Modulated Crystal Structures
Modulated Crystal Structures
Modulated Crystal Structures
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1 author:
Andrzej Okuniewski
Gdansk University of Technology
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Abstract: The initial definition of a crystal was that it is an object with flat faces. When
diffraction studies were developed it turned out that crystal consists of a highly ordered
particles and it is possible to isolate a small unique part of their structure – a unit cell – and the
definition has been changed to rely on this fact. Nowadays by a crystal we mean any solid
having an essentially discrete diffraction diagram. It is because in recent years scientists found
that there are some solids with discrete diffraction pattern, but there is no possibility to choose
any unit cell. This is the case of quasicrystals discovered by Shechtman (Chemistry Nobel
Prize 2011), polytypes and incommensurately modulated crystals – these all are called
aperiodic crystals. However modulated crystals are not exactly aperiodic – their structures can
be described as periodic, but in more than three (up to six) dimensions…
There are four fundamental states of matter Initially it was believed that a crystal is an
– solid, liquid, gas and plasma. Most object with flat faces. When diffraction
commonly used as a construction material is studies were developed it turned out that
the first one. For example we have crystals consist of a highly ordered particles
buildings, vehicles, furniture, toys and and it is possible to isolate a small unique
electronic devices made of metals, salts, part of their structure – a unit cell.
polymers, semiconductors etc.
A unit cell is a parallelepiped through the 1.3. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction
translation of which the original structure
will be reproduced (see model in Figure 1). Crystalline solids are characterized by a high
We say therefore that crystals have internal arrangement of particles, so they
translational symmetry. In the ideal can be considered as a three-dimensional
conditions each unit cell should have exactly grid of atoms. A beam of X-rays is scattered
the same arrangement of atoms inside. In when it strikes a crystal. At each point with
fact in real crystals there are some defects high electron density a flat wave is
but their contribution to the statistical diffracted and a spherical wave is formed.
diffraction image is often negligible. Resulting waves interfere and characteristic
diffraction pattern can be observed using
appropriate detector (see model in Figure 2).
1.2. Symmetry and space groups
Modulated crystal structures – periodicity in more than three dimensions
The exemplary diffraction diagram is are some fixed atomic positions regardless
presented in Figure 3. of temperature then it is static disorder,
when atoms can move feely then it is
dynamic disorder. Sometimes disorders are
somewhat periodic and something
interesting happens to the diffraction image
– additional diffraction spots accompany the
main ones (Figure 4).
2.3. Other types of modulations 3. SUMMARY