Aa Examiner's Report March June 2022
Aa Examiner's Report March June 2022
Aa Examiner's Report March June 2022
Assurance (AA)
March/June 2022
Examiner’s report
The examining team share their observations from the
marking process to highlight strengths and
weaknesses in candidates’ performance, and to offer
constructive advice for those sitting the exam in the
General comments .............................................................. 2
Section A ............................................................................. 2
Question 1 ........................................................................ 4
Question 2 ........................................................................ 5
Question 3 ........................................................................ 5
Question 4 ........................................................................ 6
Question 5 ........................................................................ 7
Section B ............................................................................. 8
Esk Co.............................................................................. 8
Requirement (a) – 4 marks .......................................... 8
Requirement (b) – 4 marks .......................................... 9
Requirement (c) – 16 marks ......................................... 9
Requirement (d) – 6 marks ........................................ 12
Whittaker Co .................................................................. 14
Requirement (a) – 4 marks ........................................ 14
Requirement (b) – 6 marks ........................................ 15
Requirement (c) – 10 marks ....................................... 17
Spinach Co .................................................................... 20
Requirement (a) – 5 marks ........................................ 20
(b) ––6AA March/June
marks 2022
........................................ 22 1
This examiner’s report should be used in conjunction with the published March/June
2022 sample exam which can be found on the ACCA Practice Platform.
The Audit and Assurance exam is offered in computer-based (CBE) format. The model
of delivery for the CBE exam means that candidates do not always receive the same
set of questions. In this report, the examining team share their observations from the
marking process to highlight strengths and weaknesses in candidates’ performance,
and to offer constructive advice for future candidates.
• Section A objective test (OT) case questions – here we look at the key
challenge areas for this section in the exam.
• Section B constructed response questions - here we provide commentary
around some of the main themes that have affected candidates’ performance
in this section of the exam, identifying common knowledge gaps and offering
guidance on where exam technique could be improved, including in the use of
the CBE functionality in answering these questions.
There are two sections to the examination and all the questions are compulsory.
Section A consists of three OT cases each comprising five OT questions for a total of
30 marks, which cover a broad range of syllabus topics. In Section B candidates are
presented with one constructive response question worth 30 marks and two
constructive response questions worth 20 marks each; testing the candidates’
understanding and application of audit and assurance in more depth.
In order to pass this examination, candidates should ensure they devote adequate
time to obtain the required level of knowledge and application. Candidates who do not
spend sufficient time practicing questions are unlikely to be successful as the written
questions in particular aim to test candidate’s application skills.
Section A
Candidates preparing for future sessions are advised to work through the past
exams which are available and to carefully review how each of the correct answers
were derived. Section A questions aim to provide a broad coverage of the syllabus,
and future candidates should aim to revise all areas of the AA syllabus, rather than
attempting to question spot.
The following questions are reviewed with the aim of giving future candidates an
indication of the types of questions asked, guidance on dealing with exam questions
and to provide a technical debrief on the topics covered by the specific questions
selected. Candidates are reminded that there will be a mix of application and
knowledge questions in Section A and it is imperative that they ensure their
knowledge of the International Standards on Auditing (ISAs), relevant financial
accounting and important areas of the syllabus such as auditors’ reports is at an
appropriate level. Questions may test specific details of examinable documents
including ISAs, ACCA’s Code of Ethics and Conduct and the UK Corporate
It is 1 July 20X5. You are an audit manager at Doge & Co, a medium-sized firm with
several offices. As part of your role, you are responsible for undertaking procedures
relating to the acceptance of new clients. You are currently involved in the
acceptance of four new clients.
Bradgate Co
Bradgate Co has invited Doge & Co to perform a limited assurance review of its
financial statements. Doge & Co does not provide any other services to the
Trimp Transport Co
The board of directors of Trimp Transport Co have set target key performance
indicators (KPIs) to assess the company's performance for the year ended 31 March
20X5. The board has asked Doge & Co to perform an assessment of performance to
31 March 20X5 and to prepare a report for the board as to whether the KPIs have
been achieved. The board will provide access to books and records relating to the
KPIs. Doge & Co does not provide any other services to Trimp Transport Co.
Keegan Co
Keegan Co, an existing audit client, is considering setting up an internal audit
department. The directors are unsure whether to hire staff or to outsource the
function. Keegan Co has approached Doge & Co to enquire as to whether it could
provide internal audit services.
Lette Co
Doge & Co has recently accepted a new client, Lette Co. The previous auditor, Catt
& Co, resigned from the audit in May 20X5. Doge & Co was appointed on 4 June
20X5. Lette Co is in the early stages of legal action against Catt & Co for failing to
detect a fraud.
Indicate, by clicking on the relevant boxes in the table below, whether each
of the following statements is true of limited assurance, reasonable
assurance or both.
Which TWO of the following tests would Doge & Co carry out as part of the
limited assurance review of Bradgate Co's financial statements?
Performing tests of controls to understand the controls that are operating within the
company and performing extensive test of details over all balances are tests which
would be carried out only as part of an audit, not a limited assurance engagement.
Question 3
Question 4
Identify, by clicking on the relevant boxes in the table below, whether each
of the statements relating to the possible provision of internal audit
services to Keegan Co by Doge & Co is TRUE or FALSE.
Using a separate team of staff may reduce any potential self-review threat but would
not reduce the risk of Doge & Co taking on management responsibility, therefore
statement 1 is false. The ACCA Code of Ethics and Conduct (the Code) prohibits a
firm or network firm from assuming management responsibility for an audit client
(R600.7) and also states that “performing a significant part of the client’s internal
audit activities increases the possibility that firm or network firm personnel providing
internal audit services will assume a management responsibility.” (R605.4 A1)
In line with the Code, both statements 2 and 3 are true, stating:
“When providing an internal audit service to an audit client, the firm shall be satisfied
Question 5
Catt & Co's lawyers argued that the firm failed to detect the fraud in Lette Co's
financial statements due to the inherent limitations in the audit and that it had, in
fact, obtained sufficient and appropriate evidence to enable it to detect material
misstatements due to fraud.
A. Catt & Co was auditing the company for the first time and the business was
new to them
B. Due to tight reporting deadlines, Catt & Co had a limited amount of time to
complete the audit
C. Catt & Co had relied on the truth of information given to them by the
company's staff
D. Catt & Co had used audit sampling in performing tests of details
The auditor will not test 100% of all balances and transactions therefore audit
sampling is considered an inherent limitation. The other potential options in this
question represent detection risks or failure to carry out work properly which could
have been avoided.
Esk Co
Describe the PRECONDITIONS for an audit that Bannock & Co should have
established prior to accepting the audit of Esk Co.
Care should be taken when reading the requirement to ensure that answer points
focus on the right issues. For example, in this session some candidates incorrectly
focused their answers on pre acceptance procedures such as ensuring adequate
staff were available, obtaining professional clearance from the previous auditors,
independence issues and preparing engagement letters, all of which were not
relevant. Candidates must take the time to carefully read and underline key words in
the requirement, in order to ensure their answer is relevant.
Using the table below, calculate the following FOUR ratios, for BOTH years, to
assist you in planning the audit of Esk Co: gross profit margin, inventory
holding period, receivables collection period and payables payment period.
Marks are awarded for the calculation of the relevant ratio for each year (½ mark
each) and so eight ratios should be calculated in just over seven minutes. The marks
are only awarded for the correct answer and the requirement clearly states that
formulas are not required to be shown.
With only ½ mark available per ratio, credit is not awarded for the calculations.
Therefore if a candidate simply provides the calculation without the final answer, no
credit will be gained. It is clear from reviewing candidates’ answers that some fail to
bring a calculator into the exam, as they only list the calculations. Candidates are
reminded that a calculator could be required for ratio calculations as well as to
assess materiality in audit report requirements.
In this session candidates were able to confidently calculate all of the required ratios
and these all related to profitability and liquidity. However, candidates must ensure
that they are able to calculate all ratios within the syllabus, and not just the main
liquidity and profitability ratios.
Using the information provided and the ratios calculated, describe EIGHT audit
risks and explain the auditor’s response to each risk, in planning the audit of
Esk Co.
Marks are awarded for identification of audit risks (½ mark each), explanation of
audit risks (½ mark each) and an appropriate auditor’s response to each risk (1 mark
each). With a scenario-based requirement such as this, good exam technique is
The first step is to identify the factors which will give rise to an audit risk. This
information can be found in the scenario. All of the information in the scenario should
be read carefully, including the opening paragraph as this may include information
relevant to the identification of audit risks, such as whether this is a new client, as
was the case in Esk Co, and is often overlooked. When undertaking this read
through it would be good exam technique to use the highlight function as this
provides a visual aid for quickly spotting audit risks. Having looked at the whole
scenario and highlighted relevant points, candidates should pick their eight strongest
points, re-reading them from the scenario, drafting their answer as they go along.
Candidates often use the copy and paste function when drafting their answers for the
identification of the risk. However, care should be taken to ensure that the risk is
actually identified. For example, this session some candidates stated ‘Esk Co
purchased a patent for $2.6m’ this in itself is not the audit risk, as it is the fact that
‘administrative costs have been included within the intangible asset’.
Financial accounting knowledge is also important as audit risks will often focus on
the accounting treatment used in the financial statements. In Esk Co, accounting
issues which give rise to audit risks include those relating to intangible assets, bank
loans, inventory valuation, contingent assets and a provision. The risk least identified
by candidates related to Esk being a new client. Candidates should expect a range
of topic areas within an audit risk scenario, some of which may be more challenging
than others.
When tackling audit risk questions which include ratios, the results of the calculations
should be considered when identifying the risks. Where the movement in the ratio
year on year is minimal, as in the case of the gross profit margin which decreased
from 27.6% to 27.2%, then it is unlikely this movement will lead to a significant audit
risk. However in the case of the significant movement of the receivables collection
period along with the information in the scenario about the lack of an experienced
credit controller, this identifies a possible risk of overvaluation of trade receivables.
Some candidates incorrectly used this information to generate two audit risks, both
relating to overstated receivables with similar auditor responses. Candidates should
note that if two pieces of information result in the same audit risk then credit is only
available once as the information should be used in conjunction.
Having identified the risk factor, the next step is to explain the risk. To do this,
candidates need to state the specific area of the financial statements impacted with
an assertion (for example cut off, valuation etc.) or a reference to
over/under/misstated or a reference to inherent/ control/ detection risk. ‘Misstated’
will only be awarded if it is clear the balance could be either over or understated. For
example, if the risk should have been described in terms of an understated balance,
then no credit would be awarded if candidates referred to a misstated balance.
Candidates cannot play it safe by providing both options. For the new bank loan,
some candidates explained that the split of the loan between current and non current
liabilities may not be correct. However without stating the assertion, that the loan
may be misclassified, credit would not be awarded.
Having identified and explained the risk, the next step is to provide the auditor’s
response. Responses must be practical within the context of the scenario and care
should be taken to ensure the response is one an auditor would make and not a
management response. In this session candidates provided management responses
for the audit risks relating to the miscoded invoices, damaged inventory and lack of
an experienced credit controller. Suggesting that ‘the company appoint an
experienced credit controller’ will not help the auditor to form a conclusion on
whether trade receivables are overvalued, this is a management response rather
than an auditor’s response. Candidates are advised to take a moment to read their
responses with this in mind.
For substantive procedures requirements, one mark is available for each well-
described procedure, therefore candidates should aim to produce six tests for this
requirement. Candidates should plan their time accordingly. Also, candidates should
note that it is not necessary to write out the question requirement at the beginning of
their answer, it does not gain any credit and therefore wastes time.
When describing substantive procedures, one of the key things to consider is the
level of detail provided. Many candidates fail to score well in this type of requirement
because their procedures are vague or too brief. Tests must be sufficiently detailed,
noting clearly which source document should be used and for what purpose. For
example, in this session some candidates included, ‘review after date cash receipts’
and would have only gained ½ mark. In order to gain the 1 mark available this test
would need to be expanded to ‘follow these receipts through to the pre year end
receivables balance’.
Candidates must ensure that they can distinguish between a substantive procedure
and a test of control. Many candidates lose marks in this type of requirement by
mixing up these procedures. Where substantive procedures are required for an
account balance subject to an accounting standard then considering the rules of the
standard can help in generating targeted substantive procedures.
Candidates who focused on ‘casting the receivables listing and agreeing to financial
statements’, ‘preparing a receivables circularisation’, ‘reviewing after date cash
receipts’, ‘reviewing the aged receivables reports for slow moving balances and
discussing with management the need for an allowance’, ‘reviewing customer
correspondence for balances in dispute’ and ‘undertaking analytical review
procedures’ were able to gain credit.
This 20-mark question is based on Whittaker Co, a manufacturer of luxury bed linen
which sells wholesale to the hotel trade and direct to the public. This question tests
candidates’ knowledge of communicating deficiencies in internal control to those
charged with governance, direct controls and test of controls and deficiencies and
control recommendations.
This is a knowledge requirement which has been tested in previous exam sessions.
For knowledge requirements such as this, it is important that candidates understand
exactly what the question is asking, especially where candidates should be aiming to
score full marks. For this session candidates were required to describe matters in
determining whether a deficiency is significant for 4 marks. As the requirement verb
was ‘describe’ candidates need to ensure that they include sufficient detail in their
answers. Simply providing a few words such as ‘materiality of deficiency’ is not
enough for a description. Candidates therefore need to consider whether they have
written enough.
It is also important that candidates pay attention to any elements of the requirement
which are highlighted. In this session the word FOUR was in capitals. This was
specifically done to focus candidates’ answers, so that they would know to provide
four well described answers. Additionally, there was a note under the requirement
which stressed that the scenario did not need to be referred to in answering this
requirement. Unfortunately, during this session some candidates ignored this note
and provided control deficiencies from the scenario which were required for part (c).
It is imperative that future candidates ensure that they devote adequate time to
learning the knowledge areas of the syllabus as well as practicing this style of
knowledge question. Good example questions to practice are Pomeranian Co from
the ‘Sample September/December 2021 Questions’, Castle Couriers Co from the
‘Sample March/June 2021 Questions’, Swift Co from the ‘Sample
September/December 2020 Questions’, Snowdon Co from the ‘Sample March/June
2020 Questions’, Amberjack Co from the ‘Sample September/December 2019
Questions’ and Freesia Co from the ‘Sample March/June 2019 Questions’.
(i) Identify and explain THREE DIRECT CONTROLS on which the auditor
may seek to place reliance; and
(ii) Describe a TEST OF CONTROL the auditor should perform to assess if
each of these direct controls is operating effectively.
Marks are awarded for identification of direct controls (½ mark each), explanation of
the implication of the direct control to the company (½ mark each) and an
appropriate test of control for each control (1 mark each).
In common with risks questions, the scenario will typically contain more than the
number of direct controls required, so it is important that candidates plan their time
carefully and only attempt to list the required number of points. With this type of
requirement good exam technique is absolutely critical.
Some candidates are under the misconception that each sentence in the scenario
contains a direct control. This is not the case. The scenario will include information
which describes the way in which the system operates but not all of this information
will indicate a direct control. Candidates who then break down each line into a
different point end up wasting time and not gaining credit. In this session some
candidates split a direct control into two points. As only three controls were required,
this resulted in very few marks being gained. For example, the automatic credit
check and review of credit limits by the sales director are not separate controls as
any system generated credit limit would need to be reviewed for reasonableness by
a responsible official.
Having identified direct controls, candidates then need to explain each control. In
considering this it is important to think about what the aim of the control is, what
potential misstatement is being prevented or detected. The explanation needs to be
specific to each control. It is not sufficient to state ‘this will prevent fraud and error’ as
all controls aim to prevent or detect fraud and error in some way. A clear
understanding of specifically how the control will prevent fraud and error is needed.
For example, in this session the scenario contained a control whereby a new sales
system was implemented and internal audit fully tested the system by comparing
output from the old and new systems. An appropriate explanation would be that the
aim of this control is to ensure that this reduces the risk of loss of/ incomplete data
when transferring to the new system.
The last part of the requirement is for candidates to describe tests of controls for
each direct control identified. To gain the 1 mark available it is imperative that the
descriptions of the tests are detailed enough. A test which starts with ‘check’ is
unlikely to provide sufficient detail as to how exactly the auditor will test the control,
detail must be giving on specifically what is being done to achieve a check, the word
itself is not enough. In addition, it must be remembered that tests of controls are
procedures carried out by the auditor, therefore candidates need to ensure that they
focus on what the auditor should do rather than provide recommendations for
In considering how to test the control, a useful starting point is to consider if there are
any documents which can be inspected as this is likely to provide strong evidence
that the control is operating. However, when describing the test it is important to
clearly state what document is being inspected and also for what purpose. In this
session, the scenario contained a direct control where the aged receivables report
was reviewed and passed to credit control for the chasing of overdue debts. In
testing this control an appropriate response would be that the ‘aged receivables
reports are inspected’ and in this case that it is ‘for evidence of review by credit
Direct controls and tests of controls are a key requirement in internal control questions
and future candidates must ensure they practice these types of questions in advance
of their exam. Castle Courier Co from the ‘Sample March/June 2021 Questions’, Swift
Co from the ‘Sample September/December 2020 Questions’ and Snowdon Co from
the ‘Sample March/June 2020 Questions’ are good questions to practice.
The scenario will typically contain more than the number of deficiencies required and
it remains important that candidates plan their time carefully and only attempt to list
The first step in tackling a deficiencies question is to read through the whole scenario
in full, this gives an understanding of what the potential answer points are as some
deficiencies are easier to explain than others. Having looked at the whole scenario
then candidates should re-read it, drafting their answer as they go along. Do not be
daunted by the length of the scenario, be methodical and keep re-reading the
requirement to stay focused. In a multi cycle question such as Whittaker Co there is
likely to be a good cross section of points across each of the two cycles presented.
In identifying deficiencies, it is important to record what the actual deficiency from the
scenario is. Candidates can pick the fact from the scenario but fail to spot what the
actual deficiency is. For example, candidates identified from the scenario ‘the
overtime reports are reviewed on a quarterly basis’. However, the actual issue was
that the reports are being reviewed after the overtime has been paid. This was
required for the ½ mark available for identification of the deficiency as simply stating
part of what was in the scenario did not sufficiently detail the deficiency.
Candidates must also be careful not to identify irrelevant deficiencies. For example,
in the scenario it stated that the accounts clerk undertakes bank reconciliations on a
weekly basis. This is not a deficiency, as it’s sufficiently regular for bank
reconciliations to be undertaken weekly. Therefore, any answers which criticised this
method and recommended daily bank reconciliations did not gain credit. Other
incorrect answers focused on the production supervisor being too junior to review the
overtime and the financial controller not reviewing the bank reconciliations as this
should be undertaken by the finance director. Candidates often incorrectly identify
deficiencies relating to accounts/finance clerks being too junior to undertake any
elements of internal controls systems. This demonstrates a lack of understanding of
internal control systems and candidates should take time to develop their knowledge
by practising past exam questions.
Having identified deficiencies, candidates are required to explain the implication to the
business to be awarded credit. For example, a valid explanation for the deficiency
‘staff added to the payroll without joining forms being completed’ (identification ½ mark
awarded), would have been ‘this could result in fictious employees being added to the
payroll’. Answers which just stated ‘the production supervisor may recruit staff without
relevant experience’ would not have gained credit as it is unlikely that the supervisor
would not know what skills are required to undertake the role. The key implication to
the company is that if appropriate checks are not completed then the payroll system
could be fraudulently circumvented.
Candidates need to take care to ensure that recommendations are well described,
clearly address the specific control deficiency identified and are practical suggestions.
Many candidates often just repeat the converse of the deficiency, and to obtain the
recommendation mark more detail is needed. For the lack of joiner forms deficiency,
the recommendation of ‘joiner forms should be completed for all new staff member’
would only gain ½ marks as candidates need to state who should complete these
forms, for example human resources. Additionally for the wages calculations not being
checked deficiency, simply recommending that ‘a responsible official should
recalculate a sample of calculations’ was not sufficient as these calculations need to
be checked against the payroll system to fully identify whether any system errors have
This 20-mark question is based on Sweetcorn & Co, an audit firm due to commence
the audit of Spinach Co, a listed company which manufactures garden furniture. This
question tests candidates’ knowledge of substantive procedures and auditor’s
Requirements (a) and (c) examine substantive procedures for revenue and share
capital. Requirement (b) examines audit procedures for inventory counts.
Requirement (a) is for 5 marks, (b) for 6 marks and (c) for 4 marks and time
allocation should be based on 1.8 minutes per mark. Therefore, the available time
should be split as follows; 9 minutes for requirement (a), 11 minutes for (b) and 7
minutes for (c).
One mark is available for each well-explained procedure therefore candidates should
aim to produce 5 tests for requirement (a), 6 for (b) and 4 for (c). Candidates must
strive to understand substantive procedures and tests of control for part (b) and
apply good exam technique. This includes tailoring procedures to the specific
requirements of the question. Too often candidates have rote learnt a set of standard
tests and these are then produced for each requirement without consideration of
their relevance to the scenario provided. This approach tends to generate few marks.
Audit procedures must be sufficiently detailed noting clearly which source document
should be used. For example, tests such as ‘review disclosures’ would only score ½
mark. To score a full mark the procedure should go on to say, ‘in accordance with
accounting standards/relevant legislation’.
The scenario for this requirement detailed information about how Spinach Co
generates sales to its individual customers via its website, and to wholesale
customers through the sales ordering department, with the latter sales on credit.
Candidates should then consider why this information has been provided and its
Carefully reading the scenario and question requirement ensures that any
procedures listed are tailored and more likely to score marks. Procedures such as
casting a breakdown of sales, varied analytical procedures, recalculating sales
invoice totals, agreeing sales prices to the authorised price lists and cut-off
procedures would all gain credit.
Where the question requirement is for revenue then no credit will be awarded for any
receivables procedures. In this session it was common to see candidates stray into
receivables tests such as ‘reviewing after date cash receipts’ and ‘considering
whether an allowance for receivables was necessary’. Also, where detailed tests
were provided, rather than testing to or from the sales day book, incorrect answers
focused on the receivables ledger when agreeing to sales invoices and goods
dispatched notes (GDNs). This was not valid and so would not have gained the
available 1 mark. Additionally, when listing these types of detailed tests, the key
point when the sale should be recognised is when the goods have been dispatched
and so tests should begin or end with the GDN rather than the sales order.
In this session some candidates focused on whether the inflationary price increases
had been appropriately applied and whether this was a reasonable benchmark for
increasing prices. This is not a concern of the auditor, but rather for management
and so would not have gained credit. Care must also be taken not to produce tests of
controls such as ‘reviewing the board minutes for evidence of the authorisation of the
inflationary price increases’, as these are not substantive procedures and would not
gain any credit. Many candidates suggested ‘reviewing disclosure of revenue’
however this would not have gained any credit as revenue, along with most profit or
loss account balances, does not require disclosure notes.
Describe the audit procedures the auditor should perform as part of the audit
of Spinach Co BEFORE and DURING the inventory count.
In common with part (a) it is important to carefully consider the requirement and
review the scenario to understand what issue is being addressed. In this case the
scenario indicated that a full year-end inventory count would be undertaken across
the company’s six warehouses. In addition, the scenario stressed that there would
be no significant work in progress (WIP), that third party inventory is stored at the
company’s largest warehouse and that there would be no movements of goods in or
out of the warehouses during the count.
The requirement strictly focused on procedures both before and during the count and
although not required, it would be useful to split the procedures into before and then
during the count as this helps to ensure a good cross section of points are covered.
Unfortunately, many candidates did not carefully read the requirement and therefore
listed procedures which would be undertaken after the count on the final audit e.g.
‘reviewing aged inventory records for slowing moving goods’ or ‘casting inventory
records back to the trial balance’, these procedures would not gain any credit as they
were not addressing the question requirement.
Procedures before the count which will gain credit are those which relate to
understanding the risks associated with the various warehouses, as the scenario
stated that not all six warehouses would be attended by the auditor. Therefore,
reviewing the prior year audit files and discussions with management concerning
control issues across the sites would gain credit. In addition, inventory count
instructions would need to be reviewed in detail to identify whether any control
deficiencies may arise, as these would need to be discussed in advance of the
count. Candidates who simply stated ‘obtain inventory count instructions’ would not
have gained credit as simply obtaining them is not undertaking an audit procedure,
they need to be reviewed.
In this session many candidates did not utilise the scenario correctly. For example, it
was stated that WIP was not significant, therefore the auditor would not have
focused on auditing this balance, hence no credit was awarded for any WIP
procedures. Also, the scenario stated that there was third party inventory stored in
one warehouse and so candidates should have focused on confirming controls over
the segregation of these goods from the count. However, many candidates instead
focused on Spinach Co holding its goods in other third-party warehouses, which was
not alluded to in the scenario at all. It is crucial that candidates read the scenario
carefully and do not just focus on individual words.
The scenario for this requirement was short and simply detailed that shares were
issued at a premium in May 20X5. The rationale for the share issue was to purchase
a factory, however this is irrelevant for the question requirement, which focused on
the share issue itself. Focusing on whether the factory was purchased or auditing
this purchase in any way would not gain credit as it is not answering the question
Common incorrect procedures included ‘analytical review of the share capital to the
prior year’ which is pointless as we know the balance has changed over the year.
‘Reviewing the board minutes to confirm the issue of shares was authorised’ is a test
of control and so does not gain credit. ‘Obtaining a written representation over the
share issue’ would also not be relevant as requesting written representation should
be restricted to areas where the auditor is relying on management’s judgement or
there is little independent evidence available. This is not the case with an issue of
share capital.
Describe the factors which the audit engagement partner would have
considered in determining that [a detailed] issue is a KAM; and describe the
content of the KAM section of the auditor’s report for Spinach Co.
Although audit reports feature regularly in the AA exam, there are several ways in
which they can be tested, and candidates must be prepared for any type of question
on audit reports. For this session 5 marks were awarded for the factors to be
considered and for the contents of the KAM section.
The starting point with this type of requirement is to consider what knowledge a
candidate has with regards to ISA 701 Communicating Key Audit Matters in the
Independent Auditor’s Report. Knowledge of this standard will help in considering
what influences the decision as to whether an issue is a KAM or not. Although the
scenario related to the valuation of inventory, knowledge marks could be easily
obtained without reference to the scenario.
Candidates should focus on three to four points that the engagement partner would
consider. Such as the level of risk relating to this issue, whether it would be reported
to those charged with governance, the significance of the matter and the level of
judgement required in forming a conclusion on the truth and fairness of this issue.
The next step would be to move onto the content of the KAM section of the audit
report. Here candidates should consider reporting WHAT the issue is – that there
was a risk over the valuation of inventory. WHY the issue is considered a KAM – due
to the fact it was high risk with significant auditor judgement required. HOW the issue
was addressed during the audit – with details of audit procedures adopted along with
a review of the disclosures. One point for each of these three would have been
sufficient to maximise the available marks. The model answer shows the key points
which should be included for each of these three.
This session it was pleasing to see that some candidates had revised the area of
KAM. These candidates were generally able to consider factors in determining if the
issue was a KAM but struggled with the contents. Some candidates incorrectly
assumed they needed to attempt to draft the KAM paragraph rather than just
describing its content. Other common incorrect answers attempted to answer this
Auditor’s reports are a core area of the syllabus and knowledge of the ISAs in this area
is imperative. Good questions to practice are Danube Co from the ‘Sample
September/December 2021 Questions’, Purrfect Co from the ‘Sample March/June
2021 Questions’, Sagitarrii & Co from the ‘Sample September/December 2020
Questions’, and Encore Co in the ‘Sample March/June 2020 Questions’.