&vgZrk izkIr gS vkSj tks ml nLrkost ds fy, izHkkfjr dher]
;fn dksbZ gks] dk lank; djrk gSA
37- ,dy Hkkx vkSj f}&Hkkx cksfy;ka-& /kkjk 13 ds mica/kksa ds vuqlkj mikiu laLFkk
,dy Hkkx ;k f}&Hkkx esa cksfy;ksa dks vkeaf=r djus dk pquko dj ldsxhA
38- cksyh yxkus okyksa dh vgZrk-& cksyh yxkus okyksa dh vgZrk ls lacaf/kr /kkjk 7 esa
;Fkk&miof.kZr mica/kksa ds vfrfjDr-&
¼d½ mikiu laLFkk fdlh cksyh yxkus okys dks fujfgZr djsxh ;fn og fdlh Hkh
le; ij ;g ikrh gS fd ]&
(i) cksyh yxkus okys dh vgZrkvksa ls lacaf/kr izLrqr lwpuk vlR; ;k
nqO;Zins'ku xfBr djus okyh Fkh ( ;k
(ii) cksyh yxkus okys dh vgZrkvksa ls lacaf/kr izLrqr lwpuk lkjoku :i
ls xyr ;k viw.kZ Fkh ( vkSj
¼[k½ mikiu laLFkk fdlh cksyh yxkus okys l]s tks iwoZ&vfgZr Fkk] ,sls cksyh yxkus
okys ls iwoZ&vgZrk ds fy, iz;qDr mlh dlkSVh ds vuqlkj iqu% mldh vgZrk dk izn'kZu
djus ds fy, vis{kk dj ldsxhA mikiu laLFkk fdlh cksyh yxkus okys dks] ;fn mlls
,slk djus dk vuqjks/k fd;k tk;s] tks iqu% vgZrk iznf'kZr djus esa vlQy gks tkrk gS]
dks fujfgZr djsxhA mikiu laLFkk izR;sd cksyh yxkus okys dks] ftls mldh vgZrk dk
iqu% izn'kZu djus dk vuqjks/k fd;k x;k gS] rRijrk ls vf/klwfpr djsxh fd D;k cksyh
yxkus okys us mikiu laLFkk ds lek/kku ds fy, ,slk fd;k gS ;k ughaA
39- cksyh yxkus okyksa dh ik=rk-& ¼1½ dksbZ cksyh yxkus okyk uSlfxZd O;fDr] izkbosV
laLFkk] Lkjdkjh LokfeRo okyh laLFkk ;k tgka cksyh nLrkostksa esa vuqKkr gks] fdlh djkj
ds fd;s tkus ds vkSipkfjd vk'k; ls mudk dksbZ leqPp; ;k fo|eku djkj ds v/khu
lgm|e ds :i esa gks ldrk gSA lgm|e dh n'kk esa%&
¼d½ lgm|e ds leLr i{kdkj cksyh dks gLrk{kfjr djsaxs vkSj os la;qDr :i ls
vkSj i`Fkd :i ls mÙkjnk;h gkasxs ( vkSj
¼[k½ lgm|e ,d izfrfuf/k dks ukefufnZ"V djsxk ftldks cksyh yxkus dh izfØ;k
ds nkSjku lgm|e ds fdlh ;k leLr i{kdkjksa ds fy, vkSj mudh vksj ls leLr
dkjckj lapkfyr djus dk izkf/kdkj gksxkA ml n'kk esa tgka lgm|e dh cksyh Lohd`r
dh tkrh gS] ;k rks os jftLVªhd`r lgm|e dEiuh@QeZ xfBr djsaxs ;k vU;Fkk lgm|e
ds leLr i{kdkj djkj gLrk{kfjr djsaxsA
¼2½ cksyh yxkus okys dk iz'uxr mikiu esa fu;e 81 vkSj cksyh nLrkostksa esa
;Fkk&of.kZr fgr dk fojks/k ugha gksuk pkfg,A mikiu laLFkk vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 11 vkSj
v/;k; 4 ds vuqlj.k esa cksyh yxkus okys ds fo#) leqfpr dkjZokbZ djsxh ;fn ;g
vo/kkfjr fd;k tkrk gS fd fgr ds fojks/k us fdlh mikiu izfØ;k dh lR;fu"Bk esa nks"k
mRiUu fd;k gSA leLr cksyh yxkus okys tks fgr dk fojks/k j[krs ik;s tk;s] fujfgZr
fd;s tk;saxsA
¼3½ /kkjk 46 ds v/khu fooftZr cksyh yxkus okyk fuEufyf[kr ds }kjk dh tkus
okyh fdlh mikiu izfØ;k esa Hkkx ysus dk ik= ugha gksxk]&
¼d½ fdlh Hkh mikiu laLFkk] ;fn jkT; ljdkj }kjk fooftZr fd;k x;k gks( vkSj
¼[k½ mikiu laLFkk] ;fn ml mikiu laLFkk }kjk fooftZr fd;k x;k gksA
¼4½ eky ds mikiu dh n'kk esa] cksyh yxkus okyk eky dk fofuekZrk] forjd ;k
ln~Hkkoh O;ogkjh gksuk pkfg, vkSj og fofufnZ"V :ifo/kku esa mlds fy, vko';d lcwr
nsxkA tgka ykxw gks] ogka fofuekZrk ;k Hkkjr esa forjd }kjk izkf/kdkj dk lcwr layXu
fd;k tk;sxkA
40- mikiu izfØ;k ds fy, le;&lhek-& ¼1½ ,dy izØe cksyh ds fy,
le;&lhek fuEukuqlkj gksxh %&
,dy izØe cksyh }kjk fofHkUu mikiu i)fr;ksa ds fy, cká le;&lhek dk cksyh pØ
Øe mikiu ds mikiu i)fr
la[;k izØe
[kqyh izfr;ksxh cksyh lhfer cksyh vkSj
lzksr mikiu
1- cksyh nLrkostksa cksyh vkeaf=r djus okys uksfVl ds izFke &
dk tkjh djuk izdk'ku ds fnu ls
2+ cksyh izLrqr ¼1½ cksyh vkeaf=r djus okys uksfVl ds izFke cksyh nLrkostksa ds
djuk izdk'ku dh rkjh[k ls rhl fnu tkjh djus@
(ii) tgka Li"Vhdj.k@;qfDrdk tkjh dh tk;s Li"Vhdj.k@
ogka LIk"Vhdj.k@;qfDrdk tkjh djus dh ;qfDrdk ds tkjh
fnukad ls de ls de iUnzg fnu ( ;k djus dh rkjh[k
(iii) vUrjjk"Vªh; izfr;ksxh cksyh dh n'kk esa] ls lkr fnuA
cksyh izLrqr djus dh dkykof/k cksyh
vkeaf=r djus okys uksfVl ds izFke
izdk'ku dh rkjh[k ls iSarkyhl fnu vkSj
Li"Vhdj.k @;qfDrdk ds tkjh djus dh
rkjh[k ls de ls de chl fnu gksxh
3- rduhdh cksyh izLrqr djus ds vafre fnu ds ,d fnu cksyh izLrqr djus
cksyh [kksyuk ds HkhrjA ds vafre fnu ds
,d fnu ds HkhrjA
4- vf/kfu.kZ; l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk vf/kfu.kZ; ds vuqeksnu ds l{ke izkf/kdkjh
dk i= tkjh rhu fnu ds HkhrjA }kjk vf/kfu.kZ; ds
djuk vuqeksnu ds rhu
fnu ds HkhrjA
5- lafonk djkj vf/kfu.kZ; dk i= tkjh djus ds iUnzg fnu ds vf/kfu.kZ; dk i=
dk fu"iknu Hkhrj ;k cksyh nLrkostksa esa ;Fkk&fofufnZ"V tkjh djus ds
dkykof/k esaA iUnzg fnu ds
Hkhrj ;k cksyh
nLrkostksa esa
dkykof/k esaA
6- jkT; yksd Lohd`fr i= ds tkjh djus ds rhu fnua ds Lohd`fr i= ds
mikiu HkhrjA tkjh djus ds rhu
iksVZy vkSj fnu ds HkhrjA
laLFkk dh
;fn dksbZ gks]
ij cksyh
ifj.kkeksa dh
ijUrq leqfpr ekeyksa esa] mikiu laLFkk 1[bl iz;kstu ds fy, jkT; ljdkj }kjk
izkf/kd`r l{ke izkf/kdkjh] ds vuqeksnu ls] cksyh izfØ;k dh Åij mfYyf[kr le;&lhek
dks f'kfFky dj ldsxhA
¼2½ mikiu izfØ;k esa vkeaf=r cksfy;ksa dh Lohd`fr ;k vLohd`fr ij fofu'p;
tgka nks fyQkQksa dh i)fr dk vuqlj.k fd;k tkrk gS] rduhdh cksyh ds [kqyus dh
rkjh[k ls] vU;Fkk foÙkh; cksyh ds [kqyus dh rkjh[k ls] uhps nh x;h dkykof/k ds Hkhrj
l{ke eatwjh izkf/kdkjh }kjk fy;k tk;sxk] ;|fi fof/kekU;rk dh dkykof/k vf/kd gks
ldrh gSA ;fn lacaf/kr eatwjh izkf/kdkjh }kjk nh x;h le;kof/k ds Hkhrj fofu'p; ugha
fd;k tkrk gS rks cksfy;ka nh x;h le;kof/k ds Hkhrj fofu'p; ugha ysus ds dkj.kksa
lfgr] fofu'p; ds fy, vxys mPprj izkf/kdkjh dks izLrqr dh tk;asxhA jkT; ljdkj
vkiokfnd ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa iz'kklfud foHkkx@foÙk lfefr@cksMZ@l'kDr lfefr bR;kfn
ds fy, fofgr le;kof/k dh lhek dks f'kfFky dj ldsxhA
l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk cksfy;ksa ij fofu'p; ds fy, le; vuqlwph
fVIi.k % ¼1½ mi;qZDr fofufnZ"V dkykof/k esa cksyh dh Lohd`fr dh lalwpuk esa fy;k x;k
le; lfEefyr gksxkA
¼2½ ;fn mikiu laLFkk jkT; ljdkj ds foHkkxksa ;k buls lEc) ;k v/khuLFk
dk;kZy;ksa ls fHkUu gS rks lacaf/kr iz'kklfud foHkkx cksyh ij fofu'p; ysus ds fy,
led{k l{ke izkf/kdkjh dks fofufnZ"V djsxkA
1- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2011 fnukad 4-9-2013 }kjk fo|eku 'kCn "jkT; ljdkj" ds LFkku
ij izfrLFkkfir] jktLFkku jkt&i= fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 4-9-2013 esa izdkf'kr ¼4-9-2013 ls izHkkoh½A
41- iwoZ&vgZrk dk;Zokfg;ka-& /kkjk 18 ds mica/kksa ds vfrfjDr] iwoZ&vgZrk dk;Zokgh dh
izfØ;k uhps nh x;h ;Fkk&fofufnZ"V jhfr ls dh tk;sxh &
¼d½ Hkkoh cksyh yxkus okyksa dk jftLVªhdj.k ;k iSufyr fd;k tkuk iwoZ&vgZrk
dk;Zokfg;ksa ds fy, fofufnZ"V izfØ;k ds vuqlkj fd;k tk ldsxkA
¼[k½ mikiu laLFkk dsoy iwoZ&vgZrk ds fy, vkea=.k vkSj iwoZ&vgZrk nLrkostksa esa
miof.kZr dlkSVh vkSj izfØ;kvksa ds vuqlkj cksyh yxkus okys dks iwoZ vfgZr djus dk
fofu'p; ysxhA
¼x½ mikiu laLFkk iwoZ&vgZrk ds fy, vkosnu izLrqr djus okys izR;sd cksyh
yxkus okys dks] pkgs mlus iwoZ&vgZrk izkIr dh gS ;k ugha] rRijrk ls vf/klwfpr djsxh
vkSj jkT; yksd mikiu iksVZy ij iwoZ&vgZrk dk;Zokfg;ksa dk ifj.kke Hkh izdkf'kr djsxhA
¼?k½ mikiu laLFkk izR;sd cksyh yxkus okys dks dkj.kksa lfgr fd og iwoZ&vfgZr
ugha gS]
rRijrk ls lalwfpr djsxhA
42- cksyh izfrHkwfr-& ¼1½ cksyh izfrHkwfr nl gtkj #i;s rd ds ewY; okys NksVs
mikiu vkSj /kkjk 30 dh mi&/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M ¼[k½ vkSj ¼x½ ds v/khu lhfer cksyh]
dksVs'ku ds fy, vuqjks/k] ekSds ij Ø;] ,dy lzksr mikiu vkSj izfr;ksxh ckrphr dh
i)fr;ksa }kjk mikiu ds
ekeys esa ugha yh tk;sxhA
¼2½ [kqyh izfr;ksxh cksyh] f}&izØeh cksyh] nj lafonk] bySDVªksfud fjolZ uhyke ds
ekeys esa cksyh izfrHkwfr cksyh ds fy, izLrqr mikiu dh fo"k; oLrq ds izkDdfyr ewY; dk
2% gksxh ;k tSlk jkT; ljdkj fofufnZ"V djsA jktLFkku ds y?kq m|ksxksa dh n'kk esa ;g
iznk; ds fy, iznÙk ek=k dk 0-5% gksxh vkSj y?kq m|ksxksa ls fHkUu :X.k m|ksxksa dh n'kk
esa ftuds ekeys vkS|ksfxdh ,oa foÙk iqufuekZ.k cksMZ ds le{k yfEcr gS] ;g cksyh ds ewY;
dk 1% gksxhA jkT; ljdkj }kjk jftLVªhd`r cksyh yxkus okyksa ls fofufnZ"V fj;k;rh
cksyh izfrHkwfr yh tk ldsxhA mikiu izfØ;k esa Hkkx ysus okys izR;sd cksyh yxkus okys
ls] ;fn NwVizkIr ugha gks rks cksyh vkeaf=r djus okyh lwpuk esa ;Fkk&fofufnZ"V cksyh
izfrHkwfr nsus dh vis{kk dh tk;sxhA
¼3½ cksyh izfrHkwfr ds LFkku ij] cksyh izfrHkwfr ?kks"k.kk jkT; ljdkj ds foHkkxksa vkSj
ljdkj ds LokfeRok/khu ;k fu;af=r ;k izcaf/kr miØeksa] fuxeksa] Lok;r fudk;ksa]
jftLVªhd`r lkslkbfV;ksa] lgdkjh lkslkbfV;ksa vkSj dsUnzh; ljdkj ;k jktLFkku ljdkj ds
ljdkjh miØe vkSj dEifu;ksa ls yh tk;sxhA
¼4½ cksyh izfrHkwfr fy[kr ;k cksyh izfrHkwfr dh udn jlhn ;k cksyh izfrHkwr djus
dh ?kks"k.kk vko';d :i ls eqgjcan cksyh ds lkFk gksxhA
¼5½ mikiu laLFkk ds ikl vU; cksfy;ksa esa izrhf{kr fofu'p; ds laca/k esa j[kh gqbZ
cksyh yxkus okys dh cksyh izfrHkwfr] u;h cksyh ds fy, cksyh izfrHkwfr esa lek;ksftr ugha
dh tk;sxhA rFkkfi] ewy :i ls tek djk;h x;h cksyh izfrHkwfr cksyh ds iqu% vkeaf=r
fd;s tkus dh n'kk esa fopkj esa yh tk ldrh gSA
¼6½ cksyh izfrHkwfr udn] cSadj pSd ;k ekaxns; Mªk¶V ;k vuqlwfpr cSad ds
fofufnZ"V :ifo/kku esa cSad xkjaVh ;k ljdkjh foHkkxksa dh n'kk esa bZ- th- vkj- ,- ,l- ds
ek/;e ls tek ds :i esa nh tk ldsxhA cksyh izfrHkwfr] cksyh dh ewy ;k c<+k;h x;h
fof/kekU;rk dh dkykof/k ls rhl fnu vkxs rd fof/kekU; jguh pkfg,A
¼7½ cksyh nLrkostksa esa ;g fu;r fd;k tk ldsxk fd cksyh izfrHkwfr dk fuxkZeh
vkSj cksyh izfrHkwfr dh iqf"V djus okyk] ;fn dksbZ gks] ds lkFk gh cksyh izfrHkwfr dk iz:i
vkSj fuca/ku mikiu laLFkk dks Lohdk;Z gksuk pkfg,A vUrjjk"Vªh; izfr;ksxh cksyh dh n'kk
esa] cksyh nLrkostksa esa ;g Hkh fu;r fd;k tk ldsxk fd cksyh izfrHkwfr Hkkjr esa fdlh
fuxkZeh }kjk tkjh dh tk;sxhA
¼8½ ;fn visf{kr gks rks izLrqrhdj.k izLrqr djus ls iwoZ] cksyh yxkus okyk cksyh
izfrHkwfr ds izLFkkfir fuxkZeh ;k izLFkkfir iqf"V djus okys dh Lohdk;Zrk dks iq"V djus
ds fy, mikiu laLFkk ls vuqjks/k dj ldsxkA mikiu laLFkk ,sls fdlh vuqjks/k dk
rRijrk ls izR;qÙkj nsxhA
¼9½ cksyh izfrHkwfr ds :i esa izLrqr cSad xkjUVh dh lacaf/kr tkjh djus okys cSad
ls iqf"V djk;h tk;sxhA rFkkfi] izLrkfor fuxkZeh ;k fdlh izLrkfor iqf"V djus okys dh
Lohdk;Zrk dh iqf"V bl vk/kkj ij cksyh izfrHkwfr dks vLohdkj djus ls mikiu laLFkk dks
vioftZr ugha djrh gS fd fuxkZeh ;k] ;FkkfLFkfr] iqf"V djus okyk fnokfy;k gks x;k gS
;k vU;Fkk m/kkj ds fy, ik= ugha jg x;k gSA
¼10½ vlQy cksyh yxkus okyksa dh cksyh izfrHkwfr dk izfrnk; lQy cksyh dh
vafre Lohd`fr vkSj djkj ds gLrk{kj djus vkSj dk;Z lEiknu izfrHkwfr izLrqr djus ds
'kh?kz i'pkr~ dj fn;k tk;sxkA
¼11½ cksyh yxkus okys ls yh xbZ cksyh izfrHkwfr fuEufyf[kr ekeyksa esa leiâr
dj nh tk;sxh] vFkkZr~ %&
¼d½ tc cksyh yxkus okyk cksyh ds [kqyus ds i'pkr~ viuh cksyh izR;kâr ;k
mikUrfjr djrk gS(
¼[k½ tc cksyh yxkus okyk iznk;@ladeZ vkns'k nsus ds i'pkr~ fofufnZ"V
dkykof/k ds Hkhrj djkj] ;fn dksbZ gks] dk fu"iknu ugha djrk gS(
¼x½ tc cksyh yxkus okyk fofufnZ"V le; ds Hkhrj iznk;@ladeZ vkns'k ds
vuqlkj eky ;k lsok dk iznk; ;k ladeZ dk fu"iknu izkjaHk djus esa vlQy jgrk gS(
¼?k½ tc cksyh yxkus okyk iznk;@ladeZ vkns'k fn;s tkus ds i'pkr~ fofufnZ"V
dkykof/k ds Hkhrj dk;Z lEiknu izfrHkwfr tek ugha djkrk gS(
¼³½ ;fn cksyh yxkus okyk vf/kfu;e vkSj bu fu;eksa ds v/;k; 6 esa fofufnZ"V
cksyh yxkus okyksa ds fy, fofgr lR;fu"Bk dh lafgrk ds fdlh mica/k dk Hkax djrk gSA
¼12½ lQy cksyh yxkus okys dh n'kk esa] cksyh izfrHkwfr dh jde dk;Z lEiknu
izfrHkwfr dh jde esa lek;ksftr dh tk ldrh gS ;k ykSVk;h tk ldrh gS ;fn lQy
cksyh yxkus okyk iw.kZ jde dh dk;Z lEiknu izfrHkwfr ns nsrk gSA
¼13½ mikiu laLFkk fuEufyf[kr n'kkvksa ds 'kh?kz i'pkr~ cksyh izfrHkwfr dks rRijrk
ls ykSVk nsxh] vFkkZr~ %&
¼d½ cksyh izfrHkwfr dh fof/kekU;rk ds volku ij(
¼[k½ lQy cksyh yxkus okys ds }kjk mikiu ds fy, djkj ds fu"iknu vkSj dk;Z
lEiknu izfrHkwfr nsus ij(
¼x½ mikiu izfØ;k ds jn~ndj.k ij( ;k
¼?k½ cksyh izLrqr djus ds fy, vfUre le;&lhek ls iwoZ cksyh ds izR;kgj.k ij]
tc rd fd cksyh nLrkostksa esa ;g vuqca/k ugha gks fd ,slk dksbZ izR;kgj.k vuqKkr ugha
fd;k x;k gSA
43- cksyh vkeaf=r djus okyh lwpuk-& ¼1½ mikiu laLFkk [kqyh izfr;ksxh cksyh
vkSj f} izØeh cksyh esa cksfy;ksa dh] ;k tgka ykxw gks] iwoZ&vgZrk ds fy, vkosnu dh
vH;FkZuk cksyh ;k] ;FkkfLFkfr] iwoZ&vgZrk ds vkea=.k dk izdk'ku jkT; yksd mikiu
iksVZy vkSj mldh Lo;a dh 'kkldh; osclkbV] ;fn miyC/k gks] ij djds djsxhA bl
fu;e ds mi&fu;e ¼6½ vkSj ¼7½ esa ;Fkk&fofgr i;kZIr ifjpkyu okys lekpkj i=ksa esa
,d laf{kIr uksfVl Hkh izdkf'kr fd;k tk;sxkA
¼2½ jkT; yksd mikiu iksVZy ij izdkf'kr fd;s tkus okys cksyh ds vkea=.k esa
de ls de fuEufyf[kr lwpuk vUrfoZ"V gksxh] vFkkZr~ %&
¼d½ mikiu laLFkk dk uke vkSj irk] vkSj bZ&esy irk] ;fn dksbZ gks]
¼[k½ mikiu dk;Zokfg;ksa ds ifj.kkeLo:i dh tkus okyh mikiu lafonk ;k nj
lafonk ds eq[; visf{kr fuca/kuksa vkSj 'krksZa dk laf{kIr fooj.k ftlesa iznk; fd;s tkus
okys eky] fu"ikfnr fd;s tkus okys ladeZ ;k miyC/k djk;h tkus okyh lsokvksa dh
izd`fr] ifjek.k] ifjnku dk le; vkSj LFkku lfEefyr gksaxs(
¼x½ D;k cksyh izfØ;k ,dy izØe ;k f} izØe esa lapkfyr gksxh vkSj D;k bls nks
fyQkQksa esa lkFk&lkFk izLrqr fd;k tkuk gS ¼cksyh dh rduhdh xq.koÙkk vkSj dk;Z
lEiknu fo'ks"krkvksa dks j[kus okyk ,d fyQkQk vkSj cksyh ds foÙkh; igyqvksa dks j[kus
okyk vU; fyQkQk½(
¼?k½ cksyh yxkus okyksa dh vgZrk dk ewY;kadu djus ds fy, iz;qDr dh tkus okyh
dlkSVh vkSj izfØ;k (
¼³½ vH;FkZuk nLrkostksa dks izkIr djus dh izfØ;k vkSj LFkku tgka ls mUgsa izkIr
fd;k tk ldrk gS(
¼p½ vH;FkZuk nLrkostksa ds fy, mikiu laLFkk }kjk izHkkfjr ewY;] ;fn dksbZ gks]
vkSj lank; dh jhfr vkSj cksyh izfrHkwfr dh jde vkSj mldk iz:i(
¼N½ cksfy;ksa ds izLrqrhdj.k ds fy, jhfr] LFkku vkSj vafre le; lhek(
¼t½ mikiu laLFkk dk cksyh izfØ;k dks jn~n djus vkSj dksbZ ;k leLr cksfy;ksa
dks vLohdkj djus dk vf/kdkj(
¼>½ cksfy;ksa dks [kksyus dk le;] rkjh[k vkSj LFkku(
¼¥½ D;k mikiu ds dksbZ en fof'k"V izoxZ ds cksyh yxkus okyksa ds fy, vkjf{kr
gSa( vkSj
¼V½ dksbZ vU; egRoiw.kZ lwpukA
¼3½ jkT; yksd mikiu iksVZy ij izdkf'kr fd;s tkus okys iwoZ vgZrk ds vkeU=.k
esa de ls de fuEufyf[kr lwpuk vUrfoZ"V gksxh] vFkkZr~ %&
¼d½ mikiu laLFkk dk uke vkSj irk] vkSj bZ&esy dk irk] ;fn dksbZ gks(
¼[k½ mikiu dk;Zokfg;ksa ds ifj.kkeLo:i dh tkus okyh mikiu lafonk ;k nj
lafonk ds le; Kkr lhek rd] visf{kr eq[; fuca/kuksa vkSj 'krksZa] iwoZ vgZrk ds vkea=.k
dk laf{kIr fooj.k ftlesa iznk; fd;s tkus okys eky dh izd`fr] ifjek.k vkSj ifjnku dk
LFkku] fd;s tkus okys ladeksZa dh izd`fr vkSj voLFkku] ;k] lsokvksa dh izd`fr vkSj LFkku]
tgka mUgsa miyC/k djk;k tkuk gS] ds lkFk&lkFk ;fn igys ls Kkr gks rks eky ds
ifjnku ds fy, ;k ladekZsa dks iw.kZ djus ds fy, visf{kr le; ;k lsok,a miyC/k djkus
ds fy, le; lkj.kh lfEefyr gSA
¼x½ cksyh yxkus okyksa dh vgZrk dk ewY;kadu djus ds fy, vuqlfjr dh tkus
okyh dlkSVh vkSj izfØ;k(
¼?k½ iwoZ&vgZrk nLrkostksa dks izkIr djus dh izfØ;k vkSj og LFkku tgka ls mUgsa izkIr
fd;k tk ldrk gS (
¼³½ iwoZ&vgZrk nLrkostksa vkSj iwoZ&vgZrk ds i'pkr~ cksyh nLrkostksa ds fy,
mikiu laLFkk }kjk izHkkfjr ewY;] ;fn dksbZ gks] vkSj mlds lank; dh jhfr(
¼p½ iwoZ vgZrk ds fy, vkosnuksa dks izLrqr djus ds fy, jhfr] LFkku vkSj vafre
le; lhek( vkSj
¼N½ iwoZ&vgZrk izLrkoksa dks [kksyus dk le;] rkjh[k vkSj LFkkuA
¼4½ 200-00 yk[k #i;s ls vf/kd dh izkDdfyr ykxr ds eky] ladeksZa ;k lsokvksa
ds fy, cksyh vkeaf=r djus okyk uksfVl Hkkjrh; O;kikj tuZy esa izdk'ku ds fy,
egkfuns'kd] vklwpuk vkSj lkaf[;dh] dksydkrk dks Hkh Hkstk tk;sxkA
¼5½ lekpkj i=ksa esa izdkf'kr fd;k tkus okyk cksyh vkeaf=r djus okyk uksfVl
laf{kIr gksuk pkfg,A mikiu dh ,d ls vf/kd fo"k; oLrq ds fy, cksyh ;Fkk&laHko ,d
uksfVl esa izdkf'kr dh tk;sxhA
¼6½ lekpkj i=ksa vkSj uksfVl cksMZ esa cksyh vkeaf=r djus okys uksfVl ds izdk'ku
ds izR;qÙkj esa eky ds iznk; ;k lsok miyC/k djkus ds fy, cksfy;ksa ds izLrqrhdj.k ds
fy, le; fuEukuqlkj gksxk %&
eky vkSj lsokvksa ds mikiu ds fy, cksfy;ksa ds izLrqrhdj.k ds
fy, le; vkSj izpkj dh jhfr;ka
1 2 3 4
1- ikap yk[k nl fnu (i) mikiu laLFkk vkSj ;FkkfLFkfr] leLr
#i;s rd v/khuLFk {ks=h; vkSj [k.M eq[;ky;ksa ds
uksfVl cksMZA
(ii) ,d {ks=h; nSfud lekpkj i=A
2- ikap yk[k iUnzg fnu (i) mikiu laLFkk vkSj FkkfLFkfr] leLr
#i;s ls v/khuLFk {ks=h; vkSj [k.M eq[;ky;ksa ds
vf/kd vkSj uksfVl cksMZA
ipkl yk[k (ii) ,d {ks=h; nSfud lekpkj i=A
#i;s rd (iii) ipkl gtkj izfr;ksa vkSj mlls vf/kd dk
ifjpkyu j[kus okys ,d jkT; Lrjh;
eq[; nSfud lekpkj i=A
3- ipkl yk[k rhl fnu (i) mikiu laLFkk vkSj ;FkkfLFkfr] leLr
#i;s ls v/khuLFk {ks=h; vkSj [k.M eq[;ky;ksa ds
vf/kd uksfVl cksMZA
(ii) ipkl gtkj izfr;ksa vkSj mlls vf/kd dk
ifjpkyu j[kus okyk ,d jkT; Lrjh; eq[;
nSfud lekpkj i=A
(iii) o`gr~ ifjpkyu okys ,d vf[ky Hkkjrh;
Lrj dk 1[nSfud lekpkj i=]A
ijUrq leqfpr ekeyksa esa] mikiu laLFkk 2[bl iz;kstu ds fy, jkT; ljdkj }kjk
izkf/kd`r l{ke izkf/kdkjh] ds vuqeksnu ls] cksyh izfØ;k dh Åij mfYyf[kr le;&lhek dks
f'kfFky dj ldsxhA
1- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2011 fnukad 4-9-2013 }kjk [vaxzsth nSfud lekpkj i=] ds LFkku ij
izfrLFkkfir] jktLFkku jkt&i= fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 4-9-2013 esa izdkf'kr ¼4-9-2013 ls izHkkoh½A
2- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2011 fnukad 4-9-2013 }kjk [jkT; ljdkj] ds LFkku ij izfrLFkkfir]
jktLFkku jkt&i= fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 4-9-2013 esa izdkf'kr ¼4-9-2013 ls izHkkoh½A
¼7½ lekpkj i=kas vkSj uksfVl cksMksZa esa cksyh vkeaf=r djus okys uksfVl ds izdk'ku ds
izR;qÙkj esa ladeksZa ds fu"iknu gsrq cksfy;ksa ds izLrqrhdj.k ds fy, le; fuEukuqlkj gksxk%&
ladeksZa ds mikiu ds fy, cksfy;ksa ds izLrqrhdj.k ds fy, le; vkSj izpkj dh jhfr;ka
Ø-la- mikIr fd;s tkus cksyh vkeaf=r djus izpkj dh jhfr
okys ladeZ dk okys uksfVl ds izFke
izkDdfyr ewY; izdk'ku dh rkjh[k
ls cksyh dks izLrqr
djus dh dkykof/k
1 2 3 4
1- ,d yk[k #i;s rd lkr fnu mikiu laLFkk vkSj blds v/khuLFk
dk;kZy;ksa ds uksfVl cksMZA
2- ,d yk[k #i;s ls vf/kd iUnzg fnu (i) mikiu laLFkk vkSj blds
vkSj nl yk[k #i;s v/khuLFk dk;kZy;ksa ds
rd uksfVl cksMZA
(ii) ,d eq[; {ks=h; nSfud
lekpkj i=A
3- nl yk[k #i;s bDdhl fnu (i) mikiu laLFkk vkSj blds
ls vf/kd vkSj v/khuLFk dk;kZy;ksa ds
,d djksM+ uksfVl cksMZA
#i;s rd (ii) ,d eq[; {ks=h; nSfud
lekpkj i=] ipkl gtkj
izfr;ka ;k blls vf/kd ds
ifjpkyu okys ,d jkT;
Lrjh; eq[; nSfud lekpkj
4- ,d djksM+ #i;s ls (i) mikiu laLFkk vkSj blds
vf/kd rhl fnu v/khuLFk dk;kZy;ksa ds
uksfVl cksMZA
(ii) ,d eq[; {ks=h; nSfud lekpkj i=]
ipkl gtkj izfr;ka ;k blls vf/kd
ds ifjpkyu okys ,d jkT;
Lrjh; eq[; nSfud lekpkj i=A
(iii) o`gr~ ifjpkyu okyk ,d vf[ky
Hkkjrh; Lrj dk 1[nSfud lekpkj
ijUrq leqfpr ekeyksa esa] mikiu laLFkk 2[bl iz;kstu ds fy, jkT; ljdkj }kjk
izkf/kd`r l{ke izkf/kdkjh] ds vuqeksnu ls] cksyh izfØ;k dh Åij mfYyf[kr le;&lhek dks
f'kfFky dj ldsxhA
1- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2011 fnukad 4-9-2013 }kjk [vaxzsth nSfud lekpkj i=] ds LFkku ij
izfrLFkkfir] jktLFkku jkt&i= fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 4-9-2013 esa izdkf'kr ¼4-9-2013 ls izHkkoh½A
2- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2011 fnukad 4-9-2013 }kjk [jkT; ljdkj] ds LFkku ij izfrLFkkfir]
jktLFkku jkt&i= fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 4-9-2013 esa izdkf'kr ¼4-9-2013 ls izHkkoh½A
¼8½ vUrjkZ"Vªh; izfr;ksxh cksyh dh n'kk esa] ftlesa cksyh dk uksfVl vUrjkZ"Vªh;
cksyh yxkus okyksa dks lacaksf/kr fd;k tkuk gS] cksyh vkefU=r djus okyk uksfVl mi;qDr
ek/;eksa] tks fd vUrjkZ"Vªh; izR;qÙkjksa dks vkdf"kZr djrs gSa] dk iz;ksx djrs gq, vfrfjDr
:i ls izdkf'kr fd;k tk;sxkA blesa fons'kksa esa Hkkjrh; jktnwrkokl] Hkkjr esa fons'kh
jktnwrkokl] vUrjkZ"Vªh; O;kikj tuZy bR;kfn dks cksyh vkefU=r djus okys uksfVl ds
ifjpkyu dks lfEefyr fd;k tk ldsxkA cksyh vkeaf=r djus okys uksfVl ds izFke
izdk'ku dh rkjh[k ls cksyh izLrqrhdj.k ds fy, dkykof/k iSarkyhl fnu dh gksxhA
¼9½ cksfy;ksa dks vkefU=r djus okyk uksfVl ljdkjh foHkkxksa }kjk bl vuqjks/k ds
lkFk fd lekpkj i=ksa ds fdl izoxZ esa ,slk uksfVl izdkf'kr fd;k tkuk gS] lwpuk vkSj
tulEidZ foHkkx] jktLFkku ds ek/;e ls lekpkj i=ksa esa izdkf'kr fd;k tk;sxkA
¼10½ vkikr fLFkfr esa] mikiu laLFkk dkj.k vfHkfyf[kr djus ds i'pkr~] cksyh
vkefU=r djus okys uksfVl ds izFke izdk'ku dh rkjh[k ls cksfy;ksa ds izLrqrhdj.k ds
fy, dkykof/k mi;qZDr mi fu;e ¼6½ ;k] ;FkkfLFkfr] ¼7½ esa fofuZfn"V dkykof/k ds vk/ks
rd de dj ldrh gSA
¼11½ mikiu laLFkk ds ikl cksyh izfØ;k dks jn~n djus vkSj dksbZ ;k leLr
cksfy;ksa dks vLohdkj djus dk vf/kdkj gksxkA
44- cksyh nLrkostksa] iwoZ vgZrk nLrkostksa ;k cksyh yxkus okys ds jftLVªhdj.k
nLrkostksa ds fy, ewY; vkSj izfØ;k Qhl ;k mi;ksDrk izHkkj-& cksyh nLrkostksa]
iwoZ&vgZrk nLrkostksa] ;k jftLVªhdj.k nLrkostksa ds fy, ewY;] budh rS;kjh vkSj iznk;
dh ykxr ij fopkj djus ds i'pkr~ fu;r fd;k tk;sxkA mikiu laLFkk bZ&mikiu
lqfo/kk dk mi;ksx djus ds fy, izfØ;k Qhl ;k mi;ksDrk izHkkj Hkh izHkkfjr dj ldsxhA
45- cksyh nLrkostksa dk foØ;-& ¼1½ cksyh nLrkostksa dk foØ; cksyh vkefU=r
djus okys uksfVl ds izdk'ku dh rkjh[k ls vkjEHk gksxk vkSj cksyh ds [kqyus dh rkjh[k
ls ,d fnu iwoZ can fd;k tk;sxkA lEiw.kZ cksyh nLrkost jkT; yksd mikiu iksVZy ij
Hkh j[ks tk;sxsaA Hkkoh cksyh yxkus okyksa dks osclkbZV ls cksyh nLrkost MkmuyksM djus
vkSj bldh dher dk lank; mikiu laLFkk dks Hkjs gq, cksyh nLrkost izLrqr djrs le;
;k bZ &mikiu xsVos] ;fn lqfo/kk miyC/k gks rks] ij djus dh vuqKk nh tk;sxhA
¼2½ cksyh nLrkost] iwoZ&vgZrk nLrkost ;k cksyh yxkus okys ds jftLVªhdj.k
nLrkost fdlh cksyh yxkus okys dks] tks blds dher dk lank; udn ;k cSad ekaxns;
Mªk¶V] cSadj pSd ls djrk gS] miyC/k djok;s tk;saxs tc rd fd mikiu cksyh yxkus
okyksa ds fofufnZ"V izoxZ ds fy, vkjf{kr u gks %
ijUrq ml n'kk esa tgka jftLVªhdj.k ;k iSufyr djus dh dk;Zokfg;ksa dks
lfEefyr djrs gq, cksyh yxkus okyh izfØ;k ds fy, iwoZ&vgZrk dk;Zokfg;ka dh x;h Fkh]
ogka cksyh yxkus okys nLrkost dsoy mu cksyh yxkus okyksa dks gh miyC/k djk;s tk;saxs
tks iwoZ vfgZr ;k jftLVªhd`r ;k] ;FkkfLFkfr] iSufyr gks pqds gaSA
¼3½ foØ; fd;s x;s cksyh nLrkostksa dk foLr`r ys[kk j[kk tk;sxkA blesa osclkbZV
ls MkmuyksM fd;s x;s cksyh nLrkostksa ds C;kSjksa dks Hkh lfEefyr fd;k tk;sxk tc
mudh dher cksyh ds izLrqrhdj.k ds le; lanÙk dh tkrh gS A
¼4½ fdlh leqRFkku ds iz/kku }kjk Ø; fd;s x;s cksyh nLrkostksa dk mi;ksx blds
izkf/kd`r ,dek= foØ; vfHkdrkZ@foi.ku vfHkdrkZ@forjd@ mi&forjd vkSj izkf/kd`r
O;ogkjh }kjk ;k foi;Z;su Hkh fd;k tk ldrk gSA
46- cksyh&iwoZ Li"Vhdj.k-& /kkjk 22 esa vUrfoZ"V mica/kksa ds v/;/khu] mikiu
laLFkk cksyh yxkusokyksa dk cksyh&iwoZ lEesyu cqyk ldsxh vkSj cksyh nLrkostksa ds
Li"Vhdj.k ds fy, cSZBd esa izLrqr vuqjks/kksa vkSj mu vuqjks/kksa ds izR;qÙkj] ml O;fDr
ftlus vuqjks/k fd;k
gS dh igpku fd;s fcuk] vUrfoZ"V djrs gq, cSBd ds dk;Zo`r rS;kj djsxhA dk;Zo`r vkSj
/kkjk 22 dh mi&/kkjk ¼3½ ds v/khu izR;qÙkj] ;fn dksbZ gks] mu leLr cksyh yxkus okyksa
dks] ftudks mikiu laLFkk us cksyh nLrkost miyC/k djk;s gSa] rRijrk ls miyC/k djk;s
tk;saxs rkfd mu cksyh yxkus okyksa dks dk;Zo`rksa dks fopkj esa ysus ds fy, mudh cksyh
rS;kj djus esa leFkZ cuk;k tk lds] vkSj bUgsa jkT; yksd mikiu iksVZy ij izdkf'kr
fd;k tk;sxkA
47- cksyh nLrkostksa esa ifjorZu-& cksyh izLrqr djus ds fy, vfUre le;&lhek
ls iwoZ fdlh Hkh le;] mikiu laLFkk fdlh dkj.k ls pkgs Loizsj.kk ij ;k cksyh yxkus
okys ds }kjk Li"Vhdj.k ds fy, fdlh vuqjks/k ds ifj.kkeaLo:i] /kkjk 23 ds mica/kksa ds
vuqlkj ;qfDrdk tkjh djds cksyh nLrkostksa dks mikUrfjr dj ldsxhA
48- cksfy;ksa dh fof/kekU;rk dh dkykof/k-& ¼1½ cksyh yxkus okyksa ds }kjk izLrqr
cksyh] cksyh nLrkostksa eas fofufnZ"V dkykof/k ds nkSjku fof/kekU; jgsxhA ;g dkykof/k
lkekU;r;k uCcs fnuksa ls vf/kd ugha gksuh pkfg, fdUrq mikiu dh izd`fr ds vk/kkj ij
;g vf/kd Hkh gks ldrh gSA y?kqrj dkykof/k ds fy, fof/kekU; dksbZ cksyh xSj
izR;qÙkjnk;h ds :i esa mikiu laLFkk }kjk vLohdkj dh tk;sxhA
¼2½ cksfy;ksa dh fof/kekU;rk dh dkykof/k ds volku ds iwoZ] mikiu laLFkk
vkiokfnd ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa] cksyh yxkus okykas ls vfrfjDr fofufnZ"V lek;kof/k ds fy,
cksyh dh fof/kekU;rk dh dkykof/k dk foLrkj djus ds fy, vuqjks/k dj ldsxhA cksyh
yxkus okyk vuqjks/k dks vLohdkj dj ldrk gS vkSj ,slh vLohd`r cksyh izR;kgj.k ds
:i esa ekuh tk;sxh fdUrq ,slh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa cksyh izfrHkwfr leig`r dh tk;sxhA
¼3½ ,sls cksyh yxkus okys tks mudh cksyh dh fof/kekU;rk dh dkykof/k ds
foLrkj ls lger gksrs gSa] muds }kjk izLrqr cksyh izfrHkwfr;ksa dh fof/kekU;rk dh
dkykof/k dk foLrkj djsaxs ;k foLrkj djk;saxs ;k mudh cksyh dh fof/kekU;rk dh
foLrkfjr dkykof/k dks vko`r djus ds fy, u;h cksyh izfrHkwfr;ka izLrqr djsaxsA dksbZ
cksyh yxkus okyk ftldh cksyh izfrHkwfr foLrkfjr ugha dh tkrh gS ;k ftlus u;h cksyh
izfrHkwfr izLrqr ugha dh gS] bls mldh cksyh dh fof/kekU;rk dh dkykof/k ds foLrkj ds
fy, vuqjks/k dks vLohdkj fd;k tkuk ekuk tk;sxkA
49- cksfy;ksa dk :ifo/kku vkSj gLrk{kfjr fd;k tkuk-& ¼1½ cksyh yxkus okyk
cksyh nLrkostksa dk ,d ewy lSV rS;kj djsxk tks cksyh dgyk;sxh vkSj bls **ewy** ds :i
esa Li"V :i ls fpfg~ur djsxk vkSj ;fn dgk tk;s rks cksyh yxkus okyk cksyh nLrkostksa
esa ;Fkk&fofufnZ"V la[;k esa cksyh dh vfrfjDr izfr;ka izLrqr djsxk vkSj mUgsa Li"V :i
ls **izfr** ds :i esa fpfâur djsxkA ewy cksyh vkSj bldh izfr;ksa ds e/; dksbZ vUrj
gksus dh n'kk esa] ewy cksyh dh fo"k;oLrq vfHkHkkoh gksxhA
¼2½ cksyh dh ewy vkSj leLr izfr;ka Vafdr ;k L;kgh esa fyf[kr gksxh vkSj blds
leLr i`"B] cksyh nLrkostksa ds leLr fucU/kuksa vkSj 'krksZa dh Lohd`fr ds izek.kLo:i]
cksyh yxkus okys ;k cksyh yxkus okys dh vksj ls gLrk{kj fd;s tkus ds fy, lE;d~ :i
ls izkf/kd`r fdlh O;fDr }kjk gLrk{kfjr gksaxsA ;g izkf/kdkj cksyh nLrkostksa esa
;Fkk&fofufnZ"V fyf[kr iqf"Vdj.k ls ;qDr gksxk vkSj cksyh ds lkFk layXu gksxkA
¼3½ cksyh esa dksbZ Hkh la'kks/ku tSls fd varjkys[ku] mn~?k"kZ.k ;k fyIrys[ku dsoy
rc fof/kekU; gksxk tc os cksyh gLrk{kfjr djus okys O;fDr }kjk gLrk{kfjr ;k
vk/;{kfjr fd;s x;s gksA
¼4½ ;fn f}&Hkkx cksfy;ka vkeaf=r dh x;h gSa rks rduhdh vkSj foÙkh; cksfy;ksa dks
gLrk{kfjr djus ds fy, leku izfØ;k vaxhd`r dh tk;sxhA
50- cksfy;ksa dks eqgjcan djuk vkSj fpfg~ur djuk-& ¼1½ cksyh yxkus okys mudh
cksfy;ksa dks Mkd }kjk ;k nLrh izLrqr dj ldsaxs fdUrq ;fn cksyh nLrkostksa esa ,slk
fofufnZ"V gks rks cksyh yxkus okys mudh cksyh dks dsoy bySfDVªksfud :i ls izLrqr
djsaxsA bysDVªksfud :i ls cksyh izLrqr djus okys cksyh yxkus okys jkT; yksd mikiu
iksVZy ij ;Fkk&fofufnZ"V bySDVªksfud cksyh izLrqfrdj.k izfØ;k dk vuqlj.k djsaxsA
¼2½ cksyh dh ewy vkSj izR;sd izfr Mkd }kjk ;k nLrh lE;d~ :i ls fpfg~ur
fyQkQs ;Fkk **ewy** vkSj **izfr** i`Fkd eqgjcan fyQkQksa esa ifjosf"Vr dh tk;sxhA rc ewy
vkSj izfr;ksa ls ;qDr fyQkQs ,d ,dy fyQkQs esa ifjosf"Vr fd;s tk;saxsA
¼3½ vkUrfjd vkSj ckã fyQkQs ij -&
¼d½ cksyh yxkus okys dk uke vkSj iw.kZ irk vkSj nwjHkk"k@eksckby uEcj gksxk]
¼[k½ mikiu laLFkk dk iw.kZ irk vkSj nwjHkk"k uEcj] ;fn dksbZ gks] gksxk]
¼x½ cksyh vkefU=r djus okys uksfVl ds vuqlj.k esa cksyh izfØ;k dh fofufnZ"V
igpku vkSj cksyh nLrkostksa esa ;Fkk&fofufnZ"V dksbZ vfrfjDr igpku fpàu gksxk( vkSj
¼?k½ cksyh vkefU=r djus okys uksfVl ds vuqlj.k esa cksyh [kksyus ds fy, le;
vkSj rkjh[k ls iwoZ ugha [kksyus dh psrkouh gksxhA
¼4½ ;fn leLr fyQkQs ;Fkk&visf{kr eqgjcan vkSj fpfàur ugha fd;s x;s gSa rks
mikiu laLFkk blds ifj.kkeksa ds ckjs esa dksbZ mÙkjnkf;Ro Lohdkj ugha djsxhA
¼5½ ;fn f}&Hkkx cksyh vkefU=r dh tkrh gS rks rduhdh vkSj foÙkh; cksfy;ksa dks
eqgjcan vkSj fpfàur djus ds fy, leku izfØ;k vaxhd`r dh tk;sxhA
51- cksfy;ksa ds izLrqfrdj.k ds fy, vafre le;&lhek-& ¼1½ cksyh vkefU=r djus
okys uksfVl esa fofufnZ"V LFkku vkSj le; vkSj rkjh[k rd cksfy;ka mikiu laLFkk }kjk
inkfHkfgr O;fDr }kjk izkIr dh tk;saxh ;k lh/ks gh cksyh ds cDls esa Mkyh tk;saxhA
¼2½ lkekU;r;k cksfy;ksa ds izLrqfrdj.k ;k [kksyus dh rkjh[k c<+kbZ ugha tkuh
pkfg,A vkiokfnd ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ;k tc cksyh nLrkostksa dks cksyh&iwoZ lEesyu esa
fopkj&foe'kZ ds ifj.kkeLo:i ;k vU;Fkk vf/k"Bk;h :i ls ifjofrZr fd;s tkus dh
vis{kk dh tkrh gS vkSj cksyh dh rS;kjh ds fy, Hkkoh cksyh yxkus okyksa ds ikl le;
vi;kZIr izrhr gksrk gS rc mikiu laLFkk }kjk rkjh[k c<+kbZ tk ldrh gSA ,slh n'kk esa
foLrkfjr le; vkSj rkjh[k dk izpkj mlh jhfr ls fd;k tk;sxk tSlk cksyh vkefU=r
djus okys ewy uksfVl dks tkjh djus ds le; ij fd;k x;k Fkk vkSj bls jkT; yksd
mikiu iksVZy ij Hkh j[kk tk;sxkA ;g lqfuf'pr fd;k tkuk pkfg, fd 'kqf)i= ds tkjh
fd;s tkus ds i'pkr~ cksyh yxkus okyksa ds ikl mudh cksyh rS;kj djus vkSj izLrqrhdj.k
ds fy, ;qfDr;qDr le; miyC/k gksaA mikiu laLFkk cksyh nLrkostksa esa ,sls mikUrj.kksa dk
izdk'ku Hkh mlh jhfr ls djsxh tSlk izkjafHkd cksyh nLrkostksa dk izdk'ku fd;k x;k gSA
;fn cksyh izkIr djus vkSj [kksyus okys izkf/kdkjh ds dk;kZy; esa cksyh dks izLrqr djus ;k
[kksyus dh vafre rkjh[k dk;Z fnol ugha gS rks cksyh vxys dk;Zfnol ij izkIr ;k [kksyh
52- foyac ls izkIr cksfy;ka-& cksfy;ka izkIr djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r O;fDr] ,slh
fdlh Hkh cksyh dks izkIr ugha djsxk tks cksfy;ka izLrqrhdj.k ds fy, fu;r le; vkSj
rkjh[k ds i'pkr~ O;fDr'k% izLrqr dh xbZ gksaA dksbZ Hkh cksyh] tks cksfy;kas ds izLrqrhdj.k
ds fy, vafre le; lhek ds i'pkr~ Mkd }kjk igqaph gks] dks ^*foyac ls izkIr** ds :i esa
fpfàr vkSj ?kksf"kr fd;k tk;sxk vkSj fcuk [kksys gh jftLVªhd`r Mkd }kjk cksyh yxkus
okys dks ykSVk nh tk;sxhA
53- cksfy;ksa dh izkfIr vkSj vfHkj{kk-&¼1½ cksfy;ka fofufnZ"V :ifo/kku esa fofufnZ"V
le; vkSj rkjh[k rd vkSj fofufnZ"V LFkku ij] mikiu laLFkk }kjk izkf/kd`r O;fDr }kjk
O;fDr'k% ifjnku }kjk] dksfj;j }kjk ;k Mkd }kjk izkIr dh tk;saxh flok; tcfd cksfy;ka
bZ&mikiu ds ek/;e ls izkIr dh tk;s ;k lh/ks gh cksyh ds cDls esa Mkyh tk;saA
¼2½ cksyh izkIr djus okyk izkf/kd`r O;fDr] cksyh dh izkfIr dh rkjh[k vkSj le;
lfgr mlds }kjk gLrk{kfjr jlhn] ml O;fDr dks nsxk] tks cksyh ifjnÙk djrk gSA
¼3½ Mkd ds ek/;e ls ;k O;fDr'k% ifjnku }kjk] eqgjcan fd;s fcuk] QVh gqbZ ;k
{kfrxzLr fLFkfr esa izkIr lHkh cksfy;ka] mUgsa izkIr djus okys O;fDr ds }kjk ml fyQkQs
ij bl :i esa fpfàr vkSj gLrk{kfjr dh tk;saxh vkSj ml ij mls ifjnÙk djus okys
O;fDr dsgLrk{kj djk;s tk;saxs vkSj ;fn ,slk djus dh vko';drk gks rks mls u;s
fyQkQs esa j[kk tk;sxk vkSj iqu% eqgjcan fd;k tk;sxkA ,slh leLr izfof"V;ka izkIrdrkZ
O;fDr }kjk vuqizekf.kr dh tk;saxhA
¼4½ vf/kekur%] izkIr dh xbZ lHkh cksfy;ka ,slh cksfy;ka izkIr djus ds fy, j[ks
x;s cksfy;ksa ds lE;d~ :i ls rkykcUn cDls esa Mkyh tk;saxhA cksyh dk cDlk u gksus
dh fLFkfr esa izkIr cksfy;ka] cksfy;ka izkIr djus okys izkf/kd`r O;fDr }kjk rkyk yxkdj
lqjf{kr vfHkj{kk esa j[kh tk;saxhA
¼5½ cksyh dk cDlk ,sls LFkku ij gksxk ftlls fd cksyh yxkus okyksa ds fy, ml
rd ljyrkiwoZd igqapuk lqdj gks ldsA cksyh ds cDls ij nks eqgjcan rkys yxs gksaxsA
bu rkyksa esa ls ,d rkys dh pkch mikiu laLFkk ds ikl jgsxh vkSj nwljs rkys dh pkch
cksfy;ka izkIr djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r O;fDr ds ikl jgsxhA
¼6½ cksfy;ksa dh izkfIr ds fy, fu;r le; vkSj rkjh[k dks ;k mlls igys
izkf/kd`r O;fDr }kjk izkIr dh xbZ cksfy;ka] cksyh izkfIr jftLVj esa izfo"V dh tk;saxh vkSj
mls] cksfy;ksa ds izLrqrhdj.k ds vafre le; vkSj rkjh[k rd izkIr cksfy;ksa dh la[;k
'kCnksa vkSj vadksa esa vafdr djrs gq,] fu;r le; vkSj rkjh[k ij can dj fn;k tk;sxkA
¼7½ Mkd ds ek/;e ls foyac ls izkIr cksfy;ksa dk vfHkys[k] mi&fu;e ¼6½ ds
vuqlkj jftLVj dks can djus ds i'pkr~] cksyh izkfIr jftLVj esa izfo"V fd;k tk;sxkA
¼8½ rkj }kjk ;k fofgr iz:i ls fHkUu iz:i esa izkIr cksfy;ksa ij fopkj ugha fd;k
¼9½ bZ&fufonk ds ekeys esa] vFkkZr~ bySDVªksfud i)fr ds ek/;e ls izLrqr cksyh
izLrkoksa ds ekeys esa] bUgsa jkT; yksd mikiu iksVZy ij n'kkZ;h x;h izfØ;k ds vuqlkj
izLrqr fd;k tk;sxkA
54- cksfy;ksa dk izR;kgj.k] izfrLFkkiu vksj mikUrj.k-& cksyh yxkus okyk cksyh
izLrqr djus ds i'pkr~] mlds ;k mlds izkf/kd`r izfrfuf/k }kjk ¼izkf/kdj.k i= layXu
gks½ lE;d~ :i ls gLrk{kfjr fyf[kr uksfVl Hkst dj mldh cksyh dk izR;kgj.k]
izfrLFkkiu ;k mikUrj.k dj ldsxkA cksyh ds rRlaca/kh izfrLFkkiu ;k mikUrj.k ds lkFk
fyf[kr uksfVl gksuk pkfg;sA uksfVl &
¼d½ cksyh nLrkostksa ds vuqlkj izLrqr fd;k tk;s vkSj blds vfrfjDr fyQkQs ij
Li"V :i ls ^^izR;kgj.k**] ^^izfrLFkkiu** ;k ^^mikUrj.k** vafdr gks ( vkSj
¼[k½ cksfy;ksa dks izkIr djus ds fy, fu;r vafre le; vkSj rkjh[k ls igys
cksfy;ksa dks izkIr djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r O;fDr ds }kjk izkIr fd;k tk;s ;k lh/ks gh cksyh
ds cDls esa Mky fn;k tk;sA
¼2½ cksfy;ka] ftuds izR;kgj.k dk vuqjks/k fd;k x;k gS] cksyh yxkus okyksa dks
fcuk [kksys ykSVk nh tk;sxhA
¼3½ fdlh cksyh dk izR;kgj.k] izfrLFkkiu ;k mikUrj.k cksfy;ksa dh izkfIr ds fy,
fu;r vafre le; vkSj rkjh[k ds i'pkr~ ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
55- cksfy;ksa dk [kksyk tkuk-& ¼1½ cksyh dk eqgjcan cDlk] cksyh nLrkostksa esa
fofufnZ"V le;] rkjh[k vkSj LFkku ij] cksyh yxkus okyksa ;k muds izkf/kd`r izfrfuf/k;ksa]
tks mifLFkr jguk pkgsa] dh mifLFkfr esa mikiu laLFkk }kjk xfBr cksyh [kksyus okyh
lfefr }kjk [kksyk tk;sxkA
¼2½ cksfy;ka izkIr djus okyk O;fDr Hkh cksfy;ka izLrqr djus ds le; vkSj rkjh[k
rd] mlds }kjk izkIr dh xbZ leLr cksfy;ksa dks] cksfy;ka [kksyus okyh lfefr ds
la;kstd dks lkSai nsxk vkSj cksyh izkfIr jftLVj esa mlds gLrk{kj izkIr djsxkA
¼3½ cksyh [kksyus okyh lfefr cksyh [kksyus dh izfØ;k lapkfyr djus ds fy,
vuqHkoh O;fDr;ksa dks lfefr esa lg;ksftr dj ldsxhA
¼4½ ;fn bySDVªksfud cksyh vaxhd`r dh x;h gS rks jkT; yksd mikiu iksVZy ij
;Fkk&fofufnZ"V cksyh [kksyus dh fofufnZ"V bySDVªksfud izfØ;k dk vuqlj.k fd;k tk;sxkA
cksyh yxkus okys bySDVªksfud cksyh [kksyus dh vkWu ykbZu izfØ;k ds lk{kh gks ldsaxsA
¼5½ cksyh] cksyh yxkus okyksa ;k muds izkf/kd`r izfrfuf/k;ksa] tks mifLFkr jguk
pkgsa] dh mifLFkfr esa cksyh [kksyus okyh lfefr }kjk [kksyh tk;sxhA cksfy;ka vUrfoZ"V
djus okys leLr fyQkQksa ij] bl rF; ds lR;kiu ds vk'k; Lo:i fd os eqgjcan gSa]
lfefr ds lnL;ksa }kjk rkjh[k lfgr gLrk{kj fd;s tk;saxsA fyQkQs ,@,u ds :i esa
la[;kafdr gksaxs] tgka ^,* ml Øe la[;k dk |ksrd gksxk ftl ij fd cksyh dk fyQkQk
[kksyus ds fy, fy;k x;k vkSj ^,u* fofufnZ"V le; esa izkIr cksfy;ksa dh dqy la[;k dk
|ksrd gksxkA
¼6½ cksyh [kksyus okyh lfefr cksfy;ksa dks [kksyus ds le; mifLFkr cksyh yxkus
okyksa ;k muds izfrfuf/k;ksa dh ,d lwph rS;kj djsxh vkSj ml ij muds gLrk{kj izkIr
djsxhA lwph esa izfrfuf/k;ksa ds uke vkSj nwjHkk"k la[;kad vkSj rRLFkkuh cksyh yxkus okyksa
ds uke vkSj irs Hkh vUrfoZ"V gksaxsA izfrfuf/k;ksa }kjk yk;s x;s izkf/kdkj i= lwph ds lkFk
layXu fd;s tk;saxsA lwph ij cksyh [kksyus okyh lfefr ds leLr lnL;ksa }kjk cksyh
[kksyus dh rkjh[k vkSj le; lfgr gLrk{kj fd;s tk;saxsA
¼7½ loZizFke ^^izR;kgj.k** ds :i esa fpfàr fyQkQs [kksys] i<s vkSj vfHkfyf[kr
fd;s tk;saxs vkSj rRLFkkuh cksfy;ksa dks vUrfoZ"V djus okys fyQkQs ugha [kksys tk;saxs
fdUrq cksyh yxkus okyksa dks ykSVk fn;s tk;saxsA dksbZ cksyh izR;kàr fd;k tkuk rc rd
vuqKkr ugha fd;k tk;sxk tc rd fd rRlFkkuh izR;kgj.k dh lwpuk ds lkFk izR;kgj.k
ds vuqjks/k dk fof/kekU; izkf/kdkj vUrfoZ"V u gks vkSj cksyh [kksyus ds le; ftls i<+k
vkSj vfHkfyf[kr u fd;k tk;sA ;fn izR;kgj.k lwpuk fof/kekU; izkf/kdkj ds lkFk ugha gS
rks izR;kgj.k vuqKkr ugha fd;k tk;sxk vkSj rRLFkkuh cksyh [kksyh tk;sxhA blds i'pkr~]
^^izfrLFkkiu** ds :i esa fpfàr fyQkQksa dks [kksyk tk;sxk] mUgsa i<k tkdj vfHkfyf[kr
fd;k tk;sxk vkSj izfrLFkkiu ds dkj.k rRLFkkuh cksyh ls cnyk tk;sxk vkSj bl izdkj
izfrLFkkfir dh x;h cksyh [kksyh ugha tk;sxh fdUrq cksyh yxkus okys dks ykSVk nh
tk;sxhA dksbZ cksyh rc rd izfrLFkkfir ugha dh tk;sxh tc rd fd rRLFkkuh izfrLFkkiu
dh lwpuk ds lkFk izfrLFkkiu ds vuqjks/k dk fof/kekU; izkf/kdkj vUrfoZ"V u gks vkSj
cksyh [kksyus ds le; ftls i<+k vkSj vfHkfyf[kr u fd;k tk;sA rRi'pkr ^^mikUrj.k**
ds :i esa fpfàr fyQkQs [kksys tk;saxs] i<s tkdj rRLFkkuh cksyh ds lkFk vfHkfyf[kr
fd;s tk;saxsA dksbZ cksyh rc rd mikUrfjr ugha dh tk;sxh tc rd fd rRLFkkuh
mikUrj.k dh lwpuk ds lkFk mikUrj.k ds vuqjks/k dk fof/kekU; izkf/kdkj vUrfoZ"V u gks
vkSj cksyh [kksyus ds le; ftls i<+k vkSj vfHkfy[kr u fd;k tk;sA dsoy mUgha fyQkQksa
ij vkxs fopkj fd;k tk;sxk tks cksyh [kksyus ds le; [kksys x;s gSa] i<s x;s gSa vkSj
vfHkfyf[kr fd;s x;s gSaA
¼8½ vU; leLr fyQkQksa dks ,d&,d djds [kksyk tk;sxk vkSj fuEufyf[kr C;kSjs
i<s vkSj vfHkfyf[kr fd;s tk;saxs &
¼d½ cksyh yxkus okys dk uke vkSj D;k dksbZ izfrLFkkiu ;k mikUrj.k gS (
¼[k½ cksyh dh dhers ¼izfr ykWV ;fn ykxw gks½ (
¼x½ cksyh izfrHkwfr] ;fn visf{kr gks ( vkSj
¼?k½ dksbZ vU; C;kSjs tks lfefr }kjk leqfpr le>s tk;sA
leLr cksfy;ksa dks [kksys tkus ds i'pkr~] cksyh [kksyus okyh lfefr ds lnL;ksa
}kjk izR;sd cksyh ds izFke i`"B ij vk|{kj fd;s tk;saxs vkSj rkjh[k Mkyh tk;sxhA layXu
dh x;h dher vuqlwph vkSj i=ksa] ifjek.k ds fcy ds leLr i`"Bksa ij lfefr ds lnL;ksa
}kjk vk|{kj fd;s tk;saxs vkSj rkjh[k Mkyh tk;sxhA dherksa] ifjnku dkykof/k bR;kfn
tSlh eq[; lwpuk ij xksyk cuk;k tk;sxk vkSj cksyh ds u Hkjs x;s LFkkuksa dks lfefr ds
lnL;ksa }kjk fpfàr vkSj rkjh[k lfgr gLrk{kfjr fd;k tk;sxkA cksyh dh ewy vkSj
vfrfjDr izfr;ka Hkh rnuqlkj fpfàr dh tk;saxhA ifjorZu@'kqf)dj.k@ ifjo/kZu@
fyIrys[ku ij ;g Li"V djus ds fy, lqikB~; :i ls vk|{kj fd;s tk;saxs fd ,slk
ifjorZu bR;kfn cksyh esa mls [kksyrs le; fo|eku FkkA
¼9½ cksyh [kksys tkus ds le; dksbZ cksyh vLohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh flok; foyac
ls izkIr cksfy;ksa] oSdfYid cksfy;ksa ¼;fn vuqKkr u gks½ vkSj ,slh cksfy;ksa ds] ftuds lkFk
cksyh nLrkostksa dh visf{kr dher] izfØ;k Qhl ;k iz;ksDrk izHkkjksa vkSj cksyh izfrHkwfr ds
lank; dk lcwr ;k fy[kr u gksA
¼10½ cksyh [kksyus okyh lfefr cksyh [kksyus dk vfHkys[k rS;kj djsxh ftlesa cksyh
yxkus okys dk uke vkSj D;k dksbZ izR;kgj.k] izfrLFkkiu] ;k mikUrj.k fd;k x;k gS]
cksyh dh dher] izR;sd ykWV ¼;fn ykxw gks½] dksbZ NwV vkSj oSdfYid izLrko ¼;fn os
vuqKkr fd;s x;s gks½] cksyh yxkus okys ds }kjk yxk;h x;h dksbZ 'krsZa vkSj cksyh
nLrkostksa dh dher] izfØ;k Qhl ;k iz;ksDrk izHkkj vkSj cksyh izfrHkwfr ds lank; ds lcwr
lfEefyr gksaxsA cksyh yxkus okys ;k muds izfrfuf/k] tks mifLFkr gksa vfHkys[k ij
gLrk{kj djsaxsA vfHkys[k ij cksyh yxkus okys ds gLrk{kj dk yksi vfHkys[k ds izHkko
vkSj vUroZLrqvksa dks vfof/kekU; ugha djsxkA lfefr ds lnL; Hkh rkjh[k lfgr vfHkys[k
ij gLrk{kj djsaxsA
¼11½ f}&Hkkx cksfy;ksa dh n'kk esa] dsoy ckgjh fyQkQs vkSj ^^rduhdh cksyh** ds
:i esa fpfàr fyQkQs mu ij vafdr Øe la[;kadksa ds Øe esa [kksys tk;saxsA ^^foÙkh;
cksyh** ds :i esa fpfàr fyQkQs vfody ,oa lqjf{kr j[ks tk;saxs vkSj dsoy mUgha cksyh
yxkus okyksa ds fyQkQs] tks mudh rduhfd cksfy;ksa ds ewY;kadu esa vfgZr ik;s tk;sa]
mi;qZDr mifu;e ¼3½ ls ¼10½ esa ;Fkk&of.kZr jhfr ls mu cksyh yxkus okyksa dks lwfpr
dh tkus okyh rkjh[k vksj le; ij [kksys tk;saxsA
¼12½ f}&izØeh cksyh ds ekeys esa] izFke izØe esa :fp dh vfHkO;fDr ;k vgZrk ds
fy, vuqjks/k ds vkea=.k ds izR;qRrj esa izkIr izLrkoksa dks ,dy Hkkx cksyh [kksyus ds fy,
mi&fu;e ¼3½ ls ¼10½ esa fofufnZ"V izfØ;k ds vuqlkj [kksyk tk;sxkA f}rh; izØe dh
cksfy;ksa dks [kksyus dh izfØ;k ogh gksxh tks f}&Hkkx cksfy;ksa dks [kksyus ds fy,
mi&fu;e ¼11½ esa fofufnZ"V gSA ;fn f}rh; izØe esa rduhdh vkSj foÙkh; cksfy;ka ,dy
fyQkQs esa vkeaf=r dh tkrh gSa rks cksfy;ksa dks [kksys tkus okyh izfØ;k ogh gksxh tks
mi&fu;e ¼3½ ls ¼10½ esa fofufnZ"V gSA
56- cksfy;ksa dh izkjafHkd ijh{kk-& mikiu laLFkk }kjk xfBr cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr
izFken`"V~;k izR;qÙkjnkf;rk vo/kkfjr djus ds fy, [kksyh xbZ cksfy;ksa dh izkjafHkd laoh{kk
djsxh vkSj ;g lqfuf'pr djsxh fd &
¼d½ cksyh] cksyh nLrkostksa esa lwphc) vis{kkvksa ds vuqlkj gLrk{kfjr gS (
¼[k½ cksyh] cksyh nLrkostksa esa micaf/kr vuqns'kksa ds vuqlkj eqgjcan gS (
¼x½ cksyh] cksyh nLrkostksa esa fofufnZ"V dkykof/k ds fy, fof/kekU; gS (
¼?k½ cksyh ds lkFk cksyh izfrHkwfr ;k cksyh dks izfrHkwr djus okyh ?kks"k.kk yxh gqbZ
¼³½ cksyh fcuk 'krZ gS vkSj cksyh yxkus okyk visf{kr dk;ZlEiknu izfrHkwfr nsus
ds fy, lger gS ( vkSj
¼p½ cksyh nLrkostksa esa ;FkkfofufnZ"V vU; 'krksZa dh iwfrZ dj nh xbZ gSA
57- rduhdh cksfy;ksa dh lkj.kh cukuk-&¼1½ ;fn rduhdh cksfy;ka vkeaf=r dh
x;h gSa rks cksyh nLrkostksa esa miof.kZr vgZrk dlkSVh ds izfr cksyh yxkus okyksa dh vgZrk
dk ewY;kadu djus ds fy, rqyukRed fooj.k ds :i esa cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr }kjk
mudh lkj.kh cuk;h tk;sxhA lkj.kh esa fuEufyf[kr lfEefyr gks ldsxk %&
¼d½ cksyh yxkus okyksa dk uke vkSj irk vkSj bZ&esy irk] ;fn dksbZ gks (
¼[k½ mikiu laLFkk ;k vU; mikiu laLFkk ds lkFk jftLVªhdj.k@iSufyr gksus]
;fn dksbZ gks] dk lanHkZ(
¼x½ D;k ewy cksyh dk dksbZ izfrLFkkiu ;k mikUrj.k fd;k x;k gS (
¼?k½ D;k cksyh yxkus okyk cksyh nLrkostksa esa nh x;h ik=rk dlkSVh dh iwfrZ
djrk gS (
¼³½ D;k cksyh ij cksyh yxkus okys ;k vU; izkf/kd`r O;fDr }kjk gLrk{kj dj
fn, x, gSa ¼D;k izkf/kdkj dk fof/kekU; nLrkost layXu gS½(
¼p½ D;k cksyh nLrkost dh dher ds lank; dk lcwr izLrqr fd;k x;k gS(
¼N½ D;k izfØ;k Qhl ;k iz;ksDrk izHkkjksa] ;fn dksbZ gks] cksyh izfrHkwfr ds lank;
dk ;k cksyh izfrHkwfr ds fy[kr dk ;k cksyh dks izfrHkwr djus okyh ?kks"k.kk dk lcwr
fn;k x;k gS (
¼t½ visf{kr vgZrk dlkSVh dk izR;qÙkj vkSj mlds fy, vadksa dk vkoaVu] ;k D;k
cksyh nLrkostksa esa izR;sd dlkSVh ds fy, fu;r fuEu U;wure ekudksa dh iwfrZ gksrh gS %&
(i) foÙkh; Lkzksrksa dh miyC/krk (
(ii) iwoZ lEiknu vkSj vuqHko (
(iii) rduhdh@o`fÙkd@fo'ks"kK dkfeZdksa dh vko';drk vkSj vko';d e'khujh
vkSj miLdj dh miyC/krk dks lfEefyr djrs gq, rduhdh vkSj o`fÙkd l{kerk (
(iv) izca/kdh; lzksr vkSj l{kerk (
(v) D;k /kkjk 7 dh mi&/kkjk ¼2½ ds [k.M ¼[k½ ls ¼³½ ds v/khu ;Fkk&visf{kr
lcwr@?kks"k.kk ns nh x;h gS (
(vi) /kkjk 7 ds mica/kksa ds vuqlkj fu;r dksbZ vU; vgZrk dlkSVhA
¼¥½ rduhdh cksfy;ksa ds ewY;kadu dk ifj.kke] pkgs vfgZr gS ;k ugha] ;fn ugha
rks mlds dkj.kA
¼2½ cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr ds lnL; lkj.kh ds uhps mudh flQkfj'ksa nsaxs fd
rduhdh cksfy;ksa ds ewY;kadu esa dkSuls cksyh yxkus okys vfgZRk ik;s x;s vkSj ml ij
gLrk{kj djsaxsA
¼3½ mi fu;e ¼1½ esa nh x;h lkj.kh ds :ifo/kku dks cksyh yxkus okyksa ds
jftLVªhdj.k@iSufyr djus] f}&izØeh cksyh izfØ;k ds izFke izØe esa vgZrk ds fy,
vuqjks/k@:fp dh vfHkO;fDr ds izR;qÙkj esa izkIr nLrkostksa ds ewY;kadu ds fy, Hkh
;Fkko';d ifjorZuksa lfgr iz;qDr fd;k tk ldsxkA ;fn f}&izØeh cksyh ds nwljs izØe
esa rduhdh cksyh i`Fkd :i ls vkeaf=r dh x;h gS rks rduhdh cksyh ds ewY;kadu ds
fy, Hkh bl :ifo/kku dk mi;ksx ;Fkko';d ifjorZu lfgr fd;k tk ldsxkA
58- foÙkh; cksfy;ksa dh lkj.kh cukuk-& ¼1½ rduhdh cksfy;ksa ds ewY;kadu ds
i'pkr~] cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr }kjk cksyh nLrkostksa esa miof.kZr ewY;kadu dlkSVh ds
vk/kkj ij fuEure ;k lokZf/kd ykHkizn cksyh dk ewY;kadu djus ds fy, rqyukRed
fooj.k ds :i esa foÙkh; cksfy;ksa dh lkj.kh rS;kj dh tk;sxhA lkj.kh esa fuEufyf[kr
lfEefyr gks ldsxk %&
¼d½ cksyh yxkus okyksa dk uke vkSj irk vkSj bZ&esy irk] ;fn dksbZ gks (
¼[k½ ;fn rduhdh cksfy;ksa dk ewY;kadu gks pqdk gS rks D;k rduhdh cksfy;ksa ds
ewY;kadu esa cksyh yxkus okyk vfgZr gks x;k gS (
¼x½ izLrkfor mikiu dh fo"k; oLrq ds fofunsZ'k (
¼?k½ izfr bdkbZ] izfr en ij dksV dh x;h njsa vkSj dksV dh x;h izR;sd en dh
dqy dher ;k] ;FkkfLFkfr] cksyh nLrkostksa esa nh x;h njksa ls vf/kd] de dk izfr'kr (
¼³½ mRikn 'kqYd] jktLFkku ewid ¼oSV½] dsUnzh; foØ; dj] izos'k dj vkSj ykxw
dksbZ vU; dj i`Fkdr% nf'kZr fd, tk;sa (
¼p½ iSfdax vkSj vxzs"k.k izHkkj] ekyHkkM+k] chek bR;kfn (
¼N½ laiw.kZ ykxr izfr bdkbZ] izfr en vkSj dqy en vkSj djksa dks lfEefyr djrs
gq, dqy ykxr (
¼t½ NwV] fjcsV ;fn dksbZ ¼;fn vuqKkr gks½ (
¼>½ oSdfYid izLrko ¼;fn vuqKkr gks½ (
¼¥½ dksV dh x;h ifjnku@iw.kZ gksus dh dkykof/k (
¼V½ cksyh dh dksV dh x;h fof/kekU; dkykof/k (
¼B½ dksV dh x;h lank; dh jhfr(
¼M½ uewus] izLrkfor ijh{k.k ¼;fn blds fy, dgk x;k x;k gks½ vkSj uewuk
ijh{k.k vkSj fd;s x;s ijh{k.kksa ds ifj.kke (
¼<½ dksV dh x;h xkjaVh@okjaVh@=qfV nkf;Ro dkykof/k] ;fn blds fy, dgk
x;k gS (
¼.k½ dksV dh x;h lafonk j[kj[kko dkykof/k] ;fn blds fy, dgk x;k gS (
¼r½ cksyh nLrkostksa esa iwNh x;h fdlh vU; tkudkjh dk tokc (
¼Fk½ cksyh nLrkostksa esa lfEefyr dh x;h 'krksZa ls fHkUu dksV dh x;h dksbZ vU;
¼n½ D;k cksyh nLrkostksa esa miof.kZr visf{kr fofunsZ'kksa vkSj fuca/kuksa vkSj 'krksZa ls
dksbZ lkjoku fopyu] vkj{k.k ;k yksi gS (
¼/k½ foÙkh; cksfy;ksa ds ewY;kadu dk ifj.kke& foÙkh; ewY;kadu esa cksyh yxkus
okys dh vofLFkfr (
¼u½ rduhdh vkSj foÙkh; cksfy;ksa dk la;qDr ewY;kadu & ;fn cksyh nLrkostksa esa
fu;r gS & rduhdh vkSj foÙkh; cksfy;ksa ds la;qDr ewY;kadu esa cksyh yxkus okys dk
¼2½ ;fn dsoy ,dy Hkkx dh cksfy;ka vkeaf=r dh x;h gS rks fu;e 57 ds
mifu;e ¼1½ ds [k.M ¼[k½] ¼x½] ¼?k½] ¼³½] ¼p½] ¼N½ vkSj [k.M ¼t½ ds mi&[k.M ¼V½ esa
fofufnZ"V tkudkjh Hkh lkj.kh esa lfEefyr dh tk;sxhA
¼3½ mi&fu;e ¼1½ esa nh x;h lkj.kh f}&izØeh cksyh ds nwljs izØe esa foÙkh;
cksfy;ksa ds ewY;kadu ds fy, Hkh mi;ksx esa yh tk ldsxhA
¼4½ cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr ds lnL; lkj.kh ds uhps U;wure cksyh ;k lokZf/kd
ykHkizn cksyh ls lacaf/kr flQkfj'k djsx a s vkSj ml ij vius gLrk{kj djsaxsA
59- izR;qÙkjnkf;rk dk vo/kkj.k-& ¼1½ cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr cksyh nLrkostksa vkSj
/kkjk 7 dh mi&/kkjk ¼2½ ds mica/kksa ds vk/kkj ij cksyh dh izR;qÙkjnkf;rk dk vo/kkj.k
¼2½ dksbZ izR;qÙkjnk;h cksyh og gS tks fcuk fdlh lkjoku fopyu] vkj{k.k ;k
yksi ds cksyh nLrkostksa dh vis{kkvksa dh iwfrZ djrh gS tgka %&
¼d½ ^^fopyu** cksyh nLrkostksa esa fofufnZ"V vis{kkvksa ls gVuk gS (
¼[k½ ^^vkj{k.k** cksyh nLrkostksa esa fofufnZ"V vis{kkvksa dks lhfer djus okyh 'krsZa
yxkuk ;k mudh iw.kZ Lohd`fr ls jksds j[kuk gS ( vkSj
¼x½ ^^yksi** cksyh nLrkostksa esa visf{kr leLr lwpuk ;k nLrkostksa ;k mlds fdlh
Hkkx dks izLrqr djus esa foQyrk gSA
¼3½ dksbZ lkjoku fopyu] vkj{k.k ;k yksi og gS] tks] ¼d½ ;fn Lohdkj fd;k
tkrk gS rks]
(i) cksyh nLrkostksa esa fofufnZ"V mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq dh ifjf/k] xq.koÙkk ;k
lEiknu dks fdlh lkjHkwr :i ls izHkkfor djsxk ( vFkok
(ii) cksyh nLrkostksa ls vlaxr] izLrkfor lafonk ds v/khu mikiu laLFkk ds
vf/kdkjksa ;k cksyh yxkus okys dh ck/;rkvksa dks fdlh lkjHkwr :i ls lhfer djsxk (
¼[k½ ;fn ifj'kksf/kr fd;k x;k gS rks izR;qÙkjnk;h cksfy;ka izLrqr djus okys vU;
cksyh yxkus okyksa dh izfr;ksxh fLFkfr dks vuqfpr :i ls izHkkfor djsxkA
¼4½ cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr] ;g iqf"V djus ds fy, fd cksyh nLrkost dh leLr
vis{kkvksa dks fcuk fdlh lkjoku fopyu] vkj{k.k ;k yksi ds iwjk dj fy;k x;k gS]
fof'k"V :i ls cksyh ds rduhdh igyqvksa dk ijh{k.k djsxhA
¼5½ mikiu laLFkk fdlh cksyh dks izR;qÙkjnk;h cksyh ds :i esa ekusxh ;fn og
cksyh nLrkostksa esa miof.kZr leLr vis{kkvksa ds vuq:i gS] ;k blesa y?kq fopyu vUrfoZ"V
gS ftlls cksyh nLrkostksa esa miof.kZr y{k.kksa] fuca/kuksa] 'krksZa vkSj vU; vis{kkvksa esa lkjHkwr
ifjorZu ;k fopyu ugha gksrk g]S ;k ;fn blesa dksbZ =qfV ;k vUos{kk jg x;h gS rks mls
cksyh ds lkj dks izHkkfor fd, fcuk lgh fd;k tk ldrk gSA
60- cksfy;ksa dk Li"Vhdj.k-& ¼1½ cksfy;ksa dh ijh{kk] ewY;kadu] rqyuk vkSj vgZrk
esa lgk;rk ds fy, cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr] Lofoosd ls] fdlh cksyh yxkus okys dks
mldh cksyh ds lac/ak esa Li"Vhdj.k nsus ds fy, dg ldsxhA Li"Vhdj.k ds fy, lfefr
dk vuqjks/k vkSj cksyh yxkus okyksa dk izR;qrj fyf[kr esa gkasxsA
¼2½ fdlh cksyh yxkus okys ds }kjk mldh cksyh ds laca/k esa izLrqr fd;s x;s
fdlh Li"Vhdj.k ij] tks lfefr ds fdlh vuqjks/k ds tokc esa izLrqr ugha fd;k x;k gks]
fopkj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
¼3½ foÙkh; cksfy;ksa ds ewY;kadu esa lfefr }kjk [kksth x;h fdUgha xf.krh; =qfV;ksa
dh 'kqf) dks iq"V djus ds flok; cksyh dh dherksa ;k lkj esa dksbZ ifjorZu pkgk]
izLrkfor] ;k vuqKkr ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
¼4½ fdlh vufgZr cksyh yxkus okys dks vfgZr cukus ;k fdlh xSj& izR;qÙkjnk;h
izLrqrhdj.k dks izR;qÙkjnk;h cukus okys ifjorZuksa dks lfEefyr djrs gq, vgZrk lwpuk ;k
izLrqrhdj.k esa dksbZ lkjHkwr ifjorZu pkgk] izLrkfor] ;k vuqKkr ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
¼5½ bl fu;e ds v/khu tfur leLr lalwpuk,a mikiu dk;Zokfg;ksa ds vfHkys[k
esa lfEefyr dh tk;saxhA
61- cksyh esa xSj&lkjoku xSj&vuq:irk-& ¼1½ cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr] cksyh esa
fdUgha xSj&vuq:irkvksa dk vf/kR;tu dj ldrh gS ftlds dkj.k dksbZ rkfRod fopyu]
vkj{k.k ;k yksi u gksrk gks] ,slh cksyh lkjHkwr :i ls izR;qÙkjnk;h le>h tk;sxhA
¼2½ cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr cksyh yxkus okys dks vko';d lwpuk ;k nLrkost tSls
fd laijhf{kr ys[kk fooj.k] ew-i-d ¼oSV½- vukifÙk izek.ki=] isu bR;kfn ;qfDr;qDr
dkykof/k ds Hkhrj izLrqr djus dk vuqjks/k dj ldsxhA cksyh yxkus okys ds vuqjks/k dk
ikyu djus esa vlQy gksus ds ifj.kkeLo:i mldh cksyh dks vLohdkj fd;k tk
¼3½ cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr mi&fu;e ¼2½ ds v/khu cksyh yxkus okys ls izkIr
lwpuk ;k nLrkostksa ds vk/kkj ij xSj&lkjoku] xSj&vuq:irkvksa ;k yksiksa dk ifj'kks/ku
dj ldsxhA
62- cksfy;ksa dk viotZu-& mikiu laLFkk /kkjk 25 ds mica/kksa ds vuqlkj fdlh
cksyh dks vioftZr djsxhA
63- f}&Hkkx cksfy;ksa ds ekeys esa rduhdh cksfy;ksas dk ewY;kadu-& ¼1½ rduhdh
cksfy;ksa ds ewY;kadu ds fy, fu;r dh x;h dlkSVh /kkjk 7 ds mica/kksa ds vuqlkj gksxh
vkSj cksyh nLrkostksa esa Li"V :i ls mfYyf[kr gksxh rkfd p;u izfØ;k esa ikjnf'kZrk
cuk;h j[kh tk ldsA rduhfd cksfy;ksa ds ewY;kadu ds fy, ,d ckj fu;r dh x;h
dlkSVh cnyh ;k f'kfFky ugha dh tk;sxhA
¼2½ cksyh yxkus okyksa dh rduhdh&okf.kfT;d vgZrk dk ewY;kadu] o`fÙkd]
rduhdh] foÙkh;] izca/kdh; {kerk bR;kfn ds {ks=ksa esa tSlsfd mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq esa
cksyh yxkus okys ds vuqHko ds o"kksZa dh la[;k] dfri; iwoZ o"kksZa esa le:i lafonkvksa dks
larks"kizn :i ls iwjk djus] ftlesa izR;sd dk ewY; mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq ds ewY; ds
fofufnZ"V izfr'kr ls U;wu u gks] mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq ds ewY; ds laca/k esa dfri; iwoZ
o"kksaZ esa cksyh yxkus okys dk foÙkh; i.;korZ ¼VuZvkoj½] mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq ds ewY; ds
lkis{k cksyh izLrqr djrs le; cksyh yxkus okys ds gLrxr vkns'kksa dk ewY; bR;kfn esa
vgZrk dh fofHkUu dlkSfV;ksa ds fy, cksyh nLrkostksa esa leuqfn"V vadksa ds Hkkj ;k fu;r
U;wure miyfC/k;ksa ds vk/kkj ij fu;e 57 ds vuqlkj lkj.kh iz:i esa fd;k tk;sxkA
¼3½ cksyh yxkus okys] tks vadksa dk fofufnZ"V U;wure izfr'kr izkIr djrs gSa ;k
U;wure miyfC/k;ksa ds ekun.Mksa dks iwjk djrs gSa] rduhdh :i ls vfgZr le>s tk
¼4½ rduhdh ewY;kadu esa vfgZr QeksZa dh la[;k lkekU;r;k rhu ls de ugha gksuh
pkfg;sA ;fn la[;k rhu ls de gS vkSj mikiu laLFkk }kjk ;g vko';d le>k tkrk gS
fd mikiu izfØ;k dks tkjh j[kk tk;s rks blds dkj.kksa dks vfHkfyf[kr fd;k tk;sxk
vkSj mikiu dk;Zokfg;kas ds vfHkys[k esa lfEefyr fd;k tk;sxkA
¼5½ cksyh yxkus okys] tks rduhdh ewY;kadu esa vgZrk izkIr dj ysrs gS] dks mudh
foÙkh; cksfy;ksa ds [kksys tkus dh rkjh[k] le; vkSj LFkku ds ckjs esa fyf[kr :i ls
lwfpr fd;k tk;sxkA ;g rkjh[k lkekU;r;k i= tkjh fd;s tkus dh rkjh[k ls iUnzg
fnolksa ds ckn dh ugha gksuh pkfg,A
64- foÙkh; cksfy;ksa esa vadxf.krh; =qfV;ksa dk lq/kkj-& cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr
fuEufyf[kr vk/kkj ij] lkjHkwr :i ls izR;qÙkjnk;h cksfy;ksa esa vadxf.krh; =qfV;ksa dk
lq/kkj djsxh] vFkkZr~ %&
¼d½ bdkbZ ewY; vkSj dqy ewY;] tks bdkbZ ewY; vkSj ek=k dks xq.kk djus ij izkIr
gksrk gS ds e/; ;fn dksbZ folaxfr gks rks bdkbZ ewY; vfHkHkkoh gksxk vkSj dqy ewY; esa
lq/kkj fd;k tk;sxk] tc rd fd cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr dh jk; esa bdkbZ ewY; esa
n'keyo fcUnq dh fLFkfr esa Li"V xyrh jg x;h g]S ,sls ekeys esa mRdfFkr dqy ewY;
izHkkoh gksxk vkSj bdkbZ ewY; esa lq/kkj fd;k tk;sxk (
¼[k½ ;fn ;ksx ds ?kVdkas dks tksMus ;k ?kVkus ds dkj.k ;ksx esa =qfV jg x;h gS
rks ?kVd vfHkHkkoh gksaxs vkSj ;ksx esa lq/kkj fd;k tk;sxk ( vkSj
¼x½ ;fn 'kCnksa vkSj vadksa ds e/; dksbZ folaxfr gS rks 'kCnksa esa O;Dr dh x;h
jde rc rd vfHkHkkoh gksxh tc rd fd 'kCnksa esa vfHkO;Dr jde dksbZ vadxf.krh; =qfV
ls lacaf/kr u gks] ,sls ekeys esa mi;qZDr [k.M ¼d½ vkSj ¼[k½ ds v/;/khu jgrs gq, vadksa esa
vfHkO;Dr jde vfHkHkkoh gksxhA
65- foÙkh; cksfy;ksa dk ewY;kadu-& /kkjk 27 ds mica/kksa ds v/;/khu jgrs gq,]
mikiu laLFkk foRrh; cksfy;ksas ds ewY;akdu ds fy, fuEufyf[kr dkjZokbZ djsxh %&
¼d½ ,dy Hkkx cksyh iz.kkyh ds ekeys esa tgka cksyh] visf{kr cksyh izfrHkwfr]
izfØ;k Qhl ;k mi;ksDrk izHkkjksa vkSj cksyh nLrkost dh dher ds lkFk fofufnZ"V le;
ds Hkhrj ,dy vkoj.k esa izkIr dh tkrh gS ogka cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr }kjk foÙkh;
ewY;kadu ds fy, bl ij fopkj fd;k tk;sxk(
¼[k½ f}&Hkkx cksyh iz.kkyh ds ekeys esa ,sls cksyh yxkus okys] tks rduhdh
ewY;kadu esa vfgZr gkas] dh foÙkh; cksfy;ka cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr }kjk cksyh yxkus okyksa
dh ;k muds mu izfrfuf/k;ksa dh] tks mifLFkr jguk pkgsa] dh mifLFkfr esa vf/klwfpr
le;] rkjh[k vkSj LFkku ij [kksyh tk;asxh(
¼x½ foÙkh; cksfy;ksa ds [kksys tkus] mUgsa fpfàr vkSj gLrk{kfjr fd;s tkus dh
izfØ;k fu;e 55 esa ;Fkk&fofgr gksxh(
¼?k½ cksyh yxkus okyksa ds uke] muds }kjk nh x;h njsa vkSj yxk;h x;h 'krsZa] ;fn
dksbZ gkas] i<+h vkSj vfHkfyf[kr dh tk;saxh(
¼M+½ l'krZ cksfy;ka vLohdkj fd;s tkus ;ksX; gksaxh(
¼p½ ewY;kadu esa leLr ykxr vkSj dsUnzh;@jkT; ljdkj@LFkkuh; izkf/kdkjh dh
fof/k ds vuqlkj cksyh yxkus okys ij ykxw leLr dj vkSj 'kqYd lfEefyr gksaxs] vkSj
cksyh nLrkostksa esa fofufnZ"V ewY;kadu dlkSVh gh ykxw gksxhA
¼N½ ;fn dher gh ,dek= dlkSVh gks rks izLrkoksa dk ewY;kadu djds ,y-1, ,y-
2, ,y-3 bR;kfn ds :i esa ,y-1 dks fuEure izLrko ekurs gq, vkSj rc vU; izLrkoksa dks
vkjksgh Øe esa fpfàr fd;k tk;sxk] ;k ;fn xq.koÙkk Hkh ,d dlkSVh gks vkSj rduhdh
vkSj foÙkh; ewY;kadu ds la;qDr izkIrkadksa ij fopkj fd;k x;k gks rks mudk ewY;kadu
djds vojksgh Øe esa ,p-1, ,p-2, ,p-3, bR;kfn ds :i esa fpfâr fd;k tk;sxk(
¼t½ cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr foÙkh; cksfy;ksa ds ewY;kadu ij viuh fjiksVZ ds lkFk
fu;e 58 ds vuqlkj rkfydk iz:i esa ,d rqyukRed fooj.k rS;kj djsxh vkSj ;fn
dher gh dsoy dlkSVh gks rks mikiu laLFkk dks fuEure izLrko dh Lohd`fr ds fy, ;k
vU; ekeys esa lokZf/kd ykHkizn cksyh dh flQkfj'k djsxh (
¼>½ ;g lqfuf'pr fd;k tk;sxk fd eatwjh ds fy, flQkfj'k fd;k x;k izLrko
mikIr fd;s tkus okys visf{kr eky] ladeksZa ;k lsok dh izpfyr cktkj njksa dks ns[krs gq,
mfpr gS( vkSj
¼¥½ ;fn dksbZ nj lafonk dh tk jgh gks rks fufoZ?u ifjnku dks lqfuf'pr djus
ds fy, ,d gh fuEure nj ij ,d ls vf/kd QeksaZ ij fopkj fd;k tk ldsxk] fdUrq
bl iz;kstu ds fy, vkjksgh ewY; ds Øe esa Å¡ph njsa dksV djus okys cksyh yxkus okyksa
dks Lohd`fr ds fy, fuEure nj dk izfrizLrko fn;k tk;sxkA
66- jktLFkku dh vkSj ckgj dh QeksZa dh njksa dh rqyuk-& mu QeksZa dh cksfy;ksa
dk lkj.khdj.k djrs le; tks dher vf/keku dh gdnkj ugha gS] ewY;kadu ds iz;kstu
ds fy,] jktLFkku dh QeksZa }kjk dksV dh x;h njksa ls jktLFkku ewY; ifjof/kZr dj dk
rRo vioftZr dj fn;k tk;sxk vkSj jktLFkku ls ckgj dh QeksZa dh njksa esa dsUnzh;
foØ; dj dk rRo lfEefyr fd;k tk;sxkA
67- ewY;kadu esa dher@Ø; vf/keku-& cksfy;ksa ds ewY;kadu vkSj lafonk ds
vf/kfu.kZ; esa jkT; ljdkj }kjk vf/klwfpr vkSj cksyh nLrkostksa esa ;Fkk&of.kZr dher
vkSj@;k Ø; vf/keku ij fopkj fd;k tk;sxkA
68- izfr;ksfxrk dh deh-& ¼1½ ,slh ifjfLFkfr mRiUu gks ldrh gS tgka ;fn
cksfy;ksa ds ewY;kadu ds i'pkr~] ewY;kadu lfefr vUr esa ek= ,d gh izR;qÙkjnk;h cksyh
ik,] ,slh ifjfLFkfr esa ewY;kadu lfefr dks ;g tkap djuh pkfg;s fd D;k cksyh vkeaf=r
djus okys uksfVl ds tkjh djrs le; izfr;ksfxrk dks c<kok nsus okyh leLr vko';d
vis{kk,a tSls fd ekud cksyh 'krsZa] m|ksxijd fofufnZ"Vrk,a] foLr`r izpkj] cksfy;ka rS;kj
djus ds fy, i;kZIr le; bR;kfn dks iwjk fd;k x;k FkkA ;fn ugha rks ,slh dfe;ksa dks
nwj djus ds i'pkr~] cksyh vkeaf=r djus okyk uksfVl iqu% tkjh fd;k tkuk pkfg;sA
ijUrq cksyh izfØ;k ek= ,d izR;qÙkjnk;h cksyh ds gksus ij Hkh fof/kekU; ekuh tk;sxh
¼d½ cksyh rduhdh :i ls vfgZr gks(
¼[k½ cksyh yxkus okys }kjk dksV dh x;h dher ;qfDr;qDr izrhr gks(
¼x½ cksyh 'krZ jfgr vkSj lHkh izdkj ls iw.kZ gks(
¼?k½ cksyh yxkus okyksa ds chp O;kolkf;d lewgu ds dksbZ Li"V y{k.k ugha gksa(
¼³½ cksyh yxkus okyk /kkjk 7 ds mica/kksa ds vuqlkj vfgZr gksA
¼2½ cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr] mikiu laLFkk ds vxys mPprj izkf/kdkjh ds vuqeksnu
ds fy, U;k;ksfpR; fVIi.k rS;kj djsxh ftlesa ys[kk lnL; dh lgefr vko';d gksxhA
¼3½ cksyh ewY;akdu lfefr ds fdlh lnL; dh folEefr dh n'kk esa] foÙkh;
'kfDr;ksa ds izR;k;kstu esa vxyk mPprj izkf/kdkjh dkj.k vfHkfyf[kr djus ds i'pkr~
;g fofu'p; djsxk fd D;k ,dy cksyh dks Lohdkj dj fy;k tk;s ;k cksyh iqu%
vkeaf=r dh tk;saA
¼4½ ;fn cksyh iqu% vkeaf=r djus dk fofu'p; fy;k tkrk gS rks cktkj dh ?kurk
ds izkDdyu] ik=rk dlkSVh vkSj ykxr izkDdyu ds fy, cktkj dk fu/kkZj.k fd;k
69- ckrphr-& ¼1½ ,dy L=ksr mikiu ;k izfr;ksxh ckrphr }kjk mikiu dh
i)fr ds flok;] tgak rd laHko gks] cksyh&iwoZ izØe ds i'pkr~ dksbZ ckrphr ugha dh
tk;sxhA ekaxs tkus okys leLr Li"Vhdj.k cksyh&iwoZ voLFkk esa gh ekaxs tk;saxsA
¼2½ rFkkfi] ckrphr dsoy U;wure ;k vf/kdre ykHkizn cksyh yxkus okys ls
fuEufyf[kr ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa dh tk ldsxh %&
¼d½ tc mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq ds fy, cksyh yxkus okyksa ds }kjk feydj lewg
dhersa ¼fjax izkbl½ dksV dh x;h gks( ;k
¼[k½ tc dksV dh x;h njksa esa cMs+ iSekus ij vUrj gks vkSj izpfyr cktkj njksa ls
cgqr vf/kd izrhr gksaA
¼3½ cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr dks ckrphr djus dh iw.kZ 'kfDr;ka gksaxhA ckrphr ds
foLr`r dkj.k vkSj ifj.kke dk;Zokgh esa vfHkfyf[kr fd;s tk;saxsA
¼4½ U;wure ;k lokZf/kd ykHkizn cksyh yxkus okys dks ;k rks lans'k okgd ;k
jftLVªhd`r i= vkSj bZ&esy ¼;fn miyC/k gks½ ds }kjk fyf[kr esa lwpuk nh tk;sxhA
ckrphr ds fy, cqykus ds fy, U;wure lkr fnol dk le; fn;k tk;sxkA vR;ko';drk
dh n'kk esa cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr] dkj.k vfHkfyf[kr djus ds i'pkr~] le; de dj
ldsxh] c'krsZa U;wure ;k lokZf/kd ykHkizn cksyh yxkus okys dks lwpuk izkIr gks x;h gks
vkSj ckrphr djus ds fy, mlus lgefr ns nh gksA
¼5½ ckrphr cksyh yxkus okys ds }kjk fd;s x;s ewy izLrko dks izHkkoghu ugha
djsxhA cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr ds ikl ewy izLrko ij fopkj djus dk fodYi gksxk ;fn
cksyh yxkus okyk ewy :i ls dksV dh x;h njksa esa c<kSrjh djus dk fofu'p; djrk gS
;k dksbZ uohu fuca/ku ;k 'krsZa vf/kjksfir djrk gSA
¼6½ U;wure ;k lokZf/kd ykHkizn cksyh yxkus okyksa ls njsa vlarks"ktud izkIr gksus
dh n'kk esa] cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr U;wure ;k lokZf/kd ykHkizn cksyh yxkus okys dks ,d
fyf[kr izfr izLrko nsus dk p;u dj ldsxh vkSj ;fn ;g mlds }kjk Lohdkj ugha fd;k
tkrk gS rks lfefr cksyh dks vLohdkj djus vkSj cksfy;ka iqu% vkeaf=r djus dk
fofu'p; dj ldrh gS ;k ogh izfr&izLrko nwljs U;wure ;k lokZf/kd ykHkizn cksyh
yxkus okys dks igys vkSj rRi'pkr~ rhljs U;wure ;k lokZf/kd ykHkizn cksyh yxkus okys
dks vkSj blh izdkj mudh izkajfHkd fLFkfr ds Øe esa nsus vkSj ladeZ@iznk; vkns'k ml
cksyh yxkus okyksa dks vf/kfuf.kZr fd;k tk ldsxk tks izfrizLrko Lohdkj djrk gSA ;g
izfØ;k ek= vkiokfnd ekeyksa esa gh mi;ksx esa yk;h tkuh pkfg;sA
¼7½ ;fn ckrphr ds i'pkr~ Hkh njsa vR;f/kd maph ekuh tk;sa rks uohu cksyh
vkeaf=r dh tk;sxhA
70- lQy cksyh dk Lohdkj fd;k tkuk vkSj lafonk dk vf/kfu.kZ;-& ¼1½ mikiu
laLFkk] cksyh ewY;akdu lfefr dh flQkfj'kksa vkSj cksyh dh 'krkZsa] ;fn dksbZ gksa] foÙkh;
ifj.kkeksa] ijh{k.k] uewuk ijh{k.k] ijh{k.k fjiksVksZa bR;kfn ij fopkj djus ds i'pkr~ lQy
cksyh dks Lohdkj ;k vLohdkj djsxhA cksyh ewY;kadu lfefr dk dksbZ lnL; ;fn
vlger gksrk gS ;k viuh folEefr dk fVIi.k nsrk gS rks ekeyk] foÙkh; 'kfDr;ksa ds
izR;k;kstu ds vuq:i] fofu'p; ds fy,] vxys mPprj izkf/kdkjh dks fufnZ"V fd;k
¼2½ cksyh ij fofu'p;] cksyh dh ewy fof/kekU;rk dkykof/k vkSj mikiu laLFkk dks
fofu'p; ysus ds fy, vuqKkr dkykof/k ds Hkhrj fy;k tk;sxkA ;fn cksyh dh ewy
fof/kekU;rk dkykof/k ;k fofu'p; ysus ds fy, vuqKkr dkykof/k ds Hkhrj fofu'p; ugha
fy;k tkrk gS rks ekeyk foÙkh; 'kfDr;ksa ds izR;k;kstu ds vuq:i vxys mPprj
izkf/kdkjh dks fofu'p; ds fy, fufnZ"V fd;k tk;sxkA
¼3½ lafonk vf/kfu.kZ; fd;s tkus ds iwoZ] mikiu laLFkk ;g lqfuf'pr djsxh fd
lQy cksyh dh dher mfpr vkSj visf{kr xq.koÙkk ds izfr lqlaxr gSA
¼4½ dksbZ cksyh rc gh lQy ekuh tk;sxh tc l{ke izkf/kdkjh us ml cksyh ds
fuca/kuksa esa mikiu dks vuqeksfnr dj fn;k gksA
¼5½ mikiu laLFkk lafonk ml cksyh yxkus okys dks vf/kfu.khZr djsxh ftldk
izLrko cksyh nLrkostksa esa miof.kZr ewY;kadu dlkSVh ds vuqlkj fuEure ;k lokZf/kd
ykHkizn vo/kkfjr fd;k x;k gks vkSj ;fn mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq ds fy, cksyh nLrkostksa
esa cksyh yxkus okyksa ds fy, fu;r vgZrk dlkSVh ds vk/kkj ij cksyh yxkus okys dks
lafonk larks"ktud :Ik ls fu"ikfnr djus ds fy, vfgZr vo/kkfjr fd;k x;k gksA
¼6½ cksyh dh fof/kekU;rk dh dkykof/k ds volku ds iwoZ] mikiu laLFkk fyf[kr
esa lQy cksyh yxkus okys dks lwfpr djsxh fd mldh cksyh Lohdkj dj yh x;h gSA
¼7½ tSls gh l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk dksbZ cksyh Lohdkj dh tkrh gS mldh fyf[kr
lwpuk lacaf/kr cksyh yxkus okys dks jftLVªhd`r Mkd ;k bZ&esy }kjk Hksth tk;sxh vkSj
mlls visf{kr ewY; ds U;kf;dsrj LVkEi ij cksyh nLrkostksa esa fn;s x;s :ifo/kku esa ,d
djkj fu"ikfnr djus vkSj ;fn ykxw gksrh gks rks dk;Z lEiknu izfrHkwfr dh jde ;k dk;Z
lEiknu izfrHkwfr dh ?kks"k.kk] cksyh nLrkostksa esa fofufnZ"V dkykof/k ds Hkhrj ;k tgka ,slh dkykof/k
cksyh nLrkostksa esa fofufnZ"V u gks rks ml rkjh[k] ftldks Lohd`fr i= ;k vk'k; i= cksyh yxkus okys
dks izsf"kr fd;k tk;s] ls iUnzg fnol ds Hkhrj tek djus ds fy, dgk tk;sxkA
¼8½ ;fn Lohd`fr ds vkSipkfjd i= ds tkjh fd;s tkus esa le; yxus dh laHkkouk gks rks rc
rd cksyh yxkus okys dks vk'k; i= izsf"kr fd;k tk ldsxkA fdlh izLrko dk Lohdkj fd;k tkuk rc
iw.kZ eku fy;k tk;sxk tSls gh Lohd`fr i= ;k vk'k; i= cksyh nLrkost esa fn;s x;s cksyh yxkus okys
ds irs ij Mkd esa Mky fn;k x;k gks vkSj@;k bZ&esy ¼;fn miyC/k gks½ }kjk izsf"kr dj fn;k x;k gksA
tc rd vkSipkfjd lafonk dk fu"iknu ugha dj fn;k tk;s rc rd Lohd`fr i= ;k vk'k;i= ,d
fu;r vkc)dj lafonk gksxhA
¼9½ ,sls cksyh yxkus okys] ftudh cksfy;ka Lohdkj ugha dh tk ldh Fkh] mudh cksyh izfrHkwfr
dk izfrnk; lQy cksyh yxkus okys ds lkFk lafonk gLrk{kfjr gksus vkSj mldh dk;Z lEiknu izfrHkwfr
izkIr gksus ds 'kh?kz i'pkr~ dj fn;k tk;sxkA
71- vf/kfu.kZ; dh lwpuk vkSj izdk'ku-& lafonk ds vf/kfu.kZ; dh lwpuk lHkh izfrHkkxh cksyh
yxkus okyksa dks lalwfpr dh tk;sxh vkSj /kkjk 27 dh mi&/kkjk ¼3½ ds mica/kksa ds vuqlkj jkT; yksd
mikiu iksVZy ij izdkf'kr dh tk;sxhA
72- fdlh ;k leLr cksfy;ksa dks Lohdkj ;k vLohdkj djus dk mikiu laLFkk dk vf/kdkj&
mikiu laLFkk cksyh yxkus okyksa ds izfr fdlh mÙkjnkf;Ro dks mixr fd;s fcuk] fdlh cksyh dks
Lohdkj ;k vLohdkj djus] vkSj cksyh izfØ;k dks jn~n djus vkSj lafonk ds vf/kfu.kZ; ls iwoZ fdlh Hkh
le;] leLr cksfy;ksa dks vLohdkj djus dk vf/kdkj lqjf{kr j[krh gSA ,slk djus ds dkj.k ys[kc)
fd;s tk;saxsA
73- ifjek.k esa ifjorZu dk vf/kdkj-& 1[foyksfir]
[¼1½ ;fn mikiu laLFkk ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ifjorZu ds dkj.k mikiu dh dksbZ fo"k;oLrq mikIr
ugha djrh gS ;k cksyh nLrkostksa esa fofufnZ"V ifjek.k ls de mikIr djrh gS rks cksyh yxkus okyk
cksyh nLrkostksa esa vU;Fkk micaf/kr ds flok;] fdlh Hkh nkos ;k izfrdj dk gdnkj ugha gksxkA
1 2
[ [¼2½ vfrfjDr enksa ;k vfrfjDr ifjek.kksa ds fy, iqujkns'k] ;fn ;g cksyh nLrkostksa esa
miacf/kr gks] lafonk esa nh x;h njksa vkSj 'krksZa ij fn;s tk ldsaxs ;fn ewy vkns'k [kqyh izfr;ksxh
cksfy;ka vkeaf=r djus ds i'pkr~ fn;k x;k FkkA iznk; ;k iw.kZ gksus dh dkykof/k Hkh vkuqikfrd :i ls
c<k;h tk ldsxhA iqujkns'k dh lhek,a fuEufyf[kr gksaxh &
¼d½ ladeksZa dh n'kk esa O;f"Vd enksas dh ek=k dk 50 izfr'kr vkSj ewy lafonk ds ewY; dk 50
izfr'kr( vkSj
¼[k½ ewy lafonk ds eky ;k lsokvksa ds ewY; dk 50 izfr'krA]
1- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2011 fnukad 4-9-2013 }kjk fo|eku mi&fu;e ¼1½ foyksfir ,oa
mi&fu;e ¼2½ ,oa ¼3½ dks iqu%la[;kafdr dj mi&fu;e ¼1½ ,oa ¼2½ fd;k x;k] jktLFkku jkt&i= fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I)
fnukad 4-9-2013 esa izdkf'kr ¼4-9-2013 ls izHkkoh½A &
^^¼1½ lafonk ds vf/kfu.kZ; ds le;] cksyh nLrkostksa esa ewyr% fofufnZ"V eky] ladeksZa ;k lsokvksa ds ifjek.k esa c<+ksrjh dh
tk ldsxh] fdUrq ,slh c<+ksrjh cksyh nLrkostksa esa fofufnZ"V ifjek.k ds chl izfr'kr ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA ;g cksyh vkSj cksyh
nLrkostksa ds bdkbZ ewY;ksa ;k vU; fuca/kuksa vkSj 'krksZa esa fdlh ifjorZu ds fcuk gksxhA**
2- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2011 fnukad 4-9-2013 }kjk fo|eku mi&fu;e ¼3½ dks
iqu%la[;kafdr dj mi&fu;e ¼2½ fd;k x;k gS] mDr mi&fu;e ¼2½ dks izfrLFkkfir fd;k x;k] jktLFkku jkt&i=
fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 4-9-2013 esa izdkf'kr ¼4-9-2013 ls izHkkoh½A &
^^vfrfjDr enksa ;k vfrfjDr ifjek.kksa ds fy, iqujkns'k] ;fn ;g cksyh nLrkostksa esa miacf/kr gks] lafonk esa nh
x;h njksa vkSj 'krksZa ij fn;s tk ldsaxs ;fn ewy vkns'k [kqyh izfr;ksxh cksfy;ka vkeaf=r djus ds i'pkr~ fn;k x;k FkkA
iznk; ;k iw.kZ gksus dh dkykof/k Hkh vkuqikfrd :i ls c<k;h tk ldsxhA iqujkns'k dh lhek,a fuEufyf[kr gksaxh &
¼d½ ladeksZa dh n'kk esa O;f"Vd enksas dh ek=k dk 50 izfr'kr vkSj ewy lafonk ds ewY; dk 20 izfr'kr( vkSj
¼[k½ ewy lafonk ds eky ;k lsokvksa ds ewY; dk 25 izfr'krA**
74- vf/kfu.kZ; ds le; ,d ls vf/kd cksyh yxkus okyksa ds chp ifjek.kksa dk foHkktu-&
lkekU; fu;e ds :i esa mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq ds leLr ifjek.k ml cksyh yxkus okys
ls mikIr fd;s tk;saxs ftldh cksyh Lohdkj dh x;h gSA rFkkfi] tc ;g le>k tk;s fd
mikIr dh tkus okyh mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq dk ifjek.k cgqr vf/kd gSa vkSj bl lEiw.kZ
ifjek.k dk iznk; djuk ml cksyh yxkus okys dh {kerk esa ugha gks ldsxk ftldh cksyh
Lohdkj dh x;h gSa ;k tc ;g le>k tk;s fd mikIr dh tkus okyh mikiu dh
fo"k;oLrq xEHkhj vkSj egRoiw.kZ izd`fr dh gS rks ,sls ekeyksa esa ifjek.k dks ml cksyh
yxkus okys] ftldh cksyh Lohdkj dh x;h gS vkSj f}rh; fuEure cksyh yxkus okys ;k
mlh Øe esa vkSj Hkh cksyh yxkus okyksa ds chp] ml cksyh yxkus okys dh njksa ij]
ftldh cksyh Lohdkj dh x;h gS] _tq] ikjn'khZ vkSj lkE;kiw.kZ jhfr ls foHkkftr fd;k
tk ldsxk] ;fn ,slh 'krZ cksyh nLrkostksa esa fofufnZ"V gSA Lohdk;Z dher ij igqapus ds
fy, izFke fuEure cksyh yxkus okys ¼,y 1½ dks fd;k x;k izfr&izLrko ckrphr ds
leku gksxkA rFkkfi] ifjek.kksa ds foHkktu dh n'kk esa] tSlk cksyh nLrkostksa esa igys ls
izdV fd;k x;k gks] rRi'pkr~ f}rh; fuEure cksyh yxkus okys ¼,y 2½] rhljs fuEure
cksyh yxkus okys ¼,y 3½ bR;kfn ¼,y 1 }kjk Lohdkj dh x;h njksa ij½ dks fd;k x;k
izfr&izLrko ckrphr ugha le>k tk;sxkA
75- dk;Z lEiknu izfrHkwfr-& dk;Z lEiknu izfrHkwfr dh vH;ZFkuk jkT; ljdkj ds foHkkxksa
vkSj ,sls miØeksa] fuxeksa] Lok;Ùk fudk;ksa] jftLVªhd`r lkslkbfV;kas] lgdkjh lkslkbfV;ksa
tks jkT; ljdkj ds LokfeRo ;k fu;a=.k ;k izca/k esa gksa vkSj dsUnzh; ljdkj ds miØeksa
ds flok; leLr lQy cksyh yxkus okyksa ls dh tk;sxhA rFkkfi] muls ,d dk;Z
lEiknu izfrHkwfr ?kks"k.kk yh tk;sxhA jkT; ljdkj fdlh fof'k"V mikiu ;k mikiu ds
fdlh izoxZ ds ekeys esa dk;Z lEiknu izfrHkwfr ds mica/k dks f'kfFky dj ldsxhA
¼2½ dk;Z lEiknu izfrHkwfr dh jde eky vkSj lsokvksa ds mikiu ds ekeys esa
iznk; vkns'k dh jde dh ikap izfr'kr ;k tSlh fd cksyh nLrkost esa fofufnZ"V dh tk;s]
gksxh vkSj ladeksZa ds mikiu ds ekeys esa ladeZ vkns'k dh jde dh nl izfr'kr gksxhA
jktLFkku ds y?kq m|ksxksa ds ekeys esa eky ds iznk; ds fy, vkfn"V ifjek.k dh jde
dh ,d izfr'kr gksxh vkSj y?kq m|ksxksa ls fHkUu :X.k m|ksxksa] ftuds ekeys vkS|ksfxd
vkSj foÙkh; iqufuZek.k cksMZ ds le> yfEcr gS] ds ekeys esa ;g iznk; vkns'k dh jde
dk nks izfr'kr gksxhA
¼3½ dk;Z lEiknu izfrHkwfr fuEufyf[kr iz:iksa esa ls fdlh ,d esa izLrqr dh
¼d½ **bZ- th- vkj- ,- ,l- ds ek/;e ls tek^^(
¼[k½ fdlh vuqlwfpr cSad dk cSad Mªk¶V ;k cSadj pSd(
¼x½ jk"Vªh; cpr i= vkSj jktLFkku esa fdlh Mkd?kj }kjk vYi cpr ds izksUu;u
ds fy, jk"Vªh; cpr Ldheksa ds v/khu tkjh dksbZ vU; fLØIV@fy[kr] ;fn og lqlaxr
fu;eksa ds v/khu ca/kd j[kh tk ldrh gksA cksyh ds le; os muds leiZ.k ewY; ij
Lohdkj dh tk;saxh vkSj eq[; Mkdiky ds vuqeksnu ls vkSipkfjd :i ls mikiu laLFkk
ds uke varfjr dh tk;saxhA
¼?k½ fdlh vuqlwfpr cSad dh cSad xkjaVh@xkjafV;kaA ;g tkjh djus okys cSad ls
lR;kfir djk;h tk;sxhA cSad xkjaVh ls lacaf/kr vU; 'krsZa cksyh izfrHkwfr ds fy, fu;e
42 esa of.kZr ds leku gksaxh
¼³½ fdlh vuqlwfpr cSad dh fu;r tek jlhn ¼,QMhvkj½A ;g cksyh yxkus okys
ds [kkrs mikiu laLFkk ds uke gksxh vkSj cksyh yxkus okys }kjk vfxze :i ls mUeksfpr
dh tk;sxhA mikiu laLFkk fu;r tek jlhn dks Lohdkj djus ds iwoZ ;g lqfuf'pr
djsxh fd cksyh yxkus okyk cSad dh vksj ls mikiu laLFkk dks lacaf/kr cksyh yxkus okys
dh lgefr dh vis{kk ds fcuk] fu;r tek jlhn dk ekax ij lank;@le;iwoZ lank;
djus dk opu nsrk gSA dk;Z lEiknu izfrHkwfr ds leigj.k dh n'kk esa fu;r tek ,slh
fu;r tek ij vftZr C;kt ds lkFk leiâr dj yh tk;sxhA
[¼p½ ladeksZa ds mikiu esa ekeys esa] lQy cksyh yxkus okyk lafonk djkj ij
gLrk{kj djrs le; vius izR;sd pkyw vkSj vafre fcy esa ls fcy dh jde ds nl
izfr'kr dh nj ls dk;Z lEiknu izfrHkwfr dh dVkSrh ds fy, fodYi izLrqr dj ldsxkA]
¼4½ mi&fu;e ¼3½ ds [k.M ¼[k½ ls ¼³½ ds iz:i esa fofufnZ"V dk;Z lEiknu
izfrHkwfr] okjaVh ck/;krkvksa vkSj j[kj[kko vkSj nks"k nkf;Ro dkykof/k dks lfEefyr djrs
gq, cksyh yxkus okys dh leLr lafonktkr ck/;rkvksa ds iwjk gksus dh rkjh[k ls ijs lkB
fnuksa dh dkykof/k ds fy, fof/kekU; jgsxhA
76- djkj dk fu"iknu-& ¼1½ dksbZ mikiu lafonk] ,slh rkjh[k ls izo`Ùk gksxh] ftldks
Lohd`fr i= ;k vk'k; i= cksyh yxkus okys dks izsf"kr fd;k tkrk gSA
¼2½ lQy cksyh yxkus okyk] cksyh nLrkost esa fofufnZ"V dkykof/k ds Hkhrj ;k
tgka cksyh nLrkost esa dksbZ dkykof/k fofufnZ"V ugha dh x;h gks ogka ml rkjh[k ls ianzg
fnol ds Hkhrj] ftl ij lQy cksyh yxkus okys dks Lohd`fr i= ;k vk'k; i= izsf"kr
fd;k tkrk gS] mikiu lafonk ij gLrk{kj djsxkA
¼3½ ;fn cksyh yxkus okyk] ftldh cksyh Lohd`r dh tk pqdh gS] fofufnZ"V
dkykof/k esa fyf[kr mikiu lafonk ij gLrk{kj djus esa foQy jgrk gS ;k visf{kr dk;Z
lEiknu izfrHkwfr nsus esa foQy jgrk gS rks mikiu laLFkk] lQy cksyh yxkus okys ds
fo:) vf/kfu;e ;k bu fu;eksa ds mica/kksa ds vuqlkj dkjZokbZ djsxhA mikiu laLFkk] ,sls
ekeyksa esa mikiu izfØ;k jÌ dj ldsxh ;k ;fn og mfpr le>s rks] cksyh nLrkost esa
miof.kZr dlkSVh vkSj izfØ;kvksa ds vuqlkj] U;wure ;k lokZf/kd ykHkizn njksa ij vxys
U;wure ;k lokZf/kd ykHkizn nj dh cksyh yxkus okys dks] Lohd`fr dk izLrko ns ldsxhA
¼4½ cksyh yxkus okys dks] mlds [kpsZ ij] fofufnZ"V ewY; ds U;kf;dsrj LVkEi ij
djkj fu"ikfnr djus ds fy, dgk tk;sxkA
77- xksiuh;rk-& mikiu laLFkk ,slh izd`fr dh fo"k;oLrq mikiu djrs le;] ftlesa
mikiu laLFkk ls xksiuh;rk cuk;s j[kuk visf{kr gS] /kkjk 49 esa fofufnZ"V fucZa/kuksa ds
vfrfjDr] ,slh lwpuk dh xksiuh;rk ds laj{k.k ds fy, 'kr±s vf/kjksfir dj ldsxhA
1- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2011 fnukad 4-9-2013 }kjk tksMk x;k] jktLFkku jkt&i=
fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 4-9-2013 esa izdkf'kr ¼4-9-2013 ls izHkkoh½A
78- mikiu izfØ;k dk jÌdj.k-& ;fn dksbZ mikiu izfØ;k jÌ dj nh x;h gS rks mls
iqu% [kksyk ugha tk;sxk fdUrq blls mikiu laLFkk dks] ;fn visf{kr gS rks] mlh fo"k;
oLrq ds fy,] u;h mikiu izfØ;k izkjaHk djus ls jksdk ugha tk;sxkA
79- mikiu dk;Zokfg;ksa dk nLrkosth vfHkys[k-& ¼1½ /kkjk 10 ds mica/kksa ds v/;/khu jgrs
gq,] mikiu laLFkk mDr /kkjk dh mi&/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M ¼d½ ls ¼t½ esa fofufnZ"V
vfHkys[k ds vfrfjDr] fuEufyf[kr vfHkys[k la/kkfjr djsxh] vFkkZr~ %&
¼d½ cksyh dh dher lfgr leLr cksyh yxkus okyksa ds uke vksj irs vkSj ;fn
cksyh l'krZ gS rks cksyh dh 'krsZa(
¼[k½ ml dher lfgr] ftl ij mikiu fd;k x;k gS] lQy cksyh yxkus okys
dk uke vkSj irk(
¼x½ nj lafonk i)fr ds ekeys esa] mu cksyh yxkus okyksa ds uke vkSj irs] ftuds
lkFk nj lafonk dh x;h gS(
¼?k½ cksyh nLrkostksa esa fd;s x;s mikraj.kksa] ;fn dksbZ gks] dk lkjka'k(
¼³½ visf{kr vgZrk] vgZrk j[kus okys cksyh yxkus okyksa ds C;kSjs vkSj dkj.kksa
lfgr] vfgZr ;k vufgZr cksyh yxkus okyksa ds C;kSjsa(
¼p½ tgka dksbZ fyf[kr mikiu lafonk fu"ikfnr dh x;h gS] ogka nj lafonk dks
lfEefyr djrs gq,] lafonk dh izfr(
¼N½ iSuyhdj.k ds ekeys ea]s iSuyhdj.k ds fuca/ku vkSj 'krsZa vkSj djkj] ;fn dksbZ
gks] dh izfr(
¼t½ cksfy;ksa ds ewY;kadu vkSj rqyuk dk lkajk'k] ykxw vf/keku dh fdlh lhek
lfgr vkSj fdlh cksyh dks [kkfjt djus ;k fopkj ugha djus ds dkj.kksa] ;fn dksbZ gks]
dks lfEefyr djrs gq,]
¼>½ ;fn mikiu izfØ;k jÌ dh tkrh gS rks jÌdj.k ds dkj.k(
¼xvi½ ikoj lsDVj(
¼xvii½ lkoZtfud Hkou] cktkj] m|ku] ikdZ(
¼xviii½ [ksy vkSj euksjatu volajpuk(
¼xix½ O;kikj esyk] lEesyu] izn'kZuh vkSj lkaLd`frd dsUnz(
¼xx½ Ik;ZVu lsDVj(
¼xxi½ ty iznk; ifj;kstuk(
¼xxii½ mi;qZDr lsDVjksa esa ifj;kstukvksa esa ls fdlh Hkh ifj;kstuk dk mUu;u vkSj iqu%
¼xxiii½ yksd&futh Hkkxhnkjh esa dksbZ Hkh ifj;kstuk ftls jkT; ljdkj Qk;nkizn
¼xxiv½ fdlh jkT; yksd lsDVj miØe ds vkaf'kd ;k lEiw.kZ vifu;kstu ds fy, dksbZ
¼xxv½ vU; dksbZ ifj;kstuk] tks mi;qZDr of.kZr lsDVjksa dk la;kstu gks( vkSj
¼xxvi½ fdlh u, lsDVj dks lfEEkfyr fd;s tkus ds fy, leqfpr U;k;ksfpR;ksa ds lkFk]
iz'kklfud foHkkx dh flQkfj'k ij] jkT; Lrjh; l'kDr lfefr jkT; ljdkj ls
bls lfEefyr djus dh flQkfj'k dj ldsxhA jk-Lr-l-l- dh flQkfj'kksa ij
jkT; ljdkj ds foÙk foHkkx dh lgefr ds i'pkr~ gh dksbZ u;k lsDVj bu
fu;eksa esa ^^ik= lsDVjksa** dh lwph esa] tksM+k tk ldrk gSA
79x- ifj;kstuk,a] tks fLol pSysUt i)fr ds v/khu izfrxzkg~; ugha gksaxh-& fLol pSyast
i)fr ds v/khu fuEufyf[kr izLrko izfrxzkg~; ugha gksaxs] vFkkZr~%&
¼i½ izLrko tks izo`Ùk fdlh fof/k ds mica/kksa ds izfrdwy gSa(
¼ii½ izLrko@ifj;kstuk,a ftldk ifj.kke ,dkf/kdkj fLFkfr gS(
¼iii½ ifj;kstuk,a tks ewY; esa 50-00 djksM+ #i;s ¼ipkl djksM+ #Ik;s½ ls de gSa(
¼iv½ izLrko@ifj;kstuk,a tks bu fu;eksa esa ;Fkkfofgr foÙkh; ifjlhekvksa ls de vkSj
lsDVjksa ds ckgj vkrs gSa(
¼v½ ih-ih-ih- ifj;kstukvksa ds izLrko ftlesa ok;sfcfyfV xSi QafMax ¼oh th ,Q½ ds
ek/;e ls jkT; ljdkj ls Hkwfe dh ykxr dks vioftZr djrs gq, dqy
ifj;kstuk ykxr ds 20 izfr'kr ls vf/kd foÙkh; lgk;rk vUroZfyr gksA
79?k- izfØ;k-& ¼1½ ifj;kstuk izLrkod ;k mldk izkf/kd`r izfrfuf/k] iz:Ik la- 2 esa
izek.k i= vkSj iz:Ik la- 3 esa izLrko ds C;kSjs lfgr ,d vkosnu iz'kklfud foHkkx dks izLrqr
djsxkA ;fn iwoZ&lk/;rk fjiksVZ ;k C;kSjsokj ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ miyC/k gks rks mls Hkh vkosnu ds
lkFk izLrqr fd;k tk;sA iwoZ&lk/;rk fjiksVZ dh fo"k;&oLrq iz:Ik la- 4 esa ;Fkk&fofufnZ"V gksxh
vkSj C;kSjsokj ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ dh fo"k;oLrq iz:Ik la- 5 esa ;Fkk&fofufnZ"V gksxhA
¼2½ iz'kklfud foHkkx izLrko dh bl ckr ds fy, laoh{kk djsxk fd D;k ;g foHkkx dh
fodkl ;kstukvksa ds dk;Z{ks= esa vkrk gS vkSj D;k mlls ^^tuko';drk^^ LFkkfir gksrh gS vkSj
izLrko izFken`"V~;k tuko';drk vkSj vis{kkvksa dks iwjk djrk gSA
¼3½ ;fn iz'kklfud foHkkx dks ;g irk pyrk gS fd fLol pSysat i)fr ds v/khu izkIr
izLrko es dksbZ vuU;rk ugha gS vkSj og ikjaifjd i)fr ds v/khu igys ls gh fd;s x;s
eky@ladeZ@lsokvksa ds mikiu ds leku gS rc iz'kklfud foHkkx ,sls fdlh izLrko dks
vLohdkj djus ds fy, ck/; gksxk] fdUrq ;fn iz'kklfud foHkkx ;g eku ysrk gS fd fdlh
izkIr izLrko dk mlds ikjaifjd i)fr;ksa ds v/khu fd;s x;s mikiu dh lekurk ds ckotwn
fLol pSysUt i)fr ds v/khu fy;k tkuk leqfpr gS rks og fLol pSysat i)fr ds v/khu mls
Lohdkj djus ds fy, dkj.kksa dks vfHkfyf[kr djsxkA
¼4½ iz'kklfud foHkkx] ifj;kstuk izLrkod }kjk izLrqr fd;s x;s izLrko dk ijh{k.k
djsxk vkSj blds laca/k esa viuh fVIif.k;ka izLrqr djsxkA ijh{kk ds Ik'pkr~ ;fn iz'kklfud
foHkkx dk ;g lek/kku gks tkrk gS fd mijksDr mi&fu;e ¼2½ esa fofufnZ"V 'krksZa dks iwjk fd;k
x;k gS] rks og ^^vxzlj fd;s tkus dh vuqKk^* iznku djus ds fy,] jkT; ljdkj ds vk;kstuk
foHkkx ds ek/;e ls jkT; Lrjh; l'kDRk lfefr dks viuh flQkfj'kas izLrqr djsxkA
¼5½ vk;kstuk foHkkx jk-Lr-l-l- dh cSBdksa dh O;oLFkk vkSj leUo; djsxkA jk-Lr-l-l-
vko';d ijh{kk ds Ik'pkr~] mikUrj.kksa ds lfgr ;k jfgr dk;Zokgh fd;s tkus ds fy, vuqKk
iznku dj ldsxkA dk;Zokgh fd;s tkus dh vuqKk izeq[k lfpo@lfpo] vk;kstuk foHkkx }kjk
lacaf/kr iz'kklfud foHkkx dks nh tk;sxhA dk;Zokgh fd;s tkus dh vuqKk dh izkfIr ij] jkT;
yksd mikiu iksVZy ij iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk mls iznf'kZr fd;k tk;sxkA
¼6½ jk-Lr-l-l- ls dk;Zokgh fd;s tkus dh vuqKk vfHkizkIr djus ds i'pkr~] cksyh ds
fy, visf{kr C;kSjsokj ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ rS;kj djus vkSj iz'kklfud foHkkx dks C;kSjsokj vkSj
O;kid izLrko izLrqr djus dks lfEEkfyr djrs gq, foLr`r v/;;u djus ds fy, rhu ekg dh
dkykof/k vuqKkr djds iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk ifj;kstuk izLrkod dks ,d i= tkjh fd;k
tk;sxkA ;fn ifj;kstuk izLrkod rhu ekg dh dkykof/k ds Hkhrj C;kSjsokj vkSj O;kid izLrko
izLrqr djus esa vlQy jgrk gS vkSj iz'kklfud foHkkx dks fyf[kr fuosnu izLrqr djrk gS rks
iz'kklfud foHkkx leqfpr ekeys esa] dkj.kksa dks vfHkfyf[kr djus ds Ik'pkr~] mi;qZDr fofufnZ"V
dkykof/k dks c<+k ldsxkA
¼7½ ;fn ifj;kstuk izLrkod fofufnZ"V dkykof/k ;k] ;FkkfLFkfr] c<+kbZ x;h dkykof/k ds
Hkhrj C;kSjsokj vkSj O;kid izLrko izLrqr djus esa vlQy jgrk gS rks iz'kklfud foHkkx Lo;a ds
foosdkuqlkj] ifj;kstuk izLrkod ds fdlh nkos ds fcuk ifj;kstuk Lo;a ;k vius vfHkdj.kkas ;k
fdlh rhljs i{k ds ek/;e ls ifj;kstuk ds fodkl ds fodYi dk iz;ksx dj ldsxk] vkSj ;fn
iz'kklfud foHkkx mi;qZDr ;Fkk fofufnZ"V jhfr esa fodYi dk Ikz;ksx djrk gS rks iz'kklfud
foHkkx }kjk bls jkT; yksd mikiu iksVZy ij iznf'kZr fd;k tk;ssxkA
79³- C;kSjsokj vkSj O;kid izLrko rS;kj djuk vkSj mldk izLrqr fd;k tkuk-& ¼1½
ifj;kstuk izLrkod gkMZ izfr vkSj lkW¶V izfr esa C;kSjsokj ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ] ifj;kstuk dh dqy
izkDdfyr ykxr ds 0-05 izfr'kr ds cjkcj vfxze izfrHkwfr] cksyh ewY;@foÙkh; izLrko&
bUVjuy jsV vkWQ fjVuZ ¼vkbZ vkj vkj½ bR;kfn ¼C;kSjkas vkSj leFkZu nLrkostksa lfgr tgka dgha
vko';d gks½ iz:Ik 7 esa ifj;kstuk foÙk lkjka'k vkSj iz:Ik 8 esa nLrkostksa dh izLrqfr ds fy,
pSd fyLV ds lkFk iz:Ik la- 6 esa C;kSjsokj vkSj O;kid izLrko fu;e 79?k esa fofufnZ"V dkykof/k
ds Hkhrj iz'kklfud foHkkx dks gkMZ vkSj lk¶V izfr esa izLrqr djsxkA
¼2½ ifj;kstuk izLrkod }kjk ;g lqfuf'pr fd;k tkuk pkfg, fd foÙkh; C;kSjksa okyh
leLr foÙkh; fjiksVZas vkSj@;k nLrkost fdlh l{ke pkVZsM ,dkmVsaV }kjk lE;d~ :Ik ls
lR;kfir fd;s x;s gSaA
¼3½ iz'kklfud foHkkx mfpr lanfHkZdk lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, ifj;kstuk ykxr] ifj;kstuk
jktLoksa] O;kogk;Zrk vkSj tksf[ke fo'ys"k.k bR;kfn dks LorU= :Ik ls vo/kkfjr djus ds fy, vfrfjDr
v/;;u dj ldsxkA
ifj;kstuk izLrkod C;ksjsokj vkSj O;kid izLrko nks vkoj.kksa esa izLrqr djsxkA izFke
vkoj.k esa C;ksjsokj ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ] losZ{k.k MkVk] fofunsZ'k ¼buiqV@vkmViqV½ ds lkFk gh ifj;kstuk
dh fMtkbZu] C;ksjsokj ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ ds vk/kkj ij ifj;kstuk dh dqy izkDdfyr ykxr] vfxze
izfrHkwfr lfgr C;ksjsokj ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ dh rS;kjh dh ykxr varfoZ"V gksxhA C;ksjsokj ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ
esa iz:Ik la- 5 eas ;Fkk fofufnZ"V C;ksjs varfoZ"V gksaxsA izFke vkoj.k iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk] ;k bl
iz;kstu ds fy, iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk xfBr lfefr }kjk [kksyk tk;sxkA cksyh ewY;] ,sls iz:Ik eas]
tSlk iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk visf{kr gks] ifj;kstuk izLrkod }kjk lE;d~ :Ik ls lhycan izFkd~ vkoj.k
eas izLrqr fd;k tk;sxk] tks [kqyh izfr;ksxh cksyh izfØ;k ds ek/;e ls vU; cksyh yxkus okyksa ls izkIr
foÙkh; cksfy;ksa ds [kksys tkus ds le; ij gh iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk] ;k bl iz;kstu ds fy,
iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk xfBr lfefr }kjk [kksyk tk;sxkA]
79p- vfxze izfrHkwfr-& ¼1½ ifj;kstuk izLrkod C;kt&jfgr vfxze izfrHkwfr dks lR;fu"Bk vkSj
ln~Hkkouk ds Vksdu ds :Ik esa ifj;kstuk dh dqy izkDdfyr ykxr dh 0-05 izfr'kr jde dk] ekax
ns; Mªk¶V ;k cSad IkzR;kHkwfr] tks lacfa /kr iz'kklfud foHkkx dks izfrxzkg~; gks] ds ek/;e ls] C;kSjsokj vkSj
O;kid izLrko ds izLrqr fd;s tkus dh rkjh[k ls izkjEHk gksus okys 180 fnuksa ls vfuEu dh fof/kekU;
dkykof/k esa] tks le;≤ ij ikjLifjd lgefr ls c<+kbZ tk ldsxh ¼60 fnu dh nkos dh dkykof/k
dks lfEEkfyr djrs gq,½] izLrqr djsxkA cksyh fopkj fd;s fcuk vLohd`r dh tk;sxh ;fn C;kSjsokj vkSj
O;kid izLrko ds lkFk vfxze izfrHkwfr ugha gSA
¼2½ ;fn cksyh yxkus dh izfØ;k] lacaf/kr iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk izLrkfor ifj;kstuk ds v/khu
vkjaHk dh x;h gS rks ifj;kstuk izLrkod cksyh nLrkost eas ;Fkk fofufnZ"V visf{kr cksyh 2[cksyh
izfrHkwfr] C;kSjsokj ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ ds vuqlkj ifj;kstuk dh dqy izkDdfyr ykxr ds vk/kkj ij
laxf.kr dh tk;sxhA] ifj;kstuk izLrkod ls izLrkfor ifj;kstuk ds fy, vkjaHk dh x;h cksyh izfØ;k
ds v/khu cksfy;ksa ds izLrqrhdj.k ds fy, fu;r dh x;h vafre rkjh[k vkSj le; rd cksyh nLrkost esa
;Fkk fofufnZ"V cksyh izfrHkwfr izLrqr djus dh vis{kk dh tk;sxhA ifj;kstuk izLrkod }kjk iwoZ esa izLrqr
dh x;h vfxze izfrHkwfr] cksyh izfrHkwfr ds fo:) lek;ksftr dh tk;sxhA ;fn ifj;kstuk izLrkod]
cksyh nLrkostksa esa fofufnZ"V le; ds Hkhrj visf{kr jde dh cksyh izfrHkwfr izLrqr djus esa vlQy
jgrk gS rks mldh vfxze izfrHkwfr leiâr dj yh tk;sxh vkSj mls ifj;kstuk izLrkod ds :i esa dksbZ
vf/kdkj ugha gksxkA
79N- C;kSjsokj ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ ¼Mh ih vkj½ rS;kj djus dh ykxr-& ¼1½ C;kSjsokj ifj;kstuk
fjiksVZ rS;kj djus dh izR;{k ykxr] ifj;kstuk izLrkod }kjk C;kSjsokj vkSj O;kid izLrko esa of.kZr dh
tk;sxhA C;kSjsokj ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ dh rS;kjh ykxr esa ckg~; vnk;xh] vkarfjd ykxr] vkmV vkQ
ikdsV O;; vkSj dj] lHkh ds lkFk ewy jlhnsa lfEEkfyr gksaxhA
1- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2014 fnukad 28-8-2015 }kjk izfrLFkkfir] jktLFkku jkt&i=
fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 28-8-2015 esa izdkf'kr & ¼4½ ifj;kstuk izLrkod C;kSjsokj vkSj O;kid izLrko nks vkoj.kksa esa
izLrqr djsxkA izFke vkoj.k losZ{k.k MkVk] fofunsZ'k ¼buiqV@vkmViqV½] ifj;kstuk ds fMtkbuksa vkSj vfxze izfrHkwfr dks
lfEefyr djsxkA foÙkh; izLrko&cksyh ewY;] Mhihvkj rS;kjh ykxr vkSj vkbZ vkj vkj bR;kfn ,d i`Fkd vkoj.k esa izLrqr
dh tk;sxhA
2- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2014 fnukad 28-8-2015 }kjk vfHkO;fDr ^^izfrHkwfr Hkh izLrqr djsxk**
ds LFkku ij izfrLFkkfir] jktLFkku jkt&i= fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 28-8-2015 esa izdkf'krA
[¼2½ iz'kklfud foHkkx] ;k bl iz;kstu ds fy, iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk xfBr lfefr]
ifj;kstuk izLrkod ds lkFk C;ksjsokj ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ dh rS;kjh dh ykxr ij okrkZ djsxh vkSj
;g lqfuf'pr djsxh fd C;kSjsokj ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ rS;kjh dh ykxr dk ,slk fu/kkZj.k ;qfDrlaxr
vkSj U;k;ksfpr gksA ifj;kstuk izLrkod dks C;ksjsokj ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ dh rS;kjh dh ykxr dh
izfriwfrZ vafre cksyh ewY; dk ;k C;ksjsokj ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ dh rS;kjh dh vuqeksfnr okrkZuqlkj
ykxr] buesa ls tks Hkh de gks] dk 0-1% dh tk;sxhA*]
¼3½ mi;qZDr mi&fu;e ¼2½ ds v/khu ;Fkk vo/kkfjr] Mh ih vkj rS;kj djus dh ykxr
dh izfriwfrZ] lQy cksyh yxkus okys ds vafre p;u vkSj mikiu laLFkk ds ,sls lQy cksyh
yxkus okys ds lkFk djkj djus ds i'pkr~ gh dsoy ifj;kstuk izLrkod dks izfriwfrZ dh tk;sxh
;fn og ifj;kstuk izLrkod ls fHkUu gSA ifj;kstuk izLrkod dks lans; Mh ih vkj rS;kj djus
dh ykxr] lQy cksyh yxkus okys ls olwy dh tk;sxh tSlk cksyh nLrkost esa fofufnZ"V gS %
ijUrq ifj;kstuk izLrkod Mh ih vkj rS;kj djus dh ykxr ds fy, gdnkj ugha gksxk
;fn og fu;e 79p ds mi&fu;e ¼2½ esa ;Fkk fofufnZ"V cksyh dh izfrHkwfr nsus esa vlQy jgrk
¼4½ fdlh Hkh dkj.k ls ;fn ifj;kstuk iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk ugha yh tkrh gS rks Mh
ih vkj dh rS;kjh ykxr dh izfriwfrZ ifj;kstuk izLrkod dks ugha dh tk;sxhA
79t- C;kSjsokj ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ ¼Mh ih vkj½ ds laca/k esa Li"Vhdj.k-& ,d ckj
ifj;kstuk izLrkod }kjk lacaf/kr iz'kklfud foHkkx dks Mh ih vkj izLrqr djus ds Ik'pkr~ Mh ih
vkj esa dksbZ ifjorZu djus dh vuqefr ugha nh tk;sxhA rFkkfi] iz'kklfud foHkkx ifj;kstuk
izLrkod ls Mh ih vkj ds laca/k esa Li"Vhdj.k ekax ldsxk vkSj ;s Li"Vhdj.k Mh ih vkj ds
lkFk ;qfDrdk ds :Ik esa layXu fd;s tk;saxsA
79>- cksyh ifjeki vkSj cksyh ewY;-& ¼1½ ifj;kstuk izLrkod cksyh ifjekiksa vkSj cksyh
ewY; ds lkFk C;kSjsokj vkSj O;kid izLrko izLrqr djsxkA cksyh ifjekiksa ij fofu'p; lacaf/kr
iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk fy;k tk;sxk vkSj Ikz'kklfud foHkkx ds ikl ;g izkf/kdkj gksxk fd og
ifj;kstuk izLrko dh ewy fo"k; oLrq vkSj vk/kkjHkwr <kaps dks ifjofrZr fd;s fcuk] iz'kklfud
foHkkx dh vko';drkvksa] vis{kkvksa vkSj fodkl ;kstukvksa ds vuqlkj ifj;kstuk izLrko dks
ifjofrZr dj ldsA cksyh ifjekiksa esa ,slk dksbZ ifjorZu ifj;kstuk 2[izLrkod dks lalwfpr fd;k
tk;sxkA ;fn visf{kr gks] rks] iz'kklfud foHkkx vafre cksyh ewY; dks izLrqr djus ds fy,
ifj;kstuk izLrkod dks ianzg fnu dk vfrfjDr le; miyC/k djok ldsxkA
1- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2014 fnukad 28-8-2015 }kjk izfrLFkkfir] jktLFkku jkt&i=
fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 28-8-2015 esa izdkf'kr & ¼2½ iz'kklfud foHkkx ;k bl iz;kstu ds fy;s iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk
xfBr lfefr ifj;kstuk izLrkod ds lkFk Mh ih vkj dh rS;kjh dh ykxr ij okrkZ djsxk vkSj ;g lqfuf'pr djsxk fd ,slh ykxrsa]
iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk ;Fkk vo/kkfjr ifj;kstuk ykxr ds 0-01% dh vf/kdre lhek ds v/;/khu jgrs gq, ;k #- 10]00]000@& ¼nl
yk[k #-½] tks Hkh de gks] ;qfDrlaxr vkSj U;k;ksfpr gksaxhA
2- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2014 fnukad 28-8-2015 }kjk fo|eku vfHkO;fDr ^^izLrkod dks
lalwfpr fd;k tk;sxkA lacaf/kr iz'kklfud foHkkx vafre cksyh ifjekiksa ds eqdkcys cksyh ewY; dk ewY;kadu djsxk vkSj
;fn visf{kr gks] rks** ds LFkku ij izfrLFkkfir] jktLFkku jkt&i= fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 28-8-2015 esa izdkf'krA
[¼2½ ;fn mi&fu;e ¼1½ ds v/khu vfrfjDr le; vuqKkr fd;k tkrk gS] rks ifj;kstuk izLrkod vafre cksyh
ewY; ,sls iz:Ik esa izLrqr dj ldsxk tSlk fd iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk vis{kk dh tk;sA ifj;sktuk izLrkod }kjk vafre
cksyh ewY; ds izLrqrhdj.k ds i'pkr~] ifj;sktuk izLrkod }kjk izLrqr fd;k x;k ewy cksyh ewY;] vizorZuh; gks tk;sxkA
vafre cksyh ewY;] ifj;kstuk izLrkod }kjk lE;d~ :Ik ls lhycan i`Fkd~ vkoj.k eas izLrqr fd;k tk;sxk] tks fd [kqyh
izfr;ksxh cksyh izfØ;k ds ek/;e ls cksyh yxkus okyksa ls izkIr foÙkh; cksfy;ksa ds [kksyus ds le; ij gh [kksyk tk;sxkA
;fn ifj;kstuk Hkkx 4 ¼x½ jktLFkku jkt&i=] vxLr 28] 2015 122¼3½ izLrkod vfrfjDr lwpuk nsus dh okaNk djrk gS]
rks og ,slh lwpuk i`Fkd~ ls ifjosf"Br dj ldsxkA ifj;kstuk izLrkod }kjk vafre cksyh ewY; ds izLrqrhdj.k ds i'pkr~]
iz'kklfud foHkkx] leqfpr flQkfj'k ds lkFk] izLrko jkT; Lrjh; l'kDr lfefr dks izLrqr djsxkA*]
79¥- fLol pSysat i)fr ¼,l-lh-,e-½ ds v/khu ifj;kstukvksa dk vuqeksnu djus ds fy, l{ke izkf/kdkjh vkSj
mlds fy, vuqlj.k dh tkus okyh izfØ;k-& ¼1½ C;kSjsokj vkSj O;kid izLrko ds ijh{k.k ds Ik'pkr~ iz'kklfud foHkkx
C;kSjsokj vkSj O;kid izLrko dks viuh flQkfj'kksa ds lkFk jk-Lr-l-l- dks fopkj.k ds fy, izLrqr djsxkA iz'kklfud foHkkx
ifj;kstuk izLrko ds fy, ctV mica/kksa dks Hkh minf'kZr djsxkA
¼2½ iz'kklfud foHkkx ls izkIr flQkfj'kksa dh izkfIr ij jk-Lr-l-l- ijh{k.k djsxh] fopkj djsxh vkSj xq.kkxq.k ij
vuqeksnu iznku djsxhA
79V- cksyh izfØ;k-& ¼1½ izfr;ksxh cksyh izfØ;k ds fy, volj miyC/k djkus ds fy, vkSj mfpr izfr;ksfxrk
lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, Mh ih vkj ¼lkaifÙkd izkS|ksfxdh C;kSjksa dks NksM+dj½ Hkkoh cksyh yxkus okyksa ds lkFk lk>k fd;k
tk;sxkA bu fu;eksa ds v/;k;&5 esa ;Fkk micaf/kr [kqyh izfr;ksxh cksyh izfØ;k] jkT; Lrjh; l'kDr lfefr }kjk
ifj;kstuk izLrko ds vuqeksnu ds i'pkr~] lacaf/kr iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk vkjaHk dh tk;sxhA
¼2½ cksyh nLrkost esa] vU; vko';d [k.Mksa ds lkFk] lEcfU/kr izkf/kdkfj;ksa ls izkIr dh tkus okyh vko';d
vukifÙk;ksa@vuqeksnuksa ds ckjs esa C;kSjs lfEefyr gksaxs vkSj tks] vFkkZr~ iz'kklfud foHkkx ;k lQy cksyh yxkus
okyk@ifj;kstuk izLrkod] O;SfDrd ifj;kstuk dh izd`fr vkSj vis{kkvksa dks /;ku esa j[krs gq,] bls ysus ds fy,
[mRrjnk;h gksxkA cksyh nLrkost Li"V :i ls ;g lfEefyr djsxk fd [kqyh cksyh izfØ;k dks mikiu dh fLol pSysat
i)fr ds v/khu fy;k tk jgk gSA]
¼3½ cksfy;ksa ds ijh{k.k ds i'pkr~] cksyh nLrkost esa ;Fkk&fofufnZ"V ewY;kadu ekunaM ds vuqlkj] ;fn ifj;kstuk
izLrkod dk izLrko fuEure ;k] ;FkkfLFkfr] lokZf/kd ykHkizn ik;k tkrk gS] rc ifj;kstuk izLrkod dks p;fur fd;k
tk;sxk vkSj mls ifj;kstuk vf/kfu.khZr dh tk;sxhA ;fn vU; cksyh yxkus okys dh cksyh fuEure ;k] ;FkkfLFkfr] lokZf/kd
ykHkizn ik;h tkrh gS rks ifj;kstuk izLrkod dks ;Fkk&fofufnZ"V dkykof/k ds Hkhrj fuEure ;k lokZf/kd ykHkizn cksyh
dk feyku djus ds fy, volj fn;k tk;sxkA ;fn ifj;kstuk izLrkod] fofufnZ"V le;&lhek ds Hkhrj] fuEure ;k]
;FkkfLFkfr] lokZf/kd ykHkizn cksyh dk feyku djus ds fy, lger gks tkrk gS] rks ifj;kstuk izLrkod dks p;fur fd;k
tk;sxk vkSj mls ifj;kstuk vf/kfu.khZr dh tk;sxhA ;fn ifj;kstuk izLrkod] fofufnZ"V dkykof/k ds Hkhrj] fuEure ;k
lokZf/kd ykHkizn cksyh dk feyku djus esa vlQy jgrk gS rks] ml cksyh yxkus okys dks ftlus fuEure ;k] ;FkkfLFkfr]
lokZf/kd ykHkizn cksyh izLrqr dh gS] p;fur fd;k tk;sxk vkSj mls ifj;kstuk vf/kfu.khZr dh tk;sxh(
[ijarq ;fn [kqyh cksyh izfØ;k ds ek/;e ls] vU; cksyh yxkus okys dh cksyh fuEure] ;k ;FkkfLFkfr] lokZf/kd
ykHkizn ik;h tkrh gS] rks ifj;kstuk izLrkod dks ,slh fuEure ;k lokZf/kd ykHkizn cksyh ds feyku dk volj dsoy rc
gh fn;k tk;sxk] tc ;fn ifj;kstuk izLrkod }kjk izLrqr dh x;h vafre cksyh ewY; ,slh fuEure] ;k ;FkkfLFkfr]
lokZf/kd ykHkizn cksyh ds 15% ds Hkhrj gSA]
1- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2014 fnukad 28-8-2015 }kjk izfrLFkkfir] jktLFkku jkt&i= fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad
28-8-2015 esa izdkf'kr & ¼2½ ifj;kstuk izLrkod cksyh ewY; ,sls iz:Ik esa izLrqr dj ldsxk tSlk fd iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk vis{kk dh tk;sA ;fn
ifj;kstuk izLrkod vfrfjDr lwpuk nsus dh okaNk djrk gS rks og ,slh lwpuk i`Fkd ls ifjosf"Br dj ldsxkA vafre cksyh ewY; ij ifj;kstuk
izLrkod dh Li"V lgefr ds Ik'pkr~ iz'kklfud foHkkx leqfpr flQkfj'kksa ds lkFk izLrko jk-Lr-l-l- dks izLrqr djsxkA
2- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2014 fnukad 28-8-2015 }kjk fo|eku vfHkO;fDr ^^mRrjnk;h gksxk** ds LFkku ij izfrLFkkfir]
jktLFkku jkt&i= fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 28-8-2015 esa izdkf'krA
3- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2014 fnukad 28-8-2015 }kjk tksMk x;kA jktLFkku jkt&i= fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad
28-8-2015 esa izdkf'kr A
79B- laO;ogkj lykgdkj-& ¼1½ lacaf/kr iz'kklfud foHkkx ifj;kstuk ds fy, laO;ogkj lykgdkj
fu;qDr dj ldsxk ;k foHkkx ds vf/kdkjh dks mÙkjnkf;Ro U;Lr dj ldsxkA laO;ogkj lykgdkj rduhdh]
foÙkh; vkSj fof/kd lykg nsus ds fy, leFkZ gksxk vkSj lQy cksyh yxkus okys ds p;u dks vafre :Ik nsus esa
lacaf/kr iz'kklfud foHkkx dh lgk;rk djsxkA
¼2½ ;fn iz'kklfud foHkkx fLol pSysat i)fr ds v/khu izkIr fdlh ifj;kstuk izLrko
ds fy, laO;ogkj lykgdkj fu;qDr djus dh okaNk djrk gS rks] izfØ;k esa yxus okys le; dks
cpkus ds Øe esa jkT; Lrjh; l'kDr lfefr }kjk vkxs c<+us dh vuqKk dh eatwjh ds i'pkr~
rRdky laO;ogkj lykgdkj dh fu;qfDr dh izfØ;k dks izkjaHk dj ldsxkA
¼3½ laO;ogkj lykgdkj ds d`R; vkSj mÙkjnkf;Ro fuEukuqlkj gksaxs]&
¼i½ og ifj;kstuk ds fØ;kUo;u ds fy, visf{kr izkS|ksfxdh] rduhdh fofunsZ'kksa]
ykxr izkDdyuksa] js[kkfp=ksa] vkbZ vkj vkj] 'kq) orZeku ewY; ¼,u ih oh½]
lkE;k _.k vuqikr] /ku fo'ys"k.k ds fy, ewY;] vko';d vuqeksnuksa ¼dkuwuh ;k
vU;Fkk½ bR;kfn ds laca/k eas Mh ih vkj dk ijh{k.k djsxk(
¼ii½ og] ;fn iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk visf{kr gks] mfpr lanfHkZdk lqfuf'pr djus ds
fy, /ku fo'ys"k.k ds fy, ewY; dks lfEefyr djrs gq, ifj;kstuk ykxr]
ifj;kstuk jktLo] vFkZ{kerk vkSj tksf[ke fo'ys"k.kksa bR;kfn dk Lora= :Ik ls
vo/kkj.k djus ds fy, vfrfjDr v/;;u djsxk(
¼iii½ mlls i;kZoj.k vkSj lkekftd j{kksik;ksa ds laca/k esa foLr`r ifjekiksa dks
fofufnZ"V djus dh vis{kk dh tk;sxh ftldh cksyh nLrkost esa fØ;kUo;u
dkykof/k ds nkSjku fj;k;rxzkgh }kjk ikyuk djuk vko';d gksxk(
¼iv½ og ifj;kstuk ds fØ;kUo;u ds fy, leqfpr izkf/kdkfj;ksa ls vko';d vuqeksnu
izkIr djus esa iz'kklfud foHkkx dh lgk;rk djsxk(
¼v½ og vgZrk ds fy, vuqjks/k ¼vkj ,Q D;w½@izLrkoksa ds fy, vuqjks/k ¼vkj ,Q ih½
ds fy, nLrkost rS;kj djsxk vkSj lacaf/kr iz'kklfud foHkkx dks vuqeksnu ds
fy, izLrqr djsxkA cksyh ekunaM bl izdkj rS;kj fd;s tk;asxs rkfd vf/kdre
izfr;ksfxrk lqfuf'pr gks(
¼vi½ og izLrkoksa ds fy, vuqjks/k vkSj fj;k;r djkj rS;kj djsxk vkSj vuqeksnu ds
fy, lacaf/kr izkf/kdkfj;ksa dks izzLrqr djsxk vkSj l{ke vuqeksnu ds i'pkr~] mls
cktkj esa tkjh djsxk(
¼vii½ og izLrko ds fy, vuqjks/k ¼vkj ,Q ih½ tkjh djus] cksyh yxkus okys ds iz'uksa
ds izR;qÙkj rS;kj djus] vkj ,Q ih nLrkostksa esa of.kZr ekun.Mksa ds vuqlkj
cksyh ewY;kadu vkSj flQkfj'k djus] cksyh yxkus okys dh flQkfj'k djus]
lafonk ckrphr djus vkSj cksyh lekiu djus] tks fdlh ifj;kstuk ds rduhdh
lekiu ds fy, fd;k tkuk visf{kr gS] dks lfEefyr djrs gq,] cksyh izfØ;k
izca/ku esa lacaf/kr iz'kklfud foHkkx dh lgk;rk djsxk(
¼viii½ og vuqeksnu ds fy, lHkh nLrkost iz'kklfud foHkkx dks izLrqr djsxkA og
lacaf/kr iz'kklfud foHkkx dh vfHkO;Dr lgefr ds fcuk cksyh yxkus okys
¼cksyh yxkus okyksa½ ;k fdlh vU; O;fDr ¼O;fDr;ksa½ dks dksbZ nLrkost miyC/k
ugha djok;sxk( vkSj
¼ix½ og iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk fu;r fdUgha vU; d`R;ksa ;k mÙkjnkf;Roksa dk ikyu
79M- laiw.kZ izfØ;k ds fy, le;&lhek-& fLol pSysat i)fr ds ek/;e ls mikiu ds
fy, le;&lhek fuEukuqlkj gksxh %&
Ø- fØ;kdyki visf{kr le;
1- iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk izLrko izkIr djus dh rkjh[k ls ,d ekg
vkjafHkd fjiksVZ ds ijh{k.k
vkSj C;kSjsokj izLrko dh
rS;kjh ds fy, vxzlj gksus ds
fy, izLrkod dks vuqKk ;k]
;FkkfLFkfr] izLrko dk
2- izLrkod }kjk C;kSjsokj izLrko rhu ekg ds Hkhrj ;k fu;e 79 ?k ds mi&fu;e ¼6½ ds
dk izLrqrhdj.k v/khu foLrkfjr dkykof/k
3- C;kSjsokj izLrko dk ijh{k.k] iSarkyhl fnu
cksyh nLrkostksa dh rS;kjh
vkSj l{ke izkf/kdkjh ls
4- cksyh vkea=.k vkSj cksfy;ksa ¼i½ cksyh vkeaf=r djus okys uksfVl ds izFke izdk'ku dh
dk izLrqrhdj.k rkjh[k ls rhl fnu(
¼ii½ tgka Li"Vhdj.k@;qfDrdk tkjh fd;s tk;sa] ogka
Li"Vhdj.k@ ;qfDrdk ds tkjh djus dh rkjh[k ls de ls
de iUnzg fnu ( ;k
¼iii½ varjkZ"Vªh; izfr;ksxh cksyh dh n'kk esa] cksyh izLrqr djus
dh dkykof/k cksyh vkeaf=r djus okys uksfVl ds izFke
izdk'ku dh rkjh[k ls iSarkyhl fnu vkSj Li"Vhdj.k@
;qfDrdk ds tkjh djus dh rkjh[k ls de ls de chl fnu
5- cksyh ewY;kadu iUnzg fnu
6- lokZf/kd ykHkizn cksyh] ;fn iUnzg fnu
dksbZ gks] ds feyku ds fy,
ifj;kstuk izLrkod ds fy,
7- vf/kfu.kZ; i= l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk vf/kfu.kZ; ds vuqeksnu ds lkr fnu ds
8- lafonk djkj dk fu"iknu vf/kfu.kZ; ds i= ds tkjh djus ds iUnzg fnu ds Hkhrj ;k
cksyh nLrkostksa esa ;Fkk&fofufnZ"V dkykof/k
ijarq leqfpr ekeyksa esa] iz'kklfud foHkkx mi;qZDr of.kZr dkykof/k f'kfFky dj ldsxkA
79<- ifj;kstuk izLrkod ds fy, ik=rk ekunaM-& ¼1½ 1[lgm|e ;k dUlksjfV;e dks
lfEefyr djrs gq,] fof/kd laLFkk ;k O;fDr] ifj;kstuk izLrkod ds :Ik esa izLrko izLrqr djus
ds fy, ik= gksaxs] ;fn]&
¼i½ O;fDr ;k dUlksjfV;e ds eq[; lnL; dk] ifj;kstuk ykxr ds U;wure 100%
dk xr rhu foÙkh; o"kksaZ esa vkSlr i.;korZ vkSj lgm|e@ dUlksjfV;e dh
n'kk esa eq[; lnL; dk ifj;kstuk ykxr ds U;wure 100% dk xr rhu
foÙkh; o"kksZa esa vkSlr i.;korZ gksxk vkSj vafre rhu o"kksaZ dk laijhf{kr rqyu
i= izLrqr fd;k tk;sxk(
¼ii½ [O;fDr ;k eq[; lnL;] ;k lgm|e ;k dUlksjfV;e ds fdlh vU; lnL; ds
ikl] xr 10 o"kksZa esa dqy ifj;kstuk ykxr ds de ls de 100% ykxr okyh
esa [ml lsDVj] ftlesa izLrko izLrqr fd;k x;k gS] ,slh ifj;kstuk
¼ifj;kstukvksa½ esa de ls de ,d ifj;kstuk] tgka lafonk vokMZ dj nh x;h gS
vkSj ladeZ iw.kZ gks x;k gS] dks laHkkyus dk vuqHko gksuk pkfg, ¼DykbaV }kjk
dk;Z vkns'k vkSj lekiu izek.ki= miyC/k djk;k tk;sxk½(
¼iii½ og dsUnz ljdkj] fdlh jkT; ljdkj ;k fdlh ljdkjh vfHkdj.k }kjk dkyh
lwph eas Mkyk x;k ugha gksxkA og bl vk'k; dk opuca/k izLrqr djsxk fd og
dsUnz ljdkj] fdlh jkT; ljdkj ;k fdlh ljdkjh vfHkdj.k }kjk dkyh lwph
esa ugha Mkyk x;k gS( vkSj
¼iv½ og ifj;kstuk ds fy, [kqyh cksyh izfØ;k ds fy, iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk tkjh
fd;s x;s cksyh nLrkost ds vuqlkj] cksyh yxkus okyksa ds fy,
iwoZ&vgZrk@vgZrk ekunaM@ifjeki vko';d :Ik ls iw.kZ djsxkA
¼2½ dUlksjfV;e dh n'kk esa] lHkh lnL;ksa }kjk mlds i{k esa fu"ikfnr eq[rkjukeksa ds
ek/;e ls izkf/kd`r dksbZ O;fDr] dUlksjfV;e ds lHkh lnL;ksa dh vksj ls izLrko ij gLrk{kj
djsxk vkSj ,slk eq[rkjukek izLrko ds lkFk izLrqr fd;k tk;sxkA
[¼3½ lgm|e ;k dUlksjfV;e dh n'kk esa] eq[; lnL;] vkSj lgm|e ;k dUlksjfV;e ds lnL;]
ftuds rduhdh lkeF;Z ds vk/kkj ij] ifj;kstuk ds fy, lgm|e ;k dUlksjfV;e dh rduhdh ik=rk
fofuf'pr dh x;h gS] dks lgm|e ;k dUlksjfV;e ls fudkl vuqKkr ugha fd;k tk;sxkA]
¼4½ ¼i½ daiuh dh n'kk esa] fuxeu izek.ki=
¼ii½ QeZ dh n'kk eas] jftLVªhdj.k izek.ki=] vkSj
¼iii½ Hkkxhnkjh QeZ dh n'kk eas] Hkkxhnkjh foys[k]
izLrko ds lkFk izLrqr fd;s tk;saxsA
1- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2014 fnukad 28-8-2015 }kjk fo|eku vfHkO;fDr ^^fuEufyf[kr fof/kd laLFkk ;k O;fDr** ds
LFkku ij izfrLFkkfir] jktLFkku jkt&i= fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 28-8-2015 esa izdkf'krA
2- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2014 fnukad 28-8-2015 }kjk fo|eku vfHkO;fDr ^^ O;fDr ;k eq[; lnL; ds ikl] ** ds
LFkku ij izfrLFkkfir] jktLFkku jkt&i= fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 28-8-2015 esa izdkf'krA
3- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2014 fnukad 28-8-2015 }kjk fo|eku ¼3½ dUlksjfV;e dh n'kk esa] eq[; lnL; dks
dUlksjfV;e ls ckgj tkuk vuqKkr ugha fd;k tk;sxk ** ds LFkku ij izfrLFkkfir] jktLFkku jkt&i= fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 28-8-2015 esa
79.k- ifj;kstuk dks okil ysus dh 'kfDr-& lacaf/kr iz'kklfud foHkkx dks ifj;kstuk
izLrkod dks dksbZ dkj.k leuqnsf'kr fd;s fcuk] izfØ;k ds nkSjku fdlh Hkh le; ifj;kstuk dks
okil ysus dh 'kfDr gksxh] fdarq og ifj;kstuk izLrkod ;k] ;FkkfLFkfr] lQy cksyh yxkus okys
ds lkFk djkj djus ls iwoZ gh ifj;kstuk dks okil ys ldsxkA ,d ckj tc lacaf/kr iz'kklfud
foHkkx }kjk djkj dj fy;k tkrk gS] rc lE;d~ :i ls fd;s x;s djkj ds lEcfU/kr [kaM ykxw
gksaxsA ;fn iz'kklfud foHkkx ;Fkk mi;qZDr fofufnZ"V jhfr esa ifj;kstuk dks okil ys ysrk gS] rks
mls jktLFkku yksd mikiu iksVZy ij iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk nf'kZr fd;k tk;sxkA]
v/;k; 6
lR;fu"Bk dh lafgrk
80- lR;fu"Bk lafgrk-& ¼1½ mikiu laLFkk ds leLr vf/kdkjh ;k deZpkjh]&
¼d½ vius dk;kZy; ds Hkhrj vkSj ckgj nksuksa txg lR;fu"Bk dk vf/k{ksI; Lrj
cuk;s j[ksaxs(
¼[k½ vf/kfu;e] bu fu;eksa] bl vf/kfu;e ds v/khu tkjh ekxZn'kZd fl)kUrksa ds
mica/kksa vkSj vuqns'kksa ds vuqlkj dk;Z djsaxs(
¼x½ fdlh Hkh cksyh yxkus okys dks] fdlh fof'k"V mikiu ij fdlh lwpuk dks]
,slh lwpuk ds turk ds fy, miyC/k gksus ls iwoZ] izkIr djus ds fy, vuqKkr ugha
¼?k½ vuko';d :i ls fucaZf/kr ;k fdlh fo'ks"k cksyh yxkus okys ds vuq:i
fofunsZ'kksa] lanHkZ ds fuca/kuksa ;k dk;Z ds fooj.kksa dk lk'k; bl izdkj mi;ksx ugha djsaxs
ftlls izfr;ksfxrk esa deh gks(
¼³½ fdlh Hkh ,sls O;fDr ls ftlus mikiu laLFkk dks mikiu fd;k gS ;k djuk
pkgrk gS] dksbZ fj'or] buke ;k migkj dh ;k izR;{k ;k vizR;{k :Ik ls Hkfo"; fu;kstu
ds opu ls rkfRod Qk;ns ds fy, vH;FkZuk ugha djsaxs ;k Lohdkj ugha djsaxs(
¼p½ fdlh Hkh mikiu laLFkk dh cksyh izfØ;k esa fdlh Hkh cksyh yxkus okys ds
izfr dksbZ foÙkh; fgr ugha j[ksaxs vkSj fdlh Hkh cksyh yxkus okys ds izfr foÙkh; fgr
j[kus okyk dksbZ Hkh O;fDr ml mikiu izfØ;k esa Hkkx ugha ysxk(
¼N½ ,slh lwpuk dks izkIr djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r fdlh O;fDr ds vykok fdlh
vU; O;fDr dks izR;{k ;k vizR;{k :i ls lkaifÙkd vkSj L=ksr p;u lwpuk izdV ugha
¼t½ mikiu izfØ;k esa fu"i{krk] lR;fu"Bk vkSj ikjnf'kZrk ds fl)kar ds vuqlkj
leLr cksyh yxkus okyksa ds lkFk fu"i{k vkSj lkE;kiw.kZ rjhds ls O;ogkj djsaxs(
¼>½ mikiu izfØ;k ds nkSjku lHkh cksyh yxkus okyksa dks ,d gh le; ij leku
lwpuk miyC/k djok;saxs(
¼¥½ cksyh nLrkostksa] cksyh yxkus okys ds jftLVªhdj.k nLrkostksa ;k vgZrk&iwoZ
nLrkostksa esa ;Fkk&fofufnZ"V ewY;kadu dh leku dlkSVh ykxw djsxsa vkSj ewY;kadu izfØ;k
ds nkSjku fdlh Hkh ifjfLFkfr esa u;h ewY;kadu dlkSVh iz;ksx esa ugha yk;h tk;sxh(
¼V½ cksyh yxkus okyksa ;k laHkkfor cksyh yxkus okyksa ls dksbZ i{kikr] euksjatu]
migkj] lsok,a bR;kfn Lohdkj ugha djsaxs(
¼B½ lwpuk vkSj lwpuk ds L=ksrksa ls laO;ogkj djus ds nkSjku leLr ifjfLFkfr;ksa
esa mikiu laLFkk ds fgrksa dk laj{k.k djsaxs(
¼M½ lHkh cksfy;ksa dh xksiuh;rk cuk;s j[ksaxs(
¼<½ ;g lqfuf'pr djsaxs fd cksyh yxkus okys dk p;u cksyh nLrkostksa ds vuqlkj
gqvk gS vkSj lacaf/kr dkfeZdksa ds O;fDrxr dkj.kksa ls fdlh Hkh izdkj ls izHkkfor ugha gqvk
gS( vkSj
¼.k½ fgr dk fojks/k] ;fn dksbZ gks] izdV djsaxsA
¼2½ mikiu izfØ;k esa Hkkx ysus okyk dksbZ Hkh O;fDr] &
¼d½ mikiu izfØ;k esa vuqfpr Qk;ns ds fy, ;k vU;Fkk mikiu izfØ;k dks
izHkkfor djus dh ,ot esa fdlh fj'or] buke ;k nku ;k izR;{k :Ik ls ;k vizR;{k :Ik
ls fdlh rkfRod Qk;ns dk dksbZ izLrko ugha djsxk(
¼[k½ lwpuk dk ,slk nqO;Zins'ku ;k yksi ugha djsxk tks fdlh foÙkh; ;k vU;
Qk;nk vfHkizkIr djus ds fy, ;k fdlh ck/;rk ls izfojr jgus ds fy, xqejkg djrk gks
;k xqejkg djus dk iz;kl djrk gks(
¼x½ mikiu izfØ;k dh ikjnf'kZrk] fu"i{krk vkSj izxfr dks ckf/kr djus ds fy,
fdlh Hkh nqjfHklaf/k] cksyh esa dwV ewY; o`f) ;k izfr;ksfxrk fojks/kh vkpj.k esa fyIr ugha
¼?k½ mikiu laLFkk vkSj cksyh yxkus okyksa ds chp lk>k dh x;h fdlh Hkh
tkudkjh dk mikiu izfØ;k esa vuqfpr ykHk izkIr djus ds vk'k; ls nq:i;ksx ugha
¼M½ mikiu izfØ;k dks izHkkfor djus ds fy, fdlh Hkh i{kdkj dks ;k mldh
lEifr dks izR;{k ;k vizR;{k :i ls {kfr ;k uqdlku igqapkus] ,slk djus ds fy, /kedkus
lfgr fdlh Hkh izihMu esa fyIr ugha gksxk(
¼p½ mikiu izfØ;k ds fdlh Hkh vUos"k.k ;k ys[kkijh{kk esa ck/kk ugha Mkysxk(
¼N½ fgr dk fojks/k] ;fn dksbZ gks] izdV djsxk(
¼t½ fiNys rhu o"kksZa ds nkSjku Hkkjr ;k fdlh vU; ns'k esa fdlh Hkh laLFkk ds
lkFk fdlh iwoZ fu;eHkax dks ;k fdlh vU; mikiu laLFkk }kjk fdlh footZu dks izdV
81- fgr dk fojks/k-& ¼1½ fdlh mikiu laLFkk ;k mlds dkfeZdksa vkSj cksyh yxkus
okyksa ds fy, fgr dk fojks/k ,slh fLFkfr dks ekuk x;k gS ftlesa ,d i{kdkj ds ,sls fgr
gksa tks ml i{kdkj ds inh; drZO;ksa ;k mÙkjnkf;Roksa] lafonkxr ck/;rkvksa ds ikyu] ;k
ykxw fof/k;ksa vkSj fofu;eksa ds vuqikyu dks vuqfpr :i ls izHkkfor dj ldrk gksA
¼2½ mu fLFkfr;ksa esa] ftuesa mikiu laLFkk ;k mlds dkfeZd fgrksa ds fojks/k esa
le>s tk;saxs] fuEufyf[kr lfEefyr gS] fdUrq mu rd lhfer ugha gS %&
¼d½ fgr dk fojks/k rc ?kfVr gksrk gS tc mikiu laLFkk ds fdlh dkfeZd dk
futh fgr] tSlsfd ckg~; o`frd ;k vU; laca/k ;k O;fDrxr foÙkh; vkfLr;ka] mikiu
inkf/kdkjh ds :i esa mlds o`frd d`R;ksa ;k ck/;rkvksa dk leqfpr ikyu djus esa
gLr{ksi djrs gkas ;k gLr{ksi djrs gq, izrhr gksrs gksaA
¼[k½ mikiu ifjos'k esa mikiu laLFkk ds fdlh dkfeZd dk ,slk futh fgr] tSls
fd mikiu laLFkk dh lsok eas jgrs gq, O;fDrxr fofu/kku vkSj vkfLr;ka] jktuSfrd ;k
vU; ckà~; fØ;k dyki vksj lEcU/krk,a] mikiu laLFkk dh lsok ls lsokfuo`fÙk ds i'pkr~
fu;kstu ;k migkj dh izkfIr] tks mls ck/;rk dh fLFkfr esa j[krk gks] fgr esa fojks/k
mRiUu dj ldsxkA
¼x½ fgr ds fojks/k esa mikiu laLFkk dh ekuoh;] foÙkh; vkSj HkkSfrd vkfLr;ksa
lfgr vkfLr;ksa dk mi;ksx] ;k O;fDrxr Qk;ns ds fy, mikiu laLFkk ds dk;kZy; ;k
inh; d`R;ksa ls vftZr Kku dk mi;ksx] ;k fdlh ,sls O;fDr dh fLFkfr ij izfrdwy
izHkko Mkyuk lfEefyr gS ftldk mikiu laLFkk dk dkfeZd i{k ugha ysrk gSA
¼?k½ fgr dk fojks/k ,slh fLFkfr;ksa esa Hkh mRiUu gks ldrk gS tagk mikiu laLFkk
dk dkfeZd izR;{k ;k vizR;{k :i ls] dqVqEc] fe=ksa ;k fdlh ,sls O;fDr ftldk og i{k
ysrk gS] lfgr fdlh r`rh; i{kdkj dks mikiu laLFkk ds dkfeZdksa dh dkjZokbZ;ksa ;k
fofu'p; ls Qk;nk igqapkrs gq, ns[kk tkrk gS ;k mUgsa mlesa lfEefyr djrk gSA
¼3½ dksbZ cksyh yxkus okyk fdlh mikiu izfØ;k esa ,d ;k vf/kd i{kdkjksa ds
lkFk fgr ds fojks/k esa ekuk tk;sxk ftlesa fuEufyf[kr fLFkfr;ka lfEefyr gSa fdUrq bu
rd lhfer ugha gS ;fn]&
¼d½ muds leku fu;a=d Hkkxhnkj gS(
¼[k½ os muesa ls fdlh ls] dksbZ Hkh izR;{k ;k vizR;{k lgkf;dh izkIr djrs gSa ;k
izkIr dh gS(
¼x½ mudk ml cksyh ds iz;kstuksa ds fy, ,d gh fof/kd izfrfuf/k gS (
¼?k½ mudk izR;{k :Ik ls ;k leku r`rh; i{kdkjksa ds ekQZr ,d nwljs ds lkFk
,slk laca/k gS tks nwljs dh cksyh ds ckjs esa lwpuk rd igqapus ;k nwljs dh cksyh ij izHkko
Mkyus dh fLFkfr j[krk gks(
¼³½ dksbZ cksyh yxkus okyk ,d gh cksyh izfØ;k esa ,d ls vf/kd cksyh esa Hkkx
ysrk gSA rFkkfi] ;g ,d gh milafonkdkj dks ,d ls vf/kd cksyh esas lfEefyr gksus ls
lhfer ugha djrk gS tks cksyh yxkus okys ds :i esa vU;Fkk Hkkx ugha ysrk gS( ;k
¼p½ cksyh yxkus okys ;k mlls lgc) fdUgha O;fDr;ksa us cksyh izfØ;k ds mikiu
dh fo"k;oLrq ds fMtkbu ;k rduhdh fofunsZ'kksa dks rS;kj djus esa lykgdkj ds :i esa
Hkkx fy;k gSA lHkh cksyh yxkus okys vgZrk dlkSVh vkSj cksyh iz:iksa esa ;g fooj.k
miyC/k djk;saxs fd cksyh yxkus okyk ml lykgdkj ;k fdlh Hkh vU; laLFkk] ftlus
mikiu dh fo"k;oLrq ds fy, fMtkbZu] fofunsZ'k vkSj vU; nLrkost rS;kj fd;s gSa] ds
lkFk izR;{k ;k vizR;{k :i esa u rks lac) gS vkSj ugha lac) jgk gS ;k lafonk ds fy,
ifj;kstuk izcU/kd ds :i esa izLrkfor fd;k tk jgk gSA
82- cksyh yxkus okys ds }kjk lR;fu"Bk lafgrk dk Hkax-& vf/kfu;e ds v/;k; 4
ds mica/kksa ij izfrdwy izHkko Mkys fcuk] fdlh cksyh yxkus okys ;k] ;FkkfLFkfr] Hkkoh
cksyh yxkus okys ds }kjk lR;fu"Bk lafgrk ds fdlh micU/k ds Hkax dh n'kk esa mikiu
laLFkk /kkjk 11 dh mi&/kkjk ¼3½ vkSj /kkjk 46 ds mica/kksa ds vuqlkj lqefpr dkjZokbZ dj
v/;k; 7
83- vihy dk iz:i-& ¼1½ /kkjk 38 dh mi&/kkjk ¼1½ ;k ¼4½ ds v/khu dksbZ vihy iz:i
esa mruh izfr;ksa ds lkFk gksxh ftrus fd vihy esa izR;FkhZ gSaA
¼2½ izR;sd vihy ml vkns'k] ftlds fo:) vihy dh x;h gS] ;fn dksbZ gks] vihy esa
dfFkr rF;ksa dks lR;kfir djus okys 'kiFk i= vkSj Qhl ds lank; ds lcwr ds lkFk gksxhA
¼3½ izR;sd vihy izFke vihy izkf/kdkjh ;k] ;FkkfLFkfr] f}rh; vihy izkf/kdkjh dks
O;fDr'k% ;k jftLVªhd`r Mkd }kjk ;k izkf/kd`r izfrfuf/k ds ek/;e ls izLrqr dh tk ldsxhA
84- vihy Qkby djus ds fy, Qhl-& ¼1½ izFke vihy ds fy, Qhl nks gtkj ikap lkS
#i;s vkSj f}rh; vihy ds fy, nl gtkj #i;s gksxh tks vizfrns; gksxhA
¼2½ Qhl dk lank; fdlh vf/klwfpr cSad ds cSad ekaxns; Mªk¶V ;k cSadj pSd ds :i esa
fd;k tk;sxk tks lacaf/kr vihy izkf/kdkjh ds uke ns; gksxkA
85- vihy ds fuiVkjs dh izfØ;k-& ¼1½ izFke vihy izkf/kdkjh ;k] ;FkkfLFkfr] f}rh;
vihy izkf/kdkjh vihy Qkby fd;s tkus ij izR;FkhZ dks vihy] 'kiFk i= vkSj nLrkostksa] ;fn
dksbZ gks] dh izfr ds lkFk uksfVl tkjh djsxk vkSj lquokbZ dh rkjh[k fu;r djsxkA
¼2½ lquokbZ ds fy, fu;r rkjh[k dks izFke vihy izkf/kdkjh ;k] ;FkkfLFkfr] f}rh;
vihy izkf/kdkjh]&
¼d½ mlds le{k mifLFkr vihy ds leLr i{kdkjksa dh lquokbZ djsxk( vkSj
¼[k½ ekeys ls lacaf/kr nLrkostksa] lqlaxr vfHkys[k ;k mudh izfr;ksa dk voyksdu ;k
fujh{k.k djsxkA
¼3½ i{kdkjksa dh lquokbZ] ekeys ls lacaf/kr nLrkostksa] lqlaxr vfHkys[k ;k mudh izfr;ksa
ds voyksdu ;k fujh{k.k ds i'pkr~] lacaf/kr vihy izkf/kdkjh fyf[kr esa vkns'k tkjh djsxk vkSj
vihy ds i{kdkjksa dks mDr vkns'k dh izfr fu%'kqYd miyC/k djk;sxkA
¼4½ mi fu;e ¼3½ ds v/khu ikfjr vkns'k jkT; yksd mikiu iksVZy ij Hkh nf'kZr fd;k
86- fujlu vkSj O;ko`fÙk;ka-& bu fu;eksa esa micaf/kr eky] lsok ;k ladeksZa ds mikiu ls
lacaf/kr leLr fu;e] fofu;e] vkns'k] vf/klwpuk,a] foHkkxh; lafgrk,a] funsZf'kdk,a] mi&fof/k;ka]
'kkldh;&Kkiu ;k ifji=] tks bu fu;eksa ds vUrxZr vkus okys ekeyksa ds laca/k esa bu fu;eksa
ds izo`Ùk gksus dh rkjh[k dks izo`Ùk Fks] bu fu;eksa ds vUrxZr vkus dh lhek rd blds }kjk
fujflr fd;s tkrs gSa %
ijUrq ,slk fujlu bl izdkj fujflr ,sls fu;eksa] fofu;eksa] vkns'kksa] vf/klwpukvksa]
foHkkxh; lafgrkvksa] funsZf'kdkvks]a mi&fof/k;ksa] 'kkldh; Kkiuksa ;k ifji=ksa ds iwoZxkeh izorZu dks
izHkkfor ugha djsxk vkSj bu fu;eksa ds izkjaHk ls iwoZ vkjEHk dh x;h mikiu izfØ;k bl izdkj
fujflr fu;eksa] fofu;eksa] vkns'kksa] vf/klwpukvksa] foHkkxh; lafgrkvksa] funsZf'kdkvksa] mi&fof/k;ksa]
'kkldh; Kkiuksa vkSj ifji=ksa ds mica/kksa ds vuqlkj tkjh jgsxhA
[iz:i la- 1
¼fu;e 83 nsf[k,½
jktLFkku yksd mikiu esa ikjnf'kZrk vf/kfu;e] 2012 ds v/khu vihy
dk Kkiu
------------------------------ dh vihy la- -----------------------------
¼izFke@f}rh; vihy izkf/kdkjh½ -------------------------------------- ds le{k
1- vihykFkhZ dh fof'kf"V;ka %
(i) vihykFkhZ dk uke %
(ii) dk;kZy; dk irk] ;fn dksbZ gks %
(iii) vkokfld irk %
2- izR;FkhZ ¼izR;fFkZ;ksa½ dk uke vkSj irk %
3- vkns'k dk la[;kad vkSj rkjh[k ftlds
fo:) vihy dh x;h gS vkSj
vf/kdkjh@izkf/kdkjh dk uke vkSj inuke]
ftlus vkns'k ikfjr fd;k gS] ¼izfrfyfi
layXu djsa½ ;k vf/kfu;e ds mica/kksa ds
mYya?ku esa mikiu laLFkk ds fdlh
fofu'p;] dk;Z ;k yksi dk fooj.k ftlls
vihykFkhZ O;fFkr gS %
4- ;fn vihykFkhZ fdlh izfrfuf/k }kjk
izfrfuf/kRo fd;s tkus ds fy, izLrko djrk
gS rks izfrfuf/k dk uke vkSj Mkd dk irk %
5- vihy ds lkFk layXu fd;s x;s 'kiFki=ksa
vkSj nLrkostksa dh la[;k %
6- vihy dk vk/kkj %
----------------------- ¼'kiFki= }kjk lefFkZr½
7- izkFkZuk % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LFkku % ------------------------------
rkjh[k % ----------------------------
vihykFkhZ ds gLrk{kj
[la[;k i-1¼8½foÙk@lkfoysfu@2011]
jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
vf[ky vjksjk]
'kklu lfpo] foÙk ¼ctV½A
[iz:Ik la- 2
¼fu;e 79 ?k nsf[k,½
ifj;kstuk izLrkod }kjk izLrqr fd;k tkus okyk izek.ki=
blds }kjk ;g izekf.kr fd;k tkrk gS fd %
1- fLol pSysat i)fr ds v/khu ¼ifj;kstuk izLrkod dk uke½---------------------------- ds
lE;d~ :Ik ls izkf/kd`r izfrfuf/k ds :Ik esa v/kksgLrk{kjh }kjk -------------------------------
¼ifj;kstuk dk uke½ izLrqr dh x;h gSA
2- ifj;kstuk izLrkod lokZf/kd ykHkizn cksyh izkIr djus ds fy, [kqyh cksyh
izfØ;k ds ek/;e ls mfpr izfr;ksfxrk dk leFkZu djsxkA
3- ifj;kstuk izLrkod iz'kklfud foHkkx@jktLFkku ljdkj }kjk ;Fkk fofuf'pr
lsDVj esa vU; ifj;kstukvksa ds le:Ik ekud ifj;kstuk lajpuk fj;k;r djkj]
cksyh nLrkost ls lger gSA
4- ifj;kstuk izLrkod] fu;ked izkf/kdj.k] jktLFkku ljdkj }kjk ;k fof/k ds
ek/;e ls tc dHkh xfBr dh tk;s] dk ikyu djus dh lgefr nsrk gSA
5- ifj;kstuk izLrkod lger gS fd iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk ;Fkk fofuf'pr] Mh ih
vkj dh rS;kjh dh ykxr] ifj;kstuk izLrkod dks izfriwfrZ ;ksX; gksxh tSlk
jktLFkku yksd mikiu esa ikjnf'kZrk fu;e] 2013 esa micaf/kr gSA
6- ifj;kstuk izLrkod lger gS fd lacaf/kr iz'kklfud foHkkx ds ikl dksbZ dkj.k
leuqnsf'kr fd;s fcuk izfØ;k ds nkSjku fdlh Hkh le; ifj;kstuk dks okil
ysus dk vf/kdkj gS] fdarq iz'kklfud foHkkx ifj;kstuk izLrkod ;k] ;FkkfLFkfr]
lQy cksyh yxkus okys ds lkFk djkj djus ls iwoZ ifj;kstuk dks okil ys
7- ifj;kstuk izLrkod ifj;kstuk fØ;kUo;u] ftlds fy, izLrko izLrqr fd;k x;k
gS] dk izca/k djus ds fy, rduhdh vkSj foÙkh; :i ls l{ke gSA
8- ifj;kstuk izLrkod le>rk gS vkSj lger gS fd ;fn ifj;kstuk izLrkod
iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk blds fy, fn;s x;s le; ds Hkhrj C;kSjsokj izLrko@Mh
ih vkj izLrqr djus esa vlQy jgrk gS rc iz'kklfud foHkkx vius
foosdkf/kdkj ls Lo;a vius }kjk] vius vfHkdj.kksa ds ek/;e ls ;k fdlh r`rh;
i{k ds ek/;e ls] ifj;kstuk izLrkod ds fdlh nkos] tks dksbZ gks] ds fcuk]
ifj;kstuk fodkl ds vius fodYi dk iz;ksx dj ldsxkA
9- ifj;kstuk izLrkod jktLFkku yksd mikiu esa ikjnf'kZrk vf/kfu;e] 2012 vkSj
jktLFkku yksd mikiu esa ikjnf'kZrk fu;e] 2013 dk ikyu djus dks lger
10- ;g fd mi;qZDr dFku esjh loksZÙke tkudkjh vkSj fo'okl esa lR; gSA
fnukad % ¼ifj;kstuk izLrkod ds izkf/kd`r
izfrfuf/k ds gLrk{kj]
uke vkSj inuke½
1- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2014 fnukad 5-6-2015 }kjk iz:i la[;k 2 ls 8 tksMk x;k]
jktLFkku jkt&i= fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 5-6-2015 esa izdkf'kr ¼5-6-2015 ls izHkkoh½
iz:Ik la- 3
¼fu;e 79 ?k nsf[k,½
ifj;kstuk izLrkod }kjk izLrko ds C;kSjs
dfFkr djsa] vkSj D;ksa?
4-2 D;k izLrkod ifj;kstuk
dk ftEek ysus ds fy,
vko';d fuf/k;ka vkSj
lkE;k tqVkus esa l{ke gS?
¼dFku djsa dSls½
5- ifj;kstuk dk ftEek ysus
ds fy, izLrkod dh ik=rk
5-1 D;k izLrkod dh rduhdh]
foÙkh; vkSj izkS|ksfxdh
vko';drkvksa dks iwjk djus
ds fy, ifj;kstuk dk
ftEek Lo;a ;k lg;ksx ls
vius Åij ysus dh ;kstuk
gS? d`Ik;k foLrkj ls crk;sa
6- iwoZ lk/;rk fjiksVZ
6-1 D;k izLrkod us iwoZ
lk/;rk@lk/;rk Mh ih
vkj lapkfyr dh gS
¼fLFkfr@lwpuk dk dFku
6-2 dFku djsa fd D;k
ifj;kstuk dh izkjfEHkd
foÙkh; vFkZ{kerk iw.kZ gks
x;h gS?
6-3 dFku djsa fd D;k
izLrkod ,sls leLr
v/;;uksa dk ftEek ysxk
tks bu fu;eksa esa fofufnZ"V
le;&lhek esa cksyh yxkus
ds Qst esa bls ys tkus ds
fy, ifj;kstuk ds fodkl
ds fy, visf{kr gS
7- ifj;kstuk lajpuk vkSj
7-1 D;k dksbZ ekMy ¼ch vks vks
Vh] ch vks Vh bR;kfn½]
fj;k;r dkykof/k] ;fn
dksbZ gks] fjiksVZ esa of.kZr
dh x;h gS?
7-2 lsok@ mRikn Lrj
¼fofufnZ"V djsa ;fn ykxw
8- ifj;kstuk foÙk
8-1 mi;ksDrk Qhl]
VSfjQ@fdjk;k ¼fofufnZ"V
djsa½ vkSj le; ds lkFk
mudk QsjQkj
8-2 lHkh vkbZ vkj vkj C;kSjs
miyC/k djkosa vkSj lapkyu
vkSj vU; :Ikksa ls vk; ls
ifj;kstuk dk ,u ih oh
miyC/k djkosa
9- vukifÙk@vuqeksnu
9-1 dFku djsa fd D;k
ifj;kstuk ds fy,
Ik;kZoj.kh; fu/kkZj.k visf{kr
9-2 dFku djsa fd D;k
ifj;kstuk izLrkod us
ifj;kstuk ds fy, visf{kr
lHkh lacaf/kr vuqeksnuksa
¼dkuwuh ;k vU;Fkk½ dk
mYys[k dj fn;k gSA
10- ifj;kstuk izLrkod dh
10-1 dFku djsa fd D;k
izLrkod ds ikl ifj;kstuk
dk ftEek ysus dh
rduhdh {kerk gS? ;fn
gka] rks dSls?
10-2 dFku djsa fd D;k
izLrkod ds ikl ifj;kstuk
dk ftEek ysus dh foÙkh;
{kerk gS? ;fn gka] rks
10-3 dksbZ vU;] ;fn dksbZ gks
11- dksbZ vU;
11-1 dksbZ vU; en@laizs{k.k
ftls izLrkod vfrfjDr
:Ik ls of.kZr djuk
lqlaxr le>rk gSA
11-2 D;k ifj;kstuk izLrkod
tc dHkh ljdkj }kjk ;k
fof/k ds ek/;e ls xfBr
gksus okys fu;ked
izkf/kdj.k ds v/khu vkus
ds fy, lger gS?
11-3 D;k ;g l'krZ izLrko gS?
d`Ik;k fofufnZ"V djsaA
fVIi.k %
1- bl iz:Ik dks rS;kj djrs le;] izLrko esa lqlaxr funsZ'kksa dk LFkkuu Åij minf'kZr
dj fn;k x;k gSA
2- gka@ugha esa iz'uksa ds leqfpr mÙkj] tgka dgha ykxw gks] fn;s x;s gSa
vkSj C;kSjs] ;Fkk visf{kr] ^fof'kf"V;ka* LraHk ds v/khu of.kZr fd;s x;s gSaA
3- ;g lgefr gS fd mi;qZDr iz:Ik mikarfjr fd;k tk ldsxk ;k Hkfo"; esa fdlh le;
lacaf/kr iz'kklfud foHkkx vfrfjDr lwpuk bZfIlr dj ldsxkA
4- mi;qZDr iz:Ik gLrk{kfjr gkMZ izfr vkSj lkW¶V izfr esa Hkh miyC/k djk fn;k x;k gSA
laxBu@vfHkdj.k ds eqf[k;k
¼ifj;kstuk izLrkod½ ds gLrk{kj
eqgj vkSj rkjh[k lfgr
iz:i la-&4
¼fu;e 79 ?k nsf[k,½
iwoZ&lk/;rk fjiksVZ dh varoZLrq
1- izLrkouk
¼i½ ifj;kstuk fofufeZfr
¼ii½ y{;] mÌs'; vkSj dk;Zi)fr
2- lsDVj :ijs[kk
¼i½ {ks=h; fofufnZ"V :ijs[kk ds lkFk m|e dk iw.kZ fooj.k
¼ii½ egRoiw.kZ eqÌs
3- cktkj fu/kkZj.k
¼i½ m|e vos{kk
¼ii½ ekax fu/kkZj.k
¼iii½ ,l-MCY;w- vks- Vh- fo'ys"k.k
¼iv½ dsl LVMh
4- ifj;kstuk ladYiuk
¼i½ ifj;kstuk fooj.k
¼ii½ ifj;kstuk dh vko';drk vkSj vuU;rk dk Li"Vhdj.k
¼iii½ ifj;kstuk la?kVd
¼iv½ LFky voLFkku vkSj fo'ys"k.k
¼v½ fodkl vko';drk,a] yksd vko';drk,a vkSj ;kstuk fopkj
5- dkuwuh vkSj fof/kd <kapk
¼i½ ykxw fof/k;ka
¼ii½ ykxw uhfr;ka
6- i;kZoj.kh; vkSj lkekftd lek?kkr
¼i½ i;kZoj.kh; lek?kkr
¼ii½ lkekftd lek?kkr
¼iii½ ifj;kstuk lacaf/kr vuqeksnu@vukifÙk;ka
7- ifj;kstuk foÙk
¼i½ ykxr izkDdyu
¼ii½ jktLo lzksr] vkbZ vkj vkj bR;kfn
¼iii½ vFkZ{kerk fu/kkZj.k
8- izpkyu <kapk
¼i½ tksf[ke igpku vkSj 'keu
¼ii½ minf'kZr ifj;kstuk lajpuk
¼iii½ minf'kZr vgZrk vkSj p;u ekunaM
¼iv½ ih ih ih ekMy dks vafre :Ik nsus ds fodYi dk fo'ys"k.k ¼;fn ykxw gks½
9- vkxs dh izfØ;k
¼i½ ljdkj ls visf{kr dksbZ vfrfjDr fuf/k;ka
¼ii½ fodkl ds fy, ljdkjh ck/;rk
¼iii½ ifj;kstuk fodkl <kapk
10- fdlh izkf/kdj.k ls visf{kr dksbZ vU; vuqeksnu ¼dkuwuh ;k vU;Fkk½
11- iz:Ik %
¼i½ ekSdk uD'kk
¼ii½ minf'kZr vfHkU;kl@ifjdYiuk ;kstuk
iz:Ik la- 5
¼fu;e 79 ?k nsf[k,½
C;kSjsokj ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ dh varoZLrq
1- dk;Zdkjh lkjka'k
2- ifj;kstuk :ijs[kk
¼i½ ifj;kstuk mÌs';
¼ii½ ifj;kstuk izk;kstd
¼iii½ ifj;kstuk vofLFkfr
3- izLrkfor dkjckj :ijs[kk
¼i½ mRikn feJ.k
¼ii½ izkDdfyr mRiknu vkSj fofu/kku
4- cktkj fo'ys"k.k
¼i½ orZeku ifjn`';
¼ii½ ekax fu/kkZj.k
¼iii½ ;qfDr;ka
¼iv½ xzksFk MªkbZoj
¼v½ ,l MCY;w vks Vh fo'ys"k.k
5- ifj;kstuk dh vko';drk fl) djuk
¼i½ ifj;kstuk dh vuU;rk dk C;kSjsokj Li"Vhdj.k
¼ii½ yksd vko';drk dk fun'kZu
¼iii½ foHkkx dh ;kstukvksa ds vuqikyu esa gksus dk fun'kZu
¼iv½ fdlh foHkkxh; Ldhe tks leku lsok miyC/k djok jgh gS] ls fdlh erHksn ds
u gksus dk fun'kZu
6- uhfr leFkZu vkSj fØ;kdyki
¼i½ ljdkjh 'kq:vkr
¼ii½ fo'ks"k ljdkjh Ldhesa
¼iii½ ikfylh iSdst
7- Hkwfe vkSj LFky fo'ys"k.k
¼i½ LFky vofLFkfr
¼ii½ Hkwfe LokfeRo vkSj Hkwfe ykxr
¼iii½ HkkSxksfyd ifjfLFkfr;ka
8- izLrkfor ekLVj Iyku] rduhdh fofunZs'k vkSj ifj;kstuk ykxr izkDdyu
¼i½ mi;ksfxrk iquoZLFkku ;kstuk ¼;wfVfyVh fjyksds'ku Iyku½
¼ii½ bathfu;fjax losZ{k.k vkSj vUos"k.k
¼iii½ vfHkU;kl ;kstuk,a vkSj js[kkfp=
¼iv½ izLrkfor lkekU; volajpk,a] lqfo/kk,a bR;kfn
¼v½ fMtkbu ekunaM vkSj LFkkfud vis{kk,a
¼vi½ ch vks D;w dks rS;kj djuk
¼vii½ rduhdh ifjekih] fofunsZ'k vkSj js[kkfp=
¼viii½ ifj;kstuk dh ykxr izkDdyu
9- ifj;kstuk ds foÙk vkSj foÙkh; ewY;kadu ds lk/ku
¼i½ foÙk ds lk/ku
¼ii½ ewY;kadu <kapk vkSj mÌs';
¼iii½ foÙkh; iz{ksi.k
¼iv½ /ku fo'ys"k.k ds fy, ewY; ¼;fn ykxw gks½
10- tksf[keksa dh igpku
¼i½ tksf[ke igpku
¼ii½ tksf[ke vkoaVu vkSj 'keu rduhdsa
11- ifj;kstuk ds vkfFkZd Qk;ns
12- i;kZoj.k fu/kkZj.k ¼;fn ykxw gks½
¼i½ Ik;kZoj.kh; lek?kkr fu/kkZj.k
¼ii½ lkekftd fu/kkZj.k
¼iii½ ifj;kstuk lacaf/kr vuqeksnu
13- ifj;kstuk lajpuk vkSj fØ;kUo;u vuqlwph
¼i½ ifj;kstuk fØ;kUo;u ds fy, <kapk
¼ii½ lafonkRed <kapk
¼iii½ ifj;kstuk ijke'khZ vkSj ifj;kstuk izLrkod dh Hkwfedk
¼iv½ ekMy fj;k;rxzkgh djkj
14- ifj;kstuk izpkyu vkSj j[k&j[kko izpkyu vkSj j[k&j[kko <kapk
15- jktLFkku ljdkj@Hkkjr ljdkj@vU; fdlh izkf/kdj.k ls fy, tkus ds fy, visf{kr
dksbZ vU; vuqeksnu ¼dkuwuh ;k vU;Fkk½
16- iz:Ikksa dh lwph ¼tSls ykxw gks izLrqr fd;s tk;sa½
¼i½ laxe Kkiu vkSj laxe vuqPNsn
¼ii½ Hkkx ysus okys m|fe;ksa dh lwph
¼iii½ Hkwfe nLrkost ¼;fn dksbZ gks½
¼iv½ izk:Ik va'k/kkjd djkj
¼v½ izk:Ik btktr vkSj vuqKfIr djkj
¼vi½ izk:Ik mikiu izfØ;k
¼vii½ dksbZ vU; nLrkost tks lacaf/kr iz'kklfud foHkkx }kjk visf{kr gksA
iz:Ik la- 6
¼fu;e 79 ³ nsf[k,½
ifj;kstuk izLrkod }kjk C;kSjsokj vkSj O;kid izLrko dk izLrqrhdj.k
¼gkMZ izfr vkSj lk¶V izfr esa½
Ø- la- en izR;qÙkj funsZ'k@iz:Ik
1 lkekU;
1-1 ifj;kstuk dk uke
1-2 ih ih ih dk izdkj ¼ch vks
Vh] ch vks vks Vh] ch vks
,y Vh] vks ,e Vh
bR;kfn½] ;fn ykxw gks
1-3 vofLFkfr
1-4 lacaf/kr iz'kklfud foHkkx
1-5 dk;kZfUor djus okys
vfHkdj.k@ izLrkod dk
1-6 fj;k;r dkykof/k
2 ifj;kstuk fooj.k
2-1 ifj;kstuk dk laf{kIr
2-2 ifj;kstuk ds fy,
U;k;ksfpR; ¼vko';drk½
2-3 laHkkfor fodYi] ;fn dksbZ
2-4 O;; ds eq[; 'kh"kksZa ds
v/khu foHkktuksa ds lkFk
izkDdfyr iwathxr ykxrA
ykxr izkDdyu ds vk/kkj
dks Hkh nf'kZr dhft,A
2-5 fofu/kku pj.k
2-6 ifj;kstuk fØ;kUo;u
vuqlwph ¼ih-vkbZ-,l-½
3 foÙkh; bartke
3-1 foÙk ds lzksr ¼lkE;k] _.k
3-2 ifj;kstuk ds jktLo izokg
dks nf'kZr dhft,
¼ifj;kstuk vof/k ds nkSjku
okf"kZd izokg½ vUrfuZfgr
iwokZuqeku Hkh nf'kZr
3-3 ,u ih oh ds jktLo izokg
dks nf'kZr dhft,
3-4 VSfjQ@mi;ksDrk izHkkj?
d`i;k C;kSjs esa fofufnZ"V
3-5 D;k fdlh ,Q vkbZ ls
igqap dh x;h gS? ;fn gka]
rks mudh izfrfØ;k nf'kZr
dh tk;s
3-6 oSY;w QkWj euh fo'ys"k.k
4 vkbZ vkj vkj
4-1 vkfFkZd vkbZ vkj vkj ¼;fn
laxf.kr dh x;h gS½
4-2 foÙkh; vkbZ vkj vkj]
fofHkUu /kkj.kkvksa dks nf'kZr
djrs gq, ¼;fn vko';d
gks rks i`Fkd 'khV layXu
5 vukifÙk;ka
5-1 i;kZoj.kh; vukifÙk;ksa dh
5-2 Hkkjr ljdkj] jkT;
ljdkj vkSj vU;
izkf/kdj.kksa@ LFkkuh;
fudk;ksa ls visf{kr
vukifÙk;ka@ vuqeksnu
¼dkuwuh ;k vU;Fkk½
5-3 jkT; ljdkj ls visf{kr
vU; lgk;rk
6 jktLFkku ljdkj ls
6-1 ok;csfyVh xSi QafMax] ;fn
visf{kr gks
6-2 bZfIlr dh x;h jktLFkku
ljdkj dh izR;kHkwfr;ka]
;fn dksbZ gks a
7 fj;k;r djkj
7-1 D;k fj;k;r djkj ,e lh
, ij vk/kkfjr gS? ;fn gka]
rks QsjQkjksa dks] ;fn dksbZ
gks] C;kSjsokj fVIi.k esa
minf'kZr dhft, ¼layXu
fd;s tk;sa½
7-2 fj;k;r djkj ds C;kSjs
¼izLrqrhdj.k ds lkFk
layXu fd;s tk;as½
8 vU;
8-1 vH;qfDr;ka] ;fn dksbZ gks a
1- bl iz:Ik dks rS;kj djrs le;] C;kSjsokj izLrko esa lqlaxr funsZ'kksa dk LFkkuu mi;qZDr
:Ik ls of.kZr fd;k x;k gSA
2- ;g lgefr gS fd mi;qZDr :ifo/kku mikarfjr fd;k tk ldsxk ;k Hkfo"; esa fdlh
le; Hkh lacaf/kr foHkkx vfrfjDr lwpuk bZfIlr dj ldsxkA
3- mi;qZDr iz:Ik gLrk{kfjr gkMZ izfr vkSj i`Fkdr% lk¶V izfr esa Hkh miyC/k djk fn;k
x;k gSA
iz:Ik la- 7
¼fu;e 79 ³ nsf[k,½
ifj;kstuk foÙk dk laf{kIr fooj.k
Ø- la- en izfrfØ;k
1 lkekU;
1-1 ifj;kstuk dk uke
1-2 ih ih ih dk izdkj ¼ch vks Vh] ch vks vks Vh] ch
vks ,y Vh] vks ,e Vh bR;kfn½] ;fn ykxw gks
1-3 ifj;kstuk dh {kerk
1-4 fj;k;r dkykof/k
2 ifj;kstuk ykxr
2-1 Hkwfe ykxr
2-2 Hkou ykxr
2-3 la;a= vkSj e'khujh ykxr
2-4 izpkyu vkSj j[k&j[kko ykxr
2-5 vU; ykxrsa] ;fn dksbZ gkas
3 foÙkh; bartke
3-1 foÙkh; lajpuk ¼lkE;k vkSj _.k dk izfr'kr½
3-2 _.k ij C;kt ¼dfYir½
3-3 D;k jktLFkku ljdkj ls dksbZ foÙkh; lgk;rk
visf{kr gS?
4 izR;sd fj;k;r o"kZ ds fy, jktLo izokg
4-1 VSfjQ ls jktLo
4-2 foKkiu ls jktLo
4-3 vU; jktLo izokg
4-4 12% NwV ds lkFk jktLo izokg dk ,u ih oh
nf'kZr dhft,
fj;k;r dkykof/k ds fy, o"kZokj lwpuk ¼;fn ykxw gks½ ds fy, ,Dlsy 'khV :ifo/kku miyC/k
djk;k tk;sA
laxBu ds eqf[k;k ¼ifj;kstuk izLrkod½
dh eqgj vkSj
rkjh[k lfgr gLrk{kj
iz:Ik la- 8
¼fu;e 79 ³ nsf[k,½
nLrkostksa ds izLrqrhdj.k ds fy, pSd fyLV
¼gkMZ izfr vkSj lk¶V izfr esa½
Ø- izLrqr fd;s tkus ykxw gkMZ izfr izLrqr lk¶V izfr izLrqr dh x;h gS ¼gka@ugha½
la- okys nLrkost ¼gka@ dh x;h gS
ugha½ ¼gka@ugha½
1- laxBu ds eqf[k;k
ls O;k[;k i=
2- C;kSjsokj ifj;kstuk
3- ifj;kstuk lwpuk
4- vfxze tek vkSj
cksyh ewY;
5- izk:Ik fj;k;r
djkj vkSj ,e lh
, ds ckcr~ ;fn
dksbZ ifjorZu
fd;k x;k gS
6- fofHkUu
vtZu ij fdUgha
fook|dksa ls
lacaf/kr nLrkost
7- fØ;kUo;u djus
ds fy, visf{kr
fdlh ikfylh
ifjorZu ds C;kSjs
¼;fn dksbZ gksa½
8- ifj;kstuk
9- fØ;kUo;u ds
nkSjku visf{kr
fdlh vU;
lgk;rk ds C;kSjs
foÙk ¼th ,.M Vh½ foHkkx
t;iqj] flrEcj 4] 2013
,l-vks- 135-&jktLFkku yksd mikiu eas ikjnf'kZrk fu;e] 2013 ds fu;e 32 ds lkFk ifBr
jktLFkku yksd mikiu eas ikjnf'kZrk vf/kfu;e] 2012 ¼2012 dk vf/kfu;e la- 21½ dh /kkjk 6 dh
mi&/kkjk ¼2½ }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, jkT; ljdkj] ;g jk; gksus ij fd]&
¼i½ dsUnz ;k jkT; ljdkj dh lkekftd&vkfFkZd uhfr;ksa(
¼ii½ dsUnz ljdkj ;k jkT; ljdkj ds foHkkxksa vkSj m|eksa ds lk/kuksa vkSj fo'ks"kKrk ds
mi;ksx vkSj(
¼iii½ mikiu laLFkkvksa ds O;fDr'k% cksfy;ksa ds vkea=.k vkSj izfØ;k esa visf{kr le;]
/ku vkSj iz;klksa dh cpr]
ds fy, vko';d gS] blds }kjk vf/klwfpr djrh gS fd mikiu laLFkkvksa }kjk uhps nh x;h
lkj.kh ds LrEHk la[;kad 3 esa fofufnZ"V cksyh yxkus okyksa ds izoxZ dks] muds izR;sd ds lkeus
mDr lkj.kh ds LrEHk la[;kad 2 esa fofufnZ"V fo"k;oLrq ds mikiu ds fy,] mDr lkj.kh ds
uhps of.kZr lkekU; 'krksZa vkSj LrEHk la[;kad 4 esa of.kZr 'krksZa ij vf/keku fn;k tk;sxk]
Ø-la- mikiu dh fo"k;&oLrq cksyh yxkus okyksa ds 'krsZa@ vH;qfDr;ka
1 2 3 4
1- ¼d½ 'kS{kf.kd laLFkkvksa }kjk nh dsUnzh; fo'ofo|ky;] ;w-th-
tkus okyh o`fÙkd lsok,a tSls lh- vf/kfu;e] 1956 dh
HkrhZ ijh{kk] Mh-ih-vkj] losZ{k.k] /kkjk 2 p ds v/khu mlds
v/;;u] izf'k{k.k dk;Z'kkyk }kjk izR;kf;r jktLFkku
bR;kfn ljdkj }kjk LFkkfir
fo'ofo|ky; muds ?kVd &
egkfo|ky;ksa dks lfEefyr
djrs gq,] us'kuy baLVhV~;wV
vkWQ VsDuksykWth ¼,u-vkbZ-Vh-½]
bf.M;u baLVhV~;wV vkWQ
VsDuksykWth ¼vkbZ-vkbZ-Vh-½]
bf.M;u baLVhV~;wV vkWQ
eSustesaV ¼vkbZ-vkbZ-,e-½]
jk"Vªh; fof/k fo'ofo|ky;
¼jk-fo-fo-½ tks/kiqj] jktLFkku
uksyst dkjiksjs'ku fy- ¼vkj-
1 2 3 4
¼[k½ fu;kstu ds fy, o`fÙkd jktLFkku fLdy ,.M
dkS'ky ds fodkl dk izf'k{k.k ykboyhgqM MsoyiesaV
dkjiksjs'ku ¼vkj-,l-,y-Mh- &
2- Hkkjr ljdkj ds egkfuns'kd] egkfuns'kd] vkiwfrZ vkSj 1- Ø; vkns'k Mh-
vkiwfrZ vkSj fuiVku ¼Mh-th-,l- fuiVku ¼Mh-th-,l-,.M Mh-½] th-,l-,.M Mh-
,.M Mh-½ ds lkFk nj lafonk Hkkjr ljdkj ;k Mh-th-,l- ;k vkns'k nsus dh
ij ensa ,.M Mh- nj lafonk /kkj.k rkjh[k ij Mh-th-
djus okyh QesZa ,l-,.M Mh- ds
lkFk fof/kekU;
nj lafonk /kkj.k
djus okyh fdlh
QeZ dks izR;{k
ekax djus okys
vf/kdkfj;ksa dks
lfEefyr djrs
gq;s] mikiu
laLFkk }kjk fn;k
2- mikiu dh
tkus okyh en ds
fy, Mh- th-
,l- ,.M Mh- nj
lafonk okyh QeZ
;fn jktLFkku esa
fLFkr gS rks ml
QeZ dks vf/keku
fn;k tk;sxkA
3- mikfir en
dh xq.koÙkk
lqfuf'pr djus
ds fy, Mh- th-
,l- ,.M Mh- dh
t;iqj 'kk[kk ls
en dk fujh{k.k
djk;k tk
3- lw- izkS- vkSj bZ&xousaZl lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh vkSj lapkj jkT; ljdkj ds
ifj;kstukvksa ls lacaf/kr eky foHkkx@ jktdkWEi baQks foHkkxksa ds fy,
1 2 3 4
vkSj lsok,a lfoZlst fy-@ us'kuy l{ke izkf/kdkjh
baQkseZsfVDl lsUVj@ us'kuyls Ikz'kklfud
baQkseZsfVDl lsUVj lfoZlstvkSj rduhdh
bUdksjiksjsVsM ¼,u-vkbZ-lh-,l-
eatwjh vko';d
vkbZ-½ gksxhA
4- ¼d½ ihry ds crZu jktLFkku y?kq m|ksx fuxe ,d laO;ogkj esa
¼[k½ gkFk ls Nih ;k gkFk ls fyfeVsM Ø;ksa dk ewY;
cuh QfuZf'kax QsfczDl] usifdUl] 10]000@& #i;s
insZ] VsiLVªht vkSj ,d o"kZ esa
¼x½ vfr egRoiw.kZ O;fDr;ksa ¼oh- 1]00]000@&
vkbZ-ih-½ dks HksaV djus ds fy, #i;s ls vf/kd
vko';d lHkh oLrq,a ugha gksxkA
¼?k½ ikWyhFkhu ds FkSys] VsaV] jktLFkku y?kq m|ksx fuxe njsa ogha gksaxh tks
f=iky vkSj dkaVsnkj rkj fyfeVsM m|ksx foHkkx
fofuf'pr djsA
¼³½ yksgk vkSj bLikr jktLFkku y?kq m|ksx fuxe ijUrq ;g fd
fyfeVsM jktLFkku y?kq
m|ksx fuxe }kjk
izHkkfjr dh x;h
njsa lsy ¼,l-,-
vkbZ-,y-½ LVkWd
;kMZ dh dherksa
ls vf/kd u gksaA
¼p½ LVhy QuhZpj jktLFkku y?kq m|ksx fuxe jktLFkku y?kq
fyfeVsM m|ksx fuxe]
fuEufyf[kr 'krksZa
ij y?kq Lrj
m|ksxksa ls [kqyh
izfr;ksxh cksyh
vkeaf=r djus ds
i'pkr~ DokfyVh
LVhy QuhZpj
iznk; djsxk%&
¼i½ jktLFkku
y?kq m|ksx fuxe
,sls fofunsZ'k nsxk
tks foHkkxksa }kjk
visf{kr gSa vkSj
1 2 3 4
tks fofuekZrkvksa
}kjk iwjs fd;s
tkus gSa vkSj mu
fofunsaZ'kksa vkSj
DokfyVh ds
vuqlkj mudk
iznk; Hkh
lqfuf'pr djsxkA
¼ii½ jktLFkku
y?kq m|ksx fuxe
dk ekud
fujh{k.k vfHkdj.k
muds }kjk iznk;
fd;s tk jgs eky
dh DokfyVh dk
fujh{k.k djsxkA
¼iii½ iz'kklfud
foHkkx njksa dk
vuqeksnu djsxkA
¼iv½ jktLFkku
y?kq m|ksx fuxe
lsok izHkkj
izHkkfjr djsxk tks
3 izfr'kr ls
vf/kd ugha gksxk
;k ,slk gksxk
tSlk iz'kklfud
foHkkx }kjk
fofufnZ"V fd;k
¼N½ ekstsbd lhesUV VkbYl] jktLFkku y?kq m|ksx fuxe ,l-,l-vkbZ-
vkj-lh-lh- lhesUV ikbIl] ih-oh- fyfeVsM bdkb;ksa ls [kqyh
lh- ok;lZ vkSj dscYl] :e izfr;ksxh cksyh
dwylZ ¼MstVZ Vkbi½ vkefU=r djus
vkSj 3 izfr'kr
dh nj ls lsok
izHkkjksa dks tksM+us
1 2 3 4
ds i'pkr~ njsa
desVh }kjk
fofuf'pr dh
iz'kklfud foHkkx
njsa vuqeksfnr
5- dks;yk dksy bf.M;k fyfeVsM
6- moZjd vkSj dhVuk'kh jktQSM ftlesa bldh Ø;&foØ;
¼isLVhlkbM~l½ Ø;&foØ; lgdkjh lgdkjh lfefr;ka
lfefr;ka vkSj xzke lgdkjh vkSj xzke lgdkjh
lfefr;ka lfEefyr gaS ¼tks lfefr;ka] jktQSM
jktQSM dh lnL; gSa½ vkSj }kjk vf/klwfpr
bQdks] d`Hkdks njksa ls vf/kd
njksa ij moZjd
vkSj dhVuk'kh dk
foØ; ugha
7- cht jktLFkku jkT; cht fuxe &
vkSj vuqiyC/krk dh n'kk
esa] vU; jkT; cht fuxe
vkSj muds vkmVysV
8- 'kjkc@fLizV ¼i½ xaxkuxj 'kqxj feYl &
¼ii½ jkt- jkT; csojst
fuxe fy-
9- nw/k] ?kh] Øhe] vkSj vU; mRikn jktLFkku dkW&vkWijsfVo &
Ms;jh QsMjs'ku vkSj bldh
10- ¼d½ onhZ ¼diM+k ;k flyh gqbZ 1- jktLFkku jkT; cqudj ¼1½ mikiu laLFkk]
onhZ½% lHkh izdkj dh VsjhdksV lgdkjh la?k] jktLFkku vfxze :Ik ls]
¼;k ikWyh&DykWFk½ lwfVax] 'kfVZax] jkT; gFkdj?kk fodkl mRiknu dk;ZØe
lkfM+;ka] isVhdksV oL=] lkQs fuxe] [kknh Hk.Mkj] jk"Vªh; ds fy, jktLFkku
bR;kfn ¼dsoy onhZ ds fy;s½ oL= fuxe jkT; gFkdj?kk
2- efgyk vkSj cky fodkl fodkl fuxe]
¼[k½ csfMax vkSj QfuZf'kax % foHkkx dh ve`rk lkslkbVh cqudj la?k] [kknh
csM'khVsa] Mªk&lhVsa] [ksl] dEcy] Hk.Mkj] ve`rk
esVªsl] jtkbZ] rfd;s] vkSj muds lkslkbVh vkSj
1 2 3 4
doj oL=] Vscy doj] inksaZ ds jktLFkku jkT; cqudj jk"Vªh; oL=
oL= bR;kfn lgdkjh la?k] jktLFkku fuxe dks viuh
jkT; gFkdj?kk fodkl izR;kf'kr
¼x½ ¶yksj dofjax % njh] njh fuxe] [kknh Hk.Mkj vko';drk]
iêh bR;kfn vkns'k nsus dh
rkjh[k vkSj
ifjnku vuqlwph
¼?k½ vU; oL= ensa% MLVj] cLrsa] jktLFkku jkT; cqudj ¼2½ mRiknksa dh
Liksat oL=] VfdZ'k VkWoy lgdkjh la?k] jktLFkku njsa vkSj fofunsZ'k
bR;kfn jkT; gFkdj?kk fodkl m|ksx foHkkx
fuxe] [kknh Hk.Mkj }kjk fu;r fd;s
tk;saxsA ve`rk
¼³½ xkst cs.Mst jktLFkku jkT; cqudj lkslkbVh ls
lgdkjh la?k] jktLFkku mikiu dh n'kk
jkT; gFkdj?kk fodkl esa njsa] efgyk
fuxe] [kknh Hk.Mkj vkSj cky fodkl
foHkkx }kjk fu;r
dh tk;saxhA
jktLFkku jkT; cqudj ¼3½ dsUnzh;d`r
lgdkjh la?k] jktLFkku Ø; izfrf"k) gSaA
jkT; gFkdj?kk fodkl foHkkx dh
fuxe vko';drk [kknh
Hk.Mkj@ cqudj
la?k@ jktLFkku
jkT; gFkdj?kk
fodkl fuxe@
ve`rk lkslkbVh
ds ftyk Lrjh;
fMiks ;k fudVLFk
fMiks ds ek/;e
ls mikIr dh tk
ldrh gSA
11- ¼d½ lqj{kk O;oLFkk 1- jktLFkku iqfyl foHkkx 1- jktLFkku
2- jktLFkku gkse xkMZ foHkkx iqfyl vkSj
3- jktLFkku HkwriwoZ lSfud jktLFkku gkse
fuxe fyfeVsM ds ek/;e ls xkMZ foHkkx ls
HkwriwoZ lSfud mikiu ds fy,
njsa] iz'kklfud
1 2 3 4
¼[k½ rduhdh vkSj vU; lsok,a jktLFkku HkwriwoZ lSfud foHkkx }kjk
fuxe fyfeVsM ds ek/;e ls vuqeksfnr dh
HkwriwoZ lSfud tk;saxhA
2-jktLFkku HkwriwoZ
lSfud fuxe
fyfeVsM ls
mikiu ds fy,
njsa muds
iz'kklfud foHkkx
}kjk vuqeksfnr
dh tk;saxhA
12- ¼d½ jk"Vªh; /ot vkSj Åuh onhZ [kknh Hk.Mkj &
lfgr [kknh oL=
¼[k½ LVhy QuhZpj jktLFkku [kknh vkSj 1- jktLFkku
xzkeks|ksx cksMZ ls [kknh vkSj
jftLVªhd`r xzkeh.k xzkeks|ksx cksMZ
vkS|ksfxd bdkb;ka jftLVªhd`r
xzkeh.k bdkb;ksa
ds uke vkSj
muds }kjk
fofufeZr LVhy
dh enksa ds
fofunZs'kksa ds C;kSjksa
dks nf'kZr djrs
gq, vuqeksfnr
njksa lfgr lwph
¼izR;sd o"kZ 1
vizSy dks½
izdkf'kr djsxkA
2- iz'kklfud
foHkkx njksa dks
vuqeksfnr djsxkA
3- ,d foÙkh; o"kZ
esa 2-00 yk[k
#i;s rdA
13- ¼d½¼i½ vkS"k/k vkSj vkS"kf/k;ka] jktLFkku fpfdRlk lsok
Vhds] lftZdy] lwpj dks fuxe fyfeVsM ¼vkj-,e-,l-
lfEefyr djrs gq, lh-,y-½ ;k jktLFkku MªXl
1 2 3 4
,.M QkekZL;qfVdYl
fyfeVsM ¼vkj-Mh-ih-,y-½ ;k
bf.M;u MªXl ,.M
QkekZL;qfVdYl fyfeVsM &
¼ii½ fpfdRlk miLdj]
midj.k vkSj vU; vLirky jktLFkku fpfdRlk lsok
vkiwfrZ fuxe fyfeVsM ¼vkj-,e-,l-
¼[k½ gksE;ksiSFkh vkS"kf/k;ka
egkfuns'kd] dsUnzh; ljdkj
LokLF; ;kstuk ¼lh-th-,p-
,l-½ ds }kjk vuqeksfnr
njksa ij
¼x½ vk;qosZfnd vkS"kf/k;ka% tks
vk;qosZn foHkkx dh QkesZfl;ksa egkfuns'kd] dsUnzh; ljdkj
}kjk rS;kj ugha dh tkrh gSa LokLF; ;kstuk ¼lh-th-,p-
,l-½ }kjk vuqeksfnr njksa
ijA vk;qosZn foHkkx mu
vkS"kf/k;kas dks rS;kj djrk
jgsxk tks mudh QkesZfl;ksa
¼?k½ d`f=e vax vkSj lgk;d }kjk rS;kj dh tkrh gSa
Hkkjr d`f=e vax fofuekZ.k
fuxe ¼,fyEdks½
14- [kk| rsy] [ky vkSj rsy jfgr frye la?k] jktLFkku &
15- vukt vkSj nkysa jktQSM+@jktLFkku [kk| vkSj &
ukxfjd vkiwfrZ fuxe
fyfeVsM@Hkkjrh; [kk| fuxe
16- isVªky
s ] Mhty] yqfczdVas ~l] QusZl bf.M;u vkW;y dkWjiksjs'ku] &
vkW;y] ,y-ih-th-] vkW;y fgUnqLrku isVªksfy;e]
vkbZ-ch-ih-] Hkkjr isVªksfy;e
17- ikjk Hkkjrh; [kfut vkSj /kkrq &
18- peM+s dh oLrq,a Hkkjr ySnj ,Eiksfj;e ;k &
bldh [kqnjk nqdkusa&,d
yk[k #i;s izfro"kZ rd
1 2 3 4
19- yksgk vkSj bLikr LVhy vFkkWfjVh vkWQ &
bf.M;k] fgUnqLrku LVhy ds
LVkWd ;kMZ
20- lkt&lTtk dh ¼QuhZf'kax½ ensa Hkkjr ljdkj] jktLFkku &
tSls Vsfcy doj] cSM doj] ljdkj ;k vU; jkT;
pn~njsa] rkSfy,] usifdusa] insZa ds ljdkjksa ds gFkdj?kk dh
diM+sa vkSj VsisLVªht izkf/kd`r nqdkusa& 1-00
yk[k #i;s izfro"kZ rd
21- twV dkjisV~l vkSj MksjesV~l Hkkjr ljdkj dk dks;j &
22- Mªkbax] losZ{k.k vkSj vU; us'kuy bULVªweasV dEiuh &
xf.krh; midj.k fyfeVsM ¼Hkkjrh; losZ{k.k
foHkkx] dksydkrk½
23- ¼d½ xzksljh] fu;fU=r oLrqvksa jktLFkku jkT; lgdkjh 1- lgdkjh Fkksd
vkSj vkS"kf/k;kas dh ensa miHkksDrk la?k ¼dksuQsM½ dh miHkksDrk Hk.Mkjksa
[kqnjk nqdkuas ;k miHkksDrk dks bu oLrqvksa
la?k ¼dksuQsM½ ds v/khu dk izkf/kd`r Fkksd
lgdkjh Fkksd miHkksDrk foØsrk gksuk
Hk.Mkj] migkj] le`f)] lqij pkfg, vkSj@;k
cktkj] ubZ fnYyh ewy fofuekZrkvksa@
mRikndksa ls lh/ks
gh vkiwfrZ izkIr
djuh pkfg, vkSj
bl vk'k; dk
,d izek.ki=
izR;sd fcy@dS'k
eseksa ij
vfHkfyf[kr fd;k
2- xzksljh dh enksa
ds ekeys esa]
'kfDr;ksa dk
izkFkfed :Ik ls
vkSj NksVs Ø;ksa ds
fy, gSA Fkksd
1 2 3 4
vkSj fu;fer Ø;
ds fy, mikiu
laLFkk vkns'k nsus
ls iwoZ njksa ds
laca/k esa Ø;
lfefr ds ek/;e
ls ckrphr
djsxhA Fkksd Ø;
djrs le; leku
czk.M dh enksa dh
cktkj njksa dks
/;ku esa j[kk
¼3½ vkS"kf/k;ksa dk
Ø; dsoy
rd gh lhfer
jgsxkA Fkksd Ø;
ds ekeys esa Ø;
lh/ks ljdkjh
bR;kfn ls fd;k
¼[k½ LVs'kujh dh oLrq,a jktLFkku jkT; lgdkjh 1-00 yk[k #i;s
miHkksDrk la?k ¼dksuQsM½ dh okf"kZd dh lhek
[kqnjk nqdkusa vkSj miHkksDrk ds v/;/khu
la?k ¼dksuQsM½ ds v/khu izR;sd volj ij
lgdkjh Fkksd miHkksDrk 10]000@& #i;s
Hk.Mkjksa] migkj] le`f)] rdA
lqij cktkj] ubZ fnYyh]
efgyk vkSj cky fodkl
foHkkx dh ve`rk lkslkbVh
¼x½ fQukby] lkcqu] jktLFkku jkT; lgdkjh 50]000@& #i;s
fMtjtsaV~l] >kMw] fQfuV] iEi] miHkksDrk la?k ¼dksuQsM½ dh okf"kZd dh lhek
VEcylZ] csVjh lsy] VkpZ] ex] [kqnjk nqdkusa vkSj miHkksDrk ds v/;/khu
ckfYV;ka] FkSys] VkW;ysV Qzs'kuj] la?k ¼dksuQsM½ ds v/khu izR;sd volj ij
1 2 3 4
okf'kax ikmMj] Dyhfuax ikmMj] lgdkjh Fkksd miHkksDrk 10]000@& #i;s
bR;kfn Hk.Mkjksa] migkj] le`f)] rdA
lqij cktkj] ubZ fnYyh]
efgyk vkSj cky fodkl
foHkkx dh ve`rk lkslkbVh
24- ouksa dh Qlyhd`r vkSj ou foHkkx ¼jkT; O;kikj &
:ikUrfjr lkexzh vFkkZr~ bZa/ku ;kstuk½
dk"B] pkjdksy] bekjrh ydM+h]
cfYy;ka vkSj vU; ydM+h dh
25- ¼d½ fofufeZr oLrq,a mnkgj.kkFkZ ljdkj ds foHkkx ¼tSls &
MLVj] ifê;ka] xkWt DykFk] dkjkxkj foHkkx bR;kfn½
cLrk] Vsi] insZ dk diM+k] fuokj
DyksFk] dkjisV] nfj;ka bR;kfn
¼[k½ MstVZ dwyj
egkfuns'kd] dkjkxkj]
t;iqj }kjk vuqeksfnr njksa
ij jkT; ds dsUnzh;
dkjkxkjksa }kjk fofufeZr
26- osDlhu] Qzkstu lheu] fyEQ vuqeksfnr ljdkjh laLFkk,a &
vkSj ,.Vhtu tSls LVsV osDlhu laLFkku]
iVonuxj bR;kfn
27- Qkby doj] Qkby isM] ,slh laLFkkvksa ls tgka ;s ,slh laLFkkvksa
fyQkQs] xzhfVax dkMZ] pkWd ensa ekufld :Ik ls vkSj ekufld :Ik
fLVd] eksecÙkh] MLVj] cLrs psysUTM ;k fo'ks"k ;ksX;tu ls psysUTM ;k
}kjk cuk;h tkrh gS fo'ks"k ;ksX;tu
}kjk mRikfnr
enksa vkSj mudh
njksa dh lwph
izR;sd o"kZ 1
vizSy dks
iz'kklfud foHkkx
}kjk tkjh dh
tk;sxhA ,slh
lwph dh
fof/kekU;rk] ;fn
1 2 3 4
iwoZ esa lekIr u
gqbZ gks rks] izR;sd
o"kZ ds 31 ekpZ
dks Lor% lekIr
gks tk;sxhA
28- i'kqvksa vkSj if{k;ksa ds fy, pkjk jktQSM@jktLFkku dks& &
vkSj nkuk vkWijsfVo Ms;jh QsMjs'ku
29- fiDplZ vkSj isafVaXl izn'kZfu;ksa ;k izn'kZuksa ls jktLFkku yfyr
dyk vdkneh ds
izfrfuf/k dks
lfEefyr djrs
gq;s Ø; lfefr
ds ek/;e lsA
30- iqLrdsa vkSj tuZYl ;fn izR;sd en
ds lkeus of.kZr
U;wure NwV ls
vf/kd NwV
miyC/k gks rks
og izkIr dh
tkuh pkfg,A
¼i½ ¼d½ fons'kh iqLrdas izdk'kdksa] izfrf"Br iqLrd fofgr njksa ds
foØsrkvksa] iqLrd esyksa ls vuqlkj
laifjofrZr dher
ij 10 izfr'kr
dh U;wure NwV
ij ;k Hkkjrh;
eqnzk esa blls de
njksa ijA
¼[k½ fons'kh fpfdRlk iqLrdsa izdk'kdksa] izfrf"Br iqLRkd ;fn lEHko gks rks
@tuZYl@ bZ&tuZYl dks foØsrkvksa] iqLrd esyksa ls NwV izkIr dh
lfEefyr djrs gq, tk;sA
fu;rdkfyd if=dk,a
¼ii½ Hkkjrh; iqLrdsa % izdk'kdksa] izfrf"Br iqLRkd ;fn lEHko gks rks
¼d½ ikB~; iqLrdsa foØsrkvksa] iqLrd esyksa ls NwV izkIr dh
¼[k½ ikB~; iqLrdkas ls vU;Fkk izdk'kdksa] izfrf"Br iqLRkd U;wure 10
iqLrdsa foØsrkvksa] iqLrd esyksa ls izfr'kr NwV ijA
¼iii½ fof/k dh iqLrdsa@ Hkkjr izdk'kdksa] izfrf"Br iqLRkd ;fn lEHko gks rks
1 2 3 4
ljdkj vkSj vU; jkT;ksa ds foØsrkvksa] iqLrd esyksa ls NwV izkIr dh
izdk'ku@fu;rdkfyd if=dk,a tk;sA
¼iv½ nqyZHk iqLrdsa@ izdk'kdksa] izfrf"Br iqLRkd Ø; lfefr ds
ik.Mqfyfi;ka@nqyZHk nLrkost foØsrkvksa] iqLrd esyksa ls ek/;e lsA
¼v½ bZ&iqLrdsa] lh-Mh-@ Mh-oh- izdk'kdksa] izfrf"Br ;fn lEHko gks rks
Mh-] bZ&tuZYl foØsrkvksa ls NwV izkIr dh
¼vi½ fu;rdkfyd if=dk,a vkSj izdk'kdksa] izfrf"Br ;fn lEHko gks rks
lekpkj i= foØsrkvksa ls NwV izkIr dh
31- fQYe@QksVksxzkQh lkexzh fofuekZrkvksa ;k muds &
izkf/kd`r O;ogkfj;ksa ls
50]000@& #i;s rd
32- ¼1½ foJke Hkouksa] vfrfFk x`gksa]
jktLFkku gkml] foJkafr
¼,plh,e jhik½ Vh,Mh
Nk=koklksa@fo|ky;ksa bR;kfn
1 2 3 4
¼?k½ ekal] eNyh] v.Ms] fpdu ls dh tk;sxhA
¼³½ lfCt;ka] Qy
¼x½ forjdksa@mi&forjdksa
ls mudh orZeku dher
lwph ijA pkjdksy vkSj
bZa/ku dk"B ou foHkkx ls
¼?k½ O;ogkjh@mi&O;ogkjh
¼p½ czsM@feBkbZ ls
1 2 3 4
34- eqnz.k dk;Z ¼dkyk vkSj lQsn jktLFkku jkT; lgdkjh 1- njsa] eqnz.k vkSj
vkSj jaxhu eqnz.k½ eqnz.kky; fyfeVsM ls ys[ku lkexzh ds
iz'kklfud foHkkx
}kjk vuqeksfnr
dh tk;saxhA
2- ml n'kk esa
tc dkxt
mikiu laLFkk
}kjk iznk; ugha
fd;k tkrk gS rc
}kjk izHkkfjr
dkxt dh ykxr
mudh Ø; ykxr
ds vfrfjDr 10
izfr'kr ls vf/kd
ugha gksxhA
3- jkT; lgdkjh
eqnz.kky;] eqnz.k
dk;Z ds chtd
ds lkFk dkxt
dk iwjk ys[kk nsus
ds fy, mÙkjnk;h
4- mikiu laLFkk
}kjk dkxt dh
DokfyVh vkSj th-
,l-,e- dk
fujh{k.k jkT;
eqnz.kky; esa
fdlh Hkh le;
fd;k tk ldsxkA
35- vfrfjDr iqtksZa dh vkiwfrZ dks fofuekZrkvksa ;k forjdksa ;k &
lfEefyr djrs gq,] dk;kZy; izkf/kd`r O;ogkfj;ksa ds
vkSj vU; ds fy, iz;qDr ek/;e ls njksa ij ckrphr
e'khujh] miLdjksa dh ejEer djus ds i'pkr~
1 2 3 4
vkSj j[kj[kko ¼,-,e-lh- dks
lfEefyr djrs gq,½
36- vfrfjDr iqtksZa dks lfEefyr 1- jktLFkku esa fLFkr jkT; vfrfjDr iqtsZ
djrs gq;s eksVj ;kuksa dh eksVj xSjkt ls ;k foHkkxh; izkf/kd`r
ejEer vkSj j[kj[kko dk;Z'kkyk esa] ;fn ,slh O;ogkfj;ksa ls njksa
dk;Z'kkyk esa Lo;a vius ij ckrphr djus
dk;Z dks izHkkfor fd;s fcuk ds i'pkr~ lnSo
,slh ejEer djus dh Ø; fd;s tk;saxsA
;Fkksfpr lqfo/kk vkSj {kerk
2- ml n'kk esa tc eksVj
xSjkt ;k foHkkxh;
dk;Z'kkyk,a ,slh lqfo/kk,a
miyC/k ugha djokrh gSa rc
ejEer vkSj j[k&j[kko
vf/kd`r O;ogkfj;ksa ls
djk;k tk;sxk
3- ml n'kk esa tc dksbZ
izkf/kd`r O;ogkjh u gks rks
ejEer vkSj j[k&j[kko
vf/kfu;e esa fofgr mikiu
dh leqfpr jhfr dk
mi;ksx djrs gq;s LFkkfir
,sls eSdsfudksa ls djk;k
tk;sxk ftuds ikl
miLdjksa ls lqlfTtr
dk;Z'kkyk gks
37- dk;kZy; vkSj vU; iz;kstuksa ds leqfpr Lkzksr ls lacaf/kr dysDVj
fy, Hkouksa vkSj@ ;k futh Hkwfe ;k t;iqj dh
dks fdjk;s ij fy;k tkuk n'kk esa lkekU;
iz'kklu foHkkx ls
izek.ki= izkIr
djus ds i'pkr~
lkoZtfud fuekZ.k
foHkkx ds fu/kkZj.k
ds vuqlkj fu;r
fdjk;s ijA
1 2 3 4
[38- dsUnz ljdkj ;k fdlh jkT; dsUnz ljdkj ;k fdlh jkT; &
ljdkj ds fdlh foHkkx] cksMZ ljdkj ds fdlh foHkkx]
;k lkoZtfud {ks= miØe }kjk cksMZ ;k lkoZtfud {ks=
mRikfnr ;k fofufeZr dksbZ eky miØe tks fo"k;oLrq dk
;k miyC/k djok;h x;h dksbZ mRiknu ;k fofuekZ.k djrs
fof'k"V lsok,aA gSa ;k fof'k"V lsok,a miyC/k
djkrs gSa]
1- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2011 fnukad 16-9-2015 }kjk izfrLFkkfir] jktLFkku jkt&i=
fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 17-9-2015 esa izdkf'kr ¼17-9-2015 ls izHkkoh½A
[38- mikiu dh dksbZ fo"k; oLrq tks dsUnz dsUnz ljdkj ;k jkT; ljdkj ds &
ljdkj ;k jkT; ljdkj ds fdlh fdlh foHkkx] cksMZ ;k lkoZtfud
foHkkx] cksMZ ;k lkoZtfud miØe }kjk {ks= ds miØe tks fo"k;oLrq dk
mRikfnr ;k fofufeZr dh tkrh gS ;k tks mRiknu ;k fofuekZ.k djrs gSa ;k
fof'k"V lsok,a miyC/k djkrs gSa fof'k"V lsok,a miyC/k djkrs gSaA]
1 2 3 4
42- eksVj ;kuksa dk fdjk;s ij fy;k foÙk foHkkx }kjk fu;r foÙk foHkkx }kjk
tkuk ik=rk ekun.M dks iwjk le;≤ ij
djus okys fdlh Hkh Lkzksr ls miof.kZr 'krksZa
vkSj fucU/kuksa ij
vkSj njksa rdA
43- vkijsVj ds lkFk dEI;wVj foÙk foHkkx }kjk fu;r foÙk foHkkx }kjk
fdjk;s ij ysuk ik=rk ekun.M dks iwjk le;≤ ij
djus okys fdlh Hkh Lkzksr ls miof.kZr 'krksZa
vkSj fucU/kuksa ij
vkSj njksa rdA
44- iapk;rh jkt laLFkkvksa vkSj dk;Z fu"iknu ,tsfUl;ksa ls lacaf/kr ch-,l-
LFkkuh; fudk;ksa }kjk ladeZ ;k vkj- njksa rdA
lsokvksa dk mikiu
45- ou foHkkx }kjk ladeZ vkSj xzkeh.k ou lkslkbfV;ksa ls lacaf/kr ch-,l-
lsokvksa dk mikiu vkj- njksa rdA
46- tutkfr {ks=h; fodkl foHkkx LoPNrk] ty vkSj &
}kjk fØ;kfUor dh tkus okyh lkeqnkf;d LokLF;
Ldheksa@ ifj;kstukvksa@ladeksZa ifj;kstuk ¼LoPN½
ls lacfa /kr eky] ladeZ ;k
lsokvksa dk mikiu
47- ijke'khZ lsokvksa dk fdjk;s ij ihMhdksj] osidksl] uscdkWu &
fy;k tkuk ls
48- lekpkj i=ksa] fu;rdkfyd lwpuk vkSj tulEidZ &
if=dkvksa] bySDVªksfud ehfM;k foHkkx ¼Mh-vkbZ- ih-vkj-½ ds
esa foKkiu izn'kZu vkSj o`Ùkfp= ek/;e ls ;k Mh-,-oh-ih-]
fQYeksa ds fuekZ.k dks lfEefyr Mh-vkbZ-ih-vkj-] laokn ls
djrs gq, izpkj lkexzh dk vuqeksfnr njksa ij
rS;kj fd;k tkuk
49- VsyhQksu] eksckby Qksu bR;kfn Hkkjr lapkj fuxe fy- ¼ch- &
ds ek/;e ls lkekU; mi;ksDrk ,l-,u-,y-½@egkuxj
lewg ¼lh-;w-th-½ ds Hkhrj lapkj VsyhQksu fuxe fy- ¼,e-Vh-
,u-,y-½ ls
50- 'kkldh; cSBdksa@lEesyuksa jktLFkku i;ZVu fodkl &
@vk;kstuksa esa [kk| vkSj Iks;] fuxe@Hkkjrh; i;ZVu
dSVfjax fodkl fuxe@jktLFkku
jkT; gksVy fuxe ls
1 2 3 4
[51- Hkouksa ls lacaf/kr ewy ladeZ lkoZtfud fuekZ.k foHkkx] jkT; ljdkj ds
vkSj ejEer vkSj vU; ladeZ jktLFkku] jktLFkku jkT; fdlh foHkkx] cksMZ
lM+d fodkl vkSj fuekZ.k ;k lkoZtfud
fuxe] jktLFkku vkokl {ks= miØe }kjk
fodkl vkSj vk/kkjHkwr izHkkfjr fd;s
fyfeVsM] jktLFkku iqfyl tkus okys
vkoklu vkSj fuekZ.k fuxe mifjO;;] foRr
fy- ;k dsUnz ljdkj ;k foHkkx dh
jktLFkku ljdkj dk dksbZ lgefr ls
foHkkx] cksMZ ;k lkoZtfud lacaf/kr
{ks= miØe tks ladeksZa ds iz'kklfud foHkkx
fu"iknu esa yxs gq, gSaA }kjk fofuf'pr
fd;s tk;saxsA]
lkekU; 'krsZa %
1- mikiu laLFkk] mikiu dh mijksDr fo"k; oLrq dk mikiu djrs le;] mijksDr lkj.kh esa
fofufnZ"V Lkzksrksa@cksyh yxkus okyksa ds izoxZ ls izLrko dh ;kpuk djsxh vkSj ;fn vko';d gks
rks izLrkfor dherksa ij ln~HkkoiwoZd ckrphr dj ldsxhA
2- mikiu laLFkk mikiu dh fo"k; oLrqvksa ds fy, [kqyh izfr;ksxh cksyh dh jhfr ls Hkh mikiu
djus ds fodYi dks vaxhd`r dj ldsxhA
3- mijksDr lkj.kh esa of.kZr Lkzksrksa@cksyh yxkus okyksa ds izoxZ ls mikiu foÙkh; 'kfDr;ksa ds
izR;k;kstu vkSj visf{kr ctV O;oLFkk dh miyC/krk ds v/;/khu gksxkA
[la- ,Q-1¼8½ ,Q-Mh-@th-,Q-,.M ,-vkj-@2011]
jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
vf[ky vjksjk]
'kklu lfpo]
foÙk ¼ctV½A
1- vf/klwpuk la[;k ,Q-1¼8½,Q-Mh-@th,Q,.M,vkj@2011 fnukad 16-9-2015 }kjk izfrLFkkfir] jktLFkku jkt&i=
fo'ks"kkad Hkkx 4¼x½(I) fnukad 17-9-2015 esa izdkf'kr ¼17-9-2015 ls izHkkoh½A
[51- Hkouksa ls lacaf/kr ewy ladeZ vkSj lkoZtfud fuekZ.k foHkkx] izHkkfjr fd;s tkus
ejEer vkSj vU; ladeZ jktLFkku jkT; lM+d fodkl okys mifjO;;] foÙk
vkSj fuekZ.k fuxe] vkj-,-oh- foHkkx dh lgefr
vkbZ-,y- ls lkoZtfud
fuekZ.k foHkkx }kjk
fofuf'pr fd;s