Sustainability 13 13735 v2
Sustainability 13 13735 v2
Sustainability 13 13735 v2
Feasibility of Different Weather Data Sources Applied to
Building Indoor Temperature Estimation Using LSTM
Neural Networks
Martín Pensado-Mariño 1, * , Lara Febrero-Garrido 2 , Pablo Eguía-Oller 1 and Enrique Granada-Álvarez 1
1 GTE Research Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Heat Engines and Fluids Mechanics,
Industrial Engineering School, University of Vigo, Maxwell, s/n, 36310 Vigo, Spain; (P.E.-O.); (E.G.-Á.)
2 Defense University Center, Spanish Naval Academy, Plaza de España, s/n, 36920 Marín, Spain;
* Correspondence:
Abstract: The use of Machine Learning models is becoming increasingly widespread to assess energy
performance of a building. In these models, the accuracy of the results depends largely on outdoor
conditions. However, getting these data on-site is not always feasible. This article compares the
temperature results obtained for an LSTM neural network model, using four types of meteorological
data sources. The first is the monitoring carried out in the building; the second is a meteorological
station near the site of the building; the third is a table of meteorological data obtained through
Citation: Pensado-Mariño, M.;
a kriging process and the fourth is a dataset obtained using GFS. The results are analyzed using
Febrero-Garrido, L.; Eguía-Oller, P.;
Granada-Álvarez, E. Feasibility of
the CV(RSME) and NMBE indices. Based on these indices, in the four series, a CV(RSME) slightly
Different Weather Data Sources higher than 3% is obtained, while the NMBE is below 1%, so it can be deduced that the sources used
Applied to Building Indoor are interchangeable.
Temperature Estimation Using LSTM
Neural Networks. Sustainability 2021, Keywords: building performance; energy saving; LSTM; kriging; GFS
13, 13735.
recurrent structure based on an MLP (Multilayer perceptron) Neural Network were capable
of reaching a coefficient of correlation (R) above 0.8 for a 4-h horizon. They also highlight the
existing time-dependency inherent in the system. This time dependency requires a neural
network called Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). These networks allow information from
previous steps to persist, so that this memory is taken into account to obtain the next
time step. Xu et al. [17] compared the performance of three Machine Learning models
and two Deep Learning models and concluded that LSTM models have advantages over
the rest of he forecasting models, showing a slight increase of the R2 value. Long Short-
Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks are a type of RNN developed by Hochreiter [18]
to solve the disappearance gradient problem, by allowing gradients flow unchanged.
However, LSTM networks can still suffer the explosive gradient problem. Other authors
increased the precision of LSTM models using Convolutional layers (CNN) [19] and
adaptive hyperparameter configurations [20].
A point in common for all models is the utilization of weather data. Weather conditions
have a great influence on the prediction of internal conditions. The implantation of Internet
of things (IoT) in buildings, to collect information about the indoor conditions and facilities
behaviour, may contribute to reducing the gap between the energy model and the real
building. This technology is applicable to both new and existing buildings, with different
strategies for monitoring it depending on the objectives [21,22]. However, in the case of
outdoor conditions its applicability is less. The measurement of meteorological conditions
has more restrictive requirements. Traditionally, Typical Meteorological Years (TMY) [23]
have been used, based on statistics. Currently, the availability of other data sources takes
time leading TMY to disuse and increasing the utilization of more accurate options. The
most appropriate strategy to pursue would be gathering in-site measurements. However,
the measurement of weather conditions requires the installation of expensive equipment
that must fulfil certain technical criteria that cannot always be reached. In this case, the
simplest way is to use data collected by a nearby weather station. However, there is not
always some near the emplacement, besides that, the further away it is from the building
the less the accuracy will be. To mitigate this problem, interpolation between several
stations can be a solution. Interpolation techniques, such as Thin Plate Spline (TPS) [24]
and Nearest Neighbour (NN) [25], amend the lack of precision caused by the position of the
weather station. An interpolation technique that has been well received to tackle problems
like this is kriging, with various examples on this field [26,27]. Another inconvenience that
comes with the use of weather stations is that often the data are not public, which limits
their use. In this context, the option of using Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models
with open access outputs like Global Forecast System (GFS) or Global Data Assimilation
System (GDAS) arises. More information about GFS and GDAS physics can be found
in [28]. This source differs from the previous sources in that the data will no longer come
from a measurement but is a weather forecast.
The intention of this work is to develop a comparative framework for different sources
of meteorological data. For this purpose, the LSTM Neural Network will be fed with
the data of the building under study together with the meteorological conditions from
different sources. These sources will be analysed to detect the possible weaknesses of each
method. By obtaining the metrics of Coefficient of Variation of the Root Mean Square
Error (CV(RMSE)), Normalized Mean Bias Error (NMBE) y R2 is intended to evaluate the
accuracy and strengths of each of them.
installations. First floor sensors can be divided into three groups: in Figure 1, the group of
sensors that measure indoor conditions (temperature, relative humidity and CO2 in parts
per million) are marked in green, and the blue and red squares indicate the electrical and
thermal consumption sensors, respectively. Data are used in hourly frequency.
The variables for which more than one sensor is mounted are used as a single compos-
ite series with the average values.
Figure 2. Distance between the Rectorate building (A) and the nearest weather station (B). Source:
“Bilbo” 43◦ 170 11.5600 N and 2◦ 580 50.5900 O. Google Earth. 23 March 2021. 10 October 2021.
The third source of meteorological data is a kriging interpolation applied over the
entire network of Euskalmet weather stations. The family of kriging methods is named
after the geology and mining work of Krige [29], further developed by Matheron [30]. The
kriging process is based on the principle that the properties of the points closest to the
target are more similar to that of the furthest points.
For a generic variable Z(x) to be interpolated, this spatial correlation means that it can
be decomposed by two components: a deterministic part m(x), which expresses large-scale
variations of Z(x), and a random part A(x), which accounts for small-scale variations due
to uncertainties and measurement errors. Equation (1) shows this decomposition:
Z ( x ) = m ( x ) + A ( x ). (1)
All kriging processes are based on this principle. In this study, the kriging version—called
Universal Kriging—is applied, which uses additional variables (in this case latitude, longi-
tude, elevation and land-sea proximity) that model the spatial tendency at the global scale
of the main variable.
Figure 3 shows the network of weather stations (black) and the location of the Rectorate
The fourth data source is the Global Forecast System (GFS) model, a numerical weather
prediction model developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) of the US. This model uses scattered weather observations from different sources
to generate meteorological forecasts over a regular grid that covers all the planet. The GFS
surface flux (GFS sflux) product, which is the particular implementation of GFS used here,
has a spatial horizontal resolution of about 13 km at the equator. The mesh resolution is
represented in Figure 3.
It provides 1-h resolution forecasts four times each day (at 00, 06, 12 and 18 h UTC),
covering a range of several days for each forecast execution. The grid nodes of GFS sflux
covering the Basque Country are shown in Figure 4. The meteorological variables extracted
from the GFS sflux forecast files are temperature at 2 m height, relative humidity, and short
wave downwards solar irradiation.
This model provides 1-h resolution forecasts four times each day (at 00, 06, 12 and 18 h
UTC), covering a range of several days for each forecast execution. The grid nodes of GFS
sflux covering the Basque Country are shown in Figure 3. The meteorological variables
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13735 5 of 15
extracted from the GFS sflux forecast files are temperature at 2 m height, relative humidity,
and short wave downwards solar irradiation.
The Figure 3 illustrates the different sources of meteorological data:
Figure 3. Map of the Basque country showing all meteorological data sources used.
The location of the Rectorate building is indicated by the red rhombus. The corner
triangles represent each of the meteorological stations that compose the Euskalmet network,
and located to the south of the building and highlighted by the white triangle is the nearest
station. The grey circles symbolize each of the GFS nodes, although the node east of the
nearest station is the one used in this case.
determines the hidden state of the cell. Through this door structure, LSTM cells are able to
retain relevant information.
The combination of conventional hidden layers and LSTM cells is the first step on
the construction of the case architecture. These cells are combined using, in each case,
the optimal configuration for the problem to be solved. Since it is intended to compare
the results for four data sources, the same network will be used in all cases, so that the
variation of the results is not influenced by the network architecture.
One of the most important parameters of LSTM networks is time-lag. Using this value,
a certain amount of previous time steps are sent to the network. The decision to use three
or 24 previous steps has a great influence on the results and depends on the characteristics
of the building and the facilities of the same that are studied. In this case, a value of 12 h
has been taken, based on previous work [31].
The literature on the configuration of a neural network is extensive and the possibilities
are innumerable [32–35]; therefore, the search for this configuration is usually delimited to
a grid. This tool establishes a series of intervals that define the parameters to be evaluated.
In this work, the parameters for which the grid will be applied are the relationship layers
LSTM—hidden layers, the number of neurons, the number of epochs, according to the
limits collected in Table 1:
The parameters that will remain fixed are the optimizing algorithm, which is Adaptive
Moment Estimation (Adam) [36]; the activation function, using the Rectified Linear Unit
(ReLU) [37] and the batch size, equal to 64 [38]. The patience option is also used. This
early stop option is used to prevent overfitting [39] from occurring and works by stopping
the training loop in the event that a certain amount of the set epochs is reached and no
improvement in the results has occurred [40]. Since epochs are a variable parameter, 20% is
set as a limit.
These values have been filtered to eliminate outliers caused by sensor errors (p.e.
relative humidity is known to be between 0% and 100%) and converted into missing
values. This filtering can increase the number of missing values. As indicated, LSTM
networks use continuous values, so to reduce the amount of missing data, these gaps are
subsequently filled by second order polynomial interpolation, setting as a condition of
application the number of consecutive values equal to or less than three. If this condition
is not met, interpolation does not apply. Values that do not meet this condition will be
masked through a scaling before being introduced into the neural network.
∑iN=1 ( Mi − Si )
N MBE = 100 · . (2)
In Equation (2), N is the number of samples, Si is the forecasting value, Mi is the
observation value and M̄ is the mean value of the observations.
On the other hand, CV(RMSE) is the RMSE, normalized by the mean of the observation
values. It is used as a primary measure of error to assess the quality of the models created
(Equation (3)). s
1 ∑iN=1 ( Mi − Si )2
CV ( RMSE) = 100 · . (3)
M̄ N
In Equation (3), the variables used are the same as in Equation (2). Following the crite-
ria established by the ASHRAE on Guideline 14 [41], for hourly forecasting, a CV(RMSE)
lower than 30% allows us to consider the model as calibrated.
In addition to these two indicators, the coefficient of determination (R2 ) has been used.
This coefficient, obtained by Equation (4), indicates how close simulated values are to the
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13735 8 of 15
regression line of the measured values [42]. Its value is between 0 and 1, a value close to 1
meaning a good fit between the simulated and measured values.
n · ∑iN=1 ( Mi − Si ) − ∑iN=1 ( Mi ) · ∑iN=1 (Si )
R2 = q . (4)
(n · ∑iN=1 Mi2 − (∑iN=1 Mi )2 ) · (n · ∑iN=1 Si2 − (∑iN=1 Si )2 ))
For this indicator, the ASHRAE Guideline [41] and the International Performance
Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPVMP) [43] recommend a value greater than 0.75
in calibrated models.
Attention is also paid to the number of missing values in each source, a fact that can
greatly influence the results due to the discontinuities in the series of data used by the
LSTM network. To prevent attributes in larger numerical ranges from dominating those
in smaller numerical ranges all variables are scaled and, since missing values cannot be
deleted due to the fact that LSTM neural networks work with continuous data, missing
values are masked. In this case, data are scaled between 0 and 1 and a missing value is
represented with −1.
It can be observed how the data obtained in-situ are those that present a greater
amount of missing data, especially in the irradiation series, which presents 21.98% of
missing values. In the case of the Euskalmet meteorological station, the percentage is very
low, 0.87% of all data. In the case of kriging data, only the missing irradiation data are
relevant, in the case of 5.51%. While for data obtained by meteorological stations, missing
data may be due to a sensor failure, for the GFS it is due to a download failure on the server.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13735 9 of 15
In this case, the series preserves a total of 102 missing data corresponding to August 2018,
so it is estimated that its influence will be low by not making estimates for any summer
month of 2019.
To compare the four datasets, we took as a reference the data from the measurements
in the building and studied the difference with the other sources. These differences are
plotted on the x-axis histogram in Figure 7, where the y-axis indicates the frequency of
occurrence. We can observe the distance of the Euskalmet, Kriging and GFS tables with
respect to the measurements obtained in the building. This does not imply that the building
measurements are correct, since the sensors are subject to measurement errors.
Figure 7. Difference between building’s weather station measurements and the measurements of the
rest of the sources.
The temperatures histogram shows how Euskalmet and Kriging series are more
centered, that is, these series are more similar to those of the building. On the other
hand, the GFS series is advanced, which means that the temperature values are below
the measurements of the building. A similar situation happens for relative humidity. In
addition, in this case, the Euskalmet series is closer to that of the building. For Kriging
series, data are placed at an intermediate point between the GFS and Euskalmet. Globally,
the three series are more distant than in the case of temperature. Taking into account
the solar irradiation, differences dispersion is much higher than the two other variables,
although the three series present at least 4% of the values in the range [−10, 10]. As with
relative humidity, the series are very far from the established reference, although in this
case it should be noted that the irradiation series presents the greatest amount of missing
data, which have not been represented.
Figure 7 does not represent all the differences obtained, since the queues in the chart
showed a very low percentage (≤1%). The Table 2 shows the percentage of values not
represented in the graph.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13735 10 of 15
Jointly analysing Figure 7 and the values contained in Table 2, it can be deduced that
the temperature presents a much greater proximity than the series of relative humidity and
solar irradiation.
It can be seen how the predictions follow the trend of the measurements although
with differences. For January and March, colder months where the influence of heating is
greater than the influence of solar irradiation, the prediction is closer to the actual curve.
For the month of May, when the days are warmer, predictions are below the real curve,
meaning that the network gives less importance to irradiation than to heat consumption. As
predictions were realized for the same floor, this factor is considered to have no influence on
the results and therefore only climatic differences have an effect. Missing values for 2019 are
only present for irradiation on Building and Kriging series but seeing the results, this does
not seem to have much influence. Based on Figure 8, it is not possible to determinate which
outcome of the predictions best fits the measured values, making error analysis necessary.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13735 11 of 15
The interquartile range of the four sources is in all cases below 2%, which implies a
stable and bounded error. In the case of moustaches, the four series have a range of close
to 5%, although it is the GFS series that has a lower range. It is worth noting the presence
of outliers in all the series, although with different relevance, Euskalmet being the one that
presents a smaller quantity of outliers while in the Building they are below 8%, being the
only series in which it occurs.
To further quantify these errors, Table 3 is added, which includes the CV(RMSE) for
each month, as well as the total of each series.
This values show that all predictions are around a CV(RMSE) close to 3%. If we detail
the analysis to the observation for months, it is notable that February and May show the
smallest error, while April contains the biggest error of all series, although the results for
these periods do not differ greatly from the trend observed for the other months
If we analyzed each series of data, the errors point to a better behaviour of the
Euskalmet and Building results. This can be explained by the accuracy of the Building data
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13735 12 of 15
and the continuity of the Euskalmet data. By changing the focus, looking at Figure 7, the
similarity between the Euskalmet series with the Building series is on the line with the
results obtained. In turn, although the GFS series is more distant from the measurements
inside the building than the Kriging series, this one has a higher percentage of missing
values, while the GFS series is lower in terms of magnitude.
On the other hand, to represent the NMBE results, Figure 10 is used. It represents each
of the series facing the average indoor temperature and the predictions obtained. This also
includes the adjustment of the results, expressed by the index R2 :
The R2 value shows how the four series are slightly above 0.75, with the Euskalmet
series showing the higher value and the kriging series showing the lowest value, but very
close to Building and GFS. These results are similar to those obtained for CV (RMSE). The
series present certain values with a great deviation from the general trend, although there
is no one that stands out in this aspect. Several of these values can be observed in similar
positions for the different series, especially in values below the R2 value, so they are likely
to be caused by missing values in the common data. The results of the calculation of the
NMBE are shown in Table 4:
The negative values present in the first three months mean that, in those months, the
model produces an overestimation, while in the rest of the cases an underestimation is
produced. Due to these differences, the value of the overall adjustment of each series is
very close to zero, it being remarkable that the phenomenon of overestimation is present
only in global value of the Building series, which in turn is the closest to zero.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13735 13 of 15
Comparing the values of Table 4 with Figure 8, the concordance between the NMBE
values and the behaviour of the series with respect to the values measured by the internal
sensors can be assessed.
Summarizing the conclusions drawn from each analysis, it can be assumed that the
results are within the margins established, referred to in the ASHRAE Guideline 14 [41]
and the IPVMP [43], in order to consider them appropriate. In addition, there is no series
that stands out as remarkable above the others in the results. There are differences between
each series and also between the different months; however, both the overall values and
the results of each month do not point to a series with clearly differentiated results.
4. Conclusions
As seen in Section 3.3 Error Measurement and Performance Analysis, the total errors
are within 3% for the CV(RMSE) and in the lower range of +−0.5% for the NMBE for all
four sources. If we compare the value of R2 differences between the series and previous
results, such as those obtained by Xu et al. [17], we see that R2 is slightly below their results,
being around 0.89 for the network with a time step of 5 min and 0.79 for a time step of
30 min. For the case of Elmaz et al. [19], the use of a CNN layer allows them to reach values
of 0.911 for a time step of 60 min, corresponding to the one used in this work.
If we compare R2 values, the differences between the Building, Kriging and GFS series
are in the order of thousandths. The fact of obtaining this result emphasizes the problem of
missing data, being that the Building series presents a greater amount of them, as shown in
Figure 6. In the case of Kriging, although the amount of missing data is much lower, this
result could also have influenced this result. The case of the GFS data is remarkable, since
they are essentially predictive data, instead of real measurements, as is the case for the
rest of the data sources. If we look at Figure 7, it can be seen how the GFS series is the one
that is farthest away from the in-building measurements. Nevertheless, the LSTM network
has been able to adapt to this difference in magnitudes. The fact of obtaining errors in the
order of the rest of the series may be useful for future predictions. Moreover, being a global
source, it can be applied to any part of the world using the same treatment and acquisition
process. The use of such data would make it possible to anticipate energy consumption and
therefore optimize the use of sources. Considering the results of Euskalmet, and despite
coming from a weather station far from the building, the proximity of the data to those
of the building and the practical absence of missing data have allowed us to obtain an
adjustment in R2 superior by 3% to the rest of the sources.
In short, the results obtained show that the three alternative sources of meteorological
data analysed (Euskalmet, Kriging and GFS) allow indoor temperature models to be
generated for buildings of adequate quality and accuracy. The results for these predictive
models are comparable to those obtained using intensive (and invasive) monitoring of the
building interior. This leads to the conclusion that the use of such alternative, free and
non-invasive data sources has great potential for application in building energy efficiency
modelling and prediction studies.
The feasibility of using alternative data sources for the in-site measurement of mete-
orological conditions at a building site is therefore concluded. The proposed sources are
varied, which means that for the same case there may be more than one possibility. This
becomes relevant given the influence of this information on the model results.
On the other hand, it opens the door to the use of GFS data for the prediction of
building conditions such as future estimates of heat consumption or other relevant energy
variables. Knowledge of this information could enable optimization of the energy produc-
tion and storage process, a key step in the construction and design of more efficient and
sustainable buildings and facilities.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13735 14 of 15
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, P.E.-O. and M.P.-M.; methodology, M.P.-M. and P.E.-O.;
software, M.P.-M.; validation, L.F.-G. and E.G.-Á.; formal analysis, M.P.-M. and L.F.-G.; investigation,
M.P.-M.; resources, E.G.-Á.; data curation, L.F.-G.; writing, original draft preparation, M.P.-M. and
L.F.-G.; writing, review and editing, M.P.-M., P.E.-O. and L.F.-G.; visualization, M.P.-M. and P.E.-O.;
supervision, P.E.-O. and E.G.-Á; project administration, P.E.-O. and E.G.-Á.; funding acquisition,
P.E.-O. and E.G.-Á. All authors read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was supported by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of
Spanish Government under the SMARTHERM project (RTI2018-096296-B-C2).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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