Short-Term Hydrothermal Coordination by Lagrangian Relaxation: Solution of The Dual Problem
Short-Term Hydrothermal Coordination by Lagrangian Relaxation: Solution of The Dual Problem
Short-Term Hydrothermal Coordination by Lagrangian Relaxation: Solution of The Dual Problem
194 703
2 authors, including:
Noemi Jimenez-Redondo
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Abstract - This pap addresses the short-term hydro- subproblem per thermal plant and one subproblem per hy-
thermal coordination roblem. This problem is large- droelectric system. This decomposition allows a precise
scale, combinatorial a 1 nonlinear. It is usually solved modeling of the generation system resulting in a very ac-
using a Lagrangian R axation approach. In the f r a m e curate solution technique.
work of the Lagrangi Relaxation, this paper provides
Instead of solving the original problem, the LR technique
a novel, non-oscillatin and efficient multiplier updating solves its dual problem. The difference between the ob-
procedure. This proce ire advantageously compares with
jective function optimal values for the primal and dual
previously reported p cedures such us subgradient and problems is called the duality gap. I n most practical cases
bundle methods. A re stic large-scale case study is used
the duality gap is below 0.1%. As a byproduct of the solu-
to illustrate the behav r of the proposed procedure. tion of the dual problem a solution for the primal problem
Keywords: Short-t n Hydro-thermal Coordination, is obtained. However, more often than not, this primal
Large-scale Optimizat n, Lagrangian Relaxation, Multi- solution is infeasible. Heuristic procedures are required to
plier Updating. get a feasible primal solution.
1 Introduction The LR technique consists of the three phases below:
This paper addresses e short-term hydro-t hermal coor-
dination problem. Thi Iroblern is solved to determine the Phase 1. To solve the dual problem.
start-up and shut-dow schedule of thermal plants, as well
as the power output o hermal and hydro plants during a Phase 2. To obtain a primal feasible solution.
short-term planning hc zon. The objective is to meet cus-
tomer demand with a] ropriate levels of spinning reserve Phase 3. To exactly dispatch committed generation to
so that total operatin) are minimized. meet the demand.
This is a large-scale rr ed-integer nonlinear problem. As
recognized in the tech :a1 literature, the Lagrangian Re- Phase 2 is easily accomplished as stated in most previous
laxation (LR) techniq is the most promising procedure LR works [2, 41. Heuristic techniques are successfully ap-
to solve the short-terr hydro-thermal coordination prob- plied to obtain a primal feasible solution, i.e. a primal
lem [l,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, . Dynamic programming requires feasible set of commitment decisios. Phase 3 is a multi-
discretization and dras c simplifying assumptions to make period economic dispatch whose solution is well stated in
the problem computal nally tractable [9]. Mixed integer the technical literature [13].
linear programming re tires linearization and the solution
However, Phase 1 requires the solution of a non-
of large-scale mixed-in ger linear problems which is not a
trivial task [lo, 11, 12 differentiable maximization problem which is not an easy
task. The procedures reported in the literature to solve
The LR procedure dec nposes the original problem in one this type of problems are either oscillating or computa-
tionally inefficient, or both, oscillating and computation-
PE-333-PWRS-0-12-1997 L paper recommended and approved by ally inefficient.
the IEEE Power Systen Analysis, Computing and Economics This paper focuses on Phase 1. It provides a solution tech-
Committee of the IEEE POM Engineering Society for publication in the nique which is non-oscillating, computationally efficient
IEEE Transactions on Pov Systems. Manuscript submitted July 1,
and which does not rely on “messy” heuristics.
1997; made available for pri ng December 12,1997.
The most commonly used technique to address Phase 1 is
the subgradient [2, 4, 5, 61 which is computationally inef-
ficient, and produces oscillating solutions which makes it
complicated to define appropriate stopping criteria. The
cutting plane technique [14], under mild assumptions, con-
verges to the optimum but makes it very slowly. The re
cently proposed primal bundle method [15, 161 is a cutting
10 20 )O 40 50 60 70
iter-3 function of water discharge.
d: DC-CP Method
Although the number of constraints of the relaxed dual
1 problem for the C P and BD methods reported in the liter-
-0 ature grows with the number of iterations, for the sake of
10 20 50 40 50 60 70 comparison the C P and BD methods implemented main-
iter tain a pre-specified maximum number of constraints. The
procedure used to keep limited the number of constraints
Figure 2: Phas I for the testing example is explained in Subsection 3.4.
The reported CPU time refers to a SUN ULTRASPARC
2 workstation with 128 MB of RAM.
of Phase 1 which is il ,ation 7. Once 4
is known, the
Testing Example
unit commitment vari; les are set to fixed values, and a
demand adjusted prim feasible solution can be obtained
through an economic ( patch procedure (Phase 3). If
is the objective functio iralue of the demand adjusted pri-
mal feasible solution, a ?r unit upper bound of the duality
gap value is given by a : (f - 4('))/4('), because is an
upper bound for the p nal optimum and 4(') is a lower
bound for the dual opl num. In most practical cases the
duality gap is below 0.1 .
Figure 1 shows upper and lower
bounds for the primal i d dual optima, the actual duality Table 2: Costs and gaps for the large-scale case study
gap, and a n upper bou 1 for it.
I 49
that the horizontal axis scale of plot of Figure 2a is dif-
ferent from the horizontal axis scales of the other plots of
Figure 2. The above axis scale differences are introduced
to enhance clarity. For C P and BD methods the solution
Table 1: Cost, gap, nul her of iterations and CPU time in oscillates largely in the first few iterations. In order to
better appreciate the evolution of these methods, figures
per unit (normalizing fi tor: 6.322 seconds) for the testing
l b and I C include the cost of the dual problem and the
example value of z starting from iteration number 3. The solutions
of the dual problem for all the methods implemented are
reserve feasible primal solutions and therefore, Phase 2 is
4 Case Studies skipped. Table 1 shows, for the four methods of solution of
Two case studies are ar yzed. The first one is a six period Phase 1 described in Section 3, the cost of the dual prob-
testing example whose urpose is to compare the conver- lem (DPC) in millions of pesetas (Pta, 1 US$ 2: 145 Pta),
gence properties of thl Four methods of solution for the the size of the gap g(') (except for the SG method where
dual problem describe1 in Section 3. The planning hori- it is not defined) where ?7 is the last iteration of Phase 1
zon for the second cas is 48 periods. This is a realistic (Subsection 3.5), the number of iterations needed to solve
Phase 1 and the required CPilJ time normalized with re- 5 Conclusions
spect to the total CPU time in seconds required by the The objective of the short-term hydro-thermal coordina-
DC-CP method. Total CPW time for the DC-CP method tion problem is to determine the scheduling and produc-
is 6.322 seconds. tion of every hydro and thermal plant of an electric energy
system so that the customer demand is supplied at mini-
Figure 3a: CP Method mum cost and a certain level of security, and all constraints
x lo" related to the thermal and hydro subsystems are satisfied.
2 The most effective approach to solve this problem is La-
0 grangian Relaxation. This approach requires the solu-
-2 tion of the dual problem of the original short-term hydro-
500 1000 1500 thermal coordination problem.
x 18 Figure 3 b BD Method This paper focuses on the updating procedure of La-
1 I
grangian multipliers which is the mechanism to solve the
[15] F. Pellegrino, A.
Augmented Lagran
Commitment. Proc
tems Computatior
pp.730-739. Dresdc