Amal Kashif - Albert Dumont Poetry Dropbox
Amal Kashif - Albert Dumont Poetry Dropbox
Amal Kashif - Albert Dumont Poetry Dropbox
[4] Spring 🌺
1.The poem spring uses many active verbs to convey 1. The active verb "mixing" in the phrase "Mixing with the
the meaning of the energy that nature has in one’s life. songs of birds" demonstrates how being in tune with the
Choose three active verbs and detail the contribution melodic tone of singing birds while also taking in all the
to the poem. other magnificent sights and sounds of nature can help
you feel at peace and at ease. “Spring spirit vibrates in
2.Describe how Dumont establishes a distinctive the hills and valleys.” The active verb "vibrates" in this
voice in his poetry? How does he modify language phrase highlights how nature and your surroundings may
and tone skillfully to connect to the audience and affect how you feel. The active word "descend" in the
convey purpose? phrase "Hope and renewal descend like falling rain"
shows how the hope and renewal (what you want out of
3.What is meant by the final line of the poem The life) is transferred from a higher position or level to a
spirits of our sacred bundles? What the poet is trying lower one.
to convey to his audience?
2. By emphasizing the difficult events that life throws at us
and the courage and optimism that emerges from facing
and overcoming them, Dumont builds a distinctive voice
in his poetry. By utilizing the strength and effect of words
and reflecting the knowledge of forests, rivers, animals,
elders, and children, he writes to promote healing. He
makes use of nature's ability to awe the audience and
serve as a constant reminder that humans are a small
part of a much larger whole.
2. What questions would you ask Dumont about his approach to writing poetry?
Why did you decide to concentrate on the impact that nature has on people as opposed to the
impact that people have on one another? Do you enjoy writing? How long does it typically take
to write a poem? What did you discover when you wrote your poems? Do you collaborate with
others on your writing? Do you conduct extensive study before creating a poem, or are they
solely drawn from personal experience?