IHR - April 2010 Issue

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Fare Game | $6


Post H1N1: Cold & Flu Season

Keep your customers healthy all year long

Power Up!
Tips to help generate business from Antioxidants

Play Hard

Bulk up your sports nutrition sales

Fare Game
Kathleen Johnson from Natures Fare, Langley

Beverages: Boom or Bust

Great items to watch in the Organic Drinks category

with the NEWEST Innovation for Joint Care from webber naturals Canadas #1 Joint Care Brand!



with Patent Pending



Osteoarthritis sufferers commonly use over-the-counter pain relievers, and nonsteroidal anti-inammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to reduce pain and swelling and to cope with joint stiffness. While these drugs may be helpful they can cause side effects, and they do nothing to support long term joint health.


Osteo Joint Ease represents the next generation of natural joint care. This innovative formula contains patented In amEase, a synergistic combination o f a n t i ox i d a n t , a n t i - i n f l a m m a to r y, p a i n - r e l i e v i n g b o t a n i c a l s t h a t relieve pain and inammation fast and without side effects. Osteo Joint Ease is a 100% natural formula that addresses pain associated with osteoarthritis, and protects against deterioriation of cartilage.


Osteo Joint Ease also contains the joint care superstars Glucosamine, Glucosamine Chondroitin, and MSM. They not only help with pain and inflammation, but support long term joint health, helping to rebuild cartilage and lubricate joints. Only two caplets a day provide the key nutrients to ease joint pain and support healthy cartilage, without drugs or unwanted side effects.

The most natural and effective way to build joint cartilage and reduce inammation 100% natural anti-inammatory ingredients Results within one week* Only 2 per day

InamEase Why it works ...


Osteo Joint Ease contains InamEase BioStandard process super extract formula. Simply said, weve put our best scientic minds together to make Osteo Joint Ease the best product for chronic joint pain available in Canada! InamEase contains 100% natural anti-inammatory ingredients: 76% Polyphenols. These promising plant compounds may help control oxidative stress and consequently inammatory response, related to chronic and acute inammation. Boswellia works by blocking enzymes, 5-LOX and HLE. 5-LOX leads to the formation of harmful inammatory substances called leukotrienesthought to directly inuence disease processes in a number of different disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, and asthma. 2,3 HLE is a pro-inammatory enzyme that along with leukotrienes is increased in a number of inammatory conditions. Turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory properties due to its high curcumin content. Curcumin is as effective as cortisone or phenylbutazone against acute inammation. 4 This unique botanical formula combines the power of Boswellia, Turmeric and Polyphenols (extracts from 7 of natures most powerful antioxidants) into a POWERHOUSE antioxidant, anti-inammatory, and analgesic complex.1,2


Osteo Joint Ease will appear in the next issue of VIVA magazine.

* Use for a minimum of 4 weeks to see most beneficial effects.

1. Kimmatkar N, Thawani V, Hingorani L, Khiyani R. Efcacy and tolerability of Boswellia serrata extract in treatment of osteoarthritis of knee--a randomized double blind placebo controlled trial. Phytomedicine. 2003 Jan;10(1):3-7. 2. A mmon, H P., S afayhi, H., Maeck , T., Sabieraj, J. Mechanism of anti-inflammatory actions or curcumine and boswellic acids. J Ethnopharmacol. 1993 Mar;38(2-3). 3. Ammon, HP Boswellic acids (components of frankincense) as the active principle in treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2002;152(15-16). 4. Murray, Michael T. The Healing Power of Herbs: The Enlightened Persons Guide to the Wonders of Medicinal Plants, revised and expanded 2nd ed. Prima Publishing, 1995.
For Details, write #101 on Free Info Page, page 73

1 800 430-7898 | webbernaturals.com/ease

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For decades Canadians have chosen Holista products to enhance their health. Thats because our products are created by health experts. Theyre made following Good Manufacturing Practices, tested at every stage, and are guaranteed to meet the highest industry and regulatory standards.
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For Details, write #102 on Free Info Page, page 73

guest editor letter

ISSN 1197 - 1495 |

Volume 10 Issue 3

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

Olivier Felicio Scott Jordan Stacy Karjala Leslie Ross

Its Time to Upgrade

One of the most common perceptions is that nutritional deficiency is associated with a poor diet and an unhealthy lifestyle. However, we should all be aware that nutritional deficiency also exists in healthy populations. Significant imbalance of critical nutrients can have relative negative effects on health. Nutritional supplementation plays a major role in the general well-being of the individual, and often has synergetic effects with a vast number of prescription drugs. Examples that come to mind are the use of probiotics as a preventive method for the recurrence of Candidiasis or following an antibiotic treatment course; and the use of omega-3, 6 working additively with some arthritic drugs to alleviate pain and stiffness. On the other hand, some nutrients are depleted by the use of prescription drugs. For example, oral contraceptives deplete vitamins B, vitamin C and selenium. Some medical conditions can be aggravated by a nutrients deficiency, like insufficient magnesium for neurotransmitter synthesis, which can increase the risk for anxiety and depression. Further, the lack of some micronutrients can possibly lead to long-latency deficiency diseases. Its about time that natural health industry professionals highlight the importance of nutrition, either in their retail outlets or in their clinical practices. Proper nutritional supplementation can play a major role in the delay of the onset and progression of degenerative diseases, and therefore improve the wellness and quality of life of the individual.

Art Director


Production Manager
Jordan Martinez

Robert McMaster Danielle Ng-See-Quan Septembre Anderson Barb Anderson Denise Deveau Daniel Marquez Sean Moffitt Ronda Payne Vicky Rizothanassis David Wright


Editorial Assistant Editorial Intern Contributors

Accounting & Administration

Melanie Seth Daniel Hare

Administration Coordinator Web Programmer

Matthew Sponagle
Subscription Rates Canada $50 (gst included) for nine issues (one year) USA $60 Change of Address email: ihr@publicationpartners.com telephone: 1-877-547-2246 fax: (905) 509-0735 or send your cover label and new address to ihr c/o Publication Partners, 345 Kingston Road, Suite 101, Pickering, ON Canada L1V 1A1 Advertising Information Olivier Felicio telephone: (416) 203-7900 x 6107 email: olivier@rivegauchemedia.com Hugh Rushford telephone: (416) 203-7900 x 6108 email: hugh@rivegauchemedia.com Jeff Yamaguchi telephone: (416) 203-7900 x 6122 email: jeff@rivegauchemedia.com Published by Rive Gauche Media Inc.

Mike Hannalah
Magued (Mike) Hannalah, RPh, BSc, Pharm, FACA

Owner and Pharmacist, Smiths Pharmacy

Canada Post Canadian Publications Mail 4067800 The publisher does not assume any responsibility for the contents of any advertisement and any and all representations or warranties made in such advertising are those of the advertiser and not of the publisher. The publisher is not liable to any advertiser for any misprints in advertising not the fault of the publisher and in such an event the limit of the publishers liability shall not exceed the amount of the publishers charge for such advertising. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, in all or part, without the express written permission of the publisher. ihr magazine is pleased to review unsolicited submissions for editorial consideration under the following conditions: all material submitted for editorial consideration (photographs, illustrations, written text in electronic or hard copy format) may be used by ihr Media Inc. and their affiliates for editorial purposes in any media (whether printed, electronic, internet, disc, etc.) without the consent of, or the payment of compensation to, the party providing such material. Please direct submissions to the Editor, ihr magazine.

Fare Game

For Details, write #103 on Free Info Page, page 73

editorial committee
We believe that you, the retailer, dictates the tone and direction of the magazine, which in turn, allows us to provide you with the most accurate information that is relevant to your business. ihr works with a knowledgeable group of industry leaders whose mandate is to ensure the relevancy of the publication. Our editorial committee is comprised of thought provokers who have shaped the industry and whose experience is vital in providing you with tools to succeed. The ihr editorial committee is led by the following individuals:

Andrew Betts Category Manager, Natural Foods Thrifty Foods

Olivier Felicio President Rive Gauche Media

Gilles Houde President and COO GNC Canada

Sanjiv Jagota President Natures Source

Aaron Skelton, BSc (NNS) Sr. Category Manager Health Food Natural Value, Soins Naturels, Loblaw Companies Ltd.

Fare Game

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32 . Fare Game

Volume 10 . Issue 3 UP FRONT GUEST EDITORS LETTER ...............................................................6 EDITORIAL BOARD .........................................................................8 GET THE GOODS ..........................................................................12 SKU REVIEW ..................................................................................14 TOP SELLER ...................................................................................20 NEWS INDUSTRY NEWS ..........................................................................22 BUSINESS NEWS ...........................................................................26 COMPANY PROFILE ......................................................................30 FEATURES COVER STORY Fare Game ...........................................................................................32 FEATURE The Beverage Business: Boom or Bust? ............................................38 FEATURE Power Up! ............................................................................................44 FEATURE Play Hard ..............................................................................................48 FEATURE Post H1N1: Cold and Flu Season ...................................................52 FEATURE Packaging Consumer Satisfaction ..................................................58



FEATURE Tax Tips for Small Business Owners ...............................................60 FEATURE The Digital Face of Health and Wellness Part 1..................................62 FEATURE Eco Epicure .........................................................................................64 END NOTES RESEARCH NEWS .........................................................................66 UPCOMING EVENTS .....................................................................70 MARKETPLACE .............................................................................71 FAX BACK .....................................................................................73


For Details, write #105 on Free Info Page, page 73


The rst 100 retailers to FAX us at 1-888-849-0155 will get these goods for FREE

Canadas Green Beaver introduces the rst certied organic lip shimmer line manufactured according to organic and ecological standards veried by an internationally recognized independent organization (Ecocert). Made with natural minerals, Canadian-grown organic carrot and cranberry seed oils, these shimmers (available in six shades) will leave your lips soft, sumptuous and beautiful. A unique blend of vitamin E and carotenoids provides long-lasting moisture. These shimmers are also vegan and free of gluten and mint.


Elations, a great tasting once-a-day liquid supplement, contains tested levels of glucosamine and chondroitin to help relieve joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. Elations contains 1,500mg of glucosamine, 1,200mg of chondroitin and 300mg of calcium and is shellsh free! Try Elations and feel the difference in your joints!


Ener-Gain Energy Formula from Webber Naturals provides fast energy without side effects reducing mental fatigue and tiredness and increasing alertness. L-tyrosine, Rhodiola rosea extract, guarana, panax ginseng and CoQ10 work together to support alertness when under physical and psychological stress.

Get me these goods! Fill out the form below clearly and completely.
Name: Store: Address: City: Province: Phone: Fax: Email: Postal Code:


Fare Game

For Details, write #106 on Free Info Page, page 73

ne of products?
sku review
Enhance Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc Absorption Calcium is an essential mineral crucial for maintaining strong bones and teeth and fortifying cartilage. Magnesium promotes bone and cartilage health, in part by MARKET WATCH helping the body convert vitamin D into a usable form. Trace minerals particularly manganese and zinc encourage the absorption of othercategories/nutritional supplements Some of the minerals and help promote overall on bone health.this page have experienced sales increases/ decreases since last three In the minerals Liquid Cal-Mag-Zinc offers these year. essentiallatest 52 weeks ending in perfect ratios. January 17, dosage AC Neilson reported the Unlike other 2009, forms that may be following volume of sales: difcult to assimilate, our liquid delivery system offers optimal Health & Diet Aids: $899,640,563; units per volume absorption and maximum benets.
2% from previous year. Anti-oxidant vitamins: $25,323,682; units per volume 14% from previous year.

oraC 12,000
North Coast Naturals ORAC 12,000 combines concentrated fruit and carrot extracts to deliver the most powerful, concentrated antioxidants from natural sources. While you should still eat your fruit and veggies every day, ORAC 12,000 is your insurance policy for daily antioxidants, just like your multivitamin is your insurance for your vitamins. For more information, write 130 on the Free Info Card on page 73.

Sports Nutritionals: $33,900,273; units per volume 10% from previous year.

GEnEsis# TOP 10 BEST SELLER todays 4rEsvEratrolLiver Health Today Improve

ll give you $50!

mrms all natural #2 BEST SELLER WhEy healthy Muscle growth and EnEr-Gain Support With one gram per serving, All EnErGy Formula Strengthen Your Immune System
Natural Whey isow micro-ltration and Advanced cross low in fat with a great taste! Fortified with exchange process L-glutaminein fat (1 gram perartificial Very low and no serving) sweeteners with flavours, itL-Glutamine Fortied or 1 gram of supports healthyserving per muscle growth and strengthens the immune system. Mixes instantly All Great tasting Natural Whey benefits the No athlete, as well or avors healthyarticial sweetenersthose trying to support lean muscle mass. For more information, write 133 on the Free Info Card on page 73.

How do the French stay so for liver support Important nutrients heart NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine) in healthy, in spite of a diet high shown to increase glutathione levels saturated fats? Science attributes this Essential a polyphenol in part to resveratrol, nutrients for proper liver found in some detoxication red wine. plants and Lipoic acid is a unique fat Genesis Todays new 4Resveratrol and watersoluble antioxidant is the worlds first liquid resveratrol Protects against free radicals supplement featuring a blend of inside and outside the cell seven natural, high potency sources including Japanese of resveratrol Regenerates vitamin C, E and glutathione knotweed. A single 30ml serving provides 175mg of resveratrol the equivalent of more than 150 glasses of red wine. For more information, write 131 on the Free Info Card on page 73.

holista Wild WEst Coast salmon oil

The fatty acids in Wild Pacific Salmon Oil from Holista greatly benefit and improve brain function, heart health, circulatory function and joint mobility. It is 100% wild, a potent source of antioxidant carotenoids, and has a naturally occurring 1:1 ratio of EPA to DHA. For more information, write 132 on the Free Info Card on page 73.



on Ener-Gain Energy Formula from webber

naturals provides fast energy without side effects reducing mental fatigue and tiredness and increasing alertness. L-tyrosine, Rhodiola rosea extract, guarana, panax ginseng and CoQ10 work together to support alertness when under physical and psychological stress. For more information, write 134 on the Free Info Card on page 73.


pricelist, or to make an order....

Fare Game

sku review
authentaS SKin renewaL cream
Authentas Skin Renewal Face Cream is loaded with certified-organic ingredients to nourish your skin. Using over 35 locally sourced ingredients, it results in a formula that helps restore a youthful glow to maturing skin. Each ingredient is fully disclosed, so you never have to worry about what is in the products! For more information, write 135 on the Free Info Card on page 73.

Some of the categories/nutritional supplements on this page have experienced sales increases/ decreases since last year. In the latest 52 weeks ending January 17, 2009, AC Neilson reported the following volume of sales: Facial cosmetics: $211,872,383; units per volume 2% from previous year. Natural Joint Therapy Supplements: $69,120,712; units per volume 2% from previous year. Childrens multivitamins: $32,028,403; units per volume 8% from previous year.

Kid-e-Kare aLL-OmeGa
Kid-e-kare All-Omega is a blend of wild sockeye salmon oil, cranberry seed oil, black raspberry seed oil and organic sacha inchi oil. Rich in essential fatty acids, phospholipids, vitamins A and D, and astaxanthin, it supports and protects the cell membranes throughout the body. Give your child this well-balanced, highly absorbable nutritional powerhouse. For more information, write 136 on the Free Info Card on page 73.

hOLiStaS GLucOSamine chOndrOitin mSm

Combining glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate and MSM provides three natural joint care supplements in one pill. Glucosamine sulfate helps to stimulate cartilage synthesis, helping to ease pain and improve joint mobility. Chondroitin sulfate is involved in cartilages shock-absorbing qualities, making it helpful to relieve symptoms of bone and joint pain. MSM is an antiinflammatory, which can help to relieve joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. For more information, write 137 on the Free Info Card on page 73.

eLatiOnS Liquid JOint SuppLement Green Beaver OrGanic Lip ShimmerS

Canadas Green Beaver introduces the first certified organic lip shimmer line manufactured according to organic and ecological standards verified by an internationally recognized independent organization (Ecocert). Made with natural minerals, Canadiangrown organic carrot and cranberry seed oils, these shimmers (available in six shades) will leave your lips soft, sumptuous and beautiful. A unique blend of vitamin E and carotenoids provides long-lasting moisture. These shimmers are also vegan and free of gluten and mint. For more information, write 138 on the Free Info Card on page 73. Elations, a great tasting once-a-day liquid supplement, contains tested levels of glucosamine and chondroitin to help relieve joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. Elations contains 1,500mg of glucosamine, 1,200mg of chondroitin and 300mg of calcium and is shellfish free! Try Elations and feel the difference in your joints! For more information, write 139 on the Free Info Card on page 73.

Fare Game


sku review
Some of the categories/nutritional supplements on this page have experienced sales increases/decreases since last year. In the latest 52 weeks ending January 17, 2009, AC Neilson reported the following volume of sales: Vitamin D: $26,218,453; units per volume increase 28% from previous year. Mineral Supplements: $25,558,444; units per volume 6% from previous year. CoQ10: $14,747,520; units per volume 18% from previous year.

Organika PycnOgenOl
Pycnogenol, a French maritime pine bark extract, is a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that offers a variety of heart, skin and joint health benefits. With 40 years of research and over 220 scientific publications, Pycnogenol is a safe and viable natural alternative. Recent research shows Pycnogenol reduces aching joints and promotes joint mobility and flexibility. Look for Organika Pycnogenol dietary supplements in a variety of dosages. For more information, write 140 on the Free Info Card on page 73.

WObenzyme SyStemic enzyme SuPPOrt

Wobenzym N is a world renown, clinically supported systemic enzyme preparation designed to promote healthy joints and muscles, support healthy circulation, strengthen the immune system, improve cell to cell communication and support healthy aging. With decades of clinical research and nearly 50 years of use by over 100 million people, Wobenzym N is the leader in natural systemic enzyme therapy. For more information, write 141 on the Free Info Card on page 73.

HOliSta melatOnin eaSy diSSOlve

Holista Melatonin is a natural hormone that regulates the sleepwake cycle in the body and helps to relieve insomnia, jet lag and other sleep disturbances. Our easy dissolve, sublingual tablets allow for the best possible absorption, and are synthetically derived, which is the preferred form of melatonin. For more information, write 142 on the Free Info Card on page 73.

SuPreme antiOxidant6
Diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and immune system decline are worsened by oxidation. Sisus Supreme Antioxidant6 is a unique vitamin, mineral and nutrient proven to protect cells against free radical damage. It provides vitamins A, C and E, selenium, CoQ10 and ALA. For more information, write 143 on the Free Info Card on page 73.

Webber naturalS vitamin d3 liquid

Liquid Vitamin D3 delivers fast absorption and dose flexibility! Vitamin D helps the body incorporate calcium into the bones, boosting bone mineral density. Research suggests higher doses of vitamin D may also provide protection against certain cancers. For more information, write 144 on the Free Info Card on page 73.


Fare Game

For Details, write #107 on Free Info Page, page 73

sku review
Some of the categories/nutritional supplements on this page have experienced sales increases/ decreases since last year. In the latest 52 weeks ending January 17, 2009, AC Neilson reported the following volume of sales: Skin Care (all purposes): $114,971,848; units per volume 8% from previous year. Health & Diet Aids: $899,640,563; units per volume 2% from previous year. Cholesterol supplements: $1,214,286; units per volume 6% from previous year.

Eco-naturE carEs rE-conDitionEr

Our natural daily re-conditioner is made for all hair types, adding body and shine while preventing tangles and static. We purposely call it a re-conditioner because it reconditions your hair gently while bringing back both the natural shine and luster of your hair. Clean, Crisp and Fresh call out the names of our exclusive natural aromas. For more information, write 145 on the Free Info Card on page 73.

grEEn bEavEr jr.

Children can absorb the harsh chemical ingredients found in personal care products through their skin. Green Beaver introduces Canadas first certified organic personal care products for children, manufactured and verified by internationally recognized independent organic certifier Ecocert. Green Beaver Jr. is specially formulated for childrens delicate skin and made with selected natural ingredients including Canadian berries and carrot oil to help nourish, hydrate and protect skin and hair. For more information, write 146 on the Free Info Card on page 73.

DErMasilk anti-WrinklE
Anti-wrinkle supplement fights wrinkle formation at the important intracellular level. New DermaSilk Anti-wrinkle works to counteract the damage from oxidation, sunlight, UV light and smoking. Clinically proven to increase facial skins firmness, hydration, elasticity, and density; promote collagen production; and reduce age spots. Check out the entire DermaSilk line of products to promote beautiful, health skin! For more information, write 147 on the Free Info Card on page 73.

Holista MEDEssEntials
MEDEssentials Stomach Acid is a formulation that helps replenish druginduced deficiencies of key nutrients associated when taking stomach acid reducing medications. MEDEssentials Cholesterol is a formulation that helps replenish drug-induced deficiencies of key nutrients associated when taking cholesterol (statin) medications. For more information, write 148 on the Free Info Card on page 73.

Holista Milk tHistlE HEaltHy sizE

An antioxidant herb that promotes the production of bile in the liver, Holista Milk Thistle supports detoxification and overall health. Each capsule is standardized to contain 80% Silymarin, and is often recommended for liver diseases associated with alcohol abuse, hepatitis and cirrhosis. For more information, write 149 on the Free Info Card on page 73.


Fare Game

Protect the Earth Promote the well-being of people Nourish the Spirit
Our mission is to provide all-natural, safe and effective personal care and lifestyle products to our customers. We offer a true and authentic alternative to many of the massproduced synthetic products on the market today. We craft only the highest quality allnatural products without compromise as to ingredients, packaging or cost. We believe in education and transparency. A customer is best able to make an educated and correct purchasing decision only when armed with true and valued information not marketing fluff and puffery. Part of our core purpose is to provide that information as best as we can.

Lumessence Luxury Skin Care

A unique blend of all-natural ingredients and advanced skincare science that helps to minimize signs of aging, for a younger, rejuvenated look.

First in an 8-part series

In better natural product retailers throughout Canada. For more information, call Purity Life at 1-800-265-2615 or Tall Grass Distribution at 1-800-616-5900, or New Age Marketing at 1-888-868-0127. www.Aubrey-Organics.com
For Details, write #108 on Free Info Page, page 73


top seller
Morning Sun Health Foods Calgary, ab Store Size: 1,000-3,000sq.ft. Demographics: 40-65 income: $40,000-$60,000 Elevate Me! bars ProSnack 66g Flax Seed Oil Gold Top Organics 500ml apple Cider Vinegar Omega Nutrition Various Sizes Cayenne albi 180 caps Fenugreek Natures Way 180 caps astralagus Natures Way 180 vegicaps Shea butter FairTrade Various sizes Witch Hazel Thayers 355ml Shampoo Millcreek Various sizes Old Fashion Foods Regina, SK Store Size: 3,000-5,000sq.ft. Demographics: 40-65 income: $40,000-$60,000 Flaxseed Oil Flora 250ml Goji berries Vivitas 8oz Hemp Hearts Rocky Mountain 454g ambrosia Natural Foods Newmarket, ON Store Size: 3,000-5,000sq.ft. Demographics: 40-65 income: $40,000-$60,000 Eco Pac Heritage Os Cereal Natures Path 907g Gluten-Free Crackers Glutino 125g almonds bulk Psyllium Husks Swiss Herbal 454g Echinaforce a. Vogel 100ml Deep immune St. Francis Herb Farm 50ml Haircolour Herbatint 130ml Magic Soap Dr. bronners 944ml Natural Panty liners Natracare 30-pack Deep imnune St. Francis Herb Farm 100ml N/a Evergreen Natural Foods Toronto, ON Store Size: 1,000-3,000sq.ft. Demographics: N/a income: N/a almonds Various brands Various sizes N/a blush lane Organic Market Calgary, ab Store Size: over 5,000sq.ft. Demographics: 25-40 income: $40,000-$60,000 almond Milk blue Diamond 946ml Kettle Corn Popcorn indiana 454g Organic NonHomogenized Milk Vital Green 2l Echinacea Natural Factors 50ml Oil of Oregano Joy of the Mountain 18ml Deep immune St. Francis Herb Farm 15ml Toothpaste Green beaver 50g Sport Deodorant lafes 200g Castille Soap (lavender) Dr. bronners 16oz Vega Whole Food Health Optimizer Sequel Naturals 1,000g Whey Powder absolute 500g Glutamine Powder interactive Nutrition 454g Vitamin D Natural Factors 90 caps Vitamin D Now Foods 90 soft gels Vitamin D Sisu 180 caps Sunscreen SPF 30 badger 80ml N/a


The Source Toronto, ON Store Size: 1,000sq.ft. Demographics: 40-65 income: N/a

Journey of Health Calgary, ab Store Size: 1,000-3,000sq.ft. Demographics: 25-40 income: over $60,000 Hemp Seeds Manitoba Harvest 5lbs Chia Seeds Various brands 450g almonds Various brands 600g



Fresh bee Pollen bulk Chia Seeds Now Foods 1lb Unpasteurized Honey Various brands Various sizes




Senna leaves Natures Way 100 caps Mulberry leaves Tea Various brands 20-pack N/a

Camu Camu Organic Traditions 227g Maca X-6 Organic Traditions 227g N/a

Echinacea Natural Factors 100ml Hoodia Flora 90 caps N/a




Shampoo Nana Essence 240ml Face Mask Nana Essence 6oz Conditioner Nana Esence 240ml

amaze Gel Viva 2oz amaze anti-aging Cream Viva 2oz N/a

Hand Soap Jason Naturals 500ml lip balm burts bees 425g body Wash Jason Naturals 800ml

island Naturals Shampoo aubrey Organics 11oz N/a N/a



Whey Powder Now Foods Various sizes N/a

Vega Smoothie infusion Sequel Naturals 16oz Vega Energy bar Sequel Naturals 63g Vega Sport Sequel Naturals 540g Olive leaf Extract Now Foods 90 caps MSM Flora 80 caps Vitamin D aOR 60 caps Kelp Noodles Sea Tangle 16oz Raw Nori Sheets Gold Mine 10-pack black Olives Various brands 16oz

Vega Sport Sequel Naturals Vega Whole Food Health Optimizer Sequel Naturals iSOWhey interactive Nutrition 340g

Creatine Now Foods 100 caps N/a

Vegan Complete Sequel Naturals 1,029g New Zealand Whey Ergogenics 910g Vega Sport Sequel Naturals 540g

Protein Powder Progressive Various sizes Harmonized Vegan Protein (berry) Progressive 12.5oz N/a





Chromium Now Foods 90 caps Vitamin C Now Foods 90 caps Calcium/ Magnesium Now Foods 90 caps

Perfect Skin Genuine Health 120 softgels PGX Natural Factors 120 softgels N/a

Vitamin C Naturals Factors 90 caps Vitamin D Natural Factors 90 caps N/a

Supreme Multivitamin Sisu 120 caps bone basics aOR 240 caps NutraSea ascenta 500ml Oceans 3 better brains Garden of life 90 softgels Greens+ Hip To be Healthy Squares Genuine Health 50g N/a

Vitamin C Progressive 120 caps Vitamin C aOR 1,000mg Multi basics 3 aOR 180 caps N/a





Healthy Skin Chews Genuine Health 45 pieces N/a N/a








Want your store to be included in the Review? Fill in & Fax the FoRm on page 72


Fare Game

This page has been sponsored by Viva Magazine

Organic Garage Oakville, ON Store Size: over 5,000sq.ft. Demographics: 25-40 Income: $40,000-$60,000 Yaletown Choices Market Vancouver, BC Store Size: over 5,000sq.ft Demographics: N/A Income: $40,000-$60,000 N/A Corn Cribs Natural Foods Moncton, NB Store Size: 1,000-3,000sq.ft Demographics: 40-65 Income: $40,000-$60,000 Ground and Whole Chia Seeds Salba 180g Olive Oil Alpha DME 475 ml N/A Marks Pharmacy Vancouver, BC Store Size: 1,000-3,000sq.ft. Demographics: 40-65 Income: N/A Hemp Mums Original 250g N/A river Oaks Pharmacy Oakville, ON Store Size: under 1,000sq.ft. Demographics: 40-65 Income: over $60,000 N/A IDA Stouffville, ON Store Size: 3,000-5,000sq.ft. Demographics: 40-65 Income: over $60,000 N/A Stonewall Pharmacy Stonewall, MB Store Size: over 5,000sq.ft. Demographics: N/A Income: N/A N/A

top seller
royal Drug Mart Melville, SK Store Size: 3,000-5,000sq.ft. Demographics: 40-65 Income: $40,000-$60,000 N/A

Almond Breeze Blue Diamond 946ml Millet rice Cereal Natures Path 750g Milk Harmony 4L













rhodiola Natures Way 90 caps Milk Thistle Natural Factors 90 caps N/A

Black Cohosh Natural Factors 90 caps Nettle Natural Factors 30-pack N/A

Immune Booster Dr. rahims 60ml Coloplex Bens Health 500ml N/A

Ginkgo Biloba Webber Naturals 90 tabs Milk Thistle Webber Naturals 60 caps St. Johns Wort Webber Naturals 180 caps N/A

Phytovision Plus Sisu 60 caps Astralagus Natures Way 100 caps DDS Plus Innovate 100 caps N/A

Bilberry Jamieson 60 tabs Herbal Diuretic Jamieson 60 caps Evening Primrose Oil Jamieson 90 caps Shampoos and Conditioners Live Clean Deodorant rock Crystal Various sizes N/A

Hemp Hearts rocky Mountain 454g Ground Flaxseed Webber Naturals 425g N/A



Toothpaste Green Beaver 75ml Tea Tree Oil Shampoo Natures Gate 500ml Gel Facial Cleanser Green Beaver 120ml Smoothie Infusions Sequel Naturals 454g N/A

Shampoo Avalon 250ml Lip Balm Burts Bees Liquid Castile Soap Dr. Bronners 8oz

Body Lotion Alba 180ml Toothpaste Jason Naturals 6oz Soap Soapworks 130g

Face Cleanser Feels Like A Facelift 250ml N/A N/A

Toothpaste Jason Naturals 4.2oz N/A






Vegan Sport 500mg L-Glutamine Natural Factors 90 tabs

Protein Powder ruths 454g Vega Protein Powder Sequel Naturals 800g Ultimate Protein Brad Kings 840g Vitamin D3 Natural Factors 90 tabs relora Natures Harmony 60 caps N/A

Essential Fatty Acids Flora 500ml N/A

Ensure Abbott 12-pack N/A

Elevate Me! Bars ProSnack













Hi Potency B Complex Natural Factors 90 caps Vitamin D Natural Factors 90 tabs N/A

Every Man Chapters 90 tabs Every Woman New Chapters 90 tabs N/A

Vitamin D3 AOr 60 caps Vitamin C Complex 8 New roots 90 caps Calcium/Magnesium Trophic 120 caps N/A

Glucosamine Webber Naturals 120 caps Calcium Jamieson 250 caps Vitamin D Jamieson 250 caps Virus A-Tak Webber Naturals 60 softgels Vitamin C Chewables Webber Naturals 90 tabs N/A

Vitamin D Webber Naturals 240 caps Multivitamin for Adults 50+ rexall 100 caps Areds Formula Vitalux 50 tabs N/A

Centrum Wyeth 100 tabs One-A-Day Bayer 60 tabs N/A

Vitamin D Webber Naturals 240 tabs Mega Calcium with D Jamieson 100 tabs Vitamin D Jamieson 200 tabs N/A

Burritos Glutenfreedas 113g Granola Bars NoNuttin 30g Kale Chips Two Girls Cooking 60g







Flintstones Gummies Bayer 60 gummies Boost for Diabetics Nestle Nutrition 6-pack Cold-Fx Afexa 45 caps







The Top selling producTs in the review are from randomly selected retailers. The review is meant to give readers some idea of what consumers are buying most of in these selected stores. participating stores are free of any third-party influence and provide all the information. The information cannot be seen as a statistical survey or taken to reflect top-selling products on a national, regional or local level. *demographics: store owners estimated primary demographic

Fare Game


industry news
Walmart Canadas Sustainability Index
Walmart Canada announced their plans to launch an index that would help their Canadian customers evaluate the sustainability of the products they purchase. The project is called the Sustainable Product Index and was announced at the Walmart Green Business Summit in Vancouver in February. The product index will be introduced to consumers in three long-range phases supplier assessment, creation of database and development and launch of customer tool and will begin in the summer of 2010. The initiative was first announced this past summer in the United States. Walmart Canada is the first operation outside of the U.S. to initiate the process for the product index. which has strong product, distribution and retail capabilities in China, said Joe Fortunato, Chief Executive Officer of GNC. community. Natrol has also introduced three new nutritional supplements with superfruit antioxidant capacity to join the Companys line of acai superfruit offerings. The new additions include diet and cleanse-related nutritional supplements.

Atrium Wins Prize at 2010 Fideides Gala

Atrium Innovations Inc. has won the high-tech prize at the 2010 Fidides Gala on Thursday, March 11. About 700 representatives from the business community attended the 27th edition of the gala, which was organized by the Quebec Chamber of Commerce and held at the Quebec Congress Centre. This award means a great deal to us, in addition to the steady growth we have experienced over the past few years, it rewards the commitment of the whole Atrium team to our values of excellence and quality, said Pierre Fitzgibbom, the Chief Executive Officer of Atrium Innovations. Each year the Quebec Chamber of Commerce, through the annual contest, rewards the boldness, creativity and success of entrepreneurs from the Kamouraska and ChaudireAppalaches regions of Quebec.

Changes and Additions to MTBI Team

Michael Theodor Brokerage announces that Kerri Job has been hired as BC Mainland Account Manager. Job brings 11 years of professional experience in the sales, food service, retail and natural food industries, and a passion and extensive knowledge of the natural product industry. Over the last four years, Job has been a member of the sales team for Horizon Distributors in the lower mainland and BC interior. Job has most recently worked as Horizons key account manager for Overwaitea Food Group and The Buy Low Food Group. Job will assume responsibility over Overwaitea Food Group, London Drugs, Buy Low Food Group, Whole Foods Market and Choices Grocery Department. Darlene Costello, longtime MTB BC Mainland Account Manager, will be returning to manage many of the key natural health retailers in the lower mainland and remain responsible for Choices HABA Department. According to MTBI, this addition and change in territory is in direct response to the Companys growth and focus to grow and support its suppliers, customers and distributor partners consistent with the company mission.

GNC Partners with Bright Food

GNC Global Inc., leading global retailer of nutritional products, has entered the Chinese nutritional products market. The Pennsylvania-based retailer announced that it has entered into an understanding to form a partnership with Bright Food (Group) Company Ltd., a leading state-owned conglomerate. The partnership, which is expected to be completed mid-2010, will be called GNC China. Based on our research on the nutrition industry in China, GNC believes there are significant growth opportunities in the PRC marketplace. We look forward to working with Bright Food,

Natrols 30th Anniversary

Nutritional supplement company Natrol Inc. has kicked of its 30th anniversary in January by re-launching its website and launching new online initiatives on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The company will offer promotions as well as events for charity, consumers, employees, retailers and the industry, media, celebrities and the

Green Beaver Appoints National Sales Director

Green Beaver Company has appointed Philippe Gapp as National Sales Director, a newly created position. Gapp will take on the responsibilities of national and international sales for Green Beaver. As explained by Green Beaver founders Alain Menard and Karen Clark, Green Beaver is at a turning point and the addition of Philippe will be a tremendous asset for our positive growth and will contribute generously to a sustainable future. Coming from a seven-year regional account manager sales position, and the past year in a National Key account manager position with Purity Life, Gapps 13-year sales carrier in the health food trade was instrumental in account management and contributed in positive growth for the Quebec market. In an exclusive interview with ihr, Gapp explained, I look forward to undertaking this challenge; my primary focus will be to work closely with retailers across the country. Green Beaver is amongst a select few Canadian body care manufactures to have taken the steps to receive their EcoCert certification. This is big. This news is proof of Green Beavers commitment to the HF trade and offering the Canadian consumer truly organic product line. EcoCert is the new Green Beaver message.

Philippe Gapp


Fare Game

industry news

Keith Michael Didion

Jaime Williams

Harbinder Kainth Jassal

Nafissa Gokalbhai

New Appointments at Sisu

Keith Michael Didion, Managing Director of Sisu Inc. has been promoted to President of the company. As well, Keith Michael has been appointed Senior Vice President of Solgar International. Sisu and Solgar are sister companies of NBTY Inc. Prior to joining Sisu, Didion spent 15 years with Solgar Vitamin and Herb where he advanced to the executive position of Vice President of Coordination and Development, International. In his new role Didion will be responsible for developing Sisus international presence starting immediately with Asia, and expanding to the U.S., European, South African, United Kingdom and New Zealand markets in the fall of 2010. Drawing on the immense success of Solgars international expansion to 48 countries, Sisu will utilize the established

distribution channels of its sistercompany to create efficiencies, reduce costs and stabilize product pricing in global markets. Jaime Williams has been promoted to Managing Director of Sisu, from her former position of Director of Marketing. Since joining Sisu almost five years ago, Williams has concentrated her efforts on launching research-driven, unique product formulations and creating a consistent brand image that is supported with retail education initiatives. In her new role, Jamie will focus will focus on expanding the Sisu brand across Canada, while maintaining the companys standards and to consumers and its commitment to retailers. Harbinder Kainth Jassal has moved into the new position of Manager, Human

Resources and Customer Care. In her past seven years with Sisu, Jassal has managed all aspects of Human Resources including employee relations, recruitment and office management. In addition to managing Human Resources, Jassals new role will include overseeing all Customer Care functions. Nafissa Gokalbhai also joins Sisu after completing the Marketing Management program at the British Columbia Institute of Technology. In her role as Marketing Coordinator, Gokalbhai will provide support to Sisus busy sales and marketing team. From coordinating the development and distribution of marketing materials, to planning special events and store demonstrations, Gokalbhais energy and passion for the natural health product industry will shine through.

Loblaws Green Pilot Project

Loblaw Companies Ltd. has announced that it will install solar technology on the rooftops of four stores in Ontario as part of a pilot project. Loblaw stores in Ajax, Orleans, Toronto and Whitby will have photovoltaic panels installed to leverage solar energy and provide green power to local communities and to the province of Ontario. The Ontario Power Authority approved more than 100 Loblaw applications for rooftop solar installations. Loblaw will gauge the success of the four pilot projects and evaluate the next phase of rollouts.

This initiative is part of Loblaws overall effort, through the use of renewable energy sources to reduce our carbon footprint. We believe green energy production using innovative technologies such as these pilot projects, supports our commitment to the environment, said Loblaw Companies Ltd. Vice President of Corporate Affairs Bob Chant.

NSF International Approved by SCC

NSF International has become the first U.S. certification organization to be approved by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) to offer dietary and sports supplement

screening for all nutritional products. The recent lab accreditation expands the reach of the NSF Internationals existing accreditation to assist companies in the production of safer supplements. The NSF Internationals Athletic Banned Substances Certification Program, which is also known as NSF Certified for Sport, helps ensure that there are no undeclared ingredients or unacceptable levels of contaminants in dietary and sports supplements. NSFs Certified for Sport program is recognized by the NFL, MLB, Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, the LPGA and the PGA, among other major sports organizations.

Fare Game


industry news

Jenn Slattery

Amy Jefferies supplementation and beauty/bodycare regimes. Amy Jefferies is joining TallGrass as Ontario Account Manager. Jefferies has been studying and working within the health field for ten years. She has a diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Health Sciences from the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine, and is a Life Coach, certified by the International Coaching Federation. For two and a half years she maintained a practice in Toronto combining homeopathy and life coaching in her work with her clients. During this time she was also a health consultant at the bustling Big Carrot Dispensary in Toronto, where she has been Assistant Manager since the fall of 2008, and has

Muireann Peters appreciated the life experience and knowledge she gained from that role. TallGrass would also like to welcome Muireann Peters to her new role as Ontario Account Manager. Peters has been in the Natural Health industry for eight years, receiving a Master Herbalist Diploma from the Australasian college of Health Sciences. This Voyage began with an interest in herbs, which is reflected in the abundant herb garden that she now grows. Always seeking Knowledge in Health and Nutrition, classes and reading are a part of the routine. She enjoys painting, friends, the gym and playing dress up. She is always grateful for the support received and the friendships made on this journey.

New Additions to the TallGrass Team

TallGrass is pleased to announce the addition of three new members to the Companys team. Jenn Slattery has recently joined TallGrass as Account Manager in British Columbia. Slattery is a Holistic Nutritionist based in Vancouver, BC. She has over five years experience in the natural health industry and holds a Bachelor's degree in Anthropology along with a diploma in holistic nutrition from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. She enjoys cooking, travelling, camping and biking. Her passion lies in inspiring and educating friends and family to make the absolute best choices for their eating,

Kind Appoints MTBI as Broker

Kind Healthy Snacks announces the appointment of Michael Theodor Brokerage Inc. as its broker for all classes of trade for its product line in Canada, effective immediately. Kind snacks will be available at the following distributors: SunOpta West, SunOpta East, Aux Mille et Une Saisons and Purity Life.

Atrium Acquires Trophic Canada

Atrium Innovations Inc. of Quebec City, has purchased the assets of Trophic Canada, a long established Canadian natural products manufacturer. Trophics two brands, Trophic and Wild Rose, comprising 150 products,

are sold by over 900 Canadian health retailers. Trophic was founded in 1967 and has gained a good reputation within the health store channel in the Canadian natural products industry. The annualized revenues of Trophic are approximately US$7.5 million. The acquisition of Trophic will provide Atrium with a stronger and complementary foothold and greater visibility in the Canadian market, said Pierre Fitzgibbon, Atrium President and CEO. We see considerable potential to grow Trophic and leverage its distribution strength by adding complementary products and by gaining direct access to the specialty retailers in the Canadian market. With this acquisition Atrium continues its expansion into the various channels of

the natural health industry. In the last year, Atrium has also acquired U.S.-based nutritional supplement products brand Garden of Life Inc. We felt the health food channel, the health food store, was a channel [through which] sciencebased and high-end products would be distributed, said Fitzgibbon, in a previous interview with ihr about the purchase of Garden of Life. Atrium has also purchased Nutri-Health and Sedona Labs brands last January. In financial terms for the most recent transaction involving Trophic, Atrium acquired the assets of Trophic for a total cash consideration of approximately US$11 million without any forward purchase price adjustments. The transaction was completed with an effective date of March 17, 2010.


Fare Game

industry news
Introducing Groupe 8
Sean Crockett and Jason Spring announce the forming of a new Canadian brokerage company and their latest national broker partnership. Sean Crockett has left his position with Integra Marketing and formed Groupe 8 a sales and marketing company committed to setting a new standard for broker representation. Crockett has a number of associates who will be joining him as the company grows and at this time Crockett will be the primary sales contact for Eastern Canada. Groupe 8 has formed a strategic alliance with Global Health Brokerage and Distribution Inc. In Eastern Canada Groupe 8 will manage sales operations for Global Health while Global Health continues with National Brand Management and Marketing. Global Health will in turn provide sales services in Western Canada while Groupe 8 handles their Marketing and Brand Management Nationally. Says Crockett, Weve hardly reinvented the wheel here as there are other Broker Partnerships in place already. What we intend to do differently is to out-service our competition and each provide Regional Sales Coverage for our brands and National Brand Management.

New Director of Sales at Upper 49th

Upper 49th is pleased to announce that Tara Brewin has accepted the role of Director of Sales overseeing both mass market and health and diet businesses. Tara is currently beginning the search for a National Sales Manager to replace her in managing the health and diet business in Canada. This is a key position for us to ll and it may take some time to nd the perfect individual. Tara will continue to maintain key relationships within the health and diet market through the transition and beyond.

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Ranaz Appoints Interim CFO

The Ranaz Corp. announces the departure of Sylvain Picard as Chief Financial Ofcer and Secretary of Ranaz. Picard leaves the Company to pursue other opportunities. Ranaz has appointed Paul Guay as interim Chief Financial Ofcer until a fulltime CFO is hired. Guay is a chartered accountant since 1974 and has many years of experience in business management. He has worked for companies like Groupe BMR Inc. (as VP Finance and Management) and Vogue Pool Products Inc.

sio Pas

New Addition to Burts Bees Team

Christine Jackson has joined the Burts Bees Canada team as National Training Manager. Jackson has extensive experience in sales, marketing and education including four years with Moor Allure Naturals and two years as National Account Manager for Purity Life Health Products. Acting as the National Training Manager for Burts Bees Canada provides me with a wonderful opportunity to reach out Christine Jackson and talk to people about three topics that I am very passionate about. The health benets of using natural personal care products, making choices that have minimal impact on our earth, and helping others which I do by sharing product information, beauty and wellness tips and making learning fun, says Jackson, speaking exclusively with ihr. It is important to me to feel good about what I do in my career. Being the Canadian training manager for Burts Bees a truly natural personal care, earth-friendly, socially responsible company is a joy for me.

Natural mineral colours with Canadian grown carrot and cranberry seed oil will leave your lips soft, sumptuous & beautiful. Light Cranberry flavour

If its not certified... Its not organic!


Fare Game


business news
Company Name Market Last Quarter Stock Exchange Price Price % 52-Week 52-Week Revenue P/E Cap Ratio ($Millions) Symbol 03/10/10 03/30/10 Change High Low ($Millions)

Dietary & HealtH

Abbott Laboratories aEterna Zentaris Inc. Atrium Innovations Inc. Burcon NutraScience Ceapro Inc. Cyanotech Corp. Danone SA Dean Foods Forbes Medi-Tech Inc. Gaiam Inc. Cl A Hain Celestial Group Inc. (The) Hansen Natural Corp. Herbalife Ltd. Immunotec Inc. Jones Soda Co. Lifeway Foods Inc. Mannatech Inc. Martek Biosciences Corp. Matrixx Initiatives Inc. Medical Nutrition USA Inc. Natural Alternatives Intl. Natural Health Trends Corp. Naturally Iowa Inc. NBTY Inc. Nutraceutical Intl. Corp. Nutrition 21 Inc. Reeds Inc. Reliv Intl. Inc. Schiff Nutrition Intl. Senetek PLC Quigley Corp. (The) Tofutti Brands Inc. USANA Health Sciences Inc. XELR8 Holdings Inc. ABT AEZ ATB BU CZO CYAN DF FMTI GAIA HAIN HANS HLF IMM JSDA LWAY MTEX MATK MTXX MDNU NAII BHIP NLIA NTY NUTR NXXI REED RELV WNI QGLY TOF USNA XELR NYSE TSX TSX TSX Venture TSX Venture NASDAQ NASDAQ OTC NASDAQ NASDAQ NASDAQ NYSE TSX Venture NYSE NASDAQ NASDAQ NASDAQ NASDAQ NASDAQ NASDAQ NASDAQ OTC OTC NYSE TSX Venture NASDAQ OTC NASDAQ NASDAQ NYSE NASDAQ AMEX NASDAQ OTC 55.030 0.850 17.440 8.840 0.085 3.900 12.010 15.700 0.140 8.400 16.910 40.880 42.770 0.435 40.240 0.540 11.820 4.130 22.590 4.760 2.085 8.250 0.170 0.009 50.260 2.030 15.290 0.030 1.740 3.010 8.900 1.060 2.000 1.410 31.160 0.180 52.510 0.820 16.890 9.490 0.080 3.240 11.920 15.810 0.160 8.670 17.760 43.320 46.450 0.375 39.510 0.630 11.960 3.430 22.560 5.010 2.200 7.850 0.220 0.015 48.260 2.050 14.470 0.030 1.710 2.924 8.310 0.860 1.990 1.464 31.710 0.180 -4.58% -3.53% -3.15% 7.35% -5.88% -16.92% -0.75% 0.70% 14.29% 3.21% 5.03% 5.97% 8.60% -13.79% -1.81% 16.67% 1.18% -16.95% -0.13% 5.25% 5.52% -4.85% 29.41% 61.11% -3.98% 0.99% -5.36% 0.00% -1.73% -2.86% -6.63% -18.87% -0.50% 3.83% 1.77% 0.00% 56.790 3.490 17.980 10.500 0.180 5.760 13.050 22.090 0.870 9.060 19.900 44.020 46.700 0.600 44.870 1.530 14.940 4.970 25.430 19.740 2.965 8.580 1.062 0.025 50.270 2.930 15.670 0.370 2.540 4.800 11.000 1.510 6.700 1.969 37.190 0.450 41.270 0.800 11.450 4.500 0.050 1.610 9.130 14.270 0.130 3.160 13.940 27.905 14.710 0.250 25.800 0.400 6.570 2.270 17.010 3.610 1.200 5.600 0.130 0.005 13.740 0.920 6.570 0.020 0.928 2.080 3.980 0.900 1.450 0.710 20.780 0.050 8790.00 8.56 95.03 N/A N/A 3.98 7520.00 3000.66 N/A 87.64 241.97 290.91 630.87 N/A 546.17 N/A 0.00 70.07 89.76 28.46 0.00 17.25 N/A N/A 751.15 N/A 106.20 N/A 0.00 20.67 53.32 0.00 9.10 0.00 116.78 0.00 14.12 81,219.32 N/A 10.62 N/A N/A 9.57 10.98 N/A 35.08 15.58 19.60 14.38 37.50 329.25 3.32 42.71 28.58 18.49 10.14 220.00 12.08 N/A N/A 14.76 N/A 17.19 N/A N/A 14.62 14.58 N/A N/A 18.30 14.61 N/A 47.98 551.55 245.68 3.76 17.01 2,853.55 0.80 200.28 724.08 3,859.38 2,828.80 26.25 3,287.63 16.15 200.69 90.83 750.57 47.39 31.02 55.50 2.39 3.56 2,985.85 77.25 542.55 2.50 15.77 35.76 231.18 6.58 25.93 7.58 485.48 2.83

Aeterna Zentaris Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2009 Results

Aeterna Zentaris Inc. has announced their financial and operating results for the fourth quarter and the full year ended December 31, 2009. The company, which specializes in late-stage drug development for oncology and endocrine therapy, completed two registered direct offerings of common shares and warrants with United States institutional investors for combined gross proceeds of $15.5 million. The company returned to quarterly profit with the assistance of higher licensing fees but said a dashed partnership agreement would wipe out most of that benefit for the rest of the year.


17.94 36,560.00

Inverness Medical Innovations Inc. IMA

Neptune Technologies & Bioressources Inc. NTB


Planet Organic Concludes Sale of Trophic Vitamin Division

Planet Organic Health Corp. has concluded the sale of its Trophic Vitamin Division and six of its Healthys locations in a bid to reduce corporate debt. The Trophic Vitamin Division was sold to Atrium Innovations for $10.6 million gross proceeds while the six Healthys locations were sold to Good Health Mart in Ontario for an undisclosed amount. The sale of the two holdings are part of a corporation restructuring that Planet Organic Health Corp. initiated six months ago.

pHarmaceutical & biotecHnology

Amgen Inc AstraZeneca PLC (ADR) Bayer AG Baxter Intl. Inc. Biogen Idec Inc. Biovail Corp. (USA) Bristol Myers Squibb Co. Cephalon Inc. Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd. (ADR) Elan Corp. PLC (ADR) Eli Lilly and Co. Gilead Sciences Inc. GlaxoSmithKline PLC (ADR) Genzyme Corp. Johnson and Johnson King Pharmaceuticals Inc. Life Technologies Corp. Merck and Co. Inc. Mylan Inc. Novartis AG (ADR) Perrigo Co. Pfizer Inc. Roche Holding Ltd. Sanofi-Aventis SA (ADR) Shire PLC (ADR) Sigma-Aldrich Corp. Techne Corp. Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc. AMGN AZN BAX BIIB BVF BMY CEPH RDY ELN LLY GILD GSK GENZ JNJ KG LIFE MRK MYL NVS PRGO PFE SNY SIAL TECH WPI NASDAQ NYSE NYSE NASDAQ NYSE NYSE NASDAQ NYSE NYSE NYSE NASDAQ NYSE NASDAQ NYSE NYSE NASDAQ NYSE NASDAQ NYSE NASDAQ NYSE NYSE NASDAQ NASDAQ NASDAQ NYSE 57.780 44.380 71.500 58.480 58.710 15.480 25.650 71.530 26.010 7.250 35.340 47.280 37.660 57.600 64.290 12.220 52.280 36.670 21.820 54.670 50.100 17.150 41.620 38.270 65.820 52.970 65.120 60.940 40.580 60.090 44.500 67.460 58.670 57.710 16.820 26.760 70.790 28.180 7.250 35.900 45.610 38.230 52.520 64.900 11.900 52.760 37.660 22.650 53.650 58.680 17.260 40.080 37.240 65.780 53.990 64.890 63.570 42.150 4.00% 0.27% -5.65% 0.32% -1.70% 8.66% 4.33% -1.03% 8.34% 0.00% 1.58% -3.53% 1.51% -8.82% 0.95% -2.62% 0.92% 2.70% 3.80% -1.87% 17.13% 0.64% -3.70% -2.69% -0.06% 1.93% -0.35% 4.32% 3.87% 64.760 50.700 81.600 61.880 60.280 16.870 27.070 72.870 29.230 8.590 38.000 50.000 43.470 63.470 65.950 13.200 54.060 41.560 23.300 56.420 58.670 20.360 45.190 41.590 68.240 56.290 69.950 64.950 42.500 44.960 32.220 46.470 45.460 41.750 9.260 18.830 52.550 8.400 4.610 30.910 41.310 47.090 6.680 29.470 11.660 23.120 28.040 33.330 36.910 51.110 42.766 28.060 3809.00 8945.00 7872.00 3470.00 1127.06 231.63 5033.00 575.11 373.00 300.00 5934.20 2032.38 1080.63 439.11 871.11 1351.82 583.17 N/A 893.30 572.50 65.52 3802.00 785.70 13.32 60,819.49 8.56 64,500.52 29.57 55,790.00 15.44 35,369.80 17.23 16,689.73 14.68 16.42 18.30 N/A 2,716.57 5,285.18 4,754.53 3,450.28 16.42 53,011.02 BAYRY OTC

8.10 41,249.82 16.17 41,045.35 11.31 99,182.00 34.10 13,937.76 14.02 179,065.59 10.82 66.54 75.50 24.86 2,954.06 9,540.00 6,921.39 5,359.24

28.670 13217.50 50.120 16551.00

22.330 10093.10 35.200 12926.00 12.750 16537.00 25.570 10097.60

12.15 79,419.67 14.54 121,849.88 13.48 139,280.26 18.96 13,829.00 12.33 97,980.30 16.62 12,302.18 19.21 23.18 13.82 6,570.04 2,417.15 4,473.80


Schiff Announces Third Quarter 2010 Results

Schiff Nutrition International Inc. has released their financial results for the third quarter of fiscal 2010. The companys net sales for the third quarter were

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (ADR) TEVA

18.86 58,420.83

*This selection of securities is not to be interpreted as a solicitation and companies are not endorsed by Rive Gauche Media


Fair Trade

business news
$53.3 million, compared to $49.9 million for the same period in 2009. Net income increased to $5.7 million and increase of $2.1 million over the comparable quarter in 2009. In addition to third quarter results the company also announced a special cash dividend of $ 0.50 per share payable to shareholders on April 14 at close of business on March 31, 2010. The special cash dividend comes after the companys board of directors reviewed the financials and found that the company has approximately $58.8 million in cash and short term investments. 31, 2009. Fourth quarter 2009 net revenue, operating income and EPS are the best that they have recognized in any quarter since their inception. Gaiam attributes their strong performance to the streamlining of the business during the last few quarters and an internal revenue growth of 18.7% . Net revenue for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2009 was $87.6 million from $74.5 million for the comparable quarter last year. The gross profit for the fourth quarter of 2009 was $45.9 million up from $38.3 million for the same quarter last year.

Reeds Inc. Announces Third Private Label Customer

Reeds Inc. has announced that the Company has reached its third private label agreement with a major international food company. Reeds expects to begin shipping to the clients chain of 145 U.S.-based supermarkets later this year. We continue to see significant upside to our private label business, which has allowed us to tap into new sales channels with some of the largest and best known retailers in the country, said Chris Reed, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Reeds Inc., adding, Our third customer will also be picking up a number of our branded products, which reinforces the positive effect our growing private label relationships with mainstream supermarket chains are having on increasing our branded business line. Reed also addressed the fact that North American shoppers are increasingly buying private label products. We recognize the growing trend in private label consumption, and hope to have seven to 10 new private label customers by the end of 2010. As a result, we anticipate a record year as our financials begin to reflect the hard work we have put into this initiative.

Reeds and Jones Soda End Exclusivity Provisions of Potential Merger

Jones Soda Co. announced that the Company has terminated the exclusivity provisions of a potential merger deal with Reeds Inc. to explore an unsolicited bid by a third party. Earlier in March, Reeds Inc. and Jones Soda Inc. initiated an agreement in which the two companies have entered into a Letter of Intent for a merger that would see Reeds acquire Jones Soda for a combination of cash and stock; a deal which valued Jones at about $9.7 million. Reeds and Jones Soda had until April 5, 2010 to negotiate a definitive agreement on an exclusive basis. Under the terms of the Letter of Intent at the time of the initial agreement, Jones Soda would have received an aggregate of 4.5 million shares of Reeds common stock and cash of $0.10 per share of Jones Soda common stock. The companies said at the time that the merger would give the companies the opportunity to benefit from each entities strengths Reeds portfolio in direct selling and Jones Sodas strong national distributor structure. Since ending the exclusivity provisions, Jones has informed Reeds that the Company continues to be interested in discussing a deal, but the Jones board, according to a statement, wants to explore the third party proposal and any other strategic alternatives.

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Gaiam Announces Record Fourth Quarter 2009 Results

Gaiam Inc. has announced record results for the fourth quarter ended December

Fare Trade


business news
Dean Foods End-of-Year Summary
Dean Foods Co., the Dallas-based dairy company, ended fiscal year 2009 with positive overall results, despite a weak fourth quarter, and saw its corporate family rating and senior secured bank facilities upgraded by Moodys Investors Service. Dean Foods secured bank facilities rating was increased from B1 to Ba3 while the companys unsecured ratings were raised from B2 to B3. Their Corporate Family Rating also jumped from Ba3 to B1. Moodys credited Dean Foods improved ratings and stable outlook on the company leading market share in the United States dairy industry and to falling prices in 2009. to $33.7 million up from $31.2 million for the comparable quarter last year. International sales in South Africa and Australia showed significant gains in the fourth quarter of 2008. The company also named Dr. Robert Sinnott and Stephen Fenstermacher as co-CEOs in the fourth quarter. at the same time adding new grocery and retail accounts and opening up new revenue channels such as convenience stores. As is our historical norm, the first two weeks of the year we shipped approximately half of what we averaged for the remaining 11 weeks of the quarter, and for those remaining 11 weeks, we averaged $1.350 million in revenue. this increase in weekly shipments is extremely encouraging as we look to continue our growth in 2010.

Cyanotech Receives Temporary Non-Compliance Notice

Cyanotech Corp., a world leader in microalgae technology, has received a temporary non-compliance notice from Nasdaq Listing Qualifications Panel. Nasdaq claims that Cyanotech is not in compliance with its listing requirements. Cyanotech has only three independent directors of the six total directors on its board and fewer than three independent directors on its audit committee. The notice indicated that as long as Cyanotech provides an acceptable plan within 45 days to regain a majority of independent directors on the board NASDAQ will consider granting Cyanotech an exception of up to 180 days from March 8, 2010.

Hansen Authorizes Share Repurchase Program

The board of directors of Hansen Natural Corp., a California-based beverage company, has authorized a share repurchase program for the repurchase of up to $200 million of the companys 88,160,693 outstanding stock (as of February 12, 2010). Hansen Natural Corp. was able to purchase approximately $189.8 million of common stock until the board of directors terminated the common stock repurchase program in April 2008.

SunOpta Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2009 Results

SunOpta Inc. has announced their financial results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2009. The company has reporter revenues of US$245.5 million up from US$245.0 for the comparable quarter in 2008. Adjusted earnings for the fourth quarter of 2009 were $3.9 million compared to an adjusted loss of US$1.1 million dollars for the fourth quarter of 2008. The company reported a loss of US$2.2 million per diluted common share for the fourth quarter of 2008 compared to a loss of US$17.0 million per diluted share for the comparable quarter in 2008. Adjusted earnings for the fourth quarter of 2009 were US$3.6 million compared to an adjusted loss of US$0.7 million per diluted share in the fourth quarter of 2008.

Aeterna Zentaris Regains Compliance with Nasdaq

Aeterna Zentaris Inc. announced that the Company received a letter from the Nasdaq Stock Market notifying Aeterna Zentaris that the closing price per share of the Companys common stock was above the US$1.00 minimum bid price for 10 consecutive trading days and that, as a result, Aeterna Zentaris has regained compliance with Marketplace Rule 5450(a)(1) the minimum bid price rule) as of April 23, 2010.

Quigley Reports Fourth Quarter 2009 Results

The Quigley Corp. reported net sales of $9.1 million for the three months ended December 31, 2009, compared to net sales of $6.8 million for the three months ended December 31, 2008. Net income at the end of the quarter in 2009 was $1.8 million, compared to a net loss of $2.0 million for the same quarter in the previous year. The fourth quarter 2009 results reflect an increase in net sales of $2.3 million and a corresponding increase of $2.4 million in gross profit. The Company decreased costs by $1.0 million in sales, marketing and administration, and by $278,000 in research and development. This decrease was due to implementing more costeffective marketing programs, reduction in personnel and administrative costs, and a reduction in clinical study related costs. For the year ended December 31, 2009, net sales were $19.8 million compared to net sales of $20.5 million the year previous. <

Mannatech Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2009 Results

Mannatech Inc. has reported their fourth quarter and year-end results for the year and quarter ending December 31, 2009. The company has reported a net income of $2.2 million compared to a net income of $0.6 million for the fourth quarter of 2008. Fourth quarter net sales for 2009 were $70.1 million compared to $76.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2008. International sales increased

Lifeway Foods Reports Record First Quarter 2010 Revenues

Lifeway Foods has announced results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2010. Total consolidated sales increased 16% to approximately $15,995,000 from $13,736,000 during the same period a year ago. CFO Edward Smolyansky said, We continue to grow our SKUs offerings at our existing customers while


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Home Lucian Ionescu and staff member.

and were therefore concerned about the chemicals in personal care products including those in the bubbles in Joshuas bath water. What began as a personal quest has evolved into a North American natural products enterprise. Canadians in particular have responded positively to this home-grown business, which, according to Menard, has played a major role in the companys continued growth. More and more Canadians are becoming aware and concerned about the chemical ingredients found in conventional products and their potential associated health risks. The increasing demand for certified organic products has contributed to our growth, he says. Furthermore, we have noticed that Canadians really do care about the fact that our products are made in Canada and that we use Canadian-grown ingredients. In Menards opinion, what sets Green Beaver and Green Beaver products apart from other companies in the industry is that Green Beaver is one of few certified organic manufacturers in North America. The use of Canadian-grown ingredients in the products also supports organic farmers and helps to minimize the amount of pesticides being spread, says Menard. Another equally important stand-out is that ideas for products usually come from consumers and retailers. A natural personal care products company that stays true to its roots (literally!) and also listens and responds to consumer and retailer needs has proven to be a successful coupling of personal, grassroots approaches and lateral, large-scale thinking. Being Canadian, people feel comfortable conacting us directly by phone or email, says Menard. We really appreciate the suggestions, of which many have made it to market, such as our certified organic Green Beaver Junior products. In fact, he adds, parents, specifically mothers, tend to be the ones to contact Green Beaver the most another indicator that Clark and Menard were right on the mark in tapping into the very market they were part of when they started the Company.


The Green Beaver Company gets personal with organic personal care products.
By Dani Ng-See-Quan


ot every highly successful, nationally distributed natural products company can boast that its start was inspired by a little boys bath bubbles. However, this was exactly the starting point for the exponential growth of the Green Beaver Company. In 2002, Karen Clark and husband Alain Menard, based in Hawkesbury, ON, began formulating their own chemical-free personal care products because like most babies, their son, Joshua, often ingested the bubbles in his bath water. Both Clark and Menard were educated with science degrees Clark with a BSc in Biochemistry and Menard with a BSc in Microbiology and had years of working in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries,

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of that particular product. Says Menard, For example, we were seeking an ingredient that would be moisturizing and at the same time not be tacky for lip shimmers. We came up with cranberry seed oil from British Columbia. He continues, We have a new R&D laboratory where we formulate our products. It usually takes us at least 15 prototypes before coming up with a final formula. To validate the formula, we ask retailers, employees, friends and family members to test our products, which they all do very happily. Menard says that ingredient sources arent easy to find the decision to use B.C. cranberry seed oil in the lip shimmers, for example, was reached because it was the only certified organic source in Canada. Other than doing their own research, Green Beaver gets information for ingredient sources from places like the Organic Trade Association (OTA), trade shows and word of mouth. The Company has been testing the waters south of the border with some products in a small health food chain in southern California. We were pleasantly surprised to discover that Americans also appreciate the fact that the products are Canadian and made with Canadian-grown ingredients, says Menard. [The store management] told me that their customers perceive Canada as pure, which translates into their perception of our products. According to Menard, the Company is also planning to introduce Green Beaver products to the rest of the United States and South Korea. Green Beavers line includes childrens, facial care, hair care, lip shimmers, toothpastes, deodorants and body lotions, and the first line of organic sunscreens in North America on the way via a research grant from the National Research Council of Canada. With over 50 personal care products available, and a team that has grown from five employees to 19 since 2008, Green Beaver has been steadily building upon firm roots. This makes sense for a company named after an animal that works as a keystone species in an ecosystem. Green Beavers long-term goal is in fact quite similar to that with which the Company started. Says Menard, We will continue raising awareness amongst consumers about the chemicals found in conventional products and to inform them about the benefits of using certified organic products. That is the reason Green Beaver exists. <

Green Beaver staff.

Green Beaver provides an extensive list on the company website of ingredients they dont use in their products, including 1, 4-dioxane; parabens; synthetic fragrances; talc; formaldehyde; benzoyl peroxide; mineral oil; and synthetic pigments and colours. In short, Green Beaver sticks true to an organic approach and the Companys definition of the word free of unwanted chemical ingredients. Green Beaver is a licensed certified organic manufacturer, meaning their products have been manufactured according to strict organic and ecological standards, verified by internationally recognized independent organization Ecocert. The Company utilizes and prioritzes Canadian-sourced ingredients whenever possible, such as organically grown carrot, cranberry, mint, Labrador tea, willowherb and sweet fern. The Company also does its own waterbased plant extractions from organic Canadian crops which, says Menard, encourages more farmers to adopt organic growing practices. He explains the methodology in developing products, the first step being to match the best ingredients for the purpose

At A GlAnce
Company Name: The Green Beaver Company Location: 760 Tupper Road, Hawkesbury, Ontario Canada K6A 3H2 Phone: 1-888-666-1206 Website: www.greenbeaver.com Number of Employees: 19 New Products: Lip Shimmers, Gardeners Hand and Heel Balm, Gardeners Body Lotion, Green Beaver Junior products (Foaming Body Wash, Conditioning Detangler, Bubble Bath, Foaming Hand Soap, Gentle Shampoo, Lip Balm) Key Personnel: Alain Menard, Co-Founder Karen Clark, Co-Founder Philippe Gapp, National Sales Director Lucian Ionescu, Chief Formulator Chemist, Director R&D

Fare Trade


cover story

How Natures Fare continues to hit the mark and beyond after more than 30 years in the industry.
By Dani Ng-See Quan Photography by Katie Huisman

Fare Game
hen ihr first spoke with Natures Fare in March 2004, the Company had four stores in British Columbia. The brainchild of Rick Monahan, he opened the first store in 1981 in Victoria. After a very successful reception from the pubic, Monahan sold the store in 1993, and opened new stores in Kelowna (1994), Vernon (1995), and Penticton and Kamloops (both in 1998). In just six short years since Natures Fare first graced ihrs cover, the Company now has seven stores, the most recent of which opened in Langley. In short, the consumer demand was there, and Natures Fare answered it. According to Alexa Monahan, Director of Marketing, Natures Fares staying power and continued success comes from the fact that the Company has always remained true to its values even in the face of the recent recession. Steady Growth Since 2004, Natures Fare opened a second location in Kelowna, along with new stores in West Kelowna (formerly West Bank), and the newest in Langley. In the last five years, the Company also opened an online store. Monahan says that these expansions were a combination of both consumer demand and trying to reach more people, the online store specifically being a way to expand outside of the Companys market. Knowledge is power, and theres certainly no lack of knowledge amongst the Natures Fare conglomerate. Natural and organic foods are now hot-button topics whether in the news or pop culture and the public is becoming increasingly aware and conscious of both making healthy decision and of the environmental impact of their decisions. Thats another reason that Natures Fare has fared (no pun intended) well the Company and its stores have proven to be dependable and reliable stores for customers in the area of natural health from day one.


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The Natures Fare Philosophy 2.0 The pillars of the Natures Fare philosophy have been, and continue to be, providing customer education, competitive pricing, and the highest quality product mix, all in a one-stop shop. Monahan says that while, indeed, the blocks upon which the Natures Fare philosophy is based havent changed, a change in consumer behaviour that is, the greater interest in natural health has lead to an even greater emphasis on consumer education to help guide the way. Education for customers, for the public in general, the importance of living the organic lifestyle I think were shifting more towards that a little bit, says Monahan. I think that organics really is a lot more trendy than it was back [in 2004]. She adds, People dont know why its more important. I see that its really important because theres so much factory farming, GMOs becoming more pervasive in our society. I think that this is the way for the future so education is really important. Customers have come to rely on the Company and its values, says Monahan, something she says has contributed to the Companys continued success and growth. We didnt compromise when the recession set in, she says. We didnt lay off a lot of people. We didnt change our product focus. Weve remained true to our product mix only the highest quality products. If its organic,

well carry it. If its not available in organic form, well get the best possible. We didnt bring in any mainstream conventional products into our stores [when it may have been cheaper to do so] so I think that people have been able to rely on us for those higher quality products. Monahan adds that the Company is very in-tune and aware of exactly what goes out to the public, including reading labels and analyzing every product that is sold. We havent compromised on that, ever. The other fuel in the Natures Fare fire? The staff probably the stars of the show, since they are at the frontlines of customer service and have built relationships of trust with Natures Fares customers. [Our staff] are absolutely amazing, says Monahan. Theyre passionate, educated, theyve built really strong customer relationships. The equation works in a growing industry customers feel comfortable returning to a store where there are people they can trust to advise them reference point, so to speak. Theres more of a demand for our products in general, Monahan adds. I think that locally were somewhat of a trusted authority on natural health. Monahan says employees who are hired at Natures Fare has some kind of passion for natural health whether they are qualified homeopaths or nutritionists, or individuals who have taken the initiative to take their own courses.


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Continuing Education The opportunity to learn and expand the knowledge bank remains available Monahan says that the Company offers the staff the opportunity to take courses in natural health. The Company may, for example, pay a certain amount if a staff member wants to become a qualified herbalist, or pay for a certification course. Staff training also happens once or twice a week anyone from a supplier to a local practitioner comes in and can inform the staff on whats new with regards to products, ingredients or other trends. Practitioners from the community who arent on staff also come in to the stores for a few hours per week and answer customer and staff questions, or do talks. For example, says Monahan, both the Kelowna market and the Vernon market have their own local naturopaths who visit the stores; other local natural health practitioners from chiropractors to those who do energy-balancing work also visit the stores to do demos. Langley The Langley location opened officially on February 18, 2010. Just under 12,000sq.ft., the store employs a staff of 16, including general manager Kathleen Johnson. It made sense that Langley was the chosen location for a new Natures Fare store. With several vitamin and health food stores and big box grocery stores in the surrounding area, all with growing natural grocery sections,

Johnson says Natures Fare is set apart from the pack by being the only one-stop natural shop. Says Johnson, With a population of 150,000 within a 15-minute drive surrounding the store and no natural grocer? Langley is a growing city and theres nothing close to what we offer the community. The passionate, educated staff members Monahan mentioned as one of the contributing factors to Natures Fares success are a mainstay at Langley, too. The Vitamin department is so knowledgeable, says Johnson. I have three employees that have run stores for the past several years. They have more experience than most. I also have a homeopath on staff; my grocery manager has been in the health food industry for over 10 years. Theres a lot of experience at this store for sure. Johnson herself comes to Natures Fare with a hefty natural health industry background. It makes sense that she says working at Natures Fare was an easy fit her parents bought Langleys Valley Natural Health Foods in 1986, and says all of her aunts and uncles owned health stores. At 13, my summers and after school were spent working at the lunch counter similar to the bistro at Natures Fare, she says. As I got older, I transitioned onto the shop floor at our health store and after graduation, developed into full-time. Johnson attended education seminars and took courses through Wild Rose College in Vancouver (which at the time was located in BC and is now located in Alberta).

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After ten years of managing and working at her mothers health store in Coquitlam, Johnson left the store and worked for three years as an inside sales rep and warehouse manager for a sports nutrition company before moving on to become a sales rep for Prairie Naturals, a position she held for seven years. I was really missing retail and found an opportunity to run Pure Pharmacy Health Centre in South Surrey and was happy for the two years, she says. However, when I heard Natures Fare was opening four minutse away from my house and knowing what an incredible reputation they have in our industry, I had to see what was available. A few emails between Johnson and the HR department led to Johnsons plane ride to Kelowna four days later for an interview, in which she secured her position as the Langley store manager. Johnson calls this the best move I ever made. The fit is clear, and can be seen in the passion with which Johnson speaks about Natures Fare and the knowledge and insight with which she speaks about customers and the challenges that arise in the natural products industry. Her opinion of what has contributed to Natures Fares success is simple, and succinct: The selection of products, the prices are more than competitive, and we excel in customer service and knowledge. Marketing, Merchandising and the Product Mix Monahan says the product mix is similar at all Natures Fare stores 30% vitamin supplements; 30% grocery; 15% produce, fresh meats and dairy; 15% bistro (the Apple Bistro); and 10% health and beauty aids and household items. Johnson says at the Langley

location, customers often ask for gluten-free products. She adds that customers are mostly seeking gluten-free and dairy-free products in grocery, and arthritic products in the vitamin section. Theres a growing demand for chemical-free makeup, she says. One tricky aspect of any business but especially with the natural health industry when it was first finding its legs is how to market and merchandise products. In 2004, Doug Muldoon, the merchandising manager for Natures Fare at the time, had said that natural health products were best merchandised separate from mainstream brands in an attempt to highlight their benefits versus conventional products. In the years since as Natures Fares growth has been parallel with the growing awareness and expansion of the natural health and products industries the challenges in the areas of marketing and merchandising are somewhat different. Consumers have more of a sense of what theyre looking for, and theyre educated on the basics, but not the specifics that is, they think natural or organic is better, but theyre not quite sure why, or they dont understand the levels of quality that are available. I think the challenge now that we werent facing back in 2004 is that more mass stores and vonentional stores are picking up organic lines, and a lot of them are trying to market to the organic lifestyle, whether thats in terms of natural product or organic food, says Monahan. And for us its all about the education part of it now why is it better to buy a naturallysourced vitamin instead of a synthetically-made vitamin? Why is it better to buy a third-party certified organic product? Explaining


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to people why it is a little more expensive to buy an organic steak instead of a conventional steak, and why its better for us, and why its better for the world I think thats the challenge. Johnson echoes the fact that educating customers and getting the word out has become paramount and letting people know that Natures Fare can offer education about customers health concerns. The public is getting tired of the medical system. the amount of customers coming through our doors [at Langley] with gluten allergies, for example, is frightening, says Johnson. Theres definitely more demand for natural health products. I feel we dont give the public enough credit we need to educate them and create the demand for organic produce, for example, A lot of customers that take these supplements dont even buy organic because they dont realize its not just these veggies that havent been sprayed, its what the sprays do in the body that we need to educate them on. She says that the best way to reach consumers is through customer service and, of course, education. Making their shopping experience just that an experience, so its personal and through word-of-mouth well be able to reach a lot of the public. In-Store Greening and Giving Back Natures Fare has the giving out part of the equation firmly in tact that is, educating customers and staff, offering high quality products and providing a reliable service and presence for the public. However, the Company also gives back, with several green inititiaves in the stores, as well as community involvement programs. For example, only biodegradable shopping bags are offered to customers, as well as biodegradable cutlery and takeout containers at the bistros. The stores participate in composting programs where all of the produce scraps and deli scraps are saved and sent to local farmers to use. The stores also offer vitamin recycling programs, where customers can bring their bottles back in to the store for recycling. The greening actually starts at the corporate level Monahan says that the corporate offices use all LED lights and recycled paper. In many cases, green initiatives and giving back are interlinked. For example, with the Save A Bag program, every time a customer chooses to either bring their own bag or not use a bag, they are given the option to take five cents off of their bill and donate it to the local food bank or the Sierra Club. Monahan says the program has been in effect for approximately three years, ad the Company has donated over $15,000. The Brilliant Brains Bookclub is a bookclub for elementary school students, who set reading monthly reading goals. Students document their reading and in return, are given a coupon for a healthy treat. Students are also entered in a yearly grand prize draw. Perhaps the simplest and most effective marketing tactic making health and wellness fun will have an early impact on the new generation. Future Outlook Armed with a team of young and passionate employees, continuing opportunities to expand upward and outward, Monahan says that for the future, Natures Fare will continue to focus on growing its position in the natural health industry and reaching out to an even greater market. If the last six years alone are any indication, Natures Fare may just be natures fairest of all. <

At A GlAnce
locAtions Corporate Head Office #101, 4201-25a Avenue Vernon, British Columbia V1T 7G8 Telephone: 250-542-5910 Vernon #104, 3400-30th Avenue Vernon, British Columbia V1T 2E2 Telephone: 604-552-2799 Kamloops #5, 1350 Summit Drive Kamloops, British Columbia V2C 1T8 Telephone: 780-452-4921 Penticton #104-2210 Main Street Penticton, British Columbia V2A 5H8 Telephone: 250-492-7763 Westbank #104-3480 Carrington Road Westbank, British Columbia V4T 3C1 Telephone: 250-707-3935 Kelowna (Lakeshore) 4624 Lakeshore Road Kelowna, British Columbia V1W 1X4 Telephone: 250-764-9010 Kelowna (Orchard Plaza) #102-1876 Cooper Road Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 9N6 Telephone: 250-762-8636 Langley #120-19880 Langley Bypass 200th St. Access Langley, British Columbia V3A 4Y1 Telephone: 778-278-1300 website www.naturesfare.com key personnel - corporAte Rick Monahan - Founder Alexa Monahan - Director of Marketing Roland Siegmund - Corporate Purchaser Lisa Matheson - Corporate Grocery Purchaser Claire Monahan - Purchasing Shaun Daniels - Corporate Operations Manager Ashley McGill - Creative Director key personnel - lAnGley Kathleen Johnson - Store Manager Claire Monahan - Operations Manager Tracy Guthrie - Office Manager Jennifer Boyd - Vitamin Dept. Manager Joe South - Grocery Dept. Manager

Fare Game




Fare Game


The Beverage Business: Boom or Bust?

Some hot items to watch in the slowly recovering organic beverage industry.
By Denise Deveau
ales of natural and organic products have taken a bit of a hit in recent months. While die-hard natural/organic shoppers have been staying the course in their product selections, mainstream customers that were willing to pay a bit extra for natural or organic offerings have been reverting to more frugal practices. According to a recent study from Mintel International Group, entitled Natural Products Marketplace Review: Beverages US December 2009, the recession reversed, or at least slowed down consumers in terms of making healthy choices. Of the three natural/organic categories (beverages, shelf-stable products, refrigerated/frozen), the beverage market was the hardest hit, showing a 2.4% decline in sales for 2009 in FDMx (food drug mass merchandising Wal-Mart excluded) and natural supermarket outlets. While the market is expected to recover, Mintel reports it will be a long time before retailers can expect to see the pre-recession growth numbers. The largest segment in the natural/organic beverage category is juices and functional drinks, accounting for 24% of total beverage sales. Sales for this group declined by 1.1% over the 2008/9 time frame. Natural/organic milk saw sales fall by 2.7% as consumers moved to lower priced private label/store brands. The non-dairy beverages segment did fare better with shoppers with health concerns, and did not decline. However, the natural/ organic other RTD (ready to drink) beverage segment saw a 4.5% decline in 2009, partly because consumers tend to view them as discretionary purchases.

Consumer Wishlist Consumers are definitely back to checking out sweeteners when reading the labels, says Michal Kellner, grocery director for Planet Organic Market in Calgary. Stevia is an all natural sweetener that is making a huge comeback these days. In fact, Stevia has become such an attractive low calorie sweetener that well-known large scale beverage manufacturers have steviacontaining drinks in product development. According to Mintel, 24 beverage products containing stevia were launched in North America in 2009. Mark Christianson, director of sales and marketing for SunOpta Grocery West in Vancouver says he has seen movement in low calorie and lightly sweetened beverages. Were seeing a lot more entries in 100 calorie and lower flavoured beverages. One hot item of note is coconut water for its potassium, magnesium and electrolytes. Demand for coconut water is just massive, Kellner says. We carry three main brands and whenever these go on promo, we move quite the volumes. Coconut water is a huge trend right now, confirms Christianson. Its almost impossible keep it in the warehouse and on the shelves. Antioxidant fruit juices remain consistently strong, with acai, goji and pomegranate still topping the shopping lists, Browne adds. All natural/organic energy shots such as yerba mate offerings are triggering interest, as well as natural/organic sparkling beverages with the introduction of new eye-catching packaging.

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Antioxidant fruit juices remain consistently strong, with acai, goji and pomegranate still topping the shopping lists, Browne adds. All natural/organic energy shots such as yerba mate offerings are triggering interest, as well as natural/organic sparkling beverages with the introduction of new eye-catching packaging. Aloe vera juices and waters are also gaining popularity, more so on the medicinal side for people in the 35 to 55 age range versus coconut water which is considered to be more of an every day beverage and appeals more to the 25 to 45 year group, Matt Lurie, president of Organic Garage in Oakville explains. On the waterfront, Christianson reports that bottled water is in a serious decline in a big, big way. Lurie, however, does say there has seen an increased interest in higher alkaline content bottled waters. Thats been relatively new, but older people on medications especially are well aware of what alkaline means to the body. Younger people want it because it has had a very high profile on the MTV show Real World. The Milk Factor Although organic milk sales remain relatively strong, cost remains a sticking point for the average shopper. Lurie maintains that keeping organic milk sales up demands a lot of education for consumers. At the same time, sheep and goats milk are gaining significant ground. A couple of years ago sales were sparse. Now the 4-litre bags are a regular item for us.

For consumers after alternative dairy and non-dairy beverages, Lurie has noticed a steep decline in the soy beverage category in his stores. (Christianson notes that there have been declines in the aseptic format, but others remain strong). When we opened we were buying products by the pallet. Now its a stretch to get through half as much as we order, Lurie says. Rice milk is down slightly as well. He contends that the decline has been offset by the growing strength of pure juices (not including carbonated or aloe drinks), such as pomegranate, black cherry and cranberry. Perhaps the biggest item of note has been organic almond beverages, which are rapidly becoming a favourite for the lactose intolerant and children. The taste profile is more amenable than soy or rice and its a great alternative to cows milk. Kids have really latched onto it, so its not a hard sell. I cant keep it on the shelf, Lurie says. Fresh almond beverage is setting the world on fire and is growing at an incredible rate, Christianson reports. These products are pretty much sold before they even hit the stores. He adds that a new product on the horizon is a sunflower milk substitute beverage. Tis the Season Kellner adds that paying attention to seasonal trends can certainly help the sales cause. At Planet Organic, lemonade is the hands down category winner during the summer months, although cider and iced tea also show a spike as temperatures rise, as well as

Coconut Water


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organic ginger ale and root beer. These are very big with younger generation shoppers dropping in to buy a drink. Right now hes particularly keen to bring in a new line of iced teas that include rooibos and pu-erh versions. For the festive season, sparkling fruit and cider are popular items. Theres a terrific new white jasmine sparkling tea that I would recommend to anyone to try, Kellner says. During the post-holiday season, Lurie says there is a definite upswing in sales for coconut water, energy shots and medicinal beverages such as aloe vera drinks. Thats when everyone wants to change their lifestyle. The back to school season is also a good time for beverage sales. Try, Try Again Merchandising natural/organic beverages can mean taking a few practice runs before you get it right, Kellner advises. He does a velocity report over 15 months, simply because it takes time to get new products into the flow. If its new you need to try a few marketing spins so you know what works or doesnt, he says. He will often realign his merchandising to reflect the top SKUs and ensure the proper fill rates. Products on promotion are often presented in a pallet display near the stores entry point. Often they set up demos next to the display for sampling and to provide customers with information about the beverage, its benefits and why its on special. He also maintains a fully stocked a grab-andgo cooler near the checkout to encourage impulse purchases.

While there is not shortage of new products coming to market, Kellner only takes on 20 to 25 in any given year. We dont wish to kill the top selling items by introducing too many new ones. It only confuses the customer. Lurie says he prefers to profile beverage products by brand. While shoppers in conventional stores might go for the cheapest, the dedicated health food shopper is much more brand loyal and theres not a lot of crossover in their choices. That means you wont see a huge amount of SKUs for each product because you dont need as much variety one or two top brands will usually do. He will also do cross-merchandising, such as showcasing coconut water near the fresh coconut display, aloe vera juice with aloe vera leaves, or sparkling pear juice with the fresh Bartlett pears. Packaging is also becoming a critical factor for consumers, Kellner says. The worlds biggest producers of mineral waters went to plastic. Now its back to glass. A lot of customers are welcoming that. The environment is a key component in their decisions. The miracle of merchandising is that we dont always know why something sells where it is, Lurie notes. So were constantly reinventing. <

Pomegranate Juice

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Antioxidant is a buzz word and consumers want more. Here are some tips on translating the buzz into business.
By Septembre Anderson and Dani Ng-See-Quan
Antioxidants: A Primer Antioxidants are health-protective compounds found in plant-based foods. Examples are vitamins like vitamin C and E, phytochemicals like flavonoids or carotenoids (family of pigmented compounds found in plants), and minerals like selenium. Antioxidants can slow down and even stop damage to the bodys cells, which can occur through freeradical damage. Antioxidants can also protect against various types of disease and disease-related damange, such as that of diabetes. Vitamin E, for example, has been shown to have heart-protecting benefits. Most customers are aware that antioxidants naturally occur in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts, vegetable oils, red wine and green tea, so it makes sense to think outside the box when marketing the idea of antioxidant supplementation. Customers want the best of both worlds both nutrition and avour so highlight the delicious taste of antioxidant rich superfruits like aai, goji berry and mangosteen. Customers are attracted to new superfruits from distant locales. Highlight the exoticness of superfruits especially lesser known fruits like feijoa, yumberry, jostaberry, cherimoya, babaco, dragon fruit (and its cousin pitahaya or yellow dragon fruit), jackfruit, maqui berry and carambola. Antioxidants is currently a buzz word, with very few customers actually understanding what the benefits and functions of antioxidants. is lack of knowledge may prove to be an obstacle for future of the category. Take some time to educate customers on the benets and functions of antioxidants. - Customers dont realize that not all antioxidants are created equal dierent superfruits have dierent benets and functions. - Connect specic antioxidants to specic health issues (antiaging/skin care, heart health, blood pressure). When advertising to customers, keep the message simple. Dont confuse customers with technical, scientic jargon.


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Customers want the best of both worlds both nutrition and flavour so highlight the delicious taste of antioxidant rich superfruits

Semantics matter! According to a recent U.S. study by Decision Analyst, foods labeled as rich in antioxidants are much more likely to be consumed very frequently or somewhat frequently (40%) by consumers compared to foods labeled as antioxidants added (25%). Says Diane Brewton, Senior Vice President of the Market Intelligence Group at Decision Analyst, This is likely due to the perception that foods rich in an ingredient are more natural and less processed, compared to foods that have these ingredients added to them during the manufacturing process. Keep this in mind for cross-merchandising (for example, your natural/organic grocery section with vitamins and supplements) and labeling your displays and signages. Make note of the convenience factor in obtaining essential antioxidants from supplementation. Think seasonal when planning your marketing, and crossmerchandise your supplements and vitamins with your organic grocery section, if applicable. For fall and winter: - Foods rich in antioxidants: artichoke hearts, kidney and pinto beans, cranberries, pecans, prunes, spices like cloves, green tea, leafy vegetables like spinach and collard greens - Vitamin and supplement needs: According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, maintaining adequate levels of vitamin D during the winter months requires a daily dose of four times the current recommended dose. Greens supplements can supply the same antioxidant boost as dietary intake of leafy vegetables. For spring and summer: - Foods rich in antioxidants: cherries, strawberries, guava, papaya, watermelon, granny smith and red delicious apples, mango.

- Vitamin and supplement needs: Antioxidants that are

prevalent in spring and summer foods are lycopene, phytochemicals, vitamin E, vitamin C. Develop reading materials, pamphlets or brochures with information about the antioxidant supplements available in your store and how they can benefit health or specific conditions. Tout the beauty benefits of antioxidant by highlighting certain ingredients in your personal care section. For example, antioxidants fight free-radical damage that can cause skin wrinkles, sun damage, loss of collagen and dehydration. - Grape seed extract promotes wound healing. - Soy isoflavones decrease skin roughness and improve collagen levels. - Coenzyme Q (ubiquinone) reduces protein damage - Vitamin A and vitamin C (L-ascrobic acid) help in early-stage collagen production. - Vitamin E protects cell membranes from destruction and damage because its lipophilic (likes being around fats); can help prevent redness, DNA damage and sunburn if applied before sun exposure. Tailor your marketing to your demographic. Older buyers (reduce cognitive decline, arthritis, heart disease), middle-aged buyers (anti-aging, cancer prevention, decrease clogging of arteries), athletes (make a difference in endurance and muscle soreness during and after a workout). Make customers aware that effects of antioxidants will not be immediately felt. - Customers will be more likely to stick to a product if they know that it is not a silver bullet with quick results. <


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Bulk up your sports nutrition category sales!
By Vicky Rizothanassis, ND

ver the past few years, sports nutrition products have become more and more popular as consumer attitudes are changing towards attaining better health and well-being. e sports nutrition and weight loss industries have become synonymous with one another. Both dieters and athletes share a common goal fat loss and muscle gain. Supplementation using products in these categories are useful for anyone who is looking to reduce weight, improve health and decrease the risks of chronic disease or to enhance athletic performance. e rise of these products is no longer solely focused on muscle building, but is geared towards improving ones health and stamina. Innovative energizing concepts are surfacing. Along with strong marketing back up, these products are on the rise in todays health-crazed market. While supplementation cannot replace the importance of proper nutrition, these products are certainly safe and benecial additions to a healthy lifestyle.


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According to the Nutrition Business Journal, the sports nutrition and weight-loss category is one of the biggest and fastest growing categories. e sector continues to increase in sales and product innovation, despite the FDA warnings, product recalls and negative press that the category has received over the past year. However, this was not accomplished without eort. Manufacturers, marketers, suppliers, and retailers are facing many challenges in promoting the products falling under this category. A survey conducted by the Nutrition Business Journal on sports nutrition and weight loss companies found some companies have seen moderate to mild decline in sales but they combated this with aggressive marketing.

Mark Tallon, a nutritional consultant, has chosen glucomannan, a specialty dietary ber, as one of his top choices of ingredients for continued potential in the sports nutrition category. This ber delivers mannose and glucose, which has the ability to increase satiety, support body weight reduction and benefit cardiovascular health. Creatine is another product that has many future opportunities. It is used as an energy source for increased strength and power during highly anaerobic workouts. Formulas containing creatine help increase muscle strength and endurance, assist in stronger muscle pumps, aid in a quicker recovery between workouts as well as increase muscle size, fullness and density. Protein powders are big on the marketplace and they are not just for bodybuilders. Although those who want to build muscle rely upon these powders to insure they are getting high enough levels of amino acids necessary for building and repairing muscle, research is showing that these powders can boost the immune system, facilitate healing of wounds, and promote healthy skin. Protein shakes in the morning can help to stabilize blood sugar levels, helping one to control food cravings and body weight. ermogenics, also known as fat burners, stimulate the central nervous system, and can be used short-term to achieve weight loss. ey increase ones basal metabolic rate, increase energy, decrease appetite and promote less water retention. However, it is important to note that using these products long-term will lead to increased tolerance and will eventually lead to no benet in fat loss. Before using any thermogenic products, it is important to consult with a physician, especially if there are underlying or preexisting medical conditions. According to Aisha Manji, a naturopathic doctor working at Noahs Natural Foods, in-store marketing and posters help draw consumers to this product category.

e down economy does not seem to have aected sales, in part because consumers are focusing more on disease prevention and are looking to avoid trips to the doctors oce and taking prescription medications. In fact, the Nutrition Business Journals 2007-2008 analysis of the sports nutrition and weight loss categories reveals that this sector yields $18.2 billion in the U.S. market alone. In 2009, the sales ran up to $21 billion, still up 5% from the previous years. More and more companies are producing natural and/or organic sports nutrition products. Some companies, for example, market their product with taglines touting the product as a performance optimizer that is also natural or plant-based. It is composed of mostly organic ingredients and is free of common allergens such as gluten, dairy and soy. ere are no synthetic ingredients, but only natural plants and herbs such as yerba mate, rhodiola, ginseng, devils claw and turmeric. Combination formulas with low-dose caffeine to induce thermogenesis without the concerns related to excess caeine intake are also quite popular for those wishing to lose some weight, and to help enhance athletic performance naturally. ese types of natural ingredients and additive-free products are drawing customers to these products over regular or mass market products.

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Sports & Energy Drinks 51%

Nutrition Bars 11%

in mind this environmentally-friendly outlook is becoming increasingly important to consumers. The reusable containers from some products can be used to hold such things as a toothbrush, jewelry or to store any other knick-knacks around the house. In this manner, marketing of the products lives on as well! The main demographic in this category is men in their mid-20s and 30s. Mostly younger consumers are targeted with roughly three men to every two women using these products. Women generally seek products to boost weight loss with a combination of diet and supplements, whereas men are mainly looking for products that will help them build muscle. The sales of dietary supplements alone has reached $17 billion in the U.S market. According to Katie, a nutritionist working at Noahs Natural Foods, most of the customers seeking sports nutrition products are sent to the store by their trainers, while a small subset are inquiring about products that they have researched online. Sports nutrition and weight loss products include supplements in the form of pills, nutrition bars, sports and energy drinks, powders, and low-carb foods. The pie graph on this page from the Nutrition Business Journal shows estimates of consumer sales in each category for 2009. In terms of how much space should be allocated to this category, it depends whether the retailer would like to put a more seasonal emphasis on marketing these products or to promote them yearround. Manji claims that there is generally much more interest

Low-Carb Foods 6%

Weight-Loss Meal Supplements 11% Sports Nutrition Supplements 13%

Weight-Loss Pill-Form 8%

Source: Nutrition Business Journal estimates (consumer sales).

Manji points out that many companies and retailers are promoting products for different times during the training period. For example, promotion of pre-season products may focus on building strength and size. Products during game-time offer explosive endurance and energy. Those products formulated for post-game recovery are geared towards immune enhancement and muscle repair. Marketers are varying packaging and product sizes for shelf space allocation and consumer appeal. Many companies are paying more attention to design, creating a tasteful, sleek look. Some companies are also keeping sustainable or reusable packaging


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in January, due to New Years Resolutions, and in the spring and summer months as people are trying to shape up for bathing suit season. Combined with diet and exercise, many of these supplements can help consumers shape up and look their best. Some may think that merchandising and display are frivolous extra expenses for the small business owner, however they are an important part of the marketing plan. Retailers can do simple things that make a great impact on consumers. The store-front and windows should be made attractive and inviting. Promotional posters of products can be posted facing the street to draw customers in. Seasonal products can be placed in high profile locations. Using signage to identify categories will help customers pinpoint what they need and inspire them to make additional purchases. Setting up displays will also get customers interested in the products. For example, having an employee mix samples of your protein shakes will bring attention to the product and they will appreciate sampling it. Organize your store logically so that customers can find products easily and cross-merchandising of products will allow them to get what they need simply and quickly!
References www.naturalproductsinsider.com. Playing the Field the Growing Market for Sports Nutrition. http://subscribers.nutritionbusinessjournal.com. Is the Economy Hurting Sports Nutrition and Weight Loss Sales? 09/01/09 www.supplementscanada.com. Vega Sport. http://www.naturalproductsinsider.com. Nutritional Ingredients for Sports Success. http://nutritionbusinessjournal.com. 2009 Sports Nutrition and Weight Loss Report. www.naturalproductsmarketplace.com. Pre-Workout Formulas Increasingly Popular Among Athletes.

Top-Selling Points: Supplementing with sports nutrition products is no longer only for bodybuilders, they are geared towards improving ones health and stamina. Consumers are focusing more on disease prevention and are looking to avoid trips to the doctors office and taking prescription medications. Products or ingredients with many future opportunities are glucomannan, creatine, protein powders, and thermogenics. Many companies are paying more attention to design, creating a tasteful and sleek look for their packaging this will help to create an eyecatching display. The main demographic in this category is men in their mid20s and 30s, so tailor your marketing materials accordingly. Sports nutrition and weight loss products include everything from supplements in the form of pills, nutrition bars, sports and energy drinks, powders, and low-carb foods. There are several opportunities to cross-merchandise due to category versatility. Promotional posters in store-front windows, place seasonal products in high profile locations, clear signage, setting up displays and sample tables.

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Post H1N1: Cold and Flu Season

The cold and flu category is now a year round retail anchor!
By Ronda Payne

atural health retailers, drug stores, grocery stores and even convenience stores, know that when someone has a cold or flu, he or she wants relief. Like it or not, cold and flu season descends every year and if the past year is any indication, with concerns over the H1N1 virus, both old and new viruses will continue to send consumers running for prevention and reprieve. It is this constant return of cold and flu season that ensures the longevity and staple-like nature of the category. In 2008, Canadians spent more than $300 million on over the counter cold remedies. While this number gives us a basis to understand the size of the market, numerous products are purchased for prevention and treatment of colds and flu that are not specifically marketed as such. Therefore, it should be considered that the market for over-the-counter cold and flu treatments is considerably more than $300 million a year. More than 700 Health Canada authorized, non-prescription cough and cold products are currently available in Canada .


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Natural health product retailers are in the unique position to talk to customers and share benefits of using natural products for their ailments while providing pros and cons of conventional treatments.

The debate between natural health products and conventional products for treating colds and flu rages on. In 2006, the leading natural Canadian cold and flu product outsold the traditional market leaders. Natural health product retailers are in the unique position to talk to customers and share benefits of using natural products for their ailments while providing pros and cons of conventional treatments. Conventional and alternative products in the cold and flu category are an anchor product line for many retailers. Although there is a need to keep shelves stocked with relief and prevention products year round, the traditionally heavier cold and flue season from October to April requires an increased offering. Sheryl Jeffrey, Corporate Natural Living Director with Planet Organic Market notes, We stay stocked up year-round due to things in the news like H1N1, but we typically prepare and order in September for the standard heavy season. We find it is heaviest October to February. Jeffrey also comments that it is important to stay on top of related news issues, like H1N1, in order to meet the demand that comes. Whole Foods, Metro Whole Body Buyer/Merchandiser, David Moore agrees, We certainly put an increased emphasis on cold and flu products through the traditional season of October to April. We generally begin to give some increased exposure to these product areas in September, just after kids have gone back to school. With the need to keep a year-round availability of cold and flu products, both Whole Foods and Planet Organic Market ensure standard merchandising for the category. Whole Foods allocates a minimum four foot section to the products in their immune boosting area while Planet Organic Market merchandises their cold and flu line by manufacturer noting that this is two per cent or more of the average manufacturer line. Both retailers utilize end-of-aisle, shelf caps or other displays to increase the seasonal presence of the category. Other tactics wellemployed include: signage directing customers to the sections, inclusion at impulse sections (like the cashier station), in-store specials, shelf talkers, flyers, newsletters and social media. Together, these tactics ensure that customers are aware of new product offerings, the importance of boosting the immune system and keeping families healthy. Echinacea, garlic, ginger, vitamin C, zinc, goldenseal and astragalus are perhaps the most commonly known and soughtout ingredients in cold and flu remedies. Recent years, however, have seen the increase in the use of ginkgo biloba, probiotics and antioxidants (among others) in prevention and treatment.


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Moore notes that with the recent guidelines provided by Health Canada for the use of over the counter products for children under the age of six, homeopathic products have seen strong growth. Consumers are looking for effective products with no side effects and Health Canada recognizes that homeopathics are safe for use by children. Vitamin D remains a best-seller for consumers who want to avoid colds and flu. A steady flow of new medical research and mainstream media articles continues to drive popular demand for this versatile nutrient. Vitamin D is one of the products Jeffrey has noticed an increase in demand in. She also points to the popularity of homeopathics and, a new olive leaf complex has come out in a liquid form with 4,480 on the ORAC scale, per dose. Its like a health tonic for the immune system, she says. You need to keep your immune system up, thats why Im happy with the proliferation of probiotics. Although they exist in food, its not going to be strong enough. Its hard to match a great probiotic supplement. Were particularly excited about a new probiotic gum. Its a wonderful new delivery system that people are enjoying. There is no one single demographic for the cold and flu category since everyone gets sick from time to time, but both retailers commented on the increase of parents looking for products for their children. These are often first-time customers looking for safe alternatives to traditional remedies. If we encounter a person in the whole body department looking for assistance with a cold and flu product, our consultants often have a chance to chat with them about their general nutrition and health and can point them towards products to improve their general nutrition like multivitamins or greens supplements, comments Moore. Jeffrey notes that Planet Organic Market utilizes a similar strategy and points out, even when someone gets a flu shot, its not a panacea so we really want to encourage people to boost their overall immune response. Growth in the category can be attributed to numerous consumer desires: alternatives to promote a stronger immune system, products to assist with or replace a flu shot, potential of reduced or no side effects, something safer than pharmaceuticals, desire to be in control of their own health and safer cold and flu products for children. Jeffrey states that there was a boost in sales during the height of the H1N1 concerns and although that spike dropped, it has been responsible for a sustained increase in customers and sales.

Many companies ran out of product last year, confirms Jeffrey. Last year was an anomaly with growth in sales (in the product category) of 40 to 60 per cent. Packaging for natural cold and flu products hasnt changed significantly from the standard bottle or blister pack, but as Moore states, there have been increases in the claim or usage statements on packages with the compliance to the Natural Health Products Directorate. There has also been a resurgence of liquids due to their increased bioavailability of ingredients and tiny capsules or pearls have become popular. Shelf life for these products is comparable to conventional remedies with a minimum of two years to a maximum of five years, depending on the product. It is advisable for retailers to carry a full range of products to meet the varying needs of consumers. A well-stocked cold and flu section will include single herbal extracts as well as blends in capsule and liquid form, vitamin and herbal blends, homeopathic formulas, throat lozenges, sprays, cough syrups and products specific to children. Merchandising tactics focus primarily on prevention and building a strong immune system, but there are products that help to lessen symptoms of a developed cold or flu. In these cases, retailers are well advised to direct consumers to proven products. When only natural products exist in a retailer location, it is easy to differentiate from conventional products due to their absence. Diverse retailers will have greater challenges and would do best to create a separate cold and flu section apart from the conventional remedies that is well signed and prominently located. Cold and flu season is a yearround concern. Make sure your store is ready with strategies and products to meet the growing demand. < Top-Selling Points: If treating an existing condition, encourage customers to start using immune building products for future prevention. Multiple delivery methods make it easier for everyone to obtain active ingredients. Homeopathic products are considered safe for children under six years old by Health Canada and have proven results. Most natural cold and flu products do not have any side effects but can be effective in prevention and treatment. While there is no silver bullet cure-all, a healthy immune system is as close as a person can get. Products with claims and NHP numbers have proven effective ingredients.

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Packaging Customer Satisfaction

Sustainable packaging as a selling point.
By David Wright

packaging executive was recently quoted in Packaging World as saying: At times it does feel like packaging is becoming the villain, when in reality it is a small player in the overall environmental footprint of the product. However, viewed through the lens of our consumers, packaging is the rst thing and also the last thing that they experience with our brands. erefore, if it is important to our consumers, then it is important to us. We couldnt agree more. Insights from our report, The Hartman Groups Sustainability: e Rise of Consumer Responsibility, show that while sustainably-oriented packaging (e.g. packaging that makes use of recycled materials, can be repurposed or shows a reduction of packaging) is quickly becoming a consumer expectation it is not a primary purchase motivator. Ultimately, a products essential makeup (such as ingredients) most strongly inuences perceptions of its sustainability and motivates purchase. Yet, especially in fast moving categories, such as beverages, high frequency packaging use and disposal has translated toward awareness of brands and companies embracing or not embracing what are now viewed as rst steps in sustainability practices. Back-End Packaging Considerations Are Most Understood Since awareness of packaging is so personally tied to the daily lives of consumers in terms of use and disposal, it follows that individuals understand sustainable packaging primarily in terms of its backend environmental impacts (what happens to the packaging after they use the product at home). Front-end issues, such as energy used in production, are less understood. For example, a discussion about energy savings gained through use of aseptic packaging was unknown to most sustainability consumers. Interestingly,


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Figure 1. Importance of Packaging Types
Top 2 Box Recyclable Biodegradable Made of recycled content Refillable Minimal Reusable for other purposes Compostable 51% 75% 71% 67% 63% 62% 60%

*Top 2 Box based on 5-point scale ranging from Very Unimportant (=1) to Very important (=5). Q38: When purchasing product, how important is it that [their] packaging be? Base: Significant shoppers inside the World of Sustainability (N=1,591). Source: Sustainability Outlook: The Rise of Consumer Responsibility, The Hartman Group, Inc. 2009.

consumers say that the most sustainable packaging is no packaging at all. However, in product categories where packaging is necessary for transportation, product protection of the product, or use, sustainable packaging ideally reflects six attributes: Recyclable: Packaging made from paper, glass, metals, and plastic that can be recycled by consumers through conventional (curbside) recycling are preferred. Minimal packaging: Packaging that features less head space, fewer layers, and less content. Made from recycled materials: Products made from recycled materials go one step further than simply being recyclable. Re-useable: Items that can be repurposed connect to environmental sustainability pathways through notions of decreased waste. Biodegradable: While many consumers do not understand the technical aspects of biodegradation, they have vague notions that certain things take a long time to break down. Most consumers consider plastic materials the worst offender because they perceive them as never fully degrading. Compostable: As composting is an activity further along the adoption pathway in the World of Sustainability, most individuals are only vaguely aware of compostable packaging. Even for consumers most intensely involved in the World who view compostable packaging as the most sustainable option available, it is only nice to have a value-added attribute, and not a purchase driver. The importance of these packaging attributes may vary for different consumer segments depending on where they fall in the World of Sustainability. However, we find that among all consumers recycled/recyclable packaging content as well as reducing the amount of packaging is an important first step

for manufacturers. In addition to these attributes, consumers who are moderately or intensely involved in the World of Sustainability are apt to look at additional distinctions when evaluating packaging and look for items that can be repurposed and eventually return to the earth. As Figure 1 details, when asked about preferred packaging characteristics of the products they buy, back-end issues, such as recyclability and being biodegradable are of greater importance, followed by attributes such as reusability and compostability. Take Away While its the intrinsic contents or use of a product that determines a purchase, consumers within the World of Sustainability (who make up 88% of our population) view sustainable packaging options as simple measures that all manufacturers can take; therefore, it is a minimum requirement for all products, even if the products themselves dont resonate as sustainable. As consumers become increasingly engaged with sustainability behaviors and the social life of products, earth-friendly packaging is the first price of entry for manufacturers attempting to create a more environmentally responsible halo. Manufacturers are increasingly sensitive to this issue. For example, Jamieson Laboratories of Windsor Ontario has recently partnered with the Essex Region Conservation Authority to plant 72,000 trees in the Cedar Creek area near Kingsville to be named the Jamieson Forest. The company says this initiative will replace the amount of wood fiber used up over a 10 year period by its packaging materials. Packaging enhancements also present unique opportunities to surprise and delight consumers lulled into low expectations by commoditized sizes, shapes and designs. In the long run, when combined with other corporate citizenship strategies (e.g. community, economic, social), a thoughtful focus on earth-friendly packaging may indeed be a significant influence on the tail that wags the green dog. <

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Tax Tips for Small BuSineSS ownerS

This time of year doesnt have to betaxing heres some insight for small business owners on common deductions
By Barb Anderson

axes are a major point of confusion and concern for many small business owners. With flexible guidelines designed to help them maximize their deductions, its hard to know what can and cant be claimed. Erring on the side of caution can result in missed deductions, while claiming too broadly can lead to questions and potentially an audit.

Making the smartest tax decisions often comes down to the right software tools and in some cases, guidance from trusted advisors. Intuit Canada has prepared the following tips and insights on common and commonly missed deductions for small business owners looking to making the best use of their tax filings. General Rules In general, self-employed Canadians can claim deductions for a wide range of expenses that are reasonable and incurred in the process of earning income. These typically include items purchased for resale, office supplies, consulting fees, salaries and benefits, travel, insurance, equipment rental, bank charges and repairs and maintenance. Many small business owners miss opportunities to claim expenses that are peripheral but still essential to earnings, like client entertainment costs, such as meals, drinks and gifts. Tax tools and programs are one way for small business owners to identify and claim these peripheral expenses. For example, Intuit QuickTax Business features the EasyStep interview process that walks small business owners through a series of questions to help maximize allowable deductions. Home Office Expenses If small business owners operate out their homes as their main place of employment, they may be able to claim a portion of expenses like rent, mortgage interest, property taxes, insurance, utilities, telephone and minor repairs and maintenance. The percentage of these occupancy costs vary based on the size of the area and amount of time it is used for business.


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Erring on the side of caution can result in missed deductions, while claiming too broadly can lead to questions and potenially an audit.

Transportation Costs Self-employed car owners who use their vehicles for business may be entitled to claim part of gas, license and registration fees, interest, insurance, lease, maintenance and repairs, capital cost allowance and parking costs. Only business use costs are deductable, so making clear distinctions between business and personal use when claiming vehicle deductions is essential. Keeping a detailed record of kilometers driven for business can be valuable in supporting these claims. Other business-related transportation costs, such as flights, taxis and public transit fees, may also be partially or fully deducted. Family Members on Salary Family members including spouses, common-law partners, and dependents employed by the business may also warrant a deduction for a reasonable salary. These claims may prove valuable in overall tax saving strategies for income splitting and minimizing the familys tax burden as a whole. Those salaries may also enable employees to become eligible for CPP and RRSP contributions. Employment Insurance (EI) Benefits Beginning in January 2010, Canadian small business owners are allowed to establish an agreement with the Canada Employment Insurance Commission through Service Canada and may qualify for access to EI special benefits as of January 2011. To be eligible, owners must be self-employed and a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada. Those who enter into agreements with the Canada Employment Insurance Commission after April 1, 2020 will be required to wait 12 months before being eligible for EI special benefits. Private Health Services Plan Small Business owners can deduct private health service plan (PHSP) expenses if they are made on behalf of employees and their dependents. Employees will not be required to pay tax, CPP or EI premiums on these payments. Employees who pay a portion of the PHSP costs can receive medical expense tax credit for these payments. HST Transition While many small business owners see the transition to HST currently taking place in Ontario and British Columbia as a challenge, it can also provide a valuable opportunity for businesses to objectively assess their current approach to accounting and make changes to their overall financial management. The move to HST may be the ideal occasion for small business owners to consult an expert such as an accountant and move away from pencils and spreadsheets to financial management software tools - like QuickBooks. Not only will this help save valuable time and money but it can protect against costly mistakes while preparing small business owners for future changes in the business and tax landscape. <

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The Digital Face of Health and Wellness

Part 1
In the first of two parts, Sean Moffitt, a strategic communications expert offers natural health retailers some insight into a new dimension of face-to-face business relations online social networking and how to use it to expand your business reach.
By Sean Moffitt

utting your best face forward is a smart principle practiced by the worlds most inspirational personalities. The same adage holds just as true for business and retail. And in 2010, like never before, having a professional and well-networked, digital face to your business is an almost essential ingredient. I understand. There are only 168 hours in the week, how will you ever have enough time to learn enough about the digital world to be an effective player while still doing these other 82 things? Blogs, Twitter, SEO, YouTube, Photosharing, Social Bookmarking, RSS yikes, what is a business-minded retailer to do? I have two answers for you: 1) It doesnt have to be that difficult and 2) It is so fundamentally important to the health of any upstart, independent or established business that you cant ignore it. On the simplicity side, three simple suggestions 1) Before you build anything, spend a month casually becoming an active web participant by joining communities, reading blogs, participating on forums and engaging on social networks; 2) Invite a seasoned web friend to become your coach, spend a couple of scheduled hours each week so they can tell you the best practices, shortcuts

and watchouts; and 3) Identify the websites and features from the top 10 websites you like, a mix of sites that talk about health and wellness and those that dont. Fail to plan and plan to fail, this spadework will come in handy down the road. Still not convinced this effort is important enough? As a health and wellness expert, some of the following stats may stagger you: 75% of Canadians search for health information online, women are considerably more inclined. Health and wellness is one of the only industries that has little age bias for people searching for information and inspiration a 75 year old is just as likely as a 25 year old to have an appetite for online health info. Food, health and wellness, and recipes and cooking are the 3rd, 4th and 5th most engaging categories for women online. The new, new thing social networks people dont just want to graze on information anymore, they want to share and commune amongst their friends over 13 million Canadians are now members of Facebook and half of them jump on everyday and the average member is connected directly to 130 friends.


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The 4 F Words of Digital Not to get overly graphic, these arent curse words, just really just four simple things that you want your bright, shiny and social digital face to do Get Found, Get Fame, Get Fans and Get Foresight. Getting Found A glut of information is online. With about 50,000,000 new websites being added and 90 trillion emails being sent in 2009 alone, how the heck is your new website supposed to be found? Three suggestions: 1) Search engine friendliness - When you develop your website, have relevant content that is tagged with the terms you want to stand for and incorporate frequent links to other websites, articles and other areas of your website that may help drive reciprocal traffic. If you build content smartly, the Googles, Microsofts and Yahoos of the world will index you more preferably for no money at all. Also consider as an additional option, search engine marketing for getting on the paid listings and directories. 2) Start a blog - There is a term RSS, standing for really simple syndication. Without getting into all the techno-jargon, all blogs have RSS (usually when you see a blog, it has an orange symbol) and is a marker for the search engines to recognize that you are generating new updatable content. In matter of hours, by using third-party blogging services from Wordpress, Typepad or Blogger, youll be making the first step to tap into the social web and therefore, allow people to find your content better. 3) Uber-presence - Some business clients want to build one central website to house all their information but in a heavily social networked world this is a failed strategy. The real need is to fish where the fish are and be in as many places on the web as you possibly can, but no further. My suggestion for smaller-sized clients is to build your website and have an active business presence on five key social network prongs a blog, a Facebook page or group, a YouTube channel, a Twitter page and a Flickr page. Getting Fame So now that youre online and in the right places and spaces, whats so interesting about you?

Unlike your real world, where your success might be based on proximity, location or positive long-term relationship, on the web, there are plenty of alternatives and people are a lot more fickle. Research suggests that people take less than three seconds after they arrive at a websites front page to determine their next click. So be brilliant. The basic rules of thumb: visuals over words, place the important content above the fold (the area that a user can seen on the screen), dynamic content that changes vs. static content, custom photos over stock off the shelf photos, emotional benefits over features and a smart, simple menu that gets people quickly to the right places. Here is Fame 201: 1) Reason of difference - The most abused item in building websites is imitating what the other guy/girl has already done. The first visual(s) and words on your site should be a heartfelt, credible and inspiring call to action that answers the question for the potential visitor/customer why should I care about you?. Popular author Seth Godin calls this the Purple Cow. Weve determined that there are 36 motivations that cause people to act online, most of them because you have the courage to act, be and think different. Tap into a few of them. Tell a story, be first or the best at something, create an unexpected surprise, be likable, support a cause creatively. Find out who your top five competitors are and ensure you look and feel different. 2) Video - Video is the present and future of the web. Cisco believes there will be 10 times as much video online as there is currently in only a few years. With the cost to create, edit and host video dropping through the floor, this is your time to capitalize. Post a 90-second fun, interesting documentary on YouTube or other video-sharing platforms about your business and post it on your website too. No need to be professionally polished, but do have something interesting to say. Away you go grab a Flip video camera for yourself and get a film student or friend to polish it up. 3) The personal touch - Youre proud of your business right? Then why do so many people hide who they are and what they stand for online. Some of the most successful small businesses provide a window into their world online by getting their owners, employees, partners and frequently their customers to tell their personal stories and dispense their advice online. Try it. Wear your heart on your sleeve (and your blog and Twitter, too); you just might enjoy it. <

Fare Game



Eco Epicure
Adding environmentally-friendly cookware to your merchandising mix will appeal to a green-thinking gourmet.
By Dani Ng-See Quan
ow that youve established a reputation with your consumers as a place to find gourmet goodies, including the up-and-coming ingredients that are also popular with local celebrity chefs (check out the last issue of ihr for mor eon this), its time to look ahead once more at other ways to market the gourmet cooking lifestyle. With the summer on the horizon, its inevitable and makes sense that tapas or appetizer-style meals topics weve touched upon previously will continue to reign the at-home gourmet menus, as people linger over their plates longer while enjoying the weather, and are more likely to eat with friends or invite company over to share in the feast. Weve

also touched upon gourmet wine and cheese, exotic, culturebased dishes and ingredients, and taking the gourmet mindset home. All of these have revolved around common elements the gourmet ingredients and foodstuffs. Take your gourmet merchandising one step further by offering the tools to create these dishes in the same place where the consumers can find all of the ingredients. That is, consider adding gourmet cookware to your mix. Further, as a natural retailer, capitalize on the knowledge that the trends in food and health are now interlinking green and natural with gourmet and premium products. Eco or green products were at one time marginalized in a grassroots, less trendy category, but the ecoboom has created a huge interest amongst the elite epicures.


Fare Game


If youre already offering natural products and ingredients, it makes sense to complete the experience by allowing your greenthinking gourmet a natural meal from start to finish. The evidence is stronger than ever that consumers will pay the premium price for green and organic. For example, according to a Mintel report on green living, more than 35% of Americans say they would pay more for environmentally friendly products. Given this increased interest in the environment over the past few years, nearly every segment of consumer products now offers a green option for shoppers, commented Chris Haack, Mintel senior analyst, about the report. Food and beverage and personal care are the two most mature categories and account for the majority of green products in the marketplace. He added, We expect to see a growing trend toward upscale green. Several big name brands have started to stock green lines of cookware, which is sturdy and reliable. Local retailers may also offer cooking tools with ethical or sustainable beginnings (and ends), like refurbished wooden cutting boards and utensils, or reused copper or ceramic pots. Some local celebrity chefs in your area may also extend their reach to eco pots, pans and other tools that they also use in their kitchens this is a great way to introduce a green gourmet to eco cookware while still providing a familiar reference point. Consider the following eco cookware options: Copper pots these are unalloyed, and may contain tin (which lines the pot because it is non-reactive) Organic clay pots think artisanal cooking; think Jamie Oliver Ceramic pots and pans Cast iron pots and soup dishes Glass dishes for baking and storing Stainless steel blades Bamboo cutting boards and handles Be creative when marketing these products dont just stock them on a shelf and hope for the best. Create gift packages. For example, provide a recipe for a soup or stew, place some of the dry ingredients in an eco cooking dish or pot, and market this to the green gourmet. Or, when marketing gourmet ingredients with instore displays or demos, utilize, for example, a bamboo cutting board or bamboo utensils while prepping, so customers can see these items in action. If gourmet ingredients are a treat in which consumers are regularly indulging, make cooking them a luxury. This will create an experience enjoyed by all, regular return visits from customers looking for the next big thing. <

Fare Game


For details, write #115 on Free Info Page, page 73.

research news
urinary health
Cranberry for Prevention of reCurrent utis
although antibiotics are effective to treat urinary tract infections (utis), the side effects can be significant, including fungal infection and gastrointestinal infection. a study compared the effectiveness of cranberry extract with low-dose trimethoprim in the prevention of recurrent utis in older women. one hundred thirty-seven women with two or more antibiotic-treated utis in the previous 12 months were randomized to receive either 500mg of cranberry extract or 100mg of trimethoprim for six months. authors concluded that trimethoprim had a very limited advantage over cranberry extract for the prevention of recurrent utis in older women, and had more adverse effects. these findings allow for consideration of a cheap, natural product like cranberry extract whose use does not carry the risk of side effects in treatment.

Womens health
GinGer for menstrual Pain
in a double-blind comparative clinical trial, 150 students (18 years old and over) with primary dysmenorrhea were alternately divided into three equal groups. students in the ginger group took 250mg capsules of ginger rhizome powder four times a day for three days from the start of their menstrual period. members of the other groups received 250mg mefenamic acid or 400mg ibuprofen capsules, respectively, on the same protocol. at the end of treatment, severity of dysmenorrhea decreased in all groups and no differences were found between the groups in severity of dysmenorrhea, pain relief or satisfaction with the treatment. Ginger was as effective as mefenamic acid and ibuprofen for pain relief. further studies regarding the effects of ginger on other symptoms of dysmenorrhea and efficacy and safety of various doses and treatment durations of ginger are warranted.

Chamomile extraCt treatment of anxiety
a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of matricaria recutita (chamomile) extract therapy in patients with mild to moderate generalized anxiety disorder (GaD) was undertaken. fifty-seven outpatients with mild to moderate GaD were randomized to either chamomile extract (n=28) or placebo therapy (n=29) for eight weeks. Primary endpoint was change in total hamilton anxiety rating (ham-a) scores. secondary outcomes included change in the beck anxiety inventory, Psychological Well being, and Clinical Global impression severity scores and the proportion of patients with 50% reduction or more in baseline ham-a score. Chamomile treatment achieved a significantly superior reduction in ham-a scores relative to placebo. Differences in secondary outcomes achieved a positive change in the same direction as the primary outcome measure. the proportion of patients experiencing 0, 1, 2, or 3 adverse events or more was not significantly different between groups.

ProbiotiCs reDuCe infeCtious Disease Duration in elDerly
Common infectious diseases (CiD) of the airways and the gastrointestinal tract are still a considerable cause of morbidity and mortality in elderly. a study examined the beneficial effect of a dairy product containing the probiotic strain lactobacillus casei Dn-114 001 (fermented product) on the resistance of free-living elderly to CiD. the study was multicentric, double blind and controlled, involving 1,072 volunteers (median age = 76.0 years) randomised for consumption of either 200g/d of fermented or control dairy product for 3 months, followed by an additional 1 months follow-up. the results showed that, when considering all CiD, the fermented product significantly reduced the average duration per episode of CiD and the cumulative duration of CiD. reduction in both episode and cumulative durations was also significant for all upper respiratory tract infections (urti; P<0.001) and for rhinopharyngitis (P<0.001).


Fare Game



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FitFoods.ca Call 1-888-337-0127 (North America Toll Free) +1-604-464-3524 (International)

For Details, write #117 on Free Info Page, page 73

research news
A study, published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, found that supplementation with quercetin an antioxidant, plantderived flavonoid enhanced performance of subjects during prolonged exercise. The randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover study involved 12 healthy but untrained (in physical exercise) subjects. One group of subjects received quercetin supplementation (500mg) twice daily for seven days. Researchers found that supplementation enhanced maximal aerobic capacity and delay fatigue during prolonged exercise. The quercetin group also showed increases in VO2 max and bicycle ride time to fatigue. The authors concluded that the results may have implications beyond that of performance enhancement to health promotion and disease prevention.

Research performed by scientists from Germany, Finland and Denmark investigated the effects of daily coffee consumption on biomarkers of coffee intake, subclinical inflammation, oxidative stress, glucose, and lipid metabolism. In the study, habitual coffee drinkers (N=47) refrained from drinking coffee for one month. In the second month they consumed four cups (150ml/cup) of filtered coffee per day, and in the third month, eight cups of filtered coffee per day. Blood samples were analyzed, and scientists found that coffee consumption lead to an increase in coffee-derived compounds. Further, serum concentrations of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein A-1 increased significantly. Researchers concluded that coffee consumption appears to have beneficial effectd on subclinical inflammation and HDL cholesterol.

Results of a retrospective study published in the International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Research indicated a high prevalence of low vitamin D status in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients. The hypothesis was that serum 25-OH vitamin D levels are lower in CFS patients than in the general British population. Serum 25-OH vitamin D levels were measured in 221 CFS patients and was compared to a large British longitudinal survey of 45-year-old women.The levels in the CFS patients were found to be moderately to severely suboptimal, with a mean of 44.4nmol/L (optimal levels >75nmol/L). The authors concluded, This data supports the recommendation made in recent NICE guidelines that all patients with moderate to severe CFS should be encouraged to obtain adequate sun exposure and eat foods high in vitamin D. Oral or intramuscular vitamin D supplementation should be considered for those whose levels remain suboptimal.


In a multi-part study published in the European Journal of Nutrition, researchers found that vitamin D was strongly associated with body mass index (BMI). The full study involved a longitudinal, population-based, multipurpose study with 2,656 subjects; a cross-sectional study with 10,229 subjects; and a one-year, randomized, placebo-controlled intervention trial with 93 subjects supplemented with 40,000 IU of vitamin D per week. Results of the cross-sectional study found a significant inverse relation between serum 25(OH)D and BMI. Results of the longitudinal study found that the change in BMI was a negative predictor of change in serum 25 (OH)D. Results of the intervention study found that after one year of vitamin D supplementation, increase in serum 25(OH)D was significant and inversely associated with the BMI levels from baseline. The authors confirmed that these results did indicate a strong association between serum 25(OH) D and BMI. This could indicate that it is highly unlikely that high levels of serum 25 (OH)D contribute to development of obesity.


Fare Game

research news
A study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition investigated the effects of a long chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid-rich meal on measures of arterial stiffness. Twenty-five subjects (12 men, 13 women) received a control and an LC n-3 PUFA-rich meal on two occasions and in a random order. Arterial stiffness was measured at baseline and at 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 and 240 minutes after meal consumption to derive an augmentation index and a stiffness index. Researchers found that consumption of the LC n-3 PUFA-rich meal had an attenuating effect on augmentation and stiffness index compared with the control meal. The researchers concluded that LC n-3 PUFA-rich meal consumption can improve postprandial arterial stiffness, which has important implications for the beneficial properties of LC n-3 PUFA and cardiovascular risk reduction.


A study investigating the effects of green, black and Rooibos teas on cardiovascular health found that tea consumption may exert positive effects through inhibition of angiotensinconverting enzyme (ACE) activity. The randomized, threephase, crossover study, published in the journal Public Health Nutrition, involved 17 healthy volunteers who received single doses of 400ml either green tea, black tea or Rooibos tea. The results showed that intake of a single dose of Rooibos tea significantly inhibited ACE activity after 30 and 60 minutes. Inhibition of ACE activity was seen for green tea for the ACE II genotype after 30 minutes, and the ACE ID genotype after 60 minutes. Significant inhibition of ACE activity was seen with Rooibos tea for the ACE II genotype after 60 minutes. Researchers concluded that green tea and Rooibos tea may have cardiovascular effects through inhibition of ACE activity.

A meta-analysis of 13 prospective studies investigated the association of vitamin B6 intake with risk of colorectal cancer, specifically, the hypothesis that B6 may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. Nine studies on vitamin B6 intake and four studies on blood pyridoxal 5-phosphate (PLP) were included in the meta-analysis. An inverse association between vitamin B6 intake and blood PLP levels and the risk of colorectal cancer was found. Pooled analysis showed that the highest categories of vitamin B6 intake and blood levels of PLP were independently associated with a 10% reduced risk of colorectal cancer, compared with the corresponding lowest categories. Every 100-pmol/ml increase in blood PLP levels was associated with a 49% reduced risk of colorectal cancer. The authors of this study concluded, Vitamin B6 intake and blood PLP levels were inversely associated with the risk of colorectal cancer in this meta-analysis.

A systematic review was published in Reproductive Biomed Online of 17 randomized studies involving the effect of oral antioxidants on sperm quality and pregnancy rate in infertile men. Relevant trials were found in MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Library and CINAHL databases from database inception dates to May 2009. The studies involved a total of 1,665 male subjects. Antioxidants involved in supplementation were vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, selenium, folate, carnitine and carotenoids. The review found that oral supplementation with antioxidants improved sperm quality and/or pregnancy rates in 14 out of 17 trials (82%). Ten trials examined pregnancy rate and six showed a significant improvement after antioxidant therapy. The authors of the review concluded that, The use of oral antioxidants in infertile men could improve sperm quality and pregnancy rates. Adequately powered robust trials of individuals and combinations of antioxidants are needed to guide clinical practice. <

Fare Game


Expo WEst May 13-14 Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre Vancouver, British Columbia www.chfa.ca LEts taLk Exports May 14 saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce regina, saskatchewan www.saskchamber.com thE 7th annuaL nhprs rEsEarCh ConfErEnCE: thE nExt WaVE May 23-26 the Westin nova scotian halifax, nova scotia www.nhprs.ca 2010 food sCiEnCE sEriEs May 27-28 Guelph food technology Centre Guelph, ontario www.gftc.ca sustainaBLE LiVinG Expo May 28-30 new Vancouver Convention Centre West Vancouver, British Columbia www.epicexpo.com nationaL GroCEry ConfErEnCE May 29-30 World trade and Convention Centre halifax, nova scotia www.ccgd.ca


2010 Cifst/aafC ConfErEnCE safE and hEaLthy food: harVEstinG thE sCiEnCE May 30-June 1 fairmont Winnipeg hotel Winnipeg, Manitoba secure.cifst.ca

nrf Loss prEVEntion ConfErEnCE and Expo June 14-16 Georgia World Congress Center atlanta, Georgia events.nrf.com/lp10/public/Mainhall. aspx?id=6583 hEaLth, LiVinG and sport Expo June 20 triwood Community Center Calgary, alberta

pEopLE in Motion June 4-5 Queen Elizabeth Building, Exhibition place toronto, ontario www.people-in-motion.com Go GrEEn Canada June 5-6 Capital Exhibition Center fredericton, new Brunswick www.gogreencanadians.web.officelive.com Canada GrEEn BuiLdinG CounCiL nationaL ConfErEnCE June 8-10 Vancouver, British Columbia www.cagbc.org nutriCosMEtiC suMMit June 10 renaissance hotel Las Vegas, nevada www.nutricosmeticsummit.com naturaL MarkEtpLaCE 2010 June 10-12 Las Vegas Convention Centre Las Vegas, nevada www.naturalmarketplaceshow.com


Cpas 28th annuaL ConfErEnCE and tradE shoW July 6-9 Westin harbour Castle and Conference Centre toronto, ontario www.payroll.ca orGaniC isLands fEstiVaL and sustainaBiLity Expo July 10-11 Glendale Gardens and Woodland Victoria, British Columbia www.organicislands.ca MattECh 2010 July 14-15 Miami Beach Convention Centre Miami, florida www.mattech.us ift10 ift food Expo July 17-20 McCormick place Chicago, illinois www.am-fe.ift.org/cms


our eVeNT SeCTIoN IS e X PA N D I N G

And we would like you to contribute. We want to inform retailers about your upcoming events, seminars and symposiums. Please email a brief description (under 30 words, including contact information) to: Place event listing in the subject line. Events will be chosen based on relevance to the retailer (space is limited).

Event Submissions



Fare Game

We are considering applications for the following Management position at various locations in Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic stores

Natural Value/ Natures Treasure Department Manager

Interested candidates must be available to work varied shifts, including weekdays, weeknights and weekends on a regular basis. The successful candidate will be responsible to oversee the operations of the Natural Value department including: Ordering Merchandising Labour scheduling Ensuring budgets are met Inventory control and selection Motivation and development of the department team The ideal candidate will have: Retail experience and/or education in Alternative Medicine, Herbology, Vitamins & Minerals, as well as an interest and knowledge of Food and Nutrition; The ability to work in a fast paced environment and the ability to multitask and prioritize; Excellent communication skills and exemplary customer service skills. If you are interested in this opportunity, please submit a detailed resume and cover letter to:

Territories available across Canada

Boston Mills Allergy Group Inc. is looking for highly motivated, commissioned sales representation. We offer allergy testing services to Naturopathic Doctors. If you are already calling on Naturopathic Doctors and are looking for an additional product line please send your resume to: Boston Mills Allergy Group Inc. 15023 Chinguacousy Road, Caledon, ON L7C 3H7

Senior Category Merchandising Manager (905) 861-2627


Fax Number: 905-838-4567

Thank you for your interest, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.


Puresource Naturals is currently hiring part time demo staff for Ontario, specifically, SW, GTA, and Niagara Region. A fun and fantastic opportunity to subsidize your income! Must have education in nutrition, naturopathic, or similar alternative background. Please forward resumes to: emma.mcfarlane@puresource.ca. Only qualified candidates will be contacted.
Preparation of compliant Canadian label text for food products, supplements, skin care and drugs Preparation of Drug Identification Number (DIN) and Natural Health Product (NHP) Number submissions Preparation and management of GMP, SOP and Quality Control programs within the guidelines of the Natural Health Products Directorate Formulating and contract packaging available for Canada and the U.S.A Warehousing services and order fulfillment


MMP ENTERPRISES LTD., 130 Industry St., Units 31-34 Toronto, Ontaro, Canada M6M 5G3 Phone (416) 604-7604 Fax (416) 604-7605

If Youre Reading It, You Know It Works!


Have you ever thought of owning your own health store and becoming part of the growing natural health industry? A reputable independent health and nutrition retail store is for sale in Calgary in an excellent, long-term location. Consistent annual revenues of $1.2 million, netting owners earnings of $200K. Share sale at $600K, including $110K of inventory. Come follow your passion to assist others with their wellness. For more information contact Andrew Savage at 403-827-3911 or asavage@paladingroup.ca


To Advertise in Marketplace Call (416) 203-7900 ext. 6108

Top Seller revieW

queSTioNNAire* The first 15 people to respond will receive a

esurprise gift!


Take a moment to fill out this questionnaire and your store may be among those highlighted in the Top Seller review Section of the next issue of ihr. The number of units sold determines the top sellers. To be included in the review, products mentioned must be classified as natural health products not standard consumer brands.

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Approximate income of Store customers:


over $60,000

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1.800.668.3008 w w w. m t b i . c a

Thank you for working with us

Jimmy Vaid
Vice-President Canadas Leading Natural Product Broker
For Details, write #120 on Free Info Page, page 73

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