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Textual Questions of 'Why We Travel'

Q1. Pico Iyer offers a number of reasons for why one Travels. Sum up a
few of these in your own words?
Ans: In this essay Pico Iyer offers a number of reasons that compels one for
ravel. He provides different answers to the questions which make travelling a
pleasurable activity. some of the reasons why one travels are according to Pico
Iyer are as:
1. The main reasons for travelling that it is acts as a liberating experience.
2. Travelling provides us a new spirit to live life to the fullest.
3. The Traveler pays attention to his spiritual needs.
4. Travelling to different places and gives us opportunity to meet different
5. Traveling makes the traveler exposed to different cultures.
6. Traveler knows the charming beauty as well as harsh relatives of the world.
7. Travelling helps to exchange ideas, views as well as cultural exchange.
Q2. What do you understand by terms like ‘cultural relativism’ and ‘cultural
appropriation’? Illustrate with example from the text?
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Ans:- ‘Cultural relativism’ means that one’s beliefs and practices must
be understood based on one’s own culture. In other words it refers to the idea that
the values, knowledge and behavior of man must be understood within his own
cultural. Pico Iyer has give so many examples of cultural ‘relativism’ in the text in
the form of travelling to different places of the world.
‘Cultural appropriation’ mens inappropriate adoption of some elements of
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one culture by another culture. In other words, it refers to taking something

of other culture that does not belong to one’s own culture. The author mentions
example of different food habits or a whole new realm of exotica which arises
out of the way one culture colors and appropriates the product of another.
Q3. While conceding that tourism can destroy local cultures , Iyer
believes that tourists might also revive them. What does he mean by this?
Keeping your own cultural context in mind, do you agrees with his views?
Give a reasoned Answer.
Ans:- lyer is of the view that tourists might revive local cultures even though it
has negative effect on local cultures. He is of the view that a cultural exchange
between visitors and local communities provides valorization of total culture. It
also results in investment in the Conservation and protections of touristic places.
The record of handicrafts and ancient traditions as dances, ritual Celebrations, etc
takes place. Yes I agree with the authors view point about this.
Ever thing in this world have good as well as bad impact. But When I keep
the in my mind my own cultural and its impact by other cultures I came to
conclusion that it have refined it. We should be broad minded and we should see
the good elements of other culture and should accept good ones. Good change and
modification is necessary for everything in this world.
04. “Travelling allows us to come into contact with more essential parts of our
self” Discuss in detail what Iyer mean by this?
Ans:- Pico Iyer is an zealous advocate of travelling. He is of the view that travel
provides the much needed to our busy lives. The chaos and confusion of our daily
life lose our spirit to live. Travelling provides us a chance to renew our spirit to life
to the fullest. We begin to pay attention to our spiritual needs each time we travel,
we questions our beliefs and reconsider our opinions. It makes us think and reflect
on our notions. Travel does not only improve our knowledge of our own selves but
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it also makes us explore the unexplored recess of our mind. It also, makes us to
understand our own moods.
In short, it is clear from above Iyer tries his best to explain in his essay about
‘travelling allows us to come into contact with more essential parts of our
self”. Note: For material visit: & watch: Dear Students (Salim Sir)

Q5. From your reading of the essay, what impression has you formed of Pico
Iyer? Give a well argued answer.
Ans:- We have been influenced too much by the authors personality after reading
this essay. He is a true cosmopolite defining himself as “ a multinational soul on a
multinational globe”. Pico Iyer starts this essay by writing that main goal of travel
is freedom. The travel while on travel feels freedom in all respects. The traveler
merges himself with the new environment in travelling. The traveler is free on
travel because he has no reasonability of his daily life to him on travel. Also he has
no restrictions of society. He can enjoy his life without any restriction boundary of
society. We can sum up this essay of Pico Iyer that traveling makes man human in
real sense. Travelling provides the man chances to know the reality of the world.
Textual Questions of “The Diary of young Girl”
Q1. What does Anne means by ‘paper is more patient than man’? How does
this maxim justify and facilitate her writing a diary?
Ans: The diary writing was completely private and personal act for Anne. She
decided that she would not let anyone read it but to express her feelings and
emotions on this. She writes in her diary that paper is more patient than man. She
writes in her diary that she did not express her inner feeling and emotions of her
adolescent stage. The diary is not like the man talkative but is silent record of her
thoughts. The diary did not make the judgment of any ones feelings. It keeps the
emotions of other patiently on its pages. While as human beings didn’t listen her
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emotions and feelings. They always criticize who ever express his or her feelings
with them. Same is the case with Anne which she expressed in her diary. She says
that young and adult people did not take keen heed towards her because she was
only 13 years old. The diary does not make any difference on the bases of age.
This is clear from the above that the maxim ‘paper is more patient than man’
justify her explanation. The page of the diary accepts her writing silently than man.
So, the paper is able to facilitate her to write what every she like on diary.
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Q2. Comment on Anne’s relationship with her mother. Keeping the contours
of this relationship in mind, what impression have you formed of Anne?
Ans: Anne s relationship with her mother was of an obscure and problematical in
nature. The problems happen from the variation in character and outlook. Also, the
difficulties arise from these problems. She felt that she did not fit in with them, she
saw her mother. The type of relationship between them makes us to say that Anne
couldn’t stand her mother was not interested in what went on in her daughter’s
mind. Anne lives her life without her mother’s support. However, as Anne grows
up, she did not remember her mother’s attitude towards her. She gives pardon her
mother for what she did with her. Anne decided to be more considerate towards her
Q3. Describe the events that prompt Anne to say “Everything has upset me
again this morning ....” in her letter dated Wednesday,13 January ,1943.
Ans:- In her letter that Anne wrote on Wednesday, 13th of January 1943, she write
“everything has upset me again this morning…” It was the day when there was
horrible situation outside. The people were being beaten and their property has
been stolen or destroyed. They took the Jew family members to different
concentration camps. All the male members have been taken away. When children
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were coming home to school and that their parents have disappeared. They were
either taken into the concentration camps or were killed ruthlessly. Every hour
thousands of people were killed. The war situation seemed to be endless. There
seemed no end of war. The children were crying in hunger and were without
clothes. They were ruthless facing cold and hunger. These were some of the events
that prompt Anne to write on the lettter “Everything has upset me again this
Q4. Why does Miep use the word ‘Tranquility’ for the atmosphere at the
secret annexe? How does the word belie the spell of depression experienced by
Ans: Miep Gies was one of the helper of Jewish people. She helps them in hiding
in the secret Annexe. After the arrest, she kept the Anne’s writing in a drawer of
her desk. The atmosphere at the secret annexe was of utter horror and misery.
Annne saw herself alone in a cell. She was in the cell without her parents. In this
quiet terrified atmosphere Anne was thinking that some misfortune would take
place immediately. Anne said that Miep was not aware about all over fears. She
fears that they are not in safe position and situation will not be normal for them
again. The horror and destruction of war her created haunted her mind. She was
too much haunted by war that she thoughts the war would never end. She couldn’t
imagine the life again which she had lived previously. Anne weeps and cries all the
time but all in vain.
Q5. Is Anne justified in holding mankind responsible for waging the war that
brought the Holocaust in its wake? Give reasons for your answer.
Ans:- Anne’s justification in holding without any doubt mankind is responsible
for winging the war. This war brought the Holocaust in its wake. Anne says that
there is no need of war. She says that the so called human beings are not human
without humanness. The God has created man at the top of than any animal in this
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world. He has made him crown of the creation. God has created human beings with
love but due to their urge for greed the love is dominated by hatred. At that time
Hitler was ruling in Germany and he had hatred against Jews and he killed them
ruthlessly. Earlier Germany was embarrassed by the “Treaty of Versailes” which
made Hitler started the process of Holocaust. So, in short Anne justified in holding
mankind responsible for waging the war that brought the Holocaust in its wake.
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Textual Questions of Jothan: A Dalitt’s Life

Q1. What impression have you formed of Valmiki’s parents from the given
Ans. His father was Chhotan Lal and his mother was Mukundi Devi. The parents
of Valmiki worked very hard for the betterment of their children. They have full
hope of better days ahead. They want to provide the better education to their
children. Valmiki s father was very much interested in giving better education to
him. He provided him admission in the school by begging the school teacher to
admit him. One day Valmiki’s father saw his son Valmiki with his eyes when he
was sweeping the school ground. He did not bear this and resisted for such
treatment with his son. He tried his best to give education to his son. Like
Valmiki’s father his mother was also very concerned about the upbringing of his
son Valmik. She was a very optimist. She threw away the Joothan and went away
home when she was denied food at the feast by Sukhdev
In short we can say that Valmiki’s parents were poor and miserable but they
were optimist. They have full faith that one day their condition will be better.
Q. 2. Discuss Valmiki’s experience with his teachers at the primary school in
light of his ridiculing of the stereotypical notion of a teacher as ‘a great guru’.
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Ans. Valmiki’s experience with his teachers at the primary school was very bad.
He was treated very badly at the primary school by his teachers. There was no fault
of his own but only because he was the son of a Dalit. They treat him as human
but as an animal. He was beaten every day by his teacher at the school even
though he didn’t do anything wrong. The teacher did not teach him as they hurled
abuses on him.
It is clear from the above that due to the bad treatment Valmiki experienced
with his teachers at the primary school in light of his ridiculing of the stereotypical
notion of a teacher as ‘a great guru’.
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Q 3. Critically comment on the title of the novel as a poignant corroboration

of the treatment of Dalits at the hands of the upper castes.
Ans. In Hindi, Joothan means ‘leftover food’ which is mostly thrown away. But
unfortunately the Dalit who are considered untouchables have been eating through
their life. This novel deals with theValmiki’s childhood days in his school. It
shows the social injustices faced by Dalits who are considered lower by the people
of higher casts. The title of the novel is appropriate as whole novel revolve around
Valmiki’s and so many that belonged to the lower caste untouchables had
been compelled to eat joothan for centuries. The title of Valmiki’s
autobiographical novel “Jootha: A Dallit’s Life” is appropriate. As in the novel
Valmiki expresses the miserable conditions they face as Dalits. This novel
exposes upper cast people of Brahman who humiliates the lower cast Dalits. In
short, the novel is as a poignant corroboration of the treatment of Dalits at the
hands of the upper castes, which is clear from its title.
Q4. Describe in detail those instances in the extract where Dalits are seen to
be asserting their pride and dignity.
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Ans. In the novel “Joothan: A Dalit’s Life” written by Valmiki there are so many
extracts whether Dalits are seen to be asserting their pride and dignity. Some of the
important extracts of such type are as:
1. At one time Valmikis Father see his son sweeping the school. He did not
allow his son to do that and snatched the broom from his hand and threw it
away. This shows that he is asserting his pride and dignity and he got angry
and even confronted with headmaster for this.
2. Valmiki’s mother got angry when her daughter was denied the food by
Sukdev Sing. She emptied the basket of Joothan when Sukhdev Sing denied
her food at the wedding of his daughter. She told him on the face that feed
the joothan to his bharaatis. In this way she is asserting her pride and dignity
and she left in anger.
3. Textual Questions of Identity Card

Q1. How does the title of the poem introduce a new vocabulary of protest?
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Ans:- The title ‘Identity Card’ of the poem refers to a powerful emblem of life
under surveillance and subingation and creates an images of resistance out of
every day lived experiences. The main theme of Mahmoud Darwish's “Identity
Card” is displacement and injustice. This displacement and injustice is depicted
with the help of words in the poem as a protest. This poem is about a displaced
Palestinian Arab who is asked to show his ID card. Throughout the poem, he
shares everything that is available officially and what is not. Thus it is clear from
above that its title is apt as whole poem revolves around the protest by the poet
with the help of using new vocabulary.
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Q.2 ‘Write down: I an Arab’. Discuss the tone of pride and defiance that the
speaker conveys by insisting on his identity.
Darwish leaves Israel in the 1970s, moving to Beirut just before the outbreak of the
civil war, where he connects with the PLO leadership and becomes speech writer
and confidant to Yasir Arafat. He returns to Palestine in 1995 after years of exile
and continues to be the biting and powerful voice of the Palestinian people until
his death in 2008.
“Write Down, I am Arab” is a personal and social portrait of the poet and
national myth, Mahmoud Darwish. Through his poetry, secret love letters, and
exclusive archival materials, we unearth the story behind the man who became the
mouthpiece of the Palestinian people.. In 1964 his defiant poem, "Write Down, I
Am an Arab", landed him in prison and turned him into an icon of the Arab world.
At the same time, he met and fell in love with Tamar Ben-Ami, a young Jewish-
Q3. Explain the poem as a weapon of resistance against the Israeli occupation
of Palestine.
Ans. The Poem “ID Card” is a weapon of resistance against the Israeli occupation.
The central theme of this poem is displacement and injustice This a
autobiographical poem and injustices in this poem were very real to Darwish . His
family was forced to escape their home in Birwa when he was just a child,
following an attack by Israeli forces. The Israeli army subsequently demolished the
city to prevent its inhabitants from returning. After taking refuge in Lebanon for a
year, Darwish’s family returned to territory now claimed by Israel. Because they
had missed the Israeli census, the family was placed in the category of “internal
refugees.” In short, “Identity Card” is a provocation poem as a weapon of
resistance against the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
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Q4. Analyse the imagery of the poem with reference to its political context.
Ans. 'Identity Card' is a poem by Mahmoud Darwish that explores the author's
feelings after an attack on his village in Palestine. Explore an analysis and
interpretation of the poem as a warning to Darwish's oppressors in the aftermath
of the attack.
“Identity Card” is a poem about Palestinians’ feeling and restriction on
expulsion. Darwish repeats “put it on record” and “angry” every stanza. This
shows Darwishs’ feeling against foreign occupation. “Record” means “write
down”. Darwish wanted Palestinians to write this history event down and
remember that they have been excluded.
Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish’s “Identity Card” sparked much
political controversy when it was published in 1964. Some Israeli politicians
still find it objectionable, accusing Darwish of “hating” Israelis. But the poem’s
nuance lies in its distinction between “anger” and “hatred.”
In short this poem relates to Mahmoud Darwish’s experience. In the Arab-
Israeli war of 1948, Israeli government occupied Birweh, so Palestinians were
forced to move and leave their hometown.
Textual Questions of Digging
Q1. Identify the tone of speaker. What does it reflect about the poet’s feelings
about his heritage?
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Ans: The tone of the speaker is confident which celebrates the activities carried out
by the poet’s father and grandfather such as digging for potatoes and cutting turf.
The tone of the speaker reflects the poet’s feelings about his heritage. As the poet
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pays a heartfelt tribute to the two working men by miming and recalling, at the
verbal level, their craft, mastery and labour.

Q2. Discuss the poem as an intersection of the past and present life.
Ans: The poem ‘Digging’ is an intersection of the past and present life. This
explores the relationship between three generations: the speaker, his father, and the
speaker’s grandfather. The poem is about poet’s grandfather, father. The poet’s
father as well as his grandfather worked the earth. Both of them used a spade
skillfully and were engaged in tough manual work. Between those two men, then,
there is a sense of continuity, of skills and heritage to which passed down from one
generation to the next. But poet represents a break with this tradition. Though, he
remembers the work of his father and grandfather. The whole work of his ancestors
haunts him throughout his life. He was a writer but he never forgets his parents.
3. How does the poet pay homage to his ancestral way of life?
The poem “Digging” by Semus Heney has so many autobiographical elements. So
we can say that it is an autobiographical poem. The speaker in this poem is the poet
himself. He explores the relationship between three generations: poet’s
grandfather, father and poet himself. The poet lives a very different life to his
ancestors. Still he pays homage to his ancestral way of life. He was a writer,
whereas his ancestors were farmers. But even though he isn’t a digger of the earth,
he realizes that he can still honour his heritage by embracing the values of his
ancestors . The speakers life and art are shaped by his history, and in that history
he sees a model for how to approach his own craft. In doing so, the poem argues,
the speaker is in fact paying tribute to his ancestors.
Q4. How does the imagery of the poem evoke a sensuous texture of things in
the external world?
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Ans: The imagery of the poems evokes a sensuous textual of things in the external
world with two thins i.e. pen and spade. The poet incorporates figurative language
and imagery to depict the theme of reflecting on identity. Through his memories of
is ancestors, he proves that someone’s identity is not defined by heritage, but rather
by interests and strengths.
Textual Questions of “This is a Photograph of Me”
Q1. Does the poem depict a woman’s predicament in terms of her oppression
and marginalisation in a male-dominated society? How can you say that?
Ans: Atwood is known for her strong support of causes: feminism,
environmentalism, social justice. She is a feminist author and mostly writes about
the oppression of women in a male-dominated society. In her poem “This is a
Photograph of Me” she depicts a woman’s predicament in terms of her oppression
and marginalisation in a male-dominated society. She demands society as a whole
to see through the stereotypes placed on women. She examines the true importance
and significance women have in the past as well as in the present.
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Q2. The contrast between appearance and reality is brought into sharp relief
by the paradoxical and ambiguous imagery and structure of the poem.
Ans: The paradoxical, ambiguous and sharp imagery and symbolic structure help
the poet to bring the contrast between appearance and reality. Margarret uses
haunting, ambiguous imagery to bring the piece to life and support its mysterious
theme. The poem is full with symbolism in its content and structure.
This poem can be separated into two sections according to the subject
matter. The first part, describing the image of the child, contains three stanzas
while the following part, comprising four stanzas, explores the sad reality of her.
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The poem begins with a woman describing an old blurry photography

woodsy landscape with a house, a lake, a tree branch and a small hill. The woman
seems as if she is viewing the proto for the first time as she points out the
significant aspects of the photograph that has been distorted from either
overexposure or the sunlight reflecting off the lake. The second half of the reveals
that the photograph was taken shortly the woman drowned in the lake.
Thus we came to conclude that paradoxical, ambiguous and sharp imagery
and symbolic structure help the poet to bring the contrast between appearance and
Q3. Discuss the effect of the parenthesis in the second part of the poem on
your overall understanding and experience of the poem.
Ans: This poem can be separated into two sections according to the subject matter.
The first part, describing the image of the child, contains three stanzas while the
following part, comprising four stanzas, explores the sad reality of her. Margaret
used the parenthesis () in the second part of the poem on our overall understanding
and experience of the poem. By using parentheses in the second part of the poem
Marget wants to highlight that women is considered of no importance in male
dominate society. Atwood is demonstrating women are often viewed as
marginalized like the parenthesis. We kept in parentheses that portion which has
not more significance.
Q4. Most readings of the poem have treated the speaker as a woman. Would
you agree? Give a reasoned answer.
Ans: There is no doubt in it that most of the readings of the poem have treated the
speaker as a woman and we also agree with them. Even certain critics consider the
photograph of the poem of a child when she was young. This poem is an
autobiographical poem and depicts the feminine aspect of the writer. She was not
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herself a female but also a strong feminist. The keen reader and a genuine critic
would agree with this that the speaker is a woman.

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Dr. Peer Salim Jahangeer (Salim Sir)

He is M.A, B.Ed, M.Ed, M.Phil, Ph.D. & DCA
He is Asst. Lecturer in English at GDC Dooru Ang.
He is approved IGNOU Counselor at GDC Boys Ang.
He published 6- Books available on Notion Press, Amazon & Flipkart
He published 30 International R. Papers available one line
He is Editor of Internal Journal Creative Launcher
He participated in FDP’s, Seminars, Conferences, Workshop etc
His books “GK Kashmir” and “English Grammar” will come soon
He is writing a novel “A Man Can Be Destroyed But Can Not Be Defeated”

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