CompTIA CASP+ CAS-004 Certification Guide

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Certification Guide

Develop CASP+ skills and learn all the key topics

needed to prepare for the certification exam

Mark Birch

CompTIA CASP+ CAS-004 Certification Guide
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ISBN 978-1-80181-677-9
To all my students, both former and present, who motivate me to help them
achieve their learning goals.
– Mark Birch
About the author
Mark Birch is an experienced courseware developer and lecturer in information systems
and cyber security. Mark has been helping students attain their learning goals for over 25
years. He has been developing content and teaching CompTIA CASP since its inception
in 2011 and understands the subject area in depth. He began his career working as an
engineer within the aerospace industry for BAE Systems (a major defense contractor),
gaining a thorough understanding of industrial controls, CAD/CAM systems, and
design principles. Graduating from the University of Central Lancashire with a BSc in
Information Technology, Mark has also gained accreditation in the following: Microsoft,
CompTIA, Citrix, Novell Networking, and ITIL.

I want to thank all my family for supporting me, understanding that I could
not always be "available" during the past year.
About the reviewers
Filip Korngut has over 15 years of experience in information security and systems
engineering in the oil and gas, mining, and digital health sectors. He has extensive
experience leading the development of major software and digital transformation solutions
with primary focus on cybersecurity leadership and technology. Filip has led cybersecurity
engagements for the big four consulting firms and has a passion for establishing
organizational cybersecurity programs. Filip has two sons with his beautiful wife Erin and a
dog named Lily.

Arron Stebbing is a Principal, Sales Acceleration, Technical Trainer at Veeam Software.

Arron develops and delivers training programs about modern data protection software.
Arron also contributes to CompTIA as a member of the Technical Advisory Committee
and as a subject matter expert for exam development.
Arron is a Certified Facilitator of the LEGO® Serious Play® method. He uses the science-
backed process to bring creativity, exuberance, and the inspiration of play to the serious
concerns of organizations in the business world.
Arron has extensive experience building and operating cloud service provider
environments and has been working in the IT industry for more than 17 years. Arron
can communicate with executives about business value and outcomes as well as educate
technical teams on how to deliver the business value required to meet the requirements.

Shubham Mishra is India's youngest cyber security expert and a leading name in the
field of ethical hacking. He is the founder and CEO of TOAE Security Solutions and has
dedicated his life to the robust development of cyber security methods that are being used
worldwide. Shubham has worked with some of the largest companies in the world for more
than a decade and continues to provide up-to-date and relevant content for the industry.
Table of Contents

Section 1: Security Architecture

Designing a Secure Network Architecture
Physical and virtual network Advanced network design 24
and security devices 4 Remote access 24
OSI model 4 VPN24
Unified threat management 5 IPsec  26
Network IDS versus NIPS 8 Remote Desktop Protocol 28
Wireless IPS  9 Virtual Network Computing  29
Inline encryptors  10 Network authentication methods 30
Network access control  11 Placement of hardware and applications 32
SIEM  12
Network management and
monitoring tools 42
Routers16 Alert definitions and rule writing  43
Proxy17 Advanced configuration of
Network address translation gateway 18 network devices 43
Load balancer 19
Transport security 43
Hardware security module  19
Port security 44
Application- and protocol- Route protection 45
aware technologies 20 Distributed DoS protection 45
DLP  21 Remotely triggered black hole 46
WAF  21 Security zones 46
Database activity monitoring  23
Spam filter 23
viii Table of Contents

Summary48 Answers 54
Questions48 Case study answer 55
Case study 52

Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise
Integrating security into the Considerations when
development life cycle  58 integrating enterprise
Systems development life cycle 58 applications79
Development approaches 62 Customer relationship management
Versioning 67 (CRM)80
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) 81
Software assurance 67 Configuration Management
Sandboxing/development environment 68 Database (CMDB)  82
Validating third-party libraries 68 Content management systems 82
Defining the DevOps pipeline 69
Integration enablers 83
Directory services  84
Baseline and templates 72 Domain name system 84
Secure coding standards 74 Service-oriented architecture 88
Application vetting processes  74 Enterprise service bus 88
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP) headers 75 Summary89
Application Programming Interface Questions90
(API) management 77 Answers 95

Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and
Virtualization Solutions
Implementing data loss Implementing data
prevention98 loss detection  102
Blocking the use of external media 98 Watermarking  102
Print blocking 100 Digital rights management 102
Remote Desktop Protocol blocking  100 Network traffic decryption/deep
packet inspection  103
Network traffic analysis  103
Table of Contents ix

Enabling data protection 103 Hybrid cloud 128

Data classification 103 Hosting models  128
Metadata/attributes104 Service models  129
Obfuscation  107 Software as a service 129
Anonymization  108 Platform as a service 130
Encrypted versus unencrypted 108 Infrastructure as a service 131
Data life cycle  108 Cloud provider limitations  132
Data inventory and mapping 110
Extending appropriate
Data integrity management  110
on-premises controls  132
Data storage, backup, and recovery  110
Micro-segmentation 133
Redundant array of inexpensive disks 112
Jump box 134
Implementing secure cloud and
virtualization solutions 116 Examining cloud
storage models  135
Virtualization strategies 117
File-based storage 135
Security considerations for
virtualization119 Database storage  135
Block storage  136
Investigating cloud Blob storage  137
deployment models  125 Key/value pairs 137
Deployment models and
considerations  125 Summary137
Private cloud 127 Questions138
Public cloud 127 Answers144

Deploying Enterprise Authentication and Authorization
Credential management  148 Authentication and
Hardware key manager 150 authorization protocols 161
Password policies 151 Multi-Factor Authentication
Identity federation 154
Access control 157
x Table of Contents

Section 2: Security Operations

Threat and Vulnerability Management
Intelligence types 182 ATT&CK for industrial control systems 193
Tactical intelligence 182 The Diamond model of intrusion
Strategic intelligence 182 analysis194
Operational intelligence 183 Cyber Kill Chain 194
Commodity malware 183 Threat hunting 195
Targeted attacks  183 Threat emulation 195

Actor types 183 Indicators of compromise 196

Advanced persistent threat – Packet capture 196
nation-state184 Logs 197
Insider threat 184 Network logs 198
Competitor184 Vulnerability logs  198
Hacktivist 185 Operating system logs  200
Script kiddie 185 Access logs 200
Organized crime  185 NetFlow logs 201
Notifications 201
Threat actor properties 186 File integrity monitoring alerts  201
Resources186 SIEM alerts 202
Time186 Data loss prevention alerts 202
Money186 Intrusion detection system and
Supply chain access 186 intrusion prevention system alerts 203
Capabilities and sophistication 187 Antivirus alerts 203
Identifying techniques 187 Notification severity and priorities 203

Intelligence collection methods 187 Responses203

Intelligence feeds 188 Firewall rules 204
Deep web 190 Intrusion prevention system and
Proprietary intelligence 191 intrusion detection system rules 204
Open source intelligence 191 Access control list rules 204
Human intelligence 191 Signature rules 205
Behavior rules 205
Frameworks191 Data loss prevention rules 206
MITRE adversarial tactics, techniques, Scripts/regular expressions 207
and common knowledge (ATT&CK) 192
Table of Contents xi

Summary207 Answers 215


Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Methods
and Tools
Vulnerability scans 218 News reports  226
Credentialed versus non-credentialed
Testing methods 226
Static analysis 226
Agent-based/server-based 219
Dynamic analysis 227
Criticality ranking  219
Side-channel analysis  227
Active versus passive scans 220
Wireless vulnerability scan 227
Security Content Automation Software Composition Analysis (SCA) 228
Protocol (SCAP) 220 Fuzz testing 228
Extensible Configuration Checklist
Description Format (XCCDF) 220 Penetration testing 229
Open Vulnerability and Assessment Requirements  229
Language (OVAL) 220 Box testing 230
Common Platform Enumeration (CPE)  221 Post-exploitation232
Common Vulnerabilities and Persistence  232
Exposures (CVE) 222 Pivoting 232
Common Vulnerability Scoring Rescanning for corrections/changes 233
System (CVSS) 222
Common Configuration Security tools 233
Enumeration (CCE) 223 SCAP scanner  233
Asset Reporting Format (ARF)  224 Network traffic analyzer  235
Self-assessment versus third-party Vulnerability scanner  236
vendor assessment  224 Protocol analyzer  237
Patch management  224 Port scanner  238
HTTP interceptor 239
Information sources  224 Exploit framework 240
Advisories 225 Dependency management tools 242
Bulletins  225
Vendor websites 225 Summary242
Information Sharing and Analysis Questions243
Centers (ISACs) 226
xii Table of Contents

Risk Mitigation Controls
Understanding application Cross-site scripting 264
vulnerabilities  252 Cross-site request forgery 265
Race conditions 252 Injection attacks 265
Buffer overflows 252 Sandbox escape  268
Broken authentication 253 VM hopping 268
Insecure references 253 VM escape 269
Poor exception handling 253 Border Gateway Protocol and route
Security misconfiguration 253 hijacking 269
Information disclosure 253 Interception attacks 269
Certificate errors 254 Denial of service and distributed
denial of service 270
Use of unsafe functions 258
Social engineering 270
Third-party libraries 258
VLAN hopping 271
Dependencies 258
End-of-support and end-of-life 259 Proactive and detective risk
Regression issues 259 reduction272
Assessing inherently vulnerable Hunts272
systems and applications 259 Developing countermeasures 272
Client-side processing and Deceptive technologies 272
server-side processing 259 Security data analytics 273
JSON and representational
state transfer 260
Applying preventative risk
Browser extensions 260
Hypertext Markup Language 5 (HTML5) 261 Application control 278
Asynchronous JavaScript and Security automation 279
XML (AJAX) 261 Physical security 283
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 261
Recognizing common attacks  262 Questions 285
Directory traversal 263 Answers291

Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures
Understanding incident Event classifications 295
response planning 294 Triage event 295
Table of Contents xiii

Understanding the incident Memory snapshots 307

response process 296 Images 307
Preparation296 Evidence preservation 308
Detection297 Cryptanalysis308
Analysis298 Steganalysis 308
Using forensic analysis tools 308
Eradication and recovery 299
File carving tools 308
Lessons learned 300
Binary analysis tools 310
Specific response playbooks/processes 300
Analysis tools 314
Non-automated response methods 300
Imaging tools 315
Automated response methods  302
Hashing utilities 317
Communication plan  303
Using live collection and
Understanding forensic post-mortem tools  317
Forensic process 304
Chain of custody 305
Order of volatility  306 Answers331

Section 3: Security Engineering and

Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls
Implementing enterprise The digital forensics of collected data 352
mobility management 336 Unauthorized application stores 352
Managed configurations 336 Containerization 352
Original equipment manufacturer
Security considerations for (OEM) and carrier differences 354
mobility management 350 Supply chain issues 354
The unauthorized remote activation The use of an eFuse 354
and deactivation of devices or features 350
Encrypted and unencrypted Implementing endpoint
communication concerns 351 security controls 355
Physical reconnaissance 351 Hardening techniques 355
Personal data theft 351 Compensating controls 367
Health privacy 351
The implications of wearable devices 351
xiv Table of Contents

Questions371 Answers377

Security Considerations Impacting Specific Sectors and
Operational Technologies
Identifying regulated business Historian387
sectors380 Ladder logic  388
Energy sector 380 Safety instrumented system  389
Manufacturing  381 Heating, ventilation, and air
Healthcare  382 conditioning  389
Public utilities 382
Understanding OT protocols 389
Public services 383
Controller area network bus  389
Facility services 383
Understanding embedded Distributed Network Protocol 3  391
systems383 Zigbee  392
Internet of things 384 Common Industrial Protocol 393
System on a chip  384 Data Distribution Service  394
Application-specific integrated circuits 384
Field-programmable gate array 385
Understanding ICS/SCADA  386 Answers400
PLCs  387

Implementing Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms
Understanding hashing Block ciphers 405
algorithms 402 Stream ciphers 411
Secure Hashing Algorithm (SHA)  402
Understanding asymmetric
Hash-Based Message Authentication
encryption algorithms 411
Code (HMAC)  404
Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA) 412
Message Digest (MD) 404
Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) 412
RACE integrity primitives evaluation
message digest (RIPEMD) 405 Elliptic-curve Digital Signature
Algorithm (ECDSA)  413
Understanding symmetric Diffie-Hellman (DH) 413
encryption algorithms 405 Elliptic-curve Cryptography (ECC) 414
Table of Contents xv

Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) 414 Password-based key derivation

function 2 (PBKDF2) 419
Understanding encryption
protocols414 Understanding emerging
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport security technologies 420
Layer Security (TLS) 415 Quantum computing 420
Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Blockchain421
Extensions (S/MIME) 416 Homomorphic encryption 423
Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) 416 Biometric impersonation 423
Secure Shell (SSH) 417 3D printing 424
Key stretching 418
Password salting 418 Summary 425

Implementing Appropriate PKI Solutions, Cryptographic
Protocols, and Algorithms for Business Needs
Understanding the PKI Certificate pinning  445
hierarchy  434 Certificate stapling  446
Certificate authority  436 CSRs  447
Registration authority  436 Common PKI use cases 449
Certificate revocation list  436 Key escrow 450
Online Certificate Status Protocol  438
Troubleshooting issues with
Understanding certificate types438 cryptographic implementations450
Wildcard certificate 438 Key rotation  450
Extended validation  439 Mismatched keys 451
Multi-domain  440 Improper key handling  451
General-purpose441 Embedded keys  451
Certificate usages/templates  441 Exposed private keys  451
Crypto shredding  452
Understanding PKI security and Cryptographic obfuscation 452
interoperability  442 Compromised keys 452
Trusted certificate providers  443
Trust models 443 Summary 452
Cross-certification certificate 444 Questions 453
Life cycle management  445 Answers 457
xvi Table of Contents

Section 4: Governance, Risk, and Compliance

Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies
Understanding risk Trade-off analysis 476
Managing risk with policies and
Qualitative risk assessments 463
security practices 477
Quantitative risk assessments 464
Separation of duties (SoD)  477
Implementing risk-handling Job rotation  477
techniques 468 Mandatory vacation  477
Transfer  468 Least privilege  478
Accept  468 Employment and termination
Avoid  469 procedures  478
Mitigate  469 Training and awareness for users  478
Risk types  469 Auditing requirements and frequency  479

Understanding the risk Explaining the importance

management life cycle 470 of managing and mitigating
Department of Defense Risk
vendor risk 479
Management Framework  471 Vendor lock-in 480
NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 472 Vendor viability 480
Understanding risk controls 473 Merger or acquisition risk  480
Meeting client requirements 481
Understanding risk tracking  474 Ongoing vendor assessment tools  482
Key performance indicators 475
Key risk indicators  476 Summary484
Risk appetite 476 Questions 485
Risk tolerance 476 Answers489

Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their
Organizational Impact
Security concerns associated Data considerations  493
with integrating diverse Understanding geographic
industries492 considerations  496
Table of Contents xvii

Third-party attestation of compliance 497 Application of contract and

agreement types 508
Understanding regulations,
Summary 510
accreditations, and standards  497
Questions 511
Understanding legal
considerations  507 Answers 516

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Concepts
Conducting a business Content Delivery Network (CDN) 530
impact analysis  518 Testing plans  530
Maximum Tolerable Downtime (MTD) 519
Explaining how cloud
Recovery Time Objective (RTO) 519
technology aids enterprise
Recovery Point Objective (RPO) 519
resilience 531
Recovery service level  520
Using cloud solutions for
Mission-essential functions 520
business continuity and disaster
Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) 521 recovery (BCDR)  532
Preparing a Disaster Recovery Plan/ Infrastructure versus serverless
Business Continuity Plan 522 computing 532
Backup and recovery methods  525 Collaboration tools 533
Planning for high availability Storage configurations  533
and automation 526 Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) 534

Scalability  526 Summary 535

Resiliency  527
Questions 535
Automation  529
Answers 541

Mock Exam 1
Questions 543 Assessment test answers 559
xviii Table of Contents

Mock Exam 2
Questions 566 Answers 584
Other Books You May Enjoy
In this book, you will learn how to architect, engineer, integrate, and implement secure
solutions across complex environments to support a resilient enterprise. You will find
out how to monitor, detect, and implement incident response, and use automation to
proactively support ongoing security operations. You will learn how to apply security
practices to cloud, on-premises, endpoint, and mobile infrastructure. You will also discover
the impact of governance, risk, and compliance requirements throughout the enterprise.

Who this book is for

This book is aimed at CASP+ CAS 004 exam candidates. Many candidates will be using
the certification for career enhancement. It will also be of interest to managers who want
to gain additional knowledge in the field of cybersecurity and technical implementers who
want to understand the operational elements of cybersecurity.

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Designing a Secure Network Architecture, covers designing and understanding
both traditional network architectures and complex hybrid networks.
Chapter 2, Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise, covers the software life
cycle, software assurance, and supporting enterprise software applications.
Chapter 3, Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions,
looks at the challenges facing an enterprise when protecting data in hybrid environments.
Chapter 4, Deploying Enterprise Authentication and Authorization Controls, examines
credential management, identity federation, and secure single sign-on. It also covers
multi-factor authentication.
Chapter 5, Threat and Vulnerability Management, covers methods used to gather threat
intelligence, understand the different threat actors (and adversaries), and prepare
appropriate responses.
xx Preface

Chapter 6, Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Methods and Tools, looks
at methods used to help assess an enterprise's security posture, including SCAP scans,
penetration testing, and an introduction to a wide range of security tools.
Chapter 7, Risk Mitigation Controls, looks at typical vulnerabilities that may be present
within an organization and controls to reduce risk.
Chapter 8, Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures, covers incident
response preparation, including the creation of documentation and a Computer Security
Incident Response (CSIRT) in P-keyword except for brackets team. It also covers forensic
concepts and the use of forensic analysis tools.
Chapter 9, Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls, examines enterprise
mobility management, including mobile device management tools. It also covers endpoint
security and host hardening techniques.
Chapter 10, Security Considerations Impacting Specific Sectors and Operational
Technologies, looks at regulated business sectors, challenges facing enterprises that must
support embedded systems, SCADA systems, and operational technology.
Chapter 11, Implementing Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms, looks at protecting
enterprise data using hashing algorithms and encrypting data using both symmetric
and asymmetric algorithms. It also looks at implementing cryptography within
security protocols.
Chapter 12, Implementing Appropriate PKI Solutions, Cryptographic Protocols, and
Algorithms for Business Needs, covers Public Key Architecture (PKI), different certificate
types, and troubleshooting issues with cryptographic implementations.
Chapter 13, Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies, examines risk assessment types, risk
response strategies, including implementing policies, and security best practices.
Chapter 14, Compliance Frameworks and, Legal Considerations, and Their Organizational
Impact, covers the challenges of operating within diverse industries, regulatory
compliance, and legal regulations.
Chapter 15, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Concepts, teaches you how to
conduct a business impact analysis and develop business and disaster recovery plans. It
also covers high availability and deploying cloud solutions for enterprise resilience.
Chapter 16, Mock Exam 1 and Chapter 17, Mock Exam 2, test your knowledge with final
assessment tests, comprising accurate CASP+ questions.
Preface xxi

To get the most out of this book

CASP+ is an advanced certification building on existing knowledge gathered within a
cybersecurity environment. To fully appreciate the concepts covered, it is recommended
that you have some baseline cybersecurity practical skills or have gained a baseline
security certification such as CompTIA Security+. Candidates who have experience in
pen testing and ethical hacking will also have a good base knowledge that is suitable for
this book. It would benefit you to have access to a Windows operating system and a recent
build of Kali Linux (to practice with tools and commands).

Additional practical exercises and learning content is available on the companion site:

Download the color images

We also provide a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots and diagrams used
in this book. You can download it here:

Conventions used
There are a number of text conventions used throughout this book.
Code in text: Indicates code words in text, database table names, folder names,
filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles.
Here is an example: "A file would be created that would be of interest to the attacker,
Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

dsquery user "ou=it admin,dc=classroom,dc=local"

xxii Preface

Bold: Indicates a new term, an important word, or words that you see onscreen. For
instance, words in menus or dialog boxes appear in bold. Here is an example: "The
certificate's Subject Name value must be valid."

Tips or Important Notes

Appear like this.

Get in touch
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General feedback: If you have questions about any aspect of this book, email us
at and mention the book title in the subject of
your message.
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Preface xxiii

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Section 1:

In this section, you will learn about the challenges that are faced by an enterprise when
supporting a large, complex, hybrid network architecture. This section will take you
through the design of traditional network architectures up to complex hybrid cloud
models. You will also understand the importance of authentication and authorization
strategies within complex environments.
This part of the book comprises the following chapters:

• Chapter 1, Designing a Secure Network Architecture

• Chapter 2, Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise
• Chapter 3, Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization
• Chapter 4, Deploying Enterprise Authentication and Authorization Controls
a Secure Network
Security professionals need to analyze security requirements and objectives to ensure an
appropriate, secure network architecture for a new or existing network and to provide the
appropriate authentication and authorization controls.
Designing a modern enterprise network has many practical and security challenges.
De-perimeterization means that access to information systems may be made from
devices outside of the enterprise network. The types of devices can range from a handheld
smartphone used to access a customer record to an Internet of Things (IoT) device
transmitting telemetry data to a critical monitoring dashboard.
Regulatory or industry compliance may require strict network segmentation between
processes and business units (BUs).
It is important to consider all the threat actors when you plan your network—think
Defense in Depth (DiD).
This first chapter is an essential building block for the following chapters. It is the
information systems on our networks that provide the data and services for an enterprise.
4 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

• Physical and virtual network and security devices

• Application- and protocol-aware technologies
• Advanced network design
• Network management and monitoring tools
• Advanced configuration of network devices
• Security zones

Physical and virtual network and security

For the certification exam, it is important that you understand the strengths and
weaknesses of all the proposed network devices/appliances, the correct placement of
network devices for maximum effect, and the required security configuration.

OSI model
No introduction to networking would be complete without a brief introduction to the
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) 7-layer model. As we move through the chapters,
you will occasionally see references to layers. This has become a standard reference
model and it allows for different vendors to implement services, protocols, and hardware
using this reference model. Throughout the book, we will discuss applications, services,
protocols, and appliances that sit at different layers within the model. Although the
CompTIA Advanced Security Professional 004 (CASP 004) exam will not be testing
your knowledge specifically (OSI is not a listed objective), it can be useful as a reference
aid when we discuss networking subjects. The model is not actually defining a complete
working network model—it is a conceptual model. For example, to fully understand
the details of the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP), you would need to gain
access to Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request for Comments (RFC)
documents. Imagine you are looking to manufacture network cables to meet Category 6
(CAT 6) standards—you could access International Organization for Standardization/
International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC 11801) standards
documentation. See the following screenshot for an overview of the OSI 7-layer model:
Physical and virtual network and security devices 5

Figure 1.1 – OSI 7-layer model

Vulnerabilities may exist across multiple layers within the OSI model. For example, we
may be vulnerable to Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks on our layer 2 switch. We
will take a look at the many different threats that may impact an enterprise network
throughout the book.

Unified threat management

A unified threat management (UTM) appliance offers firewall functionality and many
additional security functions; it is deployed as a single security appliance or software
solution. This security solution offers a comprehensive suite of security features all in a single
package. While this is a good solution for small enterprises with limited resources (limited
staff and limited budget), it does not offer the DiD required by enterprise customers.
UTMs may include a significant number of converged security features, but not
necessarily all of the following:

• Network firewall
• Intrusion detection system (IDS)
• Intrusion prevention system (IPS)
6 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

• Deep packet inspection (DPI)

• Data loss prevention (DLP)
• Anti-virus capability
• Web application firewall (WAF)
• Web proxy and content filtering
• Spam filtering
• Security information and event management (SIEM)

The following screenshot shows the combined security features supported on a

UTM appliance:

Figure 1.2 – UTM appliance

UTM has the following advantages:

• Reduction in management actions (compare the scenario of a small information

technology (IT) security team managing and monitoring multiple security
• Reduced footprint in the data center (less hardware)
• Less cost
Physical and virtual network and security devices 7

UTM has the following disadvantages.

• Risk from a single point of failure (SPOF) (limited hardware resources are
providing many services)
• Negative performance impact on a network due to the workload handled by
the device

Intrusion detection is an essential security function, typically implemented on the
perimeter to protect your organization from incoming threats. It will alert the security
team to inbound threats.
Intrusion prevention is the process of performing intrusion detection and then stopping
detected incidents. These security measures are available as IDS and IPS. Active
protection is the more commonly adopted approach, meaning a network intrusion
prevention system (NIPS) will be seen protecting most enterprise networks.
IDS and IPS constantly watch your network, identifying possible incidents and
logging information about them, stopping incidents, and reporting them to security
administrators. In addition, some networks use IDS/IPS for identifying problems with
security policies and deterring individuals from violating security policies. IDS/IPS have
become a necessary addition to the security infrastructure of most organizations, precisely
because they can stop attackers while they are gathering information about your network.

Examples of intrusions
Indicators of compromise (IOCs) can be unusual traffic, attacks against protocols
(such as high volumes of Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) traffic), and
malicious payloads. The result could be excess traffic causing denial of service (DoS) or
compromised systems through unwanted deployments of Trojans and backdoors.
There are two main IDS detection techniques that are routinely used to detect incidents, as
outlined here:

• Signature-based detection compares known signatures against network events

to identify possible incidents. This is regarded as the simplest detection technique
as it evaluates attacks based on a database of signatures written by the vendor or
operator. In the same way as a first-generation firewall, this approach is limited as it
is based on known patterns.
8 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

A Secure Shell (SSH) connection using the root account would be in the ruleset.
An email with the subject password reset and an attachment with the name
passregen.exe would be identified as malicious.
• Anomaly-based detection compares definitions of what is considered a normal/
benign activity with observed events to identify significant deviations. This
detection method can be very effective at spotting previously unknown threats. This
type of detection is also known as heuristics-based detection.
The SMTP messaging server usually contributes to 23% of traffic on the network.
If the SMTP server is suddenly generating 70% of the network traffic, this would
generate alerts.

Network IDS versus NIPS

The NIPS sits directly behind the firewall (inline) and traffic needs to be forwarded onto
the network. The NIPS can block unwanted traffic and payloads. This is illustrated in the
following diagram:

Figure 1.3 – NIPS placement (inline)

Physical and virtual network and security devices 9

Network IDS (NIDS) does not need to be inline; it can monitor traffic but will need to
use port mirroring or spanning on the network switch to be effective, as illustrated in the
following diagram:

Figure 1.4 – NIDS placement

Wireless IPS
In addition to fixed or wired networks, many organizations may need the flexibility of a
Wi-Fi network.
A wireless IPS (WIPS) is designed to detect the use of rogue or misconfigured wireless
devices. A rogue device can spoof media access control (MAC) addresses of trusted
network devices. A WIPS can build up a database of known trusted hosts on the network
and can also be used to prevent DoS attacks.
An effective WIPS should mitigate the following types of threats:

• Ad hoc networks: These use peer-to-peer (P2P) connections to evade security

controls and risk exposure to malware.
• Rogue access points (APs): These allow attackers to bypass perimeter security.
• Evil-twin APs: Users may connect to this lookalike network and be vulnerable
to sniffing.
10 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

• Misconfigured APs: These expose a network to possible attacks due to

configuration errors.
• Client misassociation: This risks infection from connecting to other service set
identifiers (SSIDs) while in range of the authorized AP.
• MITM attack: An attacker will route traffic through their network device and sniff
the traffic.
• MAC spoofing: This may allow the attacker to bypass access-control lists (ACLs)
on the AP or allow them to impersonate another network device.
• DoS attack: This happens when a continuous stream of fake requests or messages is
sent to the AP.

Inline encryptors
The High Assurance Internet Protocol Encryptor Interoperability Specification
(HAIPE-IS) requires inline network encryption (INE) devices to be interoperable.
For example, Tactical Local Area Network Encryptor (TACLANE) is a product used
by the United States (US) government and the Department of Defense (DOD); it is
military-grade and meets National Security Agency (NSA) security requirements.
It is manufactured by General Dynamics. This is a device that enables encrypted
communication over untrusted networks. Commercial organizations will use site-to-site
virtual private network (VPN) links and not need this technology. The following figure
shows a TACLANE INE device:

Figure 1.5 – INE device

This device meets the high assurance required by government and military remote
Physical and virtual network and security devices 11

Network access control

Network access control (NAC) enforces a strong, secure posture for devices that connect
to our enterprise networks.
A major challenge for many enterprise networks is unmanaged bring your own device
(BYOD) devices and guest devices accessing wireless and switched networks. The goal is
to control access to the network, ensuring devices are compliant with baseline security
policy. You would want to ensure devices had anti-virus installed and had security patches
and firewall functionality.
Devices typically connect through a registration virtual local area network (VLAN)
using a captive portal. If devices are found to be compliant, they could gain network
access. Devices found to be uncompliant would be routed through to an isolation VLAN,
able to access remediation services. The following diagram shows the components
of NAC:

Figure 1.6 – NAC

PacketFence offers a free and open source NAC solution that is distributed under the
General Public License (GPL). The software can be accessed via https://www.
12 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

SIEM allows an organization to centralize security management events, forwarding logs
from security appliances to a central system. It provides correlation and normalization for
context and alerting, and also provides reporting and alerts based upon real-time logged
data inputs. The following diagram shows the architecture of centralized SIEM:

Figure 1.7 – SIEM architecture

Advanced solutions can use behavioral analytics to detect anomalous user behaviors.
Privileged user monitoring is a common requirement for compliance reporting. The
following screenshot shows a SIEM dashboard:
Physical and virtual network and security devices 13

Figure 1.8 – AlienVault/AT&T SIEM dashboard

SIEM threat intelligence can help security operations center (SOC) teams pinpoint
malicious or risk-based events and deliver a response. Analytics and machine learning
(ML) are used to produce insights from huge amounts of collated data; they offer
automation to identify hidden threats. Benefits include the following:

• Real-time monitoring: Stop threats that can be fast-moving.

• Incident response: Quickly identify threats to begin a response.
• User monitoring: This will identify unusual user behaviors and risky privilege use.
• Threat intelligence: Build up knowledge of security teams.
• Advanced analytics: Aid the analysis of large amounts of logged data.
• Advanced threat detection : SOC analysts need this advanced toolset to detect and
address IOCs.

A switch is a network device that connects devices on a computer network by receiving
and forwarding data to the destination device. Switches use layer 2 MAC addresses to
forward data frames at layer 2 of the OSI model. Many enterprise switches will also
combine layer 3 functionality in the switch. Layer 3 switches allow for routing traffic
between VLANs.
14 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

Switches are vulnerable to DOS attacks; the content-addressable memory (CAM) is

typically overloaded/flooded with spoof MAC addresses. Switches can be used for MITM
when using Internet Protocol version 4 (IPV4) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
broadcasting. They can also suffer performance degradation due to unwanted
looping traffic.
Mitigation would include the following:

• Protect the management interface (use strong passwords).

• Enable Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) (this will block redundant connections) to
prevent looping traffic.
• Connect using SSH (all management traffic is encrypted).
• Provide an out-of-band (OOB) network (all management is performed on
a separate management network).
• Configure 802.1x (require all network connections to be authenticated).

The following screenshot shows what a switch table looks like:

Figure 1.9 – Switch table

Switches provide essential services on enterprise networks and will be responsible for the
bulk of all network traffic.

Firewalls are there to block unwanted traffic entering your networks; they can also block
outbound traffic. They depend upon rules to block IP addresses, protocols, and ports.
More sophisticated firewalls will have more granular rules and may slow down traffic.
Physical and virtual network and security devices 15

Firewall types
Firewalls can be implemented in many different ways; enterprise deployment will
have highly capable hardware solutions from vendors such as Cisco or Check Point.
Software or host-based firewalls offer additional security with DiD. Data centers and
microsegmentation will accelerate the use of virtual firewall deployment. Different types
of firewalls are listed here:

• Hardware firewalls provide maximum performance. These are typically dedicated

appliances with a central processing unit (CPU) and memory dedicated solely to
this function.
• Software firewalls generally run on a host operating system, such as Microsoft
Windows Defender Firewall or Linux iptables. They share computing resources
with the operating system.
• Virtual firewalls are appliances running on a virtual host controlled by a
hypervisor. The performance is dependent upon the compute resources allocated by
the hypervisor.

Firewall capability
Firewalls have evolved over time, with additional capabilities and functionality.
First-generation firewalls use static packet filtering. They inspect packet headers and
implement static rules based upon IP addresses and port addresses. Their big advantage is
high performance. A router will typically perform as a static packet filter.
Second-generation firewalls also use stateful inspection, in addition to packet filtering.
This can monitor Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) streams (whole stream, not just
handshake) and dynamically open ports and track sessions for bi-directional protocols
(such as File Transfer Protocol (FTP)).
Next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) have evolved from second-generation firewalls to
meet the requirements of a multi-functional security appliance. An NGFW offers all the
functionality of the earlier generation, but will typically offer additional functionality in
the form of support for VPNs and anti-virus protection. NGFWs have DPI capability,
meaning they can offer additional security in the form of DLP and IPS protection. This
should not be confused with UTM, although they are similar. NGFWs are designed with
performance in mind.
16 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

Routers operate at layer 3 of the OSI model and are interconnection devices (they connect
networks together). Routing capability may also be provided by a switch that supports
VLANs (it will be called a layer 3 switch).

Routing tables
Routers are only able to forward packets if they have a route for the traffic or a default
gateway. Routing tables will comprise a NETWORK DESTINATION, NETMASK,
Here is a simple routing table:

Figure 1.10 – Routing table

Static routing tables may be acceptable for small networks, but we will need to support
automated dynamic routing for larger networks.

Dynamic routing
In larger, more complex networks, it is normal to use dynamic routing rather than
configuring manual static routes. Within an autonomous network (the network managed
by your organization), you will be using interior routing protocols. It would be time-
consuming to configure routing tables statically and we would miss the resilience offered
by dynamic routing protocols.
The purpose of dynamic routing protocols includes the following:

• Discovering available remote networks

• Maintaining up-to-date routing information
• Choosing the most efficient path to remote networks
• Allocating a new path if a route is unavailable
Physical and virtual network and security devices 17

Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is the simplest and easiest routing protocol to
configure. It is used for routing over smaller networks (allowing a maximum of 15 hops).
It is not considered a secure routing protocol.
Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) is used on Cisco networks and
was developed to work around the drawbacks of using RIP. EIGRP benefits from fast
convergence times whenever the network topology is changed.
CISCO devices share their capabilities using Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) with
immediate neighbors. This can be disabled on a network.
You can prevent your router from receiving unwanted/poisoned route updates by
configuring neighbor router authentication; this uses Message Digest 5 (MD5)
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is a good choice for larger networks because it has no
restriction on hop counts. OSPF allows routers to communicate securely, and routing
information is exchanged through link-state advertisements (LSA). RFC 2328 allows for
the use of a keyed MD5 identifier to protect OSPF neighbor updates.

Exterior routing
To keep internet working routing tables up to date, edge routers will forward route
changes via exterior routing protocols.
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the routing protocol used between internet service
providers (ISPs). BGP can also be used to send routing updates between an enterprise
and its ISP. BGP can be secured so that only approved routers can exchange data with each
other (this uses MD5 authentication).

A proxy server acts as a gateway between users and the internet services they access online.
A proxy protects your users from directly connecting with unsafe sites. It can offer
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) filtering and content filtering in addition to
performance enhancements. A proxy can be a good choice when protecting our users
from threats based upon outbound requests. Firewalls are not designed to deliver this
more granular protection. A firewall could block an outbound connection to a port and IP
address, but would not offer the same fine-tuning as a proxy server.
18 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

Network address translation gateway

Network address translation (NAT) is a networking technique commonly used to give an
entire private network access to the internet without needing to assign each host a public
IPv4 address. The hosts can create connections to the internet and receive responses but
will not receive inbound connections initiated from the internet (as they are, in effect,
hidden). The following diagram shows a NAT router forwarding traffic to the internet
from an internal host:

Figure 1.11 – NAT routing

When a host on the internal (private) network sends a request to an external host, the
NAT device's public IP address is used as the new source IP address for the outbound
traffic. The traffic sent back in reply is returned to the internal host. Most NAT solutions
use port address translation (PAT) to keep track of all the private hosts that have
sessions. We can see NAT configuration in the following screenshot:
Physical and virtual network and security devices 19

Figure 1.12 – Microsoft Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) with connected clients
NAT is an important service used in both enterprise and small business deployments.

Load balancer
A load balancer will be useful to enterprises that host server farms and would be a key
requirement for high availability (HA) e-commerce sites. When hosting a Citrix server
farm supporting remote applications, it is important that the loading on each member is
constantly evaluated to ensure new requests are forwarded to a server with the least load.

Hardware security module

A hardware security module (HSM) is a special trusted network computer performing
a variety of cryptographic operations: key management, key exchange, encryption, and so
on. This device can be a rack-mounted appliance secured in your data center or could be
a built-in module for high-end server hardware.
A trusted platform module (TPM) is typically built into system boards of laptop and
desktop computer systems, allowing for the storage of sensitive protected data, including
keys and attestation measurements. This is a good example of an HSM incorporated into
the system board.
20 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

MicroSD HSM is built into a MicroSD form factor. It is useful when you need to extend
the functionality of a mobile device and could be used on a cellular phone for secure
communications. The HSM would have its own crypto-processing capability, meaning
no changes are required on the mobile device. The following screenshot shows a small
form-factor HSM:

Figure 1.13 – MicroSD HSM

Many of the security applications mentioned up to this point secure the entire network
from threats. In the following section, we will examine more targeted/granular approaches
to protect particular services or data types.

Application- and protocol-aware technologies

Some applications will benefit from dedicated security appliances/services operating on
sole behalf of those applications. Imagine you wanted to protect your web application
server from typical exploits, including cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request
forgery (XSRF), and Structured Query Language (SQL) injection. In that case, you
would not want to filter all traffic for these exploits using the network firewall; it would
have a huge workload and would slow down traffic for the entire network. Application-
aware security appliances process traffic only being forwarded to that service.
The types of security applications that inspect and apply rulesets to application layer traffic
are said to be using DPI.
It is important to plan for the placement of these devices to ensure traffic can be inspected
before entering or leaving the network and to also minimize latency or delay where
inspection and filtering are not required.
In the following section, we will take a look at some examples of application- and
protocol-aware security solutions.
Application- and protocol-aware technologies 21

We must ensure the enterprise does not breach legal or regulatory compliance by
exfiltration of sensitive data, either knowingly or unknowingly. It is important that
intellectual property and customer data are protected, even when compliance is not
a factor. Physical restrictions and/or enforceable policy may be used to block data
exfiltration to a removable storage medium. DLP can also be implemented on the edge
of the network, or as part of a cloud solution. Microsoft is one of many providers offering
DLP as part of the Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) security suite. In the following
screenshot, we are selecting built-in rules to block the exfiltration of financial data:

Figure 1.14 – Microsoft 365 DLP rule

There are many built-in templates for regulated industries.

A WAF is defined as a security solution on the web application level. It allows for HyperText
Transfer Protocol/HTTP Secure (HTTP/HTTPS) traffic to be inspected for anomalies
without slowing down the rest of the network traffic. A WAF can be implemented as an
appliance, plugin, or filter that applies a set of rules to an HTTP connection.
A WAF helps prevent attacks, such as the following:

• SQL injection attacks

• XSS attacks
• Malicious file execution
22 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

• CSRF attacks
• Information leakage
• Broken authentication
• Insecure communications

A WAF can also provide URL encryption and site usage enforcement, as illustrated in the
following diagram:

Figure 1.15 – WAF

A WAF has the following advantages:

• Allows for the creation of custom rules

• Monitors and blocks malicious traffic
• Can prevent live attacks
• Protects vulnerable web applications
Application- and protocol-aware technologies 23

A WAF has the following disadvantages:

• May slow web traffic

• Could block legitimate traffic
• Requires frequent tuning

Database activity monitoring

Database activity monitoring (DAM) tools monitor, capture, and record database
activity in near real time and can generate alerts when rules are violated.
DAM can be accomplished by doing the following:

• Network sniffing
• Reading of database logs
• Memory analysis

DAM tools can correlate data and provide the administrator with the tools to detect
anomalous database activity and capture a log of events, should this be required
for forensics.
As a database is often a critical line-of-business (LOB) solution, often hosting enterprise
resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), sales order
processing, and so on, investing in this additional technology will be worth the cost.

Spam filter
A spam filter typically scans incoming emails to protect your employees from email-borne
threats. It can also scan emails leaving the organization (although this is more likely taken
care of by a DLP solution). It can be deployed on the demilitarized zone (DMZ) network,
filtering incoming SMTP traffic, and will typically perform additional tasks such as
querying Spamhaus Block List (SBL) providers, such as Spamhaus, to drop connections
from verified blocked domain names or IP addresses.
Many organizations will deploy this service in a cloud deployment, especially if the ISP
hosts the email servers.
The following section covers some of the additional considerations to allow for secure
remote working and administration.
24 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

Advanced network design

Since the Covid-19 pandemic began to transform the workplace in 2020, there has been
a major effect on the way employees access their enterprise's desktop and company data.
Enterprises have been forced to accept that the modern workplace will contain a high
number of remote working employees. Many enterprises expect a significant proportion
of staff to continue with this flexible way of working due to the benefits of work/life
balance. What was previously considered the exception, where some workers were able
to remotely access the workplace or connect from a temporary location such as a hotel or
airport transit lounge, will likely now become the new normal.
There are significant risks in extending the network perimeter to these remote workers,
and it is important that all access is secure and identities are verified.

Remote access
This is the term used when accessing systems remotely. We may need to access a desktop
to configure settings for a remote worker or configure a network appliance ruleset. In
some cases, it may be necessary to assist a remote worker by sharing their desktop. We will
compare the main types of remote access in this section.

A VPN service provides you with a secure, encrypted tunnel when you need to connect
across untrusted networks. External threat actors cannot access the tunnel and gain access
to your enterprise data.
A VPN can be used for securing remote workers and can also be used to connect sites
across untrusted networks.
Advanced network design 25

Enterprise solutions include Microsoft Direct Access, Cisco AnyConnect, and OpenVPN
(there are many more). Figure 1.16 shows a popular VPN client, OpenVPN Connect:

Figure 1.16 – OpenVPN client

26 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

Many enterprises will ensure their employees' mobile devices are enabled with an
always-on VPN client. This ensures that when employees are working outside the
corporate network, they will automatically connect over a secure connection, whenever the
device is powered on. It is important that all traffic is routed through the VPN connection
using a full-tunnel configuration. Figure 1.17 shows a full-tunnel configuration:

Figure 1.17 – Full-tunnel configuration

When the VPN interface is configured with the default gateway configuration, as shown in
Figure 1.17, all traffic is routed through the company network, ensuring security policies
are enforced.

IP Security (IPsec) is a suite of protocols deployed in most vendor implementations of
IPv4 and is a requirement for IP version 6 (IPv6). When configured, it will protect against
replay attacks and ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the data.
Authentication headers (AHs) provide authentication, integrity, and protection against
replay attacks.
Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) provides authentication, integrity, and
confidentiality for your data.
Advanced network design 27

When using Transport mode, encryption occurs at the internet layer, protecting all of the
layers above the network layer. It is used internally only.
Tunnel mode can be used to create site-to-site VPNs between trusted networks and to
connect a host device across an untrusted network. In the following screenshot, we can see
that Tunnel mode creates a new IP header:

Figure 1.18 – IPsec modes

While IPsec is typically used to protect communications outside the enterprise, it can also
be used internally when VLANs cannot offer adequate protection. This is when Transport
mode would be appropriate.

SSH is a standard internet security protocol documented in RFCs 4251, 4253, and 4254.
The SSH protocol is a protocol for secure remote login and other secure network services
over an insecure network. It is recommended to use SSH in place of Telnet. (Telnet was
the main protocol for remote configuration, but it is not encrypted.)
The SSH protocol is typically used across enterprise networks for the following:

• Providing secure access for users and automated processes

• Secure file transfers
• Issuing remote commands
• For admins or technicians to manage network infrastructure
28 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

A technician could administer a network switch remotely, without needing to connect a

direct cable into the device. The following screenshot offers an overview of the use of SSH:

Figure 1.19 – SSH remote security

SSH has wide support across many hardware vendor platforms and operating systems,
including Microsoft (it now comes as an optional feature that can be installed on
Windows 10), Linux distributions, and Apple's macOS and iOS.

Make sure you are using SSH 2.0 as earlier implementations use a poor
cryptographic suite.

Remote Desktop Protocol

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft that
provides a user with a graphical interface to connect to the desktop of a remote computer.
An RDP client application must be installed to launch a connection, and the remote
computer must run RDP server software. RDP has wide support, and software exists for
non-Microsoft operating systems, including Linux, Unix, macOS, iOS, Android, and other
operating systems. While RDP servers are built into most Windows operating systems
(Home editions of Windows desktop editions are an exception), it is also possible to install
RDP server services for Unix and macOS X. The default listening port is TCP 3389 and
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port 3389. It is important to consider the security
implications of enabling RDP services, as this will give a remote user access to the full
range of tools and utilities for remote configuration.
Advanced network design 29

Remember that this connects to a desktop, so it will not be a choice when
administering networking hardware appliances.

Virtual Network Computing

Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is used for desktop sharing, as opposed to remote
control only. It is platform-independent and can be used across many different operating
systems. While it is a commercial product and must be licensed for business use, there is
a free edition for non-commercial use.

Reverse proxy
A reverse proxy is commonly used when accessing large websites from a public network.
Reverse proxies can cache static content (much like a forward proxy), which reduces the
load on your web application servers. Reverse proxies can also be used as an extra security
layer, allowing for additional analysis of the incoming traffic. The following screenshot
shows a client accessing a web application through a reverse proxy:

Figure 1.20 – Reverse proxy

HAProxy and Squid are open source software implementations used by large internet
websites. They will decrypt the incoming HTTPS traffic and apply security rules.
30 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

Network authentication methods

It is important to authenticate access onto enterprise networks. The modern approach is to
start out with the Zero Trust model, which means that no devices are trusted by default.
To gain access to a network segment, authentication credentials or some other verification
will be required before access is granted. In the past, the priority was always about
protecting our systems from threats outside our network. This traffic moving between the
internet and our perimeter network is referred to as North-South traffic. Traffic moving
within our internal network segments is referred to as East-West traffic. Due to increased
instances of mobility and remote workers accessing multiple networks and Information
systems, it is this East-West traffic that must also be secured. We will now take a look at
the options to secure access to the network.

802.1X is an Ethernet standard using port access protocol for protecting networks via
authentication. It was originally intended for use with Ethernet 802.3 switched networks
but has become a useful addition to many different network types, including Wi-Fi and
VPN. A connecting host or device is authenticated via 802.1X for network access—if
authentication is successful, the port is opened; otherwise, it remains closed.
There are three basic pieces to 802.1X authentication, as outlined here:

• Supplicant: A software client running on the host

• Authenticator: The VPN or switch port
• Authentication server: An Authentication Authorization Accounting (AAA)
service, usually a radius server such as Microsoft Network Policy Server (NPS)

There are many options when it comes to authenticating the supplicant (client device).
In the first instance, we have rudimentary (for that, read insecure) methods of
Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) does not secure the authentication request.
Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) is an improvement over PAP as
it supports mutual authentication and uses MD5 hashing to encrypt the challenge.
As CHAP is dependent on MD5, your networks are at risk from pass-the-hash exploits.
Advanced network design 31

Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) is a framework of protocols, allowing for the

secure transmission of the supplicant's authentication request. It allows the authentication
channel to be encrypted using TLS. The following diagram shows the required
components for a client to authenticate onto the wireless network:

Figure 1.21 – Network authentication

EAP-TLS provides certificate-based mutual authentication of the client onto the network.
This requires certificates to be deployed on the supplicant and the AAA server, although
it is worth mentioning that devices could be provisioned with Secure Certificate
Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) if you are using a mobile device management (MDM) tool.
EAP-Tunneled TLS (EAP-TTLS) is an extension of EAP-TLS. This can be used for
mutual authentication, or certificates can be deployed just on the AAA server.
EAP-Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling (EAP-FAST) was developed by
Cisco. This uses something called a Protected Access Credential (PAC), which can be
managed dynamically by the AAA server.
Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP) is an EAP authentication type,
again developed by Cisco. It is used on Wi-Fi networks and uses Wireless Equivalent
Privacy (WEP) keys for mutual authentication. It is no longer considered secure.
32 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP) allows for authentication using

passwords, certificates, or smartcards. The authentication traffic between PEAP clients and
an authentication server is encrypted using TLS but requires only server-side certificates.
PEAP was developed by a consortium of Microsoft, Cisco, and RSA Security.

Placement of hardware and applications

It is important to recognize that many different types of devices may need to be supported
on an enterprise network. Some systems may have embedded processing logic that is
legacy and vulnerable, or maybe regulatory compliance means certain processes must be
isolated from regular business networks. In the following section, we will look at these use
case scenarios.

System on a chip
A system on a chip (SoC) consolidates multiple computer components onto a single,
integrated chip (IC). Components will typically include a graphical processing unit
(GPU), a CPU, and system random-access memory (RAM).
As an SoC integrates hardware and software, it is designed to draw less power than
traditional multi-chip solutions. The Snapdragon processor used in Microsoft Surface X
tablets has eight cores plus GPU.
Examples of this SoC technology can also be found in many IoT devices, building
automation systems, and Wi-Fi routers. Raspberry Pi is a good example of this technology,
costing as little as $5 per device. We can see a typical SoC in the following figure:

Figure 1.22 – Raspberry Pi

Advanced network design 33

It is important to consider the security implications of using SoC technology. Due to

the low cost and nature of embedded logic common to these devices, vulnerabilities are
common and can be difficult to mitigate without replacing the device.
In 2018, the NSA was attacked and suffered a significant data breach due to an
unauthorized Raspberry Pi device connected to the agency's network. To read more about
this published incident, see this link:

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning controllers

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) is a critical function; sensitive
equipment must be placed in an environment that is optimized for temperature and
humidity. The monitoring and adjustment for this function need to protect and should
be accessed over a segmented/protected network zone. Typical protocols used to
communicate and manage these systems use formats such as Modbus, Siemens, and
BACnet (there are many others). Modbus does not provide any security, meaning that if
these industrial networks were breached, it would be relatively easy to cause outages and
disruption on them.

Sensors are sophisticated devices that are frequently used to automate the collection of
information in automated or industrial environments. A sensor converts the physical
parameter (for example, temperature, blood pressure, humidity, and speed) into a signal
that can be measured electrically. Examples would include magnetic field sensors,
ultrasonic sensors, temperature sensors, flow sensors, and photoelectric sensors, to
name but a few. It is essential that the calibration of this equipment and messages sent or
received is accurate and controlled. HVAC, engineering production lines, and medical
equipment providers are just some of the environments that depend on this technology.
The following figure shows a typical monitoring sensor:

Figure 1.23 – Temperature monitoring sensor

34 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

Physical access control systems

A physical access control system (PACS) can be used to grant access to employees and
contractors who work at or visit a site by electronically authenticating their Personal
Identity Verification (PIV) credentials.
Examples could include mantraps (now referred to as access control vestibules), radio-
frequency identification (RFID) card readers, and biometric identification systems.

Audiovisual systems
Audiovisual (A/V) technology systems can be comprised of an assortment of hardware
that includes conference telephones, video cameras, interactive whiteboards, digital
signage, computers, smartphones, tablets, wireless connectivity, and more. Examples could
be video screens distributed throughout a building to broadcast information to employees.

Closed-circuit television systems

A closed-circuit television (CCTV) system is an important feature for both security and
safety on a physical site. In many cases, it is a requirement to meet the needs of regulatory
compliance. It is important to safeguard access to CCTV camera feeds and the networks
that connect them. Many cameras will now be IP cameras, meaning they can be added
directly to Ethernet or Wi-Fi networks. If they are not secured, hackers will discover their
location, and you may find that camera IP addresses and locations will be posted onto
internet search engines. One such search engine is
The following screenshot shows a listing of unsecured IP cameras worldwide (there are
over 4 million):
Advanced network design 35

Figure 1.24 – Unsecured IP cameras

It is important to place this type of equipment onto segmented networks and change
default credentials.

Critical infrastructure
Critical infrastructure is a term to describe assets that are essential for the functioning of
a society and economy.
In the US, a new government agency was founded in 2018, offering guidance and helping
to build secure and resilient infrastructure: the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure
Security Agency (CISA).
CISA lists 16 sectors that are considered of such importance to the US that their
incapacitation or destruction would have a major negative effect on security, national
economic security, national public health, or safety. You can view which sectors these are
in the following list:

• Chemical sector
• Commercial facilities sector
• Communications sector
• Critical manufacturing sector
36 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

• Dams sector
• Defense industrial base sector
• Emergency services sector
• Energy sector
• Financial services sector
• Food and agriculture sector
• Government facilities sector
• Healthcare and public health sector
• IT sector
• Nuclear reactors, materials, and waste sector
• Transportation systems sector
• Water and wastewater systems sector

The European Commission (EC) has launched its own program to reduce the
vulnerabilities of critical infrastructures: the European Program for Critical
Infrastructure Protection (EPCIP).

Supervisory control and data acquisition

Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is a system of software and hardware
elements that allow industrial organizations to do the following:

• Regulate industrial processes locally or at remote locations

• Display, gather, and process real-time data
• Allow interaction with devices such as pumps, motors, and sensors through
human-machine interface (HMI) software
• Populate events into a log file

SCADA systems are crucial for any organization with an industrial capacity. SCADA
allows organizations to maintain efficiency, process data for smarter decisions, and
communicate system issues to help mitigate downtime. SCADA has been used in
industrial, scientific, and medical environments since the adoption of computers in the
1950s. Some of the equipment was not always designed with security in mind.
Advanced network design 37

The basic SCADA architecture features programmable logic controllers (PLCs) or

remote terminal units (RTUs). PLCs and RTUs are microcomputers that communicate
with an array of objects such as factory machines, HMIs, sensors, and end devices and
then carry the information from those objects to computers with SCADA software
deployed. The SCADA software processes, distributes, and displays the data, helping
operators and other employees analyze the data and make important decisions.
SCADA networks monitor and manage legacy/vulnerable industrial control networks,
often using monolithic protocols. They are therefore an easy target to attack; it is vital
that guidance is taken and controls put in place to mitigate the risks. In December
2015, 30 Ukrainian electrical substations were turned off by hackers. This left around
230,000 homes without power for several hours. Critical infrastructure tools, tactics, and
protocols are documented by MITRE (see the following link:
mitreics). For more information on the Ukrainian power grid attack, please go to this

NetFlow was originally developed on Cisco networking equipment to log traffic. It allows
network engineers to gain an understanding of bandwidth usage and types of traffic flow.
It now has wide support and is supported on many other kinds of networking equipment,
including Juniper, Nokia, Huawei, and Nortel (there are many more). It is not intended
to replace protocols such as Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). It is useful
to establish a baseline and see anomalies on a network. Cisco supports this protocol on
most network equipment.
NetFlow consists of three main elements, as outlined here:

• Flow exporter: This passes the logs to the collector.

• Flow collector: This is where the logged data is stored.
• Analysis application: Analyzes received data and reports on the collected data.
38 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

Devices that support NetFlow can collect IP traffic statistics on all interfaces where
NetFlow is enabled, and later export those statistics as NetFlow records toward at least one
NetFlow collector—this is normally a server that does the actual traffic analysis. We can
see an overview of the NetFlow process in the following screenshot:

Figure 1.25 – NetFlow

Not all network vendors support NetFlow, but there is an alternative that is also designed
for higher-speed networks.

The sFlow protocol (short for sampled flow) is an alternative industry standard for data
packets in computer networks. Unlike NetFlow, this is not a proprietary protocol. Its
participants include Hewlett-Packard (HP), Brocade, Alcatel-Lucent, Extreme Networks,
Hitachi, and more. This only logs a percentage of the traffic, which is referred to as
sampling. sFlow is used on high-speed networks (gigabit-per-second speeds, and higher).
Advanced network design 39

Data flow diagram

A data flow diagram (DFD) is essential for understanding the flow of information
across networks, which may mean interacting with customers, partners, and internal
systems. In the following diagram, we can the flow of transactions between different
information systems:

Figure 1.26 – DFD

It is important to see the movement of network traffic between the different information
systems in order to place the appropriate security controls in the correct location.
40 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

Secure configuration and baselining of networking and security

It is vitally important that all networking equipment meets a measurable security baseline.
For mission-critical switches, DOD uses secure technical implementation guides
(STIGs); there are over 50 security requirements in the Cisco IOS Switch STIG. We can see
typical configuration items in the following screenshot:

Figure 1.27 – Cisco IOS Switch security baseline

There are configuration guides for many network appliances as well as for operating
systems and applications.

Software-defined networking
Software-defined networking (SDN) technology is a well-established approach to network
management and has been in existence for over 10 years (established around 2011).
It has really come about due to a movement to large, centralized data centers and the
virtualization of computer systems. The move to cloud computing has also been a big
driver toward the adoption of SDN.
Advanced network design 41

There are many components to move to a true SDN model, and the components shown in
Figure 1.28 are important parts.
SDN has been designed to address the fact that traditional networks are often
decentralized and overly complex— think of all those vendor solutions (Cisco, Juniper,
HP, Foundry, and so on) with their own hardware and software solutions. SDN allows
for a more dynamic, configurable approach. Where the hardware switch (or virtual
switch) becomes the data plane and is separated from the management or control plane,
application programming interfaces (APIs) allow for dynamic updates to be controlled
by business applications and services.
The following screenshot shows a depiction of SDN:

Figure 1.28 – SDN

Network function virtualization (NFV) takes the place of dedicated hardware with
virtualized software. This means that network services such as firewalls, switches, and
routers may now be deployed as software in the data center.

Open SDN
SDN is based upon a set of open standards, allowing for simplified network design and
operation because instructions are provided by SDN controllers instead of multiple,
vendor-specific devices and protocols.
OpenFlow was the first standard interface for separating network control and data planes.
Open Network Operating System (ONOS) is a popular open source SDN controller.
42 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

Hybrid SDN
Many enterprise networks still have a significant investment in traditional network
infrastructure. While they move toward the goal of SDN, they need to transition and
support both technologies. They will need to support a hybrid model.

SDN overlay
This basically moves traffic across physical networking infrastructure. If you compare
Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) links switching customers' VLAN tagged traffic
across a wide-area network (WAN), then this is a similar concept.
The following diagram shows an SDN overlay model:

Figure 1.29 – SDN overlay

We're now at the end of this section, and you should have gained an understanding of
some challenges that are presented by an enterprise network. Hybrid networks bring fresh
challenges all the time and requirements for remote access. Zero Trust networks mean we
must ensure all network access is authenticated and authorized. Challenges have arisen
from the widespread adoption of cloud and virtualization, meaning the adoption of new
technologies is increasing in our data centers. We must be able to monitor and respond to
increasing network demands across the enterprise.

Network management and monitoring tools

In this section, we will look at some of the challenges that need to be considered when
managing an enterprise network. In particular, we must protect networking services and
equipment from unauthorized changes and ensure traffic can flow across our networks.
Advanced configuration of network devices 43

Alert definitions and rule writing

It is important that rules used by our advanced network protection devices do not cause
unnecessary blockages or allow our networks to be overwhelmed by unwanted/malicious
traffic. If rules are implemented poorly, then we may see a high number of false positives,
meaning the traffic is benign (non-threatening). False negatives will mean the traffic was
considered harmless when in fact it is malicious.
Tuning alert thresholds is an important step. An example could be auditing for
anomalous file access to a storage device containing a mixture of data with different
classification labels. You want to log all read and write access to customer records with
an alert being generated for Move or Copy actions. However, if you set this rule up for
all data directories, including non-sensitive data, then you may be overwhelmed by
unnecessary alerts.
Eventually, your SOC staff will experience alert fatigue, meaning they may well dismiss
important security events.

Advanced configuration of network devices

It is important to consider all the current threat actors and future threat actors when
designing an enterprise network. Networks are complex and need thorough planning
to properly mitigate against known threats and future unknown threats. Advanced
tools to detect and mitigate these threats are covered in Chapter 2, Integrating Software
Applications into the Enterprise, of the book. Baseline configuration guides (government/
DoD networks use STIGs,) are essential, along with a configuration policy. Routers,
switches, and other core network components should be compliant before being placed
into a production/live environment.

Transport security
It is important when remotely configuring services and hardware over the network that
all connections are encrypted and authenticated. Many organizations use the Zero Trust
model, ensuring all network connections and actions must be validated.
SSH is recommended for accessing network appliances and services across the network.

When using SNMP for monitoring and management, it is important to ensure
support for version 3 (v3), with full support for encryption and authentication.
44 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

Port security
Port security means restricting access to network ports using a combination of disabling
unused network ports and deploying ACLs on network appliances.
On a layer 2 device, such as a Wi-Fi AP or switches, we can restrict access based on MAC
addresses, and we can enable port security on a per-port basis.
There are two different approaches to restricting access to ports, as outlined here:

• Dynamic locking: You can specify the maximum number of MAC addresses that
can be associated with a port. After the limit is reached, additional MAC addresses
are not added to the CAM table; only the frames with allowable-source MAC
addresses are forwarded.
Cisco refers to these dynamic addresses as sticky secure MAC addresses.
• Static locking: You can manually specify a list of MAC addresses for a port.

Figure 1.30 shows a MAC filter on a wireless AP:

Figure 1.30 – Wireless ACL

Restrictions can be implemented using either the whitelisting or blacklisting of
MAC addresses.
Advanced configuration of network devices 45

Route protection
It is important to ensure network traffic flow is protected. Routers will send neighbors route
updates using common dynamic routing protocols. If these routes are poisoned or tampered
with, this could allow an attacker to route all traffic through an MITM exploit, sniffing all
network traffic. Data could be sent through an endless series of loops, causing a DoS exploit.
To prevent these types of attacks, we should ensure we adopt the following practices:

• Network devices are configured using an approved baseline.

• Routing updates should only be accepted after a secure authentication handshake.
• We should avoid the use of less secure routing protocols (such as RIP).
• Disable unnecessary management interfaces.

Distributed DoS protection

Distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks can cause major availability issues for an enterprise,
often resulting in costly outages and disaffected customers. Recent attacks have seen traffic
volumes of over 2.5 terabytes per second (Tbps) directed at a target organization. In 2017,
Google was targeted in an attack that resulted in spoofed Domain Name System (DNS)
requests being sent to 180,000 DNS servers. The resulting traffic was directed at Google
infrastructure services. The following screenshot shows high levels of ingress traffic:

Figure 1.31 – DDoS attack traffic

DDoS mitigation is used to describe the process of guarding applications or networks
against a DDoS attack. We can configure rules on our edge routers or work with our
ISP to deliver this mitigation.
ISPs will incorporate these services into the services that their customers are using, or this
may be an additional chargeable service.
46 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

Remotely triggered black hole

Remotely triggered black hole (RTBH) is a technique documented in IETF RFCs 5635
and 3882. RTBH filtering is a popular and effective technique for the mitigation of
DoS attacks.
Often, a DDoS attack will overwhelm security devices on the enterprise perimeter. To
thwart this type of attack, the customer will have an arrangement with their ISP. When
a threshold is reached, a rule is triggered that sends an authorized route update to the
ISP routers. The rule will automatically drop all traffic intended for the customer's
internet-facing service. The ISP can then begin to identify the attack and look to block
the malicious traffic. When this is done, the normal routing will be put back in place. The
process is illustrated in the following diagram:

Figure 1.32 – RTBH

Blackhole used for DDOS mititigation can also be referred to as sinkholes.

Security zones
It is important to separate out network assets and services to provide the required levels
of security. There will be regulatory requirements for critical infrastructure and SCADA
networks. BUs may need to be on separate networks, while internet-facing servers must
be placed in perimeter-based networks. Segmentation of networks makes it difficult for
an attacker to gain a foothold on one compromised system and use lateral movement
through the network.
Security zones 47

Consider the following points when segmenting networks:

• Keep critical systems separate from general systems and each other if non-related.
• Limit and monitor access to assets.
• Keep an up-to-date list of personnel authorized to access critical assets.
• Train staff to err on the side of caution when dealing with access to critical assets.
• Consider air gaps when dealing with equipment supporting critical infrastructure
(nuclear plant/petrochemical plant).

A DMZ is like a border area between two nations where we do not trust our neighbor
100%. You are stopped at a checkpoint and if you are deemed to be a security risk, you
are turned away. In the world of networking, we must use a combination of security
techniques to implement this untrusted zone. Typically, an enterprise will create a zone
using back-to-back firewalls. The assets in the zone will be accessed by users who cannot
all be fully vetted or trusted.
The assets in the DMZ must be best prepared for hostile activity, and we may need to place
SMTP gateways, DNS servers, and web and FTP servers into this network. It is imperative
that these systems are hardened and do not run any unnecessary services.
Figure 1.33 provides an overview of a DMZ:

Figure 1.33 – DMZ network zone

A DMZ network can also be referred to as a screened subnet.
48 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

We have gained an understanding of security requirements, to ensure an appropriate,
secure network architecture for a new or existing network. We have looked at solutions to
provide the appropriate authentication and authorization controls.
We've studied how we can build security layers to allow access to information systems
from trusted devices, outside of the enterprise network. You have seen a wide range of
devices, including smartphones, laptops, tablets, and IoT devices, that must be secured on
a network.
We have gained knowledge and an understanding of regulatory or industry compliance
needs for strict network segmentation between processes and BUs
In this chapter, you have gained the following skills:

• Identification of the purpose of physical and virtual network and security devices
• Implementation of application- and protocol-aware technologies
• Planning for advanced network design
• Deploying the most appropriate network management and monitoring tools
• Advanced configuration of network devices
• Planning and implementing appropriate network security zones

These skills will be useful in the following chapters as we look to manage hybrid networks
using cloud and virtual data centers.

Here are a few questions to test your understanding of the chapter:

1. Which is the security module that would store an e-commerce server's private key?

D. 802.1x

2. How can I mitigate the threat of data leakage?

A. Through DLP
B. Through HSM
Questions 49

C. Through DPI
D. Through 802.1x
3. What type of IDS would I be using if I needed to update my definition files?

A. Anomaly
B. Behavior
C. Heuristics
D. Signature

4. What is the purpose of iptables on a host computer?

A. Routing
B. Firewall
C. Switching
D. Encryption

5. Which protocol would be used to manage a router securely from a technician's


A. Telnet

6. How should I protect my management interface on a switch when I need to

configure it remotely? Choose two answers.
B. OOB management
C. Strong password
D. RIP v2

7. What is an Ethernet standard for port access protocol, used for protecting networks
via authentication?
A. 802.11
B. 802.3
C. 802.1x
D. d) 802.5
50 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

8. What type of connectivity will allow key personnel to maintain communication with
one another and key network resources when the main network is under attack?

A. Email
C. Teams

9. What is a disadvantage when using a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI)?

A. Reliance on networks
B. Better use of hardware resources
C. Enhanced security
D. Standard operating environment (SOE)

10. What is used when my contractors use a tablet or thin client to access a Windows 10
desktop in my data center?


11. What type of routing will help to mitigate a DDoS attack?


12. What is it when SOC staff are failing to respond to alerts due to excessive levels
of alerts?

A. False positive
B. Alert fatigue
C. False negative
D. True positive
Questions 51

13. What will I need to support on my network device in order to forward truncated
network traffic to a network monitoring tool?

A. NetFlow
B. sFlow
D. System Logging Protocol (Syslog)

14. What type of security would I use on my layer 2 switch to isolate the finance
network from the development network?

B. IPsec

15. What type of servers would the security team place on the DMZ network?

A. Web Application server

B. SMTP Gateway
C. Intranet File Server
D. Finance Department Payoll Server

16. What type of security label would CISA assign to the chemical sector and
communications sector?

A. Regulated industry
B. Protected infrastructure
D. Critical infrastructure

17. What will protect my Wi-Fi network against common threats, including evil-twin/
rogue APs and DDoS?

A. 802.1x
B. Host-based IPS (HIPS)
C. Firewall
52 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

18. What should I configure on mobile users' laptop computers to ensure they will not
be vulnerable to sniffing/eavesdropping when accessing the hotel's Wi-Fi network?

A. Anti-malware
B. Shielding
C. Cable locks

19. Which edge security appliance should be recommended for an organization that has
no dedicated security team and needs multiple security protection functions?

A. Router

20. What should be used to connect a remote government agency across public
networks (note that it needs to support the NSA suite of encryption protocols)?

D. Protected distribution

Case study
You are employed as chief information security officer (CISO) for MORD Motor Cars
U.K. You are meeting with the network team to discuss the proposed plan for the new data
center. A new customer-facing e-commerce site will be run from a brand-new office and
data center in Coventry, United Kingdom (UK).
The data center will also allow collaboration with a Chinese manufacturing company,
through the addition of business-to-business (B2B) portals.
Case study 53

Place each device in the position that will offer the best security for the network. For
bonus points, which ports need to be opened on the firewall?

Figure 1.34 – Case study

54 Designing a Secure Network Architecture

1. B
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. C
6. B and C
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. B
14. C
15. A and B
16. D
17. D
18. D
19. C
20. B
Case study answer 55

Case study answer

The following placement will ensure a strong security posture for our network, although
there are additional controls that would further enhance the organization's security, such
as DLP, SIEM, and DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC):

Figure 1.35 – Case study (answer)

Integrating Software
Applications into the
In this chapter, we need to understand the options available for a robust repeatable
framework when developing or commissioning new services or software. We must
understand how these systems and services can be built securely and validated. As a
security professional, it is important to understand how we can provide assurance that
products meet the appropriate levels of trust. We need to provide potential customers
with the assurance that our services are trustworthy and meet recognized standards.
In this chapter, we will go through the following topics:

• Integrating security into the development life cycle

• Software assurance
• Baselines and templates
• Security implications of integrating enterprise applications
• Supporting enterprise integration enablers
58 Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise

Integrating security into the development

life cycle
When considering introducing new systems into an enterprise environment, it is
important to adopt a robust repeatable approach. Organizations must incorporate the
most stringent standards, consider legal and regulatory requirements, and ensure the
system is financially viable.
When developing software, it is important to consider security at every stage of the
development process. Some vendors will use a variation called the Secure Development
Lifecycle (SDL), which incorporates security requirements at each step of the process.

Systems development life cycle

One of the most well understood and widely implemented approaches to systems
development is the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). There are normally 5
stages, although in some models there can be as many as 10 stages. Whichever model you
adopt, you should allow for a clearly defined pathway from the initial ideas to a functional
working product. Figure 2.1 shows the SDLC model:

Figure 2.1 – SDLC process

Integrating security into the development life cycle 59

Let's break down each phase of this process.

Requirements analysis/initiation phase

At the beginning of the life cycle, the requirements for the new tool or system are
identified, and we can then create the plan. This will include the following:

• Understanding the goals for the system, as well as understanding user expectations
and requirements (this involves capturing the user story – what exactly does the
customer expect the system to deliver?).
• Identifying project resources, such as available personnel and funding.
• Discovering whether alternative solutions are already available. Is there a more
cost-effective solution? (Note that government departments may be required to look
toward third parties such as cloud service providers.)
• Performing system and feasibility studies.

Here are some security considerations:

• Will the system host information with particular security constraints?

• Will the system be accessible externally from the internet?
• Ensuring personnel involved in the project have a common understanding of
the security considerations. Regulatory compliance would be an important
consideration at this stage (such as GDPR or PCI DSS).
• Identifying where security must be implemented in the system.
• Nominating an individual or team responsible for overseeing all security

The analysis/initiation phase is critical. Proper planning saves time, money, and resources,
and it ensures that the rest of the SDLC will be performed correctly.

Development/acquisition phase
Once the development team understands the customer requirements, development can
begin. This phase includes design and modeling and will include the following:

• Outlining all features required for the new system

• Considering alternative designs
• Creating System Design Documents (SDDs)
60 Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise

Here are some security considerations:

• Must perform risk assessments. SAST, DAST, and penetration testing must
be performed.
• Plan the system security testing. This is done with the Security Requirements
Traceability Matrix (SRTM).

In Figure 2.2 we can see an example of an SRTM document:

Figure 2.2 – SRTM

This is a simplified example – in reality, there would be much more testing to be done.

Implementation phase
During this phase, the system is created from the designs in the previous stages:

• Program code is written.

• Infrastructure is configured and provisioned.
• System testing takes place.
• End user/customer training is done.
• Bug tracking and fixing is carried out.

Here are some security considerations:

• Vulnerability scanning against infrastructure, web servers, and database servers

is performed.
• Ensure the SRTM is now implemented for security testing.
Integrating security into the development life cycle 61

Operations maintenance phase

When the system is live, it will need continuous monitoring and updating to meet
operational needs. This may include the following:

• Refreshing hardware
• Performance benchmarking
• Patching/updating certain components to ensure they meet the required standards
• Improving systems when necessary

It is important to continually assess the economic viability of legacy systems to assess

whether they meet the operational needs of the business. For example, an expensive IBM
mainframe computer may have cost over 1 million dollars in 1980, but the costs to keep it
running today may be exorbitant.
Here are some security considerations:

• Hardware and software patching

• Ensuring the system is incorporated into a change management process
• Continuous monitoring

Disposal phase
There must be a plan for the eventual decommissioning of the system:

• Plan for hardware, software, and data disposal.

• Data may need to be migrated to a new system – can we output to a common
file format?
• Data will either be purged or archived.

Here are some security considerations:

The business must consider the possibility of any remaining data on storage media. It is
also important to consider how we might access archived data generated by the system –
is it technically feasible? (Could you recover archived family movies that you found in the
attic, stored in Betamax format?)
62 Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise

Development approaches
It is important to focus on a development methodology that fits with the project's needs.
There are approaches that focus more on customer engagement throughout the project life
cycle. Some approaches allow the customer to have a clear vision of the finished system
at the beginning of the process and allow the development to be completed within strict
budgets, while other approaches lend themselves to prototyping. Whatever your approach,
it must align with the customers' requirements.

The waterfall has been a mainstay of systems development for many years. It is a very
rigid approach with little customer involvement after the requirements phase. This model
depends upon comprehensive documentation in the early stages.
At the beginning of the project the customer is involved, and they will define their
requirements. The development team will capture the customer requirements, and the
customer will now not be involved until release for customer acceptance testing.
The design will be done by the software engineers based upon the documentation
captured from the customer.
The next stage will be the implementation or coding, there is no opportunity for customer
feedback at this stage.
During verification, we will install, test, and debug, and then perform customer
acceptance testing. If the customer is not satisfied at this point, we must go right back to
the very start.
Integrating security into the development life cycle 63

Figure 2.3 shows the waterfall methodology:

Figure 2.3 – Waterfall Methodology

Like water flowing down a waterfall, there is no going back.

Advantages of the waterfall method

The following points are advantages when using the waterfall method:

• Comprehensive documentation means onboarding new team members is easier.

• Detailed planning and documentation enable budgets and timelines to be met.
• This model scales well.

Disadvantages of the waterfall method

The following points are disadvantages when using the waterfall method:

• We need all requirements and documentation before or at the start of the project.
• No flexibility, change, or modification is possible until the end of the cycle.
64 Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise

• A lack of customer involvement/collaboration after completing the

requirements phase.
• Testing is done only at the end of development.

The Agile methodology is based on plenty of customer engagement. The customer is
involved not just in the requirements phase. It is estimated that around 80% of all current
development programs use this methodology. When using the Agile method, the entire
project is divided into small incremental builds. In Figure 2.4 we can see the Agile
development cycle:

Figure 2.4 – Agile development cycle

The Agile methodology means the customer will have many meetings with the
development team. The customer is involved from the start of the project and during
the lifetime of the project. They can review software changes and make requests for
modifications, which ensures that the result is exactly what the customer wants.
As functionality is added to the build, the customer can review the progress. When the
software is released, the customer is more likely to be satisfied, as they have been involved
throughout the project.
Integrating security into the development life cycle 65

In the event the customer is not satisfied, we will record the required changes and
incorporate this into a fresh development cycle.

Advantages of the Agile method

The following points are advantages when using the Agile method:

• The use of teams means more collaboration.

• Development is more adaptive.
• The testing of code is done within the development phases.
• Satisfied customers, as continuous engagement during development ensures the
system meets customer expectations.
• Best for continuous integration.

Disadvantages of the Agile method

The following points are disadvantages when using the Agile method:

• Lack of full documentation

• Not easy to bring in new developers once the project has started
• Project cost overruns
• Not good for large-scale projects

The spiral model can be used when there is a prototype. When neither the Agile nor
waterfall methods are appropriate, we can combine both approaches.
For this model to be useful, it needs to start with a prototype. We are basically refining
a prototype as we go through several iterations. At each stage, we do a risk analysis after
we have fine-tuned the prototype – this will be the final iteration that will be used to build
through to the final release.
66 Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise

This allows the customer to be involved at regular intervals as each prototype is refined.
In Figure 2.5 we can see the spiral model:

Figure 2.5 – Spiral model

Advantages of the spiral model

The following points are advantages when using the spiral method:

• The use of teams means more collaboration.

• The testing of code is done within the development phases.
• Satisfied customers, as continuous engagement during development ensures the
system meets customer expectations.
• Flexibility – the spiral model is more flexible in terms of changing requirements
during the development process.
Software assurance 67

• Reduces risk, as risk identification is carried out during each iteration.

• Good for large-scale projects.

Disadvantages of the spiral model

The following points are disadvantages when using the spiral method:

• Time management – timelines can slip.

• Complexity – this model is very complex compared to Agile or waterfall.
• Cost – this model can be expensive as it has multiple phases and iterations.

Version control is of paramount importance. When considering Continuous Integration/
Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), it is important to document build revisions and
incorporate this into the change management plan when considering backout plans. For
example, Microsoft brings out a major feature release of the Windows 10 operating system
bi-annually. The original release was in July 2017 with build number 10240 and version
ID 1507. The May 2021 update carries version 21H1 and build 19043. You can check the
current build using winver on CMD. Figure 2.6 shows version control:

Figure 2.6 – Versioning

It is important to adopt a methodology when approaching systems or software design.
A repeatable process means security will not be overlooked, and we are able to adopt
a systematic approach.
Choosing the right methodology is also important so the development team can work
efficiently, and the customer will be satisfied during and at the end of the process.

Software assurance
It is important that the systems and services that are developed and used by millions of
enterprises, businesses, and users are robust and trustworthy. This process of software
assurance is achieved using standard design concepts/methodologies, standard coding
techniques and tools, and accepted methods of validation. We will take a look at
approaches to ensure reliable bug-free code is deployed.
68 Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise

Sandboxing/development environment
It is important to have clearly defined segmentation when developing new systems.
Code will be initially written within an Integrated Development Environment (IDE);
testing can be done in an isolated area separate from production systems, often using
a development system or network.

Validating third-party libraries

To speed up the development process, it is a common practice to use third-party libraries.
Third-party libraries will speed up the development process as developers won't be
developing tools or routines that already exist. Examples of popular third-party libraries
include Retrofit, Picasso, Glide, and Zxing, which are used by Android application
developers. It is critical that any third-party code that is used can be trusted. The use of
third-party libraries might raise some security concerns as vulnerabilities in open source
libraries are increasingly targets for hackers. It is important to remain updated with
current Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) relating to third-party libraries.
It is important to consider the potential remediation that may be required if a
vulnerability is discovered in a library that is part of your code base. Over 90% of
software development includes the use of some third-party code. A vulnerability in the
Apache Struts framework was reported and classified with CVE-2017-5638. Whilst
the vulnerability was fixed with a new release of the framework, many customers were
impacted. Equifax had 200,000 customer credit card numbers stolen as a result of the
vulnerability. The outcome can be very costly in terms of regulatory fines (as with PCI
DSS and GDPR, for example), it may also require that applications are re-compiled along
with the updated libraries and distributed where necessary.

The term DevOps originates from software development and IT operations. When
implemented, it means continuous integration, automated testing, continuous delivery,
and continuous deployment. It is a more of a cultural methodology, meaning that
development and operations will work as a team.
Over the past few years, it has become commonplace to see Agile development
methodology and related DevOps practices being implemented. Adopting these ideas
means that the developers improve software incrementally and continuously, rather than
offering major updates on annual or bi-annual cycles.
Software assurance 69

DevOps itself does not deliver cybersecurity. What is needed is SecDevOps. The term
stresses that an organization treats security with as much importance as development
and operations. Figure 2.7 depicts the close alignment of Development, Operations,
Application Delivery, and Security:

Figure 2.7 – SecDevOps

SecDevOps requires the people involved to take a more comprehensive view of a project.
All teams need to focus on security as well as development and maintaining operations.
It involves many different elements to automate the deployment of new code and new
systems. For SecDevOps to be successful, we must adopt practices that ensure code is
secure from the inside out, which means integrating testing tools into the build process
and continuously checking code right through to deployment. Automated regression
testing is a key process, as we are constantly developing and improving our code modules.
Regression testing will focus on the changed code. As this is a cultural approach to
deploying software, it is important to champion security efforts from the team. Building
a team with a strong focus on security is a very important element.

Defining the DevOps pipeline

A DevOps pipeline ensures that the development and operations teams adopt a set of best
practices. A DevOps pipeline will ensure that the building, testing, and deployment of
software into the operations environment is streamlined. There are several components of
a DevOps pipeline as you can see in the following sub-sections.
70 Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise

Continuous integration
CI is the process of combining the code from individual development teams into a shared
build/repository. Depending on the size and complexity of the project, this may be done
multiple times a day.

Continuous delivery
CD is often used with CI. It will enable the development team to release incremental
updates into the operational environment.

Continuous testing
Continuous testing is the process of testing during all the stages of development, the goal
being to identify errors before they can be introduced into a production environment.
Testing will identify functional and non-functional errors in the code.
It is important when developing complex systems with large development teams that
integration testing is run on a daily basis, sometimes several times a day. It is imperative
to test all the units of code to ensure they stay within alignment.
When there is a small change of code and this change must be evaluated within the
existing environment, we should use regression testing.

Continuous operations
The concept of continuous operations ensures the availability of systems and services in
an enterprise. The result is that users will be unaware of new code releases and patches,
but the systems will be maintained. The goal is to minimize any disruption during the
introduction of new code.
Continuous operations will require a high degree of automation across a complex
heterogeneous mix of servers, operating systems, applications, virtualization, containers,
and so on. This will be best served by an orchestration architecture. In Figure 2.8 we can
see the DevOps cycle.
Software assurance 71

Figure 2.8 – DevOps pipeline

DevOps pipelining is a continuous process.

Code signing
When code has been tested and validated, it should be digitally signed to ensure we have
trusted builds of code modules.
It is estimated that over 80% of software breaches are due to vulnerabilities present at the
application layer. It is important to eliminate these bugs in the code before the software is
released. We will now take a look at three different approaches.

Interactive application security testing

The use of an Interactive Application Security Tool (IAST) is a modern approach,
addressing the early detection of bugs and security issues. Application code is tested in
real time using sensors and deployed agents to detect any potential vulnerabilities. The
testing can be automated, which is important when we are looking to incorporate the
testing into CI /CD environments.
The benefits of IAST are as follows:

• Accurate
• Fast testing
• Easy to deploy
• On-demand feedback
72 Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise

With demand for the rapid development of applications and new functionality, it is
important to deploy the correct tools to reduce risk.

Dynamic application security testing

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) tools are used against compiled code,
but they are done at the end of the development cycle. They have no integration with
the code and from the outside in. A fuzzer (designed to test input vulnerabilities) is a
good example of a DAST tool, and would be part of a black-box test where there is no
information given about the actual source code. These types of tests require experienced
security auditors. DAST tools can be used without credentials, meaning they can also be
used by an attacker.

Static application security testing

Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools are used to assess source code in an
IDE. The challenge to manually review thousands of lines of code is a huge undertaking,
so automated tools are used instead, such as IBM Rational App Scan.
SAST tools are run inside the IDE as code is compiled. SAST tools always require direct
access to the source code.
SAST tools are known to throw false positives – as they assess code line by line, they are
not aware of additional security measures provided by other code modules.
For additional reading on this subject, there is a very useful blog from the Carnegie Mellon
University Software Engineering Institute at

Baseline and templates

It is important for an enterprise to adopt standards and methodologies in order to follow
a standard repeatable process when developing new systems or software. It is important to
consider interoperability when designing or considering systems supplied by third parties.
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), a United Kingdom government agency,
offers guidance to UK-based enterprises. They have divided each set of principles into
five categories, loosely aligned with the stages at which an attack can be mitigated.
Here are the five NCSC categories (also available at

• Establish the context

Determine all the elements that compose your system, so your defensive measures
will have no blind spots.
Baseline and templates 73

• Make compromise difficult

An attacker can only target the parts of a system they can reach. Make your system
as difficult to penetrate as possible.
• Make disruption difficult
Design a system that is resilient to denial-of-service attacks and usage spikes.
• Make compromise detection easier
Design your system so you can spot suspicious activity as it happens and take
necessary action.
• Reduce the impact of compromise
If an attacker succeeds in gaining a foothold, they will then move to exploit your
system. Make this as difficult as possible.
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a non-profit foundation
created to improve the security of software. There are many community-led open source
software projects, and membership runs to tens of thousands of members. The OWASP
Foundation is a high-value organization for developers and technology implementors
when securing web applications. OWASP offers tools and resources, community and
networking groups, as well as education and training events.
When considering security in your application development, there is a very useful source
of information in the OWASP Top 10, a list of common threats targeting web applications.
OWASP Top 10 threats (web applications):

• Injection
• Broken authentication
• Sensitive data exposure
• XML External Entities (XXE)
• Broken access control
• Security misconfiguration
• Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
• Insecure deserialization
• Using components with known vulnerabilities
• Insufficient logging and monitoring
74 Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise

A PDF document with more detail can be downloaded from the following link:

Important Note
Specific attack types, including example logs and code, along with mitigation
techniques, are covered in Chapter 7, Risk Mitigation Controls.

Secure coding standards

Whilst it is important to work toward industry best standards and apply a repeatable
security methodology, it is also of critical importance to adopt practices that allow for
validation and interoperability with other vendor solutions. This may mean developing
applications to work on a particular vendor operating system or maybe to use an available
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) application hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Application vetting processes

Whether your application is for internal use or will be sold commercially, it should
go through a Quality Assurance (QA) process. Microsoft has strict requirements for
Universal Windows Platform applications that will be sold through the Microsoft Store.
The testing process is very stringent, as follows:

• Security tests: Your application will be tested to ensure it is malware free.

• Technical compliance tests: These are functional tests, to ensure it follows technical
compliance requirements. There is a Microsoft-supplied App Certification Kit
(which is free to use), ensuring developers can test the code themselves first.
• Content compliance: This allows for the complete testing of all the features to make
sure it meets content compliance.
• Release/publishing: Once an application package has been given the QA green light,
it will be digitally signed to protect the application against tampering after it has
been released.

We will now look at securing our hosting platforms, by adopting a strong security posture
on our application web servers.
Baseline and templates 75

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) headers

It is important when considering the hosting of web applications, to adopt a secure
baseline on all your web platforms. Proper Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) headers
will help to protect hosted applications.
Whilst secure coding, including input validation, is very important, there are a number of
common security configuration settings that should be adopted on the platform hosting
the application. Common attacks include Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Cross-Site Request
Forgery (XSRF), Clickjacking, and Man in the Middle (MITM), the following security
header settings will not prevent all attacks but will add an extra layer of security to your
website by ensuring web browsers are connecting in a secure manner.
This HTTP security header ensures that the connecting client uses the functionality of the
built-in filter on the web browser. It should be configured as follows:

X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"

The X-Frame-Options (XFO) security header helps to protect your customers against
clickjacking exploits. The following is the correct configuration for the header:

X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"

The Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS) header instructs client browsers to always connect
via HTTPS. Without this setting, there may be the opportunity for the transmission of
unencrypted traffic, allowing for sniffing or MITM exploits. The following is the suggested
configuration for the header:

Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=315360000

In the preceding example, the time is in seconds, making the time 1 year. (The client
browser will always connect using TLS for a period not less than 1 year.)
When the preceding settings are incorporated into your site's .htaccess file or your
server configuration file, it adds an additional layer of security for web applications.
76 Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise

If you are configuring Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), you can also add
these security options through the IIS administration console. In Figure 2.9 we can see
HTTP headers being secured on a Microsoft IIS web application server.

Figure 2.9 – Securing HTTP response headers

It is important to harden web application servers before deployment.
The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) CERT Secure Coding Initiative is
run from the Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie Mellon University and aims to
promote secure coding standards.
In the same way as OWASP publish a top-10 list of vulnerabilities, SEI CERT promotes
their top 10 secure coding practices:

• Validate input.
• Heed compiler warnings.
• Architect and design for security policies.
• Keep it simple.
• Default deny.
• Adhere to the principle of least privilege.
• Sanitize data sent to other systems.
• Practice defense in depth.
• Use effective quality assurance techniques.
• Adopt a secure coding standard.
Baseline and templates 77

More information about their work and contribution toward secure coding standards can
be found at the following link:
Microsoft SDL is a methodology that introduces security and privacy considerations
throughout all phases of the development process. It is even more important to consider
new scenarios, such as the cloud, Internet of Things (IoT), and Artificial Intelligence
(AI). There are many free tools provided for developers including plugins for Microsoft
Visual Studio:

Application Programming Interface (API) management

APIs allow an organization to extend enterprise assets to B2B partners, customers, and
other parts of the enterprise. These assets can then be made available through applications
in the form of services, data, and applications.
Managing and securing these assets is of critical importance. Data exposure or the theft
of intellectual property could be one of many threats. Automation will often be used to
provision access to these resources. There are many vendor solutions offered to manage
these critical assets. Figure 2.10 shows customers and partners connecting to services
through a management API.

Figure 2.10 – Management API

78 Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise

Examples of popular API management platforms include the following:

• MuleSoft Anypoint Platform

• API Umbrella
• Google Apigee API Management Platform
• CA Technologies
• MuleSoft Anypoint Platform
• WSO2
• Apigee Edge
• Software AG
• Tyk Technologies

Container APIs
Many applications will be virtualized and deployed in containers (for Docker containers,
see Chapter 3, Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization
Solutions). Containers are an efficient way to scale up the delivery of applications, but
when deployed across many hardware compute platforms it can become overly complex.
Workloads need to be provisioned and de-provisioned on a large scale. There is a new
industry approach to address this need, based on an open source API named Kubernetes.
Kubernetes was developed to allow the orchestration of multiple (virtual) servers.
Containers are nested into Pods, and Pods can be scaled based upon demand.
An example might be a customer who has purchased an Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) system comprising multiple application modules of code. The SaaS provider has
many customers who require these services, and each customer must be isolated from the
others. Whilst this could be done manually, automation will be useful to: Deploy, monitor,
scale, and when there is an outage the system will be self-healing (it detects the problem
and can restart or replicate failed containers). Figure 2.11 shows an overview of container
API management:
Considerations when integrating enterprise applications 79

Figure 2.11 – Kubernetes orchestration

When considering developing new systems and services it is important to recognize
standard approaches and adopt a baseline for ongoing development. You may be
working with B2B partners, selling services to external customers, or hosting web-based
applications. You need to make sure the enterprise is using standards and approaches that
ensure compatibility and security.

Considerations when integrating enterprise

Enterprise application integration is critically important. We have major businesses tools
and processes that rely on the integration and communication services provided within
an enterprise.
There are many examples of business dependencies within an enterprise. Our sales and
marketing efforts would be difficult without the CRM business tools now considered
commonplace. Human resources teams would plan employee recruitment using
guesswork if not for ERP systems. Project planning could not ensure timely delivery of
supply-chain raw materials without ERP systems. There are many more examples of these
dependencies. Consider the following business enterprise applications.
80 Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise

Customer relationship management (CRM)

CRM is a category of integrated, data-focused software solutions that improve how an
enterprise can engage with their customers. CRM systems help to manage and maintain
customer relationships, track sales leads, marketing, and automate required actions.
Without the support of an integrated CRM solution, an enterprise may risk loss of
opportunities to competitors.
Just imagine if sales staff lost customer contact information, only to learn that a customer
then awarded a multimillion-dollar contract to a competitor. Or perhaps sales teams are
chasing the same prospect, creating unfriendly, in-house competition. It is important for
these teams to have access to a centralized and automated CRM system. With a properly
deployed CRM solution, customers can be allocated to the correct teams (data can be
properly segmented) and staff will not lose track of customer interactions and miss
business opportunities. In Figure 2.12 we can see the components of a CRM system:

Figure 2.12 – CRM components

Without this valuable business tool, we will lack efficiency compared to our competitors.
Considerations when integrating enterprise applications 81

Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

ERP allows an enterprise to manage a complex enterprise, typically combining many
business units. A motor manufacturer such as Ford Motors would utilize this system.
ERP allows all the business units to be integrated and all the disparate processes to
be managed. The software integrates a company's accounts, procurement, production
operations, reporting, manufacturing, sales, and human resources activities.
If Ford Motors gained a government contract to supply 10,000 trucks, they would use
an ERP. They would need to work with human resources to plan labor requirements;
sales staff would have worked to win this contract using a CRM; the company would
use production-planning software to ensure the smooth running of the assembly lines;
accounting software would be used to make sure costs are controlled and invoices are
paid; and distribution would be used to ensure the customer receives the trucks.
ERP provides integration of core business processes using common databases maintained
by a database management system. Some of the well-known vendors in this market
include IBM, SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft.
The business importance of this system will mean strict adherence to security, as the data
applications that make up the system share data across all the enterprise departments
that provide the data. ERP allows information flow between all business functions and
manages connections to outside stakeholders. The global ERP software market was
calculated to be worth around $40 billion in 2020. Figure 2.13 shows components of an
ERP system:

Figure 2.13 – ERP components

82 Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise

Without having access to this enterprise asset, overall control of end-to-end production
processes will be difficult.

Configuration Management Database (CMDB)

A CMDB is a centralized repository that stores information on all the significant
entities in your IT environment. The entities, termed as Configuration Items (CIs),
include hardware, the installed software applications, documents, business services,
and the people that are part of your IT system. A CMDB is used to support a large IT
infrastructure and can be incorporated in endpoint management solutions (such as
Microsoft Configuration Manager or Intune), where collections of values and attributes
can be automated. This is a very important database for successful service desk delivery in
an enterprise. Figure 2.14 shows the components within a CMDB:

Figure 2.14 – CMDB components

If an enterprise does not have visibility of information systems, including both hardware
and software, then it will be difficult to manage.

Content management systems

A Content Management System (CMS) allows for the management and day-to-day
administration of enterprise data using a web portal.
An administrator can delegate responsibility to privileged users who can assist in the
management of resources.
Integration enablers 83

The requirements are to add users to access content and where necessary create, edit, and
delete content. Version control is important, meaning documents can be checked out for
editing but will still be accessible for read access by authorized users of the system.
Microsoft 365 uses SharePoint to allow participants to interact with a web-based portal
in an easy-to-use and intuitive way (normally presented to the end user as OneDrive or
Microsoft Teams). Figure 2.15 shows this CMS system:

Figure 2.15 – Microsoft SharePoint

Without access to these enterprise applications, an organization might become
uncompetitive in their area of operations. Competitors will gain a business advantage
using these enterprise toolsets themselves as the organization will be unable to track their
resources and assets. Day-to-day management of the enterprise will be difficult and long-
term planning goals will become harder to achieve.

Integration enablers
It is important to consider the less glamorous services that provide unseen services, much
like the key workers who drive buses, provide healthcare services, deliver freight, and
so on. Without these services, staff would not be able to travel to work, remain in good
health, or have any inventory to manufacture products. The following sub-sections list the
common integration enablers.
84 Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise

Directory services
The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an internet standard for
accessing and managing directory services. LDAPv3 is an internet standard documented
in RFC 4511.
There are many vendors who provide directory services, including Microsoft Active
Directory, IBM, and Oracle. Directory services are used to share information about
applications, users, groups, services, and networks across networks.
Directory services provide organized sets of records, often with a hierarchical structure
(based upon X.500 standards), such as a corporate email directory. You can think of
directory services like a telephone directory, which is a list of subscribers with their
addresses and phone numbers. LDAP uses TCP port 389 and is supported using TLS over
TCP port 636.

Domain name system

The Domain Name System (DNS) is an important part of the TCP/IP protocol suite.
It was implemented in 1984, and on UNIX servers the standard was a daemon named
Berkley Internet Naming Daemon (BIND). Common user applications such as
web browsers allow the user to type user-friendly domain names, such as
com or, but these requests need to be routed across networks using
Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. DNS translates domain names to IP addresses so
applications can connect to services.
DNS is a critical service for any size of organization. Without DNS our enterprise
users will not be able to access intranet services, customers will not be able to access
e-commerce sites, and partners will not be able to connect to our APIs. To ensure high
availability there should be at least one secondary DNS nameserver, and for a large
organization there will be many secondary DNS servers.
It is important for name resolution to be a trustworthy process. When DNS lookups
result in malicious additions to the DNS server cache or client cache, it is known as DNS
cache poisoning.
When a computer is re-directed to a malicious website as a result of cache poisoning, it is
called pharming. To ensure we have secure name resolution, we need to enable DNSSEC
extensions for all our DNS servers. There is a useful site dedicated to all things related to
DNS security at
Integration enablers 85

Authoritative name servers (those that host the DNS for the domain) communicate
updates using zone transfers (the zone file is the actual database of records). Incremental
Transfer (IXFR) describes the incremental transfers of nameserver records, while All
Transfer (AXFR) describes the transfer of the complete zone file. It is important that this
process is restricted to authorized DNS servers using Access Control Lists (ACLs). It is
important that any updates to DNS zone files are trustworthy. RFC2930 defines the use
of Trusted Signatures (TSIG) for zone file updates. When TSIG is used, two systems will
share a secret key (in an Active Directory domain, Kerberos will take care of this). This
key is then used to generate a Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC), which is
then applied to all DNS transactions.
Figure 2.16 shows the security configuration for a zone file:

Figure 2.16 – DNS ACL

DNSSEC should be implemented to ensure protection from DNS cache poisoning.
86 Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise

To enable DNSSEC on your forwarding DNS servers, it is a requirement to download and

install the root server's public key. On Microsoft DNS, this can be done using dnscmd
(dnscmd /RetrieveRootTrustAnchors). Figure 2.17 shows a public key record,
used to validate DNSSEC responses:

Figure 2.17 – DNSSEC root public key

Once we have implemented DNNSEC, we can then perform DNS lookups on behalf of
our organization with the resulting responses being signed by trusted domains. Figure
2.18 shows the secure DNS lookup process:
Integration enablers 87

Figure 2.18 – DNSSEC processing

DNSSEC ensures responses from all DNS servers can be validated, and also allows for
secure zone transfers between primary and secondary DNS servers. TSIG ensures the
updates to the secondary server are trusted.
88 Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise

Service-oriented architecture
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architecture developed to support service
orientation, as opposed to legacy or monolithic approaches.
Originally, systems were developed with non-reusable units. For example, a customer
can buy a complete ERP system, but a smaller customer would like to have only some of
the full functionality (perhaps just the human resource and financial elements). In this
situation, with legacy or monolithic approaches, the developers could not easily provide
these two modules independently.
Using a more modular approach, developers can easily integrate these modules or
services packaged up and can provide these services using standards. SOA allows for
a communication protocol over a network. The service, which is a single functional
unit, can be accessed remotely and offers functionality, such as a customer being able to
access order tracking of a purchased item, without needing to access an entire sales order
processing application.
Examples of SOA technologies include the following:

• Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

• Remote Procedure Calls written by Google (gRPC)
• Apache Thrift (developed by Facebook)

Enterprise service bus

An Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is used to integrate many different architectures
and protocols.
A challenge facing many vendors is integration and competing standards. Legacy
information systems such as IBM Systems Network Architecture (SNA) (developed for
mainframe computers in the 1970s) does not communicate directly on a TCP/IP network,
and does not typically host applications that use modern standards-based communication.
Without an ESB these systems would be obsolete.
It is possible to implement an SOA without an ESB, but this would be equivalent to
building a huge shopping mall with multiple merchants ready for business but without
roads, transportation, and utility services. There would be no easy way to access these
merchants' services.
Summary 89

The term middleware is sometimes used as a term to describe these types of connectivity
services. We can see the components of an ESB in Figure 2.19:

Figure 2.19 – ESB

There is a requirement for this technology in many large enterprises, where complex
heterogeneous systems and workloads need this integration enablement.

In this chapter, we have taken a look at frameworks used for developing or commissioning
new services or software (the SDLC and SDL). We have covered how systems and services
can be built securely. As a security professional, it is important to understand how we can
provide assurance that products meet the appropriate levels of trust. We have learned how
to deploy services that can be considered trustworthy and meet recognized standards.
We have looked at the process of automation by deploying DevOps pipelines. We have
looked at the cultural aspects of combining development and operations teams (DevOps)
with a focus on security (SecDevOps).
90 Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise

We have examined different development methodologies to understand different

approaches to meet customer requirements (waterfall, Agile, and spiral).
We have learned about the importance of testing, including integrated, static, and dynamic
testing. We have looked at adopting secure testing environments, including staging and
sandboxing. You have learned about the importance of baselines and templates to ensure
standards compliance and security are built into new systems and software.
We have looked at guidance and best practices for software development, from
government-funded guidance (NCSC), to community-based guidance (OWASP) and
commercial enterprises (Microsoft SDL).
We have learned about the security implications of integrating enterprise applications,
including CRM, ERP, CMDB, and CMS.
Integration enablers are key to any large organization. We should understand the
importance of the key services of DNS, Directory Services, SOA, and ESB.
In this chapter, you have gained the following skills:

• Learned key concepts of the SDLC, including the methodology and security
• Gained understanding in DevOps and SecureDevOps
• Learned different development approaches including Agile, waterfall, and spiral
• An understanding of software QA including sandboxing, DevOps pipelines,
continuous operations, and static and dynamic testing
• An understanding of the importance of baselines and templates, including NCSC
recommended approaches, OWASP industry standards, and Microsoft SDL
• An understanding of the importance of integration enablers including DNS,
directory services, SOA, and ESB

These skills learned will be useful during the next chapter, when we take a journey
through the available cloud and virtualization platforms.

Here are a few questions to test your understanding of the chapter:
1. Which of the following is a container API?

A. VMware
B. Kubernetes
Questions 91

C. Hyper-V
D. Docker

2. Why would a company adopt secure coding standards? Choose all that apply.

A. To ensure most privilege

B. To adhere to the principle of least privilege
C. To sanitize data sent to other systems
D. To practice defense in depth
E. To deploy effective QA techniques

3. Why does Microsoft have an application-vetting process for Windows Store


A. To ensure products are marketable

B. To ensure applications are stable and secure
C. To make sure patches will be made available
D. To ensure HTTP is used instead of HTTPS

4. What is most important for a development team validating third-party libraries?

Choose two.

A. Third-party libraries may have vulnerabilities.

B. Third-party libraries may be incompatible.
C. Third-party libraries may not support DNSSEC.
D. Third-party libraries may have licensing restrictions.

5. What is the advantage of using the DevOps pipeline methodology?

A. Long lead times

B. Extensive pre-deployment testing
C. Continuous delivery
D. Siloed operations and development environments

6. What is the importance of software code signing?

A. Encrypted code modules

B. Software QA
92 Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise

C. Software integrity
D. Software agility

7. Which of the following is a common tool used to perform Dynamic Application

Security Testing (DAST)?

A. Network enumerator
B. Sniffer
C. Fuzzer
D. Wi-Fi analyzer

8. What type of code must we have to perform Static Application Security

Testing (SAST)?

A. Compiled code
B. Dynamic code
C. Source code
D. Binary code

9. What will my sales team use to manage sales opportunities?


10. What would be a useful tool to integrate all business functions within an enterprise?


11. What would be a useful tool to track all configurable assets within an enterprise?

Questions 93

12. How can I ensure content is made accessible to the appropriate users through my
web-based portal?


13. How can I protect my DNS servers from cache poisoning?

C. Strict Transport Security

14. What is it called when software developers break up code into modules, each one
being an independently functional unit?

C. Monolithic architecture
D. Legacy architecture

15. What is the most important consideration when planning for system end of life?

A. To ensure systems can be re-purposed

B. To ensure there are no data remnants
C. To comply with environmental standards
D. To ensure systems do not become obsolete

16. What type of software testing is used when there has been a change within the
existing environment?

A. Regression testing
B. Pen testing
C. Requirements validation
D. Release testing
94 Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise

17. What is it called when the development and operations teams work together to
ensure that code released to the production environment is secure?

A. DevOps
B. Team-building exercises
C. Tabletop exercises
D. SecDevOps

18. What software development approach would involve regular meetings with the
customer and developers throughout the development process?

A. Agile
B. Waterfall
C. Spiral
D. Build and Fix

19. What software development approach would involve meetings with the customer
and developers at the end of a development cycle, allowing for changes to be made
for the next iteration?

A. Agile
B. Waterfall
C. Spiral
D. Build and Fix

20. What software development approach would involve meetings with the customer and
developers at the definition stage and then at the end of the development process?

A. Agile
B. Waterfall
C. Spiral
D. Build and Fix

21. Where will we ensure the proper HTTP headers are configured?

A. Domain Controller
B. DNS server
C. Web server
D. Mail server
Answers 95

1. B
2. B, C, D and E
3. B
4. A and D
5. C
6. B
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. B
11. C
12. B
13. B
14. A
15. B
16. A
17. D
18. A
19. C
20. B
21. C

Enterprise Data
Security, Including
Secure Cloud and
An organization must ensure that proper due diligence and due care are exercised when
considering the storage and handling of data. Data will be stored and accessed across
complex, hybrid networks. Data types may include sensitive data, intellectual property,
and trade secrets. Regulatory compliance and legal requirements will need to be carefully
considered when planning for the storage and handling of data. Data needs to be labeled
and classified according to the business value, controls put in place to prevent data loss,
and an alert needs to be raised if these controls have any gaps. We need to plan how to
handle data throughout the life cycle, from creation/acquisition to end of life. We must
understand the implications of storing our data with third parties, such as B2B partners
and cloud providers. We must ensure that appropriate protection is applied to data at rest,
in transit, and in use.
98 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

• Implementing data loss prevention

• Implementing data loss detection
• Enabling data protection
• Implementing secure cloud and virtualization solutions
• Investigating cloud deployment models
• Extending appropriate on-premises controls
• Examining cloud storage models

Implementing data loss prevention

It is important to identify sensitive data and put in place preventative controls to control
the unwanted exfiltration or leakage of this data. There are many different controls for
managing this requirement. We can use policy to ensure that correct data handling and
operational procedures are followed. We can use DLP filters at the network egress points,
using capability within our Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) or Unified Threat
Management (UTM) appliance. Your cloud provider may offer Cloud Access Security
Broker (CASB), protecting your organization when users access the cloud. Microsoft365
offers this protection with a collection of pre-set rules and templates that can be applied.
We will look at some additional methods within this section.

Blocking the use of external media

To prevent the local exfiltration of sensitive data, it is important to put in place local
controls, also known as Group Policy or Local Policy, for Windows workstations. Mobile
Device Management (MDM) could be used to disable access to mobile devices' external
storage. When considering non-Windows systems (macOS, Linux, Unix, and so on),
Group Policy will not be an option, so restrictions could be addressed by scripting
or configuration files. Figure 3.1 shows Group Policy options for the blocking of
removable storage:
Implementing data loss prevention 99

Figure 3.1 – Group Policy for controlling removable storage

Group policy offers a comprehensive range of enhancements and restrictions for Windows
operating systems.
100 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

Print blocking
It is important to recognize other means of exfiltrating data from systems. Screengrabs
and the printing of sensitive information should also be restricted. By way of an
experiment, open your mobile banking application and try to use the print screen
function. You will not be able to perform this action. To restrict unauthorized printing,
Digital Rights Management (DRM) can be utilized for sensitive documents, as shown
in Figure 3.2:

Figure 3.2 – DRM controls

Remote Desktop Protocol blocking

Due to the widespread use of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) and remote support
capabilities, this is also an area that requires careful consideration and appropriate security
controls. We can use robust authentication and authorization to restrict the use of this
technology. Figure 3.3 shows an example of a remote desktop being disabled:
Implementing data loss prevention 101

Figure 3.3 – Remote Desktop controls

If it is necessary to make provision for a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to access a
desktop for administration or business productivity, then controls should be implemented
to control functionality within the session. These controls should include the following:

• Clipboard privacy controls

• Remote audio capabilities
• Access to local storage
• Plug and play devices

In Figure 3.4, we can some of the restrictions available through Group Policy to control
access to resources during a remote session:

Figure 3.4 – Restricted VDI implementation

102 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

RDP configuration allows for granular controls to be applied to the session.

Implementing data loss detection

It is not always possible to implement a 100% Data Loss Protection (DLP) solution,
since a determined insider threat actor may find a workaround. In this case, the objective
may be to identify the threat. So, we will now look at methods to detect how the data was
exfiltrated from our organization.

If an organization wants to detect the theft or exfiltration of sensitive data, then
documents can be checked out from an information system, but an automatic watermark
will be applied to the document using the identity of the user who checked out the
document, as shown in Figure 3.5. If the document is shared or printed, it will clearly
show that user's identity.

Figure 3.5 – Watermarking

This type of control is also used to deter the user from distributing protected content.

Digital rights management

Digital rights management (DRM) is used to protect digital content, typically copyright
material. It can be applied to most digital media types. Examples include video, images,
books, music, and software code. Usually, it allows the copyright owner to control the
publishing of content and receive payment for their work.
You may have been restricted from printing an Adobe document or found that you are
unable to highlight a section of text to copy – this is an example of DRM.
It is also useful within an enterprise for allowing the protection of sensitive document
types and can be a useful addition to existing DLP solutions.
Enabling data protection 103

Network traffic decryption/deep packet inspection

In some cases, it may be necessary to inspect traffic that has been encrypted. A common
deployment is a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) decryptor. This allows an organization to
decrypt the outgoing packets to apply enterprise DLP rulesets. Careful consideration is
required when implementing this technology as our users would not want their employers
to monitor connections to their personal bank account sessions. The whitelisting of URLs
would be one approach to consider in this regard.

Network traffic analysis

When the detection of data leakage or exfiltration is being considered, one of the common
methods is to analyze data flows, in terms of both volume and content. We could use this
information to identify unusual user behaviors, such as high volumes of research data
being uploaded to Cloud Data Networks (CDNs).

Enabling data protection

It is important to address all aspects of the Confidentiality Integrity Availability (CIA)
triad. We need to understand the importance of data and label or classify accordingly.
We must ensure that data is protected from unauthorized access and that integrity is
maintained. Data must also be made available so that business functionality can be

Data classification
The appropriate data owner needs to be consulted within the enterprise to establish the
classification of data to ensure that appropriate controls are implemented.
104 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

Due to the amount of data that is typically held by large enterprises, automation is
a common approach. For example, keyword or string searches could be utilized to
discover documents containing a driver's license number, social security number, debit
card numbers, and so on. We have data classification blocking where necessary to prevent
data leakage. In Figure 3.6, we can see categories that could be used to label data:

Figure 3.6 – Data type tagging

Metadata is the data that describes data. Metadata can be very useful when searching
across stores with large files. We can tag data using common attributes or store the data
within the file itself. Figure 3.7 shows metadata data of an image:
Enabling data protection 105

Figure 3.7 – Metadata store alongside an image file

106 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

Attributes are used with tags; they consist of the identifier followed by a value, as shown
in Figure 3.8:

Figure 3.8 – Document attributes

Data labeling or tagging allows data to be handled appropriately according to the
importance/value of the data. Once we have established the data type and labeled it
accordingly, we can look to automate the management of the data (retention settings,
archiving, and so on). In Figure 3.9, we can see data classification being applied to a folder
within the filesystem:
Enabling data protection 107

Figure 3.9 – Data labeling

Microsoft file servers allow for classification labels enabled within Directory Services.

Obfuscation is defined in the Oxford dictionary as the act of making something less clear
and more difficult to understand, usually deliberately. We can use this approach to
protect data.
It is important to protect data in use and data at rest, and there are many ways to
achieve this, including strong Access Control Lists (ACLs) and data encryption. When
considering the use of records or processing transactions, certain strings or keys may be
hidden from certain parts of the system. Here are some common approaches:

• Data tokenization: This is often associated with contactless payments. Your debit
card is implemented in the Google Pay app as a token. The bank allocates a unique
token to your mobile app but your actual payment details (including the security
code on the reverse of the card) are not stored with the token.
108 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

• Data scrubbing: This can be used to detect or correct any information in a database
that has some sort of error. Errors in databases can be the result of human error
in entering the data, the merging of two databases, a lack of company-wide or
industry-wide data coding standards, or due to old systems that contain inaccurate
or outdated data. This term can also be used when data has been removed from log
files; the user is likely hiding the evidence.
• Data masking: This is a way to create a bogus, but realistic, version of your
organizational data. The goal is to protect sensitive data while providing a practical
alternative when real data is not needed. This would be used for user training, sales
demos, or software testing. The format would remain the same, but, of course, the
original data records would not be visible.

The data masking process will change the values of the data while using the same format.
The goal is to create a version that cannot be deciphered or reverse engineered.

The use of big data and the use of business intelligence presents significant regulatory
challenges. Take, for example, a situation where governments need to track the
effectiveness of strategies during a pandemic. A goal may be to publish the fact that 25,000
citizens within the age range of 65-75 years old have been vaccinated within the city of
Perth (Scotland). It should not be possible to extract individual Personally Identifiable
Information (PII) records for any of these people. Fraser McCloud, residing at 25 Argyle
Avenue, telephone 01738 678654, does not expect his personal details to be part of this
published information.

Encrypted versus unencrypted

One method to addressing confidentiality would be to encrypt sensitive data. The
overhead, however, means that it is important to identify files or records that meet
the criteria for encryption. Data that has no value or sensitivity label should be stored
unencrypted. We can use database encryption or file encryption for data at rest. For data
in transit, we should use Transport Layer Security (TLS) or IPSEC tunnels.

Data life cycle

It is important to have a plan and organizational policies and procedures to manage data
throughout the life cycle, from the initial creation or capture of the data to the point where
the data is no longer required. Without knowledge of the data we hold, the importance of
the data, and a plan to manage it, we cannot ensure good governance of the data. In Figure
3.10, we can see a five-step process depicting the data life cycle:
Enabling data protection 109

Figure 3.10 – Data life cycle

The following is a detailed explanation of the various stages of the data life cycle shown
in Figure 3.10:

• Create: Phase one of the life cycle is the creation/capture of data. Examples include
documents, images, mapping data, and GPS coordinates.
• Store: We must store the data within appropriate systems, including file shares,
websites, databases, and graph stores.
• Use: Once the data is held within our information system, we must ensure that data
governance is applied. This means classifying data, protecting data, and retaining it.
We must ensure we take care of legal and regulatory compliance.
• Archive: Data should be preserved to meet regulatory and legal requirements; this
should map across to data retention policies.
• Destroy: Data should be purged based upon regulatory and legal requirements.
There is no business advantage in retaining data that is not required. When we store
data for too long, we may be more exposed as a business in the event of a lawsuit.
A legal hold would require a business to make available all records pertaining to
the lawsuit.
110 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

Data inventory and mapping

Data inventory allows an enterprise to gain visualization of the data that is held and where
it is physically located. Any access will be logged and audited. Data mapping can help an
organization understand how the data is used and who owns the data.

Data integrity management

The data held by an organization can be critical for business processes to be completed.
The data that is held and processed could include sales order processing, records in
a CRM database, and financial transactions in a bank.
There are many ways to guarantee the authenticity of data, including File Integrity
Monitoring (FIM). Data could become corrupt, or your organization may be targeted
with crypto-malware. Consequently, there must be a plan to recover the data to its
previous state.

Data storage, backup, and recovery

Due to the complexities of a modern hybrid computing model, backups and the
subsequent restoration of data can be a big challenge. Is the data on-premises or held by
a third-party cloud provider? Who is responsible for data backup and restoration?
When planning for data backups, we need to refer to legal and regulatory requirements,
as well as operational requirements for the actual routines we will put in place. As
regards operational planning, think about Data Retention Policy (DRP) and Business
Continuity Planning (BCP), especially in relation to Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs).
It may be cost-effective to back up a directory to cloud storage, often costing a few cents
per GB per month.
Types of backups could also be very important. If working with limited time windows to
complete full backups every day, then incremental or differential backup types should
be considered.

Full backup
A full backup will back up all the files in the backup set every time it is run. Imagine this
is a Network Attached Storage (NAS) array containing 100 terabytes of data. It may take
a significant amount of time to back up all the data every day, while also considering the
storage overheads.
Enabling data protection 111

The advantages are as follows:

• A full backup of the dataset every time

• Quick to restore (only a single backup set is required)

The disadvantages are as follows:

• It is time-consuming.
• Additional storage space is required.

Differential backup
A differential backup is usually run in conjunction with a full backup. The full backup
would be run when there is a generous time window, on a Sunday, for example. Each
day, the differential backup would back up any changes since Sunday's full backup. So,
Monday's backup would be relatively quick, but by the time Friday's differential backup
is run, it will have grown to perhaps five times the size of Monday's backup.
The advantages are as follows:

• It is quicker than a full backup.

• It is quicker to restore than an incremental backup (only two backup sets are
required – the full differential and the last differential)

The disadvantage is as follows:

• Additional storage space is required (over and above the incremental backup).

Incremental backup
An incremental backup is usually run in conjunction with a full backup. The full backup
would be run when there is a generous time window – Sunday, for example. Each day, the
incremental backup would back up any changes since the previous backup. So, each daily
incremental backup would take approximately the same amount of time, while the volume
of data stored would be similar.
The advantages are as follows:

• It is the quickest to back up.

• It requires the least amount of storage space.
112 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

The disadvantage is as follows:

• It is the slowest to restore (all the backup datasets will be required)

Redundant array of inexpensive disks

When we need to provide for high availability, with data storage in mind, it is important
to consider the Redundant Array Of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) implementations
available. With the majority of the first line enterprise storage residing within Storage
Area Networks (SANs) or hosted on Network Attached Storage (NAS), it is normally
these applications that will host the redundant storage. Here are some of the most popular
RAID types:

• RAID 0: This is used to aggregate multiple disks across a single volume. It will allow
for fast disk I/O operations, and there is no redundancy (hence the 0). It achieves
this performance by spreading the write operations across multiple physical disks.
It also speeds up read operations by a similar margin (25-30%). This requires two or
more disks, as shown in Figure 3.11:

Figure 3.11 – RAID 0 disk striping

The advantages of RAID 0 are as follows:
‚ Read/write operations are fast.
‚ Efficient use of available storage (100% of the disks are available for data).
‚ It is a simple solution to deploy.
Enabling data protection 113

The disadvantage of RAID 0 is as follows:

‚ There is no fault tolerance. If we lose one physical disk, then the volume
is unavailable.

• RAID 1: This is disk mirroring and uses two disks. The data is written to both disks
synchronously, creating a mirror of the data. There is no real performance gain
when deploying this RAID level (compared to a single disk). If one of the mirrored
disks fails, we can continue to access the storage. Figure 3.12 shows an example of
RAID 1 disk mirroring:

Figure 3.12 – RAID 1 disk mirroring

The advantages of RAID 1 are as follows:
‚ RAID 1 offers good read and write speed (it is equal to that of a single drive).
‚ If a drive fails, the data does not have to be rebuilt; it is copied to the replacement
drive (which is a quick process).
‚ RAID 1 is a very simple technology.
The disadvantage of RAID 1 is as follows:
‚ The effective storage capacity is only half of the total drive capacity because all the
data is written twice.
114 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

• RAID 5: This uses a minimum of three disks. The data is written to all disks
synchronously, creating a single logical disk. There is a performance gain for read
operations. If one of the RAID 5 disks fails, we can continue to access the storage.
This technology uses a single parity stripe to store the redundant data, as shown in
Figure 3.13:

Figure 3.13 – RAID 5 striping with parity

The advantages of RAID 5 are as follows:
‚ Read operations are very fast, while write data transactions will be slower (due to
the parity that must be calculated).
‚ If one drive fails, you still have access to your data.
The disadvantages of RAID 5 are as follows:
‚ Write operations can cause latency (in calculating the parity value).
‚ Drive failures will slow down access (every read operation will require a parity
‚ The rebuild time, following a failure, can be lengthy.
Enabling data protection 115

• RAID 6: This uses a minimum of four disks. The data is written to all disks
synchronously, creating a single logical disk. There is a performance gain for read
operations. If two of the RAID 6 disks fail, we can continue to access the storage.
This technology uses a dual parity stripe to store the redundant data, as shown in
Figure 3.14:

Figure 3.14 – RAID 6 dual stripe with parity

The advantages of RAID 6 are as follows:
‚ Read operations are very fast, while write data transactions will be slower
(due to the parity that must be calculated).
‚ If two drives fail, you still have access to your data.
The disadvantages of RAID 6 are as follows:
‚ Write operations can cause latency (in calculating the parity value) that exceeds
that of RAID 5 as two parity calculations must be performed during each
write operation.
‚ Drive failures will slow down access (every read operation will require a
parity calculation).
‚ The rebuild time, following a failure, can be lengthy (and longer still if two drives
have failed).
116 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

• RAID 10: This uses a minimum of four disks. It combines RAID 0 and RAID 1 in
a single system. It provides security by mirroring all data on secondary drives while
using striping across each set of drives to speed up data transfers, as shown in
Figure 3.15:

Figure 3.15 – RAID 10 nested raid 1 + 0

The advantages of RAID 10 are as follows:
‚ Fast read and write operations (no parity calculation to worry about)
‚ Fast recovery from a failed disk; the rebuild time is quick
The disadvantage of RAID 10 is as follows:
‚ 50% of the available storage is lost to the mirror (much less cost-effective than
striping with parity).

Implementing secure cloud and virtualization

Virtualization allows software to control access to the underlying hardware. It uses a thin
layer of code to control access to resources, including networking, CPU, storage,
and memory.
Implementing secure cloud and virtualization solutions 117

Pretty much any compute node can be run virtually on top of a software layer. This
software layer is the hypervisor. User desktops, email servers, directory servers, switches,
firewalls, and routers are just a few examples of virtual machines (VMs).
Virtualization allows for more flexibility in the data center, rapid provisioning, and
scalability as workloads increase. Additional benefits include reducing an organization's
footprint in the data center (less hardware, reduced power, and so on). Figure 3.16 shows
resources being allocated to a virtual guest operating system using Microsoft Hyper-V:

Figure 3.16 – Microsoft Hyper-V

Virtualization strategies
When considering virtualization, an important choice will be the type of hypervisor. If
you are planning for the computing requirements of the data center, then you will need to
choose a bare-metal hypervisor, also known as Type 1. This is going to require minimal
overhead, allowing for maximum efficiency of the underlying hardware. Testing and
developing may require desktop virtualization tools, where compatibility will be important.
If we need to move the development virtual workloads into production, it makes sense
to choose compatible models, for example, VMWare Workstation for the desktop and
VMWare ESXi for the production data center. Application virtualization may also be a
useful strategy when we have a mixture of desktop users, where compatibility may be an
issue. Containers should also be considered for their efficient use of computing resources.
118 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

Type 1 hypervisors
In effect, a type 1 hypervisor takes the place of the host operating system. Type 1 tends
to be more reliable as they are not dependent on their underlying operating system and
have fewer dependencies, which is another advantage. Type 1 hypervisors are the default
for data centers. While this approach is highly efficient, it will need management tools
to be installed on a separate computer on the network. For security, this management
computer will be segmented from regular compute nodes. Figure 3.17 shows the diagram
of Type 1 hypervisors:

Figure 3.17 – Type 1 hypervisor

Examples of type 1 hypervisors include the following:

• A VMware Elastic Sky X Integrated (ESXi) hypervisor.

• Hyper-V is Microsoft's hypervisor designed for use on Windows systems.
• Citrix XenServer, now known as Citrix Hypervisor.
• The Kernel-Based Virtual Machine (KVM) hypervisor is used on Linux. This
hypervisor is built directly into its OS kernel.
• Oracle VMServer for x86 incorporates the free and open source Xen hypervisor

Type 2 hypervisors
A type 2 hypervisor requires an installed host operating system. It is installed as an
additional software component. It is a useful tool for any job role that requires access to
more than one operating system. This type of hypervisor would allow an Apple Mac user
to run native Microsoft Windows applications using VMware Fusion.
Implementing secure cloud and virtualization solutions 119

The reason type 2 hypervisors are not suitable for the data center is that they are not
as efficient as type 1 hypervisors. They must access computing resources from the
main installed host operating system. This will cause latency issues when dealing with
enterprise workloads. Type 2 is more common when we require virtualization on
a desktop computer for testing/development purposes. Figure 3.18 type 2 hypervisors:

Figure 3.18 – Type 2 hypervisor

Examples of type 2 hypervisors include the following:

• VMware Fusion: Allows Mac users to run a large range of guest operating systems.
• VMware Workstation: Allows Linux and Windows users to run multiple operating
systems on a single PC.
• VMware Player: This is free but only supports a single guest OS.
• Oracle VirtualBox: Can run on Linux, macOS, and Windows operating systems.
It is a free product.

Security considerations for virtualization

VM escape is a term used for an exploit where an attacker uses a guest operating system
(VM) to send commands directly to the hypervisor. Vendors such as VMware and
Microsoft will pay $250,000 to bounty hunters if they have a workable model, such is the
importance associated with this threat. This is not a common type of attack, although
there have been a number of instances of compromised hypervisor exploits in the past.
In 2008, CVE-2008-0923 was posted. This documents a vulnerability on VMware
Workstation 6.0.2 and 5.5.4 making a VM escape possible.
120 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

VM sprawl Describes unmanaged and unpatched VMs installed on the hypervisor

platform. This makes the hypervisor host vulnerable to exploits such as backdoor access or
could result in reduced levels of available services.

Containers are a more efficient way of deploying workloads in the data center. A container
is a package containing the software application and all the additional binary files and
library dependencies. Because the workload is isolated from the host operating system,
any potential bugs or errors thrown by the container-based application will not affect any
other applications.
Containers allow for isolation between different applications. It is important to consider
the security aspects of containers. If we are using a cloud platform, we need to be sure that
we have segmentation from other customers' containers.
Containers allow easy deployment on multiple operating system platforms and make
migration an easy process. They have a relatively low overhead as they do not need to run
on a VM.
To support containers, you will need a container management system (often called the
engine); the most popular product at the moment is Docker. There are versions of Docker
that developers can run on their desktops, to then migrate into the data center. Figure 3.19
shows a container:

Figure 3.19 – Containers

Implementing secure cloud and virtualization solutions 121

Emulation allows for the running of a program or service that would not run natively
on a given platform. Examples could include running legacy arcade games on a modern
computer by installing an emulator program. Terminal emulators are used to remote to
another device, replacing the need to connect a serial cable direct from a terminal to
a network appliance. Linux commands can be used on a Windows 10 desktop computer
by emulating the Linux command shell, as shown in Figure 3.20:

Figure 3.20 – Windows 10 Linux Bash shell (emulation)

122 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

Application virtualization
Application virtualization can be useful when there is a need to support a Line of
Business (LOB) application or a legacy application across multiple platforms. We
can publish an application on a Microsoft (Remote Desktop Services) server and host
multiple sessions to that single deployed application across an RDP connection. To
scale out to an enterprise, we could deploy a server farm. We could, for example, access
Windows applications from a Linux host using this deployment model. We also allow
the application to be streamed across the network and run locally. Microsoft calls this
technology App-V. Citrix has a similar technology, named XenApp. Figure 3.21 shows
application virtualization:

Figure 3.21 – Application virtualization

Implementing secure cloud and virtualization solutions 123

VDI allows the provision of compute resources to be controlled from within the data
center or cloud. A typical model is an employee using a basic thin client to access a fully
functional desktop with all required applications. The user can access their desktop using
any device capable of hosting the remote software. Microsoft has an RDP client that can
run on most operating systems. The advantages of this approach are resilience, speed of
deployment, and security. Figure 3.22 shows a VDI environment:

Figure 3.22 – VDI environment

124 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

Provisioning and deprovisioning can be automated for VM instances or container

deployments. Orchestration tools could be used in an enterprise. For small-scale
deployments, templates are created and VMs can be easily built and deployed when
needed. Figure 3.23 shows how you can provision a VM:

Figure 3.23 – VM provisioning

For more granular and configurable provisioning options, we may use tools such as
Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) or the VMware vSphere
suite of tools. To orchestrate the deployment of containers, we would use tools such
as Kubernetes.
It is important to consider all available options when supporting workloads in data
centers, giving business users access to tools, allowing for access to multiple operating
systems, or allowing non-compatible applications to be accessed from a desktop.
Organizations need to consider the benefits of reducing their footprint in the data center
by making better use of computing resources.
Investigating cloud deployment models 125

Investigating cloud deployment models

Cloud computing has been a mainstay service for many years, becoming more accepted
as a serious business model as many enterprises move to more hybrid networks. The
power of the cloud is based upon flexibility. There is a much-used phrase, Elastic Cloud,
which represents cost savings and scalability. It is estimated that around 50% of enterprise
workloads are hosted by cloud providers and around 46% of data is hosted in the cloud
(based upon estimates for 2021). Growth rates are predicted to remain high. There are
many cloud providers; however, the current market leaders are Amazon Web Services
(AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google.

Deployment models and considerations

When considering a Cloud Service Provider (CSP), many considerations will affect this
important enterprise decision.

The most critical consideration is cybersecurity. When we are storing data, such as
intellectual property, PII, PHI, and many other types of data, we must consider all the
risks before deploying cloud models.

Business directives
Does the CSP align with our regulatory requirements? Government agencies will only
be able to work with providers who meet the FedRAMP criteria. Federal Risk and
Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) is a US government-wide program
that provides a standardized approach to security assessment, authorization, and
continuous monitoring for cloud products and services. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
and Microsoft Azure cloud offerings have multiple accreditations, including PCI-DSS,
FedRAMP, ISO27001, and ISO27018 to name but a few.

The cost of operating services in the cloud is one of the most important drivers when
choosing a cloud solution. Unfortunately for the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), the
least expensive may not be a workable solution. Certain industries are tied into legal or
regulatory compliance, meaning they will need to consider a private cloud or, in some
cases, community cloud models.
126 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

What scalability constraints will there be? It was interesting in early 2020 when
organizations were forced to adopt a much more flexible remote working model, which
fully tested the scalability of the cloud. Web conferencing products such as Zoom and
Microsoft Teams reported a 50% increase in demand from March to April 2020.

What resources does the CSP have? Many CSPs operate data centers that are completely
self-sufficient regarding power, typically powered by renewable energy (wind farms,
hydroelectric, and the like). How many countries do they operate in? Do they have data
centers close to your business? Do they have a solid financial basis?

The location of the CSP data centers could be critically important. Think about legal issues
relating to data sovereignty and jurisdiction. Also, does the provider offer redundancy
using geo-redundancy. If the New York data center has an environmental disaster, can we
host services in the Dallas data center?

Data protection
We must ensure that we can protect customer data with the same level of security as
on-premises data stores. We would need to ensure data is protected at rest and in transit.
In Figure 3.24, we can see the main options for cloud deployment models:

Figure 3.24 – Cloud deployment models

Investigating cloud deployment models 127

Private cloud
A private cloud allows an enterprise to host their chosen services in a completely isolated
data center. Legal or regulatory requirements may be the deciding factor when looking
at this model. Economies of scale will often result in a higher cost when implementing
this model. Government agencies, such as the Department of Defense (DoD), are prime
candidates for the security benefits of this approach. The United Kingdom's Ministry of
Defence (MoD) has been a user of the private cloud since 2015, awarding a multi-million-
pound contract for the use of Microsoft 365 services. In the USA, the DoD has followed
suit, also signing up for multi-billion dollar contracts with Microsoft and Amazon.
Government requirements are very strict. Currently, there are two ways to provide
cloud services to the United States government. One approach is to go through the Joint
Authorization Board (JAB) or directly through a government agency, the requirements
are strict, and there is a requirement for continuous monitoring. The program is managed
as part of The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP).
To allow a CSP to prepare for this process, there are baseline security audit requirements
and additional documentation available through the following link: https://www.

Public cloud
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
are examples of public cloud providers. They offer a service in which you can enroll and
configure your workloads.
Public cloud providers operate from large geolocated data centers to offer services to
a wide range of customers.
Range International Information Group hosts the world's largest data center. It is
located in Langfang, China. It covers an area equivalent to 110 football pitches (around
6.3 million square feet). In comparison, Microsoft's main Dublin data center occupies an
area of around 10 football pitches.
Millions of global customers are using this model. There is more flexibility and less
commitment when using the public cloud.
Most cloud providers' customers will benefit from this shared model, achieving cost
savings compared with the private cloud.
128 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

Hybrid cloud
A hybrid cloud allows an organization to use more than one cloud model. For example,
a utility provider delivering critical infrastructure may be required by regulatory
compliance to host critical services in a private cloud. The sales and marketing division
of the same enterprise may want to use business productivity tools such as
using a cost-effective public cloud model. A hybrid cloud allows an enterprise to meet
operational requirements using a blended model.
A community cloud allows organizations operating within the same vertical industry to
share costs. They may have the same strict regulatory requirements not suited to a multi-
tenant public cloud, but can still look to benefit from a shared cost model. Obviously, they
will not achieve the same cost savings as public cloud customers.

Hosting models
When you choose a cloud deployment model, you have, in effect, signed up for either
a totally isolated data center or a shared experience. Think of where you live. If you are
wealthy, then you can afford to live in a secure compound with your own private security
team. If you don't have that sort of money, then maybe you could live in a secure gated
community (think community cloud). If you don't want to spend too much of your salary
on housing, then maybe you could rent an apartment within a building, sharing common
walkways and elevators (think public cloud). However, other options are available.
If you pay the least amount of money possible to host services in a public cloud, then you
will most likely be using a multi-tenant model. Your hosted web server will be running as
a VM alongside other customers' VMs on the same hypervisor. Maybe your database will
be hosted on the same server as the other customers using the same schema.
Many public cloud providers will offer single-tenant services, but at a cost. So, the
provider has a public cloud, but allows customers to host services on a separate hardware
stack. Obviously, they will want to charge more money for this.
Investigating cloud deployment models 129

Service models
Once you have chosen the cloud deployment model, you can choose the services that
your organization will need. It is important to understand the responsibility of the level
of involvement that your employees will need. When buying in services for end users'
business productivity, you may want to pay a fixed annual cost without any further
involvement, or perhaps you need to host critical infrastructure that enables engineers
to have total responsibility for a hosted Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
(SCADA) network. Figure 3.25 shows examples of cloud service models:

Figure 3.25 – Cloud service model

This simple model helps to define responsibilities when using Cloud Service Providers

Software as a service
Software as a service (SaaS) is where you have the least responsibility. You pay for
a license to use a software product or service. Microsoft has a product catalog available for
customers to choose from, totaling around 3,000 items.
130 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

In a small school, there is no dedicated staff to manage servers and storage or to develop
software applications. Instead, the teachers may use Moodle to set work and monitor
student progress. They may have Microsoft 365 educational licenses to assign to the
students, allowing access to an entire software suite. This is where you would use SaaS.
You can see some examples of SaaS applications that can be selected from the Microsoft
Azure portal in Figure 3.26:

Figure 3.26 – SaaS catalog

With SaaS, you do not perform any development; you just need to pay for licenses for
your users.

Platform as a service
When choosing Platform as a service (PaaS) as a service model, you will be wanting to
maintain control of existing enterprise applications while moving the workloads into the
cloud. Or you are looking to develop new applications using a CSP to host the workloads.
The CSP will deploy an environment for your development team, which may consist of a
Linux Enterprise Server, Apache Web Server, and MySQL database.
The servers, storage, and networking will be managed by the CSP, while developers will
still have control and management of their applications.
Investigating cloud deployment models 131

Infrastructure as a service
Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) offers the best solution to enterprises who need to
reduce capital expenditure but access a fully scalable data center. The cloud provider will
need to provide power, Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC), and the
physical hardware. But we will manage the day-to-day operations using management tools
and application programming interfaces (APIs).
When using IaaS, you will have the most responsibility. You may be managing servers,
VDI, access to storage, and controlling network flows. The hardware, however, is managed
by the cloud provider.
You would not physically work in the cloud data center, so you cannot install a server in a
rack or swap out a disk drive.
It is important to recognize the responsibilities of the CSP and the customer, using the
three popular service models. Figure 3.27 shows the responsibilities each party will have:

Figure 3.27 – Cloud shared responsibility matrix

This service model matrix will help you to understand the various responsibilities when
adopting a service model.
132 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

Cloud provider limitations

Most cloud-based services will make the best use of limited public IP addresses. You will
most likely find that your virtual network has a Network Address Translation (NAT)
gateway with a publicly accessible IP address, leaving you free to allocate your own
preferred private addressing scheme. However, to facilitate fast low-latency connections
between your hosted networks or a partner, it is not necessary to route traffic through a
NAT to access other virtual networks hosted by the same CSP. In this instance, we will use
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) peering.
VPC peering allows connectivity between workloads within a single CSP or allows
connectivity with other CSP tenants, such as B2B partners. The advantage of this approach
is that traffic is not routed out to the edge of the CSP network and then back to another
VPC. It is a much more efficient process whereby a low-latency connection is made
directly between the VPCs. This can also be done between different regions. In Figure
3.28, we can see an example of VPC peering:

Figure 3.28 – VPC peering

VPC peering is useful for enterprises that need to connect multiple cloud-based

Extending appropriate on-premises controls

It is important to assess all risks when co-operating with a third-party CSP. Is your data
secure? Will it be available? What accreditations does the provider have? Have they been
audited by recognized authorities?
Extending appropriate on-premises controls 133

Micro-segmentation is used to separate workloads, securely, in your data center
or a hosted cloud data center. In practice, this means creating policies that restrict
communication between workloads where there is no reason for east-west (server to
server) traffic. Network zoning is an important concept and can dynamically restrict
communication between the zones when a threat is detected.
Traditional security is based on north-south traffic (data moving through the network
perimeter), but now we see thousands of workloads all being hosted within the same data
center (inside the perimeter). Virtualization can allow a single hardware compute node
to host thousands of VMs. By isolating these workloads using micro-segmentation, we
can reduce the attack surface, isolate breaches, and implement more granular policies for
given workloads. Figure 3.29 shows an example of isolated workloads in the data center:

Figure 3.29 – Application-level micro-segmentation

134 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

The benefits of this approach is that each individual workload can be secured.

Benefits of micro-segmentation
Organizations that adopt micro-segmentation will gain the following benefits:

• It is a key element of zero-trust architecture.

• A reduced attack surface.
• Improved breach containment.
• Stronger regulatory compliance.
• Streamlined policy management.

Jump box
Remote management is a key requirement when managing on-premises and cloud-based
data centers. Network assets will include servers and workloads with valuable data or
may host Industrial Control Systems (ICS). To manage these environments, there is
a requirement for highly specialized management tools. It would be difficult for an
engineer to manage the SCADA systems and monitor sensitive systems without specialist
tools hosted on the SCADA network. Likewise, network engineers may need to remote
into the data center to offer 24/7 support on critical systems. One approach is to securely
connect to a designated server that has secure access to the data center or ICSes. These
servers will have the appropriate management tools already installed and the connection
will be made from validated trusted external hosts. Figure 3.30 shows an example of where
a jump box would be deployed:

Figure 3.30 – Remote administration using a jump box

Examining cloud storage models 135

A Jump box ensures no code or software can be introduced to vulnerable network systems.

Examining cloud storage models

An enterprise will typically create and manage increasingly large volumes of
heterogeneous data. We would expect the finance team to store spreadsheets and use
finance databases, marketing may create promotional video clips, while transport and
logistics planning will need access to graphing and locational data.
This mix of data types means that a single data store is usually not the most efficient
approach. Instead, it's more effective to store different types of data in different data stores,
each optimized for a specific workload or usage pattern. Therefore, it's important to
understand the main storage models and the pros and cons of each model.

File-based storage
These are regular files that are used in a traditional client-server model. Examples would
be user-mapped drives accessing shared folders on a NAS device or a file server. Other file
types could be VMs hosted by a hypervisor platform.

Database storage
Databases are described as relational and consist of two-dimensional tables with rows and
columns. A common vendor approach is to use Structured Query Language (SQL) for
retrieving and managing data. This ensures that a record is added or updated only when it
can be validated (ensuring the integrity of the data).
136 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) requires a schema, which

will consist of allowed objects and attributes. All read or write operations must use the
schema. Examples of relational databases include Microsoft SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL,
and Oracle SQL. In Figure 3.31, we can see a user object with associated attributes. This
schema is used for the Active Directory database.

Figure 3.31 – Schema object and attributes

Relational databases support a schema to define objects and attributes allowed within
the database.

Block storage
Block storage stores data in fixed-sized chunks called blocks. A block will only store
a fragment of the data. This is typically used on a SAN iSCSI or Fiber Channel (FC).
Requests are generated to find the correct address of the blocks; the blocks are then
assembled to create the complete file. Block storage does not store any metadata with the
blocks. Its primary strength is fast performance, but the application and storage need to
be local (ideally on a SAN). Performance will degrade if the application and blocks are
farther apart. This storage is typically used by database applications.
Summary 137

Blob storage
Object storage is optimized for storing and retrieving large binary objects (images, files,
video and audio streams, large application data objects and documents, and virtual
machine disk images). To optimize searching through these stores, metadata tags can
be linked to a file. These may be customizable by the user (it would be difficult to search
through the raw data of a video image). These stores are ideal for large files and large data
stores as they will be very scalable.

Key/value pairs
A key/value pair is useful for storing identifiers and values. It is a useful storage type for
configuration files or hash lookups, such as rainbow table or any kind of lookup table.
This may be useful when performing a compliance scan. The database could contain
a series of identifiers and the actual value it is expecting to be set.

In this chapter, you have gained an understanding of the security considerations when
hosting data on-premises and off-premises. You learned how an enterprise will implement
secure resource provisioning and deprovisioning, and the differences between type 1
and type 2 hypervisors. We then looked at containerization and learned how to choose
an appropriate cloud deployment model. Then we learned the differences between the
different cloud service models and gained an understanding of micro-segmentation and
VPC peering, which will help us to select the correct storage model based on the storage
technologies offered by cloud providers.
In this chapter, you have acquired the following skills:

• An understanding of how to implement data loss prevention

• An understanding of how to implement data loss detection
• An understanding of what is meant by data protection
• An understanding of how to implement secure cloud and virtualization solutions
• An understanding of the cloud deployment models available
• An understanding of the storage models available in cloud environments

In the next chapter, we will learn about managing identities using authentication and
authorization, including Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Single Sign-On (SSO),
and Identity Federation.
138 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

Here are a few questions to test your understanding of the chapter:

1. What security setting is it when Group Policy prevents my flash drive from being
recognized by my Windows computer?

A. Watermarking
B. Blocking the use of external media
C. Print blocking
D. Data classification blocking

2. What stops me from capturing bank account details using my mobile banking app?

A. Watermarking
B. Blocking the use of external media
C. Print blocking
D. Data classification blocking

3. What stops me from printing on my home printer when accessing my work

computer using RDP?

A. Watermarking
B. Blocking the use of external media
C. Restricted VDI
D. Data classification blocking

4. Ben has asked a colleague to collaborate on a project by connecting remotely to his

desktop. What would prevent this from happening?

A. Remote Desktop
B. Protocol (RDP) blocking
C. Clipboard privacy controls
D. Web Application Firewall

5. How can you reduce the risk of administrators installing unauthorized applications
during RDP admin sessions?

A. Remote Desktop
B. Protocol (RDP) blocking
Questions 139

C. Clipboard privacy controls

D. Web Application Firewall

6. How can I ensure that my sales team can send quotations and business contracts out
to customers, but not send confidential company data?

A. Data classification blocking

B. Data loss detection
C. Watermarking
D. Clipboard privacy controls

7. The CISO needs to know who has been sharing signed-out company confidential
documents on a public web server. How can this be done?

A. Data classification blocking

B. Data loss detection
C. Watermarking
D. Clipboard privacy controls

8. Jenny wants to share a useful business-related video file with her colleague, but
when Charles attempts to play it using the same player and codecs it cannot be
viewed. What is the most likely cause?

B. Deep packet inspection
C. Network traffic analysis
D. Watermarking

9. What allows a forensics investigator to discover the time and location that a digital
image was taken?

A. Metadata
B. Obfuscation
C. Tokenization
D. Scrubbing
140 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

10. What may have allowed a rogue administrator to remove evidence from the
access logs?

A. Scrubbing
B. Metadata
C. Obfuscation
D. Tokenization

11. What stops the bank support desk personnel from accessing Ben's 16-digit VISA
card number and CVC code?

A. Metadata
B. Obfuscation
C. Key pairs
D. Masking

12. What ensures that medical researchers cannot unwittingly share PHI data from
medical records?

A. Anonymization
B. Encryption
C. Metadata
D. Obfuscation

13. What allows an organization to manage business data from the moment it is stored
to final destruction?

A. Data life cycle

B. Containers
C. Metadata
D. Storage area network

14. What is another name for a bare-metal hypervisor deployed in a data center?

A. Type 1
B. Emulation
C. Type 2
D. Containers
Questions 141

15. What allows the isolation of workloads, allowing easy migration between
vendor platforms?

A. Type 1
B. Emulation
C. Type 2
D. Containers

16. What allows Amy to play 16-bit Nintendo console games on her Windows desktop

A. Emulation
B. Middleware
C. PaaS
D. Database storage

17. What allows a legacy Microsoft office application to run on Ben's desktop alongside
Microsoft Office 365 applications?

A. Application virtualization
B. Database storage
C. Middleware
D. PaaS

18. How can we make sure that when a user leaves the organization, we can re-assign
their software licenses to the new user?

A. Deprovisioning
B. IaaS
C. Emulation
D. Off-site backups

19. What type of data is used to provide information about data?

A. Metadata
B. Indexes
C. Emulation
D. Off-site backups
142 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

20. What is the primary reason that a small family coffee shop business would choose a
public cloud model?
A. Cost
B. Scalability
C. Resources
D. Location

21. What type of cloud customer am I likely supporting if I am offering a private

cloud and customers require that I have the Federal Risk and Authorization
Management Program (FedRAMP) attestation?
A. Government
B. Finance
C. Utility company
D. Small online retailer

22. What is used to describe the situation when multiple customers are hosted on a
common hardware platform?
A. Multi-tenant
B. Platform sharing
C. Single tenant
D. Service model

23. What type of cloud service model would be used when buying 50 licenses to access
a customer relationship management (CRM) application?
A. SaaS
B. PaaS
C. IaaS
D. Security as a service (SecaaS)

24. What type of cloud service model would be used when I need to host my in-house
enterprise resource planning (ERP) suite with a CSP?
A. SaaS
B. PaaS)
C. IaaS
D. d) SecaaS
Questions 143

25. What type of cloud service model would be used when the Acme corporation needs
to deploy and manage 500 VDI instances across four geographical regions?

A. SaaS
B. PaaS
C. IaaS
D. SecaaS

26. What will my CSP configure so that I have direct communication between multiple
instances of VPC?

A. IPSEC tunnel
C. Inter-domain routing
D. VPC peering

27. What kind of storage model would be best for images, files, video, and audio streams?

A. File-based storage
B. Database storage
C. Block storage
D. Blob storage
E. Key/value pairs

28. What kind of storage model would be provided on a storage area network (SAN)?

A. File-based storage
B. Database storage
C. Block storage
D. Blob storage
E. Key/value pairs

29. What kind of storage model would be useful when performing a compliance scan
and the database could contain a series of identifiers and the actual value it is
expecting to be set?

A. File-based storage
B. Database storage
144 Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions

C. Block storage
D. Blob storage
E. Key/value pairs

30. What is used when a customer is considering their responsibilities when buying
in-cloud services.

A. A coud-shared responsibility matrix

B. A cloud-shared cost matrix
D. Platform sharing

1. B
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. A
9. A
10. A
11. D
12. A
13. A
14. A
15. D
16. A
17. A
18. A
19. A
20. A
Answers 145

21. A
22. A
23. A
24. B
25. C
26. D
27. D
28. C
29. E
30. A
Deploying Enterprise
and Authorization
Large enterprises often have very complex environments to manage. There are internal
users to manage, there are internal services and external service providers. There are
customers to consider, for guest users, within Business-to-Business (B2B) relationships.
Federation services can be utilized to ensure robust, centralized authentication and access
control are addressed in these hybrid environments. To manage all these interactions with
information systems, the correct protocols must be chosen to make sure we have secure
authentication and authorization. Many modern environments require the use of an
additional factor as a single factor, such as just a user password, is known to be weak. In
this chapter, you will learn how to effectively select the appropriate solution.
148 Deploying Enterprise Authentication and Authorization Controls

In this chapter, we will go through the following topics:

• Credential management
• Identity federation
• Access control
• Authentication and authorization protocols
• Using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Credential management
Credential management is critical for an enterprise. We must consider the day-to-day
management of user credentials, including effective management of passwords. We
must ensure passwords are created, stored, and destroyed securely. They must always be
processed securely as well.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

The goal of SSO is to allow users to use a single account to access many services. This
relies on robust authentication so ties in nicely with MFA. The weakness of SSO would be
the account credentials being stolen. It is important to protect the account. SSO is very
convenient for users. They must only remember one set of credentials.

When you sign in to Google to access Gmail, Google Docs, and content on
YouTube, you will only need to sign in once with your Google account.

Password repository applications

Organization goals should include the use of SSO wherever possible. This allows a single
account to be used for multiple applications or services. This goal, however, is not always
achievable as some online service providers may not support SSO and insist upon creating
local accounts. To allow users to store these additional accounts with passwords in a
safe way, a local secure password repository can be used. Microsoft provides Credential
Manager; Apple provides iCloud Keychain. This allows the use of a secure vault to store
the required account password and transmit it to the application when required. See
Figure 4.1 for a depiction of Microsoft Credential Manager:
Credential management 149

Figure 4.1 – Microsoft Windows Credential Manager

It is important to have a secure, easy-to-use container for authentication credentials.

On-premises versus cloud password repository

As hybrid cloud models become the new normal for a business, they present a challenge
for secure credential management. Should passwords be stored with the cloud provider? It
is worth considering many cloud providers will have advanced access control, behavioral
analytics, and continuous validation as part of their security offering. However, there
is often a choice to use federation when accessing cloud-based services. When using
Microsoft 365 services, it is possible to manage all identities on-premises, including
passwords, and gain federated access to cloud portals.
Federation will be covered in detail in the Identity federation section.
150 Deploying Enterprise Authentication and Authorization Controls

Hardware key manager

Traditional password management software relies on the local operating system and stores
the keys locally. Another option is for a hardware key manager that is quite popular and
is relatively low cost but offers additional security just like having a separate smart card.
A hardware key will typically support strong encryption algorithms to protect passwords.
These devices may include tamper protection, erasing the contents after a number of failed
attempts. Figure 4.2 shows a hardware implementation of a key manager:

Figure 4.2 – Hardware key manager

When we look at the use of multiple accounts that are privileged, there are better-managed
solutions to handle this requirement.

Privileged access management

Privilege access management systems are very useful for allowing an employee to log
in with their individual account and when necessary, they can check out an elevated
credential password. This system will also allow the use of a shared account, but still
makes that user accountable because their access to that privileged account will have been
logged against their individual user account. This is even more useful nowadays as many
organizations have hybrid cloud models, where we need to administrate on-premises and
then with multiple cloud providers.
Credential management 151

Password policies
Password policies need to be enabled to make sure that users will change their passwords
based on the organization's requirements. Passwords can be chosen to have a certain level
of complexity and/or meet a minimum character length. Password complexity is used to
enforce the use of different character classes (uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special
characters: @~#!"£€%&). It is also important to have a password history so that users
cannot reuse old passwords. Guidance has changed over recent years. Instead of enforcing
super-complex passwords, it is accepted that Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) or MFA
is the preferred option to protect identities. A long passphrase is proven to be much more
secure overall than a complex password. To enforce password requirements, we could use
a policy such as the one shown in Figure 4.3:

Figure 4.3 – Microsoft Group Policy password settings

If we do not have a baseline password requirements policy, users may choose
weak passwords.
152 Deploying Enterprise Authentication and Authorization Controls

Password complexity
Password requirements will often have a requirement for complexity. This will require at least
three from four character classes: uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters.

Password length
Eight characters is generally recommended as the minimum length of a password; any
greater than this and users will adopt bad practices, such as repeating the password to
meet this requirement, for example, Bertie26Bertie26.

Password history
Password history is important. Without password history, compromised accounts may be
reset to the original password, allowing the attackers to gain access to the account again.

Password maximum/minimum age

It is important to have a password minimum age as without a password minimum age,
users may reset their passwords multiple times to get back to the original password. A
password maximum age, however, is not really recommended anymore. Requiring users to
change their password frequently (often every 30, 60, or 90 days) can sometimes mean they
choose a weak password by simply incrementing a sequential number at the end of the old
password. The passwords that are then chosen are often a poor choice and are vulnerable to
attack. Also consider the fact that a compromised password is exploited immediately.

Password auditing
Password auditing is important as it allows the organization to check for weak
passwords. Password checking can be done when users reset their passwords. We
could use a dictionary word list to generate hashes and check that the users are not
using those weak passwords. The National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) has listed
100,000 passwords taken from The list can be found
at the following link:
PwnedPasswordsTop100k.txt. The first 20 words from the list are shown in
Figure 4.4:
Credential management 153

Figure 4.4 – Password wordlist

If you find any of your passwords that are in use shown in this list, you should change
them immediately.

Reversible encryption
Passwords should be stored in a secured format within a password database. They are
normally hashed, prior to being written into the database. Password reversible encryption
allows passwords to be stored in a plain text format. This is used for some legacy
applications (perhaps a remote access management solution). These should never be used.
An example would be Microsoft Remote Access Service (RAS). This allows users to be
authenticated using Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP).
As well as being able to authenticate user accounts within our own sites, it is also
important to work with external entities.
154 Deploying Enterprise Authentication and Authorization Controls

Identity federation
Identity federation allows you to use your identity with a third party. Many organizations
will use services in the cloud such as software as a service. This allows the user to use SSO
in their own enterprise and when accessing these third-party applications. Users only need
to remember one identity. Typically, a token will be generated by an identity federation
service and passed securely to the third party. Microsoft provides a service called Active
Directory Federation Services (ADFS), which allows an authenticated enterprise user to
use their credentials on a third-party site. They support many of the standard protocols in
use out there including Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML).

Transitive trust
Transitive trust can be very useful within complex enterprise environments. When using
directory services, we can create security boundaries referred to as domains or Kerberos
realms. It is common to create these boundaries to separate account management
geographically. For example, a bicycle manufacturer has a Taiwanese engineering and
production plant in Taipei. They have sales, marketing, and distribution in Santa Cruz,
US, which is the head office, and the same business function in Morzine, France. Each
location has a separate domain, with the US being the root and Taiwan and France being
child domains. In Figure 4.5, we can see the trust relationships between the domains:

Figure 4.5 – Transitive trust

Identity federation 155

There are direct trusts between the root domain and the child domains. There is, however,
transitive trust between the two child domains. The relationship is similar to the concept
of an authenticated Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) tunnel. An administrator would
still need to provision access to resources, but there would be inherent trust between all
parts of the organization. The sales team could then be given read privileges to production
data from the manufacturing plant.

Cloud-based Identity Providers (IdPs) such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter support
a standard called OpenID. This is often used to access third-party services (referred to as
the Relying Party (RP)) who support this standard. The current standard is version 2.0,
and it is administered by the OpenID Foundation, a non-profit entity.
Once an identity has been validated by the OpenID provider, a secure token is generated
and forwarded to the requesting service provider in the form of a JavaScript Object
Notation Web Token (JWT). Figure 4.6 shows the OpenID SSO process:

Figure 4.6 – OpenID process

While OpenID is standard for cloud-based identities, there are other options used when
enterprise users access third-party corporate portals.
156 Deploying Enterprise Authentication and Authorization Controls

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)

SAML is an open standard typically used to access corporate cloud-based portals for
access to applications. It requires an IdP. The IdP will typically use directory services
internally; the service provider will be the cloud entity. The service provider will require
a secure token generated by the IdP. It also makes the experience for the user transparent,
makes it easy for them to access third-party services, and supports SSO. Microsoft
allows SAML to authenticate identities to Microsoft 365 services. SAML actually
creates assertions. It uses the XML language and is secure. Assertions could include
authentication attributes and authorization decisions.
The experience will be completely transparent to the user if they have already
authenticated with the IdP:

Figure 4.7 – SAML

SAML is a good choice for accessing third-party corporate portals.

Shibboleth is similar to SAML. It is, however, used mainly by educational establishments
such as colleges and universities. It also allows for SSO by passing a token to the service
provider and requires an IdP.
Once we have authenticated accounts, we may give access to resources.
Access control 157

Access control
Access control can be used to control authorization once a user has been authenticated.
There may be many different requirements; for example, developers may need to share
their code with one another. There may be requirements for very strict access control
when there are sensitive documents that must be accessed. There may be a requirement
to give privileges and rights to administrative role holders or perhaps to give fine-grained
access based upon the location or the country of origin of the account holder. In the
following section, we will investigate these choices.

Mandatory Access Control (MAC)

MAC is generally seen as the most secure way of controlling access to assets. It requires
clearance levels. It requires the data to be classified or labeled. It can be time-consuming
but offers the most security. Government agencies such as the Department of Defense and
other such entities will typically use this system. Figure 4.8 shows the classification options
for a filesystem folder:

Figure 4.8 – MAC

158 Deploying Enterprise Authentication and Authorization Controls

It is important to ensure strict adherence to a MAC framework; no write down and no read
up (this stops a user with a lower clearance level from seeing data they are not cleared for).

Discretionary Access Control (DAC)

DAC means the authorization to the resource is controlled by the owner. This works
well in the Windows NTFS filesystem where the owner of a file or a folder can assign
permissions to other users or groups. This allows for decentralization. Another good
example could be a SharePoint portal. While ownership is assigned to a team leader, they
can then add their co-workers to give them access to the site:

Figure 4.9 – DAC

DAC could work well for smaller integrated teams (such as developers).

Role-based access control

Role-based access control can be used with existing roles, such as administrators,
network configuration operators, and backup operators, or groups can be created for
business units such as sales, marketing, production, and research. Role-based access
control is centralized. It requires the administration to be done centrally. It works well
with directory services. In Figure 4.10, we can see a list of Microsoft Active Directory
groups. There are built-in role groups such as Cert Publishers and DHCP
Administrators. Bill and Ben have been added to the ITAdmin group:
Access control 159

Figure 4.10 – Role-based access control

Roles or groups are commonly used to manage a large enterprise user base and are
considered a good way to implement the best practice of least privilege.
160 Deploying Enterprise Authentication and Authorization Controls

Rule-based access control

Rule-based access control can be good for things where we need a common set of
controls; for example, a particular department may require all their users to only work
within certain hours or the requirement is that certain users can only log on from certain
workstations. In Figure 4.11, we can see two student accounts have limited logon hours
and can only log on from two workstations (intern01 and intern02):

Figure 4.11 – Rule-based access control

Rules can be very useful when we have a set of requirements to assign to multiple accounts.
Authentication and authorization protocols 161

Attribute-based access control

Attribute-based access control offers another level of granularity. It also works well with
directory services. Attributes are associated with objects; for example, a user can have a
department or a country attribute associated with their account. These attributes could be
used to give more granular access to resources. For example, you may have research data
that can only be accessed by scientists in the US. You could put extra controls in place so
that members of the Scientists group can only access the data if they have United States
as the country on their Active Directory user account:

Figure 4.12 – Attribute-based access control

In order to capture user credentials and authorize access to resources, there are
industry-standard approaches.

Authentication and authorization protocols

There are many protocols associated with authentication and authorization in an enterprise.
A common approach will be to log on within the domain using directory services. This may
use Kerberos as an SSO protocol. In other cases, we must look at solutions where this is not
possible. Remote access could be an example, or securing access to the network using the
new zero-trust approach. In this section, we will take a look at the available protocols.
162 Deploying Enterprise Authentication and Authorization Controls

Remote Authentication Dial-In User Server (RADIUS)

RADIUS is a well-supported Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA)
protocol. This is used to gain access to networks, so it could be used to grant access over a
Virtual Private Network (VPN) or anything that will require remote access. Radius could
also be used to gain access to a switch that is Ethernet 802.1 X-compliant. This could also
be used to gain access to a Wireless Access Point (WAP). AAA allows the RADIUS client
(network device) to pass on authentication requests to the AAA server. The server will often
pass these requests back to a directory services server, as RADIUS may not actually hold the
user account database. RADIUS supports two networking protocols or port numbers. It can
operate on UDP port 1812 or UDP port 1645 (this is normally used by Cisco). Figure 4.13
shows clients (supplicants) accessing networks through 802.1x-compliant RADIUS clients:

Figure 4.13 – AAA services

While RADIUS is the most widely adopted AAA protocol, there are other solutions.

Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS)

TACACS was originally developed in 1984 and was very common on UNIX networks for
the purpose of authenticating access to a network. It has been further developed by Cisco
and the current standard is TACACS+. This has no compatibility with earlier versions.
TACACS is like RADIUS but does not have as wide support as RADIUS. It uses TCP ports
for AAA, making it more reliable, and it is said to be more secure because it encrypts the
entire authentication process (it uses TCP port 49).
Authentication and authorization protocols 163

Diameter is the next version of RADIUS. It is based upon RADIUS but uses TCP ports to
make the connection and the authentication more reliable. It has wide support from many
vendors. It has been assigned TCP port 3868.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

LDAP is a standard for accessing directory services. It was chosen as an alternative
to Directory Access Protocol (DAP), as it is more straightforward. LDAP allows for
access to directory services and the creation of content, such as user accounts, computer
accounts, and other types of objects in directory services. It is usually used to administer
directory services. It is defined in RFC 4511. LDAP uses port 389 for regular access.
Alternatively, we can use Transport Layer Security (TLS). This uses TCP port 636
and allows for the connection to be secured (LDAPS). Figure 4.14 shows the typical
administration of objects in an LDAP database. In this instance, we are resetting a user
password and creating a new user account:

Figure 4.14 – LDAP services

LDAP does not provide the authentication for the user login.
164 Deploying Enterprise Authentication and Authorization Controls

Kerberos is a secure SSO protocol that was developed by the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT) and is protected by export restrictions to use within the US. This is
now supported by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and has been assigned
several RFCs defining the implementation (RFC 3961, 3962, 4120, and 4121). Kerberos
is in widespread use and is supported by many operating system vendors, including Red
Hat, Oracle, and IBM. It has been the standard for Microsoft Active Directory services
for over 20 years. Kerberos supports encrypted communication and anti-replay. Kerberos
is very time-dependent. It is important that the clocks are in synchronization; otherwise,
Kerberos authentication will fail. Figure 4.15 shows the Kerberos SSO mechanism. The
server hosting the Key Distribution Center (KDC) and Ticket Granting Services (TCS)
could be a Windows Domain Controller (DC) running Active Directory services:

Figure 4.15 – Kerberos authentication

Kerberos is used on enterprise networks but is not used when accessing third-party sites
or B2B partners.
Authentication and authorization protocols 165

OAuth allows for SSO. Users can sign in to their OpenID provider such as Facebook,
Google, or Twitter and they can access third-party services. Users do not need to
remember multiple credentials. It is used by many service providers, including Microsoft,
Tripadvisor,, and many merchant sites requiring payment authorization. There
are currently two versions of Open Authentication (OAuth): V1 and V2. OAuth V2 is
the current standard. PayPal would be a good example of a system we use every day. If you
make a payment on a merchant site and you choose to use PayPal, you will end up being
prompted to authorize that payment. A token will be securely generated by PayPal and
sent to the merchant site. This will authorize the transaction.
Figure 4.16 shows typical sites supporting SSO using OAuth:

Figure 4.16 – OAuth SSO dialogs

Once you have indicated the account that is to be used, the connection can be
transparently made in the future.

Important Note
OAuth defines the flow of requests and responses to authorize a transaction,
while OpenID defines the role of the IdP.
166 Deploying Enterprise Authentication and Authorization Controls

802.1X is an Ethernet standard. It defines Port-Based Access Control (PBAC). It can allow
devices or users to be authenticated to a network connection and is supported on switches,
remote-access VPNs, and WAPs. It can be easily configured with the use of Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) certificates. Certificates can be assigned to devices such as computers,
mobile devices, IoT devices, and network printers. A wide variety of devices can be
connected securely to networks, removing the need for actual credentials to be typed in.

Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)

EAP is a framework. This allows more secure authentication methods to be implemented
when using PBAC. PBAC is implemented when network devices support 802.1x Ethernet
standards. For more details, see Chapter 1, Designing a Secure Network Architecture.

For the certification exam, it is important to recognize the appropriate
authentication protocols to provide both security and compatibility within
complex enterprise networks.

A single factor for authentication is always a risk. Compromise of a password may be all
that is needed for hackers to take control of an account. Having a second factor is the best
protection against this threat.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

MFA is becoming an important consideration for many enterprises as passwords alone
are not considered secure enough. Guidance from the NCSC in the United Kingdom
recommends that MFA should be used to counter the threat of compromised passwords.
Microsoft strongly promotes the use of MFA when accessing their cloud services. It is
becoming more and more straightforward to implement multiple factors; for example,
Microsoft automatically supports the use of smart cards with Active Directory accounts.
There are many third-party solution providers offering mobile authenticator apps. We will
take a look at some of the choices in the following sections.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

2FA simply means using two different methods or two different factors during the
authentication process. You must combine two different factors. Factors are assigned a
unique identifier (there are five factors: Type I through to Type V).
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) 167

The factors include the following:

• Type I – Something you know: Password, pin, birthday

• Type II – Something you have: Token, smart card, RFID card
• Type III – Something you are: Retina, iris, fingerprint, facial recognition
• Type IV – Somewhere you are IP address, GPS
• Type V – Something you do: Gait, handwriting, keystrokes

Two factors could be password and smart card, pin and ATM card, or
biometrics and a physical token such as an RFID card. One of each type (Type I
and Type III, for example) is required.

Additional authentication can be triggered by a change of context; maybe you logged in

from a new location, or from a device that you have never logged in from before.

Two-step verification
Two-step verification is supported by many online IdPs. Think about when you log in to
Google from a new workstation you have never signed in from before. You would receive
a push notification in your Google app on your smartphone and need to respond:

Figure 4.17 – Two-step verification

168 Deploying Enterprise Authentication and Authorization Controls

When using two-step verification, it is preferable to use a second channel. Imagine a

fraudster phished the credentials of a user. They would have to gain control of something
else as well, such as the user's smartphone.

In-band authentication
In-band authentication would mean doing all the necessary authentication checks using a
single channel, such as your internet browser connection to your bank. This would be seen
as inferior to other mechanisms. Reliance on in-band authentication makes the possibility
of Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF/XSRF) very real. Imagine you are connected to
your bank and have logged on with your user account and password. A malicious script
could authorize a payment to a criminal.

Out-of-Band Authentication (OOBA)

OOBA would require the use of a secondary channel, such as when you log in to your
bank, you receive an SMS message on your smartphone, or when you log in to your
Google account, you are asked to verify your identity using your smartphone. Your bank
will use OOBA to send you an authorization request, to prevent fraud.

One-Time Password (OTP)

OTPs mean you are prompted for a password that you did not previously know or set; this
is typically a password that is generated for you for one-time use where you must enter a
strong password for future use to continue.

HMAC-based One-Time Password (HOTP)

HMAC-based systems generate OTPs on demand. The device will have a seed or a key. It
will generate codes or passwords based upon an incrementing counter. These passwords
do not have to be used immediately, which means this could be less secure. HMAC OTPs
do not always have to be used sequentially, which means this system could be exploited.

Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP)

TOTPs are based on the same principle as HMAC-based OTPs. There is a key that will
be embedded into your token (or smart app) that creates codes based upon the current
time. The password will only be relevant for 30 seconds (although this set time can vary);
then, a new password will be generated. This reduces the chances of passwords being
compromised. Figure 4.18 shows an RSA SecurID token device:
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) 169

Figure 4.18 – RSA SecurID token ("File:RSA SecurID Token Old.jpg" by Alexander Klink is licensed
with CC BY 3.0:
Time synchronization with the authentication server is important. This type of MFA is
very popular and with more and more online digital identities to manage, you need to
ensure access is secured to these online portals. When you complete your tax returns, you
can secure this with MFA TOTP or connect to your bank to perform electronic banking.
Figure 4.19 shows typical TOTP prompts:

Figure 4.19 – MFA using TOTP

There are many other solutions allowing for secure attestation.
170 Deploying Enterprise Authentication and Authorization Controls

Hardware root of trust

A hardware root of trust is a secure container. A good example would be a hardware
implementation of a security module such as the Trusted Platform Module (TPM)
incorporated into many modern computer systems. This allows for values to be stored
that could be used for secure boot, as we can validate the information that is stored in
that container. We can use it to store cryptographic keys for BitLocker Drive Encryption,
providing security while encrypting and decrypting drives.
TPM can store other types of information that can be used to validate or attest that certain
conditions or information are correct. It is used for mobile device management, as we can
store software and hardware values in a secure container. If we trust that container, we can
extract the information from that hardware root of trust. When you enable BitLocker with
TPM support, you will need to configure additional settings, as in Figure 4.20:

Figure 4.20 – Hardware root of trust

Users will be able to remember a single set of credentials more easily. Whenever we ask
users to authenticate with multiple sets of credentials, we introduce the risk of unsecured
user behaviors.
Summary 171

JWT is based upon an open standard (RFC 7519). It is used for securely sending
information between parties where a secure trusted payload is important. The attestation
service will validate a piece of information so this could be very useful within a cloud
environment where we are not already directly trusting one another. Microsoft could be
the attestation provider; they will sign a requestors information package and if the third
party trusts Microsoft's attestation service, they will be able to trust the JWT. It is a similar
concept to PKI; if you trust the root CA, then you automatically trust certificates generated
within that hierarchy. JWTs can be used for both attestation and identity proofing. A
common use of JWT is when using federation services such as OpenID and OAuth V2.

In this chapter, we have studied the challenges large enterprises face when they must
support complex environments, needing to manage internal users and their authentication
to external service providers. We have looked at the role of federation services, to ensure
robust authentication and access control are addressed in hybrid environments. We have
looked at the use of MFA as a single factor is known to be weak. We have studied the
options to ensure authentication is needed to gain access to a network.
In this chapter, you have gained the following skills:

• Securely managing credentials

• Understood the situations that require identity federation
• Examined access control models
• Understood authentication and authorization protocols
• Examined the choices for MFA

These core skills will be useful as we move into the next domain: security operations.
172 Deploying Enterprise Authentication and Authorization Controls

Here are a few questions to test your understanding of the chapter:

1. What is the container on a Windows operating system that allows the secure storage
of user credentials and passwords?

A. Password repository application

B. Credential Manager
C. iCloud Keychain
D. End user password storage

2. What security would be provided for the storage of passwords in a cloud repository?
Choose three.

A. Advanced access control

B. Behavioral analytics
C. Continuous validation
D. Reversible encryption

3. What type of device allows the secure retention of user passwords?

A. Hardware key manager

B. Removable storage
C. Password policies
D. iCloud Keychain

4. What management solution allows auditing of privileged accounts and checkout of

these credentials?

A. Password policies
B. Privileged access management
C. Password complexity
D. Password auditing

5. What password policy will ensure a password cannot be reused? Choose two.

A. Password length
B. Password reuse
C. Password complexity
D. Password history
Questions 173

6. What password policy would most likely force Bill to change his password from
flowerpot to F10w€rPot?

A. Password length
B. Password reuse
C. Password complexity
D. Password history

7. What password policy will ensure Mary cannot spend her lunch break resetting her
password 24 times to make it the original password?

A. Minimum password age

B. Maximum password age
C. Password complexity
D. Password history

8. How can you detect the use of a poor password that may match dictionary words?

A. Password spraying
B. Password auditing
C. Password guessing
D. Password reset

9. What is required for CHAP authentication, when setting a password

requirements policy?

A. Strong encryption
B. Reversible encryption
C. Forward encryption
D. Complexity

10. What is the term used when credentials can be used with a third party
utilizing SSO?

A. Identity proofing
B. Identity federation
C. Identity cloud
D. Identity trust
174 Deploying Enterprise Authentication and Authorization Controls

11. What XML federation service will most like be used to access third-party cloud-
based corporate portals?

A. Shibboleth
C. OAuth
D. OpenID

12. Which federation service will most like be used to access third-party cloud-based
digital services?

A. OAuth
C. Kerberos

13. What access control will offer the most security for a government agency?

C. Role-based access control
D. Rule-based access control

14. What access control will offer the most flexibility for de-centralized administration?

C. Role-based access control
D. Rule-based access control

15. What access control will allow for access based upon country and department?

C. Role-based access control
D. Attribute-based access control

16. Which AAA service offers the widest support across vendor networking equipment?

Questions 175

C. Circumference
D. HP proprietary

17. How can I administer my directory services securely?

A. LDAP using TLS

B. Kerberos
C. OAuth
D. Out-of-band

18. What can I use to authenticate securely to directory services, preventing replay
and MITM attacks?

A. IPsec
B. Kerberos

19. What Ethernet standard allows networking appliances to authenticate

connection attempts?

A. 802.11
B. 802.1X
C. 802.3
D. 802.1s

20. What is the framework that allows many different authentication protocols?


21. What will I need to support if users need to present an RFID card, iris scan,
and pin?

B. 2FA
C. Two-step verification
D. In-band authentication
176 Deploying Enterprise Authentication and Authorization Controls

22. What is being used when my bank sends me a confirmation code via SMS?

A. In-band authentication
C. Bandwidth
D. Out-of-bounds

23. What type of password is not already known to the user?

A. Forgotten password
D. KBA question

24. What will I need to support if users need to present a password, memorable secret,
and pin?

B. 2FA
C. Two-step verification
D. Single-factor authentication

25. What type of password will my Microsoft Authenticator application generate?

C. Hardware root of trust

26. What is called it when I sign on to directory services and can use my internal email
without being prompted to sign in a second time?

C. Attestation and identity proofing
Answers 177

1. B
2. A, B and C
3. A
4. B
5. A and D
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. B
10. B
11. B
12. A
13. A
14. B
15. D
16. A
17. A
18. B
19. B
20. B
21. A
22. B
23. B
24. D
25. B
26. A
Section 2:
Security Operations

In this section, you will learn about the many threats that exist for an enterprise, threats
that are often highly sophisticated and may be sponsored by state actors. You will learn
about the tools and techniques that will enable an enterprise to detect and respond to
these threats.
This part of the book comprises the following chapters:

• Chapter 5, Threat and Vulnerability Management

• Chapter 6, Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Methods and Tools
• Chapter 7, Risk Mitigation Controls
• Chapter 8, Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures
Threat and
In this chapter, we will primarily deal with security operation center activities. Security
professionals need to identify different types of threats. Insider threats and Advanced
Persistent Threats (APT) are two of the biggest threats currently targeting government
departments and commercial organizations. It is important to understand the threat actor
skills and motivations, and also the resources that they have available to them – how much
time can they afford to spend planning attacks? What is their level of financial backing?
How sophisticated are the attackers? Is money an objective of the attack (for example,
ransomware is nearly always about financial gain)? We need to use threat frameworks
to understand how to recognize threats and respond. It is important for security
professionals to be able to identify indicators of compromise, and within our security
operations center, we also need to respond using a variety of techniques. In this chapter,
we will cover the following topics:

• Intelligence types
• Actor types
• Threat actor properties
182 Threat and Vulnerability Management

• Intelligence collection methods

• Frameworks
• Indicators of compromise
• Responses

Intelligence types
Gathering threat intelligence is important as this will allow security professionals to be
proactive and equipped to meet the challenges of cyberattacks. We will look at tactical,
strategic, and operational intelligence. From a practical point of view, we also need to
understand what tools are available to gather this knowledge.

Tactical intelligence
Tactical threat intelligence gathering would be performed primarily by security experts
and analysts. It is primarily focused on short-term objectives. This would be the job of
the Security Operations Center (SOC) staff who would analyze feeds from multiple
security tools, including Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems.
To gather tactical intelligence, we can use threat feeds and open source and closed source/
proprietary feeds, depending upon the business. Tactical intelligence will use real-time
events and technical analysis to understand adversaries and their tools and tactics. We
need the latest tools to identify new and zero-day exploits (threats that have no known
patches or mitigation). The shorter-term goals will be to identify current threats and
emerging threats using technology and automation.

Strategic intelligence
Strategic threat intelligence should be conveyed to senior managers and leaders within
an enterprise. It is based on long-term goals – for example, what are the threats to our
industry? Or who are the primary threat actors targeting our industry? An organization
would collect historical data and use this to look at trends. You could say strategic
intelligence is more about Who and Why. A military defense contractor should know that
China may target them to steal their intellectual property (IP). Based on this assumption,
we must address this risk with the appropriate countermeasures.
Actor types 183

Operational intelligence
Operational threat intelligence gathering is often performed by forensics or incident first
responders. We need to understand an adversary's techniques and methodologies. We
can search through previous data logs looking for signatures from particular activities
from known threat actors. We would use this technique to discover previous attacks that
were not detected. If you are searching for evidence of nation-state threat actors, you may
look at one of the known documented groups, APT30 (indicators strongly suggest they
are sponsored at a government level), and their mode of operation is well documented.
Previous attacks have used spear phishing as the first step.
See the following link for more intelligence on APT30 activities:

Commodity malware
One common form of attack is to use commodity malware. This is malware that is
cross-platform and has multiple purposes. A good example of commodity malware would
be a remote access trojan. This could be used against many different operating systems
and the end goal can be very different. Effective defenses include patching systems.

Targeted attacks
Targeted attacks may use very specific tools. Examples of targeted attacks include
the following:

• Supply chains: Attacking software or hardware that is provided by third parties to

your organization.
• Botnets: This will target your organization with a DDOS (distributed denial
of service).
• Spear phishing attack: Employees of your organization may receive malicious links
within email messages.

Actor types
Organizations must consider threats from many different sources, from the unsophisticated
script kiddie to government-sponsored attacks involving nation-state actors. We must also
consider attacks from cybercriminals – at present, organized crime is the fastest-growing
adversary. In over half of reported cases, major information system breaches can be
attributed to insiders. We will highlight these threat actors in the following section.
184 Threat and Vulnerability Management

Advanced persistent threat – nation-state

APTs are persistent in nature and have a strong determination to compromise your
systems, typically using advanced techniques, and often have access to high-level
resources (nation-states).
As APTs are difficult to detect and highly sophisticated, they may remain unknown for
many months or years.
Cybersecurity professionals have labeled all the known adversaries and collected evidence
of tools and activities undertaken by these adversaries. There are over 30 known APT
groups currently active. For an up-to-date list, follow this URL:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research and Engineering (MITRE) also
publishes a list of APT threat actors:
The goals of APTs are high-level access to intellectual property, government systems,
military intelligence, and more. The groups are split between organized crime and
nation-state actors.
The goal of nation-state attacks can be to destabilize governments, interfere with the
money supply, or attack critical infrastructure.

Insider threat
Insider threats are one of the biggest reasons for security breaches. It is estimated that
more than 50% of breaches are attributable to insiders. It could be accidental or it could be
a user who has a grudge against the organization (such as a disgruntled employee).

A competitor is an entity that works in the same field as your organization. You might
be a manufacturer of a very specific and valuable item. Your IP and design plans are
therefore very important. There is evidence that foreign powers have sponsored attacks
that have actually led to data breaches that allowed those nations to enhance their
military manufacturing at the expense of United States defense corporations. There are
many instances where commercial enterprises have resorted to underhand tactics to
gain access to Intellectual Property (IP)
Actor types 185

Some best practices to mitigate these threats would include the following:

• Robust screening for new employees

• Non-Disclosure agreements (NDAs)
• User behavior analysis (UBA)
• Data loss Prevention (DLP)

The hacktivist has a political goal. They may have a grudge against banks, governments,
and other high-profile targets. Environmentalists may target oil and gas companies.
A good example is a group called Anonymous. They have launched many successful
attacks over the years against big businesses, including Sony, PayPal, VISA, and
Mastercard. Recently, the group targeted tech billionaire Elon Musk in retaliation for
his activity concerning cryptocurrency. See the following link for more information:

Script kiddie
Script kiddies are often untrained and lack sophistication. However, they can still cause a
lot of damage. They download tools and scripts to attack your organization. A goal may be
just to vandalize a site or to prove they can gain access. They often do it for the rush and
the high of being a hacker.

Organized crime
Organized crime cybercriminals are a big threat. Their goal is to gain access to finances.
They are often sophisticated – they can attack individuals and they can attack big
businesses using many different techniques, including phishing, spear-phishing, and
pharming sites. The goal is generally to steal money or your valuable information and
they will sell the information on the dark web to the highest bidder. Cybercriminals and
organized crime actors also launch attacks against your organization using ransomware
(this is currently a major source of income for organized crime). Security professionals are
now referring to these groups as Big Game Hunters (BGH).
Individuals may also be targeted through ransomware, where the victim believes they have
committed a crime and are willing to pay to avoid further action.
To further understand threats, we need to understand why they are targeting our
organization and how.
186 Threat and Vulnerability Management

Threat actor properties

When building up a picture of an adversary, it is important to understand what motivates
them, what backing they have, and what approaches they may use.

The resources available to a threat actor can make a big difference to the effectiveness of
the attack. Government-sponsored threat actors working in large teams will have lots
of available resources, including sophisticated hardware and software tools. They have
access to money, time, skilled people, intelligence, and so on. They can deploy personnel
physically to perform reconnaissance missions. They can also access intelligence gathered
by other government agencies.

Nation-states or organized crime threat actors are full-time professional hackers (it's their
job); they are not doing this as a hobby. Another consideration is the amount of time that
they have access to your systems for. APTs may be in place for months or years without
an organization's knowledge. This means the amount of information that may have been
stolen may also be difficult to assess.

How well funded are the attackers? In many cases, very well funded. The potential gains
for cybercriminals are enormous. Ransomware alone is believed to have accounted for
$20 billion in damages globally in 2020. The FBI has estimated the cost worldwide to be in
excess of $4.2 trillion for 2020, and this is predicted to grow to over $10 trillion by 2025,
according to reports in this Cybercrime Magazine article:

Supply chain access

You must always consider any third-party involvement to be a risk. Your supply chain is
where you may be targeted. This could be third-party supplied software or while working
with Business-To-Business (B2B) partners or contracting out services to third-party
suppliers. Anything that you do not directly control could be considered a supply chain
attack. The firmware in embedded devices or firmware updates on a smartphone could
contain malware. When changing part of your network infrastructure, for example,
deploying a new firewall may put you at risk of a supply chain threat.
Intelligence collection methods 187

In 2020, SolarWinds was attacked by hackers who were able to plant malware into
updates destined for SolarWinds customers. There are over 33,000 installed instances
of SolarWinds Orion and around 18,000 customers installed the patch. The customers
included fortune 500 companies, critical infrastructure-related businesses, and
government agencies. Hackers were able to access these systems through a backdoor for
over nine months before the breach was discovered. By putting our trust in third parties,
we run the risk of creating vulnerabilities. For more details, see the following link:

Capabilities and sophistication

Mainstream attacks may be more frequent, but the capabilities of the attackers are usually
unsophisticated. These are the types of attacks used by script kiddies or hackers using
widely distributed tools and techniques. When we are dealing with a more capable and
sophisticated adversary, there will be a lower volume of attacks. These attacks, however,
will be much more sophisticated. For example, APTs launched by nation-states.

Identifying techniques
Identifying attacks has become very challenging and we must use many tools and
techniques, such as advanced analytics, machine learning (ML), and artificial
intelligence (AI). These are just some of the tools that can help us to detect these types
of attacks.
It is vitally important for security professionals to understand the tools and techniques
that enable an organization to be well prepared for future attacks.

Intelligence collection methods

There are multiple sources to gather intelligence. Some are automated but, in many
cases, there will need to be an investment in time to truly research the available
intelligence resources.
188 Threat and Vulnerability Management

Intelligence feeds
There are many sources of intelligence that can be displayed in a dashboard format. We
might want to see threat maps from a live feed. A good example would be showing the
current activity globally for things like botnets and command and control (C2) servers.
There is a good example hosted by, which can be found at the following
link: There are many good open
source options and many commercial (paid for) options from security organizations such
as Fortinet, FireEye, Symantec, and many others. In the United Kingdom, the National
Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) offers a free threat feed, but only to affiliated government
A good example of an all-round cyber threat feed can be found at the following link:
See Figure 5.1 for an example threat feed:

Figure 5.1 – Threat feed

Intelligence collection methods 189

While general cybersecurity threat feeds are very useful in understanding the current
threat landscape, more specific feeds are available for different industries, including
critical infrastructure. Figure 5.2 shows options available for different business sectors:

Figure 5.2 – Industry-specific threat feed

There is a supported standard for information sharing of threat feeds. Trusted Automated
eXchange of Indicator Information (TAXII) is a collection of services to support
information sharing and Structured Threat Information eXpression (STIX) is a
standard language supported by MITRE.
190 Threat and Vulnerability Management

Deep web
The deep web, also known as the dark web, is an alternative to the regular internet (also
sometimes referred to as the surface web). There is no content indexing on the deep web.
The deep web is used in countries where personal freedoms are restricted and censorship
is in place. But a significant proportion of content on the deep web is generated by
criminal activity. Criminals will sell stolen credentials and zero-day exploits to the highest
bidders. It is important for law enforcement and cybersecurity professionals to remain
aware of the activities and data that criminals are sharing on the deep web. To access sites
on the dark web, you will have to gain access to the URL, as it will not be indexed. You will
also need to install a browser such as Tor. Figure 5.3 shows the Tor browser, which looks
similar to many other regular web browsers. However, you will need to be given access to
a site URL, as they cannot be searched:

Figure 5.3 – Tor browser

Not all threat intelligence is easy to find and, in some cases, it may require research time
and monetary outlay.
Frameworks 191

Proprietary intelligence
Propriety threat intelligence will only be made available to subscribers. Good examples
of this would be certain government threat intelligence that will only be available to
certain government agencies. Law enforcement may share information only with certain
agencies or related law enforcement departments. Military and classified government
intelligence will not be shared and can be considered proprietary.

Open source intelligence

Open source intelligence (OSINT) is freely available. It can be used for many different
reasons. It is useful to understand this from an attacker's perspective. Email addresses,
company information on websites, and DNS records are just some of the pieces of
information that are freely available, indexed, and searchable across the internet.

Human intelligence
Human intelligence (HUMINT) is intelligence gathered by real people (not machines).
This means putting boots on the ground, in a military sense. This could involve physical
reconnaissance of a site of interest (perhaps a factory or military site). This skill set will
require a certain amount of tradecraft by the intelligence officer. They will be able to read
signs and body language, and they will use profiling to understand the motivations and
goals of attackers.
To help security professionals understand how to use threat intelligence we can use one of
the industry frameworks.

An attack framework is very useful to allow us to understand the tools, the tactics, and
the techniques attackers will use to launch successful attacks. Security professionals must
be able to understand how they plan their attacks right from the initial reconnaissance
through to completion of the attack. We will cover some of the industry-accepted
approaches in this section.
192 Threat and Vulnerability Management

MITRE adversarial tactics, techniques, and common

knowledge (ATT&CK)
MITRE is a not-for-profit organization. It was founded in 1958, primarily as an
organization to support government and industry. Many of the current members come
from industry (for example, Microsoft and Fujitsu are current members). MITRE
receives government funding to carry out research and is well known for its published
attack frameworks and tactics. The matrices are created to understand the tactics and
techniques that attackers will use against operating systems, cloud network mobility, and
industrial control systems. In Figure 5.4, we can see a subset of the Enterprise MITRE
ATT&CK framework:

Figure 5.4 – MITRE Att&ck framework (© 2021 The MITRE Corporation. This work is reproduced and
distributed with the permission of The MITRE Corporation)
Frameworks 193

In the Enterprise model, there are 14 headings to give good clear guidance on attack
vectors and their impacts. The matrix can be found at the following link:

ATT&CK for industrial control systems

As industrial control systems (ICSes) are seen as critical assets, there are government
agencies to support these industries in the United States. The Cybersecurity and
Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) was formed to offer cybersecurity services to
the critical industries sectors. CISA has identified 16 sectors that are considered critical
infrastructure, including energy, food and agriculture, and critical manufacturing. MITRE
also publishes an ATT&CK matrix for these ICSes, helping cybersecurity professionals to
identify common tactics used. The ICS matrix can be found at the following link:
MITRE has identified and labeled known attacker groups and their countries of origin.
For example, the Sandworm Team has been identified as a nation-state-sponsored
military intelligence unit. This group has been accused of attacks against the Ukrainian
national power grid and was also responsible for the NotPetya malware attacks in 2017.
For more information, see the following link:
194 Threat and Vulnerability Management

The Diamond model of intrusion analysis

The Diamond model is very useful when profiling threat actors. You can build up a
picture of their capabilities and the target or victims. Forensic analysts can use this model
when looking for indicators of compromise, in historical logs. When security professionals
understand the exact methods used by the adversary, it can help to speed up the detection
process. It is important to understand the capabilities of your adversary. This type of
framework is very useful for threat hunting, allowing an organization to understand the
motivations and the tools and techniques that will be used for an attack. Shown in Figure
5.5 is an example of the Diamond model in use:

Figure 5.5 – The Diamond model of intrusion analysis

This is a very good approach when focusing on a single attack, maybe during a
forensic hunt.

Cyber Kill Chain

The Cyber Kill Chain is a method developed by Lockheed Martin. It is a seven-stage
model, which is useful to document each of the steps in the model. If we can break any
one of the steps, it can prevent an attack. The seven stages documented by Lockheed
Martin are shown in Figure 5.6:
Frameworks 195

Figure 5.6 – Cyber Kill Chain

Frameworks are a very important asset and can be useful for creating incident response
playbooks or giving additional context during an investigation.

Threat hunting
Threat hunting can be used within the context of operational intelligence. We need to
adopt one of the threat frameworks and search for Indicators of Compromise (IOC)
with a much better understanding of our adversaries' tools and methods. Using this
methodology, we are better able to detect APTs.

Threat emulation
Threat emulation allows security professionals to fine-tune their approach to threats
using a variety of Tools, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs). Team security exercises
could be one approach, with the red team using the adversary TTP and the blue team
defending the network.
To respond to a threat, we need to recognize what event or series of events is
actually threatening.
196 Threat and Vulnerability Management

Indicators of compromise
There are many events that would take place on a busy network. Events can be recorded in
logs (where an event is unusual) or coupled with another event that itself appears unusual.
This could be an indicator of compromise (IOC). Another example of an IOC could be
several unsuccessful attempts to connect using SSH to a core network appliance, followed
by a successful authentication attempt from an unusual or gray-listed IP address. It is
important for the security operation center to be able to identify attacks or threats. To
identify IOCs, we need inputs in the form of logs and captured network traffic.

Packet capture
Packet capture (PCAP) files use a standard log format. They allow us to capture real-time
data. Captured data can be analyzed using Wireshark, tcpdump, or tshark. See Wireshark
capture in Figure 5.7:

Figure 5.7 – PCAP file

The PCAP format allows logs to be analyzed using different vendor tools and platforms.
Indicators of compromise 197

Many different appliances and services will log activities. This could be from applications
and services running on a desktop to server-based services. All of this log data can be
useful in seeing the big picture. A standard for Linux/Unix-based operating systems
is syslog. This allows for facility codes to be assigned to events. For example, email
events would be tagged with a facility code of 2. See Figure 5.8 for a full list. This is fully
documented in RFC 5424. Full documentation can be found at the following URL:

Figure 5.8 – Syslog facility codes

Additional logs showing network activity can also be useful.
198 Threat and Vulnerability Management

Network logs
Network logs allow us to capture network traffic activity on switches, routers, firewalls,
intrusion detection systems, and many more network appliances. Figure 5.9 shows an
example of a firewall log:

Figure 5.9 – Network firewall logs

Network logs can be forwarded to SIEM for more analysis.

Vulnerability logs
Vulnerability logs will be created by vulnerability scanning tools such as Nessus,
OpenVAS, and Nmap. It can be useful to consolidate and have a single pane of glass
to present all of this collected data. Vulnerability logs can be forwarded to SIEM for
automation and alerts. Figure 5.10 shows a log from a vulnerability scan:
Indicators of compromise 199

Figure 5.10 – Vulnerability log

When we run a vulnerability scan, it is important to log the results.
200 Threat and Vulnerability Management

Operating system logs

Operating systems will create logged data. This can be useful, as many services may
be hosted on an operating system platform. These logs can be uploaded to endpoint
detection and response (EDR) systems, allowing more granular control and visibility of
that data. Logs can include application events, security events, and service logs, such as
DNS or DHCP. Figure 5.11 shows a partial security log from a Windows client:

Figure 5.11 – Windows operating system security log

Security logs are very important for accountability and regulatory compliance.

Access logs
Access logs provide an audit trail, when accountability must be established. A security
audit may be conducted to establish who accessed an information system through remote
access services or who changed permissions on a user's mailbox. We may want to record
physical access to a location, such as who gained physical access to the data center at the
time when a security breach occurred. Access logs will be important for accountability
and may be required to meet regulatory compliance.
Indicators of compromise 201

NetFlow logs
NetFlow logs are forwarded by network switches, routers, and other network appliances.
Logs are gathered by a collector and can be used to baseline the network and visualize the
flows and data types. Figure 5.12 shows a Cisco NetFlow log:

Figure 5.12 – Cisco NetFlow collector

We can also determine where the majority of network traffic originates.

Notifications can be sent to an operator console. This could be in the form of an alert or
any email message to indicate a threshold value has been hit or a particular event needs
some administrator's attention.

File integrity monitoring alerts

File integrity monitoring (FIM) systems will alert on modification to key system files
or any files that have been identified as important. Specialist products such as Tripwire
are designed for this task. Windows also has its own system file checker in place to detect
any attempts to modify key Windows operating system files. Reporting and alerting are
important for real-time protection and may be required for regulatory compliance.
202 Threat and Vulnerability Management

SIEM alerts
SIEM alerts will consolidate events from many sources of log data. We can then use smart
analytics machine learning and behavioral analysis on the logged data. SIEM allows for
automated alerts on unusual activity or suspicious events.

Data loss prevention alerts

Data loss prevention (DLP) systems prevent the exfiltration of sensitive data, intellectual
property, and sensitive customer records, such as personally identifiable information
(PII) or protected health information (PHI). Typically, this is done by using labeling
techniques where users label their files with certain classifications to allow the DLP
system to understand what level of classification the data is. It is important to monitor this
activity, as while the DLP may stop unwanted exfiltration, we need to be aware of these
events. Figure 5.13 shows an event detected by Microsoft DLP:

Figure 5.13 – Microsoft 365 DLP alert

DLP is all about threats for data leaving the network. We also need to analyze traffic
entering the network.
Responses 203

Intrusion detection system and intrusion prevention

system alerts
Intrusion detection systems (IDSes) and intrusion prevention systems (IPSes) offer
passive or active approaches respectively. IDSes detect threats but do not take action.
IPSes detect and prevent the threat from happening. We need to monitor this activity
and be alerted when there is a high number of events or high-importance events. Even
though the tool may be doing its job, we still need to be aware of this activity. Threatening
and malicious events should be reported either through monitoring alerts or through
automated emails.

Antivirus alerts
Antivirus systems are in place to prevent the proliferation of malicious code and programs.
Even if the antivirus is successful, we should still log and monitor events to understand the
level of this activity. Ideally, this is done from centralized reporting dashboards.

Notification severity and priorities

It is important that severe events are prioritized when considering reporting. It is
important to separate the noise in the system if we can filter the logs to highlight severe
events, then a quick response can be activated. Any unusual process activity that is
automatically remediated should be investigated by security professionals in a timely
fashion. It is important to prioritize by Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)
or impact score, as it will never be possible to fix everything.
Once we have recognized unwanted activity within the enterprise, we need to put controls
in place to stop or prevent unwanted activities.

When we have many security tools to guard our networks, it is important that we use
automation to identify events and where possible to provide an automated response.
This frees up the security operation center (SOC) staff to be able to take on board other
useful security tasks. Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR) is
a modern approach to respond to real-time threats and alerts. Playbooks can be used
to create or provide an automated response. A playbook could be a simple ruleset or a
complex set of actions.
204 Threat and Vulnerability Management

Firewall rules
Firewall rules are important to have in place, as they protect your perimeter network
services placed in your Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). Firewall rules will also protect your
internal resources when deployed as host-based firewalls. Firewall rules may be modified
based upon a changing threat landscape and new adversaries. Bad actor IP address ranges
may need to be updated on your firewalls.

Intrusion prevention system and intrusion detection

system rules
IPSes and IDSes are a very important layer of protection from threats launched from
outside your network (see Chapter 1, Designing a Secure Network Architecture, for more
details). As a response to changing threat landscapes and new threats, these rules need to
be constantly updated.

Access control list rules

An access control list (ACL) is quite a generic term. ACLs can comprise permissions on
the security tab on a file or a folder. Firewall rules are also often referred to as ACLs. Other
examples could be rules created for network devices, for example, a Layer 2 device such
as a wireless access point or a network switch could restrict access based on your MAC
address. In response to threats to Layer 2 devices, we can create a whitelist of authorized
devices. Figure 5.14 shows an example of MAC filtering:

Figure 5.14 – MAC address ACL

Responses 205

Other rules could be based on a known signature or checksum.

Signature rules
Signature rules are normally configured based on what is known, such as a definition file
that can be updated as new threats are constantly being detected and are evolving. It is
important that signatures are kept up to date and an antivirus engine is very dependent on
signatures and updates.
A signature could be a hash match for a known malicious file. For example, the European
Institute for Computer Antivirus Research (EICAR) test file was developed to allow
security personnel to check if antivirus software is functional. It uses a well-known string
of characters shown here:

Figure 5.15 – EICAR test file

The signature for this string would be as follows:

SHA1 3395856ce81f2b7382dee72602f798b642f14140

Important Note
If you try to create the EICAR string and save it as a file, your anti-malware will
likely quarantine the file.

Behavior rules
Behavior rules have critical importance when we store so much important data within
a modern enterprise. We need systems that detect anomalies based on behavioural
analysis. The system would use AI and ML to build rulesets for normal activity. But in
the event of an anomaly, for example, a user beginning to transfer a large amount of
data to a cloud-based data repository, or a user beginning to delete an unusual number
of files within a certain amount of time, the system would generate alerts and notify
an administrator. This is typically done by modeling normal user behavior and then
comparing the abnormal bahavior against the normal.
206 Threat and Vulnerability Management

The following is an example of a report from Netwrix Auditor. More information

can be found at Figure 5.16 shows a user
behavior report:

Figure 5.16 – User behavior analytics reporting

We need to put these controls in place to be better prepared for anomalous user activity.

Data loss prevention rules

DLP rules must be constantly updated. Regulatory compliance requirements may change,
requiring stricter controls. The search strings that are used to detect PII, PHI, intellectual
property, and financial details may need changing and new rulesets will have to be added
to your DLP solution. Figure 5.17 shows a sample DLP ruleset:
Summary 207

Figure 5.17 – Microsoft 365 DLP rules

Many rules that are implemented are searching for words or particular character sets.

Scripts/regular expressions
Automation could include scripting. Scripts could be created to search for keywords
using regular expressions. This may provide protection by scanning captured log data
or searching incoming requests to your web server. DLP is a good example of searching
outgoing network traffic. We can formulate rules based on these search patterns.
It is vitally important that an organization has identified potential IOCs and has put
mitigation in place to respond effectively to these attacks.

In this chapter, we have looked at the varied tools and techniques that would be used
within an enterprise SOC. A security professional will need to identify different types of
threats and be able to select the correct approach and framework. We have covered the
main industry approaches. We have examined how an organization can identify IOCs and
how to respond to a variety of threats.
In this chapter, you have gained the following skills:

• An understanding of the different sources for threat intelligence

• An understanding of the main threat actor types
• An understanding of threat actor properties
• An understanding of intelligence collection methods
208 Threat and Vulnerability Management

• An understanding of frameworks, including MITRE, the Diamond model, and the

cyber kill chain model.
• An understanding of how an enterprise detects indicators of compromise.
• How to respond to threats.

This knowledge gained will be very useful as we look into vulnerability management and
pen testing in the next chapter.

Here are a few questions to test your understanding of the chapter:

1. Which of the following intelligence types focuses on the threat actor and the reason
for the attack?

A. Tactical
B. Strategic
C. Targeted
D. Operational

2. What is used as a common vector to launch a broad range of attacks?

A. Tactical
B. Strategic
C. Commodity malware
D. Targeted attacks

3. What type of attack would use spear-phishing against engineers in the Ukraine
electricity supply industry with the goal of gaining user credentials?

A. Deep web
B. Proprietary
C. Commodity malware
D. Targeted attacks
Questions 209

4. Which of the following intelligence types focuses on the technical and automated
discovery of everyday threats, threat actors, and the reason for the attack?

A. Tactical
B. Strategic
C. Commodity malware
D. Targeted attacks

5. Which of the following intelligence types uses forensics and historical logs to
identity threats?

A. Tactical
B. Strategic
C. Commodity malware
D. Operational threat intelligence

6. What framework could a forensics team use to document a specific adversary,

victim, capabilities, and infrastructure?

A. Threat emulation
B. Threat hunting
C. Diamond model

7. What is the most likely threat actor if your router firmware has been tampered with
over a period of two years, without being detected?

A. Advanced persistent threat

B. Competitor
C. Hacktivist
D. Script kiddie

8. What is the most likely threat actor if your electrical power delivery capabilities
are attacked?

A. Nation-state
B. Insider threat
C. Hacktivist
D. Script kiddie
210 Threat and Vulnerability Management

9. What threat actor will most likely steal your intellectual property?

A. Advanced persistent threat

B. Competitor
C. Hacktivist
D. Script kiddie

10. What is the threat when vulnerabilities are present on your network due to
misconfiguration by poorly trained technicians?

A. Advanced persistent threat

B. Insider threat
C. Script kiddie
D. Organized crime

11. What is the threat when vulnerabilities are present due to the use of third-party
libraries in our code base?

A. Advanced persistent threat

B. Supply Chain
C. Insider threat
D. Organized crime

12. What is the likely threat actor when thousands of systems are targeted with crypto
malware followed up with a demand for $5,000 in bitcoin?

A. Advanced persistent threat

B. Supply chain
C. Insider threat
D. Organized crime

13. What is the public network that hosts unindexed and unsearchable content that may
be used for unlawful activities?

A. World Wide Web

B. Intranet
C. Deep web
D. Proprietary networks
Questions 211

14. What type of intelligence gathering would involve DNS record harvesting?

A. Intelligence feeds
B. Deep web
C. Open source intelligence (OSINT)
D. Human intelligence (HUMINT)

15. What type of intelligence gathering would involve physical reconnaissance?

A. Intelligence feeds
B. Deep Web
C. Open source intelligence (OSINT)
D. Human intelligence (HUMINT)

16. What framework would be the best choice to build up a picture of threat actors and
their tactics and techniques for a water treatment plant?

B. ATT&CK for industrial control system (ICS)
C. Diamond model of intrusion analysis
D. Cyber kill chain

17. What framework would be used to understand the capabilities of APT29 and how
they will target your enterprise information systems?

B. ATT&CK for industrial control system (ICS)
C. Scripts/regular expressions
D. Security Requirements Traceability Matrix (SRTM)

18. What framework uses seven stages, starting with reconnaissance and ending in
actions on objectives?

B. ATT&CK for industrial control system (ICS)
C. Diamond model of intrusion analysis
D. Cyber kill chain
212 Threat and Vulnerability Management

19. What file type will allow for the analysis of network traffic captured by Wireshark
or tcpdump?

A. Packet capture (PCAP)

B. Vulnerability logs
C. Operating system logs
D. Portable Data Format (PDF)

20. What can be used to centrally correlate events from multiple sources and
raise alerts?

A. FIM alerts
B. SIEM alerts
C. DLP alerts
D. IDS/IPS alerts

21. What type of logging can be used for accountability?

A. Vulnerability logs
B. Operating system logs
C. Access logs
D. NetFlow logs

22. What type of logging can identify the source of most noise on a network?

A. Vulnerability logs
B. Operating system logs
C. Access logs
D. NetFlow logs

23. How will I know if my critical files have been tampered with?

A. FIM alerts
B. SIEM alerts
C. DLP alerts
D. IDS/IPS alerts
Questions 213

24. George has tried to email his company credit card details to his Gmail account. The
security team has contacted him and reminded him this is not acceptable use. How
were they informed?

A. FIM alerts
B. SIEM alerts
C. DLP alerts
D. IDS/IPS alerts

25. An attacker has had their session reset after they successfully logged on to the
Private Branch Exchange (PBX) after three unsuccessful attempts using SSH. What
is the reason for this?

A. FIM alerts
B. Firewall alerts
C. DLP rules
D. IPS rules

26. The Acme corporation needs to block the exfiltration of United States medical-related
data due to a new regulatory requirement. What is most likely going to get updated?

A. ACL rules
B. Signature rules
C. Behavior rules
D. DLP rules

27. Bill the network technician has been tasked with updating security based upon a
threat exchange update. Five known bad actor IP addresses must be blocked. What
should be updated?

A. Firewall rules
B. Signature rules
C. Behavior rules
D. DLP rules
214 Threat and Vulnerability Management

28. What is used to search for character strings in my DLP solution?

A. Signature rules
B. Behavior rules
C. Firewall rules
D. Regular expressions

29. What type of rule will alert administrators that Colin is deleting significant amounts
of sensitive company data?

A. Signature rules
B. Behavior rules
C. Firewall rules
D. Regular expressions

30. What will alert the SOC team to IOCs detected in logs of multiple network

A. SIEM alerts
B. Behavior alerts
C. DLP alerts
D. Syslogs

31. What type of rule will alert administrators about a known malware variant that has
the following checksum:
sha1 checksum 29386154B7F99B05A23DC9D04421AC8B0534CBE1?
A. ACL rules
B. Signature rules
C. Behavior rules
D. DLP rules

32. Charles notices several endpoints have been infected by a recently discovered
malware variant. What has allowed Charles to receive this information?

A. SIEM alerts
B. Antivirus alerts
C. DLP alerts
D. Syslogs
Answers 215

1. A
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. B
11. B
12. D
13. C
14. C
15. D
16. B
17. A
18. D
19. A
20. B
21. C
22. D
23. A
24. C
25. D
26. D
27. A
28. D
29. B
30. A
31. B
32. B
Assessment and
Penetration Testing
Methods and Tools
Security professionals must constantly assess the security posture of operating systems,
networks, industrial control systems, end user devices, and user behaviors (to name but
a few). We must constantly assess the security of our systems by utilizing vulnerability
scanning. We should use industry-standard tools and protocols, to ensure compatibility
across the enterprise. Security professionals should be aware of information sources where
current threats and vulnerabilities are published. We may need independent verification
of our security posture; this will involve enlisting third parties to assess our systems.
Independent audits may be required for regulatory, legal, or industry compliance.
In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

• Vulnerability scans
• Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP)
• Information sources
218 Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Methods and Tools

• Testing methods
• Penetration testing
• Security tools

Vulnerability scans
Vulnerability scans are important as they allow security professionals to understand when
systems are lacking important security configuration or are missing important patches.
Vulnerability scanning will be done by security professionals in the enterprise to discover
systems that require remediation. Vulnerability scanning may also be performed by
malicious actors who wish to discover systems that are missing critical security patches
and configuration. They will then attempt to exploit these weaknesses.

Credentialed versus non-credentialed scans

When performing vulnerability assessments, it is important to understand the capabilities
of the assessment tool. In some cases, credentials will be required to give useful, accurate
information on the systems that are being scanned. In some cases, some tools do not
require credentials and the scans can be done anonymously. If we want to get an accurate
security assessment of an operating system, it is important we supply credentials that are
privileged. This will allow the vulnerability report to list settings such as the following:

• Installed software version

• Local services
• Vulnerabilities in registry files
• Local filesystem information
• Patch levels

Tenable Nessus is a popular vulnerability scanner, used by government agencies and

commercial organizations. In their configuration requirements, they stipulate the use of
an administrator account or root (for non-Windows).
If we run a scan without credentials, we will see the report from an attacker's perspective.
It will lack detail, as there is no local logon available.
Vulnerability scans 219

There are some vulnerability assessment solutions that require an agent to be installed
on the end devices. This approach allows for pull technology solutions, meaning the
scan can be done on the end device and the results can be pushed back to the server-
based management console. There are also solutions where there are no agents deployed
(agentless scanning). This means the server must push out requests to gather information
from the end devices. In most cases, agent-based assessments will take some of the
workload off the server and potentially take some traffic off the network.

Criticality ranking
When we run a vulnerability assessment and we look at the output report, it is important
to present the reports in a meaningful language that allows us to assess the most critical
vulnerabilities and be able to respond accordingly. Figure 6.1 shows two vulnerability
scans. In the first instance, there are highly critical vulnerabilities related to Wireshark
installation. The report indicates they can be remediated with a software update. The
second scan shows these vulnerabilities have been remediated:

Figure 6.1 – Critical ranked vulnerabilities

Other remediation requires configuration workarounds and the removal of applications/
220 Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Methods and Tools

Active versus passive scans

Active scanning will require interaction between the reporting/management station and
the endpoints. Passive scanning can collect logged data and perform analysis on this
data. On certain networks, such as Operational Technology (OT), we may not want to
overwhelm the network or endpoints with additional reporting and subsequent network
traffic. With passive scanning, the goal is to connect to a read-only (span) port and
perform analysis on network traffic without injecting any data.
An alternative approach is to use active scanning, in an effort to generate more accurate
reporting. A good example of active scanning would be SCAP.

Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP)

SCAP is an open standard and is used by many vendors within the industry to support
a common security reporting language. It is supported by the National Vulnerability
Database (NVD), which is a US government-funded organization that produces content
that can be used within a SCAP scanner.
It is used extensively within US government departments, including the Department of
Defence (DoD), and meets Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA)

Extensible Configuration Checklist Description Format

XCCDF specifies a format for configuration files. These are the checklists that the SCAP
scanner (the vulnerability assessment tool) will use. They are written in an XML format.
Within the US government and DoD, these files are more commonly known as Secure
Technical Implementation Guide (STIG). More information can be obtained from the
following public site:

Important Note
XCCDF does not contain commands to perform a scan but relies on the Open
Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL) to process the requirements.

Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL)

OVAL is an open international standard and is free for public use. It enables vendors to
create output that is consistent. If I view a report that has been run using the Nessus tool,
it will match the output created by another vendor's OVAL-compliant tool.
Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) 221

Common Platform Enumeration (CPE)

CPE is used to identify different operating system types, devices, and applications. This
can then allow the vulnerability scanning tool to make automated decisions about which
vulnerabilities to search for. An example would be if the system is identified as Linux
running a common web application service, it will only need to check for vulnerabilities
against those installed products.
Figure 6.2 shows a recent scan that has discovered 16 CPE items:

Figure 6.2 – List of discovered CPE items

When you begin a SCAP scan, the scanner will use this information to apply the correct
templates/audit input for the scan. In the Figure 6.2 example, the tool will now look for
any vulnerabilities associated with the Windows Server operating system with services
including Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), Wireshark, and Internet Explorer 11 (there
are more services).
222 Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Methods and Tools

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)

CVEs are published by the NVD and MITRE. They give information about the vulnerability;
this includes the severity or importance of the vulnerability and how to remediate the
vulnerability. This will often be a link to a vendor site for a patch or resolution.

Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)

CVSS is used to calculate the severity of vulnerabilities by using qualitative risk scoring.
The current scoring system is version 3.1. There is a CVSS calculator available at the
following link,, to enable
security professionals to view the metrics that are used. See Figure 6.3 for an example
CVSS calculator:

Figure 6.3 – CVSS calculator

Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) 223

An example of a critically rated vulnerability is shown in Figure 6.4:

Figure 6.4 – Critical vulnerability

Important Note
CVE02012-1516 documents a VM escape vulnerability, which could severely
impact a modern data center. This would be a top priority to remediate.

The accepted approach is to deal with critically rated vulnerabilities first.

Common Configuration Enumeration (CCE)

This is a set of identifiers to allow configuration items to be easily verified. Currently,
the standard is designed only for software-configurable items. This standard allows for
templates to be created using a standard format. A common set of identifiers is published
for the Microsoft Windows operating system. This allows for the creation of template files
to be used with SCAP scanners.
224 Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Methods and Tools

Asset Reporting Format (ARF)

ARF is a standard report format, based on XML templates. It allows for the results of a
scan to be formatted in a SCAP-compliant way.
Now that we are aware of the standards and tools available, we should consider who will
be responsible for the security assessment.

Self-assessment versus third-party vendor assessment

Self-assessments may be acceptable in certain situations where internal reporting is
important. In all cases, governance and risk compliance should be a continuous assessment
but sometimes we may need third-party verification; for example, to operate as a
Certificate Authority (CA), you would require third-party auditing reports. To operate as
a cloud data center, you would typically require third-party verification, as your customers
may only be able to work with suppliers who have accreditation (US government agencies
only work with cloud providers who meet FedRAMP requirements). PCI DSS compliance
requires an external party to perform a yearly penetration test, where they would likely
perform a vulnerability scan. This yearly test cannot be performed internally.

Patch management
Patch management is critical in an enterprise. End devices, servers, and appliances all
require constant updating. We have operating systems running services and applications
and embedded firmware. Patches offer functionality improvements on the system and,
more importantly, security mitigation. Vulnerabilities in a system can ultimately cause
availability issues to operations. Patches are first tested by the vendor; they can then
be made available to the customer. Occasionally, patches can break working systems,
and then the benefit of the patch is largely outweighed by the need to have the system
functioning properly. Therefore, an enterprise should thoroughly test patches in a
non-production environment before deploying them into a production environment.
There are many other sources for security-related information.

Information sources
While it is important to use automation where possible to produce reports and generate
reporting dashboards, it is also important to consider alternative resources to maintain
a positive security posture. These resources will provide additional vendor-specific
information and industry-related information.
Information sources 225

It is important for an organization to monitor security advisories; this is information
published by vendors or third parties. The information is security-related and will be
posted as an update when a new vulnerability is discovered, such as a zero-day exploit.
This would be an important mechanism, allowing security professionals to be informed
about new threats. We can use advisories to access advice and mitigation for new and
existing threats. Some example site URLs are listed as follows:

• Cisco:
• VMware:
• Microsoft:
• Hewlett Packard:

This would be a good choice for recent vulnerabilities that may not have a CVE
assigned to them, such as a zero-day exploit.

Bulletins are another way for vendors to publish security-related issues and vulnerabilities
that may affect their customers. Many vendors will support subscriptions through a Remote
Syndicate Service (RSS) feed. Examples of vendor security bulletins are listed as follows:

• Amazon Web Services (AWS):

• Google Cloud:

Vendor websites
Vendor websites can be useful resources for security-related information. In addition
to the previously mentioned (advisories and bulletins), additional security-related
information, tools, whitepapers, and configuration guides may be available. Microsoft is
one of many vendors who offer their customers access to extensive security guidance and
best practices:
226 Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Methods and Tools

Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs)

ISACs allow the sharing of security information or cyber threats by organizations that
provide critical infrastructure; it is a global initiative. This initiative also allows the
sharing of information between public and private organizations. For more information
concerning this initiative, go to

News reports
News reports can be a useful resource to heighten people's awareness of current
threat levels and threat actors. In May/June 2021, there were prominent news reports
about recent outbreaks of crypto-malware and ransomware. The following cases made
headline news:

• 14 May 2021: The US fuel pipeline Colonial paid criminals $5 million to regain
access to systems and resume fuel deliveries. See details at the following link:
• 10 June 2021: JBS, the world's largest meat processing company, paid out $11
million in bitcoin to regain control of their IT services. Follow the story at this link:

It is important to be aware that ransomware is still one of the biggest threats facing an
organization's information systems.

Testing methods
There are various methods to search for vulnerabilities within an enterprise, depending
on the scope of the assignment. Vulnerability assessments are performed by both security
professionals, searching for vulnerabilities, and attackers threatening our networks
(searching for the same vulnerabilities).

Static analysis
Static analysis is generally used against source code or uncompiled program code. It
requires access to the source code so it is more difficult for an attacker to gain access.
During a penetration test, the tester would be given the source code to carry out this
type of analysis. Static Application Security Testing (SAST) is an important process to
mitigate the risks of vulnerable code.
Testing methods 227

Dynamic analysis
Dynamic analysis can be done against systems that are operating. If this is software, this
will mean the code is already compiled and we assess it using dynamic tools.

Side-channel analysis
Side-channel analysis is targeted against measurable outputs. It is not an attack against the
code itself or the actual encryption technology. It requires the monitoring of signals, such
as CPU cycles, power spikes, and noise going across a network. The electromagnetic signals
can be analyzed using powerful computing technologies and artificial intelligence. Using
these techniques, it may be possible to generate the encryption key that is being used in
the transmission. An early example of attacks using side-channel analysis was in the 1980s,
where IBM equipment was targeted by the Soviet Union. Listening devices were placed
inside electronic typewriters. The goal seems to have been to monitor the electrical noise as
the carriage struck the paper, with each character having a particular distinctive signature.
See the following URL for more information:
Reverse engineering may be necessary when we are attempting to understand what a
system or piece of code is doing. If we do not have the original source code, it is possible
to run an executable in a sandbox environment and monitor its actions. Some code can be
decompiled; an example would be Java. There are many available online tools to reverse-
engineer Java code. One example is
java. Other coding languages do not readily support decompiling.
If the code is embedded on a chip, then we may need to monitor activities in a sandbox
environment. Monitor inputs and outputs on the network and compile logs of activity.

Wireless vulnerability scan

Wireless vulnerability scanning is very important as many organizations have a wireless
capability. Vulnerabilities may be related to the signal strength, meaning it is visible
outside the network boundary.
Security professionals need to secure wireless networks to ensure we are not vulnerable
to unwanted intruders. Unsecured protocols must not be used on our wireless networks,
ensuring credentials cannot be seen in clear text. We need to ensure administration is not
happening across wireless networks in an unsecured format. Older networks may have
been configured to use Wireless Encryption Privact (WEP) encryption, which is easily
crackable, so hackers look for WEP systems so they can crack the key.
228 Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Methods and Tools

Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

It is estimated that around 90% of software developed contains open source software (this
was around 10% in 2000). Open source software may be included in developed software
by code reuse, it can also be included when a company purchases Commercial Off-the-
Shelf (COTS) products. Third-party development, third-party libraries, and developers
accessing code repositories may be other sources of open source software.
SCA is a tool that can analyze all open source code in use in your environment. It is
important to have visibility of any third-party code that is included in your production
systems. SCA tools can detect all use of third-party code.
As well as searching for third-party code artifacts, SCA will also report on any licensing
issues. It is important to understand the restrictions that may affect the distribution or
use of software that contains open source code. It may only allow use for non-commercial
projects or have strict requirements to distribute your developed software freely.
One of the biggest risks is introducing vulnerabilities through the use of third-party
code. SCA can produce reports, allowing for remediation. For more information, see the
following link:

Fuzz testing
Fuzz testing will be used to ensure input validation and error handling are tested on the
compiled software. Fuzzing will send pseudo-random inputs to the application, in an
attempt to create errors within the running code. A fuzzer needs a certain amount of
expertise to program and interpret the errors that may be generated. It is common now
to incorporate automated fuzz testing into the DevOps pipeline. Google uses a tool called
ClusterFuzz to ensure automated testing of its infrastructure is maintained and errors
are logged.
While it is vitally important to perform regular vulnerability assessments against
enterprise networks and systems, it will be important to obtain independent verification of
the security posture of networks, systems, software, and users.
Penetration testing 229

Penetration testing
Penetration testing can be performed by in-house teams, but regulatory compliance may
dictate that independent verification is obtained. It is important you choose a pen testing
team that is qualified and trustworthy. The National Cyber Security Center (NCSC)
recommends that United Kingdom government agencies choose a penetration tester that
holds one of the following accreditations:

• Tigerscheme:
• Cyber Scheme:

It is important that penetration testers use an industry-standard framework. There are

many to choose from. One very useful resource is Open Web Application Security
Project (OWASP). They offer guidance, allowing organizations to select testing criteria
to meet regulatory compliance. More information can be found at the following link:
One of the popular standards is the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES).
This standard covers seven steps:

1. Pre-engagement interactions
2. Intelligence gathering
3. Threat modeling
4. Vulnerability analysis
5. Exploitation
6. Post-exploitation
7. Reporting

The first step is pre-engagement, where discussions need to be held between the
penetration testing representative and the customer representative.

When an organization is preparing for security testing, for the report to have value, it
is important to understand the exact reasons for the engagement. Are we looking to
prepare for regulatory compliance? Perhaps we are testing the security awareness of
our employees?
230 Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Methods and Tools

Box testing
When considering the requirements of the assessment, it is worth considering how
realistic the assessment will be in terms of simulating an external attack from a highly
skilled and motivated adversary.

White box
White box testing is when the attackers have access to all information that is relevant
to the engagement. So, if the penetration testers are testing a web application and the
customer wants quick results, they would provide the source code and the system design
documentation. This is also known as a full-knowledge test.

Gray box
Gray box testing sits between white and black and may be a good choice when we don't
have an abundance of time. We could eliminate reconnaissance and footprinting, by
making available physical and logical network diagrams. This is also known as a partial-
knowledge test.

Black box
In black box testing, the testers would be given no information, apart from what is publicly
available. This is also known as a zero-knowledge test. The customer's goal may be to
gain a real insight into how secure the company is with a test that simulates a real-world
external attacker.

Scope of work
When preparing for penetration testing, it is important to create a scope of work. This
should involve stakeholders in the organization, IT professionals managing the target
systems, and representation from the penetration testers. This is all about what will be
tested. Some of the issues to be discussed would include the following:

• What is the testing environment?

• Is the test for some type of regulatory compliance?
• How long will the testing take? A clear indication of timelines and costs is
• How many systems are involved? It is important to have a clear idea of assets to be
• How should the team proceed after initial exploitation?
Penetration testing 231

• Data handling: Will the team need to actually access sensitive documents (PHI, PII,
or IP), or simply prove that it is possible?
• Physical testing: Are we testing physical access?
• What level of access will be required? What permissions are needed?

It is important to agree upon how the testing will proceed.

Rules of engagement
It is important to set clear rules about how the testing will proceed. While the scope is
all about what is included in the testing, this is more about the process to deliver the test
results. Here are some of the typical issues covered within the rules of engagement:

• Timeline: A clear understanding of when and how long the entire process will take
is important.
• Locations: The customer may have multiple physical locations; do we need to gain
physical access to all locations, or can we perform remote testing? Is the testing
impacted by laws within a specific country?
• Evidence handling: Ensure all customer data is secured.
• Status meetings: Regular meetings to keep the customer informed of progress is
• Time of day of testing: It is important to clarify when testing will take place. The
customer may want to minimize disruption during regular business hours.
• Invasive versus non-invasive testing: How much disruption is the customer
prepared to accept?
• Permission to test: Do not proceed until the documentation is signed off. This may
also be necessary when dealing with cloud providers.
• Policy: Will the testing violate any corporate or third-party policies?
• Legal: Is the type of testing proposed legal within the country?

Once the rules of engagement are agreed upon and documented, the test can begin. If the
rules of engagement are not properly signed off, there could be legal ramifications as you
could be considered to be hacking a system.
232 Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Methods and Tools

Post-exploitation will involve gathering as much information as possible from
compromised systems. This phase will also involve persistence. It is important to adhere
to the rules of engagement already defined with the customer. Common activities
could include privilege escalation, data exfiltration, and Denial of Service (DOS). For a
comprehensive list of activities, follow this URL: http://www.pentest-standard.

Persistence is the goal for attacks that are long term, for instance, Advanced Persistent
Threats (APTs) are long-term compromises on the organizations' network. MITRE
lists 19 techniques, used for peristence, in the ATT&CK Matrix for Enterprise. The full
list can be found at the following link:
TA0003/. Here are a few of the techniques that are listed:

• Account Manipulation
• Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Jobs
• Boot or Logon AutoStart Execution
• Boot or Logon Initialization Scripts
• Browser Extensions
• Compromise Client Software Binary
• Create Accounts

Pivoting is when an attacker gains an initial foothold on a compromised system and
then moves laterally through the network to bigger and more important areas. This will
typically be achieved by using an existing backdoor, such as a known built-in account. The
MITRE ATT&CK Matrix for Enterprise lists nine techniques for lateral movement. The
following is a list of typical tactics used for pivoting:

• Exploitation of Remote Services

• Internal SpearPhishing
• Lateral Tool Transfer
• Remote Service Session Hijacking
• Remote Services
Security tools 233

• Replication Through Removable Media

• Software Deployment Tools
• Taint Shared Content
• Use Alternate Authentication Material

For more detail on these nine methods, follow this URL: https://attack.mitre.
Pivoting allows the tester to move laterally through networks and is an important process
for gaining insights into systems on other network segments.

Rescanning for corrections/changes

It is important for management and security professionals to act on the results of
penetration testing. Controls should be put in place to remediate issues with the highest
criticalities being prioritized. We can run further tests to assess the controls.
Security professionals and penetration testing teams will use a variety of tools to test the
security posture of networks, systems, and users.

Security tools
There are many tools available to identify and collect security vulnerabilities or to provide
a deeper analysis of interactions between systems and services. When penetration testing
is being conducted, the scope of the test may mean the team is given zero knowledge
of the network. This would be referred to as black box testing. The team would need to
deploy tools to enumerate networks and services and use reverse engineering techniques
against applications. We will take a look at these tools.

SCAP scanner
A SCAP scanner will be used to report on deviations from a baseline, using input files
such as STIGs or other XML baseline configuration files. The SCAP scan will also search
for vulnerabilities present, by detecting the operating system and software installed using
the CPE standard. Once the information is gathered about installed products, the SCAP
scan can now search for known vulnerabilities related to CVEs.
234 Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Methods and Tools

Figure 6.5 shows the results of a SCAP scan with critical vulnerabilities listed first
(OpenVAS is an OVAL-compliant SCAP scanner):

Figure 6.5 – OpenVAS SCAP scan

To remediate one of the critically rated vulnerabilities, there is a vendor fix, in the form of
a software update; see Figure 6.6:

Figure 6.6 – Vendor fix

For each identified vulnerability, there will be a course of action, patch to be downloaded,
configuration change, workaround, or uninstallation.
Security tools 235

Network traffic analyzer

It is important for baseline traffic to be gathered. This allows professionals to understand
normal traffic patterns and be alerted to anomalies. These tools can be useful for capacity
planning as we can detect trends. Figure 6.7 shows the network traffic flow breakdown:

Figure 6.7 – Network traffic flow

As well as understanding the traffic patterns on the network, it is important to consider
the security posture of the devices connected to the network.
236 Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Methods and Tools

Vulnerability scanner
A vulnerability scanner can be used to detect open listening ports, misconfigured
applications, missing security patches, poor security on a web application, and many other
types of vulnerability. Figure 6.8 shows a vulnerability scan against a website:

Figure 6.8 – Vulnerability scanner

A vulnerability scan is very important but may not reveal additional information
contained within network traffic protocols and payloads.
Security tools 237

Protocol analyzer
A protocol analyzer is useful when we need to perform Deep Packet Inspection (DPI)
on network traffic. tcpdump, TShark, and Wireshark would be common implementations
of this technology. It is possible to capture network traffic using a common file format, to
then analyze within the tool at a later time. We could use this tool to confirm the use of
unsecure protocols or data exfiltration. Figure 6.9 shows Wireshark in use, with a capture
of unsecured FTP traffic:

Figure 6.9 – Wireshark protocol analyzer

When the network needs to be enumerated or mapped, a protocol analyzer will not be the
most efficient tool. An active scan may be a better choice.
238 Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Methods and Tools

Port scanner
A port scanner will typically perform a ping sweep in the first instance, to identify all the
live network hosts on a network. Each host will then be probed to establish the TCP and
UDP listening ports. Port scans can be done to identify unnecessary applications present
on a network. They can also be used by hackers to enumerate services on a network
segment. A port scan performed by NMAP is shown in Figure 6.10:

Figure 6.10 – NMAP scan

Security tools 239

Once an attacker or penetration tester has identified available hosts and services, they can
attempt to gather more information, using additional tools.

HTTP interceptor
HTTP interceptors are used by security analysts and pen testers. When we need to
assess the security posture of a web application without being given access to the source
code, this tool is useful. Figure 6.11 shows Burp Suite, a popular HTTP interceptor. It is
provided as a default application on Kali Linux:

Figure 6.11 – HTTP interceptor

240 Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Methods and Tools

The HTTP interceptor is installed as a proxy directly on the host workstation. All browser
requests and web server responses can be viewed in raw HTML, allowing the tester to gain
valuable information about the application. See Figure 6.12 for the interceptor traffic flow:

Figure 6.12 – Burp Suite deployment

The use of this tool would require some developer/coding knowledge, to interpret the
captured payloads.

Exploit framework
Penetration testers can use an exploitation framework to transmit payloads to hosts on a
network. Typically, this is done through vulnerabilities that have been identified. Popular
frameworks include Sn1per, Core Impact, Canvas, and Metasploit. Exploit frameworks
must be kept up to date to make sure all vulnerabilities are discovered and tested. Once a
scan has detected hosts on the network and identified operating systems, the attack can
begin. Figure 6.13 shows a Linux host about to be tested by Metasploit:
Security tools 241

Figure 6.13 – Exploitation framework

Exploitation frameworks can be quite complex, requiring expertise in a pen testing

Password crackers
Password crackers are useful to determine whether weak passwords are being used in the
organization. Common password crackers are Ophcrack, John the Ripper, and Brutus
(there are many more examples). There are many online resources as well, including
dictionary and rainbow tables.
Figure 6.14 shows the use of John the Ripper against a Linux password database:

Figure 6.14 – John the Ripper password cracking

242 Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Methods and Tools

In the output for Figure 6.14, the first column is for the user account and the second value
is the cracked password. So, user tech02 has set their password to be strong (which is
just a plain text dictionary word).

Important Note
While toor is not a common dictionary word, it is a poor choice of password for
the root account.

Dependency management tools

Dependency management is important when planning to build large and often complex
applications. Many software builds will incorporate third-party libraries and additional
code modules. These tools will ensure we are using the correct library version or code
version and can also keep track of any security issues with all code bases.
Popular tools include NuGet (for Microsoft .NET development) and Composer (for PHP
developers), but there are many more.

In this chapter, we have looked at a variety of tools and frameworks to protect information
We have identified the appropriate tools used to assess the security posture of operating
systems, networks, and end user devices. We have also learned how to secure our systems
using vulnerability scanning. We have identified industry-standard tools and protocols,
to ensure compatibility across the enterprise (such as SCAP, CVE, CPE, and OVAL), and
examined information sources where current threats and vulnerabilities are published. We
have also looked at the requirements for managing third-party engagements, to assess our
systems, and learned about the tools used for internal and external penetration testing.
These skills will be important as we learn about incident response and forensic analysis in
the next chapter.
Questions 243

Here are a few questions to test your understanding of the chapter:

1. When performing a SCAP scan on a system, which of the following types of scans
will be most useful?

A. Credentialed
B. Non-credentialed
C. Agent-based
D. Intrusive

2. What would be most important when monitoring security on ICS networks, where
latency must be minimized?

A. Group Policy
B. Active scanning
C. Passive scanning
D. Continuous integration

3. What is the protocol that allows for the automation of security compliance scans?


4. What standard would support the creation of XML-format configuration templates?

244 Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Methods and Tools

5. What standard allows a vulnerability scanner to detect the host operating system
and installed applications?


6. What standard supports a common reporting standard for vulnerability scanning?


7. What information type can be found at MITRE and NIST NVD that describes a
known vulnerability and gives information regarding remediation?


8. What is used to calculate the criticality of a known vulnerability?


9. If my organization is preparing to host publicly available SaaS services in the data

center, what kind of assessment would be best?

A. Self-assessment
B. Third-party assessment
C. PCI compliance
D. Internal assessment
Questions 245

10. When we download patches from Microsoft, where should they be tested first?

A. Staging network
B. Production network
C. DMZ network
D. IT administration network

11. Where can security professionals go to remain aware of vendor-published security

updates and guidance? (Choose all that apply.)

A. Advisories
B. Bulletins
C. Vendor websites

12. What allows European critical infrastructure providers to share security-related



13. What kind of testing would be performed against uncompiled code?

A. Static analysis
B. Dynamic analysis
C. Fuzzing
D. Reverse engineering

14. What type of analysis would allow researchers to measure power usage to predict
the encryption keys generated by a crypto-processor?

A. Side-channel analysis
B. Frequency analysis
C. Network analysis
D. Hacking
246 Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Methods and Tools

15. What type of analysis would most likely be used when researchers need to study
third-party compiled code?

A. Static analysis
B. Side-channel analysis
C. Input validation
D. Reverse engineering

16. What automated tool would developers use to report on any outdated software
libraries and licensing requirements?

A. Software composition analysis

B. Side-channel analysis
C. Input validation
D. Reverse engineering

17. What is it called when we send pseudo-random inputs to an application, in an

attempt to find flaws in the code?

A. Fuzz testing
B. Input validation
C. Reverse engineering
D. Pivoting

18. What is the term for lateral movement from a compromised host system?

A. Pivoting
B. Reverse engineering
C. Persistence
D. Requirements

19. When would a penetration tester use a privilege escalation exploit?

A. Post-exploitation
C. Reconnaissance
D. Foot printing
Questions 247

20. What is the correct term for a penetration tester manipulating the registry in order
to launch a binary file during the boot sequence?

A. Pivoting
B. Reverse engineering
C. Persistence
D. Requirements

21. What tool would allow network analysts to report on network utilization levels?

A. Network traffic analyzer

B. Vulnerability scanner
C. Protocol analyzer
D. Port scanner

22. What would be the best tool to test the security configuration settings for a web
application server?

A. Network traffic analyzer

B. Vulnerability scanner
C. Protocol analyzer
D. Port scanner

23. With what tool would penetration testers discover live hosts and application
services on a network segment?

A. Network traffic analyzer

B. Vulnerability scanner
C. Protocol analyzer
D. Port scanner

24. What type of tool would perform uncredentialed scans?

A. Network traffic analyzer

B. Vulnerability scanner
C. Protocol analyzer
D. Port scanner
248 Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Methods and Tools

25. What could be used to reverse engineer a web server API when conducting a zero-
knowledge (black box) test?

A. Exploitation framework
B. Port scanner
C. HTTP interceptor
D. Password cracker

26. What tool could be used by hackers to discover unpatched systems using automated

A. Exploitation framework
B. Port scanner
C. HTTP interceptor
D. Password cracker

27. What would allow system administrators to discover weak passwords stored on the

A. Exploitation framework
B. Port scanner
C. HTTP interceptor
D. Password cracker

28. What documentation would mitigate the risk of pen testers testing the security
posture of all regional data centers when the requirement was only for the
e-commerce operation center?

A. Requirements
B. Scope of work
C. Rules of engagement
D. Asset inventory

29. What documentation would mitigate the risk of pen testers unintentionally causing
an outage on the network during business hours?

A. Requirements
B. Scope of work
C. Rules of engagement
D. Asset inventory
Answers 249

30. What type of security assessment is taking place if the tester needs to perform badge
skimming first?

A. Network security assessment

B. Corporate policy considerations
C. Facility considerations
D. Physical security assessment

1. A
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. A
11. A, B and C
12. A
13. A
14. A
15. D
16. A
17. A
18. A
19. A
20. C
21. A
22. B
23. D
250 Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Methods and Tools

24. D
25. C
26. A
27. D
28. B
29. C
30. D
Risk Mitigation
A large enterprise providing information services or critical infrastructure presents
a large attack surface. We must consider all aspects of security, including application
vulnerabilities and the likelihood that we will be attacked (always think worst-case
scenario). We must be aware of the kind of attacks to expect and, most importantly, how
to mitigate these threats. We must be proactive in our approach, using the latest tools and
techniques to best protect our assets. We must also consider physical security. But most
importantly, we should deploy defense in depth.
In this chapter, we will go over the following topics:

• Understanding application vulnerabilities

• Assessing inherently vulnerable systems/applications
• Recognizing common attacks
• Proactive and detective risk reduction
• Applying preventative risk reduction
252 Risk Mitigation Controls

Understanding application vulnerabilities

Information systems offer many options to interact with business users and customers. We
have public-facing web application servers, business-to-business (B2B) API connectivity
requirements, and mobile devices, to name a few. It is important that we eliminate
vulnerabilities during the design and development process when rolling out new systems
and services. We must also consider the security of legacy applications that may still be
required by the business. It is useful to refer to industry best practices when considering
application vulnerabilities and the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is
a recommended resource:
We will see the various vulnerabilities in the following section.

Race conditions
A race condition, also known as time of check time of use (TOCTOU), is usually
associated with a stored value and the use of that stored value. It is a time-related
vulnerability that can cause unexpected or unwanted results. For example, an application
stores a shopping basket with a total value of $500. Another thread (within the code
module) commits the total as a sales transaction and charges the customer account. This
process takes 800 ms before reading in the total value. Meanwhile, the customer has been
able to change the stored value of $500 to $1. These flaws are difficult to test for.

Buffer overflows
A memory buffer is used to store a value. An attacker can target the memory location by
inputting too many characters and can cause unwanted results. If the buffer has a 16-byte
limit and the actual data sent is for 17 bytes, then the outcome will be an overflow, where
the extra byte may have access to a memory location for unwanted processing. This result
of a buffer overflow can be a denial of service (DoS) condition or the goal may be to run
an arbitrary command. It is important for developers to perform input validation within
the code.

Integer overflows
Integer overflows target a memory location storing a numerical value. If the appropriate
input validation checks are not present in the code, then a value may be accepted that
is outside of the range declared for the memory location. This can cause errors and
unwanted results.
Understanding application vulnerabilities 253

Broken authentication
Broken authentication is one of the OWASP top-10 risks. Attackers will target applications
using credential stuffing (lists of valid accounts and passwords), brute-force password
attacks, unexpired session cookies, and many more. Protection against these types of
attacks would include the elimination of weak passwords and the use of multi-factor
authentication (MFA). For more details, see

Insecure references
This vulnerability now comes under the OWASP heading of broken access control and is
number 5 in the web at-risk categories. It means a user can gain access to a part of the
system that they have no authorization for. It is made possible by privilege escalation,
bypassing access control validation, or reusing another user's session ID. For more
information, see

Poor exception handling

Poor exception handling may cause system outages or give attackers additional information
about the system. Imagine an attacker is logging into a web portal and, after entering the
wrong data into the password field, the web portal throws the standard MySQL error
message along with the information that the password string for the user is wrong. The
attacker now knows the version of the backend database application and also knows that
they have a valid user ID.

Security misconfiguration
Security misconfiguration could affect many parts of a system providing customer-
focused web applications. The network environment could be poorly configured, or a
misconfigured firewall may allow access over an insecure port. The operating system,
libraries, applications, storage, and HTTP improper headers should all be considered
when assessing organizational security.

Information disclosure
Information disclosure could allow an attacker to view data that is covered by regulatory
compliance, laws, intellectual property, and more. This vulnerability can be present due
to a number of factors, including weak encryption algorithms, no encryption, insecure
protocols, and unsecured data storage, to list a few. For more information, see https://
254 Risk Mitigation Controls

Certificate errors
It is important to allow for secure transport of internet application protocols. Certificates
must meet certain criteria in order to be trusted by the client-side application. Figure 7.1
shows typical fields on a standard X.509 certificate:

Figure 7.1 – Certificate fields

The following requirements must be met for the application server to be trusted:

• The client must trust the certificate authority (CA).

• The certificate Subject Name value must be valid.
• The certificate Validity date value must be valid.
• The certificate Enhanced Key Usage field must be present.
• The certificate is not on the Certificate Revocation List (CRL).

If the certificate will be used for multiple sites, it will need to support wildcards or
Subject Alternate Names (SANs).
To assess the security posture of a hosted application accessed over SSL/TLS, a
vulnerability assessment tool will also check for all the common vulnerabilities associated
with certificates.
Understanding application vulnerabilities 255

Figure 7.2 shows a connection to a web page that is not trusted:

Figure 7.2 – Untrusted web browser connection

If the certificate authority is not trusted, then the certificate provided by the site will show
an error.

Weak cryptography implementations

When using TLS, the use of SSL has been deprecated, as it is now considered less secure.
Figure 7.3 shows the output from a vulnerability testing tool against a banking website:

Figure 7.3 – Secure Transport Layer Security (TLS)

256 Risk Mitigation Controls

The current industry standard is TLS 1.2. Some sites may also support TLS 1.3. SSL is not
used anymore as it is considered insecure. As we can see in Figure 7.3, older, un-secure
standards are not supported. It is a cat and mouse game where better encryption standards
get released and the push is on for people to upgrade their systems to the stronger and
more secure standards.

Weak ciphers
A cipher is the combination of a unique key and a method to encrypt the data. The Data
Encryption Standard (DES) was developed in the 1970s and would definitely meet the
criteria for a weak cipher. It has a maximum key size of 64 bits, but in reality, the actual
key size used is only 56 bits.

Weak cipher suite implementations

A cipher suite is a combination of encryption types. For a secure session with a website, we
will use a combination of symmetric, asymmetric, and hashing encryption. In Figure 7.4, we
can see the acceptable cipher suites supported by our banking website:

Figure 7.4 – Output from the Qualys SSL Labs vulnerability testing tool
Understanding application vulnerabilities 257

In the scan results, the weakest detected cipher suites are considered to be acceptable, as
the site received an A+ security rating.

Software composition analysis

It is important to identify all code bases and libraries used to host web application
services. Software composition analysis (SCA) can automate the process of checking for
vulnerabilities within these code bases and also check for licensing infringements (easily
overlooked when using third-party libraries).

Use of vulnerable frameworks and software modules

Any system development that does not adhere to a structured framework with a
repeatable secure project-managed process presents risks. There are many frameworks
that ensure a secure framework and can lead to robust, secure systems. The National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) guidance would advocate for the use of
a secure software development framework (SSDF). NIST published a whitepaper with
guidance for implementing this framework (
Microsoft also advocates the use of a secure framework called the Security Development
Lifecycle (SDL). Microsoft uses a 12-step approach to ensure that secure coding/
development is maintained. Figure 7.5 shows the 12 steps:

Figure 7.5 – Microsoft SDL framework

258 Risk Mitigation Controls

For more details, use the following link:

Use of unsafe functions

There are certain development languages that are vulnerable to the use of deprecated,
unsafe functions. Examples include C, C++, and Assembly. Some functions make the
likelihood of a buffer overflow or other such processes a real possibility.
One example is the strcpy() function. It is used to copy data and doesn't check the data
size to ensure it will fit into a memory buffer. This can result in buffer overflow exploits.
There is a replacement function, strcpy_s(), that should now be used.
The MITRE Corporation has published CWE-676 to document the use of dangerous
functions that can lead to exploits. See the following link for more information:
OWASP also provides a very good resource called cheat sheets. These document many
examples of unsafe functions and ways to mitigate their use:

Third-party libraries
When we use third-party libraries, we need to ensure vulnerabilities are not present and
that we are not infringing on any licensing restrictions.

It is important to ensure dependencies are in place so software can be deployed and
functions reliably without error. For example, a program written in Java needs a Java
virtual machine (VM) to be available, and without this dependency, it cannot run.
Another example would be an application that will use location services provided by the
Google Maps API. Many applications will now use online services, and if that service is
withdrawn, your code will not function.
Assessing inherently vulnerable systems and applications 259

End-of-support and end-of-life

Many systems will reach a point when the original developer or manufacturer stops
developing patches or offering support for their product. At this point, you run the risk
of supporting a vulnerable system that hackers will know cannot be patched. End-of-life
(EOL) is one of the greatest risks in cybersecurity. The mitigation for these systems is
segmentation and controlled access.

Regression issues
When a software component has previously worked well, but now proves to be slow or
unresponsive, it is known as a software regression bug. It is important we test all software
modules to ensure they are still functioning whenever other parts of the system are
changed. The testing is known as regression testing.

Assessing inherently vulnerable systems and

A good example of where we have inherent vulnerabilities would be when considering
critical infrastructure. Many power plants and other such industries may rely on
technology that was developed and installed decades ago. The main criteria were about
reliability and availability, not security. This has proven to be the case with fresh attacks
on critical infrastructure being a weekly occurrence. Applications used in these industries
may also lack security controls, with the main goal being reliability. When we consider
web application servers, there are always inherent risks due to the hosting of public-facing
applications and services. We will now consider some of these issues.

Client-side processing and server-side processing

Client-side processing runs on the client and server-side runs on the server. Client-side
processing is performed using dynamic runtime code – it is not compiled into binary
files. Server-side code is compiled and will be coded in languages such as C+, C++, Rust,
and Microsoft C#. Uncompiled code running on a client browser should be considered
untrustworthy, as it is more easily manipulated and can easily become the target of code
injections, allowing malicious changes to be forwarded to the web application server.
Uncompiled code can be referred to as byte code, whereas compiled code is referred to
as machine code. Another common way to describe the code that will run on the client
browser is interpreted code, which needs an interpreter to process the code (such as
Python or Perl).
260 Risk Mitigation Controls

JSON and representational state transfer

Web applications use APIs to make services available to other computers and applications
across networks. A popular standards-based approach is to use representational state
transfer (RESTful) architectures, where there is support for secure TLS (using the HTTPS
protocol), as well as support for standard message formats, such as XML and JSON.
JSON is an extension of JavaScript. It allows for the transmission and storage of data and is
a lightweight, low-overhead mechanism. It is based on key-value pairs, where there is a field
name followed by a value. An example of a JSON key pair would look like the following:

{"firstName": "John","lastName":"Jones"}

Browser extensions
A browser extension adds additional functionality to a web browser. A useful addition
to allow playing media-rich content is Adobe Flash – once installed, it is important
to keep this up to date with patches, as there are many instances of vulnerabilities on
older versions of Flash. ActiveX is a supported browser extension within the Microsoft
Internet Explorer browser. ActiveX allows functionality such as spell checkers, language
translators, and location services to be available within the browser. It is important
to validate the source for any downloaded browser extensions and to ensure they are
updated/patched. The Microsoft Edge browser will only allow the addition of browser
extensions from the Windows Store. See Figure 7.6 for an example of Microsoft Edge

Figure 7.6 – Microsoft Edge extensions

Assessing inherently vulnerable systems and applications 261

Access to these extensions can be restricted by policy restrictions.

Hypertext Markup Language 5 (HTML5)

HTLM5 is the latest implementation of a format that describes how to display web
documents. It uses semantics and tags to allow the rich display of web pages. It also
allows for dynamic content such as streaming media and as such offers an alternative
for Adobe Flash.

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) allows requests to be sent from the
client browser to the web application server. It is able to send XML requests over
HTTP and display the results using the JavaScript and HTML Direct Object Model
(DOM). It is useful when you do not need to refresh the entire page. Google Maps
uses this technology.

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a standard message format based on XML that
can be used to pass information between a client and a server-based web application.
262 Risk Mitigation Controls

Recognizing common attacks

Attacks against systems and software are a real threat, based on the fact that systems need
to be made accessible to business users and customers. For web applications, the typical
scenario is a customer-facing application server behind a firewall, able to communicate
with intranet-based services. A typical deployment can be seen in Figure 7.7, where
the inputs will be through web-based forms run on the client browser and the results
forwarded to the web application server:

Figure 7.7 – Web application server located in DMZ

When we secure our networks using secured firewalls, it is difficult to attack the intranet
services directly, so it is the web application server that is targeted. This is where the
attacker will direct the attacks. In this section, we will focus on attacks that use the model
shown in Figure 7.7.
Recognizing common attacks 263

Directory traversal
Directory traversal is when an attacker can input syntax that allows them to move through
the filesystem of the target web server. The goal of this is to access directories and files that
should be restricted. Figure 7.8 shows a typical string that attempts to move into the root
directory and then switch into the etc folder and display the password file:

Figure 7.8 – Directory traversal

In the preceding example, there are no passwords stored, but we have still gained access to
user accounts.
264 Risk Mitigation Controls

Cross-site scripting
Cross-site scripting (XSS) is an attack where the hacker will embed a script into a web
page, then once the script is added to the web page, it will be loaded whenever the page
is rendered in a user's web browser. The target could be a travel site where you can leave
reviews. In Figure 7.9, we can see a script that has been added to a website that will run a
script from the attacker's site:

Figure 7.9 – XSS exploit

In the XSS example, the script will run when the page is rendered in the victim's browser
and the attacker's script will steal the session cookie.
Recognizing common attacks 265

Cross-site request forgery

A cross-site request forgery (CSRF) happens when a user already has a trusted
connection to a website, authenticated over HTTPS. The goal of the attacker is to run a
script that would authorize some kind of transaction. An example could be to make a
payment using online banking. In Figure 7.10, a victim will load the web page and the
script will make a payment into another customer's account:

Figure 7.10 – CSRF example

The example script at the bottom of the bank customer's message is shown in the
following snippet:

do?acct=GeorgeMainwaring&amount=€500 HTTP/1.2</script>

This kind of attack is, however, highly unlikely to succeed on a banking website.

Injection attacks
Injection attacks will use the customer-facing web application server as the go-between.
The commands will target the input fields of the application and the web application will
forward the requests to the backend server.

XML is a common language for exchanging data and facilitating communication between
web applications. The goal is to access content or manipulate transactions.
266 Risk Mitigation Controls

LDAP command verbs allow searching, creating, or modifying accounts stored in
directory services. Some examples using command-line syntax for Microsoft Active
Directory services are shown as follows. In the first example, we are searching for all users
in the itadmin container:

dsquery user "ou=it admin,dc=classroom,dc=local"

"CN=Mark Birch,OU=IT Admin,DC=classroom,DC=local"

In the second example, we are creating a new user account in the users container:

dsadd user "cn=sqlsystem,cn=users,dc=classroom,dc=local" -pwd

dsadd succeeded:cn=sqlsystem,cn=users,dc=classroom,dc=local

Structured Query Language

Structured Query Language (SQL) is commonly used to store user accounts for web
applications. It is a very powerful language allowing queries and record retrievals. SQL
databases can be used to store many different record types. SQL databases are used for
enterprise resource planning (ERP), sales order processing, and many other lines of
business applications. The range of commands is large, allowing everything from retrieval
of records to entire table deletions. During a logon through a web application, we can use
a valid user account and password, which will result in the following SQL string:

SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = 'jack' AND password =

Recognizing common attacks 267

Then, using that command logic, we could submit the following command:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'user1' AND password =

'mypass1' OR 1=1

In this example the AND condition is evaluated before the OR operator, making the WHERE
clause true. If the application does not perform the appropriate string checks, then the
application will select the first record in the user's table as the command logic will make
the statement true (1=1 is always true). This would result in an authentication bypass
exploit. Figure 7.11 shows how this could be input into a login screen:

Figure 7.11 – SQL injection attempt

268 Risk Mitigation Controls

This type of exploit allows the attacker to access the first account in the table of users.
Figure 7.12 shows a successful login attempt:

Figure 7.12 – SQL injection login

Now, the hacker can attempt to manipulate account details.

Sandbox escape
There are many examples of code running in a secure sandbox with no insecure
interactions with the local operating system or filesystem allowed, with Chrome and Edge
browsers being examples of this technology. A vulnerability was reported in November
2020 that allowed code to be run using Chrome outside of the sandbox. This allowed
attackers to target this flaw (CVE-2020-6573). Google released an update for Chrome to
mitigate the threat. Security researchers who discovered the flaw were paid $20,000.

VM hopping
When VMs are hosted on the same hypervisor or are accessible over the same virtual
network, there is the possibility for an attacker to gain access to another virtual host. This
attack can succeed if security is not addressed properly. Attacks can be launched through
the switch. A DoS could cause the switch to forward packets to all ports.
Recognizing common attacks 269

VM escape
When access to the underlying hypervisor is possible, then the attacker has broken out of
their isolated VM. The attacker may access the filesystem, re-route traffic, or re-configure
networking devices. It is the same as an attacker having access to your physical data center
with all the cabinets and racks unlocked. There are over 50 documented vulnerabilities
associated with this exploit. CVE-2020-3962 lists a vulnerability within VMware products
that allows for VM escape.

Border Gateway Protocol and route hijacking

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) allows routing information to be exchanged between
external routers. Internet exchange points (IXPs) (they are the main ISPs) share routing
information with each other using IP address prefixes and autonomous system numbers
(ASNs). IBM has been allocated ASN17390 and has 20 IPV4 prefixes. They will share
this information with other BGP peers. Attackers may gain access to an internet BGP
router and announce fake routes. In most cases, the outcome will be a DoS, resulting in
blackouts for parts of the internet. In April 2021, Vodafone was targeted, and attackers
were able to hijack 30,000 IP prefixes, causing massive problems for Google, Microsoft,
and Cloudflare. For more information on this attack, see the following link:

Interception attacks
These types of attacks allow a third party to gain access to our intellectual property,
customer records, or anything that we would consider confidential. The means of attack
will typically use a man-in-the-middle (MITM) to access the data. Figure 7.13 shows the
user's browser accessing an e-commerce application:

Figure 7.13 – MITM attack

270 Risk Mitigation Controls

All the data will be accessed by the attacker before it is sent to the router and also before it
is returned to the client browser.

Denial of service and distributed denial of service

DoS attacks are targeted at a service or resource where the resources are totally consumed
and thereby denying access to legitimate users. This type of attack can be launched from
a single-host system. When the attack is launched from large numbers of systems or
endpoints, the amount of traffic can quickly escalate. This type of attack is a distributed
denial of service (DDOS). Often the attackers are unaware they are part of the attack.
Botnets can be used, making use of compromised computers or Internet of Things (IoT)
devices. OVH (a web hosting provider) was the target of a DDOS attack in September
2016. Around 990 Gbs of traffic was sent from over 140,000 IoT devices. The malware
responsible was identified as Mirai. See Figure 7.14 for an example of an IoT IP camera:

Figure 7.14 – IoT camera

Most of the IoT devices used in the attack were IP cameras. Vulnerable, internet-accessible
IoT devices can be found using search tools such as Shodan (https://www.shodan.

Social engineering
This is still a highly successful attack variant targeting humans. As many of these exploits
appear to be genuine and believable, they stand a good chance of success. There are many:

• Email-based phishing: Typically, there is a link in an email to recover your locked

account or reset a compromised credential.
• Instant messaging smishing: Typically, there is a link in an SMS message to recover
your locked account or reset a compromised credential.
• Phone or VOIP vishing: The caller will have a cover story that will convey a sense
of urgency – your bank account has been accessed, or your identity has been stolen.
Recognizing common attacks 271

• Dumpster diving: This is where an attacker can search through discarded company
documents thrown into the trash. If we do not sanitize these documents, then
useful company information may be stolen. Documents could include calendars,
organizational charts, and sensitive data. This can be used to gain intelligence on an
organization's employees and may play a part in active reconnaissance.
• Shoulder surfing: Gaining access to credentials by being in close proximity to a
user who is logging in to a system. They could be looking over someone's shoulder
to see their password.
• Card or credential skimming: Used to gain access to token-based credentials by
cloning radio-frequency identification (RFID) cards.

Networks can be targeted where we have not hardened network appliances.

VLAN hopping
This exploit allows an attacker to gain access to traffic on a protected network segment
(VLAN) that should be securely segmented. There are two well-known attack vectors that
are commonly used.

Double tagging
The attacker crafts a VLAN frame with two tags: one tag for the valid VLAN, and a second
tag for the protected segment. When the frame is passed between switches across a trunk
port, the original tag will be removed by the receiving switch to reveal a VLAN ID that
matches one of the supported VLANs on the switch. When we allow ports to be associated
with the default VLAN, this is possible, as the sending switch does not perform the check
for the VLAN ID.

Switch spoofing
The attacker will connect a device to a switch port that is set up to auto-negotiate as a
trunk port. This is targeting the Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) feature, and if the
switch is not secured, then the attacker can forward all VLAN traffic to their device. It is
important to disable this configuration as a default option. To remediate this vulnerability,
we would set all ports as access-only ports, and for the ports that are used for trunking, we
would use the following command:

switch(config-if)# switchport nonegotiate

This would stop an attacker connecting to a port and setting up a trunk to their device.
272 Risk Mitigation Controls

It is important to be vigilant and proactive in the face of increasing numbers of

security incidents.

Proactive and detective risk reduction

When an organization faces many potential adversaries and advanced threats, it is
important to have sophisticated tools, techniques, and trained personnel to protect our
information systems. Advanced persistent threats (APTs) may mean we missed initial
indicators of compromise (IOCs) and continue to be targeted by adversaries. We need
to identify where attacks are originating, what systems may have been compromised, and
prepare appropriate responses. It is common to deploy teams of security professionals,
both internal and external, to combat the ever-increasing number and complex attacks. To
aid investigators using forensic techniques, it is also common to use automation. Big data
techniques and machine learning (ML) are now commonly used to process raw logged
data. We will take a look at these technologies in the following section.

A hunt team will be tasked with discovering IOCs and APTs. The goal will be to discover
previous attacks and attacks in progress and prevent future attacks by gathering threat
intelligence. Forensics techniques and access to historical logged data can be used.

Developing countermeasures
Once security professionals have identified tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs),
we can use this information to build better defenses. Known blocks of bad actor IP
addresses can be blocked, rules can be updated on Network Intrusion Prevention
(NIP), Remote Triggered Blackhole (RTBH) rules can be created, as well as many
other countermeasures.

Deceptive technologies
There are tools and technologies that can be used to delay or divert attackers while at the
same time gathering useful threat intelligence. This includes the following techniques.
Hunts 273

A honeynet is a collection of systems and services set up to simulate a vulnerable network.
The goal will be to divert the attackers from the real network and to identify the attackers
and their tools and techniques. The goal of the honeynet is to simulate a real network.
With honeynets mainly deployed as virtual instances running on hypervisors, we can also
use the power of dynamic network configurations to provide for changing configurations
and responses to activity.

A honeypot has the same goals as a honeynet but is a single system, such as a vulnerable
web application server.

Decoy files
A decoy file can be used to discover the whereabouts of attackers and both internal
and external threats. A file would be created that would be of interest to the attacker,
for example, passwords.doc. The file would contain a hidden image, and when the
file is opened the image will be accessed from the web server. All access will be logged,
including the IP address of the system opening the file. This would generate a beacon.

Security data analytics

It is important to be able to gather intelligence by the analysis of logs and other data types.
By analyzing data flows and data contents, we can filter out the unnecessary data and
concentrate on the useful data.
274 Risk Mitigation Controls

Processing pipelines
Processing pipelines are used to read or capture raw data, process the data, and store the
output in data lakes or warehouses for further analysis. When we apply this technique to
building automation into our security, we can use artificial intelligence (AI) and ML to
better protect information systems. The data is unstructured, raw data at the start of the
process. Figure 7.15 shows the steps of the processing pipeline:

Figure 7.15 – Processing pipeline

The processing steps are shown as follows:

1. Capture data: Capture raw data from existing data records or live data streams.
2. Process data: Formatting from many different data types into a usable format.
3. Store data: Typical storage is a data lake. It is still raw data.
4. Analyze data: Now we try to make sense of all the captured data.
5. Use data: Build rules for our security appliances.

Other techniques to make the best use of large pools of data are discussed in the
following subsections.

Indexing and search

When we need to store large repositories of data, it is important that we can gain quick
access to the relevant information, whatever the file format. To make this a quick process,
we can add keywords to an index that offers fast search capabilities, much like an index in
a book or a table of contents in a report. Microsoft operating systems provide a built-in
indexing service for quick search of the filesystem. See Figure 7.16 for an example of
Microsoft Indexing Service:
Hunts 275

Figure 7.16 – Microsoft Indexing Service

It is useful to index large repositories of data for quick searches.

Log collection and curation

Raw logs are the starting point for effective auditing and further analysis. It is important
to filter out the noise and present the most interesting information for further analysis.
This is similar to the way a curator in a museum will ensure the audience (visitors) are
presented with interesting exhibits to view. The curation of logs is important to make sure
analysis is focused on the important events.

Database activity monitoring

Database activity monitoring (DAM) is an extra security layer protecting your database
applications. This can provide more granular rules and enforcement policies to protect
important information stored in transaction-based databases. DAM can monitor database
logs, transactions in memory, and traffic forwarded to the database application. The
additional reporting and protection offered by this tool can be useful when considering
regulatory compliance.
276 Risk Mitigation Controls

Applying preventative risk reduction

Wherever it is possible, we will look to use prevention to protect our data and information
systems. Preventative technologies will offer a solid base that we can build on. In most
cases, a standard operating environment (SOE) will offer many security benefits. SOE
allows us to deploy operating system images that can be measured against a baseline and
then further enhanced with additional security add-ons. In this section, we will look at
some preventative technologies.

Antivirus tools are an important preventative solution. They can be deployed on end
devices and on network gateways, such as next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) and
unified threat management (UTM). The latest antivirus tools will use smart detection
techniques, including heuristic analysis, and centralized control and monitoring.

Immutable systems
Immutable systems allow systems to be deployed easily from a validated image. This relies
on strict version control. When a change is required, updates and patches can be tested
in a non-production environment and signed off. The build image is then created and
assigned a version identifier, and production images can then be replaced. When we adopt
this process, there is less likelihood that we will have systems that do not align with a strict
security posture.

To ensure systems and services are protected when in use, there should be a checklist
or baseline, to ensure only the required applications and services are available. By
adopting this approach, we can minimize our security footprint. If we disable or uninstall
unnecessary services and applications, then we avoid the risk of service or listening ports
being compromised. Vendor hardening guides and baseline configuration compliance
tools can be very useful. Figure 7.17 shows a configuration compliance scan for Red Hat
Linux 7. This will allow the configuration to be enforced through remediation:
Applying preventative risk reduction 277

Figure 7.17 – Baseline compliance scan

See the Center for Internet Security (CIS) benchmarks for hardening guides:
278 Risk Mitigation Controls

Sandbox detonation
If an unknown file or attachment cannot be validated as genuine, then the safest way to
understand its purpose or logic is to observe behaviors in a secure environment where
there will be no adverse impacts to other systems. The analysis will allow files, scripts,
macros, and URL behaviors to be determined. The sandbox will emulate the operating
system but isolate access to the physical hardware. Microsoft Windows 10 supports a
secure sandbox (see Figure 7.18):

Figure 7.18 – Windows Sandbox

Other examples include cloud-based solutions to test suspicious files automatically.

Application control
It is important to protect networks and information systems by ensuring we restrict the
applications that are installed to a set that are considered safe and vulnerability-free. It is
important that any applications used by the enterprise are covered by software licenses.

License technologies
Licensing can be complex in a large organization with multiple sites, business units, and
devices. It is important to have global oversight of the licenses that are available and in
use. Unexpected licensing costs or legal actions are best avoided. There are many tools
available to provide the appropriate information and reporting to ensure we are compliant.
Applying preventative risk reduction 279

Comparing allow lists versus block lists

We can control code that can be installed and executed by using application whitelisting
or application blacklisting. This can be achieved using Mobile Application Management
(MAM), Microsoft Group Policy, or via third-party tools. Figure 7.19 shows Microsoft
Application Control Policy options:

Figure 7.19 – Microsoft Application Control Policy

In Figure 7.19, we can see an application whitelist. Everyone has access to Windows
default locations, but administrators can run all application files. In the example, the
ITAdmin group can run an application in the tools folder. We also see an example of a
block list, where the sales group is blocked from running REGEDIT.EXE (the Windows
Registry Editor).
Group Policy allows an enterprise to control update files, application executables, scripts,
and Windows Store applications.

Atomic execution
An atomic execution of a transaction means all or nothing. Examples could include a write
or move operation within the filesystem. When we move a file onto a new disk partition,
the original will be deleted. Therefore, a successful write operation must be accomplished
before the original can be deleted. This would ensure that a sudden loss of power would
not result in missing data. Also, the thread of execution, moving the file, would be isolated
from any other running process.
With other transactions, such as committing a payment operation to a database, this process
would ensure the process could not be manipulated by a race condition (or TOCTOU).

Security automation
Within large, complex enterprises, the challenge is to maintain a strong security posture
while supporting a diverse, heterogeneous environment. It is not uncommon to see a
mixture of Windows, Linux, Unix, and specialist operating systems supported within
the enterprise. To maintain a secure, stable environment, we must look at automating
security tasks.
280 Risk Mitigation Controls

Cron and scheduled tasks

A common method for automating tasks on Linux systems is to use Cron. It is the built-in
task scheduler. The configuration for the tasks is held in a crontab file, and there is a
default crontab file in the /etc directory, as shown in Figure 7.20:

Figure 7.20 – Sample crontab configuration file

This allows for the automation of any repetitive tasks. The following example would run a
backup job at midnight every Sunday:

* 0 * * 0 /bin/sh

There is an interesting graphical user interface (GUI) utility, allowing for the creation of
crontab lines, at the following link:

Bash is a common shell that is now included with many common operating systems,
including Unix, Linux, and macOS, and can be added as a feature on Microsoft Windows.
It allows commands to be executed from within the shell and also supports automation
through shell scripts. It is important to install the latest version and to apply any updates,
as there are vulnerabilities on older versions. There are many commands available and
help will display the range of commands. To view help on specific commands, we use
man <command name> or <command name>--help.
Applying preventative risk reduction 281

PowerShell is the current Microsoft command shell. It is open source and can also
be installed on Linux and macOS operating systems. It is very powerful and includes
extra functionality that is not available through the GUI. Commands are executed by
combining a verb and a noun. Examples of verbs are get, set, start, and stop,
which are the actions, and the noun will refer to the object, such as vm or service. An
example command to obtain a list of all available VMs and display the output is shown in
Figure 7.21:

Figure 7.21 – get-vm displaying a list of VMs

To perform an action, we can use Start-VM, and we will then need an identifier for the
action. This will be the name CentOS. See Figure 7.22 for the command and the outcome:

Figure 7.22 – PowerShell Start-VM

282 Risk Mitigation Controls

To see a list of all available PowerShell commands (cmdlets), type Get-Command. To

display help for a particular command, use Get-Help <command name>. Commands
can be combined within scripts; these are then saved as .ps1 files. For creating and
testing PowerShell scripts, Microsoft provides an extra tool called the Integrated
Scripting Environment (ISE). See Figure 7.23 for an example of the ISE:

Figure 7.23 – Microsoft Windows ISE

Microsoft provides comprehensive help and documentation for PowerShell and this can
be found at the following link:

Python is an open source interpreted programming language. It is supported on many
operating systems and can be used to automate administrative tasks. One of the benefits
of using Python is that it is relatively easy for new users to understand. For additional
information, including downloads and help, see the following link:
Applying preventative risk reduction 283

Physical security
To ensure our organization is fully protected from all threats, including physical threat
actors, we must ensure we have defense in depth. Information systems may be hosted
within our own managed data centers, with third parties and also cloud providers.
To ensure we meet expected industry and regulatory standards for security, there are
audits that can be performed. When planning for the security of a data center, there are
recognized international standards such as the American National Standards Institute/
Telecommunications Industry Association (ANSI/TIA-942). This standard focuses on
physical security controls. Regulatory compliance standards, such as the Payment Card
Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) or the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, have certain
requirements for physical security controls. The Statement on Standards for Attestation
Engagements No. 16 (SSAE 16) is a compliance audit that focuses on controls
implemented by service organizations.

Review of lighting
ANSI/TIA-942 has requirements for occupied space, entry points, and unoccupied space
within a data center. For entry points and unoccupied spaces, it is a requirement that motion
sensors are deployed and will automatically activate lighting. The lighting should be of a
standard that safe passage is possible, and identification is possible using video cameras. In
all occupied zones, lighting must be provided at a minimum intensity of 200 lux.

Review of visitor logs

To meet SSAE 16 standards, a service organization must restrict access to operating
sites to personnel who have a legitimate business need. Any visitors to a site must be
accompanied and physical access must be logged.

Camera reviews
It is important to review available tools and technologies when choosing systems, such as
IP video. Cameras can be used for facial recognition and vehicle license plate recognition,
as well as detecting intrusions within a facility, so systems supporting high definition
or Infrared (IR) may also need to be considered. To ensure high-quality images are
recorded, it may be necessary to have high-capacity network infrastructure and storage.
284 Risk Mitigation Controls

Comparing open spaces versus confined spaces

The health and safety of our employees, customers, and visitors should always be a
high priority. There are laws and regulations that may differ between countries and also
between industries. In the United Kingdom, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is
a government department overseeing safety in the workplace. Laws are put in place to
ensure personnel safety is maintained. Appropriate risk assessments should be completed
whenever considering work of a hazardous nature. Open spaces are generally safer for
employees, as the risks from poor ventilation or other such limitations are removed.
The Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 define confined space as the following:

"confined space means any place, including any chamber, tank, vat, silo, pit,
trench, pipe, sewer, flue, well or other similar space in which, by virtue of its
enclosed nature, there arises a reasonably foreseeable specified risk."
An organization must pay close attention to health and safety. Regulations and laws
concerning health and safety can be very strict. Policies, procedures, and adequate
training must be made mandatory.
Where an employer has been shown to have not performed due care, penalties can result
in fines and prison sentences.

In this chapter, we have assessed enterprise risk using many applicable methods. We have
studied options to mitigate risks. Enterprises will host information services or critical
infrastructure, and this presents a large attack surface. We have considered all aspects of
security, including application vulnerabilities and the likelihood that we will be attacked.
We have learned about many common application vulnerabilities. We have understood
the importance of inherently vulnerable systems and applications. In this chapter, we
have investigated common attacks against applications and learned about the benefits of
proactive and detective risk controls. You have learned about effective preventative risk
reduction. This knowledge will be useful when planning for incident response and the use
of forensic analysis in the next chapter.
In the next chapter, we will take a look at planning an effective incident response policy. We
will understand the importance of forensics to identify and provide evidence in the event of
a breach. We will also learn which tools are appropriate during the forensics process.
Questions 285

Here are a few questions to test your understanding of the chapter:

1. Attackers find a vulnerability on a website that allows them to select items from a
shopping basket. When the authorize payment button is selected, there is a 500 ms
delay. The attackers run a script that takes 200 ms and allows the final payment to be
altered. What is the vulnerability that has been targeted?

A. Buffer overflow
B. Integer overflow
C. Broken authentication
D. Race condition

2. Attackers find a vulnerability on a website that allows them to select items from
a shopping basket. There is a running total value for the basket. When items are
added beyond a total of $9,999, the total displays a value starting from $0.00. What
is the vulnerability that has been targeted?

A. Buffer overflow
B. Integer overflow
C. Broken authentication
D. Weak ciphers

3. What allows attackers to sniff traffic on a network and capture cookies sent
over HTTP?

A. Improper headers
B. Poor exception handling
C. Certificate errors
D. Race condition

4. What allows developers to maintain an inventory of all code libraries and licenses
used in their applications?

A. Weak cryptography implementations

B. Weak ciphers
C. Weak cipher suite implementations
D. Software composition analysis
286 Risk Mitigation Controls

5. Developers are reviewing legacy applications written in the C programming

language. This is due to a number of recent buffer overflow attacks against
the application. They have replaced instances of gets() with fgets() and
strcpy() with strcpy_s(). What has prompted this activity?

A. Use of unsafe functions

B. Third-party libraries
C. Dependencies
D. Regression

6. What is it called when developers no longer release security patches for their
software applications?

A. End-of-support/end-of-life
B. Regression issues
C. Dependencies
D. Bankruptcy

7. What is an example of code that is not developed by a development team but is

incorporated into many software builds?

A. Use of unsafe functions

B. Third-party libraries
C. Dependencies
D. Regression

8. What is it called when developers rely on a cloud provider API for full functionality
of their software applications?

A. Use of unsafe functions

B. Third-party libraries
C. Dependencies
D. Regression
Questions 287

9. When a software component has previously worked well but now proves to be slow
or unresponsive, what is it known as?

A. Unsafe functions
B. Unsafe third-party libraries
C. Software dependencies
D. Software regression bug

10. When considering input validation for your web application, where should the
validation take place?

A. Client-side
B. Flash
C. Server-side
D. ActiveX

11. What is runtime or interpreted code that can provide media-rich web content
within a web browser?

A. JSON/Representational State Transfer (REST)

B. Browser extensions
C. ActiveX
D. Hypertext Markup Language 5 (HTML5)

12. What is runtime or interpreted code that can provide partial page updates
(therefore saving bandwidth) when repositioning a map on screen?

A. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)

B. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
C. Flash
D. ActiveX

13. Security professionals have found IOCs while reviewing Security Incident and
Event Management (SIEM) logs. The following commands were found from the
application server logs:
288 Risk Mitigation Controls

What type of activity did they see?

A. Directory traversal
B. Cross-site scripting (XSS)
C. Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)
D. Structured Query Language (SQL) injection

14. Security professionals have found IOCs while reviewing SIEM logs. The following
commands were found in the application server logs:
do?acct=bobjones&amount=$400 HTTP/1.1

What type of activity did they see?

A. Injection
D. Structured Query Language (SQL)

15. While reviewing web application firewall logs, security professionals have found
IOCs. The following commands were found in the logs:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ''OR 1=1 –' AND
password = 'mypass1'

What type of activity did they see?

A. Injection
D. Structured Query Language (SQL)

16. While executing malware in an isolated environment, malware has been found on
previously unaffected systems. What is the likely cause?

A. Sandbox escape
B. Virtual machine (VM) hopping
C. VM escape
D. Sandbox detonation
Questions 289

17. Internet traffic has been rerouted causing outages for many large internet providers.
Attackers have used default accounts to configure ISP routers. What technology or
vector of attack has been used?

B. VLAN hopping

18. What type of attack will most likely be effective when untrained users are targeted?

A. Social engineering
B. VLAN hopping
C. Hunts

19. Security researchers need to understand APT bad actors by observing their tools,
tactics, and procedures. What would be the best tool for this?

A. Honeynet
B. Honeypot
C. Decoy files
D. Antivirus

20. Security researchers place a password.txt file in an unsecured location on a

publicly accessible server. They are going to map all the IP addresses that attempt to
access the file. What is the best description for the password.txt file?

A. Honeynet
B. Honeypot
C. Decoy files
D. Logic bomb

21. Microsoft security researchers need to understand APT bad actors by observing
their tools, tactics, and procedures. They gather massive amounts of raw security
data every day from customer endpoints. What would be the best approach to
identify IOCs?

A. Processing pipelines
B. Indexing and search
290 Risk Mitigation Controls

C. Log collection and curation

D. Database activity monitoring

22. What allows an organization to deploy server operating systems that must be
replaced when there is an updated version?

A. Immutable systems
B. Hardening
C. Sandbox detonation
D. License technologies

23. What is it when my organization only allows a core set of applications to be

supported on end user devices?

A. Application whitelisting
B. Application hardening
C. Application blacklisting
D. Atomic execution

24. What is it when my application will process a transaction in an isolated space,

allowing rollback if the write cannot be performed?

A. Application whitelisting
B. Application hardening
D. Atomic execution

25. Linux systems need to run a scheduled backup at midnight every day. What would
allow administrators to automate the process?

A. Cron
B. Bash
C. PowerShell
D. Python

26. Linux system administrators need to execute common shell commands. What
should they use?

A. Cron
B. Bash
Answers 291

C. PowerShell
D. Python

27. Microsoft administrators need to run powerful command-line utilities and create
scripts to automate everyday system tasks. Scripts will also be created using .PS1
extensions. What will they use?

A. Cron
B. Bash
C. PowerShell
D. Python

28. Acme Corporation needs to support a common programming language that will
function across different vendor operating systems. What should they choose?

A. Cron
B. Bash
C. PowerShell
D. Python

1. D
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. C
11. D
12. A
13. A
292 Risk Mitigation Controls

14. C
15. D
16. A
17. A
18. A
19. A
20. C
21. A
22. A
23. A
24. D
25. A
26. B
27. C
28. D
Incident Response
and Forensics
When considering all the threats that can impact an organization, it is important to ensure
there are policies and procedures in place to deal with unplanned security-related events.
To ensure timely responses to security incidents, we should implement detailed planning
to provide controls and mitigation. It is important, given the nature of sophisticated,
well-funded adversaries, that we use a holistic approach when deploying appropriate
threat detection capabilities. Some approaches may involve automation, which can lead
to occasional mistakes (false positives and false negatives), so it is important that we also
ensure we include humans in the loop. The ever-increasing complexity of attacks and a
large security footprint add to these challenges. There is also evidence that Advanced
Persistent Threat (APT) actors are likely to target vulnerable organizations. Countering
APTs may require that we use advanced forensics to detect Indicators of Compromise
(IOCs) and, where necessary, collect evidence to formulate a response.
294 Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

• Understanding incident response planning

• Understanding the incident response process
• Understanding forensic concepts
• Using forensic analysis tools

Understanding incident response planning

An organization of any size much have effective cyber-security Incident Response Plans
(IRPs). In the case of regulated industries, it may be a regulatory requirement that they
have appropriate plans and procedures to mitigate the damage caused by security-related
incidents. The Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) has very strict
requirements for appropriate plans to be in place for federal agencies and contractors.
These requirements include providing at least two points of contact with the United
States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) for reporting purposes. A
NIST SP800-61 publication titled Computer Security Incident Handling Guide offers
guidance on effective incident response planning for federal agencies and commercial
enterprises. When developing a plan, it is important to identify team members, team
leaders, and an escalation process. It is important to ensure there are team members
available 24/7 as we cannot predict when an incident will occur. Stakeholder involvement
is important while developing the plan. Legal counsel will be important, as well as
working with parts of the business such as human resources, as they will offer advice
about the feasibility of the plan concerning employee discipline. There is comprehensive
guidance available within the NIST SP800-61 documentation on this, which is available
at For organizations in the United Kingdom,
there are very useful resources available from the National Cyber Security Centre
(NCSC); see the following URL:
Understanding incident response planning 295

Event classifications
There are many ways to identify anomalous or malicious events. We can take advantage
of automated tools such as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Security Incident
and Event Monitoring (SIEM). We can also rely on manual detection and effective
security awareness training for our staff, which can help in detecting threats early. Service
desk technicians and first responders can also be effective in detecting malicious activity.
Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC) was established by the
US Department of Homeland Security to provide the public with a documented database of
attack patterns. This database contains hundreds of references to different vectors of attack.
More information can be found at

Triage event
It is important to assess the type and severity of the incident that has occurred. You can
think of triage as the work that's been done to identify what has happened. This term
is borrowed from emergency room procedures when a patient in the ER is triaged to
determine what needs to be fixed. This enables the appropriate response to be made
concerning the urgency, as well as the team members that are required to respond. It is
important to understand systems that are critical to enterprise operations as these need to
be prioritized. This information is generally available if Business Impact Analysis (BIA)
has been undertaken. BIA will identify mission-essential services and their importance
to the enterprise. BIA will be covered in detail in Chapter 15, Business Continuity and
Disaster Recovery Concepts. As there will be a finite number of resources to deal with the
incident, it is important not to focus on the first-come, first-served approach.
296 Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures

Understanding the incident response process

The incident response process is broken down into six distinct phases. Each of these
phases is important and must be completed before moving forward. The following
diagram shows these distinct phases:

Figure 8.1 – Incident response process

Now, let's discuss these six phases.

While preparing for an IRP, it is a good practice to harden systems and mitigate security
vulnerabilities to ensure a strong security posture is in place. In the preparation phase, it
is normal to increase the enterprise's resilience by focusing on all the likely attack vectors.
Some of the tasks that should be addressed to prepare your organization for attacks
include the following:

• Perform risk assessments

• Harden host systems
• Secure networks
• Deploy anti-malware
• Implement user awareness training
Understanding the incident response process 297

It is important to identify common attack vectors. While it is almost impossible to

foresee all possible attack vectors, common ones can be documented and incorporated
into playbooks.
The following diagram shows some common attack vectors to consider:

Figure 8.2 – Common attack vectors

Although the preparation phase will increase the security posture, we must also have the
means to detect security incidents.

To respond to a security incident, we must detect anomalous activity. The vector that's
used for an attack can be varied in that it can include unauthorized software, external
media, email attachments, DoS, theft of equipment, and impersonation, to name a few. We
must have the means to identify new and emerging threats. Common methods include
IDP, SIEM, antivirus, AntiSpam, FIM software, data loss prevention technology, and third-
party monitoring services. Logs from key services and network flows (NetFlow and sFlow)
can also help detect unusual activity. First responders, such as service desk technicians,
may also be able to confirm IOCs when responding to user calls.
Once we have detected such security-related events, we must analyze the activity to
prepare a response.
298 Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures

Not every reported security event or automatic alert is necessarily going to be malicious;
unexpected user behavior or errors may result in false reporting. It is important to discard
normal/non-malicious events at this stage. When a security-related event is incorrectly
reported, it can result in the following:

• False positives: This is where an event is treated as a malicious or threatening

activity but turns out to be benign.
• False negatives: This is when a malicious event is considered non-threatening and
no subsequent action is taken when there is a threat.

When the correct tools and investigative practices are followed, then the correct diagnosis
should be made, resulting in the following:

• True positives: This means that the event has been identified as malicious and the
appropriate action can be taken.
• True negatives: This means that an event has been correctly identified as
non-threatening and no remedial action needs to be taken.

It is important to document the incident response process using issue tracking systems,
which should be readily available for IRT members. The following diagram shows
information that should be recorded in this application database:

Figure 8.3 – Incident documentation

Security and confidentiality must be maintained for this information.
Understanding the incident response process 299

It is important to devise containment strategies for different types of incidents. If the
incident is a crypto-malware attack or fast-spreading worm, then the response will
normally involve quickly isolating the affected systems or network segment. If the attack
is a DoS or DDoS that's been launched against internet-facing application servers, then the
approach may involve implementing a Remote Triggered Black Hole (RTBH) or working
with an ISP offering DDoS mitigation services.
The following diagram shows the criteria that should be considered when planning
containment strategies:

Figure 8.4 – Containment strategy

Some containment strategies may involve further analysis of the attack by containing the
activity within a sandbox.

Eradication and recovery

Once the incident has been contained, it may be necessary to eradicate malware or delete
malicious accounts before the recovery process can begin. Recovery may require replacing
damaged hardware, reconfiguring the hardware and software, and restoring from backups.
It is important to have access to documentation, including implementation guides,
configuration guides, and hardening checklists. This information is typically available
within the Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP).
300 Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures

Lessons learned
An important part of the incident response process is the after-action report, which
allows improvements to be made to the process. What went well or not well should be
addressed at this point. The team should perform this part of the exercise within days of
the incident. The following diagram highlights some of the issues that may arise from a
lessons learned exercise:

Figure 8.5 – Lessons learned

Lessons learned will allow us to understand what improvements are necessary for the IRP.

Specific response playbooks/processes

It is important to plan for as many scenarios as possible. Typical scenarios could include
ransomware, data exfiltration, social engineering, and DDoS, to name a few.
Many available resources are available that an organization can use to prepare for common
scenarios. For example, NIST includes an appendix in NIST SP800-61 documenting
multiple incident handling scenarios. This document can be found at the following URL:
When considering response actions, we will need to create manual and automated responses.

Non-automated response methods

If manual intervention is required, there should be clear documentation, including
CMDB, network diagrams, escalation procedures, and contact lists. If the incident type
has not been seen before, all the actions must be captured and documented to create a
playbook for the future.
Understanding the incident response process 301

Playbooks can be used to respond to an incident by giving security professionals a set
of checks and actions to work through common security scenarios. This can be very
beneficial in reducing response times and containing the incident. The following diagram
shows a playbook that's been created to help handle a malware incident:

Figure 8.6 – Playbook for a malware incident

302 Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures

Playbooks can be very useful as they provide a step-by-step set of actions to handle typical
incident scenarios.

Automated response methods

Automated responses can be triggered by a human-in-the-loop, who may need to activate
a response or have a fully automated one. Let's look at some examples of these approaches.

A runbook will allow first responders and other Incident Response Team (IRT)
members to recognize common scenarios and document steps to contain and recover
from the incident. It could be a set of discrete instructions to add a rule to a firewall or to
restart a web server during the recovery phase within incident response. Runbooks do not
include multiple decision points (this is what playbooks are used for), so they are ideal for
automated responses and will work well when integrated within Security Orchestration
and Response (SOAR).

Security Orchestration and Response (SOAR)

SOAR allows an organization to use advanced detection capabilities to identify threats and
then harness orchestration to respond to these threats. Using tools such as SIEM, we can
easily detect IOCs and prepare a response. The response may include semi-automation
using runbooks or be able to fully automate responses. Orchestration allows for complex
tasks to be defined using visual tools and scripting. The following diagram shows the
workflow for a SOAR:

Figure 8.7 – SOAR workflow

Understanding the incident response process 303

There are many vendor solutions currently being offered to orchestrate security responses.

Communication plan
It is important to have effective communication plan stakeholder management.
The IRT may need to communicate with many external entities, and it is important to
document these entities within the IRP. Some examples of these parties are shown in the
following diagram:

Figure 8.8 – Communication plan

It is important to consider how an organization will communicate with media outlets.
Rules of engagement should be established before the need arises to deal with reporting to
news outlets.
Within incident response, there is a need for investigative tools to understand whether an
incident is actually taking place and also to collect evidence for a legal response. The tools
and techniques that are used will involve the use of computer forensics.
304 Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures

Understanding forensic concepts

An organization must be prepared to undertake computer forensics to support both legal
investigations and internal corporate purposes. When considering different scenarios, it
will be important to understand where external agencies or law enforcement need to be
involved. If the investigation is to be performed by internal staff, then they should have the
appropriate training and tools. Guidance for integrating forensic techniques into incident
response is covered in NIST SP800-86. More information can be found here: https://

Forensic process
It is important to follow the correct forensic process. This can be broken down into four
steps, as shown in the following diagram:

Figure 8.9 – Forensic process

These four steps are covered in the following list. We will discuss the appropriate tools to
be used in more detail later in this chapter:

1. Data collection involves identifying sources of data and the feasibility of accessing
data. For data that's held outside the organization, a court order may be required to
gain access to it. It is important to use validated forensic tools and procedures if the
outcome is going to be a legal process.
2. Once we have collected the data, we can examine the raw data. Such data could
include extensive log files or thousands of emails from a messaging server; we can
filter out the logs and messages that are not relevant.
3. Data analysis can be performed on the data to correlate events and patterns.
Automated tools can be used to search through the logged data and look for IOCs.
4. During the reporting phase, decisions will be made as to what further action is
applicable. Law enforcement will need detailed evidence to construct a legal case.
Senior management, however, will require reports in a more business-orientated
format to formulate a business response.
Understanding forensic concepts 305

It is important to adhere to strict forensics procedures such as the order of volatility, so

as not to miss crucial evidence. Also, a chain of custody should be created as the evidence
is collected.

Chain of custody
A chain of custody form must begin when the evidence is collected. It is important to
document relevant information about where and how the evidence was obtained. When
the evidence changes hands, it is important that documentary evidence is recorded,
detailing the transaction.
The following diagram shows a typical chain of custody form:

Figure 8.10 – Chain of custody form

Without this important documentation, a legal or disciplinary process may be difficult.
306 Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures

Order of volatility
When you're undertaking computer forensics, it is important to follow standards and
accepted practices. Failure to do so may result in a lack of evidence or evidence that is
inadmissible. RFC 3227 is the Internet Engineering Taskforce (IETF) standard for
capturing data that will be used to investigate data breaches or provide evidence of
IOCs. The volatile data is held in a CPU cache that contains data that is constantly being
overwritten, while archived media is long term and is stored on paper, a backup tape, or
WORM storage. The following screenshot shows some of the storage locations that should
be addressed:

Figure 8.11 – Evidence locations

Specialist forensics tools will be required to capture this data.
The order in which efforts are made to safeguard the evidence is important. Allowing
the computer to enter hibernation or sleep mode will alter the memory's characteristics
and result in missing forensic artifacts. The following diagram shows the correct order
of volatility:
Understanding forensic concepts 307

Figure 8.12 – Order of volatility

It is important that this order is followed, as failure to do so will likely result in
missing evidence.
The list is to be followed in a top-down fashion, with registers and the cache being the
most volatile and archived media being the least volatile. Let's look at some common tools
that we can use to collect such evidence.

Memory snapshots
Memory snapshots allow forensic investigators to search for artifacts that are loaded into
volatile memory. It is important to consider volatile memory as an anomalous activity that
may be found that does not get written to storage or logs.

For investigators to analyze information systems while looking for forensic artifacts, the
original image/disk mustn't be used (it will be stored securely as the control copy). The
image must be an identical bit-by-bit copy, including allocated space, unallocated space,
and free and slack space.
308 Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures

Evidence preservation
Once the evidence has been obtained, it is important to store the evidence in a secure
location and maintain the chain of custody. We must be able to demonstrate that the
evidence has not been tampered with. Hashing the files or images is performed to create a
verifiable checksum. Logs can be stored on Write Once Read Many (WORM) to preserve
the evidence.

Cryptography may have been used to hide evidence or to render filesystems that were
unreadable during a ransomware attack. In these cases, cryptanalysis may be deployed to
detect the techniques that were used, as well as the likely attacker.

Steganography is a technology that's used to hide information inside another file, often
referred to as the carrier file. Steganalysis is the technology that's used to discover hidden
payloads in carrier files. Digital image files are often used to hide text-based data, such as
JPEGs. When text is hidden in a compressed digital image file, it can distort the pixels in
the image. These distortions are then identified by the Steganalysis tool.

Using forensic analysis tools

Now that we have a good understanding of the types of evidence that can be collected and
the analysis that can be performed, we must assemble a forensic tool kit. We must ensure
that the tools that we are using are recognized as valid tools and make sure that they are
used correctly. For example, to capture a forensic image of a storage device, we need a tool
that performs a bit-by-bit copy. We would not use the same tool that allows us to prepare
images/templates for distributing an operating system. In this section, we will identify
common tools that are used for forensics analysis.

File carving tools

These tools allow a forensics investigator to search a live system or a forensic image for
hidden or deleted files, file fragments, and their contents. Two tools are suitable for this
process, shown as follows.
Using forensic analysis tools 309

foremost allows you to retrieve various file types that have been deleted from
the filesystem. It will search for file fragments in many different formats, including
documents, image formats, and binary files. It can retrieve deleted files from the live file
system or a forensics image.
The following screenshot shows help for the foremost command:

Figure 8.13 – The foremost command

Here is an example of using the foremost command:

foremost -t pdf,png -v -i /dev/sda

In this example, we are searching the fixed drive for the .pdf and .png file types.

This is a useful forensics tool for searching through an image file or a memory
dump for ASCII or Unicode strings. It is a built-in tool that's included with most
Linux/Unix distributions.
310 Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures

The following screenshot shows the options for the strings command:

Figure 8.14 – The strings command

In this example, we are searching within a binary file, where we need to see if there are any
embedded copyright strings:

strings python3 | grep copyright

We are using the strings command to search for all the strings within python3
and piping the output to the grep command, to only display strings containing
copyright characters.

Binary analysis tools

There are many tools in a forensic toolkit that can be used to identify the content and logic
that's used within binary files. As these files are compiled, we cannot analyze the source
code, so instead, we must use analysis tools to attempt to see links to other code modules
and libraries. We can use reverse engineering techniques to break down the logic of binary
files. There are many examples of binary analysis tools, some of which we will look at now.

Hex dump
A hex dump allows us to capture and analyze the data that's stored in flash memory. It is
commonly used when we need to extract data from a smartphone or other mobile device.
It will require a connection between the forensics workstation and the mobile device.
A hex dump may also reveal deleted data, such as SMS messages, contacts, and stored
photos that have not been overwritten.
Using forensic analysis tools 311

Binwalk is a useful tool in computer forensics as it will search binary images for embedded
files and executable code. When running the tool, the results can be placed in a folder for
further analysis. It can also be used to compare files for common elements. We may be
able to detect signatures from a known malicious file in a newly discovered suspicious file.
The output will display the contents and the offsets in decimal and hex of the payloads.
The following screenshot shows the output of the binwalk command:

Figure 8.15 – Binwalk

In the preceding output, the file is an Executable Linking Format (ELF) system file
comprising a text string and a path to an executable file.

Ghidra is a tool developed by the National Security Agency (NSA) for reverse
engineering. It includes software analysis tools that are capable of reverse engineering
compiled code. It is a powerful tool that can be automated and also supports many
common operating system platforms. It is designed to search out malicious processes
embedded within binary files.

GNU Project debugger (GDB)

Debugging tools allow developers to find and fix faults when executing compiled code.
It can be helpful to capture information about bugs in the code that cause unexpected
outcomes or cause code to become unresponsive. Debuggers can also show other running
code modules that may affect the stability of your code. GDB runs on many common
operating systems and supports common development languages.

Another popular reverse engineering tool is OllyDbg. It can be useful for developers to
troubleshoot their compiled code and can also be used for malware analysis. OllyDbg
may also be used by adversaries to steal Intellectual Property (IP) by cracking the
software code.
312 Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures

Readelf allows you to display the content of ELF files. ELF files are system files that are
used in Linux and Unix operating systems. ELF files can contain executable programs and
libraries. In the following example, we are reading all the fields contained within the ssh
executable program file:

readelf -a ssh

This is a similar tool to Readelf in that it can display the contents of operating system files
on Unix-like operating systems.

Strace is a tool for tracing system calls made by a command or binary executable file.
The following screenshot shows the Strace output for hostname. The actual output for
hostname would be the local system's hostname (dell7580):

Figure 8.16 – The strace command

Here, we can see a very detailed output showing all the system operations that are required
to deliver the resultant computer hostname.
Using forensic analysis tools 313

To display dependencies for binary files, we can use the ldd command. This tool is
included in most distributions of Linux operating systems and will show any dependent
third-party libraries.
The following screenshot shows ldd searching for dependencies in the ssh binary file:

Figure 8.17 – The ldd command

After running the ldd tool for the ssh command, we can see that there are multiple

The file command is used to determine the file type of a given file. Often, the extension
of a file, such as csv, pdf, doc, or exe, will indicate the type. However, many files in
Linux do not have extensions. In an attempt to evade detection, attackers may change the
extension to make an executable appear to be a harmless document. file will also work
on compressed or zipped archives. The following screenshot demonstrates the use of the
file command:

Figure 8.18 – The file command

In the preceding example, we can see that a file has been disguised to look like a PDF
document but is, in fact, a binary executable.
314 Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures

Analysis tools
Forensic toolkits are comprised of tools that can analyze filesystems, metadata, running
operating systems, and filesystems. We need advanced tools to detect the APTs and
IOCs that are hidden within our information systems. Let's look at some examples of
analysis tools.

To view or edit a file's metadata, we will need a specific analysis tool. ExifTool supports
many different image formats, including JPEG, MPEG, MP4, and many more popular
image and media formats.
The following command is used to extract metadata from an image that's been
downloaded from a website:

exiftool nasa.jpg

The following screenshot shows the output of the preceding command:

Figure 8.19 – ExifTool metadata

This information is very interesting as it displays details of the photographer, their
location, and many other details.
Using forensic analysis tools 315

Nmap can be used during analysis to fingerprint operating systems and services. This will
aid security professionals in determining the operating system's build version and the
exact versions of the hosted services, such as DNS, SMTP, SQL, and so on.

When we need to assess the security of wireless networks, we can use Aircrack-ng. This
tool allows you to monitor wireless traffic, as well as attack (via packet injection) and crack
WEP and WPA Pre-Shared Keys (PSKs).

The Volatility tool is used during forensic analysis to identify memory-resident artifacts. It
supports memory dumps from most major 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems, including
Windows, Linux, macOS, and Android. It is extremely useful if the data is in the form of a
Windows crash dump, Hibernation file, or VM snapshot.

Sleuth Kit
This tool is a collection of tools that are run from the command line to analyze forensic
images. It is usually incorporated in graphical forensic toolkits such as Autopsy. The
forensic capture will be performed using imaging tools such as dd. Sleuth Kit also
supports dynamically linked storage, meaning it can be used with live operating systems
as well as with static images. When it is dynamically linked to operating system drives, it
can be useful as a real-time tool, such as when responding to incidents.

Imaging tools
When considering the use of imaging tools to be used in forensic investigation, one of the
primary goals is to choose a tool that has acceptance when presenting evidence to a court.
Not all tools guarantee that the imaging process will leave the original completely intact,
so additional tools such as a hardware write blocker are also important. The following
tools are commonly used when the evidence will need to be presented to a court of law.
316 Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures

Forensic Toolkit (FTK) Imager

FTK Imager is an easy-to-use graphical tool that runs on Windows operating systems. It
can create images in standard formats such as E01, SMART, and dd raw. It lets you hash
image files, which is important for integrity, and also logs the complete imaging process.
Figure 8.20 shows FTK Imager:

Figure 8.20 – FTK Imager

dd command
The dd command is available on many Linux distributions as a built-in tool. It is known
commonly as data duplicator or disk dump. Although on older builds of Linux the tool
also allowed for the acquisition of memory dumps, it is not possible to take a complete
dump of memory on a modern distribution.
The format of the command is dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb <options>, where
if is the input field and of is the output field. In this case, we are copying from the first
physical disk to the second forensics attached disk.
Using forensic analysis tools 317

Hashing utilities
When we are working with files and images, it is important to use hashing tools so that
we can identify files or images that have been altered from the original. A hash is a
checksum for a piece of data. We can use a hash value to record the current state of an
image before a cloning process, after which we can hash the cloned image to prove it is the
same. During forensic analysis, we can use a database of known hashes for our operating
system and application software to spot anomalies. Many hashing utilities are included
with operating systems.
Sha<keylength>sum is included with most Linux distributions, allowing for the
checksum of a file to be calculated using sha160, 224, 256, 384, and 512. In the
following example, a sha256 is being calculated for the Linux grep command:

sha256sum grep
423 grep

The resulting checksum (also called a digest) is displayed as a 64-character

hexadecimal string.
ssdeep can be used to identify similarities in files; it is referred to as a fuzzy hashing
program. It can be used to compare a known malicious file with a suspicious file that
may be a zero-day threat. It will highlight blocks of similar code and is used within many
antivirus products.

Using live collection and post-mortem tools

During forensic analysis, we must closely follow the guidelines for the order of volatility
to capture evidence that will be lost or overwritten. Once we have recorded or logged the
data, we can analyze and investigate it using a variety of tools.
318 Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures

netstat allows a live report to be created on listening ports, connected ports, and the status
of connections for local and remote network interfaces. If you need to capture this output
for further analysis, it can be piped to a file using the netstat <options> filename
syntax. The following screenshot shows the output of the netstat command, saved as a
text file:

Figure 8.21 – netstat output

Here, we can see all the connected interfaces and ports, as well as information about the
application or service that is using the port.
Using forensic analysis tools 319

ps can be used to view running processes on Linux and Unix operating systems. Each
process is allocated a process ID, which can be used if the process is to be terminated with
the kill command.
The following screenshot shows the output of ps -A (shows all processes) when run on
Kali Linux:

Figure 8.22 – The ps command

We can pipe Linux or Windows commands into a file using the pipe, >, operator.
320 Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures

vmstat can be used to show the number of available computing resources and currently
used resources. The resources are proc (running processes), memory (used and available),
swap (virtual memory on disk), I/O (shows blocks sent and received from disk), system
(interrupts per second, hardware calls), and CPU (processor activity). The vmstat
command with no options will show the average values since the system was booted. The
following screenshot shows an example where there is a 5-second update for the display:

Figure 8.23 – The vmstat command

As the system is relatively idle, there are no obvious big changes in the reported values.
It is important to understand that updates every few seconds may cause unnecessary
processing in the host system.
lsof allows you to list all opened files, the process that was used to open them, and the
user account associated with this. The following screenshot shows all the opened files
associated with the user mark:
Using forensic analysis tools 321

Figure 8.24 – The isof command

In the preceding example, FD is the file descriptor and TYPE is the file type, such as REG,
which means that it is a regular file.

To execute commands on a remote computer, we can install netcat (nc). netcat can be
launched as a listener or a compromised computer to give remote access to attackers. It
may also be used in forensics to gather data with a minimum footprint on the system
under investigation.
To set up a listening port on the system under investigation, we can type the
following command:

nc -l -p 12345

To connect from the forensics workstation, we can use the following command:

nc 12345

This will allow us to run commands on the system under investigation to reflect all the
outputs on the forensics workstation.
To transfer a file for investigation, we can use the following commands. On the system
under investigation, we will wait for 180 seconds on port 12345 to transfer

nc -w 180 -p 12345 -l < vreport.htm

322 Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures

To transfer the report file to the forensics workstation, we can use the following command:

nc 12345 > vreport.htm

We now have a copy of the report on the forensics workstation (the report is a
vulnerability scan that was performed with a different tool).
tcpdump can be used to capture real-time network traffic and also to open captured traffic
using common capture formats, such as pcap. tcpdump is included by default on most
Linux distributions. It is the Linux version of Wireshark.
To capture all the traffic on the eth0 network interface, we can use the following

tcpdump -I eth0

The following screenshot shows the traffic that was captured on eth0:

Figure 8.25 – The tcpdump capture

The preceding screenshot shows the command line's tcpdump output, which can also be
saved for later analysis.
Conntrack is used by security professionals to view the details of the IPTABLES (firewall)
state tables. It is a very powerful command-line tool, but in this instance, it will be of
interest to see extra details about the firewall's state table. It allows for detailed tracking of
firewall connections. To see a list of all the current connections and their state, we can use
the following command:

conntrack -L
Using forensic analysis tools 323

The output can be seen in the following screenshot:

Figure 8.26 – Conntrack output

The preceding screenshot shows the detailed output from the firewall state table, including
all current connections. The fine detail for this tool is beyond the scope for CompTIA
CAS students, though more details can be found at https://conntrack-tools.

One of the most well-known protocol analyzers is Wireshark. It is available for many
operating system platforms and presents the security professional with a Graphical User
Interface (GUI). Using Wireshark, we can capture traffic in real time to understand
normal traffic patterns and protocols. We can also load up packet capture files for detailed
analysis. It also has a command-line version called TShark. The following screenshot
shows a packet capture using Wireshark:

Figure 8.27 – Wireshark

324 Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures

In the example, we have filtered the displayed packets to show only DNS activity.
Wireshark is a very powerful tool. For further examples and comprehensive
documentation, go to

In this chapter, we have considered many threats that can impact an enterprise and
identified policies and procedures to deal with unplanned security-related events. We
learned about the importance of timely responses to security incidents. Knowledge has
been gained on deploying the appropriate threat detection capabilities. We have studied
automation, including orchestration and SOAR, also taking care to include a human in the
loop. Ever-increasing evidence of APTs means that we need to rely on forensics to detect
IOCs and, where necessary, collect the evidence to formulate a response. You should now
be familiar with incident response planning and have a good understanding of forensic
concepts. After completing the previous section, you should now be familiar with using
forensic analysis tools.
Cybersecurity professionals must be able to recognize and use common security tools
as these will be important for many day-to-day security activities. Nmap, dd, hashing
utilities, netstat, vmstat, Wireshark, and tcpdump are tools that will feature in the CASP
004 certification exam's questions. Specialist binary analysis tools are not as commonly
used outside of specialist job roles.
These skills will be useful when we move on to the next chapter, where we will cover
securing enterprise mobility and endpoint security.

Answer the following questions to test your knowledge of this chapter:

1. During a security incident, a team member was able to refer to known documentation
and databases of attack vectors to aid the response. What is this an example of?

A. Event classification
B. A false positive
C. A false negative
D. A true positive
Questions 325

2. During a security incident, a team member responded to a SIEM alert and

successfully stopped an attempted data exfiltration. What can be said about the
SIEM alert?

A. It's a false positive.

B. It's a false negative.
C. It's a true positive.
D. It's a true negative.

3. During a security incident, a senior team leader coordinated with members already
dealing with a breach. They were told to concentrate their efforts on a new threat.
What process led to the team leader's actions?

A. Preparation
B. Analysis
C. Triage event
D. Pre-escalation tasks

4. A CSIRT team needs to be identified, including leadership with a clear reporting

and escalation process. At what stage of the incident response process should this
be done?

A. Preparation
B. Detection
C. Analysis
D. Containment

5. During a security incident, a team member responded to a SIEM alert stating

that multiple workstations on a network segment have been infected with crypto-
malware. what part of the incident response process should be followed?

A. Preparation
B. Detection
C. Analysis
D. Containment
326 Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures

6. After a security incident, workstations that were previously infected with crypto-
malware were placed in quarantine, wiped, and successfully scanned with an
updated antivirus. what part of the incident response process should be followed?

A. Analysis
B. Containment
C. Recovery
D. Lessons learned

7. During a security incident, multiple systems were impacted by a DDoS attack.

To mitigate the effect of the attack, a CSIRT team member follows procedures
to trigger a BGP route update. This deflects the attack and the systems remain
operational. What documentation did the CSIRT team member refer to?

A. Communication plan
B. Runbooks
C. Configuration guides
D. Vendor documentation

8. Critical infrastructure has been targeted by attackers who demand large payments
in bitcoin to reveal the technology and keys needed to access the encrypted data.
To avoid paying the ransom, analysts have been tasked to crack the cipher. What
technique will they use?

A. Ransomware
B. Data exfiltration
C. Cryptanalysis
D. Steganalysis

9. During a security incident, multiple systems were impacted by a DDoS attack.

A security professional working in the SOC can view the events on a reporting
dashboard and call up automated scripts to mitigate the attack. What system was
used to respond to the attack?

A. Containment
C. Communication plan
D. Configuration guides
Questions 327

10. A technician who is part of the IRT is called to take a forensic copy of a hard drive
on the CEO's laptop. He takes notes of the step-by-step process and stores the
evidence in a locked cabinet in the CISO's office. What will make this evidence

A. Evidence collection
B. Lack of chain of custody
C. Missing order of volatility
D. Missing memory snapshots

11. A forensic investigator is called to capture all the possible evidence from a
compromised laptop. To save battery life, the system is put into sleep mode. What
important forensic process has been overlooked?

A. Cloning
B. Evidence preservation
C. Secure storage
D. Backups

12. A forensic investigator is called to capture all possible evidence from a compromised
computer that has been switched off. They gain access to the hard drive and connect
a write blocker, before recording the current hash value of the hard drive image.
What important forensic process has been followed?

A. Integrity preservation
B. Hashing
C. Cryptanalysis
D. Steganalysis

13. Law enforcement needs to retrieve graphics image files that have been deleted or
hidden in unallocated space on a hacker's hard drive. What tools should they use
when analyzing the captured forensic image?

A. File carving tools

B. objdump
C. strace
D. netstat
328 Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures

14. FBI forensics experts are investigating a new variant of APT that has replaced Linux
operating system files on government computers. What tools should they use to
understand the behavior and logic of these files?

A. Runbooks
B. Binary analysis tools
C. Imaging tools
D. vmstat

15. A forensic investigator suspects stolen data is hidden within JPEG images on a
suspect's computer. After capturing a forensic image, what techniques should they
use when analyzing the JPEG image files?

A. Integrity preservation
B. Hashing
C. Cryptanalysis
D. Steganalysis

16. Attackers have managed to install additional services on a company's DMZ

network. Security personnel need to identify all the systems in the DMZ and all
the services that are currently running. What command-line tool best gathers
this information?

A. Nmap
B. Aircrack-ng
C. Volatility
D. The Sleuth Kit

17. A forensic investigator is called to capture all possible evidence from a compromised
computer that has been switched off. They gain access to the hard drive and connect
a write blocker. What tool should be used to create a bit-by-bit forensic copy?

A. dd
B. Hashing utilities
C. sha256sum
D. ssdeep
Questions 329

18. To stop a running process on a Red Hat Linux server, an investigator needs to see all
the currently running processes and their current process IDs. What command-line
tool will allow the investigator to view this information?
A. netstat -a
B. ps -A
C. tcpdump -i
D. sha1sum <filename>

19. While analyzing a running Red Hat Linux server, an investigator needs to show
the number of available computing resources and currently used resources. The
requirements are for the running processor, memory, and swap space on the disk.
What tool should be used?

A. vmstat
B. ldd
C. lsof
D. tcpdump

20. During a live investigation on a Fedora Linux server, a forensic analyst needs to
view a listing of all opened files, the process that was used to open them, and the
user account associated with the open files. What would be the best command-line
tool to use?

A. vmstat
B. ldd
C. lsof
D. tcpdump

21. While analyzing a running Red Hat Linux server, an investigator needs to run
commands on the system under investigation to reflect all the outputs on the
forensics workstation. The analyst also needs to transfer a file for investigation using
minimum interactions. What command-line tool should be used?
A. netcat
B. tcpdump
C. conntrack
D. Wireshark
330 Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures

22. Security professionals need to assess the security of wireless networks. A tool needs
to be identified that allows wireless traffic to be monitored, and the WEP and WPA
security to be attacked (via packet injection) and cracked. What would be the best
command-line tool to use here?
A. netcat
B. tcpdump
C. Aircrack-ng
D. Wireshark

23. A forensic investigator needs to search through a network capture saved as a pcap
file. They are looking for evidence of data exfiltration from a suspect host computer.
To minimize disruption, they need to identify a command-line tool that will
provide this functionality. What should they choose?
A. netcat
B. tcpdump
C. Aircrack-ng
D. Wireshark

24. A forensic investigator is performing analysis on syslog files. They are looking for
evidence of unusual activity based upon reports from User Behavior Analytics
(UBA). Several packets show signs of unusual activity. Which of the following
requires further investigation?
A. nc -w 180 -p 12345 -l < shadow.txt
B. tcpdump -I eth0
C. conntrack -L
D. Exiftool nasa.jpg

25. Recent activity has led to an investigation being launched against a recent hire in
the research team. Intellectual property has been identified as part of code now
being sold by a competitor. UBA has identified a significant amount of JPEG
image uploads to a social networking site. The payloads are now being analyzed by
forensics. What techniques will allow them to search for evidence in the JPEG files?

A. The Steganalysis tool

B. The Cryptanalysis tool
C. The Binary Analysis tool
D. The Memory Analysis tool
Answers 331

The following are the answers to this chapter's questions:

1. A
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. C
9. B
10. B
11. B
12. A
13. A
14. B
15. D
16. A
17. A
18. B
19. A
20. C
21. A
22. C
23. B
24. A
25. A
Section 3:
Security Engineering
and Cryptography

In this section, you will learn how to deploy various controls to protect enterprise data
and systems. You will learn how to protect end devices using a variety of different
technologies and learn the importance of cryptography and PKI when protecting
enterprise data.
This part of the book comprises the following chapters:

• Chapter 9, Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

• Chapter 10, Security Considerations Impacting Specific Sectors and
Operational Technologies
• Chapter 11, Implementing Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms
• Chapter 12, Implementing Appropriate PKI Solutions, Cryptographic Protocols,
and Algorithms for Business Needs
Enterprise Mobility
and Endpoint
Security Controls
In a large enterprise, there is a business need for flexibility and mobility, but it is vitally
important to address the risks, in terms of cybersecurity. Many business solutions
comprise heterogeneous workloads on the server side and have to deal with a large
number of end devices. These can include traditional desktop computers, laptops,
tablets, handheld devices, and wearable technology. We need to assess the security of
these devices, choose the appropriate technologies that the enterprise should adopt,
and ensure that we can provide the necessary attestation that they do not present
unacceptable business risks. There are security requirements to ensure that deployed
system images are built from a validated secure template. Services should only be enabled
if there is a business need for them. There is also the challenge of providing network
access to a variety of mobile devices, including personal devices that are Wi-Fi enabled.
Compensating controls should be deployed to offer additional protection – for example,
Firewalls, Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) plans, and antivirus tools.
336 Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

In this chapter, we will learn about the tools and techniques needed to secure our
endpoint devices. We will study the following topics:

• Implementing enterprise mobility management

• Security considerations for mobility management
• Implementing endpoint security controls
• Deploying host hardening
• Understanding endpoint security software

Implementing enterprise mobility

One of the challenges of supporting devices in a hybrid network is the fact that the
traditional network perimeter has been moved, so there is no longer a fixed enterprise
boundary – in other words, users are accessing information systems from outside the
enterprise. In many cases, information systems can be managed by third parties such as
cloud providers. We call this phenomenon de-perimeterization.
Enterprise mobility management is the process of ensuring that mobile devices comply
with the enterprise security policy. An enterprise will have the challenge of supporting
mobile users, home/remote working setups, and personal computing devices that are not
managed using traditional on-premises controls. We must accept that the business will
have a need for this hybrid approach, but we also must understand the controls needed
to protect the business from the loss, theft, and exfiltration of valuable business data. To
ease the administration of security controls, we should choose vendor solutions that allow
enterprise-owned and personal devices to be managed with a single-enterprise toolset,
often referred to as a single pane of glass. In this section, we will look at the security
features that need to be managed in this situation.

Managed configurations
There are many configuration settings available on the typical operating system, no matter
who the vendor is. Without the proper management of these settings, devices that access
corporate data will present a security risk. In the following subsections, we will take a look
at some of the available configuration options.
Implementing enterprise mobility management 337

Application control
It is important that we can control applications that are installed in the enterprise
workspace – that is, every application should be justified by a business need. When users
have access to the Google Play Store, Apple App Store, or Microsoft Store, they have the
option to install hundreds of applications. Applications often have multiple configuration
options, such as access to contacts information or access to location data. These settings
can be controlled by using mobile application management (MAM) tools, deployment
scripts, or Microsoft Group Policy Objects (GPOs). To allow for some flexibility in our
application control, we can enable containerization for enterprise applications and data.
Many vendors offer solutions that allow an organization to host a customized or restricted
list of applications on their own company-branded portal. Figure 9.1 shows a user view of
the Microsoft Store with Trainingpartners company branding:

Figure 9.1 – A restricted Microsoft Store application

Normally, a Windows user can choose from hundreds of available applications to install
on their devices. But with the restricted view, this can be controlled. If we only allow
devices to have access to an approved subset of application store programs, we can reduce
our security footprint.
338 Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

At a minimum, we should enable screen locks and a minimum password length (based on
company standards). This is to ensure that the data on the device will not be accessible if
the device is lost or stolen.

Multi-factor authentication requirements

Passwords alone are not always considered to be adequate security for enterprise mobile
devices. We may choose to enable additional authentication factors, such as one-time
passwords (OTPs) using hardware tokens or mobile authenticator applications. Another
useful authentication option for mobile devices is to use built-in biometric readers.
Biometric authentication can include reading fingerprints, facial recognition, voice
authentication, and iris scans. Many devices come with card reader functionality, making
it easier to implement smart cards for multi-factor authentication (MFA). Microsoft
also supports secure tokens in the form of a secure USB key, which provides the same
functionality as a smart card. Smart cards and USB keys are considered a form of token-
based authentication.
Figure 9.2 displays some additional sign-in options for Windows:

Figure 9.2 – MFA authentication methods on Windows

Implementing enterprise mobility management 339

MFA adds another line of defense in cases where a password could be compromised.

Patch repositories
In order to offer the best levels of protection, it is important to access the latest patches
for supported end devices and ensure that they are deployed in a timely fashion. Failure
to implement patches will result in vulnerabilities that could have been mitigated.
Additionally, not installing the latest patches may render a device non-compliant, and
the user may not be able to access company resources until the device is updated and
made compliant.

Firmware over-the-air (FOTA)

For mobile operating systems such as Android and Apple iOS, it is important that
firmware updates are downloaded and installed when they become available. These
updates add functionality to the device, but more importantly, they add security features
and updates. It is important to control this process by allowing updates only over
approved cellular networks.

Remote wipe options

It is important to render enterprise data unrecoverable by initiating a remote wipe process,
when a device has been reported as missing or stolen. It is possible that this instruction
will not be received by the mobile device management (MDM) agent due to a lack of
cellular or network signal. Figure 9.3 shows some of the remote wipe options available for
a lost or stolen mobile device:

Figure 9.3 – Remote wipe options

For personal devices, we may only need the option for a corporate wipe. In Figure 9.3 we
see the options to secure an Android smartphone.
340 Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

Wi-Fi is the primary connection type for most mobile devices, although it is also
commonplace to access 4G+ and 5G cellular networks at high speed with limitless data
plans. In both instances, we should look to secure these links.

Wi-Fi protected access (WPA2/3)

WPA2 offers increased security over the older options of Wireless Encryption Privacy
(WEP) and the Wireless Protected Access (WPA) Temporal Key Integrity Protocol
(TKIP). It supports the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), offering a greater
level of security than the older protocols. WPA3 was introduced in 2018 and offers
additional levels of security. WPA3 supports the use of 256 bit AES encryption and also
secures access to the network if we cannot use 802.1x and RADIUS. The previous Wi-Fi
implementations use pre-shared keys (PSKs), which are vulnerable to password cracking
and brute force attacks. WPA3 uses Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (SAE)
instead of PSKs – this limits the number allowed of password attempts and uses additional
security protection methods.

Device certificates
It is common for security certificates to be distributed to users and devices for a variety
of purposes. We can use certificates to gain trusted access to the network using 802.1X
security. There are many security applications that also require the use of certificates, such
as IPsec-based virtual private networks (VPNs), the S/MIME standard, and Pretty Good
Privacy (PGP).
To automate the deployment of certificates, we can use the Simple Certificate Enrolment
Protocol (SCEP). This is supported in most MDM solutions. Figure 9.4 shows the SCEP
enrolment process:
Implementing enterprise mobility management 341

Figure 9.4 – The SCEP enrolment process

If we control the deployment of certificates, it is less likely that users will be able to install
certificates from untrustworthy certificate authorities.
342 Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

Device profiles
To automate common settings on mobile devices, a profile with a set of configuration
objects can be deployed to the devices. Common profiles can include settings for Wi-Fi,
VPNs, and many more. Figure 9.5 displays some available settings when deploying device
configuration profiles:

Figure 9.5 – An example VPN device configuration profile

When there are many settings to manage, a profile is a convenient way to deploy custom
configuration settings. In Figure 9.5 we are deploying a VPN profile to Android devices.
Implementing enterprise mobility management 343

Bluetooth is a relatively short-range radio frequency. Class 2 Bluetooth (which is most
common for consumer devices) transmits at 2.5 mW and has a range of around 10 meters.
It allows data to be sent wirelessly with no encryption. This means wireless headsets could
allow users to attend a secure web conference but a wireless listening device could be used
to eavesdrop on the conference. It is common to restrict the use of Bluetooth in these

Near-field communication
Near-field communication (NFC) operates at low speeds over short distances (up to
4 cm). It can be used to transfer data – such as configuration data or print jobs – to an
NFC-enabled printer. It is commonly used in the wireless payment systems for Apple Pay
and Google Pay. Once a user has unlocked a mobile device, then NFC-enabled applications
may transfer data without any user verification. This function could lead to fraudulent
payment transactions (currently the United Kingdom allows up to £100 to be transferred
using contactless payment). It could also allow confidential data to be transferred.

Mobile devices can support extensibility through SD and MicroSD cards or USB
On-The-Go (OTG). This allows for data transfer and connectivity using USB devices.

One effective way to control the functionality of mobile devices is to use GPS tracking
to locate devices and restrict functions based upon the proximity of the device to a site
of interest. So, we could map out the coordinates of a secure site and create a geofence.
When devices are inside the geofence, we can disable the devices' cameras and any
recording capability, and when devices are outside the geofence, normal service can be
restored. In case a company device is stolen, we can create conditions where the device is
wiped of all its enterprise data when it is taken outside the geofence.
344 Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

VPN settings
VPN settings can be configured by deploying a VPN profile to a mobile device. It is
important to ensure confidentiality of business data when company employees are outside
the workplace. An always-on profile ensures that the device will always connect through
the secure VPN. Implementing a full tunnel configuration will ensure all applications and
browser activity is routed through the company network. This configuration will make
sure all security protocols can be applied. Figure 9.6 shows an example of a VPN client
using a full tunnel VPN:

Figure 9.6 – A VPN client connecting through a full tunnel configuration

Without this configuration, the device can connect directly to external applications
without the appropriate security policies being applied.
Implementing enterprise mobility management 345

An organization should consider the security of applications that use geotagging. For
example, users could install a fitness application on a mobile phone that automatically
uploads their activity (complete with maps) to social media. This is quite common when
you look at applications such as Strava or MapMyRun. In Figure 9.7, we can see the
mapping feature on the Strava application:

Figure 9.7 – The Strava mapping feature

346 Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

If you allow other users to view your activities, then you may reveal sensitive details about
your movements or reveal information regarding sensitive locations.

Full device encryption

It is important to secure enterprise data stored on mobile devices. At a minimum, we
should enforce the use of screen lock and storage encryption (including for SD cards).
If a password-enabled screen lock is not required, then access to the data may still be
possible if the device is lost or stolen. If the mobile device contains removable storage, it
should be encrypted, as the media may otherwise be readable when mounted on another
piece of hardware.
It is important that the device is hardened against tampering so that any attempt to change
the boot process will result in the data being unrecoverable.

Because mobile data plans can be very affordable on cellular networks, it is common for
users to use their mobile phones as a hotspot for their laptops. This presents a security
risk when a laptop is plugged into the enterprise local area network (LAN), as the laptop
can now bridge two networks.

Airplane mode
Mobile devices commonly have a setting that turns off all radio frequency channels (for
example, airplane mode). This could be a useful configuration option to invoke when
location-based security is a priority. Disabling radio frequency channels protects the
device from network based threats. It also means the device cannot download security
updates or be managed using Mobile Device Management (MDM).

Location services
Mobile operating systems often have privacy options associated with location services.
If location services are enabled, then content providers can deliver more tailored
information for users. Microsoft now includes a feature on Windows operating systems
called News and Interests that delivers traffic reports, weather forecasts, and local news
to devices based on their location. You may not want this location information to be
available for all applications. We can restrict these features in the Microsoft privacy
settings seen in Figure 9.8:
Implementing enterprise mobility management 347

Figure 9.8 – The Microsoft location services privacy settings

Location sevices can also be useful when enforcing context based authentication. User
and Entity Behavior Analytics UEBA can block suspicious authentication attempts from
unusual locations. Impossible Time Travel can also be detected, where separate login
attempts are not feasable based upon the time duration and location of the attempts.
348 Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

DNS over HTTPS (DoH)

When using traditional Domain Name Services (DNS) for name queries, we are sending
requests to a designated DNS server with no security – this means that every request
and reply is sent in plaintext. This may reveal useful intelligence to an eavesdropper on a
network segment. Many web browsers, including Edge and Chrome, allow configuration
settings to be updated, allowing for secure TLS connections to be made to public DoH
servers. In Figure 9.9, we can see the security settings for the Microsoft Edge browser:

Figure 9.9 – The Microsoft Edge browser DoH settings

Another alternative is to use a secure VPN connection back to the enterprise network
where we can safely send DNS queries to the enterprise DNS servers.

Custom DNS settings

Many ISPs may limit their customers' access to content by restricting and filtering DNS
queries. This can also be an effective control for enterprise users by blocking name
resolutions for certain websites. Users may find a workaround to these restrictions by using
a custom DNS server that does not log any activity or block name resolution requests. By
restricting access to these settings, we can ensure that all internet activity is controlled.
Implementing enterprise mobility management 349

Deployment scenarios
There are many different scenarios that an organization may consider when deploying
mobility management. For example, costs can be a driving factor and support issues
may be important. But security and management will always be the priority when
implementing MDM.

Bring your own device challenges

When users access enterprise data on a personal device, it can present many challenges for
the organization. There is the issue of what devices the organization is willing to support.
There are also many different versions of operating systems to support and also different
hardware platforms. It is important to define a secure encrypted container on the device
to hold corporate applications and data. We will need to define policies to secure any
sensitive company data. It is also important to identify MDM tools that will enable the
management of all the personal device types that will be supported.

Corporate-owned devices
When an organization is responsible for purchasing the mobile devices that will be used
by employees, there can be much more control in selecting the operating systems and
devices that best suit the organization's business needs.

Corporate-owned, personally enabled (COPE) devices

When a company allows users to access personal data using its devices, it is important
to separate the business data and applications from the personal data. In the same way
that we protect business data with bring your own device (BYOD) policies, we must
use the same strategy with corporate-owned, personally enabled (COPE) devices. This
means separating business data and personal data. MDM will be used to ensure that
containerization is implemented.
350 Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

Choose your own device (CYOD) challenges

Often, enterprise users are familiar with a particular technology and will be more engaged
with the technology if it is a device or operating system that they find easy to use. The
challenge for the enterprise is to allow users to have a degree of choice in the devices they
use but to restrict the list of available devices to a manageable number. This will ensure
that we only have to support a small number of hardware devices and operating systems.
Android fragmentation is a term used to describe the proliferation of devices running
many different versions of the Android operating system. There have been numerous
versions of Android operating system releases (currently 19 versions at the end of 2021).
The goal of the organization is to restrict the handsets and the operating systems that
will be allowed to connect to the business network. This will help to reduce support
complexity and will reduce the security footprint.
With mobility being a major consideration for most organizations, it is important to
recognize the possible security implications when supporting end devices, operating
systems, and applications. We will now investigate some of the security features and
configurations that we can manage for mobile devices.

Security considerations for mobility

Many security considerations arise when an enterprise wants to support a mobile
workforce. Devices offer a wide range of features and functions that may represent a risk
to the organization.

The unauthorized remote activation and deactivation

of devices or features
While many devices support an array of security features, many of these can be
deactivated – for example, the user may inadvertently disable or deactivate a security
feature such as a daemon supporting an anti-malware application. This risk should
be mitigated by using secure operating systems (such as Security-Enhanced Linux
(SELinux) or Security-Enhanced Android (SEAndroid)) along with MDM.
Security considerations for mobility management 351

Encrypted and unencrypted communication concerns

When we are supporting mobility, we should always identify the weakest links in
a network. This means that if we harden the device using full device encryption
(FDE), screen locks, and application whitelisting, we also need to ensure that network
communication is secured. We should restrict the use of Bluetooth and also restrict Wi-Fi
access to trusted WLANs.

Physical reconnaissance
Mobile devices can be used to gather intelligence. If we allow the use of camera, video,
audio, and GPS functionality on mobile devices, a malicious user could capture accurate
data about a site that could later be used in an attack. This device may belong to an insider
threat actor or the data could be stolen from an unsecured mobile device.

Personal data theft

While the main focus of MDM is to protect business data, it is also important to protect
a user's personal data. Personal data may include protected health information (PHI),
personally identifiable information (PII), and other types of confidential data.

Health privacy
Many devices will support fitness applications that can store the medical records of
users. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, public health service tracking applications are
also commonplace. In the United Kingdom, there are National Health Service (NHS)
applications that can store a citizen's COVID-19 status and records of their immunization
history. This data would be referred to as PHI in the United States. It is important that this
type of data is held securely.

The implications of wearable devices

Wearable devices may have GPS tracking capabilities and they frequently store
detailed personal information, including heart rates and blood pressure readings. The
synchronization of data between the wearable device and an application on another
system may also be a vulnerability. Many wearable devices may use low-powered
Bluetooth or NFC to transfer data. Senitive data may be exposed as a result of unsecured
data transmission.
352 Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

The digital forensics of collected data

It is important to keep forensic toolkits and techniques updated, as new technologies, such
as wearable technology, may be the target of attacks. It is important that we can access the
storage and memory of mobile devices to search for indicators of compromise (IOCs).

Unauthorized application stores

The default settings on most mobile operating systems block access to sideloading
applications. Sideloading involves the acquisition of an installation package from
sources that are not approved – for example, Android APK or iOS IPA files can be
installed directly, without the need to download them from the approved online store.
This restriction can be circumvented by jailbreaking an iOS device or rooting an
Android device.
When you jailbreak or root a device, you are modifying the vendor operating system to
break away from the secure restricted settings that are in place by default. For example,
on iOS, it is not possible to install applications from outside of the Apple App Store, so
installing jailbreaking software will allow users to install applications and themes that have
not been officially approved by Apple. Apple also provides developer licenses that allow
the use of sideloading applications on an iOS device (this developer license currently costs
$99 per year). There is also a free Apple Store application called Xcode that allows for
sideloading when you have the application source code of the unapproved application.

When we allow the personal use of mobile devices that will also access or store business
data, we need to implement segmentation. Segmenting applications and data on mobile
devices is referred to as containerization. On Samsung devices, there is a vendor-created
container called Secure Folder. This can be managed using the Samsung Knox security
tools, or it can be managed using third-party MDM tools. Currently, Knox is supported
by Microsoft Endpoint Manager (previously Microsoft Intune), VMware AirWatch,
Ivanti MobileIron, and many more. Figure 9.10 shows the Secure Folder application on a
Samsung 9.0 device:
Security considerations for mobility management 353

Figure 9.10 – Samsung Secure Folder

These applications and any business data are stored completely separately from the
personal space on the device.
354 Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and carrier

Many cellular operators will provide their customers with customized versions of popular
operating systems and will lock the mobile device into their network offerings. When you
purchase a device that is not locked into a cellular provider, the user has more flexibility to
choose between providers simply by changing the subscriber identity module (SIM) card.
This offers the opportunity for the user to use any cellular operator, including operators in
other countries. For example if a company buys cellular handsets from T-Mobile, then they
will only allow the handsets to work on T-Mobile cellular networks.

Supply chain issues

There have been many instances of security breaches due to the installation of default
applications by vendors that turned out to be malicious. Adups (software used to monitor
user behavior) was installed, by default, on a variety of devices using the Android
operating system. This software allowed for backdoor access to call logs, contact lists,
SMS messages, and location tracking. For more information, see the report at https://

The use of an eFuse

An eFuse can be useful when for protecting the integrity of a mobile device. An eFuse
will trip under certain conditions. The main reasons for the tripping of an eFuse are
normally an unsigned bootloader, an unsigned kernel, or unsigned scripts that might be
running. In these circumstances, the eFuse will disable access to the secure container.
This also updates the security status of the device from official to untrusted. An eFuse
is like a regular electrical fuse that protects electrical devices. In this case it is embedded
directly into the firmware. For more details on eFuse, see the following URL: https://
Implementing endpoint security controls 355

Implementing endpoint security controls

It is important to understand all the risks that endpoints pose to an organization and
implement the appropriate controls to mitigate these risks. These controls can include
choosing trusted hardware and software platforms and utilizing attestation services to
ensure the platforms have a strong security posture. We must also protect our systems
from unauthorized changes using tools such as host intrusion detection systems
(HIDSes) and host intrusion prevention systems (HIPSes). In addition, endpoint
detection and response (EDR) software can help an organization where there are threats
that are sophisticated and currently undocumented (such as zero day exploits). Now, we
will investigate a number of techniques to secure endpoint devices.

Hardening techniques
It is important to recognize that there are many ways to strengthen the security posture of
devices. In this section, we will investigate some of the hardening techniques available.

Removing unneeded services

Running unneeded services on a computer system offers additional connection
opportunities for malicious actors such as malware (remote access trojans (RATs) and
worms). To reduce the overall security footprint of a system we should disable these
services based on the business needs of the system. For example, an internet-facing public
web server will not need to run file and print sharing services, although this might be a
requirement when the server is deployed as a departmental internal server.

Disabling unused accounts

It is important to identify built-in system or user accounts that may present a security
risk. Examples of risks could include guest accounts and vendor-created support accounts.
There should be a security policy that ensures this becomes an automated process. In
Figure 9.11, we can see which default local accounts have been disabled on a Windows 10
host computer.

Figure 9.11 – Disabled default Windows accounts

356 Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

When an account does not need to be used in an information system, it should be disabled.

Images and templates

To assist with the goal of implementing a strong security posture for end devices, a
customized hardened operating system image is a good building block for security. On
United States Department of Defense (DoD) networks, there is a Windows operating
system build image called the Windows Secure Host Baseline (SHB). This ensures the
deployment is hardened by default. In this instance, there are over 200 specific security
requirements that must be enabled by default. All the tools needed to create an operating
system build image and verify it can be found in the GitHub repository at https://

Removing end-of-life devices (obsolescence management)

When a device is no longer considered serviceable or represents too big a risk to the
enterprise, it should be decommissioned. It is important to ensure, when removing a
device, that this action does not weaken the security posture of the network. If it is a
security appliance, then it should be replaced.

Removing end-of-support devices

When a device can no longer be protected through vendor support and patching then it
will become a vulnerability. For example, Microsoft withdrew support for the Windows
7 operating system in January 2020. In July 2021, there were 135 vulnerabilities listed
as Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) affecting Windows 7. As there
is no automated patching offered for end-of-support devices or operating systems,
vulnerabilities often remain unmitigated.

Local drive encryption

Managed FDE will provide protection for valuable business data in the case of the loss
or theft of mobile devices. BitLocker is the built-in FDE option for Windows operating
Implementing endpoint security controls 357

Enabling no execute (NX)/execute never (XN) bit

For any system hosting applications that may be vulnerable to attacks against the system
memory (Random Access Memory (RAM)), it is important to ensure that built-in
security is enabled to offer protection against this attack vector. No execute (NX) is a
security feature supported by 64 bit AMD CPUs, while execute never (XN) is supported
by 64 bit Intel CPUs. These features are designed to prevent the execution of code in
areas of memory assigned for the storage of data. It is a design that makes it difficult for
an attacker to cause a buffer overflow when trying to re-purpose the memory location
for the execution of arbitrary commands. Figure 9.12 shows how this setting is enabled by
default on Windows in a security feature called Data Execution Protection (DEP).

Figure 9.12 – The Microsoft DEP feature

On Windows servers, this setting is enabled for all Windows applications and services.
ARM RISC processor chips support the XN bit. For more information see the following
358 Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

Disabling central processing unit (CPU) virtualization support

The setting for virtualization support is normally found in the firmware settings of the
endpoint device. If this is enabled, it allows for virtual images to be launched in a hypervisor.
This is not something that is normally required for the majority of user desktops. If enabled,
it may allow a user to run unauthorized applications on a virtual machine.

Secure encrypted enclaves and AMD Secure Memory Encryption

Many processors now have built-in support for the encryption of memory in use. This
means that the contents of the RAM and the CPU memory itself can be secured. AMD
CPUs support a feature called Secure Memory Encryption (SME). This uses AES 128 bit
encryption and creates an ephemeral key at boot time. When support is enabled in the
system firmware/BIOS, the feature can run transparently with most operating systems
(there is no additional requirement for any coding within the operating system). Software
applications can use this support to encrypt and decrypt pages of memory.

Shell restrictions
To limit the ability of a user to access command shell tools and utilities, it is common
to block access to the shell itself or to limit the commands that can be accessed within
the shell. On Windows operating systems, it is common practice to block access to the
Command Prompt (CMD) and PowerShell interfaces for standard users. This is not
really an option for Linux and Unix systems because most of the functionality of these
operating systems is accessed outside of the graphical user interface (GUI). Common
shells used on Linux include Bash and KornShell. In Figure 9.13, we have created a new
user account with a restricted shell by using the -s switch command:

Figure 9.13 – Implementing a restricted shell

There are a limited number of commands available within the restricted shell. The user
cannot call up any commands that exist in other directories or use powerful administrator
Implementing endpoint security controls 359

Address space layout randomization

Address space layout randomization (ASLR) is designed to protect computer systems
from attacks against memory. By enabling this feature, it prevents an attacker from being
able to use memory addressing to predict where applications will be located. For example,
an attacker may attempt to launch a buffer overflow attack followed by a call to a memory
location where they expect a shell to be running. In ASLR, the running applications will
always be allocated random memory locations, so this mitigates this type of attack.
In Figure 9.14, we can see the default settings for a Windows 10 client:

Figure 9.14 – Microsoft Windows ASLR settings

360 Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

This feature is supported on most operating systems, including Linux, Microsoft

Windows, and macOS.

It is important to identify all of our assets and ensure we have the automated patching
of these devices enabled. If we cannot deploy vendor patches, we risk the possibility of
vulnerabilities leading to data loss or we might encounter availability issues. Patching
should be planned to avoid the potential of these disruptions and availability issues.
Ideally, we would fully test the effects of operating system or software application
patches in a test/staging area before deploying them into production. Figure 9.15 shows a
screenshot from ManageEngine Patch Manager Plus:

Figure 9.15 – ManageEngine Patch Manager Plus

It is important to choose patch management products that support heterogeneous
environments (mixture of host operating systems). For more details on the ManageEngine
product see the following URL:

It is important to update embedded operating system code, as this could be vulnerable to
attacks if not kept up to date. For example, Cisco IOS has several vulnerabilities posted
for potential attacks against its Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) that can cause a Denial
of Service (DoS) condition. CVE-2008-3799 documents a cybersecurity vulnerability,
where an attack can cause a memory leak, eventually resulting in resource exhaustion.
SIP is used with Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP), it is used to place a call to another
subscriber. As many business-based telephony solutions have adopted this technology it is
important to secure this important functionality.

Logging and monitoring of endpoint devices

The continuous monitoring of endpoint devices allows security professionals to be alerted
to any discrepancies in configuration changes or anomalous activities relating to the
devices. Figure 9.16 shows the health status for monitored endpoint devices using the
ManageEngine MDM platform:
Implementing endpoint security controls 361

Figure 9.16 – Endpoint device monitoring

It is important to be alerted when devices do not comply with security policies or have
been targeted by malware.

Mandatory access control

When we are looking for a high level of protection for operating systems, mandatory
access control (MAC) can be used. Using this results in additional security controls being
available to the operating systems. The controls, once enabled, enforce security settings.
There are two examples of operating systems that support MAC, which we detail in the
following subsections.

SELinux was originally developed as a series of Linux security modules that were
added as patches to the Linux operating systems. It was originally developed by the
U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) but is now open source. It is incorporated into
most Linux distributions. With most operating systems, file ownership is controlled
through discretionary access control (DAC), which means the owner can set or change
permissions on files and folders that they own. The root account normally also has
the right to change the permissions on other users' files and folders, however, SELinux
enforces MAC, which means changing other users' permissions will not work (as the
system will override these changes).
SELinux has three main settings:

• Enforcing: In this setting, the SELinux security policy is enforced.

• Permissive: In this setting, SELinux prints warning messages instead of enforcing
the security policy.
• Disabled: In this setting, no SELinux policy is loaded.
362 Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

There are hundreds of possible enforcement settings. These are delivered via Boolean
settings (that is, on/off options). To view all of the currently enforced settings, you can
run getsebool -a from the Linux command shell.
Figure 9.17 shows the partial output of the preceding command for some SELinux
enforcable settings:

Figure 9.17 – SELinux enforcable settings

The output displayed in Figure 9.17 shows a subset of an SELinux security policy, this just
lists some of the web application server settings.
Next, we will look at how Android uses Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) to enforce
MAC on Android mobile devices.
Implementing endpoint security controls 363

Android Security-Enhanced Linux

The Android operating system adds security extensions by incorporating SELinux
into the Android mobile operating system (sometimes referred to as SEAndroid). It
was incorporated into Android version 4.4 and is based on the same security model as
SELinux. There are many security controls available, including protecting privileged
services/daemons from misuse. Applications must be run in a sandbox and there is an
extensible policy available to add additional restrictions. Much of the security is included
within the Kernel, but the use of middleware mandatory access control (MMAC) allows
application privileges to be assigned during installation and at runtime. SEAndroid uses
the enforcing mode as a default.
Many additional security enhancements for SEAndroid rely on hardware support to store
measurements or certificates securely.

Trusted Platform Module technology

Many system boards have built-in support for a specific hardware security module
(HSM) called a Trusted Platform Module (TPM). This secure module has crypto-
processing capabilities and also provides for the secure storage of measurements or values.
The TPM standard is a recognized standard (ISO/IEC 11889) and is supported by many
hardware and software vendors. A TPM is typically used to ensure the integrity of an
operating system platform. In the case of Microsoft BitLocker, if the recorded values are
not consistent at boot time, then the boot process will halt. The values that are stored
are called platform configuration registers (PCRs), and around six of these PCRs are
normally used to attest that the platform has not been tampered with.
Figure 9.18 shows some of the typical values that can be stored. These values are stored as
a cryptographic hash:

Figure 9.18 – PCR values

There are many additional value types that can be stored, such as software application
versions or the current status of anti-virus updates.
364 Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

Secure Boot
To ensure the integrity of operating systems, it has become a standard procedure to check
the integrity of the bootloader needed to launch the installed operating system. Windows
operating systems from Windows 8.0 onward have supported this feature. This requires
a supported firmware interface ( that is, one following the Unified Extensible Firmware
Interface (UEFI) specification) that comes with a pre-loaded security key. The boot files
are signed using the pre-loaded key and then validated during the boot sequence. Systems
sold with Microsoft Windows 10 pre-installed have Secure Boot enabled by default.
Figure 9.19 shows the components required for Secure Boot:

Figure 9.19 – The Microsoft Windows Secure Boot components

To add support for Linux Secure Boot, we would need to ensure there is a signed Linux
bootloader. To do this, we could add the operating system vendor's public key into UEFI.

UEFI has been the standard firmware to support PC systems since Windows 8.0 was
released, in 2008. It offers many advantages over the previous option (the Basic Input
Output System (BIOS)), including a mouse-driven graphical environment. UEFI allows
for system checks and security processing to be carried out before launching the operating
system. As operating systems launch quickly when installed on solid-state drives (SSDs),
it is hard to press the correct function key quickly enough to access the menu. It is
common to access the UEFI settings through the Windows Advanced Recovery options
menu, within the operating system. Figure 9.20 shows the Windows menu used to access
the UEFI settings:
Implementing endpoint security controls 365

Figure 9.20 – The Windows UEFI menu

All modern business computers now support the UEFI firmware.

BIOS protection
The BIOS component has been standard within computing systems since the 1980s.
It allows for a series of power-on self-tests (POSTs) and for configuration settings to
be saved to the complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS), which needs a
power supply or battery to retain settings. It offers little in the way of security, apart from
allowing for passwords to protect the BIOS settings.

Attestation services
Attestation services allow for secure values to be forwarded from a hardware device to
an attestation service. Microsoft supports a service called the Host Attestation Service
within Azure Cloud Services. Once a device has been registered, the host TPM can
be used to store values that cannot be tampered with. An example use of this service is
ensuring that host operating systems are not running debugging tools as part of the host
operating system. This is because debugging tools could allow attackers to gain access to
local system memory and therefore access to confidential data.
366 Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

Hardware security modules

A hardware security module (HSM) is an independent hardware device that supports
crypto-processing capabilities and the secure storage of encryption keys. This can be a
valuable addition to security when hosting applications that will need access to valuable
private keys. E-commerce and banking websites will typically need to deploy HSMs. Most
implementations are rack mounted appliances and allow for the secure storage of server
keys within the data center.

Measured Boot
With mMeasured Boot, PCR values can be validated from the TPM. The values
themselves are stored as cryptographic hashes. The hashes form a blockchain, which
means a number of values can be combined into a single hash value. Figure 9.21 shows the
hash chaining function:

Figure 9.21 – The Measured Boot process

Hash chained measurements can be forwarded to server-based attestation services and
can be used locally when unlocking BitLocker-encrypted hard drives.
Implementing endpoint security controls 367

Self-encrypting drives
When considering using FDE, performance may also be a goal. Self-encrypting drives
(SEDs) use built-in hardware to provide encryption, thereby offering a performance
advantage over software encryption. This is useful when incorporated into mobile
computing devices.

Compensating controls
Once an organization has deployed secured/hardened computing systems, we cannot
guarantee that the systems will be 100% protected. Depending on the new external threats,
insider threats, and attack techniques that may develop for an organization, additional
compensating controls may have to be considered. We will discuss some examples of these
in the following subsections.

Antivirus tools
Antivirus tools should be deployed as a centrally managed solution for Windows
operating systems. Windows is the main target for malware – there are very few examples
of malware infections for Unix and Linux systems. However, Linux file servers and mail
servers could pass on infected files if they are serving Windows clients. Traditional
antivirus software works by identifying malware by using signature definition files.
However, a virus may be programmed to change its signature, therefore defeating the
signature definition approach. As a result, newer antivirus tools can look for common
strings within a suspicious file. Windows comes with built-in protection with Microsoft
Windows Defender, but additional malware detection application suites are available to
further complement this.

Host-based intrusion detection systems (HIDSes) and host-based

intrusion prevention systems (HIPSes)
When implementing security for your end devices, it is important to recognize where
defense in depth (DiD) can be useful. A HIDS or HIPS will complement any network-
based protection that is in place. Host systems will help to prevent anomalous administrator
actions and any attempts to replace system files, and they will generally block any malicious
actions. A HIDS or HIPS will also work alongside other anti-malware tools.
368 Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

Host-based firewalls
A local firewall will complement the network firewalls by blocking unwanted connections
on internal network segments also known as east-west traffic. To do this, host-based
firewalls are frequently deployed on the most commonly used operating systems. Microsoft
Windows has Windows Defender Firewall, which can be managed using graphical tools or
with PowerShell commands. Figure 9.22 shows a screenshot of Windows Firewall:

Figure 9.22 – Windows Defender Firewall

Linux systems can be protected by using the iptables service. The following command
drops all packets from the source network:

iptables -A INPUT -I eth0 -s -j DROP.

To display the firewall rules that are currently configured, we use the iptables –help
To discard all firewall rules that are currently set, we can use the iptables –flush
Figure 9.23 shows some iptables firewall rules that are set to block traffic being received
from any private network address:

Figure 9.23 – Some iptables firewall rules

Implementing endpoint security controls 369

To display rulesets (called chains), we use the iptables –list command from the
Linux bash shell.
It is normal to add a rule to a security device to block source traffic originating from a
private network address (like the example in Figure 9.23).This is done where traffic is
routed from external networks, as this type of traffic normally indicates the addresses are
being spoofed.

Endpoint detection and response (EDR) software

EDR software allows an agent to be deployed on endpoint devices. It will work alongside
traditional anti-malware solutions but does not rely on definition files and known
malware hashes. To best prepare for future threats, endpoint monitoring should be
continuous, with logs being forwarded to the EDR provider. Actions can be processed
in real time, with databases of Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) actors, TTPs, and
collected baseline data from normal activity, which allows Indicators of Compromise
(IOC) to be detected. Many security providers will offer complete managed solutions for
organizations that do not have Security Operations Center (SOC) staff to spare (these
are known as managed security service providers (MSSPs)). With new attacks constantly
being initiated, EDR software will better protect organizations from ransomware
attacks, fileless malware attacks, and zero-day exploits. Popular options for this include
CrowdStrike and Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. Please see the following URLs for
more details of these solutions:

Redundant hardware
When hosting important systems that may result in a disproportionate impact if they fail,
we must identify ways to make them more resilient. On data center servers, it is common to
deploy redundant power supplies, network interface cards, and storage. In these situations, it
is important to identify where single points of failure can negatively impact a workload.
370 Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

Self-healing hardware
Wherever it is possible to increase resilience, we should implement systems that can identify
problematic events and where necessary, make an adjustment. One example of this is using
hardware clusters, where a failure to send a heartbeat signal would result in a workload
being hosted on another hardware node. Modern hard disk drives automatically mark
out bad blocks and replace them with reserve blocks held in a reserve pool. On Microsoft
operating systems from Windows Server 2012 onward, the Resilient File System (ReFS)
has been an available feature that allows this. The ReFS deploys an integrity scanner that
constantly scans the hosted drives and initiates a repair process if needed.

User and entity behavior analytics (UEBA)

To protect valuable company data, it is becoming increasingly common to use analytics
to detect patterns of behavior. If a user account was suddenly used out of context, then
the system could alert administrators or block the action. So, imagine that a user, Joe,
based in the United Kingdom, logs into his work email from a location identified as North
Korea on December 25. He subsequently begins to delete large amounts of important
manufacturing data from the engineering team's shared drive – if using UEBA, this would
trigger an immediate alert to his line manager and SOC team members.

In this chapter, we have learned how to provide security for endpoint devices running a
variety of operating systems. We have understood the need to harden end devices such as
traditional desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and handheld and wearable technology. We
have discussed how to assess the security of these devices, how to choose the appropriate
technologies that the enterprise should adopt, and how to ensure we can provide the
attestation that these devices are compliant with security policies. We have also understood
the need for deployed images to be built from a validated secure template. We have
learned that services should only be enabled if there is a business need to justify them. We
investigated compensating controls, including host firewalls, EDR software, and antivirus
tools. We also learned about the tools and techniques needed to secure our endpoints. We
have studied technologies to support host attestation and Secure Boot options.
This information should give the reader a good baseline understanding of endpoint
security, before we move on to the next chapter, where we will study how to secure
critical infrastructure.
Questions 371

1. Some executives from an organization attend an industry conference. Using mobile
devices and wireless headsets, they are able to stay in touch with colleagues back at
the workplace. What may present a security concern in this situation?

A. Tethering
C. Device certificates
D. Bluetooth

2. Some marketing executives from an organization attend an international trade

exhibition and must connect to the company email by using their mobile devices
during the event. The CISO is concerned this may represent a risk. What would best
mitigate this risk?

B. A split-tunnel VPN
C. Geofencing
D. Always-on VPN settings

3. What function should be disabled to ensure scientists cannot use their mobile
devices to bridge the corporation's network with a cellular operator's network?

A. Tethering
C. Device certificates
D. Bluetooth

4. What should be implemented to ensure only company-approved applications can be

installed on company devices?

A. Containerization
B. Token-based access
C. A patch repository
D. Whitelisting
372 Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

5. A user calls the service desk because her Samsung smartphone is prompting her to
install updates that the vendor says will offer more functionality and security. What
is this an example of?

A. MFA requirements
B. Token-based access
C. A patch repository
D. Firmware over-the-air

6. An employee's company mobile device is reported as stolen 24 hours after the event.
Sensitive data has been posted online by hackers. What would have mitigated this
risk if the report had been made earlier?

A. MFA requirements
B. A remote wipe
C. A patch repository
D. Firmware over-the-air

7. What type of setting will ensure mobile devices will only be able to access Wi-Fi
when they connect securely to the company WLAN?

B. Device certificates
C. Device profiles
D. Bluetooth

8. An employee has noticed several suspicious payments made from a company debit
card via Google Pay on their company smartphone. They recently attended a busy
trade conference. What technology was likely used to make the payments?

B. Peripherals
C. Geofencing
D. VPN settings

9. How can we prevent certain mobile applications from being accessible when
employees take COPE devices out of the warehouse?

Questions 373

C. Geofencing
D. VPN settings

10. The service desk receives a call from a senior manager. She is concerned that
spyware may be installed on her smartphone. Recent news, traffic, and weather
updates have been targeted specifically for her location. What is the most likely
reason for this activity?

A. Airplane mode
B. Location services
D. Geofencing

11. A user is concerned that DNS lookups may be logged by government agencies. The
user would like to protect their privacy. What would be the best method to protect
privacy during name resolution?

A. Geofencing
B. VPN settings
C. DNS over HTTPS (DoH)
D. Containerization

12. A nation-state sends a security team to scope out a military site in California in
the United States. They use mobile devices to gather images, map the locations
of communications equipment, and record detailed information about troop
movements. What are they performing?

A. Geotagging
B. Geofencing
C. Physical reconnaissance
D. Personal data theft

13. A personal device has many applications installed that are not available through the
Apple App Store. The device subsequently fails compliance checks. What has likely
made the device fail to be compliant with the security policies?

A. Jailbreaking
B. Sideloading
C. Containerization
D. An unauthorized application store
374 Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

14. A senior employee has followed a QC link and installed a mobile application used
to order food and beverages at a local restaurant. The application is not available on
the Google Play Store. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) states that applications can
only be downloaded from the official vendor store. What best describes what has
allowed this application to be installed?

A. Supply chain issues

B. Sideloading
C. Containerization
D. An unauthorized application store

15. Developers need to test mobile applications on a variety of hardware before making
them available on official application stores. How can they install the applications
locally on mobile devices?

A. Update the supply chain.

B. Use sideloading.
C. Use containerization.
D. Use an unauthorized application store.

16. A sales director would like to allow sales employees to use their personal devices
for accessing company applications and data as part of an effort to reduce business
costs. What would be the best control to mitigate the risk of employees co-mingling
personal and company data?

A. Geotagging
B. Geofencing
C. Containerization
D. Remote wipes

17. When on a business trip, a CEO was detained for several hours at border control.
When he was eventually reunited with his mobile phone, it had physical evidence of
tampering. He powered on the device and input the correct pin, but found that all of
the company applications and data were inaccessible. What has led to this situation?

A. Geofencing
B. Containerization
C. Remote wipes
D. An eFuse
Questions 375

18. A user has been able to run an unmanaged Linux operating system alongside
a managed Windows 10 build on a company laptop. What actions would allow
security professionals to prevent this issue from re-occurring?

A. Removing end-of-support devices

B. Using local drive encryption
C. Disabling CPU virtualization support
D. Enforcing secure encrypted enclaves and SME

19. Security administrators have deployed SELinux in enforcing mode. All unnecessary
services have been removed. In a further attempt to enforce security, a number of
commands – including vmstat and grep – have been blocked from some user
accounts. What best describes this action?

A. Whitelisting
B. Shell restrictions
D. Memory encryption

20. The CISO is meeting with software engineers to better understand some of
the challenges that they face. He is asking if there are any settings that can be
incorporated into build images that will help to prevent attacks against the system
memory. What two features should be chosen?

B. Patching
C. Firmware

21. What is deployed to mitigate the risk of privilege elevation and the misuse of
applications on Android mobile devices?

A. SELinux
B. TPM technology
C. SEAndroid
D. Attestation services
376 Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls

22. What built-in module stores PCR values and enforces integrity on a
hardware platform?

A. The TPM module

B. Secure Boot mode

23. What would be the best choice of technical control to block a fast-spreading worm
that targets a well-known NetBIOS port?

B. A host-based firewall
D. Redundant hardware

24. A reporting tool has alerted the administrator that Joe Smith, who is leaving
the company in 4 weeks, has uploaded a large number of PDF documents to his
personal cloud storage. What has likely triggered this event?

B. A host-based firewall
C. EDR software
D. Self-healing hardware

25. A system administrator needs to ensure the root account cannot be used to gain
access to user data on a Linux Network File System (NFS) server. What actions
would allow security professionals to prevent this issue from occurring?

A. Ensuring passwords are stored in a shadow file

B. Running SELinux in enforcing mode
C. Disabling CPU virtualization support
D. Enforcing secure encrypted enclaves and SME
Answers 377

1. D
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. B
11. C
12. C
13. A
14. D
15. B
16. C
17. D
18. C
19. B
20. A and D
21. C
22. A
23. B
24. A
25. B
Security Considerations
Impacting Specific
Sectors and Operational
An enterprise may operate in a diverse environment. When considering the operation
of the plant and equipment within operational technologies, it is important to fully
investigate legal and regulatory responsibilities. Many countries have different laws and
regulatory requirements; in some cases, we may even see regulations differing between
different states. Fines can be significant when it is proven that a company has broken laws
or safety protocols. The technology used to deliver automation and supervisory control
can be complicated and, in some cases, lacks the strict security that may be available
on the business network. It is important that senior leadership within the organization
understands the importance of cyber security and maintaining a strong security posture.
They should sponsor and drive the enterprise to ensure it performs the appropriate risk
assessments. This is especially important when diversifying into new markets or business
sectors. In this chapter, we will study the following topics:

• Identifying regulated business sectors

• Supporting embedded systems
380 Security Considerations Impacting Specific Sectors and Operational Technologies

• Understanding industrial control systems (ICSes)/supervisory control and data

acquisition (SCADA)
• Understanding operational technology (OT) protocols

Identifying regulated business sectors

Regulated industries are required to adhere to rules and regulations set by a regulatory or
legal authority. There are many examples of regulated industries, and the regulations can
be challenging as they may be region-specific. Health and safety (H&S) regulations are
enforced across many business sectors, with strict penalties for non-compliance. Providers
of services and utilities may be regulated to ensure they set fair pricing tariffs and may be
penalized for unfair practices. One of the most important considerations must be safety,
both to the workforce and to the public. There have been well-documented industrial
disasters that have resulted in major loss of life both to the workforce and the surrounding
population. In 1984, a chemical plant in Bhopal, India leaked highly toxic gas into the
surrounding towns. The disaster exposed over 500,000 people to toxic gas, with more than
8,000 dead. Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) paid out $470 million in settlements
following the disaster. It is important when a company operates in diverse industries, often
globally, that the appropriate risk assessments are performed and controls put into place.

Energy sector
Energy suppliers must adhere to regulatory authorities that may be international
standards and may include country-specific requirements. In the US, electric utility
companies must comply with laws and regulations relating to air pollution, greenhouse
gas reporting, and industrial waste production. Agencies oversee these providers, and a
lack of compliance may result in a substantial fine. The US Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) has successfully prosecuted companies through civil enforcement,
resulting in significant financial loss for non-compliance. The nuclear power regulations
are country-specific—for example, United Kingdom (UK) regulations are overseen
by the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR), which is responsible for the regulation
of 36 nuclear facilities, including security and safety requirements. Failure to comply
with the ONR can result in a site losing the authority to operate or facing substantial
monetary outlay in fines and retrospective provisions. In April 2019, Sellafield Ltd. was
fined nearly £500,000 for an H&S violation that resulted in an employee receiving mild
plutonium poisoning. For details, see the following link:
Identifying regulated business sectors 381

Energy suppliers have been targeted by nation-state adversaries in increasing numbers.

To counter some of the threats presented by these threat actors, there is a non-profit
regulatory authority named North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC).
The mission of NERC is to safeguard the electrical supply industry, and it applies to bulk
electric systems (BES) providers in the US, Canada, and Baja California, Mexico. NERC
sponsors a security initiative and compliance program named Critical Infrastructure
Protection (CIP). To read more about the work of NERC and CIP, you can access the
following link:

Manufacturers must prove to their customers that they can be trusted to deliver quality
products and have sound business practices. Accreditation can be obtained to indicate
a level of competency, such as the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) 9001. These standards cover quality control (QC) for manufacturing companies.
Many other standards may need to be considered when a company is looking to produce
particular goods. Some standards may be enforced nationally and internationally to ensure
product compliance. In the UK, certain standards must be observed when operating
plants and equipment in a manufacturing environment. Some of these requirements are
quite complicated and require appropriate policies and procedures to be created to ensure
compliance. Within the UK, standards are covered by the following bodies:

• International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and International
Telecommunication Union (ITU)
• British Standards Institution (BSI)
• European Committee for Standardization (CEN)
• European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC)
• European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)

To sell products within a particular country, a manufacturer must follow these standards.
Plant and equipment must be operated within strict safety guidelines. Of greater
importance is the risk of intellectual property (IP) being stolen by an adversary. Patents
can be applied for in countries where there is a threat from a competitor who may steal
your inventions. In Europe, the European Patent Convention (EPC) covers 30 European
countries. To protect your IP in other parts of the world, individual patents must be
registered in each country.
382 Security Considerations Impacting Specific Sectors and Operational Technologies

There are many regulatory requirements for providers of healthcare, and this will differ
between countries. In the US, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA) requires strict control of protected health information (PHI) records stored
and transmitted electronically. HIPAA compliance is regulated by the Department
of Health and Human Services (HHS). If a healthcare provider fails to implement
the appropriate due diligence and due care, they may be prosecuted and fined for
transgressions. Protected information includes names, addresses, medical records, social
security numbers, and much more. There are strict reporting requirements for data
breaches; affected individuals must be notified within 60 days and HHS must also be
notified within 60 days for data breaches involving more than 500 records. Enforcement
is the responsibility of the Office for Civil Rights (OCR). There are different violation
levels—level one carries a maximum single fine of $59,522, rising to $1,785,651 for a level
four violation. An employee can also be sentenced to jail for serious violations—in the
most severe cases, this can be up to 10 years.
Healthcare providors such as hospitals and clinics must make significant investments
in medical equipment and systems to deliver efficient healthcare. Due to the high cost
of equipment it must remain in service for extended periods of time and may present a
vulnerability as the technology may be outdated.

Public utilities
In the US, public utilities are regulated under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies
Act (PURPA). This act was passed after the energy crisis in 1973, due to an oil embargo
following the Yom Kippur war, where the price of oil increased by over 300%. It
is designed to promote the production of domestic energy and renewable energy.
Enforcement and regulatory requirements are managed within individual states within
the US. Rates charged by public utility companies must be fair and non-discriminatory.
In the UK, gas and electricity providers are regulated by the Office of Gas and Electricity
Markets (Ofgem). There are controls in place to ensure price rises are capped to the
current inflation rate. By far the most important concern for operators of public utilities is
cyberattacks against their services and data breaches concerning customer records.
Understanding embedded systems 383

Public services
Public service providers (PSPs) include education, emergency services, healthcare,
housing, waste collection, transportation, and social care (there are more). They are
services that are provided by the government and are not intended to generate profits for
the provider. They are provided to benefit the community. Public services are targeted by
cybercriminals; healthcare organizations have been hit particularly hard by ransomware
attacks. In May 2021, the Irish Department of Health was targeted by a group known as
Conti, who forced the service to cancel many patient services and were forced to use pen
and paper in lieu of their usual information systems. It is estimated that around 35% of
ransomware victims pay criminals to gain access to their systems and data.

Facility services
Facility services can include cleaning, maintenance, security, waste management, catering,
and much more. Contracting with third parties to provide facility services can result
in flexibility and cost savings. It is important to consider downstream liability when
contracting out any part of your daily operations.
Many regulated sectors have a requirement for OT. This environment is sometimes
referred to as IT outside of carpeted areas. A metropolitan transportation service
provider (TSP) running a subway transit system would meet this criterion. They need
to monitor safety systems, subway trains, critical signaling, and passenger movements
and send urgent messages across these non-business networks. We will take a look at
components used within these types of environments.

Understanding embedded systems

Embedded systems are used within OT environments. They are a combination of
hardware and software, designed to operate a particular operational process. Machine
tools used in mechanical engineering environments would be a good example of where
we might see embedded systems, but we can see these systems in almost all environments
where industrial controls are used. They will be used in power stations, water treatment
plants, transportation systems, and much more. Embedded systems may rely on hardware
that was designed over 50 years ago, and the software may have been written in low-level
machine code.
384 Security Considerations Impacting Specific Sectors and Operational Technologies

In many cases, there is no cost-effective way to upgrade a legacy embedded system.

It may be operating a nuclear facility or a coal-fired power station that is due to be
decommissioned in the near future. Network segmentation is often the only way to
mitigate risks when supporting these environments.

Internet of things
Internet of things (IoT) covers many technologies, including home automation,
building control systems, and many other areas where automation of hardware is required.
Many IoT devices operate wirelessly, making them potential targets if we do not harden
our wireless networks. Consumer products include lightbulbs, smart speakers, televisions,
refrigerators, and much more. IoT does not define a standard—it relies on standards
provided by other protocols. We will compare these protocols and standards later in
the chapter.

System on a chip
A system on a chip (SoC) is a single piece of silicon that contains a central processing
unit (CPU), memory, storage, and input/output (I/O) port. Tablets and smartphones
would be good examples of where SoC technology is used. By integrating all the
components required on a compute node, power consumption is much reduced. Examples
of SoCs would include Qualcomm Snapdragon, Advanced RISC Machines (ARM),
Apple's M1, and Intel Core Consumer Ultra-Low Voltage (CULV).

Application-specific integrated circuits

Application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) are designed for a specific application,
such as bitcoin mining or taking care of a complex repetitive function on an ICS. ASICs
cannot be reprogrammed, meaning a vulnerability cannot be remediated if it is found to
be within the ASIC chip.
Understanding embedded systems 385

Field-programmable gate array

A field-programmable gate array (FPGA) is an example of an integrated circuit that can
be configured by the end user (the customer) after the chip has left the fabrication plant
(in the field). It is integrated as a semiconductor device, consisting of logic blocks that can
be reprogrammed, and is basically a circuit board that can be customized. This design
allows for changes in design that can accommodate new processes. This capability to be
reprogrammed is why the device may be targeted and may be vulnerable to attack. There
have been documented attacks against this type of chip. These types of chips are common
in both enterprise networks and ICS. One example of a vulnerability was published and
assigned Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) 2019-1649—this describes a
logic vulnerability targeting Cisco Secure Boot hardware, affecting multiple networking
products released by Cisco. It allows an attacker with local access to tamper with the
Secure Boot verification process. This exploit could result in the installation and booting
of a malicious image. The remediation is a vendor-supplied firmware update. Around
70% of attacks against embedded systems and ICS can be performed remotely and do not
need authentication for the exploit to be successful. In September 2019, a vulnerability
was discovered affecting Xilinx 7-series FPGA chips; this became known as Starbleed.
The exploit allows attackers to plant backdoor access into the chip, reprogram the
functionality, or cause physical damage. There is no remediation available, meaning the
hardware needs to be replaced or the systems must be isolated or closely monitored. The
following screenshot shows a Xilinx 7-series FPGA:

Figure 10.1 – FPGA integrated system board

386 Security Considerations Impacting Specific Sectors and Operational Technologies

In many situations when vulnerabilities are discovered, the hardware may need to
be replaced.
Embedded systems are integrated into environments where OT is deployed—typically,
this means anywhere outside of the enterprise business network where there may be a
plant and equipment that requires supervision and control. We will now look at example
OT environments.

Understanding ICS/SCADA
There are many examples of OTs that are deployed to automate the delivery of industrial
processes and critical infrastructure. ICS are deployed within manufacturing and process
control environments. They allow production lines to run and chemicals to be processed
and delivered at the correct flow rates. It is important that information in the form of
telemetry is displayed on management systems. There are many components required
to manage complex processing environments. Figure 10.2 shows the components of a
SCADA system:

Figure 10.2 – SCADA system

Human-machine interfaces (HMIs) allow supervisors to oversee and control complex
ICS from a control room or data center. Supervisory computing systems communicate
with specialized hardware (programmable logic controllers, or PLCs) that receive
information, such as telemetry, from pumps, actuators, and sensors. The plant and
equipment can then be automatically controlled by the PLC, while the HMIs in the data
center allow for the overall management of the plant.
Understanding ICS/SCADA 387

OT relies on specialist ICS, designed to operate in hostile or challenging environments.
PLCs are designed to operate in factories, processing plants, and many other industrial
settings. PLCs are used to automate a physical process such as a luggage conveyor belt
at an airport, or a traffic light system in a mine. Unlike information systems hosted in
a business environment, PLCs do not use commercial operating systems (OSes). They
will run specialist embedded OSes designed to deliver specialist instructions to control
industrial equipment. The first example of a PLC was used by General Motors on their
car assembly plant in 1968; this PLC was named the Modicon 084. PLCs need to process
instructions in real time in order to accurately control or adjust critical processes. The
following screenshot shows an array of available PLCs used in industrial environments:

Figure 10.3 – Siemens PLC models

A PLC is essentially a dedicated computer that is also able to operate in hazardous

Industrial control environments use a database logging system known as an operational
historian. The data collected will be gathered from process controls such as sensors,
instrumentation, and other types of controls. This allows for the capture of data that can
be interpreted to show trends and allow engineers to analyze the data and adjust processes
where necessary. A Historian system is composed of three main components:

 Data collectors for interfacing with the data sources such as a PLC, and
networked devices.
 Server software that processes and stores the data from the data collectors.
 Client applications that allow for analysis, reporting, and visualizations.
388 Security Considerations Impacting Specific Sectors and Operational Technologies

Ladder logic
This is a simple programming language based upon relay-based logic, used originally in
electromechanical relays. The program will process multiple inputs or signals and can
perform a function if all the expected inputs are received while processing the logic.
Engineers originally used ladder logic to design circuit boards to activate mechanical
relays; now, this same approach is used in a visual programming language. Ladder logic
processes instructions using rungs (like a ladder) from top to bottom and from left to
right. The following screenshot shows an example of ladder logic:

Figure 10.4 – Ladder logic processing

The logic runs from top to bottom and from left to right. If all inputs are reporting true,
then the output will also be true. In the preceding example, we are showing a logical
process for hot plastic to be injected into a mold on an automated assembly line. If any of
the inputs are false, then the output will also result in a false value. For more information,
see the following link:
Understanding OT protocols 389

Safety instrumented system

A safety instrumented system (SIS) is primarily intended as a failsafe when threatening
conditions are detected in critical industrial environments. SISs run independently of a
process control network (PCN) and are used to shut off the process if a critical condition
is detected. Industrial environments where this type of control would be commonly used
include nuclear power stations, petrochemical refineries, gas production, mining, and
many more. There is an international standard covering controls, for operators of plants
and equipment, that are considered hazardous. International Society of Automation
(ISA-84)/International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC-61511) are standards
that are recognized in the US and Europe. The SIS will function in addition to a basic
process control system (PCS). Its sole purpose is to take a system that has violated preset
conditions into a safe state. It will consist of sensors and controls managed by a PLC. The
resulting actions could be to open a relief valve or activate fire suppression systems.

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning

In large complex industrial environments, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
(HVAC) is typically controlled using building automation systems (BAS). It is
vitally important to monitor and adjust temperature and humidity to protect sensitive
equipment. Environments protected by HVAC could include hospitals, data centers,
silicon chip fabrication, chemical processing, power plants, and many more. Modern
HVAC systems will be controlled digitally using dedicated networks.

Understanding OT protocols
Many supported protocols can be found in ICS and OT environments. Some protocols
have been in existence for over 50 years and lack controls to encrypt data or provide
integrity. Newer protocols have robust security built in. We will take a look at examples of
these protocols.

Controller area network bus

This protocol was originally designed for the automobile industry, intended to minimize
the amount of cabling deployed within a vehicle. It is able to allow devices on the bus to
communicate within the requirement of a centralized host computer. The design is based
upon multiplexing, where multiple signals can be transmitted on a single shared bus. In
order to share the bus, each device can be assigned a priority. If two nodes transmit on the
bus at the same time, then the highest-priority device will have precedence.
390 Security Considerations Impacting Specific Sectors and Operational Technologies

The controller area network (CAN) specification does not support any native security
or encryption; it is intended as a specification for reliable transmission of data frames
across a shared bus. CAN is a standard documented within the ISO11898-1 standard,
CAN defines the data link and physical layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
model. Vendor implementations can include provisions for security, but this is not part of
the CAN specification. Figure 10.5 depicts a CAN bus model used in a vehicle.

Figure 10.5 – CAN bus architecture

Given the nature of this technology, it is now deployed in many environments including
ICS, agricultural equipment, lighting systems, building automation, medical instruments,
and many more.
The potential for man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks and other types of tampering could
have serious security implications when considering its use.
Understanding OT protocols 391

Modbus is a messaging protocol used in ICS to provide serial communication over
different cable types, including Ethernet. It is popular as it is royalty-free and has become
a de facto standard within OT environments. Modbus is typically deployed on SCADA
networks where it can relay telemetry back to monitoring computers from remote
terminal units (RTUs) in an industrial environment. Modbus was designed in the
1970s to service industrial communication requirements. Modbus has become the de
facto standard in industrial environments. Modbus offers no security against tampering
with message integrity and is therefore vulnerable to MITM attacks if an attacker gains
access to the network. There are many examples of vulnerabilities posted for the Modbus
protocol. See the following URL for current known vulnerabilities concering the Modbus

Distributed Network Protocol 3

This protocol is intended to support ICS including power distribution and water
treatment companies. It was designed and gained widespread use in the early 1990s. As
with some of the aforementioned technologies, it is intended to relay messages between
supervisory and management systems through to PLCs/RTUs (RTU is sometimes
interchanged with the term PLC). Distributed Network Protocol 3 (DNP3) is normally
used to transfer and maintain synchronization between large sets of tags from one point
to another (that is, a terminal server and a SCADA system). One of its major strengths
is its resistance to electromagnetic inference (EMI) distortion, particularly useful when
controlling electrical plants and equipment. The protocol is now covered by the Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1815-2012 standard. The standard is
now recommended for organizations that operate any electric power systems (EPS)
communications. DNP3 fully supports encrypted communications using Transport Layer
Security (TLS) and public key infrastructure (PKI).
392 Security Considerations Impacting Specific Sectors and Operational Technologies

Zigbee is a wireless protocol intended primarily for home automation. It allows for
communication with low-power devices over distances varying between 10 and 100
meters, making it an ideal candidate for personal area networks (PANs). It is covered by
the IEEE 802.15.4 standard and operates over 2.4 gigahertz (GHz) radiofrequency. Zigbee
has wide support from many vendors, including Samsung, Amazon, and Ikea. It is not
intended as a data transport but more for control messages, as the data rate only allows
for 250 kilobits/second. The network architecture supports star and tree networks, based
upon a central hub acting as the coordinator. Amazon supports many products that are
capable of acting as a central hub for home automation. With a central hub device, users
can control lighting, central heating thermostats, home security, washing machines, and
many more household appliances. Figure 10.6 shows a typical home automation network,
with a central controller:

Figure 10.6 – Zigbee network

Understanding OT protocols 393

Zigbee supports encryption of traffic using 128-bit symmetric keys based upon Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES). Zigbee also supports anti-replay using a frame counter
mechanism and frequency hopping to prevent jamming attacks.

Common Industrial Protocol

Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) is a protocol specification for the transmission of
messages on industrial networks. It is used to carry messages in order to manage objects
used to control plants and equipment. Typical objects will include sensors, switches,
valves, and actuators. It is managed by Open DeviceNet Vendors Association (ODVA);
membership comprises manufacturers of industrial automation controls.
CIP supports the transmission of messages over Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
and User Datagram Protocol (UDP), where UDP is used to deliver smaller messages,
resulting in more efficiency and speed on networks. The protocol is based on a producer-
consumer model—the producer submits a multicast message processed by nodes that
match a network identifier.
There are four types of CIP networks, outlined as follows:

• EtherNet/IP—This is based on standard Ethernet IEEE 802.3 and uses the TCP/IP
protocol suite.
• CompoNet—This implementation is designed for optimum delivery of small
messages between controllers and industrial endpoints (switches, sensors, valves,
and so on).
• ControlNet—This is used when time criticality is important, such as safety control
systems (SCS). It uses a deterministic model, which means a message will be
delivered within a predictable amount of time.
• DeviceNet—This implementation uses CAN for the datalink layer. It supports
direct current (DC) power delivery over the connection, supporting devices up to
24 volts (drawing up to 8 amps).
394 Security Considerations Impacting Specific Sectors and Operational Technologies

Figure 10.7 shows the layers and relationships between CIP and the OSI model.

Figure 10.7 – CIP communication model

When supporting industrial control networks using Ethernet/IP, we can use X.509
certificates for authentication of endpoints and TLS for message encryption and integrity.

Data Distribution Service

Data Distribution Service (DDS) is classed as networking middleware and is aimed
at publishing messages to subscribers. This is known as a publish/subscribe (pub/sub)
model. The specification is defined and published by the Object Management Group
(OMG); membership is through a consortium of commercial companies and universities.
DDS is used by many diverse industries including aerospace, military, healthcare,
government, and many more.
Understanding OT protocols 395

DDS is middleware, meaning it is the software layer that sits between the operating
system and applications. It allows various components within a system to more easily
communicate and share data. It is designed to simplify development of distributed systems
by allowing software developers to focus on the functionalility of their applications rather
than the complexities of passing information between applications and systems. Figure
10.8 shows the layers that are important for DDS.

Figure 10.8 – DDS layers

The DDS specification covers the middleware layers.
DDS allows for the exchange of messages using DDS, DDS-JavaScript Object Notation
(DDS-JSON), DDS-Extensible Markup Language (DDS-XML), DDS-eXtremely
Resource-Constrained Environments (DDS-XRCE), DDS4 CORBA Component
Model (DDS4CCM), and Data-Distribution Service Inoperability-Real-Time Publish-
Subscribe (DDSI-RTPS).
DDS also defines a set of security controls including authentication, encryption, message
authentication, digital signing, and data logging/tagging. These can be implemented as
a series of plugins. This specification is covered in DDS-Security. For more information
regarding DDS-Security please see the following URL:
396 Security Considerations Impacting Specific Sectors and Operational Technologies

In this chapter, we have taken a look at the challenges when supporting operational
technologies. We have looked at examples of ICS where plant and equipment must be
controlled using SCADA networks. We have studied the importance of adhering to legal
and regulatory responsibilities. We have discussed that countries have different laws and
regulatory requirements. We have seen examples of some significant fines that can be
levied when it is proven that a company has broken laws or safety protocols. We have
looked at the technology used to deliver automation and supervisory control and have
taken a look at popular protocols used on these networks. We have looked at examples of
embedded systems and the challenges that they may bring when networking these devices.
The skills learned in this chapter will be useful as we move on to the next chapter, where
we will take a look in more depth at securing data using cryptography and PKI.

1. Which regulated business sector is intended to benefit citizens and generate no
commercial profit?

A. Energy
B. Manufacturing
C. Healthcare
D. Public services

2. Which regulated business sector would typically involve the processing and storage
of PHI?

A. Energy
B. Manufacturing
C. Healthcare
D. Public utilities
Questions 397

3. Which regulated business sector may be targeted by competitors who want to steal a
company's IP?

A. Energy
B. Manufacturing
C. Healthcare
D. Public utilities

4. What type of network would likely include legacy vulnerable components?

B. Zigbee
C. IoT
D. Local area network (LAN)

5. What risk mitigation would be used when supporting SCADA and business
networks for an energy provider?

A. Segment vulnerable systems

B. Virtual LANs (VLANs)
C. Deploy to the demilitarized zone (DMZ)
D. Upgrade all systems

6. What is a type of processor chip that performs a dedicated task and may be used for
bitcoin mining?

A. IoT
B. SoC

7. What is a specialist hardened computer that will control actuators, valves, and
pumps in an industrial environment?

A. Desktop computer
C. Mainframe computer
D. Sensor
398 Security Considerations Impacting Specific Sectors and Operational Technologies

8. What is a type of processor chip that can be reprogrammed in the field?

A. IoT
B. SoC

9. This term covers many technologies including home automation, building control
systems, and many other areas where automation of hardware is required.

A. IoT
B. SoC

10. What is the database logging system known as that will collect data from process
controls such as sensors, instrumentation, and other types of controls?

A. Historian
B. Ladder logic

11. This is a simple programming language based upon relay-based logic, used
originally in electromechanical relays.

A. Historian
B. Ladder logic
C. Zigbee
D. Modbus
Questions 399

12. What is the de facto standard message transport protocol used in industrial
environments that offers no security against tampering with message integrity and
is therefore vulnerable to MITM attacks?

B. Modbus
D. Zigbee

13. What is the networking middleware known as a pub-sub model that is aimed at
publishing messages to subscribers?

D. Zigbee

14. Which wireless protocol intended primarily for home automation allows
communication with low-power devices over distances varying between 10 and
100 meters?

D. Zigbee

15. What is a protocol used for the transmission of messages on industrial networks?
There are four types of networks offering different transport and network models,
including 802.3 Ethernet.

D. Zigbee
400 Security Considerations Impacting Specific Sectors and Operational Technologies

1. D
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. A
11. B
12. B
13. B
14. D
15. B
Protocols and
Securing enterprise networks relies on a strategy called defense in depth. One very
important part of defense in depth is protecting data in many different states, primarily
at rest, in transit, and in use. When confidentiality is required, we can apply encryption to
sensitive data to ensure we can protect that data. In some cases, we must be able to verify
the integrity of the data using hashing and signing.
Cryptography can be a daunting subject area for IT professionals, with algorithms
consisting of highly complex mathematical ciphers. The job of IT professionals and
management is to ask the right questions and ensure the correct standards and protocols
have been enabled. Regulatory authorities may have very strict requirements when using
cryptographic ciphers to protect data that an enterprise will store, process, and transmit.
It is the job of security professionals to ensure the correct configuration and deployment is
provided for the appropriate technology.
402 Implementing Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

• Understanding hashing algorithms

• Understanding symmetric encryption algorithms
• Understanding asymmetric encryption algorithms
• Understanding encryption protocols
• Understanding emerging security technologies

Understanding hashing algorithms

Hashing algorithms are primarily used to validate the integrity of data, though they can
also be used to prove that you know something, such as a password secret. Hashing is
a one-way process (it is unfeasible to reverse a hash) and does not provide confidentiality
for the data. It is important to understand that the original data is not changed in any way.
Think of hashing as a way to create a unique digital checksum for a particular document,
file, or data payload. Hashing is used for File Integrity Monitoring (FIM), where we can
detect if a protected operating system file has been altered. Hashing can be used in digital
forensics to capture a unique checksum of a copy image, to match it with the original (this
is useful to do before analysts begin the forensic investigation). For security professionals,
it is important to understand what would be considered strong and what would represent
weak implementations of hashing algorithms. Strong or resilient hashing will generate
a larger digest (hash) output, while weak algorithms will generate a small digest (hash)
output. Now, let's look at some examples.

Secure Hashing Algorithm (SHA)

SHA is the standard that's used by most commercial and government departments.
It is a family of hash functions that was originally published by the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) in 1993. This was approved for use and is documented
in Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) PUB 180-1.
SHA-1 is a 160-bit cryptographic hash function that creates the same fixed-size output of
40 bytes (or characters). SHA-1 was deprecated in most cryptographic suites around 2010.
SHA-2 is a family of cryptographic hash functions that was approved under FIPS PUB
180-2. It covers the following hash functions:

• SHA-224
• SHA-256
Understanding hashing algorithms 403

• SHA-384
• SHA-512

It is worth noting that SHA-2 is still the preferred option for most operating systems.
Windows operating systems, default tools, and utilities are based around SHA-2
SHA-3 is a family of cryptographic hash functions defined in FIPS PUB 202. The output
size in bits is the same as SHA-2 (224, 256, 384, and 512) but uses a SHA-3 descriptor
before the hash function. Most Linux/Unix distributions come with hashing utilities.
In the following command, we have used a Linux Bash shell command to generate a hash
to verify whether the bootstrap log has been tampered with:

sha256sum bootstrap.log

The output of this command is as follows:

e4213fe bootstrap.log

Windows comes with a Command Prompt utility called CERTUTIL -HASHFILE

We can use this command to capture a hash value for the Windows operating system's
kernel file:

certutil -hashfile ntoskrnl.exe sha256

The output of this command is as follows:

SHA256 hash of ntoskrnl.exe:


Windows PowerShell can also be used to generate hash values. The format is
Get-Filehash <Filename> -Algorithm <hashtype>:

Get-FileHash ntoskrnl.exe -Algorithm SHA256

The output of this command is as follows:

Algorithm Hash
--------- ----
SHA256 4FFA3D9C8A12BF45C4DE8540F42D460BC2F55320E6
404 Implementing Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms

To address both integrity and authentication for a packet, we can use hash functions and
a shared secret.

Hash-Based Message Authentication Code (HMAC)

HMAC, often referred to as simply MAC, allows a packet to be authenticated as well as
checked for integrity. It will use a secret key, known by both the sender and the receiver, to
be used with a hash function to create a unique MAC. The following flowchart shows the
process of generating an HMAC and verifying it on the receiving host:

Figure 11.1 – HMAC

Please note that an HMAC provides no confidentiality for the payload; it only
authenticates the packets. It does not replace a digital signature, which is used for

Message Digest (MD)

The Message Digest (MD) hash function was originally published in 1989 as MD2
and was developed by Ronald Rivest. There were several updates, culminating in MD5.
It has been in common use up until around 2008. It is now considered vulnerable to
exploitation, including hash collisions. A hash collision is where two different inputs
create an identical hash output. An attacker may replace a genuine file or document
with a modified substitute that exhibits the same hash output.
Understanding symmetric encryption algorithms 405

RACE integrity primitives evaluation message

digest (RIPEMD)
RIPEMD provides a family of hash functions. The supported functions include RIPEMD,
RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160, RIPEMD-256, and RIPEMD-320.
RIPEMD is not used in government or many commercial applications but can be found
within academic environments and some products where government approval is
not important.
Hashing is very useful for providing integrity but does not allow you to protect
data through confidentiality. For confidentiality, we must use symmetric and
asymmetric encryption.

Understanding symmetric encryption

Symmetric encryption provides confidentiality by provisioning bulk encryption. It is
highly efficient at encrypting data at rest and data in transit. Due to the relatively small key
sizes that are used, it is very fast (in comparison to asymmetric encryption). Symmetric
encryption uses a single key to encrypt (or lock) the data and the same key is used to
decrypt (unlock) the data.
Symmetric algorithms are divided into two main categories: block and stream ciphers.

Block ciphers
These ciphers are used to encrypt data in blocks, typically 64 or 128 bits. They offer the
most robust security but lack the outright speed that's offered by stream ciphers. The
following are some examples of block ciphers:

• Triple Digital Encryption Standard (3DES): 3DES replaced the original Data
Encryption Standard (DES), which was designed and adopted in the 1970s.
DES offered a key size of only 64 bits (56 bits for the key itself). In 1999, 3DES
became the new standard, while an alternative was being developed. 3DES can be
implemented in several different ways, but the most secure is by using three separate
keys. 3DES has an effective key size of 168 bits. NIST guidance stipulates that 3DES
will be retired by 2023.
406 Implementing Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms

• Advanced Encryption Standard (AES): AES is the official standard that's

used in government and military environments; it is also widely adopted in the
commercial world. It was approved for use in 2001 after being accepted as the best
candidate from several alternate ciphers (including Blowfish and Twofish). It meets
government standards as it is FIPS-140 PUB compliant, which describes software
and hardware security implementations. FIPS PUB 197 documents the actual
details of the AES protocol standard. AES can be implemented with key sizes of 128,
192, and 256. There are additional recommendations when using AES, specifically
the block cipher modes that should be implemented. When used for BitLocker
Drive Encryption, NIST recommends using XTS-AES cipher mode. For more
information, please see

Block ciphers are the mainstay of symmetric encryption algorithms, but we must also look
at fine-tuning when using these algorithms. Symmetric ciphers can be deployed using
specific modes of operation.

Block cipher modes of operation

Block ciphers can be deployed using specific modes of operation. It is important for
security professionals to understand the security implications of these different modes.
There are also performance considerations we must respect when selecting a block cipher
mode. Let's look at the available choices.

Electronic Code Book (ECB)

ECB is the oldest example of a block cipher mode and originates from the original DES
implementation. ECB uses the same cipher for each block of data. The following diagram
shows the process of encrypting plaintext with the same cipher to generate ciphertext:

Figure 11.2 – ECB mode

Understanding symmetric encryption algorithms 407

Imagine that you are encrypting a 1,000-page document and that each line on every page
is encrypted using the same key. If the ciphertext is subjected to scrutiny using statistical
analysis, then patterns can be seen.
In the following figure, we can see an example of an image that has been encrypted
using ECB mode. Discernable color patterns are evident due to the repeated use of the
same cipher:

Figure 11.3 – ECB cipher weakness

In this example, if there is a discernable pattern, it will be identified by cryptanalysts.
408 Implementing Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms

Cipher block chaining (CBC)

CBC dates back to the mid-1970s, so it is fairly mature. By using CBC mode, every
plaintext block is encrypted using a unique cipher. The first block is encrypted using
a random Initialization Vector (IV), along with the key. The ciphertext becomes the IV
for the next block of plaintext data. The following diagram shows the CBC process:

Figure 11.4 – CBC mode

CBC mode operates sequentially, which means it offers no options to improve
performance by using parallel processing. Newer block ciphers offer better performance

Output feedback (OFB)

OFB enables a block cipher to behave like a stream cipher. As the cipher can be calculated
before the next plaintext is encrypted, it allows the next step to run in parallel. This offers
performance advantages over older block ciphers. The following diagram shows how OFB
mode operates:

Figure 11.5 – OFB mode

Understanding symmetric encryption algorithms 409

Note that OFB is unlikely to be selected as there are newer blockchain ciphers that offer
better performance.

Counter (CTR)
CTR mode also offers a performance advantage over legacy blockchain ciphers. It allows
a block cipher to act as a stream cipher by preparing the cipher before the plaintext
is encrypted. As there is no need to wait for each block of plaintext to be encrypted
(it plays no part in the following cipher), then powerful multi-processor systems can take
advantage of the parallel processing of blocks.
The following diagram shows an example of CTR mode:

Figure 11.6 – CTR mode

CTR mode has been largely superseded by block ciphers, which offer this performance
advantage along with authenticity.

Galois Counter Mode (GCM)

GCM is the default block cipher mode for many implementations of SSL/TLS. It combines
the advantages of CTR mode with additional authentication of the packets that are sent
using Message Authentication Code (MAC). This is one of the recommended block
cipher modes to support Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD). This
protects against attacks using the chosen ciphertext, where the attacker will forward the
ciphertext to a server, which will attempt to decrypt the ciphertext and send a reply. The
attacker will use these responses to gain access to the encryption key. AEAD will ensure
that the ciphertext will only be trusted if it has the correct MAC value. While AEAD uses
a hashing algorithm, this description is included along with cipher mode descriptions, as
it is a primary function of GCM mode.
410 Implementing Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms

The following diagram shows an example of Mac-then-Encrypt (MtE) being used for
SSL/TLS packets:

Figure 11.7 – GCM using AEAD

In the preceding example, the plaintext is processed twice; it is used as partial input to
create the MAC (along with the key) and is then encrypted using the symmetric key.

Poly1305 is another popular cryptographic-based MAC that's commonly used along
with AES (Poly1305-AES), though is also used with ChaCha. Poly1305 is popular with
e-commerce providers due to its high speed on standard CPU architectures. This also
supports the protocol for AEAD.
In addition to block ciphers, there are use cases where stream ciphers are considered
a better option, particularly when considering data in transit.
Understanding asymmetric encryption algorithms 411

Stream ciphers
Stream ciphers are optimized for real-time traffic. They are fast and as they process the
data as a stream of bits, fewer errors are generated. The previous standard for stream
ciphers was RC4, though this is no longer considered a secure cipher and was withdrawn
from widespread use in 2015. The following are two popular modern stream ciphers:

• ChaCha: ChaCha was designed for high performance. As a stream cipher, it has
many advantages over block ciphers when deployed with real-time applications
such as streaming media or VoIP. It was designed as an alternative to AES when
deploying SSL/TLS security. It is a refined version of Salsa20. The ChaCha cipher
is based on 20 rounds of encryption using a 256-bit key size. One of its major
strengths is its speed and resistance to side-channel analysis. ChaCha has
been adopted by Cloudflare and Google as its preferred option for TLS 1.3
SSL/TLS connections.
• Salsa20: Salsa20 was developed by the same person (Daniel J. Bernstein) that
developed the ChaCha cipher. It is closely related to the ChaCha cipher and
offers choices of 128-bit and 256-bit key sizes. It was superseded by the newer
ChaCha cipher.

Symmetric ciphers are fast and efficient but do not provide a mechanism for secure
symmetric key exchanges, nor do they support concepts that are used within digital
signatures. For this, we need asymmetric encryption.

Understanding asymmetric encryption

Asymmetric encryption has two main goals – one is to support a secure key exchange/
agreement process, while the other is to support non-repudiation through the use
of digital signatures. It is not used for bulk encryption as the key sizes (compared to
symmetric encryption) are large. This would mean that it could be thousands of times
slower to encrypt large amounts of data. Asymmetric encryption uses a key pair that
is mathematically related; there is a public key and a private key. You can think of the
public key as your bank details that you can share with a customer (who wants to make
a payment). Your private key is used to securely access your funds. In this analogy, your
bank card + pin + CVC code would be your private key. You would not share your private
key with anyone.
412 Implementing Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms

Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA)

RSA is used for secure key exchange and digital signatures. It was developed and
published in 1977, so it is one of the oldest asymmetric algorithms. It consists of
a public and private key that are mathematically related. You can publish your public
key but must keep the private key secure. The typical key size for RSA is between 2,048
to 4,096 bits, although current guidance is for keys of 3,072 bits to meet more stringent
security standards.

Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)

DSA is a government standard for digital signatures and is documented in FIPS PUB
186-4 (the current standard). Digital signatures are used for non-repudiation when you're
sending a document by email or to validate a certificate hosted by a website. The following
diagram shows the signing process when using a key pair:

Figure 11.8 – Digital signature algorithm (DSA)

FIPS standards are used to enforce strong signature algorithms. Signing is a combination
of hashing and asymmetric encryption. The public key is used to sign the hash of the
document (the email body in the preceding diagram).
The signing process is a little bit more complicated than what's shown in the preceding
diagram. We have broken the process down into more granular steps in the
following diagram:
Understanding asymmetric encryption algorithms 413

Figure 11.9 – Detailed signing process

The correct cipher suite must be selected. In this example, a cipher suite of RSA-3072 and
SHA-256 would be considered a good choice. MD5 would not meet the requirements of
FIPS compliance as it is weak and vulnerable to hash collisions. A man-in-the-middle
(MITM) attack could allow the document to be intercepted and modified if we use a weak
hashing algorithm. If the document is modified and it then matches the original hash
value, then the signature will appear valid.

Elliptic-curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)

ECDSA uses the same process as DSA by using standard keys, such as RSA keys. The
advantage is that the key size is roughly a tenth (1/10) of the size of the equivalent RSA
key. This results in a verifiable signature being generated, but with a vast reduction in CPU
activity when using these types of keys.

Diffie-Hellman (DH)
DH is a key agreement protocol that's typically used to exchange a secret/session key
for IPSec or SSL/TLS. It is not used to exchange a key but allows two parties to generate
a secret/session key independently. This is useful as it means the session key was never
transmitted, so any MITM attack would be unsuccessful.
414 Implementing Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms

Elliptic-curve Cryptography (ECC)

ECC allows key pairs to be generated using algebraic equations to draw an ellipse. Points
can be plotted on this ellipse to generate keys (this is a simple description of a complex
mathematical process). ECC is used for key agreements and digital signatures. The strength
of ECC is in its suitability for low-powered devices. A key size of 256 bits using ECC is
equivalent to an RSA key size of around 2,048 bits. ECC's key strengths are measured using
p256, p384, and p521. A key size of 384 bits (p384) meets the NSA suite B security standard
for top secret classification. Due to concerns about attacks from highly sophisticated
threat actors using quantum computing, a new standard has replaced NSA suite B called
Commercial National Security Algorithm Suite (CNSA). Check out the following URL for
more information:

Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH)

ECDH is a key agreement protocol where the actual public/private key pairs are based on
ECC. This key exchange protocol is further enhanced by the use of ephemeral keys (also
known as temporary keys), which makes this become ECDHE. ECDHE is one example of
a method that's referred to as forward secrecy or perfect forward secrecy. This ensures
long-term key pairs are not used during the key exchange. If an attacker managed to gain
a master key (such as a server private key), they could decrypt sessions in the future until
the keys were changed or rotated. When you're using forward secrecy, this is not possible.
Now that we've looked at all the individual encryption algorithms, we will look at some
common implementation methods.

Understanding encryption protocols

Hashing, symmetric, and asymmetric encryption are building blocks that are used to
support applications and protocols that need to secure how data is stored and transmitted.
Many processes will use a cipher suite, drawing on the strengths of the different types
of encryption. We depend on these protocols to protect users when we're accessing
online banking, remotely accessing the workplace, protecting information systems when
they must be administered across a network, and ensuring that emails that are sent and
received can be trusted. We will look at some of these common protocols in the
following subsections.
Understanding encryption protocols 415

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer

Security (TLS)
SSL/TLS is used to encrypt many application layer protocols, such as HTTP, SMTP, IMAP,
LDAP, and many more. It provides confidentiality (through encryption) and integrity
(through HMAC). It uses hybrid cryptography through a suite of protocols. SSL is no
longer used as it is considered insecure; TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 are the current standards.
An example of SSL/TLS can be seen in the following diagram:

Figure 11.10 – SSL/TLS session handshake

During the SSL/TLS handshake, the client and server must agree upon a cipher suite.
If there is no common cipher suite that suits both parties, then a cipher mismatch will
occur. If there is a cipher mismatch, the connection will be refused. This may be a result of
the client or server proposing a weak cipher suite.
416 Implementing Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms

Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

MIME is the standard for emails and allows for a common protocol. This allows users to
choose a mail client so that the enterprise can run an SMTP server from any vendor. To
ensure that emails are protected from inbox to inbox, we can encrypt the payload using
a combination of the recipient's public key and a session key. The recipient can decrypt
the message using their private key.
The following diagram shows the S/MIME process:

Figure 11.11 – S/MIME

This is a simplified version; in reality, the public key is used to protect the bulk encryption
key (the symmetric key); the private key can decrypt the symmetric key.

Internet Protocol Security (IPSec)

IPSec is a mechanism for securing data in transit, typically when supporting Virtual
Private Networks (VPNs). This can be used to secure site-to-site links or allow mobile
users to secure access to the enterprise network. IPSec will use a cipher suite consisting
of hashing (HMAC), symmetric for bulk encryption, and asymmetric for secure
key exchange.
Understanding encryption protocols 417

Secure Shell (SSH)

SSH is used to manage servers and equipment using a secure shell (or secure console).
SSH uses hybrid encryption to secure the connection. A common tool for connecting to
a remote device securely is PuTTY. The following screenshot shows the configuration for
PuTTY when preparing for an SSH connection:

Figure 11.12 – PuTTY SSH configuration

Note that the configuration allows for a secure key exchange (asymmetric) and the session
key (symmetric). It is common to rotate the keys that are used for secure connections.
If the asymmetric key pair is rotated (changed) on the server, then the client device will
need to download and trust the new public key.
418 Implementing Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms

Key stretching
Key stretching is used to protect weak keys. Examples of such keys include the passwords
stored in a database. If an attacker gains access to the weak passwords that have been
hashed in a database, then they can use offline techniques to crack these passwords. As
they will not use the live login option, they will not lock the accounts out. Offline tools/
techniques could include dictionary attacks, rainbow tables, and brute-force attacks.
When we harden a password using key stretching, the original password is passed through
multiple rounds of encryption. An attacker will now need to guess a password string and
subject it to multiple rounds of encryption (just like the key stretching algorithm) in an
attempt to crack the password. Key stretching will slow down the attacker's attempts to
a considerable degree while allowing the legitimate users to access their accounts with
little overhead.

Password salting
This is the most basic way to protect a password against offline attacks while using tables
and brute-force techniques. A pseudo-random string of characters is generated. This salt
is now mixed with the password string and hashed. The following diagram shows the
password salting process:

Figure 11.13 – Password salting

Understanding encryption protocols 419

This salted password is now stored in the password database. This offers a useful level
of protection for passwords that are stored, though can be improved upon by using key
stretching techniques.

Password-based key derivation function 2 (PBKDF2)

PBKDF2 uses SHA-2 hashing and a salt of at least 64 characters to protect passwords.
NIST recommends a series of 10,000 rounds/cycles of hashing to be applied to the
password after the salt has been added. The following diagram shows the principle
of key stretching:

Figure 11.14 – PBKDF2 key stretching

bcrypt is similar to PBKDF2, in the sense that it also allows for key stretching, though
it uses a different cipher. bcrypt is based on the Blowfish cipher, although it can also use
SHA-2 to encrypt a password using multiple rounds.
Many additional technologies can be used to protect an enterprise from attacks when data,
intellectual property, and the integrity of the data may be at risk. Let's learn about some of
these emerging technologies.
420 Implementing Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms

Understanding emerging security technologies

To maintain a strong security posture, organizations must be willing to adopt new
technologies and be aware of these technologies to protect the organization. Increases in
computing power may allow adversaries to gain access to data that's protected using weak
encryption algorithms. Newer technologies will allow for innovative solutions to address
cybersecurity requirements.

Quantum computing
Quantum computing is designed to solve complex problems more efficiently than
existing supercomputers. Supercomputers harness the traditional processing capabilities
of compute nodes hosting thousands of CPU and GPU cores. Solving a problem using
quantum processing may be thousands of times faster than using the existing computing
models. A regular computer (or supercomputer) processes 0s and 1s and generates
answers to problems using 0s and 1s – this is a solid approach and works well to solve
many different computational problems. Let's compare this to a simple problem where
a freight company needs to deliver goods to 10 different customers. There are 10 different
truck types and 10 different routes to the customer sites, and each customer has
a specific payload to be delivered. There may be over 3 million solutions when it comes
to optimizing the use of trucks, fuel, and routes. One example quantum algorithm is called
Grover's search, which can process the problem on a quantum computer and generate the
results in a much more efficient manner (compared to traditional computers). Instead of
searching through all 3 million possible solutions, Grover's search will find the solution
by checking various solutions – in this case, around 1,732 calculations. For complex
computational models, this may mean that an answer is available within seconds rather
than weeks.
The adoption of quantum computing and efficient algorithms to harness this technology
presents a major cybersecurity threat. At the time of writing, Google has a quantum
computer rated at 50 qubits (qubits describe quantum bits). A qubit can represent multiple
states. It is estimated that around 20 million qubits would be required to crack existing
cryptographic keys. For examples of quantum computing and the threats to cryptography,
go to
Understanding emerging security technologies 421

A blockchain is a secure digital ledger that's supported by a public peer-to-peer network.
A blockchain is a robust tamper-proof mechanism that's used to protect the integrity and
authenticity of data.
Records or transactions are added as a new block and the hash is calculated and added to
the chain. The following diagram shows a blockchain:

Figure 11.15 – Blockchain

The first block is referred to as the genesis block; there is no previous hash calculation
as there is no preceding block.
422 Implementing Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms

For the new transactions to be accepted, they must be approved by the majority of the
nodes on a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network. The new transaction (or block) can now be
added to the public ledger. We can see the process of approving a new transaction in the
following diagram:

Figure 11.16 – Transaction approved by the P2P network

To tamper with transactions in a blockchain, it would be necessary to recalculate
the hashes for all of the blocks (as each is dependent on the preceding block) and be
able to take control of more than 50% of the nodes on the P2P network. Aside from
cryptocurrencies, there are many practical implementations of blockchains, including
secure voting machines, healthcare, financial ledgers, and many more. Spotify
uses a decentralized blockchain to store information about artists, tracks, and
licensing agreements.
Understanding emerging security technologies 423

Homomorphic encryption
This type of encryption is used to protect data in use. When sensitive data must
be accessed by an application or service, then homomorphic encryption should
be considered.

Private Information Retrieval (PIR)

This protocol allows you to retrieve data from a database, without the receiver accessing
any sensitive data in the database. A researcher working for a medical company needs
to evaluate the effectiveness of drug trials. Rather than send the researcher the entire
database of information, with any sensitive data encrypted, PIR will run the query against
the secure encrypted database and only return the results that are authorized for the
researcher to access.

Secure Function Evaluation (SFE)

This protocol allows a function to be computed on two separate inputs, without revealing
the inputs to any party. For example, let's say that Mallory would like to perform statistical
analysis on customers' purchasing habits. The values that will be analyzed are held by
Acme bank and Home Depot. Acme and Home Depot do not want to share sensitive PII
or intellectual property with each other or Mallory. Mallory submits the query/function
to the two organizations and can retrieve useful statistical information, without gaining
access to any protected data from either party.

Private Function Evaluation (PFE)

This is also known as Multi-party Computation (MPC), which allows multiple parties
to submit data (or inputs) to a secure enclave where the function or calculation will be
performed. In this case, the function will be kept secret and the data owners will be sent
the encrypted results. This protects the intellectual property of all parties, including the
program owner.

Biometric impersonation
When considering security within large, complex enterprises, it is important to protect
identities with robust authentication schemes. Biometrics has been very useful in
providing Multi-factor Authentication (MFA), including facial recognition, gait
analysis, and voice patterns. The adoption of very powerful compute nodes has also made
biometric impersonation using deep fakes possible.
424 Implementing Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms

In 2020, a United Arab Emirates-based bank manager took a phone call from a company
director, who instructed him to make a large transfer totaling $35 million. It later
transpired that criminals had used deep learning computing techniques to create realistic
renditions of the company director's speech patterns. To read more about this story, go to
Deep learning uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and neural networks to extract distinct
traits or features from raw information. This technology can be used to generate
deep fakes.
There have been many instances of deep fakes being used to steal the identities of victims.
Computer-generated deep fake audio and videos are very difficult to distinguish from the
real thing. Deep fakes can also be referred to as synthetic media.
To mitigate the threats posed by deep fakes, there needs to be a robust way to verify that
the digital media, images, or voice are original. Blockchains may be a useful solution to
verify whether the media is original. The following URL provides an interesting news
article on deep fakes:

3D printing
This technology is widely adopted and is used by many diverse industries, from motor
manufacturers to aircraft production. 3D printing uses a Computer-aided Design (CAD)
process to create a blueprint for the printer to use. The printer can lay multiple layers of
materials to create prototypes, as well as production components.
The wide adoption of this technology means it is relatively easy for a competitor to
recreate designs based on the enterprise's intellectual property. Other risks may involve
a hacker gaining access to a network-connected 3D printer and introducing defects into
the printing process. However, it may be a useful security mitigation when we would
otherwise rely on third-party manufacturers to produce prototypes and early design
models. It is of paramount importance to secure the blueprints and manufacturing
data that are used by this process. Some 3D printing manufacturers are incorporating
technology that allows for digital fingerprinting, allowing a printed component to be
traced back to the source.
Summary 425

In this chapter, we learned about the protocols and technologies that are used to protect
data in many different states, primarily at rest, in transit, and in use. We gained an
understanding of hashing algorithms, primarily to support integrity. These hashing
algorithms include SHA, SHA-2, SHA-3, MD, and RIPE. We also looked at message
integrity using HMAC and AEAD.
We then studied the options for ensuring confidentiality using symmetric encryption,
including block ciphers such as AES and 3DES. We also identified cipher block modes,
including GCM, ECB, CBC, CTR, and OFB. We then looked at common stream ciphers
such as ChaCha and Salsa20, where real-time applications must be considered.
After that, we looked at asymmetric encryption, which is used for S/MIME, digital
signatures, and key exchange. These asymmetric algorithms include ECC, ECHDE, RSA,
and DSA.
We now understand how to deploy secure protocols, including SSL, TLS, S/MIME, IPSec,
and SSH.
We also gained an understanding of key stretching using PBKDF2 and bcrypt.
We also looked at new and emerging technologies that can help protect sensitive data
and intellectual property. Emerging technologies include blockchains, homomorphic
encryption, biometric impersonation, and deep fakes. We then looked at some of the risks
to be considered when deploying 3D printing.
These skills will be useful when we study additional security concepts using Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) as this is primarily deployed to support the authenticity of
our asymmetric key pairs.
In the next chapter, we will look at how public keys can be trusted by generating digital
certificates, as well as how certificates can be revoked and managed within an enterprise.
426 Implementing Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms

Answer the following questions to test your knowledge of this chapter:

1. Recent log analysis has revealed that archived documents have been tampered with,
even though the hash-matching database shows that the values have not changed.
What could have caused this?

A. A weak symmetric cipher

B. Hash collision
C. An asymmetric algorithm with a small key size
D. A poor choice of block cipher

2. Recent log analysis has revealed that archived documents have been tampered with.
To mitigate this vulnerability, which of the following should not be used?

A. RACE-320
B. MD5
C. SHA-384
D. SHA3-256

3. Developers are creating a File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) solution to market to

government agencies. What would be a good choice, considering FIPS compliance?

A. RACE-256
B. MD5
C. SHA-512
Questions 427

4. Google engineers are configuring security for a new regional data center. They are
looking to implement SSL/TLS for customer-facing application servers. What would
be a good choice, considering the need for speed and security?

A. ChaCha256 and Poly1305

B. 3DES and CBC
C. AES256 and CBC
D. Salsa256 and CBC

5. What is used to authenticate packets that are sent over a secure SSL/TLS

D. Key exchange

6. Hackers can gain access to encrypted data transmissions. Log analysis shows that
some application servers have different blockchain cipher configurations. Which log
entries would cause the most concern?


7. When you're choosing a symmetric algorithm for real-time media streaming

applications, what would be the best choice?

C. ChaCha
D. RC4
428 Implementing Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms

8. A government department is configuring a VPN connection. They are looking for

a highly secure key exchange protocol due to the threats that are being posed by
nation state threat actors. What would be a good choice?

B. ECDHE p521
C. ChaCha-256
D. SHA-512

9. What type of key agreement would most likely be used on IPSec tunnels?

A. Diffie-Hellman
D. Salsa

10. What is a good choice regarding a signing algorithm that will work well on
low-powered mobile devices?


11. What is the first step in the handshake for a secure web session that's using

A. Server hello
B. Session key created
C. Client hello
D. Pre-master secret
Questions 429

12. A government agency needs to ensure that email messages are secure from mailbox
to mailbox. It cannot be guaranteed that all SMTP connections are secure. What is
the best choice?

C. IPSec

13. An engineer sees the following output while connecting to a router:

Figure 11.17 – SSH warning

The engineer logged onto the device using SSH the same day earlier. What is the
most likely cause of this message?
A. Weak ciphers
B. Key rotation
C. Incorrect password
D. Incompatible cipher suite
430 Implementing Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms

14. While setting up a commercial customer-facing web application server, what would
be a good choice regarding a key exchange that will support forward secrecy?

C. ChaCha

15. What term is used to describe the message integrity that's provided by protocols
such as Poly1305 and GCM?

A. Non-repudiation
B. Authenticated encryption with associated data
C. Perfect forward secrecy
D. Collision resistance

16. What would be used to provide non-repudiation when you're sending a business
associate an email message?

B. AES-256
D. IPSec

17. A developer is protecting the password field when they're storing customer profiles
in a database. What would be a good choice for protecting this data from offline
attacks? Choose two.

C. bcrypt
D. ChaCha
Questions 431

18. What do Alice and Bob need to exchange before they send signed email messages to
each other?

A. Private keys
B. Cipher suite
C. Public keys
D. Pre-shared keys

19. What will be used when Alice needs to sign an important business document to her
colleague, Bob?

A. Alice's public key

B. Alice's private key
C. Bobs public key
D. Bobs private key

20. What encryption protocol will be used to encrypt emails while in transit, across
untrusted networks, when the client has no encryption keys?

432 Implementing Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms

1. B
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. C
11. C
12. B
13. B
14. D
15. B
16. C
17. A and C
18. C
19. B
20. A
Appropriate PKI
Solutions, Cryptographic
Protocols, and
Algorithms for
Business Needs
Public key infrastructure (PKI) is of vital importance to any size organization and
becomes a necessity for a large enterprise. PKI gives an organization the tools to verify
and provide authentication for keys that will be used to secure the data. Without PKI we
cannot use encryption keys, as the authenticity of keys cannot be verified. When a key pair
is generated, we need to assign a trustworthy signed certificate to the unique public key, in
a similar fashion to a passport that is generated for a trustworthy citizen. Without PKI, we
cannot use online banking, e-commerce, smart cards, or virtual private networks (VPNs)
with any assurance.
434 ImplementingAppropriatePKISolutions,CryptographicProtocols,andAlgorithmsforBusinessNeeds

It is important to understand how the entire process works and potential problem areas
that may need to be managed using troubleshooting skills. In this chapter, we will take a
look at the following topics:

• Understanding the PKI hierarchy

• Understanding certificate types
• Understanding PKI security and interoperability
• Troubleshooting issues with cryptographic implementations

Understanding the PKI hierarchy

A PKI hierarchy describes the main components needed to process certificate
signing requests (CSRs), authorize requests, and perform the signing process. Each
component of the PKI plays an important role. In Figure 12.1, we can see an overview
of the PKI hierarchy:
Understanding the PKI hierarchy 435

Figure 12.1 – Common components of PKI

We will now learn about these components.
436 ImplementingAppropriatePKISolutions,CryptographicProtocols,andAlgorithmsforBusinessNeeds

Certificate authority
A certificate authority (CA) consists of an application server running a service called
Certificate Services (or Linux/Unix equivalent daemon). There may be multiple levels of
CAs; there will always be a root CA. In addition, there will normally be at least one more
layer. This is known as the subordinate or intermediate CA. The root CA will typically be
kept in a secure location, in many cases isolated (or air-gapped). The root CA only needs
to be powered up and available to sign intermediate CA signing requests. For redundancy,
an enterprise may have several issuing CAs. The issuing CA must be powered up and
available to sign the client CSR; it will need to be highly available. Certificates follow a
standard. The current standard is X509.v3, and this dictates the formatting and included
information that is present on a digital certificate.

Registration authority
When a request is received from a client entity, there will be policies that dictate whether a
request will be approved. To issue a certificate that validates a domain name or some other
identity, verification checks must be done. You can compare the registration authority
(RA) role to that of an auditor. If you wanted to apply for a passport, then identity
verification would need to be done; otherwise, somebody could steal your identity. In
the PKI hierarchy, the passport would be the digital certificate and the RA would be the
government agency/department responsible for issuing passports.

Certificate revocation list

A certificate revocation list (CRL) is published by the CA and is a means of revoking
certificates that should no longer be used or trusted. If a certificate is issued with a validity
date of 1 year and there is a key compromise during that period, then the CA can revoke
the certificate and publish the status on a publicly accessible list. Figure 12.2 shows a
typical CRL:
Understanding the PKI hierarchy 437

Figure 12.2 – CRL

Certificates can be revoked for a variety of reasons, including cessation of operation,
change of affiliation, or key compromise (there are more options).
438 ImplementingAppropriatePKISolutions,CryptographicProtocols,andAlgorithmsforBusinessNeeds

Online Certificate Status Protocol

In order to support a timelier response to a client request for revoked certificates, the
Online Certificate Standard Protocol (OCSP) has become the standard approach to
deliver a speedy response. Using only a CRL, a client must connect to the CA's CRL server
and retrieve updated CRL entries. If there is an availability problem or a temporary outage
on the CRL network, then a client cannot validate the status of the public key certificate.
With OCSP, however, the OCSP service can cache results and respond to client requests
even when the CRL is temporarily offline. The OCSP is also a far simpler protocol, as the
serial number of the public key certificate is all that needs to be verified.
Once the PKI hierarchy is established, we will need to provide certificates for a wide
variety of uses.

Understanding certificate types

Large enterprises have very specific needs when enrolling for certificates; sometimes, the
goal may be ease of administration or flexibility to add additional sites to an e-commerce
operation. In some cases, customers may need the assurance provided with highly trusted
certificates. Here are some common types of certificates used.

Wildcard certificate
A wildcard certificate allows an organization to host multiple websites, using a single key
pair, with a single certificate. There may be restrictions or additional costs based upon the
number of sites hosted. The wildcard certificate requires all sites covered by the certificate
to use the same Domain Name System (DNS) domain name. Only the hostname of each
site can be different. Figure 12.3 shows a wildcard certificate:
Understanding certificate types 439

Figure 12.3 – Wildcard certificate

It is possible to host multiple sites while changing only the DNS hostname for each site.

Extended validation
An extended validation certificate is mainly used by banks and other financial institutions;
it is a type of certificate that carries a high level of assurance. Customers will see a visual
indicator while using their web browser, to indicate the site has an extended validation
certificate. Figure 12.4 shows Microsoft Internet Explorer connected to a site with an
extended validation certificate:

Figure 12.4 – Extended validation certificate

440 ImplementingAppropriatePKISolutions,CryptographicProtocols,andAlgorithmsforBusinessNeeds

Sites that are enrolled for extended validation certificates benefit from additional security
services and support from the CA, such as regular vulnerability scans (from the CA).

If an organization needs to support multiple domains using a single certificate, then a
multi-domain certificate would be appropriate. This type of certificate is different from a
wildcard certificate as it allows for different subdomains, domains, and hostnames for a site.
Figure 12.5 shows the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) extension on a banking website:

Figure 12.5 – SAN

SAN allows a high degree of flexibility when hosting multiple domain names but requires
forward planning, as you will need to know all the domains that need to be added to the
certificate (prior to the CSR). Multi-domain certificates will always display a primary,
officially called a Common Name (CN). It is necessary to take a look at the SAN to see
the other names associated with the certificate. Figure 12.6 shows the CN extension:
Understanding certificate types 441

Figure 12.6 – CN extension

A general-purpose certificate could be issued to a user for multiple uses. A user may need
to sign and encrypt email, authenticate to their Active Directory services account, and
use secure VPN access. We could minimize administrative actions by providing a single
certificate for the user.

Certificate usages/templates
To provide support for all the applications that are used or are being planned for, it
is important to ensure the CA has the appropriate templates enabled to support user
requests. Typical templates will include the following types:

• Client authentication
• Server authentication
• Digital signatures
• Code signing
• General-purpose
442 ImplementingAppropriatePKISolutions,CryptographicProtocols,andAlgorithmsforBusinessNeeds

In Figure 12.7, we can see Microsoft CA templates available for client enrolment:

Figure 12.7 – Microsoft CA templates

Additional templates can be added from a default pool, or custom templates can
be created.
It is important to support a varied set of users and entity requirements when planning
for PKI. It is also important to plan for interoperability. We will now look at some of the
challenges when planning for interoperability.

Understanding PKI security and

It is important to understand why a CA needs to be trusted and independently verified
by third-party auditors. There are security best practices that ensure hosted e-commerce
and financial sites have robust configurations. It is also important that CAs can be
incorporated together using trusted certificates.
Understanding PKI security and interoperability 443

Trusted certificate providers

Commercial CAs must adhere to recognized standards; there are industry associations
that govern CAs. In order to offer CA services, you must be independently audited by
a recognized auditor. Microsoft recognizes the American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants (AICPA) and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA)
as CAs that meet their stringent requirements. An annual audit must be performed
to remain compliant with Microsoft policies. If a CA meets these requirements, then
its root certificates can be trusted. In Europe, the recognized authority for auditing
CAs is European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). Many countries
outside of North America and Europe have their own certification standards. India
has a requirement that a commercial CA has its root public key certificate signed by
the government-mandated Root Certifying Authority of India (RCAI) in order to be
compliant. For more information, please see the following link: https://tinyurl.

Trust models
While there are many commercial CAs who all act independently, there are also occasions
where two or more CAs need to work together. Examples can be where government
agencies and contracting companies need to enable trust but do not use commercial CAs.
A common approach is to sign a CSR from a trusted partner.
444 ImplementingAppropriatePKISolutions,CryptographicProtocols,andAlgorithmsforBusinessNeeds

Cross-certification certificate
When two or more CAs need to work together, they can generate a type of certificate
called a cross-certification certificate. One CA will use the private key to sign a certificate
containing the public key of a trusted partner. In Figure 12.8, we can see ACME CA
signing the public key of WINGTIPS CA:

Figure 12.8 – Cross-certification certificate generation

In this example, all users who trust ACME will also trust certificates generated by the
WINGTIPS CA hierarchy.
Understanding PKI security and interoperability 445

Life cycle management

It is important to recognize the risks when using long-term keys, both for the signing
process and to provide encryption services. Regulatory requirements may dictate the
algorithms that must be used and the key strength that must be met. In many instances,
it may be a requirement that keys are changed (along with the public key certificate on an
annual basis); this is referred to as rekeying.

Certificate pinning
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Public Key Pinning (HPKP) headers are used to
protect an organization's users or customers from man-in-the-middle (MITM) exploits.
On the web application server, we can embed the server public key into the code so that
a client application or browser will block the site/server if the certificate has changed.
There are instances where the site can also pin the CA public key certificate into the code
to ensure customers will only trust the site if the server certificate has been issued by a
particular CA, such as GoDaddy or DigiCert.
The technology works by storing a trusted certificate value when first connecting to an
application; there is a maximum age field that can be set by the application provider.
The maximum age value could be anything from a few hours to several months. This is a
very effective way to ensure attackers cannot create lookalike farming sites using another
certificate with the same CN field.
When using this approach, you may also need to plan for an event where your server
certificate may be revoked and replaced with a new one. If the HPKP is based upon the
issuing CA public key certificate, then there will not be a problem. But if the public key
from the web server is embedded in the code and subsequently revoked, your clients will
not be able to access the web application server (until the maximum age field is reached).
In many cases, the public key is embedded into the mobile application when it is
downloaded from the app store; this means when keys need to be changed, the app will
need to be updated.
446 ImplementingAppropriatePKISolutions,CryptographicProtocols,andAlgorithmsforBusinessNeeds

Certificate stapling
Stapling allows a trusted web application server to begin a secure session with a client
by including both the server certificate and revocation status of the certificate. This is
accomplished by sending requests to the CA OCSP service for the current status of the
application server's digital certificate. This will speed up the process for the end user.
Figure 12.9 shows the certificate stapling process:

Figure 12.9 – Certificate stapling

Understanding PKI security and interoperability 447

Certificate stapling allows the client to trust the server certificate, without the need to
independently contact the CA for the up-to-date CRL.

A CSR will include the details for the creation of a certificate. Certain pieces of
information will be required, along with the requester's public key. In Figure 12.10, we can
see a typical template that must be completed to generate the CSR:

Figure 12.10 – CSR template

448 ImplementingAppropriatePKISolutions,CryptographicProtocols,andAlgorithmsforBusinessNeeds

When the request is generated, it creates a file; this is stored in Privacy Enhanced Mail
(PEM) format and encoded using Base64 characters. Figure 12.11 shows a CSR file:

Figure 12.11 – CSR Base64 encoding

Once the CSR is approved, it can be forwarded to the CA and a digital certificate
(containing the requester's public key) will be created and signed using the CA private key.
It is important to choose the correct certificate template when generating a CSR. If a
certificate is allocated for a specific use, then this will be evident in the Enhanced Key
Usage extension. See Figure 12.12 for an example of this extension:
Understanding PKI security and interoperability 449

Figure 12.12 – Enhanced Key Usage extension

If the certificate is presented for a different purpose, then the client will reject the certificate.

Common PKI use cases

Certificates are an important component within an enterprise; they are necessary to
support everyday business processes. Here are some examples:

• Web services
• Email (Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extensions (S/MIME))
• Code signing
• Federation—trust models
• Client authentication (smartcards)
• Enterprise and security automation/orchestration

In some cases, during the certificate enrolment process, there may be a requirement to
capture a copy of the private key. This is not a default setting but may be required for
certain types of certificate requests. Government agencies may have a policy of retaining a
user's private key so that data can be recovered in the event of the loss or corruption of the
original private key. It may also be a legal requirement in some countries.
450 ImplementingAppropriatePKISolutions,CryptographicProtocols,andAlgorithmsforBusinessNeeds

Key escrow
Key escrow enables a CA to store copies of private keys for entities that have generated
a CSR. Escrow is an agreement where something of value is stored securely and can
only be released under strict conditions, already specified. A real-world example is
when conveyancers handle the sale of a property. The conveyancers will have an escrow
bank account that is separate from their own regular bank account. When contracts are
signed and the buyer releases the payment, the money goes into the escrow account and
is used to pay the seller. If your private key is destroyed along with a Common Access
Card (CAC) or smartcard, then key escrow allows an organization to release a copy of
the private key to the account holder. Key escrow requires strict security management to
ensure private keys are only released in specific agreed-upon circumstances.

Troubleshooting issues with cryptographic

In an enterprise-supporting PKI implementation, we can expect to see issues where there
are compatibility, configurational, and operational problems that cause communication
to be disrupted or executed insecurely. It is important to recognize where these problems
could occur and look to mitigate them through effective policies and procedures.

Key rotation
It is important to recognize the benefits of key rotation to ensure data confidentiality is
maintained. Keys can be rotated automatically or manually, based upon the organization's
policies, or may be dictated by regulatory compliance. If a key is compromised, then it
should be revoked immediately. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
(PCI DSS) requires that keys are rotated on a regular basis, based upon the number of
records or transactions that have been encrypted. There are other considerations that an
organization should have, including staff turnover, the strength of current encryption
keys, and the value of the data. The National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST)
offers guidance on suitable key rotation timelines. This guidance is documented in NIST
Special Publication (SP) 800-57 Part 1 Revision 5, found at the following link: https://
Troubleshooting issues with cryptographic implementations 451

Mismatched keys
When considering key rotation, it is important to document all dependencies (software
modules and hardware). For example, if the public key is hardcoded into the software
of hardware devices and a key is rotated on a critical dependent module, then a key
mismatch may occur. Documented policies and procedures should be implemented to
avoid this situation.

Improper key handling

It is important to have robust policies and procedures relating to the handling of
encryption keys. Specific administrators should be assigned to the roles of key generation
and assignment. Where there is a possibility of fraudulent activity, then separation of
duties (SoD) should be considered. NIST recommends a number of measures designed to
improve the security of key handling, including limiting the amount of time that a private/
secret key is in plaintext form, restricting the potential for personal to view plaintext keys,
and storing keys as secure containers (there are more recommendations).

Embedded keys
It is possible for vendors to use embedded keys when there is a need to ship computer
systems or other hardware devices with default secure configurations. An example could
be Windows operating systems (OSes) configured for a secure boot. The Microsoft public
key is embedded in Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) firmware. This allows
for secure boot right from first use. In some instances, the embedded key may need to
be updated or changed due to the intended use of the computer. If we need to install
Linux on the system and benefit from a secure boot, then we would need to change the
embedded key; for the Linux distribution, this would be the public key.

Exposed private keys

It is important to secure private keys, as these will allow an attacker to decrypt sensitive
data. A crypto module would be a good choice for private key storage. A hardware
security module (HSM) is a dedicated device used to secure private keys. An HSM can be
an appliance that can be secured in the data center where sensitive keys will be required
for secure transactions. (Private keys should not be stored directly in the filesystem of an
information system.) Where there is a business need or compliance requirements, then
private keys can be stored in escrow.
452 ImplementingAppropriatePKISolutions,CryptographicProtocols,andAlgorithmsforBusinessNeeds

Crypto shredding
Where there is a need to render confidential or sensitive data unreadable, then crypto
shredding may be a good choice. This would entail encrypting the data at rest with
specific encryption keys. The key used to encrypt the data could then be deleted, therefore
shredding the sensitive data. This could be useful when there is no physical access to the
storage device, such as when data is stored by a third-party cloud provider. Once the key
has been shredded, then access to the data is not going to be possible. In the same way as
physically shredding a hard drive, this is used to render the data unrecoverable. Crypto
shredding is a technique that is used on Apple iPhones; when the pin number is entered
incorrectly 10 times, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption key is erased
(rendering the device storage inaccessible).

Cryptographic obfuscation
Modern encryption ciphers deploy complex mathematical procedures in order to protect
the keys used within a cipher. Multiple levels of confusion and diffusion are designed to
make the task of a crypto-analyst very difficult. Regulatory bodies are constantly requiring
additional security protocols and existing ciphers to use longer encryption keys and more
complex cipher block modes. With these requirements, it is not an easy task to reverse a
cipher in the event that the plaintext needs to be accessed without the encryption key.

Compromised keys
Once a key is compromised, then it should be taken out of circulation and published to
the CRL. It is important this is done in a timely fashion. Depending on the value of the
data and potential exposure, this may need to be performed immediately, or certainly
within a few hours. Examples of compromised keys may include stolen private keys.

In this chapter, we have learned about the importance of PKI, we have taken a look at
a typical PKI hierarchy. We have been able to understand the roles played by CAs and
registration authorities (RAs).
We have taken a look at certificate types, including wildcard certificates, extended validation,
multi-domain, and general-purpose certificates. We have gained an understanding of the
common usages for certificates, including client authentication, server authentication
(application servers), digital signatures, and code signing. We have taken a look at important
extensions used when publishing certificates, including CN and SAN.
Questions 453

We have taken a look at the requirements needed to become a trusted CA, how providers
are audited, and what is required to maintain trusted status.
We have looked at common trust models used when CAs need to work together and have
understood the importance of the cross-certification trust model.
We have understood why is important to address certificate life cycle management,
including the rekeying of credentials.
In order to mitigate common methods of attack (including MITM), we have seen how
certificate pinning can be used to safeguard an organization hosting web application servers.
We have gained an understanding of the requirements to generate a CSR, and the formats
and templates that are used during the process.
During this chapter, we have taken a look at the main differences between the OCSP
and CRL. We have also examined how certificate stapling can speed up the secure
handshaking process for a TLS connection.
We have looked at issues where there are compatibility, configuration, and operational
problems that cause communication to be disrupted.
This information will be useful in the next chapter when we take a look at governance,
risk, and compliance.

1. ACME needs to request a new website certificate. Where will they send the request
(in the first instance)?

A. Root CA
B. Subordinate/intermediate CA

2. Software engineers are developing a new customer relationship management

(CRM) tool. They need to ensure customers will be able to verify the code is
trustworthy. What type of certificate will they request?

A. Client authentication
B. Server authentication
C. Digital signatures
D. Code signing
454 ImplementingAppropriatePKISolutions,CryptographicProtocols,andAlgorithmsforBusinessNeeds

3. Web developers have created a new customer portal for online banking. They need
to ensure their corporate customers are satisfied with the security provisions when
connecting to the portal. Which certificate type should they request for the portal?

A. Wildcard certificate
B. Extended validation
C. Multi-domain
D. General-purpose

4. A large e-commerce provider needs to minimize administration by allocating a single

certificate to multiple sites. The sites will be country-specific, with different domain
names. What would be the best choice of certificate to deliver this requirement?

A. Wildcard certificate
B. Extended validation
C. General-purpose

5. A multinational airline has a customer-booking portal. They need to minimize

administration by allocating a single certificate to multiple sites. The sites will
provide support for booking, queries, and check-in. The company-registered
domain name ( will be used in each case. What would be the best
choice of certificate to deliver this requirement?

A. Wildcard certificate
B. Extended validation
C. General-purpose

6. Wingtip Aerospace needs to ensure that certificates can be trusted by government

agencies as part of an ongoing collaboration project. What allows the Wingtip
Aerospace certificates to be trusted by government employees?

A. Cross-certification
B. Chaining
C. Wildcard certificate
D. Extended validation
Questions 455

7. Which key is embedded in an X.509.v3 digital certificate?

A. Public
B. Private
C. Digital signature
D. Symmetric

8. A chief information security officer (CISO) for a large financial company is

concerned that criminals may create certificates with the same CN as the company,
leading to fraudulent activity. What would best protect against this threat?

A. Wildcard certificate
B. Extended validation
C. Certificate pinning
D. Certificate stapling

9. A large online retailer would like the customer web browsing experience to be low
latency, with a speedy secure handshake and verification of the website certificate.
What would best meet this requirement?

A. Extended validation
B. Certificate pinning
C. Certificate stapling

10. A user discovers that a colleague has accessed their secure password key and may
have made a copy of the private key (stored on the device). What action should
security professionals take to mitigate the threat of a key compromise?

A. Publish the public key on the CRL

B. Delete the public and private keys
C. Interview the work colleague
D. Implement disciplinary proceedings against the colleague
456 ImplementingAppropriatePKISolutions,CryptographicProtocols,andAlgorithmsforBusinessNeeds

11. Which HTTP extension will ensure that all connections to the bank's e-commerce
site will always also be encrypted using the assigned X.509 certificate?

A. HTTP X-Frame headers

B. HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
C. HTTP Secure (HTTPS) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 3.0 Cipher Block
Chaining (CBC)
D. Extended validation

12. When a public key is bundled within the UEFI firmware on a new Windows laptop,
what is this termed as?

A. Exposed private keys

B. Crypto shredding
C. Improper key handling
D. Embedded keys

13. A cybercriminal has stolen the smartphone of the chief executive officer (CEO)
from ACME bank. They have attempted to guess the personal identification
number (PIN) code several times, eventually locking the device. After mounting
the storage in a lab environment, it is not possible to access the stored data. What
has likely prevented a data breach?

A. Embedded keys
B. Exposed private keys
C. Crypto shredding
D. Improper key handling

14. Several employees are required to bring their laptops into the office in order to
obtain new encryption keys, due to a suspected breach within the department.
What is taking place?

A. Rekeying
B. Crypto shredding
C. Certificate pinning
D. Cryptographic obfuscation
Answers 457

15. When an engineer connects to a switch using a Secure Shell (SSH) connection,
there is a request to download and trust a new public key certificate. There was no
such request when connecting from the same computer the previous day. What is
the likely cause of this request?

A. Compromised keys
B. Exposed private keys
C. Extended validation
D. Key rotation

1. C
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. A
11. B
12. D
13. C
14. A
15. D
Section 4:
Governance, Risk,
and Compliance

In this section, you will learn the different approaches for assessing enterprise risk,
including quantitative and qualitative techniques. You will study different risk response
strategies and learn why regulatory and legal considerations are important during this
response. Finally, you will learn about creating effective business continuity and disaster
recovery plans.
This part of the book comprises the following chapters:

• Chapter 13, Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies

• Chapter 14, Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations and Their
Organizational Impact
• Chapter 15, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Concepts
Risk Strategies
Enterprise risk is a major consideration for organizations and can have a significant
impact on them. Risks must be understood at a strategic level to ensure long-term goals
are achieved and must also be addressed for more short-term or tactical business goals.
An enterprise should employ security professionals who have expertise in conducting
appropriate risk assessments or engage qualified assessors to assist the enterprise. Once
risks are identified, the business must have a strategy for responding to risks; these
responses may be dictated by regulatory compliance or business drivers. Risk is a constant
threat to a business and must be managed on a continuous cycle. In order to understand if
we have deployed effective controls, we need to have monitoring and reporting in place to
ensure we are operating within the enterprise's targets, for risk tolerance.
A strong security posture will provide a strong foundation for managing risk within the
enterprise. This can be achieved with cybersecurity policies and practices, in order to
ensure day-to-day operations are handled securely.
462 Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies

Supply chains add additional complexity to an enterprise's overall security footprint; lack
of visibility of who is handling enterprise data or processing enterprise data can add to
risk. Vendor management and assessments must be addressed by risk management teams.
In this chapter, we will learn about the following topics:

• Understanding risk assessments

• Implementing risk-handling techniques
• Understanding the risk management life cycle
• Understanding risk tracking
• Managing risk with policies and security practices
• Explaining the importance of managing and mitigating vendor risk

Understanding risk assessments

When assessing risk, there are typically two approaches; one approach involves qualitative
techniques. The metrics used within this approach will include likelihood and impact
and may include other metrics such as speed of onset. This is considered a basic form
of risk assessment and will include background knowledge from the assessor. It is often
considered a subjective method, meaning two different risk assessors may not agree
exactly when delivering a qualitative risk assessment. A common approach to risk
management is to break the process down into steps or phases. Figure 13.1 shows a five-
step approach:

Figure 13.1 – Risk management steps

Understanding risk assessments 463

To understand risk, we must be able to quantify a level of risk as a measurement. In all

cases, we will have assets that must be protected, so we then need to calculate the level of
risk using likelihood and impact.
One of the accepted approaches to risk assessments is to use a qualitative method. We will
now take a look at this type of assessment.

Qualitative risk assessments

In order to perform a qualitative assessment, we must adopt a step-by-step approach using
likelihood versus impact. This can be a fairly simple risk matrix, as illustrated here:

Figure 13.2 – Qualitative risk assessment matrix

It is important to highlight the greatest risks in order to prioritize risk responses.
There are more specific qualitative risk assessments when we are assessing risks against
particular assets. When there is a requirement to host different data types on a shared
information system, (often requiring different classification labels), then we can use the
Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA) aggregate matrix. Figure 13.3 shows an example of
the CIA aggregate method of risk assessment:

Figure 13.3 – CIA aggregate scoring

464 Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies

This approach is used to ensure we identify the greatest risks for the overall system and
use this as a baseline to apply the controls. When calculating the aggregate values, we
track the high-water mark in each column (this is a simplistic description where we look
for the highest single value in each column). In the preceding screenshot, the impact
value for admin information is LOW. We must, however, ensure that the potential impact
for supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) alert data is mitigated with the
appropriate control. As this is a shared information system, we may choose to implement
a high availability (HA) failover solution.
One of the benefits of using a qualitative method is the fact that it can be easier to
perform. However, it does not produce outputs that convey the level of risk from a
financial perspective. To present risks to decision-makers, it may be necessary to use a
quantitative approach in order to present monetary values. We will now take a look at this
type of assessment.

Quantitative risk assessments

When risks must be conveyed to company leadership, it is important that risks are
presented in a way that is easy to understand. To present risks to decision-makers,
it is useful to illustrate the monetary impacts of risks. This can be achieved by using
quantitative risk assessments.

Asset value (AV)

When using a quantitative approach, it is important to understand the value of an asset.
This could be the purchase price of a commodity or, perhaps, the invested costs associated
with creating a customer marketing database.

Exposure factor (EF)

When assessing risks, it is uncommon when an event occurs that there will be a total
100% loss in monetary terms. If my building is flooded, then it is likely the costs to
repair the damage will not be equal to the total original cost of the building. This value is
normally presented as a percentage figure.
Understanding risk assessments 465

Single-loss expectancy (SLE)

The amount of loss during a single event is calculated using the Asset Value (AV) x
Exposure Factor (EF).

Annualized loss expectancy (ALE)

If there are multiple incidents, then we need to understand how many events will occur in
a single year.

Annualized rate of occurrence (ARO)

The total loss during the year is calculated using SLE x ARO.
We will take a look at a simplistic example of quantitative risk.
The enterprise has a production facility, and the risk management team must assess all
risks that could cause a loss to the business. The plant has a nominal value of United
States dollars (USD) $10,000,000, and historical data—as well as studies in climate
change (projected into the future)— is used to give a realistic likelihood value. The data
calculates those floods will occur twice in 100 years, so, the ARO=.02 or 2%. It is expected
that damage will result in a cost of $2,000,000 or 20% of the total value. The calculation of
SLE x ARO (2,000,000 x .02) will result in a loss of $40,000, which is the ALE. Figure 13.4
illustrates the process to determine the ALE:

Figure 13.4 – Quantitative risk assessment

As this is a low likelihood, the enterprise may choose to accept the risk. Alternatively, they
may consider flood insurance if the annual cost is no greater than $40,000.
466 Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies

Gap analysis
A gap analysis is undertaken in order to understand where there may be missing controls.
In order to perform this analysis, we must be able to assess the current state of controls
and compare this to where we want the organization to be (the desired state). Figure 13.5
shows the steps required to perform a gap analysis:

Figure 13.5 – Gap analysis

The results can be shared with senior management in order to facilitate a response.

Total cost of ownership (TCO)

When assessing solutions to control or mitigate risks, it is important to factor in all costs,
not just the initial purchase price. Many solutions may require maintenance, software
licensing, additional staff, or other costs that will need to be calculated over the lifetime of
the solution.

Return on investment (ROI)

An ROI is an important metric as it can be used to highlight the benefits of a proposed
control in monetary terms. When presenting recommendations to senior management,
a positive ROI for a proposed risk mitigation solution is an effective way to get your
point across.
It is normal to present an ROI as a purely monetary value, although it can also be
presented as a percentage figure.
An example would be ALE based upon ransomware attacks of $100,000. So, we purchase
endpoint detection and response (EDR) solution and network-attached storage (NAS)
for backing up important data. The cost is $10,000 and will save the company $100,000, so
the ROI is $90,000. Figure 13.6 shows this formula used to calculate ROI:
Understanding risk assessments 467

Figure 13.6 – ROI calculation

We could use another example of phishing attacks, costing the company $100,000
annually. In this case, we invest $10,000 in EDR and security awareness training. We
expect this control to be 90% effective in preventing this type of attack. So, the reduction
in risk will be $90,000 - $10,000 (cost of control) = $80,000 ROI. If we wanted to present
the benefits as a percentage figure, we would use the following calculation:

Figure 13.7 – ROI calculation displays a percentage value

In the example using the phishing attack, the ROI would be $80,000/$10,000 = 800%.

Mean time to recovery (MTTR)

When security professionals are assessing more than one proposed solution, it is
important to research the performance of the proposed solutions. MTTR could be an
important metric when choosing a mitigation solution. We could use the example of the
NAS to protect our data from ransomware attacks. To restore backed-up data from the
NAS to a server may take 2 hours, whereas a restore from tape-based media could take 4
hours. A lower value is the desired outcome with this metric.
For systems that cannot be recovered, we would use the mean time to fail (MTTF) metric.

Mean time between failure (MTBF)

The reliability of a system can be calculated by using the MTBF metric; this is the average
amount of time between each event. A higher value is desired. So, if my server is hit by
crypto-malware (ransomware) on two occasions during a 24-hour period requiring data
restoration from the NAS, the server will have 4 hours of downtime—20 hours' worth of
uptime divided by 2 = 10 hours. So, the MTBF would be 10 hours.
Once we have identified suitable metrics to assess the risks, we can take a look at
approaches to control these risks.
468 Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies

Implementing risk-handling techniques

Once we have identified risks, it is important to formulate a response. Approaches
will differ, depending on a number of factors, including the organization's risk appetite
and regulatory requirements. There are four main types of risk response, as shown in
Figure 13.8:

Figure 13.8 – Risk response types

An enterprise should consider the following risk response approaches.

When an organization wants to control or mitigate risk but does not have the resources
(personnel or finances) to implement a response, then transference may be an appropriate
strategy. If the organization cannot afford to rebuild the warehouse in case of fire, then
they should consider fire insurance. If the organization does not have the personnel or
infrastructure to support secure card payments, they may consider engaging a third party
to process these payments.

When a risk is accepted, it is normally because the risk is considered to be acceptable to
the organization based upon the risk tolerance/appetite. An example of risk acceptance
would be a low likelihood event, such as earthquakes or floods in an arid location with no
prior history of earthquakes or floods.
Implementing risk-handling techniques 469

To avoid an identified risk, the organization should cease the activity that is identified to
be outside of the acceptable risk tolerance. If the risk is deemed to be extreme, such as loss
of life, then the risk avoidance will be justified.

In many cases, the response to risk will be to mitigate risks with controls. These controls
may be managerial, technical, or physical. Mitigation will not avoid risks completely but
should bring the risks down to an acceptable level. Mitigation could involve an acceptable
use policy (AUP) for use of mobile equipment; in addition, mobile device management
(MDM) would allow the organization to encrypt company data.
As well as formulating effective risk responses, it is important to recognize risks that will
have to be absorbed in some way.

Risk types
When performing risk assessments, it is important to understand that risk cannot be
completely eliminated, unless we choose risk avoidance. Certain risk types will always be

Inherent risk
This is the risk that exists prior to any controls being applied. An example could be a
financial institution that employs staff with no background checks or formal interviews.
At the same time, there are no locks or barriers safeguarding the bank vault. Some
organizations will have to accept a much higher level of inherent risk when choosing a
particular area of operation or business sector. There is an inherent risk when considering
operating in a hostile geographic region, both from an environmental and political nature.

Residual risk
This is the risk that remains after controls have been applied. There will always be some
remaining risk, but it will be reduced to a level that falls within the corporation's risk
tolerance. For banks, a solution might be background checks for employees, biometric
locks, and closed-circuit television (CCTV) for the vault.
470 Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies

Risk exceptions
An exception is where a corporation cannot comply with regulatory requirements of
corporate policy. There may be circumstances beyond the control of the organization, or
perhaps a technical constraint that requires a risk exemption. A common requirement for
a risk exemption may be legacy equipment or applications. Exemptions should be formally
documented and signed off by the appropriate business owners or stakeholders.
Managing risk is a continuous process, so frameworks, controls, and effective
management are important for an enterprise.

Understanding the risk management life cycle

The risk management process is cyclical, and risks need to be identified on an ongoing/
constant basis. Business practices may change and regulatory compliance may place fresh
demands on security professionals. These changing practices will mean the organization
must constantly assess the security posture to ensure controls and best practices are put
into place. Figure 13.9 shows the stages of the risk management life cycle:

Figure 13.9 – Risk management life cycle

Within the risk management life cycle, an enterprise will perform the following activities:

• Identify—The business process, people, technology, and intellectual property (IP)

are just some items that may constitute enterprise risk.
• Assess—In this phase, we must identify potential threats, vulnerabilities, and the
level of risk that they pose to the enterprise.
Understanding the risk management life cycle 471

• Control—During this phase, we identify controls that will meet the enterprise
requirements, as far as the levels that they are willing to accept.
• Review—In this phase, we must understand that there will be changes within the
industry, regulatory changes, and changes to the threat landscape. When there
are changes, then the enterprise must assess these new risks. Are the controls still
adequate within this changing threat landscape?

There are many frameworks adopted by organizations, and depending on the business
sector or operational requirements, a particular model usually gains widespread
acceptance. We'll now take a look at some risk management frameworks.

Department of Defense Risk Management Framework

The US Department of Defense (DoD) has adopted the DoD Risk Management
Framework (RMF). This is based upon a six-stage model. Each stage can be accomplished
using guidance and documentation published by the National Institute of Science and
Technology (NIST). The exact details for this framework can be seen in DoDI 8510.01,
available at the following link:
See Figure 13.10 for steps in the DoD RMF model:

Figure 13.10 – DoD RMF

In the preceding example, we have linked each step to corresponding NIST guidance that
can be used as a reference for each step.
472 Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies

NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF)

This was created in order to provide organizations with guidance on how to prevent,
detect, and respond to cyberattacks. It is intended as general cybersecurity guidance for
various business sectors. Figure 13.11 shows a typical five-stage life cycle:

Figure 13.11 – Risk management life cycle

To understand in more detail how an enterprise can implement this framework, see the
downloadable document at
The stages are documented next.

In this stage, the organization must identify all assets that may be subject to cybersecurity
risk. Assets may well include people, systems, data, and business operational capabilities—
in other words, any element of risk. Without this identification stage, we cannot effectively
focus efforts on the critical parts of the business.

Once we have identified all critical assets, we can move on to the next stage, which
is to protect. We will mitigate and minimize the potential for damage arising from a
cybersecurity incident.
Understanding the risk management life cycle 473

It is important that the organization is able to detect when a cybersecurity incident is
taking place. To be successful within this phase, we will need a combination of security
professionals, well-trained personnel, and automated detection.

It is important to have appropriate plans in place to respond to cybersecurity incidents.
We must be able to contain cybersecurity incidents while maintaining business
operations. It is important to focus on response planning, communication, and tools and
techniques to perform analysis, mitigation, and continuous improvements.

In the recovery phase, an enterprise should maintain plans that enable the organization to
recover from significant events (business continuity (BC); incident response plans). It is
important to focus on resiliency at this stage.

Understanding risk controls

There are many challenges when we consider all the potential risks that need to be
managed by an enterprise. It is a fine balancing act, where we have employees, business
processes, and technology that are all interwoven. Figure 13.12 shows the relationship
between people, processes, and technology:

Figure 13.12 – Risk control relationship

474 Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies

It is important for all these elements to be considered to ensure they will work well together.

The controls that we choose must be effective and accepted by our staff. If they are overly
complex or poorly implemented, then they may try to work around the obstruction.
Imposing strict password policies on users may result in workarounds such as password
reuse or writing complex passwords down.

It is important to formalize processes that will be used within the enterprise. A business
process should ensure that goals are achieved in a safe and secure way. The standards and
policies that the organization adopts will help to ensure that processes are performed in
an efficient but secure manner. Single points of failure (SPOFs) should be identified and
eliminated, and processes that have the potential for fraudulent activities should also
be changed.

Technology can be useful when considering risk controls. Innovation can be an important
business driver in many ways. Automation can help solve or speed up complex processing
problems. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are helping to protect
our information systems from ever-increasing sophisticated threats. We must, however,
harness this technology to ensure it makes the right decisions; many systems still require
humans in the loop.
In order to understand if the controls are effective, we must monitor risk activities. We
will now look at techniques used to track risks.

Understanding risk tracking

It is important for enterprise risk to be understood and managed by the appropriate
stakeholders within the organization. All risks should be documented, along with actions
taken and the business owner impacted by the risk. This should be documented in a risk
register. Figure 13.13 shows a typical risk register:
Understanding risk tracking 475

Figure 13.13 – Sample risk register

To ensure the organization is able to comply with regulatory requirements, we must have
an effective method to monitor risk. By monitoring risk, we can see reports on potential
risks and understand where the business may be unduly exposed.
In order to monitor and respond to risks, we must have effective metrics that allow an
enterprise to track performance regarding risk.

Key performance indicators

A key performance indicator (KPI) is a measurable value, allowing the business to
identify important activities in the company that contribute to a positive security posture.
KPIs can be used to log the performance of activities, such as the percentage of endpoints
patched to date, the number of unresolved security incidents, MTTR from a security
event, or the percentage of staff having completed security awareness training.
476 Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies

Key risk indicators

Key risk indicators (KRIs) are directly related to KPIs. They are developed together in
order to identify the processes that contribute to strategic objectives. If we can identify key
business processes that can contribute to risk, we need a way to measure the performance,
and then we can set thresholds that indicate the activity is now creating a risk to the
enterprise. With proper reporting, KRIs should give early warnings to ensure the risk does
not get out of hand and exceed our risk tolerance. If the business has identified a KPI,
then there needs to be agreement about when this measurement quantifies a risk to the
business. If we consider patching of workstations to be important, then a KPI reporting
the number currently patched to be less than 90% could indicate a significant risk to
the business. Ransomware is one of the biggest cybersecurity risks, targeting vulnerable
unpatched systems.

Risk appetite
Risk appetite defines the amount of risk that an organization is prepared to accept when
pursuing business objectives. This will differ between different business sectors and
industries and will also be very dependent on company culture, competitors, objectives,
and the financial wellbeing of the company. It is difficult to define an exact value when
describing risk appetite. Risk appetite is usually expressed as low, medium, or high. There
is usually a sweet spot that is acceptable in many industries. An energy provider with a
large customer base may be content to operate gas-fired power stations. It is a well-proven
technology, and if the technology is mature and relatively safe, they do not want to change
the model or target new customers. Their appetite for risk is low.

Risk tolerance
This is the deviation that the enterprise will accept in relation to the risk appetite. This
metric can be expressed as a number or percentage value. The energy supplier negotiates for
future deliveries of gas from global suppliers. If reserves of gas, for unexpected cold weather,
drop to less than 5% then we must act, as the company has set this as its risk tolerance.

Trade-off analysis
When considering enterprise risk for a large organization, there may be many risks and
response strategies that should be evaluated. There may be differing views based on
stakeholder priorities, and the strategic goals of the enterprise may need to be considered.
If an organization decides that customer satisfaction is the main priority, they may decide
to commit more resources into customer-facing support teams, taking personnel away
from the sales team. This may mean fewer sales in the short term, but the long-term
strategy may mean more customers.
Managing risk with policies and security practices 477

Managing risk with policies and security

In order to mitigate risk, there are many approaches. Policies are one effective way to
meet corporate goals. While they do not guarantee all security goals are met, they are an
important layer when we implement defense in depth (DiD). Implementing more layers
of security means that if one control fails, we have compensating controls.

Separation of duties (SoD)

When an employee has privileges that enable them to make high-level decisions without
needing the consent of another employee, then we are missing essential checks and
balances. Consider a chief financial officer (CFO) who approves new suppliers, approves
supplier invoices for services, and signs paychecks. This example would allow for fraudulent
activities and would be mitigated by establishing accounts receivable and accounts payable
business functions.

Job rotation
When employees are in the same job role for a significant amount of time, there is the
likelihood that they become complacent and burnt out. A change in job role means the
enterprise has redundancy in skill sets and motivated employees. Another benefit is the fact
that fraudulent activity will be less likely, as employees do not have the option to establish
long-term hidden practices, and the new job holder may uncover fraudulent activities.

Mandatory vacation
In certain industries, it is common practice for the staff to be away from their job for a
period of time on an annual basis. The duration may vary; in finance, the recommended
mandatory vacation is 2 weeks. This period of vacation ensures that their position can
be audited while they are on vacation. Another benefit is that mandatory vacation serves
as a deterrent. An unauthorized activity may be difficult to hide from the company if the
employee is not around to fix potential problems.
478 Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies

Least privilege
This is a good practice that involves identifying business functions and having robust
account management policies to ensure the user has the privileges they need for their
job. It may seem obvious, but it can be easy to overlook this basic control. It is common
practice to add an employee to a role group that has privileges far in excess of the
actual privileges they need. Take the example of the administrator group on a Windows
server; this role allows the user to perform any administrative function on the server. A
technician may need certain privileges to install software and hardware drivers; if they are
added to the administrator group, they would gain privileges beyond their requirements.

Employment and termination procedures

Many risks may be overlooked without the adoption of policies for new employees and
employees who leave the organization. New employees should be vetted and background
checks should be performed. New employees should be onboarded, which involves
mandatory security training, assignment of credentials and equipment (including sign-
off), signing of an AUP, and, where applicable, non-disclosure agreements (NDAs).
When the employee leaves the company, they should be offboarded. Offboarding involves
exit interviews, which will allow the organization to understand why an employee may
be leaving and help with future employee retention. Exit interviews may encourage
whistleblowers; the employee may be leaving because of poor attitudes and practices of
their work colleagues. During offboarding, it is important to recover all company assets
and disable user account credentials.

Training and awareness for users

Security awareness training is an important process, as the users are the most important
asset within an organization. Users can also be considered the weakest link; over 50% of
data breaches are caused by insider threats. Poorly trained users can be one of the biggest
factors to consider when dealing with data breaches. Baseline security training should be
implemented for all staff, with more specialized training for job roles.
Explaining the importance of managing and mitigating vendor risk 479

Auditing requirements and frequency

It is important for the enterprise to perform regular audits to ensure the enterprise meets
regulatory requirements and mitigates risks of fraudulent or malicious actions. The
Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) requires government agencies
and suppliers to be audited on an annual basis. To be FISMA-compliant, the following
steps need to be taken:

• Maintain an information system inventory

• Categorize information systems (Federal Information Processing Standard
Publication (FIPS) 199)
• Maintain a system security plan
• Utilize security controls (NIST SP800-53)
• Conduct risk assessments (NIST SP800-30)
• Certification and accreditation (NIST SP800-37)
• Continuous monitoring

Once all the controls are in place, it is important that compliance is constantly monitored.
There are vendors offering solutions to monitor, report, and alert when systems deviate
from the baseline.
As an enterprise will rely on third-party vendors to perform essential business functions
on its behalf, it is important that there are controls in place to assess and mitigate risks. We
will now explain these techniques.

Explaining the importance of managing and

mitigating vendor risk
An enterprise will need to assess risk whenever significant business changes are
undertaken. There are many activities that will require an enterprise risk to be evaluated.
A large enterprise may be engaged in outsourcing services to third-party vendors, often
cloud-based. Maybe the enterprise will consider a merger or acquisition with a company
operating within a different regulated industry.
480 Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies

There are many examples of attacks that have been launched, exploiting supply chains,
often relying on a lack of visibility on the part of the enterprise. It is important to assess
all risks that may be present when we work with third parties. When performing vendor
assessments, we need to ensure they meet the expected levels of compliance required by
the enterprise. To ensure a vendor meets the expectations of the business, we may audit
the vendor or use third-party assessments. The following topics should be considered
during an assessment.

Vendor lock-in
It is important to assess all available options when bringing in external providers or
technology solutions. Cloud service providers (CSPs) would be a good example of
potential lock-in, where the provider can impose strict financial penalties if the customer
decides to switch CSP before the end of a specific contracted period. If the service is not
adequate and cannot be improved due to a lack of defined service-level agreements
(SLAs), then the customer may have to accept an inferior service. Technology may also
be a contributor to lock-in, when bleeding-edge technology may be adopted. Later, the
customer realizes the solution locks them into an incompatible database format. This
could result in a solution that would be very difficult to migrate to another platform.
Vendor lock-out could also be considered; this is when the vendor makes it difficult to
work with third parties as their service may be incompatible.

Vendor viability
It is important to choose SPs that have a provable track record in delivering services that
the enterprise would like to adopt. A sound financial analysis should also be conducted, as
a major provider of services would present a large risk to BC if they went out of business.

Merger or acquisition risk

When an enterprise is considering a merger or acquisition, it is important to consider
all risks that may transpire. Merging with a company in another geographical region
may introduce practical problems such as language barriers, cultural differences, and
different working practices. When considering mergers, it is important to assess the risks
of co-joining networks, as there may be different regulatory requirements. When moving
into a new industry or business sector, regulatory compliance or legal requirements
should be considered. Data may need to be segmented and classified to ensure correct
data handling is observed. When considering demergers, it is also imperative to plan for
correct handling and access of business data.
Explaining the importance of managing and mitigating vendor risk 481

Meeting client requirements

The enterprise may have very strict requirements when engaging with third-party
vendors. The enterprise may have strict legal requirements that must be addressed.
Major changes that may impact the customer should be agreed upon in advance using
an effective change management process. If there are any significant changes in staffing
levels that may impact the business, then there should be a clear communication channel
for this event. When the vendor supplies staff directly to the business, then it is important
that any staff changes are communicated to the business. Staff changes will require an
onboarding and offboarding process. The client may also have very strict requirements
concerning technology and the security configuration of information systems.

Support availability
It is important to agree upon levels of service; these agreements must be realistic and will be
negotiated between both parties. Clear reporting metrics and agreed response times must
be set. There should be a legally binding document generated; this is known as an SLA.

Geographical considerations
Data sovereignty is an important consideration for many organizations, including
government agencies, critical infrastructure, and regulated industries. There is a legal
requirement in some areas of operations that may require strict adherence to the
storage and transmission of certain data types. It is important that the vendor service is
compatible with these requirements.

Supply chain visibility

When working with third-party vendors, it is important to identify all potential risks that
may be within the supply chain. Regulatory authorities have strict rules concerning data
processors (General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a good example). A data
processor is any entity that would handle customer records or other sensitive data on behalf
of the data controller (the company that is responsible for the data). A data processor can
expose an enterprise to additional risks. This is often referred to as downstream liability.

Incident reporting requirements

If the vendor suffers an incident such as a data breach, then we must be informed in a
timely manner. As the business will be the data controller, then the business is liable
for subsequent actions. A large company such as a bank, may work with a vendor to
offer additional services to its customers (maybe insurance). If the vendor processes the
customer records/data then any breach, whilst they process the data will impact the bank.
482 Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies

Source code escrows

When external development teams are engaged to write applications for the business, it is
important to address risks associated with the potential failure of that external supplier. If
time and money are invested in the development of tools and systems, it is imperative that
the source code can be retrieved by the customer. In normal circumstances, source code
would remain the property of the external developer; the customer may have paid for
the development of functioning code only. Future bug fixes and security patches will be
difficult without future-proofing the availability of the original uncompiled source code. A
third party would hold a copy of the source code, only releasing it to the customer in the
event of the developers going out of business.

Ongoing vendor assessment tools

When a third-party vendor is offering services to government agencies or commercial
customers, then it is important that they meet the legal and regulatory requirements of
their intended customer. Common examples of third-party assessments are discussed next.

US government FEDRAMP program

Cloud providers offering services to the US government must be accredited through the
Federal Risk and Authorization Management (FedRAMP) program before they can be
given the authority to operate (ATO). More information can be found at the following

Cloud Security Alliance

To prove compliance to commercial customers, organizations can be audited to meet the
CSA Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM). This is a cybersecurity control framework for cloud
computing, covering 197 measured controls. Vendors who meet these standards can offer
their services through the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA). More information can be
found at the following links:

International Organization for Standardization

There are various security standards defined by International Organization for
Standardization (ISO). Standards of most interest to vendors looking to assure clients of
their adherence to security would include the ones detailed next.
Explaining the importance of managing and mitigating vendor risk 483

ISO/IEC 27000:2018
This is a series of standards published by both ISO and the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC). The standard is broad in scope, covering the main security controls
for information management systems. It is a framework intended to secure IP, customer
records, third-party information, employee details, and financial information.

ISO/IEC 27001:2013
This standard focuses on information security; it allows an organization to adopt a
framework and prove to its customers that it has a strong security posture. Third-party
assessments will ensure that an organization has adopted all the necessary controls. The
standard focuses on the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information systems.
ISO/IEC 27001 is a certifiable standard, meaning the organization and staff can be certified.

ISO/IEC 27002:2013
This standard covers all the key controls that should be included to ensure secure
operations when hosting information systems. This standard is for guidance only and does
not allow an organization to be accredited or certified. It allows an organization to follow
guidelines, leading to the adoption of 27001 compliance.
More information can be found at the following link: https://tinyurl.

Technical testing
It is important that the vendor provides the necessary technology to fulfill the customers'
requirements. The vendor may be a manufacturing subcontractor where quality
assurance (QA) is of the utmost importance, requiring regular on-site inspections.

Network segmentation
It is a common requirement that networks be segregated in order for the business to
be compliant with regulatory bodies. Therefore, the vendor should also follow these
requirements. When considering operational technology (OT), industrial control
systems (ICS), and SCADA, then these types of networks should not be connected to the
same network as the business users. Segmentation for some sectors may require airgaps,
while in other situations virtual local area networks (VLANs) should be adequate.
484 Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies

Transmission control
When data must be sent between the customer and the vendor, all efforts must be made to
ensure confidentiality is maintained. Confidentiality is also important where the vendor
will act on behalf of the customer and exchange data with outside entities. The vendor may
be providing monitoring and support for the customer's SCADA network. In this case. they
should use Internet Protocol security (IPsec) tunnels and consider the deployments of
jump servers (for jump servers, see Chapter 1, Designing a Secure Network Architecture).

Shared credentials
The use of shared credentials should be avoided, as it is difficult to have an effective audit
trail if we do not have individual accounts. Default credentials, such as the administrator
account on Windows or the root account in Linux, allow a user to obtain all privileges for
a system. It is standard practice to assign a user privilege by adding them to a role group;
then, we can have a proper audit trail.

In this chapter, we have been able to understand that enterprise risk is a major
consideration for an organization and will have a significant impact on the organization.
We have gained an understanding that an enterprise should employ security professionals
who have expertise in conducting appropriate risk assessments or engage qualified
assessors to assist the enterprise. We have taken a look at strategies for responding to risks.
We were able to understand why we should deploy effective controls, and the need to
have monitoring and reporting. We were able to understand why an enterprise must have
targets, for risk tolerance.
Supply chains add additional complexity to an enterprise. We have addressed the need for
visibility of who is handling enterprise data or processing enterprise data.
An understanding of vendor management and assessments is a key takeaway in this
chapter, as well as the importance of risk management teams.
We have gained an understanding of appropriate risk assessment methods, and we have
been able to implement risk-handling techniques.
We have gained an understanding of the risk management life cycle and now understand
risk tracking.
During the chapter, we have gained knowledge of how to manage risk with policy and
security practices and managing and mitigating vendor risk.
Questions 485

These skills will be useful in the next chapter, where we look at regulatory compliance and
legal compliance for enterprise activities. We will also take a look at managing enterprise
risks through BC planning.

Answer the following questions to test your knowledge of this chapter:

1. What type of risk assessment would use likelihood and impact to produce a
numerical risk rating?

A. Qualitative assessment
B. Gap assessment
C. Quantitative risk assessment
D. Impact assessment

2. What type of risk assessment would use metrics including asset value, monetary
loss during an event, and a value that could be expected to be lost during the course
of a year?

A. Qualitative assessment
B. Gap assessment
C. Quantitative risk assessment
D. Impact assessment

3. What is the metric that is used to calculate the loss during a single event?

A. Efficiency factor (EF)


4. If my database is worth $100,000 and a competitor steals 10% of the records during
a breach of the network and this happens twice in a year, what is the SLE?

A. $100,000
B. $1,000
C. $20,000
D. $10,000
486 Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies

5. If my database is worth $100,000 and a competitor steals 10% of the records during
a breach of the network and this happens twice in a year, what is the ALE?

A. $200,000
B. $1,000
C. $20,000
D. $10,000

6. A company currently loses $20,000 each year due to IP breaches. A managed security
service provider (MSSP) guarantees to provide 100% protection for the database
over a 5-year contract at an annual cost of $15,000 per annum. What is the ROI in $?

A. $75,000
B. $25,000
C. $125,000
D. $2,500

7. If my risk management team need to understand where the business may be lacking
security controls, what should they perform?

A. Qualitative assessment
B. Gap assessment
C. Quantitative risk assessment
D. Impact assessment

8. What type of risk response would purchasing cyber liability insurance be classed as?

A. Transfer
B. Accept
C. Avoid
D. Mitigate

9. What would be considered both a deterrent and useful security practice to ensure
employees' job performance can be audited when they are not present?

A. Job rotation
B. Mandatory vacation
C. Least privilege
D. Auditing
Questions 487

10. What is the term for risk that is present within an industry, prior to any controls?

A. Remaining
B. Residual
C. Inherent
D. Acceptance

11. What is the term for risk that remains within an industry, after the deployment of
security controls?

A. Remaining
B. Residual
C. Inherent
D. Acceptance

12. What is the metric that an organization can use to measure the amount of time that
was taken to restore services?


13. What is the metric that an organization can use to measure the reliability of a


14. What type of risk response may be considered by a financial start-up company with
a high-risk appetite if the potential rewards are significant and the risk is minimal?

A. Transfer
B. Accept
C. Avoid
D. Reject
488 Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies

15. What is a good practice when assigning users privileges to reduce the risk of
overprivileged accounts?

A. SoD
B. Job rotation
C. Mandatory vacation
D. Least privilege

16. What is an organizational policy that would make it less likely that a user will insert
a Universal Serial Bus (USB) storage device that they received at an exposition?

A. Training and awareness

B. Auditing
C. Data loss prevention (DLP) controls

17. What will an enterprise use to track activities that may lead to enterprise risk?

A. Key risk indicators

B. Risk appetite
C. Risk tolerance
D. Trade-off analysis

18. What is the term that is used to describe the situation where a vendor has
proprietary technology that makes it difficult for a customer to switch vendor?

A. Vendor risk
B. Vendor lock-in
C. Third-party liability
D. Vendor management plan

19. If a customer is concerned that a third-party development team may go bust during
an engagement, what can they use to ensure they will have access to the source

A. Change management
B. Staff turnover
C. Peer code review
D. Source code escrow
Answers 489

20. What is the metric that an organization should use to calculate the total loss during
a year?


1. A
2. C
3. C
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. C
11. B
12. A
13. B
14. B
15. D
16. A
17. A
18. B
19. D
20. D
Frameworks, Legal
Considerations, and
Their Organizational
When an enterprise engages in business operations, it is important to consider many
factors that are important for success. Operating within diverse industries may require
compliance and the adoption of standards to satisfy legal or regulatory compliance.
Regulations may be strict and, to be granted the authority to operate and to show
compliance, controls and policy must be put into place. Legal compliance is often
a complex area and will differ from country to country and, in some cases, may differ
between states or regions within the same country. There are many relationships that an
enterprise maintains in order to function.
492 Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their Organizational Impact

These relationships require formal agreements, mostly legal agreements to ensure that the
enterprise is protected. In this chapter, we will look at the following topics:

• Security concerns associated with integrating diverse industries

• Understanding regulations, accreditations, and standards
• Understanding legal considerations
• Application of contract and agreement types

Security concerns associated with integrating

diverse industries
A challenge for large multinational organizations is understating the risks that may
affect operations when supporting different business sectors and geographical locations.
Country-specific laws and regulations can be complex, as can cultural differences between
countries. Manufacturing, construction, oil exploration, and medical services could be
some of the varied business sectors undertaken by a single business. Figure 14.1 depicts
some of the challenges faced by a business when diversifying:

Figure 14.1 – Integrating diverse industries

Security concerns associated with integrating diverse industries 493

In this section, we will look at some of the challenges posed by operating within
diverse industries.

Data considerations
When considering the protection of data, there are many responsibilities that an
enterprise must be aware of.

Data sovereignty
Data sovereignty is important when an enterprise is considering hosting data that may
be subject to laws and regulations relating to the storage of certain data types. Processed
digital data will need to meet the strict requirements of the country where that data has
been collected. There are often strict regulations to consider if a company stores and
processes data from citizens of another country. Global cloud-based providers must take
care that they do not break the laws of the country when collecting or processing certain
data types.

Data ownership
Ownership implies that any data created or acquired and subsequently stored by the
enterprise will now need to be handled safely and securely. Data ownership means the
company is accountable for the protection of the data. It is important that the company
understands the value of the data and implements the controls that are required to meet
legal and regulatory requirements.
494 Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their Organizational Impact

Data classifications
To ensure correct data handling, data should be classified both to reflect the value to the
business and to ensure that appropriate legal and regulatory controls are put in place.
Figure 14.2 shows an example of data classification for a commercial organization:

Figure 14.2 – Data classification

If data is not accurately labeled, then the data may not be secured in line with
regulatory requirements.

Data retention
It is important to ensure that laws and regulatory requirements are met when considering
data retention policies. Data should be labeled and stored according to the appropriate
regulations, national laws, and, in some cases, local or state laws. Different data types may
have different retention requirements to meet regulatory compliance. The Sarbanes Oxley
Act of 2002 (SOX) requires accounts payable and receivable ledgers to be retained for 7
years, while customer purchase orders and invoices only have to be retained for 5 years.
Security concerns associated with integrating diverse industries 495

Data types
An enterprise operating across diverse industries will likely store and handle data with
different regulatory and legal requirements. In order to apply the correct controls, it is
important to identify the different data types.

Protected Health Information (PHI) will be subject to strict privacy rules and
regulations. Hospitals, clinics, doctors, surgeries, and healthcare insurance providers will
store patient records. There are strict rules for the handling of this type of data.

Financial records may include accounts receivable, accounts payable, purchase ledgers,
and corporation tax records. This type of data is sensitive and should be labeled and
handled with appropriate care. Data retention must be strictly adhered to as there will be
strict requirements for legal and regulatory compliance.

Intellectual property (IP)

IP is data that belongs to the organization and typically has a high value as this may
also include research data, design blueprints, software source code, patented ideas, and
products that the organization may manufacture. An organization must have robust
safeguards to ensure that it is not compromised by having this valuable asset exposed.
Strict data handling and storage are required in addition to rigorous protection through
patents, copyrights, and legal redress.

Personally identifiable information (PII)

PII is data that is stored electronically on behalf of employees, customers, students, or
citizens within a country (there are more examples). In general, we can say that it is the
data that is associated with an identifiable person. The regulatory authorities and countries
may have differences in terms of what constitutes PII. When identifiable data is linked to
the individual, then it is classed as PII. Obvious PII would, therefore, include the date of
birth, passport number, medical records, employment records, and educational records.
Organizations that control or process data must understand the implications of privacy
across diverse industries, regulatory bodies, and country-specific laws.
496 Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their Organizational Impact

Data removal, destruction, and sanitization

To properly manage data during its life cycle, an enterprise should have documented
policies and procedures to ensure data is only retained where necessary. The less data
that is stored, the less the likelihood of data leakage. Processes such as data minimization
and deduplication will help to reduce the amount of data stored. The business must
understand what the requirements are with regard to effective data destruction methods.
ISO 27001 covers standards for data removal and destruction. There are also industry
bodies that follow a code of good practice, following official standards. For printed
information, approved shredders should be used, followed by burning in some cases.
Pulping can also be effective for paper-based records. Degaussing magnetic media will
render the storage unusable and unrecoverable. Solid-state storage should be shredded or
pulverized. If storage is to be repurposed within the company, then the existing storage
should be cleared of all existing data. Programs used for clearing or erasing hard disk
drives include dd (Linux/Unix command), BleachBit, and CCleaner (there are many
more besides). It is important to carefully research the regulations for the industry
and data type as the process may require seven or more passes of writing random data
to the disk.
There are recognized companies that offer accredited data disposal/destruction services.
One of the recognized bodies is the Asset Disposal and Information Security Alliance
(ADISA). ADISA is recognized by the UK National Cyber Security Center (NCSC).
When considering data that is not physically accessible by the enterprise, such as cloud
providers, then Crypto Erase should be considered. Crypto Erase means the encryption
key that has been used to secure the data can be deleted, making the data unrecoverable.

Understanding geographic considerations

When a data controller (the business) is hosting the data, they must ensure that
regulations are adhered to regarding the types of data and where the data will be stored
and processed. The business must be aware of legal and regulatory requirements in terms
of when the data may be stored and processed in another country. Another factor to
consider is the location of the data subject, where regulatory compliance may extend
beyond the borders of the data subject.

Location of data
The location of data will be important as there may be a requirement for legal jurisdiction
and, for certain types of data, sovereignty laws or regulations may be applicable.
Understanding regulations, accreditations, and standards 497

Location of the data subject

Many laws and regulations apply to data subjects (people), no matter where the data is
stored or processed. With over 100 countries having specific data processing and privacy
regulations or laws, this can become very complex. In the US, there are state regulations
in addition to national regulations. An example of such a regulation is the California
Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which provides citizens the right to know what personal
information companies collect about them and how it is used and shared.

Location of the cloud provider

The location of the cloud provider may be significant. Government data will normally
have strict requirements as regards the processing of data. If the cloud provider is offering
a service such as Software as a Service (SaaS), then the location of this hosted service
could be important.
In many cases, the regulatory requirements may be very complex, meaning the enterprise
may consider using third-party audits or consultants to verify that the controls deployed by
the business are satisfactory. We will now take a look at some of the laws and regulations.

Third-party attestation of compliance

In many cases, there is a business need for third-party attestation. Sometimes, it may also
be a mandatory requirement. There is usually a greater trust in attestation provided by
a third-party audit when offering a service to a customer. For example, a business may
state that they follow best practices within the ISO 27001 standard. However, if they are
independently audited to ensure that they satisfy all objectives, this will be more valuable
to potential customers.

Understanding regulations, accreditations,

and standards
An organization needs to demonstrate to customers and partners that they have
implemented standardized and recognized business practices. This makes it clear to the
partner or the customer that the product or service satisfies their requirements. In many
cases, a failure to implement the appropriate controls will result in a failure to attain the
appropriate accreditation. If controls and standards are not maintained, the business
faces the risk of being stripped of accreditation. We will take a look at some examples of
regulations, accreditation, and standards.
498 Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their Organizational Impact

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)

PCI compliance is necessary if an organization intends to process debit card or credit
card transactions and intends to store cardholder data. Such activities are overseen by
the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC). The main reason
for this council is to oversee and govern the security associated with cardholder data and
minimize the potential fraudulent use of payment card data.
The council dates back to 2006 and comprises MasterCard, Visa, American Express,
Discover, and JCB International. In order for an organization to be accredited by the
council, it must meet key criteria as shown in Figure 14.3:

Figure 14.3 – PCI DSS requirements

To meet PCI DSS compliance, assessments relevant to the business must be carried
out (there are many different categories of merchants). You can get more information
about the PCI DSS requirements by visiting the following link: https://www.
Understanding regulations, accreditations, and standards 499

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

GDPR is intended to protect the personal data of European Union (EU) citizens stored
in information systems both within and outside the EU. If an entity intends to collect and
store information, it is regulated and overseen by GDPR, and the collecting entities must
ensure they are compliant. GDPR has strict regulations that apply to the classification,
storage, and processing of data. In Figure 14.4, we can see an example of the roles that are
used within GDPR compliance:

Figure 14.4 – GDPR roles

GDPR protects personal data. The GDPR definition of personal data is as follows:

'Personal data' means any information relating to an identified or

identifiable natural person ('data subject'); an identifiable natural person is
one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference
to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data,
an online identifier, or to one or more factors specific to the physical,
physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity of that
natural person.
500 Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their Organizational Impact

Data controllers who are in breach of the compliance regulations can be fined €20
million or 4% of the organization's turnover (whichever is the greater). Recent examples
include Google, which was fined €57 million by the French National Data Protection
Commission. According to the commission's report, the transgression resulting in the
fine was as a result of:

"Lack of transparency, inadequate information, and a lack of valid consent

regarding ad personalization for users."
For more information regarding GDPR, you can visit the following URL:

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

The ISO was formed in 1947 and is dedicated to the creation of standards that
allow for interoperability across globally diverse industries. The ISO is independent
(non-government funded) and currently comprises around 165 standards bodies. Figure
14.5 depicts a wide range of standards that have been developed and given ISO approval:

Figure 14.5 – ISO standards examples

To operate efficiently and work with third-party entities, it is a good practice to adopt
standards. If an organization can demonstrate that they are accredited or are supporting
the recognized standards, then the enterprise will be more marketable.
ISO 31000 is a standard used by organizations of any size and is designed to assist in the
management of risk. It is a framework that can be adopted to help a business recognize
threats and allocate resources to control risks. The standard does not, however, enable an
organization to become accredited. It only offers guidance. For more information about
the ISO, you can visit the following link:
Understanding regulations, accreditations, and standards 501

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

CMMI is primarily a methodology for improving the software development process and
it allows a business to develop processes that decrease risks often prevalent in software
and service development. It was originally developed at the Carnegie Mellon University
(CMU) and is now administered by the CMMI Institute (a subsidiary of the Information
Systems Audit and Control Association, or ISACA).
CMMI is important for organizations wishing to be considered for US government
contracts as it often acts as a prerequisite for this type of engagement. It is not possible
to gain accreditation, but instead, a company is appraised and can be awarded a maturity
level rating between 1 and 5. Figure 14.6 demonstrates the five maturity levels:

Figure 14.6 – CMMI maturity levels

The goal for the organization is to reach level 5, to ensure customers can be assured that
the provider is committed to improving and maintaining standards during service and
software development.
502 Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their Organizational Impact

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

NIST is part of the US Department of Commerce and, hence, receives government
funding. NIST dates back to 1901 and provides guidance to a diverse range of industries.
See Figure 14.7 for a sample of some of the industries that are supported by NIST

Figure 14.7 – NIST supported industries

To security professionals, the Special Publication (SP) series 800 will be of particular
interest. SP800 covers cybersecurity publications and can be used to ensure that controls
are implemented correctly. NIST publications are also important for government agencies
that must adhere to Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA)
regulations. The range of publications is diverse, from deploying and managing smartcard
interfaces for Personal Identity Verification SP800-73-4 to implementing incident
response planning. Incident response planning is covered in the Computer Security
Incident Handling Guide SP800-61-2.
Understanding regulations, accreditations, and standards 503

There are industry-specific cybersecurity publications to cover regulated industries such

as healthcare, including the HIPAA Security Rule SP800-66 (this guidance dates from
2008 and is currently being revised and updated for 2021).
Visit the following link for more details on the NIST SP800 series: https://tinyurl.

Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

COPPA was enacted in the US in 1998 in an attempt to control the accumulation of PII
from young persons (age 12 and under) without parental consent. Due to the proliferation
of sites and content aimed at young people, this is an important consideration for online
content providers and services. It applies to companies hosting content in the US and the
jurisdiction also applies to children outside of the US.
There are requirements for websites to post their complete privacy policy, notify parents
about the information collected, and consent must be given before any sharing of
information. Courts may impose fines of up to $43,280 in civil penalties for each violation.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a fine of $170 million in 2019 to YouTube
for COPPA violations, including tracking the viewing history of minors.
More information about the FTC and COPPA can be found by visiting the following link:

Common Criteria (CC)

The CC are made up of members from several participating countries. 17 countries are
responsible for assessing and certifying IT services and controls. 14 countries also make
use of the assessments and accreditation that the CC provide. The certification for security
controls and information systems falls under the ISO/IEC15408 standard.
Products are evaluated using an internationally agreed-upon protocol called the Common
Criteria Recognition Arrangement (CCRA), which ensures that devices or software
are audited based upon Protection Profiles. A protection profile will include a criterion
called Target of Evaluation (TOE). An example of a protection profile is Mobile
Device Management (MDM), where products are assessed using multiple criteria,
including support for compliance reporting, the validation of certificates, and encrypted
cryptographic key storage.
504 Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their Organizational Impact

Figure 14.8 shows a typical certificate of compliance awarded to a certified

operating system:

Figure 14.8 – CC Certificate of compliance

Currently, there are over 1,500 certified products listed within the CC portal. Some
examples of the categories and products can be seen in Figure 14.9:
Understanding regulations, accreditations, and standards 505

Figure 14.9 – CC categories and examples

To view a comprehensive list of certified products, please visit the following link:

Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Security Trust Assurance and

Risk (STAR)
Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) can showcase their products and adherence to
recognized best practices by joining the CSA. Members include cloud consumers
(customers), solution providers (companies that offer security or cloud services), and
SaaS providers. The CSA also includes a large community of contributors driving
forward secure cloud security and best practices in the industry. In addition to
certification and accreditation for providers, there is support for personal certification
for security professionals wishing to demonstrate their expertise in cloud computing.
For more details on personal certification, visit the following link: https://ccsk.
506 Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their Organizational Impact

For CSPs who want to demonstrate their adherence to security standards, there are two
levels for compliance. These are STAR Level 1 and Level 2.

STAR Level 1
Level 1 is a self-assessment exercise completed by the CSP. It enables the provider to
document services that they offer and lets their customer know the security standards that
they have implemented. The Security Questionnaire comprises over 263 questions. Refer to
Figure 14.10 to see examples of the controls that those members must have in place:

Figure 14.10 – CSA STAR Level 1 compliance

There is a separate questionnaire for CSPs who want to demonstrate their adherence to the
GDPR code of conduct (this is also a self-assessment).

STAR level 2
Level 2 is assessed by a third party and allows for a more detailed audit, but, more
importantly, offers the customer extra assurance due to the third-party attestation. This
audit will ensure the provider meets the ISO/IEC 27001 standards against the Cloud
Controls Matrix (CCM).
Regulatory compliance, legal compliance, and the adoption of industry-accepted
standards are very important to an enterprise. Conformance ensures the business is able
to win contracts and operate according to accepted standards. In addition, there may be
very strict legal requirements required for an organization to operate.
Understanding legal considerations 507

Understanding legal considerations

One of the biggest threats to an enterprise is the risk associated with a lack of compliance
with laws and regulatory authorities. Legal regulations can be complex and may need the
expertise of trained legal staff knowledgeable in these matters. Litigation and fines can be
a possible consequence. There may also be the risk where the regulatory authority revokes
the business's Authority to Operate (ATO), certainly in areas such as nuclear power or
finance. We will take a look at some important factors.

Due diligence
An organization must understand all the regulatory and legal requirements when
operating within strict regulatory frameworks. Part of the responsibility is to ensure that
the business takes steps to assess what mitigations and controls should be implemented to
protect information systems. A simple way to remember due diligence is to think, What
are my responsibilities? If you are storing sensitive data, you should assess all the risks
associated with that activity.

Due care
Once the organization has assessed all the requirements to protect the information
systems that it controls, mitigation and controls need to be implemented and maintained.
When an organization has assessed all the risks, then due care would comprise the actions
needed to protect the sensitive data.

Export controls
Many countries have strict laws regarding the exporting of sensitive technology, including
hardware and software. It can be a criminal offense in many countries to export sensitive
technologies without applying for the appropriate export licenses or ensuring that the
technology is not on the government's restricted list. Obvious restricted items include
military equipment or arms sales and may also include technology embedded in a mobile
smartphone. For up-to-date lists of export controls concerning organizations within the
US, visit the following URL:
For export controls concerning the United Kingdom, visit the following link: https://
508 Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their Organizational Impact

Legal holds
A company should be prepared to respond to an enforceable legal hold. This may be
required by law enforcement or a government agency or may be obtained by a court
order. Data should be preserved, failing which the company will be in contempt of the
order. A legal hold will involve electronic records, paper-based records, and mobile data
sources (laptops, smartphones, and external storage). It is important to suspend all normal
activities, such as data retention policies (do not delete the data, even if policy dictates that
it only needs to be retained for 12 months), as the legal hold will have precedence and may
last for years.

Once the data has been frozen, we can begin the process of identifying relevant evidence.
There needs to be a clear set of instructions on the date ranges of the required electronic
documentation and the scope of the data. There needs to be agreement on the format
of the data that will be provided, including the possibility that metadata may also
be required.
A business must be able to respond in a timely fashion when a legal notice is served. Legal
counsel will often be required for specific guidance as the law can be complex to navigate.

Application of contract and agreement types

To maintain regulatory or legal compliance, it is important to document relationships
with third-party entities and, where necessary, ensure that the appropriate legal terms are
agreed upon and signed off. We will now take a look at some typical documents.

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

An SLA is an important legally binding document that must be negotiated between a
customer and a service provider. The terms will typically include metrics to determine
the performance levels demanded by the customer and strict penalties to account for
unacceptable levels of service.
Application of contract and agreement types 509

Operational Level Agreement (OLA)

A service provider may have many internal dependencies that could affect the successful
delivery of services to a customer. A large cloud provider may have negotiated a strict
SLA (with financial penalties) to deliver a comprehensive set of information systems. If
the internal storage team has a recovery time objective (RTO) of 2 hours for the Storage
Area Network (SAN), in the event of an unexpected outage, but the customer has an
agreement for only 30 minutes of acceptable downtime, the service provider needs to align
to these expectations. An OLA will ensure all dependent internal services can support the
customer (SLA). In this case, the storage team needs to look at an RTO of less than
30 minutes. OLAs are not negotiated with the external customer, they are for internal
use only.

Master Service Agreement (MSA)

This type of agreement would be useful if an enterprise intends to use a third-party service
provider for multiple services. It allows for an agreement between the companies where
most of the terms are agreed upon in advance. Typical terms may include payment terms,
dispute resolution, intellectual property ownership, and geographic operational locations.

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

Where data privacy is a requirement, it is important to have employees and service
providers sign this agreement. They should be made aware of the strict terms of this
agreement and the penalties that may be forthcoming if this is not followed. NDAs can
be used to protect government data, intellectual property, military data, PHI, PII, and
other types of sensitive data. The penalties for breaking an NDA could include civil action,
resulting in significant financial penalties, while if you are working for a government
agency, the outcome could be a jail term for divulging national secrets. In 2018, an NSA
contractor was charged under the Espionage Act after divulging secrets about interference
in the 2016 US elections. The sentence was 5 years (although this was subsequently cut
to 3 years for good behavior). For more details, refer to the following URL: https://

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

When there is a requirement for a formal process in order to define roles and
responsibilities between two or more parties, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
may be a useful document. It is a good option when there is a requirement for something
more formal than a gentleman's agreement or a handshake. It is, however, not a legal
document and will not offer the same protection as a document written by lawyers.
510 Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their Organizational Impact

Interconnection Security Agreement (ISA)

An ISA can be used when we need to define strict procedures when operating an
interconnection between two or more parties. The agreement may stipulate a timeline
for the information exchange to be supported, security requirements, data types that
will be exchanged, and the actual sites that will be part of the data interchange. It can
be useful when organizations need to collaborate on projects, share training data, or
define requirements for the secure storage of data. There is some useful guidance on this
type of agreement covered in NIST SP800-47. You can visit the following link for more

Privacy-Level Agreement (PLA)

Cloud providers must be able to assure customers that their data will be protected when
hosted by the CSP. A PLA ensures that the customer data will be protected by the service
provider and agreed-upon steps are in place if data breaches or any adverse action were
to occur. For example, CSPs who are aligned with the CSA can complete an assessment
and prove to customers that they are compliant with the EU GDPR. More information on
the CSA code of conduct can be found at the following link:
It is very important to ensure that the correct business agreements are identified and put
in place to protect the enterprise.

In this chapter, we have looked at the challenges of operating within diverse industries. We
tried to understand the requirements for compliance, and the importance of standards to
meet in terms of legal or regulatory compliance. We have seen where strict compliance is
necessary for a business to attain the authority to operate.
We have understood why controls and policy must be put in place – to show compliance.
In the chapter, we also looked at the complexities of legal compliance and understood
how it differs from one country to another. We have looked at formalizing agreements to
ensure the enterprise is protected.
We will find the knowledge gained to be useful in the next chapter, where we will take
a look at Business Continuity Planning (BCP), Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP),
high availability, incident response planning, and the use of the cloud for
business continuity.
Questions 511

Here are a few questions to test your understanding of the chapter:

1. What must a government agency consider when planning to store sensitive data
with a global CSP?

A. Data sovereignty
B. Data ownership
C. Data classification
D. Data retention

2. Who is accountable for the storage and protection of customer data? They must
ensure that they implement controls to meet legal and regulatory requirements.

A. Data controller
B. Data protection officer
C. Data processor
D. Supervisory authority

3. A CISO is assessing regulatory requirements for hospital employees and patient

data (within Europe). What type of information will need to be protected and which
regulation will be most important? (Choose two)

B. Financial records
C. Intellectual property

4. A multinational company wants the assurance that data will not be accessible when
their contract with a CSP expires. What technology may be applicable?

A. Crypto Erase
B. Pulping
C. Shredding
D. Degaussing
512 Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their Organizational Impact

5. A global automobile manufacturer must ensure that its products are compatible
with its worldwide customer base. What regulations or standards will be
most important?

A. Export control regulations

B. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
C. International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
D. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

6. A SaaS provider has several products designed to attract a young audience,

while revenue is generated by advertising and subscriptions within the US. What
regulations will be the most important for the provider?

A. Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

B. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
C. Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
D. Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Security Trust Assurance and Risk (STAR)

7. A SaaS provider has several commercial products to assist with an automobile

manufacturer. They must assure potential customers that the cloud provider is
secure and trustworthy. What accreditation can the SaaS provider attain to appeal to
its customers?

A. International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

B. Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
C. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
D. Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Security Trust Assurance and Risk (STAR)

8. A software development company is trying to win a contract for a US. Federal

Government agency. They must assure the customer that they have a robust security
framework for the delivery of software and services. What is the most relevant?

A. International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

B. Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
C. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
D. Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Security Trust Assurance and Risk (STAR)
Questions 513

9. What compliance will be most important to a US-based e-commerce retailer with

respect to the storage of cardholder data and electronic transactions?

A. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)

B. International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
C. Interconnection security agreement (ISA)
D. Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)

10. A smartcard manufacturer needs to sell products to a global market. They need to
show compliance using internationally agreed-upon protocols. What would be a
useful accreditation or assurance that their products have been evaluated and will
meet the security requirements of their customers?

A. International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

B. Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
C. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
D. Common Criteria (CC)

11. What regulatory body is intended to protect the personal data of EU citizens?

A. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

B. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
C. International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
D. Common Criteria (CC)

12. A US smartcard manufacturer needs to sell its products in a global market. They
need to ensure that the technology is not sold to countries or governments hostile to
the US. What guidance or regulations should they consult?

A. Due care
B. Export controls
C. Legal holds
D. E-discovery
514 Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their Organizational Impact

13. A government department has data privacy requirements, and they need to have
employees and service providers sign this agreement. They should be made aware of
the strict terms of this agreement and the penalties that may be forthcoming. What
type of agreement will be important?

A. Service level agreement (SLA)

B. Master service agreement (MSA)
C. Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
D. Memorandum of understanding (MOU)

14. A large multinational company intends to purchase multiple products on

a rolling contract from a CSP. They need to document payment terms, dispute
resolution, intellectual property ownership, and geographic operational locations
within the scope of the contract. What type of contract would be most suitable?

A. Service level agreement (SLA)

B. Master service agreement (MSA)
C. Memorandum of understanding (MOU)
D. Operational-level agreement (OLA)

15. Wingtips Corporation would like to build resiliency into its network connections.
They are working with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) that proposes a highly
available MPLS solution. To ensure the vendor is able to deliver the service with
99.999% uptime, what documentation will be important?

A. Service level agreement (SLA)

B. Memorandum of understanding (MOU)
C. Interconnection security agreement (ISA)
D. Operational level agreement (OLA)

16. What agreement should be used when business partners need to share data? This
agreement may stipulate a timeline for the information exchange to be supported,
security requirements, data types that will be exchanged, and the actual sites that
will be part of the data interchange.

A. Service level agreement (SLA)

B. Master service agreement (MSA)
Questions 515

C. Memorandum of understanding (MOU)

D. Interconnection security agreement (ISA)

17. What agreement ensures that the customer data will be protected by the service
provider and that agreed-upon steps are in place if data breaches or any adverse
action were to occur?

A. Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)

B. Memorandum of understanding (MOU)
C. Interconnection security agreement (ISA)
D. Operational level agreement (OLA)
E. Privacy level agreement (PLA)

18. An investigation is to be performed on an employee suspected of stealing company

Intellectual Property (IP). What must be done first to ensure that the data is
not deleted?

A. Due care
B. Export controls
C. Legal holds
D. E-discovery

19. An investigation is to be performed on an employee suspected of stealing company

Intellectual Property (IP). There are over 10 gigabytes of data stored across several
information systems. What must be done to ensure that the relevant data is collected?

A. Due care
B. Export controls
C. Legal holds
D. E-discovery

20. What document may be used when business partners need to document
responsibilities? This document will not be written by lawyers and is intended to
formalize a verbal agreement or a handshake.

A. Service level agreement (SLA)

B. Master service agreement (MSA)
C. Memorandum of understanding (MOU)
D. Interconnection security agreement (ISA)
516 Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their Organizational Impact

1. A
2. A
3. A, D
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. A
10. D
11. A
12. B
13. C
14. B
15. A
16. D
17. E
18. C
19. D
20. C
Business Continuity
and Disaster
Recovery Concepts
In order for an organization to conduct business operations in challenging and diverse
environments, high-level planning and mitigation controls should be undertaken to
ensure the enterprise is resilient. When the business delivers high-value services, plans
must be developed for business continuity. In the event that a significant disruption
may impact delivered services, plans should be created to allow the business to remain
functional. Plans should be developed to ensure business operations can be resumed
quickly and efficiently in the event of a disaster. High availability, redundancy, and fault
tolerance are important considerations to ensure that services are available. Alternative
sites may need to be identified, to allow for business continuity. Automation should be
used where there is an opportunity to become more resilient, while bootstrapping can be
used for the rapid deployment of workloads, using scripting for custom configuration.
Autoscaling allows an enterprise to deploy workloads on demand to satisfy customer
demands. When the enterprise has to deliver services to a global customer base, it may
be appropriate to investigate the use of content delivery networks for low latency and the
increased availability of services.
518 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Concepts

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

• Conducting a business impact analysis

• Preparing a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)/Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
• Planning for high availability and automation
• Explaining how cloud technology aids enterprise resilience

Conducting a business impact analysis

One of the most important things for an organization is to ensure that contingency plans
are in place to protect the business from adverse events and conditions. Business leaders
must ensure that a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) is performed to determine critical
systems and services that will have a disproportionate effect on the enterprise if they are
not available. Stakeholder involvement is important, enabling the business to identify key
business processes.
The first step in the assessment should be the purpose. This can be performed in three
steps. See Figure 15.1 for more information:

Figure 15.1 – BIA purpose

Conducting a business impact analysis 519

The initial purpose document can be used to build the contingency plan, while it can also
be used as the basis for a DRP. Once key systems are identified, this information can also
be used to document an effective cyber incident response plan.
The purpose of a BIA is to identify critical services that the business delivers and
understand the potential impacts that may be caused by a lack of service. The goal of the
exercise is enterprise resilience, with the creation of our contingency plans.
Business leaders must identify the critical resources needed for the business and agree
upon acceptable downtime, using the following metrics.

Maximum Tolerable Downtime (MTD)

This metric allows stakeholders and planners to agree upon a point in time where the lack
of a critical resource would cause severe adverse effects for the enterprise. For example, if
an airline cannot fly planes for 6 months, then they will burn through their cash reserves
and may go bankrupt. The MTD, therefore, becomes the line in the sand that cannot be

Recovery Time Objective (RTO)

The RTO metric is a goal set by the enterprise and will be agreed upon within the
planning team. A critical service that has a high value to the business will be assigned
a value based upon its criticality. A critical service may be an e-commerce site, used for
an airline seat reservation service, for customers. If the site cannot be reached, the
business will lose significant revenue. When this planning objective is used, it is important
to reference the MTD value, as the RTO must be a value less than the MTD.

Recovery Point Objective (RPO)

The RPO metric is used when the restoration of a critical service will also require data to
be restored. When considering the timely restoration of services, this will not always be
relevant. If the customer reservation site needs to be operational within 4 hours, we must
also ensure that the relevant data is available for the reservation system. As the data may
contain already purchased tickets and reservation information, it may mean we cannot
afford to be without this data. An RPO of 60 mins may be acceptable, although some
customers will be inconvenienced as they will have lost their seat reservations. The RPO
represents the amount of time between the disruption and the last backup created.
520 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Concepts

Figure 15.2 represents the RPO objective:

Figure 15.2 – Recovery Point Objective

Critical services will be identified, and the metrics defined by business leaders will reflect
the importance of the service.

Recovery service level

The critical services required to deliver a business function must be recovered first. In the
case of the airline booking system, it is vital that revenue can be generated by bringing the
service back online immediately. There may be other functional elements, such as printing
customer tickets, that can be addressed once the critical services are recovered.

Mission-essential functions
Mission-essential functions need to be identified by the planning team. Senior business
leaders and key stakeholders must contribute to this plan. A mission-essential function
would typically represent a single point of failure to the business. Documentation would
be created to highlight these functions and the agreed-upon objectives to mitigate these
single points of failure. Figure 15.3 shows an example of mission-essential planning:

Figure 15.3 – Mission-essential functions

Conducting a business impact analysis 521

Mission-essential functions are potential single points of failure and appropriate planning
objectives ensure that goals can be achieved.

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)

A PIA should be undertaken by any organization that stores, transmits, or processes
data that contains private information. Data types will vary but can include documents,
database records, media such as CCTV footage, and voice recordings.
Under GDPR, this process is known as Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA)
and is a mandatory requirement for any project that may expose subjects' private data.
Figure 15.4 shows a typical process for assessing risks when handling private data. There is
a useful planning document that can be downloaded, for use in this type of assessment,
at the following URL:

Figure 15.4 – PIA

522 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Concepts

As regulatory compliance is often a complex process, an enterprise needs to put

procedures in place to ensure the enterprise does not fall out of alignment. The risk to the
business could be significant; the fines alone may be substantial.

Preparing a Disaster Recovery Plan/Business

Continuity Plan
As a result of the BIA, the business should be able to identify mitigation techniques
and plan for the restoration of business functions in the event of serious disruptions.
Organizations that require guidance on the effective creation and management of BCPs
should reference ISO 22301 for an overview of the standard. The following publication
may be useful:
NIST SP800-34 Contingency Planning Guide for Federal Information Systems offers
guidance for federal government agencies. More information can be found at this URL: Figure 15.5 shows the seven stages of the
NIST contingency plan:

Figure 15.5 – NIST-recommended contingency plan

The contingency plan does not include planning for mission-essential functions;
this is covered by a Continuity-of-Operations Plan (COOP).
Conducting a business impact analysis 523

An important outcome for US government agencies is the creation of a COOP. A COOP

focuses on restoring the organization's Mission-Essential Functions (MEF), using
alternative sites. The COOP is required to support operations for up to 30 days. Some of
the elements of a COOP are shown in Figure 15.6:

Figure 15.6 – Elements of a COOP

The COOP is designed to address mission-essential functions, so disruptions by minor
threats will not be covered by the COOP.
One important consideration is where the business will operate from if the primary
site is unusable. Facilities need to be identified that will meet the requirements for the
organization to operate.

Cold site
When planning for alternative sites to run the business, this is the least costly. However,
it is the least effective if the business must be operational within a short time frame.
An example of a cold site could be leased office space and suitable facilities for computing
equipment. The time to relocate personnel and systems and become operational could
result in a significant delay for the organization.

Warm site
If the enterprise needs to switch operations over to an alternative site within hours rather
than days, then a good choice may be a warm site. A warm site has equipment and
facilities ready for the business to use. Personnel and data will need to be moved to the site
to become operational.
524 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Concepts

Hot site
A hot site normally consists of all the equipment and data needed for the business to
continue operations. The site should allow the organization to switch operations within
a short time frame. If the business runs critical infrastructure or e-commerce, then the site
would be fully replicated with all required data and information systems. Many solutions
are designed to failover to the hot site within a matter of seconds. If your business is
guaranteeing an SLA of 99.9999% to customers, then your site cannot be offline for more
than 31.56 seconds per year.
Figure 15.7 shows the differences between alternate sites:

Figure 15.7 – Cold, warm, and hot sites

The correct type of site must be identified that suits the needs of the business.

Mobile site
A mobile recovery site is typically delivered on the back of a trailer. It can be in the form
of a cold, warm, or hot site. It can be shipped close to the location of the staff, removing
one major logistical challenge. If the business needs a solution that can be operational
within seconds, then a mobile site will not be a good choice. Examples of mobile sites are
military solutions, where organizational resilience is important. The US military is able to
deploy mobile data centers containing sufficient facilities to house 90 units of computing
equipment. The unit incorporates pop-out tents, with space for 20 people. Figure 15.8
shows a mobile data center:
Conducting a business impact analysis 525

Figure 15.8 – Mobile data center (© Todd Huffman – Flickr images)

The unit can be made operational, with secure communications established, within
15 minutes.

Backup and recovery methods

When an organization needs to host a failover site for business operations, one choice
it should consider is a cloud-based provider. The enterprise can choose a solution that
meets with business needs for regulatory compliance or for data sovereignty.

Cloud as business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR)

With many organizations running critical services and workloads in the cloud, it is
important to assess the capabilities of the provider to provide redundancy and be resilient
to geographic disruptions. An enterprise may want to consider a multi-cloud solution,
where data and services may be available from more than one cloud provider. This offers
a higher degree of resilience as the business can still maintain core services with more
than one provider.

Primary BCDR provider

The primary Cloud Service Provider (CSP) chosen by the enterprise should be able
to demonstrate the ability to maintain operations under adverse conditions. The main
provider should have geographically dispersed data centers and be able to maintain
operations during significant environmental or man-made disasters. There have been
many instances of CSPs suffering significant outages that have impacted their customers.
526 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Concepts

Alternative BCDR provider

To ensure critical services can be delivered by the enterprise, it is useful to have the ability
to activate workloads with alternative cloud providers. Many cloud providers offer their
customers solutions that are charged according to the amount of processing performed.
This allows the enterprise to use services on demand and only pay while the workloads
are operational. US Federal Government has awarded large multi-billion contracts
to Microsoft for Azure cloud services and also to Amazon for Amazon Web
Services (AWS).

Planning for high availability and automation

When planning for enterprise resilience, it is important to identify systems and services
that are important for business continuity. There are ways to deal with unexpected outages
or to recover from an event. It is also vitally important that tools and techniques are
identified to ensure that services remain available.

Scalability is defined as the system's ability to increase and decrease performance levels in
response to the demands placed upon the system. An example could be a database server.
As database queries are processed, there will be a point where it cannot simultaneously
handle any more requests.

Vertical scaling
In order to allow critical services to handle additional user requests, we can add more
compute resources to the platform. To vertically scale an information system, we can add
additional Central Processing Units (CPUs), Random Access Memory (RAM), faster
disk input/output (I/O), and additional network connections. This approach poses
a higher risk of downtime and outages compared to other approaches.

Horizontal scaling
Horizontal scaling is achieved by adding more workloads in the form of additional
computers or platforms. This is often achieved by deploying additional compute nodes in
the form of Virtual Machines (VMs). This can work well if the resources can be deployed
on-demand using autoscaling.
Planning for high availability and automation 527

Computing solutions must be resilient. This will mean that downtime is reduced and that
business services can be delivered with more reliability.

High availability
High availability can be achieved by clustering important business applications or using
network load balancing to efficiently distribute the workload.

Too much reliance on a single vendor solution could adversely impact an organization.
Supply problems may impact systems that require spares and maintenance, while
a critical unpatched vulnerability could impact all of your network infrastructure
appliances. Reliance on a single vendor operating solution could result in downtime
due to zero-day exploits.

Course of action orchestration

Wherever possible, it is important to create automated responses to avoid unnecessary
outages. Examples can be scripted responses to certain events, such as a DDoS attack
against the company network being thwarted by triggering a BGP route update. This
would implement what is known as a Remote Triggered Black Hole (RTBH). See
Chapter 1, Designing a Secure Network Architecture, for more details on this remediation.

Distributed allocation
When we are supporting high availability, we may need to distribute workloads across
multiple nodes. An accurate algorithm must be able to best distribute workloads, thereby
optimizing the computing platforms. This system is typically used for large server farms
handling high numbers of client requests. To ensure that adequate compute nodes are
always available, geo-redundancy and scalability are important factors.

Redundancy can be achieved by duplicating systems or processes. Data redundancy can
eliminate outages due to disk failure by creating a mirror of a data drive.
528 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Concepts

The availability of data is often critical. Information systems can grind to a halt without
reliable access to data. Critical transactions may need access to data that is time-critical.
Therefore, a decision must be made about how to replicate the data. Asymmetric
replication allows for a time tag. When inputting data, there is a background process
copying the data to the replica storage system. Symmetric replication allows for no time
lag; the data is written or committed to both systems at the same time (this is the more
costly solution).

High availability can be achieved by clustering important business applications
or using network load balancing to efficiently distribute the workload. Figure 15.9 shows
a failover cluster:

Figure 15.9 – Failover cluster

In a failover cluster, the primary server (active node) has exclusive access to the data and
can service client requests. The cluster relies upon nodes generating heartbeat messages
to establish the current status. In the event that the primary server is unavailable, then
the secondary server (passive node) will take control of data storage and service
client requests.
Planning for high availability and automation 529

It is important for capacity planning to be performed in order to identify the computing
needs of an enterprise. There must be provision for workloads to be deployed on-demand
to service enterprise and customer requirements. In a modern cloud environment, a high
degree of automation will be required to support the needs of the business.

When an enterprise supports critical services, it is important that workloads can be
deployed on demand. Autoscaling allows the customer to work with the CSP to define
expected day-to-day compute needs. The customer can then choose a plan where spikes
in demand result in the automatic provisioning of additional compute resources. Figure
15.10 shows an example of autoscaling:

Figure 15.10 – Autoscaling

When a customer uses autoscaling, they can work with a CSP to offer highly scalable
solutions to meet customer demand.

Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR)

To assist the Security Operations Center (SOC), while dealing with ever-increasing
demands to manage and monitor security-related events, Playbooks can enable staff to
make quicker responses concerning security incidents, while Runbooks allow for the
automation of common tasks and security-related responses.

When automating the creation and deployment of virtual machines to support workloads,
bootstrapping allows for configuration files to be created to simplify the deployment of
these virtual computers or appliances. Bootstrapping allows for the rapid deployment
of virtualized infrastructure and supports autoscaling. It is common to apply the
configuration to a compute node or cluster as it boots up from a standard image
(such as Linux, Unix, or Windows).
530 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Concepts

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

CDNs are geographically dispersed servers delivering content in the form of web pages,
media, and images to worldwide consumers. A large proportion of all web traffic
is delivered by CDNs. Sites such as YouTube, Netflix, and Amazon depend upon this
service to deliver reliable low latency content to their customers. As the data is dispersed,
it also offers an effective defense against DDoS attacks.
CDNs use caching to ensure data is available on the edge of the network, where users
or customers will benefit from lower latency and improved responses. Figure 15.11 shows
a CDN:

Figure 15.11 – CDN

This type of design will allow an enterprise to be very resilient, offering customers
a reliable low-latency experience over a large geographic area.

Testing plans
To ensure that enterprise BCP and DRP will be effective, thorough testing will need to be
performed. Without testing, there is no guarantee that the plan will be effective.

A checklist test is a detailed examination of BCP/DRP documentation, performed by
stakeholders and team members on their own. This will entail sharing the plan with the
appropriate people and organizing a communication channel for feedback. This type of
test intends to pinpoint any inaccuracies or errors in the documents.
Explaining how cloud technology aids enterprise resilience 531

Tabletop exercises
It is important to gather representation from within the company to effectively understand
if there are any potential problems with a proposed plan. Stakeholder involvement is
important when assessing the effectiveness of the plan. Scenarios can be discussed and
actions that need to be performed can be evaluated. A tabletop exercise ensures that the
Disaster Recovery Team (DRT) or Cyber Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT)
do not need to perform exhaustive testing until the plans are fine-tuned.

When particular elements of a plan are being scrutinized, this is called paper-based
testing, or a walk-through. It allows the architects of the plan to discuss a particular
process within the overall plan. A walk-through may also include input from stakeholders
who would be impacted by this part of the plan.

Parallel test/simulation test

When the plan has reached a mature stage, we can evaluate the effectiveness by
performing parallel or simulation testing. These tests will not impact the production
environment, but can be performed on duplicate systems.

Full interruption test

In cases where it is vital that the enterprise can be assured that BCPs or DRPs will be
fully effective, then full interruption or cutover testing should be used. It can disrupt
business operations, so should only be used when all other types of tests have been
successfully executed.

Explaining how cloud technology aids

enterprise resilience
There are many services offered by CSPs that enable an organization to be resilient. If the
business cannot afford to build a data center to support business continuity, then they can
use cloud services instead. When choosing solutions to meet the needs of the business, it
is important to focus on resiliency and security.
532 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Concepts

Using cloud solutions for business continuity

and disaster recovery (BCDR)
For many organizations, CSPs represent a useful alternative when hosting disaster
recovery sites. With a CSP hosting workloads and virtual desktops, the business can
remain operational when dealing with catastrophic events at the main business site. Many
CSPs offer a cloud service, called Desktop as a Service (DaaS). The cost to the business
may be minimal. Figure 15.12 shows a DaaS solution:

Figure 15.12 – Desktop as a Service

When assessing solutions to support business continuity, CSPs can provide highly
available solutions.

Infrastructure versus serverless computing

One consideration for an organization wanting to host applications and data in the cloud
is whether to host their own infrastructure in the cloud or to pay for serverless computing.
In traditional cloud-based models, the company can pay for Infrastructure as a Service
(IaaS) and provision a number of compute nodes to service the organization's needs. With
serverless models, the organization just focuses on the applications. If the customer needs
to host e-commerce applications, then they simply deploy the applications to the cloud,
leaving the backend to the CSP. The customer only pays for computing time and does
not need to worry about maintaining servers or reserving network bandwidth. Serverless
computing makes better use of the cloud resources as the customer only pays for what
they use.
Explaining how cloud technology aids enterprise resilience 533

Collaboration tools
Cloud-based collaboration tools can be very useful in enabling teams to work together.
Common cloud-based collaboration tools allow an enterprise to work effectively with
partners and remote workers and to engage with their customers. Common tools include
web-based conferencing, chat, Voice over IP (VOIP), and many more. These tools have
proven very useful where businesses have had to adapt to a remote working model. When
considering online collaboration tools, resilience and security need to be addressed.
Collaboration tools can also be useful as a failover when a primary service is unavailable.
If a cellular network is unavailable due to disruption or other outages, then we can use
tools such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom conferencing to communicate with partners,
team members, or customers.

Storage configurations
When an organization makes use of CSP, to host critical services or to offer redundancy in
the event that the enterprise needs to use the CSP for BCDR, then the security of the data
is of paramount importance. To secure the data, there are methods available that can both
secure the data and also offer redundancy.

Bit splitting
Bit splitting is intended to protect data stored with cloud providers. Data blocks are first
encrypted using the AES 256-bit symmetric algorithm, and the encrypted block is then
split and distributed across multiple data stores. The stored split blocks are hashed when
they are written to the filesystem in order to accurately retrieve the data using data maps.

Data dispersion
Data dispersion is intended to operate much like RAID solutions that utilize parity.
The data blocks are dispersed across multiple storage systems or cloud providers. If one
provider is unavailable, then we can still access the data, as the algorithm used is similar to
534 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Concepts

Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)

When an enterprise uses CSPs to store data, adequate protection must be in place to
protect the enterprise. Data may be subject to regulatory or legal compliance and may, in
addition, contain intellectual property or sensitive information. The data may be accessed
by employees, partners, or customers. This means the internal security controls will not
be effective. When the enterprise uses multiple cloud providers, then security becomes
difficult to monitor and enforce. A CASB can include authentication services, such as
single sign-on, authorization, credential mapping, device management, encryption
services, data loss prevention, malware detection/prevention, logging, alerting, and many
more security services besides. A CASB is often referred to as a gatekeeper, protecting the
enterprise data from inbound threats into the cloud and outbound threats such as data
exfiltration. Another benefit of CASB is ensuring regulatory compliance by labeling and
monitoring the use of the data, so as to ensure compliance. Figure 15.13 shows the services
provided by the CASB:

Figure 15.13 – CASB

Traditional security controls such as Secure Web Gateways (SWGs) and Next-
Generation Firewalls (NGFWs) are not enough to protect the data hosted with a CSP.
The connections to the cloud do not always pass through the company network. Many
of the connections will be made from remote users directly into the cloud.
Summary 535

In this chapter, we have understood why an organization needs to conduct high-level
planning to ensure appropriate mitigation controls are deployed. We have learned about
why plans are developed for business continuity. We have understood what is needed in
a DRP. We have looked at high availability, redundancy, and fault tolerance, when critical
services need to be available. We have looked at the business need for alternate sites,
as well as physical locations and the services delivered by CSPs. We have learned why
automation should be used in an effort to become more resilient. Knowledge has been
acquired about bootstrapping, which can be used for the rapid deployment of workloads
using scripting for custom configuration. We have looked at cloud-based autoscaling,
allowing an enterprise to deploy workloads on demand to satisfy customer demands. We
have looked at CDNs for low latency and the increased availability of services. We have
looked at the need for the thorough testing of plans, including checklists, walk-throughs,
tabletops, and parallel and full interruption tests.
We have studied cloud-based security and collaboration tools that can protect enterprise
data and enable a business to be resilient when using CSPs.

Here are a few questions to test your understanding of the chapter:

1. What metric is used by planners for a critical resource that would cause severe
adverse effects for the enterprise? This metric forms the line in the sand that
cannot be crossed.

A. Recovery point objective

B. Recovery time objective
C. Recovery service level
D. Maximum tolerable downtime

2. What metric is a goal set by the enterprise to ensure a critical service will be
operational within a specified timeframe?

A. Recovery point objective

B. Recovery time objective
C. Recovery service level
D. Mission-essential functions
536 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Concepts

3. What is a planning objective used when the restoration of a critical service will also
require data to be restored?

A. Recovery point objective

B. Recovery time objective
C. Recovery service level
D. Mission-essential functions

4. What planning objectives ensure that critical services are recovered first, while other
functional elements, such as printing customer tickets, are given a lower priority?

A. Recovery point objective

B. Recovery time objective
C. Recovery service level
D. Mission-essential functions

5. What type of assessment should be performed by an organization that stores,

transmits, or processes data that contains private information?

A. Business impact assessment

B. Privacy impact assessment
C. RISK assessment
D. Safety assessment

6. An organization has leased office space and suitable facilities for computing
equipment. The intention is to relocate personnel and systems and become
operational in the event that the main office location is unavailable. What have
they used?

A. A cold site
B. A warm site
C. A hot site
D. A mobile site
Questions 537

7. A planning team has identified a requirement for a site, housing equipment and
facilities ready for the business to use. Personnel and data will need to be moved
to the site to become operational. What have they identified?

A. A cold site
B. A warm site
C. A hot site
D. A mobile site

8. An e-commerce site needs a failover location that has all the equipment and
data needed for the business to continue operations. The site should allow the
organization to switch operations within a short time frame. What should they use?

A. A cold site
B. A warm site
C. A hot site
D. A mobile site

9. What kind of scalability have we identified when we add additional Central

Processing Units (CPUs), Random Access Memory (RAM), faster disk
input/output (I/O), and additional network connections?

A. Vertically scalability
B. Replication
C. Performance scalability
D. Horizontally scalability

10. What type of scalability is achieved by adding more workloads in the form of
additional computers or compute nodes? This can work well if the resources can be
deployed on demand using autoscaling.

A. Vertically scalability
B. Replication
C. Performance scalability
D. Horizontally scalability
538 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Concepts

11. What type of data replication will be needed where there can be no time lag, where
the data is written or committed to both systems at the same time (this is the more
costly solution)?

A. Symmetric
B. Cloud-based
C. Asymmetric

12. What is used when the customer works with the CSP to define expected day-to-day
compute needs? The customer can then choose a plan where spikes in demand result
in the automatic provisioning of additional compute resources.

A. Autoscaling
B. Caching
C. Bootstrapping
D. Clustering

13. Select the cloud service, where the service provider is often referred to as a
gatekeeper. This service will protect the enterprise data from inbound threats
(into the cloud) and outbound threats such as data exfiltration.

A. IaaS
C. PaaS
D. Secure Web Gateway (SWG)
Questions 539

14. What is a cloud platform where the customer only pays for computing time and
does not need to worry about maintaining servers or reserving network bandwidth?
This type of computing makes better use of cloud resources as the customer only
pays for what they use.

A. Infrastructure computing
B. Cloud access security broker
C. Serverless computing
D. Virtual computing

15. What cloud storage solution is intended to protect data stored with cloud providers?
Data blocks are first encrypted using the AES 256-bit symmetric algorithm and the
encrypted block is then split and distributed across multiple data stores.

A. Bit splitting
B. Data dispersion
C. Availability
D. Collection

16. What is a cloud storage solution where data blocks are dispersed across multiple
storage systems or cloud providers? If one provider is unavailable, then we can still
access the data as the algorithm used is similar to RAID5 or RAID6.

A. Bit splitting
B. Data dispersion
C. Availability
D. Collection
540 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Concepts

17. What is the testing that uses stakeholder involvement to assess the effectiveness of
the plan? Scenarios can be discussed and actions that need to be performed can be
evaluated. This exercise ensures that the Disaster Recovery Team (DRT) or Cyber
Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) do not need to perform exhaustive
testing until the plans are fine-tuned.

A. Checklist
B. Walk-through
C. Tabletop exercises
D. Full interruption test

18. What is the final stage in the testing of BCP/DRP plans? This can disrupt business
operations, so should only be used when all other types of tests have been
successfully executed.

A. Checklist
B. Tabletop exercises
C. Full interruption test
D. Parallel test/simulation test

19. What technology is offered by CSPs to allow for the rapid deployment of virtualized
infrastructure? It is common to apply the configuration to a compute node
or cluster as it boots up from a standard image (such as Linux, Unix, or Windows).

A. Autoscaling
B. Distributed allocation
C. Bootstrapping
D. Replication

20. What type of network allows for geographically dispersed servers delivering
content in the form of web pages, media, and images to worldwide consumers?
This network uses caching to ensure that data is available on the edge of the
network, where users or customers will benefit from lower latency.

A. Autoscaling
B. Distributed network
C. Content delivery network
D. Replicated network
Answers 541

1. D
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. A
10. D
11. A
12. A
13. B
14. C
15. A
16. B
17. C
18. C
19. C
20. C
Mock Exam 1
Welcome to the study guide assessment test! These test questions are designed to resemble
real-world CASP 004 exam questions. To make this test as realistic as possible, you should
attempt to answer these questions closed book and allocate the correct amount of time.
You can use some paper or a scratchpad to jot down notes, although this will be different
in a real test environment. If you wish to look at the PearsonVue candidate testing rules,
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• End of Study Assessment Test

• Number of Questions: 50
• Passing Score: 83% (Estimated)

1. Developers are building sensitive references and account details into the application
code. Security engineers need to ensure that the organization can secure the
continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. What would be the
best choice?

A. Perform dynamic application security testing.

B. Use a centralized trusted secrets manager service.
C. Use interactive application security testing.
D. Ensure the developers are using version control.
544 Mock Exam 1

2. What type of assessment should be performed by an organization that stores,

transmits, or processes data that contains private information?

A. Business Impact Assessment

B. Privacy Impact Assessment
C. Risk assessment
D. Safety assessment

3. The ACME corporation has recently run an annual risk assessment as part of its
regulatory compliance. The risk management team has identified a high-level risk
that could lead to fraudulent activities. The team has recommended that certain
privileged tasks must be performed by more than one person for the task to be
validated. What is this an example of?

A. Job rotation
B. Least privilege
C. Separation of duties
D. Multi-factor authentication

4. Security professionals are analyzing logs that have been collected from MDM
software. The following log entries are available:

Figure 16.1 – MDM audit log

What is the security concern and what response would best mitigate the risks of the
mobile device?
A. An application was installed maliciously; change the MDM configuration to
remove application ID 1022.
B. Sensitive data exposure; recover the device for analysis and clean up the
local storage.
Questions 545

C. Impossible time travel; disable the device's account and carry out further
D. Anomalous status reporting; initiate a remote wipe of the device.

5. An e-commerce site has recently upgraded its web application servers to use TLS
1.3, though some customers are calling the service desk as they can no longer access
the services. After analyzing the logs that had been generated on the client's devices,
the following was observed:
What is the most likely cause of the reported error?
A. Clients are configured to use ECDHE.
B. Clients are configured to use RC4.
C. Clients are configured to use PFS.
D. Clients are configured to use AES-256 GCM.

6. The security professionals are reviewing all the servers in the company and discover
that a server is missing crucial patches that would mitigate a recent exploit that
could gain root access. Which of the following describes the teams' discovery?

A. A vulnerability
B. A threat
C. A breach
D. A risk

7. ACME bank has a compliance requirement. They require a third-party penetration

test of the customer-facing banking application to be conducted annually. What
type of penetration testing would ensure the lowest resource usage?

A. Black-box testing
B. Gray-box testing
C. Red-team exercises
D. White-box testing
E. Blue-team exercises
546 Mock Exam 1

8. Recently, the ACME corporation has merged with a similar-sized organization. The
SOC staff now have an increased workload and are failing to respond to all alerts.
What is the likely cause of this behavior?

A. False positive
B. Alert fatigue
C. False negative
D. True positive

9. A small regional bank, with no dedicated security team, must deploy security at
the edge of the network. They will need a solution that will offer protection from
multiple threats that may target the bank's network. What would be the best
solution for the bank?

A. Router

10. During baseline security training for new developers, attention must be focused on
the use of third-party libraries. What is the most important aspect for a commercial
development team that's considering the use of third-party libraries? Choose two.

A. Third-party libraries may have vulnerabilities.

B. Third-party libraries may be incompatible.
C. Third-party libraries may not support DNSSEC.
D. Third-party libraries may have licensing restrictions.

11. A CISO wants to change the culture of the organization to strengthen the company's
security posture. The initiative will bring the development and operations teams
together when code is released to the production environment. What is the best
description of this initiative?

A. DevOps
B. A team-building exercise
C. A tabletop exercise
D. SecDevOps
Questions 547

12. A development team is working with a customer to develop a mobile application.

The customer has already defined all the requirements upfront and wants the
application to be developed using very strict timelines. It is not anticipated that any
changes will be made to the initial definition. What software development approach
would be the most suitable for this engagement?

A. Agile
B. Waterfall
C. Spiral
D. Build and Fix

13. A CISO for a large multinational bank would like to address security concerns
regarding the use and auditing of local administrator credentials on end devices.
Currently, users are given local administrator privileges when access is required. This
current practice has resulted in undocumented changes, a lack of accountability, and
account lockouts. What could be implemented to address these issues?

A. Use Privileged Access Management (PAM) to maintain user accounts in the

local admin group.
B. Deploy EDR to remove users from local admins group and enable audit logs.
C. Use Privileged Access Management (PAM) to remove user accounts from
the local admin group and prompt the user for explicit approval when
elevation is required.
D. Deploy EDR to remove users from the local admins group and enable UEBA.

14. The ACME corporation has been suffering from increasing numbers of service
outages on the endpoints due to ever-increasing instances of new malware. The
Chief Financial Officer's laptop was impacted while working remotely from a hotel.
The objective is to prevent further instances of endpoint disruption. Currently, the
company has deployed a web proxy at the edge of the network. What should the
company deploy to mitigate these threats?

A. Replace the current antivirus with an EDR solution.

B. Remove the web proxy and install a UTM appliance.
C. Implement application blacklisting on the endpoints.
D. Add a firewall module to the current antivirus solution.
548 Mock Exam 1

15. A company has been testing its Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) while team
members have been assessing challenges that had been encountered while testing in
parallel. Computing resources ran out at 65% of the restoration process for critical
services. What documentation should be modified to address this issue?

A. Recovery point objective

B. Business Impact Assessment
C. Mission-essential functions
D. Recovery service level

16. A security professional is performing a system penetration test. They successfully

gain access to a shell on a Linux host as a standard user and want to elevate
their privilege levels. What would be the most effective way to perform privilege

A. Spawn a shell using sudo and use a text editor to update the sudoer's file.
B. Perform ASIC password cracking on the host.
C. Access the /etc/passwd file to extract the usernames.
D. Use the UNION operator to extract the database schema.

17. A security analyst is concerned that a malicious piece of code was downloaded on a
Linux system. After running various diagnostics tools, the analyst determines that
the suspect code is performing a lot of input/output (I/O) on the disk drive. The
following screenshot shows the output from one of the diagnostics tools:

Figure 16.2 – Diagnostic output

Based on this output, which ID should the analyst focus their attention on?
A. ID 99
B. ID 40
C. ID 22
D. ID 12
Questions 549

18. A CISO needs to ensure there is an effective incident response plan. As part of
the plan, a CSIRT team needs to be identified, including leadership with a clear
reporting and escalation process. At what part of the incident response process
should this be done?

A. Preparation
B. Detection
C. Analysis
D. Containment

19. The ACME corporation's CSIRT team responded to an incident where several
routers failed at the same time. The cause of the failure is unknown, and the routers
have been reconfigured and restored to operational condition. The integrity of the
router's configuration has also been verified. Which of the following should the
team perform to understand the failure and prevent it in the future?

A. Root cause analysis

B. Continuity of operations plan
C. After-action report
D. Lessons learned

20. Jeff, a developer with the ACME corporation, is concerned about the impact of new
malware on an ARM CPU. He knows that the malware can insert itself in another
process memory location. Which of the following technologies can the developer
enable on the ARM architecture to prevent this type of malware?

A. Execute-never (XN)
B. EDR software
C. Total memory encryption
D. Virtual memory encryption
550 Mock Exam 1

21. Security professionals have detected anomalous activity on the edge network. To
investigate the activity further, they intend to examine the contents of the pcap file.
They are looking for evidence of data exfiltration from a suspect host computer. To
minimize disruption, they need to identify a command-line tool that will provide
this functionality. What should they use?

A. netcat
B. tcpdump
C. Aircrack-ng
D. Wireshark

22. Ann, a security analyst, is investigating anomalous activity within syslog files.
She is looking for evidence of unusual activity based on reports from User Entity
Behavior Analytics (UEBA). Several events may be indicators of compromise.
Which of the following requires further investigation?
A. Netstat -bn
B. vmstat -a 5
C. nc -w 180 -p 12345 -l < shadow.txt
D. Exiftool companylogo.jpg

23. UEBA has generated alerts relating to significant amounts of PNG image uploads to
a social networking site. The account that has generated the reports is a recent hire
in the Research and Development division. A rival manufacturer is selling products
that appear to be based on the company's sensitive designs.
The payloads are now being analyzed by forensics investigators. What tool will allow
them to search for evidence in the PNG files?
A. Steganalysis tool
B. Cryptanalysis tool
C. Binary analysis tool
D. Memory analysis tool

24. Marketing executives are attending an international trade exhibition and must
connect to their company's email using their mobile devices during the event. The
CISO is concerned that this may present a risk. What would best mitigate this risk?

A. Near-field communication (NFC)

B. Split-tunnel VPN
Questions 551

C. Geofencing
D. Always-on VPN settings

25. A company employee has followed a QC link and installed a mobile application
that's used to book and schedule activities at a vacation resort. The application is not
available on Google Play Store. Company policy states that applications can only be
downloaded from the official vendor store or company portal. What best describes
what has allowed this app to be installed?

A. Supply chain issues

B. Side loading
C. Containerization
D. Unauthorized application stores

26. A company has deployed a hardened Linux image to mobile devices. The
restrictions are as follows:

‚ All unnecessary services must be removed.

‚ Only company-deployed apps can be run.
‚ The runtime code is protected against memory exploits.
The CISO is concerned that an attacker may be able to launch attacks using
common utilities and command-line tools. What could be deployed to mitigate the
CISO's concerns?
A. Whitelisting
B. Shell restrictions
D. Memory encryption

27. A regional Internet Service Provider (ISP) is experiencing outages and poor
service levels over some of its copper-based infrastructure. These faults are due to
the reliance on legacy hardware and software. Several times during the month, a
contracted company must follow a checklist of 12 different commands that must
be run in serial to restore performance to an acceptable level. The ISP would like to
make this an automated process. Which of the following techniques would be best
suited for this requirement?

A. Deploy SOAR utilities and runbooks.

B. Replace the associated hardware.
552 Mock Exam 1

C. Provide the contractors with direct access to syslog data.

D. Switch the copper-based infrastructure to fiber.

28. A security analyst is investigating a possible buffer overflow attack. The attack seems
to be attempting to load a program file. Analysis of the live memory reveals that the
following string is being run:

Which of the following technologies would best mitigate the manipulation of

memory segments?
A. NX bit

29. A CISO at a regional power supply company is performing a risk assessment. The
CISO must consider what the most important security objective is when applying
cryptography to control messages. The control messages are critical and enable the
operational technology to ensure the generators are outputting the correct electrical
power levels. What is the most important consideration here?

A. Importing the availability of messages

B. Ensuring the non-repudiation of messages
C. Enforcing protocol conformance for messages
D. Ensuring the integrity of messages

30. Alan, a CISO for an online retailer, is performing a quantitative risk assessment.
The assessment is based on the public-facing web application server. Current figures
show that the application server experiences 80 attempted breaches per day. In
the past 4 years, the company's data has been breached two times. Which of the
following represents the ARO for successful breaches?

A. 50
B. 0.8
C. 0.5
D. 29,200
Questions 553

31. Security engineers are assessing the capabilities and vulnerabilities of a widely used
mobile operating system. The company intends to deploy a secure image to mobile
phones and tablets. The mobile devices mustn't be vulnerable to the risk of privilege
elevation and the misuse of applications. What would be the most beneficial to the
company for addressing these concerns?

A. Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux)

B. Trusted Platform Module (TPM)
C. Security-Enhanced Android (SEAndroid)
D. Attestation services

32. Gerry, a CISO for a national healthcare provider, is assessing proposals for
network storage solutions. The proposal is for NAS to be deployed to all regional
hospitals and clinics. As the data that will be stored will be sensitive and subject
to strict regulatory compliance, security is the most important consideration. The
proposal is for appliances running a Linux kernel and providing secure access to
authenticated users through NFS. One major concern is ensuring that the root
account cannot be used to gain access to user data on the Linux NFS appliances.
What would best prevent this issue from occurring?

A. Ensure passwords are stored in a shadow file.

B. Run SELinux in enforced mode.
C. Disable central processing unit (CPU) virtualization support.
D. Enforce secure encrypted enclaves/memory encryption.

33. ACME chemicals is conducting a risk assessment for its legacy operational
technology. One of their major concerns is the widespread use of a standard
message transport protocol that's used in industrial environments. After performing
a vulnerability assessment, several CVEs are discovered with high CVSS values. The
findings describe the following vulnerabilities:

‚ CVE-2018-11452: Denial-of-service of the affected device

‚ CVE-2018-7842: Elevation of privilege by conducting a brute-force attack on the
parameters that were sent to the controller
‚ CVE-2017-6034: An attacker can replay the run, stop, upload, and
download commands
554 Mock Exam 1

Additional CVEs report multiple vulnerabilities, including no security against

message integrity being tampered with and being vulnerable to MITM attacks.
What is the network/protocol that has most likely been assessed?
A. Ethernet
B. Modbus
C. Distributed Network Protocol 3 (DNP3)
D. Zigbee

34. Mechanical engineers are using a simple programming language based on relay-
based logic, as shown in the following diagram:

Figure 16.3 – Relay-based logic

What language/protocol are the engineers are using?
A. Historian
B. Ladder logic
C. Zigbee
D. Modbus
Questions 555

35. A small water treatment plant is being controlled by a SCADA system. There are
four main treatment tanks, each being serviced by an input pump and an output
pump. The design of the plant offers redundancy as the plant can operate without
all the tanks being available. The plant is comprised of a standard SCADA mix of
operational technology, including PLCs and a supervisory computer.
What system failure will cause the biggest outage?
A. Loss of a treatment tank
B. Loss of supervisory computer
C. Failure of an input pump
D. Failure of a PLC

36. A development team is implementing a customer-facing API that uses a database

backend. Before the deployment, the team is concerned about attacks, such as XSS,
XSRF, and injection attacks. To mitigate these types of attacks, the team needs
to identify security controls that could be implemented. Which of the following
sources could the team consult to address these security concerns?


37. The customers of a large online retailer are reporting high levels of latency when
they are searching for products on the e-commerce site. The site consists of an array
of load-balanced APIs that do not require authentication. The application servers
that host the APIs are showing heavy CPU utilization. WAFs that have been placed
in front of the APIs are not generating any alerts.
Which of the following should a security engineer recommend to best remedy these
performance issues promptly?
A. Implement rate limiting on the API.
B. Implement geo-blocking on the WAF.
C. Implement OAuth 2.0 on the API.
D. Implement input validation on the API.
556 Mock Exam 1

38. ACME bank engineers are configuring security for a new data center. They are
looking to implement SSL/TLS for customer-facing application servers. Customers
will connect to the bank API through a deployed mobile application. They must
now choose a symmetric algorithm that offers the greatest speed and security.
Which should they choose?

A. ChaCha256 + poly1305
C. AES256 + CBC
D. Salsa256 + CBC

39. Hackers can gain access to encrypted data transmissions. After performing
vulnerability assessments on the application servers, several cipher suites are
available for backward compatibility. Which of the following would represent the
greatest risk?


40. A company is deploying an online streaming service for customers. The content
needs to be protected; only the paid subscribers should be able to view the streams.
The company wants to choose the best solution for low latency and security. What
would be the best choice?

C. ChaCha
D. RC4

41. A government agency is configuring a VPN connection between Fort Meade and
a field office in New York. Of primary importance is having a highly secure key
exchange protocol due to the threats posed by nation state threat actors. Which
encryption protocol would be a good choice?

A. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

B. ECDHE p521
Questions 557

C. ChaCha-256
D. SHA-512

42. Software developers are deploying a new customer-facing CRM tool. The
deployment will require the customers to download an application on their system.
Customers must be able to verify that the application is trustworthy. What type of
certificate will the software developers request to fulfill this requirement?

A. Client authentication
B. Server authentication
C. Digital signatures
D. Code signing

43. A large insurance provider has grown in size and now supports customers in many
different countries. Due to this increased footprint, they are looking to minimize
administration by allocating a single certificate to multiple sites. The sites will be
country-specific, with different domain names. What would be the best choice for
delivering this requirement?

A. Wildcard certificate
B. Extended validation
C. General-purpose
D. Subject Alternate Name (SAN)

44. The CISO is delivering a security briefing to senior members of staff. One of the
topics of conversation concerns the current e-commerce site. During a Q&A session,
the CISO is asked questions about PKI and certificates. A rudimentary question is
asked – what key is stored on a certificate? What should the CISO answer?

A. Public key
B. Private key
C. Public and private keys
D. Signing key

45. A large online bank would like to ensure that customers can quickly validate that the
bank's certificates are not part of a CRL. What would best meet this requirement?

A. Extended validation
B. Certificate pinning
558 Mock Exam 1


46. Website engineers are configuring security extensions to be deployed to all

customer-facing web application servers. What HTTP extension will ensure that all
the connections to the application servers will also be encrypted using the assigned
X.509 certificate?

A. HTTP X-FRAME headers

B. HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
D. Extended validation

47. Nation state-sponsored actors have stolen the smartphone of a government official.
They have attempted to guess the PIN code several times, eventually locking the
device. They are attempting to gain access to the data using forensic tools and
techniques but the data cannot be accessed. What has likely prevented a data breach
from occurring?

A. Hardware write blocker

B. USB data blocker
C. Crypto shredding
D. Improper key handling

48. A small startup energy company has built up a database of clients. It is estimated
that this database is worth $100,000. During a data breach, a cyber-criminal
(working for a competitor) steals 10% of the records. The company fails to put
adequate controls in place and a second breach occurs within 12 months.
What is the Annual Loss Expectancy (ALE)?
A. $200,000
B. $1,000
C. $20,000
D. $10,000
Assessment test answers 559

49. A defense contractor currently loses an estimated $2,000,000 each year due to
intellectual property theft. The company has a solid reputation for R&D and
manufacturing but has no dedicated security staff. A Managed Security Service
Provider (MSSP) guarantees that they will provide 90% protection for the data over a
5-year contract at an annual cost of $250,000 per annum. What is the ROI in dollars?

A. $10,000,000
B. $9,000,000
C. $750,000
D. $7,750,000

50. An automobile manufacturer suffers a power outage at one of its foundries. The
facility supplies critical components for the company. The COOP designated the
foundry as a mission-essential service, and it was agreed that the foundry must
be operational within 24 hours. The energy supplier has struggled to repair severe
storm-damaged cables. As a result, the facility is without power for 72 hours. What
is the metric that describes this 72-hour outage?

A. Mean time to recovery (MTTR)

B. Mean time between failure (MTBF)
C. Recovery Time Objective (RTO)
D. Annualized rate of occurrence (ARO)

Assessment test answers

1. B. Use a centralized trusted secrets manager service. Secrets can include user
or auto-generated passwords, APIs, and other application keys/credentials, SSH
keys, databases, and other system-to-system passwords. You should use private
certificates for secure communication and private encryption keys.
External reference:
See Chapter 4, Deploying Enterprise Authentication and Authorization Controls, for
more details on secure account management concepts.
560 Mock Exam 1

2. B. Privacy Impact Assessment. A PIA should be undertaken by any organization

that stores, transmits, or processes data that contains private information. Data
types will vary but can include documents, database records, and media such
as CCTV footage and voice recordings. See Chapter 15, Business Continuity and
Disaster Recovery Concepts.
3. C. Separation of duties. When an employee has privileges that enable them to make
high-level decisions without needing the consent of another employee, then we are
missing essential checks and balances. Consider a Chief Financial Officer (CFO),
who approves new suppliers, approves the suppliers' invoices for services, and signs
their paychecks. This example would allow for fraudulent activities and would
be mitigated by establishing accounts receivable and accounts payable business
functions. See Chapter 13, Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies.
4. C. Impossible time travel. Disable the device's account and carry out further
See Chapter 9, Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls (covers location
services and user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA)).
5. B. Clients are configured to use RC4. RC4 is considered weak encryption and would
not be supported while using TLS 1.3. See Chapter 11, Implementing Cryptographic
Protocols and Algorithms.
6. A. A vulnerability. When a system is missing patches, it is vulnerable to attacks.
During a risk assessment, we need to assess vulnerabilities and potential threats
that could target the vulnerability. See Chapter 6, Vulnerability Assessment and
Penetration Testing Methods and Tools.
7. A. Black-box testing will take the least amount of time but may not discover all
vulnerabilities. See Chapter 6, Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing
Methods and Tools.
8. B. Alert fatigue. This is when the staff are overwhelmed with too many alerts. See
Chapter 1, Designing a Secure Network Architecture.
9. C. Unified Threat Management (UTM). This can combine multiple security
functions into a single appliance. See Chapter 1, Designing a Secure Network
10. A and D. Third-party libraries may have vulnerabilities and Third-party libraries
may have licensing restrictions. See Chapter 2, Integrating Software Applications into
the Enterprise.
11. D. SecDevOps. The development team and operations teams work together to
ensure code is delivered error-free. See Chapter 2, Integrating Software Applications
into the Enterprise.
Assessment test answers 561

12. B. The waterfall methodology means that we must have defined all the requirements
at the start of the process and that no changes will be made during the development
cycle. See Chapter 2, Integrating Software Applications into the Enterprise.
13. C. Use Privileged Access Management (PAM) to remove user accounts from the
local admin group and prompt the user for explicit approval when elevation is
required. This solution allows accounts to elevate their privileges and that these
actions will be audited. See Chapter 4, Deploying Enterprise Authentication and
Authorization Controls.
14. A. Replace the current antivirus with an EDR solution. The end devices must be
protected when they are not on the company network. The other solutions will not
adequately fulfill the requirements. See Chapter 9, Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint
Security Controls.
15. D. Recovery Service Level. See Chapter 15, Business Continuity and Disaster
Recovery Concepts.
16. C. Access the /etc/passwd file to extract the usernames. As the account is a
standard user, they will not have the right to edit configuration files (sudoers), so
the best option is to access the passwd file (you do not need any privileges to do
this). See Chapter 7, Risk Mitigation Controls.
17. C. ID22 shows a high amount of disk I/O using the vmstat command. See Chapter
8, Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures.
18. A. Preparation. For details on creating an incident response plan, see Chapter 8,
Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures.
19. A. Root cause analysis. This would be performed as a result of lessons learned/AAR.
See Chapter 8, Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures.
20. A. Execute-never (XN). CPU chips support memory protection within the
hardware. See Chapter 9, Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls.
21. B. tcpdump. This is a command-line protocol analyzer that's capable of capturing
traffic and can be used to analyze previous captures. pcap is a standard packet capture
file format. See Chapter 8, Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures.
22. C. nc -w 180 -p 12345 -l < shadow.txt. Netcat can be used to run
remote commands on a target system, allowing for files to be transferred. See
Chapter 8, Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures.
23. A. Steganalysis tool. This tool would search for data hidden within the graphics file.
See Chapter 8, Implementing Incident Response and Forensics Procedures.
562 Mock Exam 1

24. D. Always-on VPN settings. They will always have an encrypted connection that's
routed through the company network. See Chapter 9, Enterprise Mobility and
Endpoint Security Controls.
25. D. Unauthorized application stores. See Chapter 9, Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint
Security Controls.
26. B. Shell restrictions. The current settings mitigate the main threats but do not
prevent built-in commands from being run. See Chapter 9, Enterprise Mobility and
Endpoint Security Controls.
27. A. Deploy SOAR utilities and runbooks. This will automate this repetitive process
and take some of the workload off the technicians. See Chapter 8, Implementing
Incident Response and Forensics Procedures.
28. B. ASLR. This mitigation is built into the operating system and is considered a
better option (NX+DEP is hardware-based and less effective).
29. D. Ensuring the integrity of messages. Control messages will not normally be
confidential but must be tamper-proof. This is the best solution. See Chapter 10,
Security Considerations Impacting Specific Sectors and Operational Technologies.
30. C. 0.5. The ARO over 4 years is 0.5 as there were only two successful breaches. See
Chapter 13, Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies.
31. C. Security-Enhanced Android (SEAndroid). This is SELinux for mobile devices.
See Chapter 9, Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls.
32. B. Run SELinux in enforced mode. This will enforce Mandatory Access Control
(MAC). See Chapter 9, Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls.
33. B. Modbus. This is a well-used control protocol that's used within industrial
controlled environments. It is vulnerable to many different threats. See Chapter 10,
Security Considerations Impacting Specific Sectors and Operational Technologies.
34. B. Ladder logic. See Chapter 10, Security Considerations Impacting Specific Sectors
and Operational Technologies.
35. B. Loss of a supervisory computer. See Chapter 10, Security Considerations
Impacting Specific Sectors and Operational Technologies. This can also be seen in the
following diagram:
Assessment test answers 563

Figure 16.4 – The hierarchy of and dependencies within a SCADA system

36. D. OWASP. This will be the best source of reference when securing web applications.
37. A. Implement rate limiting on the API. This will allow for the number of
connections that are forwarded to the web servers to be throttled.
38. A. ChaCha256 + poly1305. This offers a major performance advantage over existing
technologies. See Chapter 11, Implementing Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms.
39. B. TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_40_MD5. RC4 (symmetric encryption) should not be
used and will cause systems to be out of compliance. MD5 (hashing algorithm)
is also weak and should not be used. See Chapter 11, Implementing Cryptographic
Protocols and Algorithms.
40. C. ChaCha. This is a stream cipher and will offer very good performance for
streaming media. See Chapter 11, Implementing Cryptographic Protocols and
41. B. ECDHE p521. This is currently the strongest form of key exchange. The other
answers refer to symmetric encryption or hashing. See Chapter 11, Implementing
Cryptographic Protocols and Algorithms.
42. D. Code signing. The application code needs to be digitally signed. See Chapter 12,
Implementing Appropriate PKI Solutions, Cryptographic Protocols, and Algorithms for
Business Needs.
564 Mock Exam 1

43. D. Subject Alternate Name (SAN). This will allow a single certificate to be issued
for multiple sites. A wildcard would not be suitable as the domain names will be
different. See Chapter 12, Implementing Appropriate PKI Solutions, Cryptographic
Protocols, and Algorithms for Business Needs.
44. A. Public key. A digital certificate validates the public key. Private keys are not
shared but can be stored in escrow if a copy needs to be made. See Chapter 12,
Implementing Appropriate PKI Solutions, Cryptographic Protocols, and Algorithms for
Business Needs.
45. C. OCSP. This allows a quick response to be provided when a CRL check is required.
See Chapter 12, Implementing Appropriate PKI Solutions, Cryptographic Protocols,
and Algorithms for Business Needs.
46. B. HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS). This will ensure that all the
connections are forced to use HTTPS/TLS. See Chapter 2, Integrating Software
Applications into the Enterprise.
47. C. Crypto shredding. The symmetric key that was used to encrypt the data is
destroyed, making data recovery ineffective. See Chapter 12, Implementing Appropriate
PKI Solutions, Cryptographic Protocols, and Algorithms for Business Needs.
48. C. $20,000.
Asset Value (AV) = 100,000
Exposure Factor (EF) = 10%
Single Loss Expectancy (SLE) = 10,000
Annual Rate of Occurrence (ARO) = 2
Annual Loss Expectancy (ALO) = 20,000 (SLE x ARO)
See Chapter 13, Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies.
49. D. $7,750,000. ROI= (9,000,000 Reduction in risk – 750,000 cost of control). The
contract is for 5 years, so the potential loss would be 10,000,000. As we mitigate
90% of the loss, we have saved 9,000,000 but must pay 5 x 250,000 = 1,250,000. See
Chapter 13, Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies.
50. A. Mean time to recovery (MTTR). See Chapter 13, Applying Appropriate
Risk Strategies.

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End of Study Assessment Test
Number of Questions: 50
Passing Score: 83% (Estimated)
566 Mock Exam 2

1. A company works with a cloud service provider (CSP) that provides bleeding-
edge technology to perform data analytics and deep learning techniques on the
company's data. As the technology becomes more widespread, it appears that a rival
CSP can offer the same solutions for a 50% cost saving. However, it seems that the
database format and rule sets that have been created can't be transferred to the rival
CSP. What term would best describe this situation?

A. Vendor risk
B. Vendor lock-in
C. Third-party liability
D. Vendor management plan

2. A major retailer works with a small, highly regarded, third-party development team.
They intend to invest significant resources into a new customer-facing set of APIs.
The retailer is concerned about the financial stability of the development company
and worries that they may need to start the development project from scratch if the
developers go bust. What could be used to allay the fears of the retailer?

A. Change management
B. Staff turnover
C. Peer code review
D. Source code escrow

3. Andy is the CSO within a department of the United Kingdom's HM Revenue and
Customs (HMRC). All new systems that will require government funding must
be assessed concerning cost savings by working with a CSP. Andy is overseeing a
proposed new system that will reduce the workload of the Inland Revenue HMRC
employees. What must a government agency consider when planning to store
sensitive data with a global CSP?

A. Data sovereignty
B. Data ownership
C. Data classifications
D. Data retention
Questions 567

4. A Privacy Impact Assessment is being conducted on behalf of a private healthcare

provider. A consultant is assessing regulatory requirements for the hospital's
employee and patient data (within Europe). The data that is currently being held
includes the following:

‚ Patient's address
‚ Patient's bank account details
‚ Patient's medical history
‚ Patient's X-ray records
‚ Employee bank account details
What type of information will need to be protected and which regulations are the
most important? (Choose two)
B. Personally identifiable information (PII)
C. Financial records
D. Intellectual property

5. A regional bank intends to work with a CSP to harness some of the benefits associated
with cloud computing. The bank wants the assurance that data will not be accessible
when their contract with a CSP expires. What technology would be most applicable?

A. Crypto erase
B. Pulping
C. Shredding
D. Degaussing

6. A company manufactures medical devices, including instruments and scanners.

The company intends to sell and market its devices to a global customer base. The
company must ensure its products are compatible with its worldwide customer base.
What regulations or standards will be the most important?

A. Export Control Regulations

B. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
C. International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
D. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
568 Mock Exam 2

7. A startup software development company is trying to win a US Federal Government

contract to provision an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application. They
must assure the customer that they have a robust security framework for delivering
software and services. What is the most relevant accreditation?

A. Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)

B. Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
C. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
D. Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Security Trust Assurance and Risk (STAR)

8. A large US-based retailer is transitioning toward an online selling platform.

While customer details and payment card details will be stored in-house, a CSP will
be used to host the e-commerce site, including the online shop. What compliance
will be most important to the retailer concerning storing cardholder data and
electronic transactions?

A. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)

B. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
C. Interconnection security agreement (ISA)
D. Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)

9. Eva is the CISO for a global stocks and shares trading site. She is performing a risk
assessment that focuses on customer data being stored and transmitted. Customers
are mainly based in North America with a small percentage based globally,
including Europe. When it comes to considering regulatory and legal requirements,
which of the following will be the most important?

A. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

B. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
C. International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
D. Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA)
Questions 569

10. A US smartcard manufacturer needs to sell its products in a global market. They
need to ensure that the technology is not sold to countries or governments that are
hostile to the US. What guidance or regulations should they consult?

A. Due care
B. Export controls
C. Legal holds
D. E-discovery

11. A government department has data privacy requirements and they need to have
employees and service providers sign this agreement. They should be made aware of
the strict terms of this agreement and the penalties that may be forthcoming if these
requirements/standards are not met. What type of agreement will be important?

A. Service-level agreement (SLA)

B. Master service agreement (MSA)
C. Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
D. Memorandum of understanding (MOU)

12. A large multinational company intends to purchase multiple products on a rolling

contract from a CSP. They need to document, payment terms, dispute resolution,
intellectual property ownership, and geographic operational locations within the
scope of the contract. What type of contract would be the most suitable?

A. Service-level agreement (SLA)

B. Master service agreement (MSA)
C. Memorandum of understanding (MOU)
D. Operational-level agreement (OLA)

13. A global pharmaceutical company would like to build resiliency into its network
connections. They are working with an ISP, who proposes a highly available MPLS
solution. To ensure the vendor can deliver the service at 99.999% uptime, what
documentation will be important?

A. Service-level agreement (SLA)

B. Memorandum of understanding (MOU)
C. Interconnection security agreement (ISA)
D. Operational-level agreement (OLA)
570 Mock Exam 2

14. A software development company and a mobile phone manufacturer have entered
a business partnership. The business partners need to share data during a series
of upcoming projects. This agreement will stipulate a timeline for the information
exchange to be supported, security requirements, data types that will be exchanged,
and the actual sites that will be part of the data interchange. What documentation
best details these requirements?


15. A regional healthcare provider needs to address ever-escalating costs. They propose
to host some of the information systems with a CSP. The healthcare provider needs
assurances that any sensitive data will be protected by the service provider, and that
agreed-upon steps are in place if data breaches or any adverse action were to occur.
What document would address these requirements?

A. Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)

B. Memorandum of understanding (MOU)
C. Interconnection security agreement (ISA)
D. Operational-level agreement (OLA)
E. Privacy-level agreement (PLA)

16. A government agency begins an investigation on an employee suspected of stealing

company intellectual property (IP). What must be done first to ensure the data is
not deleted?

A. Due care
B. Export controls
C. Legal holds
D. E-discovery
Questions 571

17. A company has several internal business units. The business units are semi-
autonomous but need to support each other for the business to be efficient.
To ensure the business units can work together, it is important to document
responsibilities for each business unit. This document will not be written by lawyers
and is intended to formalize previous verbal agreements. What documentation
would best suit this requirement?

A. Service-level agreement (SLA)

B. Master service agreement (MSA)
C. Memorandum of understanding (MOU)
D. Interconnection security agreement (ISA)

18. An aerospace sub-contractor supplies parts to a major commercial aircraft

manufacturer. The SLAs are very strict, with financial penalties for transgressions.
Mission-critical processes must be identified within the subcontractor's plant to
avoid any lengthy production delays. What metric can be used by the company to
ensure a critical service will be operational within the specified timeframe?

A. Recovery point objective

B. Recovery time objective
C. Recovery service level
D. Mission essential functions

19. A public transportation provider has recently completed a BIA and has determined
that the Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) will require an alternative site
to be available in the event of a major incident at the main operational site. The
planning team has identified a requirement for a site, housing equipment, and
facilities ready for the business to use. Personnel and data will need to be moved to
the site to become operational. What have they identified?

A. Cold site
B. Warm site
C. Hot site
D. Mobile site
572 Mock Exam 2

20. A CISO for a cellular telephony provider is working with a Cloud Service Provider
(CSP) to define expected day-to-day computing needs. The company wants to
be able to choose a plan where spikes in demand result in additional compute
resources being automatically provisioned. What technology would best meet
this requirement?

A. Autoscaling
B. Caching
C. Bootstrapping
D. Clustering

21. A company wants to be more flexible concerning employee work/life balance. To

allow for this cultural change, remote access and working from home will become
widespread. Senior management has concerns about data security, as most of
the company information systems are now cloud-based. The concerns that were
discussed include the following:

‚ Data loss prevention

‚ Control over native features of cloud services, such as collaboration and sharing
‚ User and entity behavior analytics (UEBA)
‚ Configuration auditing
‚ Malware detection
‚ Data encryption and key management
‚ Context-based access control
As employees will not be connected to the company network, various management
concerns must be addressed. What solution would best address these concerns?
Questions 573

22. What form of testing uses stakeholder involvement to assess the effectiveness of
the plan? Scenarios can be discussed and actions that need to be performed can
be evaluated. This exercise ensures the Disaster Recovery Team (DRT) or Cyber
Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) do not need to perform exhaustive
testing until the plans are fine-tuned.

A. Checklist
B. Walk-through
C. Tabletop exercises
D. Full interruption test

23. A cloud customer needs workloads to be rapidly deployed to support a large

and diverse customer base. One important requirement is to allow virtualized
infrastructure to be deployed, where configuration is applied to a compute node
or cluster as it boots up from a standard image (such as Linux, Unix, or Windows).
What technology would best suit this requirement?

A. Autoscaling
B. Distributed allocation
C. Bootstrapping
D. Replication

24. A news delivery platform provider needs to deliver content in the form of web
pages, media, and images to worldwide consumers. The requirement is for
geographically dispersed servers using caching to ensure that data is available on the
edge of the network, where users or customers will benefit from lower latency. What
technology would best suit this requirement?

A. Autoscaling
B. Distributed network
C. Content delivery network
D. Replicated network
574 Mock Exam 2

25. A medical instrument manufacturer is currently experiencing problems in the

production plant. The company is using a mix of Industrial Control Systems (ICS)
on a common network backbone to operate the plant. Some of the manufacturing
processes are time-critical and occasionally, bottlenecks occur at peak times during
the day. To ensure that the time-critical processes are not impacted by bottlenecks,
what technology would most likely mitigate these problems?

A. Safety Instrumented System (SIS)

B. Data Distribution Service (DDS)
C. Operational Technology (OT)
D. Controller Area Network (CAN)

26. A utility company is following industry guidelines to harden its server systems.
One of the first steps that the guidelines suggest is to identify all the available and
unneeded services. What tool would best suit this requirement?

A. Binary analysis tools

B. Port scanner
C. HTTP interceptor
D. Protocol analyzer

27. A well-known developer's content sharing portal has been targeted by a DDoS
attack. Although it's the web application servers that are being targeted, the effect
of all the traffic flooding the network has made all the services unavailable. Security
experts are looking to implement protection methods and implement blackhole
routing for the web application servers. What has this mitigation achieved?

A. Traffic is inspected for malicious payloads

B. Traffic intended for the systems is dropped
C. Traffic to the systems is inspected before it reaches the destination
D. Rules restrict the amount of traffic throughput
Questions 575

28. Security analysts are responding to SIEM alerts that are showing a high number of
IOC events. The analysts have a reason to suspect that there may be APT activity
in the network. Which of the following threat management frameworks should the
team implement to better understand the TTPs of the potential threat actor?

A. NIST SP 800-53
C. The Cyber Kill Chain
D. The Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis

29. National Dynamics, an aerospace company, is looking to strengthen its

cybersecurity posture by focusing on its network defenses. The company is
concerned about the availability of the company's services to its B2B partners.
Many manufacturing processes use JIT techniques to optimize production and
false positives mustn't drop legitimate traffic. Which of the following would satisfy
this requirement?

D. Reverse proxy

30. A small law firm is looking to reduce its operating costs. Currently, vendors are
proposing solutions where the CSP will host and manage the company's website and
services. Due to legal and regulatory requirements, the company requires that all the
available resources in the proposal must be dedicated. Due to cost constraints, the
company does not want to fund a private cloud. Given the company requirements,
which of the following is the best solution for this company?

A. Community cloud service model

B. Multi-tenancy SaaS
C. Single-tenancy SaaS
D. An on-premises cloud service model
576 Mock Exam 2

31. A company that uses Active Directory Services (ADS) is migrating services from
LDAP to secure LDAP (LDAPS). During the pilot phase, the server team has been
troubleshooting connectivity issues from several different client systems. Initially,
the clients would not connect as the LDAP server had been assigned a wildcard
certificate, *.classroom.local. To fix these problems, the team replaced the
wildcard certificate with a specific named certificate, win2016-dc.classroom.
local. Further problems are causing the connections to fail. The following
screenshot shows the output from a troubleshooting session:

Figure 17.1 – LDAPS client troubleshooting session

Which of the following best explains why the LDAPS service failed initially and still
fails client connection attempts? (Select two)
A. The clients do not support the LDAP protocol by default.
B. The LDAPS service has not been started, so the connections will fail.
C. Classroom.local is under a DDoS attack and cannot respond to
OCSP requests.
D. The clients may not trust the issuing CA-classroom.classroom.local
by default.
E. LDAPS should be running on UDP rather than TCP.
F. The company is using the wrong port. It should be using port 389 for LDAPS.
G. LDAPS does not support wildcard certificates.
Questions 577

32. A sales team relies on a CRM application to generate leads and maintain customer
engagement. The tool is considered a mission-essential function to the company.
During a business impact assessment, the risk management team indicated that data,
when restored, cannot be older than 2 hours before a system failure. What planning
objective should be used when the restoration will also require data to be restored?

A. Recovery point objective

B. Recovery time objective
C. Recovery service level
D. Mission-essential functions

33. A large defense contractor has recently received a security advisory documenting
the activities of highly skilled nation-state threat actors. The company's hunt team
believes they have identified activity consistent with the advisory. Which of the
following techniques would be best for the hunt team to use to entice the adversary
to generate malicious activity?

A. Perform audits on all firewall logs.

B. Implement a bug bounty program.
C. Increase security using isolation and segmentation schemes.
D. Deploy decoy files on the host's systems on the same network segment.

34. A new online retailer must ensure that all the new web servers are secured in
advance of a PCI DSS security audit. PCI DSS requirements are strict and define
acceptable cipher suites. Deprecated cipher suites should not be used as they offer
weak encryption and are vulnerable to on-path attacks. In preparation for the audit,
a security professional should disable which of the following cipher suites?

578 Mock Exam 2

35. A distribution company is attempting to harden its security posture regarding

mobile devices. To secure the dedicated Android devices that are used in the
warehouse, the company has developed SELinux policies. Security engineers have
compiled and implemented the policy. Before deploying the Android devices to the
warehouse staff, which mode should the devices be configured for?

A. Disabled
B. Permissive
C. Enforcing
D. Preventing

36. A software development company is concerned as it has discovered that company

intellectual property is circulating on social media. The CISO wants to implement a
solution that will allow the company to determine the source of these leaks. Which
of the following should be implemented to identify the internal source for any
future exposures?

A. Digital rights management

B. Hashing
C. Watermarking
D. Identity proofing

37. A company has recently undertaken a project to move several services into the
cloud. A cloud service provider now hosts the following services:

‚ Corporate intranet site

‚ Online storage application
‚ Email and collaboration suite
The company must ensure that the data is protected from common threats,
including malware infections, exfiltration of PII and healthcare data.
To be more proactive, an additional requirement is that SOC staff must receive
alerts when there are any large transfers of corporate data from the company's
hosted storage. Which of the following would best address the company's cyber-
security requirements?
C. DLP agent
Questions 579

D. Containers
E. Vulnerability scanner

38. A CISO is reviewing the current security of an electricity supply company. The
company has many operational sites and must connect the sites securely to the
company headquarters, which is where the company's data center is located. The
technology that's supported within these sites includes industrial control systems
and PLCs. The technology is legacy and uses the Modbus protocol across the
networks. A VPN solution is being proposed to securely connect all the sites to the
company's data center.
The CISO is concerned that a recent security advisory, concerning certain
asymmetric algorithms, may impact the company's operations. Which of the
following will be most likely impacted by weak asymmetric encryption?
A. Modbus
B. VPN links
C. Industrial control systems
D. Datacenter equipment

39. Security administrators have run a scan on a network segment to detect

vulnerabilities. They are trying to discover any protocols that may be running on
host computers that may expose user passwords or sensitive data. The following
screenshot shows the output from the scan:

Figure 17.2 – Security scan output

580 Mock Exam 2

To secure the network segment, additional rules must be enabled on the network
firewall. Which rules should be added to meet this security requirement?
Choose two.

40. A systems administrator has deployed all updated patches for Windows-based
machines. However, the users on the network are experiencing exploits from
various threat actors, which the patches should have corrected. Which of the
following is the most likely scenario here?

A. The machines were infected with malware.

B. The users did not reboot their computers after the patches were deployed.
C. The systems administrator used invalid credentials to deploy the patches.
D. The patches were deployed on non-Windows-based machines.

41. A penetration tester is trying to gain access to a remote system. The tester can see
the secure login page and knows one user account and email address but has not
discovered a password yet. Which of the following would be the easiest method of
obtaining a password for the known account?

A. Man-in-the-middle
B. Reverse engineering
C. Social engineering
D. Hash cracking
Questions 581

42. An external hacker has managed to exploit an unpatched vulnerability in a web

application server. They were able to use the web application service account to
download malicious software. The attacker tried (unsuccessfully) to gain root
privileges to install the software and was subsequently discovered. The server
admin team rebuilt and patched the server. Which of the following should the team
perform to prevent a similar attack in the future?

A. Remove the application service account

B. Air gap the web application server
C. Configure SELinux and set it to enforcing mode
D. Schedule regular restarts of the service to terminate sessions
E. Use Nmap to perform regular uncredentialed vulnerability scans

43. A manufacturing company is deploying loT locks, sensors, and cameras, which
operate wirelessly. The devices will be used to allow physical access by locking and
unlocking doors and other access points. Recent CVEs have been listed against the
devices, for which the vendor has yet to provide firmware updates. Which of the
following would best mitigate this risk?

A. Connect the loT devices directly to ethernet switches and create a

segmented VLAN.
B. Require sensors to digitally sign all transmitted control messages.
C. Add all the IoT devices to an isolated wireless network and use WPA2
and EAP-TLS.
D. Implement a wireless intrusion detection system.

44. A forensics investigator is following up on an incident where suspicious images have

been stored on an employee's computer. The computer is currently powered off in
the employee's workspace. Which of the following tools is best suited to retrieving
full or partial image files from the storage device, which have been deleted so that
the attacker evades detection?

A. memdump
B. foremost
C. dd
D. nc
582 Mock Exam 2

45. An aerospace company is adding promotional material to a public-facing web

application server. The server will host a website containing many images,
highlighting a production plant and test facilities. The CISO is concerned that
the images may contain geographic coordinates in the metadata, and some of the
physical locations need to remain secret. What tool can be used to ensure that the
images will not contain sensitive data within the metadata?

A. grep
B. ExifTool
C. Tcpdump
D. Wireshark

46. A critical service on a production system keeps crashing at random times. The
systems administrator suspects that the code has not been adequately tested and
may contain a bug. When the service crashes, a memory dump is created in the
/var/log directory. Which of the following tools can the systems administrator
use to reproduce these symptoms?

B. Vulnerability scanner
C. Core dump analyzer
D. Hex dump

47. Ontario Outdoors Inc is expecting major disruptions due to a winter weather
warning. The CISO has been reviewing company policies to ensure adequate
provisions are in place to deal with these environmental impacts and finds that
some are missing or incomplete. The CISO must ensure that a document is
immediately drafted to move various personnel and equipment to other locations to
avoid downtime in operations. What is this an example of?

A. A disaster recovery plan

B. An incident response plan
C. A business continuity plan
D. A risk avoidance plan
Questions 583

48. Acme corporation operates a nuclear power station and relies on a legacy ICS to
perform equipment monitoring functions. Regulatory compliance requires that this
monitoring is mandatory. Penalties for non-compliance could be costly. The ICS has
known vulnerabilities but cannot be updated or replaced. The company has been
refused cyber-liability insurance. Which of the following would be the best option to
manage this risk in the company's production environment?

A. Avoid the risk by removing the ICS from production

B. Transfer the risk associated with the ICS vulnerabilities
C. Mitigate the risk by restricting access to the ICS
D. Accept the risk and upgrade the ICS when possible

49. Following a security incident, forensics has handed over a database server to the
server admin team to begin the recovery phase. The team is looking to deploy an
automated build by running a script. When accessing the Bash shell, they observe
the following command as the most recent entry in the server's shell history:
dd if=dev/sda of=dev/sdb
Which of the following most likely occurred?
A. Forensics have used binary analysis tools to search the metadata.
B. The drive was cloned for forensic analysis.
C. The hard drive was formatted after the incident.
D. There is evidence that the forensics team may have missed.

50. A software engineer is looking to implement secure code while the code is still in
the development environment. The goal is to deploy code that meets stability and
security assurance goals. Which of the following code analyzers will produce the
desired results?

C. Fuzzer
D. Peer code review
584 Mock Exam 2

1. B. Vendor lock-in. This makes it difficult to switch providers as the technology is
often proprietary. See Chapter 13, Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies.
2. D. Source code escrow. External developers represent third-party risk. This can be
mitigated by storing the code with an escrow service. This protects the IP of the
developers but also protects the customer. See Chapter 13, Applying Appropriate
Risk Strategies.
3. A. Data sovereignty. The type of data that's stored by a government department
would typically have strict regulatory controls. A global CSP may store the data
offshore. See Chapter 13, Applying Appropriate Risk Strategies.
4. B and E. This type of data would be labeled as PII and GDPR regulatory controls
would be important as the patients and employees may be EU citizens. See Chapter
14, Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their Organizational Impact.
5. A. Crypto erase. The customer will not have physical access to the data, so they will
not be able to ensure other methods of destruction can be implemented. Crypto
Erase will render the data unrecoverable. See Chapter 13, Applying Appropriate
Risk Strategies.
6. C. International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This will ensure that
the products will be suitable across international boundaries. See Chapter 14,
Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their Organizational Impact.
7. B. Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI). This accreditation is required
to tender for US government software contracts. See Chapter 14, Compliance
Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their Organizational Impact.
8. A. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Storage and
processing of customer card details will be subject to PCI DSS compliance. See
Chapter 14, Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their Organizational
9. A. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). As this is not government
or payment card data, then the focus will be on customers based in the EU.
See Chapter 14, Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their
Organizational Impact.
10. B. Export controls. This is important when you're exporting technology. See
Chapter 14, Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their Organizational
11. C. Non-disclosure agreement (NDA). This is legally enforceable and protects
intellectual property. See Chapter 14, Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations,
and Their Organizational Impact.
Answers 585

12. B. Master service agreement (MSA). This is useful when it is necessary to set
baseline terms for future services. See Chapter 14, Compliance Frameworks, Legal
Considerations, and Their Organizational Impact.
13. A. Service-level agreement (SLA). This will allow the customer and the
service provider to agree upon delivered services and the metrics that will be
used to measure performance. See Chapter 14, Compliance Frameworks, Legal
Considerations, and Their Organizational Impact.
14. D. Interconnection security agreement (ISA). This is important for documenting
the details when a connection is made between two or more parties. See Chapter 14,
Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their Organizational Impact.
15. E. Privacy-level agreement (PLA). This is very important when you're looking to
assure customers who must adhere to strict regulatory compliance. See Chapter 14,
Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their Organizational Impact.
16. C. Legal holds. This ensures that the data will be retained for any legal process.
See Chapter 14, Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their
Organizational Impact.
17. C. Memorandum of understanding (MOU). This is not a legal document but
it can be very useful when there needs to be co-operation between two or more
parties. See Chapter 14, Compliance Frameworks, Legal Considerations, and Their
Organizational Impact.
18. B. Recovery time objective. A recovery time objective is a planning objective that is
set by stakeholders within the business. It may be cost-driven and requires careful
consideration. See Chapter 15, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Concepts.
19. B. Warm site. A warm site will not be as costly as a hot site but will not be
operational until data is restored and staff are available to operate the site. See
Chapter 15, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Concepts.
20. C. Autoscaling. This allows the company to access additional computing power using
automation. See Chapter 15, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Concepts.
21. B. CASB. The company data must be protected in the cloud. Not all users will
originate from a company network, so NGFW and SWG will not work. DLP does
not address all the requirements. See Chapter 15, Business Continuity and Disaster
Recovery Concepts.
22. C. Tabletop exercises. Stakeholders will discuss how they will act when dealing
with a presented scenario. See Chapter 15, Business Continuity and Disaster
Recovery Concepts.
586 Mock Exam 2

23. C. Bootstrapping. This allows the automated deployment of customized workloads

from a standard base image. PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) is
an example of this technology. See Chapter 15, Business Continuity and Disaster
Recovery Concepts.
24. C. Content Delivery Network. This allows the timely delivery of time-sensitive
services and reduces latency. See Chapter 15, Business Continuity and Disaster
Recovery Concepts.
25. B. Data Distribution Service (DDS). DDS has built-in provisions for Quality of
Service (QoS). See Chapter 10, Security Considerations Impacting Specific Sectors
and Operational Technologies.
26. B. Port Scanner. Nmap is a good choice for the following:
Scanning ( [1000 ports]
Discovered open port 443/tcp on
Discovered open port 80/tcp on
Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 15:36, 9.18s elapsed (1000
total ports)
See Chapter 5, Threat and Vulnerability Management.
27. B. Traffic intended for the systems is dropped. A good example of this technique is
Remote Triggered Black Hole (RTBH) routing. See Chapter 1, Designing a Secure
Network Architecture.
28. B. MITRE ATT&CK. MITRE receives government funding to carry out research
and is well known for its published attack frameworks and tactics. The matrices
are created to understand the tactics and techniques that attackers will use against
operating systems, cloud network mobility, and industrial control systems. See
Chapter 5, Threat and Vulnerability Management.
29. A. NIDS. Such systems protect an organization from inbound threats across
the network. The technology is primarily passive, generating alerts that must be
actioned by SOC staff. See Chapter 1, Designing a Secure Network Architecture.
30. C. Single-tenancy SaaS. As the CSP will be hosting and managing the company
services, then the service that the customer is paying for will be Software as a
Service (SaaS) to isolate the workloads. They can pay a premium to have a single
tenancy. See Chapter 3, Enterprise Data Security, Including Secure Cloud and
Virtualization Solutions.
Answers 587

31. D and G. The clients may not trust the issuing CA-classroom.classroom.
local by default. LDAPS does not support wildcard certificates.
The first issue that the server team solved was the problem that LDAPS does not
support wildcard certificates. The second problem is most likely that the certificate
authority (CA) is not trusted. If this is an internal CA, then the root CA certificate
will need to be installed in the trusted enterprise store of all client computers. See
Chapter 12, Implementing Appropriate PKI Solutions, Cryptographic Protocols, and
Algorithms for Business Needs.
32. A. Recovery point objective. When data must be available to service a mission-
critical service, then the recovery point objective metric must be used. See Chapter
15, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Concepts.
33. D. Deploy decoy files on hosts systems on the same network segment. If an APT has
access to the network, then a decoy file will be a good test to observe any malicious
activity. See Chapter 7, Risk Mitigation Controls.
34. B. TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA. RC4 is weak encryption and will not be used
in any regulated industries. See Chapter 11, Implementing Cryptographic Protocols
and Algorithms.
35. C. Enforcing. To run an SElinux policy and make Mandatory Access Control
(MAC) effective, the systems must be powered up in enforced mode. See Chapter 9,
Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls.
36. C. Watermarking. If an organization wants to detect theft or exfiltration of sensitive
data, then documents can be checked out from an information system, but an
automatic watermark will be applied to the document using the identity of the user
who checked out the document. See Chapter 3, Enterprise Data Security, Including
Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions.
37. B. CASB. A CASB is often referred to as a gatekeeper that protects the enterprise
data from inbound threats into the cloud and outbound threats such as data
exfiltration. Another benefit of CASB is to ensure regulatory compliance, by labeling
and monitoring the use of the data, to ensure compliance. See Chapter 15, Business
Continuity and Disaster Recovery Concepts.
38. B. VPN links. A VPN allows traffic to be secured when it's passing through
untrusted networks. If the external traffic uses weak encryption, then it could be
accessed by an adversary. See Chapter 1, Designing a Secure Network Architecture.
588 Mock Exam 2

39. B and D.
Port 23 supports the telnet protocol; this allows unsecured traffic to be sent when
you're configuring equipment across a network. Port 80 allows for unsecured web
traffic. Port 53 is for DNS traffic; this does not transmit passwords or sensitive data.
Port 88 is Kerberos; this encrypts the transmission of user login traffic. Port 22 is
SSH, encrypting traffic is used to access a console session on another host system.
See Chapter 1, Designing a Secure Network Architecture, for more information on
firewall rules.
40. B. The users did not reboot the computer after the patches were deployed. Certain
patches may not be effective until the operating system is rebooted. See Chapter 9,
Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls.
41. C. Social engineering. Once an attacker has access to credentials, the most likely
exploit to reveal a password is social engineering. See Chapter 6, Vulnerability
Assessment and Penetration Testing Methods and Tools.
42. C. Configure SELinux and set it to enforcing mode. SELinux enforces mandatory
access control, allowing for strict enforceable policies to be deployed. This would
further restrict a compromised account from accessing other resources on the
system. See Chapter 9, Enterprise Mobility and Endpoint Security Controls.
43. C. Add all the IoT devices to an isolated wireless network and use WPA2 and
EAP-TLS. As all the devices connect wirelessly, they must be connected to a
wireless segment. It is important to separate the network as there are vulnerable
systems. See Chapter 10, Security Considerations Impacting Specific Sectors and
Operational Technologies.
44. B. Foremost. This is a forensics tool that can search for complete or partial files that
have been deleted or hidden in some way. See Chapter 8, Implementing Incident
Response and Forensics Procedures.
Answers 589

45. B. ExifTool. The following screenshot shows the partial output from ExifTool:

Figure 17.3 – The GPS data from an image file

Using ExifTool allows an analyst to determine the location the image was
taken from.
46. A. DAST. DAST tools allow a tester to recreate the error. See Chapter 2, Integrating
Software Applications into the Enterprise.
47. C. A business continuity plan. A business continuity plan allows the organization
to identify potential problems and have alternative plans of action. See Chapter 15,
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Concepts.
48. C. Mitigate the risk by restricting access to the ICS. The only available course of action
is to segment the network that contains the legacy equipment. This is a common
approach when it comes to dealing with operational technology. See Chapter 10,
Security Considerations Impacting Specific Sectors and Operational Technologies.
49. B. The drive was cloned for forensic analysis. See Chapter 8, Implementing Incident
Response and Forensics Procedures.
50. A. SAST. The code is still in the development environment, so SAST will be the
most appropriate option here. See Chapter 2, Integrating Software Applications into
the Enterprise.

Hopefully, you enjoyed testing yourself with a typical mix of CASP questions. For more
exam resources and extra content please visit
Symbols Active Directory services 164
active scans
3D printing 424
versus passive scans 220
ActiveX 260
about 30, 166
actors, types
authentication 30
about 183
security 340
advanced persistent threat (APT) 184
competitor 184
A hacktivist 185
insider threat 184
acceptable use policy (AUP) 469
organized crime cybercriminals 185
access control
script kiddies 185
about 157
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) 14
attribute-based access control 161
address space layout randomization
Discretionary Access
(ASLR) 359
Control (DAC) 158
ad hoc networks 9
Mandatory Access Control
Adobe Flash 260
(MAC) 157, 158
Adups 354
role-based access control 158, 159
advanced access control 149
rule-based access control 160
Advanced Encryption Standard
access control lists
(AES) 340, 393, 406, 452
(ACLs) 10, 85, 107, 204, 205
advanced network design
access control vestibules 34
about 24
access logs 200
hardware and applications placement 32
accreditation 497
IP Security (IPsec) 26
Active Directory Federation
network authentication methods 30
Services (ADFS) 154
592 Index

remote access 24 Anonymous 185

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) 28 ANSI/TIA-942 283
SSH 27 antivirus alerts 203
Virtual Network Computing (VNC) 29 antivirus tools 276, 367
VPN 24 Apache Struts framework 68
advanced persistent threat Apple Pay 343
(APT) 184, 232, 369 Apple's M1 384
Advanced RISC Machines (ARM) 384 application- and protocol-aware
advisories 225 security solutions
agent-based console 219 about 20
Agile methodology database activity monitoring (DAM) 23
about 64 DLP 21
advantages 65 spam filter 23
disadvantages 65 WAF 21
Aircrack-ng 315 application control
alert definitions 43 about 278
alert fatigue 43 allow lists, versus block lists 279
All Transfer (AXFR) 85 atomic execution 279
alternative BCDR provider 526 license technologies 278
always-on VPN client 26 Application Programming Interface
Amazon Web Services (API) management
(AWS) 74, 125, 127, 526 about 77
American Institute of Certified Public examples 78
Accountants (AICPA) 443 application-specific integrated
analysis tools circuits (ASICs) 384
about 314 application vetting processes 74
Aircrack-ng 315 application vulnerabilities
ExifTool 314 about 252
Nmap 315 broken authentication 253
Sleuth Kit 315 buffer overflows 252
Volatility 315 certificate errors 254
Android APK file 352 dependencies 258
Android fragmentation 350 end-of-life (EOL) 259
Android Security-Enhanced end-of-support 259
Linux (SELinux) 363 information disclosure 253
annualized loss expectancy (ALE) 465 insecure references 253
annualized rate of occurrence (ARO) 465 poor exception handling 253
anomaly-based detection 8 race conditions 252
Index 593

regression issues 259 attribute-based access control 161

security misconfiguration 253 audiovisual (A/V) 34
third-party libraries 258 Audit Criteria For Certifying Authorities
unsafe functions, using 258 reference link 443
ARM RISC processor 357 Authenticated Encryption with
Artificial Intelligence Associated Data (AEAD) 409
(AI) 77, 187, 274, 424, 474 authentication and authorization protocols
Asset Disposal and Information about 161
Security Alliance (ADISA) 496 diameter 163
Asset Reporting Format (ARF) 224 Extensible Authentication
asset value (AV) 464 Protocol (EAP) 166
asymmetric encryption algorithms Kerberos 164
about 411 Lightweight Directory Access
Diffie-Hellman (DH) 413 Protocol (LDAP) 163
Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) 414 OAuth 165, 166
Digital Signature Algorithm Remote Authentication Dial-In
(DSA) 412, 413 User Server (RADIUS) 162
Elliptic-curve Digital Signature Terminal Access Controller Access
Algorithm (ECDSA) 413 Control System (TACACS) 162
Elliptic-curve Cryptography (ECC) 414 Authentication Authorization
Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA) 412 Accounting (AAA) 30, 162
Asynchronous JavaScript and authentication headers (AHs) 26
XML (AJAX) 261 authority to operate (ATO) 482
atomic execution 279 automated responses
attack framework about 203
about 191 access control list rules 204, 205
ATT&CK, for industrial behavior rules 205, 206
control systems 193 data loss prevention rules 206, 207
Cyber Kill Chain 194, 195 firewall rules 204
Diamond model, of intrusion intrusion detection system rules 204
analysis 194 intrusion prevention system rules 204
MITRE ATT&CK framework 192, 193 regular expressions 207
threat hunting 195 scripts expressions 207
ATT&CK for ICS signature rules 205
reference link 37 automation
ATT&CK Matrix for Enterprise about 529
reference link 232 autoscaling 529
attestation services 365 bootstrapping 529
594 Index

planning 526 hex dump 310

Security Orchestration, Automation, ldd command 313
and Response (SOAR) 529 Objdump 312
autonomous system numbers (ASNs) 269 OllyDbg 311
autoscaling 529 Readelf 312
Azure Cloud Services 365 Strace 312
Binwalk 311
B Biometric impersonation 423
BitLocker 356, 406
Background Intelligent Transfer BitLocker Drive Encryption 170
Service (BITS) 232 bit splitting 533
BACnet 33 black box testing 230
Base64 BleachBit 496
encoding 448 blob storage 137
Bash 280, 358 blockchain 421, 422
Basic Input Output System (BIOS) 364 block cipher 405, 406
BCP/DRP documentation block cipher, examples
checklist test 530 Advanced Encryption
full interruption test 531 Standard (AES) 406
parallel test 531 Triple Digital Encryption
simulation test 531 Standard (3DES) 405
tabletop exercises 531 block cipher, modes of operation
testing plans 530 about 406
walk-through 531 Cipher block chaining (CBC) 408
Bcrypt 419 Counter (CTR) 409
beacon 273 Electronic Code Book (ECB) 406, 407
behavioral analytics 149 Galois Counter Mode (GCM) 409, 410
behavior rules 205, 206 Output feedback (OFB) 408
Berkley Internet Naming Poly1305 410
Daemon (BIND) 84 block storage 136
Big Data 272 Bluetooth 343
Big Game Hunters (BGH) 185 bootloader 364
binary analysis tools Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
about 310 about 17, 269
Binwalk 311 reference link 269
file command 313 box testing
Ghidra 311 about 230
GNU project debugger (GDB) 311 black box testing 230
Index 595

gray box testing 230

rules of engagement 231
scope of work 230 California Consumer Privacy
white box testing 230 Act (CCPA) 497
bring your own device (BYOD) 11, 349 Canadian Institute of Actuaries
broken authentication 253 (CIA) aggregate matrix 464
browser extension 260 Canadian Institute of Chartered
buffer overflows Accountants (CICA) 443
integer overflows 252 Capability Maturity Model
memory buffer 252 Integration (CMMI) 501
building automation systems (BAS) 389 card or credential skimming 271
bulk electric systems (BES) 381 Category 6 (CAT 6) 4
bulletins 225 CCleaner 496
Burp Suite 239 Center for Internet Security
business continuity and disaster (CIS) benchmarks
recovery (BCDR) reference link 277
cloud solutions, using 532 Central Processing Units (CPUs) 384, 526
business impact analysis (BIA) certificate
about 295 life-cycle management 445
Business Continuity Plan (BCP), pinning 445
preparing 522, 523 stapling 446, 447
conducting 518, 519 templates 441, 442
Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP), usages 441
preparing 522, 523 Certificate Authority (CA) 224, 254, 436
methods, backup and recovery 525 certificate errors
mission-essential functions 520 about 254, 255
MTD metric, using 519 software composition analysis 257
Privacy Impact Assessment vulnerable frameworks and
(PIA) 521, 522 software modules, using 257
recovery service level 520 weak ciphers 256
RPO metric, using 519, 520 weak cipher suite
RTO metric, using 519 implementations 256, 257
business impact analysis (BIA), methods weak cryptography
alternative BCDR provider 526 implementations 255
cloud, as business continuity and Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge
disaster recovery (BCDR) 525 reference link 505
primary BCDR provider 525 certificate revocation list (CRL) 436, 437
Business-To-Business (B2B) 186 Certificate Services 436
596 Index

certificate signing requests (CSRs) client requirements

about 434, 447 geographical considerations 481
Enhanced Key Usage extension 448, 449 incident reporting requirements 481
template 447 meeting 481
certificate types source code escrows 482
about 438 supply chain visibility 481
extended validation 439, 440 support availability 481
general-purpose 441 client-side processing 259
multi-domain 440 closed-circuit television (CCTV) 34
wildcard certificate 438, 439 cloud
ChaCha 411 as business continuity and disaster
chain of custody form 305 recovery (BCDR) 525
Challenge Handshake Authentication Cloud Access Security Broker
Protocol (CHAP) 30, 153 (CASB) 21, 98, 534
cheat sheets cloud-based collaboration tools 533
about 258 Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM) 506
reference link 258 Cloud Data Networks (CDNs) 103
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) 125 cloud deployment models
Children's Online Privacy considerations 125
Protection Act (COPPA) hosting 128
about 503 hybrid cloud 128
reference link 503 Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) 131
Chrome 268 investigating 125
cipher 256 Platform as a service (PaaS) 130
Cipher block chaining (CBC) 408 private cloud 127
cipher mismatch 415 public cloud 127
cipher suite 256 services 129
CIP networks Software as a service (SaaS) 129, 130
CompoNet 393 cloud deployment models, considerations
ControlNet 393 business directives 125
DeviceNet 393 cost 125
EtherNet/IP 393 cybersecurity 125
Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) 17 data protection 126
Cisco IOS 360 location 126
Cisco Secure Boot hardware 385 resources 126
Class 2 Bluetooth 343 scalability 126
Clickjacking 75 Cloudflare 269
client misassociation 10
Index 597

cloud provider cross-site scripting (XSS) 264

limitations 132 denial of service 270
Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) directory traversal 263
about 510 distributed denial of service
reference link 482 (DDOS) 270
Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Security injection attacks 265
Trust Assurance and Risk (STAR) interception attacks 269
about 505 recognizing 262
Level 1 506 route hijacking 269
Level 2 506 sandbox escape 268
Cloud Service Provider social engineering 270
(CSP) 125, 130, 480, 510, 529, 531 virtual machine hopping 268
cloud solutions VLAN hopping 271
using, for business continuity and VM escape 269
disaster recovery (BCDR) 532 Common Configuration
cloud storage models Enumeration (CCE) 223
blob storage 137 Common Criteria (CC)
block storage 136 about 503, 504
database storage 135 reference link 505
examining 135 Common Criteria Recognition
file-based storage 135 Arrangement (CCRA) 503
key/value pair 137 Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) 393
ClusterFuzz tool 228 Common Name (CN) 440
cold site 523 Common Platform Enumeration
command and control (C2) 188 (CPE) 221
Command Prompt (CMD) 358 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
Commercial National Security (CVE) 68, 222, 356, 385
Algorithm Suite (CNSA) Common Vulnerability Scoring
URL 414 System (CVSS) 203, 222, 223
Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) 228 compensating controls, endpoint
commodity malware 183 security controls
Common Access Card (CAC) 450 about 367
Common Attack Pattern Enumeration antivirus tools 367
and Classification (CAPEC) EDR software 369
reference link 295 host-based firewalls 368, 369
common attacks host-based intrusion detection
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) 269 systems (HIDSs) 367
cross-site request forgery (CSRF) 265
598 Index

host-based intrusion prevention device profiles 342

systems (HIPSs) 367 DNS over HTTPS (DoH) 348
redundant hardware 369 firmware over-the-air (FOTA) 339
self-healing hardware 370 full device encryption 346
User and entity behavior geofencing 343
analytics (UEBA) 370 geotagging 345
competitor 184 location services 346, 347
complementary metal-oxide multi-factor authentication (MFA)
semiconductor (CMOS) 365 requirements 338, 339
Composer 242 near-field communication (NFC) 343
compromised keys 452 passwords 338
CompTIA Advanced Security patch repositories 339
Professional 004 (CASP 004) 4 peripherals 343
computer-aided design (CAD) 424 remote wipe options 339
Computer Security Incident tethering 346
Handling Guide 294 VPN settings 344
Computer Security Incident Handling Wi-Fi 340
Guide SP800-61-2 502 Wi-Fi protected access (WPA2/3) 340
Confidentiality Integrity confined space 284
Availability (CIA) 103 Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 284
Configuration Items (CIs) 82 Conntrack
Configuration Management about 322
Database (CMDB) 82 URL 323
configuration options, enterprise container APIs 78, 79
mobility management containerization 337, 352
airplane mode 346 content-addressable memory (CAM) 14
application control 337 Content Delivery Network (CDN) 530
Bluetooth 343 Content Management System
bring your own device (BYOD) (CMS) 82, 83
challenges 349 Conti 383
choose your own device Continuity of Operations
(CYOD) challenges 350 Plan (COOP) 523
corporate-owned devices 349 continuous delivery 70
corporate-owned, personally continuous integration 70
enabled (COPE) devices 349 Continuous Integration/Continuous
custom DNS settings 348 Delivery (CI/CD) 67
deployment scenarios 349 continuous operations 70
device certificates 340, 341 continuous testing 70
Index 599

continuous validation 149 cryptographic implementations

controller area network (CAN) used, for troubleshooting issues 450
about 390 cryptographic obfuscation 452
bus architecture 390 crypto shredding 452
corporate-owned, personally enabled CSA Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM)
(COPE) devices 349 reference link 482
Counter (CTR) 409 CSA code of conduct
countermeasures reference link 510
developing 272 customer relationship management
credentialed scans (CRM) 23, 80
versus non-credentialed scans 218 CVE-2017-5638 68
credential management CVE-2020-3962 269
about 148 Cyber Kill Chain 194, 195
hardware key manager 150 Cybersecurity and Infrastructure
nn-premises, versus cloud Security Agency (CISA) 35, 193
password repository 149
password policies 151
password repository
applications 148, 149 dark web 190
Single Sign-On (SSO) 148 database activity monitoring
credential stuffing 253 (DAM) 23, 275
critical infrastructure 35 database storage 135
Critical Infrastructure data classifications 494
Protection (CIP) 381 data destruction 496
criticality ranking 219 data dispersion 533
Cron Data-Distribution Service Inoperability-
using 280 Real-Time Publish-Subscribe
crontab lines (DDSI-RTPS) 395
reference link 280 Data Distribution Service (DDS)
cross-certification certificate 444 about 394
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF/XSRF) middleware layers 395
about 20, 75, 168, 265 reference link, for security 395
example 265 data duplicator 316
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) 20, 73, 75, 264 Data Encryption Standard (DES) 405 256
CrowdStrike 369 Data Execution Protection (DEP) 357
cryptanalysis 308 data flow diagram (DFD) 39
Crypto Erase 496 data life cycle
stages 109
600 Index

data loss detection Data Protection Impact

deep packet inspection 103 Assessments (DPIA) 521
digital rights management (DRM) 102 data removal 496
implementing 102 data retention 494
network traffic analysis 103 Data Retention Policy (DRP) 110
network traffic decryption 103 data sanitization 496
watermarking 102 data sovereignty 493
Data Loss Protection (DLP) data types
about 21, 102, 185, 202 about 495
implementing 98 financial records 495
print blocking 100 health 495
Remote Desktop Protocol, blocking 100 intellectual property (IP) 495
rules 206, 207 personally identifiable
usage of external media, blocking 98, 99 information (PII) 495
data ownership 493 dd command 316
data protection DDoS mitigation services 299
anonymization 108 DDS4 CORBA Component
attributes 104-107 Model (DDS4CCM) 395
backup 110 DDS-Extensible Markup Language
classification 103 (DDS-XML) 395
considerations 493 DDS-eXtremely Resource-Constrained
data life cycle 109 Environments (DDS-XRCE) 395
differential backup 111 DDS-JavaScript Object Notation
enabling 103 (DDS-JSON) 395
encrypted, versus unencrypted 108 deceptive technologies
full backup 110 about 272
incremental backup 111 decoy file 273
integrity management 110 honeynet 273
inventory 110 honeypot 273
life cycle 108 decoy file 273
mapping 110 deep fakes
metadata 104-107 about 423
obfuscation 107, 108 reference link 424
recovery 110 deep learning 424
redundant array, of inexpensive deep packet inspection (DPI) 103, 237
disks 112-116 deep web 190
storage 110 defense in depth (DiD) 367, 401, 477
degaussing 496
Index 601

Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) 23, 47, 204 Digital Rights Management

Denial of Service (DRM) 100, 102
(DoS) 7, 232, 252, 270, 360 Digital Signature Algorithm
Department of Defense (DoD) (DSA) 412, 413
about 127, 220 direct current (DC) 393
networks 356 Direct Object Model (DOM) 261
Department of Health and Human Directory Access Protocol (DAP) 163
Services (HHS) 382 directory services 84
dependency management tools 242 directory traversal 263
de-perimeterization 336 Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)
Desktop as a Service (DaaS) 532 about 299, 519
development approaches preparing 522, 523
about 62 Disaster Recovery Team (DRT) 531
Agile methodology 64 Discretionary Access Control
spiral model 65 (DAC) 158, 361
waterfall methodology 62 disk dump 316
development life cycle Distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks 45, 270
security, integrating into 58 Distributed Network Protocol
DevOps pipeline 3 (DNP3) 391
about 69 DNS cache poisoning 84
code signing 71 DNSSEC 84
continuous delivery 70 DNS security
continuous integration 70 reference link 84
continuous operations 70 Domain Controller (DC) 164
continuous testing 70 Domain Name Services 348
Dynamic Application Security Domain Name System
Testing (DAST) 72 (DNS) 45, 84-87, 438
Interactive Application Security DoS attack 10
Testing (IAST) 71 double tagging 271
Static Application Security due care 507
Testing (SAST) 72 due diligence 507
diameter 163 dumpster diving 271
Diamond model dynamic analysis 227
of intrusion analysis 194 Dynamic Application Security
Diffie-Hellman (DH) 413 Testing (DAST) 72
Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) 414 dynamic routing 16
digital certificate 436 Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) 271
602 Index

E Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail

Extensions (S/MIME) 416
EAP-Flexible Authentication via Secure Secure Shell (SSH) 417
Tunneling (EAP-FAST) 31 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport
EAP-Tunneled TLS (EAP-TTLS) 31 Layer Security (TLS) 415
East-West traffic 30, 368 End-of-life (EOL) 259
E-discovery 508 endpoint detection and response
eFuse (EDR) 200, 369, 466
about 354 endpoint security controls
reference link 354 compensating controls 367
Elastic Sky X Integrated (ESXi) 118 hardening techniques 355
electric power systems (EPS) 391 implementing 355
electromagnetic inference Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing
(EMI) distortion 391 Protocol (EIGRP) 17
Electronic Code Book (ECB) 406, 407 enterprise applications
Elliptic-curve Digital Signature integrating, considerations 79
Algorithm (ECDSA) 413 enterprise mobility management
Elliptic-curve Cryptography (ECC) 414 about 336
email-based phishing 270 configuration options 336
embedded keys 451 implementing 336
embedded systems managed configurations 336
about 383 security considerations 350
application-specific integrated Enterprise Resource Planning
circuits (ASICs) 384 (ERP) 23, 78, 81, 266
field-programmable gate array Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) 88, 89
(FPGA) 385, 386 Environmental Protection
Internet of things (IoT) 384 Agency (EPA) 380
system on a chip (SoC) 384 ephemeral keys 414
Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) 26 Ethernet 802.1 X 162
encryption key handling European Institute for Computer
security 451 Antivirus Research (EICAR) 205
encryption protocols European Patent Convention (EPC) 381
about 414 European Program for Critical
Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) 416 Infrastructure Protection (EPCIP) 36
key stretching 418 European Telecommunications
password-based key derivation Standards Institute (ETSI) 443
function 2 (PBKDF2) 419 evidence preservation 308
password salting 418 evil-twin APs 9
Index 603

Executable Linking Format Fiber Channel (FC) 136

(ELF) system file 311 field-programmable gate
execute never (XN) 357 array (FPGA) 385
ExifTool 314 file-based storage 135
exploit framework file carving tools
about 240, 241 about 308
password crackers 241, 242 Foremost 309
export controls 507 Strings 309
export controls, concerning UK file command 313
reference link 507 File Integrity Monitoring
export controls, concerning USA (FIM) 110, 201, 402
reference link 507 FIPS PUB 180-1 402
exposure factor (EF) 464 FIPS PUB 180-2 402
extended validation certificate 439, 440 FIPS PUB 202 403
Extensible Authentication FireEye 188
Protocol (EAP) 31, 166 firewalls
Extensible Configuration Checklist about 14
Description Format (XCCDF) 220 capability 15
exterior routing 17 rules 204
external media types 15
usage, blocking 98, 99 firmware 186
first-generation firewalls 15
F foremost command 309
failover cluster 528 chain of custody form 305
false negatives 298 concepts 304
false positives 298 cryptanalysis 308
Federal Information Processing evidence preservation 308
Standards (FIPS) 402 images 307
Federal Information Security Management memory snapshots 307
Act (FISMA) 220, 294 order of volatility 306, 307
Federal Risk and Authorization process 304
Management Program (FedRAMP) steganalysis 308
about 125, 127, 482 forensic analysis tools
reference link 482 analysis tools 314
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) binary analysis tools 310
about 503 file carving tools 308
reference link 503 hashing utilities 317
604 Index

imaging tools 315 GPS tracking 343

using 308 graphical processing unit (GPU) 32
Fortinet 188 graphical user interface (GUI) utility 280
forward secrecy 414 gray box testing 230
French National Data Protection Group Policy 98
Commission 500 Grover's Search 420
FTK imager 316
full device encryption (FDE) 351
full-knowledge test 230
fuzzer 72 hacktivist 185
fuzz testing 228 hardening 276
hardening techniques, endpoint
G security controls
about 355
Galois Counter Mode (GCM) 409, 410 address space layout randomization
gap analysis 466 (ASLR) 359
General Data Protection AMD Secure Memory Encryption 358
Regulation (GDPR) attestation services 365
about 499 Basic Input Output System
definition of personal data 499 (BIOS) protection 365
reference link 500 central processing unit (CPU)
General Public License (GPL) 11 virtualization support, disabling 358
general-purpose certificate 441 end-of-life devices, removing 356
geofence 343 end-of-support devices, removing 356
geographic considerations endpoint devices, logging 360
about 496 endpoint devices, monitoring 360, 361
location of cloud provider 497 execute never (XN), enabling 357
location of data 496 firmware 360
location of data subject 497 hardware security module (HSM) 366
geotagging 345 images 356
Ghidra 311 local drive encryption 356
Glide 68 mandatory access control (MAC) 361
GNU project debugger (GDB) 311 measured boots 366
Google Cloud no execute (NX), enabling 357
reference link 225 patching 360
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 127 secure boot 364
Google Maps API 258 secure encrypted enclaves 358
Google Pay 343 self-encrypting drives (SEDs) 367
Index 605

shell restrictions 358 hashing algorithms

templates 356 about 402
Trusted Platform Module Hash-Based Message Authentication
(TPM) technology 363 Code (HMAC) 404
Unified Extensible Firmware message digest (MD) 404
Interface (UEFI) 364, 365 RACE integrity primitives evaluation
unneeded services, removing 355 message digest (RIPEMD) 405
unused accounts, disabling 355, 356 Secure Hashing Algorithm
hardware and applications placement, (SHA) 402, 403
use-case scenarios hashing utilities 317
audiovisual (A/V) 34 Hash Message Authentication
closed-circuit television (CCTV) 34 Code (HMAC) 85
critical infrastructure 35 Health and Safety Executive (HSE) 284
data flow diagram (DFD) 39 health and safety (H&S) regulations 380
HVAC 33 Health Insurance Portability and
hybrid SDN 42 Accountability Act (HIPAA) 382
NetFlow 37 heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
open SDN 41 (HVAC) 33, 131, 389
physical access control heuristic analysis 276
system (PACS) 34 hex dump 310
SCADA 36 High Assurance Internet Protocol
SDN overlay 42 Encryptor Interoperability
security baseline 40 Specification (HAIPE-IS) 10
sensors 33 high availability (HA)
sFlow 38 about 19, 464
software-defined networking (SDN) 40 planning 526
system on a chip (SoC) 32 high-water mark 464
hardware clusters 370 HIPAA Security Rule SP800-66 503
hardware firewalls 15 HMAC-based One-Time Password
hardware key manager (HOTP), MFA 168
about 150 homomorphic encryption
implementing 150 about 423
privileged access management 150 private function evaluation (PFE) 423
hardware root of trust, MFA 170 private information retrieval (PIR) 423
hardware security module secure function evaluation (SFE) 423
(HSM) 19, 20, 363, 366, 451 honeynet 273
honeypot 273
horizontal scaling 526
606 Index

Host Attestation Service 365 historian system 387

host-based firewalls 368 ladder logic 388
host-based intrusion detection PLCs 387
systems (HIDSs) 367 safety instrumented system (SIS) 389
host-based intrusion prevention identity federation
systems (HIPSs) 367 about 154
hot site 524 OpenID 155
hotspot 346 Security Assertion Markup
HTTP interceptor 239, 240 Language (SAML) 156
human intelligence (HUMINT) 191 shibboleth 156
Human-machine interfaces (HMIs) 386 transitive trust 154, 155
hunt team Identity Providers (IdPs) 155
about 272 IDS detection techniques
countermeasures, developing 272 anomaly-based detection 8
deceptive technologies 272 signature-based detection 7
security data analytics 273 IDS/IPS 7
hybrid cloud 128 imaging tools
hybrid SDN 42 about 315
Hypertext Markup Language dd command 316
5 (HTML5) 261 FTK imager 316
Hypertext Transfer Protocol immutable systems 276
(HTTP) headers 75 Impossible Time Travel 347
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) in-band authentication, MFA 168
Public Key Pinning (HPKP) 445 incident response planning
HyperText Transfer Protocol/HTTP about 294
Secure (HTTP/HTTPS) 21 event classifications 295
Hypervisor 117 event, triaging 295
Incident Response Plans (IRPs) 294
I incident response process
about 296
IBM Rational App Scan 72 analysis 298
IBM Systems Network automated response methods 302
Architecture (SNA) 88 containment 299
ICS 386 detection 297
ICS/SCADA eradication 299
about 386 lessons learned 300
heating, ventilation, and air non-automated response methods 300
conditioning (HVAC) 389
Index 607

preparation 296, 297 Information Sharing and Analysis

recovery 299 Centers (ISACs) 226
Incident Response Team (IRT) news reports 226
communication plan 303 vendor websites 225
members 302 information technology (IT) 6
Incremental Transfer (IXFR) 85 Infra-Red (IR) 283
indicator of compromise (IOC) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 131, 532
about 196 infrastructure computing
access logs 200 versus serverless computing 532
antivirus alerts 203 inherently vulnerable systems
data loss prevention (DLP) 202 assessing 259
file integrity monitoring initialization vector (IV) 408
(FIM) alerts 201 injection attacks
intrusion detection system alerts 203 about 265
intrusion prevention system alerts 203 LDAP 266
logs 197 SQL 266-268
NetFlow logs 201 XML 265
network logs 198 inline network encryption (INE) 10
notification priorities 203 input/output (I/O) 384, 526
notifications 201 insecure references 253
notification severity 203 insider threat 184
operating system logs 200 instant messaging smishing 270
Packet capture (PCAP) 196 Institute of Electrical and Electronics
SIEM alerts 202 Engineers (IEEE) 391
vulnerability logs 198, 199 integrated chip (IC) 32
Indicators of Compromise Integrated Development
(IOC) 7, 195, 272, 352, 369 Environment (IDE) 68
Industrial Control Systems (ICSes) Integrated Scripting Environment
about 134, 483 (ISE) 282
ATT&CK for 193 integration enablers
information disclosure 253 about 83
Information Sharing and Analysis directory services 84
Centers (ISACs) 226 Domain Name System (DNS) 84-87
information sources Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) 88
about 224 Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) 88
advisories 225 integration testing 70
bulletins 225 Intel Core Consumer Ultra-Low
Voltage (CULV) 384
608 Index

Intellectual Property Internet Engineering Task

(IP) 182, 311, 381, 495 Force (IETF) 4, 164
intelligence, collection methods Internet exchange points (IXPs) 269
about 187 Internet Information Server (IIS) 76
deep web 190 Internet of Things (IoT) 77, 270, 384
human intelligence (HUMINT) 191 Internet Protocol (IP) 84
intelligence feeds 188, 189 Internet Protocol Security
open source intelligence (OSINT) 191 (IPSec) 26, 27, 416, 484
propriety threat intelligence 191 Internet Protocol version 4 (IPV4) 14
intelligence feeds 188, 189 internet service providers (ISPs) 17
Interactive Application intrusion detection system
Security Tool (IAST) (IDS) 203, 204, 295
about 71 intrusion prevention
benefits 71 system(IPSs) 203, 204
interception attacks 269, 270 intrusions
Interconnection Security examples 7
Agreement (ISA) 510 iOS IPA file 352
intermediate CA 436 IPSEC tunnels 108
International Electrotechnical IPTABLES service 368
Commission (IEC) 483 Irish Department of Health 383
International Electrotechnical ISO11898-1 standard 390
Commission (IEC-61511) 389 ISO 22301
International Organization reference link 522
for Standard (ISO) ISO 27001 standard 497
about 500 ISO 31000 500
reference link 500 isof command 320, 321
International Organization for ISO/IEC15408 standard 503
Standardization/International ISO/IEC 27001 506
Electrotechnical Commission ISO standards
(ISO/IEC 11801) standards 4 ISO/IEC 27000:2018 483
International Organization for ISO/IEC 27001:2013 483
Standardization (ISO) 9001 381 ISO/IEC 27002:2013 483
International Society of issues
Automation (ISA-84) 389 troubleshooting, with cryptographic
Internet Control Message implementations 450
Protocol (ICMP) 7 Ivanti MobileIron 352
Index 609

J export controls 507

legal holds 508
jailbreaking 352 license technologies 278
Java 258 Lightweight Directory Access
JavaScript 260 Protocol (LDAP)
JavaScript Object Notation Web about 84, 163, 266
Token (JWT) 155, 171 services 163
Joint Authorization Board (JAB) 127 Lightweight Extensible Authentication
JSON 260 Protocol (LEAP) 31
jump box 134, 135 Line of Business (LOB) 122
link-state advertisements (LSA) 17
K Linux 358
live collection tools
Kali Linux 239 using 317
Kerberos 164 load balancer 19
Kernel-Based Virtual Machine local area network (LAN) 346
(KVM) 118 Local Policy 98
Key Distribution Center (KDC) 164 location services 346
key escrow 450 logs 197
key management, recommendation
reference link 450
key rotation 450
key stretching 418 machine learning (ML) 13, 187, 272, 474
KornShell 358 macOS 280
Kubernetes 78, 124 MAC spoofing 10
Mac-then-Encrypt (MtE) 410
L managed security service
providers (MSSPs) 369
ladder logic ManageEngine 360
about 388 ManageEngine Patch Manager Plus 360
reference link 388 mandatory access control (MAC)
layer 3 switch 16 about 157, 158
ldd command 313 supporting operating systems 361
legal considerations Man-in-the-Middle
about 507 (MITM) 5, 10, 75, 269, 390, 445
due care 507 MapMyRun 345
due diligence 507 Massachusetts Institute of
E-discovery 508 Technology (MIT) 164
610 Index

Massachusetts Institute of Microsoft SQL 136

Technology Research and Microsoft Store 74
Engineering (MITRE) 184 Microsoft WindowsDefender 367
Master Service Agreement (MSA) 509 middleware 89
Maximum Tolerable Downtime middleware mandatory access
(MTD) 519 control (MMAC) 363
mean time to fail (MTTF) metric 467 Ministry of Defence (MoD) 127
measured boot 366 Mirai 270
media access control (MAC) 9 misconfigured APs 10
Memorandum of Understanding mismatched keys 451
(MOU) 509 mission-essential functions 520
memory snapshots 307 MITRE ATT&CK framework 192, 193
Message Authentication MITRE ATT&CK Matrix for
Codes (MAC) 409 Enterprise 232
Message Digest 5 (MD5) 17 MITRE Corporation
message digest (MD) 404 reference link 258
MicroSD card 343 Mobile Application Management (MAM)
MicroSD HSM 20 about 279
micro-segmentation tools 337
about 133 Mobile Device Management (MDM)
benefits 134 about 31, 98, 503
Microsoft Active Directory services 266 agent 339
Microsoft Application Control Policy mobile site 524, 525
options 279 mock exam
Microsoft Azure 127 question and answers 543-589
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint 369 Modbus protocol
Microsoft Edge about 33, 391
about 260 reference link 391
settings 348 Modicon 084 387
Microsoft Endpoint Manager 352 monitoring tools 42
Microsoft Group Policy multi-domain certificate 440
about 279 Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
objects 337 about 166, 338, 423
Microsoft Indexing Service 274 hardware root of trust 170
Microsoft Internet Explorer browser 260 HMAC-based One-Time
Microsoft SDL Password (HOTP) 168
about 77 in-band authentication 168
reference link 258
Index 611

JavaScript Object Notation Network Address Translation

Web Token (JWT) 171 (NAT) 18, 19, 132
One-Time Password (OTP) 168 Network Attached Storage
Out-of-Band Authentication (NAS) 110, 112, 466
(OOBA) 168 network authentication methods
reference link 253 802.1X 30-32
Time-based One-Time Password about 30
(TOTP) 168, 169 network devices
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) 166 advanced configuration 43
two-step verification 167 distributed DoS protection 45
multi-party computation (MPC) 423 port security 44
Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) 42 remotely triggered black
MySQL 136 hole (RTBH) 46
route protection 45
N transport security 43
network function virtualization (NFV) 41
National Cyber Security Centre Network Intrusion Prevention (NIPS)
(NCSC) about 7, 272
about 72, 188, 229, 496 versus network IDS 8
reference link 152, 294 network logs 198
National Health Service (NHS) 351 network management 42
National Institute of Science and Network Policy Server (NPS) 30
Technology (NIST) 471 network traffic analysis 103
National Institute of network traffic analyzer 235
Standards and Technology network traffic decryption 103
(NIST) 257, 402, 502, 503 Netwrix Auditor 206
National Security Agency (NSA) 311, 361 neural networks 424
National Vulnerability Database news reports 226
(NVD) 220 Next Generation Firewall
near-field communication (NFC) 343 (NGFW) 15, 98, 276, 534
Nessus 198 NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF)
Netcat 321 about 472
NetFlow detect 473
about 37, 297 identify 472
elements 37 protect 472
logs 201 recover 473
Netstat 318 reference link 472
network access control (NAC) 11 respond 473
612 Index

NIST SP800-47 Open DeviceNet Vendors

reference link 510 Association (ODVA) 393
NIST SP800-61 documentation OpenFlow 41
URL 294, 300 OpenID 171
NIST SP800-86 OpenID provider 165
URL 304 Open Network Operating
NIST special publication 800 series System (ONOS) 41
reference link 503 Open SDN 41
Nmap 198, 315 Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) 17
no execute (NX) 357 open source intelligence (OSINT) 191
non-credentialed scans Open Systems Interconnection
versus credentialed scans 218 (OSI) model 4, 5
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) 509 OpenVAS 198
North American Electric Reliability Open Vulnerability and Assessment
Corporation (NERC) 381 Language (OVAL) 220
North-South traffic 30 Open Web Application Security
NotPetya 193 Project (OWASP)
NuGet 242 about 73, 229
reference link 252
O operating system logs 200
operational intelligence 183
OAuth V2 171 Operational Level Agreement (OLA) 509
obfuscation 107 Operational Technology (OT) 220
Objdump 312 Oracle SQL 136
Object Management Group (OMG) 394 order of volatility 306, 307
Office for Civil Rights (OCR) 382 organized crime 185
Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) 380 OT protocols
Office of Gas and Electricity about 389
Markets (Ofgem) 382 Common Industrial Protocol
OllyDbg 311 (CIP) 393, 394
One-Time Password (OTP), MFA 168 controller area network bus 389
Online Certificate Standard Data Distribution Service
Protocol (OCSP) 438 (DDS) 394, 395
Open Authentication (OAuth) Distributed Network Protocol
about 165 3 (DNP3) 391
sites, supporting with 165 Modbus 391
SSO dialogs 165 Zigbee 392, 393
Index 613

Out-of-Band Authentication pcap 322

(OOBA), MFA 168 PCI DSS requirements
out-of-band (OOB) network 14 URL 498
Output feedback (OFB) 408 peer-to-peer (P2P) network 422
OVH 270 penetration testing
about 229
P box testing 230
corrections/changes, rescanning 233
packet capture (PCAP) 196 persistence 232
PacketFence pivoting 232, 233
URL 11 post-exploitation 232
partial-knowledge test 230 requirement 229
passive scans Penetration Testing Execution
versus active scans 220 Standard (PTES) 229
pass-the-hash 30 perfect forward secrecy 414
Password Authentication persistence 232
Protocol (PAP) 30 personal area networks (PANs) 392
password-based key derivation personal data 499
function 2 (PBKDF2) 419 Personal Identity Verification (PIV)
password crackers 241, 242 about 34
password policies SP800-73-4 502
about 151 Personally Identifiable
auditing 152 Information (PII) 108, 202, 351, 495
complexity 152 pharming 84, 185
history 152 phishing 185
length 152 phone or VOIP vishing 270
maximum/minimum age 152 physical access control system (PACS) 34
reversible encryption 153 physical and virtual network 4
password reset email 8 physical security
password salting 418 about 283
patch management 224 camera reviews 283
Payment Card Industry Data lighting review 283
Security Standard (PCI) 283 open spaces, versus confined spaces 284
Payment Card Industry Data Security visitor logs review 283
Standard (PCI DSS) 450, 498 Picasso 68
Payment Card Industry Security pivoting 232, 233
Standards Council (PCI SSC) 498 PKI hierarchy 434
614 Index

Platform as a service (PaaS) 130 immutable systems 276

platform configuration sandbox detonation 278
registers (PCRs) 363 primary BCDR provider 525
playbooks 301, 302 print
policies and security practices, blocking 100
risk management Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format 448
about 477 Privacy Impact Assessment
employment and termination (PIA) 521, 522
procedures 478 Privacy-Level Agreement (PLA) 510
job rotation 477 private cloud 127
least privilege 478 private function evaluation (PFE) 423
mandatory vacation 477 private information retrieval (PIR) 423
requirements and frequency, private keys
auditing 479 securing 451
security awareness training, proactive and detective risk reduction 272
for users 478 process control network (PCN) 389
separation of duties (SoD) 477 processing pipelines
Poly1305 410 about 274
port address translation (PAT) 18 steps 274
Port-Based Access Control (PBAC) 166 programmable logic controllers
port mirroring 9 (PLCs) 37, 387
port scanner 238 propriety threat intelligence 191
port security Protected Access Credential (PAC) 31
about 44 Protected Extensible Authentication
access, restricting 44 Protocol (PEAP) 32
port spanning 9 Protected Health Information
post-exploitation 232 (PHI) 351, 382, 495
post-mortem tools protection profile 503
using 317 protocol analyzer 237
power-on self-tests (POSTs) 365 proxy 17
PowerShell 281, 358 ps command 319
Pre-Shared Keys (PSKs) 315, 340 public cloud 127
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) 340 public key infrastructure (PKI)
preventative risk reduction about 391, 433
applying 276 certificates 166
preventative technologies interoperability 442
antivirus 276 security 442
hardening 276 use cases 449
Index 615

public service providers (PSPs) 383 RACE integrity primitives evaluation

Public Utility Regulatory Policies message digest (RIPEMD) 405
Act (PURPA) 382 radio-frequency identification (RFID) 34
publish/subscribe (pub/sub) model 394 Random Access Memory (RAM) 32, 526
pulping 496 Raspberry Pi 32
Python Readelf 312
about 282 Recovery Point Objective (RPO) 519, 520
URL 282 recovery service level 520
Recovery Time Objective (RTO) 509, 519
Q Redhat Linux 7 276
Redundant Array Of Inexpensive
Qualcomm Snapdragon 384 Disks (RAID) 112
qualitative risk assessments redundant hardware 369
matrix 463 registration authority (RA) 436
performing 463, 464 regression testing 70, 259
Quality Assurance (QA) 74 regular expressions 207
quality control (QC) 381 regulated business sectors
quantitative risk assessments energy sector 380
annualized loss expectancy (ALE) 465 facility services 383
annualized rate of occurrence healthcare 382
(ARO) 465 identifying 380
asset value (AV) 464 manufacturing 381
exposure factor (EF) 464 public services 383
gap analysis 466 public utilities 382
mean time between failure (MTBF) 467 regulations 497
mean time to recovery (MTTR) 467 rekeying 445
performing 464 Relational Database Management
return on investment (ROI) 466 System (RDBMS) 136
single-loss expectancy (SLE) 465 Relying Party (RP) 155
total cost of ownership (TCO) 466 remote access 24
quantum computing Remote Access Service (RAS) 153
about 420 remote access trojan 183
reference link 420 Remote Authentication Dial-In
User Server (RADIUS) 162
R Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
about 28, 221
race condition 252 blocking 100
616 Index

remotely triggered black hole (RTBH) 46 risk types 469

Remote Syndicate Service (RSS) 225 transfer 468
remote terminal units (RTUs) 37, 391 risk management life cycle
representational state transfer about 470, 471
(RESTful) 260 access 470
Request for Comments (RFC) 4 control 471
reserve pool 370 DoD Risk Management
resiliency Framework (RMF) 471
about 527 identify 470
clustering 528 NIST Cybersecurity
course, of action orchestration 527 Framework (CSF) 472
distributed allocation 527 review 471
diversity 527 risk controls 473, 474
heterogeneity 527 risk tracking
high availability 527 about 474, 475
redundancy 527 key performance indicator (KPI) 475
replication 528 key risk indicators (KRIs) 476
Resilient File System (ReFS) 370 risk appetite 476
Retrofit 68 risk tolerance 476
return on investment (ROI) 466 trade-off analysis 476
reverse proxy 29 risk types, risk-handling techniques
RFC2930 85 inherent risk 469
RFC 3227 306 residual risk 469
risk assessments risk exceptions 470
about 462, 463 Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA) 412
qualitative assessment 463 rogue access points (APs) 9
quantitative assessments 464 role-based access control 158, 159
risk controls root CA 436
about 473, 474 Root Certifying Authority of
people 474 India (RCAI) 443
processes 474 rooting 352
technology 474 route protection 45
risk-handling techniques router
accept 468 about 15, 16
avoid 469 dynamic routing 16
implementing 468 exterior routing 17
mitigate 469 routing table 16
Index 617

Routing Information Protocol (RIP) 17 Secure Boot 364, 385

rule-based access control 160 Secure Certificate Enrollment
rules of engagement Protocol (SCEP) 31
about 231 secure cloud
issues 231 implementing 116
rule writing 43 secure coding standards 74
runbook 302 Secure Development Lifecycle (SDL) 58
Secure Folder 352
S secure function evaluation (SFE) 423
Secure Hashing Algorithm
safety control systems (SCS) 393 (SHA) 402, 403
safety instrumented system (SIS) 389 Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail
Salsa20 411 Extensions (S/MIME) 416
sampled flow (sFlow) 38, 297 Secure Shell (SSH) 8, 27, 28, 417
sampling 38 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 103
Samsung 9.0 device 352 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport
Samsung Knox security tools 352 Layer Security (TLS) 415
sandbox detonation secure software development
about 278 framework (SSDF)
examples 278 reference link 257
Sandbox escape 268 Secure Technical Implementation
Sandworm Team 193 Guide (STIG) 40, 220
Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) 283, 494 Secure Web Gateways (SWGs) 534
SCADA system 386 security
scalability integrating, into development
about 526 life cycle 58
horizontal scaling 526 Security Assertion Markup
vertical scaling 526 Language (SAML) 154
SCAP scanner 233, 234 security automation
scope of work 230 about 279
screened subnet 47 Bash 280
script kiddies 185 Cron, using 280
scripts expressions 207 PowerShell 281, 282
SD card 343 Python 282
SDN overlay 42 scheduled tasks 280
SEAndroid 363 security concerns
SecDevOps 68, 69 associated with integrating
second-generation firewalls 15 diverse industries 492
618 Index

security considerations, patch management 224

mobility management self-assessment, versus third-party
about 350 vendor assessment 224
carrier differences 354 security data analytics
containerization 352, 353 about 273
digital forensics, of collected data 352 curation, of logs 275
eFuse, using 354 Database activity monitoring
encrypted communication concerns 351 (DAM) 275
health privacy 351 indexing and search 274
original equipment manufacturer log collection 275
(OEM) 354 processing pipelines 274
personal data theft 351 Security Development
physical reconnaissance 351 Lifecycle (SDL) 257
supply chain issues 354 security devices 4
unauthorized application stores 352 Security-Enhanced Android
unauthorized remote activation, (SEAndroid) 350
of device or features 350 Security-Enhanced Linux
unauthorized remote deactivation, (SELinux) 350, 361, 362
of device or features 350 Security Incident Response
unencrypted communication Team (CSIRT) 531
concerns 351 Security Information and Event
wearable devices implications 351 Management (SIEM) 12, 182
Security Content Automation security misconfiguration 253
Protocol (SCAP) Security Operations Center
about 220 (SOC) 13, 182, 203, 369, 529
Asset Reporting Format (ARF) 224 Security Orchestration, Automation,
Common Configuration and Response (SOAR)
Enumeration (CCE) 223 about 203, 302, 529
Common Platform Enumeration workflow 303
(CPE) 221 Security Requirements Traceability
Common Vulnerabilities and Matrix (SRTM) 60
Exposures (CVE) 222 security technologies
Common Vulnerability Scoring 3D printing 424
System (CVSS) 222, 223 about 420
Extensible Configuration Checklist biometric impersonation 423
Description Format (XCCDF) 220 blockchain 421, 422
Open Vulnerability and Assessment homomorphic encryption 423
Language (OVAL) 220 quantum computing 420
Index 619

security tools Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) 360

about 233 SHA-1 402
dependency management tools 242 SHA-2 402
exploit framework 240, 241 SHA-3 403
HTTP interceptor 239, 240 Shodan
network traffic analyzer 235 URL 270
port scanner 238 shoulder surfing 271
protocol analyzer 237 side-channel analysis 227
SCAP scanner 233, 234 sideloading 352
vulnerability scanner 236 SIEM alerts 202
Security Trust Assurance and Risk (STAR) Siemens 33
Level 1 506 signature-based detection 7
Level 2 506 signature rules 205
security zones Simple Certificate Enrolment
about 46 Protocol (SCEP)
DMZ 47 about 340
networks, segmenting consideration 47 enrolment process 340
segmentation 352 Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) 4
self-assessment Simple Network Management
versus third-party vendor Protocol (SNMP) 37
assessment 224 Simple Object Access Protocol
self-encrypting drives (SEDs) 367 (SOAP) 261
self-healing hardware 370 Simultaneous Authentication
SELinux settings of Equals (SAE) 340
disabled 361 single-loss expectancy (SLE) 465
enforcing 361 single pane of glass 336
permissive 361 Single points of failure (SPOFs) 7, 474
sensors 33 Single Sign-On (SSO) 148
separation of duties (SoD) 451 sinkholes 46
server-based console 219 SIP 360
serverless computing Sleuth Kit 315
versus infrastructure computing 532 S/MIME standard 340
server-side processing 259 social engineering
Service Level Agreement (SLA) 480, 508 about 270
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) card or credential skimming 271
about 88 dumpster diving 271
examples 88 email-based phishing 270
service set identifiers (SSIDs) 10 instant messaging smishing 270
620 Index

phone or VOIP vishing 270 sticky secure MAC addresses 44

shoulder surfing 271 Storage Area Network (SAN) 112, 509
Software-as-a-Service storage configurations
(SaaS) 74, 129, 130, 497, 505 about 533
software assurance bit splitting 533
about 67 data dispersion 533
sandboxing/development Strace 312
environment 68 strategic intelligence 182
SecDevOps 68, 69 Strava 345
third-party libraries, validating 68 stream cipher
software composition analysis about 411
(SCA) 228, 257 ChaCha 411
software-defined networking (SDN) 40 Salsa20 411
Software Engineering Institute (SEI) 76 Strict-Transport-Security
software firewalls 15 (HSTS) header 75, 76
software regression bug 259 strings command 310
solid-state drives (SSDs) 364 Structured Query Language
spam filter 23 (SQL) 20, 135 266, 267
Spamhaus 23 Structured Threat Information
Spamhaus Block List (SBL) 23 eXpression (STIX) 189
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) 14 Subject Alternative Name (SAN) 440
spear phishing 183, 185 subordinate CA 436
Special Publication (SP) 800 series 502 subscriber identity module
spiral model (SIM) card 354
about 65 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
advantages 66 (SCADA) 36, 37, 129, 464
disadvantages 67 supporting operating systems,
SSAE 16 283 mandatory access control (MAC)
ssdeep 317 Android Security-Enhanced
standard operating environment Linux (SELinux) 363
(SOE) 276 SELinux 361
standards 497 surface web 190
Starbleed 385 switches 13
static analysis 226 switch spoofing 271
Static Application Security Symantec 188
Testing (SAST) 72, 226 symmetric encryption algorithms
static locking 44 about 405
steganalysis 308 block cipher 405
Index 621

synthetic media 424 static analysis 226

syslog 197 wireless vulnerability scan 227
System Center Virtual Machine third-party attestation of compliance 497
Manager (SCVMM) 124 third-party vendor assessment
System Design Documents (SDDs) 60 versus self-assessment 224
system on a chip (SoC) 32, 384 threat actor, properties
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) about 186
about 58 capabilities 187
development/acquisition phase 59, 60 money 186
disposal phase 61 resources 186
implementation phase 60 sophistication 187
operations maintenance phase 61 supply chain access 186
requirements analysis/ techniques, identifying 187
initiation phase 59 time 186
threat emulation 195
T threat hunting 195
threat intelligence
tactical intelligence 182 commodity malware 183
Tactical Local Area Network operational intelligence 183
Encryptor (TACLANE) 10 strategic intelligence 182
tactics, techniques, and tactical intelligence 182
procedures (TTPs) 272 targeted attacks 183
targeted attacks 183 types 182
Target of Evaluation (TOE) 503 Ticket Granting Services (TCS) 164
tcpdump 196, 322 Time-based One-Time Password
templates (TOTP), MFA 168, 169
types 441 time of check time of use (TOCTOU) 252
temporary keys 414 TLS connections 348
Tenable Nessus 218 token-based authentication 338
Terminal Access Controller Access Tools, Techniques, and
Control System (TACACS) 162 Procedures (TTPs) 195
testing methods Tor 190
about 226 total cost of ownership (TCO) 466
dynamic analysis 227 Transmission Control Protocol
fuzz testing 228 (TCP) 15, 393
side-channel analysis 227 transportation service provider (TSP) 383
Software Composition Transport Layer Security
Analysis (SCA) 228 (TLS) 108, 163, 391
622 Index

Transport mode 27 user and entity behavior analytics

transport security 43 (UEBA) 347, 370
Triple Digital Encryption User behavior analysis (UBA) 185
Standard (3DES) 405 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 28, 393
Tripwire 201
true negatives 298
true positives 298
Trusted Automated eXchange of Indicator vendor assessments
Information (TAXII) 189 about 480
trusted certificate providers 443 client requirements, meeting 481
Trusted Platform Module merger or acquisition risk 480
(TPM) 19, 170, 363 tools 482
Trusted Signatures (TSIG) 85 vendor lock-in 480
trust models 443 vendor viability 480
TShark 196, 323 vendor assessment tools
tuning alert thresholds 43 about 482
Tunnel mode 27 Cloud Security Alliance 482
Two-Factor Authentication International Organization for
(2FA) 151, 166, 167 Standardization (ISO) 482
two-step verification, MFA 167 network segmentation 483
Type 1 hypervisor 117 shared credentials 484
technical testing 483
U transmission control 484
US government FEDRAMP
Ukrainian power grid attack program 482
reference link 37 vendor hardening 276
Unified Extensible Firmware vendor lock-in 480
Interface (UEFI) 364, 451 vendor lock-out 480
unified threat management (UTM) vendor viability 480
about 5, 98, 276 versioning 67
advantages 6 vertical scaling 526
disadvantages 7 Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) 100
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) 17 virtual firewalls 15
Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) 380 virtualization
United States Computer Emergency security considerations 119
Readiness Team (US-CERT) 294 solutions, implementing 116
Unix 358 strategies 117
USB On-The-Go (OTG) 343 support 358
Index 623

virtualization, security considerations agent-based console 219

application virtualization 122 credentialed scans, versus
containers 120 non-credentialed scans 218
emulation 121 criticality ranking 219
VDI 123, 124 server-based console 219
virtualization, strategies
type 1 hypervisor 118
type 2 hypervisor 118, 119
virtual local area network (VLAN) 11 warm site 523
virtual machine hopping 268 waterfall methodology
Virtual Machines (VMs) 117, 526 about 62
Virtual Network Computing (VNC) advantages 63
about 29 disadvantages 63
reverse proxy 29 watermarking 102
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) 132 weak cipher suite 415
Virtual Private Network (VPN) wearable devices
about 10, 24, 26, 162, 340, 416 implications 351
VPN profile 344 web application firewall (WAF)
VPN settings 344 about 21
VLAN hopping advantages 22
about 271 attacks, preventing 21
double tagging 271 disadvantages 23
switch spoofing 271 white box testing 230
VM escape 269 wide-area network (WAN) 42
VM Sprawl 120 wildcard certificate 438, 439
vmstat command 320 Windows Defender Firewall 368
VMware AirWatch 352 Windows PowerShell 403
VMware vSphere 124 Windows Secure Host Baseline (SHB) 356
Vodafone 269 Windows Server 2012 370
Voice over Internet Protocol Windows Store 260
(VOIP) 360, 533 Wireless Access Point (WAP) 162
Volatility tool 315 Wireless Encryption Privacy
vulnerability logs 198, 199 (WEP) 227, 340
vulnerability scanner 236 Wireless Equivalent Privacy (WEP) 31
vulnerability scans wireless IPS (WIPS)
about 218 about 9
active scans, versus passive scans 220 threats 9, 10
624 Index

Wireless Protected Access (WPA)

Temporal Key Integrity
Protocol (TKIP) 340 zero-day exploits 182
wireless vulnerability scan 227 zero-knowledge test 230
Wireshark Zero Trust model 30
about 196, 323 Zigbee 392, 393
URL 324 Zxing 68
WPA2 340
WPA3 340
Write Once Read Many (WORM) 308

X.509 certificates
about 394
X509.v3 436
Xcode 352
x-Frame-Options (XFO) 75
Xilinx 7-series FPGA chips 385
XML 265
XML External Entities (XXE) 73
XSS-Protection 75
XTS-AES cipher mode
reference link 406
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