R19 Dmm-I - Unit-5
R19 Dmm-I - Unit-5
R19 Dmm-I - Unit-5
Types of springs:- (Generally, how the springs are classified ? Indicate the
different types of springs by sketches and give minimum two practical
applications of each)
Following are important types of springs according to their shape:
1. Helical springs.
2. Conical and volute springs.
3. Torsion springs
4. Laminated or leaf springs
5. Disc or Belleville springs.
6. Special purpose springs.
The two forms of helical springs are compression helical spring (open coiled
helical springs)as shown in Fig.(a) and tension helical spring(closely coiled
helical spring) as shown in Fig.(b).
Helical torsion springs:-The major stresses are tensile and compressive due to
bending. The torque is being applied about the axis of the helix. The deflection is
Spiral torsion springs:- The major stresses are tensile and compressive due to
bending. They consist of flat strip wound in the form of a spiral and loaded in
torsion. The deflection is angular.
Torsion springs are used for electrical mechanisms, watches and clocks.
4. Laminated or leaf springs:- The laminated or leaf spring (also known as flat
spring or carriage spring) consists of a number of flat plates (known as leaves) of
varying lengths held together by means of clamps and bolts, as shown in Fig.
These are mostly used in automobiles.
The major stresses produced in leaf springs are tensile and compressive
Nipping of leaf Springs
5. Disc or Belleville springs:- These springs consist of a number of conical discs
held together against slipping by a central bolt or tube as shown in Fig. These
springs are used in applications where high spring rates and compact spring
units are required.
The major stresses produced in disc or Belleville springs are tensile and
compressive stresses.
6. Special purpose springs:- These springs are air or liquid springs, rubber
springs, ring springs etc. The fluids (air or liquid) can behave as a compression
spring. These springs are used for special types of application only.
3. Oil-hardened and tempered steel wire (alloyed)
--- Used for elevated temperature
--- Static loads 2S
--- Dynamic loads 2D
4. Stainless steel spring wire for normal corrosion resistance
The springs are mostly made from oil-tempered carbon steel wires containing
0.60 to 0.70 percent carbon and 0.60 to 1.0 per cent manganese.
Music wire is used for small springs. Non-ferrous materials like phosphor
bronze, beryllium copper, Monel metal, brass etc., may be used in special cases
to increase fatigue resistance, temperature resistance and corrosion resistance.
The following relation may also be used to find the free length of the spring, i.e.
In this expression, the clearance between the two adjacent coils is taken as 1 mm.
Compression Spring Nomenclature
3. Spring index: The spring index is defined as the ratio of the mean diameter to
wire diameter Spring index, C = D / d
where D = Mean diameter of the coil, and
d = Diameter of the wire.
4. Stiffness (or) Spring rate (or) Spring constant (k): The spring rate is defined
as the load required per unit deflection of the spring.
5. Pitch. The pitch of the coil is defined as the axial distance between adjacent
coils in uncompressed state.
Axial Loading:- (Explain the design of helical compression springs with a neat
sketch (or) Discuss the stresses in Helical springs of circular wire)
The wire is subjected to torsion(T), and direct load (W). Shear stress are setup
within the material of the wire as follows.
1. Shear stress due to axial force (direct shear stress)
2. Shear stress due to twisting moment.
The positive sign is used for the inner edge of the wire and negative sign is used
for the outer edge of the wire. Since the stress is maximum at the inner edge of
the wire,
In order to consider the effects of both direct shear as well as curvature of the
wire, a Wahl’s stress factor (K) introduced by A.M. Wahl may be used.
Note: The Wahl’s stress factor (K) may be considered as composed of two sub-
factors, KS and KC, such that
K = KS × KC
where KS = Stress factor due to shear, and
KC = Stress concentration factor due to curvature.
Assuming that the load is applied gradually, the energy stored in a spring is,
Note: When a load (say P) falls on a spring through a height h, then the energy
absorbed in a spring is given by
Fig: Buckling of compression spring
The critical axial load (Wcr) that causes buckling may be calculated by using the
following relation, i.e.
f ≥ 12 fi
fi = Frequency of the applied force,
when f = fi then, it is called critical frequency
Surging is a problem in valve springs in I.C Engines
The natural frequency for springs clamped between two plates is given by
How does surge in springs eliminated:-
The surge in springs may be eliminated by using the following methods :
1. By using friction dampers on the centre coils so that the wave propagation dies
2. By using springs of high natural frequency.
3. By using springs having pitch of the coils near the ends different than at the
centre to have different natural frequencies.
Problem (1):- A compression coil spring made of an alloy steel is having the
following specifications : Mean diameter of coil = 50 mm ; Wire diameter = 5 mm
; Number of active coils = 20. If this spring is subjected to an axial load of 500 N ;
calculate the maximum shear stress (neglect the curvature effect) to which the
spring material is subjected.
Problem (2):-A helical spring is made from a wire of 6 mm diameter and has
outside diameter of 75 mm. If the permissible shear stress is 350 MPa and
modulus of rigidity 84 KN/mm2, find the axial load which the spring can carry and
the deflection per active turn.
1. Neglecting the effect of curvature
We know that the shear stress factor,
Problem (3):-A closely coiled helical spring is made of 10 mm diameter steel
wire, the coil consisting of 10 complete turns with a mean diameter of 120 mm.
The spring carries an axial pull of 200 N. Determine the shear stress induced in
the spring neglecting the effect of stress concentration. Determine also the
deflection in the spring, its stiffness and strain energy stored by it if the modulus
of rigidity of the material is 80 KN/mm2.
Springs in Series
Springs in Parallel
Prepared By SrinivasuluReddy.Dorasila M.Tech.,(Ph.D); Associate professor;
Mechanical Engineering. Department; K.H.I.T; GUNTUR.