Training Assignments: Data Structure & Algorithm

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Document Code 25e-BM/HR/HDCV/FSOFT

Version 1.1

Effective Date 20/11/2012

Hanoi, 06/2019
Training Assignments Data Structure & Algorithm Issue/Revision: x/y

No Effective Date Change Description Reason Reviewer Approver

1 01/Mar/2019 Create new Create a new Assignment DieuNT1

2 15/Nov/2019 Update Add C++ requirements VanNC

25e-BM/HR/HDCV/FSOFT v1.1 Internal use 2/5

Training Assignments Data Structure & Algorithm Issue/Revision: x/y

Day 3 - Unit 03: Sorting Algorithm - Assignment 07: Sorting ......................................................................... 4
Requirements:.......................................................................................................................................... 4
Technical Requirements: .......................................................................................................................... 4

25e-BM/HR/HDCV/FSOFT v1.1 Internal use 3/5

Training Assignments Data Structure & Algorithm Issue/Revision: x/y

LOC: 60

Day 3 - Unit 03: Sorting Algorithm - Assignment 07: Sorting

Given an array of non-negative integers, arrange them such that they form the largest number.
1. Given [3, 30, 34, 5, 9], the largest formed number is 9534330.
2. Output: "9534330"

Note: The result may be very large, so you need to return a string instead of an integer.
Technical Requirements:
C# Project
 Solution name must be DSA.M.A0301.
 Must create project called FA.Training.DSA.Sorting.
 Create a class called DSAMA0301 in FA.Training.DSA.Sorting project.
 In DSAMA0301 class, you must create the LargestNumber() method:
1. public static string LargestNumber(int[] array) {
2. }

 Must complete the LargestNumber() method to fulfil the requirements.

Java Project
 Must create a project named DSA.M.A0301
 Create a class called DSAMA0301 and put it in package
 In DSAMA0301 class, you must create the largestNumber() method:
3. public static String largestNumber(int[] array) {
4. }

 Must complete the largestNumber() method to fulfil the requirements

JavaScript Project
 Must create a project named DSA.M.A0301
 Must create a src folder inside newly created project
 Create a file called DSAMA0301.js and put it src folder
 In DSAMA0301.js file, you must create the largestNumber() function like below:
1. function largestNumber(array) {
2. }

 Must complete the largestNumber() method to fulfil the requirements

C++ Project
 Solution name must be DSA.M.A0301.
 Must create project called FA.Training.DSA.Sorting.
 Create a file called DSAMA0301.cpp in FA.Training.DSA.Sorting project.

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Training Assignments Data Structure & Algorithm Issue/Revision: x/y
 In DSAMA0301.cpp, you must create the largestNumber() method:
1. string largestNumber(int array[], int len) {
2. }


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