BT405 Solved Midterm Papers
BT405 Solved Midterm Papers
BT405 Solved Midterm Papers
Nano Biotechnology
Midterms Past Papers
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VU Biologists
do it right if u found any mistake
1. Nanotechnology________ nanoscale
2. American Physicist name___________ Dr. Richard Feynman
3. By 2050, world population____________ _9.1billion
4. Human cell contain___________ 3 trillion
5. Gold properties wala-------
6. Diatom cell wall made of ______ silica (SiO2).
7. Nanotechnology not about ______ pm scale
8. Gold particles find significant exploitation______ (i) their comparative chemical stability,
making them less hazardous, (ii) simple and straightforward synthesis and fabrication
process, and (iii) genuine biocompatibility and noninterference with other labeled
9. Energy b/w valence n conduction band______ Eg
10. Semiconductor have Eg_________ is between valence and conduction
11. Nanometer about_______10 H atom
12. Carbon tube width_______3nm
Ans: Simplest _ technology at the nonscale. Nanotechnology literally means any technology on a
nanoscale that has applications in the real world. Succinct definition of nanotechnology is
engineering with atomic precision or atomically precise technology _ APT. US National
nanotechnology _ the essence of nanotechnology is the ability to work at the molecular level, atom-
by-atom, to create large structure with fundamentally new molecular organization. Nanotechnology is
group of emerging technology in which the structure of matter is controlled at the nanometer scale to
produce novel materials and device that have useful and unique properties
What are Self Assembled Monolayers
Ans: Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs)
Some organic molecules, when exposed from solution or vapour to a suitable substrate, self-
assemble to produce homogeneous, densely packed layers of monomolecular thickness. These
organic molecules have long chains with two different end groups. monolayer is formed when one of
the two end groups of the organic molecule reacts with a particular surface forming a chemical bond.
The surface properties of the substrate are then defined by the exposed functional groups of the
For example, alkyl-silane or alkane thiol molecules exposed to a silica or metal surface assemble
into organised layers.
VU Biologists
Ans: Some forms of metal nanoparticles have important environment applications. Zero-valent (Fe0)
iron nanoparticles are under investigation for the remediation of contaminated groundwater and soil.
Iron, when exposed to air, oxidises easily to rust; however, when it oxidises around contaminants
such as trichloroethylene (TCE), carbon tetrachloride, dioxins, or PCBs, these organic molecules are
broken down into simple, far less toxic carbon compounds.Iron nanoparticles are more effective than
conventional ‘iron powder’, which is already used to clean up industrial wastes. Iron nanoparticles
are 10 to 1 000 times more reactive than commonly used iron powders. Silver nanoparticles have a
strong antibacterial capacity. They are used in numerous products to prevent or reduce the
adherence of bacteria to surfaces
Applications of Nanotechnology in diagnostics
A microscopic machine roaming through the bloodstream, injecting or taking samples for
identification and determining the concentrations of different compounds
VU Biologists
• Nanotech is capable of delivering medication to the exact location where they are needed –
hence lesser side effects
• Organic dendrimers - a type of artificial molecule roughly the size of a protein- would be ideal for
the job of delivering medicine
• Hollow polymer capsules - gold-coated glass beads that are near infrared light sensitive
• Destruction of harmful eukaryotic organisms / cancer cells by interrupting their division process
• Certain proteins are capable of doing this (e.g., Bc12 family of proteins)
• Nanoprobe can be made to generate radiation, that could kill bacteria, viruses and cancer
• Nanoprobe comprising of a single caged actinium-225 atom would detect (using antibodies)
and enter a cancerous cell
• Location and destruction of cancer cells by acoustic signals
• Comparison of normal and cancerous cells in respiratory airway of the lung
• Nanotechnology also theoretically allows the mimicking of natural biological processes e.g.,
repair of damaged tissues
What is block copolymers (2)
Ans: A copolymer is a macromolecule containing two or more types of monomers and a block
copolymer comprises these basic units or monomer types joined together in long individual
sequences called blocks.
An example is the diblock polymer (A)m(B)n, which is made of a linear sequence of m monomers of
type A joined together to a linear sequence of n monomers of type B.
Current uses of nanotechnology. (3)
Ans: Nanotechnology is not an industry; nor is it a single technology or a single field of research
The field of nanotechnology is interdisciplinary.
Nanotechnology is referred to as a general-purpose technology.
The total market for nanobiotechnology products was $19.3 billion in 2010 and is growing at a
compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9% to reach a forecast market size of $29.7 billion by
Medical applications, including drug delivery and microbicides, dominate today's market, with sales
of $19.1 billion in 2010. This market segment is growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
of 8.7%, and is forecast to reach sales of $29 billion by 2015 (BCC).
More and more consumer products are branded worldwide as nano.
Explain self-healing adhesive and why diatoms are biommitic models of self healing
materials. (5)
• Diatoms are a type of algae with nanostructured amorphous silica surfaces.
• Diatoms are unicellular algae that have the capability to colonize any natural and manmade
submerged surfaces.
• Diatoms are a large group of eukaryotic microalgae that have a rigid cell wall made of silica
• Some diatom species have evolved strong self-healing underwater adhesives. Some are
free-floating, others have adhesive properties in water: for instance, diatoms in the Antarctic
seas can attach to ice.
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• Others secrete viscous mucilage which binds colonies together while protecting the silica
shells from wear as they rub against each other.
• Molluscs are another species that have adhesive properties under water.
• Both diatoms and molluscs have strong underwater glues that can also resist stress and self-
• They serve as a biomimetic model for self-healing materials.
• These natural adhesives and their self-healing properties are due to the properties of the
proteins contained in them.
• These proteins have sacrificial bonds that allow the molecule to be reversibly stretched by
breaking and re-bonding.
• This sacrificial bond behaviour has been observed in many other materials, such as wool.
• Closing the wounds with sticky materials has been introduced to prevent bleeding and
induce the wound healing process.
• Many types of surgical adhesives including tissue adhesives have been developed to be a
suitable alternative for sutures and staples.
• A new approach which aims at producing bio-adhesives by mimicking the nature along with
applying nanotechnology methods.
• Engineering stable underwater adhesives currently poses a major technical challenge,
because most man-made adhesives fail in wet conditions, owing to chemical modification of
the adhesive or its substrate.
• Diatoms produce adhesives that are extremely strong and robust, in both fresh- and
seawater environments.
• AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) study of living diatoms, phase imaging and force
spectroscopy experiments revealed characteristics of these natural adhesives that may be of
use in designing man-made adhesive analogues that function in wet environments.
• The AFM allows for investigations of micromechanical properties of the cell surface, for
example viscoeleastic properties, adhesion forces and hardness measurements, in
physiological conditions.
• Experiments with three diatom species that produce outstanding natural adhesives: Eunotia
sudetica, Navicula seminulum and an unidentified species
Ans: This reflects the current needs of humans- we have too many diseases and currently too few
drugs to target them.
By far, cancer has the most drug candidates than any other disease. This disease has many more
drug candidates than hepatitis C because hepatitis C affects less people worldwide than different
kinds of cancer. Cancer, of course, can affect many different organs. On the other hand, hepatitis C
only affects the liver.
Write the phases of crystal liquid 3 marks
1. Nematic Phase: Molecules in this phase are long and rod-like in shape. They are free to
move in space.
2. Smectic Phase: This phase can be reached at lower temperatures than the nematic phase.
Molecules align themselves in layers. More order and higher viscosity.
3. Cholestric Liquid Crystal: Molecules with intermolecular forces that favor alignment between
molecules at a slight angle to one another
VU Biologists
Application of SAM 3 marks
Ans: Applications: SAMs are extremely useful in thin-film technology since they provide a simple,
versatile and relatively inexpensive way of producing coatings with specific functionalities.
Thin coatings are used in many applications, for example to control surface wetting and adhesion
properties; to provide chemical resistance or specific biocompatibility; to confer antibacterial
properties; and for sensors.
SAMs are particularly interesting for developing DNA and protein micro and nanoarrays for medical
screening and for future electronic components in computer chips and other ICT developments
ways nanotechnology impacts our lives daily basis?.) 5 marks
Ans: 1. Faster, smaller, and more powerful computers that consume far less power, with
longerlasting batteries
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2. Faster, more functional, and more accurate medical diagnostic equipment. Lab-on-a-chip
technology enables point-of-care testing in real time, which speeds up delivery of medical care.
Nanomaterial surfaces on implants improve wear and resist infection.
3. Nanoparticles in pharmaceutical products improve their absorption within the body and make
them easier to deliver, often through combination medical devices. Nanoparticles can also be used
to deliver chemotherapy drugs to specific cells, such as cancer cells.
4. Improved vehicle fuel efficiency and corrosion resistance by building vehicle parts from
nanocomposite materials that are lighter, stronger, and more chemically resistant than metal.
Nanofilters remove nearly all airborne particles from the air before it reaches the combustion
chamber, further improving gas mileage.
5. Nanoparticles or nanofibers in fabrics can enhance stain resistance, water resistance, and flame
resistance, without a significant increase in weight, thickness, or stiffness of the fabric. For example,
“nano-whiskers” on pants make them resistant to water and stains.
6. Water filters that are only 15-20 nanometers wide can remove nano-sized particles, including
virtually all viruses and bacteria. These cost-efficient, portable water treatment systems are ideal for
improving the quality of drinking water in emerging countries.
7. Carbon nanotubes have a variety of commercial uses, including making sports equipment
stronger and lighter weight. For example, a tennis racket made with carbon nanotubes bends less
during impact, and increases the force and accuracy of the delivery. Nanoparticle-treated tennis
balls can keep bouncing twice as long as standard tennis balls.
8. Most sunscreens today are made from nanoparticles that effectively absorb light, including the
more dangerous ultraviolet range. They also spread more easily over the skin. These same
nanoparticles are also used in food packaging to reduce UV exposure and prolong shelf life.
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9. Many drink bottles are made from plastics containing nanoclays, which increase resistance to
permeation by oxygen, carbon dioxide, and moisture. This helps retain carbonation and pressure
and increases shelf life by several months.
10. Thanks to nanotechnology, a huge variety of chemical sensors can be programmed to detect a
particular chemical at amazingly low levels, for example, a single molecule out of billions. This
capability is ideal for surveillance and security systems at labs, industrial sites, and airports. On the
medical front, nanosensors can also be used to accurately identify particular cells or substances in
the body
intermolecular and intramolecular bonding differwnce ?2 marks
Ans: Intramolecular bonding (chemical interactions): these are bondings that involve changes in the
chemical structure of the molecules and include ionic, covalent and metallic bonds;
Intermolecular bonding (physical interaction): these are bondings that do not involve changes in the
chemical structure of the molecules and include ion-ion and ion-dipole interactions; van der Waals
interactions; hydrogen bonds; hydrophobic interactions; repulsive forces (such as steric repulsions).
quantum confinment 2 marks
Ans: The general principle is that confinement occurs if a characteristic size is less than or equal to
the electron coherence length.
At very small dimensions when the energy levels are quantified, the band overlap present in metals
disappears and is actually transformed into a band gap.
This explains why some metals become semiconductors as their size is decreased.
The increase in band gap energy due to quantum confinement means that more energy will be
needed in order to be absorbed by the band gap of the material
biomimetic membrane application 3 marks
Ans: the important function of maintaining osmoregulation in living organisms by facilitating water
transport through cell walls.
Aquaporin molecule is the ability to restrict the passage of contaminants including bacteria, viruses,
minerals, proteins, DNA, dissolved gases, salts, detergents, and even protons without encumbering
the passage of water.
For the past several years, a number of research efforts have been underway in an attempt to utilize
aquaporins in the development of a new biomimetic membrane technology.
Biomimetic membranes hold considerable promise as a low-energy option and a more effective
alternative to desalination, industrial water treatment and other water purification applications.
The Aquaporin Inside technology is essentially a thin film coating that hosts aquaporin proteins in an
environment that retains the molecules natural activity of moving water molecules.
VU Biologists