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CNC Control &

CAD / CAM Solutions

General Purpose CNC Control Units

CNC Control Units for Sheet Metal Working
CAD/CAM Softwares
RTU’s and I/O Modules
Hydraulic Valf Drives
Linear Scales

Our Original Products
Open Architecture CNC Controller
L Y N C A ®
– CNC for Special Machines

CNC Control Units

L Y N C A ® – LCS for Laser Cutting Machines

CNC Control Units for Punch Presses

L Y N C A ® – PCS with Integrated Design Tools

Analog and Digital I/O Module with

L Y N C A ®
– R M C B1 CANopen & Modbus Interface

Digital I/O Module with

L Y N C A ®
– R M C B2 CANopen & Modbus Interface

L Y N C A ®
– R M C B5 Modular RTU

6-channels, Proportional Valve Drive

L Y N C A ® – VA6 F with DC LVDT Feedback

6-channels, Proportional Valve Drive

L Y N C A ® – VA6 R with AC & DC LVDT Feedback

2-channels, Open Loop Programmable

L Y N C A ® – VA 2 Proportional Valve Drive

L y nC A D
® 3D CAD / CAM Software for Press Brakes,
– 3D Laser Cutting and Punching Machines

L y nC A D
® 2D CAD / CAM Software for Laser Cutting
– 2D and Punching Machines

® Regular Nesting & Optimization Software
for CNC Shears and Cutting Machines

Our Business Partners

Numerical Control Units
for Press Brakes and CNC Shears
Linear Scales

3D CAD Software for Sheet Metal Working

Open Architecture
L Y N C A ® – CNC CNC Controller
for Special Machines

Do you develop special machine and need a specific CNC unit?

LYNCA – CNC provides you a flexible powerful and robust solution.

LYNCA – CNC represents an ideal solution for machines

that require customized solutions. LYNCA – CNC has all
the necessary interfaces to create very quickly specific
user interface pages and machine.

LYNCA – CNC platform has been entirely developed by

Bilko R&D team. Running under Linux ®, on a powerful,
robust and high quality Industrial PC, LYNCA – CNC has
a 15” or 19” TFT LED touch screen version.

LYNCA – CNC is able to control complex machines

demanding high speed trajectory generation with special
interpolation, including hydraulic and electrical drives.

LYNCA – CNC control kernel supports parallel cycle

executions that makes it possible to control
simultaneously multi-station machines including part
loading, parallel machining and unloading cycles.

Thanks to enhanced ISO G-codes editor and built-in PLC

(that is programmed with C language), LYNCA – CNC
represents an ideal solution to control machines requiring
rapid and precise synchronization mechanisms.

LYNCA – CNC has an optional DXF part import feature in

a specific format.

Analog and Digital I/O
L Y N C A ® – RMC B1 Module with CANopen &
Modbus Interface

RMC B1 is a general purpose analog and digital I/O

module with CANopen & Modbus interface. RMC
B1 has 32 digital inputs, 32 digital outputs (with
LED), 6 analog inputs and 5 analog outputs, 2
separated CAN bus and 1 RS232/485 ports. RMC
B1 is not only used in machine control cabinets as
an external I/O interface of a CNC controller, but
also in various industrial automation projects as a
remote signal module.

Digital I/O Module with

L Y N C A ® – RMC B2 CANopen & Modbus

RMC B2 is a digital I/O module with CANopen &

Modbus interface for Laser Cutting Machines and
Punch Presses. RMC B2 has 48 digital inputs and
32 short-circuit protected digital outputs both with
LED indicators.

L Y N C A ® – RMC B5 Modular RTU

RMC B5 is a modular RTU. It consists of various

electronic boards plugged in a backplane with 5,
8 or 10 slots. Function boards can be selected
among digital and analog input, output boards,
various communication and supported bus interface

L Y N C A ® – VA6 F Proportional Valve Drive
with DC LVDT Feedback
VA6 F is a 6 channels, Voltage (input) / Current
(output) amplifier module designed to drive
proportional hydraulic valves up to 4A. VA6 F has 4
output channels used for two (-10..+10V) DC type
proportional valves with or without feedback. The
LVDT feedback mechanism supports (3..12V) DC
feedback signals. In addition VA6 drives also two
0..10V type proportional valves without feedback.
VA6 F is widely used on press brakes, providing
an integrated drive solution for directional Y1, Y2,
pressure and crowning valves.

L Y N C A ® – VA6 R Proportional Valve Drive with
AC & DC LVDT Feedback
VA6 R is also a 6 channels, Voltage (input) /
Current (output) amplifier module designed to drive
proportional hydraulic valves (up to 4A). In addition
to a standard VA6 F, VA6 R supports not only a
wider DC LVDT signal range but AC type LVDT
feedback signals as well. This makes of a VA6 R a
very flexible solution driving a large majority of
proportional valves of the market. LVDT DC signal
of a VA6 R can be selected in (+3V...+12V) or
(-10V...+10V) range. VA6 R can also be used on
proportional valves without feedback.

2-channels,Open Loop
L Y N C A ® – VA 2 Programmable
Proportional Valve Drive

VA 2 is a Voltage/Current valve amplifier designed

to drive bi-directional proportional hydraulic valves.
For a standard usage, VA 2 has one -10..+10V
differential analog voltage inputs. In addition, VA2
may receive 4 digital input signals corresponding
each to a certain programmable output current
level. This allows to design simple hydraulic motion
control loops based on low and high speed motion
signals in positive and negative direction, just like
an inverter for a two speeds electrical motor.

CNC Control Units for
L Y N C A ® – LCS Laser Cutting Machines

LYNCA – LCS, is the particular version of the

LYNCA – CNC dedicated to laser cutting machines.
LYNCA – LCS has very clear and user friendly
interfaces that makes it easy to operate the
machine. LYNCA – LCS has many technologic
advantages with kerf calculation, technology
database management and override options or
automatic resume from last position after power
failures. Besides the laser cutting control,
LYNCA – LCS can control other production
processes including sheet loading and unloading.
Together with the LynCAD 2D/3D CAD/CAM
software, LYNCA – LCS provides a complete and
very flexible system solution from design to

■ 15” industrial grade LED TFT color display

■ Resistive touch screen
■ 2 x RJ45 Ethernet 10/100/1000MHz
■ 2 x PCI CAN bus port (optional)
■ 24V DC power supply (Industrial grade
220V optional)
■ 40W power consumption (with full load)
■ 0°C - +50°C operation temperature range
■ Membrane switch panel with 80 keys & 48
LEDs including

Software Features

■ Sheet recognition (Auto/Manual)

■ Automatic sheet loading
■ Kerf calculation
■ Automatic resume from last position after
power failures
■ Manual cut of remnant parts
■ Technology database override options

CNC Control Units for
L Y N C A ® – PCS Punch Presses with
Integrated Design Tools

LYNCA – PCS is the version of the LYNCA – CNC

applied to the punch presses. LYNCA-PCS controls
punch presses having fixed, rotational or turret type
tool heads.

Thanks to the integrated turret editor, it is possible

to define on a LYNCA – PCS, special turrets with
various stations and multi-tool structures on them.

In addition, LYNCA – PCS control unit offers a

built-in pattern based part editor with 2D display.
Edited parts may be nested using the manual or
automatic nesting function.

LYNCA – PCS produces optimized code taking into

consideration current tools and trajectory
calculations. Generated codes can be simulated
and viewed during the production in a 2D graphic
display. LYNCA – PCS has been the ultimate
commercial numerical control unit providing for
punch presses the CAD/CAM functions mentioned
above since more than 10 years.

■ Turret and multi-station editor

■ Multi-tool definition, tool parameters
■ Wheel & Marking tool support
■ Patern-based built-in 2D graphic part editor
■ DXF part import from CAD softwares
■ Auto-tooling
■ Various Micro-joint supports
■ Automatic NC code generation
■ Management of the punching head to work
inside limited safety area ■ Production reporting
■ Optimal Punching heads rotation when tool ■
Ethernet and USB support for part and
changes tool transfer
■ Optimal trajectory generation ■ Part simulation with 2D viewer before
■ Automatic clamp position management production
■ Common cut support ■ 2D part viewer during production

L y nC A D – 2D
® 2D CAD / CAM Software
for Laser Cutting &
Punching Machines

User Friendly Graphical Interface

■ 2D CAD Drawing Functionality

■ Command line support
■ DXF import and export

Advanced & Automated Nesting

■ Highly optimized nesting

■ Arbitrary angle nesting
■ Multiple sheet support
■ Intelligent common cut handling
■ Automatic part rotation
■ Multiple parts nesting
■ Edit nested parts

Production and Nesting

■ Part library preview

■ Insert part manually with angle and scale
factor (drag-and-drop)
■ Dynamic shape library
■ Save and load productions
■ Undo, redo support

NC Code Generation

■ NC code generation for any kind of CNC machine

thanks to powerful post-processor
■ Intelligent way-optimisation
■ Reposition handling
■ Multi-clamps support
■ Production statistics

L y nC A D – 2D
® 2D CAD / CAM Software
for Laser Cutting &
Punching Machines


■ Offline step-by-step simulator

■ Slider bound time control
■ Animation mode
■ Head view mode

Contour Editor For Laser Cutting

■ Automated contour analysis

■ Visual lead-in lead-out design
■ Pierce and cut specification
■ Fly Cut

Tool Library for Punch Presses

■ Working with special tool

■ List of previously used and active tools
■ Editable tool parameters
■ Support for interpolated continuous tool

Auto Tooling Properties for Punch Presses

■ Shape and tool matching

■ Auto crunch
■ Hole detection
■ Auto micro joints option

Turret Structure for Punch Presses

■ Adjustment of mounting angle

■ Save and load tool sets
■ Support for different turret types
■ Multi-tool support

L y nC A D
® 3D CAD / CAM Software for
– 3D Press Brakes, Laser Cutting
and Punching Machines

LynCAD – 3D is an integrated CAD/CAM package

designed for press brakes, laser cutting machines
and punch presses. It includes BRICSYS®’s excellent
BRICSCAD® 3D CAD solution with sheet metal
unfolding libraries as well as Bilko’s 2D CAD/CAM,
nesting and post processing package for laser cutting
and punching.

LynCAD – 3D allows realizing intricate 3D designs, From 3D Design to

import 3D solid parts from various CAD software, 2D Unfolded Part

modify them when necessary, then unfold (including

assemblies) to produce them from a sheet metal and
export in DXF or ISO code formats.

LynCAD – 3D is proposed in different configurations:

LynCAD – 3D – PB
As the BRICSCAD® 3D CAD package with sheet
metal library exporting parts in DXFs format suitable
for various press brakes controllers or other sheet
metal working machines controllers or CAM software.

LynCAD – 3D – PBC Direct Transfer to CyCAD

This special package particularly adapted for press

brakes includes 3D BRICSCAD® and PC ModEva 3D
licenses. The integration allows a 3D designed and
flattened part to be directly imported to Cybelec®
ModEva 3D CYCAD environment by pressing a

LynCAD – 3D – Premium
In addition to press brakes, LynCAD – 3D – Premium
package provides extended CAM functionality for
laser cutting and punch press machines, including
nesting, production management, simulation and ISO
code generation.

LynCAD – 3D – Premium together with

LYNCA – CNC represents a very efficient, flexible and
competitive solution for machine OEMs. Direct Transfer to LynCAD Production

3D Numerical Control Units
for Press Brakes

CYBELEC SA, founded in 1970, is a Swiss manufacturer

of Computer Numerical Controllers (CNC’s), having
installed more than 100.000 units on the global market.
Its customers are global and Cybelec’s footprint is

Market leader in metal forming technology, Cybelec

offers a complete range of high-performance numerical
controls commonly used with press brakes and shears.

Since 1997, Bilko Inc. has been developing numerous

mutual projects with CYBELEC® for Turkish press brake ModEva RA Premium
and shearing machines manufacturers. Over the years
Bilko has been profiled as a technology and solution
center for cutting and bending machines. Currently, Bilko
represents CYBELEC® company for Turkey, Balkans and
Middle East region and provides, engineering, sales,
after sales, technical and retrofitting services.

ModEva RA Premium
■ Full 3D numerical control unit
■ Full 3D video-like simulation
■ Importing 3D models
■ 15” or 19” (*) color Touch Screen
■ Can control up to 18 axes

ModEva 19T (*) ModEva 19T

■ 3D graphic display
■ 19” color Touch Screen
■ Can control up to 18 axes

ModEva 15T
■ 3D graphic display
■ 15” color Touch Screen
■ Can control up to 18 axes

(*) available from January 2017

ModEva 15T

2D Numeical Control Units
for Press Brakes

Based both on touch screen technology, the new

generation CybTouch and ModEva Pac series controllers
represent a user friendly and cost effective solution for CybTouch 6
entry and middle range 2D numerical control needs from
standard 3 axis upto 7 axis (ModEva Pac 7) machines.

CybTouch Series CybTouch 8

Starting with the objective to satisfy better the end-users,

the new CybTouch controller and interface design project
involved re-thinking the whole press-brake numerical
control’s philosophy. CybTouch was designed to be
simpler. It was designed to be immediately accepted for
its easy approach.

Cybelec has optimized the beam management, making it

even more straightforward. The improved setup “Wizard” CybTouch 12
makes the commissioning of synchronized Y1-Y2
press-brakes, conventional single-cylinder press brakes
or even electric press brakes, a matter of just a few
simple steps. CybTouch Series

Same intuitive approach applies also to part design

interface. The operator finds in a single page all
necessary action keys in visual format.

ModEva Pac

ModEva Pac distinguishes from the other ModEva

controllers with its all-in-one compact numerical control

Delivered in standard for 4 axis, ModEva Pac has also a

7 axis model that can control press-brakes with Y1,Y2,
X1,X2,Z1,Z2,R or for other configuration. ModEva Pac
provides extended functionalities such as bending aids,
management of 12 fingers back gauges or the ability to
communicate with external systems like bar code
readers or robots, making of it the optimal solution for the
control of standard to more sophisticated press brakes.
ModEva Pac is equipped with the latest evolution of the
ModEva 2D graphical programming software.

ModEva Pac

Linear Scales

Since 1979, GIVI MISURE has been developing and

producing measuring and control systems, appreciated
by major OEMs for their high quality and reliability.
High-performance optical and magnetic linear scales of
GIVI MISURE have been used successfully for many
years in the sheet metalworking.

GIVI MISURE has created standard worldwide with its

self aligned (patented), accurate optical and magnetic
scales designed for synchronized press brakes.

Before delivery, the accuracy of each GIVI linear scale

is tested along the measurement length, each scale
is delivered then with a measurement certificate. This
guarantees that deviation from the exact value is within
the tolerance. Benchmark tests shows clearly that GIVI’s
linear scales measure with more accuracy than other
scales in the market.

GVS 200 Self-aligned, GVS 204 Self-aligned,

Incremental Optical Scale Absolute Optical Scale

■ Measuring Support: Glass ■ Measuring Support: Glass

■ Accuracy Grade: ± 2,5 μm (standard) ■ Accuracy Grade: ± 2,5 μm (standard)
± 1 μm (high) ± 1 μm (high)
■ Resolution: 10, 5, 1, 0.5, 0.1 μm ■ Resolution: 1, 0.1 μm
■ Protection Class: IP 54 (standard) ■ Protection Class: IP 54 (standard)
IP 64 (pressurized) IP 64 (pressurized)

GVS 215 Self-aligned, GVS 219 Self-aligned,

Incremental Magnetic Scale Absolute Magnetic Scale

■ Measuring Support: Plastoferrite on ■ Measuring Support: Plastoferrite on

stainless steel tape stainless steel tape
■ Accuracy Grade: ± 15 μm ■ Accuracy Grade: ± 15 μm
■ Resolution: 50, 25, 10, 5, 1 μm ■ Resolution: 100, 50, 10, 5, 1 μm
■ Protection class: IP 64 (standard) ■ Protection class: IP 64 (standard)
IP 67 (on request) IP 67 (on request)

Regular Nesting &
® Optimization Software for
CNC Shears and
Cutting Machines

A fast and efficient solution for the regular nesting into sheets

LyNEST 2D-R is an optimization CAM software

that nests rectangular parts of different number and
sizes on rectangular plates like sheet metal, glass,
wood. In a few second, parts are placed
automatically in such a way that the waste is
reduced to its minimum and a cutting sequence
table is produced to realize the necessary cutting

With the CNC option, LyNEST communicates with

guillotine shears having Cybelec CNC controllers
(DNC61). Provided a serial connection, LyNEST
sends to the controller, the cutting information with
back gauge positions step by step.

From the screen of the PC computer, the user can

follow in real-time all the necessary part
manipulations with a 2D graphical sequence

On demand, also depending on the application,

LyNEST may be adapted to communicate with
other control units.

Numerical Control Units
for CNC Shears

CybTouch 6

CybTouch 6 is a high performance numerical controller

specifically designed for sheet-metal cutting.

CybTouch 6 has interactive touch screen interface with

large keys, on-line help, and many other automatic CybTouch 6
functions to constantly guide the operator. It has an Panel Version

intuitive and vivid color screen with highly integrated


CybTouch 6 for shears is available in two versions:

one for swing shears and one for adjustable rack angle
shears. Both are delivered as a robust panel ready to be
integrated, or can optionally also be delivered mounted
into a sleek and modern housing specially designed to
be attached to a swiveling arm.

CybTouch 8G (*)
CybTouch 6
CybTouch 8G is the new member of the CybTouch Box Version
family for swinging or adjustable rack angle type shears.
It offers a larger screen for user interface. CybTouch 8G
exists in panel or box version.

CybTouch 8G
(*) available from January 2017 Panel Version

About Bilko Automation

Founded in 1986, as an R&D company, Bilko has been specialised over the years in CNC control
systems development, manufacturing and distributing related equipment for a variety of machines.
Bilko is well known worldwide in CNC control systems of sheet metalworking machines and related
CAD/CAM software and has become an expert company with its exclusive products over the

Thanks to its open architecture designed LYNCA – CNC product family, LYNCA – VA hydraulic
valve drive series and LYNCA – RMC I/O unit series, Bilko is the preferred supplier of the many
domestic and foreign machine manufacturers. Bilko’s products comply with CE standards.

Bilko has also developed specific CAD/CAM software for sheet metalworking machines under
LynCAD and LyNEST brands. On the other hand, Bilko cooperates with Bricsys NV about 3D
CAD. This collaboration, LynCAD in CAM and BricsCAD in 3D design, represents a vertical and
customized solution. Using this vertical solution, machine manufacturers realize significant saving
on time and costs.

On the other hand, since 1998, Bilko has been the representative for Turkey and the Middle East
region, of CYBELEC Company that is the leading numerical controller manufacturer for press
brakes and guillotine shears machines, as well the representative of GIVI Misure Company that
provides linear scales for various machines. Bilko services to machine manufacturers and end
users in the field of products and spare parts supply, engineering and technical service.

Bilko’s another activity area concerns the long-distance wireless data communication networks.
Bilko offers in this domain UHF/VHF radio modems and accessories, engineering and radio
network solutions. Bilko realizes also turnkey radio communication and SCADA projects. In this
area Bilko has been representing SATEL OY and COMPLETECH Companies products since
2000. Bilko has carried out a large number of successful projects in this field and has been
providing support to many contracting companies.

Bilko is a dynamic company that is steadily growing, worldwide competitive and opened to
international markets with its expert R&D team, engineering staff and successful projects realized.

Our Business Concept

Bilko’s understanding of business and project consists of providing customized, competitive and
sustainable solutions bringing an added value to its customers.

Activity Area

Machine Control Systems

Manufacturing CNC Control Units, CAD / CAM Software Development, Machine Automation

Industrial Automation
R&D, Engineering and Software Development about Wireless Data
Communication Networks and SCADA Solutions, RTU Manufacturing and Sale, Turnkey Projects
Realization and Contracting

Bilko Bilgisayar Otomasyon ve Kontrol A.S.
Address : Perpa Tic.Mer. B Blok Kat 11 Nr. 1740 TR-34385 Sisli Istanbul Turkey
Phone : +90 212 320 13 83 (pbx)
Fax : +90 212 320 13 86
E-mail : bilko@bilko.com.tr
Web sites : www.bilko.com.tr, www.lynest.com.tr, www.lynca.com, www.lyncad.com

Bilko Automation
Copyright © 2016 Bilko Bilgisayar Otomasyon ve Kontrol A.S. Istanbul -- All rights reserved. Product images and specifications may change without priory notice.


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