AOY Registration Form 2020V3

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Phone: 086 123 9675

E-mail: Website:
PO Box 490, Randburg, 2125

Complete part 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this form in full and send it via: Fax: 086 523 8077 or Email: or Whatsapp:071 666 7594


Full Name _______________________________________________________ Company Name _____________________________________________________

Surname ________________________________________________________ Name of Supervisor / Manager _________________________________________
Mr/Mrs/Ms _______________________ Initials __________________________ Supervisor Telephone Number _________________________________________
ID Number _______________________________________________________ Work Address ______________________________________________________
Date of Birth _______________________________ Ethnicity: Black
African __________________________________________________________________
Highest Grade Passed ________________________ White Your Job Title _______________________________________________________
Tel No: Cell ______________________________ Indian Salary after tax (Nett) _________________________________________________
Home ______________________________ Asian Next of Kin Name & Surname __________________________________________
Work ______________________________ Other Next of Kin Tel No. Cell ______________________________________________
E-mail Address _____________________________________________________ Company Name / Workplace __________________________________________
Physical Address where study material will be sent to: Contact details of relative or friend NOT living with you:
________________________________________________________________ Name & Surname ___________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________
Home Address _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ Relative Tel No. _____________________________________________________

Pay the required Registration Fee for the course you
Course Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________ have selected. You can do this via ScapScan
(Download the app), Electronic Transfer (EFT),
Course Accreditor ____________________________ Course Code ___________________ or at your Bank
SnapScan on mobile | EFT or at your bank devices

Full Purchase Price of Course _______________________________

Academy of York
bank details:
Bursary Amount Awarded B. Payment Plan Option
Bank Name: Absa Bank
Monthly Fee R________________________________ Repayment Over ________ Months Account No: 4076 998 918
Branch Code: 632 005
Total Fee Payable R___________________________ Study Period ____________ Months Remember to use your
If you select the payment plan option, you need to pay a non-refundable registration fee via Debit Order or EFT. ID as a reference when
A. Once Off Payment Option making a payment!
After the registration has been approved, the monthly debit order instalments will be deducted on your salary
Once off Price R__________________ date and commence in the next calendar month after registration.


If you answered NO, please let your Sponsor complete and sign this section
Relationship to student ______________________________________________

Name __________________________________________________________ Tel No: Cell ______________________________________________________

Surname ________________________________________________________ Home ______________________________________________________

Mr/Mrs/Ms _______________________ Initials __________________________ Work ______________________________________________________

ID Number _______________________________________________________ E-mail Address _____________________________________________________

Company _________________________________________________________
I hereby guarantee the full course fee for the above-mentioned student and confirm this by accepting the Authenticated Collections System known as DebiCheck. I confirm
that I will make payment and I am aware that if payment is not made, I will be held responsible for all monies owing on the account. I further agree to all terms and conditions
signed by the student. I approve and confirm this application, and attach a copy of my ID document.

Signature of Bank Account Holder ________________________________ PLEASE SIGN HERE

Student Signature _______________________________________________ PLEASE SIGN HERE

Signed at ______________________________________on this ____________________day of _______________________________________

PART 4 : Debit Order Form (complete with PART 3 : Option B - Payment Plan) ACADEMY OF YORK
Given by: (Name of account holder) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Student Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bank_________________________________________________________ Branch and code ___________________________________________________

Account number _______________________________________________ Type of account: current / cheque / savings [circle applicable]

Total amount of R________________________ with a monthly repayment of R____________________________ for ____________________ months.

Registration fee to be deducted from my account Amount R_________________________________ Date ______________________

To Academy of York Beneficiary’s address PO Box 490, Randburg, 2125

This signed Authority and Mandate refers to our contract dated __________________________________ (“the Agreement”)
I hereby authorise Academy of York to issue and deliver payment instructions to your banker for collection against my/our account at my bank (or any other bank or branch
to which I may transfer my account) on condition that the sum of such payment instructions will never exceed my obligations as agreed to in the Agreement and commencing
on _____________________(date) and continuing registration and continuing until this Authority and Mandate is terminated by me by giving you notice in writing of not less
than 20 ordinary working days, and sent by prepaid registered post or delivered to your address indicated above.
The individual payment instructions so authorised to be issued must be issued and delivered as follows:

On the __________________th (SALARY DATE) of each month as per payment plan, commencing on ________(day) of __________________ (month)____________ (year)
In the event that the payment day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or recognized South African public holiday, the payment day will automatically be the next ordinary business
day or preceding business day. Further, if there are insufficient funds in the nominated account to meet the obligation, you are entitled to track my account and re-present the
instruction for payment as soon as sufficient funds are available in my account.
Payment instructions due in December and /or April may be debited against my account on________________________________(Date)
I understand that the withdrawals hereby authorised will be processed through a computerized system provided by the South African Banks and I also understand that details
of each withdrawal will be printed on my bank statement. The following description will be used; REAOYSTUDY. I shall not be entitled to any refund of amounts which you
have withdrawn while this authority was in force, if such amounts were legally owing to you.
I acknowledge that all payment instructions issued by you shall be treated by my above mentioned bank as if the instructions had been issued by me personally.
I agree that although this Authority and Mandate may be cancelled by me, such cancellation will not cancel the Agreement. I shall not be entitled to any refund of amounts
which you have withdrawn while this authority was in force, if such amounts were legally owing to you.
I acknowledge that this authority may be ceded or assigned to a third party if the Agreement is also ceded or assigned to that third party, but in the absence of such assignment
of the Agreement, this Authority and Mandate cannot be assigned to any third party.

Signed at______________________________________on this____________________day of___________________________________

Signature of Bank Account Holder __________________________________________ PLEASE SIGN HERE


1. This Contract constitutes the entire and only agreement between Academy of York (Pty) Ltd (here-in after referred to as “AOY”) and the Student/Sponsor, and supersedes any and all prior or contemporaneous agreements,
representations, warranties, and understandings with respect to the goods, services and information provided by or through AOY, and the subject matter of this contract. The Student/Sponsor agrees to review this contract
prior to purchasing. Goods and/or services and the student/sponsors signature here to shall be deemed acceptance hereof. No indulgence, extension of time, relaxation or latitude shown, granted or allowed by AOY to the
Student/Sponsor shall be construed as a waiver of any of its rights under this agreement. 2. It is specifically recorded that the student/sponsor shall remain liable for the full purchase price of the course in the event of a
failure by the student to complete the course. 3. Study material supplied to the student may not be passed on or access given to any person other than the student. 4. The price payable will be submitted by the method
that the Student/Sponsor has indicated on the registration document. 5. Should the Student/sponsor fail to make payment, any bursary may be withdrawn and the balance outstanding of the full purchase price including the
bursary shall become immediately payable. 6. In the event that the Student/Sponsor is in arrears, or if legal action is instituted, the Student/Sponsor agrees to pay all legal costs, including legal charges on attorney and own
Sponsor scale, collection charges, tracking costs and commissions. The Student/Sponsor consents in terms of the Provisions of Section 65J of the Magistrates Court Act No.32 of 1944 to an emoluments attachment order
to be issued, without further notice to the Student/ Sponsor from the Court of the District in which the Student/Sponsor resides, carries on business, or is employed, and that the amounts of the emoluments be attached in
instalments as reflected in the agreement with AOY. 7. Academy of York may cede this agreement. 8. Late payment fees will be charged on all overdue accounts at prime plus 6,5% compounded. 9. The Student/Sponsor
agrees that the Post Office/Courier Service shall be the agent for the acceptance and conveyance of all study material and assignments addressed to the Student/Sponsor. AOY will not be held responsible in case of
courier/postal strikes. 10. The Student/Sponsor is fully aware of the accreditation status of the specific course/s that he or she is enrolling for. 11. AOY guarantees to provide tuition for the period stated per each course
from the date of registration. Any extension dates of courses must be requested from AOY in writing. 12. The Student/Sponsor agree that AOY or its partners may communicate by e-mail or SMS to the Student/Sponsor’s
computer or cellular telephone as provided. These methods will be regarded as a valid method of sending any communication in respect of the agreement. 13. The Student/Sponsor may cancel this agreement within 14
days from the date of registration or before Login details are sent, whichever comes first, by submitting a written letter to AOY. Thereafter, this agreement becomes legal and binding and shall not be cancelled. 14. If the
Student/ Sponsor is a natural person, and this contract is a Fixed Term Agreement with a specific start and end date, the Consumer Protection Act, 68 of 2008 (here-in after referred to as the “CPA”) will apply to this contract.
In this case, the provisions of Section 14 of the CPA entitles the Student/Sponsor to cancel this contract by giving AOY 20 (twenty) business days written notice of his/her intention to do so. However, the Student/Sponsor
remains liable to AOY for all amounts owed up to the date of cancellation, and AOY may impose a reasonable penalty or charge for any study material supplied, services provided, as well as in respect of the outstanding
amounts still payable in terms of the Fixed Term Agreement. The Student/Sponsor further acknowledges that should this contract period exceed the CPA prescribed period of 24 months, it is specifically agreed in this
contract between the parties that the term of this contract may exceed the prescribed term, as the term agreed to in this contract is to the financial benefit of the Student/Sponsor. 15. The Student/ Sponsor warrants that the
information disclosed in this agreement is true and correct in every respect. 16. The Student/Sponsor undertakes to notify AOY in writing of any changes to contact details within 7 (seven) days of such change. 17. Course
fees charged by AOY exclude a. Registration fees for agent partners (e.g. ICB) b. Exam fees c. Courier fees d. Additional/Replacement study material. 18. AOY Registration fee is an additional fee and not part of the Course
fee. 19. The student, undersigned, hereby appoint as our domicilium citandi et executandi for all purposes in terms of this agreement, including service of legal process, the address set out in the registration document.
20. The Student/ Sponsor hereby give consent for an enquiry to be performed on my name at a Credit Bureau. 21. AOY reserves the right to cancel this contract. 22. The Student/Sponsor consents to the jurisdiction of
the Magistrates Court Johannesbug North held at Randburg for all matters in terms of this agreement save as set out in clause 6 above.

Student Signature ________________________________________________________ PLEASE SIGN HERE

Signed at ______________________________________on this ____________________day of ___________________________________________


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