Ultrasound in Sports Medicine 2019
Ultrasound in Sports Medicine 2019
Ultrasound in Sports Medicine 2019
Paul J. Spicer, MDa,b,*, Aaron D. Fain, MDa, Steven B. Soliman, DO, RMSKc
Ultrasound Musculoskeletal Sports Rotator cuff Biceps Epicondylitis Tendon Ligament
The classic rotator-cuff tear associated with overhead throwing is an articular-sided tear of the pos-
terior fibers of the supraspinatus tendon and the anterior fibers of the infraspinatus tendon.
Tears of the subscapularis tendon in overhead throwing athletes involve the caudal portion of the
tendon at the myotendinous junction.
Lateral epicondylitis appears as a thickened, hypoechoic, outward-bowing tendon with or without
Complete tears of the distal biceps tendon occur as avulsions 1 to 2 cm proximal to the radial tu-
berosity with thickening of the distal tendon stump, tendon discontinuity, an effusion within the par-
atenon, and shadowing at the tendon stump.
Dynamic maneuvers can help distinguish a partial-thickness from a full-thickness tear of the ante-
rior talofibular ligament.
Disclosure Statement: The authors do not have anything to disclose regarding any commercial or financial con-
flicts of interest or funding sources related to this article.
Division of Musculoskeletal Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of Kentucky, 800 Rose Street HX-
315D, Lexington, KY 40536, USA; b Division of Breast Imaging, Department of Radiology, University of Ken-
tucky, 800 Rose Street HX-315D, Lexington, KY 40536, USA; c Division of Musculoskeletal Radiology, Depart-
ment of Radiology, Henry Ford Hospital, 2799 West Grand Boulevard, Detroit, MI 48202, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: paul.spicer4@uky.edu
full-thickness tears the numbers improve to 0.89 acceleration phase is also the time of maximal
and 0.93, respectively.3,4 forces and angular velocity on the shoulder. The
Injuries of the rotator cuff are common across a result is that the articular surface of the supraspi-
variety of sports. Carvalho and colleagues5 evalu- natus and infraspinatus tendons may suffer inter-
ated 720 athletes with a combination of US and nal impingement between the labrum and the
MRI, and found that 11.5% had partial-thickness humeral head. This impingement, as well as
rotator-cuff tears. Of those athletes with tears, tendon tensile failure resulting from overload of
the investigators determined that athletes involved the rotator-cuff capsular attachment, may result
in ball-throwing sports were responsible for 66% in the classic articular-sided tear of the supraspi-
of the articular-sided partial-thickness tears, natus and infraspinatus tendons.10,11
whereas those involved in bodybuilding were There are multiple described methods for scan-
responsible for 75% of the partial-thickness ning the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons.
bursal-sided tears. Tagliafico and colleagues6 In this article, the modified Crass position is
evaluated non-elite junior tennis players using described. The patient is seated on a stool facing
high-resolution US and discovered that these the imager. The patient places the ipsilateral hand
young athletes only had minor shoulder abnormal- on the ipsilateral hip or buttock while pointing the
ities. Only 2 of 90 athletes had rotator-cuff tendino- elbow posteriorly. This position brings the supraspi-
sis and none had a rotator-cuff tear. Monteleone natus and infraspinatus tendons out from under the
and coworkers,7 using US, discovered calcific ten- acromion so that they can be visualized. To image
dinosis in the rotator cuff in 30% of the hitting the supraspinatus tendon in the longitudinal plane
shoulders of elite Italian beach volleyball players. or long axis, begin initially by placing the probe
Rodeo and colleagues8 used US to examine slightly anterior to the greater tuberosity. This will
Olympic swimmers and found that 96% of the 46 place the probe over the rotator interval, which en-
shoulders evaluated had rotator-cuff tendinosis. sures that the anterior fibers of the supraspinatus
McMahon and coworkers9 used US to evaluate tendon are evaluated. From this location, scan the
athletes at the Summer National Senior Games probe posteriorly over the entire greater tuberosity.
and discovered that in athletes older than 60 years, This will span approximately 2 to 2.5 cm and will
full-thickness rotator-cuff tears were similar in fre- include both the supraspinatus and infraspinatus
quency (21%) to the general population of a similar tendons. After evaluating the tendons in long axis,
age (25%), whereas partial-thickness tears were rotate the probe 90 to image the tendons in the
more common (48%) than in the similarly aged transverse plane or short axis.12
general population (25%). Injuries of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus
Of the many sports whose athletes suffer shoul- tendons may include tendinosis or tears. Tendino-
der injuries, those involving overhead throwing are sis is characterized by a hypoechoic, thickened
associated with extreme forces placed on the tendon, which may demonstrate hyperemia on po-
shoulder. Loads on the shoulder of up to 108% wer Doppler. Tears of the tendon may be partial
of body weight and humeral angular velocities of thickness or full thickness. A partial-thickness
7000 /s have been recorded.10 These sports tear may be articular, bursal, or intrasubstance.
include tennis, volleyball, javelin throwing, Amer- Articular-sided tears begin as an anechoic defect
ican football, and baseball, among which baseball within the articular surface of the tendon, adjacent
pitching is the most studied activity in the to the hyaline cartilage overlying the humeral head,
literature.11 and extend into a portion of the tendon. Bursal-
The throwing motion of a baseball pitcher com- sided tears begin on the subacromial subdeltoid
prises 6 phases: windup, stride, cocking, acceler- bursal side of the tendon and extend into a portion
ation, deceleration, and follow-through. The of the tendon. Alternatively, intrasubstance tears
phases most relevant to shoulder injuries are the begin within the tendon and do not extend to either
final 4 phases, cocking through the follow- the articular or the bursal side of the tendon. Full-
through. The classic rotator-cuff tear associated thickness tears, on the other hand, extend through
with pitching is a partial-thickness, articular-sided the entire thickness of the tendon from the articular
tear of the posterior fibers of the supraspinatus to the bursal surface. The classic tear associated
tendon and the anterior fibers of the infraspinatus with baseball pitching is an articular surface tear
tendon (Fig. 1). This tear is the result of internal involving the posterior fibers of the supraspinatus
impingement, which occurs between the late tendon and the anterior fibers of the infraspinatus
cocking phase and the early acceleration phase. tendon. It should be noted, however, that many
In the late portion of the cocking phase the shoul- asymptomatic pitchers have rotator-cuff tears,
der is in maximum external rotation. The transition and treatment should be based on a combination
from the late cocking phase to the early of imaging and clinical findings.10,11
Ultrasound in Sports Medicine 3
Fig. 1. A classic tear in an overhead throwing athlete. The tear is noted as the hypoechoic to anechoic area be-
tween the calipers in the long-axis image (A) and the short-axis image (B). The tear involves the articular surface
of the tendon, best seen on the long-axis image, and involves the posterior fibers of the supraspinatus tendon
(star) and the anterior fibers of the infraspinatus tendon (triangle), best seen on the short-axis image.
Fig. 2. A tear of the subscapularis tendon in a throwing athlete. The tear is noted as the hypoechoic area delin-
eated by calipers. The tear is somewhat atypical in that it is near the lesser tuberosity footprint instead of the
myotendinous junction as seen in the long-axis image (A), whereas the tear is noted along the caudal margin
of the tendon as seen in the short-axis image (B). The star on the short-axis image represents the cranial portion
of the tendon.
In this orientation, the extensor carpi radialis brevis a flexed position, typically while lifting a heavy ob-
is the most anterior tendon and muscle.18 ject.19 In athletics, this injury is most commonly
With US, lateral epicondylitis appears as an seen in weightlifters, footballers, or
outward-bowing, thickened tendon with a hetero- gymnasts.14,16,20
geneous echotexture (Fig. 3). Fluid may be noted This distal biceps tendon is approximately 7 cm
between the tendon and the underlying lateral epi- in length and inserts on the medial surface of the
condyle. With power Doppler, hyperemia may be radial tuberosity. It originates from the 2 muscle
detected because of the angiofibroblastic reaction bellies of the biceps brachii muscle and in most in-
inside the tendon.14 Additional findings include ir- dividuals there are actually 2 tendons, 1 from each
regularity of the osseous tendon attachment at the muscle belly, which collectively form the distal bi-
lateral epicondyle, calcification within the tendon, ceps tendon. The tendon from the long head of the
or small tears within the substance of the tendon.15 biceps brachii muscle inserts proximally while the
tendon from the short head inserts distally. The
distal portion of the tendon is covered by an extra-
Distal Biceps Tendon
synovial paratenon and the bicipitoradial bursa.18
Injuries of the distal biceps tendon are much less Proximally, the distal biceps tendon is adjacent
common than those of the proximal long head of to the brachial artery. At this location, the lacertus
the biceps tendon, accounting for approximately fibrosis provides an aponeurotic attachment to the
5% of all biceps tendon disorder and 3% of all bi- tendon while traversing from lateral to medial to ul-
ceps tendon tears.14,15 In the general population, timately fuse with the superficial flexor fascia.21
tears of the distal biceps tendon are most This is an important landmark for reporting tendon
commonly seen in men aged 40 to 60 years, and retraction in full-thickness tears.
rates are reported as 1.2 per 100,000 persons Multiple approaches to imaging the distal biceps
per year. These tears result from an extension tendon have been described including anterior,
force of the anterior forearm while the elbow is in lateral, medial, and posterior approaches.18,22,23
Fig. 3. Lateral epicondylitis appears as thickening and outward bowing of a hyperechoic tendon (A) with asso-
ciated hyperemia, as noted by the increased vascularity (B). The star denotes the lateral epicondyle and the tri-
angle denotes the radial head.
Ultrasound in Sports Medicine 5
The most common approach is an anterior or discontinuity, and an effusion within the parate-
anterior-oblique approach. The images acquired non. An additional important finding in complete
with this approach most closely mimic those ob- tears is shadowing at the tendon stump, which
tained with MRI. The arm is extended and maxi- has been reported with sensitivity of 97%, speci-
mally supinated. The transducer is placed ficity of 100%, and accuracy of 98% for differenti-
transverse, or short axis, at the level of the elbow ating a complete tear from a normal tendon
crease, and the tendon is followed to the radial tu- (Fig. 4). This finding suggests that the lack of shad-
berosity. To image the tendon longitudinally, or in owing may exclude a complete tear, although it
long axis, turn the probe 90 . The tendon will be does not exclude a partial-thickness tear.20 The
found lateral to the brachial artery. Increased pres- lacertus fibrosis is most easily visualized in the
sure should be applied over the distal tendon at its transverse plane or short axis. In complete tendon
radial tuberosity insertion to minimize the effect of tears with an intact lacertus fibrosis, the distance
anisotropy artifact.18 of the retracted tendon stump from the radial tu-
Tears of the distal biceps tendon may be partial- berosity should be reported.19
thickness tears, complete tears of 1 of the 2 ten-
dons, or a complete tear of both tendons. Com- ANTERIOR TALOFIBULAR LIGAMENT
plete tears of the tendon and the lacertus fibrosis
leads to tendon retraction and a straightforward Whereas tendinous injuries often relate to overuse,
clinical diagnosis. However, when the lacertus ligaments are most often injured following an acute
fibrosis remains intact and tendon retraction does injury.24 Injury of the lateral ligament complex of
not occur, clinical diagnosis and palpation of the the ankle is the most common injury in sports.25,26
tendon become more limited, particularly in the There are an estimated 850,000 new ankle sprains
presence of swelling and hematoma formation. occurring each year in the United States, not
US has been shown to have sensitivity for com- including a 70% re-injury rate at the ankle.26 Ankle
plete tears of 98% in one study of 65 cases,19 and sprains occur in approximately 1 of every 10,000
sensitivity of 95% and accuracy of 91% for differ- persons per day and account for up to 45% of all
entiating complete from partial-thickness tears in sports-related injuries.27 Specifically, the anterior
another study of 45 patients.20 Partial-thickness talofibular ligament (ATFL) is the most common
tears display contour waviness, irregularity, and injured ligament because it is the weakest ligament
partial disruption of the distal 2 to 3 cm of the in the lateral ligament complex of the ankle.
tendon fibers.14,19 Hematoma formation and fluid Approximately two-thirds of ankle sprains are
within the paratenon may also be seen. Dynamic related to isolated injuries to the ATFL. Injury to
maneuvers using flexion-extension and the ATFL is most commonly related to an ankle
pronation-supination may be helpful to differen- inversion injury,25 most often sustained in sports
tiate the intact fibers from the torn fibers.19 Com- that involve running, jumping, cutting, or contact
plete tears typically occur as avulsions 1 to 2 cm with other players, including soccer, basketball,
proximal to the radial tuberosity where the tendon football, volleyball, gymnastics, and
is hypovascularized.19 These tears demonstrate cheerleading.28–30
thickening of the distal tendon stump, absence The ATFL is located at the lateral aspect of the
of the tendon at its normal location, tendon ankle as part of the lateral ankle ligament complex.
Fig. 4. A full-thickness distal biceps tendon tear. The long-axis panoramic image (A) shows the retracted, torn
distal biceps tendon stump (arrow) creating shadowing artifact. The star denotes the radial tuberosity. The
short-axis image (B) demonstrates hematoma formation and an effusion within the otherwise empty paratenon,
as noted between the calipers.
6 Spicer et al
Fig. 5. Sonographic image of the normal left ATFL in a 52-year-old woman demonstrates the normal taut fibrillar
pattern (arrows) extending from the distal fibula (F) to the talus (T). The patient had a history of a remote ankle
sprain on the right where the ATFL appears asymmetrically heterogeneous and thickened (calipers).
There are 3 distinct ligaments forming this com- interstitial tears, often from acute trauma, without
plex: the ATFL, the calcaneofibular ligament, and macroscopic disruption. In grade I injuries the lig-
the posterior talofibular ligament. The ATFL ex- ament may appear normal on US, although there is
tends from the anterior rim of the lateral malleolus often adjacent fluid. A grade II injury is a partial-
at the distal fibula to the anterior aspect of the talus thickness tear with thickening and partial disrup-
and is approximately 2 mm wide. Its function, tion of the fibers. On US the ATFL will manifest
along with the remainder of the lateral ankle liga- as a thickened heterogeneous ligament with focal
ments, is to prevent excessive varus inward move- or diffuse areas of decreased echogenicity dis-
ment.27 Tears more commonly occur at the fibular rupting the typical fibrillar pattern, and often with
attachment of the ATFL rather than the talar adjacent hypoechoic or anechoic fluid, but no
attachment.25 discontinuity (Fig. 6). Hyperemia may also be pre-
US is excellent for imaging the ATFL and has sent. Finally, in a grade III injury there is a full-
been shown to have a high specificity and sensi- thickness tear with discontinuity and associated
tivity for evaluating both acute and chronic tears.31 edema or hemorrhage (Fig. 7).1,24,27 If an associ-
Both US and MRI have a reported greater than ated avulsion fracture is present, this can also be
90% accuracy in identifying injuries to the ankle, identified by US as an adjacent echogenic shad-
including the ATFL.26 In one study using arthros- owing focus corresponding with the avulsed frac-
copy as the reference standard, US demonstrated ture fragment, most often adjacent to the fibular
91% accuracy in diagnosing ATFL injuries.32
Sonographic evaluation of the ATFL is also per-
formed using a high-frequency linear-array trans-
ducer, typically 12 MHz or higher. A higher-
frequency compact linear transducer may be
beneficial to evaluate the small ATFL and allows
easier maneuvering at the lateral malleolus with
minimal loss of contact. For an ATFL scan, the pa-
tient should be positioned with the foot placed on
a flat surface. The probe is placed in the transverse
plane (parallel to the sole of the foot) at the lateral
ankle, at the level of and anterior to the palpable
lateral malleolus. The ATFL will be seen as a
band-like structure extending from the talus to
the distal fibula.27,33 Similar to a tendon, the
normal ATFL by US appears taut with a uniform
Fig. 6. An inversion ankle injury in 34-year-old
size and a fibrillary and homogenous hyperechoic woman shows an enlarged heterogeneous ATFL and
appearance (Fig. 5).1 adjacent hypoechoic fluid (star) consistent with a
Ligament injuries can be classified as grades I, grade 2 injury. There is an associated partial-
II, and III. A grade I ATFL injury represents thickness tear (arrow) and slight hyperemia.
Ultrasound in Sports Medicine 7
Fig. 7. A soccer injury in a 27-year-old man. (A) Discontinuity at the fibular attachment of the ATFL (arrows)
consistent with a full-thickness tear. (B) Hyperemia and complex fluid (open arrow) consistent with associated
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