Examination of Liquid-Filled Atmospheric and Low-Pressure Metal Storage Tanks Using Acoustic Emission
Examination of Liquid-Filled Atmospheric and Low-Pressure Metal Storage Tanks Using Acoustic Emission
Examination of Liquid-Filled Atmospheric and Low-Pressure Metal Storage Tanks Using Acoustic Emission
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
10.3.3 Start and Stop Filling—Make provisions to start and corroded, or otherwise deteriorated.
stop filling as required for load hold periods. The tank owner 10.4.5 Provide proper venting when draining tanks after
shall review these provisions with the AE examiner, making completing AE examination. This is necessary to prevent
him aware of unavoidable circumstances such as line flushing excessive vacuum loading.
which may be required when flow stops.
10.4.6 Exercise care to avoid the consequence of sudden
10.3.4 Hold Time Tolerance—Shall be -0, +2 min. and unexpected premature release of relief valves and safety
10.3.5 On-Line Examination—When existing storage tanks vents. This is particularly important when examining tanks
are examined on-line, the tank owner shall make the AE containing potentially hazardous fluids.
examiner aware of circumstances that could affect AE data
10.5 Environmental—For ambient temperatures below 32°F
acquisition. Such circumstances may include existence of
steam or gas spargers inside the tank, agitators or submerged (0°C) take care to eliminate ice buildup that can cause
pumps, motion of solids suspended in the liquid, chemical emissions during vessel loading.
reactions, or the inability to accomplish submerged filling. 10.6 Background Noise—It is important to capture valid
10.3.6 New Atmospheric Tanks—A new tank will normally emissions during monitoring periods. To accomplish this,
be AE examined during hydrostatic proof examination as background noise must be at a minimum. Sources of back-
specified by governing codes or standards. Examine a new tank ground noise are discussed in 5.8
in its operating position and supported in a manner consistent 10.6.1 The examiner shall review the stressing techniques
with good installation practice. and identify all potential sources of extraneous acoustic noises
10.3.7 In-Service Tanks—In-service tanks will normally be due to loading.
AE examined over the pressure range of 75 or less to 100 % of 10.6.2 Field experience has shown that care should be
AE examination pressure. The pressure range shall include exercised in dealing with electrical background noise sources,
both the liquid contents and any superimposed pressure. for example, electromagnetic interference (EMI) is usually due
10.4 Safety—All safety requirements unique to the exami- to motors, switch gear, solenoids, and the like. EMI can also be
nation location shall be met. caused by a bad power supply, particularly an inadequate
10.4.1 Examiners shall wear protective clothing and equip- ground. Radio frequency interference (RFI) can be distin-
ment that is normally required in the area in which the guished from EMI with an oscilloscope or correlation plot.
examination is being conducted. Control both RFI and EMI by using shielded sensors and
10.4.2 A fire permit may be needed to allow use of the narrow band filters. Power source EMI can be controlled with
electronic instrumentation. a constant voltage supply unit.
or other significant observations, pre/post examination system
performance verification files, setup files and examination data is 30 min. If emission data indicates a flaw, or are inconclusive,
files. a second loading may be performed from 80 to 100 % of the
10.9.3 Background Noise—Extraneous noise must be iden- AE examination pressure, with holds the same as during the
tified and minimized. If the examiner judges background noise initial examination.
to be excessive the examination must be terminated. In-Service Tanks—Fig. 3 shows the filling se- Leaks—Background noise due to a leak may be of quence for in-service storage tanks. Monitor an initial 10-min
sufficient quantity and magnitude to require the examination to period for background noise. After acceptably low levels of
be stopped until the leak can be sealed. Leaks can occur in the background noise have been confirmed, monitor the tank
shell of a tank, but more commonly occur across improperly during filling. The fill range shall be 85 to 100 % of the AE
sealed valves, or at gaskets. Movement—False emissions can be caused by
movement between tank components such as the tank wall and
insulation. Such emissions are generally sporadic and can be
identified and filtered out in post-examination analysis. Wind and Vibration—Visually examine the sen-
sors, cables, and other hardware to verify the equipment is
securely mounted and will not be subject to wind or vibration-
induced movement. Isolate the tank and AE hardware from
uncontrollable sources of noise. External Noise—Evaluate uncontrolled noise
caused by conditions such as rain, sleet, hail, snow, wind-
blown particles, air hoses, leaks, blasting, etc., as they occur.
Minimize the effects of such sources by acoustic isolation
where practical. In extreme cases it may be necessary to delay
examination until uncontrolled sources can be eliminated. Internal Corrosion—Emission can be generated by
internal rust during hydrotesting of carbon steel tanks. This FIG. 2 New Tank Fill Schedule
examined. Appendix X3 shows a report form that can be used
to document examination results. An examination report
should include this form, plus a sensor layout sketch. The
following information shall be included with each examination
10.11.1 A complete identification of the tank, including: Tank item number, Material of construction,
FIG. 3 In Service Tank Fill Schedule Manufacturer,
examination pressure. During examination, increases in pres- Serial number, and
sure shall not exceed 10 % of the AE examination pressure in Applicable codes or standards.
2 min. Holds at 85 and 95 % are 10 min each. The final hold 10.11.2 Examination date and location,
at the 100 % AE examination pressure is 30 min. If the purpose 10.11.3 Sketch or drawing showing overall dimensions and
of the AE examination is to evaluate repairs, and emissions sensor locations and corresponding channel numbers,
indicate a flaw in the repaired area, or are inconclusive in the 10.11.4 Examination fluid and fluid temperature,
repaired area, a second examination may be performed from 75
10.11.5 Stressing sequence including fill level(s), hold lev-
to 100 % of AE examination pressure, with load holds the same
els, starting and ending times of hold periods, and examination
as during the initial filling.
loads relative to normal operating conditions,
10.10 Description of Evaluation Criteria—Evaluate the
tank based on the following criteria. If these criteria are 10.11.6 A comparison of the data with the appropriate
exceeded, additional nondestructive evaluation may be re- evaluation criteria,
quired. 10.11.7 Results of analysis,
10.10.1 Emission During Hold—This is a very important 10.11.8 Recommended follow-up examination including ar-
criterion. Emission that continue during a hold period may eas of concern and complementary NDT methods,
indicate continuing yielding or damage caused by creep, or a 10.11.9 Any unusual effects or observations during the
flaw which is continuing to grow under a constant stress level. examination,
10.10.2 Cumulative Duration—This criterion measures to- 10.11.10 Name(s) of examiner(s) and qualification level,
tal activity. It is particularly important as an indicator of and
widespread damage. Emission that continually exceed this
10.11.11 Examination instrumentation, including serial
criterion may be an indication of a tank in a deteriorated
number, type of sensor and standardization dates.
10.10.3 Number of Hits—This criterion is particularly im-
11. Keywords
portant in the evaluation of in-service tanks. Hits at stress
levels below normal operation may indicate the presence of 11.1 acoustic emission; metal storage tanks; above ground
significant defects. storage tanks
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 Instrumentation Specifications A1.4.5 Preamplifier shall include a bandpass filter with a
A1.1.1 AE sensors shall be resonant in a 100 to 200 kHz minimum of 18 dB/octave signal attenuation below the 100
frequency band. kHz and 18 dB/octave above 200 kHz. Note that the crystal
A1.1.2 Sensors shall have a peak sensitivity greater than -77 resonant characteristics provide additional filtering as does the
dB (referred to 1 volt per microbar, determined by face-to-face band pass filter in the signal conditioner.
ultrasonic examination) within the frequency range 100 to 200 A1.4.6 It is preferred that the preamplifier be mounted
kHz. Sensitivity within the 100 - 200 kHz range shall not vary inside the sensor housing.
more than 3 dB within the temperature range of intended use. A1.5 Power-Signal Cable
A1.1.3 Sensors shall be shielded against electromagnetic
A1.5.1 Cable and connectors that provide power to pream-
interference through proper design practice or differential
plifiers, and that conduct amplified signals to the main proces-
(anti-coincidence) element design, or both.
sor, shall be shielded against electromagnetic interference.
A1.1.4 Sensors shall be electrically isolated from conduc-
Signal loss shall be less than 3 dB over the length of the cable.
tive surfaces.
(When standard coaxial cable is used, 1000 ft is the maximum
A1.1.5 Sensors shall have omni-directional response, with
recommended cable length to avoid excessive signal attenua-
variations not exceeding 2 dB from the peak response.
A1.2 Sensor-Preamplifier Cable A1.6 Power Supply
A1.2.1 Cable connecting sensor to preamplifier shall not A1.6.1 A stable, grounded, power supply that meets signal
attenuate the sensor peak voltage in the 100 to 200 kHz processor manufacturer’s specification shall be used.
frequency range more than 3 dB (6 ft (1.83 m) is a typical A1.7 Signal Processor
length). Integral preamplifier sensors meet this requirement.
They have inherently short, internal, signal cables. A1.7.1 Electronic circuitry gain shall be stable within 61
A1.2.2 Sensor-preamplifier cable shall be shielded against dB in the temperature range 40 to 100°F (4.4 to 37.8°C).
electromagnetic interference. Standard low-noise coaxial cable A1.7.2 Threshold shall be accurate within 6 1 dB.
is generally adequate. A1.7.3 Signal strength shall be measured on a per channel
basis and shall have a resolution of 1 % of the value obtained
from a one millisecond duration, 150 kHz sine burst having an
A1.3 Couplant
amplitude 25 dB above the data analysis threshold. Usable
A1.3.1 Commercially available couplants for ultrasonic dynamic range shall be a minimum of 35 dB.
flaw detection may be used. Silicone-based stopcock grease A1.7.4 Peak amplitude shall have a usable dynamic range of
has been found to be particularly suitable. Quick-setting a minimum of 60 dB with 1 dB resolution over the frequency
adhesives may be used, provided the reduced couplant sensi- band of 100 kHz to 200 kHz, and the temperature range of 40
tivity is accounted for by closer sensor spacing. Couplant to 100°F (4 to 52°C). Not more than 62 dB variation in peak
selection should be made to minimize changes in coupling detection accuracy shall be allowed over the stated temperature
sensitivity during an examination. Consideration should be range. Amplitude values shall be stated in dB, and must be
given to the time duration of the examination and to the surface referenced to a fixed gain output of the system (sensor or
temperature of the tank. preamplifier).
A1.7.5 Hit duration shall be accurate to 610 µs and is
A1.4 Preamplifier measured from the first threshold crossing to the last threshold
A1.4.1 Preamplifier shall have noise level no greater than 5 crossing of the signal or envelope of the rectified linear voltage
microvolts rms (referred to a shorted input) within the 100 to time signal. It shall not include the hit definition time that
200 kHz frequency range. defines the end of an event.
A1.4.2 Preamplifier gain shall vary no more than 6 1 dB A1.7.6 Arrival Time—Hit arrival time shall be recorded
within the 100 to 200 kHz frequency band and temperature globally, for each channel accurate to within one millisecond
range of use. when a zone location technique is used.
A1.4.3 Preamplifier shall be shielded from electromagnetic A1.7.7 Rearm Time—The rearm time of each channel of the
interference. system shall be no greater than 200 µs.
A1.4.4 Preamplifiers of differential design shall have a A1.7.8 Hit Definition Time—The hit definition time shall be
minimum of 40 dB common-mode rejection. 400 µs.
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 General—A common approach is used to select sensor X1.1.2 When possible, additional sensors should be placed
locations regardless of the size or shape of the tanks examined. near large diameter openings such as manways. When rein-
The first step is to determine the maximum distance between forcing pads are present and a zone location technique is used,
sensors using the techniques described in 10.8.5. Once the it is advisable to tee at least two sensors together, placing one
maximum spacing has been determined, sensors can be spaced on the pad and one on the opposite side of the manway on the
accordingly in rings around the circumference of the tank shell. tank shell.
The first ring will generally start at or near the bottom of the X1.1.3 For vented storage tanks which cannot fill up into the
shell. Additional rings will be added up the sidewall. The
roof and are not otherwise pressurized above the liquid, it may
vertical distance between rings should also be determined on
not be necessary to place sensors on the roof. AE will not
the basis of 10.8.5. The following guidelines should also be
detect defects in locations which are not stressed during the
course of the examination. Flat roofs on non-pressurized
X1.1.1 Sensor positions in alternate rings should be stag- storage tanks normally will not be stressed during AE
gered. A staggered arrangement provides maximum coverage examination.
of the shell plate sections and is particularly helpful in
minimizing the number of AE channels necessary to cover very
large tanks.
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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