United States Patent: Lyndon - James Et Al
United States Patent: Lyndon - James Et Al
United States Patent: Lyndon - James Et Al
user Device
Froxy Ad Management
Sarva Supply -side
US 11,178,120 B2
Page 2
( 56 ) References Cited
2011/0282997 A1 * 11/2011 Prince G06F 40/14
2012/0117239 A1 * 5/2012 Holloway HO4L 63/0884
2012/0324113 A1 * 12/2012 Prince H04L 69/40
2016/0140626 A1 * 5/2016 Agarwal G06Q 30/0276
2017/0109797 A1 4/2017 Boffa et al .
2017/0237823 A1 8/2017 Pyper
2018/0101507 A1 * 4/2018 Malca G06F 40/103
2018/0102507 A1 4/2018 Kuang
2018/0204225 A1 7/2018 Bennefeld
2019/0215308 Al 7/2019 Feyzibehnagh et al .
* cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Nov. 16 , 2021 Sheet 1 of 15 US 11,178,120 B2
-sideSup ly
Modal Configuraton
AdMangemnt 1
Server Server
U.S. Patent Nov. 16 , 2021 Sheet 2 of 15 US 11,178,120 B2
T-mhairtdy AdServer
AdURenquiets AdURenspiontse
MangemtServ ww 216
212 MBPoladgclek PRaerqmutser
SPerovxery Widget
304 1 310
|JUI*2YAn7DBg4Wwvr3589bPjc.pulishe2r3om SPerovxery
MAdangemnt Serv 3
302b Webli
U.S. Patent Nov. 16 , 2021 Sheet 4 of 15 US 11,178,120 B2
Request Response
DNS Request
DNS Response
Consumer ONS Request
DNS Response
4168- HTTP
Request 1416b Response Ad Solution DNS
-424 ONS
Response 432
SOL 440
SQL Database
Response Management
436 Request
Response Supply -Side
Response Platform
Delivery Third Party
( CON )
FIG. 4
U.S. Patent Nov. 16 , 2021 Sheet 5 of 15 US 11,178,120 B2
Loading , in response to a request from a user device browser to a
Website , an ad -detection element from a proxy server and
sending to a publisher server
? C n Http / publisher.com
Lorem search
FIG . 6
U.S. Patent Nov. 16 , 2021 Sheet 7 of 15 US 11,178,120 B2
? en http://publisher.com
FIG . 7
U.S. Patent Nov. 16 , 2021 Sheet 8 of 15 US 11,178,120 B2
PS Site
+ ?C mga publisher.com
U.S. Patent Nov. 16 , 2021 Sheet 9 of 15 US 11,178,120 B2
en hulp://publisher.com
Q search
FIG . 9
U.S. Patent Nov. 16 , 2021 Sheet 10 of 15 US 11,178,120 B2
Pasar Site
> Chip:lpublisher.com
Q search
U.S. Patent Nov. 16 , 2021 Sheet 11 of 15 US 11,178,120 B2
vPolaiycer DON
U.S. Patent Nov. 16 , 2021 Sheet 12 of 15 US 11,178,120 B2
ntooewsuletr EAdmareisl
vPloaiycer OO
U.S. Patent Nov. 16 , 2021 Sheet 13 of 15 US 11,178,120 B2
ATGecmpeorsaty YOffSwoitcuhirng WOurSpiotnshor
CardorPaypl BoyWhoPay
:youwIBbenifolrmlaitnog A$4cauhto.amr0igcaeldy year,thenforonew4evekrsy Yd
Acdres week
vPoliaycer IO
U.S. Patent Nov. 16 , 2021 Sheet 14 of 15 US 11,178,120 B2
,ptanotji400gcswandIeolbhumaoiers'yunteskr hadwhohavelotofparea.TthemIt'snotjustmeaicehloesiptvrloneg
sonnfalotof,tpgInthemaehoradicrtemuilra'vesny .ccaniandegthesIorhisnvolmaterblym'uihvoarensbdg
vPloaiycer ODO
U.S. Patent Nov. 16 , 2021 Sheet 15 of 15 US 11,178,120 B2
cswandItnotji400g,paeohlbtumaieor'synuetksr whohphadarealotof.TthemmeanotjIicelautosivp'trloetsng ( 6) 15
sonnalotoff,tgamepInthemaehrogtidacrtueilar'vslney .canciandegthesIorhisonvlmateorblym'uihvarensbtdg
vPloaiycer ION
US 11,178,120 B2
1 2
SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR bypass system is comprised of a bypass loader and a bypass
CIRCUMVENTING ADVERTISEMENT proxy . The bypass loader is a component that is embedded
BLOCKERS within content publisher content. When the content pub
lisher content is downloaded and parsed by a user device, the
FIELD OF THE INVENTION 5 bypass loader executes by detecting the presence of any
adblocker on the user device . If found, the bypass loader
The present disclosure relates to marketing and advertis- forwards any blocked advertisement calls to the bypass
ing systems and methods. More particularly, the invention proxy . The bypass proxy retrieves the requested advertise
relates to a system and method to detect ad- blocking , and if ments and returns them to the bypass loader which then
detected , construct a modal with third party advertising 10 orreintroduces
the advertisements in final content presentation
content using a proxy server.
US Patent Application 20170237823 to Pyeper entitled
“ System and Method for Transforming Online Content "
discloses a system and method for transforming online
Publisher websites such as newspaper web pages, televi- 15 content circumventing online content between a web server
sion station web pages , web log web pages , magazine web and an end -user computing device is provided. The system
pages , social networking web pages , microblogging web includes a bypass server comprising one or more processors
pages , and other internet-based online publishing sources and a data storage device communicatively linked to the one
may generate significant income using advertising content. or more processors, the one or more processors executable
In fact, in the last twenty - five years , publishers have been 20 to receive online content from the web server ; circumvent
forced to move toward generating almost all of their revenue portions of the online content to obfuscate supplemental
from third party web - based advertising. Publishers use rev- content from primary content; and transmit the online con
enue from advertising to help support their business , and tent having the circumvented portions to the end - user com
thus to reduce or eliminate the cost to their customers (or puting device.
audience members ). Some publisher's existence depends 25 However, these existing solutions have drawbacks, and as
upon the income generated from the display of advertise- such , there is aa need for a system and method to automati
ments alongside the webpage content. cally, effectively , and efficiently provide advertising to con
The advent of web -based banner ads in the mid 1990's sumer from third party advertisers on a publisher's webpage.
disrupted the entire industry. In 1995 , AT & T paid HotWired
$ 30,000 to place the banner ad above on their site for three 30 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
months. The ad has a click - through - rate of 44 % at the time ,
and since , the average clickthrough rate on display ads today To achieve the foregoing and other aspects and in accor
is closer to 0.06 % . Due to low clickthrough rates, publishers dance with the purpose of the invention , the subject system
that have depended upon this revenue stream have been provides a system and method to circumvent advertisement
forced to adapt. 35 blockers using a proxy server.
Today, many publishers rely on native advertising for In one embodiment, the system comprises a proxy server
spoon - feed content because it is more normalized and user having an ad - detection element residing thereon , wherein in
friendly, but even then , publishers do not recognize the response to a request from a user device browser to a
revenue or impressions they need to succeed . Further, website , the proxy server loads the ad - detection element; a
because online advertisements are sometimes deemed to be 40 publisher server in communication with the proxy server,
a nuisance by users , Ad - Blockers became prevalent, and wherein the publisher server requests the proxy server to
instead just use advertisement blocking to prevent the most detect an advertisement blocker, and further wherein the
“ intrusive ” forms of advertising on the Internet. Indeed , publisher serer receives the ad - detection element from the
currently most all browsers offer some ways to remove or proxy server; wherein the proxy server : detects utilizing the
alter advertisements: either by targeting technologies that 45 loaded ad - detection element, whether the website is running
are used to deliver ads ( such as embedded content delivered the advertisement blocker ; if an advertisement blocker is
through browser plug - ins or via HTML5 ) , targeting URLs detected , receiving a modal request from the publishing
that are the source of ads , or targeting behaviors character- server; outputs a modal parameter request to an ad manage
istic to ads ( such as the use of HTML5 autoplay of both ment server for modal configuration parameters; receives ,
audio and video ) . 50 based on the modal parameter request, an ad unit response
As a by -product of this approach nearly all advertising from the ad management server having the configuration
may be blocked , which prevents publishers from monetizing parameters; generates a modal ; and sends the modal to the
almost the entire portion of users on their site who use user device browser for consumption by the user ; wherein
advertisement blocking even though many consumers rec- the publishing server modifies an interface parameter in the
ognize the fact that publishers need to display advertising in 55 user device browser to display the modal with the ad unit
order to stay in business and produce content. Many users contained therein .
are not opposed to all forms of advertising and will interact In another embodiment, the system comprises a publisher
with advertising with the knowledge that they will be able to server configured to serve an advertisement blocker (ad
consume the content they desire at no charge. Further, blocker) detection JavaScript code from a proxy server to a
publishers are not able to monetize their content without 60 user device that has been pre -configured with the same
advertisers, and as such , different methods have been devel- top - level domain ( TLD ) as the primary publisher server (to
oped to simply bypass these Ad blockers . avoid detection by ad -blockers) to detect if a browser is
For example, U.S. Pat . No. 9,679,315 to Carasso , entitled configured with ad -blocking software. The advertisement
“ Systems and Methods to Bypass Online Advertisement blocker detection JavaScript element detects the user device
Blockers ” discloses an adblocking bypass system for ensur- 65 comprising advertisement blocker, and in response to the
ing that advertisements are loaded and presented on a user ad - blocker, the JavaScript encrypts and obfuscates the con
device running one or more adblockers . The adblocking tent of the webpage_rendering it unreadable to the user
US 11,178,120 B2
3 4
device and displays an inline ad unit . The inline ad unit The system and method allow the user to select a conve
comprises an option to unlock the content of the webpage by nient method to display an advertisement while accessing
interacting with the advertisement or page that was blocked the webpage and increase the revenue of the publishers.
( this could be a video ad that must be played for a number Other features, advantages, and aspects of the present
of seconds , interactive content, etc. ). The proxy server 5 system will become more apparent and be more readily
determines the inline ad unit configuration via an API call to understood from the following detailed description , which
an advertisement management server , which would obtain should be read in conjunction with the accompanying draw
the publisher configuration data from a publisher configu- ings .
ration database. The advertisement management server 10 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
derives an API call (via the Internet) to either a third -party
advertisement (Ad) server or a supply - side platform to
obtain aa suitable ad unit, based on the publisher configura notThe by
present system is illustrated by way of example, and
way of limitation, in the figures of the accompanying
tion data . An ad -unit may be any media .
The devices associated with the system and any other 15 similar elementsin and
drawings and which like reference numerals refer to
in which :
device described herein may exchange information via any FIG . 1 illustrates an operating environment of a system to
communication network . circumvent advertisement blockers , according to an embodi
In one embodiment, the method to detect and circumvent, ment of the present system .
and in series, advertisement blocker into a usable modal is FIG . 2 illustrates a dataflow drawing of a method to
disclosed . In embodiments , the method comprises loading , 20 circumvent advertisement blockers , according to an embodi
in response to a request from a user device browser to a ment of the present system .
website , an ad -detection element from a proxy server to the FIG . 3 illustrates the operating environment of the system
publisher server; detecting, utilizing the loaded ad - detection to circumvent advertisement blockers, according to another
element from the proxy server, whether the website is embodiment of the present invention .
running the advertisement blocker ; if an advertisement 25 FIG . 4 illustrates the operating environment of the system
blocker is detected , receiving a modal request at the proxy to circumvent advertisement blockers, according to yet
server from the publishing server; outputting, from the another embodiment of the present invention .
proxy server, a modal parameter request to an ad manage FIG . 5 illustrates a flowchart of the method to circumvent
ment server for modal configuration parameters ; returning , 30 advertisement blockers , according to an embodiment of the
based on the modal parameter request, an ad unit response present FIG .
system .
6 illustrates a wireframe of a webpage displayed at
from the ad management server having the configuration
parameters; generating a modal using the proxy server ; an end user device without an advertisement blocker,
sending the modal to the user device browser for consump according to an embodiment of the present system .
tion by the user; and modifying an interface parameter in the 35 an FIG . 7 illustrates a wireframe of a webpage displayed at
end user device comprising an advertisement blocker,
user device browser to o display the modal with the ad unit according to an embodiment of the present system .
contained therein . The present provides a user a greater FIG . 8 illustrates a wireframe of a webpage displaying a
degree of control over their “ ad - funded ” experience while modal and obfuscated editorial content, according to an
simultaneously having the publisher's needs appropriately embodiment of the present system .
contextualized . 40 FIG . 9 illustrates a wireframe of a webpage displaying an
In an embodiment, a non -tangible, computer - readable inline ad unit and obfuscated editorial content, according to
medium storing instructions, that, when executed by a an embodiment of the present system .
processor, cause the processor to perform a method to FIG . 10 illustrates a wireframe of un - obfuscated webpage
circumvent advertisement blocking associated with a com- content, according to an embodiment of the present system .
munication network is provided . The method comprises 45 FIG . 11 illustrates a screenshot of a webpage displaying
loading , in response to a request from a user device browser a modal , according to an embodiment of the present system .
to a website , an ad - detection element from a proxy server to FIG . 12 illustrates a screenshot of a webpage displaying
the publisher server; detecting, utilizing the loaded ad a modal , according to another embodiment of the present
detection element from the proxy server, whether the web system .
site is running the advertisement blocker; if an advertise- 50 FIG . 13 illustrates a screenshot of a webpage displaying
ment blocker is detected , receiving a modal request at the a modal , according to an embodiment of the present system .
proxy server from the publishing server ; outputting, from FIG . 14 illustrates a screenshot of a webpage displaying
the proxy server, a modal parameter request to an ad an advertisement modal, according to an embodiment of the
management server for modal configuration parameters; present system .
returning, based on the modal parameter request, an ad unit 55 FIG . 15 illustrates a screenshot of a webpage , where the
response from the ad management server having the con- modal is removed on interacting with advertisement and the
figuration parameters; and generating a modal using the editorial content being displayed , according to an embodi
proxy server; sending the modal to the user device browser ment of the present.
for consumption by the user ; and modifying an interface
parameter in the user device browser to o display the modal 60 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
with the ad unit contained therein . PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS
The system provides an experience that is more natural
and native without the issues associated with sponsored ads . The present system is best understood by reference to the
The system obviates the publishers' fears over displaying detailed description and examples set forth herein .
ads to users because user has directly opted in , and thus may 65 Embodiments of the system are discussed below with
ultimately open up more net inventory and increase engage- reference to the examples. However, those skilled in the art
ment rates even further will readily appreciate that the detailed description given
US 11,178,120 B2
5 6
herein with respect to these examples is for explanatory However, content publisher originated content can be hosted
purposes as the system extends beyond these limited and served from other sources including content delivery
embodiments. For example, it should be appreciated that networks ( CDNs ) , cloud service providers, and caching or
those skilled in the art will , in light of the teachings of the
2 proxy servers operated by others independent of the content
present system , recognize a multiplicity of alternate and s publishers.
suitable approaches, depending upon the needs of the par As used herein , devices, including those associated with
ticular application, to implement the functionality of any the system and any other device described herein may
given detail described herein , beyond the particular imple exchange information via any communication network
mentation choices in the following embodiments described which
and shown . That is , there are numerous modifications and 10 (“ LAN ”may be one or more of a Local Area Network
variations of the system that are too numerous to be listed Area Network ( “ WAN ”) , Area
), a Metropolitan Network ( “MAN ” ), a Wide
but that all fit within the scope of the system . Also , singular Switched Telephone Network ( “ PSTN " ) , network
a proprietary
, a Public
Wireless Appli
words should be read as plural and vice versa and masculine cation Protocol ( " WAP ” ) network , a Bluetooth network ,a
as feminine and vice versa , where appropriate , and alterna
tive embodiments do not necessarily imply that the two are 15 wireless LAN network , and / or an Internet Protocol ( " IP
network such as the Internet, an intranet, or an extranet . Note
mutually exclusive.
It is to be further understood that the present system is not that any devices described herein may communicate via one
limited to the particular methodology, compounds, materi or more such communication networks.
als , manufacturing techniques , uses , and applications, In one embodiment, the user device 102 could be any
described herein , as these may vary. It is also to be under- 20 device with a processor that runs a content processing ,
stood that the terminology used herein is used for the rendering, or presenting application. The user device 102
purpose of describing particular embodiments only, and is could include any of a laptop computer, smartphone, tablet,
not intended to limit the scope of the present system . It must and desktop computing machine as some examples. The
be noted that as used herein and in the appended claims , the most common application for processing, rendering, or
singular forms “ a," " an ,” and “ the ” include the plural 25 presenting the content is a web browsing application (e.g.
reference unless the context clearly dictates otherwise . Thus, Internet Explorer, Firefox , Chrome, and Safari web brows
for example, a reference to “ an element” is a reference to one ers — including browsers designed for ad - blocking , such as
or more elements and includes equivalents thereof known to Brave Browser ), although other applications running on the
those skilled in the art. Similarly, for another example, a user device 102 could similarly process , render, or present
reference to “ a step ” or “ a means” is a reference to one or 30 the content publisher content. For the purposes of the
more steps or means and may include sub - steps and sub- discussion that it to follow , one or more adblockers are
servient means . All conjunctions used are to be understood installed on the user devices 102 and running in conjunction
in the most inclusive sense possible . hus, the word “ or ” with the content retrieval or content rendering application of
should be understood as having the definition of a logical the user devices 102 .
“ or ” rather than that of a logical “ exclusive or ” unless the 35 According to the present system , the publisher server 106
context clearly necessitates otherwise . Structures described receive a web page request from the user device or end user
herein are to be understood also to refer to functional device 102 , via the public network 104. A proxy server 108
equivalents of such structures . Language that may be con- is configured to exchange information with the publisher
strued to express approximation should be so understood server 106 that communicates with the end user device 102 .
unless the context clearly dictates otherwise . 40 The publisher's server 106 is configured ( via HTML tags ) to
Unless defined otherwise , all technical and scientific serve an advertisement detection (hereinafter, referred as ,
terms used herein have the same meanings as commonly ad -detection ) element from the proxy server 108 to the end
understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to which this user device 102 via HTML tags . The ad - detection element
system belongs. Preferred methods, techniques, devices , and has been pre -configured with the same Top -Level Domain
materials are described, although any methods, techniques , 45 (TLD ) as the primary publisher website or publisher server
devices, or materials similar or equivalent to those described 106 , to avoid detection by advertisement blocker. The sys
herein may be used in the practice or testing of the present tem provides a data routing scheme and protocol to build a
system . modal of value based on the advertisement blocker .
The present system discloses a system and method to The ad - detection element is configured to execute / run at
circumvent advertisement blockers . The system and method 50 the end user device 102 to detect the presence of advertise
are configured to bypass the advertisement blocker of both ment blocker. In one embodiment, the ad -detection element
in browser and adblocker plugins . is embodied as JavaScript , although other scripting lan
Referring to FIG . 1 , an operating environment 100 of a guages or code could be used to implement the ad -detection
system to detect advertisement blockers and in response , element. In one embodiment, the ad -detection element is an
automatically generate a modal for a user according to an 55 advertisement blocker detection JavaScript element.
embodiment of the present system is disclosed . Depicted as The ad - detection element detects the web page content
part of the operating environment 100 are user device 102 , and displays a modal . When constructing the modal, the
publisher server 106 , proxy server 108 , advertisement man- ad - detection element would make an API request to the
agement server 110 , publisher model configuration database proxy server 108. The proxy server 108 determines the
112 , third party advertisement server 116 , and supply side 60 modal configuration via an API call to the advertisement
platform 118. In operation , the elements referenced above management server 110. The advertisement management
and especially the publisher model configuration database server 110 is configured to obtain the publisher configuration
112 build and configure a modal in response to the detected data from the publisher modal configuration database 112 .
ad blocker. The publisher modal configuration database 112 comprises
In operation , the content publishers operate one or more 65 information related to website content or webpage obfusca
publisher servers 106 that host and deliver content across a tion method, modal displayed on the webpage and content of
public communication network 104 , such as the internet. the modal .
US 11,178,120 B2
7 8
The advertisement management server 110 would also parameters in a response 218 to the advertisement block
make an API call ( via the public network 114 ) to either a detection JavaScript. This JavaScript will then modify the
third -party advertisement server 116 or a supply - side plat- Document Object Model (DOM ) in the user's browser of the
form 118 to obtain a suitable advertisement unit for the user device 102 to obfuscate the page content and display the
modal , based on the publisher configuration data . In various 5 modal with the advertising unit. In one embodiment, the
embodiments, the advertisement unit could be , for example, editorial content obfuscation methods include , but not lim
text , images , video , animations, hyperlinks, etc. that could ited to : replacing the content text with encrypted characters ,
be presented on the webpage . In some embodiments, adver- with the publisher's font replaced with an obfuscation font,
tisement management server 110 can select from among and replacing the content text with encrypted characters ,
stored advertisement items based on advertisement criteria , 10 with an opaque overlay over the content. In one embodi
such as , for example, geographic limitations , subject matter ment, the modal display methods include , but not limited to ,
limitations, size limitations , ad dimensions, and / or media inline display with the editorial content and a pop -up modal .
type limitations , etc. In one embodiment, the requests for In one embodiment, the content of the modal includes, but
advertisement or advertisement criteria is sent to either the not limited to , a video advertisement, a banner advertise
third -party advertisement server 116 or the supply - side 15 ment, an interactive advertisement, instruction on whitelist
platform 118 . ing the publisher site in the advertisement block extension ,
The system of the present system relays requests and instruction for subscribing to the publisher site to unlock the
responses made to advertisement server using publisher content of the webpage / website, and a method for micro
website's subdomain , for example, wan2001.publisher.com . payment to unlock the content.
In one embodiment, the requests and responses flow from 20 Referring now to FIG . 3 , an operating environment 300 of
publisher server 106 to advertisement management servers the system to circumvent advertisement blockers is dis
110 via proxy server 108 through different subdomains closed . Publishers such as publisher # 1 302a , publisher #2
pointing to advertisement management servers 110. A 302b , publisher # 3 302c , publisher #n 302n + 1 , receives
unique Subdomain is created for every publisher registered website content request. The publishers request a configu
with WAN . Example: https://wan2001.publisher.com where 25 ration to the proxy server 108 , which has a pre-defined
' wan2001' could be a unique ID to represent the publisher random domain name , using the Publisher's Top -Level
in WAN . The subdomain is setup and configured on pub- Domain ( TLD ) -for example, iydw7sdj.publisher1.com
lisher DNS manager pointing it to the proxy server 108. The 304a , gungv3b9.publisher2.com 304b ,
filtering rules used to identify the request source and the final jabwrpc.publisher3.com 304c, and
endpoints to where the request will be relayed. For example, 30 22475sh2.publishern.com 304n + 1 . Based on the request
if the proxy server 108 is using NodeJS as the server made to the proxy server 108 , the proxy server accesses
technology, URL package could be used to split the domain CDN 306 , ad management server 308 and ad server 310. In
name and apply the necessary logic . operation , the proxy server 108 will return the ad block
FIG . 2 exemplarily illustrates a dataflow 200 of a method detection widget to the Publisher's web page . The ad block
to circumvent advertisement blockers into usable and digest- 35 detection widget will determine if an ad blocker is active on
ible modals that are related to the original advertisements. the consumer's browser and, if active , will make aa second or
As shown, messages are exchanged between the user device additional request for the ad block configuration from the ad
102 , publisher server 106 , advertisement management management server 308. Based on the pre -defined domain
server 110 , proxy server 108 and third -party advertisement name of the requesting proxy server 108 , the ad management
server 116. The user device 102 runs an adblocker in 40 server 308 is able to determine which publisher /website is
conjunction with a browsing application . making the request and configure the page block modal
The message exchange commences when the user device accordingly ( via CSS or JavaScript for example ). The ad
102 makes an HTTP request 202 ofwebsite content from the management server 308 will make a request to the ad server
publisher website /publisher server 106. The publisher's 310 for the ad unit to display in the page block modal . The
website content includes HTML to load additional ad- 45 proxy server 108 will make additional requests to the CDN
detection element from the proxy server 108 via an HTTP 306 for assets ( images , video , etc.) required by the ad unit .
request 202. In one embodiment, the ad - detection element is The complete ad will then be relayed by the proxy to the ad
an advertisement blocker detection JavaScript or element. block detection widget for subsequent rendering ( and con
The proxy 108 returns the advertisement blocker detection tent obfuscation ) on the web page displayed in the consum
JavaScript in the HTTP Response 206. The complete page 50 er's browser.
response in then returned to the consumer in the Page Referring to FIG . 4 , an operating environment 400 of the
Response 208. system to circumvent advertisement blockers is disclosed .
The advertisement blocker detection JavaScript runs on The operating environment 400 comprises one or more
the user's browser to determine whether or not they are consumer devices 406 configured to access publisher inter
running an ad blocker. If detected , the advertisement blocker 55 net server 402 , via HTTP request and HTTP response 404 ,
detection JavaScript would make a page block modal publisher DNS server 410 , via DNS request and DNS
request 210 API request to the proxy server 108 for con- response (408 , 412 and 414 ) and a proxy server 418 via
figuration parameters. HTTP request and HTTP response (416a and 416b ) . The
The proxy server 108 is configured to request the modal proxy server 418 is in communication with the advertise
configuration information page block modal parameter 60 ment management server 432 , via HTTP request and HTTP
request 212 from the advertisement management server 110 response ( 428 and 430 ) , content delivery network ( CDN )
via an API request. The advertisement management server 438 , via HTTP request and HTTP response ( 434 and 436 ) ,
110 makes an advertisement unit request 214. Based on the and Ad solution DNS server 422 , via DNS request and DNS
configuration, the advertisement management server 110 response ( 420 , 424 and 426 ) . Further, the advertisement
may call the third -party advertisement server 116 or the 65 management server 432 , via DNS request and DNS
supply -side platform 118 to obtain an advertisement unit response , is in communication with the Ad solution DNS
response 216. The proxy server 108 then returns the modal server 422. Based on the request from the consumer devices
US 11,178,120 B2
9 10
406 , the proxy server 418 access the advertisement man- vides detecting , utilizing the loaded ad -detection element
agement server 432 , content delivery network 438 , and Ad from the proxy server, whether the website is running the
solution DNS server 422. The ad management server 432 is advertisement blocker. At step 506 , the method provides if
in communication with a configuration database 442 , via an advertisement blocker is detected , receiving a modal
SQL query and SQL response (440 and 446 ) and HTTP 5 request at the proxy server from the publishing server. At
response (434 and 436 ) and a supply side platform or step 508 , the method provides outputting, from the proxy
third -party ad server 452 , via HTTP request and HTTP server , a modal parameter request to an ad management
response (448 and 450) . server for configuring modal configuration parameters . At
Continuing with FIG . 4 , the operational logic is described step 510 , the method provides returning, based on the modal
herein . A consumer enters the publisher's URL in their 10 parameter request, an ad unit response from the ad manage
device's 406 browser. The browser will follow a Domain ment server having the configuration parameters. At step
Name Resolution process to locate the Publisher Internet 512 , the method provides generating a modal using the
Server 402 , which will contact via DNS request 408a the proxy server, and sending the modal to the user device
Publisher's DNS Server 410 , which will respond (4086 ) browser for consumption by the user ; and at step 514 , the
with the IP address of the Publisher Internet Server 402. 15 method provides modifying an interface parameter in the
Once the IP address has been obtained , the consumer's user device browser to display the modal with the ad unit
browser at 402 will issue an HTTP Request 404 to the contained therein .
Publisher Internet Server 402 , which will return the web FIG . 6 , FIG . 7 and to FIG . 8 , illustrate websites wireframe
page content in an HTTP Response 404. Contained in the ( 600 , 700 , 800 ) displayed during the process of circumvent
web page content is the Ad Block Detector JavaScript file , 20 ing advertisement blockers , according to an embodiment of
which resides on the Proxy Server 418. The consumer's the present system . The user using a standard web browser
device 406 browser will make a second DNS request 412 , load a publisher site to obtain the website content. FIG . 6 is
the Publisher's DNS Server 410 will respond 414 with the a wireframe 600 of a webpage or publisher website dis
IP Address of the Proxy Server 418. The Ad Block Detector played at the end user device without an advertisement
JavaScript will be loaded into the Consumer's Browser 406 25 blocker is illustrated . The webpage contains editorial con
via an HTTP Request /Response 416a to the Proxy Server tent, advertisements and navigation. If the user is using an
418 . ad- blocking browser extension , the advertisements on the
When the Ad Block Detection JavaScript code executes webpage would be blocked , as illustrated in wireframe 700
on the Consumer's Browser 406 and detects an ad blocker, of FIG . 7. The Ad Block Detection JavaScript running on the
it will make an HTTP Request 416b to the Proxy Server 418 30 Publisher Site would (A) obfuscate the editorial content on
for the page block modal content. The Proxy Server 418 will the site and (B ) reveal the modal to the consumer , as
use the standard Domain Name Resolution process to deter- illustrated in wireframe 800 of FIG . 8. As illustrated by
mine the location of the Ad Management Server 432 , wireframe 900 of FIG . 9 , the user has the option of unlock
contacting (420 and 424 ) the Ad Solution DNS Server 422 ing the content by interacting with the advertisement (e.g.
to obtain the IP Address of the Ad Management Server 432. 35 playing the video , engaging with the advertisement, making
The Proxy Server 418 will then make an HTTP Request 428 a micropayment, etc. ) . Once one of these actions has
to the Ad Management Server 432 for the page block modal occurred , the modal would be removed from the site and the
configuration. The Ad Management Server 432 will — based content would be un - obfuscated . As illustrated by wireframe
on the requesting domain name of the Proxy Server 418- 1000 of FIG . 10 , the user has the option of unlocking the
issue an SQL Query ( 440 ) to the Configuration Database 442 40 content by interacting with the advertisement (e.g. playing
to obtain the publisher's / site's configuration details, which the video , engaging with the advertisement, making a micro
are return in the SQL Response 446. Based on the configu- payment, etc.) in an inline ad unit . Once one of these actions
ration details, the Ad management Server 432 will make an has occurred, the ad unit would be removed, an optional
HTTP Request 448 to either a Supply - Side Platform (Pro- “ leave behind” ad banner ( or other ad content, such as a
grammatic advertisement) or a Third -Party Ad Server 452 , 45 video , interactive JavaScript content, etc.) would replace the
which will return the ad unit in an HTTP Response 450. The ad unit and the content would be un - obfuscated .
Ad Management Server 432 will return the page block Referring to FIG . 11 , a screenshot 1100 of the webpage
modal configuration and the ad unit details to the Proxy displays interactive modals 1102. The interactive modal
Server 418 in an HTTP Response 430 . 1102 includes instruction on whitelisting the publisher site in
The Proxy Server 418 will use the Domain Name Reso- 50 the advertisement block extension and instruction to obtain
lution process to determine the location of the Content temporary access to webpage without switching of the
Delivery Network ( CDN ) 438 , contacting 426 the Ad Solu- advertisement block extension by engaging with the spon
tion DNS Server 422 to obtain the IP Address of the Content sor .
Delivery Network (CDN) 438. The Proxy Server 418 will Referring to FIG . 12 , a screenshot 1200 of the webpage
make and HTTP Request ( 434 ) to the Content Delivery 55 displays interactive modals 1202. The interactive modal
Network ( CDN) 438 for the ad unit media files, which will 1202 includes instruction for subscribing to the publisher
be returned in an HTTP Response 436. The Proxy Server site to unlock the content of the webpage /website and
418 will return (via an HTTP Response 416b ) the pageblock instruction to obtain temporary access to webpage without
modal configuration, the ad unit and the ad unit media files switching of the advertisement block extension by engaging
to the Ad Block Detection JavaScript for subsequent ren- 60 with the sponsor.
dering and content obfuscation . Referring to FIG . 13 , a screenshot 1300 of the webpage
Now referring to FIG . 5 , a flowchart of the method 500 to displays interactive modals 1302. The interactive modal
detect and circumvents advertisement blockers is shown. At 1302 includes instruction for aa method for micropayment to
step 502 , the method provides loading , in response to a unlock the content and instruction to obtain temporary
request from a user device browser to a website , an ad- 65 access to webpage without switching of the advertisement
detection element from a proxy server and sending to a block extension by engaging with the sponsor. FIG . 14
publisher server is provided . At step 504 the method pro- exemplarily illustrates a screenshot 1400 a webpage dis
US 11,178,120 B2
11 12
playing an advertisement modal 1402 , according to an sending the modal to the user device browser for con
embodiment of the present system . On interaction with the sumption by the user ; and
advertisement, the modal is removed and the editorial con- modifying an interface parameter in the user device
tent is displayed in the webpage , as shown in a screenshot browser to display the modal with the ad unit contained
1500 of FIG . 15 . 5 therein .
According to the present system , the system and method 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein :
is configured to bypass the advertisement blocker of both in the interface parameter is a Document Object Model
browser and adblocker plugins to serve advertising platform (DOM );
on publishers ' platform . The system and method automati- the loading step occurs via HTTP request;
cally, effectively, and efficiently circumvent advertisement 10 the ad - detection element is an advertisement blocker
blockers . The system and method allow the user to select a detection JavaScript ; and
convenient method to display advertisement while accessing the modal request is performed via an API request.
the webpage and increase the revenue of the publishers. User 3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising making an
is provided with a greater degree of control over their ad unit request to a third -party ad server from the ad
“ ad - funded ” experience while simultaneously having the 15 management server.
publisher's needs appropriately contextualized . The present 4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising making an
system provides more natural and native advertisement ad unit request to a supply - side platform from the ad
experience without the issues associated with sponsored management server.
content /advertorial. The present system removes publisher 5. The method of claim 1 , wherein modifying an interface
fear over displaying advertisement gates to users (because 20 parameter comprises:
user has directly opted in)may ultimately open up more replacing a website content text with encrypted charac
net inventory and increase engagement rates even further. ters ;
According to the present system , the system is recovers replacing a website font with an obfuscation font;
lost revenue of publisher who utilize ad - blockers. Publisher- replacing a website content text with an opaque overlay
served advertisement gates solution provides ad - averse 25 over a content;
users a way to get temporary access without needing to replacing the website content with instructions for sub
switch off ad -blocker — thus increasing conversion rate on scribing to the website to unlock the website content.
net user monetization , whilst also driving premium Average 6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the proxy server is
revenue per user (ARPU ). loaded with a plurality of pre - defined random sub - domain
While the present system has been described in connec- 30 names using a publisher's top - level domain , and based on
tion with what are presently considered to be the most the pre -defined random sub - domain name of a requesting
practical and preferred embodiments, it is to be understood proxy server , the method further comprises:
that the present system is not limited to these herein dis- determining, via the ad management server, which web
closed embodiments. Rather, the present system is intended site browser is making a request; and
to cover all of the various modifications and equivalent 35 configuring the modal based on the request;
arrangements included within the spirit and scope of the wherein the subdomain is configured on a publisher DNS
appended claims. manager and is pointing to the proxy server.
Although specific features of various embodiments of the 7. The method of claim 6 , further comprising providing
system may be shown in some drawings and not in others, filtering rules used to identify a source of the modal request
this is for convenience only. In accordance with the prin- 40 and an endpoint to where the request will be relayed in the
ciples of the system , the feature ( s) of one drawing may be publisher DNS .
combined with any or all of the features in any of the other 8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ad block detection
drawings. The words “ including ”, “ comprising” , “ having ” , element is a widget , and wherein the method further com
and “with ” as used herein are to be interpreted broadly and prises relaying the modal to the ad block detection widget
comprehensively and are not limited to any physical inter- 45 for subsequent rendering and content obfuscation on the
connection . Moreover, any embodiments disclosed herein webpage displayed in the browser.
are not to be interpreted as the only possible embodiments . 9. The method of claim 7 , wherein the detection step
Rather, modifications and other embodiments are intended comprises accessing a content delivery network , the ad
to be included within the scope of the appended claims . management server , and the ad server approximately con
We claim : 50 currently and returning the ad block detection widget to the
1. A method for circumventing an advertisement blocker webpage .
on a communications network , the method comprising : 10. A system for circumventing an advertisement blocker
loading , in response to a request from a user device on a communications network, the system comprising:
browser to a website, an ad - detection element from a a proxy server having an ad - detection element residing
proxy server and sending to a publisher server; 55 thereon , wherein in response to a request from user
detecting, utilizing the loaded ad - detection element from device browser to a website , the proxy server loads the
the proxy server, whether the website is running the ad -detection element;
advertisement blocker; a publisher server in communication with the proxy
if an advertisement blocker is detected, receiving a modal server, wherein the publisher server requests the proxy
request at the proxy server from the publishing server ; 60 server to detect an advertisement blocker, and further
outputting, from the proxy server, a modal parameter wherein the publisher serer receives the ad -detection
request to an ad management server for configuring element from the proxy server;
modal configuration parameters, wherein the proxy server :
returning, based on the modal parameter request, an ad detects utilizing the loaded ad - detection element, whether
unit response from the ad management server having 65 the website is running the advertisement blocker;
the configuration parameters ; if an advertisement blocker is detected, receiving a modal
generating a modal using the proxy server; request from the publishing server ;
US 11,178,120 B2
13 14
outputs a modal parameter request to an ad management 17. The system of claim 10 , wherein the ad block detec
server for modal configuration parameters ; tion element is a widget, and wherein the system relays the
receives, based on the modal parameter request, an ad unit modal to the ad block detection widget for subsequent
response from the ad management server having the rendering and content obfuscation on the web site displayed
configuration parameters; 5 in the browser.
generates a modal; and 18. The system of claim 17 , wherein proxy server
sends the modal to the user device browser for consump
tion by the user; accesses a content delivery network , the ad management
server, and the ad server approximate concurrently and
wherein the publishing server modifies an interface returning
parameter in the user device browser to display the 10 19. A non an ad block detection widget to the website .
modal with the ad unit contained therein . - tangible, computer- readable medium storing
11. The system of claim 10 , wherein : instructions, that, when executed by a processor, cause the
the interface parameter is a Document Object Model processor to perform a method to circumvent advertisement
(DOM ); blocking over a communication network , the method com
the ad detection element is loaded via HTTP request; prising :
15 loading , in response to a request from a user device
the ad - detection element is an advertisement blocker
detection JavaScript ; and browser to a website , an ad -detection element from a
the modal request is performed via API request. proxy server and sending to a publisher server;
12. The system of claim 10 , further comprising a third
detecting, utilizing the loaded ad -detection element
party ad server that receives an ad unit request. 20
from the proxy server, whether the website is run
13. The system of claim 10 , further comprising a supply ning the advertisement blocker;
side platform that receives an ad unit request. if an advertisement blocker is detected, receiving a
14. The system of claim 10 wherein modifying an inter modal request at the proxy server from the publish
face parameter comprises: replacing a ing server;
website content text with encrypted characters; outputting, from the proxy server, a modal parameter
replacing a website font with an obfuscation font ;
request to an ad management server for configuring
replacing a website content text with an opaque overlay modal configuration parameters ;
over the content; returning , based on the modal parameter request, an ad
replacing the website content with instructions for sub unit response from the ad management server having
scribing to the website to unlock the website content. 30
the configuration parameters;
15. The system of claim 10 , wherein the proxy server is generating a modal using the proxy server;
loaded with a plurality of pre -defined random sub - domain sending the modal to the user device browser for
names using a publishers top - level domain , and based on the consumption by the user ; and
pre -defined random sub - domain name of the requesting modifying an interface parameter in the user device
proxy server, wherein the proxy server: 35
browser to display the modal with the ad unit con
determines , via the ad management server, which website tained therein .
browser is making the request; and 20. The method of claim 19 , wherein :
configures the modal based on the request; the interface parameter is a Document Object Model
wherein the subdomain is configured on a publisher DNS (DOM ) ;
manager and is pointing to the proxy server . 40
the loading step occurs via an HTTP request;
16. The system of claim 10 , wherein the proxy server the ad - detection element is an advertisement blocker
further provides filtering rules used to identify a source of detection JavaScript ; and
the modal request and an endpoint to where the request will the modal request is performed via an API request.
be relayed in the DNS . * * *