Beaconhouse School System
Beaconhouse School System
Beaconhouse School System
Week 7--Topic: Keeping healthy Made changes from Hybrid to Normal Lesson Planning
Lesson#1--Subject/ Class: Science/ V MTL Girls Campus 2nd Term--Date: 1st March 2021 to 5th March 2021.
Learning Activity Delivery Mode What is the student doing online/offline? What are the Time Formative
Outcome(s) students doing Assessment
(Online / Offline) F2F/Online?
By the end of Face to Face Recap: To introduce the lesson, I’ll ask the following Whole class Feedback will be
the lesson, discussion taken verbally.
student Offline questions from the students: 15mins
would have: asynchronous
Have you ever been ill?
What happens when you fall ill?
differentiate Written Task on
Do you know any disease that causes you ill? W.bk and
contagious How do you take care of yourself when you are ill? Science copies
and non- or W.sheets
Has your mother ever told you or any member of
diseases your family to stay away from an ill person as you
might catch the disease?
If yes, what disease did that person have? I will write
state some
common their responses on board.
Feedback will be
Face to Face taken in written
and non- I will write ‘contagious’ and ‘non-contagious’ on two flip form as a class
contagious charts and will ask students what they understand by Offline assessment.
these terms. Feedback will be taken randomly. asynchronous 15mins
Teacher Actions and Considerations (What will the teacher be doing during online and offline instruction?)
Facilitating students for a seamless lesson and helping them in achieving the learning goals
List of Resources to be Used (Board, Markers, Notebooks, Books, PPTs, worksheets etc.)
Further Details of Resources for learning activities (e.g. recordings, slides, texts, videos, reading materials, articles, web links etc.)
Any accessibility considerations or supporting resources required? (Active internet connection, Zoom Links, Google meet links, Browser Plug-ins, Extension wires, Hardware etc.)
Next I’ll ask students to tally their answers form the IPS
T.bk pgs # 21-25 individually with a pencil in their hands.
I’ll ask them to take help from their T.bk pg# 21-28 and IPS
workbook 5 pages 16 and 17 Q 3.
Teacher Actions and Considerations (What will the teacher be doing during online and offline instruction?)
Facilitating students for a seamless lesson and helping them in achieving the learning goals
List of Resources to be Used (Board, Markers, Notebooks, Books, PPTs, worksheets etc.)
Further Details of Resources for learning activities (e.g. recordings, slides, texts, videos, reading materials, articles, web links etc.)
Any accessibility considerations or supporting resources required? (Active internet connection, Zoom Links, Google meet links, Browser Plug-ins, Extension wires, Hardware etc.)
Learning Activity Delivery Mode What is the student doing online/offline? What are the Time Formative
Outcome(s) students Assessmen
doing t
(Online / Offline) F2F/Online?
By the end of Face to Face Introduction: I’ll lead a class discussion, asking students Whole class Feedback
the lesson, discussion will be
student Offline Encourage children to think about how food helps them by asking 15mins taken
would have: asynchronous the following questions: Have you ever seen a picture of yourself verbally.
Identify the when you were a baby? How have you changed since you were a
baby? Children may give several answers. Emphasize that one
present in
the five food important change is that they have grown taller and larger as they
groups; have gotten older.
carbohydrate Face to Face
s, proteins,
Development: I’ll explain that nutrients from food help them Offline
vitamins, grow taller and gain weight. Here I’ll ask students to tell that asynchrono
fats, water us 30mins
what are nourishing parts of food such as vitamins and minerals
and fibre.
called? (nutrients).
Know the Ask children to bend one arm up and feel their biceps muscle, and Feedback
source of the then feel the bones in their wrists and lower arms. Explain that will be
food taken in
nutrients, nutrients from food help their bones and muscles grow and stay
written form
their strong. as a class
importance assessment
in keeping Have children jump up and down. Explain that nutrients from food .
our body
healthy and give them energy to work and play. Have you ever been sick and
any one had to stay home in bed?
caused by Explain that most people get sick sometimes, but nutrients in food
deficiency. help them stay well and get well quickly when they do get sick.
Then ask children to give big smiles. Explain that nutrients from
food help them have healthy teeth as well as healthy skin and
Proteins help them grow and stay well. Have children look at the
sheet and name specific foods that contain
them digest food and helps keep their teeth and gums healthy. If
necessary, explain that digest means to 30 min
break food down into pieces that are small enough to be used by
the body. What foods can we eat to get 5mins