African Literature: Herald G. Cariño

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African Literature

Part 2
Herald G. Cariño
• A form of literature where an author provides a keen insight
into society's structure of power.

• A satire is a work or manner that attacks, pokes fun of, ridicules,

or mocks the abuses, failures, and weaknesses of governments,
societies, or people in power, with the intent to embarrass or
humiliate in order for such institutions or individuals to improve.
The word satire came from the Latin word
" satura" which literally means "a mixture of
all sorts of things" or a collection of
different things.

An essential and built-in component of satire

is irony and sarcasm.
A literary technique in which a situation appears
strange or funny because things happen in a
way that seems to be the opposite of what is
Ex. A nurse is afraid of blood.
A physical therapist tickled by a massage.
Is a sharp, biting remark which is accompanied by
Ex. Principal to Teacher:
Alice, I need you to type this report for me.
Teacher to Principal:
Oh, finally! I have been waiting for you to ask me!
Narrative Nonfiction
Is a factual and an accurate account of events that
chronicles an actual experience in writer's life
presented in narrative or story form.
Personal Narrative
Tells the author's story in a compactly written,
clearly defined style, focusing on the writer's
singular personal experience which is
very meaningful to him/her.

The characters, places, and events are all factual.

Personal Narrative
To give form and substance to the story, narrative
nonfiction combines factual and fictional
Writers are the main character.
Dialogue is conveyed in a precise and
straightforward language.
Written in first person point of view.
What does peace mean to you?
Reflective Essays
Is a piece of writing that expresses a writer's views and
feelings about a particular subject.

The goal is to convey the personal experiences and the life-

changing lessons learned from the writer's experiences

It also discusses the future goals or actions of the writer.

A Glimpse of the Past
What is slavery?
• According to Duncan Clark in his book Slaves and Slavery
(1998), slavery is "the reduction of fellow human beings to
the legal status of chattels, allowing them to be bought
and sold as goods."
• Slavery is a demeaning institution iin which a human being
is treated as a property or an object that can be bought
and sold as goods or commodities or discarded at any
given time.
• People who are enslaved are owned or possessed by a
master who can do with them as he/she please.
• Slaves have no rights at all. They are always at the mercy
of the master who owns them.
• Today, slavery is not only confined in Africa, but it
has become a global disease that continues to afflict
humanity, in spite of the advancements taking place.
With a partner, do a research on modern day slavery and
explain how it can affect a country and it's people.

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