React Interview Question For Myself
React Interview Question For Myself
React Interview Question For Myself
2. What is React?
React has multiple features that are used for unique purposes.
The important ones are as mentioned below:
No, browsers cannot read JSX files directly. It can only read the
objects provided by JavaScript. Now, to make a browser read a
JSX file, it has to be transformed to a JavaScript object using JSX
transformers, and only then it can be fed into the browser for
further use in the pipeline.
first_name: ‘John’,
last_name : ‘Kelly’,
age: 25
All of the data is retained by Redux (also called
a store).
19. What is the difference between props
and states?
Condition Props States
Changes in child Yes No
Parent component Yes No
changing values
Changes inside No Yes
show(evt) {
// Code inside
render() {
return (
Components Container
connected to components
Flux in React directly connect
Dispatcher Has a No dispatcher
Number of Single store Multiple stores
State Mutable state Immutable state
Storage Contains state State and logic
and logic are separate
<route path=’/posts/:id’
return (
37. Differentiate between a controlled
component and an uncontrolled component
in React.
A controlled component, as the name suggests,
is a component over which React has complete
control. It is the singular point of data for the
An uncontrolled component is one where the
form data gets handled by DOM and not the
React component. This is usually done using
refs in React.
38. How can you tell React to build in the
production mode?
React can be coded to directly build into
production by setting the
process.env.NODE_ENV variable to production.
Note: When React is in production, warnings
and other development features are not shown.
39. What is the difference between
cloneElement and createElement in React?
In React, cloneElement is primarily used to
clone an element and pass it to new props
directly. Whereas, createElement is the entity
that JSX gets compiled into. This is also used to
create elements in React.
Next up on this top React interview questions
and answers blog, take a look at the use of the
second argument.
40. What is the use of the second argument
that is passed to setState? Is it optional?
When setState is finished, a callback function is
invoked, and the components get re-rendered
in React.
Yes, it is an optional argument. Since setState
is asynchronous, it takes in another callback
function. However, in programming practice, it
is always good to use another life cycle method
instead of this.
Next up on this top React interview questions
and answers blog, you need to take a look at
41. Is there a way to avoid the requirement
of binding when using React?
Yes, there are two main ways you can use to
avoid the need for binding. They are as follows:
● Defining the Event Handler as an Inline
Arrow function:
class SubmitButton extends React.Component
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
isFormSubmitted: false
render() {
return (
return (
Also, the Event Handler can be defined as an
Arrow function, which is eventually assigned to
a Class Field to obtain similar results.
42. What is the StrictMode component used
in React?
The StrictMode component when used would
benefit users immensely while creating new
codebases to understand the components
being used.
However, it can fit well in debugging as well
because it will help solve the problem faster
when it is wrapped with other components,
which could be causing the problem.
Next up on these interview questions on React
JS, you have to understand how to speed up
43. What would you do if your React
application is rendering slowly?
The cause of slow rendering in React is mostly
because of the number of re-render operations,
which are sometimes unnecessary. There are
two main tools provided by React to help users
● memo(): This is used to prevent all of the
unnecessary re-rendering carried out by the
function components.
● PureComponent: This is used to ensure
that the unnecessary re-rendering of class
components is avoided.
44. Can you conditionally add attributes to
components in React?
Yes, there is a way in which you can add
attributes to a React component when certain
conditions are met.
React has the ability to omit an attribute if the
value passed to it is not true.
Consider the following example:
var condition = true;
var component = (
constructor(props) {
46. What is the difference between using
getInitialState and constructors in React?
When using ES6, users must initialize the state
in the constructor and the getInitialState method
is defined. This is done using
React.createClass as shown in the below
class MyComponent extends React.Component
constructor(props) {
This above piece of code is equivalent to the
var MyComponent = React.createClass({
getInitialState() {
render() {
return (
<h1>Welcome, {}</h1>
<h2>Age, {this.props.age}
User.propTypes = {
name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
age: PropTypes.number.isRequired
48. What is React Fiber?
React Fiber is a new engine in React. It is the
reimplementation core algorithm in React 16.
The main goal of React Fiber is to ensure that
there are incremental rendering facilities for the
virtual DOM. This increases efficiency when
rendering animations, gestures, etc. and also
helps in assigning priority to updates based on
the requirement, thereby increasing overall
49. What are Hooks in React?
Hooks are used to make use of the state and
other features without having to explicitly write a
class. Hooks were added to the React version,
v16.8. The stateful logic can be extracted from
a component easily, alongside testing and
reusing it. All of this is done without making any
changes to the component hierarchy.