Social Learning Theory Notes
Social Learning Theory Notes
Social Learning Theory Notes
Theorists Anderson, Bruner, Ausubel, Gagne, Taba, Gordon, Craik & Lockhart If the mind is like a computer, then
- John Atkinson, Richard Shiffrin teaching is like the purchase of a new
program that needs to be download. It takes
time. Our students process, store, and
McLeod, D. S. (2021). Multi-Store Model of Memory. SimplyPsychology. Retrieved from retrieve what we teach and we need to,%2Dterm provide the information in a way that they
%20memory%20(LTM). can do so effectively.
View of Knowledge Fixed body of knowledge to acquire, The view of knowledge in a school setting
may look like the sensory loading of
Stimulated from outside, different stimuli. By breaking down the
information into smaller parts, we allow the
Prior knowledge influences how information is processed
students the opportunity to digest what is
given. We can make it meaningful with
outside stimuli such as interest, food,
music, etc. The meaningful stimuli helps
make connections between the dots that
heightens their understanding of prior
knowledge as they apply it to new
knowledge. Most importantly, the teacher
needs to establish a set boundary of what
makes the concept and what does not.
Learning Acquisition of facts, skills, concepts, and strategies Learning happens when their capabilities
are built on. When they have prior
Occurs through the effective application of strategies knowledge to work off, they can grow as
- Learning is best when innate abilities are capitalized upon they develop their current knowledge.
- New knowledge is built on current knowledge
- Ask probing questions
Teaching Transmission, By combining innate abilities with
structured practice, repetition, and training
Guide students toward more “accurate” and complete knowledge can help concepts stick. Our job is to guide
them to the acquisition of knowledge and
not just give them the answer. This process
will help them to transmit the information
into long-term memory. A way to do this is
through asking probing questions that they
have to think through.
Role of Teacher Teach and model effective strategies As a teacher using this theory to engage in
- Access prior knowledge, build on what is already known through collaboration, problem solve, ask learning, I find it most beneficial when the
questions students feel apart of the instruction instead
- Teacher facilitates discussion, poses probing questions, shows examples/non-examples, plans appropriate
of simply listening to the instruction. When
activities, provides many materials, ask students to summarize critical attributes of concept, conducts
assessments, ask students to apply knowledge to novel situations
I demonstrate what the final result should
Correct misconceptions look like and the process to it, my students
- Approach possible misconceptions prior to the act. The non-examples help weed out the what could be but connect more with the learning. This is
just miss falling under the correct category. especially true when I incorporate their
interest. I have a few students who love
theater and musicals, to get them involved I
will sing the instructions at the important
steps. They tend to repeat the song without
realizing I am conditioning them to repeat
the learning. I have also noticed that when I
give them time to discuss with their peers
before sharing or after learning a new
lesson, they continue processing the
information and do better with recollection
in future lessons.
Role of Peers Not necessary but can influence information processing The role of peers in the classroom for this
- Access prior knowledge, build on what is already known, collaboration, problem solve, ask questions, theory is to collaborate and promote
engage in discussions, apply a variety of learning strategies discussion with others.
Role of student Active processor of information By modeling active listening skills and how
- Students need to be active participants/ listeners when it comes to the information processing lesson models to make connections with the material, I
Strategy user can insure my students know what it looks
- Students need to be ready to relate prior knowledge to new knowledge
like to be active processors. When I prepare
Organizer and reorganizer of information
- Students should be ready to observe, analyze, make connections, compare/contrast, record, and develop
my students with think questions before
information new material, they are actively trying to
Remember find the connection that would help them
- Students should be ready to apply knowledge to real world applications find the answer. I like to start off new
readings with a “what kind of assumptions
can we make based on what we know so
far?”. This approach allows my students to
begin analyzing and observing the material
which then leads to them searching for
connections and transferring prior
knowledge to new knowledge.
3-5 Big ideas in - Learning is more likely to occur when learners pay attention to the information to be learned. In order for Information Processing to be
theory - Learners learn more effectively when they relate new information to prior knowledge. successful, certain aspects need to be in
concerning - Learning and development are fostered when learners are challenged to perform increasingly more difficult tasks or place. When the engagement of students is
teaching and to think in increasingly more sophisticated ways.
observed, then the information can be
learning that you - Learning is best assessed by using an assessment instrument that reflects the goals of instruction (i.e., an instrument
will apply in that has content validity).
absorbed. Engagement can be obtained by
your attaching prior knowledge to the lesson and
professional incorporating their learned skills with the
practice. new skills they are learning. As the lesson
progresses, the more a teacher can
challenge her students to think through a
problem, the more they will develop in
their learning. Finally, having a perfect
assessment that reflects what was taught
can identify the mastery of the skills asked
of the students.
Growth Mindset: How does Growth Mindset develop in this theory? Growth mindset is all about giving the
Explain in this theory - Students are able to learn and set their own goals, beliefs, and values. Gain an understanding of critical and students opportunities to fail while
creative thinking. Gain deeper knowledge instead of passively learning information presented to them. providing them the skills to succeed. This
Master skills that may be applied in and out of the classroom. theory allows for students to engage in
learning strategies that are likely to produce
critical thinking and problem solving. The
students are expected to stumble until they
uncover the necessary skills to excel.
Assessment Type Explain the type of assessment that is most appropriate for each theoretical view of learning I believe informal assessment in the
beginning of the unit is the essential in
understanding where the students are
without bringing their grade down.
Essentially, the growth mindset of able to
fail but willing to learn. In the middle and
end of the unit, a formal assessment should
be given. The middle will give a base line
for where the students start and the end is
for how much they’ve grown. This design
of assessing also allows the students to
monitor their progress as they grow.
Perfect Assignment Design a perfect assignment for this theoretical perspective. It must also be brain compatible for long term memory. By having the students create an initial list
- Listing, Grouping, Labeling, Re-grouping, Synthesizing of what they believe defines a certain
concept, you will have them actively
looking for those traits throughout the
lesson. After they make the list, they need
to reason a grouping method. Upon gaining
more information, they will need to label
their types of groups and rationalize why
they chose that label. They will then make
a new set of groups for the list they created
and develop a sentence that describes and
connects all of the groups.
Perfect Assessment Design a perfect assessment for this theory for long term memory. A perfect assessment for this theory is one
- Reflects the instruction that incorporates choice and options. The
- Requires critical thinking type of assessment that can move
- Follows the process learned in class
information to long-term memory storage
is one that relates back to the instruction
they engaged in.
Long Term Learning How does learning get into long term memory through the use of this theory? When students are given information, they
- 2 types of rehearsal methods to transfer through memory have two options. In my class, if I present a
- Maintenance and Elaborative (Beitzeil, 2022) new lesson and I hear or see my students
mumbling the information to themselves as
Beitzel, B. (n.d.). Cognitive View: Information-Processing Theory (Part 1). OpenStax CNX. Retrieved June 6, 2022, from I continue, I know they are not shifting that information to long-term memory.
However, when my students engage in the
lesson and bring in past lessons, I know
they are making the required connections to
bring it into long-term memory. For
instance, in class the other day we were
reading about the settlers and a student
brought up how they remembered a similar
text from earlier in the year where the
settlers ended up suffering from their
exploration. When this happened, I knew
my students were engaged in elaborative
Lesson Model/long How does a specific lesson model in this theory get learning into long term memory? Concept attainment is one of my favorite
term learning - The lesson model, Concept Attainment, enhances higher order thinking to build critical-thinking skills. It theory models as it challenges the students
builds on students prior knowledge, promotes exploration of different perspectives, examines the and takes the teacher’s talking time down a
relationships among concepts, and engages student curiosity for learning long term.
bit. Whenever I use this theory in my class
I can see my students actively taking in the
material as we continue and I rarely need to
step in to offer the right answer because
they work to get there on their own.
Knowledge Changing body of knowledge: The changing body of Socially constructed knowledge: Knowledge is socially constructed Individual: In the classroom, we as
knowledge is constructed, not concrete. It continuously because we learn form one another. The sharing and negotiating of teachers know that we must
changes with our experiences. How we view and take in developing knowledge allows students to structure their understanding
new information is determined by the beliefs, knowledge, on a deeper level by changing and learning with others. understand what information our
and experience we already have to draw from. Built on what participants contribute, construct together: As new students are coming into class
Individually constructed in social world: Knowledge is learning happens, they will take what they know and share why they prepared with. We can help them
constructed both individually and in the social world. We believe the answer to a question is as such. As they discuss, their brains learn by targeting their independent
take our personal experience, combine it with new will make connections between known facts and what they are being
information, and then discuss our findings to work taught. Each connection forges a stronger memory for the information prior knowledge and allowing them
through what we have learned. to become long-term. to build or construct new knowledge
Built on what learner brings: The reason knowledge
relies on what the learner brings is because what we know through its use. By conducting a
influences what we are learning. survey or a pre-test, we can
Ex: If a student knows that hot water produces steam, determine what knowledge our
then in science when they come across the reaction of students have to work with before
atoms they will know that steam is hot and apply it to the
learned information that hot atoms move quicker.
exposing them to new information
that could be misconstrued.
Social: In my class, my goal is to
have peer discussion in every lesson.
Even if I am not doing a
constructivist lesson plan, I know
that their knowledge will strengthen
by talking the new material through
with their classmates. My students
can gain new perspectives or even
change how they see the information
by sharing with each other what they
know and how it connects for them.
Learning Active construction: Students learn actively using Collaborative construction of socially defined knowledge and Individual: The individual
multisensory stimuli. The multiple neural pathways are values experience and knowledge is
opened cognitively (as they think through each problem), Occurs through socially constructed opportunities: Learning is a
emotional (as they connect personal experience to the social activity that motivates and stimulates the construction of essential in how they build
material), social (as they work with peers to problem knowledge. What is socially known, or the social norms, affect how the understanding. It is my duty to
solve), and sensory (as they use visual, auditory, and students interact with one another and the material. access the foundation in which they
physical stimuli). Neurons fire together as new have set so I can build on what they
information is processed. Restructuring prior
knowledge: Students learn by using their individual
know to help them grow in what they
experiences as the foundation and build on that with new are learning.
experiences as they learn. Social: By allowing my students to
Occurs through multiple opportunities and diverse discuss, or talk through, the material
processes to connect to what is already known: I am giving them the needed tools to
Knowledge is constructed so the learning process needs to
follow what the students know. strengthen their understanding.
Teaching Challenge: Teachers need to challenge the individual Participant: In constructivist theory lesson models, teaching is done Individual: Students need to be
student in order to keep them motivated. Finding the by the students instead of the teacher. They are the ones coming up challenged before they can truly
perfect balance between pushed hard, but not to the point with the steps, practice, implementation, and explanations. The teacher
of giving up. must be a participator, offering insight instead of instruction. engage in a growth mindset. My job
Guide thinking toward more complete understanding: Co-construct knowledge with students: Teachers engage in as teacher is to know the limits of my
Teaching needs to be a model or guide for how thinking discussion that works with the students and follows their lead as the students as well as how to guide
should happen, but does not replace the thinking process. lesson proceeds. them to successful thinking without
Teachers need to monitor the path students are on in order
to be ready to rectify off task thinking.
infusing my own personal thought
process into their development.
Social: Working together with my
students to construct knowledge is a
way to show them how much trust
and respect I have for their ability to
learn. It will also demonstrate how
they can become active participators.
Role of Facilitator, guide: The teacher acts more as a facilitator Facilitator, Guide, Co-participant: The teacher must step back from Individual: Understanding my
Teacher or guide for the students. They are not overtly hands-on, being the instructor and create a positive, safe, and collaborative students is the epitome for giving
but willing to give the power to the students. Essentially, environment for her students to work together in constructing new
the teacher needs to monitor that the students are on the knowledge. The teacher must allow for opportunities where her them their best chance at success. As
right path, help them find their way back without giving students can problem solve without too much outside influence on their their teacher, I need to know what
them too much assistance. An example with constructivist thinking. my students know and how I can use
lesson plans would be asking the students to re-read their Co-construct different interpretation of knowledge: As the students it to help them in the classroom. I’ve
initial question to make sure the gathered information is engage in learning, it is the role of the teacher to produce or pose
actually helping them to answer said question. questions that will push their thinking to the next level. These questions
stated before that I can conduct
Listen for student’s current conceptions, ideas, should challenge the students expand how they look at the problem. surveys to help gather the knowledge
thinking: The teacher must know and understand their Listen to socially constructed conceptions: A teacher must also help necessary, but I can also ask my
student’s prior knowledge and pre-existing conceptions so her students learn how to learn. It is on them to demonstrate how to students directly what they know and
they can guide the activity to address and build upon the apply past knowledge in order to understand current knowledge and acquire the information naturally as
student’s knowledge. They must also know how much show them how they can take what is learned today and apply it to
scaffolding is required for each student to perform the another class or world perspective. the year goes by.
task with the right amount of challenge to be successful. Social: Once I know what each
individual student brings with them
to the lesson, I can organize the
groups for discussion so everyone
has a different perspective to offer. I
often encourage peer discussion, but
by planning my classroom design
beforehand, I can best work for my
students to help challenge them to
expand their thinking.
Role of Not necessary but can stimulate thinking, raise Ordinary part of process of knowledge construction: The peers Individual: I need to prepare my
Peers questions: The students are accountable to y=their peers must work together to problem solve and support each other through students to be ready to share and
for their efforts and must be ready to enhance the social organization, reflections, evaluations, implementation, understanding
and communication skills of those around them. and collaboration. work with others. I can do so by
regularly exposing them to peer
interaction and group work so they
are comfortable to participate with
their classmates.
Social: Ultimately, I need to allow
my students chances to talk through
what they are learning instead of
offering the answer to keep the
lesson moving. I need to know the
right amount of time to keep them on
task but able to still think deeply.
Role of Active construction (within mind): Students need to use Active co-construction with others and self: As students take in the Individual: To engage my students
student their prior knowledge to analyze new experiences and new information they need to collaborate with their peers to exchange individually in their prospective
information. They must also reflect on the activities, what ideas and perspectives with one another. This collaboration allows
they learned, and how they learned it. As students push them to formulate building blocks of information that they can use to roles, I need to prepare them to be
themselves within the lesson, they begin to actively help comprehend what is being learned. active thinkers, explainers,
construct strong connections within the brain that will Active thinker, explainer, interpreter: In order to solve problems interpreters, questioners, and
help them in long-term memory storage. with their peers, students must be active thinkers in seeing how it could learners. This means modeling for
Active thinker, explainer, interpreter, questioner: be solved and coming up with ways to get there. They need to be able
Each student must be willing to share and think through to explain to their peers the thought process it took in order to come to
my students the techniques such as
their knowledge as they start to grow their new that conclusion. Lastly, they need to interpret the data in front of them discussion question starters, research
knowledge. This includes explaining their way of to create logical explanations for their solutions. skills, and more. Once I have this
thinking, making logical interpretations of the facts before Questioner: Students not only need to question the material and information taught, I can allow for
them, questioning the information given to dig deeper into information, they need to question their peers to help one another them to take control of the lesson
their understanding, and thinking through each step. explain and defend their reasoning. If they don’t question the solutions,
they stop their path of thinking. with little interference from myself.
Active social participator: Just as each student must actively be Social: After giving each of my
engaged in the lesson, they must also be active participators in the students the skills necessary to
social aspect of the lesson as well. Students need to conduct perform successfully, I need to
experiments and asks questions which is best achieved through peer
ensure they are in groups where they
feel the safest socially to open up and
share. In order for me to accomplish
this, I must take note of the
relationships in the classroom that
will foster the most positive
environment for constructive lesson
plan models.
3-5 Big List several Big Ideas that inform your instructional planning you have developed based on this theory. Explain Big Ideas and how you
ideas - 1. Learners do not passively absorb information from the environment; rather, they actively work to make sense of their applied them.
environment and construct their own, unique understandings of the world.
- 3. Learners learn more effectively when they relate new information to prior knowledge. Individual: Challenging students
- 7. Learning and development are fostered when learners are challenged to perform increasingly more difficult tasks or to based on what they know will allow
think in increasingly more sophisticated ways. for the right amount of engagement.
- 8. Learners benefit from hearing or reading the ideas of others. As we know, when information is
related to prior knowledge, the
students are better able to make
connections. I can incorporate their
prior knowledge into the topic
choice, and/or the organization of
groups for comparing knowledge.
Knowing my students will allow me
to ascertain the correct way to
challenge them just enough.
Social: I know that when sharing
ideas with others we work more than
one process of thought. Peer
discussion and active participation
are the best ways to engage the full
attention of my students to promote
the best opportunity for learning.
Growth Constructivist theory model creates an environment where the students are the most active participators during the lesson. For this Individual: I can challenge my
Mindset: reason, each model type facilitates a growth mindset. Students need to be active learners which requires them to approach the lesson students individually to build their
Explain in with the belief that they will, not only learn something, but be able to learn something new. The challenging layout of the models
this theory pushes the students to continue even after failure as they continue to apply their knowledge to what they are trying to uncover. Due growth mindset by giving them
to the constructivist’s student-centered layout, motivation is both intrinsic and extrinsic. The rewards and challenges are extrinsic opportunities to become challenged.
motivators for the students to push towards and the social interaction is an intrinsic motivator to interact with their peers more often This would involve me
in the classroom. understanding what level each of my
students are at and what prior
knowledge they have with them. I
can scaffold and outline helpful steps
in accordance with their level so they
are perfectly challenged and
continuously motivated to succeed.
Social: I can socially grow my
students’ growth mindset as a class
by offering more student-centered
lessons and opportunities to
demonstrate their learning in a
positive environment.
Perfect Design a perfect assignment for this theoretical perspective. It must also be brain compatible for long term memory. Individual: The personal experience
Assignment: - The perfect assignment would engage problem-solving with memory retrieval. I would pick a topic that they have some and knowledge that each student
familiarity with (themes, social constructs, or even genres).
- 1. They will have 10 minutes with their table groups to establish a baseline understanding or viewpoint for how do certain brings will begin the assignment as
writing styles impact the overall message. They can come up with examples from books or movies that they have read to they discuss what examples they
tie in personal experience and knowledge. have come across that best answer
- 2. Then they will apply prior academic knowledge from what they know about writing styles and techniques the question.
- 3. They will then research the best methods to demonstrate different types of messages across writing styles. They will
follow their search with 1 on 1 peer discussion where they will share what they found and begin to formulate a set answer.
Social: The students continuously
- 4. Still in their team, they will write an exit ticket that conveys their desired message or theme of their choice using the work either in a group or with a peer
best writing style. Ex: message of sadness, they write a short poem. Message of hope, they write a song so they must constantly talk through
This assignment can be done in 15-20 minutes or can have the students discuss in the last 10 minutes of class, do the research their thinking and come to an
as homework, and then come together at the beginning of next class (spacing) to discuss best methods to continue. agreement no what method is best to
*The collected student sample must be done in class*
Assessment Explain the type of assessment that is most appropriate for this theoretical view of learning. Individual: To see how well my
Type - I feel the best, most reliable, assessment type during the lesson would be informal group assessment. Unfortunately, students are taking in the material, I
because the model types require peer discussion and interaction for problem solving, there is little to no way of assessing
the individual until the unit final. Informal group assessments can be accomplished by the actual proof of having solved can organize individual assessments
the problem. For individual assessment before the final, exit ticket reflections could be a great informal way to check how in the form of exit tickets or
well they are learning. reflection summaries. These type of
assessments allow me to gain insight
into how well my students are
processing the information and if
they require any scaffolding.
Social: Seeing as how the lesson is
based in student collaboration, so too
should the assessment. The problem
solving methods used can reveal how
deeply my students are working
through the material. The assessment
cannot be formal, or earn an
individual grade, because they are
not the work of individual thinking.
Long Term How does learning get into long term memory through the use of this theory? As the teacher, I need to know what
Learning - Using the A.G.E.S. method, the constructivist approach combines multisensory experience to enhance the learning techniques and activities work best to
process. A constructivist approach promotes attention to the material, generates meaningful connections between what
they know and what they are learning, attaches emotional motivators through rewards and challenges, and spaces the keep each of my students engaged so
information over time using repetition and retrieval. Taking A.G.E.S. into consideration, the learning process becomes I can ensure their attention.
formulated to move new information into long term memory storage. Meaningful connections will be
possible once I know what works for
each student and what prior
knowledge they have. I can also
engage them emotionally by
knowing what types of rewards work
best for what student. Finally, the
timing of information and retrieval
intervals is critical and needs to be
spaced over the course of the unit
instead of a large review in the last
week to ensure students are able to
retain the information well after the
Lesson How does a specific lesson model in this theory get learning into long term memory? As an English teacher, I can use both
Model/long - Both models of problem-based and inquiry focus on the student as the director of the lesson. Problem-based lessons take models regularly to promote deeper
term real-life problems and connects them into concept learning. Due to this, the real issues, context, and problems become
learning meaningful to the students because they can relate to the topic. Once they make those connections, their prior knowledge level thinking in my classroom. I am
interacts with the content which strengthens their long term memory. a great fan of inquiry model because
- Similar in the inquiry model, the students connect facts, principles, and thinking process skills that can be applied in real- the topics of discussion are endless
life. The model provides opportunity for the students to demonstrate autonomy that can be applied to scenarios outside of and I can attach such standards as
the classroom. The independence and connections of the model builds stronger pathways in the brain that contributes to
long-term memory.
building research skills, developing
the steps for certain criteria, or even
inventing new ways for students to
work through different skills.
Personal How would you apply this theory for teaching students - I can use this theory to broaden thinking by asking the The most important thing I can do
Application how to learn? (Provide 3 or more examples) students to come up with ways to reinvent the the writing after each of these examples and the
process. Not only will they need to become familiar with the many more options, is to have my
writing process, they will come up with their own process students reflect on the process. They
that accomplishes the same task. This will strengthen
connections between the task and their personal knowledge. can answer questions such as what
- Another way to use this theory for teaching students how to were your thoughts coming in to the
learn would be to set them in groups with only the answer lesson?, what can you take away?, is
and they have to work together to develop the question. This there anything you would
reversal of thinking helps them to reconstruct how they
understand the questioning process.
keep/change?, and what is something
- To demonstrate my students’ ability to learn, I can create a new you have learned?
game where they are given an easy, fun question like,
“Should homework be eliminated from schools?” As they
will most likely want to prove the yes argument, they will
diligently research all the reasons why homework should be
removed. To them, it’s working together to get rid of
homework. For me, it’s having them practice research skills
and developing thesis statements strongly rooted in fact.
Web links
for articles 2018/10/ijhss.4.10004-2.pdf UVYsjWl0MN7MEdoN6inN22M7MmHkepEgFJMVKfYB.pdf
ctivist+theorist+suchman vTv85mExoUC&oi=fnd&pg=PA147&dq=constructivist+johnson+
%27s+theory&source=bl&ots=y2GHTbqGFs&sig=A cooperative+learning&ots=UJoYLzwo25&sig=x6UlTsaLspfdTY-
CfU3U1- mTZSkpiZGU_U#v=onepage&q=constructivist%20johnson
IKJfLC3h34ABngBonDtSyKd4SA&hl=en&sa=X&ve %20cooperative%20learning&f=false
must do to regulate the types of behaviors
learned by my students is to model the
desired social interactions that will best
benefit them.
Theorists Bandura: Believed that kids learn through observing others and copying what they do as can be seen in the The multitude of theories places emphasis
Bobo doll experiment that demonstrated how children do as they see. Developed the four theory application of on collaboration between peers which is
attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation. something I will most definitely
Dewey: Thought that through interaction between others brought learning for kids. Supported the hypothesis implement into my daily lessons. By
that engagement causes students to learn better. engaging in cooperative learning, I will
Johnson and Johnson: Believed that cooperative learning was the best way to work together towards a shared bring about the desired behaviors through
goal. expectations, modeling, and repeated
Slavin: Contributed to the belief of collaborative and cooperative learning. Believed that students learn in practice.
groups much better than they do individually.
Shlomo Sharan: Experimented and found that students actively plan what and how they will study by forming
cooperative groups according to common interests in a topic.
Thelen: Applied how behavior emerges as a pattern from all the streams that flow into the river of infant
View of Knowledge Knowledge constructed and continuously reconstructed by individuals/ groups: Peers work together to My understanding of my students’
build new understandings from different perspectives. As they share their ideas, they realign their thinking and knowledge can impact how I plan their
strengthen their understanding. discussion questions and prompt new
Students operate on experience to produce knowledge: The students retrieve what they have seen and heard learning. If I can tie in new learning to
to explain what they know. They are accessing their prior knowledge to develop and strengthen new knowledge their interest, there is a higher chance that
and how they understand it. they will become engaged and express
Knowledge has a personal quality and is unique for each individual: The social learning theory relies on their opinions on a deeper level. The
students to share their own viewpoint and perspective as they grow in learning with their peers. facilitation of deep discussion is possible
by keeping them personally engaged in
what they are learning.
How does learning Cooperative vs competitive: This learning theory relies more on cooperation than competition. The students Learning happens in the social learning
happen in this need to work together to formulate answers rather than beat each other to the answer. theory through observation and
theoretical view? Synergistic: indicates a kind of instructional relationship construction and instructional structure reform from experience. I can apply that portion of the
the perspective of synergism. theory by connecting my instruction to
Cognition as well as social complexity key to increased learning: thinking about thinking and how to both the structure of the lesson and my
express that thinking to others supports learning relationships with and between students. I
Learning from observation of others in a more advanced stage of development or skill level, must encourage them to think through
Experienced based learning: How we observe others and the results of their actions influence how we behave their thought processes and give them
in future. We take what we know, or what we think we know and apply it to what we are learning. opportunities to try and explain their
thinking and understanding.
Teaching Modeling, Observation is important: As students learn behaviors through the models set in their life, the My teaching practices should be used to
teachers must be a primary example. We must be up and seen, as well as displaying the right types of behaviors show my students the best ways in which
and methods that we want our students to copy. they are to behave with one another. I will
Model democratic processes, Experience-based learning, Inquiry and knowledge are central: During implement the most beneficial skills that I
instruction, a teacher should demonstrate the best possible way to deal with conflict or disagreement, as well as want my students to work into their ever
methods to express experience as it connects to learning and prior knowledge. day routines.
Role of Teacher Facilitator: The teacher acts as the facilitator in the classroom to promote discussion and prompt deeper-level The role of the teacher is to promote
thinking interaction and monitor its outcome. It is
Encouraging: A teacher can motivate students extrinsically though positive reinforcement and rewards. They under the responsibility of the teacher to
can boost a student’s intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy through verbal persuasion, positive reinforcement, keep discussion moving without
and constructive feedback. All in all, it is the teacher’s role to boost the self-esteem of their students. becoming the sole provider for said
flexible supervisor: The teacher must act as an overseer of group activity and learning. discussion. If anything, the teacher must
Co-participant: They are not the foreman for discussion, but a willing participant ready to jump in in case the work the hardest to bring her students to
discussion has died down. the readiness of engaging in these types of
Requires high level of interpersonal and instructional skill: The teacher is responsible for building lessons so she does not have to force the
relationships and guiding prior instruction so that her students require little interference during theory based discussion.
lessons such as these.
Responsive to student needs/Student centered: Regular monitoring of student interaction to moderate the
needs and requirements of all their students
Role of Peers Peers /role models are primary part of process of knowledge construction: In this theory, it is the peers that By giving my students multiple
play a big role in learning. They are the ones who other students observe and are known as models in the opportunities to discuss and interact with
students lives. It is the peers that play a primary role in the construction of knowledge as learners learn from their peers, I am providing chances for
their peers and the actions of their peers. them to build the skills that help with
learning. As the primary role for
constructing knowledge, I need to regulate
the behaviors of all students so any
imitation would be of desired behavior.
Role of student Participation is of primary importance: My students are responsible for
- Social learning encourages interactions with others and facilitates learning in a way that already comes facilitating their own knowledge between
naturally to most students. They must be able to remember what they have seen or heard as they make themselves and their peers. I need to make
observations of their peers and other models. sure they understand the importance of
Cooperation with peers in a democratic learning environment is necessary: remaining prepared and open-minded for
- A student must be able to see the benefit of a new behavior for long term assimilation. discussion and class participation.
Growth Mindset: - In this particular theory, students are encouraged and challenged to grow. Students are encouraged to In this theory there is a natural distinction
Explain in this learn from other people (models) and ultimately are encouraged to grow with other people. for the development of a growth mindset.
theory - The challenges and encouragement can develop the growth mindset in our students especially when Every time the students engage in social
coupled with the social aspect of the theory. discourse with their learning they are
being challenged and encouraged to
pursue learning.
3-5 Big ideas List several Big Ideas that inform your instructional planning you have developed based on this theory. Explain Big Ideas and how you applied
- Learners benefit from hearing or reading the ideas of others. them.
- Learners’ future learning and performance are influenced by the consequences that follow their The main focus with social learning
behaviors. theory is the interaction between peers. It
- Hints about how to think or behave often facilitate performance. is through interaction that students hear
the ideas of others and change
perspectives of their understanding. By
giving my students timely feedback on
their actions and decisions, I can prevent
negative behaviors from reoccurring.
There is a power in hints that can help the
modeling techniques of desired behaviors.
Such as hinting at another students
behavior before giving them positive
reinforcement will cause other students to
copy that behavior.
Perfect Design a perfect assignment for this theoretical perspective. It must also be brain compatible for long When students are asked to summarize
Assignment: term memory. what they have learned, they enact the
- A perfect assignment that could be used for this theory practice is to have the students write an retrieval process which helps to support
evaluative summary of the discussion. They will need to provide quotes from their peers which they long-term learning. The evaluative
can discuss afterwards which promotes further interaction between peers. Their summary will include summary will also require that the
a comparison of ideas between themselves and their peers that ties in their deeper-level thinking. students begin determining what
information is important and what can be
ignored. I like summary assignments for
this reason because they create
opportunities for students to break down
what they have learned in order to retrieve
the right information for long-term
Assessment Type Explain the type of assessment that is most appropriate for this theoretical view of learning. There are few assessment opportunities
- Given the social construct of this lesson theory, there are almost no ways for an assessment that is for grades with social learning theories.
focused purely on the individual’s thoughts. For this reason, an informal assessment is the most logical However, assessments need to be
approach. It grants the teacher the ability to see how her students are faring and allows for feedback on conducted in order to understand learning.
how she can change her approach in the future. I can provide informal assessments that
keep me informed but don’t rely so
strictly on the individual’s progress that
they become unreliable.
Design a perfect Perfect Assessment: Often when thinking of an assessment, we
assessment for this - A perfect assessment allows for the students to reflect on what they have learned while also giving don’t think of relying on the student’s
theory for long term them a voice in detailing what could be done to improve their learning. The assessment gives them a feedback to determine learning. However,
memory. chance to rate the participation of themselves and their peers. They must also answer questions that it is their thoughts and reflection that best
will help with the next execution of this model. The questions are: what should we do differently next articulate how they have learned and how
time as a class? What should the facilitator do differently next time? And what should you (as a they feel would work best to help them
student) do differently next time as an individual? and their peers learn better. I will
implement this kind of assessment in my
class when we discuss theories and
abstract concepts because those are the
ones where the students need to express
their learning in an informal method.
Long Term Learning How does learning get into long term memory through the use of this theory? To apply this theory in my classroom to
- This theory uses behavior to grab the attention of the observer which grants them the ability to store produce long-term learning, I will
the information. As time passes, the observer needs to recall the behavior in order to perform it. There implement certain routines. Each day I
is a higher chance that the observer will repeatedly practice the behavior if it has a positive outcome or will express my expectations for
has value placed on it. behaviors in the classroom that bring
about learning. Examples include listening
to the speaker, coming prepared to class,
and participating in class discourse. When
these behaviors are practiced and
awarded, they will continue to build until
they become natural practices. The
attentiveness, practice, and repetition of
these routines will help in developing
learning skills that contribute to long-term
Lesson Model/long How does a specific lesson model in this theory get learning into long term memory? Both of these models are infused with
term learning - In cooperative learning, there are three lesson model activities called General Cooperative Learning peer interaction and promote a deeper
model, Jigsaw model, and the Graffiti model. In each they introduce the task, name/teach and practice level of thinking that ensures long-term
the targeted social skills, implement the lesson while monitoring the students, summarize learning, and memory. As both require the students to
measure the accountability of both group and individual. Cooperative learning promotes students’ be able to explain the information they
development of social skills and mastery of academic content standards. have learned, they strengthen the
- The Socratic Seminar method introduces the seminar, facilitates the discussion, reviews and retention, retrieval, and encoding that is
summarizes the shared dialogue, and evaluates what was discussed and how the seminar went. This vital for developing the necessary inlays
instructional model uses structured questioning with debate and dialogue to promote learners’ for long-term memory.
development of critical-thinking and exploration of ideas.
Personal Application How would you apply this theory for teaching students how to learn? Giving my students the opportunities to
- First, I will bring peer discussions into every lesson plan for the school year. discuss with each other will help them
(Provide 3 or more - Second, I will model the types of behaviors I most wish my students to emulate. As well as the develop the social skills of expressing
examples) monitor other students who show the same behaviors. their opinions in a safe, positive
- Third, I will challenge my students to think deeply by asking them questions that promote thought- environment. Through modeling, there is
provoking answers. a chance for learning. If I demonstrate
what I wish for students to do, I will give
them the tools needed to be successful in
group and class activities. The level of
questions that I give my students is
another example of modeling that will
challenge their way of thinking.
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