Class 8 - General Science - Periodic Test - 1 Key Answers Chemistry

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Class 8 – General Science – Periodic Test – 1 Key Answers

1. Defnition [1]
2. [C] [1]
3. Water – undergoes physical change/ Evaporates/ changes into water vapour [½]
Camphor – undergoes chemical change/ combustion / sublimation [½]
4. (a) White phosphorus has low ignition temperature I.e. room temperature
whereas ignition temperature of petrol is higher than phosphorus. [1]
(b) Petrol + Oxygen ------------- Carbon di oxide+ Water vapour + heat [1]
5. 100ml of water measured using measuring cylinder [½]
Transferred to beaker [½]
Common salt added to water using spatula [½]
Mixed using a stirrer/ glass rod [½]
[If measuring cylinder and spatula not mentioned no marks will be given]
6.(a) oxygen [½]
(b) Carbon di oxide [½]
(c) Carbon monoxide [½]
(d) Hydrogen [½]
(e) Hydrogen + Oxygen -------------------- Water vapour/ water + Heat [1]


1. Total magnification = eye piece X Objective

15x X 10x = 150X
15xX 45x = 675x
Eye piece can also be taken as 10x. Either of above step can be done. [1]
2. (iii) a and c [1]
3. It provides rigidity / support [1]
4. (a) Muscle cells - [½] (b) Mitochondria - [½]
(c) Spindle shaped [½] contraction and relaxation helps in movement [½]
5. (a) Eye piece not aligned with objective [Any two points, each carries 1 mark]
(b) Mirror not adjusted properly
(c) A thick section of the onion peel
(d) Not stained properly
6. (a) Chromatin network [½]
(b) DNA/ Genes [½]
(c) Diagram [½] Labelling – chromatin network,
nucleolus [½]
(d) passing on information from parents to offspring, controls activities of cell,
Helps in cell division, codes for synthesis of specific protein
[any two, [½] mark each ]

1. (a) 5 (b) 3 [½ + ½ ]

2. Regulate the size of the pupil [1]

3. (c) Figs 2,4 and 1 [1]

4. (a) 1.50 am/pm [1]

(b) Yes. Normal are parallel to each other. [1]

5. Fig 1 – Short sight / myopia with any one cause [½+½]

Fig 2 – Long sight / hyperopia with any one cause [½+½]

6. (a) Q as ray undergoes refraction [½ + ½]

(b) Violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red [1]

(c) Fig 1 as it will be a real image [½ + ½]


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