FIRMS Presentation Form A and B (FINAL)

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Fiscal Incentives Registration and Monitoring System

How to Fill-out Form A and Form B
Overview of FIRMS

● Fiscal Incentives Registration and Monitoring System (FIRMS) is an online

registration and incentives application portal for investors or enterprises to
submit and monitor applications for incentives in any of the investment
promotion agencies.

● FIRMS also serves as the system that IPAs, FIRB, and other government
agencies will use to review, approve or reject, and monitor activities and

Who Should Create a FIRMS Account?

1. Businesses looking to register a new activity/project and apply for

tax incentives. Please get in touch with one of our IPAs first before
creating a FIRMS account.

2. Business enterprises with at least one activity/project currently

registered with an investment promotion agency (IPA). This will be
helpful for further submissions to the IPAs and the FIRB later on.

FIRMS Update
● The FIRB Secretariat will be issuing a directive to require all registered business
enterprises (RBEs) currently enjoying tax incentives to register their company
information and fiscal incentives status in FIRMS.

● RBEs currently enjoying tax incentives should have their own user account in FIRMS.
However, they will only be required to accomplish Form A and Form B.

● Purpose:
● To enable RBEs to easily apply for the issuance of the CETI through FIRMS
● To enable RBEs to submit certain reports through FIRMS (once available).
● To enable the IPAs and the FIRB to easily track and monitor the tax incentives
availment of RBEs especially during the CREATE Transitory period.
How to Create a User Account in FIRMS?
Creating a user account in FIRMS
1. Access the FIRMS site. There are two ways to access the FIRMS site.

Option 1 – Access the FIRMS site by clicking the side panel in the FIRB website (

Creating a user account in FIRMS
1. Access the FIRMS site. There are two ways to access the FIRMS site.

Option 2 – Go directly to the FIRMS site by typing

Creating a user account in FIRMS

2. To create a new account, click the “Register” button located in the “Sign Up” side panel


Creating a user account in FIRMS
3. Fill-in the required details of the account holder and click “Register”.

Note: Password should have at least 6 small-case letters, 1 upper-case letter, two numbers, and one special character

Creating a user account in FIRMS
4. After clicking “Register”, FIRMS will
send a user verification link to the
Sample user verification email:
email address you used in creating a
new account. Kindly log-in to your
email address and click the user
verification link.

5. Click the “Verify Email Address”

contained the user verification email.
The user verification link will expire in
60 minutes. Please ensure to verify
your email address within such

Creating a user account in FIRMS
6. Upon clicking “Verify Email Address”, you will be redirected to the FIRMS site. You may now
proceed to log-in to your new account in FIRMS.

How to Fill-out Form A and Form B?
Overview: Forms Available in FIRMS

Note: Forms C.1 to C.5

are only for those
business enterprises who
want to register their
new or expansion
activity/project with an
IPA to avail of tax

Steps in Accomplishing Form A
1. Log-in to your new FIRMS Account. Upon logging in, you will be directed to the FIRMS
Dashboard / Welcome Page.

2. To Accomplish Form A, click “Registration” in the side menu. You will then be directed to
Form A: Business Enterprise Registration.

3. Fill-in all applicable details regarding the basic information of the business enterprise. Ensure
to fill-in those fields with red asterisks (*) as these are required fields.

4. Upload the scanned copy/pdf copy of the applicable documentary requirements.

5. Click “Save”.

Information Needed in Form A
Information Specific Fields Documents to be Uploaded

Basic Information Details Enterprise Name, Main Office Address, Contact Details N/A
of Contact Person, Business Structure

Business Registration Registering Agency (SEC/DTI), Registration Number, SEC/DTI Certificate of Registration, General
Registration Date and Expiration Date Information Sheet

Tax Registration TIN, RDO BIR Certificate of Registration

Parent Company Information Name of Parent Company, Address of Parent Company Certificate of Authority to Engage in Business
in the Philippines (for foreign corp)

Business Capitalization Authorized Capital Stock, Subscribed Capital, Paid-up N/A


Stockholder/Partner Name of Stockholder/Partner, Nationality, Number of N/A

Information Shares, Invested Capital, % of Ownership

Principal Officers Information Name, Position, Nationality Sworn Declaration of Authenticity of

Submitted Information 15
Steps in Accomplishing Form B
1. From the FIRMS Dashboard Page, click “Registered Activity/Project” in the side menu.

2. Click “Enter Another Activity/Project currently registered with an IPA”.

3. Fill-in all applicable details the current IPA registration of the enterprise. Ensure to fill-in those
fields with red asterisks (*) as these are required fields.

4. Upload the scanned copy/pdf copy of the applicable documentary requirements.

5. Click “Save”.

Information Needed for Form B
Information Specific Fields Document to be Uploaded

Activity/Project Description Activity Description, Activity Classification (based on N/A


IPA Registration IPA Granting Fiscal Incentive, Market Orientation, Certificate of IPA Registration (or other
Registration Number, Registration Date equivalent document) issued by concerned

Incentives Entitlement Choose the applicable incentives entitlement N/A

• None
• Income Tax Holiday
• 5% Gross Income
• Customs duty exemption
• VAT Exemption on Importation
• VAT Zero-rating (on domestic purchases)
• Others (please specify)

Indicate also the duration of the incentives entitlement

(i.e., start and end date) based on the IPA registration
For more information on FIRMS, especially on the tax incentive registration and
application process, watch the instructional video or download the instruction
manual as posted in the FIRB website

Thank you.

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