Davis 2017

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Chapter 8

Making the Case for Sustainable Urban

Drainage Systems as a Nature-Based Solution
to Urban Flooding

McKenna Davis and Sandra Naumann

Abstract  European cities continue to experience a steady increase in the intensity and
frequency of floods, largely due to high urban densities and resultant soil sealing. In
the last decade, flooding as a natural hazard has produced the highest economic losses
in Europe and storm water management has become a serious urban challenge.
The traditional solution to cope with excess rainwater in western cities has been
piped drainage systems. These are mainly single-objective oriented designs that
often no longer have the capacity to keep pace with on-going urbanisation and the
impacts of climate change, and frequently involve high construction, maintenance,
and repair costs. While such approaches have certainly reduced the damages
incurred from flooding events during the past two centuries and are arguably still
necessary for extreme flood events in the future, alternative approaches that accom-
plish these aims and offer additional benefits are progressively being pursued. Given
these conditions, one increasingly utilised solution for managing flood risk by deal-
ing with water at the source is sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS). Other
terms which also aim to minimise potential impacts on the neighbouring environ-
ment, people and development include inter alia BMP (Best Management Practices);
LID (Low Impact Development); WSUD (Water Sensitive Urban Design) (see:
Fletcher et al., Urban Water J 12(7):525–542, 2015 for a complete taxonomy).
SUDS as a promising nature-based solution are the focus of this chapter, utilizing a
range of case studies and evidence from across Europe to underline the arguments pre-
sented. Besides reducing the negative effects of urban flooding and interlinked water
pollution, the many supplementary benefits and potential cost-effectiveness of SUDS as
compared to grey infrastructure solutions are also presented. In addition to highlighting
relative advantages, the chapter also outlines current challenges facing a wider uptake of
SUDS and presents approaches to help overcome existing social and political barriers.
The promise of ongoing research, targeted collaboration and partnerships and an
ever-growing evidence base on the effectiveness and associated costs and benefits of
SUDS serve as strong tools to improve the confidence and competence associated

M. Davis (*) • S. Naumann

Ecologic Institute, Berlin, Germany
e-mail: mckenna.davis@ecologic.eu; sandra.naumann@ecologic.eu

© The Author(s) 2017 123

N. Kabisch et al. (eds.), Nature‐based Solutions to Climate Change Adaptation
in Urban Areas, Theory and Practice of Urban Sustainability Transitions,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-56091-5_8
124 M. Davis and S. Naumann

with their design and implementation. Such data will help to refute existing public and
political hesitation as compares to traditional grey infrastructure approaches to water
management. However, the significant potential for more widespread uptake remains
largely untapped. Further targeted actions are necessary for increasing the acceptance
and application of this nature-based solution and realizing its full potential.

Keywords  SUDS • Sustainable urban drainage system • nature based solution •

flood management • Europe • cost-benefit analysis

8.1  Introduction

European cities continue to experience an increase in the intensity and frequency of

floods, with further escalations projected as a result of climate change and rapid
urbanization (Santato et al. 2013). Particularly in urban areas, the management and
drainage of storm water presents a serious challenge. The high urban density within
cities and resultant soil sealing has lead to a reduction in the potential of water infil-
tration in the ground, which increases run-off water and flood risk (EEA 2012).
The traditional solution to these challenges in western cities has been ‘grey’ infra-
structure – such as piped drainage systems – which are mainly single-objective oriented
designs to cope with rainwater within the urban landscape. However, these drainage
infrastructures often no longer have the capacity to keep pace with on-­going urbanisa-
tion and the increasing rate of storm water due to climate change and soil sealing, and
can lead to increased run-off and a higher risk of urban flooding (EEA 2012; Perales-
Momparler et al. 2016; Zhou 2014). Additional indirect consequences are an insufficient
discharge of excess water to the regional water system, and an increase of pollutants in
the water caused by run-off (e.g., oil, organic matter and toxic metals), leading to
increases in algal blooms, harm to wildlife and reductions in amenity value (Sharma
2008). Furthermore, managing storm water runoff through grey infrastructure approaches
typically entails high construction, maintenance, and repair costs (Hair et al. 2014).
While ‘grey’ approaches have certainly reduced the damages incurred from
flooding events during the past two centuries and are arguably still necessary for
extreme flood events in the future, alternative approaches that accomplish these
aims while offering additional benefits are progressively being pursued (Jones and
Macdonald 2007; Perales-Momparler et al. 2016). Sustainable urban drainage sys-
tems (SUDS),1 which are outlined in detail in the subsequent section, represent one
such promising alternative flood risk management tool in the transition towards
achieving regenerative urban built environments.
SUDS as a type of nature-based solution are the focus of this chapter, particularly
concentrating on the existing evidence base regarding the potential for delivering a wide
range of benefits as compares to purely grey solutions. The chapter also highlights chal-
lenges that are currently limiting more widespread uptake of these greener approaches

 Other terms are used elsewhere: inter alia BMP (Best management practices); LID (Low Impact
Development); WSUD (Water Sensitive Urban Design) (see: Fletcher et al. 2015 for a complete
8  Making the Case for Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems as a Nature-Based... 125

and identifies potential solutions and needs to improve the confidence and competence
associated with designing and implementing SUDS.  The research results presented
were gathered by the authors via an analysis of literature, expert interviews and EU
level stakeholder workshops in the context of the EU research project RECREATE.2

8.2  U
 sing Green Alongside Grey as an Alternative Approach
to Flood Protection

Instead of focusing on ‘end-of-pipe’ or ‘at the point of the problem’ solutions as is the
case with many purely ‘grey’ infrastructure solutions, sustainable urban drainage sys-
tems aim to slow down and reduce the quantity of surface water runoff in an area in
order to minimize downstream flood risk and reduce the risk of resultant diffuse pollu-
tion to urban water bodies (Rose and Lamond 2013; Woods Ballard et al. 2015; Zhou
2014). As a nature-based solution, SUDS achieves these aims by utilizing a mix of natu-
ral processes3 and green/grey components4 to harvest, infiltrate, slow, store, convey and
treat runoff onsite; examples include the following (from Woods Ballard et al. 2015):
• Rainwater harvesting systems  – collect and store rainwater from roofs and
other paved surfaces (such as car parks) for re-use
• Green roofs – involve constructing a soil layer on a roof to create a living surface
that reduces surface runoff
• Permeable pavements  – act as a hard surface for walking or driving, while
enabling rainwater to infiltrate to the soil or underground storage
• Bioretention systems (such as rain gardens) – collect runoff in a temporary sur-
face pond before it filters through vegetation and underlying soils
• Trees – capture rainwater while also providing evapotranspiration, biodiversity
and shade
• Swales, detention basins, retention ponds and wetlands – slow the flow of water,
store and treat runoff while draining it through the site and encouraging biodiversity
• Soakways and infiltration basins – promote infiltration as an effective means
of controlling runoff and supporting groundwater recharge
These solutions are diverse in nature and can take many different forms both
above and below ground, depending on the state and characteristics of the drainage
system in place and the components utilized (State of Green 2015). Table 8.1 pro-
vides illustrative examples of different forms of SUDS which have been imple-
mented across Europe.
SUDS can be implemented either as a new development or as a retrofit of exist-
ing structures. Regardless of the type, the central objective of all SUDS is to fully

 REsearch network for forward looking activities and assessment of research and innovation pros-
pects in the fields of Climate, Resource Efficiency and raw mATErials (RECREATE): URL: http://
 These could include, for example, evaporation, infiltration, re-use and plant transpiration.
 Including, for example, permeable surfaces, filter strips, filter and infiltration trenches, green
roofs, swales, detention basins, underground storage, wetlands and/or retention ponds.
126 M. Davis and S. Naumann

Table 8.1  European examples of SUDS and their components

Lamb Drove, Cambourne, United Kingdoma
A demonstrative SUDS scheme was implemented in a
residential development area in Cambourne to highlight
innovative sustainable water management techniques
within new developments. A variety of SUDS elements
were implemented across the one hectare site, including
permeable paving, green roofs, swales, filter strips,
wetlands, and a retention pond. Results indicate e.g.,
improvements in biodiversity and water quality leaving the
site, increased amenity and social values and cost savings
to residents by avoiding stormwater disposal charges.
Furthermore, the project concludes that many aspects of
SUDS can be installed and maintained at lower costs than
more traditional forms of drainage.
Valencia, Spain
Within the framework of the EU-funded AQUAVAL
project, SUDS (infiltration basin, green roof, swales, etc.)
were implemented in six sites across the Valencian region.
The measures came as a response to shortcomings of the
existing urban sewer system, which insufficiently abated
frequent rainfall and caused pluvial flooding and the
discharge of combined sewage into the receiving water
courses. Monitoring results showed that SUDS performed
well hydraulically under Mediterranean climate conditions
and improve the water quality.
Monnikenhuizen, Arnhem, Netherlands
The Monnikenhuizen study site was selected for its unique
and challenging topographic and contextual conditions for
utilizing SUDS, as it is located on a hill and surrounded by
forests and contains 204 residences. On a small scale,
greenroofs and permeable parking lots were created; on a
larger scale, water from the road is led via gutters to an
infiltration and storage pond.

Text/photo sources: Pledger n.d. (UK); Perales-Momparler et al. 2016/ Perales-Momparler 2012
(Spain); 2BG 2008 (Netherlands)
The project was part of a European funded programme (FLOWS), which featured 40 projects
throughout Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the UK

exploit the opportunities and benefits that can be obtained from surface water man-
agement (Woods Ballard et al. 2015).

8.3  Making the Investment Case for SUDS

In the past decade, more than 165 major floods evoking significant economic dam-
ages have taken place across Europe, making flooding (including from rivers, the sea
and direct rainfall) the most widespread natural hazard on the continent in terms of
economic loss (CRED 2009). In 2002, for example, flooding events occurred in six
EU Member States and created infrastructure damages amounting to more than €18.7
8  Making the Case for Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems as a Nature-Based... 127

billion (Santato et al. 2013). These damages highlight the shortcomings of piped sys-
tems as a stand-alone solution to address flooding, and imply the vast potential for
replacing and complementing these systems with alternative nature-­based approaches.
By integrating natural elements into their design, SUDS can serve to not only
address the primary objective of improved water quality and quantity management,
but can also offer a wide range of additional benefits which are supplementary to those
of purely “grey” solutions (Charlesworth et al. 2016). SUDS can, for example, improve
public health, create amenity values in the targeted areas, provide recreational oppor-
tunities, support the local ecology and biodiversity, and capture carbon (e.g., Burns
et al. 2012; Charlesworth 2010; Norton et al. 2015; Novotny et al. 2010). Table 8.2
presents a more comprehensive overview of these and other potential benefits.

Table 8.2  SUDS benefit types, descriptions and provisioning details

Aspects of the SUDS design that
Benefit category Description provide the benefit
Air quality Reduced damage to health Air particulate filtering via vegetation
from improved air quality (e.g., trees and green roofs)
Air and building Cooling or insulation; thermal Green and blue spaces, green roofs
temperature comfort and energy savings
Biodiversity and Sites of ecological value Habitat creation and enhancement,
ecology connecting habitats
Carbon reduction and Reduced energy/water use and Low energy needs (materials,
sequestration planting construction and maintenance);
sequestration (e.g., trees and wetlands)
Climate change Ability to make incremental Designing for exceedance, adaptability
adaptation changes to systems of scheme
Community cohesion Crimes against property or See visual character, economic growth/
and crime reduction people inward investment and education
Economic growth and Business, jobs, productivity, See visual character, recreation and air
inward investment tourism, property prices and building temperature
Education Enhanced access to and Community engagement (before and
opportunities existence of educational after construction), information boards,
possibilities education programmes, play features
Flood risk reduction Damage to property and people Peak flow attenuation, volume control
Groundwater and soil Improved water availability or Interception, infiltration, runoff
moisture recharge quantity treatment
Health and Physical, emotional and See air quality and building
well-being mental health benefits temperature, recreation, crime
reduction, reduced flood risk
Recreation Involvement in specific Green and blue spaces and play
recreational activities features
Security of water Reduced flows and reduced Rainwater harvesting; also see
supply pollution groundwater and soil moisture recharge
Sewerage systems Reduced flows and volume to Interception and further runoff volume
and sewage treatment treat in combined systems reduction
Visual character Attractiveness and desirability Visual enhancement (as part of surface
of area SUDS)
Water quality Surface water quality Pollution prevention strategies,
improvements interception, runoff treatment
Source: Ashley et al. 2015 and Woods Ballard et al. 2015
128 M. Davis and S. Naumann

While the extent and nature of SUDS benefits are site-specific and depend on the
attributes of the build or retrofit, several resources exist to support the quantification and
monetisation of benefits offered in a given context. Such data serves to support deci-
sion-making processes and ultimately mainstream SUDS by providing comparative
information on purely “grey” versus “green” or “mixed” solutions. The BeST tool
(‘Benefits of SUDS Tool’), for example, was developed within the project ‘Demonstrating
the multiple benefits of SUDS’ to enable practitioners to evaluate the wider benefits of
SUDS in cases where surface water management is a key driver5 (Digman et al. 2015).
The UK’s SUDS Manual (see Woods Ballard et al. 2015) also outlines key concepts in
estimating the costs and benefits of SUDS schemes and provides tools and further
resources for assessments and comparisons to purely ‘grey’ infrastructure. A case study
from this manual is provided in Box 8.1, illustrating the potential benefits arising from
a SUDS scheme versus a conventional drainage solution.

Box 8.1 Application of the BeST Tool to Compare the Benefits of

Different Drainage Options: Roundhay Park, Leeds (UK)
Yorkshire Water utilized the BeST tool in order to compare the potential of
different options to reduce combined sewer overflow (CSO) spills in Roundhay
Park in Leeds (UK). As an additional decision-making criterion, the benefits
that could be delivered by each option were also assessed (see Table 8.3). The
four options considered used a range of conventional drainage and/or SUDS
approaches, namely:
• Option 1: a conventional solution to store water in tanks at CSOs to limit
the volume spilling
• Option 2: a conventional option also solving predicted flooding in the
catchment, giving similar hydraulic performance in the combined sewer
network as in options 3 and 4
• Option 3: a SUDS approach in public areas to disconnect surface water
from the combined system and pass it through the conveyance and storage
• Option 4: as option 3, with measures added in residential private locations
Ultimately, Option 1 lowered the CSO spills but failed to generate other
benefits. Option 2 would offer similar drainage benefits to the sewer network
as Options 3 and 4, but created less benefits due to underground infrastruc-
ture and was less resilient to climate change. As Options 3 and 4 created
wider additional benefits to the community and environment with similar
costs and benefits, the final selection was to pursue the public SUDS  scheme
as it had the best net present value (Option 3). The associated costs and ben-
efits are illustrated in Fig. 8.1.

 See http://www.susdrain.org/resources/best.html
Table 8.3  Summary of options and potential benefits
Cultural Regulating Provisioning Supporting
Climate Carbon Water Treating Biodiversity &
Option summary Recreation Amenity resilience retention quality Flooding wastewater ecology
1: Conventional X X ✓ X
2: Conventional + X X ✓ ✓
3: Public SUDS ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
4: Public-private ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Key: X indicates a negative impact; ✓ indicates a positive impact.
8  Making the Case for Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems as a Nature-Based...
130 M. Davis and S. Naumann

Fig. 8.1  Comparison of options: costs vs benefits (Source: Woods Ballard et al. 2015)

As shown in the above example, research also indicates that where SUDS “are
designed to make efficient use of the space available, they can often cost less to
implement than underground piped systems” (Woods Ballard et al. 2015: 8) as well
as less to maintain. Further comparative studies on the capital (and sometimes the
maintenance) costs and benefits of traditional drainage and SUDS have been con-
ducted by Defra as part of their work on the Flood and Water Management Act (see
e.g., Defra 2011, 2015). SUDS were found to offer cost savings of between approxi-
mately 10% and 85% as compared to traditional drainage approaches, with varia-
tions due to site and installation differences. Significant cost savings can be incurred
inter alia due to the storage provided within landscape features and resultant reduc-
tions in the need for expensive boxed storage and creating low maintenance and
monitoring costs (Defra 2011).
It should be emphasized, however, that further long-term research is neces-
sary on the delivery and valuation of benefits as compares to piped solutions and
particularly on the aspect of cost-effectiveness in different scenarios, contexts
and combinations. Additional data is needed here to improve the targeted deploy-
ment of particular aspects and combinations of these technologies and design an
optimal framework integrating technical, social, environmental, economic, legal
and institutional aspects (Zhou 2014). These gaps as well as additional chal-
lenges to be addressed to foster a wider uptake of SUDS are outlined in the
subsequent section.
8  Making the Case for Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems as a Nature-Based... 131

8.4  Fostering a Wider Uptake and Implementation of SUDS

Despite the strong drivers and manifold benefits, SUDS have not been exploited or
implemented to their full potential. Uncertainty about long-term maintenance, per-
formance and (cost-) effectiveness both independently and as compared to purely
grey infrastructure solutions serve as limitations to wider uptake. These informa-
tional limitations are particularly challenging to address as the restricted implemen-
tation in turn prohibits new data and evidence from being generated. Furthermore,
the data and quantification of these aspects that do already exist are not widely
known by the necessary actors, and therefore are commonly not considered along-
side “grey” infrastructure. Given that SUDS are a rapidly evolving technology and
are very site-specific in nature, another complication is that the levels of effective-
ness, fulfilment of associated land requirements, costs and benefits vary greatly
from case to case (Green Nylen and Kiparsky 2015). Technical, institutional/politi-
cal, financial and social barriers relating to the above considerations are further
impediments. Key challenges include obtaining the revenue to undertake mainte-
nance, the potential land take and physical requirements involved in new develop-
ments, and the role of regulation (Ashley et al. 2015).
Strategies, regulatory frameworks and national level targets which exist to sup-
port SUDS implementation are currently scattered, with the majority of information
on implementation and case studies limited to only a few countries (e.g. the UK,
United States and Australia). For example, as a frontrunner in the field, the UK has
SUDS legislation in place as part of the National Planning Policy Framework, which
requires local authorities to include SUDS on new developments of 10 or more
homes and all major new commercial and mixed use developments, unless demon-
strated to be inappropriate. In consultation with the Lead Local Flood Authority, the
Local Planning Authority then needs to approve drainage schemes (in line with non-­
statutory standards6). Also in the UK, CIRIA7 has published an extensive guidance
manual addressing the planning, design, construction and maintenance of SUDS as
well as tools for maximising amenity and biodiversity benefits alongside flood risk
reduction and water quality improvement (see Woods Ballard et al. 2015).
However, even in the limited contexts where SUDS are comparatively more widely
implemented, such as in the UK, the challenge remains to overcome silo thinking.
SUDS are often raised as a possible approach only when targeting surface water and
flooding issues, despite their potential to also address water quality challenges and
deliver wider benefits in parallel. This stems in part from dispersed responsibilities
amongst agencies for these topics as well as a problematic disconnect between
research/development activities and implementation in many cases, leading to limited
knowledge of available data and potential scepticism regarding its validity.

 See https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/415773/sus-
 CIRIA is a neutral, independent and not-for-profit British construction industry research and
information association (see http://www.ciria.org/).
132 M. Davis and S. Naumann

8.5  Addressing Silos and Informational Gaps

In order to address the outlined issues and improve the confidence and competence
associated with designing and implementing SUDS, further coordinated research
and targeted implementation initiatives are crucial. In addition to monitoring the
performance, implementation and effectiveness of SUDS in cities, there is a need to
disseminate this information highlighting the proven utility of SUDS in a targeted
format to key stakeholder groups and decision makers. Such evidence could help
appease existing hesitation and scepticism in choosing such a nature-based solution
over the traditional grey alternative by providing evidence to questions of perfor-
mance uncertainty. By providing a wealth of good practice experiences and accom-
panying monitoring data, a gradual change in stakeholder perception could be
facilitated and therewith increased uptake and ecologic, socio-economic and mon-
etary gains (Castro-Fresno et  al. 2013; Perales-Momparler et  al. 2016). Other
research needs are on adequate institutional arrangements, human resource require-
ments, and performance indicators for urban drainage, which include the range of
technical, economical, social and environmental aspects of SUDS (Ashley et  al.
2013) as well as the improved quantification of benefits in order to capitalize on the
potential future market.
Several research projects are aiming to fill these existing gaps by utilizing sound
science to develop tools and guidance materials and implement demonstrative or
pilot projects. The Danish 2BG “Black, Blue & Green” project, for example, com-
mits to integrated infrastructure planning for sustainable urban water systems (DTU
2011), Ireland has several regional drainage assessment projects on integrated con-
structed wetlands, and the Swedish “Sustainable Urban Water Management” project
focuses on protecting valuable water resources in urban areas.8 The EU LIFE+
funded AQUAVAL project (“The efficient management of rain water in urban envi-
ronments”) was highlighted earlier. It aims to find, implement and promote innova-
tive solutions to decrease the impacts of developments on quantity and quality of
urban runoff in Valencia, Spain, and implements SUDS as an important step in a
paradigm shift (AQUAVAL 2010). Thames Water in the UK has also launched the
‘Twenty 4 Twenty’ initiative, a ca. 26 million Euro campaign aiming to transform at
least 20 acres of grey impermeable concrete into sustainable drainage projects by
2020 (Thames Water 2015). Finally, a newly published study by Allitt et al. (2015)
identifies the wider benefits of SUDS and provides guidance to water and sewerage
companies on approaches to maximise the potential for benefits to be realised. The
UK’s SUDS Manual (see Woods Ballard et al. 2015) also provides numerous good
practice examples, tools and approaches for successful SUDS design, implementa-
tion and maintenance.
Due to the inherent need for cross-sectoral cooperation in designing, imple-
menting and maintaining SUDS, efforts could also be placed on involving local
communities in decision-making processes, instead of only presenting these actors

 See http://www.urbanwater.se/en
8  Making the Case for Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems as a Nature-Based... 133

with end results. This is underlined by Hair et al. (2014) and Ashley et al. (2013),
who suggest to encourage stakeholder involvement and education at all levels of
decision-­making processes to improve transparency and foster trust and therewith
increase acceptance and engagement by addressing citizen, business and political
concerns (see Box 8.2). In this context, also employing collaborative governance
approaches as suggested by Kabisch et al. (2016) to foster collaboration between
decision makers and citizens, businesses and civil society connecting demands for
action with responsible actors or partnerships for action could be a promising
instrument to reduce barriers for adopting and implementing SUDS. Investments
in social-cultural research and the development of cross-disciplinary language
could be valuable venues by which to increase public acceptability and support,
particularly given that many of the decisions on SUDS retrofits are the responsibil-
ity of property owners.

Box 8.2 Herne Hill and Dulwich Flood Alleviation Scheme: A Model for
Citizen Engagement and Public-Private Cooperation in SUDS
Several linked SUDS were installed in a public and two private parks in
Southwark, London (UK) in order to stop the recurrent flooding of homes and
businesses along the River Effra. The award-winning scheme involved a
public-­private partnership and shared costs between Southwark Council and
Thames Water, with support from the UK Environment Agency (EA). The
scheme was designed and delivered in close collaboration and represents one
of the first multi-agency SUDS schemes to be implemented in London. Of the
total costs, the Council contributed 5%, Thames Water 54% and the EA medi-
ated flood defence grant 41% in aid. Furthermore, Thames Water have pro-
vided funding to the Council for long-term maintenance, which is an important
aspect for continued delivery given the 100-year design life of the project.
As a result of the project, 447 properties are at reduced risk of surface
water flooding and over 80 properties have a reduced risk of sewer flooding.
In addition to the direct economic benefits (valued at ca. 12 million pounds),
the SUDS scheme has been praised for the extensive stakeholder involvement
with the local community interest groups, businesses and residents. The
invested outreach efforts were central to gaining support for the scheme and
ensuring the continued delivery of amenity and environmental benefits. After
receiving the ICE Engineering Award 2015, the EU Project Excellency Award
2015 (for partnership) and being shortlisted for the British Construction
Industry Awards 2015, the SUDS project serves as a strong example for future
approaches to reduceing surface water flooding risk in urban regions.
Source: Woods Ballard et al. (2015)
134 M. Davis and S. Naumann

Some initiatives have already been set in motion that support a more integrated
approach or novel partnerships. For example, the Cooperative Research Centre for
Water Sensitive Cities in Australia joins over 70 inter-disciplinary partners together
to deliver sustainable water strategies that facilitate a city-wide transformation into
a more liveable and resilient environment (CRC 2016). Further innovative
approaches encouraging the implementation of SUDS and relevant green infrastruc-
ture elements by citizens were developed by the city of Hamburg, Germany. The
RISA-project,9 a cooperation between the city council and a private water company,
aims to identify sustainable responses to avoid flooding of basements, streets and
properties as well as water pollution from combined sewer overflow and urban run-­
off. It also seeks to integrate water management measures into urban and regional
planning and develop a plan and guidance for rainwater management in the future.
In addition, the city of Hamburg launched a green roof strategy10 in 2016 providing
financial support to citizens to install green roofs. In result not only water retention
capacity in the city can be increased, but fees for sewage water and rainwater can
also be reduced.
Efforts in the UK are also frontline in this regard, recognizing the value of part-
nerships to secure multiple sources of capital funding and share responsibility for
long-term costs. The ‘Herne Hill and Dulwich flood alleviation scheme’, for
instance, is an award-winning example of a successful public-private partnership for
delivering SUDS (Southwark Council 2016; see Box 8.2). The UK Water Industry
Research (UKWIR)11 also finances proposals for collaborative research with joint
funding and leverage, welcoming new partnerships and innovative associations for
common research on SUDS.

8.6  Ways Forward for Increased SUDS Deployment

As urban populations grow alongside projected threats from climate change,

demand is mounting for resilient future cities that can both protect the population
from climatic events and offer further benefits in parallel. This chapter has thus
presented a nature-based alternative to the historically pursued purely piped sys-
tems for addressing urban flooding which has the potential to support sustainable
urban developments and provide recreational, aesthetic, environmental and
socio-­economic benefits. SUDS offer significant potential in this regard as evidence
indicates a high potential for being sustainable, cost-effective approaches which can
complement pure grey infrastructure, and can be applied within new developments
or used to retrofit existing systems.
While a range of challenges have been outlined which threaten the wider uptake
of SUDS, the promise of ongoing research, targeted collaborative and dissemination

 See https://www.ukwir.org/
8  Making the Case for Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems as a Nature-Based... 135

initiatives and an ever-growing evidence base of the effectiveness and associated

costs/benefits of SUDS serve as strong countermeasures. Here, it is important to
make lessons learned and data gathered from existing cases more widely available.
New pilot or demonstration projects should also be promoted and invested in which
are collaborative in nature and strengthen the links between researchers, practitio-
ners and relevant community stakeholders. Finally, the targeted involvement of
groups that are perhaps not traditionally interested in drainage matters, such as
those in the health or transport sectors, and encouragement of exchanges between
companies having implemented SUDS and those pursuing purely grey solutions can
also benefit the mainstreaming of SUDS.
These efforts can in turn strengthen the ‘business case’ for SUDS by instilling
more confidence in and drawing attention to their wider benefits produced, low
comparative associated costs, and climate change compatible nature. Such evidence
will help to refute public and political hesitation as compares to traditional grey
infrastructure approaches to water management. Highlighting the delivery of the
multiple benefits produced in addition to flood protection which traditional engi-
neered flood protection schemes cannot deliver is a central element. New business-­
models for public-private partnerships are a further aspect of this process, combining
blue/green spaces, human well-being, water management and climate change adap-
tation interests (see Box 8.2 for an example). Establishing such ‘business case’
arguments will serve as the foundation for increased investment, public and political
support and ultimately SUDS deployment.
Once confidence exists that SUDS are effective and affordable as a nature-based
solution technology, governments can increasingly support wider implementation.
Means to do so include establishing an adequate legal framework that builds upon
the evidence gathered and  – alongside financial agreements/investment banks  –
helping to bridge the gap between short-term thinking and long-term investments
via intentional regulatory design. At the EU level and in other industrialized coun-
tries, potential actions could experiment with and adjust institutional settings, con-
sidering alternative local capacities and site-specific cultural aspects. By requiring
use of the technology and establishing duties for adoption and maintenance, govern-
ments can ensure the implementation of SUDS and facilitate a transition to becom-
ing a ‘business as usual’ option and highlight the importance of such an approach as
a national priority. More specifically, national regulators can use their authority to
more actively accelerate and improve SUDS development by adopting standardized
monitoring and reporting protocols and guidance and by incentivising and high-
lighting the importance of voluntary monitoring.
A strong evidence base exists which demonstrates the effectiveness of SUDS and
highlights their promise as a sustainable solution to reduce urban flooding. Yet, the
significant potential for more widespread uptake remains largely untapped. Further
targeted actions are necessary for increasing the acceptance and application of this
nature-based solution and realizing its full potential.
136 M. Davis and S. Naumann


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