Reading Cross Sections Inferior Vena Cava
Reading Cross Sections Inferior Vena Cava
Reading Cross Sections Inferior Vena Cava
In brief
• Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) = the lower vena cava (Latin for “hollow vein”)
• Transports deoxygenated blood from the lower body back to the heart
• It is formed by the fusion of the left and right iliacae communes (common iliac veins) at
height L4/L5 (4th/5th lumbar vertebrae).
• Runs to the right side of the aorta abdominalis (abdominal aorta), ventral right to the
vertebral column.
• Runs dorsally to the liver, embedded in the posterior part of the liver
• Enters the diaphragm directly after passing the liver to enter the right atrium directly cranial
of the diaphragm.
Coronal 730
• It is formed at the height of L4/L5
(4th/5th lumbar vertebrae) by fusion
of the left and right iliacae
communes (common iliac veins).
• It runs to the right side of the aorta
abdominalis (abdominal aorta),
ventral right to the vertebral column.
Transversaal 1500
• Runs dorsally to the liver,
embedded in the posterior part of
the liver.