HDR Onboarding Checklist - Student

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HDR Candidate Checklist

Online version: https://my.uq.edu.au/files/7157/checklist-for-new-hdr-candidates.pdf

Your first week

Attend Getting Started at UQ session. This is compulsory for all newly arrived
international students and strongly recommended for all other students. View session
times here: http://www.uq.edu.au/student-services/upcoming-workshops. There will be a
session on the same day as the Graduate School’s main Orientation for HDRs.
Attend a meeting with your enrolling unit’s HDR Liaison Officer (HLO) and arrange your
enrolling unit induction. https://graduate-school.uq.edu.au/contacts
Save the UQ 24-hour emergency contact in your phone and make yourself familiar with
other emergency contact information. The 24-hour emergency number is: 3365 3333.
https://www.pf.uq.edu.au/emergency-contacts/index.html. You may also download and
sign up to the SafeZone app for UQ. https://my.uq.edu.au/mobile-apps
Complete compulsory online Fire Safety Training. Check which other OHS training
modules you need to complete: https://uq.edu.au/ohs/online-ohs-training-modules.
Familiarise yourself with safety network staff for your area:
Familiarise yourself with your enrolling unit’s website and the Graduate School’s my.UQ
website. The my.UQ website contains important information and tools to manage your
candidature: https://my.uq.edu.au/information-and-services/higher-degree-research
UQ has a centralised vaccination management process. Many HDR candidates have
occupational immunisation requirements to protect themselves or the people with whom
they come into contact. Contact your principal advisor, who is best placed to advise if any
vaccinations or blood tests are required for your research or placement.
• If there are immunisation requirements, complete the required form:
o Students who will have regular patient contact in Queensland Health or other
clinical facilities should complete the UQ Healthcare Worker – Infectious
Disease Screening and Vaccination Record.
o All other students with immunisation requirements need to complete the
Immunisation referral form. https://staff.uq.edu.au/files/11666/immunisation-
• If you need help to arrange an immunisation or blood test, or if you have further
questions, submit your completed referral form or questions to the Occupational
Health Nurse Advisor at immunisation@uq.edu.au.
• Log into the UQ student Placements system 'InPlace' (UQ login required) and click on
the 'to do' item related to HDR. Answer the mandatory question about immunisation
requirements. https://signon.placements.uq.edu.au/account/login
• Upload the completed UQ healthcare worker form or the Immunisation referral form
with your evidence of vaccination or screening into InPlace.
• The Occupational Health Nurse Advisor will confirm if you are compliant, or request
additional evidence if required.

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Your first month

Meet with your advisory team to: discuss your project including ethical considerations
(http://uq.edu.au/research/integrity-compliance/) and data management plans
(https://guides.library.uq.edu.au/for-researchers/research-data-management); establish
expectations (of both you and your advisor/s); set up a meeting schedule.

Familiarise yourself with your enrolling unit’s milestone processes. You should be planning
for your confirmation milestone very early on.

Ensure you are aware of financial arrangements which may affect your project as well as
conditions of scholarship.

Familiarise yourself with UQ’s rules and policies as they impact Higher Degree by
Research Students. You should also review the Candidate Charter.
charter#Policy. Policies are found in the Policies and Procedures Library (PPL)

Seek advice from the UQ Union Legal Service on intellectual property if required.

Visit the Library website to find your School/Centre/Institute’s dedicated (liaison)

librarian. https://web.library.uq.edu.au/library-services/liaison-librarians. You should also
take note of the Library support services for researchers.

Visit the Student Services website and discover the additional support services available
to you: these include learning services, International Student Services, Counselling, Well-
being and Disability services. http://www.uq.edu.au/student-services/upcoming-

Familiarise yourself with Student Help on Campus (SHOC): a free independent, short-term
support service for all UQ students. SHOC can provide assistance on matters relating to
equity, employment, gender and sexuality, legal advice, intellectual property, migration
and welfare. http://www.uqu.com.au/student-support

Attend a Health and Safety workshop with Student Services. This is compulsory for
international students and relates to OSHC and ESOS Code requirements. This does not
replace any health and safety (OHS) sessions with your enrolling unit. (There will be one
of these sessions on the morning of the compulsory Graduate School Orientation).

Visit the Student Centre on your Campus. They can assist with enquiries about Student
visas, Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) information, intercampus buses etc.

Check out Mates at UQ and the UQ Association of Postgraduate Students (APS).

http://www.uq.edu.au/student-services/matesuq (the new HDR-Connections for HDR
students) and http://www.uqu.com.au/uqu-aps. These are social networks in the broader
UQ community aimed to help you meet new people, have fun and relieve the stress of a
researcher’s life.

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Your first year

Complete the online Research Integrity Module. This is compulsory and all students are
required to pass this prior to their confirmation milestone. The module is completed in the
Blackboard Learning Management System. Connect via this link (https://cdf.graduate-
school.uq.edu.au/compulsory-research-integrity-module) which will prompt you to log in
and self-enrol. If you have any difficulty with the link, contact the Graduate School.

All HDR candidates are required to have an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)
that is linked to UQ eSpace before the confirmation milestone can be attained.
Instructions: http://guides.library.uq.edu.au/for-researchers/researcher-identifier/orcid

Visit the Career Development Framework website and explore how you can graduate as a
well-rounded, capable and employable individual. https://cdf.graduate-

Glossary of terms

Career Development Framework (CDF)

The CDF supports a holistic approach to research training. While recognising the excellent
disciplinary training provided as part of the UQ research degree, it allows you to undertake
additional training in the following three key areas: transferrable skills, professional skills and
research skills. Sessions are free of charge.

Enrolling Unit
The School, Institute or Faculty (Faculty only in the case of Medicine) through which you are
primarily enrolled.

Education Services for Overseas Students Code which outlines Government standards and
requirements for educational providers in Australia.

HDR Liaison Officer (HLO)

The HDR Liaison Officer is a designated member of Graduate School staff tasked with providing
administrative assistance to the PGC and is the contact person for current student queries.

HDR milestones are three stages you must successfully complete to help you finish your program
within three to four years (PhD) or one to two years (MPhil). Milestones provide you with the
opportunity to articulate your research to your colleagues and receive feedback and guidance
throughout your candidature. They are:
• Confirmation of candidature
• Mid-candidature review
• Thesis review

Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S)

Occupational Health and Safety is the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of
physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations by preventing departures
from health, controlling risks and the adaptation of work to people, and people to their jobs.

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Postgraduate Coordinator (PGC)
The Postgraduate Coordinator (PGC) is an experienced member of the academic staff in a school
or institute who is delegated to act as the Head of School/Institute Director’s representative in
making academic, administrative and (in some instances) resource decisions for research training
matters across the range of disciplines covered by the School or Institutes and advises the Head
of School/Institute Director on all HDR matters.

The my.UQ Portal is a single sign-on web portal which brings together all the online resources
students use including e-mail, access to my SI-net, e-learning resources, UQ Library and more. It
is also the location of all candidature-management related information and tools. Website:

SI-net (and mySI-net)

SI-net is a core business application of the University that supports student related activities
across all campuses including admissions, enrolments, examinations, calculation and charging of
fees and degree progression checking.

URLS (in order of appearance)

Getting Started at UQ bookings


Graduate School events website


HLO’s/Enrolling Unit contacts


UQ Emergency contact information


UQ SafeZone app

Fire Safety and other training modules


UQ safety network contacts


Graduate School my.UQ


Ethics, Integrity and Compliance


Research Data Management


Candidate Charter

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Policies and Procedures Library

UQ Union Legal Service


Library Liaison Librarians


Library services for researchers


Student Services

Student Help on Campus (SHOC)


Student Centres

Mates at UQ

UQ Association of Post-Graduate Students


Research Integrity Module (log in required)


Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)


Career Development Framework


and finally…

Follow the Graduate School on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UQgradschool/

Read the HDR student newsletter https://graduate-school.uq.edu.au/rhd-candidate-e-newsletter

If you have a UQ staff email account that you would prefer to use instead of your student
account, remember to set up email forwarding. Instructions are here:
student-email/forwarding-student-email-non-uq-address. Remember that even if you do this, you
will still need to use your student credentials to register for CDF and Graduate School events.

You can set up a UQ email signature on a student or staff account by downloading a template
here: https://marketing-communication.uq.edu.au/asset/email-signature-template

Download the UQnav app: https://my.uq.edu.au/mobile-apps

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