Mathematic M Sem 1 Coursework (Introduction)
Mathematic M Sem 1 Coursework (Introduction)
Mathematic M Sem 1 Coursework (Introduction)
2.4 Assignments
Assignment A: Mathematical Investigation
Title: Growth rate of sequence
This assignment is to study how the growth rate of a sequence. However, there
were many terms must to calculate until a pattern becomes apparent.
A sequence f (n) grows faster than g (n) (or g grows slower than f) if:
lim f (n)/g (n) = ∞ or lim g (n)/f (n) = 0.
n→∞ n→∞
In this case we write f> >g or g> >f.
Sequences f (n) and g (n) grow at the same rate if for some L, 0 < L <
lim f (n)/g (n)= L.
Rational sequence is a sequence of rational numbers. For example, the fourth
Farey series. is a rational sequence. Integer sequences are a special case of
rational sequences. In the OEIS, rational sequences are typically entered as two
sequences: one for numerators and one for denominators.
For example, let x be an irrational number (cf. rational number). Take a
sequence of rational numbers {xk} with the property that {xk} converges, with
respect to the Euclidean topology, towards x as k tends towards infinity.
Informally, this means that each of the numbers in the sequence get closer and
closer to x as we progress further and further along the sequence.
The term convergence is the opposite of divergence. Convergence defined is
the act of converging and especially moving toward union or uniformly.
Divergence defined is when the number of graph is moving in the opposite
direction of a technical indicator or is moving contrary to other data.
Convergence and divergence are not same due to convergence can cause the
sequence is converge to a number. However, divergence does not cause the
sequence converge to a number because that is only infinitely.