Vehicle Color Choices: Opciones de Colores de Vehiculos

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Vehicle Color Choices Opciones de Colores de Vehiculos

Select the color

1 9 17 25

pantone Yellow
that is closest to
pantone 2905

pantone 190

pantone 407
the vehicle you
LBL-Light Blue PNK-Pink YEL-Yellow TPE-Taupe are registering.
Identify the color
2 10 18 26 number when
pantone 313

pantone 187

pantone 337

pantone 420
asked. If the
TRQ-Turquoise RED-Red LGR-Light Green SIL-Silver
vehicle has two
distinct colors,
3 11 19 27

pantone cool gray 6

identify both. If
pantone 3415
pantone 188
pantone 295

the vehicle has

more than two
DBL-Dark Blue MAR-Maroon GRN-Green COM-Chrome
colors, use #32 -

pantone cool gray 9

4 12 20 28 Multi-colored.
pantone 3435
pantone 300

pantone 158

BLU-Blue ONG-Orange DGR-Dark Green GRY-Gray

5 13 21 29
pantone Black C
pantone violet C

Escoja el color
pantone 470

pantone 321

mas cercano al
AME-Amethyst CPR-Copper TEA-Teal BLK-Black vehiculo que esta
6 14 22 30 Identifique el
pantone 2593

pantone 146

pantone 476

numero del
PLE-Purple BRZ-Bronze BRO-Brown WHI-White color cuando se
le pida. Si el
7 15 23 31 vehiculo tiene dos
pantone 7499
pantone 2635

pantone 465

colores distintos,
LAV-Lavender TAN-Tan CRM-Cream CAM-Camouflage
identifique los
For more than 2 colors

dos colores. Si el
8 16 24 32 vehicle tiene mas
pantone 500

pantone 117

pantone 468

de dos colores, use

MVE-Mauve GLD-Gold BGE-Beige MUL - Multi-colored
#32- Multi-colored.
COL - (use MUL & COL)
BMV 5607 6/06

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