Krok 1 - 2015 (Physiology)

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Krok 1 – 2015 Physiology Base

1. Patient with hypersecretion of the gastric juices was recomended to

exclude from the diet concentrated bouillons and vegetable decoctions
because of their stimulation of gastric secretion. What is dominating
mechanism of stimulation of secretion in this case?
A. Stimulation of gastrin production by G-cells
B. Irritation of taste receptors
C. Irritation of mechanoreceptors of the oral cavity
D. Irritation of mechanoreceptors of the stomach
E. Stimulation of excretion of secretin in the duodenum

2. Person felt thirsty after staying in heat for a long time. Signals of what
receptors caused it first of all?
A. Osmoreceptors of hypothalamus
B. Sodium receptors of hypothalamus
C. Osmoreceptorsof the liver
D. Glucoreceptors of hypothalamus
E. Baroreceptors of aortic arch

3. An individual is characterized by rounded face, broad forehead, a

mongolian type of eyelid fold, flattened nasal bridge, permanently open
mouth, projecting lower lip, protruding tongue, short neck, flat hands, and
stubby fingers. What diagnosis can be put to the patient?
A. Down's syndrome
B. Klinefelter's syndrome
C. Alkaptonuria
D. Supermales
E. Turner's syndrome

4. Purulent endometritis developed in a woman after delivery. Treating with

antibiotics inhibitors of murein synthesis was ineffective. Wide spectrum
bactericidal antibiotic was administered to her. In 6 hours temperature
rapidly increased up to $40^0C$ with shiver. Muscle pains have appeared.
BP dropped down to 70/40 mmHg. Oligura has developed. What is the
main reason for the development of this condition?
A. Endotoxic shock
B. Toxic effect of preparation
C. Internal bleeding
D. Anaphylactic shock
E. Bacteremia

5. Secretion of which gastrointestinal hormones is primerily decreased in

patient with removed duodenum?
A. Cholecystokinin and secretin gallbladder opening in duodenum -> cholecystokinin
B. Gastrin
C. Histamine
D. Gastrin and histamine
E. Neurotensin

6. A 2-year-old child experienced convulsions because of lowering calcium ions

concentration in the blood plasma. Function of what structure is decreased?
A. Parathyroid glands
B. Hypophysis
C. Adrenal cortex
D. Pineal gland
E. Thymus

7. While emotional excitement the heart rate in a 30-year -old person run up
to 112 Bpm. What part of the conducting system of the heart caused it?
A. Synoatrial node
B. Purkinje's fibers
C. His bundle branches
D. Intraventricular node
E. His bundle

8. Usage of oral contraceptives with sex hormones inhibits secretion of

the hypophysiae hormones. Secretion of which of the indicated
hormones is inhibited while using oral contraceptives with sex
A. Follicle-stimulating
B. Vasopressin
C. Thyrotropic
D. Somatotropic
E. Oxytocin

9. During the breakout of acute respiratory infection in order to diagnose

influenza the express-diagnosis, based on revealing of specific viral
antigen in the examined material (nasopharyngial lavage), is carried
out. Which reaction is used for this?
A. Immunofluorescence
B. Complement binding
C. Agglutination
D. Precipitation
E. Opsonization

10. A 38-year-old woman was admitted to the admission-diagnostic

department with uterine bleeding. What are the most likely changes of
blood? RBS present in blood
A. Reduction of haematocrite rate
B. Increase of haematocrite rate
C. Leukopenia
D. Leucocytosis
E. Polycythemia
11. Due to action of electric current on the exitable cell there appeared
depolarization of it's membrane. Movement of what ions through the
membrane caused depolarisation?
A. Na +
B. НСО3-
C. Са2 +
D. Сl-
E. К+

12. The high level of Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) isozymes concentration

showed the increase of LDH-1 and LDH-2 in a patient’s blood plasma. Point
out the most probable diagnosis:
A. Myocardial infarction
B. Skeletal muscle dystrophy
C. Diabetes mellitus
D. Viral hepatitis
E. Acute pancreatitis

13. There is only one hormone among the neurohormones which refers to the
derivatives of amino acids according to classification. Point it out:
A. Melatonin
B. Thyroliberin
C. Vasopressin
D. Oxytocin
E. Somatotropin

14. The sterile Petri dishes and pipettes are necessary to prepare for
microbiological tests in bacteriological laboratory. What way of
sterilization should be applied in this case?
A. Dry-heat sterilization
B. Tyndallization
C. Pasteurization
D. Steam sterilization in autoclave
E. Boiling

15. A patient after hypertension stroke does not have voluntary movements in
his right arm and leg with the increased muscle tone in these extremites.
What type of disfunction of nervous system is it?
A. Central paralysis
deceased muscle tone
B. Peripheral paralysis
C. Peripheral paresis
D. Reflex paresis
E. Central paresis

16. Blood analysis of a patient showed signs of HIV infection (human

immunodeficiency virus). Which cells does HIV-virus primarily affect?
A. Cells that contain receptor T4 (T -helpers)
B. Cells that contain receptor IgM (B-lymphocytes)
C. Specialized nervous cells (neurons)
D. Mast cells
E. Proliferating cells (stem hematoplastic cells)

17. The preventive radioprotector was given to a worker of a nuclear

power station. What mechanism from the below mentioned is
considered to be the main mechanism of radioprotection?
A. Inhibition of free radicals formation
B. Prevention of tissue’s hypoxia
C. Activation of oxidation reactions
D. Increasing of tissue blood supply
E. Increasing of respiration

18. X-ray examination discovered lungs emphysema in the patient. What is the
reason of short breath development in this case?
A. Decreased lungs elasticity
B. Increased lungs elasticity
C. Inhibition of respiratory center
D. Excitation of respiratory center
E. Decreasing of alveoli receptors sensitivity

19. On experiment on the dog the peripheral part of nervus vagus of the neck
was irritated. What changes of the heart function would be observed?
A. Decreased contraction rate
B. Increased contraction force
C. Increased atrioventricular conduction sympathetic gi increased
D. Increased contraction force and rate
E. Increased myocardial excitability

20. Power inputs of a boy increased from 500 to 2000 kJ pro hour. What can
be the cause of it?
A. Physical exercise
B. Raise of outer temperatute
C. Mental activity
D. Food intake
E. Transition from sleep to wakefulness

21. A student is thoroughly summarising a lecture. When his groupmates begin

talking the quality of the summarising worsens greatly. What type of
inhibition in the cerebral cortex is the cause of it?
A. External
B. Protective
C. Dying
D. Differential
E. Delayed
22. In the experiment on the animal the part of the cerebral cortex hemispheres
was removed. It caused elimination of previously formed conditioned reflex
to the light irritation. What part ot the cortex was removed?
A. Occipital cortex
temporal -> speec, hearing
B. Precentral convolution
C. Postcentral convolution
D. Limbic cortex
E. Temporal lobe digestion
on both side

23. Inhibition of alpha-motoneuron of the extensor muscles was noticed after

stimulation of alpha-motoneuron of the flexor muscles during the
experiment on the spinal column. What type of inhibition can this process
A. Reciprocal
B. Presynaptic
C. Depolarizational
D. Recurrent
E. Lateral

24. Respiratory coefficient was studied in the patient who strictly kept certain
diet for 10 days. It was determined that it is 1. What diet does the patient
follow? coefficient numbers
A. With domination of carbohydrates 4 - protine
B. With domination of proteins and fat 9 - fat
C. With domination of fat and carbohydrates
D. Mixed
E. With domination of proteins and carbohydrates

25. On blood grouping on the system ABO, standart serum of the I and II
groups caused erythrocytes agglutination of the examined blood and
serum group of the III didn't. What agglutinogens are in this
A. В
B. А
C. А and В
D. С
E. D and C

26. Punctata hemorrhage was found out in the patient after application of a
tourniquet. With disfunction of what blood cells is it connected?
A. Platelets
B. Eosinophiles
C. Monocytes
D. Lymphocytes
E. Neutrophiles
27. Students who are taking examinations often have dry mouth. The
mechanism that causes this state is the realization of the following
A. Conditioned sympathetic
B. Unconditioned parasympathetic
C. Conditioned parasympathetic
D. Unconditioned sympathetic
E. Unconditioned peripheral

28. Middle part of cochlear of internal ear was destroyed in animal while
experiment. It will cause abnormalities of the sound perception of the
following frequencies:
A. Middle
B. Low
C. High
D. High and low
E. No abnormalities

29. The person has decreased diuresis, hypernatremia, hypokalemia.

Hypersecretion of what hormon can cause such changes?
A. Aldosterone
B. Vasopressin
C. Auricular sodiumuretic factor
D. Adrenalin
E. Parathormone

30. The temperature of the ambient environment is 38oC and relative air
humidity is 50\%. What ways of heat emission provide maintaining a
constant temperature of the human body?
A. Evaporation
B. Radiation
C. Heat conduction
D. Convection
E. Convection and conduction

31. The minute blood volume in a patient with transplanted heart has
increased as a result of physical activity. What regulative mechanism is
responsible for these changes? immunosupresent drug
A. Catecholamines
B. Sympathetic unconditioned reflexes
C. Parasympathetic unconditioned reflexes
D. Sympathetic conditioned reflexes
E. Parasympathetic conditioned reflexes

32. Isolated muscle of a frog is rhythmically irritated with electric impulses.

Every next impulse is in a period of relaxation from the previus contraction.

waves, incomplete , partial

What contraction of the muscle appears?
A. Waved tetanus
B. Single
C. Asynchronous
D. Continuous(smooth) tetanus
E. Tonic

33. A man has normal sensitivity of his finger skin, however he doesn’t sense
his wedding ring around the finger. What process induced by wearing of
the ring has caused this phenomenon?
A. Receptor adaptation
B. Development of the fibrous tissue
C. Abnormality of the epidermis structure
D. Impaired circulation
E. Abnormality of the receptor structure

34. An aged man had raise of arterial pressure under a stress. It was caused
by activation of:
A. Sympathoadrenal system
B. Parasympathetic nucleus of vagus
C. Functions of thyroid gland
D. Functions of adrenal cortex
E. Hypophysis function

35. ECG study showed that the T -waves were positive in the standard
extremity leads, their amplitude and duration were normal. The right
conclusion would be that the following process runs normally in the
heart ventricles:
A. Repolarization
B. Depolarization
C. Excitement
D. Contraction
E. Relaxation

36. Blood minute volume of a 30 year old woman at rest is 5 l/m. What blood
volume is pumped through the pulmonary vessels per minute?
A. 5 l
B. 3,75 l
C. 2,5 l
D. 2,0 l
E. 1,5 l

37. As a result of long-term starvation the glomerular filtration of a man was

accelerated by 20\%. The most probable cause of filtration changes under
such conditions is:
A. Fall of oncotic pressure of blood plasma
B. Rise of systemic arterial pressure
C. Increased permeability of renal filter
D. Growth of filtration coefficient
E. Increase of renal plasma flow

38. In course of an experiment a skeletal muscle is being stimulated by a series

of electric impulses. What type of muscle contraction will arise, if every
subsequent impulse comes in the period of shortening of the previous
single muscle contraction?
A. Holotetanus
B. Partial tetanus
C. Asynchronous tetanus
D. A series of single contractions
E. Muscle contracture

39. While shifting the gaze to the closely situated object the refracting power
of eye's optical mediums will increase by 10 diopters. It results from
changing of such eye structure:
A. Lens
B. Cornea
C. Vitreous body
D. Liquid of the anterior chamber of eye
E. Muscle that dilatates pupil

40. Spasm of smooth muscle of bronchi developed in the patient. Usage of

activators of what membrane cytoreceptors is fisiologically valid to
decrease attack?
A. beta-adrenoreceptors
B. alpha-аdrenoreceptors
C. alpha- та beta-аdrenoreceptors
D. Н-cholinoreceptors
E. М-cholinoreceptors

41. Intrapleural pressure is being measured in a person. In what phase has a

person hold his breath if the pressure is - 25 cm H2 O?
A. Speed up inspiration 5-7 quite
B. Calm expiration more - forced
C. Calm inspiration
D. Speed up expiration

42. On examination of the person it was revealed that minute volume of heart is
3500mL, systolic volume is 50 mL. What is the frequency of cardiac
A. 70 bpm
B. 60 bpm
C. 50 bpm
D. 80 bpm
E. 90 bpm
43. Due to activation of ion channels of external membrane of excitable cell it's
rest potential has significantly increased. What channels were activated?
A. Potassium Channels
B. Natrium Channels rest potential decreased -
C. Fast Calcium Channels sodium
D. Slow calcium Channels
E. Natrium and Calcium Channels

44. The ventral roots of 5 frontal segment of spinal cord were cut during
experiment in the animal. What changes will take place in the
innervation region?
A. Loss of movements
B. Loss of touch sensitivity
C. Loss of temperature sensitivity
D. Loss of proprioceptive sensitivity
E. Hypersensitivity

45. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) increased for 20% due to prolonged
starvation of the person. The most likely cause of filtration changes under
this condition is:
A. Decrease of oncotic pressure of blood plasma
B. Increase of systemic blood pressure
C. Increase of penetration of the renal filter
D. Increase of filtration coefficient
E. Increase of renal plasma stream

46. A patient has a transverse disruption of spinal cord below the IV

thoracic segment. What changes of respiration will it cause?
A. Respiration will stay unchanged
B. Respiration will stop
C. Respiration will become less frequent
D. Respiration will become deeper
E. Respiration will become more frequent

47. Due to cranial trauma, the patient developed the symptoms: intention
tremor, dysmetry, adiadochokinesis, dysarthria. What structure of the
brain is injured?
A. Cerebellum
B. Striatum
C. Motor cortex
D. Pale sphere
E. Black substance

48. A lightly dressed man is standing in a room, air temperature is +14 oC,
windows and doors are closed. In what way does he emit heat the
most actively?
A. Heat radiation
B. Heat conduction
C. Convection
D. Evaporation
E. Perspiration

49. ECG of a patient with hyperfunction of thyroid gland showed heart hurry.
It is indicated by depression of the following ECG element:
A. R-R interval
B. P-Q segment
C. P-Q interval
D. P-T interval
E. QRS complex

50. A peripheral segment of vagus nerve on a dog's neck was being stimulated in
course of an experiment. The following changes of cardiac activity could be
meanwhile observed:
A. Heart rate fall
B. Heart Hurry
C. Enhancement of atrioventricular conduction
D. Heart rate and heart force amplification
E. Increased excitability of myocardium

51. ECG of a patient shows prolongation of T -wave. This is caused by

deceleration in ventricles of:
A. Repolarization
B. Depolarization and repolarization
C. Depolarization
D. Contraction
E. Relaxation

52. In a healthy adult speed of the excitement conduction through the

atrioventricular node is 0,02-0,05 m/sec. Atrioventricular delay enables:
A. Sequence of atrial and ventricular contractions
B. Simultaneity of both atria contractions
C. Simultaneity of both ventricles contractions
D. Sufficient force of atrial contractions
E. Sufficient force of ventricular contractions

53. A 2 y.o. child has convulsions as a result of lowered concentration of

calcium ions in blood plasma. It is caused by reduced function of:
A. Parathyroid glands
B. Hypophysis
C. Adrenal cortex
D. Pineal gland
E. Thymus
54. What heat transfer mechanism is the most effective while the man
being at 80% of air moisture and the temperature +35 0 С?
A. Evaporation
B. Radiation
C. Heat conduction
D. Convection

55. During preparation of a patient to a heart surgery it was necessary to

measure pressure in heart chambers. In one of them pressure varied from 0
mm Hg up to 120 mm Hg within one cardiac cycle. What heart chamber is
A. Left ventricle
B. Right ventricle
C. Right atrium
D. Left atrium

56. Heart rate of a man permanently equals 40 beats pro minute. What is
the pacemaker?
A. Atriventricular node
B. Sinoatrial node
C. His' bundle
D. His' bundle branches
E. Purkinje's fibers

57. Stimulation of an excitable cell by the electric current has led to the
depolarization of its membrane. The depolarization has been caused mainly
by the following ions penetrating into the cell through its membrane:
A. Na +
B. HCO3-
C. Ca2 +
D. Cl-
E. K+

58. Parents of a 10 y.o. boy consulted a doctor about extension of hair-covering,

growth of beard and moustache, low voice. Intensified secretion of which
hormone must be assumed?
A. Of testosterone
B. Of somatotropin
C. Of oestrogen
D. Of progesterone
E. Of cortisol

59. Lung ventilation in a person is increased as a result of physical activity.

Which of the following indices of the external respiration is much higher than
in a state of rest?
A. Respiratory volume
B. Vital capacity of lungs
C. Inspiratory reserve volume
D. Expiratory reserve volume
E. Total lung capacity

60. A man took a quiet expiration. Name an air volume that is meanwhile
contained in his lungs:
A. Functional residual capacity
B. Residual volume
C. Expiratory reserve volume
D. Respiratory volume
E. Vital lung capacity

61. Examination of an isolated cardiomyocyte revealed that it didn't generate

excitation impulses automatically. This cardiomyocyte was obtained from:
A. Ventricles
B. Sinoatrial node
C. Atrioventricular node
D. His' bundle
E. Purkinje's fibers

62. Examination of a man established that cardiac output equaled 3500 ml,
systolic output - 50 ml. What is the man's heart rate pro minute?
A. 70
B. 60
C. 50
D. 80
E. 90

63. As a result of continuous starvation the glomerular filtration rate has

increased by 20%. The most probable cause of the glomerular filtration
alteration under the mentioned conditions is:
A. Decrease in the oncotic pressure of blood plasma
B. Increase in the systemic arterial pressure
C. Increase in the permeability of the renal filter
D. Increase of the filtartion quotient
E. Increase of the renal blood flow

64. A man who went for a ride on a roundabout had amplification of heart
rate, sweating and nausea. What receptors stimulation is it primarily
connected with?
A. Vestibular
B. Proprioceptors
C. Tactors
D. Auditory
E. Visual
65. A man's intrapleural pressure is being measured. In what phase did the
man hold his breath, if his pressure is 7,5 cm Hg?
A. Quiet inspiration
B. Quiet expiration
C. Forced inspiration
D. Forced expiration

66. Atria of an experimental animal were superdistended by blood that

resulted in decreased reabsorption of Na + and water in renal tubules. This
can be explained by the influence of the following factor upon kidneys:
A. Natriuretic hormone
B. Aldosterone
C. Renin
D. Angiotensin
E. Vasopressin

67. A middle-aged man went to a foreign country because he had been

offered a job there. However he had been unemployed for quite a long
time. What endocrine glands were exhausted most of all in this man?
A. Adrenal glands
B. Parathyroid glands
C. Seminal glands
D. Substernal gland
E. Thyroid gland

68. A 60-year-old man after cerebral hemorrhage felt asleep for a long time.
Damage of what structure caused this state?
A. Reticular formation
B. Hippocampus
C. Nuclears of the cerebral nerves
D. Cortex of the large hemispheres
E. Black substances

69. A human body cools in water much faster that in the air. What way of heat
emission in water is much more efficient?
A. Heat conduction
B. Convection
C. Heat radiation
D. Sweat evaporation

70. As a result of spinal-cord trauma a 33 y.o. man has a disturbed pain

and temperature sensitivity that is caused by damage of the following
A. Spinothalamic
B. Medial spinocortical
C. Posterior spinocerebellar
D. Lateral spinocortical
E. Anterior spinocerebellar

71. After a surgery a 36-year-old woman was given an intravenous injection

of concentrated albumin solution. This has induced intensified water
movement in the following direction:
A. From the intercellular fluid to the capillaries
B. From the intercellular fluid to the cells
C. From the cells to the intercellular fluid
D. From the capillaries to the intercellular fluid
E. No changes of water movement will be observed

72. A clinic observes a 49 year old patient with significant prolongation of

coagulation time, gastrointestinal haemorrhages, subcutaneous
hematomas. These symptoms might be explained by the deficiency of the
following vitamin:
A. K
B. B1
C. B6
D. H
E. E

73. Examination of a patient revealed hyperkaliemia and hyponatremia. Low

secretion of which hormone may cause such changes?
A. Aldosteron
B. Vasopressin
C. Cortisol
D. Parathormone
E. Natriuretic

74. Examination of a 43 y.o. anephric patient revealed anemia symptoms. What

is the cause of these symptoms?
A. Reduced synthesis of erythropoietins
B. Enhanced destruction of erythrocytes
C. Iron deficit
D. Vitamin B12 deficit
E. Folic acid deficit

75. A man is being measured power inputs on an empty stomach, in the lying
position, under conditions of physical and psychic rest at a comfortable
temperature. Power inputs will reach the maximum at:
A. 5-6 p.m. 17-18
B. 7-8 a.m.
C. 10-12 a.m.
D. 2-3 p.m.
E. 3-4 a.m.
76. When measuring power inputs of a man by the method of indirect
calorimetry the following results were obtained: 1000 ml oxygen
consumption and 800 ml carbon dioxide liberation per minute. The man
under examination has the following respiratory coefficient:
A. 0,8 co2
B. 1,25 ---------
C. 0,9
D. 0,84
E. 1,0

77. While determining power inputs of a patient’s organism it was established

that the respiratory coefficient equaled 1,0. This means that in the cells of
the patient the following substances are mainly oxidized:
A. Carbohydrates
B. Proteins
C. Fats
D. Proteins and carbohydrates
E. Carbohydrates and fats

78. A patient has a disturbed absorbtion of fat hydrolysates. It might have been
caused by a deficit in the small intestine cavity:
A. Of bile acids
B. Of bile pigments
C. Of lipolytic enzymes
D. Of sodium ions
E. Of liposoluble vitamins

79. Inhabitants of territories with cold climate have high content of an

adaptive thermoregulatory hormone. What hormone is meant?
A. Thyroxin
B. Insulin
C. Glucagon
D. Somatotropin
E. Cortisol

80.A concentrated solution of sodium chloride was intravenously injected

to an animal. This caused decreased reabsorption of sodium ions in the
renal tubules. It is the result of the following changes of hormonal
A. Aldosterone reduction
B. Aldosterone increase
C. Vasopressin reduction
D. Vasopressin increase
E. Reduction of atrial natriuretic factor

81. Accelerated frequency of the heart rate and increased blood pressure were
marked in the sportsman on the start before the competitions. Influence
of what parts of the CNS can explain these changes?
A. Cortex of the large hemispheres
B. Medulla heart rate
C. Mesencephalon
D. Diencephalon
E. Hypothalamus

82. People adapted to high external temperatures have such pecularity: profuse
sweating isn't accompanied by loss of large volumes of sodium chloride.
This is caused by the effect of the following hormone upon the perspiratory
A. Aldosterone
B. Vasopressin
C. Cortisol
D. Tgyroxin
E. Natriuretic

83. During an experiment the dorsal roots of the spinal cord of an animal have
been cut. What changes will be observed in the innervation zone?
A. Sensitivity loss
B. Loss of motor functions
C. Decrease in muscle tone
D. Increase in muscle tone
E. Sensitivity loss and loss of motor functions

84. As a result of destruction of certain brainstem structures an animal has

lost its orientative reflexes in response to strong photic stimuli. What
structures were destroyed?
A. Anterior tubercles of quadrigeminal plate
B. Posterior tubercles of quadrigeminal plate
C. Red nuclei
D. Vestibular nuclei
E. Black substance

85. As a result of damage to certain structures of brainstem an animal lost

orientation reflexes. What structures were damaged?
A. Quadritubercular bodies
B. Medial nuclei of reticular formation
C. Red nuclei
D. Vestibular nuclei
E. Black substance

86. Osmotic pressure of a man's blood plasma is 350 mosmole/l (standard

pressure is 300 mosmole/l). First of all it will result in high secretion of
the following hormone:
A. Vasopressin
B. Aldosteron
C. Cortisol
D. Adrenocorticotropin
E. Natriuretic

87. A hypertensive glucose solution was introduced to a patient. It will intensify

water movement:
A. From the cells to the intercellular liquid
B. From the intercellular liquid to the capillaries
C. From the intercellular liquid to the cells
D. From the capillaries to the intercellular liquid
E. There will be no changes of water movement

88. To prevent long-term effects of 4-day malaria a 42-year-old patient was

prescribed primaquine. On the 3-rd day from the begin of treatment there
appeared stomach and heart pains, dyspepsia, general cyanosis,
hemoglobinuria. What caused side effects of the preparation?
A. Genetic insufficiency of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase
B. Cumulation of the preparation
C. Decreased activity of microsomal liver enzymes
D. Delayed urinary excretion of the preparation
E. Drug potentiation by other preparations

89. According to audiometry data a patient has a disturbed perception of

medium-frequency sounds. It might have been caused by a damage of:
A. Middle part of helix
B. Cochlear nuclie
C. Spiral ganglion
D. Quadritubercular structure
E. Lateral geniculate bodies

90. A 17-year-old boy fell seriously ill, body temperature rose up to 38,5 0 C,
there is cough, rhinitis, lacrimation, nasal discharges. What kind of
inflammation is it?
A. Catarrhal inflammation
B. Serous inflammation
C. Fibrinous inflammation
D. Suppurative inflammation
E. Hemorrhagic inflammation

91. A patient with disturbed cerebral circulation has problems with deglutition.
What part of brain was damaged?
A. Brainstem medulla oblangata
B. Cervical part of spinal cord
C. Forebrain
D. Interbrain
E. Midbrain
92. A patient who has been treated with diazepam on account of neurosis
complains of toothache. Doctor administered him an analgetic, but its dose
was lower than average therapeutic dose. What phenomenon did the doctor
take into account while prescribing the patient an underdose?
A. Potentiation
B. Summation
C. Cumulation
D. Drug dependence
E. Tolerance

93. Long-term starvation cure of a patient resulted in diminished ratio of

albumines and globulines in plasma. What of the following will be
result of these changes?
A. Increase of ESR
B. Decrease of ESR
C. Increase of hematocrit
D. Decrease of hematocrit
E. Hypercoagulation

94. A patient has a decreased vasopressin synthesis that causes polyuria and as
a result of it evident organism dehydratation. What is the mechanism of
polyuria development?
A. Reduced tubular reabsorption of water
B. Reduced tubular reabsorption of Na ions
C. Reduced tubular reabsorption of protein
D. Reduced glucose reabsorption
E. Acceleration of glomerular filtration

95. To anaesthetize the manipulation related to burn surface treatment, a

patient was intravenously injected a medication for short-acting narcosis. 1
minute later the patient being under anaesthesia had increased blood
pressure, tachycardia, increased tone of sceletal muscles; reflexes remained.
After awakening the patient had desorientation and visual hallucinations.
What medication was the patient injected?
A. Ketamine
B. Sombrevin
C. Diethyl ether
D. Thiopental sodium
E. Nitrous oxide

96. A 35-year-old man consulted a dentist about reduced density of dental tissue,
high fragility of teeth during eating solid food. This patient suffers the most
probably from the deficiency of the following mineral element:
A. Calcium
B. Potassium
C. Sodium
D. Magnesium
E. Iron

97. A patient is 44 years old. Laboratory examination of his blood revealed that
content of proteins in plasma was 40 g/l. What influence will be exerted on
the transcapillary water exchange?
A. Filtration will be increased, reabsorption – decreased
B. Both filtration and reabsorption will be increased
C. Both filtration and reabsorption will be decreased
D. Filtration will be decreased, reabsorption – increased
E. Exchange will stay unchanged

98. After destruction of CNS structures an animal lost orientative reflexes.

What structure was destroyed?
A. Quadrigeminal plate
B. Red nucleus
C. Lateral vestibular nuclei
D. Black substance
E. Medial reticular nuclei

99. An isolated cell of human heart automatically generates excitation impulses

with frequency 60 times pro minute. What structure does this cell belong to?
A. Sinoatrial node
B. Atrium
C. Ventricle
D. Atrioventricular node
E. His' bundle

100. Examination of a patient revealed a strong, balanced, inert type of

higher nervous activity according to Pavlov. What temperament type does the
patient have (according to Hippocrates classification)?
A. Phlegmatic
B. Sanguine
C. Choleric
D. Melancholic

101. Examination of a patient revealed overgrowth of facial bones and

soft tissues, tongue enlargement, wide interdental spaces in the
enlarged dental arch. What changes of the hormonal secretion are the
most likely? growth hormone
A. Hypersecretion of the somatotropic hormone
B. Hyposecretion of the somatotropic hormone
C. Hypersecretion of insulin
D. Hyposecretion of thyroxin
E. Hyposecretion of insulin

102. A patient has a haemorrhage into the posterior central gyrus. What
type of sensitivity on the opposite side will be disturbed?
A. Skin and proprioceptive
B. Visual
C. Auditory
D. Olfactory
E. Auditory and visual

103. Child asked you to puff up the balloon as much as possible for a
one exhalation. What air volume will you use?
A. Vital volume of the lungs
B. Inspiration volume
C. Functional residual volume
D. Total volume of the lungs
E. Backup volume of the inspiration

104. A 32-year-old patient consulted a doctor about the absence of lactation

after parturition. Such disorder might be explained by the deficit of the
following hormone:
A. Prolactin
B. Somatotropin
C. Vasopressin
D. Thyrocalcitonin
E. Glucagon

105. During influenza epidemic 40% of pupils who didn't go in for

sports were affected by the disease, and among the pupils who regularly
did physical exercises this index was only 20\%. What adaptative
mechanisms determined such a low sickness rate of pupils participating
in the sports?
A. Cross adaptation
B. Specific adaptation
C. Physiological adaptation
D. Biochemical adaptation
E. Genetic adaptation

106. A 30-year-old woman was diagnosed with insufficiency of exocrinous

function of pancreas. Hydrolisis of what nutrients will be disturbed?
A. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates
B. Proteins, fats
C. Proteins, carbohydrates
D. Fats, carbohydrates
E. Proteins

107. Short-term physical activity resulted in reflex amplification of heart

rate and raise of systemic arterial pressure. What receptors activation was the
main cause of pressor reflex realization?
A. Proprioreceptors of active muscles
B. Vascular chemoreceptors
C. Vascular volume receptors
D. Vascular baroceptors
E. Hypothalamus thermoreceptors

108. In course of an experiment a skeletal muscle is being stimulated by a

series of electric impulses. What type of muscle contraction will arise, if
every subsequent impulse comes in the period of relaxation of single
muscle contraction?
A. Partial tetanus
B. Holotetanus
C. A series of single contractions
D. Muscle contructure
E. Asynchronous tetanus

109. Packed cell volume of a man was 40% before the trauma. What
packed cell volume will be observed 24 hours after blood loss of 750 ml?
A. 30%
B. 40%
C. 55%
D. 45%
E. 50%

110. A patient staggers and walks astraddle. He has hypomyotonia of

arm and leg muscles, staccato speech. In what brain section is this
affection localized?
A. Cerebellum
B. Putamen
C. Caudate nucleus
D. Motor cortex
E. Red nucleus

111. A pregnant woman had her blood group identified. Reaction of

erythrocyte agglutination with standard serums of 0α\β(I), Bα(III) groups
didn't proceed with standard serum of Aβ(II) group. The blood group under
examination is:
A. Аβ(II)
B. 0α\β(I)
C. Вα(III)
D. АВ (IV)

112. Blood group of a 30 year old man was specified before an operation.
His blood is Rh-positive. Reaction of erythrocyte agglutination was absent
with standard sera of 0α\β(I), Аβ(II) , Bα(III) groups. The blood under
examination is of the following group:
A. 0α\β(I)
B. Аβ(II)
C. Вα(III)
D. АВ (IV)

113. During an experiment the myotatic reflex has been studied in frogs.
After extension in a skeletal muscle its reflectory contraction was absent. The
reason for it might be a dysfunction of the following receptors:
A. Muscle spindles
B. Nociceptors
C. Articular
D. Golgi tendon organs
E. Tactile

114. Vagus branches that innervate heart are being stimulated in course of
an experiment. As a result of it the excitement conduction from atria to the
ventricles was brought to a stop. It is caused by electrophysical changes in
the following structures:
A. Atrioventricular node
B. His' bundle
C. Sinoarial node
D. Ventricles
E. Atria

115. If a man has an attack of bronchiospasm it is necessary to reduce

the effect of vagus on smooth muscles of bronchi. What membrane
cytoreceptors should be blocked for this purpose?
A. M-cholinoreceptors
B. N-cholinoreceptors
C. α-adrenoreceptors
D. β-adrenoreceptors
E. α- and β-adrenoreceptors

116. A man weighs 80 kg, after long physical activity his circulating blood
volume is reduced down to 5,4 l, hematocrit makes up 50%, whole blood
protein is 80 g/l. These blood characteristics are determined first of all by:
A. Water loss with sweat
B. Increased number of erythrocytes
C. Increased protein concentration in plasm
D. Increased circulating blood volume
E. Increased diuresis

117. A 16 year old boy after an illness has diminished function of protein
synthesis in liver as a result of vitamin K deficiency. It will cause
disturbance of:
A. Blood coagulation
B. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
C. Anticoagulant generation
D. Erythropoietin secretion
E. Osmotic blood pressure

118. In response to a change in body position from horizontal to vertical

blood circulation system develops reflectory pressor reaction. Which of the
following is its compulsory component?
A. Systemic constriction of the venous vessels
B. Systemic dilatation of the arterial resistive vessels
C. Decrease in the circulating blood volume
D. Increase in the heart rate
E. Weakening of the pumbing ability of heart

119. Examination of a pregnant woman revealed twice as much

concentration of fibrinogen in blood plasm. What ESR can this woman
A. 40-50 mm/h
B. 10-15 mm/h normal 10-12
C. 2-12 mm/h
D. 5-10 mm/h
E. 0-5 mm/h

120. Introduction of a big dose of histamine to an experimental animal

caused abrupt drop of arterial pressure as a result of:
A. Dilatation of resistance vessels
B. Constriction of resistance vessels
C. Increase of heart rate
D. Decrease of heart rate
E. Decrease of heart rate and force

121. Systemic arterial pressure of an adult dropped from 120/70 to

90/50 mm Hg that led to reflectory vasoconstriction. The
vasoconstriction will be maximal in the following organ:
A. Bowels
B. Heart
C. Brain
D. Kidneys
E. Adrenals

122. Vagus branches that innervate heart are being stimulated during an
experiment. This caused reduction of heart rate due to the intensification of
the following process (through the cell membrane of cardiac pacemaker):
A. Potassium ion yield
B. Potassium ion entry
C. Calcium ion entry
D. Calcium ion yield
E. Calcium and potassium ion yield
123. Rest potential of a cell equals -80 mV. At what stage of
action potential did the membrane potential equal +30 mV?
A. Reverse polarization
B. After hyperpolarization
C. After depolarization
D. Depolarization

124. A 35 year old man got an injury that caused complete disruption of
spinal cord at the level of the first cervical segment. What respiration
changes will be observed?
A. It will come to a standstill
B. No changes will be observed
C. Diaphragmal respiration will be maintained, thoracic respiration will disappear
D. Thoracic respiration will be maintained, diaphragmal respiration will disappear
E. It will become infrequent and deep

125. A doctor asked a patient to breath out fully after taking a normal
breath. What muscles contract during such exhalation?
A. Abdominal muscles
B. External intercostal muscles
C. Diaphragm
D. Trapezius muscles
E. Pectoral muscles

126. A man was intoxicated with mushrooms. They contain muscarine

that stimulates muscarinic cholinoreceptors. What symptoms signalize
intoxication with inedible mushrooms?
A. Myotic pupils
B. Mydriatic pupils
C. Bronchi dilatation
D. Increased heart rate
E. Rise of arterial pressure

127. A man presents with increased heart rate, mydriatic pupils, dry
mouth. This condition results from the activation of the following system of
function regulation:
A. Sympathetic
B. Parasympathetic
C. Metasympathetic
D. Vago-insular
E. Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal

128. In course of an experiment a peripheral section of vagus of an

expiremental animal is being stimulated. What changes will be observed?
A. Heart rate fall
B. Heart hurry
C. Pupil dilation
D. Increase of respiration rate
E. Bronchi dilation

129. Voluntary breath-holding caused increase of respiration depth and

frequency. The main factor stimulating these changes of external respiration
A. Increased tension of CO2 in blood
B. Increased tension of O 2 in blood
C. Decreased tension of O 2 in blood
D. Decreased tension of CO 2 in blood
E. Decreased concentration of H+ in blood

130. A patient has delayed conduction of excitement through the

atrioventricular node. What changes of ECG will be observed?
A. Prolongation of P-Q interval
B. Prolongation of Q-S interval
C. Negative T wave
D. S-T-segment displacement
E. Prolongation of Q-T interval

131. Surface with an intact toad on it was inclined to the right. Tone of
extensor muscles became reflectory higher due to the activation of the
following receptors:
A. Vestibuloreceptors of utricle and saccule
B. Vestibuloreceptors of semicircular ducts angular - semicerculer
C. Mechanoreceptors of foot skin
D. Photoreceptors of retina
E. Proprioreceptors

132. In course of an experiment a toad's right labyrinth was destroyed. It

will cause amyotonia of the following muscles:
A. Right extensors
B. Left flexors
C. Left extensors
D. Right flexors
E. Right and left extensors

133. An animal has an increased tonus of extensor muscles. This the

result of intensified information transmission to the motoneurons of
the spinal cord through the following descending pathways:
A. Vestibulospinal
B. Medial corticospinal
C. Reticulospinal
D. Rubrospinal
E. Lateral corticospinal
134. Workers of a hothouse farm work under conditions of
unfavourable microclimate: air temperature is +37 oC, relative humidity
is 90%, air speed is 0,2 m/s. The way of heat emission under these
conditions will be:
A. Evaporation
B. Heat conduction
C. Convection
D. Radiation
E. All the ways

135. Lungs of a preterm infant have areas of atelectasis (pulmonary

collapse). The main cause is:
A. Surfactant deficiency
B. Increased viscous resistance
C. Underdeveloped inspiration muscles
D. Diminished force of surface tension of lungs
E. Surfactant excess

136. Vagi of an experimental animal were cut on both sides. What

respiration changes will be observed?
A. It will become deep and infrequent
B. It will become shallow and frequent
C. It will become deep and frequent
D. It will become shallow and infrequent
E. No changes will be observed

137. A cardiac electric stimulator was implanted to a 75 year old man with
heart rate of 40 bpm. Thereafter the heart rate rose up to 70 bpm. The
electric stimulator has undertaken the function of the following heart part:
A. Sinoatrial node
B. Atrioventricular node
C. His' bundle branches
D. His' bundle fibers
E. Purkinje's fibers

138. A patient came to the hospital complaining about quick fatigability

and apparent muscle weakness. Examination revealed an autoimmune
disease that causes disorder of functional receptor condition in
neuromuscular synapses. What transmitter will be blocked?
A. Acetylcholine
B. Noradrenalin
C. Dopamine
D. Serotonin
E. Glycine

139. Which muscle contraction will be observed in the upper extremity

during holding (not moving) a load in a certain position?
A. Isometric
B. Isotonic
C. Auxotonic
D. Concentric
E. Excentric

140. Examination of a 35 year old patient revealed high acidity of gastric

juice. What receptors should be blocked in order to reduce it?
A. Histamine
B. α1-adrenoreceptors
C. α2-adrenoreceptors
D. β1-adrenoreceptors
E. β2-adrenoreceptors

141. A young woman who entered a production department where it

strongly smelt of paints and varnishes had a bronchospasm. This reflex was
caused by irritation of the following receptors:
A. Irritant
B. Juxtaglomerular
C. Pleura receptors
D. Central chemoreceptors
E. Peripheral chemoreceptors

142. A 60-year-old patient presents with weakened peristaltic activity of

the bowels. Which of the following foodstuffs would stimulate peristalsis
most of all?
A. Brown bread
B. White bread
C. Meat
D. Lard
E. Tea

143. An isolated muscle fiber is under examination. It was established

that the threshold of stimulation force became significantly lower.
What is the cause of this phenomenon?
A. Activation of sodium channels of membrane
B. Activation of potassium channels of membrane
C. Inactivation of sodium channels of membrane
D. Inactivation of potassium channels of membrane
E. Block of energy production in the cell

144. It was established that agglutination of the recipient’s blood

erythrocytes had been caused by the standard sera from the I and II groups.
Serum from the III group as well as anti-Rh serum hadn‘t provoke any
agglutination. Which blood group and rhesus is allowed to be transfused this
A. B, α (III) Rh-
B. A, β (II) Rh-
C. 0, α,β(I) Rh+
D. AB (IV), Rh+
E. AB (IV), Rh-

145. A patient consumed a lot of reach in proteins food that caused

increase of rate of proteolytic enzymes of pancreatic juice. It is also
accompanied by increase of rate of the following enzyme:
A. Tripsin
B. Pepsin
C. Enterokinase
D. Gastricsin
E. Renin

146. In course of an experiment thalamocortical tracts of an animal were

cut. What type of sensory perception remained intact?
A. Olfactory
B. Auditory
C. Exteroreceptive
D. Visual
E. Nocice

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