UAS Biz Acc Sems Reyhan 01541190158
UAS Biz Acc Sems Reyhan 01541190158
UAS Biz Acc Sems Reyhan 01541190158
1. Please explain in detail according to your understanding about the reasons why an organization design
must be strongly supported by a strong and good company culture.
We need to understand the term of the organization or company culture, what is it about.
Organizational culture is a set of shared ideals and principles that emerges within a group and directs
how its members behave. An organization has a "personality," and that "personality" is its culture. Just
as a person has a personality, fun-loving, warm, stiff, competitive, or whatever so does an
organization. This serves as the "social glue" that holds the organization's members together. All team
members' behavior is influenced and guided by the values, expectations, and practices that make up
the organization's culture. Consider it as the assortment of characteristics that define your business.
While a dysfunctional workplace culture brings out tendencies that can impede even the most
successful firms, a great workplace culture showcases beneficial features that result in enhanced
performance. Press releases or policy statements don't build culture; consistent and genuine behavior
does. When you observe how a CEO handles a crisis, how a team adjusts to changing client needs, or
how a management corrects an employee who makes a mistake, you can observe business culture in
action. A strong, broadly held set of beliefs that are backed by strategy and structure forms the
foundation of a successful organization's culture. Three things occur in an organization with a strong
culture: Employees are aware of the expectations of senior management, believe that the expected
answer is the best response, and are aware that upholding the company's principles will result in
rewards. The appropriate behavior inside a company is determined by its culture. This culture is made
up of common values and beliefs that have been formed by leaders, disseminated, and reinforced
through a variety of channels, ultimately influencing employee perceptions, actions, and
comprehension. There is no one-size-fits-all culture template that can fulfill the needs of all enterprises
because industries and circumstances differ greatly. Values put the company and its objectives before
people. Successful business leaders actively promote their cultural identities to both current employees
and potential new hires while living their cultures every day. They have a clear understanding of their
principles, how they define their organizations, and how those values govern how the organizations
function. Organizations may struggle to keep their messages on culture consistent since culture is hard
to define. Additionally, it could be challenging for staff members to recognize and discuss perceived
cultural differences. Continuing to understanding about what is an organization design and how can it
relate to the company or organizational cultures? Roles, procedures, and organizational structures must
be developed as part of "organization design" in order for the company's objectives to be achieved.
Organizational structure is sometimes thought of as the mechanical placement of job titles and
reporting lines on an organizational chart. The vertical structure, including reporting lines, must be
defined by organizational designers, it is unquestionably true. Organizational design, however,
encompasses much more than "boxology." Problems with organizational design are frequently among
the most difficult ones that leaders encounter. Finding the ideal design frequently necessitates creating
a fresh answer to a problem. Additionally, decisions made regarding formal structures, responsibilities,
and procedures have a direct impact on individuals' occupations and professional development as well
as the capacity of the company to achieve its strategic goals. Burns and Stalker (1961) argued that in
dynamic economic sectors, firms with organic structures are more effective than those with more
mechanistic structures. We suggest this proposition does not hold for new ventures in turbulent,
emergent economic sectors. One may take into account factors at several stages in the process of
redesigning an organization the overarching "architecture" of the organization (e.g., the corporate
level, the role of the headquarters versus business areas in a large firm, etc.), the planning of
commercial divisions and components within a bigger company, the structure of a business unit's
departments and other subdivisions, the creation of unique roles. The organization's strategy is a key
motivator for organization design, but the design of the organization may also greatly influence the
strategies we may be able to develop in the first place. In order to ensure that operations and
organization design are closely related, we should generally try to match the organization with the
work processes. Laws, rules, and governance principles enacted by the industry sector have an impact
on the organization's design. Organizational design is, of course, fundamentally about people. People
fill the responsibilities that are specified during the process of designing an organization. People take
part in the design process and have a great deal of direct and indirect influence on designs. So, people
play a big and important role building the foundation for the organizational design and that is why
there is a connection of the cultures in the organization that is existing or created to impact the result in
the organizational design of the firm or a company. In order to position themselves for greater
performance and growth, as well as to boost innovation and agility, businesses have continued to place
more and more emphasis on organizational design. However, the conventional organizational design
model needs to be modified. The conventional approach is creating a new structure, putting it into
practice through a significant change effort, and then effectively "freezing" the structure. Then another
rearrangement happens when that structure is no longer effective. This disrupts the organization and
fails to take into account the realities of the modern workplace. The environment of today demands
ongoing evolution and adaptability. Together with our clients, we have been developing an adaptive
organization. Simply said, this is a company that evolves constantly and makes adjustments as
circumstances demand. It does away with the ongoing reorganization cycles and the resulting
interruptions that accompany these extensive transformation initiatives. This strategy produces
superior results, but it does necessitate a change in how the initial organizational design was
approached. So, what makes this new method unique? Instead, then striving to delay change as long as
possible at the organizational level, the structure should be expected to change. It necessitates a
mentality change at the level of the individual manager from one of "my resources" to "us resources"
in terms of headcount. It means being aware that staff members are there to assist the organization in
achieving its objectives, and that as a result, the business should have the flexibility to redistribute
those resources whenever it serves the company's best interests. This not only enables the firm to make
the most of its resources, but it also aids in overcoming the propensity for "empire building" that some
managers and organizations have. This talks to the culture of the company and how the structure
affects it. Structure frequently reflects organizational culture; for example, businesses with a product-
centric structure frequently have businesses with a product-centric culture. The same is true for
customer or geographic segment orientation. Of course, there is some controversy as to which is the
egg and which is the chicken in the parable. A deeper look reveals that an organization's structure
frequently reflects its philosophical inclinations. Strong hierarchies and many layers are typically
associated with command-and-control cultures. Flatter structures are more common in organizations
that wish to empower the front lines and make choices closer to the customer. It is crucial to consider
both the culture you wish to exist within the organization and the types of culture modifications you
are seeking to accomplish when deciding on organizational design. The decision-making process
(speed and centralization), autonomy / empowerment, teamwork, and market responsiveness are the
main aspects to take into account when determining the future culture. It will be possible for the
organization to decide on the intended culture and, as a result, the organizational design choices that
will make it possible if it is able to explain how the organization should operate in these areas. The
most crucial thing is to create a more adaptive organization and culture that naturally adjust as the
environment does. After the design has been created, it is crucial to train managers and staff on how to
function in the adaptable and dynamic environment. Although it may take some effort, the payoff in
terms of improved employee and organizational adaptability makes it worthwhile. One of the
fundamentals of effective organizational design is that it gives employees a sense of stability, yet this
stability need not equate to rigidity. The absence of growth chances, for instance, is one of the frequent
grievances in organizations. The flexible organizational structure offers numerous chances for
improvement. Common workplace cultures, effective management standards, work procedures, team
management strategies, and a variety of other work practices all contribute to stability. There are two
types of design based on Burns & Stalker, Mechanistic and organic organization, while mechanistic
organization is more on a high specialization, strict departmentalization, narrow spans of control, high
formalization, limited information network (downward), and low decision participation are
characteristics of mechanistic organizations. On the other hand, organic organization is more of a
incredibly adaptive and flexible framework, occupations that are not standard, Flexible team-based
organization, scant direct supervision minimum formal regulations, Open lines of communication and
empowered staff. Burns and Stalker (1961) argued that in dynamic economic sectors, firms with
organic structures are more effective than those with more mechanistic structures.
2. Designing an organization structure to fitting to the corporate strategic plan, the manager will have
many types of approaches. Explain these types of organizational structures that you can use to fulfill
that job.
Organizational culture is that it is essentially a set of agreed values and norms that develops within a
group and governs how its members behave. The "personality" of an organization, which can range
from fun-loving to competitive, friendly to severe, can be likened to its culture. A company's culture
can be divided into two levels: the core level, which is invisible, and the visible level, which can be
seen through things like symbols and stories. Organizational identity, the ability to make meaning,
group commitment, and social system stability are some of the functions of organizational cultures.
We may view corporate cultures from three different angles, and they can improve a company's
financial performance. the views of adaptability, fitness, and strength. When the cultures assist the
company in adapting, the adaptive views will observe the results. While the strength perspective sees
success as a consequence when a firm or a company has strong cultures in the organization, the fit
views see success as a result when the cultures fit with the firms business context. There are eleven
methods for a culture to be ingrained in an organization. The first is to have a formal declaration,
slogans and sayings, followed by stories, legends & myths, and finally, actions and behaviors.
Organizational goals and performance criteria, measureable and controllable activities, having an
organizational structure is also essential since it will help with the power chain of management, and
procedures for self development is also needed for cultures to be embedded to a company. Finally,
leaders' responses to crises, role modeling training, coaching, the physical design of the company, the
reward and titles as well as promotion and bonuses, and organizational goals and performance criteria
are all important. Profitable organizations, non-profit organizations, and mutual benefit organizations
are the three different sorts of organizations. An organization or firm that engages in commercial,
industrial, or even professional activity is referred to as a business. Depending on the organization's or
enterprise's goals, some are working to become profitable organizations, but occasionally there are
also non-profit organizations with social objectives. Business can be conducted on a national or
international scale, and its size and capability can range from tiny to huge capitals. Business frequently
needs a business plan before it can be put into action. Planning will help to outline the company's
goals and objectives to achieve them depending on the time goal. A business plan is also necessary
when we want to execute it and borrow money from a bank or investors for startup capital. The
majority of the time, a business's objective is to increase profit and revenue. Some of them have social
objectives instead of financial ones, such as charitable giving, education, community service, etc. For
cooperative organizations, however, they work toward achieving the profitable objectives while also
pursuing social and communal aims. Having a structural organization is beneficial because it makes
clear the organizational structure of our company, such as the horizontal hierarchy specialization or the
vertical hierarchy of authority, which determines who in the company specializes in what tasks.
According to Edgar Schein, this will bring about the elements of an organization, such as the hierarchy
of authority, or the chain of command, the division of labor, or the specialization of work for increased
efficiency, followed by coordinated effort, or working together for a common goal, which serves as a
means of uniting the members. Moving on to organizational structure types, they include simple,
functional, divisional, conglomerate, hybrid, matrix, team-based, and network structures. They also
include simple and functional organizational structures. The basic structure is one of the easiest
models of organizational structure. You have the option of working alone or with another employee in
this circumstance. You might be the lone employee at your company. This kind of person could be a
freelancer, an OPC (One Person Company), or a solopreneur. Functional organizational structure is the
most widely used type. Sales, marketing, and finance, to name a few, are only a few of the
departments that make up the organization in question. Each one employs employees with
complementary skills. This helps companies maximize the efficiency of each functional group. In this
type of organizational structure, there may be many functional divisions and little centralization.
Usually, these sections operate independently. Although they do not have much power, project
managers will manage a workforce of contractors. A multi-divisional structure has many divisions that
make up the organization. Depending on similar products, services, or locations, groups of workers
with a variety of skills are maintained together. Each division has the resources it needs to function
and is equipped to take independent decisions. Conglomerate businesses are enterprises with various
revenue streams from commercial ventures that have nothing to do with one another. An
organizational chart is a visual representation of a company's structure, reporting and communication
channels, as well as the people that work there, their titles and job responsibilities. In conglomerate
organizations, the various business units must be regarded as independent legal entities, and each
organizational chart should only include the top executives. The form of the organizational chart relies
on the nature and structure of the organization. In this type of system, any mix of organizational
structures may be used. Assume that our business is a functioning structure with typical departments
that can easily handle its needs. But on occasion, our organization will put together a specific project
team to undertake specialized duties. A blended structure that meets the needs of multiple
organizations is known as a hybrid organization. Responsibility, authority, and other factors vary
depending on the company. the kind of organizational structure that is most frequently used.
Functional and projectized organizational structures are combined to create the matrix organizational
structure. A team-based structure is one in which numerous teams each perform their unique,
specialized tasks while collaborating to achieve a common goal. Their organizational style encourages
a lower level of hierarchy, providing employees more freedom within their businesses. This flexibility
in the structure allows for a great number of additional advantages. Structures are used by
organizations to make communication channels clear and to help staff members understand their place
and function within the organization. Businesses may choose to use a team-based structure. By
comprehending the benefits, a team-based structure may offer an organization, we can determine
whether it is a good fit for the structure of our company. A network organizational structure is an
alliance created by organizations or associates that are otherwise independent but come together
temporarily or permanently to produce a good or service by combining their resources and core
competencies. Network-based organizational structures are built on collaborations between the
different entities that make up the network. Accesses a new window Each firm or network associate
focuses on its core strengths while also helping with a select few of the duties necessary to offer the
network's overall goods and services. In essence, a network-based organizational structure means that
the corporation outsources or subcontracts the majority of its crucial business operations to several
companies while managing and coordinating the operations of those businesses from a small
headquarters organization. Managers must decide how to organize teams of employees to complete
their tasks. Managers can choose departmental groupings using five popular methods: functional,
divisional, matrix, team, and networking (grouping of positions into departments). The five structures
serve as the foundation for adapting organizational structures to an organization's demands. Each of
the five strategies combines various aspects of mechanical and organic architecture. For instance, the
organizational design trend of today contains the fewest bureaucratic traits and emphasizes more
aspects of the organic design, such as a decentralized structure of authority, less rules and procedures,
etc. Based on related activities, skills, knowledge, and resources, the functional structure divides
positions into work units. Within a functional structure, common subgroupings include production,
marketing, finance, and human resources. A functional structure is the most straightforward method
and has clearly defined authority/responsibility relationships as well as communication routes. By
reducing staff and equipment duplication, this arrangement not only increases productivity but also
improves worker comfort and streamlines training. However, there are a number of drawbacks to the
functional structure that may make it inappropriate for some businesses. Here are a few examples. The
separation of several department work units under the functional organization might lead to
perspectives being more constrained. For instance, managers could find it difficult to relate to
marketing, which frequently falls under a whole separate category. As a result, it could be challenging
to predict or respond to shifting consumer needs. Reduced cooperation and communication may also
happen. Because there are so many levels of hierarchy, decisions and communication happen slowly.
Centralization of power is greater. Managers have only their own sphere of experience thanks to the
functional framework. Managers lack the chance to observe how all of the company's departments
interact with one another and comprehend how they are interdependent. In the long run, this
specialization leads to executives managing high management responsibilities with limited
backgrounds and training. Specialized departments may emerge in large corporations as a result of
managers' potential difficulty in keeping track of all of their business's activities and products. These
departments are separated based on the results that organization produces. Examples are divisions
established to differentiate across geographical, customer service, and production categories.
Divisional structure is the name given to this collection of departments. These divisions give managers
the ability to concentrate their efforts and yield better results. Performance monitoring is also made
simpler by divisional structure. This structure is hence adaptable and responsive to change. Divisional
organization does, however, have several disadvantages. Managers may squander time repeating each
other's actions and resources because of their specialization. Additionally, competition between
divisions could arise as a result of few resources. The divisional structure's emphasis and functional
specialization are combined in the matrix structure. Permanent cross-functional teams are used in this
structure to combine functional knowledge with a divisional focus. In a matrix structure, employees
are a part of at least two formal groups at once: a functional group and a team working on a specific
product, program, or project. Additionally, they have two bosses they must answer to: one is in the
functional group and the other is in the team. In addition to improving employee engagement, this
organizational structure enables technical and general management training across functional areas.
Improved strategic management, Greater flexibility, Better customer service, Better performance
accountability, and Better cooperation and problem-solving are some potential benefits. Naturally,
there could be drawbacks to the matrix structure. Here are a few disadvantages of this structure. As
team leaders and functional supervisors compete for authority, the two-boss structure is prone to
power disputes. Taking directions from many bosses might cause work confusion for matrix members.
Teams may form strong team bonds that allow them to lose sight of the overall aims of the business,
Costs may go up if team leaders, a critical component, are included in the matrix structure. A team
structure groups several functions based on a single overarching goal. These cross-functional teams
are made up of individuals from many departments who collaborate when it is necessary to address
issues and consider opportunities. The goal is to remove functional boundaries across departments and
forge stronger bonds in order to solve persistent issues. The following are just a few of the numerous
possible benefits of the team structure: Barriers between departments dissolve, decision-making and
response times quicken, employees are motivated, Managerial levels are eliminated, and
administrative expenses are reduced. The drawbacks include Team members' loyalties are in conflict
and challenges with time management, Despite spending more time in meetings, managers need to be
mindful that the strength of interpersonal relationships, group dynamics, and team management skills
are frequently determinants of how successfully a team works together. The network structure depends
on other companies to carry out crucial tasks under a contractual obligation. In other words, managers
can delegate certain tasks to experts through contracts. The ability to scale back on operations and
people allows for flexibility and lower overhead. On the other side, because managers rely on contract
workers to do crucial work, the network structure may cause supply to be unpredictable and lack of
3. Explain about the process of Human Resources management from the activities of Planning to recruit
employees till the activities to lay-off the employees. Give examples where necessary.
The human resources division is one of the most crucial elements of an organization since it allows
management to assess each employee's abilities and performance, as well as whether or not they are
actually making a positive contribution to the business. In order to prevent issues that can impede
employee performance both within the business and on the team, human resources also supports the
development and maintenance of positive relationships within the workplace. We must first grasp the
fundamentals of the human resources topic before we can go further into it. a person who belongs to
the ape genus Homo, especially the species Homo sapiens. Great apes and humans share a similar
morphology, making them related, but humans are different from them in that they have a greater level
of brain development, which allows them to talk properly and think abstractly. Additionally, humans
stand up straighter than other animals, freeing their hands to be used as manipulative appendages.
Some of these characteristics, nevertheless, are not entirely unique to persons. As we can see, humans
are evolving into the most sophisticated and complex animals on the planet, making them more
intelligent and creative. Resources means A source, supply, or support is a resource if it may be used
to make money or gain other advantages. Resources are frequently untapped natural wealth-producing
or amenity-enhancing sources. Resources are everything a business has, including its land, cash,
goods, tools, labor, people, management, and knowledge, skills, and information. In line with the
article, resources can also signify In the corporate world, resources are transformed into useful
products or services. A nation's infrastructure, labor force, armed forces, and mineral resources are
used for the benefit of its population as well as for the advancement of its economy and politics.
Numerous sectors, including economics, business, the environment, and human society, have
employed the concept of resources. There are several hiring processes and phases that can take place.
Entry-level positions can be filled by bringing on experienced workers through "lateral" recruiting. In
addition, employment decisions for senior level positions may be based on competitive tests and
personal interviews. Hiring at the entry level has recently taken on an entirely new dimension thanks
to college recruitment tactics that rely on getting the best talent available from the universities for
firms looking to hire for entry level roles. The second type of hiring is selective, and placement
consultants are tasked by the staffing department with locating potential employees by choosing
"profiles" from employee databases and the consultants' own databases. The core steps in the hiring
process essentially remain the same regardless of the hiring strategy chosen. These include choosing a
candidate from the pool of applicants, determining pay and benefits, presenting an offer, and finally
bringing the chosen applicant "on board." The hiring process for specialized placement could take as
short as a month or as long as several months. The strategic imperatives that drive hiring are
influenced by the organizational ability to effectively leverage its reputation, the adaptability of the
roles that are available, the availability of qualified resources, and, finally, the compensation package
that the organization is willing to offer. How long it takes to hire someone for a particular position and
the remuneration package that the business is willing to offer are the two main topics of conversation
around the hiring process in businesses. In the field of human resources, the word "fit" is frequently
used to refer to how well an applicant "fits" the specifications of the open post. One of the reasons for
turnover in enterprises is that many employees enter organizations with preconceived conceptions
about their jobs, only to have those expectations crushed in practice. As a result, industry experts have
recently focused on this aspect of ensuring that employees are hired only if they are a suitable fit. In
conclusion, hiring staff is an essential component of a business' internal strategy and as such, demands
considerable thought and concentration. Downsizing is the deliberate termination of a significant
portion of the workforce with the goal of increasing organizational competitiveness. There are
numerous. The desire to cut labor expenses, technology advancements that reduce the need for labor,
mergers and acquisitions that minimize bureaucratic overhead, and firms choosing to relocate their
operations are some of the reasons for downsizing. According to studies, companies that declare a
downsizing program do less financially rather than better. The long-term implications of a poorly
managed downsizing endeavor may be detrimental, among other things. Many downsizing initiatives
result in the loss of important assets. Employees that make it through the personnel purges frequently
develop a limited mindset and become risk-averse. The workforce in the United States is getting older
on average. For a number of reasons, baby boomers are delaying retirement: older adults are in better
health, there is concern over Social Security cuts, and mandatory retirement is forbidden. Through
early retirement incentive programs, many firms attempt to encourage voluntary attrition among older
employees. An employment shortage can be eliminated by hiring temporary workers. Businesses have
the flexibility they need to respond effectively to fluctuations in demand thanks to temporary
employment. Potential advantages include: Employing temporary labor relieves a company of a
number of administrative and financial problems. A temporary agency frequently tests its
employees. Before assigning workers to employers, several temporary agencies train their staff.
Utilizing an outside company for a wide range of services is known as outsourcing. Off-shoring is a
unique form of outsourcing in which the jobs are moved from one nation to another. To increase the
likelihood that outsourcing will be successful, pick a sizable, reputable outsourced vendor. Jobs that
need strict security or are proprietary shouldn't be outsourced. It is wise to start small and keep an eye
on things all the time. extend the hours of the current workforce, Workers might benefit from the
increased remuneration quickly. However, prolonged periods of being overworked cause stress and
irritability in employees.
4. Explain and give examples of legal forms that you can choose in setting up a new venture. Explain
also about its Intellectual Properties one by one. Explain it in detail about the three forms of financial
statements that a professional manager must read and understand because that’s one of several other
ways to analyze a company’s strengths and weaknesses.
Important legal ideas and business endeavors will include items like. An entrepreneurial venture's
beginning: Intellectual property laws (patents, copyrights, and trademarks), Organizational forms for
businesses (sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, and franchise), tax implications, Questions of
liability and capital formation. The ongoing venture business will be the development and transactions,
which include things like contract law (legal contracts, sales contracts, leases), personnel law (hiring
and firing rules, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, collective bargaining), and employment
law. Tax considerations (federal, state, and local), payroll, incentives, government rules (zoning
(property), administrative agencies (regulatory), and consumer law), and the growth and continuity of
an entrepreneurial venture will be determined by these factors. Maintaining ownership rights
(Bankruptcy, Wills, and Trusts, and Property Laws and Ownership). Patent gives the owner the sole
authority to control the development, sale, and transfer of the good or process as an intellectual
property right. Patents for designs last 14 years, all others last 20 years. Which Products Are Eligible
for Patent Protection? improvements to already existent goods, processes, machinery, products, plants,
and elemental compositions. How can a patent be obtained? We must pursue patents that are
comprehensive, substantial from a business standpoint, and provide a solid position. Create a detailed
patent plan next. Have your subsequent steps be related to your initial patent plan. proceed to the
Create a budget for infringement. Finally, strategically assess the patent plan. The specification, which
must include the invention's text and any supplemental illustrations, must be included in the patent
application. Introduction outlining the benefits of the invention. Then, a description of earlier work
seen as being comparable to the invention. A synopsis of the key aspects of the technology or
invention, as well as how it differs from existing knowledge and the necessary components. A
description of the invention that includes all pertinent information, mention of any variants, and
numerical limits. Complete examples and/or experimental results. Then, Claims refers to a collection
of brief paragraphs, each of which defines a specific feature or group of features that the patent seeks
to protect. Starting with the pre examination on the office of initial patent examination, the patent
process moves from the application to allowance and issue. The fees will be recorded after the serial
number is assigned. After then, security-sensitive content was screened out of the preliminary
categorization. Electronic scanning for pre-grant publishing is the next step, followed by licensing and
processing security-sensitive cases separately, and finally administrative examination, data entry, and
mailing of filing receipts. The first stage of the patent process' pre-examination will take about three
months to complete. Moving on to the examination, the second phase. The procedure will begin with
the application being allocated to the examining unit, then to the examiner, and being categorized for
the examiner's initial pre-grant publication action. This stage will take around 11.4 months. Next, the
applicant response will take around 3 months, followed by the second examiner's reaction and the final
approval or denial, which will take about 2 months. This process, which starts with the applicant's
response and lasts about three months, includes the examiner's action after which it is decided whether
to accept or reject the application for quality review. The post-examination at the office of patent
publication will be the final step. The patent publication division will begin the process by accepting
and reviewing the papers and cases that have been approved. After that, the preliminary planning and
electronic data collection for printing and distribution. Next, file maintenance facility, followed by
paperwork and fees for the match post allowance. Following that, there will be one last round of
preparation and computerized data collecting. Finally, it will take around two months to print and issue
the patent. The copyrights are the following intellectual property protection. Copyright grants creative
people unique rights to safeguard their literary or artistic creations. and the duration will be the
author's lifetime plus an additional 70 years. The copyright owner has the authority to perform or
display the work publicly, prepare derivative works based on it, distribute copies of it by sale or other
means, and sell or transfer individual rights. With regards to Copyright Protection The information
needs to be in a physical form so that it can be transmitted or copied. Additionally, it must be the
author's original work and hence the result of that author's expertise or judgment. A copyright must be
officially registered with the Library of Congress' Copyright Office. More information about the Fair
Use Doctrine A copyright work is not violated when it is reproduced for non-commercial purposes like
criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use),
scholarship, or research. Secure Ideas? Any "idea, technique, process, system, method of operation,
concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the manner in which it is disclosed, explained,
illustrated, or embodied" are expressly excluded from copyright protection under the Copyright Act.
Trademarks are going to be the following intellectual property. A distinctive name, mark, symbol, or
motto connected to a company's product(s) and registered with the Patent and Trademark Office is
what this article is about. The benefits of trademark registration include Bureau of Customs protection
against importers utilizing the mark, nationwide constructive notice of the owner's right to use the
mark, and incontestability of the mark after five years. The Trademark's Expiration Date is The
validity of current registrations is 10 years, with the option of ongoing renewal every 10 years. Four
distinct processes, including cancellation procedures, cleaning-out procedure, abandonment, and
generic meaning, can render a trademark ineffective. Avoiding Trademark Pitfalls is necessary. First
of all, we never choose a business name or logo without first conducting a trademark search. Trust
your lawyer's assessment if they indicate there might be a problem with a mark. Then, before choosing
a descriptive or highly suggestive name or mark, look for an invented or fantastical one. Choose a
distinctive logotype to replace the descriptive or suggestive phrases whenever marketing or other
factors require the use of a name or mark that is highly indicative of the product. Finally, whenever
possible, avoid abbreviations and acronyms. If there is no other option, choose a distinctive logotype
to include the abbreviation or acronym in. A trade secret is any business procedures or information
that cannot be protected by a patent, copyright, or trademark but yet distinguishes one company from
another and is valuable to rival businesses. When the information is not known to the competition,
when the business would lose an edge if the competition learned it, and when the owner has taken
reasonable precautions to keep the secret a secret, it is said to be a trade secret. Customer lists,
strategic plans, research and development, pricing knowledge, marketing strategies, and production
procedures are a few examples of trade secrets. On the internet, there are also trademark protection
options like: Cyber-law the newly developed body of legislation controlling the internet. Dot Com
Names (Internet Addresses) Domain names are subject to the same laws that govern trademarks
(Cybers-quatters). Trademark infringement may occur when someone else's mark is used without
authorization in a domain name. Recognizing the legal frameworks, A legal structure that best meets
the venture's needs takes into account the intricacy of business formation, changing tax regulations,
liability circumstances, and capital availability. Sole proprietorship, Partnership, and Corporation will
be the three main legal types of organization. A business that is owned and run by one person is
referred to as a sole proprietorship. Apart from its owner, the company does not exist. All that is
required to start a sole proprietorship is for the person to acquire the proper municipal and state
permits. The ease of establishment, single ownership of earnings, decision-making and control vested
in one owner, flexibility, relative freedom from governmental supervision, and exemption from
corporation company taxes are all benefits of sole proprietorships. Additionally, there will be certain
drawbacks, such as unlimited liability, a lack of continuity, less money accessible, trouble securing
long-term funding, and a very narrow range of knowledge and experience. Additionally, there is
information on partnerships. A partnership is an organization of two or more people that work together
to own a business for profit. The guidelines for the legal requirements for forming partnerships are
provided by the Revised Uniform Partnership Act (RUPA). The financial and managerial contributions
of the partners will be clearly stated in the articles of partnership, which will also meticulously define
each partner's function in the partnership. The following benefits of a partnership will be experienced:
ease of formation, direct rewards, facilitation of growth and performance, flexibility, relative freedom
from governmental oversight and regulation. potential tax benefit Unlimited liability of at least one
partner will be a drawback. absence of continuity Having a hard time raising huge sums of money,
being restricted by the actions of just one partner, Problems selling a partnership interest. Then there
are corporations, which are essentially manufactured beings that are invisible, intangible, and only
exist in the eyes of the law. Justice John Marshall of the Supreme Court said. A corporation is
therefore a distinct legal entity from the people who own it. When attempting to form a corporation,
capital stock subscriptions must be accepted, and a provisional organization must be established. The
secretary of state in the state where the corporation is to be founded must grant approval (a charter).
Limited liability, transfer of ownership, unlimited life, relative ease of procuring significant quantities
of capital, and increased skill and competence will be the corporations' advantages. However, the
drawbacks include activity limitations, a lack of representation, regulations, organizing costs, and
double taxes.
5. Explain it in detail about the three forms of financial statements that a professional manager must read
and understand because that’s one of several other ways to analyze a company’s strengths and
There are 3 financial statements that a managers or leaders need to read to determine the strength and
weakness of the company and this is just one of the ways, they are the income statement, the balance
sheet, then the statement of cash flows. The four main financial statements are as follows. Balance
sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements are the three. Balance sheets display the assets
and liabilities of a business at a specific point in time. Income statements reveal the amount of money
a company brought in and expended over time. The exchange of money between a corporation and the
outside world is also depicted in cash flow statements throughout time. A balance sheet gives specific
details about the assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity of a company. Assets are valuable
possessions that a business holds. This often means that they can be employed by the business to
create goods or render services that can be sold, or they can be sold themselves. Physical assets
include things like buildings, vehicles, machinery, and stock. It also includes assets like patents and
trademarks that are immovable yet nevertheless exist and have value. Cash is also a form of asset.
Investments a corporation makes are also. A company's liabilities are the sums of money it owes to
other parties. This might refer to a variety of debts, such as loans taken out by a firm to launch a new
product, building rent, payments made to suppliers for supplies, employee salary, costs associated with
environmental cleaning, and taxes owed to the government. Providing future customers with goods or
services is another example of a liability. Equity held by shareholders is also referred to as capital or
net value. It is the amount that would remain after a business sold all of its assets and settled all of its
debts. The shareholders, or business owners, are the rightful owners of this surplus cash. The structure
of a company's balance sheet is similar to the fundamental accounting equation above. Companies
report their assets on the balance sheet's left side. They list their obligations and shareholder equity on
the right side. On balance sheets, assets may occasionally appear first, followed by liabilities and
shareholders' equity. Typically, assets are ranked according to how quickly they can be turned into
cash. Current assets are things that a business anticipates turning into cash within a year. Inventory is a
prime illustration. The majority of businesses anticipate turning their inventory into cash within a year.
Noncurrent assets are those that would take longer than a year to sell or that a corporation does not
intend to turn into cash within a year. Fixed assets are noncurrent assets. Fixed assets are items like
trucks, office furniture, and other real estate that are needed to run the firm but cannot be sold. In
general, liabilities are listed according to when they are due. There are two types of liabilities: current
and long-term. Current liabilities are debts that a business anticipates paying off this year. Long-term
liabilities are debts with maturities longer than a year. Owners' investment in the company's shares,
plus or minus the company's profits or losses since conception, is what is referred to as shareholders'
equity. Instead of keeping profits, businesses would occasionally distribute them. Dividends are the
name given to these payments. At the end of the reporting period, a balance sheet provides a picture of
a company's assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity. The flows into and out of the accounts during
the course of the time are not shown. An income statement is a document that details the amount of
revenue a company brought in during a particular time frame (usually for a year or some portion of a
year). The costs and expenses incurred in generating that money are also displayed on an income
statement. The company's net profits or losses are typically displayed in the statement's literal "bottom
line." This reveals how much money the business made or lost within the time frame. Earnings per
share, or "EPS," is also disclosed in income statements. You can use this method to determine how
much money shareholders would get if the business opted to distribute all of the period's net earnings.
(Businesses hardly ever share all of their profits. Typically, they put them back into the company.)
Consider income statements as a flight of stairs to better comprehend their structure. The entire
quantity of sales made during the accounting period should be at the top of the list. After that, you
descend one step at a time. You deduct specific costs or other operating expenses related to generating
the revenue at each step. Once all costs have been subtracted, you can determine how much money the
company actually made or lost during the accounting period at the bottom of the staircase. This is
commonly referred to as "the bottom line." The total revenue generated from sales of goods or services
appears at the top of the income statement. Gross revenues or sales are common terms for this top line.
Because expenses have not yet been subtracted from it, it is referred to as "gross." Therefore, the
number is "gross" or impure. The next line represents the money the business doesn't anticipate
receiving from certain sales. This might be the result of, say, sales discounts or product returns. The
company's net revenues are calculated by deducting returns and allowances from gross revenues. The
reason it is named "net" is because, if you can picture a net, these revenues are what's left over after
deductions for returns and allowances. From the net revenue line, there are multiple lines that reflect
various operating expenses as you down the stairs. The next line after net revenues normally displays
the costs of the sales, though these lines might be displayed in a variety of sequences. This figure
reveals how much money the business spent on the creation of the products or services it sold
throughout the accounting period. The next line produces a subtotal known as "gross profit," or
occasionally "gross margin," by deducting the costs of sales from the net revenues. It is regarded as
"gross" since some costs haven't been subtracted from it yet. Operating expenses are included in the
next section. These are charges that sustain a business' activities for a specific timeframe, such as
administrative staff pay and product development costs. Another example is marketing costs.
Operating expenses are distinct from "costs of sales," which were previously subtracted, because they
are not directly related to the creation of the goods or services that are being sold. Additionally
subtracted from gross earnings is depreciation. Depreciation accounts for the deterioration of various
assets, including long-term users of tools, furniture, and machinery. Companies divide the expense of
these assets over the time periods during which they are utilized. Depreciation or amortization is the
term used to describe the spreading of these costs. A small portion of the assets' initial cost is the
"charge" for using them throughout the time period. You arrive at operational profit before interest and
income tax charges after deducting all operating costs from gross profit. It is frequently referred to as
"revenue from operations." Interest income and expense are the next thing that businesses must
account for. Companies get interest revenue by holding their cash in interest-bearing investments like
money market funds and savings accounts. On the other side, interest expense is the sum that
businesses spent on interest on borrowed funds. Some income statements split interest expense from
interest income. The two numbers may be combined in some income statements. The operational
profit before income tax is then calculated by adding or subtracting the interest income and expense
from the operating earnings. Once income tax has been subtracted, the final result net profit or net loss
is revealed. (Net profit is another name for net earnings or net income.) This reveals how much money
the business actually made or lost throughout the accounting period. Did the business turn a profit or a
loss? The inflows and outflows of cash at a corporation are shown in cash flow statements. This is
crucial because a business needs to have sufficient cash on hand to cover its costs and buy assets. A
cash flow statement can show whether a company created cash flow as opposed to an income
statement, which can show whether a company made a profit. In contrast to absolute dollar numbers at
a certain point in time, a cash flow statement displays changes over time. It makes use of and
rearranges the data from an organization's income statement and balance sheet. The net change in cash
for the time period is displayed in the cash flow statement's bottom line. Cash flow statements
typically consist of three key sections. Each section examines the cash flow from one of the three
categories of activities: operating, investing, and financing. The first section of a cash flow statement,
operating operations, examines a company's cash flow from net income or losses. The majority of
businesses use this area of the cash flow statement to compare the net income (as reported on the
income statement) to the real cash it received or spent on its business operations. It does this by
adjusting net income for any non-cash items (such reversing the depreciation costs) and adjusting for
any cash items. The cash flow from all investing operations, which often include buying or selling
long-term assets like property, plant, and equipment as well as investment securities, is displayed in
the second section of a cash flow statement. The cash flow statement would show the purchase of
machinery by a corporation as a cash outflow from investing operations because cash was consumed.
The revenues from the sales would appear as a cash inflow from investing operations if the
corporation elected to sell off some investments from an investment portfolio because it supplied cash.
The cash flow from all financing operations is shown in the third section of a cash flow statement. The
sale of stocks and bonds as well as bank borrowings are common sources of cash flow. A similar use
of cash flow would be making a bank loan repayment.
6. As a professional manager, what you can do to make a crucially important decision whether a
feasibility study should be continued or not to be continued. Explain it in detail what kind of
management tools that you can choose to support your professional decision.
Analyzing the process of deciding whether a firm is viable or not is necessary to comprehend what the
phrase "business feasibility" means. It is the initial assessment of a company idea, followed by
execution and conduct with the aim of ascertaining and contrasting the benefits and drawbacks for the
idea to determine whether it is worthwhile to be implemented or not. When would be the ideal time to
carry out a feasibility study for our company? It's crucial that we can survive without starting a firm
for, say, five years, but that it doesn't grow because we can't make enough money to do anything but
operate, which is bad. Thinking through the potential for the firm early on is the ideal time to
undertake a feasibility analysis. Therefore, before investing real resources like human resources, time,
money, raw materials, etc., we will evaluate all of the concepts and assess them. In the red ocean, it
would be better for us to try understanding it and avoiding mistakes rather than tiring ourselves and
using a lot of resources to "see" if this would work out and survive in the market. The goal of a
feasibility study is to assess the viability and practicality of a proposed project or idea in order to
decide whether or not it should be pursued. A feasibility study can be used to identify the advantages
and disadvantages of the proposed strategy. It is helpful for the businessman to comprehend and
determine whether the business plan is feasible, worthy of the time, resources, and effort, and to avoid
mistakes without actually making them and suffering a loss. By selecting the best idea for a business
idea to be performed, businessmen should rely on the business feasibility research to help enhance the
probability of developing a better business. To determine and anticipate the project cost for the
businessman and investors, the labor work, the materials for the building purposes, and other factors,
the project managers must do a business feasibility study for the hotel. Not to add, the feasibility study
examines the degree of hotel demand in the city, the anticipated clientele, predicted and forecasted
revenue, operational costs, and other factors. Public perception of the project and the level of local
interest in the hotel project may also have an impact on the project's potential risk. When a
businessman has or conducts a feasibility study, he has an advantage because he can already see the
forecast and potential of the business. If the idea is worthwhile and worth the shot to be successfully
executed, he will need to use that feasibility study and explain to the investors and bank since they are
the ones who will be entrusting their money to support successfully executing our idea, and if it's not
worthwhile the shot, a businessman will need to move on. The conclusion is Feasibility studies help
project managers decide if a project or business endeavor is viable by analyzing the elements that
might contribute to success. The research also shows potential returns on investment as well as any
risks to the venture's success. An extensive analysis of the requirements needed to carry out the
intended project is part of a feasibility study. The report may contain a description of the new project
or product, a market analysis, technical and labor requirements, and information on funding and
capital sources. The report will conclude with a go-or-no-go conclusion, financial projections, and
success prospects. Before a business or organization focuses on developing a product or service, they
must first be certain that the intended market genuinely needs and wants the product or service. When
we talk about desirability, we as a firm or organization need to be aware of the fundamental allure of
our good and services. We must consider issues like: Does it make sense? Is it logical? Does it excite
the customers? Does it address issues in the market? so forth. The next step is to give a concept test.
There should be a concept statement created. What exactly is a concept statement then? A concept
statement is a one-page summary of the business's description that is distributed to the public in order
to solicit input on the idea for a new business venture and gauge its appeal to the public. By gaining an
understanding of the viability and potential of the proposed product, service, or idea, the businessman
will be better able to grasp the business. suggestions from the community on how the concept could be
improved and enhanced before it is further developed and resources are wasted or it becomes less
efficient and productive. It's crucial for customers to comprehend why they should select our products
above those of competing brands. A special feature or a unique value is always a wonderful concept
for our company's products and services. Furthermore, clients will find it difficult for rival companies
to replicate the principles we uphold, which will increase repeat business and customer loyalty. If the
firm is managed by well-known professionals, for instance, or individuals who have successfully
managed a well-known brand in the past, putting the management team in charge of carrying out the
business will also provide the people a trusted aspect. Product and service demand research focuses on
two more areas as well: purchase intentions research and library, internet, and sleuthing research. A
tool that will be utilized to determine client interest in our goods and services is the buying intentions
survey. It consists of a concept statement for our business idea and an associated survey to determine
the level of interest from potential clients. The second technique to gauge consumer interest in our
goods and services is to undertake research using the library, the internet, and undercover sources. The
reference librarians will frequently draw your attention to materials that will enable you to research the
company idea from trade journals and publications. Internet searches frequently reveal crucial details
about the viability of a product and service proposal. Gumshoe research: What is it? Anywhere they
can find the information, an investigator will scour the area for any hints or information. In order to
find out what people's opinions are, we shall pose as a gumshoe and approach them. One efficient
method of conducting a feasibility study is to engage in casual talks with potential clients on the street.
Moving on, the goal of the industry/target market feasibility analysis is to evaluate the industry's and
the target market's overall attractiveness to the proposed firm. An industry is a collection of businesses
that offer comparable goods and services, and the target market for these businesses is typically just a
small segment of the industry. Both the attractiveness of the industry and the attractiveness of the
target market are crucial factors.