Ebook Micro Frontends
Ebook Micro Frontends
Ebook Micro Frontends
App Developers
Engineering Leaders
Enterprise Executives
Micro Frontends
Apple Music
How are enterprises embedding web content into native apps today?
With Less
The Benefits of
Enterprise Development
It’s been a little more than a decade since microservices were introduced as a modular, flexible
alternative to the bulky monoliths used to support enterprise software architecture. Today, at
least 81 percent of businesses now use microservices within their organization.
You’ll also get a first-hand look at how Ionic Portals can turn the
promise of micro frontends into reality for your enterprise native
mobile applications.
Micro Frontends,
Excited about the potential value of micro frontends, but confused
about what they actually are? Don’t worry—we’re here to help.
Micro frontends take the monolithic application architecture delivering your entire frontend
experience from a single codebase, and divide that monolith into many different features.
These features can then be built, updated, and deployed in parallel—and reused across
multiple applications.
For example, a chat interface might be built and deployed as a micro frontend that lives in a
dozen or more separate applications. This chat interface would be built and maintained by a
single team whose single focus is on the chat experience. When you build a new application
that needs a chat feature, you simply incorporate this micro frontend experience—no need to
build an entirely new chat solution for that individual app.
However, doing this in a native mobile app is not so easy. We’ll get to
that shortly.
Key Characteristics of a
Micro Frontend
Don’t let your business get fooled into creating a new frontend that
only looks like a micro frontend.
As you research development platforms that deliver micro frontend capabilities, you need to be
certain that each developer’s resulting applications will be able to deliver a true micro frontend
experience. You don’t want to invest time and resources into this transformation project to then
discover you’ve built a clunky low-code knockoff that walks and talks like a micro frontend—
but lacks the true flexibility and composability your business needs.
By definition, any micro frontend or microapp should deliver the following capabilities:
When Luca Mezzalira, then a VP of Architecture at DAZN, first sought out a micro frontend
approach for his organization, his transformation project was focused on addressing a specific
area of need.
The alignment of development goals with your micro frontend project will help your
organization accelerate and optimize the ROI of this new approach. That said, micro
frontend development for mobile can deliver the following business benefits:
• Reduced time and resource cost for mobile app development. Remember the scenario
we laid out regarding the frontend chat interface? By repeating the use of this single
interface multiple times across multiple applications, you’re able to implement new
capabilities faster, and with less development labor.
Modular apps and responsive features make it easier to customize each user’s experience to
their specific needs or interests. As new micro journeys are discovered and prioritized, this
modular design makes it easy to build out new features and pathways to serve those
divergent paths.
Cost Drivers
• Frontend Growth. The larger and more complex frontends become, the greater their
associated maintenance costs. Businesses can also incur increased costs through the
inflexibility and scaling difficulties these monoliths create, which can slow down or
disrupt revenue-generating activities—and which may require the adoption of additional
solutions to supplement these limited capabilities.
With smaller codebases offered by a micro frontend, developers can be more agile and
efficient when building out new capabilities and integrating applications. The resulting
frontend is much easier to scale and requires less maintenance, reducing ongoing costs
while reducing barriers to revenue generation.
While this interdependence stifles the adoption of newer, better solutions, it can also
leave your frontend hitched to costly, inefficient applications that are delivering little
value to your organization. This creates an opportunity cost, and an organizational tech
debt, that will only grow over time.
• Speed of Delivery. Monolithic frontends inevitably require slower, more time- and
resource-intensive updates and integration projects. With a micro frontend, the smaller
codebase and application independence accelerates the speed and reliability of
application delivery. This streamlined, modular approach eliminates one of the most
unpredictable and risky cost considerations of updating frontend monoliths.
• Long-Term Flexibility and Support for New Technologies. Both your business technology
needs, and the enterprise technologies available on the market, are certain to change
over time. This change can occur rapidly, and in unpredictable ways—and for monolithic
frontends, keeping up with this change can be complex and riddled with speed bumps.
Thanks to the smaller codebases and modular microapps making up your applications,
adapting to these changes and adopting new technologies is both faster and less
labor-intensive for your developers. Changes can be made without any impact to other
applications within your frontend, helping your business and its frontend architecture
keep pace with up-and-coming innovations.
Instead of putting those development teams through multiple layers of approvals and
tedious development projects, these smaller, self-contained microapps give individual
teams full ownership of all changes and updates made within their development domain.
Micro frontend applications alleviate this problem by making it easy to isolate testing to a
single self-contained microapp. Even when testing turns up problems, the impact of this
issue is limited to that microapp alone, preserving the rest of your frontend.
• Unrivaled Scalability. Development teams can move faster on new projects and
capabilities. Modular application design makes it easy to add new features or grow
operations by having multiple teams and potentially hundreds of developers working
in parallel. Small codebases eliminate the hassle of integrating new capabilities and
complexities into an already massive frontend architecture. All of these alleviated pain
points pave the way for a fully scalable micro frontend supporting the needs of your
organization and your end users.
App Developers
Engineering Leaders
Enterprise Executives
C-suite and other enterprise leaders will Meanwhile, the agile and scalable design
directly benefit from the long-term cost of the micro frontend means that frontend
savings and efficiencies that micro frontends design and capabilities won’t become a
can create for the IT department. Optimized constraint as the business pursues its growth
spending and expense reduction—including goals. As leaders plan out and execute their
maintenance costs and app development business strategy, they can be confident that
costs—will increase ROI over the life of the their frontend application will be an asset in
micro frontend. reaching those goals.
Examples of Enterprise
Apps Built With Micro
Although you probably can’t tell based on the end-user experience
alone—and that’s a good thing, by the way—a number of popular
enterprise applications are currently built with micro frontends.
By adopting a micro frontend, these enterprise apps are able to seamlessly integrate web and
native content, streamline and simplify the user experience, and make it easier to manage and
update these applications over time.
Here’s a look at how micro frontends have laid the foundation for
modular, responsive and scalable app experiences for Netflix, Apple
Music, and Amazon.
The Netflix player and navigation tools are all native to the app on each user’s device—which
is important to deliver a consistent experience across so many application versions spanning
mobile, desktop and smart TV devices. But the Netflix library of offerings can change based
on, most notably, the location where you’re watching, which is why access to a web-based
library is important to ensure accurate content availability for each viewer.
Apple Music
The problem with using stock WebViews is that only low-level APIs are exposed. Meaning,
these companies are investing a lot of time and resources to build good user experiences on
top of these stock building blocks. The following are just a few solutions engineering teams
need to build to create advanced experiences for users.
• Time consuming and costly to maintain. We get at least one major iOS and Android release
every year, which means there are bugs and new features to integrate. They would need to
make sure these custom WebViews are kept up to date and don’t break with new operating
system versions or patches.
Building solutions on top of stock WebViews takes time away from core competencies.
Companies like Amazon want to focus on creating the best store experiences for their
customers. They don’t want to take the time to build complicated features on top
of WebViews.
Although the WebViews approach is popular because it can be utilized for both
Apple and Android applications, it isn’t always intuitive, easy, or cost-effective for
businesses eager to unlock the performance and value of their micro frontend.
Fortunately, there’s a better way to embed web content into native applications. Ionic Portals addresses the
limitations of WebViews by making this component fully secure and extensible, while also reducing resourcing
needs to make this development approach more scalable.
Native Team Native Team Web Team #1 Web Team #2 Web Team #3
Core native features Product catalog Mobile checkout Help & support
App Features:
App navigation & routing
Core native features Local storage
App navigation & routing Device APIs
Local storage
Device APIs
Product catalog Core native features
Mobile checkout App navigation & routing
Help & support Local storage
Device APIs
Product catalog
Mobile checkout
Help & support
With Ionic Portals, your micro frontend is able to reap the following benefits:
• Expanded WebView capabilities, including easier • Empower existing web developer talent to
and more secure options for adding web-based contribute to native mobile apps, allowing each
content into native app experiences. team to focus on doing one thing well.
• iOS and Android development compatibility. • Scale development with multiple teams working
in parallel.
• Full access to native device components and
device API, such as smartphone cameras, • Live Update capabilities that bypass the typical
geolocation services, and more. app store review process—which lets your brand
push out new updates and capabilities on a more
• Security and data privacy compliance support responsive, user-friendly timeline.
from our team of trusted security experts.
• Advisory support, developer training and other
• Granular control over which native sections services to help you seamlessly integrate new
and features are accessible to web developers, web-based capabilities into your native app.
mitigating issues and bugs that bleed outside of
the intended web development container, and
simplifying QA.
Once you integrate your native application with the Portals development library, you can set
web developer permissions for specific parts of your native app and then explore our pre-built
native plugins designed to empower your micro frontend with new web-based experiences
and capabilities.
Choosing your services is often the hardest part. By the time you’ve
picked out the native plugins you want to add to your native app, all
that’s left to do is integrate the pre-built plugin and ship the application
off to your end-users!
Build Native
Applications That Do
More With Less
Whether you’re building a house or building an app, the right tools
make all the difference. Micro frontend development opens up a
whole new range of possibilities when it comes to controlling app
resourcing and development costs—while also making sure the app
is set up to deliver long-term value.
Micro frontends offer the flexibility, ease of use and scalability every enterprise needs to
deliver great user experiences both now and in the years ahead. As your frontend needs
change and evolve, you’ll have a cost-effective framework in place to quickly adapt and
onboard new services into your native application.
Don’t waste any more time and energy on maintaining your inflexible, monolithic frontend.
Take the first step toward building a micro frontend of your own—talk to an Ionic App
Specialist today.
About Ionic
Ionic is a leader in enterprise mobile app development, with
5 million developers worldwide and thousands of enterprise
customers who use Ionic to build mission-critical apps for their
customers, both external and internal.
It powers 15% of apps in the app store, not including thousands of apps built internally
at enterprises for every line-of-business need. Ionic is unique in that it takes a web-first
approach, leveraging HTML, CSS, and Javascript to build high-quality iOS, Android,
desktop, and Progressive Web Apps.