Compact Performance
Soft seal selection
‘Option |_Tain | Toon
le ‘Compan Application’)
Code | (Designation) pany Jotter! | Code PF] EC} AIC) Per
Paralin oy slicore oll and grease, wale and
on pecs DuPont | K | 21 | 40 | -40| 212 | 100 | vaterbased sohents, reigerats, azone
Fun . 7
NBR | eBisanay | CuPomt | oN | aso | 13 | -25 | 212 | 100 | Hyctautic ol, vegetations animal grease nd ol
Buna.eP* Hot water an superheated tear up to 302°,
POM | (Ermlone Propylene | Bayer | 0 | uae | 49) 45) 202 | 190] suveral organic and inorganve acids,
ene} silicone oi and grease, FDA compliant
hh temperature oroo fo toa or hot wate,
eon vitor ; titer’ hand grease, scone allan
(FM), (Fluoracarban) DuPont L 8 4 | -20 | 356 | 180 ‘vegetable and animal grease and oil, ozone,
DA compan compound
a Near all ewer, tender compound's
Frau wher” | oupont | ¢ | ao | a2 | 0 | asa 250] Kater 62900 IsOLAsT 8, FDA and
USP vicompantcomound
High temporature and high pressure applications
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Tranufactures aise
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PcTFe| @oyehiooniwor- | aM | @ | ute |-t00|-240) 302 | 150] media, gossous oxygens application up to 726 psig
‘athyione} ator
PTFE ef duPom | | ata |-s08]-200] 302 | 200 | Neay all chemicals
For other materials
(ther than sted % | posse contact SER LLC
The code letters willbe stamped on the dis
“ Prossure and torporatur sorvce must be considered in any case
‘Chemical tesstane and the temperature mils depnd on O-ring manufactures normaton. [ESEA gan not take any wantanty
Fy Sealing plate disc
Pressure range
Material psd Te] peal Tat
VESPEL 6 145 10 4786 20
‘se 70 a5 10 zat 120
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Tell 10 3 02 145 10
API The-Safety-Valvecom
Soft seal selection
“Trademarks vmpany] C208 | Option | Tran | Tran ica
Code | (Designation) —|C°™P2"| tetter!| Code [EFI | Poll FAITE] Application?)
Paralin oly slicore oll and grease, wale and
RB heel aa « a “40 | -40 | 212 | 100 waterbased solvents, reftigerants, ezone
Na | amu sonn | Ouron |v | aso | 13 | 25 | 212 | 100 | tytn of septate ns animal rose and of
Buna-eP® Tot watt and superoated Sear up 6 ET.
epou| €infenefremyene-| ener | 0 | ee |-49| 45] ae | 150 sever organicardineganc acd,
Bene} silcone oll and grease, FDA compliant
High emperaure secs fo slat of twat,
com | vio , -an| ass| 190} moet akan reno shone cl andarens,
(FM), (Fluoracarban) DuPont L 3 4 | -20 | 356 | 180 vegetable and animal grease and ail, ozone,
Fok complatesmped
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rraw| —6atee | cupon | o | veo | ae | o | axe zi0| Katey sean BOLAST vests, SDA and
USP Yi complant compound
; High temperature and high pressure applications
VEE ERs! | Ouront | 1 | v4e. |-454] -270) soo | 260] tno steam) fr chemical restance eet to
manufactures guide
KELP ‘Gyrogenie and rafigaration applications famnmable
PCTFE @oyehiorariuer | aé@ | @ | ue |-t00) 240) 302 | 150 | radia, ascous oxyaone acplication up to 725 psig
‘ethylene a0"
PIFE ‘ton puront | & | ltt |-s00)-200] 292 | 200 ) Nessa chemicals
x For other materials
Other than sted please contact LESER LLC
The code letters willbe starsped onthe dis
2 Progaure and temperatura service cwist be considered in any’
‘Chemical esstane and the femperatute nits depend on O-thg manufacture formation. | =SER
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Set pressure and size limits
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